THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY FEBRUARY " ' 11 1 4, 1902. SECOND BLAZE ISISCENDIARK Wat. birr Mizroital laildiar. ! lav! it Piril afVair Litea Republican Press on Meserye HEW YORK IISUUNCe Mil HA10 HIT Matropolltaa Comaaale rire l Tkelr at On al a -Half Mlllloaa Hartford ' ( at b f.tMir. ; Alnsforth 8t.r-Journ.l: Ex-Treasurer Meserve, ' th. reform stste treasurer that wss, bis . bee a Indicted by the Douglaa county grand Jury for appropriating Inter cat en .tat. money to bis own use while la office. 'Rah for reform by reformers. Imperial Republican: Ex-State Treasurer Meserv has been Indicted by the grand Jury at Omaha. The amount In thla caae is only ll.&OO. but there are many surh caeee where the aggregate will be large. It atate Ireaaurers will persist In defrauding too state let them take their medicine. our treasurers a competence la keeping parently Idle, yet la renlltv deposited la with 'their vast responsibilities and then banka where Interest waa secured to the provide waya to make the surplus safe and treasurer' private account. Aa this la un- eecure. In ether words, let the next legls- lawful, no treasurer' has dared make a lature Inject a little common sena Into public accounting of state Tnnda and tell thla law and disrobe It of Ita auperabund- where deposited, although repeatedly called WATERBURT. Conn., Feb. I The eho area thla morning oa a blackened and mouldering mast of ruins that marked tbe rrala business section oftbe eliy. For tea hours last night and thla morning flames fanned by a blgb wind held away, causing a loss that will be about $1,500,000. When a. n . a m. I the conflagration waa at ias wini " Th pop ar not of th "put-tt-back' Be under control, a secona nn oron. nee of legal technicality, Holdrege Cltlsea: Quit a little excite ment waa cauaed among the politicians Issl week when the grand Jury of Douglss county brought In sa Indictment agalnat ex Treeaurer Meserve. charging him with loaning state truat funda to a bank In Ord Quit: Meserv say he did not do It South Omaha and pocketing the Interest on 'thla lime In the Bcovlll house, adjoining the elty hall. Suspicion la atrong that the ascend Are. ;whlch d-trovd the Seoville bouse, burning tbousanda of dollars' worth of furniture, appointment fend pera:nal ef feet, and Imperiling many Uvea, wai th work of aa Incendiary. Th fir In the Bcovlll bouse originated la the pool and billiard, room, in the basemeat of tb "house, oa 'the further side from th burning district. Tb room wai locked and no one was supposed to' be there, nor waa aay fire .kept In the room. Manager Truman said at th Tollc station while tb Ore was still raging that he had not th slightest doubt It wis ct Incen- aiary origin. The 6 re cam o close on th heels of and so won't put It bsck. Hilton admit taking it and want to know what th peo ple' are going, to do about It. He never thought of putting It back. Porter does not say a wcrd. neither doea he put It back. kind. Ruahvlll Recorder: Ex-Treasurer Me- serve is indicted by the grand Jury of Oouglaa county, charged with diverting th Interest of the school funds while he waa slate treasurer to, his pwa use. Of course, tbe other side Is trying" to bowl politics, them. No on outside of th grand Jury seems to know aboot the facta of the case and Meserv hss a right to expect that the people will not condemn him before h Is arovea guilty by due process of law. Me serve and his friends claim th affair Is upon to do ao. Stat Treasurer Stuefar when railed upon last fall by bis owa party. In convention assembled, to make a stste ment showing location of all state fund refused to account for many thousands of dollars of school funds. There la little probability of a conviction under thla In dictment, but It may result In th election of a stat treasurer some time la th future who will handle tbe funds for th benefit of the state and not for hi own privet gala. .- Norfolk News: If ex-Btet Treasurer J. B. Meserv hoped to escape without the political pcraecutlon. This Is tbe cry that tag of opprobrium which baa regularly been Hartley and hla friends have been putting attached aa part and parcel of th honor up for years. A great many people would of th stat treasurer's office la Nebraeka heave a sigh of relief it they could find a for a number of years past, he has bad hi atate treasurer whoa administration hopea rudely shattered by tb grand Jury would not cauaa a acandal. The suspicion sitting in Douglas county, where be baa th but vcn politicians have to acknowledge 19 looming upon a great many that the state been cited to appear to answer to occasionally that "sauce for the goose I sauce for the gander.'' Fremont Tribune: Speaking of the In dictment of ex-State Treaaurer Meserv far cmbexxllng Interest oa school money, the Columbus Telegram regards it aa "a badge of honor to b Indicted by a Douglas county grand Jury." Perhaps thla Is not doea not pay a aalary large enough for the charge of ambet-lement of th stat echool ability and responsibility required for tb funds. While, In view of what has bap position and officials ar tempted to get pened to tbe republican treasurers. It would by Illegitimate meana enough to make up for thla lack and. perhaps more. Bloomlngton Advocate: And now the grand Jury . has returned aa Indictment agaln.t ex-State Treasurer Meaerve, cbarg. probably be unfair to permit th only fu slonlst In th bunch to escape, It la occur ring to a great many people that ther I a woeful lack of honest men la tbs stat -r the lawa governing the office ar such that such a wide auV.s after all Jo Bartley ,n hlm lth baailla. Interest on school It la Impo.slbl. for the treasurer to perform MdSSJT! fund, deposited In a S.u.h Omaha bank p"!" aee to what distinction he baa rle.n. Read waa .tat treasurer. Thla action latttr !he .ltua loo. perhaps t th governor' pardon message again. Broken Bow Republican: The Indictment th big conflagration,, that tb tboussndi of ex-Treasurer Meserv by the Douglas ot spectators who ' witnessed It wer county grand Jury for embetzlrment of In thrown lato a more complete panlo than tcrest on stat funds was a general sur th original fir', caused. Tb ff-mei had prise. These that knew Meserv wss a only begun to die out along Bank. Oraed poor man when be waa elected and that he and South Mala street at 4 o'clock, wbea was counted among th wealthy at tbe Samoa leaped upward from tb hotel a If close of hi term regarded him a good should not be looked upon as a political more In any sense ot the word.' When Meserve was elected treasurer he knew what th aalary was, and that Is what he should have been satisfied with, no more son for the treaaurer to Ignore the law and the people and go the limit, a la Bartley. It hss become, apparently, tb custom for Nebrsska to placs Its treasurer In office with the Arm conviction that he Is a thief and no less, and If It should prove .that he n4 ',h th Implied sentiment, "Ther ar v gone beyond tbi and loaned any part of ,ho fun. thief, get them it you can." everyone aesires mat- me sisi snan oe he atate funds In violation of tbe- law, converting th Intereat to his own use, then he ha placed himself on tbo same level by magla. aad people feared th city waa manipulator, but a his books balanced to ,, . . ,. . .,, .K... doomed aft.r all Th. angles tbat hurrl.d cent. ther. wa not a suspicion hinted W.W Sf jr,"r.0,h?: '! ,.a to th scene turned their attention mainly I that ther had been a leak anywhere. to preventing th ipraad f Ua flame?. It Kcarory Journal: It appears thst the fu waa evident that the fidtel wa doomed, aloniata will now have a whirl at tb em and If th Are had reached th adjacent beszlement .counter, that weak th grsnd building ther ' would hav. been little I Jury of Douglaa county Indicted ex-State hop of eavlog any of the central part of I Treasurer John B. Meiarv tor th embei- th city. Th Bra burned far Into th dav (lament ot echool funds. It appears that and waa not xtlna-ulahed entirely until I he had money belona-lna- to the achool fund 'avanlnir.- . t -Ion rfurifiait la-th ITnlnn ftt.alr VarAa Ma. sif. . Toe ruins of th Bcovlll house biased tlonal bank, trom wblch ha received In-erf-tip again Ibis evening and caused soms tereet, but never accounted for It. Officers alarm, but . th renewed activity of the of tb bank appeared agalnat him. Let no flames was caused only by th. heavy wind guilty man cscap. from the , wast blowing tb smoking m- York Time: Listeq now ' for a fiercer bo punished accordingly. When any indi vidual begins to take publlo money for private ua he goes outside ot politics, throws to th winds bis honor and honesty and becomes a proper subject to be mads an example of. We hope, however, that Mr. Meserv will be able to prove himself Innocent, and Judgment and criticism should b reserved until h shall hav bad th opportunity. protected from thievery1 regarding It publie funds, but there should be. legislators shrewd enough to enact a law governing the office and protecting the people without requiring the surrender of the honor ot tbe man who undertakes the duties. If aome such change la not aeon effected Nebraska may be brought to the point ot witnessing th ' office go "a-begging", tor a man to fill It. Tekamah Herald: Tb Indictment by th grand Jury of Douglaa county of ex-State Treasurer J. B. Meserv on th charge ot Beatrice Express: Ex-Treasurer Meserv embesslament. by appropriating Interest on hss been Indicted by a grand Jury la Doug- permanent school fund to hi own us, waa las county, on the chara-e of embezsllne- surprise to bis many trlenda In this money belonalaa- to the echool fund. Ha county. Mr. Meserve went out of office hau a large amount on deposit In a bank with 001 reputation. The law govern ber. Ther waa little to burn, only tbe nd shriller outburst against Meserve than in South Omaha, and la accused of bavins ,n tne cu'tody ,n(i .investment ot stat front doors and a few window frames re- I th.r. inimt dhi mi . ' " . . jr. ualalng unconaumed at the time th blaze brok out afresh. Th seen about th city today wai only llttl Use remarkable than tbat of tbe pre , . vlou evening. Thousands ot people " stumbled around the Icy street and with th greatest difficulty were restrained from ' venturing within th danger lines. There ther was against Bartley and th governor who pardoned him. HI crime wa delib erate, there was no panic, no etree t flnaneea. Ha deliberately took the money tbat belonged to th school children, th sacred trust fund, to enrich himself. Surely converted the Interest to his own usa. Mr. echool funds is very faulty. The conatltu Meaerve says that be 1 being persecuted, lon that they can only be Invested In and Intimates that he will emerge with an "Hlonal. atate and county bonds; the unblemished reputation when all the faota atatutea ssy that all uninvested state ar known. Wa truat that he la aoeaklna- funds shall be kept In depository banka by th. card. Tb stat has been trying n1 th" Interest credited to the state; th tb papers ot Nebraska, and eapeclally the 'to recover from ex-Secretary of State Por- eupreme court, eaya that th placing ot republican papers, will not be partial to a sham reformer. Give .us ; column after ter, who served contemporaneously with eUt funds In depository banks constitutes jHeserve, a considerable sum of money an Investment. This conflict hss been th ,-,,vs more or less disorder, but tb police column,, week after week-now, of invective which undoubtedly belongs to th com- contention tor eeveral years and can only i against meserve. tnoawealth. Porter haa won in tha courts be changed by a constitutional amendment Pender Republic: Tha grand Jury laat ao far, because courts ar sticklers for tb Dd tbat ' ODa reason, why w favored a week at Otnaba tndloted ex-Treaaurer J. B. technicalities ot law. but th attorney sen. apeclal session ot tbs legislature this win. Meserv for appropriating to hla own ua eral t not don with him yet, and sooner ,er- Under the present constitution th I Interest money paid bin by a South Omaha or later he will probably have to refund the ut treaaurer cannot, be required to place bank on. deposit of money belonging to money. It Is gratifying to th voter to "tat ecno01 fund in depository banks and th permanent school funds. Now tbat a obssrv that tb atate propoaea to bold the account to tne stat Jor Interest. .Wa be- pop stste traasursr baa been legally accused custodians ot Its funds to a rigid accounts- 11y tB4t tk school fund hav b I of shortcoming, w swell with Interest th blllty. Thar has been altogether too much Intereat In the .state banks every comments of pop and . democratic editor. Jockeying wltb th publie money In th 00llsr 01 It should he turned over to tb Bom ar already crjing out that it It a paat, and tbe taxpayers won't put up with at( Ba tne atate treasurer who pocket "political move." It hs tb appearance of it any longer. . j -. .., ny of thla intereat la unlocking the door to a queetlonabl financial move on the part Ashland OazeUei If th Indictment r.. dnm n'm Into tb pe,nUentiary. Th con- wrara active' and tha militia waa of treat aervlca In handling th crowds. ,' Latlaa; mt Haaaeholdl Gaads, The etreet ware piled wltb household .."rood aad atrewn with email article throws ffom tb windows. Soma of tbla property waa confiscated by paesers-by, but !I" tb amount or thieving wan small-, com- ' pared to the opportunities. A tangled network of wire on Bank and TfBouth Main, street greatly hindered th I work ot sxtinguuning. toe last names ana !"' atreta rapidly being cleared and th 01 a-oracia. more, tnan anyinmg eise. turned against Meserve. 1st fuslonlst state . lu''-"7" tnvPo aie omcer .nan r "' VX, r U. 3b. rUl". To! r,.totK Republican; Tb.., Doug)., county.: tr,V.r.i should b.,d upon 'trial X"'" cltv'a teleohoalo communication Uahtlna ,rn4 Jury ' hM' 't'4.- in4letment. of tha case, the laat Issue that thrf popa . n ahotrtd e aforced to tbe -!,t'.?..U1,!-0a 0 .'?mmUA-i. aaalnat. -8tate Treaaurer Meaerve for hooed to m.k. will f.rt. .... .. .i,-..;,. letter. If a publi. officer tanaot live on hie ?. UtorTtlrtttali. .Uallng $150 Intereat every montb tor ten ot tha absurd and ridiculous a. certainly "Ury lot nlm :re.lg;, thenar, pl.nty ot A r.vtacd list of loes and Insuranc la I """"""" " " tnat mey nav Drought I" 'i7.,i;T- a " rti. in inaictment waa louna on pretty good torwara haa don. A movement waa on . . .1 vlf1jm tht lh AM man i-l n t K a mtn ffM a .b. va- u.. - . , . . - S Pul ft l. A . A TI'llAVAll W WhAflt Ihft Irath I m .Aal . 1. A I ' ' " - " .mw -. " " , -wv- UKMV . jqviorVC m CRUQ I B IS IOr - ruw. vu . uv UGICUII IW mmj toat nei.rv. preaeceasors 010 tn f o reot estimate. Reasarkabla Freedlaaa froaa lajarr. jW . -1. . V.I . . . - - J ... .... I hat ahA.iM k. aMl a V. nan fH. , . I. k. I . . . ... .... jj(i- im iiiuiHiui niui vi iui urw was I u imn uuhihuibbi, coupiea Wltn tn fact that OX- viuadoubtedly tbe absence, so far as known, !' of losa of lite. Two men who wer asleep ' la tb Scovlll house, Charles Y. Keat, member of th board of education, and th sseond cook, a German, wer reported missing, but both have been, located. Th number ot Injured wa mall, and In all but oa of two esses th Injuries wer 1 M "MAX ( CV-.."--- - I......s) THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out of doors and out ot the trames which the play and the enjoy ment which the receive and the efforts which the make, cornea th greater part of that healthful development which la ao eaaential to their happiness when grown. When a laxative la needed th rented which la f iren to them to cleanae and aweeted and atrenfthen the internal organ, on which it acta, ahould be auch aa phjsiclana would sanction, because ita component parta are known to he wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which phyeiciana and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little onea enjoy, because of its pleasant flavor, ita gentle action and ita beneficial effects, la Syrup of Fig-a and for the same reaaoa it ia the only laxative which ahould be need by fathera and tnothera. , Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy which acta grentty, pleasantly and naturally without fripinp, irritating;, or nauseating and which cleanaea the ayatem effectually, without producing; that constipated habit which reaulta from the use of the old-time cathattica and modern imitatione, and against which the children ahould be ao carefully guarded. If you would have them ' grow to manhood and womanhood, atrong:, healthy and happy, do not give . them medicinea, when medlcinea are not needed, and when .nature needs asalatance in the way of a laxative, (ire them only the aimple, pleaaant and gentle Syrup of Figa. ,. . Ita quality ia due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principlea of plant with pleasant aromatic ayrupa and jnicea. but also to our original method of mamtfactnre and aa you value the health of the little onea, do not accept any of the anbatitntea which unscrupulous deal ers sometimes offer to Increase their profits. Th genuine article may be bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty c.nta per bottle; Please to , remember, the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIO SYR. VP CO.- printed on the front of every pack- In order tq get ita -ia! effect, it ia al- necessary,, to . buy rW$ C (''fT4. Wky way. nece. &) -.LL 7fh A theccnuine rraM...'-" jr..- v.xi" i j t ti i -a. HZ BUYING OF ROOKS DEFERRED Fipili ia Omaha Bifk lbel Itadn's Pir cb.H How. FREE RULE II IN FORCE ' Till JUlY Pal.satloai fraas Central Labor l"nlo Is Heard by Board of Bdaeattow Record f Temperatarea Re atred frosa TeaeherS. Ings and property committee wa. In.tructd to report to the beard tb probbi cot or frescoing th offlc of tbo upertntendent snd the .faembly room on the fifth floor of th. . city ball. OKLAHOMA NOT A PARADISE oikn V. Behm Telia of His Bsperl.nca lit Search af m Batter ' '" Ham, ' hi. t- t It need hot. glv. him ny worry. It governor tbla fall oa th. ground that he la .......huawi .in k. fu frn Ik. .. ,M 1 popul.r to punish official thieve. In very honest and republicans ar the re- ' b Installation of fusion (i"a .'.'- ' I Xr.Kp.abs whara IK. mULui-il .1- T. , i In h. 1 1 J - .1 ' - " - " II iuuii OOW a II tOIS Will not 6 "- "fi'vi vbiiuub wa mniucu tort cf, Irresponsible mobs overcome tbe a strikingly winning platform after all as the opening of a new era la the admln- regularly constituted authorise. And If With th leader under Indictment for em- "tratton of stat affairs. That tbla cromla beiilement. coupled with tha fart h.t t. failed dismally In every other branch of will only be another saint and martyr for Secretary of But porter refused to put government I now well known. The stat th political accident which calls Itself the money back, standing on bla legal lrc,urT notably th. moat difficult ef any governor ot Nebraska to canonise. rights, aa Interpreted, bv tha ro,.n. f vtlict to admlnlater eorrectly and la Albion News: Ex-Stat Treasurer Me- joining tb rank. mad. odiou. by "trlct compliance with the law. Tbe .alary serve hss been Indicted by a Dougl. Moore, and In view of the fact that our own t0 ma-'1 ani th bond required ao large county grand Jury on the' charge of embes- and only J. N. Oaffln, a Oil Inspector, wa tht lt inpoaibl for th treasurer to iiem.nt. It la charged that he pocketed found to be several hundred dollars short JnK rna meet without either drawing on a large amount of Intereat received from a in hla accounts, which hla bondsmen hav hl' Pr,vt reaourc or manipulating stat alight. South Omaha bank for deposits of state road. good. It does not seem that the propo- 10 "' own dvna8ei This I a glar- Tb rebuilding of all th ruined struc- money. Mr. Meserve I. entitled to the sltlon that the nons hsva th mi. ., ln lhJuatic. but It doea not excuse Me- ltures 1 only a question of lime. Tempor- I reaervatloa of judgment untlT he ha a fair exclusive monopoly of all the honesty ther erT any tnor than It did Bartley. It la ary quartera hav been aecurea Dy an th an impartial trial, ir round guilty. It la I in tb stat will srouse much enthusiasm i,r","n lo"1 B" suew tne conditions Arm. Many have already telegraphed for I to be hoped that b win go wbr Bartley or set the prairies oa lira with popocratlo uclur" uo WB eiectea. i&er was no law .w ilnrk mnA mIM r.aum. kii.l.... Im. I .n.nt' tn t. ' A l.r.. m.lnptt. Ih. nan. It .11 .... . . .. Compelling him to aOCDt tha offlc. Rut ha J - --ww - - I -- o- .w- r.w- v v.vua, ... il apjia.ra DOT, 11 - . mediately. The American Publishing com- pi. of tbla sUts. regsrdless of political ia quit probable that the vile reoublicana 10 M n 'et,v canvaas for th place, prom- pany la among th heaviest losers, - th affillattoa ar tn favor of a rigid enforce- will hav something pretty lively to ssy in ulu tb PP'e tbat If he was elected he aewapaptr building being entirely ruined, I ment ot law and th ot law- the negative when th Issue Is joined and oula P'oa ID acanaansad and disgraced but th psper wss Issued In aa abbreviated I breakera, ao matter what political party the clan. meet. state treasury sbove suspicion. Th Omaba th culprit may belong to. No political - Tekamah Journal- Th. . woroHraia Da aouaded the keynote of - "WW . u u . V. . Ul L U L u. party aaoma o o-ia aocouBtBDie lor to acta of Its black sheep, unless It trie to shield them. .' ..... r, ,h. V....- "Wlcaa aaall auffer with tbe tualoalst. Bloomfleld Monitor: Th 1st lndtctmenl If nothing elss. ooea the eve. of th. Z. . . pp.. " C0.DCrn. th . - w w ------ orjuQiirmn rsar.rai rti a tvitii t h.. .i..i. hava!dthraP?hC.t,0,,":blC? ' that all guilty republican, .ball nav. prevailed In 'the state treasurer's ...i.v ... . lawa of Nebraska -concerning .tat. and offlc for year, and bring about a demand pr:tend o alt l7w.Z L i 'i" rnrnrt. tr-aanrar ar. aaHI. I. .rf ... . . ..... ." " . - 7 Prtend tO .It 10 jUdgm.nt Upon Mr. M- .-. ......... -- win u. aaiiancu anrve. Nulthar An Va aa.nm. ... fora 'tonight. sa at Ska" Heaviest Loaa. A revised list of th heaviest losses by th fir and the insurance carried I aa follow, not Including losses to scores ot families, of which ao accurate estimate caa be aaadt Bcovlll House, Building, etc. 1100,000; . Insuranc. 150,000. Old Abbott Loss, $.0,000. Held t Hughs Compsny Loss on 'stock aad building, $210,000; Insuranc. $1S5,000. Maaonle Temple Value, $60,000; leas to tal; Insurance, $50,000 Jones, Morgan Co. Loss, $80,000; In surancs. $40,000. ' - ' ' Nsw England Building Owned by th of x-8tat Treasurer Meserve I odly an other Inkling of tb truth that tha atat county treaaurer ar sadly tn need of re- vision. As ' th lawa stand up to d.t. a. with tb .!.ry allowed him by law and .Ther th. change. Lalnat Mr Stu.fa, honorabl ttsa caa hardly aspire to tb. 'who will not .oecut.t. with itat. fund, for ar. w." tiZ BoiThi'Jln i poeltlon, xp.ctln, to mak. a prlv.t. gain. Coder former method, the cuLd if ' "TBJLC: Tha trg.gnfrp hv nrr(l. .ar - . . .7 .-vwwtv. ium svaws aalss Ailal s4i(lakai arasolnr. eith.r hora of tha undsr ai.f. ....... .. ,..... "..fTf publ,e tooi ttMt -earublng laves - - --- - --- ..... yua.ioi. i.u ligation be mad In each caa and ada. our .tatute. I. .Imply ri.klng a trm of oan them to bank, th. tr.a.ur.r pocket- wu meted out whir! .uif V. in ,71. Mil i.imurr. Mar. in. n. . w . . - ...a. ... . - r ' ... -.,.... -ui, ii auy, cuort wa. found uwu, m a mi vi iw nut. law moo a Dial to invest iru.t fund. a. Drovlded hv New England Engineering company; leaa, ehane. for aoma mora legislative Jugglery law, so thst th. .tat. could profit by th. tempt to cond $70,000; Insurance, $40,000. New England Engineering Company- Loss. $-0,000; lasuranee, $16,000. ... Franklin House Los, $40,000; Insurance. $30,000. r Judd Building Loss, $50,000; - fasuftaee. . partlaL ' . Kartfard .Coaaaanlea Losses. HARTrOlVJ. "06n., Feb. 8 Th. elo.e.t esumatee at is lossee oi tisriiura msur lc. eompanlaa caused by the Wsterbury kre as given by efflclala "are: ' A.tns,$30,- 109; PboenU. 121,900; K.tlonal. fll.OCO, Connecticut. $l.,U-0r Hertford. $:0.0u0; Or ient, $7,000; Scottish. Vuloa aad National 11$,000; loUl. $1.0,0. ,'; ; Bw rovk 1 ! Hard Hli NEW, .YORK. Feb; J.U is estimated that the fir at Waurbury. Coon., will cost tb leasing totauranca com pa a tea ef this city about $l,$tt0..0q. Practically every company of tmportaac ia ffectj Tkla t'aa,ar . l-aae. 'Little. new Haven, coa.. rb. $ -Aa official af th Security Insurance oampany of this city said this afternoon that th. policies carried by bl eompaay oa property de stroyed In tbe Waterbury dr. .ggregated las. thsa $10,000. by our legal light. l-it th tat Brt pay Intereat. but large sums were held ap- The party organs on eaoh slds should b the last to offer or at- on any Offeases that mar have been committed. Insured except R. . J. Jewel), block was burned laat April. This gam GASOLINE FIRE KILLS FOUR Raploslaa la Bakery Clare Father aad oa, Alao ' Twe ' Others,' aad . lajare sv Fifth. BOTEBTOWN. Pa., . Feb.' $. Four per sons wer killed and another wss probably fatally Injured as tbe result ot aa explosion of gssottae at 11 o'clock tonight in tb bakery of George Carver ot (hi place. Dead: ' . HENRY SHAKER, aged it. i FRANK 8HANER. hi soa. aged 13. OEORGE OORMIN, aged iS yesr. CHARLES HOL'GH. ased IS. Injured: ' Injured lntsrnatly, may not last night. Some one saturated the door way with oil and applied a match. The bias was discovered by people returning from church and th flame wer promptly checked. George Fry, Jive. Fir had broken out la th bakery, and tb expliMlon occur el wbll th Bremen were lighting -the Samoa. Tbe explosion blew out the wbol front of th building gad .several persons la the lsrge crowd watching the Ar wer cauaht under th FQUR PLAINVIEW STORES BURN fa,lle,;'" fclT1i ,d,rfcBhf" " k,,u4 . I Inalanl l- aa Pi 1 1 at t KM nf hap Ikpaa aa at ras aa ali4laa akt Blw that Wa Uavaa. Uics kr Flsaet Last le.r ".- . $tray4. , FLA1NVIKW. Nab., Feb. I. (Special Telegram. ) A block of four building burned dew this aaornicg, cauted ly th eiplestoa of a lamp In a cellar. Th loss ta $4,000. Tb building were sll erected last year snd occupied by IL J. 'Jewell. baker ; Frank Hulbsrt. geueral mercbaa- .Me: A. P. Btrub., restaurant; v v. u. badly Injured that they died soon afterward. Many other peraons wer hurt- by flying debris- . Wlaeaaala aha aetar. . JAKESVILLB. Ml.. Feb. I. Fire tonight destroyed F. M. Msrilut 4t Co.. shoe fsc t.ry, oa of th largest la tb .tat. The lose a 180.000. olaaas, general ' mercbaadls All - At.sapt Bara r'HIry Store. FILLET. Neb.. Feb, I (Special )-Aa at. EGYPTIAN RELICS IN DANGER Fir at I alverslty of Chlcaso Threat. ea. Priceless Garaaaats, Ilea, alia sss Pottery. of $50,000, on which there was llttl. Insur snce. A block ot stores and two reeidencea wer. destroyed. CHICAGO. Feb. $. Garments worn by Egypt's kings wbsa th. Pyramid, were eew. utensils from roysl bomss that were reduced to duet age. before Rom. rose, and Ir.crlbed pottsry sbsped by workmen who lived before th. dsys of Moses, were threatened with detructlon by a Are la the basemsnt of the Hsakell museum at the Lnlverelty of Chicago today. AH that saved th. prlcciets collection wa. th. prompt work of a student bucket brigade. Whether the damage la sorlou caanot b. told until tbe charred caaes ar. opened and the eonteot. carefully Inapected. For a time It aeemet that the relics that th. pyramids bad preserved for hundreds of conturtea would be reduced to asbes lu half aa hour. Sew Stllforel Maaafactory. NEW MILFORD, Conn.. Fab. $. Flra of unknown origin, which started about T o'clock tonight, destroyed tbe main building of the Bridgeport Wood Finishing pleat. It is expected the loss U1 reach $100,004. Daslea. Serlloa of Mritnnt WARSAW, lad.. Feb. 3. Lata laat sight a aisastrous Brs at Mentont, tbla county,' wiped out half the business portion of th wsi. tempt to burn J H. Host's stor. waa avea low a, causing a Ices oa buildings aad stock ClolBlac Star at ladlaaaualls. INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. S. Tb four story building In Pennsylvania street, oc cupied by tha When Clothing eompaay, was damaged $50,000 by fire today. PARTING GIFT TO SWEETLAND . Eaaployea of Nebraaka Clolhlaa; (mm easy til re Ratlrlaa; Slaaaaer a Haadsome Desk. Just to .bow him how they feel t.w.rd him, th. employe, of th. Nebraska Cloth ing company's local stars hav. presented the retiring nlsnsgcr, G. N. Swsetland, with a handsome desk. He is to jouraey tonight to Ksnsas City, 'his new location, after three years' service la th Omaha stor. and th presentation wss made juat after clcaing'bours lsst night. The preeeat manager. P. Schwarta. spoke la behalf of tb) assembled employes, . who wer tb donor. Bl'lea (alle. H. Seever. a carpeater and builder ot Kenton. Tena.. when suffering Intsnssly from aa attack ot bilious colic, sent to a nearby -drug stors for something to rellev him. Tb druggist sent blm a bottle ef Cbaaiberlaln'a Colic. Cholera and Diarr to a Remedy, three doaes ot which effected a permaaeot cure. Tbls is th ooly remedy thst ci a be depended upon la the most ever esses of colic aad cholera morbus Most druggists know this aad recommend it wbea such a medicine 1 called for. For al by all amggtel. . Pupil In th Omaha High achool will not b required to buy their own textbooks until after July 1. the Board of Education decided at It meeting last night that th the rul recently adopted doing away with free textbook In tb High chool la not j,o become operative until tho clo .ot,th nrasent achool year. . ..... Tha rarnmmendatlon of the textbook commute, that th. rul. ahould b Inopera tive during the prtent emester at tha Hlrh school wss approved by eight mem bers of the board. President Bsraard ruled that th adoption of' this recommendation would be a suspension ot rules and must b annraad hv a tWO-thlrd VOt. Mr. HomSO immediately moved tbat tb board Inter prt th rul to mean that free textbook ar not to be abousnsa auring tot pre-eu. achool rear. Proteat arose iron, mem ber wbo Insisted tbst tbla wss merely a restatement of tb recommendation of tb committee on textbook, but th president held that this wss merely an Interpreta tion and not a auapenelon of tbe rulea snd declared It was adopted when eight mem here voted for it. The men who supported th motion wera Homsn, Howard. Theodor Johnson. W. F. Johnson, Levy, J. J. Smith. Stubbendorf. Barnard. Member Andrssen PrrmseV. Funkbouser, Mcintosh, Robert Smith and Wood voted against tbe motion M Msvnard was absent. In voting against the motion of Mr. Homan. Robert Smith, Wood, Mcintosh and tb. other men who wer with them In their opposition to th measurs urged that free textbook! ahould not t aoousnea ana ststed tbst they wer unwilling to support any step which looked toward tb ultimate abolishment of free textbooks. Labor De'. gales Are Heard. A delegation trom th. Central Labor union, composed of W. a. enrym, J Kerrigan and J. A. Bradford, attended tb meeting and addresssd th bosrd on tb subject of fre textbook. Mr. Kerrigan waa th chief speaker. "Laboring people cannot afford to buy books for tbelr child ren." he said. "Among tb working classes this movemsnt to take away fre taitbooka from High achool pupil I looked upoa a an attempt to tura th High achool Into aa academy ot aristocracy. Every labor 'union In the city Is opposed to tbls step. It la looked upon as ths undoin of work which It bs required years to accomplish." Mr. Mcintosh said that after making tudy ot th pupils t th High school and after examining the entry cards show Ing wbst wslk of life most of them com from he waa convinced that tn abouuo of free textbooks would drlv between 200 and 400 children from the High achool. W. F. Johnson aald that he would favor fre textbooks tn th High school If th finance of tba achool district were In bet ter condition. Mr. Funkbouser and- Robert 8mlta spo.s agalnat the abolition Of free textbooks and Insisted tbat a great wrong 111 b don cblldrta wboae parenta ar unable to purchase books. They urged that tba laau be met qurly laat night and that no attempt be made te delay the en forcemeat of th new rul. Raallae Matters. Tha committee on heat and ventilation wa authorls4 te employ an engineer, A ra ni an and other additional help required at the new High achcol building. Permlaaloa wa granted tb Nebraika Photographer' aisoclatlon to use th as sembly room on th fifth Boar of th city hail during Ita annual meeting t be held ia Omaha during Jun. Aa application wa received from J. B Mitchell of Graftoa. O.. for d!eard-d school books t b used among tb mountsloe: of North Carolina. Tb Omaha Saf and Iroa works sub mitted a bid for the erection of fire escape on Fsrasm, Psrk aad Castellsr schools at $4.5 tor each building. A resolution wss sdopied requiring High school teacher, to keep a daily record of the temperature. In all room, of th. new build-lag- Tb. board decided so red... tbe Insursac oa th. eld H'gb school building I on $75,00 to $.0,000. Vaoa motlo af W. F. Joan.oa tb. build- John F. Behm. an old resident of Omaba. has just rsturod from a trip to the r ceotlyopeoed Indian lead ia Oklahoma, and brings back anything but a glow ag account of his experience ther.. Ho Is of the opinion that Nebraska I. good eneuga yet. Speaking ef h!s quest for a n.w bom. tn a new country. Mr. Beam says: Tha first thing you do when yon get to Lawton, where th great drawing took p a:e laat August., la to go. to the land, efflea. Her you ak the receiver if any v.'ant g v- arnment land 1. left. H. r.t.ra you in a clerk, and the latter telle you ha haa no time to glv. you, that you must go t soms one outside to get located. You are g'ad to get eut of the trace an I ... nitnvait bv half a dozen cappera who are ready to locate you on acme frac:io and who only ask $40 tor tha asrvlce. It you do not care to deal with them cu th s basis, tha next step Is to buy a reunqman ment from some on. who ha. Sled and li ready to quit. You Und these aro only (or ale at -the real e.ate offleea. and tra bald all tbe way from $200 to $10,000. If you buy one vou must do aa tbe original ..tiler, rnmnlr with all the requirement cf tbe law and make your final proof In due form This la an additional ' sxpense. Tb Indiana had Scat choice of the laod. every man, . woman . snd child getting i quarter section. . They chos all tb bot torn lands, with the water and leit mi bench landa for tbe wblt ttlers. But very little ef this land Is good and aon f lt has water. Down there a prairie farm with do certainty of getting water at o. depU will coat aa much as an Improved farm In Nebraska. Lawton ia the biggest twa for It ag In tb world. It Is but four month aid has five . banka, fourteen hardware :or thirteen clothing, twenty-cni lumbar yard and ninety-two ssloons. EVry!blng .1. ! In proportion. Just now they are grading treet and putting crosawalka Water la aold on the atreeta at tb rat of thre pall for a nickel. If a Br ahould get a start In Lawton In three hour the town would be wiped out. '"I suffered more from th crlil dowa ther than I ever did la Nebraska. Ll B.tur dsy tb temperature dropped la twe hour from 40 above to zero. On of th onr told. Illustrating tb cllmst. I tbat farmer from South Dakota bought a yoke ot oien and started for bis ranch. Oa tb way one, ox wa overcome by th hsat and died. While ..the farmer wa skinning him th weather changed and th other ex trot to death. "Almost every ether building In LawtOB Is devoted to 'law, real estate and rlla quisbments bought and aold.' Tb s sesros to b the chief Industry dowa tbsr just now. My advice to Nebraakana Is doa't sell a Nebrsska farm,' thinking you ran better your conditio In Oklahoma. Tb oil down. ther I good, but th rain Is uncertain, and the climate I ao bttr Uan Nebraska." -. , ty-nlnth. boy and girl: Frank Novak. 1--0 South Twenty-fifth, girl. tatns Mrs. m., ms unu, s-ed 60 years: Christina PJerrou, St. oaenh hospital. JS-d 71: Ada. Blanch Panntnon, im North Klghteenth. aged ": hrl-tlne Hansen. 1013 Boulh Twenly-toiru. gd 38; I- li. Young. Douglaa county bos- pil.l, uawU wV. I (Iwllliwl'i.t . " - county hospital, aged .1: Qulntln Smith. Eighth and webater, aged u. . Bmaltpoa. Tbls dreadful disease U now very prevs- lent In all parts ef the country, and as ex posure to It malignant breath I llabl to oceur at any time no matter bow careful we may b It behoove everyone to take proper precauttone to prevent th germs tram affecting the body. Tb doctor say that pur, biood, good digestion and regular bowel movement materially aid the body In resisting attack, hence It Is the cours ot wisdom to purify and trngthtn th system without delay. A most effect;! remedy, for this purpose, one that combines th necessary properties. for put tf Ing the blood, strengthening th kidneys, toning -up the digestive organs and tor cleansing and regulating tb. bowel, will be found in tbat well l:nown aystem - tonic and puriner, Prickly Aib Bitters. Tbla valuabl remedy Is th. right thing for putting the body in bap. lo leslat the . effect cf exposure to smallpox. No one will knowingly exp.s himself to tbi. disease. Ths exposure usually takes place when It Is least ex pected, therefor, the seed tor precautionary meaaures 1 tb wore in gent. It la saf to asy tbat the frequent use ot Prickly Ash Bitters while tbe dlsrssa 1 s prsvul.nt 111 keep th body In such fin .physical condition tbat no ordinary exposure will af fect It. TOO LATH TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Olrl for offlce work; rauat write good hand and D. accurate; m.iK application, stating experience and lv- . - . a e? T He-?. -M713 . ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Mortality atatlatlra. ' Tha following deaths and births were r. rorled to the city health commissioner for he forty-eight hours ending at noon Mon- '"Births P. BW'b.'' Thirtieth snd Brown. Blrl; L. Hire. 1604 Templeton, boy; Joseph Hvobods. Fifteenth and William, boy; Charles r urneas. lo-i- iorin r.ipnifni, , girl; Albert Washington, Ull South Twen- ' Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Ummr Signature) f. os rwtwasll Wrspsar Below.' ' I Tsar assail east CAiTTEfl'S i.ITJI Ii5f' Irt tal-'wriy ) taha a ragaa. . . roicizzixus. ran imcutxia. FOI TSXPIO 11VCS. P81 CBXSTIFAT169I. ' rc IAU0W uu. ntmccMPLixici TwyatajavCwhsa. arartarww aii 1 CUI-C tlC HEADACHE. Wcmsn's $3.50 Specials- ' Stop just a moment while - tell .vou about our uew Drexel specials these for the womea tbe very lwlght of fashlou with wide citeuslon edgea with yellow rope atltcb -natural finished solo and bwl-ln enamel, patent olt, patent calf and vlcl kid nppera every one nil exclusive style not shown lo the city anywhere else but at lrex h. fboo man' you can't tell tbe difference ) tween tbe in and tbe shoe tbat sell at $5.0O It will pay oad Interest you tvbeu you come and aee tbeui. Drexel Shoe Co.. aaaha'e t(,--4at Shoo Maaea. lai riaim iraagT. b rail Cataloava Mow Road.