Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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minor mi:ntio..
I Davis Bells drucs
I Btockert tells carpets and rugs.
I Mctz beer at Ncumayer's hotel.
P Drs. Green, offlco 303 8app block.
I Welsbach burners. Blxby A Bon.
Elegant X'mas photos at Schmidt's.
I Wollman. scientific optician, 409 Droadway.
f Dr. Stephenson, Baldwin block. Elevator.
' Cabinet photos only dozen. Williams.
White Horn) Itcliekah lodge will tonight
lect olllccrs.
norn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. A. I.oule of 601
Stynsler street, n duughter.
Missouri oak body wood, J5.60 cord. Wm.
Welch, 23 N, Main st. Tel. 128.
New shipments of elegant plcturo frame
! mouldings at C. U Alexander & Co.'s.
W. O. ItoliertH nf Aberdeen, 8. D., Is
guet of his sister, Mrs. A. Jones, Houth
Ixtli street.
Hadlnnt Homo stove, guaranteed not to
crack. Sold by 1'etcrscn & Schocntng,
Merrlam block.
Kellx O'Neill, chief of police of Denver.
Is visiting his friends who nre attending
tho Doyt-IluriiH trial,
1'arents of babies born last Christmas
please glvo name and address to V, caro
Jjeo ofllcc, 10 I'earl street.
Cards hnvo lieeii rerelved hero announc
ing tho marrlago of Mrs. Annlo Williams
find J. rj. Judy nt Oakland, la.
Contractor Wlckham yesterday com
pleted tho pnvlng of North Hnventh street
Jrom Broadway to Washington nvenue.
Charles Olassfonl was unablo to Identify
Oracn I'ago as th colored woman who
robbed hltn of 31 and sho was released.
; Petersen & Hchocnlng, Merrtam block,
havo the most completo lino of Hot lilast
.stoves In tho city and at pricia that will
4 eurprlso you.
Mrs. Fred It. Miller and Mrs. Thomas ar
rived homo yesterday from Wheaton, III.,
whero they accompanied tho body of Mrs.
Miller's husband.
Judge Green yesterday ordered that tho
tietlt Jury be notified not to appear until
December., Jnstead of December U, as pre
viously anniiunved.
Turkey dinner and supper nt Mueller
building today by ladles of the Christian
church. Francywork and rummagw nnd
taplo groceries' for sale
Chief of J'ollci) Alhro brought J. O. Itar
rlall back from Fort Dodge last evening.
Ifarrlall is charged with embezzling fio
from Hay Cook, a liroadway grocer.
Tho barber shop at tho Union Pacific
Transfer depot was broken Into by thieves
Thursday night and seven razors and two
pair of shears belonging to (1. V. Griggs
worn stolen.
, Mrs. Palmer, evangelist of Lincoln, Neb.,
will conduct (.ervlces at tho Iowa Holiness
Association mission, beginning Milium
afternoon at 3. Services thereafter will
bo dally at 2:20 nnd 7:3i p. ni.
J. C. Frazler. chief of the Plnkerton de
tectives for tho western division, with
headquarters at Denver, was in Council
XJlufTs last evening In consultation with
James F. Hums and his counsel.
Mr. nnd .Mrs, W. I,. Hutighu of Harlan,
Ja., went In Council Illiirfa yesterday on
their way to Old Mexico, whence they will
visit California and other Pacific coast
points. They expect to bo awny four
Ityv. Oeorgo ltd ward Wulk, rector of St.
raid's church, returned yester
day from Cedar llaplds, whero Thursday
evening ho delivered an nddress on "The
Sinews of War" at the banquet of the
Men's club nf draco episcopal church.
Articles of Incorporation of tho S. F. Kills
Orocory compuny wero llled yesterday with
the county recorder. Tho Incorporators
ore: 8. F. 12111s, Charles Jordan nnd A. F,.
Cordrny of KnnsaH City. Tho capital stock
Is placed at J25.W) ami tho company will
do a wholesale and Jobbing grocery busi
ness. ' Clark Mover of the railway mail service,
who was still lame from a trncturo oi his
right leg, received while Jumping from a
car, was taken to the Womiin'n Christian
Association hospltnl Tlulrsday night sutur
ing from ii tractuio of his left leg above
the knee, cuused by a fall on the slippery
When the Associated Charities mot yes
terday afternoon for the purpose of holding1
tho annual meeting and election of uftlcers
It was found Hint the articles of Incorpora
tion provided that the annual meeting bo
held on tho first .Monday In January. Only
routine business was transacted and Mrs.
Phelps, the president, announced that tho
annual meeting would bo called for the
data speclllud In the articles,
Bhadukiam temple, Drnmntlc Order
Knights of Khornssun, has elected these
olllcers: Imperial nawan, J, W. Ferrlerj
venerable sheik, 11. T. Hall; .royal vizier,
C. W. Atwood; grand cinlr, C. II. Wash
ington; uialidl, Frank Hubcr; secretary, V.
U. Oebhart; treasurer, C. A. Tlbblts;
mental, IS. I.. Hill; shiilb, C. W. Hock; ma
kanna, C, 11. Conner; Joe, S. 11. Wnils
worth; trustees, li. A. Hluck, M. J. Uell
lnger und T. F. DcOrout.
N. V, Plumbing Co., tolcphone 250.
Adoiils ANHfRMiiient Schedule.
Tho city council yesterday afternoon In
npected tho recently completed paving on
alcn avenue nnd adopted tho assessment
schedule prepared by City Engineer Etnyro.
It was fouud that several pieces of prop
erty would not stnnd the total assessment
,for tho Improvement and tho city will have
to bear part of It. Nearly $1,000 will have
to bo paid by tho city out of tho general
Improvement fund for tho paving on this
Itcnl lOntnte Trnimfcra.
These transfers were filed ywterilay in
tho abstract, title and ban olllco of J. W.
Bqulre, 101 I'earl street!
L. I.. I.ongnecker to Kllznbeth A.
Longnecker, lots 3 ailtl 44 block 3,
town of Walnut, . c. d $
f. p. urcensiileius and wire to u. u.
Hnundens, lot 4 and s',4 lot 3, In
Oakland Place, w. d 1,630
Elizabeth linker nnd husband to
Trinity Methodist EplHcopnl church
of Council itlufTs, lot 1, block 13,
Hyatt's subdlv In Council Hluffs,
w. d. 650
Joseph Seldon Welsh nnd wife ot al
to W. 8. Cooper, lot 7, block 12,
Kverott's add to Council muffs,
w. d 65
Ehnrlcs E. Iloss to Alfred S. Turner,
lots 31 ami 32, block 10, Wright's
add, s. w. d SO
Eamn to sume, lots 17 and IS, block 11,
Wright's atld, . w, d 0
pavld Wood and wife, Snrnli 12,, to
10. M. Galloway, 5 acres In aw'i nw'i
32-74-4J, w. d 1S5
Josephine Holzfostcr nnd husband to
Nicholas Lmich, lots 11) and 11, Jud
son's Grandvlew add to Neola, w, d. 1,700
James It. Hlco and wife to 12. 12.
Mlghcll, n 11 ncres of lot 3, Motion's
subdlv, w. d 3,000
WIIhou Smith to Dellln Hall, part selJ
nwti 10-75-4.1. w. d 1.G00
M. U Flood to H. C. Haymond.Mot 9,
block F, Curtis & Hamsey's ndd,
w. d. 2,000
George Baxter nnd .wife to Nels Clint
sen, Iota 4 nnd 6, Furroll's subdlv of
block 25; Neola, w. d 750
Addle P. Wlthrow nnd husband to
ilerman Mendel, swU 29.77-41, w. d,. 5,150
Totnl thirteen transfers 116,010
nnuiuu TiiciTFn
Sunday, Dicemhir 8
Fltz St Webster's Newest,
A farce-comedy brim
fill and bubbling over
with mirth and muslo
PHKTTY OIIU..8. Watch for the
thi; r.oi.v ci.i'ii n.vxii.
Concert at 3 p. n. in BayllsB Park.; 26c, 35c, 50c.
Funeral uirnoior
Uiucuessor to W. C. ttatap)
tt I'UAKL STItEKT. Tkm wt.
I tail In Elltun NtDrUKk
Anthtr Twnty-FiTi Ptt Otat OtsUred
Paid Meidtv.
IlrninlnlnK Assets When Itenllreil
L'linti Should Ilrlnu Knongli tn
Vny Ten In Klfteen Per
Cent Additional.
Beginning Monday the creditors of tha
defunct banking firm of Officer & I'usey will
he paid a dividend of 25 par cent on their
claims. This order was mado last evening
by Judgo Oreen on tho recommendation of
Receivers Heresbclm and Murphy, as con
tained In their second report filed in tho
district court yesterday. The hearing on
the report was sot for Tuesday, December'
17, or aa soon thereafter astho court would
be nblo to take it up. This wilt mako 45
per cent which tho creditors have received,
a first dividend of 15 per cent having been
paid last February. Counsel for tho re
ceivers said yesterday that tho remaining
assets of the firm when realized upon should
bring enough to pay another dividend of
from 10 to 15 per cent. After that tho
creditors will havo to look to tho cstato of
Thomas Officer, deceased, tho senior mem
ber of the firm, for tho bnlauco of their
Tho report filed yesterday shows that tho
receivers have on hand 1119,206.05 and that
tho liabilities of Officer & I'usey, nftcr de
ducting preferred claims, setoffs nnd sums
ordered by tho court to bo paid and without
deducting tho first dividend amount to $577,
600.70. A dividend of 20 per cent on this
amount would be $115,500(14, leaving a lml
nnco in tho hands of tho receivers of $3,
700.51. Tho first dividend of 25 per cent amounted
to $147,563.54 nnd the pnyment of It reduced
tho liabilities of tho firm to $429,938.16. Tho
payment of tho 20 per cent dividend will
further decrease tho liabilities to $314,438.02.
Tho preferred claims which havo been
paid amounted to $28,966.27. Tho setoffs, ns
allowed by tho court, woro $7,435.63. Tho
cash balance In tho hands of tho receivers,
ns shown by their first report, was $179,
041.38, and the receipts from all sources
slnco then havo been $125,539.84, making a
total of $304,581.18. The total disburse
ments by tho receivers" slnco their first re
port, Including tho payment of the pre
ferred claims, tho 25 per cent dividend and
other sums ordered by tho court, Including
court costs, attorneys' feos and other ex
penses, amount to $185,374.53, leaving tho
balance on hand for tho pnyment of the 20
per cent dividend of $119,200.63.
The court costs paid slnco the former re
port amounted to about $800. Tho firm of
Harlo & McCabo, nttorneyB, was paid $1,
526.85 on Juno 26 nnd tho firm of Pusey &
McOop, nttorncys, $1,501, being tn full set
tlement of their bill to August 9 last. Wil
liam Hrooks Reed was paid $100 for assist
ing in tho payment of tho first dividend,
Tho report nlso shows that Rccefvcl- Mur"
phy drew $800 In Installments of $100 for
his services as receiver slnco tho previous
report. Tho premiums pnld on the re
ceivers' bond Is charged at $75.
Tho liabilities of Officer & Pusey, aftor
deducting the preferred claims, setoffs nnd
suniB ordered paid by tho court, and with
out deducting tho first dividend,- which ag
gregate $577,500.70, aro made up as fol
lows :
Time certificates of deposit $303,413.10
Demand certificate's of deposit ,. 20,414.38
Open accounts ,. 163,610.92
Total $577,500.70
Davis sells paint.
Tlirt' Others Ar Arrested for Con-
trmut In MplrltlnK Old
Mnu Awny. "
Harry Hamilton, charged with fleecing
W. IL Iloyer, an old soldier from Mankato,
Kan.,, out of $10, who was released Thurs
day evening when tho prosecuting witness
failed to appear In court, was rearrested
early yesterday morning. Hoyor, tho miss
ing witness, wns overhauled at Missouri
Valley by Detective Wolr and Is being de
tained at police headquarters, Hamilton
took a chango of vonuo to Justtco Drynnt's
court, whero ho will hnvo a preliminary
hearing this morning. His ball waB fixed
at $500, which up to last evening ho had
failed to spcure.
In connection with tho spiriting away
of Witness Hoyer nn affidavit was1 filed'
In tho superior court yesterday by De
tective Weir, charging Attorney A. W. Ask
wtth, Oeorge, alias "Sandy" Melville, and
Dan Cnrrlgg with contempt of court. They
will havo a hearing this morning before
Judgo Ay.lcsworth.
Whon Doyor slipped out of tho court
room Thursday nftorndon Detective Weir
followed on tho trail and learned that he
had gone to Missouri Valley. Tho officer
followed and found Iloyer at the station
waiting for tho train to go to his homo.
noyer told tho officer that a tall, sandy
complexioncd man and a short, thickset
man handed hlra back" $9 of tho $10 which
Hamilton got from htm, saying they would
pay his hotel bill with the other dollar
and sond his overcoat aftor him. Ho said
tho two men threatened that If he did not
get nwny ho would bo put In Jnll for a
week, as the case would be continued that
long, nnd that after tho caso was over ho
would probably be sent to the penitentiary,
as Hamilton's friends would got after him.
Ho says they put him In a cattle car, toll
ing him whon ho got to Missouri Valley
to tnko a passenger train. Boyer Is an
old man and said tho men frightened him
eo that he did what they told him.
Davis sells glass.
Operation for Hip Illnrnsp.
Dr. Nicholas Senn of Chicago, who was
surgeon In chief of tho United States forces
In the flold during the Spanish-American
war, was In Council Bluffs yesterday, hav
ing been called hero lo perform an opera
tion on James Lcgge of Schuyler, Neb., n
patlont In tho Woman's Christian Associa
tion hospital, who Is suffering from hip
Joint disease. Dr. Senn was asslnted In
the operation by Dr. Macrae, sr., Dr,
Macrae, Jr., and Dr. V. L. Stephenson.
James I.eggo is a brother of Alexander
Lcgge, formerly In charge of the McCormlck
Harvester Machlno company's business In
this city and now holding one of tho high
est positions with the company In Chicago.
Dr. Senn came here at the request of Mr.
Legge. He returned to Chicago last even
ing. nritln nnnkriipter I'rorriMlliiK.
The creditors of Meyer II. Pearlman,
keeper of the Novelty Cloak store at 17 and
19 South Main street, who assigned Wednes
day, began bankruptcy proceedings against
him yesterday In the United States court.
1 Johm-Kallar.' nmr tJtLitim hulMinV
out a landlord's writ of attachment In tho
district court for $1,800, being the nmount
of rent on nn unexpired lease, nnd was
granted a temporary Injunction restraining, or W. M. McCrary, to whom
Pearlman gave a deed of trust for the bene
fit ot his creditors, from selling or disposing
of any of tho stock, Keller also filed an
application for tho appointment of a receiver.
Gravel roofing. A. II. Read, 641 Broadway.
Drfenilnnt In III .MIiiIiik Knit Con
tradicts Nine of Dnylr'ft
James F. Burns, defendant In the big
mining suit, continued Friday to tell his
story of his relations with James Doyle,
the plaintiff, In their mining enterprises In
Crlpplo Creek, which led to the formation
of tho Portland Gold Mining company, of
which ho Is president. Ho was on the stand
all day, but his examination fatigued him
and former Governor Thomas so that at
i o'clock Judgo Green adjourned court In
defcrenco to their request. His testimony
wns a specific contradiction of tho ovldcnse
given by nine witnesses for Doyle, Includ
ing that of Mrs. Stcadman, who was the
only woman, It Is said, on Battle mountain
In tho early days of tho Cripple Creek camp,
nnd whom Mr. Burns raid ho did not even
Taking up tho story of his early days In
Crlpplo Creek whero he left off Thursday
.evening, he told how Doyle went hack to
tho camp about the middle nf August, 1S92,
because ho could not find work In Colorado
Springs, nnd thought he could get emplay-
ment in tho camp. He told briefly of tho
fight In tho cabin which was related by
O'llalre with so much relish, nnd sntd that
the trouble started through his relocating
the Bobtail No. 2 as tho Yellow Jacket.
He did not do nny .more work on tho
Yellow Jacket nftcr the flght In tho cabin,
for fenr of further trouble.
Ho said that from' May 1, 1892, to January
1, 1893, he furnished all the living supplies
that were used by him nnd Doyle In camp,
tho money at the rate of $5 n week being
furnished by his sisters. Ho told of re
locating tho Maude White claim ns tho
Tidal Wnvo, on which Doyle assisted him
to sink tho shaft, Doyle offering his serv
ices, as he had nothing else tn do nnd had
been living off him In tho cabin.
Ho said that Doyle never did nny of tho
development work on the Devil's Own or
tho Bobtnll No. 2. Ho sank two shafts on
the Bobtnll No. 2 In November and Decem
ber, 1892, striking tho ore vein at eight
feet. About tho same tlmo John Unman
struck ore on the Portland. Ho told of
Doylo'H agreeing to glvo John Unman n
third Interest In tho Portland In considera
tion of his doing tho assessment work.
The first oro was shipped from tho Port
land In January, 1893, which nottcd $400,
nnd this was equally divided between the
witness. Doyle and Harnan. About this
tlmo the witness said he sold a fourth In
terest In the Bobtnll No. 2 to Frank Peck
for $500 ensh, out of which money ho pnld
Tom Hnrnan for his work on tho clnlm.
At this point y his testimony related to
the Incidents leading up to tho organiza
tion of tho Portlnnd Gold Mining com
pany. In May, 1893. an ndverso claim was
fllol against tho Bobtail No. 2 nnd the
witness gave an attorney named Harrison
a one-fourth Interest In It to defend It.
Shortly nfter there were forty lawsuits on
the Portlnnd nnd Bobtail. Doylo, tho wit
ness and Harnan employed Harrison to
defend tho Portland and In September also
retained Senator Patterson. In February,
1893, the second shipment of ore from tho
Portland netted $2,100 and shortly nfter
tho witness sold tho Bobtnll to Dovcreux,
who paid $1,000 down, $3,000 in thirty days
and $3,000 In sixty days, tho money being
divided among tho witness, Peck nnd Har
rison. Doyle, he said, know tho money
had been pnld and novcr made any claim
for a sharo of It.
Ho then told of the sale of the Portland
to Condon & Crosby nnd how they woro
unnblo to meet tho second payment nnd
how In March, 1894. tho Portland company
wns formed and the. purchase by it of tho
Portland and tho Bobtail No. 2 and the
ls8tutnco of tho stock In payment, as tes
tified to by Peck.
Whon O'Hnlrc began suit against the
witness and Doylo It wns decided that tho
attorneys for tho company should defend
both suits. Ho said that at the outset of
tho O'Halro litigation Doylo put his stock
out of his namo, only keeping sufficient in
his name to entitle him to act as a director
of tho company. One hundred thousand of
Doyle's shares worn placed In tho witness'
nnmo and tho rest In the name of Knto
Burns ns trustee.
In July, 1895, the compnny bought tho
Tidal Wave and Devil's Own from tho wit
ness, paying 3J5.000 shares for them. Hum a
said he gavo 25,000 "each to Doyle and Peck
out of the shares ho received.
Ho denied the statements mnde by John
Kllday when on tho stand for Doylo and
said the first time ho had seen Kllday to
know him wns when he was pointed out
to him on tho train coming to Council
Bluffs at tho first trial in October.
At this'polnt In his testimony court ad
journed. I'mlc-rtriinil Seeltx Inrornorntlnn,
Residents of the village of Underwood, In
this county, want It Incorporated as a town
and yesterday filed a petition In tho ills
trlct court. Judgo Green appointed J. H.
Shields, George E. Fisher, 'A. O. Wyland,
J H. Goldon and B. Y. Orayblll commis
sioners to call and bold a special election,
when tho proposition will bo submitted to
tho voters of that village. The law re
quires that the commissioners shall give
three weeks' notice beforo holding tho eloo
Fred Kornytlift Hole Tliroiiiclt
Tivelve-Incli Willi mid
ttnliia Liberty.
AMES, la., Dec. 6. (Special.) Fred For
sytho escaped yesterday from tho Story
county Jail at Nevada, eight miles east ot
Ames, by making n hole through a twelve
inch wall. He was under Indictment for
stealing $140 worth of butter, Forsythe
was tho only prisoner In the Jnll and tho
sheriff had allowed him the privilege of the
corridor, not locking "him In his cell at
night. Tho hole wan made under a steam
radiator In tho corridor and from the way
the work was done W'ts evident the pris
oner had help from the ontslde,
Orllcrr Discovers Marauder nnd In
Kxclinnicr of .Miotn lleeelven
I'litnl Wound.
MARSHAMTOWN, la., Dec. 6. Night
Marshal J, B, Smith, at Chelsea, was shot
In the head by three robbers early today
and died two hours later. The robbers
wero discovered by the officer while at
tempting to break into the bank and In an
exchange ot shots the latter was killed.
Tho robbers made tUolr. escape on a hand-
Gmrnor Shaw Suggtittcl, but Du Uoliti
Diianditi Rumor.
Old Coinpnnles Try to Handicap Gulf
.1 .Manitoba Itallrond Project
Collision on the
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 6. (Special.) Tho
news sent out from Washington to tho ef
fect that Governor Shaw of this state Is
considered a probability for tho proposed
plaro In tho cabinet, to bo known ns secre
tary of commerce, was received with Int
credulity here. Whllo tho fitness ot tho
present governor of lown for tho position
Is not questioned, It Is believed generally
thnt Secretnry James Wilson, who repre
sents lown In tho cabinet, Is so firmly .en
trenched with the administration that thero
Is no danger of his retirement. There havo
also been rumors that Senator Allison
might become secretary of tho treasury, or
that J. S, Clarkson might represent Iowa
In tho cabinet ns postmaster general, but
these rumors hnvo all been discredited
here. It Is known that Secretary Wilson
expects to remain In the cabinet and that
ho Is pleased with President Roosevelt's
way of handling matters. Governor Shaw
Is busy preparing his message to tho legis
lature und knows nothing ot tho connection
of his name with n possible rnblnct posi
tion. Ho will retire from office next month
and It is said ho will dovoto his tlmo largely
to his extensive business interests.
Mtnreh (.'oiiiiuiiiy May Rebuild,
President Plel of the National Search com
pany Is expected in Dcs Molncs as soon ns
ho can reach here for a couforonco with
tho local officials mid to mako arrange
ments to rebuild tho starch factory, which
was burned. The nfllcluls today placo a
higher estimate on their loss than they did
last evening and now mako tho total about
$400,000. The Insurance will bo about $300,
000, but tho exact 'amount cannot be known
until tho New York offlco Is heard from.
. fiiit' A Miuiltolin I, Inc.
Frank T. Campbell, ox-rallroad com
missioner ot Iowa, who Is mentioned us one
ot tho promoters ot tho Gulf. & Manitoba
railroad in a dispatch from Detroit, says
that It Is not strictly true that tho bonds
havo been sold by which tho railroad will
bo built, but that many obstacles havo been
thrown In the way of tho company by tho
owners of other largo railroad Interests.
Negotiations havo promised well, but the
promoters are not ready to say that all
details huvo been completed,
KiiKlnerr Mistaken Signal.
A Wabash engine attached to a passenger
trnln wne run through a Great Western
freight train on Eighteenth streot at 7
o'clock this evening. ' Sovcr'al cars wero
broken up nnd the engine was sent to tho
ditch. Tho engineer of tho Wabash had
stopped, and mistaking the signal of tho
brnkeman of tho other train to bo for him
ho started up and caused the accident. A
flat car wao directly on lho Wabash tracks
and tho engineer thought tho train had
been cut. Tho tracks ot tho two roads woro
blocked for several hours. No person was
Cluirlra Tolllver (iullty.
Tho Jury In tho caso of Charles Tolllver,
on trial for tho murder of Barney O'Rourke
In a saloon In September, returned a ver
dict of guilty of manslaughter. Tho kill
ing was the nult of a quarrel.
M. A. Fisher of this city has been ac
quitted in Clarko county of tho charge of
obtaining money by tnlso protenses. Ho
fell through a bridge somo years ago and
wns injured. Ho sued tho county for a
largo sum and tho caso wns compromised
by tho county paying him $3,000. After
wards tho accusation waa mado that ho was
feigning his injuries, and on such represen
tations bo was Indicted for fraud.
Improvement at Penitentiary.
Judge Klnne of tho Stnto Board ot Con
trol thas Jut returned from his regular vis
itation nt the state ponltentlnry at AnaN
mosa. Extcnsivo Improvements nro being
made there. The work on tho stato stone
quarry is being pushed as Etone Is being got
out for tho new buildings at several of tho
Institutions. A brldgo has been built by
the state over a stream In order to give a
road to tho quarry. A great deal of work
has been done' on the new wing to tho pen
Itentinry building. Tho new cellhnuso will
bo lnrgor than the old one and more than
double the capacity ot the prison. In fact;
when tho new cellhouso Is done It will ac
commodate all tho prisoners thero now
each in a separate cell. Tho prison officials
havo1 Just 'moved Into tho administration
building, a part ot which is now finished.
Death of State Ottlclal'd Mother.
News was received hero this morning
ot .the death nt Wavcrly. of tho mother of
Stato Superintendent Barrett. She was
well ulong In years and had been a resi
dent of Bromcr county for a half cen
tury. Sho had been 111 somo tlmo and
about threo weeks ago was taken worse and
was not expected to live. She died this
Denial Is mnde hero of a report which
has been sent out from Waterloo to tho
effect that tho Indians of tho reservation
In Tnma county have broken nway from
the reservation on account ot tho smallpox
and aro scattered all over tbat part of
Iowa. Tho health physicians In chnrgo
say that nono of them, as far as known,
have left tho reservation.
llntc for Hie Fair.
Tho date for the lown stato fair, fixed
upon at tho meeting of fair secretaries In
Chicago Is regarded as entirely satisfac
tory to the peoplo of Des Moines and Iowa.
This Is the week of August 22-29. The
Nebraska and .Minnesota stato fairs follow
In the next two weeks. Secretary Van
Houtcn will recommend to tho Department
Dyspepsia Cure
Tho agony you suffer after eating, tliatlcellDR of fullness, flatulenco
(wind on tho stomach) and belching Is caused by decay of undigested
rood which forms a gas that distends tho walls of tho stomach and ex-
kMj n . 1 A. 1 A 1 . .
Prepared by E. O. DoWItt ACo., Chicago.
ffiu S 1 . . 1 L.-I. I 1
n iirussuro against an mo internal organs, tho eating or inoro
food forces out part of this gas nnd causes belching. Just take a little
Kodol Dvspei'sia Cure. It will relieve you at onco. It nover fails
to permanently euro the worst oases or indigestion and dyspepsia.
"I suffered untold pains from indigestion whloh woro always worse af
ter ming. Two bottles of Kodol DYsncrsiA Cuhr made mo a well man
and lifo now seems worth living. PeterShcrman.No. Stratford, N. II."
It can't help but do vou uood
xuo vuriwjiUuuMiiiuiu remcur lorcouitns, coma, croup, uronciiuiB, grippe,
MuuabHumuutf vruuuiesio wns, mmviK uouf)n wure. u cures quic
of Agriculture, which meets horo next
week, that tho dato bo adopted.
,eiv Corporations.
Tho Cedar Rapids Wood-Working com
pnny has been organized, with a capital of
$10,000i J. C. Pickering, prosldont; O. H.
Smith, secretnry.
The Marathon Gaslight and Heating com
pany of Marathon, Buena Vista county,
has been Incorporated, with a capital of
$5,000. H. E. Swopo Is president and W. H.
Doty secretary.
Iluyn .South Dakota ii spnper.
It Is announced horo that Bernard A.
Halo nnd J. C. Dotson, both long connected
with tho Des Molncs Regls'tcr, have bought
tho controlling Interest In tho Sioux Falls
Dally Press of ex-Senator Pettlgrcw and
will assumo full charge on January 1 next.
Mr. Dotson has been thero some time and
Mr. Hnlo will go very soon. It Is also
learned thnt tho paper will hereafter be
republican in politics. It has been run
ns nn Independent pnper for several years,
though for many years it was a republican
Farmer Asks to Mce Ills Aurecmpnt
mill When It Is Miimvii He t'lienn
It to a Pulp.
WATERLOO, Io., Dec. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Ono of tho most peculiar cases
over tried In this section of tho stato la
now bofore tho grand Jury nt Independence,
John Dlehl, n farmer In Washington town
ship, Is tho defendant. Last summer some
agents appointed Dlehl local agent for a
pntont fonce, As evidence nt his good faith
they required him to sign an ngreement,
which turned out to be nn order for twenty-four
machines. Learning of this Dlehl
went to tho agents and requested to see
tho agreement. Seeing lt real nature, he
put It In his mouth nnd ground It to n
pulp. Tho agents hnd him arrested for
larceny and ho ls,belng tried on this chnrgo,
Niilnoim for Osceola County.
SIHLEY, la.. Doc. 6. (Special.) The
saloon keepers of Osceola county havo their
petition on 11 1 a with tho county auditor
nnd report that they havo sufficient signa
tures to warrant their obtaining permission
to open saloons under tho mulct law.
Sirs. Mnniuel Van Orsilel.
HILLSDALE, la., Dec. 6. (Special.)
Mrs. Samuel Van Orsdel died nt hor home
Tuesday afternoon, nged 78 yenrs. She
camo to Mills county in 1855, being among
tho first settlers of houthwostorn lown.
Sho united with tho Methodist Episcopal
church in youth. Sho leaves a husband
and flvo children. Tho funeral was today
from the 'house. Burial was In Hillsdale
Toll ii nillntly.
FAIRBURY. Neb.. Dec. 6. (Special.)
John Glllatly died ot heart disease this
morning after nn Illness of only ft fow
minutes. Ho had been n resident ot tho
city since 1878 and engaged in tho lumber
business during that time. Mr. Glllatly
waB a veteran of tho civil war. Tho fu
neral services will bo conducted by tho
Grand Army of tho Republic.
Captain Tlionum II. Itolilnnon.
DENVER, Doc. 6. A special to tho Re
publican from Fort Morgan says: Captain
Thomas B. Robinson, retired, died at his
homo here today of apoplexy. Captain
Robinson was a native of England, 64 years
of age. Ho entered tho volunteer scrvlco
as a private In 1862 and wns retired In 1888.
General Allen C. Fuller.
ROCKFORD, III., Dec. 0. General Allen
C. Fuller, prominent in Illinois politics,
died today at his homo in Belvldere, aged
79 years. Gonoral Fuller was mado ad
jutant general of tho Illinois troops nt the
outbreak of tho civil wur. Ho leaves a
fortune estimated at $1,000,000.
.Inmex W. Snnslicrry.
ANDERSON, Ind., Dec. 6. After an Ill
ness of several months, James W. Sans
bcrry, a prominent lawyer and banker, died
at his homo In this city today. Mr. Sans
berry was a prominent democrat and nt tho
tlmo a presidential elector.
.In men Ario'l Smith.
JACKSON, Miss., Dec. 6. James Argyl
Smith of tho supreme court of Mississippi,
formerly superintendent of public educa
tion and a brigadier general tn thu con
federate array, died today of pneumonia.
GeorKe Hoffman,
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 6. (Spoclal
Telegram.) George Hoffman, ono of tho
oldest Odd Fellows In tho state, died today,
aged 75.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., Dec. 6. (Special.)
Harry H. Avery of Humboldt nnd Miss
Nellie Leach ot Ansley wore married last
week nt Ansley. They will live near Hum
boldt: lli'tlri'd from Mcrvlciv
f WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Colonel James
N. Whcelan, Twelfth cavalry, commanding
tjhe Department of Texas, was retired today.
Nlonmiii nml the Wlr.itrd Arr Cnrry
4 liiK Honors of lilt I In nt
NI3W YOrtK. Dec. C Nino enmrs hnvo
now heen played In tho International bil
liard championship contest mid ho far It
looks ub If Hhaeffur and Slusson will I in In
nt tho finish.
Today two Karnes wero played, Tho first
between Harutol, tho Frenchman, and
Howlsnn. tho Canadian, llarutel winning
out after very slow play by u score of 400
to .Kl.
rT . . I . . 1 . . u I . . . . . r ,i . 1 . . . nl.i ...... . ,,
defeated Button, his city mute, after a
close and interesting i;amo,
ImlKf Helenne .ltiler
PIIIIjADKIjI'HIA. Dec. 0. A. II. Mullnr.
who wus arrested on last Sundny for ut
terlnir a remark to tho effect that Prpl.
dent Iloosovolt should bo shot, was released
from custody today. In dlschurKliiK Muller
Judgo Martin suid tho remark wus a foolish
ono, dui was .noi iiucessuruy a crime.
what you
Tho It. bottle contains 2K times tho 50c. slro.
V - 1 . ...
stands for
we have one in
to talk for WOOL
SOAP the best
of its kind.
Use Swift's Pride Soap in
the Laundry.
Jacksonville with its sunshine nnd flowers
is only two nights ride from Omahn, nnd the
tri) is not nn expensive one.
This season the trains to Florida are faster
nnd the service better than ever.
Drop in the Burlington office nnd talk it
8. The Burlington nlso
curslons to California four times a week 1:25 p. m., Wednes
days, Thursdays nnd Saturdays nnd 10:30 p. mk Saturdays.
Scenic Line
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles.
City Ticket Office, 1323
1 1 1 I
It PAYS to be in good company. It PAYS to have
nn office and surroundings of which you need not be
ashamed. The impression on your customers, clients
or patients may or may not induce them to come
again. Ib the best nny too good for you?
R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents'. .
To Dealers You Send Us Your Orders, We Ship You
You tickle us, A Ikl KV
We tickle you. vAllU T
That Sells and Pleases Your Trade
The Candy Men." Council Bluffs, la.
Fast Trains
arm uim
What la ttio usa of waiting your
tlmo eorouto and your motiay
on extra mU whon It COSTS
NO MOM3 to travel in tb
flnwt tralni on tho beat bal
lasted rood In tha wait,
Great Trnna-Contlnental
"The Overland noute?"
Tho Popular Personally
Conducted Ixcurtana aro
Yla tbla Ilae. Leara Omaha
every Wednesday and Friday at
:2fi p. ni. can Join excuralon at
any point enroute.
roilman Ordinary Cera
uuiana ai 11:20 D
Tuwday for Loa Angeles'.
Pullman Ordinary
warn leave Ocuhi
tt6 p. m. tor San Praacleco aad
For full Information addreis,
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam,
Tolophon 316.
I wm
1502 FarnamSt. Tel. 250,
10th and Mason Sts. Tel. 128
runs personally enndneieil
Farnam St., Omaha.
Every Reader
of The Bee certainly has
something he wants to
'T'he way to amt rich ta to sell
anything' you have nnd cannot
use, nnd buy what you need, at
tho best price possible.
TThe way to accomplish both is to
make your wants known
through our chanp "olo.snlnd"
ads. " They go directly to S0,
000 families, and for a few cents
you get Into communication with
the man you want and who wants
""Theso columns are here for the
convenience of subscribers; try
them and ne what u great co.i
venlence they are.
T ook about you and note some of
" the things you are anxious to
dlnposo of, some one wants them;
turn thnm Into oaah,
Wrlto out a brief ad. and mall or
bring It to The Ilea advertis
ing department -
Dates. H4o a word flret Insertion,
lo a word thoreafter. Nothing
token for less thnn I5a for the .
first Insertion. Tluase advertise
mints must bo run consecutively,
T oday Is the best tlmo to attend
1 to It.