TIIE OHAIIA DAILY TJEEt MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1902. ( I ( i ( SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertleeasaats far these oImi rill te taka III IB ea. far tn In edition mm aatll M m. aa. aaeratac sad fane-ay edttloa. Hates, 1 1-B war rmt laeertlea, l ward thereafter. Retain takes for less tkaa Sfte far the flret I near flora. These advertlaeseeats aaaal ka raa eeaseeatlvely. Advertisers, by reaaestlnar a hered beck, have aasvrers ae reeeedl ta a a a ia be red latter ta rare ( The Mae. Answers ea addressed will ka deliver, aa praseatatloa at tka ir. SITUATIONS WASTED. YOUNG miin want place to work for board while attending school. Boyle College, New York. Life Bldg. Tel. wi WANTED, by an expert In the heating mtlA Kjtntllnllnir business, a fOSltlOn KM superintendent. Can furnish numbers of satisfactory references. Aoar a w, Bee. A-M677 8 WASTED BALE HELP. W ANTED- A good business man, a hustler experienced In furniture business; food waves .o right, party,, st 84. Bee. B-M4S7 S , i . GOOD messehgers wanted; Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 South 13th. B 365 STEADY work, profitable work, for neat, energetic hustlers. C. Fi Adams Co., 119 nowara. . . B 3oo IS von a Hit it Tuva wnnir If you live In the country or In a small town and have a' good acquaintance among: the farmers and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make V easily ay four or Ave hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Punishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. . Br-M213 WANTED! a rood man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century Farmer. Our aatents make rood wsree everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. . . . B 413 e-HEE! FREE! FREE! have and hair cut Moler Barber College, 1823 Farnam St., 3d floor. Hours, 9 to 4. ' B M2T4 F4 WANTED,- harnessmakers; good pay and teedy work for good men. Fremont oaoaiery company, Fremont, Neb. B M245 F4 TRAVELING salesmen to sell wool hosiery In Nebraska, Iowa. Colorado, South Da kota. Address, with reference, Rushford amuini mills, tiusnrora, Minn. B M490 7 WANTED, state manaaer to close con tracts and manage agents In Nebraska; none but person accustomed to soliciting wanted; can be handled as side line by drummer. Address "See," 327 Harrison t., uavenport, la. M48S 1 WANTED, Scandinavian or German ten ant, with, team, on small - fruit and vegetahla farm near Council BlufT; terms HDerai. y Aaaress a 42, nee. - B Mu82 4 'DEPITTIKa WANTRft Borne competent solicitors wanted In, Omaha 10 worn. or tne Modern woodmen. Can use some men who could devote part time ta the work. Good pay. Call on or enuresn ttaipn n,. jonnson, Htnte Deputy, t v. Kiepen, uisvnoi iieputy, jso. 10 B. 15th St. B-M5M 4 IPLEND1D wares paid men who learn the hsrber trade with us now; can earn schol arship, board, toois and transportation If desired: 100 wanted to prepare for spring rush, two month, required; our method of practical experience by free clinic and expert -Instructions saves years of ap- ,p-enticeshln; this opportunity cannot be had elsewhere. , Particulars and rata. . lirue mailed free. Moler Barber Cnllfre, 1621 Farnam St. 11 MB11 7' WANTED, a rood steady carriaae nalnter: ana that can letter and ornament wagons in . (oqq snaps., nieaay worn ana gooa wages to the right man. J. H. Kelly, SALESMEN WANTED.; SALESMEN wanted) .full - line - nursery took; plenty peach trees; outfit free: pay weekly. Lawrenca Nursery Co.,- I.aw- rencs. Kan. MKSi Fll WANTED FEMALE HKL1. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or write Room ZJO, Bea Bldg. C 668 OKNERAL housework. ' 127 South 26th St. , C M323 WANTED, fifty airlsi to mske shirts, pants and overalls. Apply to Byrne & Hammer u. u. Co., lain ana nowara sis. C-M484 I WANTED, girl for general housework: no washing. Call Mrs. J. L. Baker, 6i!4 Park avenue. C M578 4 GIRL for general housework; three in family. 4020 Nicholas st. C M644 S WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring and facial massage; four weeks required; ctf3dy practice furnished by free work;, expert instructions and every facility for teaching. Compara tively no expense. Call or write Moler Collage, 16 Farnam St. C M613 T GOOD girl ' for general housework. 1024 rara ava. u M wo b HELP WANTED. UAJUS fsmala help. Call Canadian Office, FOR RENT HOUSES, HOUSES. O. a. Wallace, Brown block. .- - - D372 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage t,o. vraot r urnini, or leis. ik-vm. UUUoCO jr. Davis Co., tot Bee Bldg. - jl Mt EIGHT-ROOM brick house, modern. 2716 Jackson SU Tel. 4U or L-3o83. -A. Treynor. 1 37VI HOUSES and flats.. Kingwalt. Barker block. Uill JtlOHT-ROOM. modern, except furnace, 123. O. 'M. Nattlnger, Bee Bldg. 'Phone 44. j . , ... D 78 iXli RENT 11-room modern house, 1734 JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1801 FARNAM. . d Mia fcki 00 Mil N. ITLh Rt.. tmom tnnAmrw, with barn; . newly repaired and cam tea. 344.00 Lsrse lt-room mansion and stable. with lorn. . ptalla ana coachman a rooms. - lli.60 lMl North 32a. T-room house, cltj water: newly papered and paints THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. '. 4 mW-'m sVWVAaASI Di, . . - - - .j d fit KID or t-room house, strict I v mM. ern, good neighborhood, within walking dlstanvai very reasonable rent to right party. M. J. Kennard A Son, tut-10 Brown bloca. D la TWO I A 4-r. mod. cottages. Phone A-3&W. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. U34 Douglas. a , D 3,4 kousEa. stores. Be nils, paxton block. CKNTRAL, madam, steam heat, 7-room house; 4 ami 4-ruom flat. Tlsard, ZH N. 114 St. , U--F-31 tnTwririr u.u... v, , a mam e,,m. gas, bath. Inquire of L. L. Juhnson, 3li B. Uth St. 1 M4fci g . I.! PAY KB. BOSTWICK 4k CO., 4W1 N. Y. Mfe. TO RENT About Auril 1. Modern house. nine iwimi, barn, good condition, Kountse Place: will lease for term; til ho par Uoitla. Address IT, Bee. u aiaza J"OR RENT. Nort) 17th I til So. Utn 10-room modern flat. !t 140. Chaa, L. Saunders. t. ' ' UbS3 mom kaiwrihHt,u rooms. DEWEY Euroaega hotel. Uth and Farnam. . . . . . r i ONI furnUha roem. with heat, ea ear line, liis CUik; U per auonta. B feouskeajln reoms. 13. Bt Mary's. av a4-- FOR REST-FURNISHED ROOMS. LAHGR front room, with alcove: private family; to gentlemen: clone In and fine location; references. 608 South XXh. E 860 LARGE front rooms, furnished or unfur. nlshed, modern. )1 8. 26th are. EMI90 T A PARIjOR and ronm adlolnlnc aa a suite. furnished or unfurnished, and two sinKie rooms. Inquire mornings or evenings, is Chicago st. a ms 2 NICELY furnished rooms, all modern. I for light housekeeping, with gas and heat. 1310 Douglas. ir-MV8 t FURNISHED ROOMS A WD BOARD. NICE home for young men. log 8. 25th pu F 378 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle men. ioi jaokson t. r i STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, at The Thurston. r aw FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago Sts. F-881 ROOMS and board. Olencairn. 1809 Douglas. I F 383 . i . . , i i. ...ii. THE R08E, 2030 Harney; rooms and board. sun rr 1 gentleman, private family. 2020 St. Mary's. F 74 ROOMS, board; steam heat. Jon Harney street. F M984 w FURNISHED front 31 South 26th St. rooms, with board. F-MS21 F3 FURNISHED rooms, steam bath. 1617 Cass. peat, gas, F 3 STEAM heated rooms with board. 1909 Capitol Ave. F 48S FOR RE!T IMFIRNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space, )S per month, ground n.inr room In '1 he life Duimtnr. iacma Farnam street: no expense for liant, fieav or janitor service. K. c. feters at tjo., Rental Agents, Bee building. O Utt FIVE unfurnished room. 1120 N. 17th. U-MIWI FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. fOH RENT, the bulldlnc formerly occu pied Dy ine uee at m carnam Bt. n nas four stories and a basement which was former v used ss The Bee press room. this win oe run tea very reasonaoiy. ii Interested apply at once to C. C. Hose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. i mi. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. C. Peters t Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 A FINE suite of rooms suitable for doc tor s omocs. ROBERT II. BENNETT. Room 13, Continental Block. 1 M429 AGENTS WANTED. PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to the i.aoies Home journal ana tne rjsturaay Kven'ng Post. We want agents who will work thoroughly and with business sys tem to cover each section with our Illus trated little booklets and other advertis ing; matter and to look sharuly after re newals from old subscribers. The pay la flrat-rate and at the-end of the season t'MMH will be given the best workers as extra prises for good work. How well some oi our agents nave succeedea is told In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how they made it pay. ine uurtis ruoiisning uo rnm defphla. Pa. J . -M304 F7 WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and bury especially desired. Can vassers make easily 360 to 3100 per month. Aaaress century f armer solicitors Bu reau, Bte building, Omaha. 213 "MEOICOIOGY," the best family medical book in tne world ; wo otner good sellers. 1 W. A. Illxenbanglr ft Co.; (00 Ware Bik., . When You Write to Advertisers v remember It only takea an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the faet that you saw the act in ine num. - BOOK canvassers wanted In every county: big money; new proposition; sens to everybody; write today. Pontlsc Pub. Co., Pontlac. Mich. J-663 Ml WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, a country home with five to forty acres or land tnat can be easily reached from Omaha, to rent for a term of years, or ir price is ngnt wui buy Address P 44, Bee. K-MIM6 WANTED to leaoe for term of years for cash 6 to 10 acres close to umana; ground must be high and under cultivation past year. Address o o, liee. IV MUM - STORAGE. DM. Van. Stor. Co., 1611V4 Farn. Tel. 1863-863. j PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- 14 Jones, general storage ana forwarding. , wt WANTED-Td BUY. FEATHER renovater cheap for cash. Ad- . areas a sa, uea r mi r FOR SALE FTTRNITIRB. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodae. Tel. W&x. Mew ana seoonanana, oougnt, soia. exchanged. u iutft- FOR SALB HORSES,.' WAGONS, - ETC. THE BEST in buggies and wagons at H. Frost a. mib ana iavenworin. r is 61NGLU sleigh, 114 , , Double sleljfh. 3 other good double sleigh.. Drumtnona carnage to. P-346 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 3DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, lilt Farnam. j sssi CADET cost, good as new; will fit boy 13 or 14 years oia. Aaaress it n, Bee. INDIAN aoods and relloa. Hit Farnam. V -oos 3DHAND safe cheap. Schwaru, 114 8. 13th. FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 44 to 71 rt. , cnuoiiia auu uui uv pui ivu- las. FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to anylc., adv 1 OAN? 10 P00'9 nold otner musical instrument; so up. insi Witt man Co., mi Farnam. Vr-aai FOR BALE, good-stsed packages of news paper axcnaiigea, cents ana up. Apply at Bee umce, circulation winaow. VJ-4S5 PIANO boxes rheao. 1313 Farnam St. t4 ami r 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man ucc'oaneil urug CO., Ibtn ana ioag uniana. wn FOR SALE, fine mahogany bank fixtures and Chicago Bare 4k Lock Co. safe, auto matic double time lurk; double burglar proot steel cnasia v ill na sola at a Bargain, ixauouai saoa oi commerce. Q-8K3 TYPEWRITERS, latest models Rsminc- ton, vmitn-frvmier, ueiismore, replaced ly ine i n lji. l v v riir , iuw price. A. Ii. Workman A Co., 1417 Farnam. 'Phone 3439. ' W 3B4 FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha snortnand scnooi, cneap. inquire va Bee I Bldg. UUMH FOR SALE or trade, steraopttcon In t?r- reel conaiuon. orisinai cost m. roraisn manjfat'ture; lenaae elotie worth 3S5; wlil I sail entire niacin n (or ju. xaareaa p 67, 1 v MUSI FOR SALE, new upright plane, standard maas; pna instrument; ensap. tux, Haa. Q MU OAK MANTEU CHAS. K. W1LI.IAMSON. . mml 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOtS. !.T. r.W per barrel: oltmeal. 31.78. Wit- inn Feed Store, 1809 Cumins St. lilSCELLANEOlB. FOR RENT. 40 acres, cultivated; old house Just north Krug s park. F. p. weaa, 1M4 Douglas. R M4) 4 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 813 N. 6th. 8 385 MME. OTLMER, genuine palmist, 115 S. IS. B KSJ ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. AMRA, 817H N. IS; flat E; attendants. MISS MACK. mas a a re; attendant, 1403 I Webster. T-M182 F3 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. It, Id floor, R 1 X 84 BONTON PARLORS, J21H N. 16th, flat B. BEATRICES HARLOW, bath: Ervotlan treatment; attendant. S21 N. ltth. Flat A. x M Ml PERSONAL. PRIVATE hosoltal. before and durlnr con- nnement; babies adopted, sum urani bc Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-1182. U 397 DR. ROY. chlronodtst. corns and superflu ous nair removed by electricity, n. ii. Frenser Block. . U 838 GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating plant in the west. 200 uougias diock. u mjv SHAMPOOING and halrdrassInK, 26c. In connection with The ttatnery, Jlis-ra "e Duuaing. xei. ms. u oi RUPTURE permanently cured In SO to SO days; send for circular, u. . wood, m. V., 621 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. u i HAIRDRFJtSING. manlcurlna- and chiro pody, lor ladles only, in connection witn The Bathery. 216-220 Bee Bhlg. U 2h6 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO., CLAY CENTER, NEB. Send for ' handsome 166-page free catalogue. U 403 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. wis Farnam. u a CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms Z16-Z20 Bee Bins. -iei. i as. u u ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. a. j. Mara, ii at jjougiaa. U 4U GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesala and retail. Coiii.ui Piano to., iva woug las. , . U 405 . When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two oi tne pen to mention tne tact tnai you saw tne aa in ine nam. Mlddlemla, wall paper cleaner. 1403 Jackson U 379 F5 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement: babies adopted. zgjo JBurdetta St. Mrs. Burget. U M448 FS PIANO tuntnr and recalrlnr. Tel. 701. Agent lor weoer piano, noon i, nee Bldg. u ms u- OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium. 3007 N. 34th St., Omaha, Neb., treats cancers. tumors and all skin diseases; cure guar. anteed. u ai jtm MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. IS, Id floor, r 3. u m r lo- WE RENT machines of every make at TSe per week or 3 per montn. We repair and sell parts for every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner Hth and Harnev. 'Dnone itu: im nroaawav. uoun- rll Rluffs. la., 'bhone B-618: 612 North 24th St., South Omaha. U 48f F-38 WANTED, young lady to learn hair dress ing, including ail its orancnes; reason able chances for Instruction: steady em ployment and good wages after. Apply at Monneit a uairaressing pariora, zz? Paxton block. . U Mffis 4 I VI AVI, woman's way to health; rational. wnoieaome home treatment, sttt tsee Biag, "SMOKE IF YOU LIKE." But you'll like It better If you smoke the PRINCE OF OMAHA. Union made. Best cigar on ths market for 6o straight. J7 per 1.UW, W. F. BTOECKER CIGAR CO. U-MtSO ,,i i 4 HOW TO GET A $1.60 PAIR OF LADIES' KID UlAIVHa ITJR VI C'EINTS. Write for particulars. Boper A Dynes, 83J East Vine . Ht.( uwatonna, Minn. UM628 g WANTED A Wife. Am a farmer 44 year, old. Must oe a gooa nousekeeper. I have tne nouse ana a gooa farm. A. E. McCartney, Meyersburg, Park County, Montana. u moh MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants -Jeorge company, itui farnam street. w m 4TM PER CENT on business property. I oar cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time, W. B. MEIKLE. 401 8. 15th Bt. W-40T WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Bmitn Co., um Farnam St. w -VM WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, ic u. reters Co., null Farnam Bt., Bee tJiog. - . w 4usi MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate.. Brennaa-feove t-o., m Houtn utn. w 41U FARM and eitv loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat. pann Biag. iei. w. lew. W-4U 4V TO I P. C. money. Bemia. Paxton Bik, W 413 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 887 N. Y. JU . W-41I FOR SALE. FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. PETERS CO.. BEE BO.. OMAHA. W K74 Mchl MORTGAGK. -O. O. Wallace. Brown Bik, W 414 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, U24 Douglas W 41 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1404 r amain. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY I To loan au Furniture and pianos. Live You to retain possession of the property, ins p"rauui pom itlona Tmi ran borrow from 310. 00 ud. You on set the money on inon nonce. iou cat ne full amount In cash. You may keep It one monm or mm, aim pajr lr l( only K.t time you keen It. Our rates ire low. aur business is conAdsntlal and our motto ... "rw to nlease." U Board of Trade Bldg. TeL $!H. lEstabuanea un.i svs n. ittn Bt. XUT LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO ULliuiu rcAjt-isB.. owruunu, (earn- atera. boardlna houses, ele.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 eiflors In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. a 4-j Ffc'RNlTURE, PIANOS. HORSES. ETC.. LUAna. "ADaoiuieiy wiuioui removing gooda." Written guaraatee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room tui. Paxton Block. X ti SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES to male or teraaia employes. We Guarantee lowest Rates. HOW DO WB DO IT T Full particulars free upon request. RtLJAHI.B CREDIT CO., Room 3UL Paxton Bleck. (See Window from Farnam Street. . X 4U MONEY loaned on furniture, live sto k jwly: 10 saianea people, r o ley ioan t o.. suo. to Duff Urvan. barker bik. U 4k Far. X 4.4 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, borss, cows, etc. l. ttsea, sit B u. i Jt (J4 ' MOTET TO LOAN CHATTKI.S. MONET loaded on plain note to salaried far-pie; Business confidential; lowest rates. 14 l'axton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. . X 430 IOANH ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stock, etc. Uulck servire snd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYIOE, Ka (top noon Psxtnn block, northeast corner 14th and Farnam; entranca on luth street. a ta When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra, stroke or two ef the pea to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Koora 411, Mocague building. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchanire your ousiness or property quick communi cate with one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson, 4S N. Y. Lite. Phone I,-mo. A PARTNER wanted In the real estate business; more business than I can attend to; party must have some money and good . recommendations. Box ft?, Blair, Neb. Y-MSIQF-s ELEVEN rooms, elsasntlv furnished, mod era di-io tenement, best location, every room filled with first-class roomers, paying- proposition, future plans necessitates lady sci.ing by Feb. L J. H. Johnson, FOR BALE or exchange, hotel, newly painted and papered) 33 bedrooms, larae dining-room, office and kitchen; best lo- csuon in town; no incumbrance. Price, ,wiw. ur tor email tarm or umant prop erty. O. E. Swan, Sidney, Neb. Y-M6G3 REJiAURANT, furniture and fixtures, fine looatlou paying business; owner leaving cur; a oargain; investigate tnis. J. ii. jonnson, iw. v. ure. Y M296 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takea an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that yeu saw tba. ad In The Bet. . FOR SALE Millinery store, doing good Business ; siso good hotel for sale (or lease in ngm party), . ootn good locations in pi. m. iNeorasaa. can or write 624 N. x, Life building, Omaha. Y 134 BAIjOON for 'sale. Address Joseph Slo- ooany, bl Paul. Neb. Y'-Mtia r A SNAP for some printer: blr printing plant at Grand Island, Neb., worth at least u.uuu. is onereo at a verv low nnoe: it is In good shape and consists of presses, gasoline engine, folder, paper cutter, lots of type and material; If Interested write; win meet you at Grand Island at any unit, w. w. iiasKeiu uro, iNeb. Y M488 4 RARE chance for a hustling business man, wiin soma capita:, .o engage in business. exclusive saie u city oi umaha lor term of years, the products of a large eastern manufacturer. Address for par ticulars U. H. Pulver, Rochester, N. Y. - YM669 A GOOD steam laundry for sale, ONLY ONE IN CITY OF 16,000 INHABITANTS. A great bargain. B 50, Bee. Y M687 4 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding oea. n 4, nee.. moiu FOR EXCHANGE, hardware. Invoice 35,000, for good land. If you wish to get in or out of business writs T. M. Cline, 123S O st, Lincoln, Neb. &-M487 WILL exchange lot in north part of town I or piano. Aaaress, a tu, uee. i oui i PARTY MOVING TO OMAHA wants to exchange a tine business building in heart of South Omaha renting for $00 per month net tor a aesiraDie resiaence in uainb COM PARK Or WEST FARNAM LIB TRICT. Party DES1BOUS of moving at once and win give someone an excep- tionaUy good deal, au Aaaress a ti, Kee. f'm, I 1 4m ' . .. Z M888 4 FOR ., SAt,E -RE-ijt ESTATE. IT- COLORADO ranch ., lands, . homesteads, scnooi section leases. r.jA w. lrwin, ai ron, Colo. - , . . .. KB M30B F27 FARMS! FARMS 1 FARMS! For bargains in farm property go to O'Neill's Real Estate Agency, south Omaha. RE 42 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also pre insurance. 1 twmis, i-axton niocx. - . RB 427 BOYD COUNTY LANDS On account of heavy snow, our dovq county trip posiponeu. vvu i r m a j j ii : give notice Of next trip at least tnree t, l - j i w..: a l: aays in auvance. vynic lor parucu lars.. POTTER. FORQAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg, Tel. 470. Omaha, Neb, RE 331 ADDRESS Lock Box 143, Manning la., it you want immediate possession of a fine 60-acre Iowa farm, 21 miles from Omaha and 3H miles from City of 4,000. Must have cash. Sacrifice price. K&W-MS90 4 A BEVEN-room modern house, built for a home, on a paved street, near car una, parties leaving tne city, wisn to sen. ao dress S 4s, Bee. HB-M684 4 HOUBES-Harrlson 4b Morton. Tel. S14. RE-M167 Mch4 LAND BARGAINS. . SCO-acre farm, fenced, 220 pasture, 100 acres cultivated, ts-room nouse, irame Darn, sheds, etc.. 38.60 bar acre. 480-acre valley farm, choice soil, 230 acres cultivated, balance pasture, an re need t-room house, frame barn, crib, granary, wen ana winamiu: tne oesi iarm in Ne braska for price; lis per acre. Stock hardware, 33.300. Good hotel, furnished. 33,400. Store buildings and lots. HARTLEY i FUUM, Sargent, Neb, IU ArlOZO B NEW Snow-Church Co.. 4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., .Omaha, Neb. Largest law collection and real estate agency in th world. Associate banks attorneys an real estate brokers in every county in ths United States ana cities or loretsn conn tries. KB 637 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of tne pen to mention iae laot Uta! you saw tne aa in xo oea. RANCH and farm lends for sale by ths l nion t-acino rianroao company, u. A , McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa ciuo tieaaquarters, uinaua, io. RE 419 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lands. The O, Davis Co., Room 463, Bee Building. Suburban Fruit Farm Only Four and a Half Miles front Postoffica. All kinds of 'fruit, lyt-story house of rooms. Sood barn and alt In aood eondi tlun: flva acres of ground, two good wells. windmill, ana su pipea ana watered Dy sis hidrants: one acre in grapes. 65 apnla traea. 34 cherry, peach, apricot, luo plum, and also blackberries, straar berries and aspara gus In abundance, and all In good bearing condition. The property Is free from city taxes, balng Just outside city limits. Good roaa to umana ana ovum umana markets. Price very reasonable and must be sold at ones. Call and investigate. GEO. P. BFMis" REAL ESTATE CO. Telephone et. raxton Block, t Re-M4ut LANDS AND FARMS, I have Inquiries for lands and farms In Kansas, Nebraska Iowa aad 8. Dak. Givs full description, location, see. tp. and Kg , and price at which you will sell, and pay commission of 8 per cent. Plua fcia.uO. in ease of sale only. W. I 61 by. general real estate an4) loans. Board Trade bldg. RE MS96 FOR BALE or lease, or will build for ten ants on wixlS? feet, 17th and Cumin . F. D. Wead. 1&44 Lvugloa Sw UUiiS ii FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRF.9 NORTHWEST OF CITY, p. TL'KEY SON offer acres at 4th snd ursnrte Ave., only one block from Central I 'ark School, at 3X per acre. Will supoiviue to suit purcnaser. f ine aarden lnnd. Must be sold at once. . P. TUKEY ft SON. BOARD OF TRADE. ilB-0t 4 PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. 801 N. Y. Mfe. Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 314 KG ilH ( If WILLIAMSON Charles E., 1203 Farnam street. RE-428 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes In Hanscnm Place, I will Rive you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. L. Bldg. RB-M1D3 I.ANDS AND FARMS, I have Inquiries lor lands and rarms in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and 8. I)ak. Give full description, location, sec. two. and Rs. and nrlce at which you nill sell, and pay commission of S per cent, plus 128.00, In case of sale only. W. L. Solby, treneral real estate and loans. Board Trade Diag. MEATS. Henry Duve Is again at his old stand, 1009 Leavenworth, Fine stock of meats. U M5R4 8 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases or women in umana, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpasBed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, umana. t.u DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn en ana cniiaren; o years' practice, umce 3206 Cuming. Res. tel. F-2790, office B-2"3g. 433 OUR GUARANTEE IS 3500 REWARD To relieve at home any case of lons-stand- mg, obstinate, abnormal suppresaion from any cause. Kven If others have failed, try our compound concentrated vegetable fluid extract We never disap point.. Used for over eighty years with out a single lauure. wny aespairr Dr. Mead Rem. Co., 19 Qulncy St., Chicago. ... 370 F31 ELECTRIC BELTS tor the cure of vari cocele, lost vigor and power, rheumatism, Kioney, liver ana oiaaaer troubles, con stipation, stomach disorders, nervous de bility and lame back; also organ de velopers for small and shrunken organs. Call or write the Nebraska Vacuum Co., ouiie aa, uougias diock, umana, Men, 683 8 OSTEOPATHY. DR. A: T. HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. Tel. SiWi. 444 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Bik. Tel. 223. 446 O. E. AND ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Bulte 615 N. Y. L4fe bldg. Tel. 1M. (m LOST. LOST At Elks' fair. Friday evening, neck. ace or goia oeaas. r inaer return to ur, Furay, Elks' hall, and receive reward. Iyist m 3 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbace Co. cleans cesspools and vaults, remove garbage and neaa animals at reduced prices. B-'i n. 16th. Tel. 1779, - 371 Fb POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies. purchased, l-oans on policies, can on or write The Putnam Co.. 601-5 N, X. Life Bldg., umana. Neb. 343 FINANCIAL. TO INVESTORS: Laramie Hahns Peak and Pacifle railway stock offers excep tional opportunity fcr safe Investment. Line under construction. First division to be in operation July 1. ' No preferred stock: no mortgage bonds. Common stock, par value, 310 share; now selling for short time at $2 a share. In blocks of trom ten to iuu snares ana upwards- call . H. .tl Til T nA.p ....nnl.il a .. . VII VI WWII, Ml. V. UIV.J, tlllBIIUmi .CUI, representing Isaac Van Horn & Co. of 1 Boston, bankers for the corporation. Of fice 414 Bee building, Omaha, Neb. MS6 F3 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Bhorthanl Om. C. Col., ltb A Doug 434 A. C. VAN SANT'S scbooL 717 N. Y. Life. 4Ja BOYLES College, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. 436 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's ineater. 437 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 208 S. 13th. K2 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly ttuvnucq a. a. 'A. ucntltree, win anu streets. iw WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es tate men; weather strips put on. 3du6 Lavnwortn. 43U ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone gnu. du Boutn Thirteenth street FLR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 B. lsth. -438 sae; AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2513 N, South Omaha. frog K23 NICKEL PLATING. LARGEST, oldest, best equipped plating plant In Omaha. Omaha Plating Co., Bee rung, in, a)). 441 LAUNDRY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 3c; euffs, 4c I75u Leavenworth. Tel. 647.1 MANIFACTI'RINQ. OMAHA Bsfe and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and saiee. v. Anumu, rroji., I'M B. loin Bu I 863 F20 P. MELCHOIR, 13th chlnisU. and . Howard, ma- COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 8T1. Q-47 F28 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. alias diuray, ZU4J srnam. -357 F38 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; alt business confidential. 114 Douglas TAILORING. T A T , I IT U ' I. .1. M.a Mmll. . , . 1 cleaned and repaired. Joe Youaen. lots) farnam. 44s FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Tel. 1268. 448 FRATERNAL pBDERI. TUB GARDENERS protect old axe as well as Ufa. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank lioaewater, supreme manager, u ! tfwg. 724 ! TYPEWRITERS. NEW -Wiand. Ill Farnam Bt., Qmsha. FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit esses; trunks repaireu. vin. irunn x-a.uij, ffanmni. BOOKKEEPING, LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc; day or even ing. 1. is, com. isat. nana. u. n. natnnun. - ..-o FlTRNITt'RB REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walklin, S1U Cuming St. 4M .PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1731 Cuming. Tel. 7. BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 311 North lAth. I . mmm PHOTOGRAPHER. F. J. HOLOUBEK, photographs. 1351 S. 13. lata r mi BTAMMERINQ AND STITTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 4h LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Bouth Flatta Land company win be neia at the office of said company, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the tth aay oi Marcn, a. i., r.ui. , By oraer oi tne Hoard ot Directors, Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 1. liia. C. H. MORRILL, President. FJ dJOt . . A. B. MINOR, Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for V. S. army, able-bodied un- marnea men oeiween ages nx 21 ana so, cltlsens of United Ststes. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to 'Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge ., Omaha, Neb. Jleod M31 rOSTOFFlCB NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any ume.j rAr.lm malls fnp thAiweU endlne Febru ary 8, 1S02, will olose (PROMPTLY In nil enseal at ue uenerai rwiomci as xuuows; PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Paresis nost malls for Germany close at S p. m. Wednesday, per a. s. Rheln, and Fri day, per s. a. Phoenicia, Regular and Supplementary malls close' at Foreign wrancn nan nour later man closing timri shown below (except Supple mentary Malls tor I- uroDa and Central America, via colon, cloud one ujui later at f oreign ura.icu. . Traaeatlaatle Malls. TUESDAY At t:80 aJ m. for ITALY dl rect, per s. s. Nord America (mail must re directed "ner a. a. Nord America ). ws-riwi.-tmi v a .4n - . L'trunrir per s. s. St. Iyuls. via Southampton (mall for Ireland must be directed "per s. a. St. Louis "); at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM, di rect, ner s. s. Kensinaton (mall must be directed "per s. s. Kensington"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 n. m.) for KU' ROPE, per a. - s. Oceanic via Queens town; at 13 m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. a. Spartan Prince (mall for Italy mut be directed "per s. s. Spartan pnnce"i. ' , THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POR- TiTnif . iriifitev i-nviyn rstaa-irr-in BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR- WUfci, per s. a. L,-Aquitaine, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be aireciea 'Tier- s. ii Aauiume . SATURDAY At 1:80 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. Btaatendam, via Plymouth (mall for Great Britain and Ireland must be directed "per s. 8, Btaatendam"); at ( a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. Alter (mall must be directed "per 8. 8. Aller"); at 11 a. m. for uenmakk direct, - per a. s. Norre (mall must bs directed "ner s, Norge"); at 11:30 a. m. (supplementary 1 p. - m.i 1 or lUKurt,, per 8. 8, oaxqua, via wueenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer ta,es printed Matter, commercial Pa pers and 8a moles for Germs ny only. The same claso of mall matter for other part ot Europe win not oe sent Dy mis snip unless specially directed ry it. After the closing oi the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls ' named above, addl. tional Supplementary Malls are opened on in piers or me American, jungusn, French and German steamers and ra. main open until within Ten Minutes of tne nour 01 sailing 01 steamer. Mails (or Soattt and Ceatral Aaaerlea, I West ladles. Eta. I TUESDAY At 8:80 a. m. (supplementary 10:80 8, m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. a. Ffnanoe. via i,oion irnau tor UAiatemaia must be dl I'i w, . r inniii:c ai li, a. III. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOHVAR, per s. a. Grenada; at 13 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHA MAS ana Santiago, per a. s. Earatoa-a: at 6.30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. a. Ad miral Farragut. from. Boston; at 'lLSO , P- n. xor uAtlAMAa, per atsamer from in iMini. r in. - WEDNESDAY -At 8 a. rn. for BERMUDA. per p. a. x-retona: at w:w a. m. - ror iNAGUA and HAITI, per 8- a. Lsnen burg; at 10 a. m for HAITI, per s.. s. Prins Wm. V. (mall for Curacao, Vcnesuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per e. s. Prins Wm. V"); at 13 m. for MEXICO, per a. s. City of Washington, via Tamplco (mall must be directed "per s. s. City of Washington"); at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Ad miral HcBlev. from fnnadelnhla THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. W CHIAPAS, per s. s. Yucatan (mall for otner . parts or Mexico must ba d ratted "per a. 8. Yucatan"): at 12:30 p. m. (sup plementary 1:30 p. m.) for BERMTTDA. ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS and WRIT. . I8H,, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Madlans. FRIDAY At U:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from .Miami. Fla. SATURDAY At 4:90. a. m. for ARHEN. TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per . a. a. Araoiaian; ai a a. m. (supplementary , 8:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "par's, a. Caracas ); at 8 a. m. lor rum kico, per s. s. Buckman. via Ponce (mall must fit directed "per s. a. Buckman"); at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary J0;30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA.. 8A VANILLA, and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. a. Allegheny"); . at 8:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a. s. Alps; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, par s. s. Mexico, via Ha vana: at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Curityba. via Matansas. etc. (ordinary man oniy, wnicn must oe directed "per s. s. v.Tirnyoa 1; at U-W P. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m ), for TURKS ISLAND ana lhjm iimujaim wspubwc, per s. s. ' DcuimgiB, Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North eyoney. ant : nance ny steamer, close at tnis omce daily at :( p. m. (connecting; close here every Monday: Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Moaton, and tnence by staamer, close at this ofTlce dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails 'or luh, oy ran 10 riorum, ana tnence by liftmen, are dispatched dally, final con necting closes, for dlsnatch via Port Tampa, on Sundays at 4:3u a. m., Wednes. days and Fridays, 6:30 a. m.; for rlls- Saich via Miami, on Mondays and Fri ars at 11:30 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed tor aispatcn by steamer, close at this of nee daily except aunuay at 1:30 n. m and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 D. rn. Malls for Coata Rica. Rellaa Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer. close at this omce daily except Sunday at 1:30 c. nv, Sundays at 1 p. m. iron. reeling cloais here Mondays for Bellse, PuertoCortes and Guatemala, and Tues- days for Costa Rica). Registered mail cloaeo at 4 p. m. previous day. TraaspaelSe Malls. Malls .'or Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand wnicn goes via oan Francisco;, ana FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, eluee hers dally ec s:ev v to. i rtonary 1. inciusivs, for dispatch par a a. Moana (supplement ary malls via Seattle and Victoria close here at 4 30 p. in. February ! Mall must be dtrneted "via Vancouver' !. Maris for Hawaii. China, Japan and PbMlp- pine mianav, via Dan ranriMi-o. ciobe W tUlly at :! p. m. uy to February POHTorFlCR NOTICE. 1. Inclusive, for dlstiatch rer s. . Chliuk. Malls tor Tahiti and Mnruuesaa Islands, via. ban r rancisco. rinse nere daily at f.W p. m. up to rebruary 4, Inclusive, for dis patch per s a Australia. Malls for China and Japan via Seattla- close here dally at :!M p. m. np to Febru-. sry Inclusive, for dlspatoh per s, s. lyo Maru. (Registered mall must be di rected "via Seattle". Malls for lUmall via San Francisco, close here dally at 4:30 p. an. tin to February in. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine isianns via pan rTancisco close here dally at 4:30 p. m. tip to February 10,' Inclusive, for dlanatch ner a. s. IVirfc. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma. '3 close here dallv at 4 x0 n. m. nn to February 14. Inclusive, for dispatch ner s. s. Olyropla. Malls for China and Japan, rla Vancouver, cioae nere oaiiy at :u p. m. tip to r eom ary 1S, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China. (Registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver. ' Merrhan diss for the U. B. Puatal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can. ada.) Malls for Australia eifrrt Weak Australia, wnion is lorwaruea via feuope), jxew r.ea- lanu, r ui, vamoa anu nawail, via San Francisco, close here daily at 4:30 a. m. after February 3 and tip to February 32, iiiuiupiw, vr on arrival oi a. s. sSKOnia, due at New York February 22, for dis patch per s. s. Sonoma. ' Transpacific mails sre forwarded to ports ui amung uany ana tne ecneduie or v toe in Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Registered mall closes at 4 n. m. nre. vlous dsy. CORNELIUS VAN I'OTT Pfiilmiilar Postofnce, New York, N. Y.. Jan. 31. im2. RAILWAY TlMai LAUD, UNION STATION iOTH AND MARCY. Illlaols CeatraL Leave.. Arnas. Chicago Express a 7:30 am :W pa Ciiicago. Minneapolis 4k . nr. faui ii mi tea a 7:60 pra a !: an Minneapolis Su Paul lix press , b 7:30 ant bl0: nm Chief go .Express alOitt pn Cktcsao Rartatvaeterau "The Northwaatam Una 1 Chicago Special a 7:10 am all:30 pm Chtoaao Passenger a 4:16 pm a M am . Eastern Kxrrns al0:64 sm a pm Eastern Special a 4J pip a 4:06 pm Fast Mall a 8:4 pm Omaha-Chicago L t d- T:4S cm a $M am Fast Mall a 3:30 L Cedar haplde Pass...... . 1:30 pnj Twin city Kxpress a 7:01 am al0:34 pm Twin City Limited a 7:55 pra a 8:40 am Sioux City Local a 1:14 am al:64pm wabaslt. . 1 . . Bt Loula "Cannon Bar EXDreaa a 1:11 nm a : aia 6t. Louts Xiocal, Council tJiuns .... aau:OS am aiO: pnj Chloaao. Mli wauWce Ac at. Paal.' ' Chicago Limited..'..:.. .a :0 pm tlHKtm Chicago 4 Omaha Ex.. b 1:14 am b 3:40 pm Mlasoarl PaeiAe. SL Louis Express alO:O0 am a 4:34 pm K. C, a bt. l. Express. al0:60 pm a 4:U am Chlca, H00K Islaad k I'aeiAo. 1 EAST. Pes Moines and Day - enport Local a 7.33 am a 1:34 pm Chicago Express uil.li am a 6.1 pm Des Atolnes Local a 4:uu pm bll:M am cnicaao Fast jjxoreas..a :ia Dm a Uts Moines, Ruck lei-. aaa sua caieago a 7:40 pm a 1:36 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, rue 010 aua Wsst aiaopm a 4:11 una Cuiutauu, ua,anoma at Texas iyr. ....a t:a pm 8:60 am Overland Ltmltsd .a 8:40 am a' 7:30 pm Fast MaU a .u am a I:a put cauioiiua aJtprsus a 4; pm pact do Express allU pm eastern a.xpress a 4:35 pm Atlantic au.piasa a 7:00 am i.iiicoia-lii'viUMuurg :04 sm uLa:ai u..i Urand islsm. iBca,....., 6:3v put u s.m am a Dally. . BURLINGTON ITAllOS-IOTM a MASON Ckleasje, Bai'lla tsva ttalsor. .1 . Leave. . jkrrtA.... Chicago Special...;.....'. J m am alO:20 pm Chicago Vastibuled Kx..a 4:uu pm a 1:46 am Chicago ijooai...... a : am a 4:06 pm Chioaao Liiniiaa, ...a xu ya a : am Fast Mali , . ,; pm Uariiutftea 4 Mlssoart Rivet, - Wvmore. Baatrioa and Nebraska Kxpresa.......a 8:40 am a 7:35 pra - Lincoln .....a a:8 an. bU:64 am Denver Limited, a 4:m put a .uu pia Black Mm ana ruti ..... bound Denver u- ' . . nsolion ........ a 8:00 sm tl:ttn Lincoln Fast Mail b s w tm a sui am Fort crooK and PiatU- mourn p pm fcll:4 am Beilsvue Paeifio ast..a I: pm a S.je am BsUsvus Psoiflo Jet., a 1:00 am , Kaaaaa w4, V'w.u mi Caaoll Blafls. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a :M am a 4:fl am Kansas City Nlxht HiX..alO:80 pm a 4:14 am Bt Louis Fiysr i:ia pm. au;U am a Pally. t Dally except Sunday, I WBBSTBR DEPOT-iSTII WEBSTCn Fremoat, Elkhora aV axssuavt aiiay Black Hills, Dtdwood, Hot Springs 8:08 pm A 6:0ft pm WvrimiiK. . cJasncr and Douglag 8,-flO pm M0pa HssUngs, York, David City Superior, Geneva. . - Bxstar ana sawar4,.,.B ssi pm a m pxt Norfolk, Lincoln god Fremont ..b 7:30 am t) 10J8 am Fremont Local t:30 am Mlssearl Pa el no. . - Nebraska Local, Via vreeping water.. ....o :ts pm a:t am Lbleage, bt.: rani, atlaee-U Omaha. Twin, City Passenger... 8:80 am a 6:16 pm Bloux Ulty V Bssciiger..a s:w pia mxx.sn am Emerson Local -..b 1:30 pm b 8:41 am n Tjall b Dally except Sunday, a Sun. dsy only, d Daily sxoept Saturday. Pally axcspi monaay. !!CLUKD-Ai:n!Cm LlflE New York-RotUrdam. via Bnuloarna. A. M New Twin-Screw a. s. ot 18.OU0 tons register. ywln-crew V4tenf.9m . . . . eteamer viuiwiiuum r T. 5, g a. m. ' Via Plymouth and Bouloans-Sue-Mer. Steamer Msasdam .Feb. 16. H A. M. Apply to Holland-America Lists, 88 B'way, N. Y.; Harry Moore. 1415 Farnam Street; Louis Nsese. First National Bank. LINDSAY RESIGNS PRESIDENCY raabla to Attend . A 'airs f , Ac aa easy f putlea . , Seleaee. ' PHILADELPHIA, Feb. t Tho dlr8ctprg of ths American Academy of Political gnd Social Sclenes tiavg selected tbesa ofdoers: President, Professor Leo S. Rows;' Tics presidents, Samuel McCuns Lindsay, Frank lin H. Olddlngs, Woodrow Wilson; "seers- tary, James T. Young; counsel. CoHnton Rogers Woodruff; treasurer, Stuart Wood; librarian, rroiessor joan Lt. ciswart. The reslgaatloa of Dr. Lindsay a prssl- dent of too academy was accspted. Pro fessor Lindsay has recently been appointed by President Roosevelt commlssloaer ft Porta Rico, wkick makes It impossible tor fcim to continue directing the affairs of the academy. Professor Rowe, wbo ka4 recently returned from Porta Rice, where be served nearly two years as g member ef the commission appointed by Presided McKlnley to revise the laws of Porte Rico, uceeeds Dr. Lindsay la the executive di rection o( the academy work. eCTTI C5 irPnilWT UITU ftllM I wi. I ak nvvvvm "nil uvit I Dlsaate Ot I . I . . s um riBBssisi xsatiav xteoaus KIHlac at Lamber Dealer. MATEWAlf, W. Va.. r. I.-IL . kegsbip. wealthy merchant ef Delmcra. small lumber ststloa near here, shot and killed Robert Browning, a timber dealer. BlanksDShlp's plea Is self-defense The 1 shooting occurred Is tba private office vt Blankensblp, when m dispute arose re. garding tne settlement of aa accouAt. lilAaV- ktosblp la now la