THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, FEMIXJAIIY 2, 1002. 10 l'OH .NAI.n-MISCIlM.AMHH'Jt, I'EIIHOMAI,. A (I UMTS WASTED. SPECJAjJTO Ailvrrlliriiiriila for tlir rtiluntm vtlll lie Inkpn until Hi m. for tlio evening rilltluii nml until S:!I0 p. n. lor moruliiK anil Siintlnr edition. llntra, 1 1-Sc n lurd first Insertion, 1c a. word tliarrnftrr. Nollilnic tnkrn for less tlmu U.'.o for the flrl Inser tion. These mlvertUemenls must be ran rnnircnlhclfi Advertisers, liy rrquentlnn a nm tiered cheek, cnn hnve n.nwen d- reined to i numbered letter In cure f The lire. Ansners o addressed Trill fce delivered om vresentllo ( tk keek olr. wamted-mam: iii'.i,i MEM'. ron itE.vr-rriiMi.HiiEi) room. HKND ten 2-cent stamps and self-addressed 2 housekeeping' rooms, $8. 2621 Ht. Mary . AGENTS wanted; $100 weekly easily made; SECONDHAND HEWING MACHINES. Monday wo will sell tho following second- envelopes and I will send you by ii tiirn l sotui you uy lemni simple remedy which NEW CLASS WILL STARTS Ir- AltiVJ- Al-l' wo will prove tins; nnmo puiies, iiunim-rn, signs, readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Englc wood, ,111. hand machines so cheap that you cant man a recipe mr it nfftn ti tit 111! 11(1 i cured mo of n teiuilslve (dmpled faco of RLOH nnd room ndjolnlni? ns n suite, sued or unfurnished, und two single f ormer rricc. aiiu. . , long years stanoiiig; no drugs or cos- 1 Singer ... luetics. Ai dress Mrs. R N. 1' ke. 4th rooms, inquire mornings or evenings, 1MXI Chicago st. E MCC5 4 AOENTH, we havo what you want, self- 1 Household .. 20.(0 .. 20.K) .. 30.00 avo. Ho., Minneapolis, .Minn. U-Clo 2 TOMORROW MORNING AT THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OVER BOSTON STORE, 16TH AND DOUGLAS. In Bookkeeping, Penmanship and all Commercial branches; also In Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Telegraphy, Oratory and Elocution. Sttidcnts can begin to ex cellent advantage now. Call on Monday. Decide what you will do. Now students aro enrolling dally, and a number will enter tomorrow. llgntltlg poeKet lamp, SIIO OI lend pcncn; J n iikuih, iiikii hi in..... burns perfectly: inpld seller. Seeing Is 1 Singer, new Improved linllpvlnir Hnmiiln fron to necnts. Send II Household 15.W WANTED, voung lady to learn hair dress- 10.00 10.O) COO ing, mourning an its nranciies; reason l'UHM.MIEI) llOOMS AMI) IIOAIID. stamp. Kountaln I'ockct liunp Co., 127 1 JJnloit 10, Dunne t., Now York. J-W2 2 1 Whltrf 1 1 Wilcox & Olbbs , 25. f..(0 8.00 12.50 8.00 10.00 at) n charges ror instruct inn: steady em 1.U0 nlovinent nnd good wanes after. Annly NICE homo for young' men. 103 8. 26th 8t. F-37S i.OO at Mouhelt's llnlrdrcssluir tiarlors, 222 A LITTLE Plain Talk-Hand, McNn'.ly & 1 Now Homo 20.00 I'axton block. V-Mfi7G 4 i"nmnnnv mvn mm lnqnrii n. apw I'ocKet i i Hinirrr. lunnrinir -uw It contnius over i ruuuur, snueintiKer, eneaji jur A-nmi sunn or room", rurnaeo neat, tor genuc- am,,; Vir tin Wnrlii It contains over 400 Singer, shoemaker, cheat) for cash. I.1' woman s way xn ucaim; ration u, men. u Jackson St. l?-379 0rr ,SSw Unil dMcripllans11 of ovelfy Mocfcni. .lrop-hea'f tnacdllnes, illghtly used, wholesome homo treatment. 3H Dee llldg. CTEATr"heatedrT,lcel7furni;irroom;. '&t&tanlf!T'&X Our- 'chinas la U vcVmoMh. ---- - , , - with or without board, at Tho Thunilon. KS-n btft n'".1" K.tS UmoclVel-flts tho These are o'dcrn up-lSruo1 machines, HO b g Is your InwlT Xn3'vW SS'Vn." J'-3' purse. Sells everywhere. Sample nnd with eompleto attachments. ?i,iihUl?ni,,r J.L V.n.t t tn trr-. : . . r: . AHMNTS. nnrlvnllnd hnnk urotiosltlon. New llrnneh Olllces: f,12 N. 21th St.. South Pie I'lure, Uoslon, Mass. I fill 2' SIT 1 ATI O.N S WA MTU I), YOUNG man wnnts, pluco to .work for board whllo attending school. V0,.1'.9 College, .New YorK L.110 mus. ""' WAK'Tt.'n tiv nn nirnprt In tlio heating nnd ventllntlni; business, n position as superintendent. Can furnish numbers of HatlMfuctory references. Address 8 4j, A-M677 8 Hee. COMPETENT demonstrator wishes posl tlon; would travel. Address S tfv?j , WA.VH1I-MAI,E HUM'. MEN TO LEARN BARBER Tit A DM WHY WASTE! TIME AND MONEY Kntnrlnr n "would-be" barber college and mnfto a failure, when you have access to tho best for a trllle more. You can bo como nn up-to-date workman on an abso lute guarantee. Money refunded If not us represented, For terms nnu ihuwuhuu uu dress, WESTERN BARBERS INSTITUTE HUM Dodge St., umana, eu, U 612 2 OOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. 11 JG3 If tirnnintitn wnrk. for neat energetic hustlers. C. F. Adams Co.. 1610 Howard. li sm. t- t..r,1 A llirt.A TIAV'U WfllMv. If vnu live In tho country or In u small town and havo u good ncqunlntnnco nmong tho farmers and stock raisers In tho neighborhood you ran inako $5 easily bv four or live hours' work. Wrlto us nn,l wn will send vou our proposition Tho lieu Publishing Co., Solicitors' pent., umana, isuu. WANTED, a good man In ovcry rounty to tnko subscriptions for Tho Twentieth Century Farmer. Our ngcnls make good wages everywhere. References required. Address, Twentieth Century Tanner, Omaha, Neb. H-6U FHEB1 FHEE! FHEE I Bhavo and hair cut. Moler Barber College, 1G23 Furnnin St., 3d Iloor. Hours. 9 to 4. 1J-M274 F4 TRAVELING salesmen, also ndvertlsers; salary or no go. Triumph Co., Dallas, Texas. u Mini WANTED, harnessmakers; good pay and steady work for good- men. Fremont Saddlery company, Fremont, Neb. U-M245 F4 WANTED, moulders and nalnters nt culti vator works, South avo., Council Hluffs, la. . ij auti'j - WANTED, good harness maker. Apply nt Drummonu Currlago Co. li 470 2 V ANTED A good business man, a hustler experienced lu furnlturo imsiness; good wages to right party. S 34, Uee. U-M4D7 3 CLEHIC wnnted In a general merchandlso storo In eastern part of Nebraska; to n good, reliable young man, with 10 to 15 years' experience, who can tnko manage ment of a $20,0U) stock, a liberal salary will bo given; Qerman preferred. S 19, Hee. 1J-M4S5 2 WANTED, young man, about 17, with some knowledge of bookkeeping, to Btnrt In olllco largo wnoiesaio nousc and icaru tho business; good opportunity for bright, honcBt young man of good character and willing to work; stnto age. experlcnco und wages desired. Address S 30, Hee. U-M175 2 CANVASSEHS or men out of employment can mnko ?2 to $3 per day taking orders for high-grade pens; easiest and most profltablo article; every olllce uses them; send Oc for sumples nnd Instructions to ptnrt on receipt, wunani &onnc ,v uo., Duiutn, Minn. 11 .-vnrj z' ff RAVELING salesmen to soil wool hosiery In NebrnsKa. Iowa. Colorado, houui ua- kota. Address, with reference, Rushford nuiliing Alius, itusuioru, Aiinn. H-MISO 7' WANTED, stato manacer to close con tracts and mannce ncents In Ncbrnska: nono but person accustomed to soliciting wanted; can no nnnoied 11s sine nno uy drummer. Address "Sec," 327 Ilnrrtson st., unvenport, la. u ahs 7 WANTED Young man ns stenographer and mil ciorii. aiusi do good penman nnd accountant, rvono oilier necu nppiy. Ad- dress, S 41, Bee. il-603-2 PERMANENT position for tho rlcht man to renresent old established manufactur ers having $200,000 capital: IWO per y-ar nnd exepences, payable direct from our ofllco; Btrnight salary, not conditional upon results, but .upon faithful work; no experience required; chance for promo- tlon; stato ngo nnd give references. Ad- dress Manaper, box f2l, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED, uood business man In each nrln elnol r.TTV to conduct "cash business: nunr- nntned bv local banks: btir returns: honor able and legitimate; must furnish good references nnd IKXlcnsli. Address L. It. II., p. O. box 710, Cincinnati, u. u EDUCATED peoplo who need nn Incomo nddress proofreader, dox biv, rniuuiei' phla. H tury Mfff. Co., Toledo, O. U-699-2' "LEARN to earn moro you by mall how to earn position by writing ndvertlsemonts, Pros- pectus freo. Page-Davis Co., Chicago or Wow York. H-549 2 WT A VPn ...n.. ft n.lKnrHnn n.l IntrnilllPH Dr. Hornsby's world renowned remedies; mil Inns of clrcu urs to d strlbuto. sielis to taci;: steady worn, goon pay, ur, Hornsby Remedy Co., Chicago. B 537 2 AN Incomo of $15 week can bo earned In sparo tlmo or evening by any person nh1i to wrlto: nroof sent freo nnvwhero to thoso sending addressed envelope to Orannnn Co., Box 227, Brooklyn, in. y. H-531 2 YOUNG men wanted nny distance, copy letters homo evenlnifs. and roturn lo us wo iinv $S per thousand. Send nddre-isei' envelope, particulars and copy, F. M. C, Dept. 13G, box 1411, rniinucipnia. H-530 2' WANTED, bright olllce boy, not over 15 yours" old. Address, m ins own nntul- wrillllU, , ueo uincc. i au 1 ant. wl'h" team." on sVnall fruit and i-og'etnb'.o farm ndnr Council Bluffs: terms llbornl, Address S 12, Bee. B-M5S2 4 v liberal . - - DEPUTIES WANTED, . . 1 , , .. 10 WOrit ior UIO 'meil. UU iisn nnmo men who could devoto nart tlmo to tho work. Good pnv, Call on or address ilaipu li. jonnsnn, Mtaie Deputy, or C 11. r. luepen, uisinei nepuiy. rno, 109 h. i&tn t. u .-nasi r WANTED, a good, strong boy. well ac quainted with tho rlty, to deliver goods. Call at Sohaiifer's Cut Prlco Drug Storo, 10th nnd Chicago sts 11-077 r FREE soholarnhlp' for next 30 days In Illus trating, mi-writing, journalism, dook keoplng, stenography or proofreading. Mention course you wish 10 siuuy, u-nr resnondonco Institute of America. H 210. Scranton, Pa. D-572 2 WANTED. lirst-elasH Brltannlca Encyclo- pedla snlcsman. American Newspaper Ass'n., 636 Boo building, orannn. .nod. B Mt! 2 8PLENDID wnges paid men who lenm the barber trnde with us now: can earn schol arship, board, tools nnd transportation If ilenreu; iw wanieu to prepare mr sprniK rush, two months required: our method of nractlcal oxnerlonce bv free clinic and expert Instrurtlons saves years of uu prentlceshln: this opportunity cannot bo had elsewhere. Particulars anil cnta loirue mulled free. Moler Barber College, iei I'nrnnm nt. u aiu c WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tick signs, dlstrlbuto clreulnrs, samples, etc.; no cnnvasslnif : good pay. Sun Advertls In Bureau, Chicago. 11-009 2 IS TO $15 weekly working for us at homo; W ANTED Hustling salesman tor .e- no canvassing; If now employed, un hour braskii by well established house; high or two evenings will ndd $5 to $8 to your commission contract, with $25 weekly al- woekly Income. Enclose stamp. Work lownnce while raveling. Jess H. Smith rnnlled on .mnllcatlon. Address. 20th Con- Co., Detroit, Mich. -514-2 ii r.nn n. , It IT LEADS, OTHERS FOLLOW." In numbcro, In course of study, In thorough work, In facilities, In providing mer cantile establlibo:rvjnt3 with competent help, and lu all u'p-to-dato methods of in struction. ADVANTAGES. Day School, Night School, Literary Society, College Band, Collego Orchestra, Complete Actual Huslnetis Departfent, Hoard of Trade, Lecture Course, etc. It costs tio nioro to attend tho best than It does any other school. Send for cntaloguo or call and Investigate for your self. i ROHRBOUGH BROS.. OMAHA, NEB. QOVEHNMENT posltlons-where they aro and how obtained; full particulars as to salaries, dates, places of examinations to bo held soon In every state, etc., mailed free; write for circular 101. Nat. Cor. Inst., Washington, D. C. U WHY not try sign painting; no experience, required; no frnud; samples, Instructions, etc., 10c. City Sign Co., Springfield, O. H-G30 2 WANTED, clothing salesman with estab lished trade In southern half of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska for an Al lino of men's clothing; If you can do thu busi ness) wo will mako It nn object for you to handle this line. Address Whitney, Chris ttuson Ji Hullock, Murkct and Qulncy sts., Chicago. H SALESMAN wanted to call on doctors onlv on behalf of tho leading Ilrm In tho business; established trade; position per manent; npiiucani musi u intelligent ami Indefatigable; state experience. Address 1 O. Hox fciS, Philadelphia. H WANTED, a lady or young man to tako orders in tnir own anu surrounding towns for new nnd beautiful Imported shirtwaist materials, exclusive designs; sells on sight; big pay; experience un necessary; full particulars freo. Address tho Huckluy Custom Shirt Mfg. Co., St. l.ouis, mo. ii oua WANTED, llvo energetic man living In stato or nrnsKa to travel ; sieany cm nloym .f satisfactory; fair salary; self-a used envelope. Wm. A. Lake, Pres., ai-3C0 Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED, help; $20 to 50 per week; loam piano tuning ai nomo ny man; success guaranteed. Address National Tuning College, St. Josejih, Mo. IS WANTED, traveling salesman, tlrst-clnss man. for wina Alius nnu niueu lines; stato ago, experlcnco and references. S 49, ti,. n r.f, WANTED, a good steady carriage painter: one that can letter and ornnment wngons In good shape. Steady worn and good wages to tho right man. J. II, Kelly, I,eadvllle, Colo. H-MC33 5 MEN who can wrlto bright nnd convincing advertisements can earn large salaries. 80 can good window trimmers nnd card sign painters. We tench these profltablo protcssions in person ai our sinenuiaiy equipped school; also by mall. Largo number of graduates now filling excellent positions. Wrlto for full Information. Dept. O, Economist Educational Associa tion, 140 West 14th St., Now York City. H C57 2 WANTED, hnrnessmnker nt once. Address F. v. Feldler, U.ivid Cliy, rieu. 11 wj . MANAGER wanted, every largo county. "Game o' SKtll" nicKci sioi mncnino ior drinks or cigars; strictly lawful, takes plnce of forbidden slot maetuncs. increny filling n long-felt wnnt. Rented or sold on easy payments. Sells at slsht. Juletf Webster uesic uo., unicugo, 111. 11 wi z- SALKSMKM WAMTKIJ. SALESMEN wanted: full lino nursery stock; plenty pencil trees; ouiiu ireo; imy weekly. Lawrelico Nursery Co., Uiw renco. Kan. -MC3I FU' SALESMEN wanted, side lino for drug- gists and confoctloners; liberal commls- sion. Address C. C. C, CS . Monroe St., Chicago. - . WANTED, responsible, wholesale houno npprfs nun hustllnir runrescntatlvo for Ne braska quick; successful specialty man preferred. We want a salesman, not nn agent. Address Box COS, St. Louis, Mo. C93 2 EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, one acquainted with the general mercnnnuiso trade In this stato preferred; must have tlrst-clnss references nnd give bond; per manent position to tho rig lit man. A 11 dress Box 514, Chicago. -695 2 I WANTED, by well ruted, estnbllslicd house, specialty snlosmnn to sell u strong proposition to 'the retail trade. Very at- tr ictHo 111 High prlcei Cook, 21 W trnntlvn lino: unexcelled Inducements, u men, iiivesiiKuiu. w. 11. Atwater, Detroit, Mich. 545-2 SALLSMh-rs wanted, Two experienced suiennieu i?,,unniilhln house: well cstnbllehed trade. Men worth good salaries and expenses, wrlto wun reiereiiecu. o -1, 1,1 r,, 0 SALESMEN wnnted. Successful patont modlcluu roan men. iu riHiu ."" nay $3,000 ier year. Resuonslblo houso; trado woll established. Write. Intervlow If satisfactory. S 27. Bee. -521-2' SALESMEN wanted; bright, nctivo voung men invfMiiH1", iv.ivu ........... . , special lino to nry koihis u " i nent position, Paris Mfg. & lmpt. Op,, St. Louis, Mo. B40 2 ai7--i,MAT. ilt-h crade sneclnltv snlosmon Immediately; oniy men navnm .iniutiu for lnrgo earnings npp y; rcicrenceB ne comnany nppllcatlon. Address S 31, Beo. 536 2 $20AVEEK strnlght salary and expenses to men with rig to Introduce our poultry mlxturo In country; year h contract; 1 weeKly pay. AuuitBB. . ,,,, c.h,,,,., .hwii arch Mfg. Co., Box 1&37 Springfield, 111. I r. . .r.t- V ii.nnlml r nnri"V n . si, 1a linn OftlJr.o..r. " Wnl.Y. fnV mn "Tho Tourist Shirt Waists." for men patented. Address Stoppacher & Stern Baltimore, Md. -o-J - umntisiv n Mrst.rlass nrlntlnc snlosmnn must HO lip in Ull ciiisbph ui wiiih. raw pamphlet and hard binding; , capnblo of hundllng largo contracts nnd If necessary tnko full chargo of the details of manu facturing for ono of the largest printing houses, lu tho west: state fully ability, references and snlary. J 47, enro Lord & Thomas, cnicago, -o - WANTED, salesmen, by rellablo Jobbing house, w traveling- salesmen 10 1 inco hlgh-grado specialty lino wun morcnan' IIIHW irUUH. I1IHI i."iiiiMinuMiP ""it l'v tnnnent nosltlons to uood men. I'u!! Utn required. R 78, 153 Fifth avo., Chicago WANTED, two competent traveling snles men to sell u high-grade lino ti country retailers, Must havo experience nnd best of references. Address room 1007, Manhattan bldg., Chicago. C35 i SALESMEN for all lines of business (siilon dld side lino) to sell our advertising fans; 7fi different htyles. newest, latest pat terns. Just the things customers want; we pay the largest commissions; many of our men give their entire tlmo to our lino nnd make from $75 to $125 every week; guar anteed best nldo lino ever offered; wrlto promptly, with references; commissions paid promptly, American Novelty Co., Clncl-cti, O. -007 2 AI,ESMi:. AVAMTEIJ. WANTED, experienced glovo snlesmen to 3 curry manuiuciurers line 01 gloves nnu mittens. For terms address H 32. Hee. 633 2 LAHGE Pennsylvania refinery wants ener getic men to sell lubricating oils to con sumers and dealers; exclusive territory and lowest cost prices; will allow CO nor ceiu commission. l'rodiicers iiciiuing uo., as i.:ih;iiio st., L'lilcngo. wo J - nlum SALESMEN familiar with selling nremtu goods; excellent lino of mlrrorn that can be clvcn with small ntirchases: liberal commission: samples free; give full par- tlculars and reference. Address K 40, enro Lord A: Thomas, Chicago, III. w - , AVAMTE D-1'ESI A I.E II El,!'. WANTED, two young lady students to learn hnlrdresslng. manicuring and chi ropody und Bclcntltlc massage. Call or write Hoom 220, Hco Hldg. C-CCS WANTED Bright young ladles nnd grocer clerks wanting to Increase their Incomo as local agents; good selling articles; staple with grocers. Give references. Address, P 00, Hee. C M1S2-F-2 QENEHAL housework. 127 South 23tii St. ' C-M323 A COMPETENT dressmaker wanted, ono who enn cut und lit, also ultor tnllor mado suits; stuto experience, referenco nnd wages. F. II. Lamb & Co., Columbus, Nob. C-M10J 2 WANTED, fifty girls to mako shirts, pants nnd overalls. Apply to Uyrno & Hammer D. G. Co., 12th und Howard sts. C-M48I 3 COMPETENT girl for gencrnl housework; 110 washing: good wuges. 112 S. 35th avo. C-MI72 2 WANTED La el v In each countv to renro sent nouso estnuusneu ten years; souu tlnanclal stnndlng; Htratght, bona lido weekly cash salary, $18, paid by check each Wedneadny, with nil expenses, di rect from heudqunrtcrs. Money advanced for expenses. Manugcr, 329 Cnxton Bldg., Chicago. C LADIES to do binding nt home; to week; steauy worn; nil maieciai sent rrco pre- nald. Send stamned. addressed onvelooo for particulars. Universal Co., Dept. is., vtainui hi., I'nuaueipnin, ya. C-G18 2 JC0 MONTHLY copying Witters nt homo; cuner sex; enclose iwo stamps wun ap plication. Lake Shore Mercantile Co., wuiucy, 111, c 033 i' ;3.00 PER DAY at homo addressing clr- culars; $1.50 per day working evenings, l'earl Hager, Linden Heights, O. C-C32 2 LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows: mnicriais luruisiieu; steady worn gunr nutecd; experience unnecessary: send tamped envolopu to Miss McGee, Needlo worK Dept., Ideul Co., Chicago. C 023 2 WANTED Lady travelers to handlo fast soiling side line und nppolnt agents. Liberal Inducements. Address, Model Garment Co., llil E. Superior St.. Chicago. C-513-2 YOUNG ladles wanted nny dlstnnee, copy loners nomo evenings, nnu return to us: we pay $3 per thoutund. Send nddre.ised envelope, particulars and copy. F. M. C, Dept. 130, Box 1411, Philadelphia. C-531 2 . . ...... .i., f,";, m iiiiih iiuiioinu , uu wasning. i-au Airs. j. ij. linker, bZi raric avenuo. C M57S 4 8TEADY home work for Indies; no can- vuBsinK: no uenosn remnreci: no worin. less outfit to buy. Send stamped envelope 111 UlCKey AUK. V.O., uicKey iiuiiiung. (.111 cago, 111. C 673 2 WANTED, lady who understands book- Keeping, to worK jon nours a day. Ad dress 8 4S, Boo. C CIS 2 GIRL for general housework: threo In inmiiy. iu.u Micnoias st. C Mull 3' EDUCATED peoplo who need an Incomo nauress rrooireaocr, box 819. Philadel phia. C ja TO $12 salary guaranteed per week to indies desiring pleasant nomo worK. Ex perlcnco unnccessnry. Enclose stamp for full Instructions, etc. Address, 20th Cen tury Company, Toledo, O. C 000 2 LADIES. $10 weekly, making pnmplca sparo time ai nome; mnieriai ami outtlt free; send Btamp. Textile, C9 Dearborn, Chi cago, C 597 2 WANTED, ladles to loam hnlrdresslng. manicuring nnu rnciai mnssugo; four weeks required; steady practlco furnished by freo work; expert Instructions nnd every fnclllty for teaching. Compara tively no exnense. Call or write Motor Collego, 1G23 Farnum St. C MG12 WOMEN who cun write bright, convincing advertisements can enrn largo salaries; vnu run learn tills lilennnnt nnrl nrnflt. nblo profession through our thorough nnd New York City C 050 2 11111,1 WAXTllI). MALE & femulo help. Cnll Cnnadlan Ofllce. 307 WRITERS everywhere, copy letters nt home; $10 per l,wo paid: no canvassing, Dept. &S, Acme Copying Co., Atkins. Ark. -591 V WANTED. wrlterB to copy letters oven Ings; $7 to $15 weekly: stamp for partleu lars. Address General Mercantile Co,, Chicago tieignts, in. S3;i 2 $12 WEEKLY for copying letters homo, either se send two stumps for particu lars, Eagle Alfs. Co,, 69 Dearborn st,, Chicago. COO 2 FOR RENT FURNISHED HOOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Fnrnnm. E 370 ONE futnlshad room, with heat, on car line. 101S Clutk; $5 per month. E-915 FURNISHED rooms, modernSM8. 20thT E-M150-F-2 LARGE front room, with nlcovu; prlvntn family; to gentlemen: close In nnd tlno location; references CCO South 20th. E-360 LARGE front rooms, furnished or unfur nished, modem. 201 a. 25th nvc. E-M490 7 FINE room, hnndsoincly furnished, for ono or two gentlemen; strictly private family; centrally located; desirable homo; refer ences. 1919 Cass St. E 579 2 pracucai instruciion, lurnisneu ny nml ; i'r ' ,'''": i.. ,,-V. nn iti hnm t will bo worth your while I, wrltu for fe,rcd. Agents in even tow n, c l. nnm- full nnrtlculars. Dent. O Economist lllt nnd county In tho United States to K ucn lonal Assoclatlnn. 110 West lltlt.1 llstrlbute our goods; on y ngents wnnted K-3S2 THE HOSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board. 1 gentleman, private family. 2020 St. Mary s. l'i48 T 7- - r ;rrr-rr; ; HOOMS, board steam heat. 2011 Harney street. P-M9S4 FO 1'UHNISHED front rooms, with board. ait; aouin .utn st. t'-asa rUHMSHED rooms, steam heat, gas, bath. 1G17 Cass. F-3 STEAM heated rooms with board. 1903 Capitol Ave. F 4tw ron itn.vr-t;.M'i;itMfsiii:n miosis. DESK room space, J5 per month, ground timir room in Tim Hen nui dinir. lacinK Fiuiuun street; no expense for light, hem or janitor service, ii. j. i-eiers it tu,, ltentui Agents, uco uuiming. u uu FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th. O-M100 TO HENT, 3 unfurnished rooms; heut nnd gas, If required, w:v cnpitoi Ave. U-5C3 2 LAHOE modem rooms; nil conveniences, .including neat. JiKiuiro liu bo. in si. a-672 2 l'OH HEMT-STOHE.S AMD DFFICES. I' OH HENT. the bultdlnir formerly occu pied by The Dee at H10 Furnatn St. It has lour Btories anu a uasemeni wnicn wuu formerly used as Tho Hoe press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. f interested apply at once to C. C. Huso- water, secretary, room 100, Hco building. 1 Ml rou UENT, atore u nrst-clasB location; roIlt reasonable. Apply H. C. Peters & Co., ground Iloor, Heo Hldg. 1 2CH A FINE suite of rooms sultabla for doc tors olllces. Room 12. Continental Illock. 1-MI29 DESK room, with telophono prlvllego, for rent, cnenp ai mi isow lorn i.ue. mug. I-C67 2 AfiEMTH WAMTEI). PROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to secure subscriptions to thu Ladles' Home Journal nnd tho Saturday Evening Post. Wo want ngents who will worK tuorouguiy und wun nusinesu sys tern to cover each section with 0.1 r lllus trated little booklets and other ndvertls lm; matter und to look shnrnly after re newals from old subscribers. Tho pay Is llrst-rato and at the onil of the season S20.0U) will bo irlven tho best workers us extra prizes for good wont, how well some of our agents havo succeeded Is tola in a little uooKiei wo would UKe to send you portraits of some of our best ngents, wltli tho Btory of how they made it nay. Tlio uurtls rutuisuing Co., rnila- dolphlu, Pa. J-M200 in wawtisu, canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE 'rWENTIKTll UriMUHl FAUAI1S11. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can- vnssers nuiKo eusuy w 10 juiu per montn. Addresa Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Hie building, Omuha. 213 "MEDICOLOGY." the best fnmllv medical book In the world; 200 other good sellers. , a. mxenuaugu ,v wo., uro iiik., Omaha. J-107 When You Write to Advertisers remember Jt only takes nn extra stroke or two of tho pij to mention tho fact that ' " ' ' ' - CASH paid for distributing circulars. Send stamp. Americun uisinuuier, nansas City, Mo. J $100 WEEKLY mado In tnnll order business; rnnmieieo nv anv one. itny wnuiei niiruuu- lars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kan sas ouy, Aio. j AGENTS, wo have what people wnnt- lainn that makes Its own mis nt cost of 1 cent u day; sells for $1; will send small model freo to thoso wishing to work for us, Wrlto our Department 11 today, um pire Gaslight Co., 90 West Broadway, New York. J AGENTS wanted, sick, nccldent and death benefit insurance; big contracts. Knights of Equity, Union Trust mug., at. l,ojis, aio. o '., ,,. I., I iiur.n wmmu ,w h j,iwihi. u . town, county nnd stato In the country; our goods uro well odvertlscd, and nro good sellers: nny good ngent can mako $23 to $100 per week For full Information uddress New York & London Electric association, Dept. 623, Kansas City, Mo. pniiTn.MT nponin pvervwhoro nnlt "erav- ons. Try wasnauio enamennes; no giuss, don't rub, cheap. Fumiiy rorirnit t:o., Chicago. J-591 2 WANTED, ngents for churn, makes butter In ono minute: $.sti per monin guaran- teed. Baxter Chur Co., Grenfleld. Ohio. AGENTS, ladles or gentlemon, we have a winner; irce sampi" uuu pm uuuwin, Fnde-Not ."Mfg. CO., niuuon u, Ainwau- Kee, wis. J oiii - rnnnTCRPriNnrcNCE solicited with clear Jobbing house wishing to take ngenev for lino lino of imporieu i-uerio iwcnn cigar. Sells to retail trado for 6 cents. Address Rucabado, Portelca & Co., Providence, 11. 1. J V.IO AGENTS wnnted to handle a money-mnk- inir article and nono ni suu-nBenis, en close 10c for sample und Instructions. . .1 , T . lnAitliln In jvuureaa uija ui, i uwiw,v.-, .... J KI2 2 WANTED Manager In every city, county, to handle best paying business known; legitimate; new: oxcluslve control, Phoenix Co., 13 W. 28th St., New York. J B.'S- tuiin win wnrk faithfully nnd thorouchly Innlr ahnrnlv nfter OUT trado with Old customers and cover each Bectlon with our celebrated Illustrated noons. Aionoy 1 .. 1 ... I ... . .. ,1 ,. .. i. U In" hnaltnra 4.1. dress today. Heller Chemical Co.. 212 W,naVsC...cao,jn; J-67 ?r'o tho ni; automatic washer; does a family AGEN wnVirtit In thirty nilnutcH without nnv labor or attention; cheaper than nny other DO YOU wnnt work or country? Send for our circulars. How to secure employment. Gem Speclulty Co., 172 Tro- mont St., Boston, Aiass. j ,-it,i WE cay $22 n wccK and expenses to men witn tics 10 liurouurii i-uuury com pound. Intfrnatlonul Mfg, Co., Parsons, Kar J-020 2 BRIGHTER than electricity. Chenper than oil. A lamp that makes Its own gas nnd burns without chimney nt a cost of 1 cent a day. Small model sent free. Department F. Manhattan Gas Light Co., 19 Pari: Place, New York. J-619 2 AGENTS, no more broken gaslight man tics, Unbreakable Morning Star lasts forever, vnniieino co., wi-a uenrnorn, Chicago. J-3l 2 WE will pay nnv honest man $'5 per mouth nnd nil traveling expenses to tako orders for tho greatest portrait concern In the United States. Your salary will bo guar anteed and position permanent. Address Dept. 470 World's Art, t''hlcaG0-JK, I Tilininai A TJT .1 wnrU nil x'enr nrnlinil nfm much ne: ndestruct Die every inuv nuvs '".""'",',.;" """i"', " ngei tB coining i loney. Wrlto todny tor fi'ct condition, original cost ISO, foreign sample and aget, v. Automatic Wnshnr manufacture; lenses nlono worth $35; will Co., Station V, Ch engo. J 508 2 !' entire machine for $20. Address P 57, I, iii i ui. i.ii ii Li 1. 1 I J 1 JuO n h Standard Works; acrc(. sclcnttllc. hit tnnrnns. naff ill: rnnld sellers: liberal terms; descriptive circular mailed. Colton, Ohnian ft Co., (established 15 Warren si., isew ion. j um WANTED, agents with Hayes, metallic rubber tires for rocking chairs mako J10O per month. J. C. Hayes, I1C East locust L. Ucf, M0ncn la. J C15 2 !hJfCR J-4,la KVrKM.KN'T shin line for tmvcllnic men. with established route; demand nireauy created: no Simmies to carry: blc commis sion. E. V. M. Co., SI Franklin St., Chi cago. J HOOK canvassers wanted In every county; b e monev: new tironos lion: sens to everybody; write today. Tontine Pub. Co., routine, Mien. j-u, .mi- WAMTUIJ-TO IlEMT. WANTED, a country home with live to forty acres oi land mat can uo easily reached from Omahn, to rent for a term of years, or ir price is rigm win uuy. Address r 41, nee. lv ..r.w WANTED to leano for term of years for cnsti b to id acres cioso to umanu; ground must be high and under cultivation past year. Aduiess S SB, Iieo, K Mtvi 3 WANTED, bv vounir business mnn. iiood room, wun or witnoui uoaru, mouern. in private raniliy; permanent; Ptato price, 8 37. Hee. K-WM i 8TOHAC.E. OM. Van. Stor. Co,, 15UV4 Tarn. Tels. 1559-SC3. 3S3 Ir, ,. 1 nil Vn ies cenern al1 J011es' Bt-nera und Warehouse Co., 912- nil storugo und forwarding. 9 WAMTED TO 1IUV. A STOCK of harness goodn In good town of enstern iscurasKii. wruo mo ai l'erry, OKI. Fred Weber, dox iw. w FEATHER renovator cheup for cash. Ad dress a 33, ueo N M181 4" WANTED, to buy. new cottace or house or 1 or s rooms; must uo modem: prefer location western part of city. Address S 39. Hee. N-604 2 W'AVTRn lr l.'iv. n llltntinr vnnl nr nln Karnmhlne,l uuwm S ' iXo lw0 If combined. Address S Zo, Bee. FOR HAI.I1 FURMlTtmi:. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, oxchnnged. O-SSS l'OH SAI.K-HOHSHH, WAOOXS, UTO. THE BEST In buggies and wngons nt H. Frosi s, mn anu ivcuvenworm. r3M SINGIJ3 sleigh, 10. ijouuio sieiuu, is. other good doublo slelghu. Drummond Carriage Co. P-315 l'OH SALE MISCELLAMEOUS. UdhaND safo cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Fnrnam. Q 3S7 CADET coat, good us new: will fit boy 13 or 14 years om. Auuress 11 u, iiee. Q-M588 ivntAN" goods and relics. 1119 Farnum O vUS 2D1IAND safe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 13th. y 3su FIR timbers for liouscmovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; criouing anu nog icnco. swi Doug las, y aw FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to nny otner musicui instrument; to up. ino wutman co., iwi Farnnm. w su PLAIN PIANO TALK Wo do not claim to sell all tho pianos in Omaha, but wo do claim that wo nro tho n..,.. ,!.,, t. .I.rt nl,, lli, unllu ,U 1.I..U I VJ ,.,, ,( .,, w, wick nv.ta uiu IIIKII ,.! rn,1 nlnnn. Il, ll u,nrl,lailn.,, -r " " .. w-.v. v.... I V'nan Slpirnr. Rtnirnnn nnrl nil nll,. , . makes on $3.00 monthly payments. nemitlful Chlckcrlne onlv tllu"tul v-nicKering, ,oni ......... Veano Bros,. Ebony Case, only... .$ 73.00 . 83.00 Beautiful Mahogany Upright, only Fine Sample Piano, only 112.00 128.00 I trl,,., n,nl,i- TlruM ' mnnnirnnv nn,.. lit.. bargain. Aieo u nuinuer ui u.ukuiiim hi Biigutiy UBed I'ense, Weber und other medium grade Instruments. Fifty squaro pianos and organs ranging in pneo irom io,w uji. Terms-$2.00 or $3.00 per month. Schmoller & Mueller, Nebraska's Leading Piano House, 1313 502 K'urnam Hireei. umana. Tel. iti'u: Uroadwuy, Council Bluffs, Tel. 368. Q- FOR HALE, ifood-slzed packages of news paper oxcuanges, a cunts nnu up. Apply ai nee umce, circulation winuow, Q-6S3 PIANO boxes cheap. 1313 Fnrnam St. y AIS17 I'-t 100 STYLES trusses. catalOKUO free. Sher mun a Aicuonueii urug co., luin una 4JUUi;, viiiiuiiu, W wf- ' run nm,b, liiiu iiiiiik iiKturtia anu cnicugn Hiiro m lock co. sntc, auto matlo doublo time lock; double burglur proot sieei cncsis. win no soui at a bargain. Nntlonnl Hank of Commerce. Q 393 TYPEWRITERS, latest models Reming ilth-Premler. Donsmore, replaced UNDERWOOD: low price. A. II. n & Co., 1617 Farnnm. 'Phono 2139. ton, mm ui uy tne u; Workmun Q-391 POll SALE, scholarship In an Omaha -Jgrlban school, cheap. Inaulra SASfTiVM Per barrel; ol.meal, ,1.75. Wag- ner' l'ecd Store, 1909 Cumins St. 1''0.If,s,AL,Kr,C1iVap' n 9c,om, homi! sideboard at tho new Klrkemlull southeast corner of 38th and Jackson DON'T BUY A TALKING-MACHINE Until you have examined our genuine Edison line. Prices. $10. $20, $30. Columbia Graphophones from $5 up. Gramophones, $20 nnd $30. Easy payments. Send for catalogue. Fdluon Records have no equal. OMAHA BICYCLE CO.. 16th and Chicago Sts. lilcycics ar.u rnonogrnpnu. ij l.-nil H A 1. 1 Four fresh cows with rnlven at side. a. i,. mini, one-iourtu niili) northeast Krugfe Park. Q-54S-2' FOR SALE, now upright plnno, standnrd mane; line insirumeni; cneap. hki, nee. W MUJi 3" MORE fun than a box of monkeys; send 10c for famous World's Fair puzzle. World's Fulr Puzzle Co., Merchants' Ex change, hi, thorns, nvi v I l.YHI B.I1.W lp,1. ..I ..H I .. Omnha, Nob., nnd 3.11 Broadway, Council liiuns. vi ov . SM MITH-I'IlEMIEIl typewriter No. 2. flood condition, KW. 41. Dee. 2' HATS nnd mlco quickly and completely ex- terminated; new remedy, by mall, 2ao. Thu Advanco Co., Scaly, Tex. Q - - - - OAK MANTEL. CI1AS. E. WILLIAMSON. Q M075 4 Misci:i.i,AMi:m;s. l'OH HUNT, 40 acres, cultivated; old house. jusi nortn lvrug s iiaru. r . v. hw, 1521 Dounlas. H-MI0) I CI.AIIIV(VAMTM. OYLMEH. OMAHA'S FAVOHITE PALMIST. The visiting Elks can obtain valuable) In formation and udvlco on all nffalrs of llfo by consulting this wonderful woman. block, 2d l.oor. Elovatorgserv.ce, j'urloiH of rninustry. air. a. juiu si., in miis. FHITZ. c alrvovant. S13 n. lotn S-395 MME. OYLMEH, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. E oVtj lll.KCTUIC TUHATJIEMT. I MME, AMES, 31714 N. 15; Hut E; attendants. I r an i'u MISS MACK, massage: attendant. 1103 weuster. t MVi it MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d Iloor. H 2, T-391 Fl5 ULATHICE HAHLOW, bnths; Egyptian treatment; attendant. 321 N. 16th, flat A. T-MbOS F2 BONTON PARLORS, 321Va N. 15th. flat H. r AiJW n,. ff.i-,1;3. J?H,I.'.l"1, ""o-ir-'11!-?..0' flnemcnt; babies adopted. 2300 Grant St. -Jirs. uarueis. uei. F-iisi. u mi DR. ROY. chlronodlst. corns nnd surerllu- ous nnir removeu uy ciccinciiy. 11. 1., iTenzer jjiock. u GOLDMAN'S, tho only perfect pleating ,,lnnt , ,' we3t 20o'Douglas block. U-MI00 SHAMPOOING and hnlrdrcsslnir. 25c. In connection with The Hathory, zib--o ueo uuiiuing. Tel. I7iu. u &oi nUPTL'RE pormnnently cured In 30 to CO duys; Een,i for crcurtr. q. S. Wood. M. D 621 New York Llfo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. iivn 1IAIRDRESSING. manlcurlntr nnd chlro- pouy, ror inuies oniy. in conneciion wun Tho Bathcry, 216-220 Beo Bldg. U 25 SURE HATCH INCUBATOR CO.. CLAY CENTER, NEH. Send for handsome lCti-pnge freo catalogue. U 402 LTEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumor. linn tarnnm. u 103 CHIROPODY n speelnlty. In connection wun 'i no uainery, rooms siu-iai lice mug. Tel. I7it. u oia ACCORDION pleating, chenpeBt, best and quickest. Airs. a. j. Aiarx, it ec uougias. u 101 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesalo ana retail, couins riano uo,, w. uoug- ios. u ivv When You Write to Advertisers remember It only tukca un extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho fact act that you saw ino uu in ino ueo. Mlddlcmls, wall pajicr clcauor. 1403 Jackson U 379 Fo PRIVATE homo for ladles boforo and dur- lug coutincmeui; uaules udopted. "u:o Burdetto St. Mrs. Burget. U MII3 F3 PIANO tuning and repairing. Tel. 701, Ageni ior weucr piano, itoom ,,. nee Bldg. U M049 Fll OMAHA Cnnccr Curo Sanitarium. 3007 N. 21th St., Omaha. Neb., treats cancers, milium uuu ail driii umnincn, uuie nnteed. U-4J91 F14 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r 2. U M716 F15 I nt.vlrn 1. 1 . rli llliii.,,iuvo . 01. . jr mM v UU ,, ,veBu or w 1)er monin. I i ...II - .... ,.. . vu ijiuu nv, im..o iu. kh. ou,viuii machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Cornor 15th nnd Harney, 'pnono iwj; ju iironuway. coun cil Hluffs, In., 'phono B-618: 612 North 24th St., soutn umanu. u 4s F-2S a MOST wonderful French clnlrvovant: what ho lens comes true; scnu luc and Plrtnuay. itoi. m. uurnoi, uox ew, itov- Idence. ii. i. u SECRET SERVICE Business, Criminal and Paivate. II. M. BOWERS, 2619 North 24th Street. Omaha. U-6S9 2 SUCCESSFUL business man, very wealthy, mlddle-aeed. wants sincere, honest, home loving wife.. Address, Mr. C 95 Fifth Ave., untcago, u 6ss 2' YOUR fortuno told from cradle to uravo: whnt l ten comes irue send d me nml birthday. J. Myers, 87 Lincoln Park Station, unicago. u m7 2' IMMENSELY wealthy, handsnmo and In telllgent lauy wnnis immcuiuteiy, good, capable husband. Address Erie, 67 Clark St., Chlcngo, 111. U vC6 2 .r..7 .., . , , , IjADY worm jjo.wi, unioriunaiciy dihiii in I linn vyu. iiiiiui iiu,,i.;ii,iiu, wiii,i jiiiuic- lovinir husband. Union. 09 Dearborn. 1 cnieiiHO. u u-.' ATTRACTIVE lndy. Independently weulthy, unincuinncrea, wun sweui disposition, would marry and iluunclnlly nld homo-Iov- Ing husbntul. "Miss i.oyni," iioom D, 401 vino, Cincinnati, u. u uii z ARE you anxious nbout the future, love, marriage, business, etc.? 10c. blrthdnto sex ami stamp for prospects for tho coming year. Prof. J, Alison. Hox O, . .1-1.1 1LI. ft. M. ' eprmgueiu, uniu, u im MA0S8t& ,)e.iH,1",tnllWin'?p,l,00JO:T '"fl6.?1 Vlvcr ,b.sed!orsCaled!3:L!aL,oCvSet. W, lnvcr, uiu, u oil z- AMERICAN gentleman, 32, high Btandlng, nnmn miinuv. wuuiii I nrr 'annn, w in bright , home-loving American Inly of Biiuanio ago uuu eiuui iinuuciniiy. Ail- dress H zs, nee. u 4151 2 mThRY rich. 16-pngo paper with dcscrln. itnw TO GET A tl 50 PAin np t a nnuT LOST At Elks' fair, Friday ovenlng, neck Kin OI OVI'S FOR 20 cents i Vvh?. lnco of gold beads. Finder return to Dr. forDpa?tlc0ulnr. 'so.Ver Dyne1H?,52l"Ea t Furny' Klk8' ha"' anrt 'u wwura. Vino St., Owatonna, Minn. iist-iJ U-M52S-3 WANTED-A wife. Am a fnrmer 44 years old, aiusi do it kuou uouseKeoper, I havo tho nouso anu u good farm. A. E. McCnrtney, Moyersburg, Park County, ;iiu iiiiniii u -.ii .i , . . . - wkaiiiiii iuoiruiuin juihik widow, no chlldren nr, near relatives, desires good nnd sincerely honest hUBbnnd: monoy no nnji'i'i. nuuinDn jiiiiiu, ivi wasnington 81., CIllLllK". U UJ7 2 SUPERFLUOUS hnlr. wnrts and moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sulfation freo nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allendcr, 1613 DotiKlns. -U "SMOKE IP VOI! LIKE." Hut you'll llko It better If you smoke tho PRINCE OF OMAHA. Union made. Hvst cigar on tho market for do siraignt, w, per i,inu. W. I'. STOECKEH CIOAH CO. U MOM) 8 FHEE snmido Doucet's Sunerbn. The only renieny ior remiivinc wrinKies. l). Ar- mcaim Cliemlenl Co., St. Louis. U-SI 2 MATHIMONIAL CLUH, send stamp for iMiiucuiurs. jiox ow, umana, nod. itcm ! , , - -- , . iwn6ii, , wun several tliousand doi lars. would imtrrv: no general delivery answers considered. Address s m, nee. U-lWI 2 MOMHV T) I.OAX-IIUAI. ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and wan ants, ueorgu iv iwompuny, lwn Famam street. W I'JC M-J,!'' uiiiuma iu imy niiuiu nr i.iri anv time. W. 11. SlEIKLE, 401 S. 10th St. W-407 WANTED, city loans nnd warrants. W. Farnnnt smitn .i Co., 1320 Fnrnam St. W-40S WANTED, city and farm loans; also bands ntui warrants, it. c l'etcrs tit t'o., 1702 Fnrnnm St., Deo Hldg. W 119 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real estate, iircnnan-ijvo Co., aua hoiiiii 13th. W-410 FA TIM and city lonns, low rates. W. H. inomns, isi xvat. uaiiK mag. Tel. lots. Y 411 414 t0 g p c. money. Dcmls. Paxtn-i Hlk 1 u u 1 . i. monej. iiemis, 1 .ixin.11 m. PRIVATE monoy. Sherwood, 937 N Y. T W--413 FOR SALE. FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. PETERS & CO., HEE HO., OMAHA. W--S7! Mem I MORTaAOIC. G. O. Wnllace. Brown Hlk! W 111 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas W 415 D PER CENT loans. Oarvln Bros., 10)4 W 11a Farnnm. WILLIAMSON-CHAS. E.. lutra Fnrnnm St. W- MOMIY TO I.OAM-CIIATTEI.S. "SALARY LOANS" TO MALE OR FEMALE EMPLOYES. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 UPON NOTES, INU AlUUTUAUIS Ull .NDUUSliU. REBATE WHEN LOAN IS PAID BEFORE DUE. PAY WEEKLY, SEMI-MONTHLY OR MONTHLY'. WE GUARANTEE LOWEST RATES IN TOWN. WE Guaranteo ns Easy Payments. YOUR Employer Need Never Know. MOST QUIET OFFICES. EASILY I'OUNn. No Inquiries of your friends or neighbors. 11 you wuiu nn AUHULUTULY Al plaeo to deal, please call. Inquiries strictly conlldcntlul, wether you borrow or not. WE DO NOT DEDUCT CHARGES FROM AMOUNT DESIRED. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room 303. Third Floor. Puxton Block. (See window from Fnrnam Street.) u,e" " '8,ru"u "aiuraays x MONEY I To loan on urnlture nnd Munos. Llvo xou to rciuin possession or tlio property SA1 AliY I DAN 10 I,cI'lu holdiiih JALmi UUrtl3 permanent tinHiiinnu iuu tun uuuuw iiuui tiv.w up, you can get tho money on short notice. You get tho full amount in cusli. You may keen It ono month or more und pay for It only ...lint limn vnll kimi II. On, .i.iu n-.. , . 0r business Is confidential und our motto ia to try to please." "uo UA1A11A JlUUlUAUli LOAN Pfl 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2"9j l,u4iil.Hullnri ll.fl'' 1 Vli! C3 ,.',1. c. soa s. letii st. X-417 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, tcam Btcrs, bonrdlng houses, otc, without se curity; easiest terms; 40 olllces In prin cipal cities. Tolmim, 410 Hoard of Trado Hldg. X-422 FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS. "Absolutely without removing booub. wruten guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 303, Pnxton Block. X-119 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES"" 1 to male or female employes. Wo Guarantee Lowest Rntes. IIOW'DO WE DO IT? Full particulars freo upon request. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Room 303, Pnxton Block. (Sco Window trom Furnuin "Street.) X 118 MONEY loaned on plnln noto to salaried people; business confidential: lowest rates. 614 Puxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X 120 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, mu nwvi tn;. iiilh. Burvico anu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, lilj (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 10th and 1-amain; entrance ou ICth streot. X-423 MONEY loaned on furniture, llvo Btork. Jwly; to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., auc- t0 Uult Oreen, 8 ilnrker blk, 15 Far! x 571 . MONEY loaned nn nt nun, f urnl t n, elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Hoed, 319 S. 13. X-I2I When You Write to Advertisers 5 cmf 'the , imnnHn..0 .i,1? '.SJ tl0p' A? .S?nV 1,10 fact Umt v " B"w tnc ad "' rl' "po-, remember It only takes nn extra stroke or OSTKOl'ATII Y. JWcJnJ& DR. A, T. HUNT, 612 McCaguo Bldg. Tel. 1)&2A- T' IIUNT' 612 MuCllU0 -III DR. MRS. MUHICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2S23. 415 LOST. ryWe!" nndrt,2Hnht,'UVe9ward"rf n- LOST, pair bow glasses between 15th and j'ji n on Douglas, l'leuso return in neu olllce. Iist-K9 2 GAIUIACI ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cesspools nnd vaults, romovo gaibage and dead animals ut reduced prices. CI N. 16th. Tel. 1779. -371 F6 j POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-llno companies, purchused, Loans on policies. Call on or wrlto Tho Putnam Co., 601-5 N. Y. Llfu nidi;,, Omuliu, Nub, -312