TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, FEBIUTAIiY 2, 1002. i im it diiiismmi. i O. n. GlLllLKT CO., tanners, 1121 H. MUi. IXJ Al t TIO.M'.IHI. JN Nob. nnd Iowa, 2.112 N, Mould Omnha. - 909 F23 MCKCL I'LATIMi. ZjAHQI&T, oldest, best equipped plating plant In Umuba. Omaha 1'latlng Co., lieu Hlilg. Tel. 2-iXi. 1)1 LALMMtV. D.MAHA Stcnm Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 2o ; cults, 4c. 17W l.oii veil wor ill. Tel. 647. 14G MA s i;ivct fit INC1. OMAHA Hnfo and Iron Wks. mako a spe cialty of lira escapes, shuttorB, doors and safpn. U, Andreyi), l'rop., 102 H. 10th St. 1 F20 S MHIjCHOin, 13th chliilnts. and Howard, ma- M459 COAL. IklONnOK Coal and Feed Co. I'lionn 071. Q-167 F28 IHtKSS.MAKl.Vr.. DltKBSMAKINO In families or at homo. Miss Sturdy, 2012 Fnrnum, 337 F29 HAXCINO. SJOHANH'H winter term for boglnnera opens this week. Adults, Tuesday and Fridays, S p. m.; children, Saturday after noons. Trices reduced. 117 F2 I'AWXIIHtMCIlllS. SAOLK Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas 417 TAII.tlltl.VC. iiADIKS' Jackets mnde, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joo Youscn, 1.7)6 Farnam. 1H FMMIIST.H. HKNDKKHON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 125$. 119 1'ltATKH.VAI. (lltnr.llH. niK OAHDKNKHS protect old ago as well ns life. Charter members freo. Particu lars from Frank llosowater, supremo manager. 223 lleo Hldg. -721 TYPniVlllTKItS. KRW A 2dhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha. IM FAcnmius. TRUNKS, travollng bags, suit cases: trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 12u9 Farnam. 151 iiooicki:i:pinc. liKSSONS In bookkeeping, etc.; day or even ing. It. 15, Com. Nat. Hank. Q. H. Ilathbun. 453 I'llll.MTt.llll HIIPAlllINd. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 131 1'II.LOWS. DMAHA rillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 24G7. 133 ham: tibs. OMAHA Hny Halo-Tio Co., 811 North 16th. 155 lMlOTORHAl'llF.H. P. J. HOLOUHEK, photocruphs. 125S S. 13.- M933 F20 MASIU1'3UA1)I'3 COSTU3IBS. B. SACK, ladles1 and gentlomcn's, 3318 S. 20. -170 F2 HTA3I3II3IIINO AM) STUTTEIIINO. CUHED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Hamgo Hldg. 156 Good Teeth Moans good health, poor teeth meaiiH poor mastication, bring ing on dyspepsia, which is tho forerunner of nlno-tenths of all aliments that tho human sys tem Is heir to. Bailey the Deutist, lVi Piixtmi IllooU, 16th and Farnam Sts. I Lady attendant. l'hona 10S3. HI tii fii Ul Ii HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-ltotterdam, via Houlogne, S. M. New TwIn-Screw m. b. of 13.U00 tons register. Steamer ' Statendam Fob. 8. 6 A. M. Via Plymouth and Houlogue-Suo-Mcr. Steamer Miasdum Feb. 15, lo a. M. Apply to Holland-America Line, 33 H'way, IN. .; Harry Moore. 1115 Farnam Street; Louts Neesc, First Natlonnl Hank. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLD EHS' MEET1NO Notlcu 1 hereby given that thu regular annual meeting of the stockholders or thu South Platto U1111I company will bo held ut the olllco of said company, In Lincoln, Nebrusku, ut 11 o'clock 11. m., on tho 6tli lay of March, A. D 1H02. Hy order of the Hoard of Directors. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 1, 1902. C. 11. MOllltlLU Presldont. F2 d30t A. H. AIINOH, Secretary. CHICAGO I.1V13 STOCIC .IIAIIKET. Cuttlo Noiiilniil, Hiiitm Active Sheep Sternly. nnd CHICAGO. Feb. 1. CATTLE Hecclntfl. 5 head. Market nominal. Good to prime ua.,u til fJVii 7 r,' n.tiir tn ,,i,ll,it., 1 1 IW.ti! IM. M , . U . ... ...in't.i.H., ... ...v.....,., ,,lTjU.V, fdockcra nnd feeders. $2,25iill.6o; cows, jl.2.Vir 8 25; canners. $1.25112 30; bulls. $2.605(l.iJi'; calves, J2.6oy7.25; Texas, ,fed steers, $4.0ui( HOaS-Hocolpts todny 21,000 bend: Mon day (estimated), 33,l)ou head; left over, 2.1AX) l:eud. Market active mid steady. Mixed und butchei-3, $5.S0(i46.30; good to choice, $6 15 cju.aj: rmign neavy, tu.Mriin.iu ugni, n.wi( &!): liulk of sales. J.90'ii6.20. SHEEP AND IwUIHS-Hecolpts. l.Wrt head. Sheep steady: lambs sternly. Good to cholco wethers, I.305.20; fair to cholco mixed, $3."04.60; western sheep, fed, $t.lft' C.45; native lambs, J3.WQG.00; wcaU'rn iambs, fed. J5.C(VTi5.90. Otllclal yesterdpy: xHecnl)ts-Cattle, 2.813 head: hogs, 25.125 hehd: sheep, 1,422 head. Shipments Cattle 3.4M head; hogH, 7.2U heud; sheep, l.uot liuud. KnnsiiM City l,l Stouk Jlnrlii't, KANSAS CITY. Fob. 1. CATTLE Ho culnts. 225 heud. Market unchanged. Nn- tlvu steers, $l.s5yil.60, Texas and Indian steers, $l.25f6.6o; Texas cows. $2.&iy4.2 native cows and heifers, $3.00i(5.rju; stoclt. rs nnd feeders, $3,251 1.85; bulls, $3.0oi4.50 VnlvpH. 14.0(yn6 5i). HOUS-Hecclpts, 3.SG0 head. Mnrkot steady to 6u lower. Hulk of sales, $.i.UKif 0.40; heavy. $6 35f(C50; packers, $6.20?ii. 10; medium, J6.0046.4O; light, $5.IO'oG.20; porkers IS.-KUittlVl: nlk-y. Sl.751i5.3a. SHEEP AND LA.MHS Ilecolpts, none, tnnrk.it liiielwuiired. Muttons. JI.OM1D.0): lambs, $5.50inl00; western wethers, $l.5oy 4.80; ewes, U.w'Ul-W. l'lilliiilelpliln Produce .llnrket. THILADELPH1A, Feb. 1. nt'TTEH Firm but iiuiot; extra western creumery. (Win'tc; exfn nearity iiiiihb, -m l.'nclR lliisi'ttlo.l. lo lower: fresh nearby fSc; fresh western, 2So. fresh toutiiwcstern Kn! fresh Hnulherii. 2lWI27e. CHEESE Quiet but llrmi Now York full creams, funcy small, lHto: Now York full creams, fair to cholco, Uli'unc, in y COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Otlni Art Tfartatentd with Luiei bj Ii crming i!ur SintiKint, WHEAT OPENS STEADY, BUT DROPS AGAIN CiiIiIpx Arc Firm, Aiistrntlnn Slilp niftiln Kxeeftxlvc , .SrllliiK Orders .VnliicroiiN, lint (Iriiornl Trnilo Is Light in Volume. CHICAGO. Feb. l.-Qralns wcro thrcat- ened with lossc3 nil around today, aa tho result of a Krowlnir bearish sentiment, iiI "l 11 ironing iicarisn scnumeiu. ITIccn did dip for a time, but there was southwestern markets nnd small gains wero made. May wheat Cosed Uo up. Mnv corn c higher nnd May oats a shade higher. Provisions closed a shado to 7V4c lower. Vhcat began tho day steady, but dropped iiiii.my, uauies wcro steady, uui aus trullau shlpmunts were excessive, 1,072,'JUO UUSIICIB, Compared With only 272.0c KJ t 10 nVV, V,r"'.ft,.w.r" "al XSSfi M,.W.e. " general trado was light In volume. Tho "cr.e.?:??..0.f... W,,l..uusicl ocea' Tcl8."! hiir " nrirei i,V.r il.l l J?.. r. ... Z' i m nurt prices hero. Inspiration for nny bull turn In tho market seemed to bo lacking in uny of thp nowK at hand. May opened n. nmuio iiigncr 10 a snauo jower at n)c iu k?40 anu sold to i7VB.IV.iC. At tneso prices offerings becamo scarce. Thcro was ii rovlval of bullish sentlmont in tho south western markets ami shorts began cover ing liberally. Of lato bears havo been hedging to some degree and seem to prefer covering at, small breaks rather than to contlnuo going further short. Thero was an Improvement reported In tho cash situation, tho soalmnril forrlcn rtrmntul wus picking up and sellers turned buyers. May reacted quickly and later fluctuated narrowly. With no linwnril tpnifonnv. Mnv closed Uo higher and firm ut 78(h78V4c Local iiyi-ipis weru .6 cars, 4 ot contract grade; Minneapolis anil Duliilh reported 305 cars, making u total for tho three points of 328 cars, against 413 last Week. Lust venr this day was a holiday. Primary receipts wero 420,0uo bjshcls. Seaboard clearings In wheat ntitl itntir fi.main,i w iwi i...ut,r.i orn opened firm on steady 'cables,' which reflected nothing of tho weakness of this iiiifirt i v .Ifi : .V ,i,V.' "a on early ' i,.nnr 1 . "ViS. ,,.,;K i afeS oiiippeu iasi week than were received. May hoUl from n low point of 62U4iU2io to a firm closo und o up at OSHc lleceipts llioro was a very small trado In oats. trndo prices fluctuating within '4c. 'in'. leresL 111 tlin nil .,1 ,,,,.,1. ,.. -.. .i. thorp was an Inclination to sell tho long ?in,'if ncci'mulated during tho recent rally. iVi'l f.u lUnK.. eilr. y depressed prices, but ...it hii.t i n luiiiiweu oiner grains. Jiay Hecclpts wero C2 cars. Li!S..Ik.s.,Iii ,ork-..Tl10 market was iwi!? .r! b,roJKht ,n steady opening. Pork selling depressed prices slightly, but nV nVh'iL "1 ,',u"i eu 114c down Sii-i&o'ft .,ay l.'.lr1.a Hlm,1 lower nt 9.3il'll9.40. Iilv rllio VU. ,1,.... n on-.j IT ... I ... 1 1 . , . 1 t "rt . receipts ror aionday: Wheat, in ftii i, . T ' curs; onls' 15 car"i hogs, Tho lending futures ranged as follows: ArtlclcB. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closo.lYcs'y. Wheat l'cn. May Julv 714 Corn- May July SonL Oats- May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July Si! 32 15 85 15 9214 D3714 0 47Vj ??V4 8 W No. 2. Cash quotations wcro ns follows: FLOUR Steady : winter nninnii 91 oivr spring sneelnls. I1.20? nnlrnin i rstn'n'. ni.iiiKiiin. u...uuto.ou. I'll. ur. x.i .'iir,, ( rji. D..t..hti.nt fu,i.JUU,UV WHIJAT-No. 3, 76Uc; No. 2 red. 830850. OATS-No. 2 whlto, 4G14iM714c; No. white, 44H 1114c 71 u ' ' 11 YE No. 2. Glc. IIAHLEY Fair to cholco mnltlnr- r.idrcio SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.71: Nn. 1 nnrih..i: crn, $1.73; prime timothy, $0.65; clover, con tract grade. $9.70. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $15 6)il 15.G0. Ivird, per 100 lbs., $9.20S9.22'.. Short ribs sides (loose), $s.20i?8.33; dry" salted snort clear Tho following wcrp the receipts and ship- icnts of grains yesterday: v men Articles Receipts. Shipments. lour, bills.. 26,000 IC.OcX) 66,000 84,000 Wheat, bu... uorn, int.... Oats, bu tw.W" 07.000 73,000 137.000 . 5.000 11 oto live, bu Hurley, bu .37,000 5,000 On tho Produce exchnnen imlnv th i.... lor market was steady: erenmorina ir.r.TK., L'S. llljSlc. Cheese, steady, o'ttftimc! , easy, fresh, 2314c 4U n ' Eggs, XEW YOIIIC GENERAL MARKET. Iliiotutlons nf the liny on Various Conimoilltles. to fancy, $3.5(X((3.75, cuu.N.itiuAl--steaily; yellow wostern, $1.2u: city, $i.2o; Ilrandywlno, $3.(Q3.70. RYE Easy: No. 2 wesetrn. fi7Un. f. tv s afloat; slate, 0IQ63c, c. 1. f Now York car- lOlH, HARLEY-Dull: feeding. C317C5C. c. 1. f.. New York: malt nir. (wi72e. e. 1. f.. Mow York. " WlJEtT Receipts, 23,630 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2 reu, S7c, f. o. b., afloat No. 2 red, 8914c, elevator; No. 1 northern nuluth, S7c. f. o, b., ulloat. At llrst ruthor Ml Hll ill' on cables, wheat declined under moderate lliiuldntiou nnd southwest selling, but nil- ueu iiuer 011 iicmanii 110m snorts, tjlosed OA 1 H uocelpts, 57.00"! bu,: exportH. 10.G39 im. udi. iiouny; io. rwi o. a, 4Sc: No, 2 Whlto. filGIc: No. 3 whlto. WHd trunk mixed western. 4&ii50c; track white, C0U BOc. Options dull nmt about Htently. tr iv null. ulil.t..liwr iwr.ic.x a. Choice, biiwc. Ill 1 SI f 1 Hlnr utnln cnmrnnii t - nlnlnn 1901 crop, HHQlGc; 19iW crop. SdH2c; 1894 crop, 61ic. Pnclllc coast, 1931 crop, llU 154e: 19) crop, 8yi2c: 1899 crop. GiiSc. HIDES-Oll ut! Galveston. 20 to 23 Ilia.. ISo: California. 21 to 23 lbs,. 19'Ao: Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 1414c. LKATlii';it--ijuiei; nemiocit solo ror tho Huenos Ayres light to heavyweights. 24U 26e. WOOI-8tcady: domestic fleece. 26ff27c: Texas. iKiutc. PROVIHIONS-Ilcef, dull; family. $11,501? 13.0): mess. JD.tWi 10.O): beef hams. $19.60 21.W; packet. $10.50Ti 11.50; city extra India mess. ni.iiiifiiiw.NJ. lui ments. nun: picKlea bellies. 4.(iii0u: pickled shoulders. 7c: nick- led hums, 9?i'U10c. Lard, steady; western steamed, $9.t9; refined, quiet; continent, $9.85; South America, $10.63; compound, T.s.00 df.S.2... Pork, quiet; family, $17.001117.23; short elenr, $17.5u,20.00; mess, $16.0OjT17.0O. 1.1ft, l?lt... l...... nan..,A.. T.lKint n. renovated. Hir20o: Imltntlon creamery, ll'i j'.ie, siaio oairy, n$tu.ic, CHEESE Firm: state, full creams, small, eariy mauo, laney cnioreu. ii'siHio; stnte, full creams, small, early made, fancy while, ll'4lill'.4c; large, early made, col ored. 10;e: large, early mnde. whlto. lOMr. EGOS Easier; stut'o and Pennsylvania, 27 5l2Sc; western at marl:, 21c; southern ut mark. 264e, METALS Tho market was a quiet ono In motuls. interest eoiiunueH to coiner in ...l.lnl, unntnu In lit, l.,llillnf imunffl but tho prlco.i todny wero unchanged. Lako stands nt JI2.76Q13.S3. electrolytic at $12.75ti 13.0U und casting at $12.25j 12.874. Tin was moderately ucttvo In a Jobbing way and utmniv nt 123.90(fI24.10. Lead ruled steady and unchanged, with fairly nctlvo demand tiom tho trado on tho basis of $4.10. Spel - VSVi ""78W 77U 7SJT78W 7 62HjI 63' RjifW C2 63 HIM 01 61i 61 6 UVi 434 HHfTfi; 3214 224 32' 32-vJ 15 R5 15 S74 35 73 15 77W 15 93 15 95 15 S3 15 87$ 9 40 9 40 9 37U 9 40 9 47 M 9 4714 9 45 9 4714 8 474 8 4714 8 35 8 40 8 47141 8 60 8 47J4 8 4714 IVKW YtOlJTiT T.".ili 1 i-ilTll I .,. t ,1 ,V. tnrlifft VtPllniW. :41r7t.f I.I-llht! I celpts, 13,260 bbls.; exports. S.039 bbls.; seconds. lTtffaHc. Molnsses, stendy: open ciTicnco Ter. 4s. x9 dull, nominal nt old prices; win- kettlo. 10fi23c: centrifugal, 6iffl5c. Syrup, .fj'0iuX r0 4s.. 3111 h,r.n,IIai?nl8,...,3-7M,4!;': winter straights, steady at 10ae2c. I). & R. O. 4s? 1021? $3.G0ir3.75; Minnesota pntents, J3.854M.15 NEW YORK. Feb. 1. SUGAR Raw, KHo or h 4s 9S; whiter extras. $2.903.20; Minnesota bakers, steady: fair rellnlng, 3Hc; centrifugal, 9G "uo ,en, 4b rs4 $2.9jii,3.30: winter low grades, $2.70ii2.80. Ryo test, 3 11-lGc. Molnsses sugar, 215-16c; re- y w?& D. C. ls.107'4 Hour, unlet: fair to irood. Hi' M,,,i,. oisn.i atnnilv: Nn. 6. 4.20c: No. 7. 4.10c: No. tinr., vni ulu mult urm uuu uucuunKcii: .uarcii c oseu nt itiun May. X.H.(fiS.'laie. r naeil nt xllii,.. .lulu v .i. I 11c. ku: nir.,1 Riiln nu CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT8-Un- Mex. Central .... 2S, iisceola .1 8711 CORN-Rocelpts; 3,000 bu.; exports. 3,513 changed today; a moderate Jobbing Iwiulry Amor. Sugar JftH . 34 fr?"e lots for tho week havo been fairly .Sii&vJt teS&r sg&nrsT-aiS' . tsSt! corn, due to cables rind covering, was cot?,Ki.M.?rL,V"F leaches, "tn. ugle''''"l It.I nminmln . G7 as compared with the sumo week of lust quickly followed by n slmrp reaction under peeled, llt,lSo; unpceled, 13(&15c. Wnss. -jecir c... 1 11 niuu in ..... w no y ii u r sl,Kht lncrt,nHOi Th(( r. realizing and a subsciiuent recovery with ... ,.,,,, Mni..t N. E. O. & C ... 4 United States .... 17S celpts for tho month of January broke ,nll y:,'ati.,,r?f'1 1 rm iftt. tfi ,,ot, "uviinco. nr- fiood" Mnrket. Hnied Fruit . 89 Utah .......... ....Ik provlous records for that month, as there - .... . k- lllUIV, A' it I'lk 1 tliyi7Wtr-A I U Ua llll.lill ttp ten, milt.!, nt.nittf nttil titiMinntfeit at 4.a. iron wns nuiei nore. OMAHA WIIOI.KSAI.il M. HIS UTS. Comlltlnii of 'Irmlr and Otinlntlniis on 5itnpp nnil Knnry I'roiturr, KOOS Iloeolnts more liberal: market un settled: fresh stock, 21?22c. lilVE I'Ot'LTHY-llens, V,mC 1J roosti-rn. .ifivle. turkeys. 7Si9e! ilucks and geese, 7flSc: sprint chickens, per lb., "Wt o. . . .. DIIESSKH POULTRY Turkeys. 1012o: ducks, s-ifloc; geese, 9yi0c; Bprlng chickens, iUKUfi! linns. SflflO. HUTTKIl-Common to fair, 14Hc! cholco ilnlrv. In ttilm. lfjfiI17n! m.tiiirntnr. 23fif24c. vhuakth l-'lHii mack Pass, ic; wnuo bass, 10c: bluellsh, 12c; bullheads, 1W5 buf- raiocs, ic; cntusn. izc; cou, tuc; crnnpies, Ho; halibut, 11c; herring, 4cj haddock, 9c; '"o, Sc; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12cj sun- .'".''i 6cf "'""J' VV wh,,tc21!. S.c: .,,l?..rifi: oc fresh mackerel, each, 2vfiaJc: smelts, 10c OYSTKHS-Me.llums, per can, 22c: Stand- ey York Counts, per can. -loc ; bulk e:a.ni;'ul per gal., 1.75. l'lUKONS Live, per doi., 60c. v unoice, u'((jic. COIIN-New, Clc; old, (Vic. UATS 02C HAY Prices nuotcd by Omaha Whole- pnln Hnv llnnlom' mmnrliil nn! Cho cn tin ale Hay Dealers' association: cnoico ur Lft"4 - SSL No; . "P. "Si JSaIu!?J, "i are for hay of good color and quality. Do- mand fair! Ilwelpts. 6 cars. VEOKTAHl.ES. nnTAirnt'oi-,,,., ti. nrthTt, $1; Salt Lake, li.io; Colorado, $1.10. 4- AltHU TJi-I'Cr UU. .OC I III3ETS Per bU. liasKOt, we. I TUHNIP8-Pcr bu Wo; Hutabagas, per ll'J IDS., fl.Zj. 'ahhn I'S-.I'er tin., fioe. CUCUMHEHS-Hothousc. per dor., $2.40. listtuuk iicad, per oui., i.w: noi- house lettuce, per doz., 35c. l'AHHll-Jl-I'Cr uoz., c. HAniSHES Per doz.. 25c. SWEET l'OTATOES Homo grown, per lb.. 2Ho; Kansas, per uui., J3.2&. UAltiiAUlj llniianii Been, craiea, iftc. 1' A IT!. I KM IWKIU Per erate. 12.75. ONIONS Snanlsh. ncr crate. $2.25: Michi gan, red or yenow, a; per 10. i KiifiK i uaiiiiirnia. vU'liidc. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baskct crate, APPLES lien Davis, ner bbl.. $4.OON.50: Wlnesaps, $5; Jonathans, $5.00; Hellotlow- erf,'rJ,.Ir, "ti'JS HEAIlS- Ikers, $2.23; Lawrcnco, $2.25 UHAPES-Malairas. oer kec. S3. CHANHEHHIES l'cr bbl., $7; per crato. NAVV BEANS-Per bu $L tmiiiii-ii. $2.ro. 1 .i.mcit;h irnnpv. xa.zo: rnoiee. s.i. UANANAS er bunch, according to size, vr.ru" ir,. FIC3S California, now cartons, $1; lm- uortcd. per lb., 121114c. M IH4J1S llan u a. NI1TS Now cron walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., UHo; no. 2. sort Mien, iuu: rso. a nam sneu. vc. Urazlls, per lb.. 14c; filberts, per lb., 13c; I .nrt ul, 17p linr.f ulinll ir,n lllllluiu.0. owkfc a....., ....... swu, pecans, large, per lb., 15c; small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per sacK, .i.uu. hi ijviv inr L'4.nnpiinn caso. i..jo. CIDEK-Nehawka. per bbl.. $3.23; New York, $3.60. 1'iii'ijuiini i'er 10.. uc. HIDES No. 1 creen. Gc: No. S izreen. Be: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12Vi lbs.. Sc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to ir. IKu ?,. ,1,,. l.l.lnu U.l?p shAnn nnltn ?r,p 1 1J .J . . I l , u. J ...... ... aww , '' , 1 ' , ww, horso lilacs, n.tw--M. St. Louis Grill 11 mill Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1 . W 1 1 EAT 1 1 1 ghe r : Dl. lAJUJEli I'fll, 1. 1 1 rjiv x iiiKii.-. . No. 2 red. cash, elevator, SGc: track. 8714 (ijSSc: May, 85T,c; July, i7?ic; No. 2 hard, 78V4"0V4c. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, GlHc; track, C3i4c: May, frl,4c: July, G4V4Q64Hc OATS ixjwcr; ino. - casn, 43c; iracit, 6c: May. 45Hc: July. 3ST4c; No. 3 whlto, 47Hc . . iiyk Nominal, biaitkic. ifr.niTii null, ensv: red winter natents. $3.954i..l0: extra fancy and straight, ti.Wi 3.70: clear, jj.b j.io. Hl'JiSD Timotny, sieauy, o.ii)W.jw. tTOHNMEAI Hteailv. $3.10. HHAN Dull, unsettled; sacked, cast track. 90293c. , HAY Timothy, steady. $12.504714.00: nral- rln dull. weak, not ouoted. PJIOVISIONB 1'orK, lower; joDuing, sis.20. old: 115.95. now. Lard, steady. $9.15. Ury sail meats luoxeuj, uuu; uxira. anuria nn.l rlnnr rlhs. SS.621A: clear sides. JS.S7M.. Hacon (boxed), dull; extra shorts und clear ribs. $9.374; clear siaes, vj.yi. WHISKY steaay. IHON COTTON Tlisa II. HAOOING-5H!(tWC. HEMP TWINE 9c. mrtals Iad. firmer at $1. Spelter. iliill nnrl ufnnk at S4.. POULTIIY steady; cnicKons. j4'aac; xur- keys, lie: ducKs, iuc; geese, owoc. HUTTEH Steady; creamery, 184725c; dairy. 155i20c. . f 21 1.. 1 iiirnpr ut. z.iit. r.i-.-t..niir fi imA 1,1,1a nrlinnt 17. rmn tin.? rnrn. 37.000 bu.: oats. 68.000 bu. SHIPMENTS l'lour. o,uuo nuis.; wncai, 78,000 bu.; corn, ws.wo uu.; oais, n.vw uu. lCnnsnn City Grnln nnd Provisions. t.-aksas hity. Feb. 1. WHEAT May, 7fiic; July, 7474ic: cash, No. 2 hard, 751i'&) SGc; No. 2 spring, 74c. COHN-Mny, Glc; September. G3!4c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 63Hc; No. 2 white, C614c; No. 3, CjMilliHJC It A TS-.M1 '1 IVlllTO. '.b..'(iWC. itAYr!holen tlmothv nnd nrnlrlo. $13.50. HUTTER Creamery. 18022c; dairy, fancy, lsc. i.'nnsStrmlv: fresh Missouri nnd Kan. SaS HIOCK llUlllUtl Oil Ullllfc iv i. uuH-u. less off cases returned; new whltewood boxes included. 2214c RECEIPTS-Whcat. 21,400 bu.; corn, 51,- n,.. .... . . 1 1 . 1 1... tol.l Ull., ... SIIIPMENTS-Whcat. 8,000 bu.; corn, 81,- 000 bu.; oats, z.ww nu. SiiKitr Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS, Feb. l.-SUGAR-FIrm; onon kettle, 2o; ceniriiugai, ..mum; 8. 3.90c: No 9, 3.85c; No. 10. J.boc; no. 11, 3.75c; No, 12, 3,80c; No. 13. 3.75c; No. 14, 5 rr.f Htnndnrd A. 4.55c: confectioners' A. 4.55c; mould A, 4.55c; cut loaf, 6.25c; "rushed. B.23C powdered. 4.85c: granulated. 4.75c; cuties, ilvk-. moiasses, nnn; now Orleans, open kettle, good to cholco, 35 II, Jin LONDON, Feb, 1. SUGAR February beet. Gs 9id. r.vniiornted Apples mid Dried Frnlts. K'Eff YORK. Feb. 1. EVAPORATED APl'LES The market remains featureless with urlees generally unchnnged nnd Bteady. State, common to good, 7tffSHc: prime, 9091bc; choice, 9!4fi'10c; fancy, 1OV40 lie, mnilfirntn nmount of business had been re ported in staple cottons of nil descrip tions, without ehango In price. Print cloths aro firm, on tno pusib or 3 i-joc tor regu lars, but no business of nny moment recorded. Prints nnd ginghams aro firm. with moderate sales. American cotton yarns quiet nnd sugiuiy easier. Kgypuan yarns Bteauy; worsieu varus urm. uui quiei; woolen yarns steady; Jute and llnon yarns firm. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YflRK. Fob. 1 COTTON Snnt closed quiet: middling uplands, steady at sn: mlddllnir iculf. iSic. Sales. 150 bnles Futures closed quiet and steady. February. s.oan! March. 8.08c: Anr II. 8.10c: Mnv. S.l!c: June, s.i3o; Jiuy, s.xdc: August, uc acnieni ber. 7.75e: October. 7.69c. l,fljVi;TUN, TCX., i'CD. 1 UUilUN guiet, 7;c, Mllwnnkee firnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Feb. l.-WHEAT-Lowor; no. 1 norinorn. niriuc, o. . norinern, 74Vtruiuc; .Mny, lU'kc. RYE-Weak: No. 1. GOUc. HARLEY-Flrm; No. 2, 64c; sample, 65 I GjVbC. CORN-Ma, 0.T4C Minneapolis Wlirnl, I'lnur nnil Hrnn. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. l.-WHEAT-Cnsh. 73Mi74Wo; May. 7H4c; July, 7641i75Hc; on trnck. No. l hard, 7Cc; No. 1 northorn, 73 'I ii'ic; ro, i norinern, i.(iJ'ic. 1' liUlt .'..III, (i.nb j'Ui7o, vu.wuu.tfu, second patents, $3.75ij3.8jj nrst clears, '$3.70 4(3.80 hoconu clears. k.v. URAN-In bulk, $15.0iai5.50. t'ntTee Mnrket, NEW YORK. Feb. l.-COFFEE-Snot Rio, quiet: No, 7 Invoice, 64c. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 811120. The mnrkot opened steady. with prices 64)10 points lower. Tho closo MllS teniiy, wnn prices net dhiu points 1 lower. Total sales wot 33,250 bags, lnclud- . , i""".'. . 'n o v. in i cn-. x- n I ' u '"-it ..ii.i iiiifv.i fijvavv, ueccuiuci , u.wiiu.ivu, January, G05o. 3IOVI3.1ll2.VfH OF STOCKS A.M 1IO.M.S. Slieeiilntiirs Aim It .Supreme Conrt lle- rlshui In Northern Securities Cnsr, NHW YlllIv. t.Vli 1 Ttin alrxnKll, nf n handful of soeelnltlrs from Itullvliliinl causes on th stock market todny were not fuiiiL-iciii io onset mo dounirui state or mind In which speculators Iliul themselves regarding the suit against the Northern Securities compnny, In which u decision by the supremo court may be Riven Monday. The declaration of tho first iiunrterly dlvl- uuiiu oi i per cent on ino stocK ot mo Northern Seciirltlen rnniliiitiv nnil Hin mnll. Ins of checks to stockholders last night .-estlvo of a deslro to forestall po 'enl opposition to such action an creased tho disposition of tho nub lvwnt tho Judlcfal Vleclslon regardln wiiuuui uiinounecment were iiiKen as sug- liossllilo tmiiiin in I ami in r.llritr III,, fn. " i Di'uun n uiu t:uiuiutiiy, i ne enormous loan i rxi Ln.H nn IIV tun linttua wnu niinllinp ilia. I uulotlng factor. Increase In loans of ncnrly iw.uw.wu in a single weeK lias occurred only a few times In the history of tho New xuirv LIL-IIIUIK IIUU8U 1II1U UUI Ul Ull UlllSlUU tho period last spring, when syndicate preparations were innkinir for tbn crent denls which afterward electrified tho fltiiin- nnl world, For the week ending February 2, last year, tho loans of the New York 9 paring house banks .wcro expanded $30. expansion In their ' history 11 t tho vast ex .ansloS of credits the country ov2? since that time nnd the small proportionate In- rrMm in rauli r rnr ih .nm. mm,i makes what was a hull Influence on stock Jl-i timau in lll'nilll null null UUUUI inin year. nai operations arc rcsponsuno for tho past week's large Increase In loans Is not Known to tno putinc. tho bank statement counteracted the Influence of earlier strength of Sugar on revived hope of reduction of Cuban sugar duties and nntwiMM.'.l annplHflfl.it. Itf ahiii iminlml f'.,- iwr. Tlin market elnseil rlull unit linnvv nl mixed not chnnges. united auuoH rcruiidinir 2.1 declined 1; and tho 3s and now 4s advanced 'I over the closing call of last week. Tno touowing nre tno Closing prices on me rsow lorn diock exenange Atchison 76H 80. Pacific do ptu 97so. Hallway .... Ualtlmoro & O...103 do pfd 33 do pfd 93 Texas & P Can. Pacific 1I31J T.. St. L. & W. Can. Southern .. SO do pfd dies. & OI1I0.... 45'Unlon Pac II o .. ..lOiti .. S3 I'll. .4 .. 42(i .. 17 .. 29 .. intA Chicago & Alton. 33y do pfd uo ptu 34.vnuasn Chicago, I. & L. t2 do tifd do prd 70 W. & L. E. Chicago & 13. I..141H do 2d pfd... Chicago Ot. W... 23(iWls. Central . .ln ... nf. L'l i .1.. ...I SI do nfd 40 UU ink I'.u... do 2d nfd 44'i Adams Kxnrrs.q..in; C. & N. IV SlISiAm. Express ....218 C. It. I. & P....1G2HU- 8. Express.. ..10SH Chicago T. & T.. 17U AVells. Fargo 190 do nfd 32, Amal. (!nnnr . . mi! C. C. C. & St. Ii.. 9S'4 Amor. C. & F.... 21 Colo. Uouthorn .. 15'a do pfd km: do lot pfd CIAmor. Lin. Oil... 24 do 2d ufd 30Vi do nfil .viu. Dela. 1 Hudson. .172 lAmer. 8. & it... 47V4 1)01. Li. & W 279 UO nfd 97tl Denver & 11. G.. 42W'Ana. Min. Co, do piu .... 91 Hrk. Hap. Tr, Erlo .. 39V(,CoIo. F. & I... .. GDi-i Con. Oas .. KilsCon. Toll. pfd. ..1871ti Hen. Electric . .. Gs Olucoso Sugar .. S2 illoeklng Coal do 1st pfd,, do 2d nfd.. Ot. Nor. pfd.. Hock. vMley do nfd .... Illinois Central 1 owa Central .... 40(il do pfd do nfd 74 llntVl Power . L. E. & W 6714 Lnclcdo Gas . do pfd 132 Jat. Hlscult .. Louis. & Nash... 103i Natlonnl Lead Manhattan L ....l35iiNatlonnl Salt Mot. St. Hy 171ii do pfd Mox. Central 28VNn. American Mox. National .. 17'f, Pacific Coast . Minn. & St. L...107if,'Pnclllo Mnll .. Mo. Paclflo 102 ll'eoplo's Ous . M.. K. & T 24?l Pressed Steel C uo prd 52-Ji do pfd 84U N. J. Central. ...191 iPullman P. Cnr..217 k. i.wav..... .1,'BI ,1. llt do nfd giU'Suear ... C9 125TS, fi 73 11 Ontario & w.... 33i Pennsylvania ....149 Heading Mti, fenn. C. & 1... U. U. & p. Co. do nftl 110 1st pfd 81 do 2d nfd U. 8. Leather.. do pfd U. S. Rubber... do nfd M.7i ai. u. cc n. r ... t: 15 do 1st pfti RIH UU .K Ull 4l-ji U. S. Steel St. L. 8. W 23 do pfd Western Union uo inn bs 8t. Paul 1G1 A ... T n. I .... nn.l do pfd 187 A,.'.U1U11VI.. i do pfd 921tJ Offered. N'cvt York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Fob. 1 MONEY On rail. nieuuy ni i per cent; pnmo mercantile paper. irmi per ceni. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills nt $4.87! llOSieil rnies. l.oa ailU 9-I.&8; Commercial bills. $1.83VM.84V4. noNDS State, easier: railroad. Btcndy; government, wenk: ref. 2s reg. and coupon, iimft, res., iun; coui'un, im, ex-ini. I. JOSii, ex-lnt.: 39; old 4s reg.! .; 6s reg.. 106: ' now 4s reg, and coupon, iki; 111; coupon, 111T4. cx-lnt. rnimnn. i. PT.inr. SILVER Har, 6514c; Mcxlcnn dollars, 41Hc. Tho closing quotations on Donus aro as follows: U. S. r. 2s. reg...l0SU' L. & N. nnl. 48..10U4 Mex. Cen. 4s 82U, do coupon iiv,j, do 3s, reg 10814 do coupon 1081a do new 4s, reg.. 139 dn enunon 139 M. & St. L. 4s.. .loiu M.. K. & T. 4s... 98 do 2s Pt do old 4s. reg...li do coupon 111H "N. Y. C. Is 103 do gen. 314s iasi do 6s, reg juu j. j. nen. us. .is? No. Pacific 4s 105 tin coupon iw'i Atch. gen. 4s 103i do 3s 74s N. & W. con. 4s,102 Rending gen. 4s.. 98 do ndj. is vi Hal. O. 4 101 fin :ifcn v.t ri it cc l il c. US..11D S. L. & 8. F. 4s 96 St. L. S. W. Is... nsi do conv. 4S....105U Canada So. 2a....liiU4 C. of G. 5s Ill do 2s 7911 S A & A P 4s.... jsii: do 1st inc C. & O. 414s 10714 C. & A. 3U8 S41i So. Pacific 4s 94A: So. nallwny CS....120 C. II & Q II. 4s... 9G CM&SPg. 4s,.114i 1. cc 1; ir 120V4 T 8. I,. & W. 4s 83T4 IhUh TI. .1.1 . . . 'B C & N W C 78..X4UHI Itlituil 1 ituiuu 1S..1IU .1IUV4 do conv. 4s mnv i.itiiunii in ., ,ll!l do 2s 114 nnnro 4S...ll2i W & It. E. 43.... 93lJ U' n fur, A Wis. Cen. 4s... 88'i Con. Tob. 4s.. G64 ex-Intcrest. b.d. Huston Stock Quotations. ROSTON. Feb, l.-Call loans, 314ftM per . 4ii5 per cent. Official , ig i.i uui umciai cent: time loans closlne: Atchison 4s.... .102 . f.3 Amalgamated Hultlu .. 78H Gas Is Mex. Cen. 4s... Atchison ..II... . 82 Hlnghnm iu74iul. tv iieuui rjuU 971i Centennial 14H !G2 t.'onnor Ran Kft ... r,iZ do piu Boston & Al... Boston Me. llnatnn F.Ie 19i'A Dom. Coal av; ..163 Franklin 141 v v. K it & H..210 Mohawk Union Paclilc ....101 Old Dominion .... i'wiii u .... 93 Wlnoua 114 .... 23'4 Wolverlno 54 .... 3Vs do nfd Adventure Allouez .... Ex-dlvldend. London .Stork (lilotnt Ions. LONDON, Feb. 1.-4 p. m.-Closing: Cons., money. ..94 7-16 Norfolk & West.. do account. ..at 1-10 uu piu.., IiIlULUIIUlV tit 171 wiuitiiw tv IV Atchison 7811 1'ennHyIvnnU do pfd 90'AHeadlnfr Mincondu. 74'untnrm .v w 31U, lialtlmorn & O....IW! do 1st pfd do 2d ufd Canadian PaclflcllO! ChesapeaKo cc u.. 47 Chicago. Q. W.... 2.W Southern Hy do pfd , Southern Pacific, Union Pnclllc ttv r f. ut 11 lr.oik . .... U .... l,.lu.,, Denver & R. G... 43( do nfd 93 no piu U. S. Steel do nfd Erlo 40t, do 1st prd 7IH do 2d Dfd 67 Wabash Illinois Central... 14014 do pfd.. I'0"1".- Nu8h....l06V4;8lnnIsh Is M.. K. & T 25H,Rand Mines 12i do pfd 54 Delleers 45H N. Y. Central. ...165H HAR SILVER-Qulnt; 25 7-16d per ounco. MONEY 2V,fif3 ncr cent. Tho rate of discount In the onen market for short billy Is 2T.W3 per cent nnd ror tnreo months' uuift is - la-loo per ceni. Xfit York Minlntc Stonks, NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Tho following are tho closing prices on mining siocks; Adams Con 20 T.litl.. Chief 11 Alice 45 Ontario 750 Ilrmien M llnnir 80 llrunswlek Cnn .. R Plinenlx Comstock Tun... 6V4 Potosi uon. in. cc va.,,iua navuKo ueadwood Torru. uo sierra Novaua Horn Silver l.V) Small Hopes' . Iron Sliver 60 Standard , Leadvllle Con,,., I ... 40 ...345 f eif 8.m Ul.lS L.4T.T Ut tkl WV, liQt Cities Ctiwi It Hi(kr. HOGS DECLINE A NICKEL SATURDAY Drtnitnil for .sheep mid t.nmlis I'ullr llqunl to tin- .Supply All tlir Week mill the .Market Utiles Aetltr nnil Mtrndy. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 1. Heceltits were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Oltliial Motuiiiv. ,. 1,4.I 4,4V! .',7 Olllclal Tuesday i. 3.&02 ti,7li .. 3 11!) 9,!dri 1.367 3.017 nM2 l,24j UtIICllU WllltlrsdnV. nfMifii 'f.!., ., r;;:, nic . 3.S03 .. llli 7.7W3 W1IHI1II 1 III1II V. . . . Olllclal Saturday... lo.itrj Tntnl li!,i nnAi' .14.S97 4C.I7S CI, 421 4J,4I3 D4.9S7 4S.9M 12.5CI 14,i 13,84.1 11,185 Jeek ending Jan. 33... .14,4311 Week ending Jan. lb....i;,S ec t ending Jan. 11....17.&S1 Week ending Jan. 4 13,133 Same week lust yenr....h.9J.' 11.411 12,903 16,721 1 VVerillfp ntlon mi.1,1 fnr lim.a lit South Omaha the past cevcral days with com yu.i inuusi Date. 1902. 1901. 1900.jn99.lS9S.lW.lSt. Jan. 13... 6 00U 4 53 3 55 3 491 3 091 3 47 5 16 i 50 3 49 3 16 3 53 5 2 4 6S 3 47 3 26 3 59 5 27 4 62 3 52 3 23 I 3 C6 5 20 4 48 3 49 3 47 ' 3 72 5 22 4 63 3 61 3 61 3 23 3 S2 6 27 4 64 3 64 3 64 3 26 4 64 3 66 3 60 3 26 3 00 6 26 3 69 3 64 3 26 3 96 6 13 4 63 3 67 3 23 3 91 6 14 4 69 3 60 3 25 3 86 5 22 4 55 3 61 3 62 3 92 5 13 4 48 3 60 3 65 3 35 4 W 6 18 4 65 3 57 3 72 3 35 4 62 3 63 3 61 3 30 4 11 5 22 3 08 3 C2 3 27 I 10 6 2K 4 G2 8 61 3 27 3 93 5 25 4 54 3 70 3 29 3 91 6 17 4 65 3 04 3 66 3 98 5 17 4 65 3 64 3 06 3 98 6 22 4 67 3 64 3 6 4 3 27 4 03 Jan. 14... Jan. 15... J uii. IS... 6 20HI 6 1& 17 Ian 17... Jan. 13... Jan. 19.,, Jan. 20... Jan. 21... 6 27 6 144 6 02 6 03 11 (.t: Jan. 22... Jun. 23 Jan. 24... Jan. 25. 6 Mill Jan. Jan. 26. 27. 28. 29. 6 12V4I 6 '.6 b 06 5 9G4 6 9SW 6 92- Jan. Jan. Jan. 30. Jan. 31... Jan. 31... Feb. 1... Indicates Sund.-vv. Tho olllclal number nf ears of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. & St. P. Hv 17 O. A: St. L. Ily Missouri Pacltic ltv .... 1 3 11 17 21 H 17 14 18 6 4 "l36 Union Pacific system u. cc ;n. v. iiy F.. E. & M. V. It. H C, St. P., M. & O. Hy 11. Ac iu. 11. iiy, (.... C, II. & Q. lty C, It. I. & P., east C. it. I. & P., west Illinois central Total receipts . Thn ilfnnnnltlnn nf th(, ilnv'fl rppplnts WI1H as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num- per or neuu inuicatcu; Uuyers. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,281 720 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Company 2,518 3,083 3,355 281 Loiiman cc uo Livingstone & schuilcr. Fowler Other buyers 138 44 240 Totals 77 10,373 1,241 CATTLE There, were only lust a few cattlo In tho yards today and not enough to attract tho attention of buyers. For tho week thero wns a fairly liberal run, as a good substantial gain Is noted over tho corresponding week of Inst year. Thuro is, nowever. n s cut oeereaso as coinnarcu with tho previous week of this year. For tno m Oliui 01 January ino Buppiy was ex ccutlonnllv larco and In fact broke all records hlnce 1893. Tho total recclnts for January, liw-', were 73,139, wnuo 111 junuary, isjj. inero wero hi.dh. Tno neci steer marKct was in goou suapo tho first part of tho week and prices im nroved. but toward the closo of tho week. nwlne to morn liberal recclnts and less fa- vorauio reports rrom other points tne mar ket cased off and the week closed with val ues 10il420c lower. On Thursday and Friday in particular ino marKct was slow anu 11 wns Into before sellers succeeded in mak ing a clearance. Cholco cattlo mny bo ?uotcd from $6.00 to $7.00, medium grades rom $5.00 to $6.00 and short-fed cattlo sell largely from $4.25 to Jj.Oi). The cow market was In cood shnno nrnc tlcaliy all thu week, and prices on tho medium trades mid canners are nbout tho name ui thov were at tho closo of last week. Anything selling irom w.8& ciown mny 00 minted just nbout steady. Tho cholco grades, nowever, sucn ns bcii irom i.w to $5.00, wcro strong all tho week, and a good many snles looked 10ft 15c higher than tho same kinds sold for Inst week. A prlmo bunch of heifers ought to sell as high as $5.50. Itnllx nf deslrablo oualltv have been I ulu aamu niliua num iui it ai. nwn. nnoui sieauy an ino ween uuu nuvo sum u high as $4.60, but tho bulk Is selling from $3.00 to $3.50. Venl calves nro strong for tho week and sell as high as $7.00. Stags hava nbout steady all the week nnd havo sold as not Bhown mucli of any clmngo ,und but few hnvu been offered. niocKers ium ntucia "J1" ." .'"i." supply, whllo tho demand for tho deslrablo grades, sucn as nuuw iiltmi uiki iiiiini, uu been aulte liberal nnd prices have advanced somewhat. The common cattle, however, nnd have sold very unevenly all tho week. Somo sales looked higher, whllo others were sales: No. UIIUUUUUUIJ IU1"-H lVito,illuittu HEEF STEERS, Av. Pr. No. ,.1052 4 35 1 COW8. Av. Pr. . 850 4 75 4 1 .. 9S0 2 GO ,..1040 3 40 ,..1175 3 60 ,..1080 3 75 ...1170 3 85 1 750 3 CO 1 1 .. 900 3 00 .. 870 3 00 ..1010 3 25 1 1 900 4 25 3 1 ,, M 3M a.... ..1040 3 40 L... BULLS. ..1440 3 00 1.... ..1440 3 00 1.... .1316 4 25 .1470 4 75 1. .1570 3 75 .1240 4 00 1... 2 1193 3 00 150 5 00 2.... 150 6 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1... 3... 2... 800 2 2& Z il Z 75 973 2 63 7 865 2 85 765 2 75 7 698 3 00 1030 2 75 1... STOCK CALVES. 4 447 3 40 b i UUIvl'.llH anu a tuK.uc.no. 1 620 3 00 1 800 4 00 9 5G6 3 50 HOGS Thero wns n liberal run of hogs here todny for tnis time or tno wcck, nnu buyers took advnntago of t o opportunity t pound tho market to a still lower.polnt. Tl i nlmUty W11H i)ctter today than It wus venterdav. so that on iiaoer tho market does not look as much lower as It really was. A tew eaies wero mauo uuu wero Just about steady, but nsldo from thoso tho general market waw about 5c lower than yesterday. Trading was not ucttvo at any time, and tho closo of tho market was rather slow und wenk. Prlmo heavy weight hogs sold largely from $6.05 to $6.15, und a few sold above that figure. Tho modlumwelghts brought In most cases from to.90 in o.w, uuu mu iiHmci iuiiua went were uv.n ,.w ....... , ...u ..- dency of prices was downward .this week at all points, nnd tho total decline Is not far from 20c. No. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh I'r. ... 5 00 80... ...217 80 6 95 ... 5 15 75,..!. .216 ... 6 93 ... 5 25 95 206 ... 6 95 ... 6 45 74 200 ... 6 93 ... 6 60 44 169 ... C 93 40 6 60 76 183 ... 6 95 ... 5 60 71 200 40 6 95 ... 6 60 78 210 .., 6 95 100 5 50 77 20S ... 6 95 ... 6 60 84 217 40 G 00 ... 6 65 40 2G1 ... 6 00 ... 6 70 G8 223 SO 6 00 ... 6 70 71 210 ... 6 00 80 6 70 86 218 ... GOO ... 6 75 74 226 ... 6 00 80 6 76 62 251 ... 6 00 SO 6 75 - 61 227 80 G 00 120 6 75 72 219 ... 6 00 ... 6 75 75 219 40 6 00 ... 8 75 71 209 ... 6 00 40 5 76 72 247 40 6 00 ... 6 75 63 215 ... 6 00 40 B 75 C6 227 40 6 00 ... 5 75 65 249 40 G 02',4j ... 6 80 75 233 ... 6 05 ,.. 6 80 76 252 ... 6 05 80 5 80 22 275 ... 0 05 ... 6 80 62 243 1G0 G 05 ... 5 80 65 223 40 6 05 ... 6 80 07.,..;. 224 ... 6 03 ... 6 80 74.f,...240 ... 6 05 40 5 80 72 232 40 G 03 ... 6 85 78 220 80 G 03 ... 5 83 C3 2i9 M 6 03 80 6 85 60 219 40 C 05 ... 5 85 63 233 ... 6 05 ... 5 R5 71 229 ... 6 05 ... 6 85 81 237 ... 6 07W ... 6 85 65,r.'..,23i1 40 6 0714 40 5 83 73 24.1 ... 6 10 40 6 90 64 250 ... G 10 80 6 90 79 229 ... 6 10 120 6 90 70 237 80 6 10 ... 5 90 7 251 ... fi 10 40 5 90 61 244 ... 6 10 240 6 60 70 253 80 6 10 120 6 90 63 271 ... 0 10 40 5 90 70 253 80 6 10 120 6 90 63 274 ... 6 10 24 32 12 U3 90 120 116 132 110 2X1 44 159 65 151 95 H- 91 161 100 IM 91 169 100 169 112 1G8 82 182 66 178 100 165 128 180 62 ...188 ...166 ...176 ...169 ...174 100. 69.. 99.. 88.. 84.. .175 ss".. 170 185 76! 80 80 189 89 165 79 17U 89 182 30 177 77 226 77 189 64 213 94 in 103 ISO 83 191 71 169 117 1G4 G5 193 S3 203 78 19 76...., 81...., .203 .190 98.. 80.. ..205 20.1 40 6 tt 7R... 76... 2M .2.16 237 .255 SO (1 10 40 6 10 ... fi 10 ,., 6 10 ... 6 10 . 6 10 120 C 10 ... 10 SO 6 mi 201 40 6 IM 2(0 120 fi 90 24)1 K0 f W 61 61. .203 191 t b 90 .. f. W .. 5 90 .. 6 t0 SO 6 95 SO S 95 . . B 93 40 f. 95 . C 95 40 C 95 , . C 93 SO R 95 7G 229 47 296 SI 211 (S5 231 72 267 0) 2.VS M. 216 91 201 76 214 W 216 67 205 92 lio on 19.1 77 212 73 303 Mi 203 M ltv? 2 20S 49 27 C 15 G9 256 120 15 67 251 ... 6 20 60 310 ... fi 20 f.2 311 ... 6 20 72 250 ... G20 65 310 100 6 20 ill 313 ... G 25 6 95 6 95 SHEEP Thrrn were 11 few cars Of sheen and lambs In tho yards this morning, but most everything was sold to nrrlvc, ana ns a result a fair test of tho market was not made. It Is safe to say, however, that anything dcslr.iblo would havo sold nt good steady prices. The supply for tho week has not boon heavy, as there Is a decrease both as compared with the previous week and also with the corresponding week of last year. The supply for the month of Jnnu ury was also light, ns there Is a marked decrease as compared with the supply for the corresponding month of tho Inst several years, nnd. In fact, thero was tho lightest run slnco 1S97. Tho market was In good shape nil tho week at tills point and each day's offerings wero picked up In good senson. Thero hns not been much of any chance In tho nrlces paid and tho situation is best described caiiiugtho market steady to strong nnil uviivi'. "ry ivw leeuuii iuit: iiriiveu nnd the demand has been sufllclcnt to lake what wns on salo nt good, strong prices. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearllncs. $l.s5iifi.l5; good to choice yearlings, $4.tK!f 4. SO: choice wethers, 14.4l-tf-l.05: fair to good welherB, $t.2Ty4.40; choice ewes. J3.76ff4.oo: fair to good ewes, $3.60f3.75; common owes. J2.75V3.&0; cholco inmtis. ja.t&mg.uu; rair to cnoil lambs. 15.6(Vn.75: feeder wethers. 13.60 SVl.00, fetder lambs, il.0Otf4.50; cull lamba, hi.wuj.ij. iicprcscntaiive sates: No. Av. . 63 . 03 . M . GO Pr. $3 00 6 10 C 4i) 6 40 3 cull ewes 717 western yearlings 1 western lamb 253 western lambs St. Louis Live Stock SInrket. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 1. CATTLE Iteeelnts. 600 head. Including 300 hend of Tcxnns. Inr- Ket steady. :sativo snipping nnd export steers, $1.6086.50: dressed beef and butcher steers. JI.SOaG.OO: steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.15tf5.10; stockers nnil feeders, $2.60.60; cows and heifers, $2.0iKIC.25: can ners, 12.un13.t5: mills, j2.6n51r1.ou: Toxas steers. $3.351.50: cows nnd heifers. $2.75ir 3.90. IIOOS llccclnls. 2.&XI bead. Market steady: pigs nnd lights. $5. 7015.85; packers, $5.fi.-Ji6.95; butchers, $6.0066.35. Miu.i.i- Arsu i.a.mh ueccipis, 200 lienii. Market steady. Natlvo muttons, $l.2.V?f4.Gi): lambs. $3.50Iir. 00: culls nnd bucks. $3.00ff 4.D0; ntockcra. $1.6092.25; Texas sheep, $3.60. St. Joseph I.lvc Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 1. CATTLE IWelnts. 150 head; steady: natives, $3.50ij3.90; cows and heifers, $1.50(5.3S: venls, $3.70fi.25; stockers and feeders, $2.Wjr4.75. iiuws iteceipis, 1..100 Head; steady; light and light mixed, $5.75(TMi.20: medium and heavy. $(5.1B'fffi.40: pigs. $3.Mjj6.10. H1IEE1' AND IAMI3S Iloce nts. 23 bead: steady. Stock In SlKht. Tho followlnc tnbio shown thn recelnts nf cattle, hogs and sheen at tho flvo nrlnclnal markets for February 1: ITattle. Hoes. Kbeen. B0111 1 umnna 111. 10,2.r. 1.24 Cblenirn ?K 2I.4VH1 2.500 3.860 C.100 1.000 200 St. Louis MO 225 150 Kansas City St. Joseph Totals . .1,018 4I.O.S5 2,470 1 "THE III.ACK TKlKlt." A vault of wealth discovered at "grass roots." Hero is n rare chanco to seo a few dollars grow Into sovernl thousand. First allotment of trensurv stock In "THE HIJACK TIGER COPPER MIN ING CO." of Wyomlnir. offered nt only 7 CENTS PER SHARE. Chances aro good that It will ndvnnce In vnluo as rapidly as "THE HELL TELEPHONE" stock. Wo GUARANTEE thero will bo nn stock ofTcrcd by tho officers of "Tho Hlnck Tiger" by July 4. 1902. for less than 25c per sharo. HOOKLET FREE. wnto at once to Till) FEDERAL SECURITY CO., 277 Dearborn St, Chicago, 111. Hank reference furnished. 74 tv. V) 4f... 79. "Full of Merit as an EggT is of Meat" THE BLACK TIGER COPPER MINING CO. INCORPORATED. STOCK FULL PAID AND NON-ASSESSAHLE. CAPITAL Promotion Stock, $250,000.00 Treasury Stock, 750,000.00 $1,000,000.00 Do you really want to Invest alittlo of your savings, and havo an honest, fair chanco for your money? If so OPPORTUNITY is knocking nt your pocketbnok for admittance. A llttlo money a fow dollars Invested In "DLACK TIGER" stock Is Ilablo to mako you a fortuno. Full and rcllablo dcscrlptlvo matter, reports, etc., showing how It is qulto possible, and oven probublo, for nn Investment of $7.00 to grow Into $700.00 or more in a few months. Tho "DLACK TIGER MINING COPPER MININO COM PANY" owns over 90 acres of rich, copper lands In Southern Wyoming. A mammoth tunnel Is now being drlvon Into tho mountain sldo to crosscut tho vein. When the tunnel reaches tho great vein that is so plainly nponod up on tho surface "DLACK TIGER" s.'ock is Ilablo to Jump In a siliglo day up to $1.00, $2.00 or $3.00 por sharo, or more. THINK OF IT! First nllottnout of treasury stock now offered at only 7 cenU por sharo, for strictly dovolopmont purposes. No salary paid to nny ofilccr. Wrlto nt onco for prospectus beforo ptlco is advanced. Address THE FEDERAL SECURITY COMPANY, 277 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. THE VERY REST OK HANK REFER EX CKK KHII.MSIIEI). 10 Per Cent PROFIT BOTH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST GUARANTEED An Investment With Cood Profits and Without Risk. Tho Mt. Shasta Gold Mines Corporation guarantees to return your original Investment with 10 per cent profit In ono year, If you wish, This guarantees you against loss and also gives you an opportunity to secure tho prospective enor mous profits and un Increase in valuo of your stock, which will nmount to sov ernl times your orlgtnul Investment, Send for particulars. IMMt. SHASTA GOLD MINES CORPORATION Will havo Its concentrator running In GO dnyu nnd Its stock will advance ino per cent. This Is tho best Investment In sight today Not a prospect, but n de veloped mine from which $12,000 has ulready been tuken nut. In nddlttnn to over 600 (teres of tho gold-producing property, this company owns u copper mlnu on Dully Hill worth many millions. A limited number of shares can a till be bought at lO CENTS PER SHARE I'ar valuo. $1.00. Fully paid and nounsscHslbe. fllllf fttflllf Developments nro progressing rapidly, machinery on Mil W Nil Mf ground, oro on dump ready to Im turned Into money, W W Stock will SAN FORD NAKEEVER, ?cft E2T W. A. MESSICK, 511 N.Y. Life llullillns, Omaiia. Nib., Is authorized to furnish prospectuses and additional information cud tn neoent subscriptions In Omuhu und surround lug territory W. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. We ifferl sulijeclt Union Stock Ynrils stock, Omnhn Street ltullvny stock, 1320 Farnim St. Tel. 1064. 87i PER CENT. IN 14 DAYS 62 PER CENT. IN 10 DAYS That Is tho profit paid to subscribers 1( my last pools. Ono ran 14 dnys, tho other 10 days. Ono operating now will oxreed either ono. I am now forming anothor poot in a stock, that will bo a dandy. Sub scriptions of $10.00 and upward nccepted. ALBERT E. KOEHLER, Hudson Building, New York tTspeculators and investors 1 havo posltlvo Information on a Stock Belling ground CO. "Will advance to 10) or over. Huy It through your own Hroker. Tho nbovo Information wilt bo furnished to any ono buying tho stock who will ngroo to givo mo twenty per cont of tho profits. Address, II. 1. M., tr.ll Trnet Society 1UlK. 1B4) ,'n sii n ii St., Xpit York. BUY WHEAT nnd 8TOCK8 at present bargain coun ter prices. Largo or small orders ox ccittcd on margins. Send for our book, "Modern Methods for Safo Investments," nnd 'our Bpo clal letters of Advice FREE. M. 11. FLOWER & CO., Hankers nnd Hrokers, Chicago Stock Exchanga Hulldlng, Chicago. I CENT PER SHARE. Tho compnny Is strongest and most extensively advertised on tho market, Has thousands of acres of good oil lands In Ohio and West Virginia. DRILLS ARE AT WOIIK .4W. For further particulars, prospectus, otc, address Corporate Agent Co., Dept. O. H.t GC Uroadway, N. Y. OIL SMELTER MINES. Dlvtdund.Pmylna Mining, Oil anaf Smmltmr Stock; Llmtmd mnd Unllmlmd, our Specialty. DOUGLAS, LACEY&CO., Hankers & Hrokers, Klunil Agents, Membrrt K. Y. C'onavlliUtcd Mock KxriuniKe. 60 BROADWAY A. 17 NEW ST., NEW YORK. Ilwklf t iriTlnif our lurrr Mfiil nliin fur tlliln tli lurst. Inlrrrat and profit, of IfKIUlnatft inlrv Inir. nil nnil Biiirltcrl UTrilnirnU, mib. bUnk., toll i.riiruiarR, eic, tn irce on appiKiillaB. Telephone 10ftt. Boyd Commisaion Co, Buccesion to Jamea E. Boyd A Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN. PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Board of Traale Dalldlna;. Direct wires to Chicago and New York Correspondence, John A. Warren A Co. $1,000,000.00 soon advance, Installment payments pletl, send orders, write or wire, For particulars and prospectus address 04 AIMMSST.. CMICAOO Luna Distance 'I'tinne lUrrljon &J N1sjv.iy.Eriu.3. v .id. .