Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1901, Page 18, Image 26

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A Large Collection to Select From
Finest and Cheapest in the City.
Oriental Rugs
and Carpets
A gcntloman who knows a great deal about tubs, Bald: "Your rugs aro
almost priceless. I had had no Idea there wero so many here. I never saw
them as fine." Tho public Is Invited to Judgo for themselves. Compare qual
ity and price beforo buying elsewhere. Sco my Ohnravan Carpet, 0-8x16 feet;
Kcrmanshah, 0-Cxl2-ll, and many other valuablo oncd.
II cc HiillilliiK tliilriiiicc, -'-( South 17th Street.
Two eights
To Florida
Jacksonville with its sunshine and flowers is
only two nights' ride from Omaha, and the trip
is not an expensive one.
This season the trains to Florida are faster
and the service better than ever.
Drop in the Burlington ofllce and talk itover.
' I S. Tho Hurllngton nlso runs person
ally conducted excursions to California
threw times n week 1:23 p. m. Thursdays
uud Saturduys, und 10:30 p. m. Saturdays.
1502 ParnaruSt. Tel. 250,
10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128
Reason is a Law lo Itself and Knowledge is the
Only Power that Can Overthrow ErrorA
Candid Statement from an Irrefutable
r,Ir'Ju.,.tl,lk.?..t? V0 11 mtI further
chat with allllcted humanity. Thou
sands upon thousands havo harkened
unto mo nml now sound tho praises
of tho TRUTH of all I havo ever
claimed. All I nsk of humanity Is to
nbjuro tho WHY and seek tho HOW.
I-alth Is an accident of birth, Just as
dlscaso Is, sometimes.
When a man has lost his rower and
becomes Lax. almost or wholly Vlgor
less, ho may know tho renson, but has
not tho faith or confidence In a nat
ural remedy that Is tho ONI A" HOPE
Of Ills COmnletfl rpfltnmttnn H'ni.
Nervous, Vigorless, Rheumntlo and
Dyspeptic persons should reud my two
valuablo little Hooklcts that tell of tho
wonders performed by Gnlvanlc
Llectriclty. My books frco to all.
nn.A T?iAt.i.ii.. . . - . . . ....
7 mo jii.-tiiiuiiy mm ia useu ror light
; I and power is for that purpose Just as
""v"j uaivunic iMoctricity is
In tho human body to Sustain I,lfo and
keep tho various functions of tho body
In operation. When my Matchless and
Incomparalilo Elcctrlcnl Appliances
nro used all Norvo-Vltal Disorders
niimimntiRn, . tnllM , WmaT; . r'cce' vanishes and
Don't Drug Yourself to Death.
Mv i-in Jw,P,,riCh MKcnbI J3a.ttcr,j;. Co.lls of My nclt nro exclusively patented nnd
tuXt l;ZStTl.?aX .Achtnent for Vigorless Men Is tho Most Wonderful Invention
V.l'.',Ui"B .vor ,be,en vouchsafed to a filleted man, and is FREE to ma e patients
aUvTnJ ffia.E !H5& Sm'rloU8,-t lmltntions-theso Imitations nro 'the "et
If you worth nnd merit of my Appliances, so do not to duped. But
Have Been Humbugged
nrA Wcnk, sJnn,,c,nnm?,t. hMo his Weakness nnd ho Loses Cournge. becomes
DR. BENNETT electric belt co
Comer Dodge and 16th St.. Omaha. Nebr. OpJoRS yS'&S'&
A Watch
American Style Watch in Gold Laid Case.
cltit rtllabla tlmaptica.
opportunity off.rtJ to anjr oa wUfetnjTa rit-
tbtj l It yi
it la Ahwrlwn
Thtio trttche are bran4 new, wtthost aaratcb or Urnlih s th.hi in.
os. of thaw wlcfc. ,oa trill atwayi bm tt cortect fimi Vo'ntVi: 7h"0i!7.07"
rauroaa men or tboot irb need 4 tor clow tltaer. Tbla Li tba watch you can aicira "
! ou 11 U pWcm of ojir Jewelrj t 10 centi aaob. Stmolf und your Dam and
."JV1? "I"1 th-" W sod will aeoil jot tt. baudaomt OolJ Lata
Watch. W truat you aa4 will tako back nhat yU cannot
We. x&roore to sir away tbeae watcbe aluiDlr to adrartla mr hni.
rm. No catcb wonla In tbte adtortltetnent. WH MEjLN JUST WHAT WB
BAY. Tou requlro no capital wMlo watklbf tor ua.
N. B. W nlll aatnl your watcb, all chaxiea propald, wb.n yoa nai
oa tho money tor tbe jewelry,
la hereby offered to any pcraon who can prote that wa hare not ilrtn FHKE
Bvauwiul uoia laij t urn lur ariiinf pivca ui
at 10 centa each. Addrete Department O.
our handaomo Jewelry
W. S. SIMPSON, 19 Warren St., New York.
Iter cf Diamond Diggings Wcrlcii to a
Fiiiin in Habuilca.
tScenic Line
Friday and
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
Via Colorado, psssinR the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles.
City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha.
Profits of the I'riiiiiolern nnd the
rurorril Ketr Contrnntril with
the I.ome.i Matlntlca from the
Four DlatrlljutlitR Ccutcra.
In tho written story of western develop
ment only threo states brighten tho breezy
chapters with tho light of illnmonJa. Cali
fornia nud Wyoming havo had diamond dls-
filngs, salted for tho occasion, and Montana
worked off nn cxtcnslvo field for native
gems on London speculators. When the
next volumo of tho story comes to bo writ
ten Nebraska should rccolvo a diamond
chapter rivaling tho record of Us sister
states. In each lnstanco tho wealth of
precious stones held up to tho gazo of tho
multltudo dazzled Imaginations and success
fully lured tho nlmblo dollars from count
loss pockots beforo tho lights wont out for
ever. Llko Its predecessors, tho fabled
diamond diggings of Nebraska havo boon
worked to a finish, and four-fifths of thoso
who staked their monoy on tho gatno pos
sess ornate certificates as souvenirs of blind
faith. Somo havo Induced discreet friends
to kick them away bbek to n rear scat.
Others nro feeing lawyers to watch tho
post mortem. In no Instance, however,
does tho promoter appear as a loser In tho
Somo fifteen months ago, when tho dig
gings wero In their Infancy, Tho Lice di
rected attention to tho gatno and pointed
out tho lncvltablo result. Promoters nnd
victims ollko opened their hot air pipes and
Indulged In a prolonged roar of denial,
without changing tho result In tho slightest
degree Out of a dozen or moro tontlno
diamond companies then In existence fow
aro working in tholr old haunts today.
Threo died n nntural death, threo aro In tho
hands of receivers, two havo moved out of
tho state, four havo shifted headquarters
and tho rcmnlndcr retain a scmblnnco of
life by tho aid of hot air tonics.
An Old fSninc.
Tho history of tho diamond tontlno
schemo Is a ropotltlon of tho numerical
bond graft which plucked tho central west
for several million dollars in tho early
'90s. Practically similar methods wero
pursued in both Instances and lapses were
relied upon to fulfill contracts. Falluro
to meet payment at the specified time
worked a forfelturo of tho amount paid on
a given contract, so that tho mlsfortuno
or neglect of somo members wero tho solo
rcJIanco of tho promoters to perform tholr
part of tho contract. In other words tho
schemo was to profit tho few at tho ex
pense of tho many. In support of this
theory, llfo Insurance tables wero quoted
extensively, and tho claim was mado that
what Ufa Intmranco had dono could bo
readily duplicated In tho diamond tontlno
scheme. Dut nn ounco of expcrlenco
proved moro effcctlvo than n ton of theory
or columns of Juggled Insuranco tables.
Expcrlenco with numerical bonds, as with
tho diamond scheme, demonstrated that
lapses wero precious fow. Tho huge profits
promised was a bait too tempting to bo
easily dropped nnd nlnc-tonths of tho mem
bers hung on llko grim death, each ono
hoping that the others might let go and
rndlato his shirt bosom with an Incan
descent glow.
Four DIxtrlliutliiK Point).
Tho principal 'distributing points for dia
monds In thts'stato wero Omaha. Lincoln,
Hastings and. Grand Island. Hastings ap
pears to havo been the most prolific field,
having had six tontlno companies In less
than two years. Tho first was tho Benefi
cial Tontlno company. It did considerable
business for a time, then moved to Omnhn
and collapsed. Tho Tontlno Investment
company ran for ten months and was sold to
Omaha parties. Four others followed, all
orgnnlzed by Hastings business men. Two
of theso nro alive, ono Is In n, receiver's
hands and tho fourth moved to Omnha.
Throo of tho six transferred their head
quarters to Omaha, following tho custom of
tho tribe, thus checking local Inquisitive
ness and removing tho surplus beyond the
range of local disturbance. It Is estimated
tho six Hastings companies Issued 2,000 con
tracts, of which COO aro said to havo been
Lincoln has had throo companies the
Tontlno Mercantile, tho Columbian and tho
Tontlno Investment company. Tho first
named transferred Its headquarters to Salt
Lake City, nnd hundreds of contract holders
aro waiting for the promised diamonds.
Tho second moved to York. Tho third shut
up shop Just as Its contracts wero nbout to
maturo and is, now undergoing liquidation.
Theso companies Issued about 2,100 con
tracts and matured 400, but bow many wero
paid off Is unknown. Tholr combined re
celpts wore between $20,000 and $30,000, of
which not moro than 20 per cent was paid
back to tho contract holders.
Or ii ml Ifflntiil'a Ilrllllant.
Grand Island's Security Tontlno company
Issued f00 contracts, of which 101 wero ma
tured and paid. Tho balanco Is In tho
hands of a receiver. Tho lnsldo history of
this company as rovcalcd In tho court pro
ceedings on tho application for a receiver
presents two significant features In Janu
ary of this year, after building up an elo
gant business during 1900, tho postal nu
thorltlcs pronounced its contracts a lottery
and forbid tho company tho uso of the
mails. This was a solar plexus blow from
which It did not recover. Tho local field
was not large enough to work profitably,
and nearby vcrduro was a necessary of life,
A lawyer was dispatched to Washington to
securo n modification of the mall order. He
returned with a modification of tho com
pany's contract Instead, tho uso of which
would cnnblo tho company to uso tho malls.
Tho contract approved by tho postofilce
authorities wiped out tho clement of chance
entlroly by providing that when tho con
tract holder had tho required amount ($200)
to lib credit his contract should bo re
deemed. JCfforts to substltuto tho new con
tract for thp old proved abortive. Holders
of tho old form of contract thought they
had too good a thing and declined the ex
change Of theso 110 havo been paid up
and tho remainder of tho E00 contracts
Issued havo varying sums to tholr credit.
About $10,000 was paid out on tho 101 con
tracts redeemed. Only ono diamond changed
bands nnd that brilliant was secured by a
railroad man In Omaha. Tho others wero
satisfied with cash. Who theso fortunate
follows aro is something of a mystery,
Vory few nro local residents, nnd tho Im
pression provalls that Grand Island peoplo
should havo been given a better ehow on
tho ground floor. Tho names of4bo organ
izers of tho company do not appear on the
books as contract holders. Was tholr faith
less than tbelr patrons'?
The Omnha Crop,
Threo tontlno companies wero organized
In Omnha. Threo of tho Hastings com
panies moved to this city. At least ono
outside company maintains a branch here.
Of tho seven compnnles which worked this
Hold at vcrlous times at least threo aro do
funct, another Is tied up In court on an
application for a receivership and tho re
maining threo nre dragging out a feeblo
existence, moro or less undor cover. It Is
estimated they unloaded at least 1,000 con
tracts In this vicinity nnd If they paid oft
The Fire, Smoke and Water Sale at Hospe's
Is Raging Harder Than Ever
Tho recent loss at THIS IMMENSE AKT AND MUSIC1 ESTABLISHMENT was quickly adjusted by the insurance
underwriters, as only a small portion was destroyed, another small lot wet by water, a further lot slightly damaged
by smoke. Notwithstanding this the- allowance was on the ENTIIiE STOCK and this represents all tho
Pianos, Organs, Stools, Scarfs, Pictures, Frames, Musical
Instruments, Shcei music and iusic Becks
. Therefore we have made the cut from one-third to one-half on most goods and a decided reduction on the balance.'
Think of the opportunity of getting a Knabe, Kimball, Hallet & Davis, Kranich & IJach, Schumann, Clark, Ilospe
Whitney, Ilinze, Cable and the many other well known and celebrated makes of pianos at prices which are so low that
it paralyzes competition. Think of the best planus the world produces at prices like this- Sir .?7H S10" S1'S
M7, 158, S1GS, 105, 210, $228, 210, 208, 283 and up, on terms of 5 to 25 down and '(5 to 15 per month.'
Organs from 0, 1S, 22, 33, 39 and up, 2 to 1 payments.
Musical Instruments
Borne slightly damaged by smoho, others by water none enough to hurt tone
or wear ns every Instrument Is fully warranted.
J15.00 Washburn Mandolins,
$18.00 Wnshburn Mandolins,
$12.00 Burton Mandolins,
lilO.OO Burton Mandolins,
$30.00 Mayflower Mandolins,
at ,
li.OO Mandolins,
$3.00 Mandolins,
$15.00 Burton Guitars,
$12.00 Bcnnry CJultnrs,
ut ,
Violins, Dnnjos, Accordeons, from $3.00 up to
$10.00. nt half price, somo ono-thlrd off, somo 23
per cmt off.
$100.00 Iteglnn Music Boxes,
ut ,
$15.00 Ucglna Music Boxes,
nt ,
$300 Iteglna Music Boxes,
slightly wet by water,
all thoroughly clean nnd
bright, at half and two
thlrds prices from COe
Harmonicas, Cc, 10c,
lGc and 25c; formor price
$2.00 cloth bound vocal
and Instrumental books
for $1.00.
Standard song albums,
half prlco.
23 per cent off on op
era scores.
Lots of up-to-dato
music, only 10c.
Popular songs, 15c.
A special discount on nil trimmings, such ns Music Stnnds, Drum Sticks
?trimlf price. UUgS fr lnstrumcnta a,,a Wooden Violin Cases
1 wJmLm
Framed Paintings, Wafer Colors and Engravings
In this stock the damage was light mostly smoke
which was easily removed, (except where paintings were
entirely destroyed.) The insurance adjusters made the
allowance big enough so that we will sell all framed pic
tures at one-half price.
Sheet Pictures, Water Co!ors, Etchings, Engrav
ings, Facsimiles, Water Color Carbons, Photo
graphs, Plaiinofypes
at one-fourth to one-half off the price. Frames for pictures
at one-half to two-thirds of our best prices. Great display
of pictures at oc, 10c, 25c and up.
Wafer Color Boxes, One-Fourth Off
Brushes, Oil Tube Taints, Artists' Materials at special
prices to clean up all stock which was on hand during
the Are. "
IS!3-!S!5 JJonslas St.
. , ltmmtWK n , t-, n,-Bim,T . , IVihlTMliiii.gM'iiirilif
)BBjfJ25iiiiyM MMgTMrraMTTr-tMi-aMi m "
Fast Trains
aro via
What Is tho uso of wasting your
tlmo onrouto nnd your mouoy
on extra meals when it C03T3
NO MOItH to travel' jn the
finest trains on the best bal
lasted road in tho west, the
Great Trans-Contlnontal Lino,
"The Overland RoutoT"
The Popular Personally
Conducted Excursions arn
Tla this lino. Leave Omaha
every Wednesday and Friday at
:26 p. ui. can Join excursion at
any point enroute.
Pullman Ordinary Cars leave
Omaha at 11:20 p. m. 0V8ry
Tuesday for Loo Angeles.
Pullman Ordinary (Tourist)
Caro lcovo Omaha DAILY at
4:26 p. m. for San Krnnclaco and
For full Information address.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam.
Tolophono 316.
tho usual proportion of ono In flvo, 200
diamonds or tho cash equivalent wore dls
trlbuted. Resides tho local companies, ono
of tho Lincoln concerns planted a largo
number of contracts In this city, many of
which havo been paid up by tho holders,
but tho diamonds nro not forthcoming. Tho
company quietly shitted headquarters from
Lincoln to Salt Lake City, lcuvlng tho vic
tims a fresh bunch of glowing promises
Tho promoters hoped to work Salt Lako City
handsomely and pay off tho contracts left
behind. Letters recontly addressed by the
hopeful contract holders to tho company
at tho Mormon metropolis fulled to elicit an
nnBwer nnd gnawing suspicion is rooting
hope on tho perch.
SliliiK l'l the Rrnft.
A summary of tho operations of tho dia
mond promoters at tho four distributing
centers of tho stata cannot bo mado with'
nny degrco of accuracy becauso tho affairs
of several companies which shifted head
quarters aro not accessible. A partial list
shows 5,500 contracts Issued and 1,200 paid
off. As a general thing tho tontlno con
tracts called for seventy-six weekly pay
ments of $1.25 each and an advance pay
ment of $5, a total of $100. Each con
tract holder paid off received a two-carat
diamond or tho equivalent In cash, $100.
Tho fortunato 1,200 paid In $120,000 nnd re
ceived In cash or diamonds a total of $192,
000, a net prollt of $72,000. To mako up this
vast sum tho holders of 4,300 contracts
woro skinned. Tho total number of con
tracts Issued In this state was much higher
than tho 5,500 estimate. Only partial pay
ments wero made on a great number. Tak
ing tho excess, tho lapses, aud adding 1,500
of tho known contracts leaves 4,000 con
tracts, on which, It Is fair to assume, tho
full amount of $100 has been paid. That
means a total of $400,000 poured Into tho
coffers of the tontlno companies. Subtract
ing from that sum tho estlmato of $192,000
paid on canceled contracts leaves a balanco
of $205,000 to compensate tho promoters and
boosters for tholr exhausting labors In shed
ding precious stones over tho land. Kach
contract paid oft actually cost $333, accord
ing to this showing, and every tontlno dia
mond In sight represents tho contributions
of four victims of the game. Tho famous
remark of tho lato I'hlneas T. Ilarnum, "A
sucker Is born every mlnuto," attains the
luster of a truism with tbe passing years.
ntreit. Pitts.
N. 11., $125.00;
Lnch one of tho three lines of figures IN THE CENTKK
OF THIS ADVBUTlSUMliNT spells tho namo of a great
city In tho United Stated. This Is a brand new puzzle nnd
can bo solved with a llttlo study ns follows: Thero aro
twenty-six luttcrs In tho alphabet and we hnvo uced llgures
In spelling tho cities instead of letters. Letter A Is number
1, 15 nutmier 2, G numbers, etc.. throughout tho entire alpha
WHICH WE ARE GIVING AWAY for doing u llttlo work
for us. This you can do in lens thun ono hour of your tlmo.
Ibis and other most liberal offers nro mado to Introduco ono
of tho very best New York muguzlucs into every homo In
tho United States anil Canada. WE DO NOT WANT ONE
CENT OF YOUR MONEY. When you havo mado out tho
names of theso threo cities wrlto them plainly on u postal
card and send It lo us nml you will hear from us promptly
UY RETURN MAIL. It mav tako un entire evening to
Bolvo tho threo names, but STICK TO IT AND GET YOUR
SHARE OF THE 1.0W. A cony of our fnsclna'tlng MAGA
ZINE WILL HE SENT FREE to every ono answering this
ndvcrtlsement. Do not delay Send In your nnswer Immedi
MONEY In the future, Just an wo have dono In tho past, to
advertise our CHARMING MAGAZINE. Wo llnd It Is tho
very best advertising wo can got to glvo away LARGE
SUMS OF GOLD FREE. Hero aro tho names and nililrosoos
of a few peoplo wo havo recently awarded .FREE GOLD
i-iu,r..i; Airs, .1. ijiikhuii, i wcniy-inini
burg, Pa.. $130.00: Mr. O. F. Ackcrmnn, Hill,
Mrs. Fred Peace, llfl Atkin
son street, Rochester. N. Y.,
$123.00:' Mr. Georgo Corbett,
Five Islands, Novn Scotln,
Canada, $S0.00: H. C. Haro,
40 Wisconsin nvenue, Colum
bus, O., $1,7.V).00 (this In
cludes tho $030.00 Cabinet
Grand Upright Plnno): W.
Kettle, 2703 Carnon street,
Pittsburg, Pa $190.00; Miss
Martha Gregory, 3 Park
street, Norwalk, Conn.,
flOG.00: Mn. John Jusrt. Pox
7, Enfield, N. H.. $100.00, Wo
could go on nnd point hun
dreds of iiamoH of people
who havo gained Inrgo sums
of money from our contests,
but only kIvo a fow nnmcs,
an wo doalro tho space to
toll you nil about THIS
FREE OFFER. Tho above
solution enn bo worked out
by nn nlcrt and clover per
son and tho reward Is so
handsomo that It will amply
pay you to TRY AND
nnd energy nowadays nro
winning many gouien prizes,
nbout their bad luck. Thero nro always plenty of irood on
portunltles for clever, brainy poop o who arc always ale?t
and ready to grasp a real good th ng. Wo aw built ut our
Viryi$$nfitfti$&fflrt U"a 'al'VColu1r11GiJt1AND
Wo nro cnntltinnllv
uisuciL'AL prizes.
ino greutcst offer., over mnrir,
lv offering our readers RARE AND
matter vour lintnnllntn tt.nH .....i i ,v""?. "'ia
wmm.mIcB af!'". )'0l,r "WBwo'r it onco. $1 000. RE
A1.:U..w111 Vil d to anyone who can prove uu In tho
v ",rl 'C0?lBV,,,ntes,s ,wo vo conduct". U tho pas?
years wo did not do oxuetly ns we agreed. We havo ui iiii
capital and anvon can ras iv i.a.. ... ..7.. ..! .. V ...,Ill:.?.tSJi"i
n. To pay out these' big M casl, T pr ze7 a p leas
us. Wo Intend to have tho largest circulation of
I -cIosh one-, ol ar magazlno In thy world lit th".
in giving away prizes of great Hums of inonev Tt it, 3
??iJfnJ!l!i"cBful W,,,JP V. Et, your magazine II e aDo ut For j
Instance. If you nhoiil.1 ho vn the peculiar way v five it 1
spelling the names of the three cities i and wo sli H iL, i
J'n,7,.n 8U1 ot ,nono' Teo pr "o. you would never s U
1 . CLAIM that thes.o threo lines ol llirnreH hv nir li
! 'Io .n("lly xpvll tho tmmeH of thro' ' el c" and Lt F
-i i tiiiii iLi ii iiiil iiiiiirwir iiini uka ...itt
this is the mm
23 25 15 18 1!
23 119
7 20 15
3 8
oiuuy " very careiui y nnd let us see f you nro clover nnd
smnrt enough to m i out tho Threo Cities vi" u v"i"
THE $l,0tf.W IN GOLD Have , you tho brain's am 'energy?
If you can mako out tho names of tho throo , lii m,,i
uium in ns wunuui one cent or money,
im our ai.wu.ui in i.oin 1'TCii IJISlrllilltlon mill wo don't want
Remember that thla
mg to spend nny tlmo In trying to work a t 'Jni, , -
:.iu uuimuiiy cannot expect
to win. This advertisement
WftH not written for drones
or Idlers, who nro not willing
to glvo a liberal uso of tholr
Imp, Wo expect the render
to do some work nnd glvo It
tin. time nnd attention It
iloKrrvoH. USE YOUR
RRAINS. if you nro suc
cessful In solving It. woll nnd
good, Wrlto tho nnmes of
tho three cities and Bond
them to us nnd wc will bo
Just as much ploased as you
nro. Wo really ilcslro somo
ono to bo successful und ns
it Ioph not cost you ono cent
to solve, nnd nnswer this
splendid Free Monoy Offer It
will bo vory foolish for you
to pass It by. In nil fnlrness
glvo It somo or our leisure
and tho causo of FAILIURE
LAZINESS. So, dear roudcr,
do not pass this advertise
ment without trying hard to
KfaVMPniMTKn ln-the center of this adver-
if., i i'VM' wiKgoHt Hint you curefuKy read this offer
m veial timet, beforo giving up tho Idea of solving tho puzzle.
"" ." wuma wie morn iiatieneo and eturmlmit on
1 715
m"iiiMfi"i v " ... ,,u "i'J I'insK wo mean
PLRI; I.C 11.1 FIILK, Wo would rather tako thin way of
advertising our excellent mnguzlno than spending many
thousands of dollars In other foollHh ways, 'wo fioely a n d
cheerfully give tha money awny. YOU May WIN We
1J qCi$nr n 1 iVW110!'- TO I'LKASi: Ol'l READ
WIVIS, Pi&ifl US.:, 1 V SueBtlon Is,, can you solve the
n m,,. v,. . '.i .k, . ' . ,,,u " "o 80 wrlto the
....... i ... iuu itii'-v i-iiiun mill
letter and ma
by return nml
thero aro so ma
exira eiiori somo ono win got t in minim- wo ntvn .iwnv.
homo inzy and foDUsh people often neglect theao crand
golden frco offers wo make and then wonder und complain
ii iViV vl"cI,,AV ,N U"Kr. "nil .leierininiition win mnny of
? JrrVmn?p?f 'U Yf".'.r f ",ro '" OI'U 1'1"31' MONEY
i J I l RIJIL'TION deponds entirely upon your own energy und
""nnn't dolnv a moment in TRYING TO SOLVE
m .,SreIn,'Vt,i,j,:X.INn ''''K. Many of tho people wo
iiavn recently sent largo sums of money to in our Freo
.Money D sir bnlun write mi kind nml i,,r.,i
pronosit on; u you can do so wrlto the
i three cities nnd your full address plainly In a
all It to us and you will hear from us promptly
nil. Money is n nice thing to have, because
StSSSn ,'nROf" ir. W.V..P" .'" !? a llttlo
l.vV. .V.'"1,!."8 "H. f0.r ml.r fr"ml,t " honest dealing's and
?.'.iy f. ,,at lf,wo lmi1 not B0 ""ong!y urged them to try to
win they would not have been
rpcelal offer thin very minutes,
msuiuieiy. mi.VT IlIiltAY.
...... . -.. .... .... ...Illlll IIIIL .H
A. i.r "v" V'0 "ai'Py recipients of a argu sum of monoy for n
only n fow hours' effort. It always pay to glvo at ei t Ion to I
XlMenli: lll'n' V.SW 0tt?rH- VU C'ASH 1R li S 1 avo B
mono v. If vnn nifiwi ,"L"Z WW.. . ." .'!'. I
'M VII4 HMD lllU'llllllll LU llllil H
If you solvu It wrlto us Im