TltJfi OMAHA DAILY NEE: 3LOND AT, J ANUA11Y 27, 102. 4 The umaha Daily, Bee, E. H08EWATEK, ED1T01U I'UBUBHED EVEUY MOUN1NO. TEHM8 OF HUBSCIUPTION. Dally lice (without Sunday), Ono Vertr..C.OO uaiiy ueo nnu ounuay, uuo iui .. ....... illustrated Boo, One Yen iw Situraay eiJ!p"'uoeYc,ar:;:;:;'.;!:'.,.,.!'.'.'.!' i.w Twentieth century Farmer,' pne Year... l.w lll.-Tt1M.-UI.Ml tlV C A I11UHI1 DELIVERED BY CARRIER I Dally BCO (Without Hlllldny) PCr COpy ... 20 I Uniiv 11... in-ifiiniit Minirinvi!iipr week' !!!. 12o SStSilLari S,u"uu.V.'.r.,. w EveniiiB use (.without Bundayper weckauo woiIIK...ACo...t'1!c.u..!"lf. .l5o .hCoXPba0''adl partmcnt. Omaha-Tho Ueo Building, Boutn umnha-city nan uunuing, lv-llrth and At Htn..n. Council mutts 10 Pearl Street. Chicago loio Unity Building. Now lork Temple Couri. Washington Ml Fourteenth Street, COHIIKHPONUENCE. Communications relutlng to news nnd cdl torial matter should bo uddrcssed: omahn , ,.., .!..,.... Dunnes letter and remittances should bo IITTL3tKTl.UCl I ll'TiritH I .4 .j . mi. . ti..L.iiu.ui i ftiMitii tlV. I uurBeui ino uce x-uuuDiiiMto ' miMiTTANCES. ! ,, MA . . 41 AtA payable t5 Tho ilee l'uullshlnif Company, only z-cent stamps accepted in payment o( f?'0 THE UEE 1'UULIHUINO COMl'ANY. STATEMENT OF CIIICULATION. Pubiisning company, being du'y woriw crp.oaoesaCor,Tnua lyn .vru,.Ji. nriWfii mrini fhvu,tSf Dnu a.r iTi" wSI a- to.- the month of December, lSuli was lows: 1 30,100 2 30,008 3 ao.aao 4 ao,:ao 6 ao,4r.o t.ii 30.K1O ? ao,aiM 8 3O,U0U i 30,3:10 io....t 30,440 11...., 30,480 12....... 80,500 13 30,4B0 14 80,530 is 3o,aoo 16 30,4UO 17 10 uo 300 I 19 30,hho 20. ...30,440 A fill TIM! mo 23!!!!!!!!!!!.o,4HO 24 30,480 2D 30,440 2J 30,600 27i!'.!!'.!!!!'.!uo.u70 U, 30,510 2 H"'!! It ,.30,420 1"1 Total 043,335 Less'unsold arid returned copies.... lo.ouw Net total sales 01,107 Not dolly ftverage............... 30,101 t,i nil 1 WK.U. If. UBUUUWW RnharHhAil In mv nr.nnrn and sworn to before mo thU 3ist day of Deeember. A. D. j 1901. (Seal.) notary ruuuc. It begins to iook as ir tnc maruct houso were about to gain a lap on tue auditorium. ivcry pumic oiuccr who is cxposcu m tho betrayal of his trust raises the cry oi political persecution. Omnlm's llrst bad coasting accident of u,u ou"7" vu ...iu, ...juiivnuu l Wu.iu. r.ut-nfiil ulinulil nnf lin lirnnnll. careful should not bo Ignored A.1mlinl C.lilnv oiit'a lm lina nn nm bltlon for civil otllce, but ho may change his mind, or allow It to bo changed for him, by the time 1004 rolls around. 'Pl,n Bn tronani-v will niwnvfl im moro or less In politics. But that is - w 1 . . tin niiiunti wiiv nnv srnrn Trensnrnr should make himself a candidate for tho penitentiary. nL-i..i.nmn i,nta II- .nn nintn ilm Btatehood race better by going It nlouc 1,10 ,aw doos 80 ""'owing that ho Is thun by hitching three abreast with betraying llls truBt and 'subjects him Arizona aud New Mexico. Every tub l'If t0 1,11 tho Penaltlra imposed by the - i on its own bottom. A British syndlcnto has acquired 00 per cent of the tobacco Interests of Cuba. Here Is another chanco to help tho poor Cubans by remitting the duty on tobacco for tho beneflt of the British pockctbook. Tho subject of William Allen white s next literary dissection is former Presi dent Grover Cleveland. If It does not draw out nt least u threat of suit for libel, it will hot bo considered a com plcto success, Our amiable hyphenated contemporary wants to give public notice that It takes back all the nice things It said n little " """O- while ago about Judge Baker and his merited recognition by promotion to u hlKhcr bench . i - From tho bills presented by the grand Jury It would seem that tho purity re- fnnnniH In Smith fimnlm lin.l hlmitv tn keep thorn busy sweeping beforo their own door without bothering about their neighbors' stoops. Ex-Treusurer Meserve Insists that his Indictment for embezzling money be- longing to the stnto school fund Is .1 1 ll.l.. ..... I Biiuinj nuiiiien. jimis just winii .loo i Bartley said when ho was arrested for pocketlug .state money. nn... u..ti .. ni,i.... i. .iim wniu ui v niiicnu io ouiur pnptlllf uuu oi mm rummy ih iidoik one to onu thousand, but from some of tho arguments put lortn to uunisn tno Ulil- liiunau it person would suppose tho onu whs on uie point ot swallowing tlie uuo thousand. Tho salary of state treasurer ns fixed by tho constitution of Nebraska Is S'J.riiM) ii venr nnd he Is prohibited from protltlng in .i.y additional amount from ' tno oiuce. nniii iio uuuM uiuiseu in tnu omco (iissausneu v.1111 uio sninry need stay thero a slnglo day. cat t..... lu v,,..uui.,n ,.nri,n.iuin.i -.""""'i, hours at Its disposal St, Louis will bo , . . , . . . iu a quandary whether to Introduce tlm, 1 4.. A'....l.1iu ,....,lo or Z ;world7b gg .s b e c 01 10 Ul(J ""'Mht mewcr- , Judge Gordon can subscrlbo to all tho oaths of olllco ho pleases, but thnt cannot obllterato the fact that at the last elec tion to which he submitted himself as nn.iii.i.itn ii i.mlorltv or the neonlo of JmnS U.. 0tl, " ! "'J " i.1,' OI.1HJ..V.U. uu tiut.iii. .. opiionent. tiio popuin agatust Judge Cordon aud It cannot bo reverted on any legal qulbbleg or statu umt uiu uu, u.B..u . iu u out thl) ,llturvt;Iltlon of tllu eustoin house mills as It docs to flour mills. As a Prince Henry h program wll not give w, umU,r naMM aistrlbutlng center for provisions ud sut leient scope tor tho display of Its A lcrk.Ul wares , , fm.ol nlIu lirotlctH Omaha is not surpassed abilities as a host. With only three 1Mtntrtm. ,,,. ,Ui lllllllllflloM.,w, ,ni. 11V. .... 11HV other western city. .. .... .1 1...... . ll. n .. I Leil lechulcttlltic Vr-r. state treasury IN POLITICS. Tho Indictment of fortner Htilto 'irons- urer Mcservo for the embezzlement of money paid ns Interest on the school funds lit his custody while state troun- urer Is pronounced by the Omnha World- Hornia nil effort to Inject the state treasury Into polltleH. Tlult paper rocs 80 far ns t0 Intimate tlmt the action of the grand Jury was u partisan eon- . . . ... . . ,.,..,.,. .Ml, nnlltlmil ,,ii,ltiil nmilxut I 1 ......- tho Ro-cnllcd fusion reform forces of the state. In order to offset the damaging effect which the prosecution of .Mr. Meserve may have utton the fortunes of ,"'rty' 1,10 Vorl,orul,1 threatens 10 carry me war into Airicu 111 tnc 101- lowing laligiiuge: Mr Mc8erve hi,8 bcen injidcd, nn(t hla conduct win bo investigated in tho court. ui. oiurici hub nut uuuu muiuivu, uuv u tho republican newspapers Insist upon car- rylng the state treasury Into politics, then tho World-Herald Insists that the rcpub- Ucan administration, as well as tho popu- iiBL nnminiAtrntinn nr lhnt omen, hn nniii before the public eye. A very large number " " - - I rf nnnnln In Nntihaibn hollnvn rhn( M I ..v. .w. oti...f. t. i i u u s .i-ii i t l" J??'? luu0' """s luivrusi. uuu uuuua muut-v biuco uo uo- camo treasurer 01 mis state, mcy nre justlfled In this position becauso Mr. Stucfcr h "WUy n1 Persistently refused to .ovcal the whereabouts of tho school funds tntdiofn.1 tr Ul in cm 1 IU11UDVV.U J UIO (.Hi Cl I by au almost unanimous vote, acclatcd against executive clemency to treasury embezzlers and denounced the . . rarmiug out of public funds for private LMlln. It oivn (.X,,,-eSHlnM t 11,, ,,!!. , , M . ., . U,LUI' UL luu tuuik jiuu nie ul me iariy. 1 Its position on that question has not been changed, whether Its reprcseuta- I.. . I Uves ,U tno 8t"io house comply or refuse to comply wltli Its platform pledges, If tlio republican state treasurer were guilty of tho sumo practices for which Mr Mcservo bus been Indicted, that would afford no excuse or pnlllutlon for tuo conduct of Meserve. The failure "lv ."uuijr (jiuuu juij iu muict iir. fctuorcr does not bar bis prosecution In tho Douulns county courts lf tllc Bnmu in.oof(J cnu bo 1)rouuml agulnst him as ivero presented before UuJ ul . against Meserve. The . . 1 ... ... .. . .. ... iuuseuuiiug iuueiuuery iu 1111s county is I tue bauds of democrats, who "aro not likely to spare Stucfcr because ho Is a republican, nlthough they tried hard to shield Meserve for partisan reasons. Tho threat that the prosecution of Mcservo will force tho nrosccutlon or Stuefer and carry tho stnto treasury luto rmlltlcs will frlcliteu uobodv. Tlio stuto trcusury i,ns been In politics for vear It forocd intn 1niitirs wlmii Joe Bnrtloy was arrested and convicted for ,ootlll thu trensury Althouuh Bartley was u republican, he was prose- cutcd . a re.,ul)Ucun couuty attorney .... . ' I and sentenced by n republican Judge, not to make political capital, but be- causo w"8 c,U,lsllC(1 eyond a reasonable doubt. Tho peoplo of Nebraska, regardless of party, hnvo Insisted and will continue ltilu .111.... O !.! .. lu """afc ",afc uu,t"1 ul I'UUIIC iiilmMmM HahImhiI i ...... i I '. "u"" u",t,:u " wsuuou, ironi tue snio or iciihi nr niim io nmiu "r 1"lB"i ou "ccunues or name del,osl,ts; "La" b accouuttfd for and luiui-u iuiu uiu tii-usury J. HIS IS lllU i . i i ... ....... uuu iruusurur wuo violates . . . . ... i law. So far as Tho Bee Is concerned, It has made no distinction between repub- llcan treasurers uud democratic or pop- ullst treasurers. If the World-IIeruld Imagines It can servo Its party by try- lug to defend Mr. Meserve It will And Itself In Just as bad light as It brought Itself by Its championship of tho Bartley pardon. AUSTIN CUltOIN'S PUUJEUT REVIVED, Tho announcement Is made that the renusylvanla IUillroud company contain- plates tho establishment of a steamship lino between Montauk Point. Long island, and Mllford Haven In Kugland. It Is given out that the object of the now steamship enterprise Is tho develop- - -. - ... nieut of the foreign coal trade. We approheuu, However, that tlio extension of Its truusutlautle coal truffle Is oujy to be lucldentnl to tho main purpose In view. Tho proposed steamship lino between Montauk Point and Mllford Haven Is by no menus a new project; It Is In reulity a revival of the long-cherlslicd plan of the Into Austin Corbln, who had planned a steamship line between thesu ter- initials with a view to reducing the dlstauco of steamship travel across tho Atlantic by selecting the shortest ... ... ....... . . . routo uotwccu .ew xom aim j.oiuion, All tho details as to harbor facilities ll(i railway connections between tho terminals and tho two greatest world .. c U es lUUl beeil WOrltetl OUt Ullller Mr. c-)rbln's direction nnd tho Loug Island railroad, which now connects Now York with Montauk Point, nnd of which he Wn nrenlilour. was nearly rondv for trafllc at the time of his sudden deuth. ...i.t.iii .......... " loss bo nlso the plun of the Pcnusvlva- , railroad inauaircrs. was to estubllsh irnusathintle steamer lino thnt ,. , ,....... 1 Willi. II 1ILI1.1 .1.1111 I.UU .t.Oni.'l.Ut.'in L'lUIUUCII hom.H 00iep tau they cnn runch tnelr Uu8tniltln by exlailug routes. But Mr. 0nrUln nUn .....i ... m pstnlillsh. ,. ,,., .. ,,w..ii.t ..... ).,. .... ... w. . ' ,.r..,.u nt (! .i,in,iiiv iv 1 i.r. " .. . . " .,. ,,i,i i, n..i,i ,,.ui.. l.U.llll 1 1 ( l i 1 1 V. luini, -,,..t.v. V, I. , . V 1 1 .w...i- v int wiit tiiiu iiurf nf Mi. ( '. I Mil. I, .1..V...V. ... b J . ..... V. W . " ... lu . lm llllmi,,, ,1V .,, "'" '" " " "l" v I'em.sylvanla railroad cannot bo con- Jcetured. The projected short cut between Now York and Loudon Is far-reachlug and may eventually result In a revolution ot transatlantic passenger travel, Should tho existing steamship Hues tlm! distanced lu tho race for trun.ntl.utlc trafllc. they will bo forced ,.. l.ll,,, nt (I,,. to seek now American ternuuais tuai bring them nearer to Southampton, Unvro pr .Quecnutawu HUim llweo. llivy.owly, ,wy, my. vwv iwwwtw Uf)W mVo. cost what It irtny. In nny ovent. tlio ronnxvlvntiln railroad will mvo the start of nil the transportation WH im w 0t j0 outdistanced by ally 0f tlioiil for years to come. where is the mitehencei a protunt litis lieun filtered by Hnniuol Uoinpers as president of tlie Anierlcnn Federation of Labor nasilnst tlio pro- ..I ....,.,-.... i 41... 1. ......... ..i" I nl.m' I i,wni - ii uiiuhici ui mi' imuvhii ui uiiuwi I Trim, llm Inliulm- ilnimrliniMit in thn Department of Commerce which Is about to be created by congress. Tlio ground of .Mr.' rntnmmtrnnco Is that the transfer of the Murciiu of Labor won d for a lotur time frustrate tlio ambition of the bureau to bo trans- formed Into a Department of Labor with fn cabinet privileges and responsible- ,.,....,. (nalufu flint lllbor Is tl.uf'' ,Ml" kompciB ' Hint li lior is already of greater Importance In the ami Irs of the nation tlinn commerce, Assuming this to bo true, nlthough no it ... 1 f'l I III 1 1 1 T I Rf 111 H I fl 11 AVIII 1111 1 II N 1 1 1 11 1 I'll. I ,.,. . .. ,.,. ,lofu.,.on l,..,vlnU inv uuivtviiwi. wii . " I . " .J " .7 , 1 1 1 iciirnnii nr i .! i if i r- iiiiiiir 1 1 himii'i vihiuii ui uiu ifi;a'uu ul iiiu iinuiiui. or placing It under tlio supen-Islon of .... ,,... nMn... f n,nu.nrri'i Tho n. 1 ucpurtmcut or mo interior nas ocun Tf VlldCU fnllflrV fflin IllnPil HT III1P1PI " k' l Ulltiu v, n- v vm. w-w ends of the household have been stored without regard to their relation to each other. The Bureau of Labor was in- . Jccted Into It because no other depart- mont n,.mn.l io be dlsnosM to elvo It uccuihiuuuuuuuh There Is, on tho other hnnd, a very Intimate relntlou between labor nnd commerce In fact, all trade and Indus ... ... try are carried on through labor. When- ever the country Is ripe for nnothcr do- partmont, lu which tho relations of the government to labor will be the pro- dominating force, tho Bureau of Labor will bo expanded Into a department Just a iuiuuj . 11. .o iiimvi or nuotner. Mr. Gomnors' view may bo shared by a iUPK0 number of American wage- workers, but wo doubt exceedingly . ... 1 whether ho would bo sustained In his .... ... ... .. .... iiositiou ui too huujuci. ivlto 11 iu uu ieii to thodeclsion of a majority of the working people nfter full and free dls- cusslon. Iu the Interior department the Bureau of Labor Is simply among the flotsam and Jetsam without fitting into any imrt of tho government machinery, In tho Department of Commerce It would bo one of tho principal wheels with correspondingly increased Impor- tauce. - T,w COUATi' attoumiy SHOULD act A ICW uuyB "B U,L Pllt0 arw" lwo "n(1 110111 up u,e -us"lur 01 A,.. .1,,., nt- tl... .. a gnmhllng don nt the point of! a re vnlvnr n ml nn vvii it umi v lilu nil alt linv. width contained nearly $1C0. The high- waymen still remain in tuo custody or, the police and up to dato no complaint has been filed by the county attorney In the criminal courts. Tho Incident oc curred a few days before tho adjourn nieiit of the ernnd Inrv and thnt body mcnt ot uie fcinnii juiy nnu tuai uouj has been Justly censured by a local paper for its failure to present Indict- incuts against the robbers. The damn- i , .. . . . . ,. .. i i i . i uik ui luu Kiuiui juij, uunuvui. uua uui " ,. ...... . ... viiifiif'iiif, nil rnimrv iiiriirmv nr inn- lug lu his duty iu the premises. 14- I the duty of tlio county attorney to press the mutter before tlie grand jury aud ir the necessary majority of that body failed to vote u bill of ludlctmeut. then tho blame would rest there. But so fur as can bo learned tho public prosccu tor did not seem Inclined to push the case to a hearing beforo the gruud Jury. As tho grand Jury has adjourned with out taking action lu respect to this rob bery, tho duty of the prosecuting at torney Is plain. Under the law all the powers and duties of the grand Jury de- volvo upon him. It Is not only his prlvl- k'SC but M sworn duty to tile com pmints against an persons wno nro charged with u violation of the criminal -'o1"-' "u 10 prosecuto tnese onenuers in t,l criminal courts. Tlio failure of tlio grand Jury to tnko nntlmi lriPi twit- liliuloi- tlm j-nimtr- nt. Mtlon dots not ilndet the couutj nt- ""'"-v i' " i ulJ- 11(5 cannot surely plead Ignorance of the rnct umt 11 w'Kt robbery lins been committed, Inasmuch as tho robbers are tllu custody Of the police and his per- l,0HIU ""cuiioii huh ueeu uircctcu to tueir rrL'Mt "ua "utcntlou by tho chief of Ice- Tlio question is, Why does the 0UUtJr "ttoruey refuse to take action A GOOD OPENING FOR INVESTORS. Omnhn's weakest snot Is Its lack of milling facilities, without which It can- . I 1 i. not nu"u io uuuuiuu u mum iimiivui. This city Is located In tho heart of the most proline grain-raising region of America and is us favorably situated I . ... i. ii i I for ll great grain lliarKet IIS ll IS lor u cattle aim meat pacuing ceiiter. uiincor- respondlngly fair railroad rates Omaha would bo just ns good n grain maruet today us Kansas City, but so long ns tho railroads continue to ravor syntu- ii,,.. nv, i nnnrnt.. tl... nlv..tnrM I , ,, along their Hues capitalists will light shy of any Investment In largo grain elovutors In Oinuha. m. , .u i,n,...... ..inu i.atnin I - iiv.u o. .w i, ui v., vr "W"" ww.wv.w ln ,ll0 wuy of tuo establishment of more oxtenslvo milling facilities. Tho differ- ence between the cost of steam Power water nowcr no longer forms a bur- l rll'l- to 11 SUCCCSsflll llllllllli; business. 'I' ila in. ul U'H wltli eoiinl fore, tn (iriml . . . . - . - I wiiiui iiiiii.iiii uiiiiiioc I'IDCCL over in I - - - - - Mlniiennolls In tho mllllnc Indus- -- try, It can establ sh very pro.l b o trado for flour and cereal mill products In tho territory tributary to it. Ami now our vigilant and wideawake contemporary has discovered that four of tho men drawn for graud Jury duty were excused and allowed to sneak off to make places for four tutors. This Is it most uuiuukiuk court, as well as tho court olllcers. Tho lo recall tlio llseovery made Just after tlio grand Jury drawing that two of the men who were excused from serving are permanently locnted In the cemetery and two of tho men drawn for grand Jury duty were women. A pr - Ills At u conference of colored Methodist enchers held lu Mississippi last week lllshon Fowler took tmlns to admonish lila linnrnfa In Inni'n iui nil (lift lilir ". ....... v . v ...... i, uui. ..... .. words In tho iirnt.m-ntlnn of llieli ser- mons. Wo believe this would bo good ndvlce for white preachers as well as colored nreachors and that sermons can as 11 rule be Improved by cutting out the Dig wortis witnout regard to race, color or previous condition. Bishop Fowler Is on tnc riglit track anil slioilld Keep at tho good wort When Hartley was up for trial the at torney general came to tho assistance of bounty Attorney Italdrlge, to make sure 111111 uiu liisu wns iironeriv oresciueu. vlcw of tact that County Attorney d m u ii is can iinn v no oxnooiod 10 in'oso- . cuto ex-Trcasuior Meserve with even .... i .... Sc,lcral would bo fully Justified, for the protection of tho state, In following his , , 0v,i XoJSSS XZZtZ Propriaiious onioodied u tnc urbcnt ul, "cK - ncy b ll passed by tho house of rep- resolitntlves Inst wook Is mi nllnwntien . ennmn .,,... ;," I " " . n. 0f 530,00 t0 tllC "PCIIBOS Of the special committee of congress that ac- pcclal committee of congress compaulcd tho reninlus of President Mc- Klnley from Washington to Canton. An Itemized exhibit of these funeral ex penses would he decidedly Interesting. The chief Justice of tlio Nebraska su prcmo court has tnken ccrtnln lawyers Heverelyto task for presuming to con- fso the court with a reckless array of ,numterlul material In ther briefs. Hut is a curiam lecture sutucicnc penalty to i,0 inillcted for this offense? When tho Inwvnra nntnnlnlti lmnmiun flin nmirf iln. clslons nre confusing they should be m-nsoeutpd for contributory noirllc-pnee. " " ,j On taking the witness stand, Jim Hill announced that he had como to tell the Interstate Commerce commission anything Its members wanted to know from him. And ho forthwith nut In three hours sparring with his Innulsltors to resnoud to tholr niiestlons without tnlllnc nnv more than lie had to. l'liiln "linvcrnor" Will Do. Chicago Tribune. It seems absurd to apply the title "his OXCollency" to every man who happens to uu eiKKWU Btc"'" I.nruc Truth In Three I.lnea. Detroit Free Press. sh na wn8 th(J best tMend ,ho UnUcJ sutcs had during tho war, There Are Otbera, Mllwalikco Sentinel, Our mulo Is not the only emotional In- consistency. Uermany, although united to tho Bocrg by UM Qf ,8 busy fl,UnB orders for barbe'd wlro to unlto Kltch- oner's blockhouses by ties ot metal. lllatvliiK tlie National Horn. St. IjOuIs Republic. . E.I , n.....ln f . I, n ltrABAn 11 1TUD1UI HI llllllUh ui ..cdhj... iku anrvn nnlvurnllv ilpclnres that tho Amcr- Ican peoplo havo becomo a people of tho newspaper. Colncldentally, tho rest of the world Is being mado to confront tho fact that tho American people nre tho greatest peoplo on earth. Iletween Two Klrcw. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thero scorns to bo a general Impression that tho Interior department has gono too far In ordering the noble red man not to paint his face. If It could prevent hlm frnm pnlnrlni? hid nose with chean rescrva t0n nnuors It can well afford to let his other features alone. A IilHlaiit Summery ThmiKlit. Sydney Telegraph. 1 1 .... 1 1 l ImitAot iniinrrv nn rnn . hnvn .., . n for mlIcs astrldo tho q,mtor. but I have never found heat to compare with this. Out In tho country n e ary times moro uppeum iu uu muu more man n sneei 01 orowu jmuur uoiwueu you nnd the ,owor rCKlonS( am, tho pcopU facetiously say that they have to toed their hens on cracked Ice to keep them from laying nonou eggs. A ,,. lvPlon Philadelphia Record. Kvprv mnmcn of Kaiser Wllhelm's brother's flrao will bo occupied during his brief sojourn In this country next month, and It Is to be trusted that his entertain ment will bo as plcaBnnt and felicitous as tho Innocent occasion which 'renders It pon slble. However our hectic blatherskites may blare, tho populace will resolutely re- "" '1 . ' I " v.....t.o n ....... .. cordial welcoroo to a good fellow nnd a friendly representative of.n foreign power, AUF. Til 12 V 1IHADV TO SKI.I.f Teleirrniili Cnnuinnlea IllmiaNt-d io lin. Iond ,m Rlirerilllllll, Minneapolis Times nepcated rumors afford some foundation for the belief that the two great telegraph vlwblllty of offering their lines and plant 1 io lue govenuneni. nn uui iiubuuiriuu eorresnondent has stated, it would not be a bad bargain for the companies, provided they could got their price, as they would base that price, of course, upon the present 1 , . - . i. . , ., jx . 1. . "0,rba alt Vve Um woui(j cost the government to duplicate tho lines nnd plants. 8overnl facts support the theory that the i 1 1 ... ,.. flninpc n, t r anil rtiif tn Mm rrnv I . .. .. . . . .... omment, ll tnoy can, is rapiuiy upproacu I. n....i. i, lug, 1UV.I ,UliV,l.0 f w . i, ,i ii l v n considerably by tho use of loaned lines by largo commercial concerns. Railroads aro furnishing economical wire sorvlco to ship pors and tho tolephone Is competing moro and more. Wireless telegraphy now looms i o vorv mm nun nnssinintv. ana wnen I . 1" . It Is mado commercially practicable It will . . 1.1. Kl- ,.,nllt,. Ith nr.,. - )tni,8 not unfftlr prewInptloa that n sale would be advisable from tno compu nleB' point of view I The :ZV.: . ... . i. . . I - UA 1tl...H Kregatcs from which figures somo ldea n)ay be formed of tl Rovernment would be asked to , Properties. H the governm nt uiu sum inu pay for th cannot bo nurchase. It Is evident that some lUnUCeil IO nurcuuar, 11. I. .,.v . Bor-t 0f reorgaulzatlon taking In wireless By8temg ana uiephono lines will bo neces- 'Mrx petsr mny. woro years vu, The Secret Rebate Chicago Inter Ocean. Tho Interstate Commerce commission's nmko thn concession, nnd my road will nntinl report calls sharp attention to tho secret rebating of railway charges. Some f tho destructive effects of this rebating way bo briefly summarized from the com mission's roport: Largo producers, such ns tho great pack ers of Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City, nra given lower rates than tholr smallor competitors. Thus tho latter nro driven uui m Business, nnu, owing to tno lacu t compotltlon, stockgrowers must tako lower prices, whllo consumers of meats toilay , tho oppression not only of thou must pay higher prices. ..,- of individuals, but even ot whole l avorcd grain buyers nre given a prac- tlcal monopoly of tho trade over vast areas. Thus the farmer must tako less for his grain and tho miller nnd consumer must pay moro for grain nnd Hour. Further- more, lower rates are charged on grain for export than on grain for domestic use. Thus tho foreign consumer Is favored and tho foreign milling Industry built up nt tho expense of domestic Industry and homo consumers. These nro merely two Illustrations out f hundreds of tho rebate ovll. They nro not only violations of tho statuto law. wn8 j,0ia. tlint to It, as to other comraod Secret freight rebates aro also tho great ities, the "wholcanlo and retail" principle capon ot industrial oppression, iiy their means tho trust can drlvo tho Independent producer out ot business, although bo may mako a better and chenpor article. Thus monopolies can bo established and tho public mulcted both by lower prices for hat It sells and higher prices for what it buys. Hallway managers, when theso charges ro pressed home, confess their truth., Tholr excuso Is, In substance, thnt they ro forced to glvo rebates "to get busl- nosa." Mr. A, trafllc manager ot the X., . & 7.. raliwny, will say In effect: "Tho Inrnn mnnnfnntiiror. with nn f. tabllshcd trado and shipping 1,000 tons week, demands a lower rnto than tho small manufacturer, whoso shipments are neither largo nor regular, I know, If I refuse, that Mr. D. of tho P., V. & Q. will IXniCT.MKXT OK stasHnvK. Falrbury Kntcrprlso (rep.): Tho grand Jury nt Omaha found an Indictment against tho Iat) fusion stnto treasurer, John U. Meserve, for embezzlement of the Interest on school funds. Anythlug, oil Lord, to Keep up tno political rottenness in tnis tate. Columbus Telegram (dem.): Speaking crlously, we hopo tho chnrgo against Me serve will be pushed to a finish. If ho has been practicing Hartley's tactics In ofuce e ought to pay tho penalty. However, having bcen Indicted by such a monstrosity as n. Douglas county grand Jury, It Is sate to prophecy that the chargo against him will dlo young. Pender Times (rep.): The last net of tho notorious Judgo Daker of Omaha was to havo tho grand Jury bring In an Indictment gainst former Stnto Treasurer Meserve for appropriating to his own uso tho un lawful Interest on school funds. Thcro Is no doubt but It Is a political movo pure and simple. However, lf Meserve has dono nny wrong he should suffer for It. York TInics (rep.): And now Meserve, tho fusion state treasurer, has been- In dicted by tho Douglas county grand Jury for embezzling atato monoy. Tho amount In this caso Is only $1,500, but tbero nre many such cases whoro tho aggregato will bo largo. This may explain how a man can go Into tho state treasury a bankrupt, with considerable, obligations hanging over hlm and, nfter four yenrs ot service, set tle down In Lincoln with apparently a com petence, nnd nil on salary of J2.500 a year. Fremont Herald (dem.): A recent Inspec tion of tho books ln State Treasurer Stue- fer's ofllce showed that tho Interest account was Itomlzed, tho amount nnd namo of each iloposltory paying Interest bolng given. Tho books of State Treasurer Meserve did not contain nn Itemized account. of interest, but merely contained lump sums. This mado It very easy for the oily ex-guardlan of the state funds to cover his tracks and fool tho fools. It would bo glory enough moat too much If we could raanago to elect a few moro Ilk hlm. Fremont Trlbuno (rep.): Tho Indict ment of cx-Stato Treasurer J. D. Meserve by a Douglns county grand Jury for alleged embczzlomcnt, shows how dangerous It Is to bo custodian ot stnto funds, since tho trap sprung aud caught Joo Bartley. This Indictment Is on the ground that Mcservo received from tho Union Stock Yards Na tional bank of South Omaha Interest on stnto school funds deposited ln that In stitution nnd that this Interest money was appropriated to his private uso. As we undcrstnnd It. Mr. Mcservo did not during his term of ofllco credit tho state with any such Interest ln his reports and If it can bo estnbtlshed that ho waa paid monoy for that purpose It will ho Incumbent on him to show what was dono with It. Lincoln Post (pop.): Tho Indictment ot cx-Stato .Treasurer Mesorvo by tho Douglas county grand Jury appears on Its face to havo been n political move, pure and slm- nle. It was necessary to do something to dlstrnct attention from tho Bartley Btcal, conviction and pardon, nnd ob thero was a way to mnl-o a prima faclo caso against Mr. Mesorvo. ho was Indicted. That air. Mcservo deposited Bchool funds in banks for safckooplng nobody will seriously deny1, becauso the state has never mado provision for tho safety of funds In tho treasury. Thut thero was a competition for tho pos- session ot theso funds la nlso without dbubt, nnd that Mr. Mescrvo took Interest on theso deposits Is very probnble. Tho question, however, will bo whether tno tunns uo poslted In tho Stock Yards Nntlonal bank at South Omaha were loaned to that bank or not. If thoy wcro then Mr. Mcservo was guilty of embezzlement. rsrnml Inland IndoDendcnt (rep.): Tho ernnd Jury of Douglas county has returned nn Indictment ngnlnst tho lato fusion Btato treasurer charging him with embezzle ment of tho state school funds. White It has generally been known that Meserve farmed out state funds nnd commuted practices, even worse than Stato Treasurer Stucfer has recently been chargod with, h fusion nollcv has been to shut the mat- tor up, to simply knocK Mr. weservo on the ticket and cover tno maladministra tion over In the Interests of "reform." And tho Indictment Is tho first real ovldonce that tho goi'cral rumors havo neon correct. Mr. Meserve, when Informed of tho In dlntment. stated that ho know of some chargos, hut oxpressed the opinion that It was a political movo. This will, unques tionably, bo tho cry of tho fualonlsts. Tho ovldcnco secured by tbo grand Jury Indi cates that Mescrvo had on deposit In tho Union Stock Ynrds National bank nt South Omabn n large sum of money bolonglng to tho school funds upon which he had been paid Interest and that ho had pocKoteu thla Intorcst. Trncl.lnir tlif Military Spirit. Philadelphia Ilecord. At somo of the western universities re imii nrmv ofllcers are employed as In structors, and In occasional Instances their Instruction Includes more of army llfo than was Intended by the faculty. In one case moro than 100 young men wcro thoroughly Initiated Into the peculiarities of draw poker, and tho Income ot the military In structor waa considerably augmented. Ket nono of that freight. To protect my self from tho wrath ot my directors nnd shareholders 1 yield." In this excuso thcro la a largo clement of truth. Its completeness as n defense, however, Is vitiated by tho well known fact that thcro Is often n division ot tho spoils between tho shipper and tho railway manager or Inlluentlnl shareholder, to whow ho owc9 hla ,,09lton. Aa r-mniiv for the secret robato sys- i i tvhlili lino rrvAiiltAil nnil ilnnn rnntllt .nmnmniiiKi tlio intnrnintn rnmrneren com- m8sIon advises that penalties tor vlolat- ing tno Iaw t,0 mp0Sed not only upon tho raiway omclal, but upon tho corporation l0 serves, nnd that greater publicity 0f railway business bo enforced, something may powlbly bo dono In this waj.( ullt t0 ,nany Investigators of the sub- jcct tho, root of tho ovll seems to He deeper and to consist of n false theory upon whleh rnllwnv rharces nro based. Hitherto trnnsnortntlon has bcen viewed as n cora- mridltv -.which its nrovldcrs had for rale. It annlled that It might Justly bo sold In largo lots nt a lower prlco thnn was charged for small lots, gpnio yenrs ago a railway manager, still head of a western road, advanced tho Idea that transportation Is not a commodity which buyers may tako or leave, but n necessity the payment for which Is tho nmo as tho payment of a tax to support tho police nnd tho courts, and thai thcro is no more Justlco In charging tho small buyer moro than tho largo buyer than thero would bo In charging tho largo Importer a lower customs rato than tho small. Wlmlnvnr Hirnrv i nilnntpcl. snmn remedy Is plainly Imperative. Tho secret rebate ennker Is eating at tho life of Industry and commerce. It In suffocating compotltlon Tho extirpation of It would go far to solve tho so-called problem of tho trust no TI1KY 1MI0TKST TOO MUCHr Minneapolis Journal : England, Franco, Germany, Russia and Austria deny that thoy favored Intervention, but Oermnny asserts that somo nation did. Evidently Homebody Is lying. Perhaps they all arc. Perhaps they think that If lying Is ever to bo Justlfled it la when to toll the truth would bo to admit past hostility to tho United Stntes. Chicago News: Thoro Is evidently n ralsunderstnndlng somewhere which history must clear up at a later tlmo. The fact ot Immediate Interest Is tho obvious deslro of nit tho powors named to show their frlond- llnesB toward tho United States. Tho unan lmlty of tho protestations of good will Is not without Its humorous side. At tho samo time, tho official utterancos Indicate n real solicitude to avoid a mlsundorstand- Ing with the United States and therotoro are to bo received with satisfaction. Detroit Freo Press: If nny other Euro pean government fears that tho relations between Germany and tbo United States aro likely to become too cordial, It Is at liberty to cultivate American friendship ns much ns It pleases. International friend ships nro tho first ortlclo In tho foreign policies of this country nnd International hatreds have no placo at all. In that re spect the '"most favored nation" clause In cludes all nations, nnd European govern ments that make an honest- effort to pro moto good feeling will And thnt their mo tives nro not questioned by the great ma jority ot tho Amorlcan peoplo. Chicago Post: Wo shall, of course, hear from other parties to this, piquant Interna tional controversy. M. Hanotaux will hardly preserve silence, and even tho present fori clgii minister, Dolcnsso, 'may havo a word or two to say. For obvious' nnd good rea sons Washington refuses to contribute to tho discussion, though thoro is significance In tho "Inspired" remark' that there are chapters ln tho story which Lord Cran- borno did not touch upon, presumably ow ing to tncomplota knowledge. But Ger many's explicit denial Is extremely gratify ing. Thcro Is nothing In this airing of dip lomatlo closets to mar or spoil tbo pleasant prospect of Prlnco Henry's visit. Philadelphia Record: Lord Cranborno's statement ln parliament with reforenco to Great Britain's veto ot Joint Interven tion by tho powors In our difference with Spain has been effective in drawing out a declaration from tho German foreign of fice. Germany, so It Is declared, did not propose Intervention to othor powers, nor did sho support any proposition to that effect, either beforo or during tho course of tho war. It Is admitted, however, that Joint action was suggested from somo quar ter, and what Germany would navo aono If tho British government had not uncom promisingly opposed tho proposition Is not stated. Ono may guess that sho was not over friendly at the tlmo from tho nttl- tudo of hor naval commander at Manila toward tho American admiral. I'EHSONAI, NOTES. J. E. Snurr of tho United Slates geologi cal survey Is making a survey of Macedonia nnd Albania at the rcquost and cxpenso of "the sultan ot Turkey. Tho sun Is still rising for Leonard Itecd- or, now of Qulncy, 111., who saw It set on Waterloo. Mr. Boeder Is preparing to celo brato his hundred and second birthday. Two sets of arbitrators havo failed to docldo whether or not ono French deputy's words to nnother constituted an Insult, and tho seconds In tlio prospective duel havo throwu up tholr Jobs. Senator Stewart, whoso talk used to be of silver and Nevada, now has a word for milk and Virginia. Ho has bought a dairy farm In tbo Old Dominion state and soils tbo product In Washington. A Bad Lako City nownpaper bus Issued orders that all malo employes who arn not married by Juno 30 next Shall bo dropped from tho rolls. This gives a man five months In which to.'plck out an agreeable companion plenty of time wo should say ln this rushing age. Postmaster Gtnoral Payne Is having hU troubles. Letters have beon received by htm addressod. to Postmaster General Ben jamin Franklin, Postmaster General Jack- aqn nnd Postmaster General Miles. Lettors contlnuo to reach tho offlco directed to for mer Postmaster Generals Smith, Wanamak or, Blssell and Dickinson. Judgo Thomas Brecn of Michigan, who served during tho civil war, has Just re ceived hlB discharge papers after being lost In tho archives of the nntlonal capltol for many years. What makes the document particularly Interesting Is the fact that It bftirs tbo slguaturo ot tho lato president whon ho waa "William McKlnley, Jr., cap tan and acting assistant adjutant gen era!." A Chicago man, who Is woll acquainted with Colonel Dan Laraont, declares that the New Yorker Is ono ot tho most Industrious men ho ever ,iaw. "I went to seo hlm on buslnoss," says the Chlcagoan, "tho last day of Cleveland's first term. Ho had his coat off and was nailing up bis household goods ln boxes. Ho nttended tho buslnoss about which I called, hut kept right on hitting nails on tho head and I guess ho has kept at If ever since." 'HOf.MI AllOt t xmv VOHK. Itli1r on tlip Current of Mfc In tlm Mrtroimlln, Tho new lying-in hospital nt Second avenue nnd Seventeenth street, built and furnished throughout by J. I'lerpont Morgoa, Is declared to bo the best appointed Insti tution of Its olnss lu existence. It will ac commodate 200 patients, seventy nursre, fifty student nurses nnd fifty medical stu dents, bedtdes Its medical and surgical staffs. Many novel features aro Introduced In tbo construction of the building ns welt as lu appliance.". Tbo walls aro heated, tho curtains nro hung on tho outside of tho wllndows, exposed to tho wind and weather: tho floors aro. of fireproof sawdust, tho en gine room Is euamollcd In whlto and re flectors throw tho glow ot the clectrlo lights to the celling Instead of to tho floor. Tho windows need not bo opened from ono end of tho year to thd othor, yot the ventilation is perfect, in us cignt stories tho hospital has everything doveloped by science In recent years for such an Institu tion nnd many features which nro presented tor tho first time. Absoluto cleanliness was tho first requi site. No Rpeck of dust will bo beyond tho reach of mop nnd cloth, for thcro nro nb corners. Celling; nnd floor meet tho walls In a curve. Even the chiffoniers and chairs havo no angles. Floors glvo back no echo of footfalls. The wards are furnished In Iron and glass. Bathtubs on wheels nro provided for the patients. In every room n part of the walls Is faced with steel. Beneath tho metal mask nro the stenm pipes which heat tho build ing. Tho ventilation Is by means of fans In tho basement. Tho outside nlr Is fil tered and warmed and forced Into tho wards through openings In tho walls. It la then forced out again through pipes which open upon tho roof. The committee of arrangements for tho Knights of Columbus ball, which was hold at Madison Squaro Garden last Thursday night, sold 2,",000 tickets. Tho garden will not hold 25,000 persons without being over crowded. Tho pollco had to order the doors closed three different times. In tho effort to keep tho peoplo from tramp ling Ono nnothcr to death, policemen had their uniforms torn from their backa and thousands of dollars' worth of women's ball flnory was spoiled. So far as was heard by tho pollco, no ono was seriously Injured. , Superintendent Schrocder of tho garden said that ho had novcr seen so many peo ple In tho placo beforo, and that he would not havo believed, unices ho had seen them with his own eyes, that bo many people could get In. By midnight tho mem bers of tho commlttco on arrangements had recovered from their fright on the crush they had brought down on them selves enough to eay that It It had not boon for tho pollco thcro might have bcen ecrlous accidents. Captain Josoph E. Coghlnn of Manila and "Hoch der Knlser" tame. Is ono ot the principal assistants ot Admiral Barker, commandant of tho Brooklyn navy yard. Some thoughtless persons, In view of the coming visit of Prlnco Henry, BUggostod tho nsslgnment of tho captain to nnothcr post, lost bis meeting tho prince would revive memories of his boozy song. Tho Navy department paid no attention to tho suggestion, and captain and prlnco will meet, porhaps touch schooners to a more agreeable time. Charles H. Hoyt, playwright, having left no relatives nearer than cousins nt tho tlmo of his death, on November 21, 1900, be queathed his residuary estate, ono half of tho Income to his formor partner, Frank McKoc, for life, and tho other half to bo di vided between tho Lambs' club and tho Ac tors' Fund, and upon tho death ot Mr. Mc- Kco tho entire Incomo to go to tho Lambs' club and tho Actors' Fund. According to nn nppralsemcnt thnt has bcen mado ot tho cstato, tbo interest ot Frank McKeo In It In 121,121, and that ot tho' Lambs and Actors' Fund each $17,267. In addition to thla Mr. Hoyt provided In his will that hla residence at Charlcetown, N. II., 1b to be maintained for thd uso of thn Lambs. Mr. Hoyt did not leave nny real ostate In Now York stato, but personal property tho gross value of which Is placed at $125,380. From this, however, will have to bo do- ducted $3,000 tor administration expenses, $2,887 for commlselons of tbo oxecutors, $3,- 300 United States revenue tax and other Iteme, amounting in tho aggregato to $17,- 219, which leaves a not personal cstato of $108,161. Deducting from thla tho numerous bequests In tho will, together with $6,000 necessary , to nroduce an annuity for tho euro ot the mausoleum at Cbarlestown, leaves a residuary cstnto of $55,655 for final distribution among tha residuary legatees. ( LINES TO A I.AL'KIf. Judge: First Citizen Talkn way Is a born orator. Second Citizen Yes. Indeed. It is nnlv when you see his speeches In cold typo that you realize that ho hasn't anything to say. Baltimore News: "Sly darling." ho ex claimed, "I would go to tho end of the earth for you," There was n sngnt pause wane tn nrchpfitra nlavnl tremulous rnctlmn. Hupposc, Bne saia, -you nog.n your travels now. Phllnilnlnhln. Press: "Hello, there!" the wi.trnn taiiKUn called fncctlouslv to tho wheel, "you look tired." 'Yes," replied tho wheel quickly, "many a wheel has become tired becauso a waggtn' tonguo spakd too much." Tlrnoklvn Hade: Harriot Sadle'n husband nnvnr irntfi oxnltcd. nnvnr lights hack and sho simply cannot mako him croKf. JSstclle Yes. Tho horrid thing. He Is simply cxuspcratlng. Chicago Tribune: "I nm looking," nnld Ihn Btrnncor In tho mlnlner camp, "for a mnn of tho name of William Jonos. I have traced mm nerc, nut can gci no lurmer record of hlm.". ,. , "Thn liutt tlmo T SAW Bill." snoke Un a grizzled old felI6w"buck of tho Htove, "ho ' . n Bllnlr nt ...mnn.. la VUH I. tuning vv "V .. Baltimore American: "But why," usked tho Sub-Chief of the Cnnnlbal Isles, "do you Insist upon having the mnn who fell whllo lending tho charge against us served up at the bnnquot thla ovcnlng. Ho sccma to bo hard as nails."; "Huh!" answerod tho Chief of tho CannU hal Isles, "f rend ln a hook of poetry left by our last meal that 'tho bravest aro tho tendercst.' " A TREAT VOn l'HINCE HENRY. W. D. Ncsblt In Baltimore American. Oh, Admiral Prlnco Henry, we'll ,le glad to soo you hero; We'll show you many wondrous things, re- marknblo nnd queer: We'll thrill you with amasement and we 11 till yoit with Hurprlso Beforo we've rounded out tho list that a ready for your oyes; There'll ho no reason to go home, and hem and haw nnd scoff, , , For Fighting Bob'n prepared to shoot hi conversation off. When Fighting Bob gets busy with his talk or war nnd denth, Oh, Admlrnl Prlnco Henry, you will strug gle for your brontli: You'll Rhuddrr when h portn his wheel nnd rakes the Pluton'a aterni You'll treml.lo whon ho shows you he had Hpanlsh shlpn to burn; You'll Jump unconsciously when he de scribes his move to ram .. With words that come projectllo-wlse, and rhyme 80 wo11 wl"1 "Jam." Yes, Admiral Prince Henry, you'v excit ing times ahoiul - You're du to got a bunch of talk, be wlnl. and cheered, and fed. But of It nil a memory will over J1 else loom , Akin to bonflreo In a fog, when all tho rest Issloom, You'll carry to your gravn with you thn fHiilufvlnor tnn.iizht That yi tilr you were where our Fighting Bob mod loose nm woruy nnui.