Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1902, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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t Tw Daji Itfer Ltnt Sis Dinttei
Uncinmonlj Btij.
Hostraa HprliiH" Surprise on Some
Uneats Who Were l'rollclrnt In
. I'ae of Cnrrrnt Sinn
,1 I'lirnaca.
As though bent upon Improving to tho
Utmost overy minute of these Inst few days
when self-indulgence Is permissible and
entertainment tho duty as well as tho privi
lege of all, eoclety baa a little moro than
maintained Its record of tho last few weeks
nd held Its devotees to a merry pace.
Thero has beon no end of luncheons and
kenitngtons and afternoon card parties to
which, of course, only tho women were
llflblo, but for every one of these there
has been a dinner or some other evening
flair where the men figured prominently.
' This, according to ono of tho local gal
lants, Is especially truo of tho skating and
coasting partita to which ho asserts somo
of tho young women have taken nn almost
violent fancy of late. But In all this pro
Lonton gaiety It seems to bo tho visiting
girl who is figuring most promlnontly.
Everything Is being done for hor pleasure,
and oven tho season's newest brides have
graciously stepped back to lend a band in
br entertainment.
The country homes of thoso who are for
tunate enough to possess thoso nearby re
treats, have afforded temporary hospitality
to numerous sleighing parties of late, and
though dismantled of n part at least of that
irhlch mado them so nttractlvo last sum
mer, afforded, with the assistance of the
foot warmers, a placo whore a lunch could
be enjoyed before tho return trip.
One of the hostesses of the week nf
forded her guests a very pleasant dlvorslon
to which was attached n moral that will
doubtless servo ns n profltablo lesson to
not a few of thoso who enjoyed It. Nelng
supplied with pencil and paper, tho com
pany was Instructed to wrlto as many ulang
expressions as they could think of. Ac
cordingly they set to work, tho promlso of
a reward stimulating their efforts to recall
evory slang expression thoy had over heard
of until not a few wore surprised at tho
length of their various lists, and tho variety
of senseless and poluted and other words
nd phrases that they Included. At tho
expiration of tho given time the papers
were collected, and nftor being carefully
gone over tho hostess returned with tho
handsomo memento to bo given In reward.
Smilingly sho announced tho result of tho
contest, and then, to tho astonishment of
nil and, It must bo admitted, to tho chagrin
of soveral, presented the pvlzo to tho writer
whose list was shortest.
Few of tho largo affairs of tho winter
have excelled In point of claborato detail
the luncheon given on Wednesday by Mrs.
John C. Wharton at her home. 320 North
Twentieth street. Tho olghty guests pres
ent woro seated at three) largo and five
small tables, distributed through the rooms,
which woro curtained off with smllnx and
each trimmed with greens and tho flowers
used In tho decoration of tho tables. In
tho parlors pink wns used, five small tables
crossed with broad pink satin ribbons and
a basket of pink roses In the center of each
seated twenty-five guests In tho front par
lor, while In the rear room one large tablo
was used. In tho decoration of this the
same colors wero employed, a tall plnk
Hhaded candelabrum of cut glass And silver
occupying tho center, whllo on cither sldo
n cluster of pink rosos And asparagus fern
was supported by a base of spun sugar.
In tho library green and white were used,
tho center pleco being a bank of whlto
roses and asparagus fern, whllo each corner
was occupied by a hugo green ribbon bow. In
tho dining room ono long table was trimmed
In ferns and red cnrnatlonB, the flowers al
ternating down tho center of the table with
baskets of tho red spun sugnr. Tho place
cards boro tho monogram of tho hostess,
done in gilt on a background to correspond
with the table coloring, to each card was
attached a little German favor. Mrs.
Wharton was assisted by Mrs. Edward
Hart Jenks, Mrs. II. II. Fish and Mrs. M.
A. Zanner.
WeddliiRn nnd Kniwicenienls.
Cards are out announcing tho marriage,
of Miss Myrtle Aurella Crocker nnd Mr.
Thomas Edward Trlco of Omaha, which oc
curred on Wednesday at tho 'homo of tho
Growth Of Hair.
A Famous Doctor-Chcinlst Hub Dls.
covered a Compound That Grows
Ilnlr on u Bald Head in u
Single Night.
Startling Announcement Cnnaca Doct
ors to Mnrvrl nnil Mtniul Dumb
founilcil ut Ihr Wonderful
OTio Ulicovi'per Send Kree Trlnl
l'ai'knHi'R to All Who Wrlto.
After half u century spent In the labora
tory, crowuod with high honors for his
many world-famous discoveries tho cele
brated phystclun-chemlst ut tho head of
Mtss lllalup, of New '.rnlnuil, nnd llrr
"Mnrvrloua CJrovrlh nf Ilnlr.
tho great Altenhelm Medical Dispensary,
M7S nutterfleld Hldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio, has
just Hindu the startling announcement that
he has produced a compound that grows
hair nn nny bnld head. The doctor makes
trio claim that after experiments, taking
years to complete, ho tins nt tJHt reached
thn goal of his ambition. To tho doctor
nil headH nro nllke. Thero are nono which
cannot bu cured by this remarkable rem
edy. The record of tho cures already mado
ts truly marvelous und woro It not for tho
high Htnmllng of the great physician and
the convincing testimony of thousands of
clttxona all over the country It would seem
ton miraculous to be true.
There can be no doubt nf tho doctor's
earnestness In making his claims nor can
Ms cures be disputed. Ho does not ask
any man, woman or child to take his or
anyone eiso s worn lor u mil ,ne Binnns
ready and willing to send free trial pack
ages of this great linir restorative to any
on who writes, to htm for It. enclosing n
3 cent stamp to prepay postage. In a
Ingle night It has stnrted hair to growing
on Reads hnld for yours. It has stopped
falling hair In one hour. It never falls
bo matter what tho condition, ngo or box,
Old men and young men, women nnd
children all hnvn prolltcd by the freo uso
of this great new discovery, Wrlto today
tf you are bald, If your hair Is falling out
or If your hair, eyebrows or eyelashes are
thin or short and In a short tlmo jou will
fc-8Urljr restored.
.tfSBSiBr aKaWt
tB-a-a-aA 4t-
sasasaSLkBSaslnSPBBSKn0. ssasasl
bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
McNaughten of Jefferson, la. Mr. and Mrs.
Prlco will bo at homo In Omaha after
March 1.
Miss Kllenoro K. Dutcher, daughter of
the lato ltodney Dutcher of this city, wns
married to Mr. John Hons Key Wednesday
noon, January 29, nt tho homo of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Margarot B. Dutcher, In Chi
cago, Ilcv. Mr. Wilson, rector of St. Mark's
church, officiating. Mr. and Mrt. Key will
tako up their residence In Washington.
lMensnres I'nat.
Mm. A. I. Iteed entertained tho Sowing
club on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. I' U Campbell entertained
at cards on Monday evening.
Mr. Ross Towle gavo a box party at tho
Orpheum on Monday evening.
Mrs. McClornand was hostess at this
week's luncheon for tho Crecho.
Mrs. It. S. Anglln gavo ono of the enjoy
able luncheons of the week on Tuesday.
Mrs. Wattles was hostess at Monday's
(mectlng of the Six-Handed Euchro club.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. K. l'almatler enter
tained a card club on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Barrett entertained the members of
the Bon Ton Card club on Monday evening.
Miss McCllntock was hostess at a theater
party at the Orpheum on Monday evonlng.
Tho members of the Southwest Dancing
club gavo & very pleasant hop on Friday
A very enjoyable surprise party wis given
Miss Mao Connolly In honor of her birthday,
January 21.
Mr. John I Kennedy gave a small bowl
ing party on Monday evening for tho Misses
Mrs. B. H. Suraley entertained at cards on
Saturday afternoon at her homo on Wool
worth avenue.
Miss Vatcs entertained tho French club
La Causorlo at a very delightful informal
tea yesterday afternoon.
Tho Hanscom Fark Dancing club gave
another of Its delightful parttee on Tuesday
evening at Chambers hall.
Tho Mlssos Morris entertained tho visiting
young women nt whist yesterday afternoon
at their homo on Fark avenue.
x Miss McCornlck was guest of honor yes
terday afternoon nt a box party at Boyd's
given by Miss Mao Hamilton.
Mrs. Frank B. Johnson was hostesa yester
day afternoon at nn Informal affair In honor
of Miss Macron and tho faculty of Browncll
Tho Misses Ornco, Ulancho and Angle
Cottrcll gave a dancing party at Morand's
hall Saturday evening to about 100 of tholr
A number of visiting women wore charm
Irgly entertained at nn Informal Kensing
ton on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Howland entertained
a small dancing party at their homo on
South Thirty-second Btreet an Saturday
Tho Old Folk's Card club met at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horton on Sat
urday evening, high flvo being tho game
of tho evening.
Miss Mamio f -rett entertained thirty-
five of hor pla. .ates at a birthday party
on Saturday. Sho was assisted by Miss
Margarot Baum.
Mrs. Merrlam gavo one of tho largo card
parties of tho week on Thursday afternoon,
six-handed euchre being the gamo. Several
prizes wore awarded.
Mrs. Fred Engle was hostess nt one of
the pleasant afternoon card parties of the
week on Friday, at her homo on North
Twenty-fourth street.
For her guest, Mrs. Tower, Mrs. McCord
entertained at dinner on Wednesday. Cov
ers were laid for eleven and American
Beauty roses were used In profusion.
Mr. and Mrs. Learned, the Misses Tlm
borlako and Mr. Randall Brown were Mr.
l'opploton's guests at a theater party to
sco "Janlco Meredith" on Wednesday even
Mrs. George E. Barker was hostess at n
whist luncheon on Thursday at which about
thirty women were present. -Tho soven
tables wero prettily trimmed with hyacinths
and fresla.
Mrs. Ray Cohn entertained at whist on
Wednesday afternoon at her homo on Pacific
strcot, the affair being given complimentary
to a number of visiting young women. Six
tables were uicd.
In honor of Miss Richardson of Pennsyl
vania, who Is tho guest of Miss Cotton, Mrs.
Herman Kountze held a large, though In
formal reception from 7 until 9 o'clock last
evening at Forest Hill.
Miss Pcarlo Lester entertained a number
of friends on Thursday evening at avery
pleasant Informal affair, ,tho party engag
ing in a number of contests for which sev
eral prizes were awarded.
Mrs. 0. H. Stubcn entertained tho Winter
Afternoon Card club Thursday. Prizes wero
won by Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Ernest G.
Smith and Mrs. Bastaln. The next meeting
will bo with Mrs. Saunders.
For Mrs. Harry WIlklnB, whoso birthday
It was. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Paxton, Jr.,
gave a birthday dinner on Monday evening,
the affair being, a surprise to tho guest of
honor. A great birthday cake, blazing with
Woman's Work in Club
Mrs. George Tllden will presont the re
port of the committee on Juvenllo courts
at Friday evenlng'B meeting of the stato
conference of charities and corrections to
bo held In Beatrice Mrs. C. S. Lobtnglor
Is chairman of the committee, which was
appointed last winter.
Tho mombers of the Woman's club are
trying t arrange for nn informal recep
tion for Miss Clara MorrlB, who will bo In
the city an Tuesday. Nothing definite has
beon arranged as yet, however, owing to
tho Inability of tho women to communi
cate with Miss Morris regarding her plaus
for the day In Omaha.
A Denver paper of last week contains
pictures of two well known Omaha women,
Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh aud Mrs. C. H.
Townsend, with tho announcement of tho
Intention of these ladles to open In Denver
a training school for housemaids. A large.,
downtown house of at least fourteen rooms
Is to be secured for the school and tho
enterprise Is being backed by some of the
best known club womoa In Denver.
The Woman's auxiliary to tho board of
missions of Omaha and South Omaha held
Its meeting at All Saints' church on Friday
afternoon. Tho feature of the meeting was
an address by Father Ausborne of England
on his experience in the mission work of
India, A paper oa the work of MIbb Llllts
Cruminer In China by Mrs. L. C. Gibson of
South Omaha was much appreciated by all,
especially ns Miss Crummer Is an Omaha
Womau. Mrs, Albert Noe gave a most In
teresting account of the triennial meeting
held recently In San Francisco.
The next meeting will be held on Febru
ary 23 at St. Barnabas' church.
The Clio club and tho husbands of the
members were delightfully entertained last
evening at tho homo of Mrs. D. W, Merrow,
2431 North Nineteenth avenuo. Dr. F. B.
Coulter, who has recently returned from a
Jjear't study abroad, told la a moit Inter
lighted candles nnd surrounded by fluffy
whlto tulle, formod tho center piece.
Bunches of violets marked the places of tho
sixteen jguests.
Tho members of tho Hon Ton Card club i
made up a slolghlng party on Wednesday '
evening, Krug's park being tho destination.
After a number of games supper was served
nnd tho return trip was made.
For Miss Cotton nnd her guest Miss Rich
ardson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlos T. Kountze
Ravo n chafing dish party on Wednesday
ovonlng, followed by nn Informal muslcalc.
Thero woro about thirty guests present.
For their guest, Mrs. lloblnnon, the
Misses McShano gavo a very pretty dinner
last evening, when Miss Spurgln, Mr. Will
Burns, Mr. Sam Burns, !r. Ezra Millard
and Mr. Leo McShano wero tholr guests.
Tho tnomborn of Metropolitan club en
Joyed another bowling contest on Wednes
day evening, playing for high score. There
wero about sovonty-flvo present and tho
latter part of tho evening wns devoted to
Assisted by Mrs. W. F. Allen, Mrs. Cleav
land, Mrs. Floyd Smith, Mrs, Georgo Pal
mer and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Jr., nnd some
half dozen of the young women, Mrs. Henry
T. Clarke, Jr., gavo tho Inst of her post
nuptial receptions on Wednesday.
Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Cuming gave an
other of their delightful dlnnors on Thurs
day evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carton, Mr. nnd
Mrs. McCord, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hamilton.
Mrs. Tower, Misses Yates, Hamilton, nnd
Messrs. Bridges, Drake and Hamilton.
Mrs. C B. Horton entertained about sixty
womon at six-handed high flvo on Thursday
aftornoon at her homo on South Twonty-
sixth street. Tho rooms wero prettily
trimmed with red and whlto flowers and
several handsomo prizes wero awarded.
Sixteen young pcoplo gavo a eloigning
party Thursday evening, In honor of Miss
Smith of Denver, who Is tho guest of tho
Misses Urlau. After driving nbout tho city
for sovernt hours, they returned to tho
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. 0. Urlau, where
supper wns served.
A Jolly party of young mnrrlpd people
enjoyed n sleigh rldo and subsequently a
chafing dlsli supper last Saturday evening.
Leaving hero enrly In tho evening they
woro driven to Hazel Hodge, tho homo of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Gannett at Florence,
whero a very pleasant evening was spent.
In compliment to her guest, Miss Bar
bour of Rockford, 111., Mrs. E. V. Lowls
gavo n high flvo party on Friday afternoon
nt her homo in Kountzo plnco. In addition
to n profusion of pink blossoms,-' tho nu
merous pink shaded candles, which nerved
ns tho only lighting of tho rooms, contri
buted a very pleasing effect. Eleven tables
woro employed.
Misses Ethel and Graco Connnt gave a
box party nt tho Boyd Saturday afternoon
nnd after tho performance of "Tho Burgo
master" entertained their friends nt din
ner at their home, tho Bachelors. In the
party were: Misses Cora Brady, Margaret
Saylor, Madgo Mayall, Elolso Wood, Etta
Bcmlno, Blancho Watennnn, Edith Patter
son, Mary Morgan, Mary Bcdwell nnd Lltta
Tho muslcalo given on Thursday evening
by Mrs. E. A. Cudahy for her nephew, Mr.
Joseph Cudahy, recently from Chicago, was
among tho most enjoyablo of tho weok's
many pleasant affairs, occasioning tho gath
ering of a largo party of young people.
The Introduction of Mrs. Emma Gnrelssen
Pcarse of Detroit, who song for the first
tlmo hero, contributed ono of tho pleasing
features of the ovonlng.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lawrlo gavo one of
the pleasant affairs of tho week nt their
homo In Kountzo place on Thursday evening,
entertaining thtrty-flvo guests nt six
banded high flvo. Pink nnd whlto rosos
and carnations wero used with snillax In
tho trimming of tho rooms. Tho prlzeir of
the evening wero won by Mrs. Harry Wcl
ler, Mrs. F. H. Colo, Mrs. 0. L. Fisher, Mr.
F. H. Cole, Mr. Harry Wellcr nnd Mr. Mc-
Manlga). On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Law
rlo entertnlned a party of thirty women nt
In celebration of tholr silver wedding
nnnlversnry, a largo pnrty of friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson gathered nt
their home, 023 North Twenty-fourth
street, on Wednesday nnd spent a most
enjoyablo ovcnlng, which closed with re
freshments, and the presentation of many
handsomo and valuable tokens of esteem.
Among tho out-of-town guests present
were: Mr. nnd Mrs. A. R. Potter of Clin
ton, la., Mr. and Mrs. II. C. N. Burgess of
Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Glrard of
Crawfordsville, Intl., and the degree teams
of Ben Hur from South Omaha and Council
Last Friday evening tho Carnation Social
club entertained tho Crescent club and tholr
friends In their club rooms. A fow games
of high flvo wero played tho early part of
the oventng, the prizes having been won by
Miss Florence Wheeler and Mr. Gus Mark
man. After the cards, dancing was In
dulged In nnd then supper was served. Pink
nnd white were the prevailing colors In the
decorations, which wero extremely artistic,
whllo the tablo was trimmed In candles and
carnations, tho lntter arranged In large
bunches. Whon Bupper had been served
three hugh cakes mado of sawdust, but
which wero Ingeniously mado to look liko
real cakes, were placed boforo tho guests.
Theso wore profusely decorated with long
ostlng manner of his experiences and Im
pressions of English life as seen In Lon
don. Dr. W. O. Henry cntortainod the
company with a humorous solo entitled
"Tomorrow." Refreshments concluded a
most enjoyable as well as profitable even
ing. General Interest Is being luuul.'ested by
women all ovor the country In the offort
being mado by tho Daughters of tho Amor
lean Revolution of Pennsylvania to retain
on Its presont site tho old blockhouse
which Is all that remains of Fort Duqucsne.
Tho ground on which the old blockhouso
stands was deeded to the Daughters by Its
former owner, Mrs. Mary E. Schenlcy. R3
ccntly a business syndicate wished to buy
tho ground and, tho Daughters refusing to
sell It, wishing to keep all that Is left of
the historic place Intact, tho Byndlcato
has now purchased tho adjoining property
and Is endeavoring to close the only street
that admits of access to tho old fort. Tho
Daughters announco their Intention of
fighting tbo matter to tho end and will take
It Into the courts.
Tho Tennesso Federation of Woman's
Clubs is lending all Its Influence In behalf
of a movement to havo Mr. Carnegie estab
lish a fund to bo used In behalf of libraries
already started In small places in tho south
aud In the establishment of others. Under
tho name of the aoutbern library fund such
nn appropriation would do much to accom
plish that which these southern club women
havo worked sc. earnestly for. Tbo library
commltteo of tho Tennesseo federation has
done a splendid work among tho mountain
nnd obscure districts of that state, where
It now controls thirty-five- traveling libra
ries of from thirty to 100 volumes each.
Mrs. Henrotin, ex-prcsldont of the Gen
eral Federation of Woman's Clubs, has re
cently expressed hersolf still moro strongly
in favor of reorganization on stato lines'.
Sho Bays it would be Impossible to Inaort
the word "whlto" in the constitution be
runners of pink, nnd white ribbon, tho
ladles each tnklng hold of a pink ribbon,
whllo th- gentlemen the white, nnd when
tho signal was given nil ilrow their rib
bons, nt tho cud of which wero llttlo tokens
In the shape of rnttles, tops, whistles, etc.
Tho remainder of the ovenlng wns spent In
dancing nnd nlnglng, tho latter by tho Cres
cent Club auartot.
Tho Frlondly Greeting club wns enter
tained on Tuesday evening, January 28, nt
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Norrls,
high Ave being tho order of tho ovonlng.
First prizes woro awarded to Mrs. John
Kejfor and Mr. II. C. Cook, nnd tho con
solation prizes to Mrs. P. A. McKcnna nnd
Mr. F. J. Mledlng. Refreshments wero
served, after which somo piano selections
wore given by Mrs. John Kcyscr. This
wns tho last meeting of tho club until after
tho Lenten season, tho first meeting after
Lent to be decided on later. Tho highest
total number of games won during the sea
son wero by Mrs. F. J. Mledlng, 45, and Mr.
H. C. Cook, 43. Tho greatest total numbor
of games lost were by Mrs, A. L. Lynch, 23,
nnd Mr. John F. Daly, 29.
Out-of-ToTrn (Silesia.
Miss Rltz of Mansfield, 0 Is the guest of
Mrs, Robert Dimming.
Mrs, W. P. Dross of Lincoln is vlsP.ln
Mrs. Frank Barrett.
Mrs. Charles E. Faoth of Sioux City Is tho
guest of Mrs. II, C. Chcnoy.
Mrs. McCord has had as her guest slnco
Sunday Mrs. Towor of Chicago.
Mrs. J. B. Blanchard returned on Monday
from n brlof visit with rclattvos In Iowa.
Mr. F. L. Ingram spent Sunday with his
family in this city, returning to Minnesota
on Monday.
Miss EfTle Ange ef Hannibal, Mo., Is the
guest of Mrs. Frank Blandish on South
Thirtieth strcot.
Miss Heno, who has been Miss Rehfeld's
guest, will return to her homo in Now
York on Mondoy.
Miss Sophia Wiley of Memphis, Tenn., Is
tho guest of Mrs. P. A. Froollch, 31S North
Eighteenth street.
Mrs. John Maurer will nrrlvo from Chi
cago, to bu tho guest of Mrs. John Barker
and Mrs. Robert Smith.
Miss Carrlo E. Small of Qulncy, Mass., Is
visiting nt tho home of Mrs. Amos Field,
12G South Thirty-first street.
Dr. and Mrs. McGlllycuddy nro at tho
Madison for a few days, whllo enrouto from
New York to San Francisco.
Mrs, Herman D. Kountzo of Now York ar
rived on Tuesday, called hero by tho seri
ous Illness of her mother, Mrs. Palmer.
Judge nnd Mrs. Isaac Powers of Norfolk
arrived on Friday to remain over today
with their daughter, Mrs. II. L. Whitney.
Mrs. Eugcno Levi camo up from Nebraska
City yesterday to bo the guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehfeld, for several
Miss Blancho Oberfolder returned to her
homo in Sldnoy, Neb., on Thursday after
having been tho guest for tho past fort
night of Mrs. Morltz Meyer.
Mrs. Cbrlsttancy, who has been the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barton,
for the past few weeks, returned to her
homo In Washington, D. C, today.
Mrs. Lawton and M(gs Lawton, who have
been the guests of Mrs. Webster and Miss
Webster for tho past fortnight, left for
their homo In California on Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Float Fasset of Elmyra,
N. Y., In their prlvato car.
Social Chlt-Chat.
Miss Orcutt Is ablo to bo out again after
her recent Illness.
Tho Cooking club will meet on Wednes
day with Mrs. Harry Lyman.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dick Stewart returned from
their wedding trip on Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Wllklns will enter
tain at dinner tomorrow evening.
Mr H. L. Korty will glvo a largo lunch
con at tho Millard on Wednesday.
Tho Misses Rehfeld will entertain tho
A. 0. T. Bowling club on Monday.
Tho Et-A-Vlrp club will glvo Its next
dancing party on Thursday ovcnlng.
Mrs. R. S. Anglln has cards out for a card
party on tho afternoon of February 10.
Mrs. Horaco Burt has Issued invitations
for a luncheon to be given on Saturday.
Tho "T-E" club will bo entertained on
February G by Mrs. Burke, 602 North Twenty-fifth
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Loomls will en
tertain the Harmony Card club on next
Saturday evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Plattner will entertain the
noxt meeting of the Hanscom Park Card
club on Thursday evening.
Mrs. W. F. Robinson will give a large
tea on next Saturday in compliment to her
mother and sinters, who are her guests.
Mrs. W. A. Garrett has invitations out
for a enrd party to bo given on Tuesday
afternoon at her home, 3036 Woolworth
Mrs. W, D. Pollard has lssuod Invitations
for a card party to bo given on the aftor
noon of February 7 at her home, 1055 Park
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart aro to bo tho
guests of honor at a ball to be given at tho
Grand hotel In Council Bluffs, on February
and Charity
cause many of tho states that are opposed
to tho admission of colored clubs will not
consent to limit tbo constitution of tbo
general federation by Introducing such a
qualification as that word would Imply.
In Mrs. Henrotln's opinion reorganization
along stato lines alone will retain the or
ganlzatlon as an agent for tho beat good
of all.
Rev. Edward F. Trofz will lecture on Ed
mund Burke and his works before the do
partment of English literature at 10:30 on
Thursday morning. This Is the fifth of the
lectures planned In the series for tho year
and tbo friends of tbo department are in
About flftr memhftrR of thn household
economics department wero entertained at
nn Informal afternoon tea Friday at tho
homo of Mrs. Kelley, 624 North Nineteenth
street, the affair being a benefit given for
tho philanthropic work of tbo department
The noxt regular meeting of tho depart
mcnt will be hold at 10:30 o'clock on Tlitim
day morning nnd Dr. Stokes will dollvtir i
short lecturo on "Hygleno nnd Physiology.'
The Woman's Christian association i
hold Its monthly meeting on Tuesday morn
ing in mo parlors of tho roung Men
Christian association at 10:30 o'clock.
Tho members of the P. E. O. socloty were
entertained by Mrs. N. D. Updike, assisted
by Miss Maymo Hutchinson, on Friday
The last of the series of art talks to be
given by Mrs. W. W. Keysor for the benefit
of the women's society of the First Metho
dlst church will occur on Saturday evening.
February 8. The subject of tbo evening
will be "Pictured Windows nnd Historic
Tombs." Mrs. Kelly will contribute tho
vocal numbers of the evening.
The French conversation donartneut will
bo In charge of tho program at tomorrow's
meeting I Uio Woman's ;lub
(I by Mrs. John L. Baldwin nnd Mrs. Joel
Mrs. Luther Kountzo will hold nn In.
formal reception on next Saturday evening
Miss Cotton nnd her guest, Miss Rich-
On next Thursday from 1 until 6 o'clock,
rs. John Barker nnd Mr. Robert Hmllti
111 hold n Inrgu reception nt their homo
!S Dodgo street.
Complimentary to Mrs. Fred Rustln nnd
rs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Robert Ollmoro will
icrtnin at luncheon nt the Millard hotel
February 11,
Mr. Will Wood will bo n host cm Frldnv
evening nt n bowling party for tho mem-
ucrs of tho Indian club nnd Inter nt a sup
per nt tho Hcnshaw.
Mr. nnd Mrc. J. W. Munn, Mr. nnd Mrs.
. Lovo Kolloy and Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnlmatlor
ere tho guests over Sunday of Captain
Bd Mrs. Reynolds at Florence.
.MovciuonlM nml WliorrnliouM,
Miss Florence Templeton Is visiting Miss
Daisy Groff at Fremont.
Mrs. A. D. Brandels left Inst evening for
a month's visit In Now York.
Mrs. Charles E. llhick has returned from
a visit with friends nt Crcston, In.
Mrs. M. F. Morrill leaves this week to bo
absent a month In New York and Chicago.
Miss Loin ax nnd Miss Sweusburg re
turned from a short but delightful trip to
Now Orleans on Tuesday.
Miss Mabel Hnko has returned from Al
bion, whoro sho hna spent tho past ten days
as a member of a houso pnrty.
Mrs. W. E. Clarko and Mrs. W. E. Guth-
rlo havo returned from n brief visit with
Miss Horlonso Clarko In Lincoln.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles E. Ford and chil
dren will lcavo on Thursday for Los An
geles, whoro thoy will spend tho next two
Mro. Jny D. Foster returned on Monday
from a bIx weeks' stay In Los Angolrs,
whero sho was called by tho serious Ill
ness of her mother.
A number of drawing pupils nsHlxted Ml.-a
Evnns, head of Uio drawing department,
Friday in ilxlug tho drawing room of tho
new building Into a Grecian art exhibition.
Tho drawlnir room to ho lined noxt term la
only temporary, as It Is a chemistry labora
tory, oui ur. Mentor mis i 'iicii to uso tho
old laboratory tho coming . in.
A groat ninny alteration, havo taken
place In tho old High school building dur
ing tho last week. Tho niirlltlous between
a number of tho smaller rooms havo been
removed and mado Into larger rooms. Tho
largo tresiiman stuuy room on the third
floor Is now n laboratory. All tbo recita
tion rooms In tho now bulldltn: aro vorv
largo and light. Thero aro two largo lec
turo rooms, ono for freshmen and tho other
for sophomores, juniors and seniors. Thero
aro passages on tho llrst and second floors
of tho old building running Into the, new,
Tho literary program for Monday aftor
noon will consist of a piano duct by Miss
Mcintosh and Miss Mary Bedwoll, a reci
tation ny IUIhs .Minnie Ulller, a debate by
Mr. Kelkonny nnd Mr. Kelly and a lluto
solo by Mr. Louis Meyer. After this pro
gram tho senior basket bull team will nluv
ngalnst tho Junior basket bull toain. After
tho many ntlicr attractions .Mr. Kmltn,
president of tho senior class and Mr,
wnterhonso will nresent banners to wln-
nors of tho afternoon's program.
Tho High school basket ball teams havo
been practicing every day for tho last week
in mo inrge gymnasium nun on me tuiru
floor of tho now building.
Tho foot bnll team Kavo a very enjoyable
Kop at Chambers' Duucing academy Satur
day ovcnlng.
Mnrrlnue Llccuaoa,
Marrlago licenses were Issued Saturday to
the following:
Mnmn nnd AflilrORH. Aci.
Anton Loftman. South Omaha '. 29
Hilda Larson, Omaha 'J9
Daniel C. Andrews. Albrlcht '.'4
13dna Butler, Council Bluffs L'U
William K. Roberts. Washington, Nob. ...27
.Midair a. I'arKcr, uonvcr i
James B. Kogcr, Minneapolis 23
Georgia Blayburn, Omaha 21
Jens C. Jensen, Omaha :t
Christina Petersen, Omaha 28
John Wilson, South Omaha 23
Margaret uoyce, souin umniin -s
Tho Transvaal Icucruu will moot todnv In
tho Paxton cafo at 4 p. in.
Albert Winther. 1810 Ch enco street, ro-
colvedMnJurlcs last evening whllo attempt
ing to uoaru n moving motor oar nt four
teenth nnd Harney streets. Winther lost
his footlntr nnd fell, the wheels severely
bruising his loft foot nnd wrltt. llo was
taken to Ills Homo. w
By his mother. Mury Nichols. Fred M.
Nichols, aged 10, asks tho district rourt to
Reliable Office Furniture
The Very Best Goods for the Least Money
Tho lines of Offlco Furniture wo aro showing this season Is larger nnd
better than ovor. They nro so well mado that you'll havo no troublo with
tho drawers binding or.tho curtain sticking. Our guarnntco goes with ovory
desk wo sell. That meanB they will glvo perfect satisfaction and that tho
prlco Is nil right or low ns tho lowest.
New Spring Goods Arriving Daily
Dewey & Stone Furniture Co.,
1115 and HIT Farnam Stmt.
Whero wo havo on display a lino of odd lots of flno Correspondent Stntlonory In
various sizes to bo closed out at less than half price.
Mawhlnney & Ryan Co.,
Jeweler ind Art ibth and dodolas sti.
Stall oners. MaJ1 orders given careful attention. Saleo
Uon packages sent to responsible partlea.
Three Traveling Salesmen.
WANTED: Three salesmen to travel In the State of Iowa,
wlio have an established trade; ambitious ami desirous of
connecting 'themselves with the fastest growing Shoe House
in America. Applicants please state: Territory traveled,
length of time; annual sales and give references.
"Wrltr to WFirrillMMKIt-SWAHT.S SIIOII ( (., .St. I.oula, Mo.
1 compel the Oinnlm Box eompnny to pny
1 nun ior injuries in ins leu ihiihi, m-
i leged to have beon sustained October IS,
1l'l. whllo ho wns feeding n press printing
labels for tho company.
Next Monday evening, Fobrunry 3, tlm
Independent Order of Foresters will hold n
union meeting nt Foresters' hnll, 110 South
i Fourteenth Htrect, under tho nusplcos of
I I lift high court nnd Court Ak-Siir-Ben.
! Candidates will bo Initiated for nil the
1 vnrlous courts by the Ak-Snr-Hcn Initiation
I team. Immediately nftor the Initiation nil
friends of tho Foresters will be ndirltted
to enjoy nn liitrrcMliur progrnm. Somo
I illstlnitulshcd visitors will bo present nnd
, deliver short nddreses. All Foresters nro
i Invited, also their friend.
Carrlo M. Clnycomh hns Instituted suit
for ller 1rt.Vfiir.nlil anil. Willer l. Clav-
comb, ngnliiMt Ed Ilnrrlck nnd tho Fred
Krug Brewing company. Tho suit hns Its
nriglii In tho attempt of Wnlter's Juvenllo
friends to olovnto his pinna of living by
hauling Mm up in n tar bucket that wns
being used by ltnrrlrk's rooting gang nt tho
Milonn nt Slfi North Sixteenth street, owned
by tho brewing company. Tho bucket wos
attached to a rono that pasjod over a
nulloy In n derrick on tho roof nnd the
boys played with It when tho workmen
wero n way Mnrch 31, 1S0S. They had Walter
prvcral foot oft tho ground when tbo der
rick fell from tho roof nnd struck him In
such n way that ho suffered n compound
frncttiro of tho right leg. Ho wnnts $3,000.
1510 PonTl tt-
$5 Flnnnol Waists Monday $2.50.
$4 Flnnnol Wnlsts Mondny J2.00.
?2 Flannel Wnlsts Monday $1.00.
$40 Ladles'
$33 Ladles'
$30 Ladles'
$23 Ladles'
$20 Ladies'
$10 Misses'
Clonks Monday $20.00.
Cloaks Monday $17.60.
Cloaks Monday $15.00.
Clonks Monday $12.60.
Cloaks Monday $10.00.
Cloaks Monday $5.00.
S U I TS Half Price
Stylish, woll-mndo ladles flno tail
ored suits nt Just half prlco. This is
the tlmo to buy If you will need a
suit soon. Wo nro closing out tho
fall stock, nnd whllo thoy nro Just ns
good ns ever wo don't want ono loft
whon our now spring stock nrrlves
It's unusual to And suits llko theso
for tho money.
$1.00 Monday
Black mercerized petticoats, tho
best petticoat bargain you ever saw
lengths iO to 44 to go at $1.00 Monday.
Flno black silk petticoats Monday $5.
Flno evonlng wnlsts In variety.
Roll Top Desks
Flat Top Desks
Standing Desks
Otfice Tables
Office Chairs
Etc., Etc,
U IXarjAmuiTco.
I 1510 Iloujjlua Street.
cheap stuff is dealt in at
tliib? store. Wo boII only
tho good kinds of
You don't want tho kind
that is a source of continual
worry -tho kind that won't
stay in tune tho kind you
are continually souding to
tho piano
to bo oporatod upon by a
piano surcrcon. Buy a crood
I piano and buy it
Tho kind wo soli is built
for durability, tone, qual
ity and satisfaction, costs
you no moro than tho
othor kinds.
Tuning, moving, soiling
pianos all tho timo.
Factory Store,
Mueller Piano
I & Organ Co
I North SI
Look ft
North Side No, 1316 Farnam St.
Look for Hardman piano.
We Have Just Received
A Carload of Wheeler & Wilson
Ball Bearing Sewing Machines
To muko room wo nro going to sell nil
mnchlnes tbnt linvo been used ut lower
prices than you hnvu born nblc to buy ma
chines before. This list Includes every
mnko manufactured. Theso nro modern, up-tp-dnto
machines tho very luiest thlni;
that tho factories produce.
This Is your opportunity if yen nro
tlilnklnB of buying u miichlno this spring.
No dlffcrenco whero you bought your
muchlne from whom, you nru wclconio
to come to our storo und learn to do nil
kinds of fnncy work and to uso your nt
tuchmcnts. Second-hntiil Mnchlnes from
$1.00 to $10.00.
, Wo rent Machines nt 7&c er week or
W JV UUMI ,11.
. . x..... ,,,,,, 'iiitiuiiiruiH inr
and repair every mnko of Muchlnu :nnnu-
4 'V I It Will
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Cor. 15th and Harney
OEO. E. MICKHI,. Mfjr. 'Phono 10G3.
012 N. 24th St.. South Oninhn, Neb.
" "ronuwiiy, uouncll Bluffs, la.
Tolophono Is 018.
"DoiTt ask for your
size. Ask to be fitted."
Fitting tbo feet with a comblnntion of
elegance nnd comfort, It was necessary
tbnt Sorosls mnkcrs uso nil tho good
points to bo found in other flno lines, with
mnny improvements, bpth In tit ntul finish.
Compnred with nny lino of women's good
shoes In tho mnrkot, finrosls would bo se
lected ns tho higher prlco shoe.
Tho prlco ts awnys 13.50.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.. 203 S. 15th St.
Illustrated Cataloguo mid Measurement
blanks sent freo for tho asking.
and his money soon parted,"
Was tho comment of an outsider n few
days ngo, whon buying somo patents. "Most
pcoplo uso n llttlo acnBo In selling their
goods," he said, "hut tho Omaha druggists
have less senso thnn tho follow who takes
n nnp, between tho mils on tho car truck."
LUtorlno ;0(J
Ilunyndl Janos $r(i
I.olblg'd Kxtrnct 40
Dry lloruliound nnd Tar
Fino Ilock Candy for nyrup, ;50
llobler's Heud I'owdcra iq,,
HHI) AI.11UMUN .' nnno
Carter's l.lver I'llls, gcuulno jR
Schlltz Malt, dozen jjo'
Ilechtcr s I'une Kxpulter 400
fiiHtorln fl
Miles' Nervine -So
I'. B. Wo not WINDOW QUASa