Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
?MAmttiota Ooigrtn Finally Erohts
Toijili. laili of Arbitral. i.
scheme to shorten route SCHNEIDER STMTS HOME funds fOR sl L0U,S FAIR CUTS IN COUNT! PAYROLL
l,nkr Shore nml llnrll tiKtini llonil Mny
Kffcel liniirovril .Mnll Serv
ice 1 I it ti .
N Aaaauaotmtmt Midi Ritjaraiaf Fr
Bint PoiUfEoi,
.Vehrnskn Commissioner Apprnl
(.'Miens to llnlsc Jluiicy
fur i:lilliH.
CHICAGO, Jan. 15. A new route, shorten-
ng the tlmo for tlio transportation ot the
Cutir jr rpii.nno til r nnivr.linYo.z -continental mall, In likely to be
n.iu tuunuun . ..-,,r by R p,Rn tnRt g now bc,nR
V nfTlpora nt th T.alfA Shorn anil 1
itmir labmlts an Iadtaiaatat Propoiitian
Dipriofttiic Otnpnliloi.
0, W. Wattles, president, and E. E.
nruce, secretary, of the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition commission ot Nebraska, yestcr
ilny afternoon Issued a circular calling for
funds for the purpose of preparing exhibits
for that exposition, as authorized by the
meeting of the commissioners at Lincoln
last wceli. Tlio circular Is ns follows :
To the Citizens of Nrbrnskai Tlio
Louisiana Purchnso exposition nt St. Louis,
Mo., In 19"3. will eclcbratn-the 100th mini.
virsory of the purchase Irolrl France of the
Louisiana territory, ny iniBiiicaoeiui trans
llt'tlnn the nren of thn United Kin Irs wns
Innrn flinn flnnl.trwl 'I'hn rnl.1.1 .1n...i.,..v .. .
It ll Olfttmd Ohlla Onlr Blkl t Obltraot Illinois & Iowa road to SCeland, III., whero gram.) n. H. Schneider was among thoso of this territory tlurliiK thO lust century
r, . . i.i. a connection Is had with tho uurllngton. who attended tho ceremonies of Inducting N'1"0 imrnllel In history; Tlio United
1IIUIHIUI Pnr vnr Mm thrniit.1, irunsrnnt nxnlnl i... .m-- ..... . r. . I 11 H t i nitm nun ivi-uvuim-u. wi.u un
.. . . . .. . . " i'UBiiiiBiEi uciram - porinnco ot tne great exposition which will
mall has been carried by tho Ulkc Shoro tBvnn of Wisconsin at tho White House roniinemonito the event of Mho acquisition
"TRIES TO UNDERMINE THE CONFERENCE mr;,rn8,nrry', Pterins and leav" 'm"1 W '""''n t nVtno T e J tV sl X VrnTnro
slow tlmp necessary in entering and loav- attended bv near v all tho cabinet and tho li,,ii,.,i n n nmmmi nh.i i... ,.ni;n,
ing inc cuy cons uie iwo roiuip huoui raio cntlre membership of tho Wisconsin cieio- ot timi city imvo mibHCNDcd tno hearts of tlm h
S.."-.1!""! S.rC" !'".? ?at,n'nMr; r"" WUH ' lh toCra,Ml?1 1 cure, nnd tho prop,
across tho city causes another delay or for tt n,m conference with Senator Mil- ntc. to sell goods and t
.roads. Tho arrangement under
" would obviate the necessity
of tho"' eastern mall destined for
points w. " o Mississippi river pass
ing througi. jto. Tho schcino Is to run
IATER THEY ASSENT TO GENERAL MODE mall cars th.f Ji from Now York to San
, j-rancisco via tno wiko snore to soutn
( " Bend, Ind., and thence over tho Indiana,
Collector Criison nrlnj-ril lij- Trrlml-
L-nllty Over lluml (i. V. Siitiudcm
for Aitent nt Snntre
(From a fitnff Correspondent.)
Ctmmluioair 0'KifT Hat Flais Laid ftr
Oiaiial KttrtnchBint,
IlttKlnria AITntra of tloniclni t'oiinty
Will lln Ilriinvlit Ilntvn tn fltrlot
JlnalitnaM Una In If
. . . . . . I KL 111 I II 1 1 1
WABlllNUKi.N, Jan. lft. (special ieio- lnor,, ,han doubled.
0lnntrr .tiHloim IJmpovi cr Mf xtro to
Coiniuuiilonlr mIIIi Otlu-r (Iiivern
inents liokliiir More Coni
prrliriinl vr I' I mi,
r MEXICO CITY, Jan. IB. Thn plan for thu
from one to two hours. i nn nn nflnrnnnn train for I Nebraska. In mm of the mnjit tinntilntiit nml
Tho Indiana, Illlnoln & Iowa Is now tho Chicago. Important .mutes In this territory, hut no
property of tho IikoShoro road. Tho So far as was learned, thoro Is no chango cineU
J'onr yeurs 111:0 tho Trnns-
ernutioivti rJxiiositlon,
credit to this state.
llrcd liy 'every stnte In
property 01 mo uiko nnoro roau. ino So far as was lenrned, thoro Is no chango expenses of nn cxhlbl
Threo Is, as tho ncnulred lino la known, th Krctnont postofTlco situation. Sena- this exposition. Konr
connects with the Lake Shoro at South tor ftnna haB bccn importuned to sottlo l"1,",1, J
licnd, Ind., clghty-aU miles cast of Chicago t, differences, but ho diplomatically do- W1, iibcrully pntronli
hm.I ...UK tli.pllMi.n,u iMnln linn nl f .. ... . ... . ... .-m. tlm ..! .1 I.. I
Adherincn of the nations represented at the and with tho Ilurllngton's main line at Zo- cnnc, 01l tho ground that tho poslofllce tho union, unci by private subscriptions or
Pan-American congress to The Hague con- land, 111 WM not , ohlo and that ho had troubles PJjWJ" JftWXtomntn
Vtntlon was Introduced by the Chilean It Is now thought that at least three of own whicll ,v0id keep him cngagud n tf,c inimirinnce of the LoulKUini i"i ?-
aa SBAtion tootr alter a long ana noio noiira can oe saved in tne lime 01 t no u, ennse exposition t 10 many reasons wnv
tatem.nt. tending to show the advantages transcontinental mull by sending It around Scnntor Dietrich and Chairman Lindsay Pbeff'1 fomni'edl.'nVenaVn bo
cf Tho Hague convention and tho lmprac- Chicago over tho newly formed routo. Tho t0(lay nrcc,i to recommend Frank Israel governor has appointed the undersigned
tloablllty of compulsory arbitration. cars would bo detached front tho Lake fnr postmaster at Hcnklcman, vlco J. H. cominlHsloii. without remuneration, to raise
Tho plan for tho adherence of tho r,a- Shore trains nt South Ilend nml run bv Fcrman. SIr. Llnj8ay ,mJ a conferenco hR, MrtlVwl' oxhlb'lt"a
tloni of America to The Hague convention special trnln over tho Indiana, Illinois & ...lth Sf)Iiator Millard over noMtolIlces, but proper representation of tho products and
beyond a general review of tho situation waourccH "J-'SutoH
nothing wus done. poratlons, both public unit private, to nil
Money Orilt-r Clerk nt Mni'iiln.
Forecast for Nehrnska-Falr Thursday and
Slightly Comer in Houtncnsi roruoni ri
day Fair; Northerly Winds.
Tenipcrnlnrp nt Omnlm Ycsterdnyt
Itnnr, I)iif.
R n. m. . . . at
II ii. in ..... . at
7 n. in no
N n. in lift
I) n. lit KM
10 ii, in 0
it n. in nr.
ia m ar
Hour. lie.
1 p. ' 't
2 p. m ..... . 4ft
a p. nt ..... . 4T
4 'p. m ..... 40
ri ji, m ...... 4t
tt p. m ..... . 4a
r p. in 40
H i. m ..... 'tn
n ji, m . . . . ItT
Smttr H1i l.ri-lr Objioti t Orfailu-
tl f Natal rrn.
Hiati at th Kietultj f Cpnlilta t
Military ktij.
It as fotlowsi
The states represented at the second ln-
, cernauonni American conierence resoivo:
I 1. To adhere to tho conventions signed
.t The Hague by tho powers represented
.At the international peaca conference!
' (a) For tho peaceful adjustment of Inter
i national differences, (bj For tho ndapta
(tlon to marttlmo warfare of tho principles
l of tho Geneva convention of August 22,
,1884, (o) With respect to tho lawa and
Msagoa of land war.
J Confer fllicniitnrr GnTernmrnt.
ft 1. To confer In order to attain thnt end
l'Upon tho United States ot America and the
, tnlted BtAtes of Moxlco. signatory govern
ments to said conventions, authority to
tako tho necessary stops established for
tho adherence of non-signatory powors.
I The following Is the ofnctal plan ot nn
, coptanco ot Tho Hague conference, signed
y the delegations to the Pan-American
Iowa to Zeland, where they would ho nt-
tachod to the Ilurllngtou dyers for tho
Ornrrnl Avernuo nf l)pillnr In Tnrlffs
Effecteil ty .Northern
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Jan. 16. The flnil
shoots of 'tho Northern Pacific distance and
new terminal tariffs, which with similar
tariffs from tho Oreat Northern and Soo
lino will work a general reduction ot 12 per
cent In merchandise rates throughout the
northwest, went to the printers today. The
tnrllti will bo In effect February 1, and be-
Forty thousand dnllnri on road and
brides work and $11,000 on salaries wilt
bo avrd to Dnuglns county thla year I'
the plans of Htchard O'Keeffe, the now
member of the county board, do not mis
Commissioner O'Keeffe ts prepnred for nn
expedition that will send consternntloti to
holders of county sine-
e who have been wont
services to the county
nt double prices, lie bluntly says that he
Is no sham reformer, ami If any of his
political friends thought thnt he was not
speaking In good faith during the rnm
pnlgn when ho promised to cut off nucleus
county expenditures If given tho chance,
they simply rockoned without their host,
"It matters not whether It Is a democrat
or a republican thnt Is hit," said the com
missioner last night, "wherever there Is n
useless man on the county payroll he Is
going to bo cut oft If my vote will do tho
KxpreU Republican Help.
Commissioner O'Keeffe Is not looking for
any help In this campaign for rntronch
ntereHted In the welfare nml prosperity of mont from the two other democratic mem
this Htate. anil to nil who have nrldo In Its hers of tho board, but hn exneets thnt thn
ncprcsertatlve Ilurkett said that Mary 1 tha two republican members will
N. Dalloy of Lincoln had been appointed rrC(t nn,i Htat0 nr,io of our commonwealth bo given In support of his policy. It Is
by tho Civil Sorvlco commission as money appeal to all patriotic cltlr.ciiH to do their said on excellent authority that Commls
order clerk of the Lincoln postomcc, to n ' c 0.trom hflB nlren(,v flKc(1 to vote
succeed Frank Ulackburn. resigned. mny i,0 properly represented at this grent with the now member on the proposition
A. R. Cruzcn, who Is compollod to give exposition. All contributions or futuro
. .... ... .... ... I nlpdiroM Mbnlllfl bn nenl tn Mr. 1-"!. Tlrnriv
a bond or 30,ooo, n:iu mo Bamo reauy iu, "- , .,
approval oy mo Boncuor guucrui ui mo (mgncu) uuiiucin w. watti.ks,
Treasury dopnrtraont, when it wns icarnou j. iiyci.irii muiuua,
.u.. .1.- nnrnnlnv hnn.llnL' Mr. k
Hint luu Dirni.j ..n . 1 1 h AVIIITK.
Cruien had no ogcut In Porto Itlco. It to. e. 1JHUCH!.
iii h nneeimnrv for tho now collector for Commissioners,
ihn norts of tho district of Porto Hlco to
exocuto a now bond in a company rcpre- BELIEVE VESSEL IS LOST
conference, with tho "P"Vf chl'M 'ore that date If Men Tl,lnT77,t UrltUh shin
who tt l elnlmed. for nurnoses of ohstruo- j w. ' . .... Ml" leaving for his now post until cany pnvni Men Tin nit tnnt Urltlnh Slilii
who. It Is clnlmed, for purposes of obstruc
tion, presented an independent plan, and
'Ecuador, who has aided with Chile through
"out the conferenco:
Artlclo 1. The American republics repro
V'onted lit the International conference at
Mexico, and which woro not parties to the
f three conventions nlgned at Tho Hague.
V July 29, 1K03, rccognlro tho principles set
forth in thoso conventlonn na part of tho
public International law ot tho Americas.
Cuinniuiitontlim of Acceptance.
Art. 2. Tho acceptance of tho conventions,
"Which nro operative when once ratified hy
the eeverol governmontH, shall be communi
cated by thoso governments through dip
lomatic channels to the government of tho
disturbed. The recent rato conference
at Great Northorn headquarters, It was
officially stated, resulted In no material
changes In tho new tariffs. ConnectlnG
lines wero given nn opportunity to Inspect
them and Insert additional rates, which
wero previously agreed to
The first official statement regarding tho
effect of tho ratos was secured today from
Oreat Northorn headquarters,
It indicates that the reductions In mer
chandise will bo equal on the average to 12
per cent, ns they rango from 8 to 80 per
Tho statement Is as follows: Tho Great
next weok. He had mado all arrangements
to sail Sunday from New York.
representative Purke of South Dakota, on
behalf ot himself and other representa
tives, spoko to tho president today to nsk
that approval bo withheld from tho con
templated action of tho Interior depart-
to cut off flftocn county sinecures, and
Commissioner Harto Is expected to fall In
lino with tho work. Commissioner Con
nolly hrs been quoted as not being In sym
pathy with tho movement to reduce tho
payroll, saying that nny saving effected In
that way would bo "only a drop In tho
"I have figured out," said Commissioner
O'Keeffe, "where wo can save at least
$12,000 a year In salaries without weaken
ing the public scrvlco In tho least. I think
that If any member of this board could
see n leuk of $12,000 a year In his private
business ho would consider It something
VICTOniA, II, C, Jan. IB. Hope for tho more than a drop In tho bucket and I
safety of tho nrltlsh warship Conder Is all don't believe wo havo ns much right to
Snnk In tho neoent
but abandoned. Naval men here aro con-
ment In leasing 1,000,000 acres of surplus vlnced It went to tho bottom during tho re-
Indian lands of tho Standing Rock agency cent typhoon while on Its way from hore tn
ot tho Sioux Indians, until thoy havo boon Honolulu, Tho admiralty officials will dls-
gtven a hearing. It is Intended to enter patch Pheaton Saturday In search of It.
a serious opposition to this leasing by tho SRATTLI3, Wash., Jan, IB. A special to
Intorlor department. A large number of tho Times from Victoria, D, C, aays:
waste tho people's monoy as wo have to
wnsto our own."
Fifteen Mnrkeil tn fio,
Commissioner O'Kceffo'a plan for salary
saving, ns far' ns It has been formulated,
contemplates tho dismissal of fifteen county
Former Nrtirnikn DrnMit Onnnnt lie
round nml I.rnclilntr Htory Con
tinue Irraliniit.
TACO.MA, Wash,. Jan. IB. (Special Tele-
nram,)-Mystery continues to surround th
reported lynching of l)r, Sidney J, flood
manann, who formerly lived at Tlakllwa,
111., and Pender, Neb, Purlng the last few
days numerous Inquiries have been received
hem for details regarding the supposed
lynching of (loodmansnn In this state, It
has been printed In Illinois papers that he
wus lynched several weeks ngn for tha
nlleged murder of his second wife. Addi
tional Interest Is added to tho case by tho
fact that several years ago Ooedmanson was
tried and acquitted on a charge of murder
Ing his first wife at Pender, Neb, This
wife wns formerly Mliis Laura Hoder,
leader 111 religious work at Tlakllwa, III.
They moved to Pender, Neb., where Good
manson practiced dentistry. Mrs. Gnodmnn-
son died suddenly ono day, her body being
sent to Tlskllwa for burial. Bonn nfter
wnrd several residents of Pender and some
of hor relatlven beeamo suspicious. The
body was exhumed at Tlskllwn by the cor
oner of Ilurenu county and tho stomach
sent to Chicago. A chemist reported hp
found poison In sufficient quantity to cause
death, At tho trial which ensued In No
brnskn Dr. Ooedmanson was acquitted,
Ooodmanson soon afterward moved to this
state and remarried. He was then lost
sight of until letters were received at
Pender and Tlskllwa, Recording to reports
published there, stating that he had been
lynched In this stato on suspicion of mur
dering his second wife.
Tho lynching is roported to havo taken
placo In tho backwoods of Oknnogan
county, but no evldenco to verify the story
Is obtainable Some think that for private
reasons Ooodmanson may havo ntnrted the
report himself with tho object of keeping
former acquaintances In Nebraska nnd 1111
nolB from learning of his wherenbouts, ;
telogram from Tender says that tho editor
of tho paper at Poncn, Neb., recently saw
Ooodmanson at Webster, where It is re
ported he Is living. Tho editor of the paper
nt Webster was telegraphed to today for
Information nnd replied that Ooodmanson
had ncvor lived thcro and could not be
located In that state. Relatives and others
aro unable to locate tho missing dentist
either (lend or olive.
interior ncpHrimum.. miu. uiimuut .iiui-b uuiu viuiuim, xj. j,t amya. i . , , , ,
i hinH n thn rhnvennei Hnnrtnr . hlrv.n fmm h.,. f- employes, whose services, ho contends, can
.. .v..... v, i...,i in nn thi nt Tinn.tinin n T ,,.. 9 ih. ,... ., i. bo dispensed with without In any way ro-
Art. 3. As "it is anxiously expected that Northern, Boo and Northorn Pacific lines . . ODDOgltlon that la to bo mall and left here December 2 on tho ducl,1B ,ho ""lelcncy of tho mccs ,rom
le controversies which It may, be agreed leading into tho northwest, aro preparing ont. ,nt0 th0 PP81"on lnat 10 Ik.1 .,!" ,!c!3,! .7 . which they are to go. Tho commissioner
the controversies which It may bo agreed lending Into tho northwest, aro proparlng onM ",lu
MUJ?Mun&of!5 hP to Issue, taking effect at thn
high a character as Is tho permanent nrbi- earliest practlcablo date not later than Annnir to
tration court oi "'"' "'"Y February 1, tariffs covering mcrcnnnaiso
lie Second Mentennnt.
tho cemn nv?hlchreated aoVnafiSent and general' shipment from the Twin Cities tho namo of Evan B. Young ot PlanUlnto.. .
Mattewan was lost, 'it may ho sailing to Bn,; nn ntviowed on tho
h i.i.n,i. v,... ,' t,i. ,, subject last night, Just whero tho heads
Senators Oamblo nnd KIttrodge presented . . . rBnvn . whn. ,,H nrn. he had already marked for decapitation
or working It would bo delayed. Tho
were located. It is understood, however,
n Institution, may be nblo to have ro- and tho head of tha lnkea to all points In k, n., to tho officials of tho War depart- .. . . - Franolw'u'oTr'ftturdu'l' ,rom remarks ho let drop .that tho list la i
HVr ar n,i t?.ktn rSWowrT into '"nMota a.nJ N." "?at!' ft"a pnt for tho position ot eecona lieu tenant from lsIftm,s , anxIoual)r ftwnltcdi something like th s: Two deputy snoring
mnardefatton the otilces tendered by the tnrltts covering ail tramc in nonncrn buu ,n the rcguuir army, loung won nmn.ou- fiH vTXLB Wahi Jftn, i5,Tho aoutnl two "81nnt Janors, two cier in mo
f;overnnients of the United Stntea of Amcr- making reductions In merchandise rntos tonant In tho Flret South Dakota mid aftor ' ' neratlntr hotu-oen auditor's olnco, threo Janitors, two nsslst-
ca und tho. United States, of Mexico tha ,h , ... nvcrRK0 about i pcr ccnt. This the reslmont wns mustered out onllstcd in T..l " " Lj . ants of tho county poor agent, three clerks
?SS mlsnstSn DoflneVoturUngwlt1.U the'omrr is In line with tho general policy to mako tho volunteers and became captain of tho J uar.Unco from Ut.- tbo cont' clork's n,co "nd 0,10 kcCI,Cr
powers who signed tho convention for tho reductions from tlmo to tlmo an business Eleventh cavalry, remaining with thnt reg- . . . . , ,inrinir a fnir nnd of tho lourthouse grounds.
?.dJu."t"'"t, .f. '.ntc.r,"atl"n,n,Ld,fll? will warrant." Iment until It also wns mustered out. c''yn c"'yr "T ?? rZ "I am convinced that the work of tho
B..;r,, hiri. .in not slen tho convon- Tho aenatora ulso called upon tho Stato I . . . . sheriff's office," said the commissioner.
tlon may become parties thereto. M LL 0NS FOR EQU PMENT department to ask for nn lncreaso of pay n,v.,. , , ,. ,,i , not nny grentor now than It wan when
In nn nddltlonnl nrtlclo tho slgnnttry na- for Consul Rnvcndahl nt Heyroot, Syria. . . ' ,.ni,.r,tno vqsi rnn Drcxcl was shorlff, nnd Drcxel had only fivo
tlons empower tho Mexican government, In I.nrpe Am it May lie Spent liy Snntn Tll6 consul nt present rocolveB $2,000 and , deputies. I understand thnt two deputies
the Interval between thp present und tho
.next Fan-Amorican conrorenco, to commu
nicate with othor governments of America
with a view of ascertaining tho practica
bility ot reaching a still more comprohcnsl-
blo plan of arbitration. If this Is success
Vr to tlct "Worlrt'M Fnlr
ff ea.
It Is understood nt a mooting of the sen
ate cohimlttoo on Indian affairs tomorrow
thn .iililnrt nt lennlni; Indian lands In
CHICAGO, Jnn. 15. Tho Record-Horald ,h Unkottt wiii c0 taken up by the com
tomorrow win say
1 ....... ....... 1l.n.nnU n. n nn n 1 1 Ii I
NBW YORK. Jan. IB.-Condor Is defined nunc i u,.c. - " -
l .. n.l.l.l. .nml,.ll 11a. nu n inC eXpOSlUOn HUH lUWl l" uuuiwuim.
.Inon. It tvn- imllt nt RheernefiR nnd was Won have been kept on over BlnCO. I don't
launched In IMS. It la of cteel and sheathed
think Power will suffer nny hardship If
we cut off two of his deputies. As to tho
80UII1 liiikoih win no winuu ui ii . tonnniro Is 1K0 It Is ISO feet lone we cul 011 lwo 01 U,B lu
r-nmmUntnner inner, will bo heard. ftnU ,ts tonna'0 18 11 18 lc.0.1 '?" , .,. rn nf Inllnrn l.nn been .loubled
ful, further treaty will bo made between The management of the Santa Fe decided , membcr() of tho South Dakota dole- "a8 ; '.IhZteMre mm andfour S while the number of prisoners has been
two or more nations In question, and tn to spend $13,000,000 for equipment during ' loIf Six four-Inch q t kflre guns and ur three- t ln cfln dlflpcngo wUh
. ... ....n . .v.- . tha venr. This Btate.ment wB mado . ni.i.1.1. .nh uiii.a pounners consiliuie us armament. its . .... .,...
ony OVCul Mexico win iciun ul hid uga. . . 1 ncnutorn jjicuilh miu .Miiiw... 1 m.t
conference as to tho bucccss ot its efforts. 1 by an odlclal of tho company wno nnaen Bgroed to recommend George W. Saunders
It should bo noticed that tho above Is tnat tno money woum come irom u.u j.iu- of rinillo Mills for agent at tno Bantee
tho only official plan for Joining The Hague coeds of the new Issuo of bonds to tho ftKcncJ.( vlce Henry C. Balrd. Saunders Is
speed is thirteen knots. Its full comple- "uui"u . Ti a, 1 t 7m .n
mcnt of men Is 130 and tho last admiralty J'18t as comfortablo. And I am also In
navy list gave it tho following officers: r . .".ri
they wero up to about a year ago
Wornt Manniteil Olllce.
"Tho county clerk's office Is the worst
fr-i-rhi nncrin-a nnrt 100 moro onalncs of .1 v....- v..o.i. Kf, .i, Franklin: gunner, Artnur u. a. uurns, en- mnnaeeu th nc about the courthouse. When
The obstructive tactics of Chllo wero mnilor tvne. nnd that practically all ot the BV. nrt m.n Wednennnv. Klneer, Georgo J. union, u was coramis- x ,vas on tno board before there were only
tlcarly revealed at today's sessions, eo It a.seni!or eaulpmont of tho company Is to u Tr,r.,i .ht General Manderaon will loned Rt Chatham on Novomber 1, 1900, four a8sstants In that offlce and nil tho
. . . it.. 1. inltl I.. Ha... I - - . . i I ...... ....,..(..11,. .1, r.f ffn iinia.nt nrnlv . . ,., .... . ... . . . .. I . n
DCgina 10 on upiniri'iii. .ui i- m h.ou- ho rraowed. Tile olllc al ataiement rognra- ,.. ,h -. nr nnr Industry, nlthoneh ""u - t..v-v... eaianes were pmu uui ui m.- im icicma
Uinniiv imnnailliln in nvftr hrlntr either fill .... p..... . v... ..., nnninmnni i .. . .. lotniHl It nt Hint time.
"' . . ins inu uiuuuu. m no rim.... .u. v.. j ,nny oncn inn nrgumcni.
Pnmmnnfler Ollnlnn Selntnr: Hntltonants.
convention, that of Chllo having been amount 01 m,uun,u. ju.i uuw w.u a merchant of Banle Mills, wen known -- -"- - ,;.nthron and
proBsed, It Is claimed, merely 'for obstruc- pendlturo Is'to be apportioned Is not stated, g ortn NebrnaUa politicians, who en- aZ v n iwtnr ".l Tnomns S
tlvo purposes. but It Is known that an order has been do d hlm for tho place. ?, , V T'Vocor' BurK,eon'..T.,MmnB '
vo Pposes. mammoth a."la0 bRCt BU.BPP ,ntorests." said Mr. L,nrt Pya. tor. William II.
Villi- uumii 1
Now thero are cloven assistants and not
nnn nf them la n.lld OUt of tllO fcCS. Ill fnCt.
PERIL tho feeB nre only BUfflclent to pay the sal-
Tho house committee on public lands to- , ary ( .ho county clerk himself. They tell
day ordered a favorable roport on the bill nunineaa Portion u Swept liy Ilnitlnic me the work of the offlco has Increased to
Ilellef for Forest Settler.
Flume, Cnnalna: Heavy
warrant tho additional help, but If such Is
the fact, why havo tho fqcs not Increased
tho arbitration projects to a voto unless mfli.eH lt ,,ialn wi,ai is to bo dono with tho
ome rule resembling tho cloturo ot tho prococ(s 0f tho bond Ibsuo. It will tako
'Ilrltlah Parliament Is adopted, as the t0 K10 tno lluo ome new roa1
cnileana Will continue to laih. innenniieiy. -nntmnnlnted. free of debt.
After attacking throughout tho afternoon i stnte.d unofllcially that tho Santa Fo Introduced by Representative Martin ot
tension n plnn of general acceptance of Tho ,B contemplating a Chlcago-St. IouIh lino South Dakota, providing relief for bona
Hague articles as navmg ueen naBiuy by xhe way o( tbo chlcogo, P.corla & St. nuo seiners wunia me lorce. resorveB.
adontod they finally changed front, dropped . i nPnnii. From I'ekln to Peoria tho The following civil sorvlco examinations
.their own plnn of nccrptanco nnd gavo Terminal railway lino would bo used, and aro to bo hold February 19 for positions
their assent to the goneral plnn. nut in- tllenco the Hock Island & Peorln.
Isted that Instead of merely passing
through tho conference It bo submitted MIll IICC CLARK S NEW ROAD Nebraska, Kearney: Iowa, Alliance, Ce- eighteen miles from that city, and at this flc,gi Tho commissioners themselves nro
thereto for dobnte. Tholr apparent inten- dar Falls, Dccorah, Fort Dodge, Iowa city, hour, 10 p. m the Are Is roported to bo supposed to nudlt tho accounts, but they
tlon la to dulay tho muttor Indoflnltoly andj iiurlliiuton tn Jliike Ilenl with llnrrl- Red Oak, Webster City; South Dakota, sweeping away many of tho business houses aro not capable of doing It nnd If they wero
wood, Huron; Wyoming, uneyenne, and residences ln Its path. As Kdlnboro they would neglect tho wt
"Ah for tho auditor's office, there la no
PITTSnilRO, Jnn. IB. Rrle, Pa., reports cxc,..0 in ia,v for Its existence, but we
of clorks and carriers ln the postofficcs that a disastrous conflagration broke out B,0uld havo a good man or two to choclt
named: about 0 o'clock this evening at Kdlnboro, un tbo accounts of tho various county of.
mini for Cnllfornlii Con
11 ectlon.
SALT LAKK CITY, Utah, Jan. 15. Tho
Tribune tomorrow will Bay;
Thero la llttlo doubt that tho Burlington
road will, within a few days, effect a deal
.In tho mcnntlmo work for tho withdrawal
of more Central and South American dele
gations until ln that way they may wreck
tho conferenco. Tho discussion will bo
.'continued nt an extra session tomorrow.
Tbo delegations that havo been fairly fa
vorable to Chile aro now experiencing a
'chango. Hut what excites tho most unfa
vorable comment Is tho efforts of Chile to with tho Horrlman peoplo, who will put
undormlno the conferenco by procuring the Its trains Into Los AnEolos via Senator
.withdrawal of delegations, as In tho case Clark's road from Salt Lake City to the
Sot Yonexuolu. This Is regarded as a direct coast,. A conference was held ln Wash-
'defiance of tho United States and Mexico, lngto'n today bctwoen General Charles F.
the two nations that nro responsible for Mnnderson, general solicitor of tho Uur-
,convonlug tho conference. llngton Bystom; R. K. Kerns of St. Louis,
11 vie, nres Mnnt nf tho San Pedro road! Son-
BIG STEAMSHIP MEN CONFER Utor Clark of Montana and several rcpre-
sontntlvcs of the Harrlman syndlcato, wnicn
Opinion la that They Contemplate, controls the Oregon Short line and tha
vork. I think two
Union of Viirloim Trnna
atlnntlc Lines.
(Copyright, 1002, by Press Publishing Co.)
LIVERPOOL, Jan. 15. (Now York World
Calbegram Special Telegram) The patscn-
Union and Southern Pacific properties.
Senator Clark mado a proposition to buy
tho Short line, or falling In this, to lease
part of the lino below Salt Lake City; fall
ing ln that, tho senator said ho would
build a parallel lino. If his proposition Is
nnnnntnil II lu rensnnnhln to nredlct that
ger list of tho steamship Coltle. leaving here ,h() nurllngton will bo running through
today for Now York, Included W. J. Plcrrlo, trn,n8 vla Uncoin and Salt Lake City to
White atar una t-eyiana airector; iiruco I0, AnKOies before tho end of tho present
Ismay and W. B. Graves, White Star ill- yCOr
rectors, nnd Ralph Neville and John Dick- ,
lnson, leading Liverpool Bhlpplng lawyers. SCHEDULE RAISES WAGES
Jt IB Deiievcu meir mission ia ia uuuuvcuuu
with the rumored pending transatlantic
combine of tho White Star, Iyland. Amer
ican and Atlantic transportation companies.
The opinion in shipping circles lu that a
"strong working ngreoment will bo Bottled
ooon In New York.
Iowa postmasters appointed: it. K. has no fire protictlon, Erlo has been aBkcd K00(i men are sufficient to do HiIb work. At
Smith, Archer, O'nrlen county; Elmer E. for assistance and has sent a steamer. nresent thoro aro throe men nnd ono
Preston, Dean, Appanoose county. a special from Edlnboro says: woman on tho auditor's payroll. The
A pcatomco Is orderod established at Co- The town Is flro swept tonight. A con- woman should nover havo been on tho roll
burn, Big Horn county, Wyo., with Warren fingratlon Is raging thnt threatens tho en- an,i 0no of tho men can bo cut off Just ns
M. Johnson as postmaster. tiro business district. At midnight sovon well as not
John A. bnoppnru 01 vniKins, .n. 1., is buildings havo been destroyed and tho IMnln Tnlk to Ilee.
.-nlnla.l nn',lannp at th tt PnaohllH 3 Till n..ll. 1 I . . I . K.1 . i I
..fc":'r ... ... 18 r.CBlonoa- "I0 ow,a 13 ..U takes neven men to caro for this
uv4.. wiiiiuui. inu jjruiuubiuu nun j'.riu nun v.aiu-
Mrs. Phebe M. Green of Genoa. Nob., Is bridge havo been appealed to, but no aid
appointed laundress in the Indian school has yet been received. Tho buildings do-
on tho Omaha and Winnebago agency,
firuiit .nrthern nnil Northern Fncltlo
Scale Give Kniclneincn Sub
stantial Incrcnse,
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 15. It ia semi
officially stated that the new wago sched
ules adopted by tho Oreat Northern at tho
request of engineers and firemen operat-
HealfeTii to Avert Action.
PIERRE. S. 1).. Jan. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Tlio county commissioners of Stan- Ing tho new and heavier freight engines
ley county yesterday filed complaint with advances the wages of engineers who have
Judge Gaffy, charging State's Attorney been receiving $4 per 100 miles to $4.50.
nnnnhim' of tho county with neglect of Firemen receiving $2.80, it Is said, will ro-
business. To avert any action ou the part colvo $2X5 and switching engine drivers
of the court, Donohuo tendorod his roilg- S3.25 a day, less one hour for dinner. Flro
nuiinn. which was accented, and M. G. men on tho same cIbbs of englnts will re-
iBo. haa been appointed ln his place, Icelvo $2 a. day, computed at tea houw.
llrotherhooil of Itnllwny Kmployes
Selet'tn l'lnc'c of Mnlu nnil Sub
ordinate llrnilqiiurtrm.
SAN FnANCISCO, Jan. 15. Tho mother
hood ot Railway Employes ban decided
Btroyed are:
G. n. Proudflt, grocery.
A. J. Johnson, Jewelry.
G. II. Hanson, harness "store.
James McKoll, dwelling and eating saloon.
H. G. Hillings, residence.
E, II. Krnyon, clothing store, reBldonce
and hall.
Greonflold &. Kenyon, clothing store.
Tho blazo started In tho oil room at tho
tbnt Chicago ahnll bo Its future hendquar- , - - iTounnt. u ib Biateu th Bhou,d not bo j
ters and today doclded to hold Its next i"'"K."L UMl 11 ,vaB 01 inconaiary oneiu. nt r0BOiutlon8 later
convention thero In May. 1004. 100 1088 w Prooauiy reacn w,ouu,
Tho question ot ritual wns taken up and
tho convontlon decided that the nomoncla- DECLARE SCHLEY THE HERO ealurles."
building now, nnd when I was on tho
board before three did tho some work and
did lt better. Tho superintendent of tho
courthouse will havo to cut his force from
Boven to four men If I hnvo my way about
It. I havo already told Superintendent Doe
that he will havo to take out an engineer's
llcenso and run tho engine and sco to It
that tho courthouBo Is kept clean lt ho
wonts my voto to rotaln hlm In office.
"After tho number and salaries of countv
employes havo been fixed by resolution of
tho board at the beginning ot tno year
Increased by subse
quent resolutions later on. i nm going to
oppose any effort that may bo made during
tho year to put on extra noip or to incrnaso
Drops Xcnr Atvronil, Knn., nnil Cnnses
I'nnlc Antnnir People In
P.EAVER CITY. Nob.. Jnn. 15. (Snoelal
Telcgrim.) Tho. aky was. Illuminated by
brilliant meteor wnicn passed across tno
heavens In a' southwesterly direction
9 o'clock Inst night. When tho meteor
struck the enrth tho concussion sounded
llko thunder. Thoso who saw It say it
appeared an large ob a foot ball. Many
who wero In their homes or In business
places nnd did not see Its passage thought
thn tremor to. bo a slight cnrthqtm!
shock. Railroad men on trnlus from th
west report that tho meteor struck th
earth near Atwood, Knn., nnd that peopl
In thnt vicinity wero pnnlc-Btrlckcn by lt
Idaho Populist Won't He Chnniceil b
Withdrawal of Senator
noiSE, Idnho, Jnn. 15. Thn ndvlsory
comnillteo of thn people's pnrty of Mali
met liero tonight to consider what action
the party should tnko In view of tho nbnn
donment of tho party by Scnntor Heltfeld
and his ndvlco thnt the pnrty bo dlflbanded
nnd Its members Join tho democrats. The
committee refiolved to keep In tho mlddl
of tho road, adopting the following resolu1
Resolved. That lt Is tho sense of the ad.
vlsory committee of the people's pnrty of
tho stnte of Idaho that tho organization bo
not dissolved.
Resolved, That the people'n party should
nominate ana support a niraigm popuus
ticKet in mo coming election.
Dtolam Oaantrj Knit Dtpina an Volui-
tttn ia Ianfiioii.
Mnlnn Mini Precipitate Acrluionliiu
l)lctiliin, Which I Finally Tem
pered hr WltllcUm of Hcb
ntor Tlllinnn.
turo of tho officers shall follow that of
railroading. Tho presiding officer of a dl
vtalon or lodge will be designated as tho
manager, th vice president bb tho super
Intendent, the marshals as conductors and
assistant conductor, The tnelde sentinel
will bo known as tho watchman nnd tho
outside sentinel as tho flagman. Tho In
Commissioner O'Koeffo rnys that tho
county hns been paying almost doublo
nrlces for Its road nnd brldgo work and
as chairman of tho roan anil brldgo com
mlttco ho proposes to put a stop to the
waste. Ho la convinced that not less than
JACKSON, Miss., Jon, 15. Roth houses $10,000 can bo havod by careful business
tho legislature today unanimously methods In conducting tho roan and nriaco
Until Houses of Mississippi l.rlliit lire
Co in in en it Hlm nml Hmlni'Mo
Dewey' Ilcport,
sldo door will be termed tho Inner block adopted a resolution deelnrlnt- rtenr a.i. work.
and tho outside door as the outor block, mlral Schley to bo tho rightful hero of thn 1 .
following tho block signal eystera In rail- battle of Santiago "and entitled to tho un- Kiploslon t imses uisusicr.
roadlng. Tho chief financial offlcor ot the falling gratitude of his country." POTTSVILLE, Pn Jon. 15, An cxplo-
order will be called tho generol auditor. Tho resolution ondorsca the report of slon of gas occurred today at Maplo Hill
It was also decided to placo an organlza- Admiral Dewey ln tho Sehiev nr nf in. ,niiinrv near Gllborton. Two minora aro
tlon In these cities'; Portland, San Trnn- qulry nnd condemns tho majority report of missing nnd probably dead and two others
Cisco, Albuquerque, Omaha, Helenn, Kan- the membors constituting tho court. Hv wero Injured. Tho missing urn John Mn
ssb City, Denver, Fort Worth, Aberdeen, tho some resolution tho lcsrlilatnrn eniis cniro nnd Jumra Lashnlshl, both of Shcnnn-
Q TlQI.I r.kln.r.n Ol T...1. T,.... n . 1
.... ..m,, wm.u, a , ..uma, Mine hock, a corciiai invitation to Admlrnl Schloy to doah. Tho injured nro;
C in i lna,anftPollg. Columbus, visit Jackson and, receive "public manl- David Adamson, Inside foreman, probably
Nashville, Atlanta, Washington, Pittsburg, festatlons of the exalted respect, confldonco fatal, and John Twalto, flro bosi. A naked
New "iork City, Hoston, Montreal and and admiration In which hn is h.M h .h tmn in tho hands of ono of tho mlBslne
people ot MlasUslppl,"
men caused tho explosion
Notorious HiKliwnymen Fire Fnliil
Shot nt Their 1'nrsners nml
GUTHRIE, Okl., Jan. IE. Sheriff Smith
and Deputy neck met death whllo atormlng
nn Indian hut olght miles went of Anadarko.
Highwaymen on Sunday night had held up
and robbed persons going home from church
and Smith and Deck, accompanied by Dep
uty nrlggs, loented tho robbers early yes
terday. In attempting to enter Smith was
shot through tho broast and died In a few
minutes. Hock was also shot through tho
breast and hlB loft arm was ahuttcrcd. The
highwaymen ilea, snorin umitn mado a
dying effort to arrest iho robbers and shot
sovoral times through the door nftor being
wounded. Deck continued tho fight until
Oninhn I'nckcr l'ny Forty Thousand
Dollar for Property for
llnslness Purposes.
CHICAOO. Jan. 15. (Special Telegram.)
Edward Cudnliy, tho Omaha packer, has
bought for $40,000 tho property In Cottage
Grovu nvenue eighty-ono feot south of Suv
onty-flrbt Btrcut, cant front, 115x7S foot,
and In Seventy -llrst street, ninety-four feet
west of Cottage Grovo avenue, north front,
100x101 feet. The grantor was James M,
Reddy, an Inciimbranco of $18,000 belns
asounied by tho purchaser. Tho ground
will be Improved by the Cudahy concern for
business purposes.
.Movement of Ocean Vessels, Jnn, in.
At New York Arrived Prlnz Fredrlk
Hendrlk, from Paramaribo, otc. Balled St,
LouIh, for Houthampton; FrlcHlnnd, for
Antwerp; Teutonic, for Liverpool.
At Liverpool Sailed Celtic for New
York, via Queenstown; Westernland, for
Vlilladidphln. via QueniiHtown.
At Hong Kong Arrived Indrapurn, from
Portland, via Yokohama, Sailed Empress
of China, for Shanghul, NuBiiHiikl, Yoko
hama and Vancouver, II. t.; Campania,
for Tacomn.
At Genoa Arrived FucrHt Illsmarck,
imm Now York, for Alexandria, etc.
At Yokohama Arrived Clavcring, from
Tucomu, lor nous ivoim.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. A spirited dis
cussion was precipitated tn the acnato to
day by somo remarks submitted by Mr.
Halo of Mnlro, lu roipoct to bills relating
to tho formation ot n naval rcicrvo which
he introduced. Ho took strong ground
against tho orjanlzntlon of a naval re
serve, bis comments being construed by
some of tho sonntors Into n rolloctlon upon
volunteer ooldlers and land militia. Halt
dozen ronators wero on tholr feet In
nn Instant to defend tho volunteers and
tho National gunrd of the various states,
and tho debato took ro wtdo a rango that
senators went back ln their references to
the days ot tho revolutionary war to find
Illustrations for their arguments.
Y'hlle no action 1b posslhlo at thin tlmo
It la ll!ly that the discussion upon thn
measures, should they be reported, will
bo vory lively. No business ot special Im
portance was transacted, tho tlmo ot the
senate bolng consumed by matters of
I'rlenils Ask for Introduction.
After tho adjournment ot tho senate Mr.
Halo Bald the naval reserve bills Intro
duced by him today had been prosonted by
request ot persons Interested In BUch legis
lation. In the same manner ho had Intro
duced bills representing both tho Navy
department's views nnd that of Individuals
nnd organizations on the question ot n
naval reserve He personally, however, did
not stand committed to any of thorn nnd
ho quostloncd whether nny sotUtnctory
results would como trom them.
Mr. Honr today, ln presenting n
potltlon from railroad, Insurance nnd ship
ping Interests praying for tho construction
ot lighthouses ln some dangerous places
whuto lightships are loented now, said that
a proposition had been made by a respon
sible and intelligent builder to construct
lighthouses at points whero government en
gineers had considered lt lmprncttcablo tn
build lighthouses. He thought such a prop
osition ought to bo treated with respect. It
wns an illustration ot tho marvelous In
Ycntlyo nbllty of this natloij.
Mr. Hoar presented! & resolution,
which wns agreed to, calling upon
thn president to Inform tha sen
ato whether thu Btnto department
had nny official Information ns to whether
tho Urltlsh government charges duties on
goods Intended for prisoners of war In Ber
muda, In violation of the fifteenth nrtlclo ot
Thu Hnguo convontlon. Ho otntcd that In
formation hnd renched hlm from n high au
thority that such duties havo been Imposed.
Print Schley Court IlecorilH.
A concurrent resolution was ndopted
providing for tho printing of 3,500 coplon
ot tho proceedings of tho Schley court ot
Mr. Halo or Mntno then brought up hU
measure ln respect to tho value tn tho
country of a mllltla force. Ho Introduced
somo bills relating to tho organization
nnd mnlutennnco ot a navnl rcscrvo nnd In
doing so declared that the rollanco placed
by somo peoplo on the nnval reserve nover
would bo realized. Experience had shown,
ho said, that at tho beginning of a war
plonty of young men wero willing to en
list ln tho navy and enter the ranks of tho
naval mllltla, but at the1 conclusion ot tho
war tho Interest In the organizations
ceased and It was found difficult to main
tain thorn. Ha was ot tho opinion that tho
United States as a nation, was not likely
to tako much Interest In tho military forccfl
cf land or of sea. In tlmo at stress ho
wnB certain tho country would bn obliged
to dopend on volunteers, called out on nn
emergency, or upon somo form of com
pulsory Bnrvlce. England, ho Hold, "had
learned thlH lesson from her smallest and
wickedest war."
Compulsion to Service,
"If," ho said, "we aro to becomo a great
war power, wo will havo to learn tho lossou
othor nations havo learned. Every nation
of thn world that stands snarling nt an-
othor depends on somo nort ot compulsion
to military service."
Mr. Halo doclnred that England was
about to resort to conscription to raise men
to fight "a band of frco men thousands of
miles owny." It had been proved, he said,
that naval mllltlu wub not a success. Of
cotirso lt could bo maintained In "a linger
ing, half-hearted manner," but tt nover
really amounted to much.
In conclusion ho said;
"If wo havo dotormlncd that we aro to
becomo a great war power, with a great
army and a great navy, no system of vol
unteering will answer tho purpose."
In answer to nn Inquiry from Mr. Haw
ley, Mr. Halo said ho did not suppose that
tho United States would uver dispense
with tho mllltla. It would continue to bo
maintained In a half-hearted way. In tlmo
or wnr ho did not think lt would be worth
reckoning with.
Spooncr Point to Dlsplny.
Mr. Spooncr pointed out that tho display
mado by the National guard or various
states on Pcnnsylnnla uvcnuo on tho occa
sion of an Inaugural parade was a suffi
cient ovldenco of the practicability of. the
"Yos," responded Mr. Halo, "but tho loss
of life on Pennsylvania uvpnuo novor Is eo
rlouB." Continuing, he said what ho desired to
Impress upon tho scnato and upon tho
country was that tho naval reservo was and
always would bo weak and meager.
"It Is difficult oven now," talil ho, "to
sectiro men enough to man tho ships of tho
United StntcH navy nnd It Is Impossible
to mulntnln tho Interest In the naval ro
bervo." Sevcrul Bcnutors, among thorn Mr. Mason
of Illinois, Mr, Tcllor of Colorado, Mr.
Hoar 'of Massachusetts and Mr. Ilacon of
Georgia, wero drawn into tho dobuto In
defense of tho military forcoa ot tho va
rious states, Mr. Halo flnully dLjclolmlnt