FOR SAI.U-RUAI, 12 STATU THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1301 DOUGLAS STREET, Upstairs. Below is a list of the property we offer for sale and obtained by fore I closure bf mortgages to the Omaha Savings Bank FARNAM STREET PROPERTY. $7.250 Southmal .,.... n. .. .t t... - Vtrt iivi nun in iiiiiu foA' 110 fcel on Farnam street by 180 feet on 33d. Thin lot Is directly' opposite Mt. Evans' new houso nnil i Is the building lot on Farnam street at the price. 13,500-Elghty foot north front on Farnam ' street, near Slnt ave., In West End I addition. This lot la 187 feet deep and la tho cheapest property on I BUILDING $ 800 Sightly lot on erode, north front, 1 ns V. Hill, IietU d-U 1UI 1,200 West front on Sherman ave., near IJurdetto, hundsorno shade trees, lot 60x132, 800 South front on Hurt ntreet, oppo slto 27th ave., on Boulevard, lot SO xi&o. ILOOO Each, two 45-foot lots, cant front, on .. a., L'owo nve- nenr ,,,,rt cnc" 45x140. IMto-Corner lot, cant front, on Lowe avc and Hurt, 49x160. $ 900 N. W. corner of Lowo ave. nnd Cans, with 111 feet front on I.owo ... ave., lot 61x111. W.OOO Lot 79x 82, on 8. W. corner 25th and Davenport, handsomo shade trees. IMPROVED 12.000 A vnrv n.lMA.Ii.A -.... . i ' - - - j it.inii.iMv inu'niui; llliiuum r,.l5se'. wltn B"0'' burn, on, North lith St., Just south of Corby'. This houso haa been newly painted nnd papered nnd varnished throughout and also painted on tho outside. It a, l! 11 """I' nt 1110 Pflco stated. 6,C00-Four 0-room cottages, all In good repair, two facing cast on 17th at., and two facing on ISth st between Leavenworth and Jones; rent for $75 or month. This will maku a good Investment. $J,600 Five-room cottage on 18th st., newly paperod, with small cottngo In rear, rents for $10.60. This Is tho best bargain In all tho Havings bank .1 a property In this neighborhood. 11,600 C-room, two-story house, east front, on 22d, near Howard. $2,000 Two-story, ten-room modern house, with barn. Lot 00x128, on Hamilton i ?ni.' 'tn' m,ar ncw Ptlst church. $l,i00 2-story, Devon-room house, modern, south front, on Hamilton, near 29th, wltn ,ot SoxISj. '$2,000-Good 6-room cottage, west front, on J?t,,lm"trcot- neur Contcr, with lot 60x1 W. I $1,200 Good five-room cottage, east front, on 22d, near draco. City wntur. In addition to the above we have ifine residence lots. Call and get one FARMS. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, AGENTS. FARMS. SPLENDID QUARTER IN SAUNDERS. , Prlco $.12.60 per acre. Only two and one-half miles from Val paraiso and a big snap nt this prlco. Will ba sold within ten days. 00 ACIIE8 IN HAIJNDER8 COUNTY. Prlco $40 per acre. Good Icvol land, 8 miles north of Ashland; good Improvements. Must bo sold. good burt co. "investment. t 260 acres at $42.50. Cash rent over 8 per cent on prlco. with two years leaso. First-class improve; ments and best of soil. Not rough or broken. LEVEL. EIGHTY IN PAWNEE. Price $10 per acre. Owner has refused $3,000 enah. Improve ments and land nro choice. NUCKOLLS COUNTY HALF-SECTION. Prlco $26 per acre. Can all bo cultivated but 4 acres, Oood 7-acro orchard and oxccllont buildings. Owner old. BARGAIN IN ANTELOPE COUNTY. 160 acres at $10 per acre. Nono of It rough: only two acres sandy. Can rent to good panic, 8 por cent cash rent. Buildings new. Write for our list of well-Improved eastern Nebraska farms. Toll us what you want to buy and wo will tell you what wo have to sell. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN IN A SMALL CATTLE-imEEDlNO RANCH? If so wrlto ub at once. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Omaha. RE-CC1 2 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. TWO nlco 8-room houses, modern except furnace; easy terms. 1 ncro C-room houso on N. 30th st. 3 acres G-room houso nn N. 30th st. 6 acres 6-room houso In Kensington, 5 ncres south of South Omahn. ,10 acres 7 miles west of Omnha. 1 acres good bind In Plorce county. Ne braska, threo and one-half miles south- Jnst of Savage. 11. R. Rail, 628 N. Y. Jte. RE-663 2 COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, school Foctlou looses. D. W. Irwin, Ak ron, Colo. RE-M30! F27 FARMS! FARMS I FARMS! For bargains in farm property 'go to O'Neill's Real Estato Agency. South Omaha. RE 420 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans: also tiro Insurance, liemls, I'axton Rtock. RE-127 A nARGAIN 320-acro grain nnd stock farm on tho Logan bottoms, H4 miles from Lyons, Riirt county. Can cultivato 200 acres, bal cinco In pasturo nnd line meadow land. 20 ncrftH grovo nnd orchard: plenty of build ings of nil kinds; two wells and windmills; all fenced. Flint location nnd ono of tho best money-making farms In tho country. Prlco. $63 ner acre. If sold before March 1; price. $00 nor aero after March I, Ad dress W, II. Clements, Owner, Lyons. Ne brashka. RE 570 2 D. V. SHOLES & CO. 10 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 829. BARGAINS. 41,400 For 6-room, well built house, corner lot, H block school, 3 blocks from motor, lot 00x127, corner. SNAP. $,250-Corner 37th nnd Jones, WEST OMAHA, lot 141x177 ft.. 10-room, modern, handsomo interior, oak finish, inrgo rooms, beautiful recep tion hull. high, sightly, nt SACRI FICE. Owner loft city; wants to sell iulck. l,250 Finn 10-room, modern. Ilnely built WEST OMAHA residence, fuclng TURNER PARK, hot water bent, oak finish and a RIO I1ARGAIN at prlco offered. Either properties shown any day. FARMS. 110 acres ono rrtlln from Gretna, tho very best Sarpy cuunty land, nt n bargnln. Prlco, $5J per acre. Investigate this quick. VACANT LOTS. 60x112 on 2tst, H block south Leavenworth. SNAP. $750. RK-CI8 2 ARE you thlnktng of buying n omnll tract Hear OmahuT It so fee m, 10 ncres on 51st st., half mtlo south of Cen ter St., house of 3 largo rooms, burn, well fenced, $1,800. I ncres Improved, ono nnd ono-half miles west of HniiHcom park; Una placo for chickens. $1,000. 10 ncres West L st., South Omnhn. $t,750. 10 acres just outsldo city limits, less than mile front Leavenworth st, cur, $1,500. Two 10-acro pieces West Dodge, ono $1,000, one $1,150. Ten and one-half acres Just west Dundee Placo, In Hellulr addition. $1,050. S ncres southwest of Ruior's park, Just off Center st, road. G76. 10 ncres Just west of Elmwood park, high and sightly; 5 ncres In young bearing fruit. $1,500. THE RYRON REED CO., 213 So. 14th St. RE-050 2 A 44 PER CENT GR088 INVESTMENT, desirable, rental property In good location, closo in. Price, $10,000. Wo reeommond this nronertv nu worthy of Investigation A IS PER CENT OROH8 INVESTMENT, desirable rentul property located near 2th,nnd Farnam sts. Price, $5,000. In vestigate. A 15 PER CENT INVESTMENT, well lo cated rental property, Price, $2,800. In vestigate. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE-6W3 koii sale-real estate Farnam street for nn apartment house, considering the location. $6,000 N. W. corner of 29th nnd Farnam sti., with SI feet south front on Far- ....... ... - f vi ni canv- tilnrA fir flnf ni niin t mah Uakha ..i.i.i ......vw, vs.. p,ii,ic. iA;t:iiisiii. JJ.EOO Aero lot on 8. B. corner of Mh and Harney sts. Tills lot Is on tho slehtllcst block In Omaha and the price Is several thousand dollars less mini iiu utuer lot in mo diock. LOTS. 200 Each, four lots, south front, on Cass st., near 33d. each 32x142. ,300 Each, thrco lots, north front, on iunvenworin. near win avo. ,300 Each, corner lot on 8. W. corner iaui una i.euvenwortn, wxw. loo North front on Cass st., near 27th, lot 33x115. ,000 B. R. corner of 27th and Cass, 76x11(1. ew r.ncn, two lots racing sojtli on ! rands st.. near Slth, paving paid for, each 42x08. fiOO-N. K. corner 21st and Elm. 43x180. 100 Each, two lots, south front, on Pierce st., near 22d. PROPERTY. $l,0CV-Good 6-room cottage, newly painted nnd papered throughout, east front, on 22d, near Grace. $1,400 7-room nno nnd one-half story cot tage, newly painted and papered throughout, east front, on 22d, near Grace. $1,600 Five-room, two-story hotlBo. east front, on 22d, near Bcward, lot 33x . 140. $l,S0o Next to tho above, story and one half cottage, seven rooms, nowly painted and repaired throughout; city water. $1,500 6-room cottage, faring south on Hurt street, opposite 27th nnd new boule vard; lot 30x120. $1,000 7-room, story and one-half house, newly painted and repaired, on 42d, near Hurt; pavlng.pnld for. Lot 60x 128. $l,G0O 7-room, story nnd ono-half hotisu, on corner 41st avo. and Hurt, with lot 60x128. $2,500 8-room, modern house, south front, on Francis St., near Hnnscom park, pnvlng paid for; lot 45x984. $2,200 i-room. modern house, west front, on 3lth, near Hnnscom, park, pav ing paid for: lot 45x110. a long list of Improved property and of our catalogues. PUHLIC SALE OF LOTS AT CENTER, THE NEW COUNTY SEAT OF KNOX COUNTY, NEBRASKA. lly an overwhelming voto of tho people, tho legality of which has recently been ulllrmed by tho supremo court of this state, the county seat of Knox county, Nebraska, has been re-located and Is now situated at the geographical center of the county. Tho new county scat Is called "Center." Within six months a new town of 1.5C0 population will grow up, located as It Is In the center of an extremely fertile agricul tural country nnd by its situation com manding tho trade of the very best part of Knox county. If you want to go Into business of any kind or nature and dcslro to got In on tho giounl lloor, It will pny you to tnko this ncw town Into consideration. The Center Town Site oompany will sell, nt Center, Nebraska, at public auction, tho lots owned by it In aald town, on Wednes day, February 6, 1'j02, beginning at 10 o'clock n. m. If you ore Interested In obtaining a new location wrlto to W. A. Meservo, tho secre tary of the Center Town Blto company, at Crolghton, Nebraska, and full Information nnd particulars will be furnished you. RE BOYD COUNTY LANDS On account of heavy snow, our Boyd county trip postponed. Will give notice of next trip at least three days in advance. Write for particu lars. POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. Omaha, Neb. RE-331 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 65 feot on lUth, near Center St. track ago $ GOO Two lots In Second Addition to West HltlH 100 Half lot near 20th and A Sts., South Omaha 150 60 feot, cust front, 37th St., south of Cass COO Good section of land, Grovo county, Kansus, with a great spring on it.,.. 2,000 Good lot near 30th and Ames Avo...... 200 Good lot In Central Park 100 CO feet on lllnney St., 150 feet eust of 30th St 400 40 acres, lU miles from Cupitol, Cheyenno 1,000 House and lot, M St., near 37th St., South Omaha COO Four lots In Wakeley Addition 200 Corner on UenBon car line. In Raker Place 200 Good lot In Rakor Place 150 Choice lot In Klrkwood. on Houlevard.. 000 Good lots In Mystic l'urk 100 A good quarter section in Keiui county 350 SAMUEL S. CURTIS, Receiver. 1808 Harney Street. RE-001-2 SH1MER AND CHASE. $3,0W 10-room house, mod.. West Farnam. $2,000 7-room, modern, north part of city, $l,5uO 6-room cottage, close In. $1,000 0-room cottage, north part of city. $1,200 5-room cottage on Spalding nt. $1,700 7-room, modern, West Farnam. $1,000 6-room, modern cottage, now, north. Ono 40, one so una one iso-ucro rurm near lllalr, Neb., at bargain. Flro Insurance. Houses for rent. SHIMER & CHASE. Tel. 1442. C04 Reo Bldg. RE-MC93 2 FARMS. 100 ACRES NEAR HENNINGTON, $10,000. 100 ACRES ON PAVED STREET, $12,800. 300 ACRES NEAR ELKHORN, $12,900. 320 ACRES FINE SARPY COUNTY LAND. POSSESSION GIVEN MARCH 1, 1902, $20,000. CITY PROPERTIES. 50x107 feet, near 25th and Chicago. $1,350. 4339 Franklin st.. 0-room house, high ulid sightly; near car lln". $1,250. 1'217 Pierce, st.. with house. Price. $1,350. 2421-2125 Charles st., lot Coxl27 feot. Rental $irc yearly: paving pam. VIO S3t ..VIII Pin U lUWIUB. .,ow. 8-room modern huusc, within 12 blocks west or city naii; renini, aw yearly, bhai1 $2,200. 1143 nnd 1115 N. 17th st.. 60x140 feet, nnv- Ing paid. Cheap at $2,700. 572 S. 27th St., 6-room house, lot 60x112 feet) asphalt paving paid. $2,700. 30-room frnmo lint building, south pnrt of town; rentul, $720 yearly, l-rice, ji.hjo. N. W, corner loth and center, s-room bouse, lot 73x110 feet. SNAP. $3,500. SUBMIT OFFER ON H. W. CORNER 13TH AND CASS. ALL PAVINO PAID, lMXfifi FEET. 3 brick Btores, lints above, 10 blocks' from P. O.: rentul. $l.ioo per year. 13 1KU UENT GROSS INVESTMENT. within 4 blocks of courthousu; rtntul about $900 per year. Price. $,wo. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. RE-054 2 ADDRESS Lock Box 142, Manning la., if you wnut immediate possession of a lino 60-ncre Iowa furm, 21 miles from Omaha and Wi miles from city of 4,000. Must nave casn. acnnco price, iik aiuu v DRSlllAnLE HOUSES. $2,800 N. W, cornor of 28th und Parkor sts., 43x120 ft., 8-room house, mod ern except furnace, and In very best repair, good barn; paving taxes paid lu full. 12,600 For 3014 Cass st., 9-room modern house, south front, will be within two blocks of Harnoy street car lino , extension. $1,000 For 3019 Marcy st., 9-room modern house, Including gas and electric light, Recently built nnd In good rwi il I H r n $5,500 For I'-room houso and full corner ioi, wiinm ono dioch ai iinnscom pnrk. New house nnd modern In every wny OKORCiE & COMPANY, 1C01 Furnam St. RE-043 3 A SEVEN-room modern house, built for ft Home, on n paveu street, near car line, Parties leaving the city, wish to sell. Ad. dress 8 40, llee. RE-M66I 4 HOUSES-Harrlon & Morton. Tel. S14. RE-M167 Mch4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, FEBHTJAItY 2, 1002. FOR .lAMS-RUAl, ESTATE Houses, f Lots, Farms, Ranches. Do you want to buy or do you want to sell? If so cull upon, wrlto or telephone to George P. Bemls Real Estate Co,. Telephone 585. I'axton Block. TintfBRa Avr t rv-rcj Only seven blocks from postoill'ce, 6-room luiuiKe, ccnicnieu nnsemcnt, city wnter In house, bath, gas, good condition, Rents $2 600 PCr month' Lot MxS0 "' 1,r'ci Nynr 28th nnd Mnnderson sts., 5-room cot- ume, wen, xurnnce. in good condition, built In 1899. Lot 49V120 ft. Only $1,000. Scores of houses nnd lots for sale In ovory ii.ii ui wie cuy. email nno large ones, vatylng In prlco from few hundred up to several thousand dollars curb. Do not buy before looking over our list. OWN Yntni nwv ttnMT.r Lots nt your own prlco and on your own in, uniy ii to z.o eacn ana only $5 down nnd $. per month. "CHEAPER THAN DIRT." Buy your lot nnd then build n llttlo home, be It over so small nnd humble. Tho lots nro near motor lines. Come In and Invcstlgato and get plats. Hundreds of other lots north, east, south uim iti-bi, i rum a lew nunurcu upwarus. WAREHOUflK T.OT. Near U. P. depot, Paxton & Gallagher. John "Deere Plow Co. and other large business nouses. Corner lot nnd must bo sold. Como In nnd Invcstlgato this and mnko us an offer. FARMS. 480 acres, Greeley Co Only $35 per ncro ICO ncres, Wayne Co Only $25 per ncro 320 acres, Antelopo Co Only $20 per ncro 100 ncres, Hurt Co Only $10 per ncro COo acres, Saunders Co Only $10 per ncrc 160 ncres, Bcwnrd Co Only $10 per acre m acres, uougins co only $: per ncro 80 acres. Jefferson Co Onlv 110 ner nnrn 400 ncres, Washington Co... Only $15 per aero ic acres, fsemana oi uniy ou per ncre nnd other farms by tho hundred In every county In tho state, as well as In Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota and other nearby states. RANCHES. l.fiOO acres In Sheridan Co., $8,000. 1,700 acres In Wyoming Co., $16,000. aim scores or otner nineties, botn largo nnd Binnll In every county In Nebraska, ns well as in Wyoming, Kansas, South Dakota nnd other neighboring states. FRUIT AND GARDEN PROPERTIES. Havo somo tlno propositions from a few acres say irom t up 10 vi acres nnu an prices nnd terms, depending on amount of fruit nnd other Improvements nnd nearness to markets. V& PER CENT MONEY to lonn on gilt- eugo rem esiaio security, citncr city or farm properties. Also wrlto good, sound fire Insurance. George P. Bemls Real Estate Co., (Established in 1868.) Telephone 585. Paxton Block RE-081 2 FOR SALE or trade. Non-resident, own ing n largo business block of zoo reot frontago In eastern Kansas town, prefers to trade for good form. Property rented. Will bear Investigation. What havo youT Address Box 424, Emporia, Kan. RE-527-2 LAND BARGAINS. 320-ncre farm, fenced, 220 pasture, 100 ncres cultivated, v-room nouse, irnme Darn, sheds, etc.. $8.60 ner acre. 480-nero valley farm, choice soil, 2S0 acres cultivated, Daianco pasture, an rencea, 6-room house, framo barn, crib, granary, well and windmill: tho beit farm In Ne braska for price; $16 per acre. Stock hardware, $2,200. Good hotel, furnished. $2,400. Store buildings and lots. HARTLEY & PULLIAM, Sargent. Neb. RE-M526-3 ALFALFA ranch, $00 acres, all fenced, 2 sets of buildings. 300 acres of nlfalfa, 200 ncres under cultivation, balance nasture. nearly all bottom land; somo tlmher, living water; returns irom last years airniia crops over $3,000 ; 8 miles from good town on B. & M, nnd same distance from Rock island. A bargain. Benson & Myers. 609 N. Y. Life Building. RE M675 3 EASTERN owner has 6 lots three blocks southwest of Hanscom park, near car lino, which can bo sold for $160 each: $25 ensh nnd payments of $10 a. month. Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th st. RE-679 2 NEW 8now-Church Co.. 4th floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Omnhn. Nob. Largest law, collection and real estate agency in tho world. Associate bunks attorneys and real estate brokers In every county In the United States nnd cities of foreign coun tries. IIE-G37 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Beautiful Homes n the West Farnam district at the following prices: H750. $7,000. $8,500. $12,000. $14,000. $20,000. $30,000. For location and other particulars see : W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St. RE-520 2 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes un extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you saw the ad in Tim Bee. RANCH nnd farm lauds for sale by tho Union Pacific Railroad company, B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa cific llcudciuurtcrs, Omahu, Neb. RE 129 HOUSES nnd lots In nil parts of city; nlso ncro property uuu mrin taiius, l lio l), i' Duvls Co., Xtoum 652, Bee Building, RB-430 FOR BALE or lease, or will build for ten ants on 60x132 feet, 17th and Cuming Sis, F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas St. RE-353 F5 ACRES NORTHWEST OF HITV A. P. TUKEY & BON offer 6 acros at 40th and Grando Ave., only one block from Central Park school, at $200 per aero Will subdivide to suit purchuBcr. Fine garaen mnu. mum do boiu at once. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRADE RE-600-4 BIG BARGAINS. 8-room modern house, 29th Ave. and Far nam St., $2,000. 120-ncro farm, Appanoose Co., Iowa, $15 per ncro. 115 aoros good bottom land, with house, iruuru uuu rume wiuuer, iu per acre. Stringer, 034 Paxton Block. RE-555 2 FARM BARGAINS. 160 ncres, Knox Co., $1,2S0. ICO ncres, Antelope Co., $2. DO), 320 acres, nenr McCook, $1,000. 177 acres. Cal. Jet.. Iowa. $S.S50. Tho above are llrst-class, improvrd home tarms, nna can. do nougiit ror part cash. 600-aero stock ranch in southern Neb,, good buildings, alfalfa, $12,600; a fine property. in uu wuriii mi ier ucru in o ycurs, Geo. E. Turklngton, Cuu Bee Bldg. RE-653 2 40 ACRES, cjltlvated; old houso just north nrug'8 rant, t , v. weau, uougias. R-M4WI "OR SALE HE. II, IISTATII, R. C. PETERS & CO., . 1702 Farnam St.. Boo Building. LOOK AT SOME OF Ol It BARGAINS. VAt'AN'T ll(ll'i:llTV JUST LISTED An ELEGANT LOT IN WIS8T I AllNA.M DISTRICT, must lis sold quick. EXCELLENT OPPORTUN ITY, Call for Information. Wo havo Just sold M teet on corner of 37th nnu Kurnani Hts.. out nave 4t feet lott FRONTING SOUTH ON FARNAM nnd owner wants to sell nt once. 65-foot lot, fine shndc, NEAR HANSCOM I'Miiv, oniy DWELLING HOUSES. Elegant 7-room house In WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, listed with us exclusively to day. Fine reception hall, oak finish, por celain bath mid nil modern conveniences. 9-room house, ALL MODERN, fronting on Turner narK on sist at. this is a UMb LOCATION. 8-room house, nil modern except furnace, sjiecini paving taxes an puiu, near l.. TER of city. Fine choice corner lot nnd n good location. Easy terms, monthly payments. 7-room house. ALL MODERN, porcelain bath, gns, city wnter, line shudc, corner lot, porch n round two sides, only two blocks from 24th street car line. Price, $3,000. WOULD TAKE n CHEAP LOT as PART PURCHASE PRICE. 9-room house, hnlf block north Hnnscom ptirx, nil modern, lino Hiinuifc nspnnit. pav ing all paid, Tho owner Of this property Is going to sell It within next 30 diiy and It Is a bargain at $1,000, SOUTH OMAHA. . Wo havo nn 8-room houso and elcgnnt lot for snle for $1,000. Owner rqfuscd $2,000 for tho property last spring. Need money now nnd must sell, Who will bo tho lucky purchaser? FARM LANDS. , 120 ncres ONLY H MILE SOUTH of the limits of South Omnhn: about hair of It Is lino bottom land, balance good rolling prnlrle, rich black soil. Adjoining lands sell for $123 to $150 per acre. GS-ncro farm NEAR TEICAMAH, Nebraska, nouso, Darn, corncriu, sued, an tenreti nnd cross-fenced: 10 ncres bluegrnss pas ture, balance corn. MIGHT tnko a smull cottngo In Omnhn as PART PAYMENT. 240 ncres FINE LEVEL LAND nenr AR LINGTON: good Improvements. A uuud bargain. Wrlto for Information. ELEGANT BOTTOM LAND FARM of .100 ncres In Madison county; lfiO ncres In cul tivation, 200 acres pasture and hay lands! young orchard of all kinds small frultt land Is a rich black soil, tho best In tho county. An EXCELLENT bargpJu at $10. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A RANCH 7 Wo nave n goou usi m iuunt'n uu uuuuh" Nebraska nnd Colorado. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Omaha, Neb. RE OSS 2 320 ACRES of unimproved hay land, 6 miles southwest of Norfolk, $5,600. 400 ucrcs of Elkhorn bottom land. 0 miles from Norfolk, well Improved; 140 ncres cultivated; Wo acres meadow, part tamo grass: 100 ncres pasture; running wnter and timber, $30 ner ncrc. 100 acres thrco miles from Norfolk; 1st class Improvements, nearly new; smooth bottom land; ilrst-clnss soil; 75 ncres cul tivated: 20 ncres meadow: 10 acres nl falfa; balanco fenced pasture, $50 per acre. 10) acres, 6 miles northeast of Crelghton: good c'ay soil; 100 acres .cultivated; 40 acres pasturo: 20 meadow; smull build ings belonging to tenant: crop sold last year at $1,500. Price. $20 per ncrc. 160 acres, 12 miles southwest of Plalnvlow; fair buildings; so acres under cultiva tion; bnlunco pnsturo nnd hay, $2,600. 2,0u0 acres of cholco bottom land In thn Willow Volley, Including the Tnwney rancli, 10 miles west of Pierce; three sets of buildings: very rich soil nnd No. 1 hay lard, $30 per acre. Will divide In tracts to suit customer. 3,000-acro ranch In southeastern Holt county, 12 miles from Ewlng; good build ings; 6 miles of running water; controll ing sevornl thousand acres of free range; plenty of hny and will carry 1,500 head of cattle. Price. $20,000. For further Information write or cull on TRACY & DURLAND. Norfolk, Neb. RE ICHEAPEST LOTS IN OMAHA FOR WORKINQMEN OBERNE & HOSICK'S ADD. Four blocks west of 24th and Vinton, (South Omaha car). GO lots to bo sold at once, from $50,00 upwards on monthly payments. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., (Successors to Henry B. Payne), Solo Auonts. 601-2 N. Y. Life. 'Phono, 1018. RE-040 3 Suburban Fruit Farm Only Four and a Hnlf Miles from Postotllce, Alt kinds of fruit, IVi-story houso of 7 rooms, good barn and all tn good condi tion; live acres of ground, two good wells, windmill, OYid nil piped nnd watered by six hydrants; ono ncro lu grapes, C5 apple trees, So cherry, fi peaoh, 3 uprlcot, 100 plum, and also blackberries, strawberries and uspara gus In nbunduticc, and all In good bearing condition. Tho property Is free from city taxes, being Just outside city limits. Good road to Omaha und South Omahu markets. Price very reasonable and must bo sold at once. Call und luyestlgatc. GEO. P. BEMIS ""itEAL ESTATE CO. Telephone Giu. Puxtun Block. R0-M4C5 FOR SALE, centrally locuted two-story brick building, desirable renting property, to be sold quick; uwnur leaving city. D. J. Ilutclllnaon tt Co., Council Bin Its. RE M490 2 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., C01 N. Y. Life. RE M 493 W. It. GATES, 618 N. Y. Llfo. "Phono 1291. 7 ROOMS, LOT 60X127, $750.00 Bewer In street, water in yard, block south Ames avenue car line. 4411 N. 31st avonue. 7 rooms, water nnd sower, lot 60x181, AT 1H0 S. 32ND CHEAP overlooking tho purk; situated just right. 4-room cottngo and lot 64x120, 2410 South 18th street, near Cnstellar street, only $950. 6-room eottugo nnd lot, 35th and Corby for only $200. RE-6i6 2 SPECIAL Incomo bargnln, IS per cent gross on Prlco asked, over 12 per cent net. 3 cottages In good location, nenr car line. Tho Byron Roed Co., 212 So. 14th st. KE-078 2 Farms Harrison & Morton, N.Y.L. Tel. 314 RE-707 F14 WILLIAMSON Chnrles E.. 1203 irarnnm street RE 128 IF YOU want ono of tho nicest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place. I will glvo you n. burgain. Owner left city. Must sell, J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. Bldg. RE-MI53 PAYNE, ROBTWIOK & CO.'S Sneclul Offers. A Rood six-room houfcu. with 2 lots. lOOx 150 feet, with fruit and room for chlckons gniore, nil tor ji.iw. A worklngmnn's home, near 20th and Ar bnr, nice i-room house, city wntor In side. Owner .Just consented to reduce Drlco to 17iV). A mull). If there lu nnu Flue (51 easl front building lot for double brick, nenr 26th nnd St. Mary's ave.. uau uo uuu lor tuny a.vaj, PAYNE-BOSTWICK fc CO., (Successors to Henry II. Puyne.) 001-2 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1010. ' RE-633 2 A SNAP S1.600. 7-r. mod, house, with barn, 4174 Cnss nt., newly pointed nnd papered, hot water 1. ..... I ... . t . . .. t. . 1 ui-uwiiHi iMiti ijiiiua 1 1 mil nrnuui, 0"J CUHI1, 10 years on bal $1,100. 031 Paxton blk. Tel., 1893. RE-M091 2 FOR RENT-HOUSES. S817-23 Dewey ave., 3 nnd 4-r. brlok Hats, modern, only $8 and $9 each, 4209 Cuming st., -r. modern house, only 910. w, 3407 Deratur. 6-r.. well wnter. onlv JS.OO. 2104 Muplo st 8-r,, modern, except furnace, lu.i.i, 2515 N. 18th Bt,, -r., modern except fur nace. 118.00. ttZ Wirt st., 8-r nil modern, will tlx up in kuou sunpo, uo.w. Wo havo others. Como see us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 17S1 D-60O 2 HOUSES. O. Q. Wallace, Brown block. FOR UI'.M'-IIOt sr.s. TO MOVE right get OnmlmVnn tUorngo Co.; olllco ISll'i I'n rim m, or Tcls. 1R&9-&M. DSCS ITniKP ' 1,11 vnttn of city. The O. D-309 EIGHT-ROOM" "brick house.' modem. 2715 Jackson St. - Tel. 491 or L-25S3. A. Treynor. D-370 HOUSES nnd Huts. Rlngwult, Barker block. D-371 EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnnce, $22. G. M. Nnttlngcr, Bee Bldg. 'Phono 403. D-373 FOR RENT 12-room modern house, 1721 Douglas street, $15. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 1S02 FARNAM. D-M721 $20.002613 N. 17th St., S-room modern houseT with bam; newly repaired and painted. $45.00 Largo 12-room mansion and stable, with box stalls and concilium's rooms. $15,001812 North 22d, 7-room house, city wiiirri ncwi imiirrt'ii mm pninteu. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, 1301 DOUGLAS ST. D-329 A GOOD 8 or 9-rnom house, strictly mod ern, goou iieignuornoou, witnin wniKlng distance; very rcusonnblo rent to right party. M. J. Kcnnnrd & Son, 309-10 Brown block. D 129 TWO 5 & C-r. mod. cottages. Phono A-2503. D-740 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. D-374 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Pnxton block. D-375 CENTRAL, modem, steam heat, 7-room nouse; & nnu i-rootn nut. xizani, 222 N, 23d St. D-3&0-F-21 DUNDEE Modem house, 9 rooms, furnace, gns, until. iniuiro or L. 1,. Jnlinxon, 314 H. 16th st. D-MI63 3 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 001 N. Y. Llfo. NICE, modern, four-room front tint. 29th nnu ijp.ivciiwortn, $ia.w. u. k. TiirKitig ton, 003 Boo Bldg. D-&5I 2 TO RENT-About April 1, Modern house, uino rooms, nnrn, goou condition, Knunizn Placo; will lease for term: $32.50 per month. Address 8 17, Reo. D M623 8 FOR RENT, 10-room modern flat, il North 17th St., $30. Chns. L. Saunders, in an. ism m. u OOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 2501 Templeton st., 5 rooms $ 7,50 2121 Cuming, 4-room Hat 10.00 8119 Mason, 6-r,, city wnter ln.nn 3502 So, 20th, 5-r city wnter 12.50 2520 Charles, 6-r., city wnter, barn.,.. 16 00 2707 So. 20th, C-r bnth, gns 17.50 120 So. 31th, 6-r., gas. bnth 20.00 Sfill Dodge. 8-r., modern 22.00 Mis 80. ISth. S-r.. modern 22.50 3013 Ieavenworth, 7-r., modern 23.00 .'ozri Howard, u-r., modern 2210 Chnrles, 11-r., modern except fur nnce; sultnblo for two families 30.00 210 So. 31st ave., 9-r modern, barn..., 45.00 29th ave nnd Harney street, ncw brick, 8 rooms, modern GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. D-025 2 WE HAVE for rent the Inrgest list of well built, comfortnblo houses of any rental ngoncy In tho city. Houses In West Fnr nam nnd Hnnscom Park districts. Call nnd get a list. R. C. Peters & Co.. ground lloor Bco Bldg. D-011 2 2581 HARNEY, 12 rooms; rent very cheap, 1.04 N. 23d, 13 rooms, modern, $33. 22is N. 19th, 9 rooms, modern, $20. 2310 N. 2Sth avo.. 9 rooms, city water, $12. 201U lliirney, 9 rooms, modern. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. D-GI7 2 WE havo 250 tenants nnd only one vn- i;uill iiuudu. j, ,uu niait jfi.. inujivi., well rented list it with Rlngwnlt Bros,, Burker blk. D-G73 2 112 N. 20th at., 8 rooms, modern, $27.50. Ring. ...I. 1 1 1rt1,nM ..11. T1 n null Hi UB, xiiunvi Wll. Vt I Id 10-ROOAf, porcelain bath, south front; nlco plnce, Inrgo porch; N. E. cor. 48th and Cnpltol avn., only $18.00; nlco homo. 8- room. pnrt modern, 20IB N. 19th nt $17. 9- room. 720 No. 18th. $24.00. A. F. CONNETT, 309 N. L. Life, Phone. 12S3. JJ Wi 2 2201 Maple St.. 8-room houso. $20.00. 3220 Burt St.. 8-room houso. $26.50. JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. OLD P. O. D-tK5 2 TAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.'S RENTAL SNAPS. 1901 S. 29th nvo., splendid s-r. strictly mod ern home, lino lawn and barn, right up to date. $10. 003 S. 27th st.. fine 8-r. strictly modern, just put In fluo condition, easy walking dlstnnce, $35. 2G07 Woolworth ave., 10-r, nil modern, wpII suited for two families, In nlco repnlr, for $20. 110 N. 37th. 6-r., city water Inside, barn, only $13.50. 839 S. 17th st. (rear), 5-r. well papered, city water, only $9. 3031 S. 18th, two 3-r. brick houjes, city wnter chenp ut $8. 1500 Centon, C-r. nicely papered, city water Inside, only $10. 27S5 S. 9th. l-r., city water, only $0. 923 N. 26th, 4-r., nice well nnd cistern, nicely papered, two tints, $8 nnd $10. Big Inducements made for taking nny of tho above nt once. Don't forget wo wrlto flro Insurance In old reliable companies. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., (Successors to Henry B. Payne.) C01-2 N. Y. Life. "Phone, 1016. D-03S 2 BUSINESS CHANCES. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. $8,000 Clean, up-to-date, only stock, snles $20,000 per nnnurn: a $1,600 choice, well selected stock, ban netted for 10 years $1,000 per annum, located In good Ne braska towns: con deal for to Vj cash, balanco good improved Nebraska or Iown farms. Other smaller stocks, well located. GROCERIES. $800 to $1,000 Cleun, stuplo stocks, lu nnd out of city, doing puylng business. If you havo good Improved, not too far from Omahu, might deal fcr largest one, HARDWARE. $3,000 to $0,000 Up-to-dato stocks, doing good business, In Nebrnska and Iowa towns. Will pny to Investigate DRUGS. $1,000 to $3,00OClcun stocks, good business, llvo towns, Iowa and Ncbrusku. Submit offer. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. $000 to $1,600 Business pitying well, In good town and right price. FLOURlNa MILL. 75-burrol capacity, fully equipped, doing good business, nlso 8-room houso and lft acres of lino land with barns nnd rnttlo sheds, good Nebraska town, in rich farm ing community; price, $8,000. Will con sider good, clear Improved property. BLACKSMITH SHOP, In llvo town doing good business; owner going to farming; n bargain. HOTELS. Ono In city, flno location; modern and good capacity, paying business; completely fur nished tlrst class; owner needs rest; fur niture for sale on ruasonubln terms; tlmo lease. Ono In good Nebraska town, paying busi ness: 35 rooms, well furnished: price, $1,000; owner will consider small tract of land with houso neur somo good town und pay cash dlfferenco If necessary. One 3-story, 50 rooms, modern, well nnd completely furnished; locnted In thrifty county seat town In southeastern No bruska, doing prolltablo business; $28,000 for hotel, real estato nnd furniture; will consider part good property. ROOMING AND BOARDING HOUSES. I hnve them from seven to ton roomB. well furnished, good location, paying business; furniture fnr sale nt right tlgures, RESTAURANTS. One of the finest In the city; $25,000 busi ness nnutinlly; an exceptional opportun ity. A paving ono In South Omnha, with seven well furnished rooms nbovn. nil occupied; Ill-health of owner necessitates a (illicit salo nt a bargain. IjAUNDUY. Business In city; a rnro chnnco for money making; can buy reasonably. If you aro Interested In nny of these en terprlos I will bo plcnscd to glvo you particulars on uppllcHtlon. J. II. JOHNSON. New York Llfo Bldg. 'Phono. L 2270. Y-602 3 TO OET In or out of buslnueii call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCaguo building, Y-425 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchaugo your business or property quick communi cate with ono who has tho customers. J, H. Johnson, S43 N. Y. Life. Phono L-2270, Y-M811 FOR SALE or exchange, up-to-date C5-bbl, steam Hour nnd feed mill; mill running nnd doing n good business; vulue, $10,0'O; In county seut town, 3,600 Inhabitants: want Improved farm, good low-priced pralrlo land, stock of hardware, groceries or fu'"ttur Address Box 709, Knoxvlllo, la. Y-M478 2 lit NINES CHANCES. A PARTNER wanted In the renl estato business, more business than 1 can nlteinl to, party must Imve some money uiltt good recommendations, Box .v;, lllalr, Neb, V-Mia-l'-V ELEVEN rooms, elegantly furnished, mod eru brick tenement, best locution, every room tilled ullli tlrst-class roomeis, inly ing proposition, future plans necessitates lauy selling uy l eu. 1. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Lite. it.M RESTAURANT for sale! very lino pUcc. Seo Williams, 411 McCugllu build Ing. Y-519 2 RESTAURANT, fiirnlturoVnd fixtures, tlno location, paying business; owner leaving city; n bargain; Invcstlgato this. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y, Life. Y M290 FOR SALE Exclusive shoe store; the best buying stock In tho state; population 4,ou0; rent reasonable. Address S 15, Bee. Y-IH31S F2 SHOW OUTFIT, full nnd complete, mov ing pictures, prlco reasonnblo. Sec Wil liams, 411 McCuguo Building. Y-05-2 FOR SALE or exchange for shoes or gen eral merchandise stock, flrM-clai-s farm, 32o acres In Northern Missouri. Address S 15, Bee. Y-I1I31S F2 HOTEL in Omnha, good one, making money; rent, $1M); furniture and business, $3,1x10. Williams, Room 111, McCaguo , building. Y-filS 2 FREE sites nnd money for manufacturers locating on Pnclllc const; every business considered. Wrlto Pnclllc Stntes Develop ment Co,, Seattle, Wash. Y-M170 2 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only lukes nn extra stroke or Iwn nf flt.i .m., ... utonilnti iI.a iHnt .tv w. ...v , J IIIVIIIIUII .UU tUlit .( you saw tho utl In Tho Bee. FOR SALE-Mllllncry" "store, doing good business; nlso good notel tor sulo (or lease to right party), both good locations In N, E, Nebraska. Call or wrltu 024 N. Y. Llfo building, Omahu. Y 131 COAL ANDFEED Stores, UMn ml $1,2007 Sco Wllllums, 411 McCaguo Building. Y 5W 2 SALOON for snle. Address Joseph Hlo bodny, 8t. Paul. Neb. Y-M4S2 9 DARKER SHOPS, $175. $IW and $WX); well locuted. Wllllums, 411 McCuguo bj tiding. Y-617 2 A SNAP for somo printer: big printing plant nt Grand Island, Neb., worth nt least $2,u00, Is offered at a Very low prlco; it Is In good shape, and consists of presses, gasoline engine, folder, paper cutter, lots of typo und mutcrlnl; If Interested wrlto; will meet you at Grand Island nt nny time. W. W. lluskell, Ord, Nob. Y-MIS1 4 $7,000 HARDWARE stock for sole. For particulars sco Williams, 411 McCaguo building. Y-511 2 MANUFACTURING businesses, want part ners: ctmh required, $1,000 and $10,000. Sco Williams, 411 McCuguo Building. Y4X)S-2 ARE you Interested in, having n little money, from $20 upward, earn for you ft permanent cash Income, bigger overy wcok than n whole year's legal Interest upon the same amount? If no, send us your name nnd address. No speculation or gambling scheme, but legitimate business, First-class references lu nny pnrt of the United States. E. J. Arnold & Co., Ninth nnd Pine Bts., St. LouU, Mo, Y MANTLE business for sale, good paying . 1 , f.. , t 1 1 1 1 .. .. 1.. ...... .. iimci', iiiiiiuia, 111 .uei iiuu building. Y-310 2 AN INCOME of $1,000 per year can bo secured by any ono who will take tho trouble to Investigate our plans; no gold mine or gambling scheme. Simple, straightforward business proposition of unusual merit. Tho Jumlapa Co,, C14-C15 Fullcrton Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y FINE BAR nnd restaurant for salo, , paying well, $3.CO0. terms. Williams. 411 Mc Caguo Building. Y-607-2 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Mllllnerv stock doing good business In town of 0,000 lor norses, came or real estate; gooa proposition. Address Lock Box 1103, Plnttsmouth, Neb, Y MEAT MARKET for salo; well established; largo, prolltablo business. For particu lars sco Wllllums, 411 McCaguc building. Y-515 2 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TH FLOOR N. Y. L. BLDG., OMAHA. Associate bunks nnd attorneys everywhere. LARGEST LAW AND COLLECTION AGENCY IN THE WORLD. DAIIAGE SUITS, BANKRUPTCY, DI VORCh, and every form of LITIGATION given attention by lawyers making a spo clalty In their particular branch. Submit your claims In person or by mall, Y FOR SALE, well established paying furni ture, carpel and stovo bililnoss In Omahu; account poor health. Address O 26, Boo. $0,000 GROCERY for sale, doing strictly cash business of over $50,000 yearly. AV1I llama, Room 411, McCaguo building. Y-614 2 HOTEL FOR RENT, A three-story brick hotel for rent, unfur nished, In a good bustnoss town; tho only $2 a day hnusn In town, nnd doing good business right along. Address A. A. Peterson, West Point, Neb. Y ROOMING HOUSES nnd boarding houses, all sizes, best locations, for rent with furniture for sale. Williams, Room 411 McCaguc Building. Y-506-2 INVENTIONS, novelties nnd Bpeclul linen Introduced in Europe by responsible American hustler, ncqualntod all lines; references; write fully. CurtlB, 178 Char Ing Cross Rood, London, Eng. Y 693 2 HORSE COLLAR factory for sale, $4,000; doing good, prolltablo business. Williams, 411 McCuguo building. Y 513 2 SPECULATORS WHO HAVE $23 or upwnrd, Investigate this; 23 to 40 per rent curned monthly with no chnnco of losing the original Investment, interest ing booklet and stntement sent lreo show ing how to make your Idlo cnpltal earn a food Income. Dividends paid weekly. Ugliest references. Denver Co-operatlvo Investment Assn., Exchaugo Bldg., Den ver, Colo. Y 010 2" DRUG STORES in nnd oat of Omaha, nil sizes, reasonable. AVilllaniH, 411 McCuguo building. Y-512 2 At FOR $23 I wilt tench two profitable, permanent business, by which any llvo man cnu mnko it splendid Income by mall or trnvellng: nlso full purtlculnrs of hov oral snap sldo lines. I havo nvcrnged mora thiin this $!5 weekly by mnll from ono of them for yenrn. Proof and refer ences for htamp. Exporlonco or capital not necessary. A. C. Smith, L. Box 572, WlndBor, Out., Ctinnda. Y-530 2 $1,000 BUYS newspaper In Black Hills town. Wllllums, 411 McCaguo Building, V-510-2 WANTED, n man Investing In rellablo cor poration may sccuro permanent, well paying position, with excellent oppor tunity for safo Investment. Address S 43, Bee. Y-5S0 2 "SUCCESS IN SPECULATION." Largo profits can now bo made In stocks and grnln on small Investments by our safe system, Rend for our book. "Modern Mothoda for Safo Investment,'' nnd our special letters of advlco free. M. B, Flower & Co., Bankers und Brokers, Chi cago Stock Exchange Bldg,, Chicago. Y-559 2 WE CAN offor special financial assist mice, line locution und other advantages to new enterprise snaking organization, or to Industries desiring chango or en largement. Amorlcnn Syndlcnto Corpor ation, 325 Dearborn St,, Chicago. Y-C03 2 $5,000 AND services neon res $1,800 yearly and manngerlnl position with $200,000 cor poration. Address Treasurer, 203-7 So curlty bldg., Chicago. Y-028 i DO YOU want to mako money? Our sys tem of turf speculation hns earned largo weekly dividends for paBt four years; highest endorsements; write for particu lars; mention pnper. Hnmmond u Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. Cltyj Y-017 2 FOR SALE or exchange, hotel, nowly painted and papered; 23 bedrooms, large dining-room, ofllce and kitchen; best lo cation In town; no Incumbrance, Prlco, $1,000. Or fot small furm or Omaha prop erty. G. E. Swan, Sidney, Neb. Y-MG53 3 YOUR eye Is now on n rond to success In firnln nnd stock speculation. Information n dctnil, M. B. Williams & Co., suite 08, Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. Y-C1J 2 lit NINES CHANCES. IN I.ST successfully by tnklng advan tage of our powerful, progressive, profit paving plan of Investment. The surest, safest and simplest ever devised to sc. cure prompt and pleasing proilts. Wo can mako our Idle money earn for you from I.' to per cent monthly. Wo pay this (and have been doing so for years) In weekly dividends by express money orders. Posltlvn proof given of our abil ity, honesty nnd business Integrity befor no ask you to entrust n single Min with us tor Investment. No grain, rnll road or stocks. Absolutely safe; $10,w.) will bo paid to any person who enn provo tho loss of any money placed with us for Investment. Money to vour credit can be withdrawn tit any time. Flrst clnss references given In your section so that you enn ascertain what we aro doing for others. Wo can do tho samo for you. Our Interesting and Instruc tive booklet containing n vnst fund of ynltmblo Information, and fully explain ing our plan, will bo sent free to any address. Wrlto for tt today. Al. Fetzer to.. Hammond, Ind. (Established 1S?3.) yc3 2 CONTRACTORS liuMdnioderii small bum nnd take part pay In cheap vucant lot. CHAS, E, WILLIAMSON. Y-671 2 1' OR SALE, six stocks of groceries: ono could bo exchanged for Omahu or South Omahn proporty. B. It. Bull, 62t! N. Y. Life. Y-670 3 WANTED, Ilrst-clnss man for managerial position; salary $150 per month and com mission; $5oo to $2.tyx required for surety of company's funds In his possession. Stnto referonco and qualifications. Fidel ity Credit Assurance Co., Sulto 41, 93 Dcnrborn, Chlcngo, Y 003 2 RARE chance for n hustling business man, with somo capital, to engage lu business. Exclusive salo lu city of Omaha for a term of yenrs, the products of n largo enstern manufacturer. Address for par ticulars II. H. Ptitvor, Rochester, N. Y. Y-MC59 8 A OOOD steam laundry for snle. ONLY ONE IN CITY OF 16,000 INHABITANTS. A great bargain. S 60, Bee. Y MCS7 4 DON'T leave your money Idle. A few dol lars Invested now wilt make big protlt quickly. Write for lnf .'mutton. Norman Hofstad, 1630 Stout st., ilonvcr, Colo. Y-OSS 2 A SMALL Investment mndn through us will pay you a cash weekly Income, greater overy week than 11 wholo ycar'n Interest on tho samo amount In bank. Will commence to earn this at once anil continue to do so until you withdraw your money. No gambling scheme or speculation, but by means of a legitimate licensed business. Address E. J. Arnold & Co., 9th nnd Pino streets, St. Louis, Mo. Y A SIMPLE privnto method of operating In stocks and grain which never fallB. Ad dress with stamp. Kendall & Co., 50 S. 4th St., Philadelphia. Pn. Y-029 2' FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchnngo good onk wurdrobo for folding bed. N 49, Bee. 55-M510 FOR EXCI I A NO E.lm rdwnre. Invoice $5,000. for good land. If you wish to got In or out of business wrlto T. M. Cllno, 123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Z MI87 6 WILL exchange lot In north purt of town for piano. Address, H 40, Bee, IV 601 7 FOR TRADE, residence property nnd racket store Mock for confcctlonury storo In llvo town. S 29, Bee. Z-M8 2 PARTY MOVING TO OMAHA wants to exchange a lino business building in heart of South Omnhn renting for $50 per moutli net for a deslrnble residence In HANS COM PARK or WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. Party DESIROUS of moving at ONCE nnd will give someone nn excep tionally good deal. Address S 61, Ree. Z M6tS 4 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho ncknowledgcd leading specialist In diseases of women In Omaha, would call tho attention of suffering; ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before nnd during contlnumcnt, and htn treatmont for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Cull or uddross, with stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. 431 DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of worn en nnd children; 30 years uroctlce. Oflloq 2205 Cuming. Res. tel. F-2790, olllco I1-2S30. -433 OUR GUARANTEE IS $500 REWARD To relieve nt homo any enso of long-standing, obstlnuto, abnormal suppression from any cnusc. Even If others havo failed, try our compound concentrated vegetublo fluid extract. We never disap point. Used for over eighty years with out n single failure. Why despair? Dr. Mead Rem. Co,, 19 Qulncy St., Chicago. -970 F21 LADIESI Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are tho best. Safo. reliable. Toko no other. Send 40 ntnmps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES, our harmless remedy for delayed or suppressed period cannot fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ELECTRIC BELTS for tho euro of vari cocele, lost vigor and power, rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder troublos, con stipation, stomach disorders, nervous de bility and lamo back; also organ de velopers for small and shrunken organs. Call or wrlto tho Nebraska Vacuum Co., Suite 20, Douglus block, Omnha, Nob. -483 6' MEN ONLY If "run down." weak or do Iuessed; If suffering from vorlcocelo or tludred troubles, wrlto for freo box Cac tus Cure. Gives strength find develop mant of 11 giant; never falls. Wo want overy man, weak or strong, to send for freo box. "Cnctus Cure" (O. B.), Box 1301, Phtlndelphln. -587 2 CERTIFIED MILK. 10000 BABIES Wanted to drink our certified milk. Fresh sunltnry milk contains life-giving quali ties not to bo found In any prepared baby food, This milk endorsed by Board of Health. LOCUST LANE FARM, Omnhn Olllco, 2014 Farnam. Tel. 411. FINANCIAL, TO INVESTORS: Lnriunlo Hnhns Pcnlc and Pacific railway stock offers excep tional opportunity for safo investment. Lino under construction. Flmt division to bo In operation July 1. No preferred ' stock; no mortgage bonds. Common stock, par value, $lo share; now selling for short tlmo at $2 a share, In bloclcs'of from ten to 100 shares and upwards. Call on or wrlto M. J. Greevy, financial agent, representing iBiinc Vuu Horn & Co. of Boston, bankers for tho corporntloh, Of llco 414 Bco building, Omuha, Neb. M9S5 F3 MEATS. Henry Duve la ngaln at his old stand, 1009 Loavnnwnrth, Flnu stock of meats. U-M58J 3 SHORTHAND A Nil TYPEWRITING. GREOO Shorthand. Om, C. Col., 16th 8c Doug 434 A. C, VAN HANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 433 BOYLEB College, court reporter principal. N. Y. Llfo. a NEK. Business & Shorthand Collcgo, Boyd'a Theater. 437 STAMPS, COINS, KTC. BOUGHT Omahu Stamp Co., 209 8. 13th. -452 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of curpentor work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake streets. 370 WM3VER1TT. Special rates to ronl Z tutu men: weather strips put on. 280C Leavenworth. 138 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS TRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. Hi South Thirteenth street