20 THE OMAHA DAJLL X JJJSiE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 19 01. MEETINGS AT KNOX CHURCH SInch Intercut AiTnUcnrd liy the lie vlvnl of IIcIIkIoh In 1'roRrcHa , There. Perhaps never In tho, history of Knox lrebytorlan church haa there been such an awakening of spiritual llfo In Its mem bership as during tho scries of meetings hold every afternoon anil evening during tho last week. Tbcro la nothing sensa tional about tho cervices, tho aim being not so much to add to tho church member ship bb to Inspire tho present members With renowed real and deeper devotion to things spiritual. The meetings havo been to gratifying to tho paBtor and hie brotbor, Dr. IJ. M. Long of Lincoln, that they will bo continued another week, every evening except Saturday and every afternoon nt 8 o'clock, except Monday and Saturday. Mrs. K. 12. Levers will Blug Sunday and special mufllc has been arranged for each meeting. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. " Atheno burled alive, 18th & Douglas treet. Old street carnival grounds. The Miiniucttc Chili Dunce. Tho Marquetto club gives Its opening flanco of tho season next Thursday evening, December 12, at Chambers' Dancing acad emy, 17th & Douglns. This popular organization Is using every effort to surpass all Us previous parties In point of nttendanco nud pleasure. Notion, 'Woodmen of the World t Tho funeral of Sovereign Chnrlcs F. Btockhnm will bo held nt tho residence, I00S North Klghtcenth street, at 2 p. m. Monday, Doccmber 9. All members of Omaha camp No. If, and all other members of the order aro requested to attend. IfclloKrnnii from Snntii Clnna. Tho following message was bellographed by tho old of tho northern lights from Santa Claus, In his castlo nt Utopia, North 1'ole, to his Trans-Mlsslsslppl Headquarters, Haydcn Dros., Omabu: "SANTA CLAUS CASTLE, Utopia, North Pole, Haydcn Hros., Santa Claus Headquar ters, Omaha "Will arrlvo Monday at your store, and will raako my headquarters with you only. I find ,1 can carry moro pretty and useful .gifts and distribute them better through you than nnywhero elso In tho whole wldo world. Have all tho good children meet mo Wednesday evening and Saturday after noon. Do euro to tell tho children to como to your afore, as I will not go anywhoro else this season. SANTA CLAUS." Have Hoot print It. For policies that are night drafts nt ma turity npply to II. t. Ncely, manager Equitable Llfo, Merchants' Nat. Dank bids Douglas Printing Co., 1E08 Howard. Tel. 641. Cnril of Tlimtks. i Wo dcslro to express through tho columns of your paper our sincere thanks, to our neighbors and friends for their kind help and words of comfort during tho last Ill ness and death of our beloved wife and mother, Wo will over remember tho beauti ful floral tributes received from tho Itath bono Sisters, tho Knights of Pythias lodge, tho fellow workmen of South Omaha, nnd also from numerous friends and neighbors. WILLIAM M. IKVINO AND FAMILY. Tho "best" laundry, tho Model. Tel. C23. Correct quality of goos. lowest prices guaranteed. Hubcrmann, Jewelor, 13 & Doug. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' mcotlngs, etc., to Tho Deo. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 233. Atheno burled alive, 18th & Douglas stroot. Old street carnival grounds. ttn.OO for it Half a liny' a VVorlf. If vou llvo In tho country or In n small town nnd havo a good acqualntanco among tho farmers and stockrnlscrs In tho neigh borhood, you can mako G.OO easily by four or five hours' work. Wrlto ue and wo will send you our proposition. Tho Deo Publish ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb. Johnson Ilros., coal. Tel. 1002. Ilnriinr Dinner. Gcorgo crooK woman s Honor uorps win m as as ft hold a bazaar Tuesday and Wednesday, Do- f nOlQUP UC.S8 rnmhnr Ifi nnrl 11th nt tho rtntitliwnRt rornnr I a cf Twenty-fourth nnd Seward streets, rhlckcn dinner Tuesday at C o'clock p. m. Dinner 25c. Card of 'J'htiiikn. Wo dcslro to thank our friends nnd tho Tratemal Order of Eagles, for tho kindness shown us during our recent sorrow, tho death of our husband and father. MUS. J. It. UAHNACLE. , , HARRY R. IMRNACLE. J. WALTER UARNACLE. Try tho Chicago laundry. 'Phono 20C. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho llathcry, 210-220 Deo building. Telephone 171C. Atheno burled nllyo, 18th & Douglas Street. Old street carnival grounds. Shampooing nnd hair dressing, 25c. In connection with tho Dathory, 216-220 Deo building. Telephone 171G. Publish your legal notices In tho Weekly SGHAEFER'S DIED. IVNCII Thomas It., need C2 years. Funeral Monday mornlnir. December 9. nt 8:30 n. in., from family residence, 2CG7 jJOUgiuH Bireor, 10 mi. reicr s cnurcn. in terment, Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Cambrldgo and Hyannls, Neb., papers picaso copy. Acorn Base Burners It is not too early nor Is It too Into for you to buy an Acorn Unoo Burner. Not withstanding tho fact Unit our antes on this culebrated utovo liavo nearly doubted this year, wo ntlll liavo u comnlcto lino ana wo want you to havo one. In fact wo cannot ceo wny you snouui uuy uny of thn clicai ImltatloiiH of tho Acorn whnn you cun buy thn gcnulnu nt priced ruuglng from J20.00 to 'J)M. Sevmity-ono years In business ban taught tho Acorn people how to muko n good utovo nnd twenty years soiling them haa taught us how to curu It Would Surprise You to know what n variety of HOLIDAY PRESENTS wo toll. Our lino ot CHRIST MAS CUTLERY Is not equaled In tho pity and our prices nro right. CARVERS M Kir Jas. Morion & SKATES TOOLS In sets SCISSORS SCROLL SAWS SHEARS Son Co., 1511 Dodge St. Cutlery Iloadtiuartora. tor your wnntu. Lot ua show you. Tk4-45 TAm!? JohnHussie Temptation Tonic A Ijonir Joiirnr. Means extra money fqr meals and Incident als, and a. waste ot valuablo tlrao enroutc. Why Incur unnecessary expenso nnd delay In traveling via circuitous routes when you can rldo In tho finest trains on n perfectly ballasted track, over a direct route. Tho fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San Francisco and Portland, from Omaha, 15 hours ahead ot all competitors. City ticket office, 1324 Farnatn, 'Phone 316. Nichols & Uroadfleld, printers, 13 North Fifteenth street. 'Phone 1942. PALACINE OIL, high grado safety light. "The Kilties." Reserved scats now on sale. Douglas Printing Co., 1308 Howard, Tel. 614. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, office at Victoria hotel, 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can bo found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases ot women and children. December Special Rates H0MESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Tuesday, December 17th. HOLIDAY RATES December 24th, 25th and 31st, 1001, nnd January 1st, 1902. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. On salo dally. For Information, tickets, rates, pamph lets, etc., call or address COMPANY' OFFICE, S. 13. Cor. lltli mill DoiikIiih Sin., omaiia, m:ii. A nrofesMonnl nlunlst called on one ot thn little four ruruls a few days nco and asked to havo his ounco bottlo tilled with Witch Hazel. Tho rural tilled It nnd charted him 2Dc. Tho nlnno man kicked nnd wild ho could go down to tho Deutchor Apotheker and got the same quantity, u we ennncouor cignr nnu car iaro iiiiu sun havo money left. After this hnr.inguo tho rural nunucu ino pinno man uucit itc, shaKiiig his neau ucaponucnuy. 25c Mistletoe Cream 17c 25o Hill's Cascara Qulnlno Ilromldo.... 18c J1.00 Parisian Hair Tonic "Co (Tills preparation Is Kunruntcod.) 11.00 Warner's Sato Cure C7o COo Kodol 40o 60c Omega Oil 40a JIW winu uaniui no 25c I.axatlvo liroino-Qulnlne 12a 25c Qutnncctot (beRt for colds) 20a 1.00 Hutler'B Female Regulator "Go (This preparation Is guaranteed.) 12.00 Crnmor'n Tansy. Cotton-Root und l'enr.yroyai i-ins u.w Cut Prios Drug Store Cel. T4T. . W. Car. lth Oblosne Goods delivered FREE to anv Daft of city. Hardware Co.. a.J.f,l. vs. IT U H v U size, tnreo tor ji.im . 7 Twelve for 3.33 24.1 17-4.1 HI Uutttllll? JSt Bpoclal price to jouDera ana druggists. T.7 . ,V . 1.00 Cramer's Kidney Curo 47o 'If you buy it of Husate, It's right." ji.oo Coku's Dandruff Curo Mo . si.oo Wlno Cardul 60o Orange Wine Turo Julco of tho orange. Manufactured by tho Golden Onto Fruit Co. of San Qabrlul. Cal. A Hue, light wine, made, Irum tno nest navci oranges. Wo aro Hole ugenu. I'rico: Ono gallon t'iM Onu Quart for T5o For the Ladies. "Seventy-seven Delicious nishoH." u dnlntv llttlo souve nir coolt book, free, with our cniniilluu'iitM. Given free to nil who call. Puro California (bottled right), 3Jc, DOc ,nnd Tbo (juurt. CACKLEY BROS. wnoi,usAi.i: i.iutoit jii:iiciiaxts. Oiin"lt I'liatallU'. TcIviiIioiio 11-1S. AgontH for Hunter Ryo and Old Taylor WUUKies. 0 Allegretti Chocolate Creams lb., only 30o 1 lb., 60c 2 lbs., 91.20 Hiiyler's Candies 1,1b. flno mixed 80o 8 lbs. flno mixed J1.C0 6 lbs. fine mixed 4.00 Wo havo tho exclusive agency for tho bove confoctlous, which aro tho most pop ular brands of candy sold. Lcavo your Chrtatmae orders with us now that wo way be suro to supply you. Wo pack them nil ready for oxprees to any part of tho United Statos. MYERS-DILLON DRUG GO. JCTH AND FARNAM STS. 4.1.76 S. S. S 1.10 2Ca FIso s cure no "Aia Howell's Antl-Kawf 15a 1 ounce Absorbent Cotton 6a 4 ounces ADsoroeni uouou no 8 ounces Absorbent Cotton 25c 16 ounces Absorbent uotlon 40o 1,00 Newbro's Herploldo f.9a 8-ounco bottle Witch Hazel.. 3.75 Horllck's MI1K. "Deliahtful" To havo tooth extracted when Vital ized Air Is used. No pain. No after effects. Gold Crowms, 22 k,i $5.00, Good Teeth, a set, $5,00. Our l'latea aro made to fit tho mouth and to give satisfaction. T A PT'C PHILADELPHIA ini I O DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DOUGLAS STREET. ERFICTION IN SHOES For Men and Women Wo aro Just receiving sotno very lato new styles In women's walking shoes with welt B0I03 ot tho corroct weight, and tho proper extension of edge vlcl kid, velours calf, Ideal patent kid, and cnamol calf very bandsomo and worth seeing wbother you aro ready to purchaso or not 3.50, 1.00 and $5.00 grades. In men's footwear wo aro showing tho latest correct and fashlonahlo lasts and leathers, mado up with all tho snappy stylishness that makes our shoc3 peculiarly oxclustvo and correct 3.C0, 5.00 nnd fl.00. KlltlcV llnnil. Reserved seats at tho Douclas Printing Co.. 150S Howard St. Tel. 644. Oneu Satur day and Monday evenings until 9 o'clock. There's only one Stonccypher. He prints. These Drug Prices Monday. December 9lh. Rrlng money and you can buy drugs at theso prices Monday at Sherman fij McCon noil's Drug Storo: 1.00 Temptation Tonic, Monday 20c (Full slzo and genuine.) 1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure, Monday.. 46c (1.00 slzo Cramer's Cure, mind you.) 1.00 Ilurnham's Snrsaparllla 49c! 1.00 Allan's Celery Compound Etc "00 slzo Coko's Dandruff Curo 34c 1.00 Dandcrlno for Hair, Monday G9c 1.00 Trammer's Extract Malt, Monday E9o 2-qt. Hot Water Hags, Monday 40o 2-qt. Fountain Syringe, Monday 49o 23o Howell's Antl-Kawf, Monday 13c 1.00 Magnet l'llo Cure, Monday 50c so Merchant's Gargling Oil, Monday. 13c 25o Ilromo-Seltzcr, Monday 13c -10c Ilromo-Soltzer, Monday Ec COo OMEGA OIL, Monday 34c 1,000 KINDS PERFUME. SliermanSes MoConnall OrugGo. Corner Sixteenth and Dodco Streets. A 1 REFRESHING DRINK that always braces tired nerves nnd Invig orates tho weak Is a glas3 of Pt'RE beer llko the Metz. No woman who Is worried with household duties or with tho caro ot babies or children should bo without a enso of Metz beer in the house. It Is tho best medicine you can 'tako. Metz Bros. Go. Tel 119, Omaha. Or Jacob Noumnyer, Agent, caro Nou muyer Hotel, Council Uluffs, Iown. Brewing ftTZ OROI.BREWINO ti Jupiter Coal Rest medium priced coal on the mar ket. Sold only by us. ' Lump $5.75 a Ton. Nut $5.50 a Ton. . All coal well screened and promptly delivered. Hald & Rice, 506 S. 16th St. Telephone 12J1S. Tar Horehound Wild Cherry Properly compounded, make ono of tho best cough syrups you can buy. Our COMPOUND SYRUP HOREHOUND, TAR AND WILD CHERRY is peculiar In Itself, relieving tho most ob stlnato cough, tickling sensation In the throat, hoarseness, soro lungs, tightness of chest, In fact all troubles of tho throat and lungs. Manufactured and sold hero for tho lest 15 years. Price, 23c a bottle. FULLER DRUG AND PAINT GO. 14th and Oonsilaa Sta. (t-Tfc CHICHESTER' ENQLI8H Pennyroyal pills HLLwdtTTv Orlglaal and Only tienalntw .11 TKi r. slt f IIITUT l1ftkl vwrir I Jll vi v vj mjmj lilt n 4nauik3s In ltl".l .04 UoM luet.lll. boiM. l4 "lib tlo rlbhoo. Take no clktr. Htfuw Uavs.roa. Hub.lttulton. aad latlta. tUn. nj of 7ur Druiiut. r acnl 4c. la tinnt rr I'artt.ulan. Teattawnlali od "Ilrll.r for l.a!M,"ln lllr, tj rft turn Ifall. lO.OflOT.illramilKli. HttMbv It Druf dm. Calrhe.trr CLwinlflAl Ok . atallaaa Saaara. VAi istmas Suggestions FRY SHOE CO FOHUBIILT N. E. Cor. I6th J and Douglas naaaaBaBaKavaaaaaaaaaBBaBaaaaaauaHajBBBsBsiBB,, 12q S2.75 JI.OO Horllck's Malted Milk C7o 60 7o wa Horllck's Malted Milk. 2-grain Qulnlno Capsules, dozen. S-crnln Qulnlno Cansulcs. dozen. b-gram yuinmo uapHuiea, uozen ice 0ST0N 1 DRUG W DEPT. A Suitable Christmas Present At Very Low Cost - Nothing gives moro plcamiro to young and old than pictures. Wo havo a larger selection than over this year of KODAKS AND CAMERAS, at prices within tbo reach ot all. Ueforo com pleting your Christmas list call on us. Wo can show you a beautiful Folding Camera, with bulb releaso, for $5.00. Ii r go assortment of Al bums and Photographic Specialties. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Puriiiim Struct. Wholesalo and Itotall Dealors 'in Photo Material. Leather Goods Novelties wrought from the- Bon boirhI niul highly finished hides nnd skins of many nnlmnls nro uuioiii,' our most promluent lioll day speelnltlcH. Flno leather Is ns unmlHtuknulo ns dlfferenco In breeding and equally Inimitable Tho uualltlcs sold hero arc not Imitations but genuine whether alligator, seal, monkey, kangaroo snnke, pig, horso or cow. CS lit nnd silver mountings. Pocket books, Card Cases, Wallets, Let ter Cases, Hill Folds, Portfolios, Paper Sets. The Moyer Stationery Co., 220.222 So. 10th Street. Chafing Dishes 5 O'clock Teas. Artistic designs, ninny entirely new, for this season, comprising the best patterns nt prices ranging from 2 to $15. .j Carving Sets, Roast Carvers, Game Carvers, Breakfast Carvers. Elegant patterns in stng, ebony, pearl and tusk mountings of the highest grade in English and American brands, the best values from 1.25 to 15 per set. Rogers Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons. Pocketknives, Scissors, Razors, Star Safty Razors. SKATES Barney & Berry, Winslow. Klipper Klub A big line of new patterns from 55c to 5.00. SLEDS and COASTERS JWKS 4 Rogers & Sons Co, Corner 14th and Fariiam Sts. In 9 'SS X j'"THE 99 CENT ORE- 1519-21 Douglas St. It's None Too Early To Think of Your Christmas Buying Far In ndvnnco of nil competition this atoro standa iiro-uiiilncntly in tho Ural plnco for holiday shopping. NOWHUIIK ELSE AUG TUB VAST ASSORT MENTS. NOWHERE ELSE ARE THE EXTREMELY hOW PRICES. 13lg spoclal sales every day In every department. Toys, Dolls, Games in Profusion Tho grandest collection of Santa Claus wares ever Ruthorcd together. no suro to got our prices; they'ro lower than any competition, no matter what they quoto. ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars, &Inutegturod by . K Blco MoroautUo Olgr'Oo., 0U Louli. Uulou jludo MYDEN 7 S "PARTICULARS THE GOODS ARE IN." (Open Evonlngs Until Christmas.) Our cloak department Is crowded every day. Wo will glvo you tho reasons why and lcavo It to your Judgment in ns tew and short words as possible. Our cloak buyor visited Now York and Hoston markets about Thanksgiving. Ho closed out sovcral Hno stocks ot new up-to-dato goods at nbout COo on tho dollar. Our friends nnd cus tomers In Omaha and surrounding country aro reaping tho benefits ot theso bargalus. MONDAY'S SPECIALS Selected trora tho best numbors ot theso stocks wilt bo on salo beginning promptly nt 8 n. m. Your money back tor any garment you buy that you nro not satisfied with. 1'niCES QUOTED AT HAYDEN'S TODAY THAT WILL IJE ADVERTISED UY OTHER HOUSES AS I1ARUAINS SIXTY DAYS HENCE. Skirts ' Womwi'i Btilrln lnrluilliiir the entire stock of Max .Solomon, tho kltm of skirt makers me wunu over. Women's rnlny-dny skirts, flounco trim; med with 10 rows of Htltchlug, mndo of heavy taffeta, worth S.OO, QQ Women's dress nklrts, mnilo of Bcrgesi nnd Venetians and other cloths, trimmed with .1, 4 nnd r. rows nf tmtln Q QO bands, worth up to JT.W, for uiOU l'nMinnH ulltt ilrnnu ntlltu. frlttl A i fl !ned with point lace, for ? UO Just Cne Lot of Suits That Is, n lot of 150 suits In nil sires nnd colors, In ctons, blotiso nnd tlglit-llttlng, roRUlnr J10.00. Jli'.lO and 115.00 values: from tho aoodnuiti & Htrauss 7 AO stock, for I mVO Tho children wcVo not forgotten by our buyer when In New York. Ho secured I0O children's eiderdown cloaks, ages 2 to C, in plain nnd fancy cloths, trimmed with nn gora, lined nnd Interlined In red, pinks, blue, tnns, cardinals nnd old roso; divided, Into two lots; they will bo sold at 1.::3 nnd Jl.Mi they uro worth up to Jfi.OO. Ono lot of rblldrcn's Jackets, I nn ages 4 to VI, fur. Ii09 Ono lot of children's RngUns, with or without capes, ages I to 11, bought from Goodman At Strauss: tlmy aro worth JS.OOj ns shown In our window lor O na Monday at LtiiO Children's fur sols 98C Children's fur sets, In nlco long nngorn, tieautlfnlly trimmed, worth 11.50, O QO for only aa3)U We call vour attention, first, to this Raglan No. U909, mado of heavy covert cloth, sill; lined throughout, with velvet collar, yoko In Ifcick, turn-up cuffs, from tho loodman & ytrauss stock, (! QO ror oniy viitv Nolo th s line an No. 81SX. mado of nil wool kersey, In black and oxford grays, half Mitlu lined, yoko back and front, deep turn-back cuffs, worth 0.00, Q QfJ No. 611. women's Antomobllos. mado from nil wool kerseys, In castors and C Atl blacks, sizes 32 to IG, only UatyU No. 7Co. women's Automobiles, mado or best American Woolen Mills kerseys, Btltched with ten rows of silk stitching all nrnmiil! lino. I tvllli Out fnmntlM SklllTlOr'H sntln; warranted for two years' wear; they are worth $2o, from tho Goodman if Cfl & mrnuss stock, at ivivw Ladies' Jackets-Watch these Prices. Lot No. 1. mado of all wool kcrsoy. with l'Alglon collar, a beautiful garment, from the stock of 8. & B.; they uro Q QO worth $8.50; for only UitfO Nos. 596 nnd 930. two box coats, Bilk lined. In blacks, browns and castors, storm or l'Alglon collar; they nro worth A QO lio.oo, ror , tww No. i3S, a most magnificent coat, worth $18.60 In any houso In America, mado of Wont nf Knirlnnrl Itersevs. trimmed with strap of same material. Bilk figures worked Wltll S11K cmuroiuery on sleeves aim uanus in back and front; lined with tho Q Qfl famous Skinner's satin, for only 99U i deep jf 3.90 t Extra Specials for Monday Women's fur senrfs, trimmed with sis tails, worth J.'.GO, 79C Women's nstrakhan collarettes, lined with satin throughout, worth I nn $5.00, for Ii9U Women's silk underskirts with dec; flounce, in pinKB, biucs, curuiunis anil blacks, for Women's bouclo capes, SO Inches i Cl long, for IiOU Women's Plush Capes, SO Inches Q Qfl long, for O.aU Women's black cloth capes, 30 Q 7R Inches long, for u.BU Tho cntlro stock of waists from Bernstein & Levi on sale at COo on tho dollar. Read Great Sales on Page II HlViltl iWDE f T"a lilrll mmm Hirf Schatfncr It Vfl ar 7a lor faJe Clothes and without yokes Men's Fine Suits, also blue serge and -our price, ' 12.50- f EXCLUSIVE IS STYLES Open Evenings Until Christmas. When you buy your clothing from us, you are sure to have the proper STYLE, BESIDES you are assured o the very, lwiui- ninihino- fni- the least monev. Wo biwvi'Q - v will sell 1,500 suits and 1,000 overcoatH this week for less money than clothing has ever been sold for in the history of Omaha. Men's Suits and Overcoats, SI9.C0 Men's suits and overcoats, made of fine all wool fabrics, suits in line Avoru teds and tweeds, made in the new Yale 'and military styles, overcoats in liuo cheviots, vicunas in gray brown and tho new gold mixtures, made extra long with .wnrth double our Di'ice, S10.00. in all the latest shades of worsted cheviot, clay worsted, made and trimmed to sell for 17.550. en's Very Fines! Suits mi Over vgrcoal: made by best clothing manufacturers in America, such nmkera as Hart, Sehaffner & .Marx, The Stein-lHoeh Co., and JJ. Kotch ield Si Co., equal to any iJJia made-to-measure suits and overcoats our price only 15.00.' Men's .$0.50 Paragon Pants, at 3.50 Men's 4.50 line all wool Pants, at , 2.50 Men's 9.50 suits and overcoats for 5.00 Young men's 10 long overcoats for 5.00 Youths' 15 long yoke overcoats at; 7.50 Extra special sale of' boys' suits and overcoats for this week. Hi mm WW Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. READ GKEAT SALES ON PAGE ELEVEN. K ppj pv Oni? of the lifat e.iulpped nf tbe ICeeUy ayatetu ol.lntl .1 IT 1 v l.llli. I., V.. I. r.ir.i vU iC Iirtiitki-iiiK'na. Cures Drut; Ui;rn, Tcilmeuo Uaera. 'I'll II ICUIll.nV lNSTl'l'lITU. Ill and I.euvrmvortli, Omaha. pSadra Arkansas Anthracite A hlRli Krailo soml-antbracito coal. Docs the work of hard coal. $8.00 Per Ton. Clean, strong, with as llttlo smoko and less ash than bard coal. C. B. Havens & Co. 1522 Fornam St. Tcls. 301-317-323. t tl , A Pretty Girl from Lincoln Miss Mao Walsh, a popular society bollo, ' says: "I had pimples on my faco for two ycarB and took overy blood raedlcino nnd faco preparation I read about. Notblns did mo any good until I was recommended to try Shrnder'B KIk Powder, with a bottlo ot Victor's Tonto Lotion. After tho uso of tho two medicines In two weeks all my pimples had loft mo and my skin soft nnd clear. I wish to say that I havo a fow frocklcs, which havo also disappeared I think tbcrq la no medicine that equals Shrnder'B Fl I'owdor and Victor's Tonlo Lotion for tho faco. Very respectfully, MAK WALSH," Sold at all drug stores or Bond lOo for l trial box KIk I'owder. W. J, Staler Medicine Go,, N.w York Iloom 10, No. 30 Kait Utk 3L r 1602 N. ZiUA St.. Omaha. Htb.