Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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rkrn Uinoollmia Will InrMtifktt Mtrktt
Html Built i Itniti.
Mess". Zlmntnn, I.olirck nnil lloye
Will Vlalt ClilfHK", Clevrlnnil, llnl
tlinore anil WnahliiKton Dur
ing PorlUcomlnit Week.
Councllmcn Zlmman, Lobock nnd Hoyo
will spend $350 Investigating market bouses
located In tho streets of Ilaltlraore, Cleve
land, Washington and Chicago. They will
travel for a week at tho expenso of persons
who aro Interested In having tho Omaha
market houso located In Capitol nvenuo be
tween Twelfth and Fourteenth streets.
A petition signed by C. V. Manderson and
a number of other citizens who aro members
of an organization known as tho Taxpayers'
league, urging that tho Capitol avenuo slto
bo aolocted, was lllcd wth tho city clerk
nnd Is now In tho hands of tho committee
on buildings and property, of which Council
man Lobcck is chairman.
Vast night Councilman Zlmman left for
Chicago, whero ho will rpend n day in
vestigating market places. Sunday tho two
other members of tho committee will Join
him In Chicago and tho three will go on cast
Connnr lliunn Zlnunnti TnlUa,
"Tho erection of a market houso In Capi
tol avenuo seems more feasible than nnv
other plan now under discussion," said
Councilman Zlmmau. "Tho ground can bo
had hero without expense and tho cost of
constructing a temporary market houso
forty foot vldo through tho center of Capi
tol avenue for two blocks will not bo
great. Tho lncomo from such a building
will pay for It In a very short time. Uy
this moans tho city can have a market
place with very slight expenditure Wo
havo been told that Daltlmorc, Cleveland
and Washington all havo market houses
erected In streets and that such houses
ro tho source of considerable income to
thoso cities. Wo will mako n thorough
Investigation of tho plans thoso cities have
adopted In conducting their markets.
"Capitol avenuo Is eighty feet wldo from
curb' to curb. Granting that n raarkot
house forty feet wldo wcro constructed In
tho center of this wido nvenuo, thoro
would still be twenty feet on each slda of
tho street for driveways and trafllc would
not bo hindered materially. However, wo
will bo able to talk raoro Intelligently
about market Iiouscb located In streets
eftor wo return from Daltlmoro and Wash
ington." It Is urged by men who havo sites to sell
tho city that tho charter will not pmit
the erection of a building In a public
street. Advocates of tho Capitol avenue
location maintain, however, that 'thoro Is
nothing in tho charter which will provent
tho city from making such use of a street.
Sacornnrnl Tout of Three FVilrrnl
IIiiIIUIiim: Ilollrrn with Down
Uritft Ornten.
A tcft Is bolng mndo of tho three boilers
at tho federal bulldjng that havo been
equipped with down draft grates. Engineer
Charles Baxter Is much pleased with tho
result, for tho stacks aro omitting a com
paratively clear umoke, light and clean even
when the boilers aro fresh coaled. Tho se
cret of the success of tho grate Is that tho
black smoke, which Is a gas, Is burned In
passing Gown through tho bed of coals and
all that goes out into tho stack Is almost
clean. It Is said that with all boilers
equipped with theso grates tho smoko nut
aanco that prevails in every city whero
eott coal Is burned extensively could prac
tically be dono away with.
Wllllnm S. Krveiileuf In Cnptnlu, A. 1'.
Itorahrliit 11 rut Mcutciiim t anil
'IS. I., ltrailli-j .Second.
Tho following oniccrs were elected by tho
now troop of cavalry organized Thursday
evening: Captain, William S. Grcenlcaf:
first lieutenant, A. V. Ilorsholm: second
lloutonant, K. h. Uradlcy; A. F. IJorsheln
was selected ns recruiting ofllcer, with
headquarters nt C22 Pnxton block. William
S. Oreenloaf, who organized tho troop, was
formerly a member of the Seventh United
States cavalry. Ho was assisted In tho
work by Captain Daugbman of- tho Millard
Rifles. Thlrty-flvo membors havo already
enlisted In tho troop. It Is the purpose of
the organizers to havo tho troop made a
part of tho Nebraska National guard.
Colonel G. D. Roilncy of Fort lUley
Assume Command Dnrlttic the
Gcneriil'a Almcnoe.
General John C. Hates and his aid. Can.
tain McCllntock left last ovenlng for
Now York and Washington, to bo gono from
two to threo weeks. During tho genornl's
absonco Colonel Qeorgo 13, ltodnoy of tho
artillery corps, Fort Hlloy, noxt sonlor offl-
cor of tho dopnrtmont, will assumo com
mand of tho Department of tho .Missouri.
It has not boon nrranged doftnlte'ly as yot
whother Colonel Kodney will como to Omaha
or exorclso his now duties from Fort Itlley,
The Hot SprliiK of Arkaitaa.
Owned and controlled by V. S. govern
ment. Tho nation's health and pleasure
resort. Splendid winter climate. Golf. Ele
gant hotols, Eastman, Park and Arllncton
For information address managers, or T.
Y. Godfrey, P. & T. A., Mo. Paclfto Ry
n in anu uougias streets, Omaha. Nob.:
II. C. Townsend, O. P. and T. A., Mo. Pa
clfto ity., St. LOUIS, Mo.
Shampooing and hair dressing. 25c. Iir-
connection with tho Bather?, J1C-220 Dei
building. Tclspbone 1716.
To Centrnl Amrrlen.
I,cavo Omaha January 12th, via St. Louis,
New Orleans, Puerto Darrlos, Guatemala
pity, San Jose, returning In tlmo for Mardl
Oras In New Orleans. For rates and all
Information, call or write W. II. Green
Jloom 405, New York Life Building, Omaha,
an.OO for n llnlf a I)n-' Work,
If you llvo In the country or In a small
town and havo u good acquaintance among
the farmers and Btockralsers In the neigh
borhood, you can mako $5 easily by four
or flvo hours' work. Write us and we will
end you our proposition. The Bee Publish
lag company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb,
Send articles of Incorporation, notices o
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee,
We will give them proper legal Insertion
Telephone 258.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with the llalhery, 216-220 Ilea
building. Telephony 1716.
Publish your legal notices la, ths Weekly
9M. TcltphoBO 233.
I $60,000.00
Men s, women s ana cmiaretis
selling 'it prices beyond. comparison. It is not necessary to
urge you In attend the sale. The values are apparent.
Here are instances.
9c for women's seven buiton
L Mm $1
19c for women's ton button ovorgaitors.
98c for women's $1.50 serge leggingB.
IQn fr misses' and children's slip-
pers, worth 75c pair.
O&n for men's satin calf and heavy
dongola shoos. There are about ,i
000 pairs in tho lot, all go without reserve.
1 ESQ for men's $2. 50 satiu calf Phoes
with rubber heels.
Men's Shoes in Basement Values up to $5 pair
at 11.50 This prlco uiuot certainly appeal to your judgment
you simply can't resist It. Wo nro offering about 360 pairs
of men's splendid shoes, worth up to $5.00 f y-v
a pair, Including tho beat dress 1 1
shoos, at A
Youth's $1. SO and $1.75 Slioes priced torQ
mako n clean sweep of them per pair, VFlO
$1.23, $1.1G nnd V-JW
Hoys' $2.00 ami $2.50 Shoes -silently f Q
smoked, ready for your pick, at $1.39, KJ kH
$1.25 and
Sheriff Jli'.Vvoy of Sarpy County Con
vinced Hint He Unit the
WrniiK Mini.
After the ltttlo flurry of excitement in tho
Assyrian colony Thursday afternoon, caused
by tho report that Joe Dcardewcel, alleged
murderer of Nnjceb Saldy, had been seen on
country road uear South .Omaha by a
cousin of the deceased, conditions have re
lapsed to their wonted calm and to nil ap
pearances there Is no moro reason now to
hopo for tho capturo of tho suspect than
thoro was a month ago.
Sheriff McAvoy of Sarpy county arrested
man supposed to bo Deardewecl Thurs
day afternoon, but after holding him at Pa-
pillion a few hours, released him. As no
momber of tho Omaha Assyrian colony had
a chnnco to see tho suspect before ho was
llberntcd, tho Saldy family is highly Indig
nant at tho sheriff's action, nnd It will
probably never bo known now whether the
Papllllon suspect and tho man whom Ilced-
rah Saldy grappled with on tho country road
aro ono and tho same.
Sheriff McAvoy, In a message to tho
Omaha police, explains that he was satisfied
after having a talk with tho suspect that
ho was not tho man wanted. Ho answered
tho description of Heardowccl In a general
way, but he had no sign of a wound on his
forehead. Ho represented himself as a
When Heedrah Saldy reported to the
Omaha police through an Interpreter Thurs
day afternoon that ho had Boon Beardowocl
near South Omaha, Detectivo Jonnson was
sent to Investigate tho matter. Ho went
to Papllllon and had, a talk with tho sheriff,
who prbmtsed to do what he could to aid In
tho capture. Tho dutectlvo thon returned,
Btopplng on tho way to report tho matter
to the South Omaha police. It 18 under
stood tliut he bad left Papllllon less thau a
half hour when tho arrest was made.
State llnr Annni-tntlon Scniln lllili to
All Members of Local Or
KnnUntlou. Judgo Itosroo Pound, secretary of tho Ne
braska Stato Uar association, has Issued In
vitations to each momber of tho Omaha Dar
association to attend all of tho meetings of
tho stato organization nnd tho banquet
which will follow. Tho prlco of tickets for
tho banquet does not nppear on tho Invlta
tlon. It Is $5 a plate. Italph nrcckenrldge
requests all porsons receiving Invitations to
respond as soon ns possible
Tho banquet will be hold In tho Commer
cial club rooms, as previously announced,
but all other sessions will bo hold at court
room No. 1 In tho county court house.
A system regulator Is a medlclno that
strengthens and stimulates tho liver, kid
neys, stomach and bowels. Prickly 'Ab
Hitters is a superior systom regulator. It
driven nut all unhealthy conditions, nro-
motes activity of body and brain, rostorcs
good appetite, sound sleep and cheerful
spirits. ,
The fleym-rs
Of California aro of wonderful Interest,
nnd among tho most readily accessible of
California's natural curiosities. Thoy aro
about 100 miles north of San Francisco.
Though tho nltltudo of tho Geysers Is about
2,000 feet, tho distance from the sea makes
tho days dry and wnrm, and tho nights
Those who contemplate a visit to these
wonderful sights should remomber that
"Tho Overland Houto" Is tho only natural
routo, and Is tho plensantest, shortest nnd
Tho Union Pacific Is tho only line run
nlug through trains to San Francisco from
No chango of cars across the continent.
For full Information address City Ticket
Oracc, l?24 Farnom. 'Phono 316.
for women's $3 and $4
Shoes of every kind and
stylo. It's an unusual offering. Thoy
wore slightly damaged by smoko.
for women's $5 tan
Slincv tliti sizes are, some
what broken, but the shoos aro all
in first-class condition only a
trifle smoked.
for women's $3.00
satin slippers i n
black and white.
A special salo nt prices
NOT found elsownero
l.lcblg'a famous Extracts
2-oz. 50c size, two for.... 25c
4'Oz. 76c slzo 2."o
8-oz. $1.26 slzo D0o
lC-oz. $2.00 slzo $1.00
Hotel, Saloon, Drug Storo
and Itospltul trade solicited.
Mnggls Houlllon, liquid
Extract of UeeC for hospi
tals, 10-oz. bottles, S2.50.
Armour's Special Houlllon
for line bar trndo (mimo an
Vlgornl), 2-pouml Jug; $1.00
per pound.
I'tiro California Wines,
(bottlo ripe), 35c, 60c and 75c
Fino Whiskies, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Oppnaltu l'ontolllce. Teleiihotin ll'IM.
rin- for Troup Point Metlul, Post
poned from New Year's Day,
Comes Off,
Owing to tho frost giving wny on New
Year's day, tho curling match for the Troup
Point medal bail to be postponed until more
favorablo weather. A rink match was
started, but tho Ico got so soft and slushy
"baugh" Ico tho curlers narao It the
weakor players could not got their stones
over tho "hog" score, and tho sport was re
luctantly given up nt mid-afternoon.
Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock has been
fixed for trying once moro for this medal,
so It Is hoped John Frost will stay by the
curlers then nnd give them n sheet of good,
keen, clear Ico on Cut Off lake.
In connection with this match, P. L. For
gan offors a silver mug to bo played for an
nually by tho flvo men winning tho highest
flvo scores. This trophy will becomo the.
property of tho curler who wins It two con
secuttvo years, but n condition Is that ho
must provldo Scotch whisky, or any other
cordial, If be thinks It better than the
Scotch to "cheer tho heart of man." ThU
Is to bo drunk on tho Ico boforo a new game
of any kind Is engnged In that day. Instead
of playing this match at the whole nlno
points, that often arise In a real rink game
it will bo only at two of theso, "chipping
the winner" and "drawing through a port.
Chniulierlnlii'M CoiikIi Itemed? the
lleHt nntl Most Popular.
I sell moro of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy than of all similar preparations put to
gother, nnd It gives tho best satisfaction of
any medicine I ever sold. I guarantee every
bottlo of U.F. C, Jaqulth, Inland, Mich
This remedy Is for sale by all druggists.
Annotiiieemeittft of the Thentera.
Tomorrow afternoon, James K. Hackett's
big success, "Tho Prldo of Jcnnlco," will
be seen for tho first time In Omaha. The
engagement tncludos Monday and Tuesday
nights. "Tho Prldo of Junnlco" Is per
haps tho most popular of all tho drama
tizations mado from popular novels. The
dramatic story Is said to bo raoro Inter'
eating thau the novel story. Scenlcnlly, It
Is most claborato. 1 An exceptionally strong
company handles tho play. ICatberlne
Erlo Is tho leading woman.
Young Corbett, tho present featherweight
champion of the world, closes his engage
ment at tne rrocnuero touay wttn two per
"Tho Denver Express," ono of tho most
powerful mclO'drnmas over produced, will
bo at tho Trocndero tomorrow afternoon
ami ovenlng only. Tho company carries
tho entire scenery necessary for Its produc
For the balanco of tho week, beginning
Monday matinee, tho management an
nounces "Tho Pan-American Ideals," a
company of high-class vaudevllleans and
Is tho finest west of Now York City. Hero you can get tho llnost Norway Mackorot
and Norway Herring. Hero you get tho finest whlto fish that swims In our great
lakes; hero you get tho finest salmon that navigates our great rivers In the north
west; here you can get tho finest trout that adorns nnd beautifies our streams every
where In this country. Wo go to Norway nnd bring tho finest Anchovies that money
can buy. From Hum I a wo get tho nncst snrdlnr s. from tho Mediterranean Sea wo get
tho Urlstllngs; while tho Sprntts como from tho northern const of Afrlcn. Wo go
down to Holland for tho best Herring; wo go to George's IJank for tho best Codfish,
and In tho words of St. I'aul, wo say: "tnko somo fish for tho stomach's sake."
Special Tia and Coffie Sale
Now season sun dried Japan, only 35c
India Blqnd Tea 37V4c
Assom 11 luck Tea 10c
Chotro Spider Leg Japan 48c
Fresh roasted family Java and Mocha.. 25c
High grade Javn nnd Mocha 2t)c
Excelsior Javn and Mocha 27V&C
Golden Santos Coffee 15c
Wo sell a good wholo Coffee, 2 pounds
for ...r 25c
3 pounds Flako or I'oarl Hominy 10c
3 pounds I'enrl tlarloy lie
3 pounds Tapioca 21c
3 pounds Sago 21c
G pounds broken Illco 25c
3 cans Campbell's Assorted Soups .... 25c
Scrubbing Lye, per can 5c
Kconomy or Columbia Croam, per can.. 0c
Fresh granulated Mcnl, per sack 15c
Oil Sardines (domestic) per can fo
Yeast Foam, or tho Tlmo Yeast 3c
Salt Lake Teaches, very choice, per lb 10c
Moor Park Apricots, now bright fruit,
per lb 15c
Easter brand Seeded Itnlslns, In pound
packages 10c
Thousands of odds nnd ends, at most ridiculously low prices. No peddlers, dealers
or manufacturers sold to In this room.
Dress Goods
64-inch strictly all wool cheviots, at 49c.
52-lnch strictly all wool storm serges, at
42-Inch granite cloth, worth 76c, at 49c.
40-Inch all wool hcnrlotta, worth 76c, at
C4-lnch heavy all wool plaids, worth $1.50,
at 49c.
64-Inch nil wool sacking, worth 75c, at
38-lnch strictly all wool Venetians, etc.,
nt 49c.
38-inch granite cloth, worth 75c, nt 39c
36-lnch all wool henrlcttas, worth 69c,
at 39c.
38-Inch black' figured satin berber, nt 39c.
42-Inch storm serges, worth 60c, at 25c.
40-Inch fancies, worth $1, at 25c.
3C-lnch Henriettas, worth 60c, at 25c.
2S-lnch hcnrlottas, half wool, at 7c
2S-lnch Jacquards, half wool, 7c.
Inch plaids, halt wool, at 6c. ,
00 dress patterns, $3.98.
ifi dross patterns, $2.93.
dress pattorns, $1.93.-
Underwear Sale.
Men's 60c hosiery, fleece lined shirts and
drawers, at 25c.
Men's whlto unlaundercd shirts, regular
60c quality, at 25c.
Men's $1.00 heavy Jersey ovcrshlrts, at
Men's 26c heavy wool socks, at 10c.
Shirts and drawers worth up to $1.00 at
1 lot of ladles' and children's stockings,
worth up to 25c, at 5c.
Men's and boys' 60c heavy Jersey over
shirts. In all. sizes, at 25c.
from 7:30 until 9:30 wo will hnvo on salo a
regular $1.25 wrapper for 69o each.
Saturday's Cloak Specials
Women's flannel waists, trimmed with
orald, 49c.
150 women's tailor mado suits, somo silk
lined throughout worth up to $30.00, for
Women's rainy day skirts, worth up to
$5.00, at $1.95.
Women's Automdblles for $4.90.
Women's $16.00 Ruglans for $7.60.
203 women's dress skirts, In chovlot,
serges and pebbles, worth up to $12.00, for
Women's box coats, silk lined through
out, at $4.90.
Furnishings on Sale.
60c mufflers at 15c.
Men's $1.00 wool and fleeco lined shirts
and drawers, in all sizes, at 49c,
Men's $1.25 nnd $1.50 wool and silk fleece
lined sh'rti; and drawers, In plain and fancy
colors, at 75c.
Men's $1.00 whlto nnd colored laundered
shirts, Inter-Griffon Brand, In all sizes,
at 49c.
Men's $1.60 all wool sweaters, In black
and blue and maroon, at 9Sc.
President Roosevelt should proclaim that
after Jnnuary 1, 1902, tho water In tho Mis
souri would run north Instead of south,
would that mako It so, nnd would it not
nppear to thinking peoplo VERY SILLY
ror mm to say hoi
When the PRESIDENT of tho OMAHA
bays lio docs not belong to trusts and
combinations dors It inului It so nnd Is lio
not noting in VERY HAD FAITH WITH
HIS SUBJECTS when ho advertises In
glaring typo nn ANTI-COMBINATION
SALE of his wares? Why nro wo tho only
druggist In this city who Is SHUT OFF
by tho TRUST from buying patent medi
cines? Because wo nro tho only druggist
in town which docs not belong to tho
ngnln that wore It not for this drug storo
full prices would prevail In tho Omaha
drug stores.
Theso prices till further notice;
$1.0i) Pcruna 57c
60c Omeca Oil 33a
25c Ornnglna 17c
SI. 50 Vln Marlanl 75c
?5c Humphry's Specifics t IRo
Al.W m 'AIHO ,.in .......,,....,.., iuu
$1.00 Magnet Pilo Ctiro 23a
f,0c Pozzonl Face Powder 2Sc
$1.00 Bromo Seltzer 65c
!.() l'lnkhuni's Compound Oja
$3.75 Hospital Mnlted Milk $2.63
c,,t ,,r,cu
dUnACrCIl O n.ruK store.
Tel. TIT S. W Cor. IMth Clileno.
Goods delivered FRF.B to any part of city.
l Ony, HtrraVf U or rn ba
retore4 to any besutllul color by
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
OI.OHIN fordrsror niwtijil Hlr.
Colors r dursWe I tly applied, lUuij
MDiiot bt detected. HamplenOialf culorel
frea. CurrMBOBdeoc lonllaeullaJ.
Chemical Co".; 1 W. 23d St., N. Y.
A very fancy Imported Sardine, worth
20c, at l2Ue
Star Plug Chewing Tobacco 35c
Horscslioo IMug Chewing Tobacco 35c
Navy Hug Chewing Tobacco 35c
Ilattlo Ax 35c
Nowsboy Tobacco 35a
Dull Durham Smoking Tobacco 50c
Duke's Mlxtura 35c
Meerschaum Smoking Tobacco 35c
Uncle Tom Smoking Tobacco 35c
Old Stylo Smoking Tobacco 25c
Mall I'ouch, per package 9c
China Dept.
Odds nnd end of Dinner, Tea and Toilet
Sets, French nnd (lerinnii China, Porcelain,
arnnltc, etc., etc; 1,000 of pieces In 100
different decorations nnd styles, Cups ami
Saucers, Plates, Platters, Howls, Soups,
llakers, Sauco Iloats, Vegetable Dishes,
Sugar Howls, Plcklo, Cako Plates, etc.
etc. Somo of theso nrtlclcs would sell
readily for from $1.00 to $1.50. Nothing In
tho wholo lot would sell for less than
P5c. Wo will sell tho wholo lot nt 10c
Silks. Velvets and Corduroys
All our 75c nnd $1.00 black silks, at 49c.
All our 75c nnd. $1.00 fancy silks, at 39c.
Silk rcmntints nt all prices.
All our 60c and 75c velvets, at 15c
All our 5c corduroy at 29c.
French Flannel and Ghallis
All our strictly all wool French flannols,
worth 76a yard, In dots and email figures,
will go at 25c yard.
All our lino Imported challls, that ws
sold In tho bargain room at 60c, go at 25c
WIDE, AT 5c.
All our yard wldo Imitation French flan
nols, to close, worth 19c, nt 6c.
All our yard wldo remnants of outing
flannel, worth 1214c, at 5c.
All our remnants of 16 o and 19o percales,
will go at 5c.
All our fine prints, remnants, will go at
All our 6c apron ginghams, 374c.
All our 10c Shaker flannel, 5c.
An all day tale on blankets, comforts, etc.
at about half their regular value
Boys' Clothing.
Hoys' $2.50 2-plcco suits, at !5c.
Roys' $3.50 2-plcco Hulls, at $1.60.
Hoys' $5 3-piece sultB, at $1.95.
Boys' 75c corduroy pants, at 25c
Boys' 75c nil wool pants, at 35c.
Boys' $1.00 all wool Hants, nt 60c.
Boys' $2.50 long pants, at 95c,
$1.00 Laces at 25c.
Wo aro cleaning up our laco stock. A
beautiful solectlon of Orientals, point do
Vonlco nnd silk nppllquo lace, worth up to
$1.00, at 25o yard.
An elegant lino of Oriental laces; fine,
dainty effects, for 16c.
A beautiful now lino of ladles' fancy tics,
tho Automobiles, regular prlco 60c, on ealo
at 25c.
Wo offer special for Saturday a full lino
of 60c handbags, purses, chatelaines' and
ladles' bolts at 25c.
Just received a new lino of beltings, In
satin folds, at 25c to 39c per yard.
AllCopyright Books
will bo sold at ono-thlrd off. This means
nil tho lato books at $1.00. No reserve.
Boys' $1.50 all wool fancy striped sweat
ers at 9Sc.
All tho men's fancy suspondors that sold
up to $2.50 on sale at 98c.
All tho men's fancy mufflers that sold up
to $1.60 on sale at 49c.
All tho men's neckwear that sold for
50c on salo at 25c.
Odds and Ends Clothing Sale
Cuts In prices on all men's finest suits
and ovorcbats of from 25 to 40 per cont.
Spcclnl aalcs Saturday on odd coats and
vests and odd pants.
The Hand That
Rocks the Cradle
needs a -tonic and doctors will tell you
that thcro is no better tonic for nursing
mothers than a good, pure beer. If yon
ubo tho Motz beer you havo tho BEST and
PUREST beer that's made. Wo deliver It
In cases of 2 dozen pints or quarts.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.
Tel, 111), Omaha.
Or Jacob Ncumayer, Agt., care Neumayer
Hotel, council Jiiuna, iowa.
Better than Imported.
Cook's Imperial
Delicious Invigorating harmteaa.
Absolutely pure.
A Few Words
But They Mean Everything.
Tho selling capacity of this storo is the power by which
wo control and distribute bargains throughout this, city
and the great west..
A fresh, clean line of men's and women's furnishing
goods, such as we will offer for today's selling, are well
worthy of your keenest inspection.
Men's Night Shirts Women's Hose
Mado of heavy plain whlto twilled
nnd fancy trimmed muslin, full bIzcs,
well finished, garments
that aro well worth
C5c to 75c, for
Men's Night Shirts
Mado of good quality fancy colored
outing flannel, full lengths, In plaids,
stripes and solid colors, -g
excellent values, I fill
50c, 75c and a . wv-r
Men's Stockinette
In many styles nud qualities, an ex
cellent coat fur neatness, comfort
and durability, they como In single
nnd doublo
breasted, prices
$4.50, $3.50 nnd ..
The Equitable
Life Assurance Society
Of the United States.
Preliminary Statement, Jan. 1st, 1902.
Outstanding Assurance , !?l,175,00j,000
Income, 03,000,000
New Assurance Issued 4 210,000,000
Assets, 330,000,000
Assurance Fund and nil other Liabilities.) a 200,000,000
Surplus,.. , , 70,000,000
A Substantial Increase over the previous year is shown in ALL
of the foregoing items.
James W. Alexander, President.
James PI, Hyde, Vice-President. '
H, D, NEELY, Mgr. for Nebraska,
Merchants National Rank, Omaha.
If you don't need a GirPs Coat,
'Twould bo folly to buy ono nt nny prlco, but If you havo any uso for them
you'll mako a mlstako If you fall to soo tho ones wo aro closing out nt less
than coat Uaby bonnets, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 values to close, $1.00. Baby drcssos,
valuos you'll apprcclaato at COc up. Spoclal attention given to making " up
children's artistic gowns -at our usual moderate prices. Of courso wo're bead,
quarters for boys suits, ovorcoats, reefers and furnishing goods.
JiLLiiuiuan jj
Talker Altll
PHYSICIAN'S M). 1 1'rliM- r.Oo.
For throat- protected stem; water or oil.
Tulcphouo 150.
ltlth nntl Kiiriiinii Street.
Dealers In all kinds of Ilubber Goods.
You can always depend on Retting tho
gcnulno nrtlclu at our store. It makes no
difference whother It Is a doctor's pre
scription, a patent medlclno, or Extract of
IJccf, You cannot buy Renulno KXTItACT
OF nl3K, at prices quoted by otbors. Our
prices aro:
I.elblg Kxtract of lleef, 2-oz 45c
Armour's Kxtract of Ilocf, 2-oz -lUo
Cudahy's Kxtract of lleef, 2-oz 40o
Swift's Kxtract of Hoof, 2-oz 4Qo
Valentine's Meat Julca 8So
Wyeth's Meat Juice 75o
Theso are gonulno Roods. IMITATIONS
can bo bouRht for $1.25 a dozen. We havo
14tk sad Uuuglai J la.
Good quality fast black senmlpss cot
ton hose, full 8lic and shape, hose
thnt nro wolt worth and advertised
in other stores -fl S
for 15c and 20c, lvfC
aro hero for
; Women's Hose
Mndo of nno quality thirty gaugo
maco cotton, full fashioned toot with
elastic tops, gunrauteed fast black,
regular 35c quality,
and well worth
tho money, for ....
Wo wish to cnll cvotr mother's at
tention to this particular branch of
our hosiery department, as wo havo
nn exceptional good
Infants' woolen
Uoso for ...
Opp. Orhrd TUfcalat
They must bo so.
If not stamped on tho Ilnlnv they
aro not
Consequently tho roason Is plnln why
your "Just ns Rood" Shoes hurt your
Sorosis' prlco never chaiiRca, $3.W
always. All weights, from tho wafer
nolo to tho doublo extenstorts for struot
r- III .uuriii.
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
iRend for Catalogue.