Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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(Ttrror Fttip Fan 7. D. Etrti of
. Liinaln far the CfEo.
Offer Position af AaalMaat te T. P.
A. Wllllame ttovernnr Appelate
ftlate iJelFffate Irrlsja
tlen Conjtre.
fFrotn a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. It (Special.) Governor
Btvage today appointed J. D. Hajres of thl
city to the poult Inn of state oM luspectof
to succeed .Ed R. glier, who will soop re
algn .to accept tbe Lincoln poatmaateriblp.
The tranter of the offlc will probably tak
place about March 1. Mr. Haye waa
assured Saturday tbat be would be given
the place and today tbe official commission
waa written tn tbe governor' olRce, to take
effect Immediately upon tbe resignation of
Mr. Slyer.
Mr. Hayes has lived twenty-three years
In Nebraska, twenty of which were passed
In Gage county. Three years ago he re
moved to Lincoln and has since resided In
this city.. He has always been an ardent
republican but until he entered the rare for
tbe oil Inspectorship was never a candidate
for any .Important public office. He la a
traveling man-by occupation. In the empoy
of the Beatrice Creamery company, and
had the endorsement of several Influential
organization of drummers. J. H. O'Neal,
Ma closest competitor for the position, bad
also tbe endorsement of a large number of
traveling wen and the) governor found tc
difficult to choose between the two candi
dates, so nearly alike were their qualifica
tion in4 sunnnrt. . 1 .
The governor Intended to withhold the
announcement of tbe appointment until the
place became vacant, but' the publication
of a report In a Lincoln newspaper tlat
Mr. O'Neal had been decided upon for the
place caused him to make It known today,
ilser Talk of Ilia Appointment.
Ed R. Blser, who haa been appointed and
confirmed , for postmaster of Lincoln, he
been a resident here alnce 1873, and waa
largely Interested In the building up of tbla
city. He, waa elected clerk of the district
court of this county In 188 by a majority
of 3,000, and again In 1888 by an increased
majority. He inaugurated the present com
plete ystem of records in the district
8hortly after tbe occupation of Cuba by
the. Americans he was appolntod chief
clork of the customs servloe of that Island
and Col. TaskerH. Bliss, collector, said
In a letter to the war department: "There
haa been no one American In this service
who haa assisted me more, on whose judg
ment I have more relied, or has dona more
faithful "and efficient aervlce to the govern
ment. Whatever there la to approve In
thl department, or "what there la leaat to
criticise, much of It la due to him." In
May, ,1901, he waa appointed state Inspector
of oils, which office ha holds at the present
Mr. Slier today aaid: "The petition ask
ing for my appointment as postmaster, wss
signed by over TOO of the most prominent
business and professional meq in the city.
I have tendered my resignation as state
inspector of oils to Governor Savage, to
take effect March 1, 1902. .
"The duties - of deputy postmaster are
such at to require the best of clerical and
executive ability, as much of the detail of
xth office devolve upon the deputy.' I have
tendered this position to T. P. A. Wllllama,
first for the reason that he possesses all
of the qualifications to discharge the duties
of the office to the aattsfactlon of all con
cerned, and sce4r as compliment to th
Veteran Republican club, and the Toung
Men's Republican club, who have largely
Joined In a requeat for his T appointment.
Mr. Williams being a eon of a veteran, and
' an active- member of the Young Men's Re
publican club of this city, an organisation
that la always at the front fighting the
bat t lea of . our party."
Mr. WlUlama will likely accept the posi
tion ten-lerod him.
Delegates to Irrigation Conejreea.
Governor Savage today named tbe fol
lowing delegate to the-Colorado-Wyoming-
Nebraska Irrigation congress, which will
he held In Sterling, Colo., February it
and 27, for .the purpose of considering pro
posed Irrigation legislation:
Peter Marfarlane. Gerlng; W.' P. Miles,
Robert Oberf elder, Sidney; E. Benjamin
Andrews, O. V. P. Stout. H. Steckslburg.
C. H. Morrill, Adua Dobeon. Lincoln; E.
N. Bishop. Oates; Peter Youngera, Geneva;
Charles Nlcolal. Sargent; Mr. Abbott, Moul-
ton; A, N. Allen. Gothenburg; E. A. Cook,
E. D. Owens, Albert Able. H. O. Smith,
Lexington; C. H. Meeker, McCook; J. B.
Porter, Crawford: T. H. Oorrlngtoo, B. R.
Akers. Alliance; E. F. Seeberger, Hersbey:
Martin Oeerlng. Judge Gardner, Geertng;
T. C. ratterson. J. J. Bceler, North Platte;
Oearge B. Tiechuck, Omaha; W. H. Wright,
Scotta Bluff; Samuel I). Cox, Mlnatare;
A. S. Moon-, Taylor; R. H. Lewis, Bridge
port: L. II. Jewett, Broken Bow; H. E.
Babrork, Columbus; T. H. Doran, Burwell;
H. A. Peter. Hay Springs: T. P. Culley,
Loup City; J. D. Stlrea, Columbus; Francis
O. Himor, J. T. Mallalleu, E. C. Calkins,
II. D. Watson, Kearney; A. O. Wolfen
barger, Lincoln; James Farrier, 8. B. Solo
mon. Culbertson; Ed A. Msnn, Oeerlng;
Ed M. Searle, Ogallala; F. I. Foss, Crete;
O. W. Hoobler, W. I. McEatbron, Omaha.
Kew Incorporation.
Article of Incorporation of the following
new Institutions were recorded In the sec
retary of atate's office today:
National Livestock Mortgage Protective
association of Omaha; capital stock, $100,
000; Incorporators, Howard L. Rocker,
John W. McDonald, Hamilton P. Racker,
Frederick Benson and William F. Mack.
Waller Sign company of Omaha; capital
stock, 111.000; Incorporators, John Qulncy
Adams, Fred Waller and H. D. Rhodea.
McDonald State bank of North Platte,
capital stock, $50,000; Incorporators, Charles
McDonald. W. H. McDonald, N. V. Rey
nolds and C. E. Mooney.
The Kearney Hub of Kearney; capital
atock, )25,000; Incorporators, M. L. Brown,
V. A. Brown and O. B. Brown.
P. Z., the Shoe Man,' of Arlington; cap
ital stock, $100,000; for dealing In dry
goods, groceries, boots and aboea, clothing,
ladles' and gents' furnishing goods, milli-
Xayort of CeamilaiioB lefarrei hj Irpreva
Ceirt to Gevsrnsr. -
Jedge Crltea Coaears with Hla Col
Iraaaea la Foras of Bill, eat I
y SMarea So Radical a Chants
la Ret Desirable.
Intimate acquaintance with a traveling man
representing a soap company of St. Louis,
who Is reported to have been discharged,
but who succeeded In Ingratiating himself
in Mr. Phillips' good will and getting him
to endorse a draft on his house for $39,
which he cashed at the City National bank
of this city. Tbla draft came back pro
Steal Clajare fro I.aara Room.
FAIRMONT, Neb.. Feb.v !. (Special.)
The lunch room of Theodore Winter, near
the Burlington depot, waa entered last night
and $11 worth of cigars and other property
waa taken. Mr. Winters is unable to do
manual labor and tries to make a living
by keeping his lunch counter.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. I. (Special.) The report
of the Torreos Land Transfer comtulsaloa
waa referred by the supreme court to Gov
ernor Savage this' afternoon arid by him
will be submitted to the next legislature.
The commission consisted of Albert W.
Crile. of Chadron Willi. U Hand M ARREST "SILK HAT" BURGLAR
nearnsy ana is. r . i iptou oi stwif
Nemaha Ma Jtaa Small vox.
NEMAHA, Neb., Feb. I. (Special.)
Nemaha has another case of smallpox.
William Smiley, aon of D. T. Smiley. His
home has been quarantined.
nery, patent medicines, hardware.' furniture, more complicated
Judge Critea declares:
The apt anthnrlxln M enmmlsstntl
provided that the commissioner, in addi
tion to drafting and reporting a bill for
an act relating to land transfers, should
also rennrt thplr own view a to the ex
pediency of legislative action In that di
rection. ' 1 have concurred with my col
leagues In the form of a bill for the pur
pose, but I am decidedly of the opinion
that an radical a chanit In our Dtvsent
system of land transfers la neither needed
nor desirsoie.
He gives these as his conclusions: .
1. That transfers are not cheapened un
aer tne act.
1. That thv are not lfnnllfled.
. That they are. In fact, mora costly and
agricultural Implements, grain, general
merchandise, real estate, and for loaning
The Exchange bank of Bladen, Webster
county; capital stock, $10,000; Incorpor
ators. N. B. Hall, W. J. Whlttier, V. 8. Hall
and S. M. Hall.
Kolarlal Commission.
Notarial commissions were Issued by the
governor today to the following: A. P.
Young, Otoe; Clara M. Dunlgan, Cherry;
Mary C. Peck. George Rasmussen, W. W.
McCombs, Douglas; F. B. Pettlbone, Boonoi
Emll Becker, Merrick; T. A. Tikalesky,
Knox; N. J. Gubser, Dodge; M. R. Hope
well, Burt.
Governor Savage Haa a Scheme.
Governor Savage this afternoon gave out
a prepared Interview, In which he . an
nounces his Intention of presenting to the
next legislature the matter of Issuing
state bonds for the construction of a water
power canal and Irrigation works. He re
cite the manifold advantages' that would
flow from the existence of a great manu
facturing center In Nebraska, and tbe nec
essity of cheap power to the existence of
such a center. The Platte river, according
to the governor haa power to drive the
wheels of thousands of factories, and this
is dally going to waste. By the construc
tion of a canal from some point near Fre
mont, the power can be delivered at a
point near the Missouri river in probably
Omaha, although tbe governor does not
say so and Immediately institutions for
tbe turning of Nebraska' raw materials
into finished products will spring into ex
Istence. No particular sectlona of th
tate are designated aa the prospective
beneflclclarlea of the Irrigation project,' but
the water that now flow into the Missouri
through the Platte and other stream is to
be utilized to the end that the wast
place shall blossom and the ground that
la now uaeless shall become productive,
tbat acrea now arid shall yield bountiful
return for the toll of the husbandman and
the land shall teem with plenty throughout
th length and breadth thereof. Any little
obstacle to this populistlo paternal plan of
the governor, such as constitutional in
hlbltlon, shall be wiped out by necessary
amendment,, and the population of Neb
raska. Increased by -many thousand of
prosperous and contented people will reap
the direct benefit of a scheme which la now
elaborated tn everything save it detail.
A Young, Strong Nan, Apparently in
Perfect Health, Took Sligbt Cough
and Died Within One Week.
The Doctor. AtteaJIny Him Said: -Had Ht
lake. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey UhUe
lie Tho.fM He Was Healthy, It
Would Have Built Up New TUe
ad Prevented Hit Untimely
Detli - f t
Thousand like thl young man are run
down and their blood ! Impoverished, and
they do tint know It until It 1 too lato.
The case mentioned I of a young, athletic
fellow, 28 year of age, who was the pic
ture or ocaim. Me contracteo a sngni
bronchial cough on Wednesday, which
gradually grew worst, until Krlrtav nlaht.
when he had a hemorrhage of the lungs,
which waa rollowed by more hemorrhage,
which cut Mm off In the prime of life. He
died the fiext Wednesday. Just one week
from the day he went homo apparently a
klrong man.
Lrssons Ilka thl ahould teach everyone
to be careful of the condition of the sys
tem. Sre that the blood la kept rich and
circulates twrfevtly. and that the tissues
of the body are not waetln without your
knowledge. If you think the system la
run down, if you tak cold easily. It you
have a harking rough, a tickling in your
throat, late luny a fur Mult Whiskey
It will cure the rouan ana cold and pre
vent any further complication. Hufty
Pure Malt Vhink la abaolutly pure and
contain no fusel oil or other danaerou
insretlimta. Do not nil your system run
of drugs and ccmiounda that you know
nothing about. They Inture tne stomaeti
and merely Wdrn th pain. They do not
cure. A leading iNew Turk doctor aaid
form of food alremly llgettd." It aid
digestion, stlmulatea and anrlrhe th
MikmI, tones the heart, buiida new tissue,
glvea elasticity to tbe muscle and luvig
oratea tna brain.
Mopped. Hemorrhages
Nashua City. N. If.. June 15. 1901.
Gentlemen: It la with great pleaaur
that 1 writ to tnrorm you mat l rmv
uf.d elaht bottle of vour Pure Malt Whla
key. ' I wou'il not . have been here today
unlv for your wonderful medicine. 1 lv
i aed all kinds of medicln and been und'
th cure of doctor. I bav had three
ver attack of grip and pneumonia. whl
have left me with a bad couun and we
heart. I am 67 years old. It lias lor.ed u
my system and stopped th Iirinorrnagtw
and 1 cous,!! but very mile. 1 limy rgrei
that I did not know of your whiskey b
for. I cannot tiprtM what It haa don
for in. I be to remain your respsct
fullv. URe. H. c ALblNuTON
FREE. Two gum counter for whist
eurhrs. etc.: and f venlti in auimps
cover rkt
CAUTION: Tu(Ty's Pure Malt Whiskey
la oid In sealed tottlra onlv. it otTerea
bulk or other than tn eur patent bottle it
Is a fraud. Hu sure you get the genu'ne
All druaKtnt and arucers. or uirevt. II
a bottl. Medical booklet nt tree. Duffy
alait V hlakey vo.. Kovtiier. n. x.
Hayei' Career In Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., Keb. 8. (Special.) J.
, Hares, who waa appointed oil Inspector
this morning by Governor Savage, I well
known In thl city and throughout Oage
county, he being a resident of this county
for over twenty years. He formerly wa
engaged In the real estate and Insurance
business at Wymore, and in the fall elec
tlon of 1885 was elected to the office of
reglater of deed, but did not take hi
office, on account of aome defect In the
law creating tbla office, which waa passed
by the legislature of 1884. . He was re
elected In tbe fall of 188S and took the
office in January, 1887, becoming the first
register of deed that Oage county ever
had. He waa re-elected in 1888. went out
of office In 1892, and accepted a traveling
position with Haskell A Boaworth. which
has since become the Beatrice Creamery
company. This position be held over five
year. He Is a property owner la Beatrice.
Saaallpox 1st Colaaabaa Rooming; Hoase
COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. I. (Special.)
Sam Harris, a Merrick county man who
came here from Lincoln two weeks ago,
haa amallpox In th Wlnelow residence
which waa used a a rooming house, nine
people being separated from their personal
belonging when shut eat by quarantine.
Oda relieve' Hall Coanpletea.
NEMAHA. Neb.. I. (Special.)
The Odd Fellows' building is completed
and makes a fine appearance. It la a two-
story brick 24x60. Th npper story
fitted up for a lodge room. The lower
room will be used by Andrew Ayne for a
hardware and furniture store.
Pioneer Haa Stroke of Paralysis.
STELLA. Neb., Feb. I. (Special.) Will
lam Bvurl:c, one of the earliest settlers In
this vicinity and living four mile north
of Stella, had a- partial stroke of paralysis
tbla morning at 7 o'clock. Th attending
physician thlnka he will recover.
Nebraska err Note.
The Pierce mill I Installing an electric
fctsveral have been arrested and fined
email amounts.
The Auburn Herald has started in on It
twenty-nfth volume.
The Weeping Water Republican last week
put out a nne illustrated etuiion.
The Union Paotno naa been havin
trouble with coal thlevea at Lexington.
Walt B. Reynold, who haa successful I
conducted the Mad.aon Chronicle for th
faat two years, has leased th plant 1
red D. Wrlaht.
Professor Oun, who has bean principal
of th Mason schools, has resigned and
started for the Philippines where ha will
engage in nis proiesaioa.
Alneworth expects to have an opera
houe before the present year la ended.
Jame U. Acker mm will build it and when
done It will seat sVj people.
Dr. Kason of Hebron was attacked by
thoroughbred bull the other dav and
verely Injured before help arrived and
drove toe enraged animal away
Oaklnnd Is expecting a building boom
the coming summer. Among tha improve
ment are a new devol, a new bank build
lug a-id aeveral brick stor
Th farmhouse of I'eter
count caught tire on the
on but his wife was at horn. She ran tw
a noitrby srhoolhuuse.
ana of a woman teacher, and th two put
U' a taaaer ano exiinguiancd in nr.
' Elmer Krelhllng and Herbert Muacheltrs,
two 14-year-old Bruntng boys. it rabbit
hunting and were caugltt by the recent
storm. After wandrrtna; aimiely around
for aeveral hour they Anally reached a
farmhouse. Hoth were almost exhausted
and frostbitten, but kave recovered
Refiorts from all pontons of th rang
country are to th errot that no loaa of
clink haa ct-vorred during the reoeut
storms and cold weethor. The feed has
been good on th rang and th cattle wer
fat and strung. Ranchmen aa a rule are
also well presided wlib (ted and shelter.
Follea Cantar Maa Who Caafeeaea
ComsBlttlnar Robberies While
lax Dreaa Salt.
CHICAGO. Feb. 8. A man giving hi
name a Edward P. Fak. also known as
William H. Gibson, said to be engaged to
marry the daughter of a Cleveland mil
lionaire, and whose mother 1 said to be
th owner of property Jn New York, Chi
cago and California, la under arrest here
charged with burglary. The police claim
to have discovered his Identity through
a letter dated last October at Lo Angela,
Cal., from the young man' mother.
Fake, with eight others. Is charged with
committing numerous "silk hat" burg
laries. The police say be haa admitted
iooi of them. Fake and hi comrades,
It la aaid. worked tn silk hata and dress
aults and travelled In a closed carriage
to avert suspicion.
Nebraska Bklea Clear Today anal To
morrow, with North Wind
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. Forecast: For
Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Tuesday;
Wednesday fair and probably warmer,
northerly winds, becoming variable.
For Iowa Fair and cold Tuesday and
Wednesday; northwesterly winds.
For Missouri and Illinois Fair, colder,
Tuesday; Wednesday fair; freah to brisk
northwesterly winds.
For Kansas Generally fair Tuesday, . ex
cept snow and colder, In south portion;
Wednesday unsettled; northerly wlnda.
practical operation l For Oklahoma and Indian Territory
this system pf land registration and thua cioudy and much colder Tuesday, probably
relieve ourselvea of the old, burdensome, I .
cumbersome, expensive and unsatisfactory I rain or snow; Wednesday fair and cold;
system that now prevails. I northerly winds. .
nnnnrnv on i mirnn innrorrn I For Arkansas-Fair and colder Tuesday; dUL.lll I un Hnnw I tU Wednesday probably fair; northerly winds.
4. That Increased security is not. In fact.
8. That In practice no on rellea upon any
security anorded tnereny.
ft. That the aeneral public have no con
fidence in its provisions, even after years
nf iisa
7. That there 1 no real need for any rad
ical changes or amendments to our present
laws relating to tne transier oi reai prop
Tbe bill of the majority waa written oy
Mr. Hand, who comment upon it features
and concludes:
I heartily aoDrove of the Torrens system
of reglstrstlon of titles, as embodied In
thA hill i nave nrenareo and now nie wun
this report. I have endeavored to fit the
irnvisinn or tne mil into our svsiem oi
lav and Jurisprudence so that there shall
be as little rnction as may do. mere win
necessarily be some friction, for a very
great change In handling real estate Is
rnntfmnlRtmi hv this new flvstem.
But wnen a cnange means suosianuai
Improvement no man should stand In the
way with his conservative objections and
trlve to block the wheels or progress,
This new system is entirely practicable.
For us to say that we cannot et Into oper
ation a new system because it makes a
wide departure from the old and because
It is new and not understood Is to belittle
ourselves and confess our Incapacity and
want of Intelligence. In our state, where
hut 2U rer cent of the people are illiterate.
It must be possible, if It is In any state,
to adopt and carry Into practical operation
Man Caavaaslaa; for Cnlcaga Firm
Charge with Petdltna; With
at Llcease.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. 8. (Special.)
Th Business Men' association of this city
ha begun it work of protecting the bom
merchant. For aeveral week represent
tlve of om foreign concern have bees
covering thl section of country, soliciting
for business among the farmers,
Last night the sheriff earn up from Falls
City and calling at the Park hotel, placed
William Richmond, a solicitor for a Chicago
For North Dakota Fair Tuesday, warmer
in northwest portion; Wednesday fair and
warmer; northerly winds.
For Montana; Cloudy Tuesday, snow in
extreme northwest portion, warmer In east
portion; Wednesday snow tn west, fair in
east portion; variable winds.
For Wyoming, Utah and Colorado Fair
Tuesday and Wednesday; variable wind.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Feb. 8. Official record of tern-
Derature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
... 1902. 1901. 1900. 1899,
. i jnaximum inn prt n i u i c ,. jo Mr oj v
I Minimum temperature... 1 10 23 2
Mean temperature ....... 17 - 29 2
Urania The maa had retired when the I Freclpltatlon . -"I -(
officer arrived, but w. compelled to get I Rord or "mperatur. ana Precm.tauon
up and accompany the officer to Falls City 1 1901 : '! .
where he will be held pending a hearing. - I Normal' temperature xmv 20
The law under which the arrest was made I Deficiency for the day.,... 11
la a 1st one and few people knew of It
existence, hut it provide for a minimum
fin of 860 for this offense. , Richmond had
been at work here sine the middle of
January and it I claimed had sold some
thing like a carload of groceries. Local
merchant have long been annoyed by thl
kind of work and are determined by mean
of their new organisation to stamp out tbe
Total excess sine March 1.... .......... .10.85
Deficiency, for the day , 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day , 01 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.,.. .24.84 Inchea
Deficiency since Marcn-i o.iw inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1901 06 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 19uo. . .4.86 Inches
lieparta fraaa Btatloaa at T s. av
Comrsitt Keoomaeias Larrei lprpria
liesi ii Crrast DtGeieioj Bill.
Claaa Provldlaa for Shelter ol Troon
la Islaad la Retained, bat
Ita Wording la
WASHINGTON. Feb. 8 In response to
Inquirieo th state department notified the
committee on appropriation tbat the de
partment would be able to make provlaton
for the representatives of this country In
England, incident to the coronation of
King Edward VII from Ha own resources
and that therefore no especial appropri
ation would be necessary for that purpose.
The commute therefore, did not make
provision in th urgent deficiency bill a
reported to the senate today for this Item
of expenae, as it had agreed to do on Sat
urday. The committee also decided that the pro
vision In the bill aa It eme from the house
for an appropriation of $40,000 to be used
by tbe president In meeting "unforseen
emergencies." would be sufficient to cover
the expense of the government in connec
tion with the approaching visit of Prince
Henry and no specific appropriation was
made on tbat account.
The net Increase of appropriations re
commended by the senate committee on
thla bill is $5,163,150, bringing its total to
Several Item Are Increased.
The principal item of Increase are:
Payment to Mexico on account of the
La Abra and Weil clalma. $412,552; pay.
ment of rebate 'on tobacco $100,000. Re
imbursement of Philippine Insular fund for
gunboats turned over to the navy, $208,
819; purchase of coal for the navy, $800,
000; equipment of naval vessels, $450,000;
refunding of slates money expended In
raising volunteers in the civil war: Maine,
$513,136; Pennsylvania, $619,9111; New
Hampshire, $108,372, and Rhode Island,
The appropriation of $500,000 for tha
shelter of troops In the Philippine Island
la retained, but th wording of the pro
vision I changed to read:
For the establishment in the vicinity of
Manila, P. 1., of a military post Including
the construction of barracks, quarters for
officers, storehouses, hospitals and other
buildings, as well as water supply, uanting.
seweraKe and drainage necessary for the
accommodation of a garrison of two full
realments of infantry, two souadrons of
cavalry and two batteries of artillery, to
be avaiiaDie until expenaea.
Strikes Oat I .and Office Limit.
The committee also struck out the house
provision limiting tbe number of land offices
In Alaska to one,' and reduced the appro
priation made by the house bill for ex
perimental rural free delivery service from
$491,040 to $217,300.
Provision is made for the payment of a
vear'a salary to the widow of the late
Senator Kyle and Sewell, and $6,415 Is
appropriated to pay tbe expenses of senator
who attended the funeral of President Mc
Klnley. i
In connection with tbe appropriation tor
the payment of Interest claims of state
on account of tbe expenditure made during
the civil war, thla general provision la
The claims of like character arising
unaer tne act or congress or juiy zi, ikki,
and Joint resolutions of March 8, 1862. here
tofore disallowed by the accounting offi
cer of the treasury, shall be reopened,
examined and allowed, and if deemed nec
essary, snail tM transmitted to the court
of claims for findings of fact or determlna
tlon of disputed questions of law, to aid in
the settlement of the claim by the ac
counting omcers.
City Covaell Raise Pay of Attorney,
Hla Asaistaat, Baglaeer and
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 8. (Special Telegram.)
On reconsideration tonight the elty coun
ell adopted a new salary ordinance provide
log for the following Increases: City attor
ney. from $1,500 to $1,800; deputy attorney.
from $900 to $1,200; city engineer, from
$1,500 to $1,800.
The patrol driver la given a slight In
crease, but the pay of all other offlclala and
employes la unchanged. Th measure
psssed tonight was Introduced a a substi
tute for the old oralnsnce.
Th council by unanimous vote accepted
th offer of D. E. Thompson to erect a
fountain at the intersection of Eleventh and
O street, and a resolution was ' adopted
thanking him on behalf of th city. Work,
on tne lountain win oegio soon.
An ordinance waa passed giving, water
consumer until May 1 to put in water
: a : a
: : I ;
: :
i i 3 :
. . 1
Omaha, clear
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear ...1....
Salt Lake, clear
Kapld City, clear
Huron, near
Wllllston, clear
Chicago, snowing ......
Ht. Louis, clear
St Paul, clear
Davenport, snowing....
Kansas City, clear
Havre, cloudy
Helena, cloudy
Blnmarck, clear
Galveston, cloudy ......
4 16 .01
! 14 T
6 26 .00
16 3o .00
30 32 .)
0 10 T
4 T
16IO .00
8 8 Mi
20 20 .00
.4 8 .04
10 12 T
20 26 .00
4 0 .00
30 84 .00
-r 0 .00
46 46 .00
Indicates sero.
Richly Dressed Woman Proven te Be
Widow of Colonel Ham
mond Moore.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 8. The Identity
of a middle-aged, richly dressed woman
who committed auiclde In Stockton, on Fri
day night, haa been established by friends
In this city. She was Mrs. Hammond
Moore of New York City, widow of Colonel
Hammond Moore, an officer of the confeder
ate army who aettled In New York shortly
after the civil war. She came to San Fran
cisco from Guatemala last May In the
course of a tour around the world which
he began three year ago, and which had
Just been concluded. Tha cause of the
ulclde is unknown.
THOMPSON Mrs. A. J., at 1 o'clock
Monday, February 8. 1902, at 2114 Locust
Funeral services at the house Wed nee
day at 2 p. m. The remain will be taken
to Glrard, Pa., for lutermenu
Farmer Held Last Beaalaa nad Elect
Officer far Csnls
TECUMSEH, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.)
Th nineteenth annual session of th John
son County Farmers' Institute waa brought I
to a cloa in thl city Saturday svenlng.
after a three days' session. As in previous
session th closing one was well attended.
Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrew of th
State university spoke on " Self Culture."
These officers were elected for th coming
year: W. A. Apperson. president; W. K.
Taylor, vice president; C. V. Douglas, a ac
re tary; David S. Warner, treasurer for th I
Institute, and for tbe Woman's auxiliary.
president. Mrs. C. C. Corbln; vice presi
dent, Mrs. John Eteter; secretary. Mrs.
T. H. Perry; treasurer, Mrs. R. U. Erwln.
Cass Cannty Fostsuaatero Meet nnd
Prepare Schedale tor Raral
Free Delivery.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Spe
cial.) The pot master of Cass county met
la th offlc of County Surveyor K. E. Hil
ton tn th court bouse today to map out
and agree on tree rural mall delivery
routes throughout the county, a recomend-
ed t lY.ifreaamaa B. J. Burkett. Thua far
been ho routea established In
nd the congressman thought
It be better to have tbe whole county
secured th assist- I supplied t on time.
lew bank build- I c ic.igrca
re bmi.tinga. I tr.trf- t ve be,
Elch In Wayne J ,, en. Mjt
roof when re, j . , . . .
Preacher t emplet Stella Ceneaa.
STELLA. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.) Rev.
Goldsmith of tbe M. E. Church haa Just
completed a bouse to house caavas of
Stella and finds the aetual population to
be (16.
Draft Kctaracd Protested.
YORK, Ntb.. Feb. 8 (Special )-H. A.
Phillips of this city, traveling maa selling
groceries for a Lincoln house, regret aa
the great progress in medi
cal science, but there hasn't been so much progress
after all. The doctors have not been able to improve
on many of the simple old remedies used during the last '
hundred years. Every mother knows that old-fashioned
tweet oil is a good r
thine to rub on the L
nose, throat and Cm
chest for a cold, ks. V.
and a doctor can t y
prescribe anytning
better or safer ex
cept Omega Oil. ,
This Oil does all
that sweet oil can
do, and besides that
it contains other
ingredients that
check and cure a '
cold in a wonder
fully short time.
It can be used on
children with per
fect safety, as it
does not blister.
A bottle in the
house all the
time may save
a life or a
doctor's bill
Oaaeg Ofl Is god iar vrythlag liniment aught to be good Ue
Ml 1
Ls, gtmwanhwawanhn1gl lMnnnHaT
1 N.
Miss Mary Lenghan, a Young Society
Lady who lives in Brooklyn, N. Y., tells
how 1 Young Women May Escape those
Terrible Monthly Pains and Sickness.
. "Dear Mrs. Tinkham: I suppose some of my frienda would
call it immodest in me to acknowledge to you what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has done for mc, but I feci that seven
bottles which I took last fall and winter made a complete change in
my life, and brought new hopes and aspiration? to me which I had
not dared think of when I was sick.
" For three years I suffered silently every month ; I dreaded tha
timej and-while not sick in bed, I felt sick enough to stay there.
Cramps and bearing-down pains and wretched headaches were of
frequent, often daily occurrence, but your Compound quickly changed
all that. I am now in splendid health ; I have no pains, and am so
grateful to you that I feel I want to express myself, hoping it may
help some suffering one to health. Yours truly, Miss Mary Lenghan,
633 Tark Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y." ,
No other medicine for female Ills In the world has received
Mich widespread and unqualified endorsement.
Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to write her for advice
She has guided, thousands to health. Address, JLynn, 31a ss.
Contrast the pleasant taste and delightful natural effects of the
crushed fruit laxative
14 f I n awa.
A "- . tan .'
Violent purgatives which are
With the harsh
effects of dras
tic drugs com
monly used as
tonics, cathar
tics, liver and stomach medicines.
not a rational treatment for the sick.
Most doctors and patent medicine manufacturers ' resort to
mercury, potash and opiates, vwhich are all exceedingly injurious,
though they sometimes temporarily relieve.
Mull's Grape Tonic U the, life-giving juice of the grape,
nature's own strength giver, combined with roots and herbs. JtThus
while pleasing to the taste, it is a perfect digestive, restorative and
tonic. It nourishes, fortifies and refreshes, and is the greatest
stomach, liver, nerve and kidney tonic known. It puts these great
organs of the body in a healthy state. It rids you of that tired,
depressed condition, caused by a run-down nervous system and
impoverished blood. One bottle will convince you of its merits.
. Kept hf all first class drucglsts, SO cents for a large battle.
r seat express prepaid by
THE LIQIITKI'13 KED1C1HE CO., Rock Island, I!!.
Mull's Lightning Pain Killer for all external end Internal pains,
25 and BO Cents.
For sale byShsrman & HcConncll Drug EjT, Omaiii
S. W. Cor. lVtb and Dodge Street.
I It Costs Nothing
. In 111 i 1 iinnJannsw ! 1 nn 11 1 a mail
. ' . '
To Examine Section i of
The Living
Animals of
the World
At the office of The Bee
In the
Th4 Ltading Hotel of Luketoood.
LAKEWOOD, In tb heart nf a bal
samic forest o pin, la now a
world-rnownd wlntar resort for
health and pleasure, and Tbe Lak
woed. It principal and largest hotel,
1 a superbly iulppl hostoiry. In lux
urious aocouunodation for tne comfort,
oonvnlnc and entertainment of Its
patron not urpaad by any holal la
JLmerlca. Tb eulsiri and service equal
thua of th celebrated reatauranta of
Nsw York and rirli.
At Th Lakewood are InatalUd the
fsmou Hydruthrapulio (water our)
bath of trot. Charcot of Paris, and
Frof. Erb ef HelcUluerg. This reeurt
bee th moat Improved and perfect
eppaxatue for the treatment and eur
01 overwork, narrouan. Insomnia,
and allied com plaints, by man of
hydrotherapy sod lctrtclty. ef any
botal tn th world. This department
la undar tha aara ef tha House Phy
sician. I
JAS. M. BERRY, Manager.
isk nar SmM fcr k. tVlf. 1
Every Woman
vtxMil t wontiwjfa.
MARVEL Whirling Spray
m tiM BSC
--Moat ConVn.iit,
M Afttt kL,
ottscr, bui 4i
uuiid KKk-Uc ll f )
UPV!? 1
, C p4 BO
full Bnrtli't.lrvu4 l!r-Lonl In
Jtooro luA Tim Hidg
l w , V
P" "fr r. 1
m J 6nihim4 la
lVB Ml I.
f' B Frvsta ' -.T,Tl.a.
t.lrHktijUikS'l.i 0a.
V MATl,a I J kr wrie, '
- "I at liimim sssaaa nsil'
Vm Biff for u.i fciur.l
4 lr U r $ , 1 u Ui i i u u t ,
. BAvb:iMs
PiuUcs -l v4 m Ui
ffUt Off jLslKfMMfc
Vv'HITS POV CU t Ber 11U u do.iru, r.r- ,
In tut wruiill drink, (lis spixtlls for wtikb csuuot
fl sfirr u.iii tlil rriiiu'jr. bl. Is srnr Hn.1
Willi ur wlfhui knuirlvOss of sstlciit, UuttuiiiM; si l
kliisrusa MCouiasU. di u,sli Will suit Kwu '