20 TITIS OMAHA VAILY HIS 73; sV-NRAV, VTUHUT.AKY 2, HHtt. COMPARES OM AHA S TAX RATE Oit Eigiittr Ihtm that it U Lr Thus lhtt f OtVir Citlit. DEDUCES RATE TO PER CAPITA BASIS flcnroa, Aim), to MIiovt tlint Per Cnpltn Cost nf Street ClrnnliiK in Omiiliit Cuiiijinres Fiivnriilil) ivitli Other Plnitn. Tho clamor concerning the excessive tftto of taxation baa set mo to studying tbo Statistics of other cities," said Englneor ItMowatcr. "By examining tho tax statis tics of fifty cities ranging In size from CO,. 000 to 300,000 I bavo found tbat tho average per capita into of taxation Is $12.41, Omaha's per capita rato Is $12.0G, or 33 Oenta bolow the average Syracuse, N. Y., and Indianapolis, Ind,, bavo a per capita Mto of moro than $17. Tho troublo In Omaha Is that tho tax Is not proporly ap portioned. Honest returns aro not maitn and as a result tho assented valuation Is so mall that tho tax burden Is not distributed It should bo. "In Cambridge, Mass,, tho per capita rale of taxation 1b $18.32, while the tax per $100 as assessed Is $1.75. Omaha, with n por oapltn tax of $12.00, has a tax of $3.40 per 1100 as assessed. This shows whero tho trouble Is. If all tho property In the city boro Us share of tho burden thero would bo no causo for complaint of high taxes. Omaha Is not taxed excessively, but Its email returns for aEsossmcnt cause all thu complaint." L'Nt if Street Clt-iintiiK. A table prepared by lh engineering de partment and setting forth tho expenditures of various cities of more than 00,000 for Btrect cleaning shows that thirty-nino cities lmvo it per capita expenditure far In oxcoss of that of Omaha. Troy, N. Y., tipondti more than nny otbor city which may bo considered In tho samo class with Kan sas City and Omaha. In Troy tho street cleaning Is done at nn annual cost of $1.73 for each Inhabitant. Los Angeles comes ccond In the list with a per capita ex pcndlturo of 80 cents. Hartford, Conn., spends 78 cents for each person, and Syra cuse, X, Y spends 73 cents. Richmond, Va,, Is next In line with 71 cents, and then .Washington, I). C, comes with ti fall down to 8 cents. Louisville's nnnual expenditure Is 53 cents for each person, and Kansas City Is tho next In lino with CO cents. Omaha Is far down tho lino with an annual expcndlturo of 21 cents. Wilmington, Del., sponds only 20 cents for each person. Head ing, Pa., Somervlllc, Mnss.,(St. Joseph, Mo., Seattle, Wash., and Lynn, Mass., are at the foot of tho list with expenditures varying from 19 to 7 cents for each person. Distribution of Population. Tho distribution of Omaha's population la shown In a tablu which Iho city engineer prepared. Tho Sixth ward contnlns 16,981, tho largest population of nny ward In tbo city, but tho Fourth ward, with 10,717 people, has tho densest population. This Ward contains .GDI of a square mllo and tho density of Its population Is 18,042 peoplo to tbo squaro mile. The Eighth ward comes ccond In donslty of population, with 15, 890 peoplo to tho squaro mllo. Its area Is .719 of a square milo. Tho Third word ranks third In density, with a population of 11,682 on an area of .902 of a squaro mile, or an average of 12,951 to tho-squaro mllo. In splto of tho fact tbat it has the largest population tho Sixth ward Is last In point of donslty of population, having only an averago of 2,369 peoplo to each of Its sevon quaro miles of area. Tho Flint ward has 10,121 people on 2.054 quaro mllos. Tho Second ward has 14,839 peoplo on 1.673 squaro miles. In tho Fifth ward there aro 8,097 peoplo on 3.188 squaro miles of aroa. Tho Sovonth wnrd has a population of 9,492 peoplo on 4,771 squaro tnlles, whllo tho Eighth ward has an area of .719 of a mllo und a population of 11,005. In tho Ninth wnrd tboro aro 8,655 peoplo ind an area of 3.131 squaro miles.' Shampooing and Salr dressing, r5c, at Th Dathery, 216-220 Boo building. Tel. 1710. Notice. Qrnnd ball will bo given by tho Degree learn of Ak-Sar-Hcn lodge No. 173 Degree of Honor Tuesday evening, February tho Ith, 1902, nt Ancient Order of United Work man hall, 17th nnd Vinton streets. Ito freshmcnts , tickets 15 cents. All tickets having diito of Decombor 31, 1901, will be keceptcd. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phons 206. Grand Clean-Up SHOE SALE. Tho biggest nnd best bargains of tho sason, and all trom our own stock of reliable, well known slices. Don't Miss Them. It's a chanco for splendid bargains In reliable, high-grade shoes that la rarsly ottered to tho people of Omaha. Msn's Satin Calf and Vtci Kid Shoes, worth $2.50 and $2.75, aold now for $1.95 Men's Dox and Volour Calf Shoes, worth $3 and $3.50, now $2.45 Wen's $3.50 and $4 Patent leather Shoes cut to $2,60 Men's $5.00 Dox Calf and Enamel Dais., at this Bale $3,50 Women's regular $2.50 Box Calf and XW, heavy solos, now $1.95 Women'B $3 and $3.50 Kid Laco Shoos at this salo for $2,35 Women's $4 Patont Lenthcrs, reduced for this sale to $2,75 Women's Ilox and Velour Calf, heavy soles, worth $4, now $2.75 and many others. FOHMHHLY CARTWRIGIIT & CO., N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. FRY SHO E CO., IIIkIi Xt'linuI'M I'n I r, On February 3, at 2 p. 111., (he senior class will kIvo n fair In tho now High school building. Tho proceeds of this entertain ment aro to go toward buying a fine statue to bo placed In the new building wltti ap propriate ceremonies on senior class day. No nbsolute decision has yet been reached ns to what ntatuo Is to bo given, but tho ono finding the most favor nt present Is tho heroic flguro of Winged Victory, to be placed In the entrnnco hall. This Is a very worthy enterprise and tho cIobs de serves encnuragement from all friends of tbo High school. The entertainment consists of a literary program, to be given on tho third lloor of tho now building. Dr. Senior will glvo n number of brilliant chemical experi ments. In the gymnasium the senior girls wilt play n gamo of basket ball against tho Junior girls. On tho second floor tho First battalion will compete with tbo Sec ond battalion In n spell-down. On tho third lloor tho art department will have a Crook room, whero for a nickel fortunes will bo told by tho Greek oracle and the nectar of tho gods will be dispensed by Oreek maidens at C cents a glass. An Intermission between theBe various entertainments will give the nudlence tlmo to movo from ono room to nnothcr nnd to seo tho now building and the exhibits of tho mnnunl training department nnd the bio logical department, etc. At tho close, In the lower hall, pennants will bo nwarded to the victorious battalion nnd to tho winning basket ball team, nftcr fhlcb tho fair will closo with nn auction of tho posters used In advertising It. Admission, 25c. Tho seniors hopo to seo nt least 1,500 of tho friends of tho High school In attendance. To tile Public. Tho Uenl Estate Exchange has undor tnken to sccuro fair nnd equitable taxation us between real cstato and tbo frnnchlscd corporations of Omnha. Tho cost of carry ing on this work will bo great and Its suc cess will depend largely upon tho amount of money voluntnrlly contributed. Tbo un dorslgnel tberoforo ask that nil real estnto owners, both lurgu and small and all per rons Interested In fair, cqultnblo nnd legal taxation, send their subscriptions to Mr. Chnrlcs L. Saunders, treasurer of tho tax committee, 211 South 18th street, City, who will promptly acknowledge receipt of the samo. THE OMAHA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. Correct quality of goous, lowest prices guaranteed. Hubermann, Jeweler. 13 & Doug. Attention, Modern Woodmen! Members of Ilecch Camp nro requested to meet nt their hall, Continental block, Sunday nfternoon nt 2 o'clock, to nttend tbo funeral of Neighbor John Hnsmussen of 2757 South Ninth street. DIt. S. N. HOYT, V. C. FHANK WIHTMAHSH, Clerk. Snm'l Hums, 10 per cent discount salo for February is now In progress. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, ntTho Dathery, 216-220 Deo building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legal notices In tho Weekly Telephone 13S. fitospejl I Pianos 8 Told You So! Every day is piano Bales' day at our storo and music ware rooms. Wo havo at nil times such bargains ns will keep you n-comlng. With a big lino of tho lending makes, and tho many medium and lesser makes of our vast stock of pianos, thero nro mnny bargains In cither ono or tho other of tho pianos wo rcprcsont. In fact, all our prices aro Just a Ilttlo lower than elsewhere. There fore, wo again urgo you to com pare quality and price. You know that such celebrat ed piano manufacturers ns tho Knnbo Company, tho Kraulch & Dncb Company, tho Hallet & Davis Company, tho Mathushok Company, tho Mcl'hall Piano Company, tho Molvlllo Clark Piano Company, aro the best that tho world can produco, nnd when you can Und In this vnrlety of makes, pianos rang ing $300.00, $350.00, $400.00, $150.00, $500.00, $550.00, $600.00 nnd $650.00, somo Instruments that are nearly as good aa now for from $142.00, $170.00, $192.00, $216.00, $232.00, nnd somo a Ilt tlo moro; Instruments tbat can not be sold regularly for less than double what' wo ask for them, you will, indeed, find tho greatest bargains any liouso over offered. Wo s.tlll havo a fow now pi anos of a lessor grudo that soil for less than $100.00 and a ilt tlo higher, on thoso we uiako very easy terms which nro equal to rent, and thoreforo in alto a good Investment. Thero nro ovor a dozon other makes of pianos wo would llko to talk to you about, but you must seo them to approclato our groat inducements. Wo wish to ngaln remind you that vh rent, tuno and repair pianos; that wo enrry tho larg ost lino of piano stools nnd scurfs. Also that wo havo tho finest organs, both for tho homo and tho chapel, which nro sold on Btnall monthly payments of from $2.00 up. A. Hospe 1513-1515 Dcuglss Street miw in: i, ii.htatu riit.M, I'ltjnc, llnMuleli .V Co., .tueernlo lo (he lliixlneni ,,t Henry II, I'nyne. It will bo of Interest to tho real estolo fraternity and Oinnba property owners to nolo that n now linn with most tavornblo prospects was organized yesterday by two well nown members of tho Heal,. Kstnto Exchnngc. After nearly four yenrs as manager of tho old Fidelity Trust company's rental depart ment, Mr. Henry II. Pnyno resigned his po sition with that firm nbout thrco years ago to otigngo In business for himself. Dy de voting ills personal attention to tho man agement of properties, Mr. Pnyno already has a business of over 200 rcntnls, nnd this with n steady Increase In real cstato sales, loans nnd Insurance, mndo nn experienced partner needful. Mr. Stanley P. Dostwlck was chosen as specially Iltted for this work, ho having been Identified with tho Fidelity Trust company, for llvo years prior to bis recently terminated threw years' en gagement with It. C. Peters & Co., ns rcnl estate salesman. Mr. Dostwlck has pur chased an interest in tho now firm, which will bo styled Payne, Dostwlck & Co., nnd his attention will bo given primarily to tho real estnto department, whllo Mr. Pnyno will contlnuo to personally manago tho rcntnls, and, with tbo nld of his ef ficient clerks, tho loans nnd Inaurnnco as heretofore. Tho now firm will occupy Mr. Payne's former location, rooms 601 nnd 602 Now York Llfo Uulldlng. 85.00 for n Hair n iny Wane. If you live In the country or la a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stpetraistrs in the neigh borhood, you can. nisUe $5 (easily by four or fivs hours' work. Write us and we will end you our proposition. The Dee Publlia Ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. Hamilton Warren, M. C, eclectic and magnetic physician, office at Victoria hotel, 1J03 and 1310 Dodge troet, till a suitable location can bo found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases ot women and children. Johnson Dros., coal. Tel. 1052. Send articles of Incorporation, stockholders' meetings, etc., to Wo will glvo them proper legal Dee. Tolcphono 238. notices ot Tho Deo. Insertion. Fiimouo hot roast sandwiches Hubbard's new resort, rear of 211 Have Hoot print It. at Wnltcr So. 16th St Cameron, plumber, 1110 Farnum, 'phono 469. There's onlv one Stouecypher. He prints. COAL Espcclul attention given to DOMESTIC GOAL Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully acrconed with prompt, offlclont do livery. G. B. HAVENS & CO., 1522 Farnam St. Tolophonoa 301, 317 and 825 Why Are You Sick? Dccauso you havo been taking too much medlcino. All nnyono needs Is n good lax ative ono that removes nlvlno poison from tho liver. SHHADEIl'S FIO POWDEIl has no equal as a laxative nnd euro for Con ntlpatlon a provcntlvo for Appondlcltls, Onll Stones, Kidney Troubles of all kinds. Try a 10-cent trial size. Sold by druggists or sent by mall. W. J, Siiradsr Medicine Co., 1602 N. 24th Streot, Omaha. Now York, Uoom 10, No. 30 East 14. WINIS Why not buy your tablo wines at a liquor storo? Wo buy In largo quuntltles direct .tv from tho wlno makers, nnd HMIm cun Rlvo you bntlnr minlllv rNBUHBl jui inu mimo price man thoso who only carry liquors n a side line. We aro bund quarterH for tho family trade In Omuhn. All tho lino Imported nnd American wines nnd liquors uro here. Tho ludles of Omaha will Und monoy-savlng values hero In lino tablo liquors. I'uro California Wines, (bottlo ripe), 35c, 50a and 75c nuurt. Fine Whiskies, 75C Ji.w. i..d. i.w qis. Mntl orders promptly tilled. City order delivered. CACKLEY BROS. I'lnc Wines und Tnlilu l,litiorn, Opposite J'o.tolllee, Tele,lio:ie 11-121, AGENTS FOIl' THE CELEimATED UUNTEU RYE. Hu-Can Cough Cure Is n Cough Cure that Is guurnnteod to euro tho most obstlnato cough. Uso It onco nnd you'll recommend It to your friends. OUH PIUCE IS 20C A 110TTLB. 2- quart Hot Water Dottles 4j0 3- quart Hot Water Dottles. co (Guaranteil ono year.) Good Medicinal Atomizer 40c (Juurt bottlo Port Wltiu 3ga Quart buttlu Cherry Wlno a9e $5.75 Horllck's Malted Milk $2.75 $1.00 Horllck's Malted Milk 61c 50o Horllck's Mulled Milk 3Q Plso's Consumption euro 5C Lincoln Tea "oq Phosphato Sodium, per pound So Dornclc Acid. Jier pound 230 18-ounco bottle Witch Hazel, best 12c S-ounco bottlo Witch Hazel, best 120 Hu-t'an Hair Tonlo ;6C Hu-Onn Cough Curo joo iBRAMPifi ru 15191521 Doulus Streot in "THE 99 Sensational Price Cutting to make the selling quick & decisive Clenrlnir out the I'orkrtliooUn All tho $1.00 pocketbooks at 49c. All the $1.50 pocketbooks nt 74c. All tho $2.00 pocketbooks at 9Sc. Cleurlim out tlm Ilnlr Ilru.hen All tho 50c brushes at 25c. All tho $1.00 brushes nt 49c. All the $1,60 and $2 brushes nt 9So. G'lenrlnw nut the Cnmlia- All tho $1.00 combs nt 45o. All the 50c combs nt 25e. All tho 25o combs at 10c. Clenrlnir out the Station r--- All tho 60o box pnpors ut 25c, All tho 25o box papers at lOe, All tho lOo box papers nt 6c. Clenrlnir tint tlip- China All the $1,00 fancy plates nt 49o. All tho $1.00 fancy cups nnd saucers, nt 49c. All tho 60e fancy plates nt 25c, All tho 25o creamers, plates otr, at 10c It'll. mm ONIMOD This Is tho namo and trado mark which will hereafter be stamped on all gonulno Regent Shoo Co. shoes. The many Imitations of tho Regent shoes havo forced us to adopt this trado mark. Wo aro tho only Regent Shoo Co. In Omaha, and our shoes will hereafter bo known as tho v Regent Shoe Co. ONUVIOD We will contlnuo to handle men's shoes exclusively, and cordially Invito tho skoptlo who has always worn $5 and $6 shoes to take a look nt our $3.60 and $2.60 shoes. They aro In our show window. If you look at our show window you will como in, and it you coma In you will buy. Wo wont try to boII you a $5 or $6 shoo, because we only havo two grades thq $3.60 and $2.60. Remember wo eoll shoes for men only. Our neighbor next door sup plies tho ladles. REGENT SHOE CO., 205 Souh si. When dissatisfied, move to The Bee Building J JC J Reasonable rental accommodations 4 R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, All Our Fault Onco-ln-a-whtli n customer when nsklng our prlco on somo staple urtlclo wilt nay, "Why I can got that for tho enme prlco from my druggist on Twenty-fourth street, ami no uuesn i uuvi- uo, muuntiv prices were lower, that's why I camo to you." Our answer is; "That It's nil our fault that cut prices can bo obtained In any drug storo In Omaha; wnro It not for uu refusing to Join their combine the exlHt Ing drug war would not bo on and full prices would prevail all over tho city. Don't you think wo deservo tho credit of tins greni rami uim u L'tniiT ltrvp HimTS KOlt THIS WUKIC. tt nn llnriinn C.MlO In a CUStOllier) 5?0 t2'.no Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 $1.00 Wine of Cardul 23c Laxative Ilromo Qulnlno 25o Qulnncetol (best for colds) $1.00 Iler's Malt Whiskey $1.00 Temptation Tonlo 60c Syrup of Figs OPEN AIL. NIGHT. SCHAEFER'S Cur Prlee Drug Store, i .i -jr. s. w. Cor, nnil ClilcMo, Goods delivered Kit HE to any uart at city. $1,000.00 A TfN And worth uvcry cent of It nt the North Pole but here In Omaha wo sell an oxtra good NUT COAIi for $4.00 A TON. This Is tho best coal nt that prlco in tho city. If you want n coat that Is LOW In price, but HIGH In quality order our $1.00 nut. HALD & RICE BOO Ho. ltlth St. Tel. liiaM- 15191521 Douglas Streot CENT STORE' Clenrlnir out the Lntttni All tho $1.50 lamps nt 79c. All tho $2.00 lamps nt 9c. All tho $3.00 lamps at $1.9. All tho $4:96 lamps at $2.95. ClrnrltiK nut the Sllvertvitro All tho 1S47 93c set. Rogers teaspoons nt All tho 1S47 ltogcrs tablespoons nt $1.9S set. All the 1M7 lingers forks at $1.9' set. All tho 184" ltogcrs knives nt $1.4 sot. Clenrlnir out the .ItMvelrj- All the 25c nnd 51c brooches nt 10c. All tho Ingersoll $1 watches nt 73c. All tho 60e cuff buttons nt 25c. All the $1 nickel alarm clocks nt ."e. Vnlm fluent Vn lent I nen! A thousand styles to select from nt clearance sale prices. M-U prices and perfect j j jf j Ground Floor, Bee Building. HYPODERMIC SYRINGES Tho nbovo shows a cut of our No. 77 Hypodermic. We sell nil kinds of physi cians' supplies, Ask us or write us for anything you wont in this line. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., Telephone 150. Kith nnd I'liriiuni Street, Ouuilin. There Is Always A Alarket For The Best Tho larger number of peoplo want good things. They simply ask that they bo euppllod at rcasonablo rates. Wo aro constantly on thn lookout for tho best things In our line. liltuik Hooks Letter Flics Typewriter Supplies Fountain l'ons The Moyer Stationery Co., 220-222 So. HUM Street. SOLE AQBNT8. IP $k If AV FIE III P- B. Haight Whole II A I UCIlS sale Stock on Sale Monday wo put on salo nil of tho fluo black nnd colored silks nt tho most sensa tional prices. It will bo tho grand rhauco that but seldom occurs, nnd tho greatest silk bargains will bo thick throughout the department. Oreat rule on Foulards, great salo on Illnck Silks, gixtit snlo on Orcnndlncs. Kvory moment of Monday will bo of spcclnl Interest to you. ANOTHUn ONE OP TltOSH KAMOt'S ONH HOl'K SILK SALES TAKES PLACE MONDAY MORNINO from S until 9 o'clock. Tho silk ImrgnliiB for Monday aro so great that wo want you to como early, and that Is tho purpoao of this sale It only laBts from S until 0 o'clock, but thoso that nro fortunate enough to attend will never for get It. Illnck silks and colored silks of all sorts plain and fancy, real heavy and ex tra wide somo worth $1.00, $1.23, $2.00, $2.50. You can buy nil you wont nnd plenty to wait upon you, nt only 19c. THE (1HEATEST VAIHETY 01' I'OUL- i All!) SILKS EVEll SHOWN IN OMAHA. J When we say Cheney Ilros. we mean ex actly what we say and you can depend j upon It. Don't be deluded Into buying the ' Inferior brands shown to you under their i name. Cheney Ilros, are tho best enn you j 5 3 Wo havo now In stock tho largest, tho dress goods ever seen In Omaha Mlustrals. HAYDEii mlnes. Lonsdowns, Taffetas, Prunellas, Xnucrlas, Slgtruds, Dalkyrles, etc.,' In thous- nnds of spring shades. Resides these w o have nil the latest nnd newest walstlngs In silk nnd wool, nil wool, challls, crepes, tnuniinleu, etc. In order to Mtnrt the Imll rollliiK for Mirlnu. Me Mill ule :i:i ufT In nitr liluli Krnile lre uooiU Mock Mnniliiv, In nil lilneUx mill eolorx, in Unlit nnd Iichy)' Melulit ciuiili, Do nut iiiInn t li In nule. lii.vric niti:ss coons. rrlcstley lends them nil. Etamlnes, $1.00, $1.60, $1.73 up. Eollcnnee, $1.00, $1,60, $1.JS, $2.08 up. Mlnstrnls, 9Sc, $1.60, $1.03 up. Eollcnno crepc3, $1.25 up. Prunellas, 85c, $1.00, $1.50 up, LUriN IS NEXT TO PRIESTLEY. Lupin's chovlnts, $1.60 up to $4.60. Lupin's fnncles from $1.00 to $5.00. Grand line ot black broadcloths, cheviots, Venetians, fiom 75c to $3.00 per ynrd. coi.ouicu nn i:ms oooom. Every shado and grndo of light-wolght spring fabrics from 60c to $5.00 yard. All tho now fabrics in tho now vlgercnux, now malangcs, new cheviots, nt all prices from 59c to $7.50 yard. All tho latest skirtings nnd tailor suit ings from 76c to $7.60 yard. ! lift I id Mm s mim m m auiii wHiuaii iwviu The P. B. Haight & Go. Wholesale Stock on Sale. J It will pay to como 100 miles to thin salo. Ucstdoa thoso nil day sales wo will glvo oxtrn special sales for 30 minutes each. NO PEDDLERS DEALERS OR MAN UFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. J 64. Inch strictly all wool serges; C4-lnch strictly nil wool cheviotx; 6S-lnch strictly all wool Scotch suiting, heavy enough to mako up without linings; 40-Inch lino all wool French sorgo; 40-inch fluo German honrlcttas; 50-lnch all wool dark plaids; all aro worth from 75c to $1.50 yard, all will bo sold at 49c. 12-inch serges; 30-lnch extra heavy skirting; 44-Inch extra heavy skirting in black and bluo; 38-inch hcnrlcttnB; 38-lnch all wool novelties, nil worth up to 60c yard, 25c. Strictly nil wool chnllls, worth 60c, at 23c. Satin striped union challls, 29c. All voo sntln striped challls, 49c. - All wool French ilnnnel, 25c. 36 and 28-Inch lmltntlon French Annuel, worth 16c, 3c. 3G-lnch percnlefl, worth 12'c and 19c, Cc. Full standnrd prints, dark and light col ors, worth Cc, nt 2&c. 10c Shaker llannol, 3c. 10c Shaker flannel, 3c. 12&c towels, 7c. HAYDENs 22 pounds granulated sugar 9jj. 24 pound sacks ryo (lour T.T 48c 10 pound sacks old stylo buckwhent. ... 35c Largo sacks whlto or yellow comment.. 16c 8 pounds breakfast rolled oata 23c 7 pounds hand picked navy beans 25c V.'i pounds Pearl hominy 13c 2-lb. can fancy sweet sugar corn.... "Vic 1- lb. cartons puro powdered borax. . . .12',Se 2 packages On Tlmo Yeast 6c. Large bottlo puro tomato catsup. .. .8 l-3c 1 gallon cans honey drip tnblo syrup.. 35c 2- pound enuu Uiko Mills strawberries, In Are You Interested in Photography? If so, call on uh or send your namo nnd wo will send you a copy free of our Illustrated monthly , magazine Wo linvo everything that Is new In KODAKS AND CAMERAS. A beautiful Folding Poen Camera, with case, slzo 4x5, only $0.61. All other nmatour photo material at lowest market prices. THE Robert Denpter Co., 1215 Farnam St. AVholesalo and Ttutalt Dealors In Photo Supplies, mm if ii i MTiisWiiiH IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE II .1 I Try one, then notice tho fine Aroma of our present Havana Tobacco ant! compare It with high priced Imported Cigars. P. R. IUc ilereantll Cigur Co,, Munufaoturers, St. LkjuU, Union Muds, tell the dirferonco? If not, como let u show you. Cheney Uro best foulards, 21 Inches wido, 00c, 76c, $1.M nnd $1.25. THE 111(1 SILK DEPARTMENT IS AL WAYS ACTIVE, THESE SPECIALS TELL YOU WHY. l'luo china silk, In colon), at 16c. Colored surah silk, only 2.c. Colored peau do pole, only 3lc. 27-lnch colored taffeta, only 49c 24-Inch pure silk crcpo do chine, 60c. Illnck corded silks, $1.00 grade, COc. Illnck silks, all kinds, worth up to $3, at Mc. Ulack puro dyo taffota, worth $2.50, for $1.50. A POOR TAeTETA Is no good at any price, it causes worry, troublo and tho expense of replacing, lluy tho Wliwlow taffeta and avoid nil this. The Leading Dress Goods House of the West grandest nnd most comploto stock of spring Eollcnuos. Voiles. Ilerouctt. Cretins. i:t.i- 3,000 designs In challlu In silk stripes, plain, printed, Persian dots, striped, etc,, at 60c, 75c, !ISc mid $1.23 yard. All tho latest In now wasting designs In nil tho now fubrlcs at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60 yard. kvummi sit.vnns. Wo havo thorn In every known cloth that Is manufactured nnd up-to-dnti nt from 50o to $5.00 ynrd. Wo havo tleo opened a now tailor i. xc. ni:i'T. and nro ready to mako any description to order. You can bring any design or wo wlil mako exclusive) designs and conlluo styles. Perfect fit guaranteed or money refunded. Gamplcs will bo ready tho 10th of Febru ary and will be sent freo to nny address. Mnnrlav in the. HIVIIMVJ III Bill Rarirain Snnm OUH 1M3IOUS HO MI.VUTI2 SAI.IIS. Kroni 8 to HiIlO n. m. , . Wo will sell 5o linings, only 10 yard to customer, In short lengths, at, yard lc. I'm III 20 to lOl.'lO it. m, Wo will sell 10c nnd 12Hio towels, cfe. two pair to customer, at, uach S'c. From Vi to I'ixWO v. in. Wo will sell 29c, 39c and 49c silks 1b plain nnd figured grounds, only 10 yards a. customer, at, yard, 16c. I'rom 2 to lii.'tO it, in. Wo will soli short lengths of dress goods, worth from 33c to 75c yard, only ono pnt teru to customer, ot 10c. l'roin 4 to 4t!IO i. in. Wo will sell apron check gingham, worth 6c ynrd, only 5 yards to customer, nt 2V4c. Krinn t to r.ilio p. iii. Wo will soli oxtra heavy LL unbloachod muslin, worth 5c yard, only 10 yards to customer, at 24c. Grocery Specials , Monday -Aeuvy syrup ic0 1-pound enns blood red snltnon 12'4o Inrgo California prunes, per pound.. I'o Fancy evaporated peaches, per pound .. 10c Fancy Moor Park apricots, per pound. 13o Ujicolorcd Japan Ton Splderlog, per lb.. 35c Cholco tea sittings, per pound IVib Fancy Unurbon Santos, per pound .... 15o .Ment iiml I.nril. ' T l I : . . . iiinieietiH cornea ocei 7v4o ( Pickled pigs feet Ho No. 1 Sugar enrol bacon llio ' Pickled trlpo nt($0 5-pound palls pure Inrd C5o THE HICHEST STANDARD OF PERFECTION In tho nrt of browing Is shown in tho Moti brand, mado by Metz Ilros., uml bottled by us, It Is nbsolutoly puro, freo from uoxIniiH clicmlcnls or other deleterious In. gredlunlH, poHsesBcs nil thu good ounlltloi of ii genuine, nnturnl liter nnd bus mado mnny friends through sheer merit. INetz Bros., Brewing Co. Tel. 111), Oinaliu, Or Jacob Nourrmycr. Agt cure Neumayer Hotel, Council lllulls, Iowa. I II I Ii 1 M 1 V )