Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Ittck Excatif 11 Zrightin Oitinf to Priii
deit'i 'Miiugi.
rhrrr l .n Pro. pert f .Mrlniieno.v
in Srrr VnrU Volume nf
llaslliess I" Mill
LONDON. Dec. f,.-The outlook on the
Slock rxch-nge was. somewhat ''Rnter
during the. tnit week. owIiik to the rws
sage irom President Roosevelt, the speech
ot the prince of Wales an; t "nXe,n
cdly heavy captures In South Africa Ih'so
latter alio helped the market for mining
shares Bnd Knfllrs rose s Ight y on In
definite predictions of the termination of
the South Afrlciin war.
The money situation ,"' '''? !0ft
and there whs no prospect of sir Jngciuj In
New York. Paris ami tondon bills, whom
the first of January the customary each
returns from tho monetary renter.,
tromleo easy money for several ekj to
tome. It Is thought thin P1 sUt a
tlon. combined with tho present oif prion
of all stocks, will stimulate both Invest
ment and speculation.
Vol nine of llnslnrnn Limited.
The volume of business to dHto Is still
limited, American securities weic lethal;
gle, In spite of tlm Improvement of Wall
street. Home rails had a brlBhter outlook
on Improved traffic reports an'l the prom
ises of the directors to Increase economies
as well as the rfllclcncy of the roads dur
ing the comlnK year,
The silver situation Is still critical, al
though sliver has recovered slightly from
Its lowest quotations. Thn filluro of sliver
Is said to depend entirely upon whether the
t'nlted States refrains from pressing fur
ther sales. ......
Consols strengthened considerably, during
the week on the report that tho next gov
rnmiit loan would take tho shape, of
Transvaal 3 per cents, guaranteed by the
Hrltl'h government.
xtrnnn nasi- C.len In llsn Tend
ency hy IJontlnnetl Prosperity
nit t.nrge Earnings.
NK,1V YORK, pec. S. (Special.) Henry
Clews of tho banking house of Henry Clows
& Co. In his weekly letter says:
The -Wall street situation Is practically
unchanged. On the one side we sec Mocks
powerfully concentrated In few hands anil
At attempt made to raise values to a still
higher level by means of various deals, bj
encouraging easy money and by other
artifices best known to skilful manlpila
tors, Continued prosperity and large rail
road earnings liavo afforded a strong basis
for sunn a movement, and at the moment
thero are no signs of pronounced weak
ness, except the unsatisfactory develop
ments In Amalgamated Copper, which have
undoubtedly Imprded the efforts for a re
newed bull campaign, The large Interests
are unquestionably committed to the long
side of 'the market; they have stocks to
sell which the public are slow to buy unless
they see more certainty of profit than lias
beeu offered. Klmplc prosperity, some think,
has been amply discounted, and reliance Is
now often placed upon thn effects of deals
which promise to Increase the dividend ca
pacities nf certain securities. As a result
the market Is strong only In spots, and
weak spells are not Infrequent. Had tho
market been allowed to settle down last
summer to a lower level In nat.iral ro
tiponse to the unfavorable Incidents which
then occurred, we should have had a re
covery and activity during the last two
months which has been notably absent.
Tho public, has wisely kept aloof from ex
lenslvo commitments on the long side, con
fining Its activities to quick trailing; and
this Is likely to bo the safe courso for some
time to come, or until natural Inlluenccs
once more assert their sway.
The situation In some respects Is very re
markable. Never before wero stocks io
highly concentrated, and the steadying
Vower resulting from this processes highly
significant. Apparently tho powers In con
ittol arc able to hold tho market Impreg
nable against all ordinary assaults, and
while this situation lasts Judgment must
be directed accordingly. At the same time
slocks ate being slowly scattered, and tho
latge sums nf money seeking Investment
may enable the market leaders to success
fully lighten the'r burden If prosperity con
tinues sufficiently long, as some are bold
enough to believe it will, Hut the business
situation Is spotty. fSrcat activity Is ap
parent in the Iron trade, whero tho physical
revolution In railroad standards Is caus
ing an abnormal demand for Iron. Thero Is
also great prosperity In the coal trade, and
an active demand at profitable prices for
many artlclcH of food and clothing. Trices
for these are the highest In ten years, and
people are spending vastly more on
luxuries and commodities appealing to
aesthetic tastes than usual, Economy Is
the exception and extravagance the rule,
and how long this will continue no one
knows. Thero are signs of reaction which
only the blind will not see, anil they de
mand caution. Wo will soon begin to
visibly see the effect of thif corn crop fall
nre and the consequent loss of freight to
lines traversing the corn bell As a result
prkes of cattle feed have risen abnormally.
Another blow Is tho shrinkage In the cotton
crop, which miJHt adversely a fleet Im
portant sections of the south, High prices
and scarcity are not conducive to con
tinuous prosperity In spite of n delusion to
the contrary which some people entertain.
Still another unfavorable, feature has been
the declines In our exports, which, though
perhaps not permanent, Indicate a cessa
tion of the oxcesslve, trade balances which
have been a fruitful source of self-congratulation.
Our exports of copper de
clined about'hi during the first ten
months of 1001 and our exports of Iron
manufactures showed a loss of KM.oOO.COO In
the same period. Bilcli factors as these
cannot be Ignored. They arc signs of our
oeing at or near me top. mid cnmjnon
prudence dictates caution In transactions
entering Into the future.
Those who anticipated a "strenuous"
message from President Roosevelt were
disappoinieq, i ne president s llrst message
was a calm and conservative document,
entirely free of radical or demagogical
features. While his treatment of disputed
questions could not be expected to please
everybody, all agreed that his rrr.nmmeti.
datlons were strictly within .the limits of
safety. The financial community was
chiefly Interested In his utterances regard
ing trusts. Theso he treated In n frank.
Judicial and tcmpernte spirit, nnd his Ideas
upon publicity, neediest) to say. met with'
unlvrmal approval, If such legislation as
ho siggests were now force Wall street
would be free today from one of It wnr.t
uncertainties, and Amalgamated Copper
nuuei ii, v ir- nn; p ni'r'KUHl ill mc inarKCl
Many of the trust evils would lie eir.em.
rectlve under reasonable publicity Tho
prrsnu'iil ilinrrilll- eil mo ClirrenCV
question to his able secretary, Mr. Gage,
who treats this Important problem with
unusual force and clearness in his annual
report. There Is no domestic question of
greater Importance for congress to wrestlo
with than this one. The country needs u.
clentlflc and automatic currency system In
keeping with modern progress. The change
can best bo made under prosperous condi
tions. When reaction sots In and credit
contracts, prejudice and Ignorance will be
more difficult to overcome than now. Mr.
Gage's remarks on the currency should he
thoughtfully read by ever woll-wlsher of
his country.
The president's message Is n pronounce
ment upon the great affairs of the day
which will meet with Instant nnd hearty
approval both at home and abroad, Its
eminent conservatism must dispel any ap
prehension of radical recommendations that
may perhaps have existed among a few
The president's attitude toward the vast
business Interests of the country Is nn
earnest of sound Judgment and thorough
understanding, Tho Interests of labor and
rapltal have allkn and equally been con
sidered, The policy of publicity In regard
.to the affair of so-called trusts Ik a very
snlitary recommendation, which must
carry with It the opinion of nil falr-mlndeil
men. TarlfT modification Is very wisely
routined principally to the Hook of reci
procity. In fact the entire message may he
aid to bo a guarantee of stability and har
mony in governmental and foreign nffalrs.
mnd henco a promise of continued pros,
purity. Tho executive and legislative
branches of the government. It Is quite
clear from the message, are to act in liar
niony, not discord, which Is a most gratify
ing assurance to tho business Interests of
the country.
Owing (n IrregularlUc. or Amrrlenii
Cotton Trade In l u
ettleri. MANCHESTER. Dec. S.-The doth rm.r
Vet was unsettled last week owing to Iho
Irregularities of American cotton. The
event of tho week was the low official et.
mate of the current crop In the United
States, which restricted operations in cloth,
There has been considerable discussion
ob int ccuon situation ana mucn diversity
of opinion The bulls are of th opinion
the ctop will not exceed lft.fio.oro bl.
while the bears tlrmlv believe It will
amount to in.&w.nno bales. It Is worths of
notice, that the stock of American cotton at
Liverpool and the quantity afloat of all
kinds exceeds the record for the same
period of If) by IS,rv boles and HS."0
bales, respectively.
Tho demand for cloth from China l
small and mainly restricted to sorting up.
The Indian demand was Irregular. Offer?
TXUL "J!'n,:,r"uL1V"t r,K I
me anvnnce in oouun.
A fair quantity of light prlntlnu and
bleaching cloths was placed with producers
who needed work. The markets of the
leant nnd South America were Inactive.
There as a willingness to biy nl the
price, nut traders were reluctant to follow
the advance, ,
It Is staled, however, that the Krazlllau
trade Is more hopeful. The position of
yarns was stronger. Snlnncrs refused to
do business except on tlie full advance of
cotton and buyers rarely obtained a reduc-
tier I Iti lloursr Mum Hull MuM'tneiit
In IliinteMlIc, lint foreign Kcnlcs
Arc In lleniiiiiil.
niHlMN. Dec. V The ImlilH.. did not
show n uniform tendeno during the last
week, wlillo there was u dull movement In
domestic shares nud Industrials were ex
Forrlmi tcnles rout Itiiiol to rise nnd
domestic banks likewise made further ad
vances. These latter were supported by
Vienna, while tho strong ileni nui'for rentes
etianicd tlie Hanks or Herlin advan
tageously to dispose or ineir holdings in
there, securities,
Iron and coal rhares continued strong
until Krld.iy, when a rcuclloti began. This
wns In response (o the renewed dismal
news from the producing centers, which
caused the falls in prices recorded on Fri
day and Saturday nnd which brought quo-
iniions trom to i points nciow uiose or
the previous week.
Tlie expected improvement In the iron
market as a result of the better tendency
of the bourse has been entirely disappoint
ing. Yesterday the Milesian iron companies
resolved upon a further reduction of wages
and during the week several furnaces were
reported as having blown out The only
support for Iron shares was In the cabled
reports from the I'nlted States,
Trifl snares of Oceanic sleamsli hi com
panies recehed a setback from the, mes
sage of President Itoosevelt lo congress.
They partially recovered, however, toward
tne end or tlie week. Herman loans were
tlrm nnd advancing slightly "-All the t
per icnt rentes" says the Frankfurter
Zeltung. "are eagerly bought by the banks
for their customers, owing to the convic
tion that the lime for I tier cent loans bus
in tins connection and since money ih o
easy a number of newspapers comment
upon the heavy return of Herman treasury
bills from New t ork. The National Zei-
tunc savn that American can tal s so
largely In demand by trusts and other
ilidcrtiiKings in'it it is unaiuo lo und per
manent Investment nbruid. The Vosslsche
cltimir says the hoastA.I assert on of t in
Americans that the I'nlted .States has de
veloped from a debtor to a creditor nation
will remain a long lime unfulfilled. Turk
ish rentes were wanted on demands from
l'o re Ik n I'lnnncliit.
MADItm, Dec. S.-The report of ' the
Hank of Spain for the week ended yester
day shows the following; Gold In hand,
increase, -.:.) pems; sliver in nanil, de
cre:.e. 3.:n0.iin0 pesetns; notes in circula
tion. Increase, 3,3SI.WJ pesetas. Tho cold
quotation yesterday was 31.IJ.
Condition nf Trndr nnd Unotntlons
on Stnplr nnd l'iiiie- Produce.
ROOS-necelpts. light: fresh stock, 21c.
LIVK POULTHY - liens, r He old
roosters, ,1H4c; turkeys, "tfiic; ducks and
geese, S'.hc; spring chickens, per lb,,
DlttfSHKD POIIIrrtY Turknvs. fiffifle:
ducks and geese. 7Sc; spring chickens,,
;fc'qnc; nens, i),t-5C.
IIUTTBH-Common to fair. 13't-c; choice
dairy. In tubs, 15W17c; sepnrator, 2;W2lc.
1'ltKHII I-'IHII Hlanc n.inr, lbc: whlto
buss, 10o; bluefigh, 12c; bullheads, 10c: blue
fins, 7e; buffaloes, 7c: catfish, 12c: cod, lie;
crnnples, 11c: halibut, 11c; herring, Tcr had
dock, IOcj pike, 10c: red snapper. lOr; sal
mon, 14c: stinnsh. Co: trout, Oc; whltctlsh,
So; iilckerol, 6c; fresh mackerol, each, Wf
OYST12HS Mediums, per can, 22c; Stand
ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can,
33c; New York counts, pel can. 4oo; bulk
Stnndards, per gal., $I,'ufil.25; bulk extra
selects, J.l.rVifi.Gj; bulk. New York counts,
per gal., $1.75.
PIOEONS-l,ive. per doz.. 60c.
VKALCholco. 6QSc.
THEK8 I to 6 feet, per doz.. $1.75; fi to
8 feet, per doz., J2.50; R to !) feet, per doz..
tt..'J; 10 to II feet, each, Jl.UOJl.M; 15 to 20
feet, i-ach, J2.IO04.00.
20 yards, per coll, II; evergreen wreaths.
12 Inches In diameter, per doz., $1.50; holly
wreaths. 12 Inches In diameter, per doz.. .',
HOLLY HHANC1IKB Per case of 50 lbs.,
$l.fj0; per bbl.. $2.
LONCi NKKDLK PINKS-l'er doz.. $2.V))7.
HAY' Prices quoted by Omaha Wholosala
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upl:ind,
$9.50; No. 2 upland, JS.F30; medium, $!; coarse.
$7.60. Hye siraw, $5, These prices are for
hay of good color and quality. Demand
COHN-Ncw, (J5c, old, li'ic.
OATS-Klc. r
roTATOKS-Homc grown. $t: northern,
i.iu; 1 1 iiKr, ii.w, uoioruuo, i.iv,
CAH HOTS Per hu 5c.
HKK'I S Per ij-hu. uasget, Sue.
TL'nNIPS Per bu,, 50c; Ilutabasja, per
1P0 lbs., $1.25.
CtKUJMUEIlS-Hothouse. per doz., M.25.
l.KTTUCE Head, per bbl., ii'Jl; hotnotiae
lettuee, per doz., 25
PARSLEY Per doz.. 23c.
IIAD1KHES Per doz.. 25c.
SWEET POTATOES-ltome grown, per
lb., 2iio; genuine Virginia, per no!., $3.50;
Kansas, per bbl., $3.
CAHHAOE Holland seed, crated, lv,c,
ONIONS Homo grown, tier lb.. 2'fl2Uc:
Spanish, per crate, $2; Michigan reds, iVjc
per in.
CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 'JVtjSSc;
NTAlirnnlfn nr lilllieh. TAGIVtn' I'nllfnrnln ,
NAVY REANS-rer hii., $2.15.
APPI.ES-Ren Davis, per bhl $4.00'a4.50;
wlneMips, $5; Jonathan, 5.50; Helleflowers,
per box, $l.i5.
PEARS-Vlkcrs, $2.25; Lawronce, $2.25
URAPES-Malagas. per keg. $o.iV"ijiJ.50.
CRAN HERRI US Per bbl., $7.30tS.CO; per
crate, $2.7o.
TllUr'lCAL. FRU1T8.
ORANCES-Fionuus, $))25'a3.60; California
navels, $.1.5043.75; budded, U.
LKMONS "Oticj, iS.WUu.ia; cllolce, ii.W
Q3.25. x
HANANAS Per bunch, according to ize.
FIOS California, now cartons, 70c; im
ported, per lb., 12ft He.
DATES Persian, In t-lli. boxes, per ib.,
50; Salrs, 5c.
Jl I Bf I'J I . I j A .X KU lj is.
NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 sofl
shell, per lb., 12c; hnrd shell, per lb., 12'jc;
jo. soitsneii, ne; imi, . nam sneu, iu;c;
liraills. ner Ib . lie: filberts, pee lb., ldoi
nlniouds, soft shell, 17c: liaril shell, J5c;
pecans, large, per lb 12e: small. 10c, cocoa
nuts, per cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c.
lliiMKV rer .'-seciion case,,
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3; New Vork,
HIDES No, 1 green, lie; No. 2 green, 6c,
No, 1 salted. 74c; No. 2 salted, flc; Nn. 1
veal ralf, S to 12'J lbs., !e; No. 2 veal calf.
12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, Sfi'lSo; sncep
pelts. 2M127c; horse hides, $1.5(j2.25,
SAUERKHAUT-Per ,i-bbl.; $3; per bbl..
Uvn porn ted Apple nnd Dried Kriilta.
APPLES The market ruled very quiet but
about steady, st'ite, common to good, ft'tf
84c, prime, WV; choice, IHifjS-'ic, fancy,
Itiictlve. Prunes. 3Vrt7c. Apricots. Royal,
lOffllc; Moor Park, mvijl.le. Penchcs,
peeled, J2W19CJ uupeeled, 71Hc
.lll,TiuUec tirnln .InrKct.
MILWAl'KEE, lee. 7.-WIIEAT-HlEher;
No, 1 northern, 7St7sso; No. 2 nortlicrn,
75Hfl7-.He: May. K2Sc
RYE-lllgher; No, 1. 3ie
HAHLEY Steady , No. 2, 62c; sample, 59
Pro mine nl Wedding.
Miss Helen Margaret Kelly, daughter of
tho late Edward Kelly and granddaughter
oi r.ugene ieny, was married to frank
GiHild Monday afternoon. Frank ,1. Ootilil
Is the yo ingest son of the Hte juy riould,
Miss Kelly is In her lth year and Is a
beautiful girl Sho and Mr. riould have
known each other Miico they were children,
Mlrs Kelly received n fortune from her
grunntainer and sue alo inherited an es
talc from her lute father. Her Income li
between $50.0irt nnd $100,000 a year. Frank
Could Is worth $lo.or,v, and ha an Income
oi tw,vw a year.
TJntquattd Eithiaiaim Hm Foimiion if
the Harktt.
large country demand for grain
( itiiiiiilssloti Monies Iteceltr II Ik Or
ders Hint Mum I nprecrilenleil
t oll for Wlicul nml Ivln-
dred t'erenls,
CIIHAOO, Dec. ?. Pandemonium broke
loose In grains today ami with it ti enthusi
asm that seldom If ever been equalled,
inirleii everything beiorc them. It mm
n wild day In inu pits, with wheal in
the le ml. iih on other recent bulges, an In
cissunt stream ot ouiug otucrs trom the
country nrnught the advance, wheat
juinpeq .', corn ',e and oals lo, Uc
cemlier wheat closed iVg'." up, May
wheat 2"'4c up. December corn c hlgnor
ii ml .May corn P4c Higher und May oats
INC up. Provisions closed 2'sc to loiiHUc
iiheiil easily foil nil utlir pits and set
such it rapid pace that It was n tlltllcuit
task to follow. As lias been the lasnlon
for several lUys past the pit opened with
a Jump mid disregarded the usual govern
h'K inctnro. Dullish enthusiasm did every,
thing I he country was crying lor huge
quantities mil It was a ciuu ot buy, buy,
buy. Much a market was n un-m tcmpta
"'oil to holders ol long wheat and soon n
lloort of It poured In f i out several sources,
une prominent broker threw bush
els on the market and It had pracilcally no
appreciable effect.. hero several large
sellers were making fat profits there were
""'"'"J' others taking In all offerings
with nudity, t ommlsiou houses had or
ders that ilvmoiistritcd thai the public Was
bigger than the professional. Tne regular
trade was of the opinion yeterday that tho
bull campaign was at un end nml that
price wouin slump in u panic, 'tips havo
been doing om to Kill everything. Hut to
day s business showed the ..f,ii I was
wasted. The country men and capitalists
were getting into the market. And to add
to the bullish side came news ot tho
strength nt Liverpool nuo In the country
markets. itrcelptH, especially northwest
r"1' ,W "l!ll' oil. Uie weather was
unsettled und in e irri,ioinlliig markets
showed eoi responding strength. Dri-ember
openeilVdl'c higher at 7t.-4'q7;Ue, cased
oil to ,i.'c un the heavy pront-tiiklng, but
In thrt last hour of business sailed upward
and rlied very strong. ZVo-'i'' higher, nl
."".v opened wiiir lo H.ti V.,. h u wr
fit suVilMSc, sagged to 40V. out near the
last moliient of trado ran excitedly up to
.c. establishing u nw crop tecord. The
close was very Strom.- 2;e nlnhnr ni
Mc Local recrliitHwnr,. r.i ....V. . !.. 3
conlract gr Ii M ne 3, I ' i f,, i
reported Tm can..' m kl -""n ' .. rrl
reported Too cars, making a total of :r.i I !
curs tor Ibr ihre.: ,...i ... ,...i.:L. V..-T.' :.' .
wer!J Jn:.!.. '"'! ?IP
i i. , .i ' "piii:ie, i unqmreu Willi
mh'1 HU:,,".',, ,ll"4t y,,Br' Seaboard clear
bus he s. Australian shlpmentN were lU'.nW
bushels, ngulnst Pi,iJ the week preceding..
V,V,r 1 '.i V , 1 1 1 0 1 1 icO to be fully sympathetic
...'Anun.l , . . u hf iniw ill- ;
. ,. ,r.? ! len,"l1l 'll0.l"'t few days on tho ,
mi, ainnnces, and the Inclination today was
j! furlher profit-taking, which It Is
! ' ' u.iiui y uiu'rinLw linen III
I..V, .5 . i "V "Hyv naii.i marKcd depress
,KnV"r1 'l1"1 "ul wl""nt "'Xon matlisj-s In
m .ilirml" w" oialler than In wheat,
r-.r V.I iwMCrVr l,,'Kl,cr "ml ofTcrlngs teml
nn,i -.''J1'1 .rf. l,,S"lHC 01 llll w"'t de
mnnd. i omnilsslon houses did . fair busi
ness on both sides of tho market after tho
opening rush, and the wheat spurt nt e
end mainly brought the reaction from o
!,."tJf'",in"t.l,l,1"" '" proilt-faklng D."
comber opened W,lo Ifrllfcc up at 654St
t.-1.!". eased off to 6l,c and closed strong.
Nc higher .at iHT.c. May openeil iS
then literally Jumped to B3c, it new record
price, where it closed very strong l'ic up
Receipts were l.'W cars.
Thero was a good nll-around trade In oats
at tlio opening, with prices well idvanced
on aood buying, both' local nnd oi side.
.nn-"61"' ('o'mlssloii houses still
were filling country buying orders an l
nToti? t,,k'.nrC;,! "" ," c raco" of
s;r,rerk"Ji,!;!n",;.,,,rl,t'c n,iui iat " tn s
.".f 'l,';,c' 11 olosei very strong. le un
at I7.c. Reeelnts w,.r.. ft ....Ji"
Provisions Inclined toward dullness curly
" -tfi ua wpio iiucrai .mil
heie was n good deal of early selling. O
the strength In grains ami a revival or
Si 'Jl1.1"1" l."'yl,,K l;,lL'p rencted smartly ond
17UC ...Rntoi e!U,U'ary I"?, closed m
". 1 n'Hb.S.., Jaiumry lard 2'o higher
Isttm1I,'.,V, J."n,'"'-- rigs 5c lilghef at
1 receipts Monday; Wheat, C3
54(. head: alH' K0 car,,: "
I'he leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. HIkIi.owT CIohcTyTs7
Wheat I
l-ii-e. h.ii'&'ii
1 cc
, si
li'QI 'Ki'A I in
liS'i I
ik ny2 ii; 671, i tv
17 00 17 32$ 17 Oi
1ti S5
17 25
l in 70
17 05
D 70 I
!l SO
S 15 !
S iK'.sl
I ?
a so
a 57U
S 57'4'
h 70 i
a In I
a 72ji
K 45 I
W !!
3 77!i
a so
a 87! i
1 R 57U
X 50
X liT'.i
S 0
No 2.
i'",,l,,.inuoalons were as follows:
r LOI II Strom?: wlntnt. ,..,... , -a
3.70: straights $.1 203.W; clears SS.MnMii;
stralglits. $3.WKf3.2j.
WHEAT No. 3, 755j75'ic; No. 2 red
S3! aC.
CORN No. 2 yellow, tMifiesc.
TtYE-No. 2. R3c.
HARCEY air to choice
SEUDS-No. 1 (lax. $1.41
NVl 1 iinrlh.
westein. $1.44; prime timothy, Jti.40WS.:0.
Clover, contract grade. $a. 11 '
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, ner bbl.. $15 so
SI5.r. Lard, per Ifw IbL! Hh,,vl
mm Piue i;ihi?i, i.,ii7J.l.l-i, nrv salted
shoulders tboxedl, $7,257.50; short clear
sides (boxed). $S.S5flS.05. r
whisk x Hasls of nigh wines. $1.32.
The following are the reccints it ml l.ln.
ments of grain yesterday:
Articles, Receipts. Shipments.
F our, bids 20.IW) 1 nrivui
Wheat, hu !W,iiA. n'ooo
Corn, bu lfit.iMp 7.T001
o.vs, nu 205.roo 25.Vflo
uye, nu ii.oik) i nnn
Hntlej-. bu 121.000 m
un l tie rroouce exena uge today thn but
ter market wad firm; crearnorlcs, i4f24Ue
dairies, 1.1:ne. Cheese, steady, P'iiilOc'
Eggs, flrm; fresh, 24c. 4" iV"
xr.w oitit ;i:.i;iiai, market.
Qiintntlnns nf (lie I)mj on Varlnn
NEW YORK, Dee. 7.-FLOLMlrieeini.
17570 bbls, ; exports. 13,5i bbls, .Market
rainy active nun urni on tne wheat ad.
vanre; winter patents. J3.iH?3.90; winter
straights, 3.Mli3.ii'); Minnesota patents'
$3.So'rH.I5; winter extras, J2.Siifja.iO; Mhmel
sota bakers, $2.M1i3.35; winter low- grades
$2.HVf2,f. Rye flour, steady; fair to good'
$:i.l!4l 3.40; choice to fancy, $3. 151) 3,70,
CORNMEAI.- Strong: yellow western
$1.10: city. $1.3S; Rraiuiywlne. $3.55f(3.m. '
HYl'J nieany; ,-n. . western. TOUe, f 0
b.. state, 67c, e, 1, f., New Vork.
llARl.EY-Steady; feeding, KHiGic. e, I
f.. Ullffnlo; mailing, ISMjiKr, r I, lliirfuin
WIIEAT-Receiiits. 20,aoo bu. Spot. tlnii;
No, 2 red. Si'c. t. o. b.. ndoat; No. 2 nil'
S3e In elevator: No. 1 northern. Diilufli
SSic f o, b; No. I hard, Diiluth'
P3'c, f. o. b., nlloat. Options were strong
and for a time excited on higher cables, a
further scare of shorts and renewed out.
side buying on .1 big scale, but later quieted
down a little and closed strong at Mfl-e
net advance; on the curb May advanced
lo K7'e; March, sr. a-lMjSiV. closing at
sr.'ic; May, viHiNie, closing at STe; De
cember, 71t7l'c. closing nt 7l!e.
CORN Receipts, Sli.OOn bu. ; exports, 30350
bu. Spot. Ilrm: No. 2, 73Uc In elevator and
73se. f- o. b.. nlloat. Option market has
been fairly large trade and strong tone,
reaching tho highest point thus far. Out
side support, higher cables and a squeeze
ot local shorts were the fcitures: dosed
strong and CuTl'jo net higher: May closed
nn the curb nt i3i,c; May. 721411 72'e. clos.
lug at 72V; December. 72V'i73c. closing at
' OATS-Rccelpts. .-W.irt) W; exports, .15.871
hu, Spot, linn; No. 2, 52e; No 3. 31c; No.
I while. 51 -so; No, 3 while, .Me; track, mixed
western. 8lfjt.'r; track, white, 52yMc. op.
tlons active and btronger.
HOPS Ste.-fdy : state, common to choice,
1901 crop, HU154c; J!, S'ol2c; isaa. mine-.
Paclllc coast. I!H crop, HUlSu; 10vj crop,
PROVISIONS-Heef. steady; family. $11.00
V K-!'; mess. ;i.ik,iiii.ii; peer nams. ?)wn
21.50; p.ucKed, $W.5y5jl2.; city, $20; India
mes, tlTfioginoo cut meats, steads, pick
led bellies. nMjin.5; pickled short. ;
pickled hams. j.nlO-i"1. I.nttl. firm; west
crn steamed, jio.iu; rellned, steady; con
tinental,, South America, H0.7S; mm
pound, J7.:iTVrf".,7j. Pork, quiet; family,
l?.itiir.2j; short clear, JlS.OetflJ.iO; mess,
i6.::tt I?.:. .
MIMKS- I'lrtrt; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.,
Mr. California, 21 to 15 lbs., 10'jci Texas,
dry, U to .10 lbs., Ui-r.
l.UATHKfl steady; hemlock sole.
Huenos Ayres, light to heavy weights, :
WOOl.-ftleadj ; domestic llecce, 232tC,
Texas, 16'alTc.
m rTKIl-I'trm; creamery. K.fii.eV; fae
lory. KHtjir-e; .lune creamery. ISti2.'e; Imi
tation creamery llfjlS'.sc; state daily, la
, Clli:i:si:-Sleady; fancy, large, Septem
ber, puiini.c: fnncv, small. September, pn,
Sillc; late made, beat, large, 9'cj late
made. best, smull, Kvyio'ic
l-.ilii8-llrm; state and Pennsylvania, 2u
li2,c; westrrn, at murk, 20o; southern, at
mark, sifav.
TAI,I)V -Steady; city (2 per pkg.l, 5'i,
iiw, country (pkgs, free), iHitic.
HICK Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 1
liti'ji'i Jepaii. IV(tr,i,e.
MKTAI.S-No new features were noted
In metal circles today. Locally tin con
tinued steady, but values were unchanged
nt $;'.i.70ii2fi.CQ for spot. Copper was dull at
$IHfiv(d7.i for i,,, superior and HS.371s'(i
bl.62'4 for electrolytic and and 1U for cast
ing. Lead and spelter remain dull and fea
tureless at H.iijifc nnd ti.m respectively.
Iron ruled steady at $IO..T)'oll.W for pig Iron
warrants; No. northern' foundry. $I5.00
Ktjo; No, 2 southern foundry. 14.0y,tl5.JO;
No. 1 southern foundry, IS.Siilfi.o; No. 1
soft southern foundry, The
usual absence of news from London helped
depress tho local market.
mo i:.Mi:.vit.H or .stocks a.m ntus.
Aclltp .Selling t'niises (fenernl Wrnli-
ness In the .llnrkcl,
SKV VUHK, Dec. T.-Specillators of
stocks rushed to sell today and precipitated
n vlohiit decline, which carried prices be
low last Saturday's level, leaving no ves
tige of the week's gains. Amalgamated
Copper led the van, with Manhattan a close
second. The copper stock touched 6I, n
loss from last ulglit oft 53s. The scramble
amongst the shorts to cover reduced the
net hiss to 3'ic. In Manhattan the extreme
decline, wns i and the net Iosh only U.
Tho stock touched 1M several times In lis
erratic fluctuations. On tho first break In
the market many railroad slocks and the
i'nlted States Steel stocks were little ar
fee ted nud resisted the decline stoutly. On
tho second break, atler the appearance ot
the bank statement, the weakness became
very general at declines of lu;i points. New
York Central, tlreat Northern preferred,
St. Paul, Chicago ,fc Northwestern, Hock
Island, tlie Huftalo, Hoehester & Pittsburg
stocks and (Tuifrnl Klcctrlc were es
pecially weak. The bank statement was
even weaker than expected. The loss In
cash reserves reached over 7,WMi"J and an
ltlll,',,lllon ,,f 0Vtr J5.cW.iJ00 n the loans
I stretched the legal reserve . iequlre-nes
o lliai uie wns rut in Hall nnd
brought to Heavy losses In Amal
gamated Copper necessitated sacrifices in
other stocks, It was manifest that recent
pool siituiurt In various stocks had been
'.withdrawn, the Insiders having presumably
taken their prollts on the wcck's rise. Tho
irnusier oi ninus lor speculation to tun
grain and cotton markets Infringes on tlie
ii I ii.niifii'iu n,i vnt; ntuvft llliiinvi.
Liquidation tor nccount of nn Important
firm about to retire Is believed to flguro
largely In the selling. The acute weakness
nppiy nvauaoio lor inc siock market.
of American lin stocKs nn the curb
was an Incident of the day's market. Thn
closing was tevcrlsh, but slightly better
than the worst.
The Cnlted States refunding 2s advanced
a, and the Ss, registered, ' per cent over
the closing call ol last week.
The following nre the closing prices on
the New York Slock exchange:
do pfd
llaltlmore A: O..
do pfd
Cananlan Pac...
Couaila. So
Cues, & Ohio....
Chicago iV A....
do pfd
Chi., ind. & D...
do ptd
Chicago O. V...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Chicago t N.
, i7U So. Pacific 6Nsi
. aa-s So. Hallway :!2'
.Win do ptU Sd'Si
. 95 Tex. & Pacific... 3y
.112ai Tol., St. L. & AV. 19!S
M do nrd...
41514 Union Pacific
."!5 do pfd
1 1 74
do old
W. & L. E....
do 2d pfd
Wis. Central
do nfd
Adams Ex...
C, 11. l. M i
lisij American Ex..
Chi. Tor. & Tr.. 15-., U. 8. Ex
do nrd 23l Wclls-Farco Ex
c. c. a & st. i.
:ii'5;.nuu. i.opper.... li'i's,
II 'Amcr. Car .t F.. 23" i
r.M .In .
Inlnrnilo o
do 1st Pfd 50' i do pfd
do 2d pfd 2' Anier. Lin. Oil.
Del. fs Hudson.. 170i do pfd
Del. L. .t W 241 .Arner. S. fc R..
Deliver Ai H. U... 41 do prd
no piu
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Gt. Nor. nfd....
Docking Valley
do pld
Illinois Central
Iowa Central ..
do nfd
. tf-',s .iiue. .iin. wo.,., 4IU
. 40H Hrooklyu R. T... K!4.
. 71 iColo. Fuel fc I... !a!a
. Jti'j'Con, Oas 215':.
.IMI'Con. Tob. pfd... 117
uj) oen, liiectric ;y)y
wtimmu OIIKUI .. UJA
Mlocklni,- Conl.. 16-
Inter. Paper 20' 4
. do pfd 7s'
Inter. Power .... M
Laclede Gas so
Nn. Rlscuit 43
National Lead.... 17U
Na. Salt pfd Ii2
No, American ... K2
Paclllc Coast .... 73
Pacific Mall 44K.
People's Gas asfi
Pressed S. Car... 42
do pfd K
Pu man P. Cnr ..sis
. jli'.s
. IS
Luke Erie & V
do nfd 120
L. & N KHi'i
Manhattan L l.'ioT,
Met. si. uy lBUlh
JIcx Central
Mex. National ... 14
Minn. & St. L....100
Mo. iMcltlc ....
M K. &. T....
do pfd
N. J. Central.
N. Y. Central.
Norfo'k Ai W.
liiH; RepUbllc Steel ... 15
Jill' "o PIU liSi
do pfd
sugar i'im,
No, Pacilic pfd.
Outnrlo & W...
. 31
I .ml
icnn. con.1 &. 1., 2ii
Union Hag & p.. 217
do pfd.. . 7414
do 1st Pfd...
.7, iilllllT..,
do pfd
U. S. Rubber....
do pfd
U. S. Steel
do pfd
Western Union.
Amer. Locomo..
do pfd
. ij
do 2d pfd
St. L. & S. F
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
St. ft. South w....
do pfd
.St. Paul
uo piu
Offered. "Last sale.
."Voir York Money Mnrkct.
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-MONEY-On call,
nominal; no loans today; prime mcrcantllo
paper, 4Min5 per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nt $4.R7'
tor demand mid $I.SI for sixty days; posted
rntes, $!.R5fy l.SSltj commercial bills $4.S3U
SlLVER-Br. fi51,c; Mexican dollars,
HONDS Government, steady; state, In
active; railroad. Irregular. Closed: Re
funding 2s, registered, U'SV4; coupon, 103; 3s,
registered and coupon, ICS; new 4s, regis
tered and coupon, 13a'4; old Is, registered,
UUj; coupon, 112',;, 5s, registered and cou
Von. IO714.
The closing quotij"-lons on bona are as
U. S. rof. 2s, rcg..lOS
do coupon lir.
do 3s. rcg 10S
1 1, 1 rnininil 1UM
li. n, 11111. ia..,lll.u
.Mex. Central 4s.. Iiiij
nu ini lliu 3(l',2
M. St. L.
M.. K. & T. 4s...
do 2s (,i.
N. Y. Central Is. 105?,
do general 3'4i.ioji.
N. J. C. gen, 5s..l3li;
Nn. Pacific 4s 105
do .Is 721
N. AV. eon. 4s.lCi2
Reading gen. 4s. aau
S L & 1 M o Ss. .11(5
St. L, K- S. lVls.. a;u
rln new 4s. reg .Vi'Mi
do coupon lilt
do old 4s. reg. ..11114
do coupon 112(4
do 6s, reg I07'
.In enunon IOi'i
Ateh. cen. Is 103i4
do nil J. ,s ei;
Hal. A- unio 1H...1IM-4
do li'.s
do coin. 4s 105
C, H AV Q n, 4s. .. as Tex. Pacific Is.llSU
C M A S P g. 4.11ijT. S L Al- W 4s... SI
C. AV. N. W. c. 7s. 139 Lnlon Pac. Is....l0nj,
C, R. I. AV P. ts,..106T do cony. 4s
CCC & S L g, 4s.l03U.AVabash is ngiZ
Chicago Tcr. 4s.. SSl!, 10 2s jtU
Co'o. So. Is S9',;
no deb,
West Shore 4s... 114
w. av l. e. 4s.::: "Ni
J Is, iVntral 4s... 91
Con. Tob, 4s sail
Den. AV R. fi. 4s,.103li
Erie prior 1. 4s...KH
do general is... w(
P W. AV D, C. Is. 10SW
Hock. Val. 4US...10S
.VriT York Mining Slonk.
NEW YORK. Dee. 7. -The following are
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adams Con IS
Alice J.'
Hrecco 5
Rrunswlck Con... 11
Comstock Tun. .. 6
Con. Cnl. AV A'a. ..133
Deadwood Tirn. 50
Horn silver 10)
Iron Silver 60
Lcadvtllu Con.... 5
Little Chief ...
. 12
. 64
. h
. 1
. 3
. 5
. 40
.Savage '
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes .
Toledo firnlii nnd Seed.
TOLEDU. Dee. 7. WHEAT-Strnng and
nctlve; cash, s5c; December. Ssio; May.
rortN-Strong; December. B9e; .May, 70e.
OATS-Strong; December. (So; May, ISiir.
SEEDS-Clnver. Dull but firm; December,
$5.70; March, $0.S0.
Illl nml llosln.
OIL C1TA'. Dec. 7.-OIL-Crerilt balances.
$1.30; certificates, no bid: shipments, JlO.lfifi
bbls.; average, 91.666 bbls,; runj, 81,5)1
t annua on. -n. . , .i,-,. .ji. n. n, i . is... :).
Cent, of On. 5S...106U do 2s 7;)iJ
do Is Inc 7.V.I S a A P 4s.... s9i
Chew. & O. 4',s.,.!07s So. Pacific 4s 92.
rhl. A. 3!,s So, Railway 5s... .121
bbls.; iveraue, 73, 1 U bun,
chort Fid SUen Highor Tkti Ltit Wetk,
bn lt Qrtdn Abont lie&dj.
Mirep ltceelils I'nlrly Liberal Cor the
WccU, but Prices Han c .ot Minin
.Much ( hnivgc tin IHlhcr
Miccp or I, n 111 Its. '
Receipts were: Cut tie, nos. nticep.
Olilcial iiiomuiy
Ullirial 'I uesoaj
ouiciai WtMinesuny...
Othcinl Thuihd.iy ....
Oincial erid.iy
Official Saturdjy
, 1.0-i
12, 12U
a, 1:0
bun. 11
, Total this week 15,272
Weeg ending Nov. Ol.,Wi
Wcm ttnjliw Nov. .'J. . . .:j,dIi
'leK cnuiiifV iKiv. it....2,,3ij
NN'eek ending Nov, S 20, AH
Mil, II.. (.' ,,,!. , r . I..
:ti '.ii
1U71 jvui Il,-V
eiiii;u prices paio lor nogs i.i numi
Omana tne past buverai days, with coin
,w . ioviis,
Date. 1 iar. 7lijo.lisaa.tisus.!is9?. isM.iikas.
6 67HI 4 S2 3 90 3 5
6 iS;, 4 90,' li Mi 3 &!
j 4 821 3 7 3 3t
5 i3!4 ! 3 ttil t "i
6 634 4 7S I 3 2i
i ii I 4 75 3 SSl I
3 27
3 31,
3 i2,
3 6il
3 3l
3 3t
3 39
3 27
3 27
3 30
3 241
3 30
3 27
3 23,
.1 191
3 21,
1 3 -te
3 IS 3 45
3 H '
i 4 3 41
j lbi 3 ;y
3 13 3 4;
3 la 3 4.
1 3 &j
3 211 3 41
J 211
3 lb, 3 ii
3 24 3 &)
3 35 3 43
3 321 3 3
3 3 3 40
3 1D
3 03 1 3 35
3 231 3 42
3 1H 3 3'J
3 09! 3 19
3 .16
3 3 2'5
I 5 81 j 4 7D 3 M' 3 31
h Vo'il ( lb a Mi ill,
5 6b(, 4 7i 3 5 3 44
j 5 S6 3 t2 3 40
0 76'4 , 3 771 3 3s I
6 -S; 4 ST 3 231
'' i
u 73 I 4 761 3 76;
, 71, 3 73
4 74 3 tVs
4 & I 71,
1 ll 3 1 4
3 76
3 20,
f. 85H
I 3 19!
3 211
6 VI
3 25
3 2S
3 2a
5 9.1S
.1, . .
a sn
1 I
6 !)-ii I lJ 3 M, 1
I f 111 1 4 .71 3 M) 3 3i
l oa 4 tl! ii tii .1 iJ-'l
I 6 01M I SI
3 SI 1 3 SSI 3 23
Indicates Sunday. Holiday.
The ofllcldl number of ears of
brought In today by each road wnsi
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep
C, M. & St IV Ry...
Mo. P. Ry
V. V. system
1 . & N. W. Ry
1, E. M. V. H. H.
C, St. P., M. Ac O. Ry
It. M. R. R. It....
C. U. Q. R.....V...
C., It. 1. : P., east..
C. R. I. K P.. west.,
llllnola Central
Total receipts
The disposition of tho daj's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num
ber or ncnil indicated:
Omaliii P,iek(iig Co..,,
;. Ml. llammpnd Co .
Swift and Company ..
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour Co
Other buyers
l'owler . . . .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Totals 5S 11,235 1.027
CATTLE Thero were Just a few small
bunches of eattlo on sale this morning, so
that practically no test of the market was
made. For the week receipts have been
fairly literal, a slight Increase being noted
over the corresponding week of last year.
As compared with last week, however,
there Is, a slight decrease. The demnnd
from nil sources has been active, so that
prices have advanced 011 desirable kinds.
The supply of corn-fed steers wus very
light all the week nnd the general market
may be quoted IS'g'JSe higher thaif It was
a week ago. It Is noticeable, however, that
the greatest advance has been on tho short
fed cattle, owing to the fact that the run
of westerns Is now over with. Tho fin
ished c.ittlo have not changed much, prices
being about the same as they wero a week
ago. Good to choice heavyweight cattle
may be quoted from $0.15 to $7.00. Kalr
to good steers arc worth from $5.50 to $0.15
nnd short-fed cnttlo are selling from $5.0
The cow market has also been very ac
tive and prices have advanced all the way
ftom 15c to 30c, The, market, however, has
been more or less uneven, ,owlng to the
rnpldljy with which prices have advanced.
The greatest Improvement hns been on tho
heavyweight fed cows of good quality,
which may be quoted from $4,25 to i$4.75.
The medium nnd light cattle have not ad
vanced ns much, tint at the same tlmo
prices uro better than they were a week
ago. There has been nn nctlve demand for
eannors nnd prices nro considerably .higher
than they were n week ago, At some other
points, however, the market eased off to
wnrd the close of tho week, so that prices
for tho coming week depend very largely
upon receipts.
Hulls, venl calves and stngs have also
sold frely and prices are stronger than
they were a week ago.
There have beeu very few stockcrs and
feeders nt the yards this week and ns tho
demand for the choicer grades was liberal
prices nro fully as high ns they were a
week ago. The. demand continues best
for the heavyweight cattle showing quality
and also for prime yearlings, Tho common
grades of all weights have moved very
slnwlv. the demand from the country for
that clans of cattle being extremely light.
Good to choice feeders nro quotable from
$1.75 to $1.25; fair to good, $3.00 to $3.75 and
common from $3.00 dpwu.
A'cry few western rattle are now coming
oil the matket and most of those that do
arrive are of common quality. Packers
nro now nearly as anxious for the beef
slecre ns they wero two weeks ngof thong!.
tho better granca a.;u at very satisfactory
prices, Cow stuff and feeders have fluctu
ated .lust about tho same as Is noted nbovo
for" natives, ,
HOGS There was n liberal run of hogs
hero todny nnd as other markets were
quoted lower prices at this point took a
drop. Good, heavy hogs sold fully a
nickel lower, whllo the, lightweights were
hard to dispose of nnd were Hiil5e lower
than yesterday and sometimes tho decline
was even greater. Tho best heavy hogs,
weighing .".( pounds nnd over, sold largely
from $0.15 to W.'.'o. Good, heavy mixed hogs
sold largely trom $6.0714 to $6.15. Tho bulk
of tho lightweights went from $5.60 to $6.01).
AVhllo the market was fairly active 011 tho
heavyweights, tho light hogs sold very
slowly and were left until tho last.
Receipts of hogs this week have been
fairly liberal, a good gain being noted pver
the preceding wcck ano a sun greater over
tho corresponding fweek of last year. In
spite of the liberal run the tendency of
prices has been upward and at tho close of
tho week values aro about a shade higher
than lliey wero iusi wcck. i no nign nay
of the week was l-rlday, when values
reached about l'i.30.
which Is the hlnhest
point since October.
Representative tales:
No. Av. tsn. yr.
v. Sh. Pr
. 62
4 7,0
. ,22S SO li 03
..214 ... COS
,.20a 210 (i 113
..229 120 6 05
..230 2i lilt!
..231 12iJ 0.i
4 75
I 75
4 SO
5 35
5 10
3 50
5 lit
5 i
1.1. . .
66. . . .
67. . . .
tfi. ...
103 129
.2.TI 120 6 115
120 6 or,
120 6 111
10 (i 01
160 li Ul
... li 05
... 6 03
... 6 03
120 6 113
SO 6 05
... 6 Ol
120 6 07U
, .223
. n 1
6 70
... o i,
160 5 75
40 5 75
... 5 SO
... 5 SO
160 5 S5
40 5 S3
5 S5
...217 120 n 071;
,..231 ... (Mflif
, . .250 1t (i 1171;
?? ,. -l?
r S3
5 S5
5 90
5 00
5 90
75,. .
65. . .
90. . ,
so . .
6 07U,
120 6 07i;
... 6 07W
40 li mL
210 6 n?u
... 6 07$
2S0 6 07U
210 6 071J
... 5 lJ
120 6 an
SO 5 90
160 5 90
10 5 90
... 5 9215
10 5 95
SO 5 95
40 5 95
Dil 5 !I5
S'2 20.1
59. . . .
06. . . .
fill . . .
77. . . .
53. . . .
59. . . .
76. . . ,
61 ... .
6.1. . . .
66. . . .
55. . . .
57.. .
69 ..,
53 ...
59. . . ,
56. . .
: '.251
. .251
. .307
. .293
.' Hi
n in 'a
fi o;iz
6 (ITU
SO 6 10
160 6 10
... 6 10
2"0 200 5 971
.1RI ... 5 97t,i
.ISO . . 5 97S
.220 .120 5 97'
6 10
6 10
6 10
P J nu ft in ',4
SO ti 3714
M .1 971,
, , . 5 B7I.S
120 00
SO 6 4H
120 6 f"l
10 6 On
160 6 u)
SO 01
. . li Ol
1?) li Oi)
... filfl
210 6 I")
(0 6 ("I
... li 10
... li 10
40 fi 10
40 fi 10
120 6 10
... 6 10
40 6 10
... 6 10
SO 6 10
SO 6 10
120 fi 10
Si) 6 10
160 fi 10
120 ,11 10
SO 6 10
. .20.1
SS 191
. . .202
. . .231
. ..iss
SO 6 00
6 00
li 00
6 no
6 (0
26i) 210 li 10
L'lin 120 I! 1214
. .297
6 ()
12i) 6 00
40 6 (0
... 6 00
SO 6 M
. .1,0.' 1 ,i.W
,, 0,0 1 y li,ai2
,. K.mi
. 2,3i'J 11, (.'I
. 1, t C ll,0.1i
. I61 11,311
6 12ft
6 12H
6 12l
... 6 1214
... 6 12H
SO 6 15
10 6 15
120 6 15
.,.,131 020 6 W 61 2M
S 15
6 15
SI.. .. 213 10 6 02), 49 20S 101 6 15 ?
b-i ,. 20H ... fiOJIj 6) 263 $0 n 15
K. ...211 2lO SOJli, 51 31R 2il 6 15
SO J.'i SO ml M 326 10 6 ITU
So W 120 6 0". M 3sx ... (SKI-
Slf B(V, 37 .193 ... 6 25
51 .271 l'1 6 03
SHEEP About four ears of sheep and
lambs iirilxed tmlaji, but two of them were
consigned direct to 11 local packer. The
other two cars were offered on the market
and sold at Just about steady prices.
ho receipts for the last week have been
ttilrly liberal, n good gain being noted over
the previous week and also over the same,
week or last year. The demand has been
Just about equal to the supply, so that
prices lisle not changed materially.
Tho week opened with the market strong
and active n,!d then toward tho middle of
the week the feeling was' not so good, and
prices cased ofT a trifle, Tho last two days,
however, the market has been strong
again, so that prices arc now back to Just
about where they were at the close of last
week, This Is truo of sheep ns well ns of
The hulk of the offerings, now helng re
ceived consists of feilstuff, so that tho
feeder market Is rather quiet. So far ns
prices f,re concerned, thero has not been
much change. The demand as well as tho
supply has been of small proportions.
Quotations; Choice lightweight yearlings,
$; pond to choice medium weight
joarllngs, i3.iinj3.Mi fair to good yearlings,
$3.30113.60; choice wether. $3.3.VTf.1.tVi; fair to
good wethers. $.1.t Oft 3.35, choice ewes, $2.!ft
3.2.1, fair to good ewes. $2 40'n2.rK common
ew;es. $1.00'ij2.0"; choice himbs, Il.tWiH.TS;
fair to good lambs, $4.25Hl.r; feeder weth
ers. $2.9"'ij3.5; feeder lambs, $3.0oH3.50. Rep
resentative sales:
Av. Pr.
P., western fed yearlings Ra $3 So
21 western fed lambs .VI 4 fO
532 Mexican sheep SI 3 75
Cllll A(i( I.IVH STOCK 31 A UK nr.
Cuttle Mrndj Hogs l,o,er Sheep
Mend? .
CHICAGO, Dee. T CATTI,K Receipts,
3,on head, nn Tcxnns; westerns steady:
good to prime, $'l.G0aT.50, nominal; poor to
medium, $l.iv(i0.25: stockers nnd feeders.
$2.2.V(it.;iO; cows, $l.25'!i4.T5; heifers. 12.501
5.50; eanners. $l.25ff2.30; bulls, $2.0ili4.75:
inlves, $2.60'j'6.00i Texas fed steers, $I.Wii
HOCiS-Recelpls. 2S.000 head; estimated
Monday, 50.nn0; left over, 2.500; market 5ff
I'V lower for bulk; mixed nnd butchers, 11.(0
WttfH good to choice heavy, $5.S,VfS.I0;
rough heavy. $5.ii(ij5.s5j light, $5.25fl5.9o;
bulk Of sales. $5.Mi!j6.20.
SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rccelpts, 1,500
head; market steady; good to choice wet ti
ers, $3.50',f4,l5. fair to choice mixed, 12.75ft
3.50; westein sheep, $3.0i14,(: native lambs,
$2.5iv, 5.25; western lambs, $2.'"3 1.25.
Olilcial yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 6.701
head; hogs, 2,952 head; sheep, 6,577 head.
Shipments-Cattle, 4.6M head; hoga, 1,&5
head; sheep, 5,135 head.
Mi l.onls 1,1, p NmcU MnrUel,
ST. LOLMS. Dec. 7. CATTLE Receipts,
1.U head, including pivuTexnns, Market
steady to strong; native shipping nnd ex
port rteers, $1,051)7.25, the top being ob
tained for fancy heavy grades, with Iho
genet a! run $5.40iiS.5, .dressed beef and
butcher steers, 13,fiKi?5.S5; steers under ll.ona
lbs., $2.75ft5.2; Mockers and feeders, $2.35
3.T3; cows and helfors, 2.0ij5.C); bulls,
2.IOti.l,75; runner. $1.50Sj2.R5; Texas and liw
Vllau steers. $4.(vh5.35: ted, $2.25tM.30, grass;
cows and heifers, $2.fiO'(3.40.
HOGS-Receipts, 1,100 head. Market Re
lower; pigs and lights, J3.S3fi6.00; packers,
1'; butchers, $ti.10fjti..15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 200
head. Market steady; native muttons, 13.2G
63.T5; Ininbs. $4.25fi5.10; culls nnd bucks,
St. Joseph l,lvr Mock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Dec. T.-CATTLB-Recclpts,
.too head; steady.
HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; steady to lOo
lower: light and light mixed, $5.T0ffi.30;
pigs. $3.750.10.
SHEEP Receipts, 20) head; steady.
Mock in Sluht.
Tho following tnhle shows thfl receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal
markets for December 7:
Cattle. Hobs. Sheep.
South Omaha 157 11.311 1,027
Chicago ; 3,400') 1,500
Kansas City 300 12,000 6X)
St. Louis 1,100 4,100 ?O0
St. Joseph 300 a.oiO 200
Total 257 67,111 3,527
.si, l.onls Ornln nnd Provision.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 7. AV HEAT-HI g her and
excited: No. 2 red cash, elevator, SIo;
track. Sl'lfiSjc: Dcccmbtir. Sl'.ic: May. S4?i
M'dc; No. 2 hard, SOc.
cuuis uigne nun strong; .-so. i casn,
7Ho; track, iJ9'.4(S70c; 15ecemhcr, 6Te; May,
OATS Higher und strong; No. 2 cash,
49Hc; track, 49c; December, 194c; May,
RYE-Hlgher at GSc.
FUOPR-Hlghcr; red winter patents. 13.S3
(; extra fancy nnd straight, $3.436"3.('i0;
clear, $3.10ft.1.25.
SEED Timothy, nominal; held at $6.00
CORNMEAI Steady. $3.25.
HRAN Scarco nnd higher; sacked, east
track, 11.10S1.13.
HAY Timothy, steady. 113.00Sll.50; prill
rlc, senrre. firm, $12.0014.00.
WHISKA Steady at $1.32.
TROl'ISIONS - Pork, higher; Jobbing.
116.30. Iird, higher, 19.07H. Dry salt meats
(boxed), steady; extra shorts and clear
ribs, 1S.50; clear sides, 1S.75. Hacon (boxed),
steady; extra shorts and clear ribs, $9,374;
clenr sides. $9.62" 1.
M ETA LS Lend, steady at $.255JI.27',4.
Si elter. strong nud unchanged.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 6c; springs.
7c; turkeys, 6'4S"ci ducks, 68, c; geese, 3J
BI'TTKR - Steady; creamery, 20325V4c;
dairy. I5fi20c.
EGGS-Stendy at 22c.
RECEIPTS-Plour. 5,000 bbls.: wheat.
34,000 bu.; corn, 54.0i0 bu,: oats, 46,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-ITour, 9,dW bbls.: wheat,
35,(X) bu.; corn, I3,0"0 bu.; oats. 32.CK") bu.
Kanan Cltr Grain nnd Provisions.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 7. AV 1 1 EAT De
cember, 75Hc; May, 79'ic: cash. No. 2 hard,
76U1(77c; No. 3, 76c; No. 2 red, 85c: No. 3,
S3liSlo; No. 2 spring, S3e; No. 3, S2',4c
CORN December, 72c; May, 70T4o; Jan
uary. 70'Ho; cash. No. 2 mixed, 705?71'.ic; No,
2 white 74Uc; No. 3. IMi'iVAk
OATH No. 2 white, 49'.siD604c.
RYE No, 2. 66c.
HAY Choice timothy, $13.50; choice pral
rle, $13.50(!15.OO.
HCTTER-Creamcry. lS1C2c; dairy, fancy,
EGOS Plrm: fresh Missouri nnd Kansas
stock, quoted on 'chnngo at 11c. doz,, loss
off. enses returned; country, hold nt 16c.
RECEIPTS Wheat, 47,300 hu.; corn, S7,
300 bu!; oats. 19,0i hu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 17,600 bu.; corn,
37.M) hu.; oats, S.ono bu.
C0II011 Murkrl,
closed (inlet, I-I60 higher; middling upland,
SV; middling gulf. So; no sales. Futures
closed firm; December.'o; .lanunry, S.oic;
Kebruarv. S.OTc; March. S.09c; April, 8.OS0;
May, S.(i9c; June, 8,07c; July, S.02c; August,
steady; sales, 7,950 bales; ordinary,
Mo; good ordinary. 6 I5-I6e; low middling,
7',ie; middling, 7He; good mlodllng, SUc;
middling fair. S9-16c; receipts, 11,033 hales;
stock, 267,620 boles.
ST. I.OIMS. Dec. 7. f'OTTON-Stendy;
sales, 300 bales: middling. ,7je: receipts,
1,276 bales; shipments, 4,o5I bales; stock,
52,707 bales.
MtiinciipnllK AVhrnl, I'lonr nnd nmn.
MINNV:AP0L1S, Dee. 7.-WHEAT-Cash,
77140; December. 76iW76V4c; My, 7Sio; on
track, No. 1 hard. Mr.', No, 1 northern,
77ic; No. 2 northern, 76c.
KLOCR-Hlgher; first patents, $(,0ojM. 10;
second patents, $.1.S53.9.i; first clears, $2.00
(H3 00: second clears, $2.60.
aRRAN-Hlgher, In bulk, $20,20.50,
AA'onl .Murkrl,
ST I.OITS, Dec. 7 WOOL--Steady ; me
dium grades. 13'ijlTWe; light fine. l2U'rfl5c;
heavy line. Pi(12c; tub washed, H5j2llic,
lloslou Dlocli t(iintniin,
noSTON. Dec. 7-Call loans, I'rfm per
cent: time loans, 4'.ijo per cent. Official
AtchlFon ts
Mex. on.-'-N.
E. G. AV C ..
do 1'fd
Roston AV Alb 5
Ronton AV Me . .
Iloslon J'.lo
1'ltchburg pfd..
Cnlnn Paelfle
Mex. Central
.102 'Amalgamated .
. SO iRaltlc
. 57 iRIugham
. 16VC11I. Ai Hecla...
, 33
, 28
. 5S
. I6U
. 114
. 20
. .16
. 23
Copper Range
. :i'ii
221 4
worn. 1 ori
rnink n
Isle Rnvalo
Old Dominion .
Allier. niiKin
Anier. T AV
1...... I X. M
. 2li
1,1,111. . '
Gen. IJectrle
nania ro iopper,
. 731,4
. S9VJ
. 414
1 n inn 1 .1 i n . ,
Trlmountaln .
. 3,1
: IF
. 20
. 5
1'nlied I'rult
l' n. nieei .
do pfd
Adventure ..
rolled Slates
. 4
30S 120 s on
1M so 00
BttUr Did for Gold Wt&thsr Gtttli
Lut Wnk Thin fir Soroi Timi Put.
.llrrrhnnts .Meeting; Their III1U Mnre
Proiuptl) Tbnn lApccted In Vlnr
nf Ciifinornhlr AVrnther,
A' hi eh Itediierd .Snles,
OMAHA. Dec. T.
The total volume of business tnnsncted
last week by local Jobbers was consider
ably In excess ot that for the previous
week. That was probably owing to a
great extent to thn fact that the weather
was colder, at least part ot tho time, than
It has been of late. The snowstorm which
visited ti largo part of the territory tribu
tary lo this market also Improved trado
on a good many lines, but principally on
leather nnd rubber goods. The hollday
trutlo also assumed very liberal prnpoi
tlous last week, as merchants now tcnll.o
that Christmas is close at hand and thai
they urn going to sell more stock this year
than over before. As 11 result they aro
placing liberal orders for nil kinds of hol
iday lines nnd Jobbers are rushed with mall
orders of that character. Traveling men
also picked up a good many orders In
making their rounds,
Thero wero comparatively few merchants
on thn market last week, as tho majority
of retailers arc too busy to leuvo their
stores, Thoso who wer In. however, spoke
very encouragingly both of Immediate bus
iness and of tho prospects for future trade
All they ask for Is seasonable weather for
the rest of the winter, and with that they
nre confident they will have a gooii, brisk
Traveling men are still meeting with
good success In landing advance orders for
spring, snd In fnct It is safe to say that
thero Is not a Jobbing house in tho city
which will not start In the. new year with
more spring goods sold than over before.
Thero have been very few Important
market changes during the week, as most
lines have, held steady. The markets as n
whole aro In a good, healthy condition,
with a tlrm undertone to tho trade.
Mo More Chrnp Mugnr.
Thn effects of tho sugar war nro tin
longer felt in this territory. It may be
said that practically all tho cheap sugar
that was shipped Into tho Missouri rivet
markets has been cleaned up, so that
thero Is now a good, oven market, with all
rentiers selling on tho Mini) basis they
wero before the price-cutting was started.
The market Is considerably tinner than It
wns a week ago, owing to thn fact that
the raw market has advanced 11 rhade. It
Is predicted with a good deal of confidence
that a corresponding advance In reftnni
sugars will tnko placo In tho near future.
In farinaceous goods thero has been 11
slight ndvance In oatmeal nnd hominy
owing to the high prices ruling on oats
and corn. It Is thought that stilt higher
prices will ptevull In tho near future. Syrup
hns also strengthened up for the same
Tho coffeo ninrknt Is In practically the
same position It was 11 week ago. Prices
aro fluctuating back and forth to somo e..
tent, but thero has been no permanent
chnngo, In either direction. The ten mar
kel Is also about the same as It was a week
Owing to tho light supply of both foreign
mid domestic nuts prices are Arming up
and still higher quotations arc looked for hi
tho future.
There luis been no Important chnngo In
tho ennnen goods situation. Both corn and
tomatoes continue, strong and those who
aro posted say that higher prices will pre
vail at no vecy distant date. Oysters urn
also held nt Ilrm prices, owing to the fact
that Ralttmnro packers arc unable to get
enough stock to supply existing orders.
The only chnngo In dried fruits Is 11 slight
advance In currants. Other lines of dried
fruits remain steady, with the demand
rather quiet.
Nulls MnrUed Down Ten Outs.
The most Important chnngo In the hard
ware market Inst week 'was tho drop In
nails, amounting to"10 ccnis per keg. it Is
claimed that this drop does not Indicate
any general weakness In the Iron or steel
market, hut is brought about through com
petition between tho Independent manufac
turers nnd tho trust. The capacity of the
different mills Is considerably in excess of
consumption, so that the Independent
manufacturers have been cutting prices for
tho purpose of moving their goods. Prices
on hnrbwlro are tho samo ns they were, a
week ago, ns tho supply and demand of
that article Is morn nearly equal.
Other lines of hardwate handled by local
Jobbers are In about tho same position they
wero a week ago, with the exception of lin
seed oil, which eased off 2 cents. Raw Is
now quoted at 52 cents and boiled nt , t
cents. Turpentine Is steady at 43 cents
and gloss Is olso selling nt tho same prices
It was a week ugo.
Tho demand for seasonable lines of hard
ware last week was heavier than It has
been for somo time past, which Is taken as
nn Indication, by local Jobbers, that under
normal conditions their trado would bo
very heavy. Even under present condi
tions they aro selling fully as much stock
as they were a year ago, so they are doing
no complaining.
Dry Gnodn Move More Frrrly.
There wns more activity to thn dry goodt
market last week, but still the weather
hns not been cold enough yet to mako tho
demand for winter weight goods very brisk.
Jobbers report a good mnny mall orders
coming forward, but us a general thing
they am rather small, showing that re
tnllers have not sold as much of their
stock as usuul at this time of year. When
ever the tcmperaturo docs take a drop
wholesalers notice n big Improvement In
their sales, so that they figure It would not
tako merchants long to clean up their
stocks If settled cold weather should bo ex
perienced, Thero Is practically no market news to
report, ns all lines ojc In a good, strong
position. Eastern markets aro rather quiet,
with neither huycrs or sellers very anxious,
nnd as a result but comparatively little
business Is being transacted. Every one.
however, seems to have a good deal of con
fidence In future values, as It Is thought
tho demand will continue exceptionally
heavy throughout the coming season.
Good ririunnd for Footuenr.
Tho weather was very favorable last
week for a brisk trade In both leather and
rubber goods, The snow made heavy
weight shoos fell at a rapid rate In tho
country and nil kinds of rubber footwear
also sold more freely than at any time this
season, As a result Jobbers received rujli
orders from all directions and sold morn
stock than for a good many weeks pnsi.
Retailers have been doing considerable
complaining about tho weather nil this fall,
but according to all reports received from
the country they sold enough slock last
week to go a, long way toward m'iklug up
for lost time.
Rubber bills fell due on December 1 and
tho credit tnon of the different wholesalo
houses say that collections aro coming In
more freely than they exported hi view of
tno light demand In tho country for rubber
goods, It Is quite likely that thero will be a
still greater improvement this week owing
to the big sales of last week. There nro
always a good ninny requests for exfep.
slons of tlmo and this year Is no exception
to tho general rule, but so far bills aro
being paid up fully as promptly as they
were a year ago.x Very few business fail
ures have token place this season, so that
jobbers' losses from that source have been
very light nnd no trouble Is expected for
retailers will bo lu excellent condition in
soon as cold weather orrlvrs.
Fruits mill Prndiier,
Thero were almost no Important changes
at all last week In the, prices quoted 011
fresh fruits and vegetables, Huslnem was
not exactly rushing, but still there was a
very fair demand both from tho country
and thn city. Jobbers are shipping out Im
mense quantities nf nuts, and that class of
goods for tho Christmas trade and they
look for n big rush from now until tho
Christmas decorations have arrived nnd
thn prices nt which the trees, holly and
evergreen wreathing nud the vnilpushthcr -
lines are selling win ii" niunu 111 uie limi
tations given In another column. A big. do.
mand for that class of goods Is looked for
this season, so that stocks In Oils city aro
unusually large. ....
Tho egg market Is holding Just about
steady. Very little strictly fresh stock Is
arriving on in nijisn, ju-u ui; 10--mand
Ik sufficient to tnko nil that Is of
fered nl good, firm prices.
The. demand for poultry was fairly liberal
last week, while the supply was light, and
prices firmed up considerably. Uutter Is
also 0 shade higher
Tetepkaa lOIttl,
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to Jtmei E. Bojfd & C.,
Board of Trade Balldta.
Street vires to Chicago tad N Tor It,
9tntffluiat4 John A ,Wrrt Ct