Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Froipictir Opening of Rcsibid BeitrTititi
fltoMitht Rd.
dinner nt .Now I'lrld of 1 1 ti 1 1 1 c It.
uIIm In Their ItriirrrumliiK the
Map of I Ik- Kilrnnluii
i Course.
OfTlclnls of the Northwestern system have
recently lenrnod something that cau,cs
them to think still more highly of their ex
tension of the Treraont, Klkhorn & Mis
lourl Vnlley rallrond from Verdigris Into
Doyd county and to plan a slightly different
future for thLs line. Two weeks ago it
leaked out that the government would
shortly open up a portion of the ncfebud
Indian reservation, just north of lloyd and
Keya Paha counties and ncros! the line In
Bouth Dakota. Inquiry was at onco made
of Clem Deaver nt tho O'Neill land office,
through which agency this will be done,
and tho answer v,ss that tho order was not
yet formally Issued, but that It would prob
ably take effect sion.
This means that nhout 160 square miles
of tho flncflt of farm land will bo open soon
for settlers and plans In tho Verdigris
extension have been conditionally altered to
allow for this. Tho primary Intention of
tho Northwestern ofllcluls was to reach
Into the rich farm lands of lloyd county, In
which every quarter-section has a settler
and whoro the best corn In Nebraska was
raised last season. To that end surveyors,
under tho direction of General Manager
Dldwell of tho Fremont, Elkhorn & Mis
souri Vnlley rallroud, huvo been pushing
tho lino Into tho county lengthwise, ubout
directly westward. Mr. Dldwell returned
from tho sceno of tho work lust Tuesday
Arc Well Into llnjil Count)'.
"Tho men are now about forty miles from
the Btartlng point, Verdigris," said ho, "und
are now spreading out Into tho country
along two branching linen. Onu goes on
westward toward Utltto, the other reaches
more to tho north. Thee are both merely
tentative fcolcru, the object being to chocsu
which Is tho bcBt routo for tho extension
This "fcclor" to tho northwest li tho one
which Is reuch'ng straight toward tho
reservation, or taut part of It which Is to
bo opened. This la the cast end, compris
ing iilmoht tho wholo of Gregory county.
South Dakota. Meyer und Tripp counties
constttuto tho remainder of tho reservation.
This (Jregory county portion Ib a sort of
Jog or tall pleco ut the cast end of tlio
reservation, being smaller In ttlzo than tho
remainder, which Is uniform. By tho time
tho government opens 11 tho Klkhorn will
havo n lino surveyed there, with construc
tion In sight. Tho country thoro Is of tho
ramo nnturo as that In lloyd county. Just
south, and tho road will continue along the
snmo creek it has been following,
llrliluc Mtc In .Selected.
Mr. Hldwoll had moro now Information
concerning tho extension. "Wo havo the
two ends of tho brldgo wo must build across
tho Niobrara river located," said ho, "and
tho structuro will bo about 1,000 feet long:
Thcro Is nothing new from Chicago as to
tho final terminus of tho extension, but the
surveyors aro working ulaug these two
branches every duy,
"Up at Dcadwood, meanwhile, tho cold
weather retarded tho work on tho new lino
to Lead City somewhat, but wo aro rushing
It now, and there Is mill hope that we will
finish tho 'grading by February 1. Tho men
aro working night and day, no mo 300 strong,
and using Immense keroseno tamos at night,
Tho light is sultlclent for them to do all the
necessary blasting, digging and hauling."
"Wether .Mini See queer I'ciriniit Ioiik
tturroiiiiiMiiic It mi (lie llln
loriu lltilltln '.
Tho locnl otllco of tho weather bureau
eccs nothing to ludlcato nn Immediate ver
ification of tho uun dogs which wcro ob
served Christmas day and which aro ac
cepted by barnyard prognostlcutors ns cer
tain forcrunnerti of h storm.
Tho sun dogs wero preceded by moon
dogs or parasolonao, which had never be
fore been observed from this olllco, but
which wore plainly visible, nt 7 o'clock that
morning. Tho paraselrnao of tho moon be
long to tho samo "dog" family ns tho par
helia of tho huh, which latter nro somo
times referred to ns mock sunB bocnuse ot
tholr form and strong radtanco. They are
said to bo duo to tho refraction of light In
minute lco crystals suspended In air, and
the experienced cyo can detect In them, be
ginning at the ulde nearest tho sun, red,
orauge, yellow, green, Indigo blue and violet,
which are the colors of tho rainbow.
Christmas morning disclosed other un
usual astronomical conditions, it is told at
tho weather olllco, for when tho moon was
Htlll 10 dogieea above tho horizon a coronal
arch was clearly defined 5 degroes above It,
and from Its undorsldo u shaft of clear,
whlto light extended downward 5 dogrees,
or half way from tho orb to tho earth, as
uhono tho star ot Ucthlchum bo many cen
turies ugo.
fti.OO tor n Half u "A'nrk.
It you live In tho country or In a small
town and havo a good acquaintance among
tho farmers and stockralscrs In tho neigh
borhood, you can raako JS.00 easily by four
or five hours' work. Wrlto uh and we will
end you our proposition. Tho Dee Publish
ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Nub.
Ai'l vJPI UJ jr yUALI 1 I
our prices nro the lowest nnd our stock th
to nrovo it- alil thnt'H another thlmr.
comparing our stock with others.
jewcieri ana Art
Stati oners
Mall orders given careful attention. Seleo
Uon paclcages aunt to responsible parties.
Handsome Ebony Sots
sterling silver mountings, wortli 5 for $H.3S; ;.50 sots
for !?2,r0.
Sots of comb nnd brush, military brushes in cases,
toilet sets in leather, traveling eases, picture frames,
fancy boxes, shaving mirrors and ha ml. mirrors, bottles
of perfumes, writing paper, dressed dolls, all sizes, large
nnd small all sold at a reduction of from 25 to 50 per
cent of original price.
ioo NAiii:sri:oi'i.H WAXTnn,
Mcri. ,1, I,, llrmiilcl it Stum llritilrr
the Spi-vIpo of IOO Ailil 1 1 lotuil
WANTKD Thoroughly experienced and
competent ralespcoplo In every department
of our establishment. Six first-class dress
goods salesmen nro required. Apply Fri
day ut 5 p. in. 1IOSTON STOKK, Omaha.
J. L. Drandeis & Sons.
Con iicllim-n Visit Dip I. mill In He
TriiiKfrrrpil Ity I'm Ion I'nolllu
Cll) Cunt met,
Tho counrll met ns n general committee
yesterday to consider the proposed con
traet with tho Union Pacific. W. It. Kelly
and K. S. Snyro appeared before tho com
mittee to represent tho Union 1'acltlc and
City Attorney Connell explained tho con
tract from tho city's standpoint.
After reviewing the legal controversies
which will be settled In case the council
passes tho ordinance containing tho provi
sions of tno .contract, Mr. Kelly said that It
Is the purpose ot the Union Pacific to begin
the erection ot new shops ns soon as It se
cures tltlo to the streets anJ other property
which aro Included In tl". contract. Ho
stated that tho present shops will bo en
tirely reconstructed nnd that now structures
will be erected north of tho present build
ings. Ho said that It Is tho purpose ot tho
company to erect a great power house on
Nlcholns street, Just oust ot Eleventh
Plats wero laid before tho counctlmen
which phowed the location of tho property
which Is to ehnngo bunds under tho terms
of tho contract and City Engineer Hos
wutcr pointed out where tho sewers which
uro to bo constructed through tho Union
Pacific's land will be located.
Tho touucllmcti expressed a desire to be
shown over nil the property that Is to
change hands beforo taking any action on
the ordinance. At 3 o'clock In the afternoon
tho members of tho council and representa
Uvea ot the railroad company started on a
tour ot Inspection,
AiiiiiMiiiei-iiiciitn of (lie Thpntprs.
Tho excellence of tho week's show nt tho
Orpheum has been a notnble nnd pleasing
feature ot tho gaiety attending tho holiday
season, a fact emphasized by big houses.
Tho trick and fancy bicycle stunt of tho six
Kaufmans Is a tremendous hit nnd has
created much tnlk; Eddie Olrard with his
eccentricities and Jesslo flardnor In "Tho
Soubrctte and tho Cop." Tho Onllaw trio
nro nlso scoring heavily. Annetto Mooro.
the beautiful soprano and the other number
nro also well received. Matinee and even
ing performances tomorrow will closo tho
engagement. Will M. Cresscy and Dlanch
Dayne In a new sketch entitled "The Vil
lage Lawyer," and Zaro, tho wonder of
Jugglers, eomo next week.
"A Thoroughbred Tramp," Klmer Wal
ters' latest scenic comedy melodrama,
opens at Doyd's tonight for an engagement
tbnt will terminate with tho week. Sunday
afternoon nnd night tho farce, "Papa's
Uaby," will be seen nt this theater.
iioMiisuKKiais' nxcimsioxs.
Vlii Hock Inland Iloute.
On January 7 nnd 14, February i nnd IS
the Rock Island route will sell tickets at
one regular first-class faro plus $2 for tho
round trip to points In western and south
ern Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory,
Texas and certain points in New Mexico,
Arizona, Colorado and Utah. City ticket
office, 1323 Farmun street.
To Central Amcrlen.
Leave Omaha January 12tb, via St. Ixmls,
New Orleans, Puerto Darrlos, Guatemala
City, San Jose, returning In time for Mnrdt
Qras in New Orleans. For rates and all
Information, Call or write W. II. Green,
Doom 405, New York Life Building, Omaha,
Iletour Itoiitrn Arc A1vii-k Tcilloim.
Why travel to California or Oregon In
winter over any other than direct routes?
Passengers leaving Oraalm for Portland
or San FrunclBco can reach their destina
tion fifteen hours soonor tluui If they trav
eled any other wny, betides avoiding tho
discomforts of winter nnd extra cxponsos
Incident to a long Journoy enroute.
hnn tho best of everything.
Pullman palace sleepers, buffet smoking
and library cars, ordinary (tourist) cars,
Pullman dining cars, meals a la Carte, free
rocllntng chair cars, Plutsch light, steam
beat, etc.
City ticket office 1324 Farnam; 'phone 316.
A' In Hock Ialnml Ituute.
On December 24, 25, 31, 1901, and January
1, 100.', the Hock Island routo will sell tick
ets to points within a dlstanco of 200 miles
for one and one-third fare, return limit
January 2. City ticket office, 1323 Farnam
Bend articles ot incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Be.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 23S.
BCFIULTZ Kill Ilnnsen, December 24, ngo
Ifl years.
Funeral Friday afternoon nt 2 o'clock
from rcHldenro, 2000 I'oppleton nvenue. In
terment in Laurel Hill cemetery. Friends
13KACON John, nged fi3 years, nt Annmosa,
la., former resldcnco 2208 Harney street.
Services will bo held Satunlny morning,
51 o'clock, from St. Peter's.
Wo make Htrong claims for tho quality of
,ur diamonds. Wo repeatedly assert that
o largest. An assertion Is easily made, bur'
you can seo tho proof of It any duy by
& Ryan Co.,
Mrs. J. Benson
Big Reductions
in Price of
Holiday Goods
in brush, comb nnd mirror,
Latter frtm Biptrristaf Arohittct ii lt
ftrd U Fdrtl Bnildiig.
.Sufiprliitpnilpiit .Mureloek Token Letter
nn Indication (hill Congress Will
AIIimv Additional Appropriation
Ankril li Kctintnr Mlllnrd.
From the supervising architect at Wash
ington comes a letter that seems to Indi
cate tho success of Senator Millard In his
effort to have tho west or Seventeenth
street sldo of tho federal building made to
correspond In dimensions and general ap
pearance with the Sixteenth Btrcet front.
The letter suggests that the contractor
proceed no further In the execution of the
present plans because of tho probable fa
vorable action of congresfl on the senator's
bill for nn extra appropriation with which
to complete It on the new lines.
Charles V. Murdoch, superintendent of
construction, considers such a letter al
most certain proof that tho npproprlatlon
will bo forthcoming and tho workmen will
hereafter confine their cffor to pomplet
Ing the extensions of the north nnd south
wings, which nro nbout ready to bo roofed.
The part affected by tho Millard plan Is
what la known ns tho center bay, extending
103 feet from ono wing to tho other and
thirty feet wide. Its projected height was
one story of twenty-two feet nnd tho steel
structure was already raised for It beforo
Washington negotiations had progressed far
enough to Justify Mr. Murdock In switch
ing the gnng to other parts, which ho did
some dnys ago under protest from tho con
tractor. To mnko It correspond with the
rest of tho building this part will havo to
be raised to seventy feet, atono work meas
urement, nnd that means tho removal of such
stcd as 1 already In place and now work
from tho foundation up. Mr. Murdock says
that the execution of audi plans will ro
qulro nbout $150,000, and that tho amount
now In tho hands of tho Washington nrchl
tect for tho building Is about 183,000, or
$ 15,000 less than wns supposed by Senator
Milliard when ho first decided that tho fu
ture requirements of tho building would
Justify Its being raised to full height nnd
given a moro elaborate front on tho Seven
teenth street side.
Shampooing and hair urcsalnk, SSt. In
connection with tho Uathory, 210-220 Be
building. Telephone 1710
Harrison &. Morton offer a great bargain
In Hanscom Place. Sco them.
Publish your legal notices In the Weekly
Dee. Telephone 23S.
Piano Prices
Gut Lower Than Ever.
Wo nro determined to closo out our
entire atock of 1001 styles beforo Jnn
uary 1st and uro now offering tho
greatest plauo values ever attempted,
llemembcr our stock Is clean, dry and
up-to-dato not damaged by fire,
Bmoke or water.
Beautiful now upright pianos
148, ll!N, WJi and uivnrd.
Ueed upright pianos
IfSS, ifltn, 105 nnil niiirnril.
Square pianos nnd organs
915, f 18, $-3 mill nnrrnril.
Chickering upright, good
condition, only vA td
New Stelnway,
Vose, Steger,
Emerson, Steck,
A. B. Chase,
Mason and Hamlin
pianos sold for cash and on easy pay
ments. 100 now pianos for rent, $3,
$4 and 5 per month.
For catalogues, prices nnd further
particulars call on or wrlto
Schmoller &
Representatives for
Stelnway Pianos
and Sclf
Playlng Pianolas.
i:ii:i Fnrii ii in St., Omahn.
Telephone 1625.
HO Ilrnmlmiy, Council niufTH.
Telephone 3C3.
Sale Starts Today
Up to the present tlmo they wore busy at
tho Guarantee selllnir nut sain tn nnh nut
suits and overcoats, and very llttlo atten
tion nas occn paid to tne gottlng rid of
pants. In looking over tho stock thcro
wero found lots of pants loft from suits
where tho coats and vcBts had been sold.
They wero all graded and will bo on salo
commencing this morning, nt 48c, 69c,
98c, 11.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.90, $2.50, $3.00 and
$3.50. Every pair will bo chaper than you
can buy fame quality and make elsewhere.
Thore Is also still on salo a lot of men's
Butts at $3.98, $5.00, $7.60 and $8.60 tho
$8.50 suit Is mado of heavv all wool blue
serge, lined with silk lining. Overcoats run
$2.35 for sack overcoats, $3.75 for storm ul
sters, nnd better ones for $5.00, $5.75, $7.60.
Thoro nro also on sale cotton flannel mitts,
6c pair; Scotch wool gloves, 15c a pair,
fleoced undorwear, 25c n garment; rubbers,
25c n pair; wool socks, ono dime-; umbrellas,
25o each; mens and boys' caps, eholco, 19c;
Elsondrath's gauntlet glavos, lined or un
lined, 73c, etc., nt the Ouaranteo Clothing
Co., 1616-18 Capitol avenue, closo to Den
nett's old place.
P. S, If you live out of town or If you
live tn town, but far nway from our Btore,
drop us a postal card with your address and
wo will Bond you by mall n sample of tho
best $1.25 hair line cnsslmero pants you
over saw for that prlco.
No Nonsense
hut plain factH, backed up by tho price of
each bottle; wo mcun und will do just what
we Biiy-lf ynu have dandruff, nnd your hnlr
s thin and falling out. try this remedy and
If It doen not anlhllnte your daiulruff and
stop your hair trorn falling, bring back th
empty bottle, get your 7uc and no quei
Hons Hsked. Vo aro not new peonln. .
pounding the virtues of Home folio, but
have been and aro going to stay right hero
on this old l corner for SOME TIMli. Ask
Kmma Hoffman about I'AIUSIAN HA I it
nt 3357 South 29th street. Omaha.' Hhe lad
dandruff anil her hair was falling out badlv
She used Parisian Hair Tonic and Dan:
druff Cure, lens than a week nnd Is io
pleased with tho remilt that hIio net t uh
word by her rather who Is u well known
carpenter of this city-John J. Hoffn
many people know hlm-usk him nbout "t
Itegulur price $1.00, our cut prlco 7Du but-
Hut Prlco
Unlit Ntnrr,
Tel. 7t7 H. W Cor. llllli uuil Clileiitfo,
Uoods delivered I'HUIi to any part of. city,
Insurance Go's,
100 Experienced Salesmen
and Salesladies
IVunti'il, thoroiiulil 'oniM-(eu( mill
rxit"rl,nt,ril miiIinM'iiIi In evi'i'y il
piirtiiitMit of our esliilillMliiiienl. Slv
llrM-i'liiNN ilri'i khiiiIm Hit Ii-niihmi are
rcqulri-il. APPLY I'ltlDW AT . n. m.
I. I,. Ilrinnlflx A Minn.
Now would be n good tlmo to leave your wntch with
uh und have It put In order. W still have n nice line
of yriitchcti. illumondH, Jewelry and cut glaiw, miltuhlu
ror New Yearn gifts. .Spend n low inlnutea at our
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
151(1 l)oula5 St
nir fiucftftfl ?Rtimm r&'
We sell our celebrated ICK OUHAM
SODA every day In tho year nlso N')
or more no' unci uum uriniin mm uw
tl. I. ....... I.'.. I (1VVV LVSl
OtlUKN hikIii fonntnln. t'omo In and ti.
lot uh quench your thlrnt. I
$1.50 Vln Murlanl, wo sell Se
60c Omega OH, v.'.i sell e
$1.00 Teniptntlon Tonlu 23c
(Two (2) bottles only to n customer i
Full quart Port or Sherry S'C
Pears I'nsccnted Soap -c
Kirk's Juvenile Soap, per cake mc
Imported Hunyadl Vnter
Allcock's Porous PhiHtern 'j!1'
Good 2-qunrt Kountuln Syringe Ue
lirlng money and get above pricen.
ICnstorla ;f
Mennen Tnlcuni Powder l.'e
Peruna ,V
Llsterlno (Jl size) o'Jc
lirlng money to get tlieto prlceH.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
"The Drug Store on tho Corner '
It litis no ciiiial In nil Urn
iiirdluin prluwl conls of
this market.
KEggSiMS:.... $5.75
Nut Size.
Per Ton
C. B. Havens & Con
1522 farnam Si.
Tels, 301317823.
We have just what you
want for Christmas.
Nothlnc elves moro rilensuirr In after
year" thnn a picture of tho mrlsimus A
H iiiui iiik.
Get u Camera or Kodak, nnd take a
picture tho pi ices aro now within the.
reach of nil.
A beautiful folding Cnmera, nlzo
1x5 with cine, only J'5.60
A No 2 Hrownlo (KaMmnm, $1 '
All othei'H nt loweat prlceH. 'ull nnd
see uh before completing your ''lirmt
miiH list.
1215 FitrimiM Struit.
Wholesale nnd Ilctnll Doalers In
Photo Material.
ii'J?T1 LfiV
Not Influenced
No variations of trade, mnrkot or
Fcason cnr. affect tho price of Sorosls
Shoe It In never advanced nnd Its
small murgin of profit ndmlts of no
The best
Shoe for Women.
All tho varieties of this relebrnted
ready-to-wear shoo nlways at this
uniform price
$3.50 Per Pair,
203 S. 15th St.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.
.Send for Catalogue.
Hend us nn order for n ton of our JUPITKH
COAI. and Innugurnto a now departure 'in
your domestic economy. Ynu will vave
time, troliblo and expense, which will cer
tainly mnko you happy. This coal comes
from tho rirhont mines In Illinois.
$5.75A TON
Haid & Rice,
Tel. 12158. 500 Ho. Kith St.
If you havo poor health you can only
blame yourtelf- -it Is caused from constipa
tion. 11 er eomplalnt and your kidneys
this enn bo brought about In many ways
one from neglect, tho other by taking all
kinds of mcdleine pills nnd so-called laxa
tlvin nnd cure-alls. What you need Is a
llttlo advice; quit taking all kinds of
medicine nt tho beginning of slrknejs, It
matters not whnt Kind bo It, tho beginning
Is constipation nnd alvlno poison. No ono
can deny this statement doctor, chemist,
druggist Shradcr's Tig Powdor Is today
the only medicine that removes nlvino
poison A teaspoonful In n glass if wator
If )n doubt, try It Sold in lOn and 25c
boxes-calendar freo with eiu-h box.
W. J. Shrader Medicine Co.,
Sew York ftnom 10. No 30 Knit UU 3u
r iw: .N. SitU at.. Omaha. Neb.
ill Q-
75 he Remaining
Between now and inventory mean muck to
the public. Busy hands are working to put
in shape the many things eft unfolded over
"Get even dozens of each article together'
is the instruction from the head men.
There's many a good thing finds its way
to the pruning process because there isn't
enough to make a dozen of.
Cojne at once, if there's anything in the
wearing line needed. Each department of
fers you bargains that you cant resist if
yote're economically inclined,
This lot includes n special import line worth from 25c to 35c,
on sale, Friday at fie and Te.
The Bargain Room Re-Opens with Startling
The toys have been closed out and a small army of clerks have
been busy carrying tremendous lots of dress goods, silks, linens,
muslins, wash goods, notions and furnishing goods to the bar
gain room. Every counter, shelf ami case is loaded down with
the most stylish merchandise in America, and Friday the
The l?ig .Store never carries over n dollar's worth of goods, and
prices have been slashed mercilessly to make quick sales.
January 1st, inventory must be taken and it is necessary to get
stocks down to absolutely the lowest possible figure before that
DJSIC. We cannot invoice small or broken lots, odds and ends,
broken sizes, etc., and will put them all on sale in the HAKGAIN
ROOM at about one-tenth their value. Market conditions make
it imprudent at this season to carry heavy -stocks, as ready cash
can secure most tempting bargains from anxious manufacturers.
THE BIG STORE fully realizes these conditions and to
meet them has adopted the most radical measures, letting down
the prices in every department upon its grand assortments of
choicest and most desirable gotxls without regard to value.
Omaha has never known such a .sale as begins here Friday.
ROOM we will put on special sale for Friday only and in the
bargain room only several large lots of dress goods, furnishings,
muslins and silks at the most ridiculously ami sensationally .low
prices Omaha bargain hunters have ever known. Come in and
look for these Friday.
A Few Grocery Specials
Corn meal, Lfic sack; oat meal, -lc lb.; rye Hour, fific sack;
navy beans, 0 lbs. for 2fic; graham Hour, 2fic sack; good country
butter, V2h
lift I ULllS Just as You Expected
--We mean the wise, economical woman
who waited until after Christmas. There is
little need to dwell at length upon the ad
vantages offered you in this after-Christmas
sale. You all know the number of manufac
turers' stocks of women's coats, suits, skirts
and waists that we purchased for this de
partment since November I, naturally leav
ing us with a tremendous stock of women's
garments on hand at the present time.
NEWEST STYLES, made by the very best
manufacturers. The event which thousands
anticipate each year with keenest interest
Friday Morning at 8 O'clock Sharp
Wo will put on sale on tho east sldo of
our Immense cloak department 212 women's
tnllnr-rnado suits ns shown In our window,
somo silk lined throiiKhout, all tho very
host materials, mado In blouse, Norfolk,
cton nnd doublo-brensted; somo elaborately
trimmed, copies of ladles' Imported mod
els; they nro on accumulation of nil our
suits that sold from $lf to ?3o; wo want
to make this tho greatest suit sale over
known In Omaha and
the prlco In this fnlo -fill
bo only ;
1.2U. women's skirts, both rainy day nnd
dress skirts, silks, serges anil cheviots ami
plnln broadcloths; tho bandHomeat Huo wo
lay anil
ots and
lluo wo
havo ever shown; Friday
morning nt 8 o'clock they go
on nolo nt Ilayden's' for
150 rainy day sklrtH, nicely mndo and
o nnd
n dark
elf nnil
trimmed with entln bandn, made In dark
browns and grays; seo thorn yourself and
you will say they nro
the best values In tho
world for
100 dor. women's underskirts, mado of ex
do of ex-
cellent porcnllne, a regulnr
1 1 .00 skirt, during thin
snlo only. .
l"ii women s box coats. 27 llic lies long all
our fine garments, Intituling tho n.implu
numbers that sold nt tU,
$18 nnd J2o, your choice
275 women's coats, mndo of fine kerseys,
silk lined, trimmed with
straps of snmo materlnl,
formerly ts.f.0, for
200 children's cloaks, sold
formerly ns high as $,
your choice for
Women's rnglnns that fold
up tn tC nud fS,
on sale ut
Women's automobile onts,
mnde elcgnnt kerseys,
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100 doz women's flannel waists
thin sold up as high ns
$1 iiO. on sale for
200 women's fln Imported
Kronen flnnnol waists, Jj
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tl 25 qiml"y,