TITE OMAHA DAILY HEE: , WISPS JSflDAY, JANUARY "0, 1002. HAYOEN The Grand Sale Begins This Morning HAYDEN s S Thn P Tl II Th"";t, l v.u., whoiwhhc mock oougnt last week ui, nbout Hoc on the dollar is now ready for selling, 1QC IJllrl IPItlnVCl hftVn n 1 linn ,1 t. Tt r ........ , P Not a dollar's worth of this immense purchase will be reserved All will bo thrown on Bale recardless of value.' 1 uwii imu juii, now iiaiLMit L'o. started in business less than s x months uirrt. tflio immense shirk tliev nurehased nnd how thev found it nnler to hiiv S(75,000 Wfrlh f HIr h Qridt StltCfld Mirchandlf in all fha Diffortnt Unas Than fn Mtnne nf If at Profit. Ihm Ri Mm' Stint nh SmrnrmA ihm SUrlr ! 9R n Ik lUlUr Every .available man has been employed unloading, unpacking, checking and marking, and tomorrow the grand sale begins. ' ' . The Big Storo hnH ,ield mnny notnble sales, but never in its history or the history of merchandising has there been offered, nor probably will there ever again be offered SUCH ASTONISH- iju AHBunixMjiNi-b, bum HIGH OKADE, PERFECT GOODS, IN SUCll COLOSSAL QUANTITIES AND AT SUCH SENSATIONALLY LOW PIUCES AS IIAYDEN BROS. WILL PUT ON THIS Gil AND PURCHASE OF THE P. II. UAIGIIT & CO.'S STOCK. Not a dollars' worth of this entire purchase will be reserved, but every single yard, garment and piece will be thrown on sale absolutely without reserve. Think of buyintj new and pprfect and most stylish silks, dress goods, domestics, dry goods of all kinds, notions, laces, embroideries, furnishings, clothing, cloaks, shoes, furniture, etc., etc., AT LESS Til AN 25C ON THE DOLLAR. ', . GRIND BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, CHINA, CROCKERY, HARDWARE AND STOVES. v r The Greatest Silk Sensation of the Timn. Tht tntirt wholuali slock from tht P. B. Haight & Company on salt. The most rcmarknblo silk bargains that you ever heard of will bo offered In this great sale. I. n. Haight. A Co. handled only the finest silks, and no matter for what purpose you may deslro sllki, you will find thorn hero at tho MOST TREMEND OUS nEDUCTIONS. This will giro you an Idea of how wo will closo out this whole Sale silk stock. Fir Ont Hour Widnudiy Morning. $1.50, $2.00 and $2,50 Silks for 49c Wednesday morning wo, place on sale leg only for ope hour, until .9 o'clock, over kinds and as long as tho salo lasts you can among them are plain and figured pcau do rmurc, black pcau de cole, satins, doublo fancy Bilk for waist or dress, crepe de che black, and many other silks, so be sure an at 8 o'clock and Ib ovor at 9 o'clock 19c. All P. B Haight Japanoso Silk for Ont Hour at only, 39c r. t). Haight bad big stock of Jap silks In cream, white and blacks, some aro 24, soma 27 and 36 Inches wldo. guaranteed to wash and sells for 75c, Jt.QO and 91.25, all go In ono lot from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock remombor for one hour the finest black, whlto or cream wash silk at, only 39c no limit, buy nil you wnnt. Thott Spocialt will Bo on Salo Until Every Yard is Closed Out, rinln China, all colors, at 15c. l'laln tarfetallncs, all colors, 20c. rialn liberty satin In whlto or cream, 29c. Dlack gros grain' Bilk, at, only, 60c. Dlnck folllo franclsser at 39c. , Fancy corded silk, 100 pieces, all colors, 49c. Fancy velvet' for waist, on salo at 25c. Mack silk velvot on sale nt 60c. Colored panno velvet, worth $2.50, for 75c. 27-Inch colored taffeta, fine grade, at 49c. Specials In tht Bargain Room Full standard Prints, worth 7'4c, at... 2V4e 28 and 36-Inch Imitation French Flan nels 3-ie 10c and 16c Haight Towels nt 7o 6o' unblcachcdluslln at 3fte 12Ac nnd 15c Percales at 6c ' 10c Shaker Flannels at 34c 15c Shaker Flannels at 5c 19c Ureas Duck 7o 15c flno ainghams, fust colors, now spring styles 8Ho Klondike Drapery, worth 15c. at ,Ao 15c Dimities at.j.... 6c 19c Dimities nt "Ho 25c Dimities at.. 1 10c 16c cotton CoVerts.i 7V4c 12V4c Sateens at i 614c Embroideries from Haight Stock 5c embroldorlcs lc 7c embroideries 2Hc 10c embroideries 6o 18c embroideries 10c 25c .embroideries ..t lta GOc cmbroldorlos .'. .' 26e NEW BOOIS AND MAGAZINES PUy fcy a Print Fr.oa Anth.r Trt ltd Into Eigliih. 1 NEW' SERIES fF BOOKS IS PROMISED s ' fclfn of $t. Paul Presented tn Scripture LanBaagr Vnlnnlile Work fur ,StulrtiU of Illlillcnl IIU torr and Mtcrnturrt. Announcement was mado somo little time ago thnt a prominent Chicago houso would commenco tho publication of n series of books containing translations of modern plays which have appeared in the different European languages. The first book of this .erics Is now at hand, containing "Tho Rovolt'V rfnd "The Escnpe," by Vllllera De ' L'alslo Adam, translated from tho French by Theresa Bnrclay. Both plays aro short bo that they havo been Included In a llttlo volume of sixty pages. The two short ploces forming this volumo aro considered among tho author's best and most sug gestive work. Though slmplo In construc tion, they deal with two of the greotest 'problems of,modern clvlllzotlon. "Th Es capo" was playod at M. Antolne's theater In 1887, ''The Rovolt" Is an essentially mod ern drama. It appeared In 1870, moro than twonty years before tho question of the. re lation, of the sexes had become, In France, tho burning one'lt Js now. After five per formances "at the Vaudeville In Paris It was wlthdrnwn, by the order of the Censure, 'on the samo grounds no doubt us thoso on which much other artistic and conscientious work of that tlmo was persecuted. Be. twpen "The Revolt" and one of Ibsen's most popular plays. "The Dolls' House," there Is n strong family likeness, uotn deal wun thn bame problem, both horolne. 'propound thn nmo (henries of self duty and both leave home, husband and chtUMn with the samo object of leading thenceforth a worthlor existence In drearafand. The French heroine return, after a few hours Sportsmen , ana BtcSSPV much sustenance , commencing at 8 o'clock sharp and last- 1,000 pieces of flno silks, nil colors and all have all you want, all are full pieces and sole, nil silk follies, poplins, taffeta, width black grenadines and all kinds of nes, In all colors; corded ellk and white or d come early as salo commences promptly All silk satin llhodame, 'black and col ors, at 49c. Dlack taffeta, 27-lnch wide, for 59c. Dlack taffeta, 36-Inch wide, for 9Sc. Dlack taffeta, 64-Inch wide, for $1.60. I'cau de solo, worth $1.60, for 85c. Peau, de sotc, worth $2.60, for $1.2.". Peau do sole, worth $3.60, for $1.50. Pcau do solo, worth $5.00, for $1.75. Dlack brocades, worth $2.50, for 9Sc. $2.00 black grenadines, for 85c. $3.50 black grenldlncB, for $1.50. $2.00 yard wldo black satin, $1.00. $1.50 block crocodile silk, at C9c. 25c Hosiery at 10c 300 dozen ladles', men's and children's stockings, In wool nnd fleeco lined, from the Haight stock, that sold for 25c, at 10c. 150 wool shawls, 25c. All tho Indies' wool shawls from tho Hnlght stock, that sold up to $1.50, on. sale at 25c. All the men's, ladles' nnd children's wool and fleece lined undorwear tjint sold up to $1.00, from tho Haight stock, at 2.'c. All tho men's and boys' colored laundrlcd shirts from iho HalgUt stock that sold up to $1.00, on sale at 29c. Monarch colored laundrled shirts, nt 39c. All the men's working gloves and mittens from tho Haight stock that sold up to 75c, on safe ,at 25c. All the men's and boys' whlto unlaun dried shirts that, sold up to 50c, from tho Haight stock, at 25c. Men's heavy Jersey overshlrts, worth up to $1.00, at 25c. Men's GOc neckwear at 10c. All tho men's 60c neckwear from tho Haight stook, at 10c. Men's 10c nocks at 4c. i lot of children's underwear, In small sizes, at 10c. with a dread of tho lonllness of tho cold, dark night and tho discovery that her suit dependency has departed. Ibsen leaves us In doubt as to tho ulterior fate of his "Nora." Charles H. Sergei company, Chi cago, "Tho College Student ond His Probloms" Is the title of a little volumes Just IsRuvd by tho Macmtllan Company of New York as tho first of a series dealing with ' the personal problems that must bo solvod by the young men of tho day, Thn subject Is treated by Dr. James II. Canfleld, who Is especially fitted to talk upon ft by renson of his own experience In collcgo work, being not only a college grnduato, but having servod also as a college professor and college president. His stylo Is "an easy, conversational ono, ndnpted to the, role of an advice giver, Tho main point 1 emphasized throughout tho entlro work Is 1 that a college education Is but a means to I the end, whose valuo lies In the teaching of solt control and self knowledge and estab lishing relationships of a personal charac ter with fellow students and membcru of the teaching staff that may bo drawn upon In future years In every llfo omorgnncy. No bard nnd fast rules can bo set down for the guidance of a young man nbout to enter college or already entered, but ho can bo encouraged to boIvA the problem, suc cessively confronting him with nn Intelli gent comprehension ot surrounding condi tions and with a clear perception of tho bbject to be attalnod. Tho book will prove helpful to every ono preparing for collego work, stimulating to every college student, and reminiscent to every college graduate. The International Sunday-School Lessons for tho first six months of the present year aro on the life and letters of St. Paul. There Is a particular ttmolluces, therefore. In tho now edition Just Issued of "The Llfo or St. Paul Harmonized In Scrip ture Language." Tho compiler, Rev. S. W. Pratt, has given the full text, In a harmon ious chropologlcal arrangement of what ever pertains to Paul's life and work at any one tlmo and placed The plan has been to construct, after tho Inductive method, a complete scriptural life ot St. Paul, fol lowing In general the record ot Luke In, Acts, and presenting In dddltlon thereto, and In chronological order, whatever the apostlo himself has written tn his epistles concerning tho same facts and events, aud whatever ho has written about other parts of hi. life and work. The matter tn the ap pendix will be found Instructive as show ing St, Paul's personal relation to Christ and his claim to "npostleshlp, his personal appearance, his relation to his companions and tho unity of his teaching and his per--sonal life and faith. Those who saw the first edition of this book wore delighted with It and commended It In the highest terms. Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York. Magaadir Mention. Advanced spring and cummer styles aro pictured In tho American Queen for Feb ruary, Dainty embroidered design aro also Furniture in this Sale Below Factory Cost Prices so low that while this salo lasts you cannot afford to overlook the oppor tunity now offered. 100 flno bedroom suits, all now designs, and tho prices hero given are lower than similar gooda can bo bought nt tho factory. 3-pleco bedroom suit, dresser, washstnnd and bed, bed full size, alt selected bard wood, tho wholo suit castored; factory prlco $16.60; sales prlco $12.50. Elegant 3-pleco ult, bed finely carved, dresser has serpentine top drawers, mirror In a 30x21 bevel pinto; factory prlco J24.60; salo prlco $17.60. Odd dressers and washstnnds. Flno oak dresser, factory prlco $10.80, sale prlco $7.85. Another fine i dresser, scrpentlno top drawers, 30x21 mirror, factory prlco $15.00; sale price $9.76. Chiffoniers, 5-drnwer oak, chiffonier, largo and roomy; factory price $9.60; salo price $4.05. Flno chiffonier, 5 drawers, stzo 33x18, swell top drawer; factory price, $12.00; sale prlco $7.2.. Samo chiffonier, with mrror 24x14, fac tory prlco $14.00; salo prlco $9.50. S1DEBOAUDS Solid oak sideboard, dou ble swell drawer, carded pllastors, artistic standards, top 45x22, French bevel plate mirror 26x10; fnctory price $20.00; sale price, $16.60, , Extension Tables 0-foot table, $3.95; 8 foot table, $1.95; 10-foot tablo, $5.95. Table, 42x42 top, fancy twisted lege, solid and well made, 0-foot, $5.25; 8-foot, $6.25; 10-foot, $7.25. Another flno table, 42x12 top, 6-lnch legs, solid nn'd finely finished, castored, 6-foot, $6.75; 8-foot, $7.7G; 10-foot, $8.75. All of thesu nrc from $2.50 up to $1.00 less than It Is possible to "buy similar tables. , Ofllco desks in this lot go at unusually low prices. 5-foot desk, 32 Inches wide, 49 Inches high, nil oak polish finish, drawers on both sides; futtory price, $20.00; salo price, $22.50. Similar desk, 4 feet long; factory price, $26.00; snlo price, $19.50. Other desks, $15.00 and$l8.G0. We aro In position to savo you money on furniture during' this. sale. Wo bought this lot cheap and will Bell It cheap. Come and sco us beforo you buy. Dress Trimmings From Haight Stock 500 bolts dress braids, worth 5c to 25c ynrd, all go at one price yard lc HAYDEN BROS shown and the "Beauty nnd Toilet" nud "Domestic Science" departments nro up to tho usual high standard. Articles on "A Mother'B Duty to Her Daughters," "Thrown on Her Own Resources," "In tho Home Clrqlo" nnd "Exerclso for Growing Girls" nro particularly Interesting. The cover, In red and bind:, is one ot tbp Malcolm Strauss scries and Is very attractive. Of fice. , of publication, 31 East Seventeenth strce.t, New York. Vnssll! Vorostchagln, tho fnmous Russian pnlnter ot bnttlo scenes, U now In this country. It Is snld that he Is to paint a plcturo of the chargo of San Juan Hill, Among his pictures now Bhown aro several ot great Interest relating to tho campaign In tho Philippines. 'Charles DeKay of the National Art club aud of the New York Times writes In tho February magazine number ot the Outlook a strong article about Vcrcstchngln. U Is Illustrated by flno. reproductions of tho artist's superb pic tures, "Beforo Moscow" nud "The Retreat from Moscow1," by a rcmarkablo portrait of tho artist and by other pictures. Tho February number of tho Woman's Homo Companion opens with an article on "Tho Carnival of Murdl Grns," Another feature equally seasonable Is entitled "Washington's Neglected Blrthplnce.'' Ous tav Kobbe has n biography of Madam Schu-mann-Helnk. "Deeds of Hcrolnm of Women In tho Civil War" recites tho thrilling ad ventures of two army nurses. Notable among the short stories Is a light, bright tale, "Tho Superintendent nnd tho Baby," by Edwin L. Babln. "Tho Reincarnation of Captain John Radnor" Is concluded. Tudor JenkB contributes n child's story, "Tho Magician's Ofllco Boys." A romarkablo art feature Is tho reproduction of two paintings by. Burno-Joncs, illustrating "Tho Legend of tho Briar Roso." Tho double-page fea ture shows womrn's club houses ,In Amer ica. Published by tho Crowell & Klrkpat rlck company, Sprlngflcfd, O. Sir Charles W. Dllko contributes to tha Cosmopolitan for February nn article on "Tho Naval Strength of Nations,' which gives not only a most Interesting and com prehensive account ot the navies of the groat powers, but also n clear Insight Into world politics, Few men possess such knowledge as tho author's, gained from years of exporlenco In n diplomatic, and political career. Th,e article Is so broad In scopo and straightforward In treatment that It will bo read with Interest not alono by statesmen, but by everyono whoua thoughts travel beyond the Immndtnte wants of a single day. Tho Cosmopolitan Is fortunate In Its Action, Stories of love, adventure nnd humor from tho pens of famous authors mako the ' "Mlilwlntnr VMctlnn NnmliAr" L vitally Interesting. "8. Cohn & Ron," by f.uufciviu, uchib wim xne Angucizauon or a Jow and ths Incvltablo tragedy of his love for an English girl, whose raco prejudice triumphs ovor her nobler feelings. In "The Valley of tho Dead" Thomas A, Janvier pic tures the struggle ot a dashing young engi neer between love and duty. "Mr. Mnc- Women's Ready-Made Garments from the Haight & Co. Stock All Hatght's automobiles, worth $25.00, at $7.90. v All Hatght's automobiles, In castors, tans And blacks', worth up to $15, nt $3,90, All Height's Dox coats, lined with skin ner satin, worth up to $20, at $5.00. All Halght'o women's suits, worth up to $25.00, for $6.50. , All Halght's women's ralnyday skirts, worth up to $6.00, (or $2.00. All Halght's waists, worth $2.60, for GOc. All Halght's -waists, worth $1.00, nt 25c. All Halght's dr6sslng sacquea, worth $2, at 69c. . All Halght's astrakhan collarettes, worth $5.00, at $1.25. . All Halght's $1.00 wrappers at 39c. Clothing The entire $48,000 wholesale clothing stock of P. D. Haight & Co. now on Bale at 25 cents on tho dollar. Men's $18.00 fine suits for ..$6.85 Boys' $6.50 Storm Ulsters for 1.95 Boys' $1.50 Kneo Pant Suits at 60c Boys' $5.00 and $6.50 Russian Blouso Suits at 1.95 Men's $12.60 Storm'Ulsters for :.. 3.85 Men's $16.50 double-brenstcd extra flno quality Blue Scrgo Suits at 6.85 Men's $6.00 samplo Coats and Vests for. 1.95 Men's $2.50 sample Pants at.' 95c Men's $10.00 to $IG.00 extra flno samplo odd Coats and Vests for $2.95 nnd 3.7G Boys' $5.00 Long Pant S'ltts at... 1.95 Men's $15.00 black Claf Worsted Suits for 4.85 Men's $6.50 all wool Cheviots Suits at.. 2.75 Men's $18.00 black patent Beaver Over coats at 6.85 Men's $13.00 fine Kersey Overcoats for 4.85 Boys' $7.50 to $15.00 flno Overcoats, at $3.85 and 5.00 Men's $4.00 very flno Pants at 1.50 Boys' $2.00 to $S.75 long Pants, 95c and 1.50 Glowrle's Widow" Is tho title of n western story tn Bret Harto's happiest voln, nno "Tho Fish" Is ono of E. W. Kemblc'B best humorous skits. "Niagara, tho Scene of Perilous Fonts," Is the title of nu article, which telle tho story ot the many who have year nfter year gono to Niagara seeking notoriety or death. From the, earliest days Niagara has been the Mecca ot thoso who 'valued their lives lightly, and tho Btory of Sam Patch, Blondln, Maria Spelterlna, tho Jealous Salient's attempt to cut the cablo on which his rival was performing over the seething Whirlpool rapids, Peter Nlssen's Ill-fated "Fool Killer" nnd Cap tain -Webb's laqt swim, Is carried down to Mrs. Taylor, tho only survivor of n trip qver tho.great Falls. Twenty-flvo pages of text and pictures on the new groat Issuo of "Intorrial Expan sion," a really great momorlal ode to Wil liam McKlnloy, and Senator Hanna's sec ond paper on "William McKlnloy ns I Know Him" oro among tho features of Tho National Magnzlno. "Internal Expan sion" means Irrlgatlon--nnd Tho National's half dozen articles treating vnrlous phases of this subject are done byySecretary Wil son nnd other experts F. H, Nowell, J. W. Powell, Charles D. Walcott, Charles W. Hall nnd Thomas W. Walsh, president of tho National Irrigation association. Tho. array of Information on this subject given in tho February National Is far greater than was evor presented In any other mag azine. Apparently tho St. Nicholas haa mado a change pleasing to Its readers In substi tuting a "long short story1' comploto In each" number for' tho usual Installment ot a serial. oAt all ovonts, tho change has been followed by a gratifying Increase Ip tho subscription Hat, nnd the now policy will certainly be continued for the present. In the March number the long story Is a bright bit of fanciful, humorous non sense by Bennqt W. MuBson of Rocbcster, N. V. "Through Fairyland In a Hnnsom Cab" Is the title, and this title strikes the noto of Incongruity that characterizes tbu Jolly story. Llttlo Gretchen the horolne. tho Giant Gnome, tU. Poet and tho Ob jector are euro to become favorites with lovers ot S narks and Boojums. It Is en riched by Miss Cory's Illustrations. Next to this in length Is tho story called "An Angle-American Alliance," which Is based upon tho adventures of two American boys In the Bermudas. Their friendship with a gunner In the British army leads them to visit Fort St. Catherine, and brings them Into trouble with the authorities. Tho re sulting Interview with tho governor re minds one (by rovereall) of the Boston boys' Interview with Oeneral Gage when tho British soldiers Interfered with Iholr sliding on the Common, It s a strong, anoppy little story, with Illustrations by Gcorue Varian. Chief of the numerous high lights of the February Century, the midwinter number,' Is a frontispiece wood cut by Cote In tbe Old Spanish Masters series, "The Daughter A Sensational Shoe Sale The large wholesale stock of P. B. Haight & Co. on'salo at about 25 cents on tho dol lar Wednesday morning. Nothing reserved. Como early. Men's patent leather lace, worth $5,00, for $1.95. Men's box calf, all welt soles, lnce, worth $4.00, for $1.95. Men's velour calf, lnce, worth $3.50, $1.95. Mcn'e vlcl, lace, worth $4.00, for $1.95. Men's English cottskln, lace, worth $3.60, for $1.95. Mon's onamel, laco, worth $4.50, for $1.95. Women's box calf, lace, worth, $3.00, $1.95. Women's patent calf, lace, worth $5.00, for $1.95. x Women's vlcl lace, worth $3.00, for $1.95. Women's vlcl, French heel, lace, worth $4.00, for $1.95. Misses' vicl, lace, worth $2.00, for $1.39. Misses' vlcl, lnce, worth $1.75, for $1.23. Children's vlcl, lace, worth doublo, 98c, 75c and 48c. Boys' flno vlcl kid, worth $2.50, for $1.47. Boys' flno Vlcl kid, worth $2.00. for $1.39. Little gent's satin calf,, worth $1.76, 98c. Llttlo gcnt'H vlcl, worth, $2.00, for $1.23. IN THE HAllOAlN IIOOM. Men's satin calf, Dongola top, lace, solid, worth $2.00, for $L29. Men's tatln calf, Dongola top, lace, solid, worth $1.76, for $1.00. Misses' dongola, lnce, Inlaid vesting, worth $1.75, for 89c. Child's, of tho samo kind, 79c. Boys' satin culf, laco, worth $1.75", 98c. Youth's, sizes of samo shoe, worth $1.50, for 78c. ' Infants' shoes, soft soles, worth 50c, 19e. Infants' shoes, sewed soles, worth 25c, 10c. Special Lard Sale 10 pounds puro leaf lard, $1.13 5 pounds pure leaf lard 67c T, pounds pure leaf lnrd 34c 50 pounds pure leaf lard...... $5.34 1 of El Greco." A novel fenture of the "Yenr of American Humor" Is a mono loguo by Beatrice Herford, "The Book Agent," Miss Herford's first contribution to magnzlno literature. A new humorous con tributor Is Introduced to tho public In John Charles McNeill, with four negro songs Il lustrated by Kemble. Other humorous tales aro "The Don't Hurry Club,"4 "A Govern ment of tho People," n story of Oklahoma. There 13 an account of "Arteraus Ward at Springfield, Mass.," bealdcs other sketches and poems In nil ten articles. A unique paper In the number is a literary "And" In tho Hhnpo of tho diary of a eorarndo ot Kosciusko, which has recently been dis covered In Poland, artd which records con versations with Genoral Washington and Impressions of him before and during a visit by the narrator to Mt. Vernon In 1798. Tho diarist, Mr. Nlemcewlcz, a Polish poet, throws much light on tho character of General nnd Mrs. Washington and on their homo life, The number contains a fine unfamiliar Stuart portrait of Washington. February being nlso tho month of Lincoln's birth, there Is an article on "Lincoln and Kentucky," by Cicero T. Sutton, preceded by a fac-slmllo of a noto of Lincoln'1 apply ing for a railway pass. There is also an Interesting unpublished portrnlt of tho president. Two other nrticles of personal Interest of nn nnccdotnl sort nro "The Salon of tho Princess Mathllde," the fa mous nleco of tho great Napoleon, with a portrnlt of tho princess and a picture by Castolgno of a soiree at her salon, and the personal recollections of "Browning In Venice" by his friend, the lato Mrs. Bron son, Tho number Is thus rich In anecdote. I.lfprarr Nolen, "The Blazed Trail," by Stewart Edward White. Is to be nubllshcd this srirlnir hv Mr.Clure, Phillips & Co. This story dcalB wun tno western wooas ana woodsman. An Important theological work by Dr, Robert Rainy, nrlnrlnnl of tho New col. lege. Edinburgh, will bo published by the Hcriuners in u icw wceics. 11 is entitled "The Ancient Catholic Church." That famously successful Now Riiclatwl Btory published by tho C. M. Clark com pany over 11 year ago, "ijuinoy Adams Huwyer," Is now out In piny form and had ItH first stage presentation on ChrlstmaH day nt North Adams, Mas., scoring im mediate success. "Woodland nnd Meadow," by W. I. Lin coln Adams. Is nubllshed bv the linker & Tiiylor company. ThlB Is a serleH of papers ileulliiK wltli lire on n New England hill farm nmV somo of the chapters are on "Tho Nbw England Farm," "In tho Sugnr f-nn.r," "At. Pnrlv Mnrnft.rr Til. In "In ll.n Hay Field.'' "HnrvestliiK tho Corn." "When I It Rains" nnd "Wlntar Days." Tho author has had for n number of years, as his summer borne, a farm In northern New , Hampshire. Tho Illustrations In tho book wero photographed by Mr. Adams und somo friends. He first wrote as editor of tho I'hotogrnphlc Times, putting forth "In Nature's imago" nnd "Sunlight nnd I Shudow," Writing to tho Dial from Albany, Mo., . J. lireckenrtdtfe Ellis tells of tho methods he adopted to ascertain the books preferred t by and for children. He took the vote or nbout !.00i) young people, between the ages of 0 and 15, belonging to n society, organ ized for tho encouragement of good read ing, the members of which llvo In thirty nlno states and Canada. Each child was rtMiiitHti'd to vend In a list of his or her ten favorIt,'j books, In the order of prefer- Hardware Dept Of the P. B. Haight & Co. stock we havo In our basement nearly everything In tho stove and tibuscfurnlshlng line, such as heating stoves In wood, nir-tlght, hot blast, coal heaters, oak heater In wood or coal, cast cooks nnd ranges, steel ranges, gran iteware, wringers, washing machines, tin nnd ga'vanlzcd boilers, nickel-plated cop per tea kettles nnd nearly everything that Is useful In the kitchen, at prices never be fore made. A FEW SAMPLE PItlCES: Wo can glvo you No. 8 cook stoves for.$6.93 Oak heating stoves for B.25 10-nuart granlto dish pans 390 Np. 8 granite tea kettles 6c Steel framo wringers 95c Galvanized No. 8 boilers f,90 No. 8 nlckold solid copper tea kettle. 79c Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valises Regular $1.60,' $1.25 nnd $1.00 Fedora hat, In black, brown, otter and slato color, on salo at 65c. It. It. huts In black, brown and nutra, on salo at 65c. Cornell In black, only 56c. Mon's heavy winter caps at 25c. . Boys' 40c, 45c and 6O0 caps nt 16c. Boys' bats at 25c. Boys' and girls' Tarns at 15c. Toques at 10c. Vnllscs from 20c to $1.00. Dress suit cases nt 76c and 90c. Trunks from $1.50 to $6.00. Drapery Tapestry curtains worth $2.25 and $2.60 pair at $1.69 pair. Tapestry curtains worth $4.00 pair at $2.98 pair.. Tapestry curtains worth $6.00 pair at $5.98 pair. Laco curtains, flno qualities, worth 1.75 and $2.00, 98c pair. Loco curtains, flho qualities, worth $3.50. $1.98 ralr. Upholstery velours, worth 76c yard, 29c yard. Flno tapestry square, for pillows, etc., 25c each. Sensational Grocery Bargains 22 pounds Granulated Sugar for 98c 6 pounds Breakfast Oatmeal for 13c 1 gallon can fancy Tablo Syrup at 35c 3-lb. cans Fancy Apples nt 6c 2 pkgs. On-Tlrao Yeast for 6c 1-lb. can Covo Oysters at 814c 3 pkgs. Smoking Tobacco for 10c G-lb. can puro Leaf Lord. at 52c Qt. bottle puro Tomato Catsup at 8c Specials in Haight & Co's Silks 39c lining Silks , 19c 76c plain and figured Silks 25c $1.00 and $1.60 Silks for 49c Silk Velvet at 19c Silk finished Vetvcteen 19c once, and a list of tho three nuthora found personally most enjoyublc. About 80 per cent responded nnd the thirty-five books oftenest named were headed by Louisa M. Alcott's "Llttlo Women," foltowcd by "Old-Fashioned .Girl." "Black Beauty," "Llttlo Men." "Under tho Lilacs." Lonit- fellow'B poems, Dickens' "Child's History of England," "John Hallfnx," "Pilgrim's iTogress," jos uoys, -1.11110 jxira Fuuntleroy," "David Copperflcld" nnd uignt cousins." . An "Atlas of tha Qeoarnnhy and History of the Ancient World" is being prepared by Uenjamin ii. fcsannorn u uo. 11 contains fnrtv-otuht mniiH und rdans of tho section around the Mediterranean und ot tho lands lying north of It. showing their geograph ical divisions nnd the hlatorlcal movements connected with them. Beginning with n map ot the dlstnnutlon ot tno cany races, It showB the different countries In their historical relations. Egypt, Palestine, the kingdoms of the Mcdcs and Persians, those of Alexander und his successors, the about tho Aegean, an well as those of Italy, and -the successive wars of Homo with Carthago and Its struggle with tho northern peoples, are represented with a series of maps. Tho above books aro for salo by tho Me- goath Stationery Co., 1308 Farnam street. The $1,50 Shoe Again- Lest you forget thnt we havo the lnrg out iiiIhhos' shoe department In Omaha, wo mention It again Wo want to call your nttentlon to n lino of $1.G0, misses' sliocB-ii lino that In ho largo that wtf can lit tho, narrow, the broad, tho short and the long foot as wen at turn pneo ns nny shoo In the United SUtes for twlco tho money wo carry them In all widths thn siimo as we do tho higher priced Khoes tho Hunio shoo In young Indies' slr.es, to 0, at $2.00. Drexel Shoe Co., Onili.'i Up-to-ai Hoaaa. 1410 FAHNAM STREET. Kaw Fall Catalogue flaw Hmmf. Do You Like lies- Llko mother used to moke only a wholo lot better do you llko cakes llko mother used to make only a wholo lot better? If you do, como to us, for wo make the most delicious pies nnd enkea In the country we make n specialty of flno paBtry got tho best baker use the choicest of goods and when you eat our pies or cakes you'll say you'vo never ate anything qutto so good Then we mako a specialty of wholo wheat bread and rolls of all kinds Better boo us ond let us talk bread, cakes and pies to you. W. S. Baldufff, 1MO Pftnim 9U Furnishings from tht Haight & Co. Stock All our $2.00 Ladles' outing flannel Night Gowns on sale at 98c. Ladles' Chemise, Drawers nnd Corset cov ers, worth 60c, at 25c. Ladles' flno fancy trimmed Corset cover nnd Drawers, worth 75c, nt 39c. Ladles' flno Chemise, Gowns, Drawers and Corset covers, handsomely trimmed, worth $1.00, at 49c. All tho black and fancy wool nnd llslo thrend Hoso sold for 60c nnd 76c, nt 25c. All tho 25c and 35c Hoso In black nnd colors at 12 ',4c Ono lot of Corsets, worth $1.00 nnd $1.60, nt 49c. Mon's $1.25 all wool Shirts and Drawers, In all sizes, at 49c. Men's $1.50 nnd $2.00 all Wool Shirts ana Drawers nt 75c. ' Men's SI. 60 cnlnrrrf lnnmlrlorf Rhlr h 'Star and Griffon brand, on sale at 49c. All tho mon's 60o nnd 76c flno cashmere and llslo thread Hobo at 25c. Men's 60c and 75o outing flannel 'Suit, at 25c. Men's $2.00 nnd $2.50 Suspenders at $1.00. Men's 50c Suspenders, In nil styles, at 25c. All the men's $1.60 flannel Shirts at 98c. Men's working Gloves nnd Mittens nt 25c, 60c, 75c ond $1.00; worth doublo. Dress Goods II. & Co.'s 12c to 15c Dross Goods at... 6c II. & Co.'s 15c halt wool Dress Goods at . 60 II. & Co.'s 25c Dress Goods at lOo H. & Co.'s 39c Dress Goods at 15a H. & Co.'s 49c Dress Goods at 19o H. & Co.'s 64-Inch, strictly all wool , Cheviot, at 40c H. & Co.'b 54-Inch, strictly oil wool Herges, at 49c H. & Co.'s 68-Inch spring Suitings 49c Strictly all wool figured Challls 25o Half wool matin strlpo Challls 25o 75c French rianncls 25o 75c Watstlngs 250 Extra heavy 39c3klrtlngs, all colors.... 25c Whit Goods Salo 40-Inch flno Linen Lawn, 15c. Flno India Llnons at 10c, at 12c, at 15c; regular valuo, 15c up to 5c yard. Flno yard-wldo Muslin at 6Hc; value 10c. Linen Towols nt 6c, at 10c, r.t 12V4o, at 15c. Flno quality mado Sheets, 72x90 Inches, at 40c. Pillow Coses at 15c pair. THE BIGGEST DAItGAINS FROM THE HAIGHT & CO. STQCK ARE IN THE DARGAIN ROOM. Flannel Dept 1 case whlto vool Flannel, worth 20c; snlo prlco 1216c. , 1 caso '33-Inch wldo Shaker Flannel, worth 15c; sale prlco 6c. 1 caso wool Eiderdown, worth 30c; sale prlco 16c. 1 caso extra largo and heavy Bed Spreads, worth $1.25; sale prlco 69c. 1 cose fu(l slzo extra heavy Bed Spread., worth $2.00; salo price 98c. ft Always Something New to Show You. Remember Our Book Sale. This great clearance salo will only last until January 25th. Cdat not con- oiuereu in mo case. ONEKVg Society Stationer. 1K0 Farnm Bt. BOOKS f urn. We emu alao farnlik mny fclfl paoiiftnea. Barkalow Bros,' "Book shoo," 1U Vsnia at. VfcOM 00 - t