Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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V. H. .id Fr.d 0.
Control St. Louis.
Qr Will
Henry Klllllen oi This tlrnnnil quit
the Ilrnl Anirrlrnn .punclntloM
JVI1I ProhlhH nrdlnK J
CHICAOO, Dec. 3.--M. It. Klllllea And
tti C. OroM will control the St. l.otils
club of'the American league. Henry Kllll
lea, who held thr majority stock In thu
Milwaukee club, (Honours of hi Interest In
th to and the formal transfer of the
franchise was announced, late tonight when
the league adjourned to meet March S at
Detroit for the schedule, meeting.
Henry Klllllea took a firm stand axalnrt
continuing In bate, ball If Milwaukee wai
dropped from the league, a step considered
advisable by a majority of the msnnntc.
Ho "wished his brother, who has been In
poor health to do likewise and retire from
bue ball, That was the program originally
utllncd, but M. R. Klllllea showed a
marked antipathy to retiring and as a result
his brother Henry, who had not previously
attended the meeting, came from Milwaukee
en an afternoon train. Roth brothers felt
trongly on the subject, hut M. H. Klllllea
who has always been connected with the
elub In Milwaukee, refused to give up bit
holdings. Accordingly, Henry said he would
ell his Interest, as Milwaukee was his
heme town and he did not wish to be In
terested elsewhere. The term of the pale
were not made public. M. U. Klllllea will
nnke St. Ionls his headquarters during
the playing season and McAlecr will con
tlaue as manager, as planned.
Will- I'rohlhlt lie It I tm.
Besides discussing the various phases of
the St. Louis question, the league took a
rm stand on the question of betting on
the result of games by spectators. Thli
was reported to have growu almost to a
practice In some cities, notably Boston. At
the close of the meeting President Johnson
announced that every effort would be made
to suppress the evil and that spectator
caught In the act would he led to the gates
and their money refunded.
rrealdent Johnson admitted that he had
received a letter from Manager Collins of
Bolton asking that Pitcher Dlnecn'a name
k taken from tho black list Johnson
aid he waa willing to do so and that If
Collins wanted Dlnecn he would be free
. to sign him. He explained his action by
' otatlng that he had the highest regard for
' Collins, who had been offered a large sal
ary by the noston National league club to
jump hla American league contract, but
had remained steadfast. Therefore John
on argued that ho was entitled to con
', Idcratlon
and as Boston was tho club
, from which
Dlneen Jumped back to the
National league, he was willing to forgive
him If Collins did.
Ileldrlok and Wallace Kxplaln.
It Is understood that Baltimore has of
fered noston tho choice of either Nops or
Foreman gratis.
Managers Mack and McAleer were. In con
lerence the greater part of tho nfternoon
and It la supposed a Halo wag- likely, but
nothing waa accomplished. It Is said the
two managers agreed upon what players
to go after and divided the Jlst.
Comlskey stated positively today that he
had signed a third baseman for tho com
ing season, hut declined to glvo the name.
The excuse of Hetdrlck and Wallace for
their desertion of Comlskey last year be
came known today. They asserted that
Griffith was to keep the matter a secret
aa at the time Hetdrlck had signed a resu
lar contract and Wallace an option, such
action being contrary to tho rules of the
players' association. Accordingly the pledge
of secrecy was Imposed, Tho story became
known and both men repudiated their Cht
cago alliance. Efforts were made to patch
up the affair by shifting them to other
American league cities, but Comlskey Js
aid to have stood for n fulfillment of his
option and contract. The statement by one
of the managers of tho Boston National
league team that he would go out after all
American league players it uineen wns
taken back, was treated ns a Joke by many
of the managers.
,Taa llrunt lias n Stuffed Clnli Hanil?
anil Ktperta In Use It
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dee. 3. (Special Tele
Kraro.) President W. T. Van Brunt. St.
Joseph base ball magnate, tonight Is con
fident this city will have first-class base
ba'l next season and that It will not bo In
a minor league, A meeting Ih to be held
here- tomorrow, to be attended by repro
entatlves of all the cities In the Western
President Mickey smiled when asked to
night If be feared that hla new association
mould meet witn opposition. I nave no
(ears," said he, "that the claims of the
American league to Toledo and Columbus
k 111 bo contested."
Askoil for an expression concerning the
change of heart that Manager Rourke of
Omaha is mid to have undergone, President
Itlckey contracted his lips and Indlcnted
that this waa the season of "mums" by
polntlog to a Rorgeoui specimen of that
President W. T. Van Brunt of the St.
Jotepu club looked ns happy ns a man might
who Is carrying a stuffed club for tho other
Is dangerous,
but there is timely warning.
The danger signal
is hoarseness.
A day or two before the attack
the child becomes hoarse.
then a rough cough appears.
(The following night
the child has
It can be prevented
can be warded off.
jThere is a remedy
a safe one.
and sure too.
It never falls..
It Is called
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Given, as soon
as the child becomes hoarse,
.or even
after the rough cough appears,
It will prevent the attach.
It has done so
thousands and
thousands of times
and has
nver been Known to fail
i"r. "Stro,ot 10 KCl
for r.ljjlil llnmlrril Drillnrs T. lieu
iilsun liny (ieorr
NHW YOflK. Dec. .1. Thorn was a small
altemlHiR.p nt the KHslg-Tlpton horse Ktfle
toOnv mid the bidding was rlow. Tlu prin
cipal fairs were!
Mlncrver. b. s.. years, by Kxpfilltlon
Minna Wilkee. to H. H. HtrHilcr of Pills
burif. Pn., 1,I(ai. , . , ,
Chitrles I). Jncoli. ill. R.. years. 2:14. by
Kcollst. to It. 8. 8tradrr of Pittsburg. Pa.,
IS'lO. .
Misn Hrook.'b. in.. S yours, by fitranger
llrooeh. to I'lmrles T. Tanner of Cleveland,
George t'nsele. br, h year, 2:ll'. by
llosebrry. dam of Hluo Hell, to T. IXmiiiIsoii
of Omaha, Neb.. Jl9. . .
Pliuebe i dprs. U. in., s MMirs. z:w'i. ny
Hlr Rudorluk. dam by Victor IIhIcIipiio, to
John 1". Cockerlll of New York City. I.12j.
Ton Aotoliera Ileal Tall Hiiitera.
The" OmiliHs (tonnolcllrrs) won tlirrr
straight KMines I rum the National" Mall
enritrs, at the Lent & William bowling
alleys last night. .Score:
1st. 2.1. 3d. Total.
Lehman 15A 1M 2C2 n7f-
Smead l.TI 179 1.M 482
Read m 191 221 m
r.mer.v liti Hf is.' iia
Znrp IS!) 3 ITO .V.'i
&i 2.6" )
. ..160
3d. Total.
Totals TM ".1 71
To I'npp Ucirs the Bowl.
r.AXHAH CITY. Dec. .John Ponn.
champion llchtwelglit of Canada, wis slven
t iip iIpcisioii III llii' linn rnuno 01 wnai was
scheduled as a twenty-round boxing con
test with n v Armstrong or fan i ran-
olsoo at Turner hall. In this city, tonight.
Hoth men were clever and up to tne rourtn
round the IlKhttug wns fasl. with honors
about even. The tlftli round wns a slugging
inntch, in which Popp demonstrated ins su
perior anility to tnKe punisunieni. ,rm
slroug wan In distress and IiIh seconds
threw up lh spougo to save htm.
Iiilpriintlonnl Itllllnril Tnnrnry
Ni:W VOIIK. Dec. 3.-Two nialches were
played In the International bllllnnl tourna
ment In the Madlxon Square Garden con
cert hall today. In the nfternoon George
Button of Chicago defeated Leonard Howl-
son or Canada! I'M to in tne evening
George F. 8loson of this city met Ora C.
Mornlngstar of Iloclienter. Hid,, nna ran
out his vn points whlla Mornlngstar wan
.Sailor Tom Want n Klaht.
NEW VOKK. Dec. 3.-Tom Sharkey
posted n forfeit of 12,'Jf) with a challenge
to Jeffries to ileht for the chnmnlonshlii.
Bhnrkey also posted J2.&) on behalf of Dave
Hiiilivau to nring auoui a milieu wiin
'Young Corbclt."
"KllIK Dodo,"
A musical comedy In three acts. Book
and lyrics by Frank Plxley. Music by
Guxtav Luders. Produced for the first
time In Omaha at Boyd's theater Tuesday
night by the Castle Square Opera com
pany. THE CAST,
King Dodo Bnymond Ultclu-ook
Pedro Mlro Delnmottn.
Dr. Flzx Arthur Wooley
Mudge Charles W. Meyer
Ilonl a Kdwarri A. i larke
Queen LIU Greta Rlsley
Angela i-.isa ltyan
Plola Cherldah Simpson
Annette Gertrude Qulnlan
Comic operas, musical comedies, extrava
ganzas and farces galore have been seen
In Omaha the last few seasons, but for
genuine enjoyment none of them can sur
pass Plxley and Luders', latest .effort, "King
Dodo." Its music Is tuneful; Its book Is
bright; Its -humor is Infectious, good for
the blues, and like Dodo's fountain of youth
makes the old young, the crooked straight
and the weary rented. There Is no specially
brilliant musical number, although the
finale of the first act, a song by Plola and
chorus, comes nearer being entitled to the
distinction than any other. "The Tale of
the Rumble Bee." although not up to the
standard of Luders' kangaroo song, is the
cntchlcut of the piece, while "The Eminent
Doctor FUz" and "The Jolly Old Potentate"
are the most humorous numbers.
The company Is good Individually and
collectively. The production is up to the
standard of comic opera for gorgeousness,
Raymond Hitchcock, a stranger to Omaha
theater-goers, Is the Dodo and he has little
trouble in winning his way with the au
dience. He Is droll and dry. Cherldah Simp
son, remembered by theater-goers as hav
ing appeared In a musical at the Orpheum
l.iift season, has the part of Plola and wins
more favor than any other feminine mem
ber of the cast.
Three more performances of the piece will
he given, a matinee today, a performance
tonight and another Thursday night. (
t Director Chosen nnd Dale
Animal MertluK Changed
!) Stockholder,
Fltty-nvc of the 190 stockholders of the
Country club attended Tuesday night's
postponed annual meeting at the Omaha
club and elected E. P. Peck, W. A. Redlck
and E. M. Fairfield dlreotors for three
years. Mr. reck succeeds himself. The
other tno gentlemen succeed George F.
Bldwcll and Cluy C. Barton.
Hereafter the day of the annual meeting
will he tho first Tuesday In December In-
stead of the first Saturday in September,
the stockholders having voted lat night
tnelr approval or tne proposition to so
change the articles of Incorporation, that
full reports of the club season, which
clojen November 1, may bo In readlnou
for the new directors when they are In
Tho detail business of the club, including
tho selection of executives, will bo trans
acted at a called meeting omettme be
fore the first of The new year. It Is then
that the needs of the club's premlfes will
bo first taken up and the -committees as
Igned their work. It is then, too, that
Oolf Instructor Johnstone will be Invited
to come back from the routh with hh
Scotch Idea and precepts of the game or
to seek other greener links. Tho opposl
tlon Jo hlra In some quarters Is outspoken,
hut wns not allowed to figure last night.
The stockholders took up. the matter of
the contract with the water company and
authorized tho directors' to enter Into the
proposed agreement by which the club Is
to iequre an extension of the water main
which now terminates at Clifton Hill. This
ciltuslou Is to be an eight-Inch main, to he
lapped hy the Krng park management and
by the Country club, securing to the latter
a supply sufficient for all Its needs, Includ
Ing the sprinkling of the greens, and doing
away entirely Willi the old system of haul
ing water about In wagons.
Charles Replogle, Atwntci, O,, whs In
ery bad shape. He ay: "I suffered
great ueai witn my Kidneys nnd was re
quested to try Foley'a Kidney Cure. I did
so and In four days I was able lo go to
work agslnt now I am entirely well."
America' (irrnl Double 'I rack Mt-enlr
The Lehlrh Valley Railroad.
trains running on limited time.
Route of
thn Black Diamond P.xprejs, i
Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on all
through tickets to New York and Philadel
(Continued from First Page
annuities paid to the Sac and Fox tribes
redding In Tama county, Iowa. There has
betn 449,6fi2 paid up to December 31, 18PS.
These official emoluments of customs offi
cials for the fiscal year ending June 39,
1101, were today reported lo congress by
Secretary Oagc Council Blufts,;
Omaha. (1,433.16; Lincoln, $1,325.11; Sioux
City. 9S8.04.
Receipts from customs In Iowa last year
were: J$i5,9:i?; North and South Dakota and
Nebraska, $30,831. The sale of public land
In Wyoming amounted to $191,067.
Department o1c. ,
Tlu application of John Lee. A. C
Steele. A. Brutsche, Samuel Buckley. Phillip
Blckclhaupt, T, ft. Lambert and H. L.
Squires to organize the Coon Rapids Na
tional hank of Coon Ilaplds, la., with KV0O0
capital, has been approved by the comp
troller of the currency.
Postmsstors appointed: Nebraska A, F.
Utterly, Octavla, Butler county, vice D. S.
0. Alexander, resigned. Iowa Timothy '.
Hatfield, Greeley, Delaware county.
Rural free delivery has been ordered es
tablished February 1 nt Hardy, Nurkolls
county, Neb. The route embraces thirty
six square miles, containing a poptrtatlon of
&00. Archlo E. Bales Is appointed carrier.
A postoflVc has been ordered established
at Forks, Lincoln county, Neb., nlth Marllhi
Johnson postmaster.
Bids were opened today at the Treasury
department for the installation of electric
wiring system In the Clinton, la., public
hulldlng. Cuthbert & Black of Chicago
were the lowest bidders at !)S8. The post-
ofllcc at Sinclair. Butler county, la., will bo
dlHcontlnue after December 14.
W. 11. Fletcher of Schuyler, Neb., was to
day appointed fireman at the Indian school
on the Omaha reservation.
The postofllcc at Ollber. Aurora county
S. D., will be re-established with Richard
A. Harvey postmaster.
J. . Dower and Roaelle M. Dnvis were
today appointed carriers and Jay Crawford
a Mibstltute letter carrier In the Shenan
doah. In., poatofllce.
Alfred . McGregor of Ituihvlllc Ind.,
wns today appointed teacher in the Indian
school nt Rosebud, S. D.
The poatofflMs at SI. A noun r and Larimer,
a., become presidential nmces .innuary l
with the postmasters' salaries $1,100 am!
$1,000 respectively.
Iteioliillon In llic House 1'rnpnlilK
Investigation of the Nntnl
WASHINGTON. Doc. 3. Represents! lui
Williams of Mississippi today Introduced
the following resolution proposing com
mlitec of Inquiry:
Whereas. One K. H. Muolay has written
A History of the Navy of the Fnlted
States, which was adopted for use at the
naval nendemv at Aimanolts: and
Wliereas, in said History said 1;. M.
Maclay denounces Hear Admiral Schley as and n coward: and
Whereas. Said Maclay Is renorted to have
alleged that the proof sheets containing
theso charges were submitted to one Cup
tain A. S. Crownlnshleld. chief of the
bureau of navigation of the Navy uenart
meut and approved and acquiesced In by
him: and
Whereas, said aiuciay is reported to navo
alleged thnt tho same proof were sub
mitted to Hear Admiral W. T. Sampson of
tho United males navy anu approved and
nrmilesced In bv him: li 11(1
wnereaa, aaiu .viaciay wai ai ine iimo oi
.Kn ...rlllncr nt 111 M.I 1,1 lllatnrv. ami lu linUL
In the employ of the Navy department of
the United Stntes, notwithstanding thq
scurrilous, character of the charges nnido
bv him In' the said history; and '
Whereas, Hald facta disclose a state or
things subversive of honorable conduct
and consideration among officers of the
navy and employes of the Navy depart
ment; now, therefore, be It
Kesoived, ny tne nousc oi reprcseniu liven
of the congress of the United States. That
a committee be appointed for the purpose
of Investigating and reporting to the house
the truth or raisity or sucu statement
made by said Maclay, the truth or falnlty
of the allegations thnt proof "hects were
submitted to und acquiesced in ny i.apiain
Crownlnahteld nnd the said Rear Admiral'
Sampson, and to recommend to the house
of representatives the course of nctlon to
be pursued by the house In consequence of
tne asceriainmeiu oi laci iu in- omuc uy
the said committee.
Killtnr of Sninrt Set.
NKW YORK, Dec. 3. Arthur C. OrlsfOin.
editor of the Smnrl Set, died today of
typhoid fever In this city. He was born lu
Payson, 111, In ISfj he married Miss Julia
Stono Woods, daughter of Dr. W. T. Woods,
president of the Hank of Commerce of Kan
sas City, from whom he subsequently was
.1, S. Andrews. Pioneer.
WICHITA, Kan., Dec. 3. J. S. Andrews,
who prompted a claim within the present
limits of Chicago In 1841, died here tonight,
aged S4 years.
Josephine O. Itlpley has sued iJjy U,
Klpley for adlvorce on tliQ ground of non
support. Joseph ttazitr. a South Omaha saloon
keeptr, was arraigned before Judge Iluker
on n charge of selling lliiuor to minors.
He pleaded not guilty and was released on
This evening hi the North Side Christian
ohurch. Twenty-sixth and Grant streets,
there will be another meeting of the con
gregations of the three cities nnd tho
promotion committee, Much progress has
been mude during the Inst month mid some
Interesting facts will be reported.
A valise belonging to Itcv. C. W. Anthony
of InTlependonce was stolen from the U eh,
aler street depot yesterday afternoon. The
valise contained articles of wearing ap-
parei. some oiu coins aun ine usual amount
of sermons. The theft wns reported to thu
I-'Iremen were nt work Tuesday tearlus
down the east mid south walls of the
creamery t'ocK-ige auppiy company uulld
lng, destroyed by fire Hunday night. The
west wall win UKeiy be torn down todn.v
All of the Injured firemen arc getting
along nicely and will soon be at their
Rev. Peter Muiisou of Lincoln, nri.ldlng
elder of this diocese. Is to preach ut the
Swedish Methodist church. S15 North eight
eenth street, this evening and Thursday
evening at a o'clock. Next week the pas
tor, Rev. F. J. Hwanson. will probably bo
assisted In tlio present revival meeting by
Rev. John (labrlelson of Lincoln.
Jean C. UeKolty has sued Marks Ilros.'
Saddlery company for $5,000. He purchased
u suuuie ironi ine company last .May
While riding on the saddle a short time
atter ne purennsen it tno girtn nroKe, air.
UoKolty was thrown from his horse and
sustained three, broken ribs and other In-
juiirn, lie mu'rn llllil file injuries were
one to detective muieriai in tne saddle,.
William Patterson was arrestee! Inm
night by Officer, Herald nnd lodged In thf
city jau ns a suspicious cnaracter. About
4 o'clock yesterday ofternoonOlIlter Shep
herd tried to arrest Patterson near Twenty-
nun sun minium nireein, i ne man ran,
witn mo o nicer 111 pursuit. I'atierson niiulr
teveral unsuccessful attempts to break
through the , doors of residences In that
vicinity during the elinse. The chase
finnlly develoyed Into a foot race down
1 weniy-niin sireei una me omcer was dl
tnuced after taking a couple of shots at
Colonel II, II Nicholson and 8. W, Kdd
of Lincoln are Omaha business visitors.
Mrs. l' II. Ziiiiuck of Wnhoo and
I'atlieriuc Jl, uononoe or valentine are at
tne Murray.
Hon Archibald M. Stevenson of Denver
who Is absent from the United Stiles
senate chamber illirlnc the present session
of congress through no desire of hs own,
oui wno rriaiiis 111s juare on ine republican
nrf 11011a 1 conimiiire, arrived in uinnua yes
leroay, acrompaniea oy j. n. .moooic. 11
mining man, ano 11. .1, .Maynam. They arc
stopping at me tier urana nptti.
You one It to yourself lo find Mils out at onre, as thousands of m'n
and women have kidney and bladder trouble who do not know It until
the disease lias caused serious complications and Wright's dlseafe Ins
tet In. ' "
A Simple Test
If any of Your Family in This or
Have Been Troubled with Kidney Disease,
Make a Test of Your Urine and Satisfy Your
Put some morning urine In a glass or
bottle, let It stand fer iwentj -four hours;
If then It Is mllkv or rlonly or contains
n reddish brlckdust sediment, or If parti-
clow or germs flnftt about In it, yo;ir kid
neys are diseased. I his Is I lit- jupreine
moment when jou should begin to take
Warner's Hafe Cure to arrest all these un-
nnturn' conditions, for the. are the tninils-
taknble symptom of kidney disease. If.
nfter you have made this lest, yvit linve
any doubt tn your tnlnd n to the develop
ment of the disease In your system, semi
us n sample of your Urine and our doctors
will nualyze it and pond you a report with
advice, free of charge.
Are )m tired''1 Low spirited? Weak and
..abby? Have you n consmiii druhblng
ache In the antiiM of your liil? Have yo i
chills? Hcnldlne und pain when you urin
ate? A freiitiPiit desire to irlimtrv Are you
troubled with Hli'i'iilcHnrhH? Have you
hpadnche? la your appctlti bud? Do you
Und your food doc.t not nnurNIi your body
and ninke your blood rich ami red' Have
you a bad tnnto In your inonih In lh morn
ing? If yo.t hiivo un of these syinploma
your kldnc.VH haw been dlscaft'd for n
Ioiik time, for kidney dlpraKcx seldom put
out such s.Miiptoms utilll they have born
working several mouths nnd tho tissue
have been eaten awuy with the dlsc-nsc
You have every rrneon to be nlarmcd and
you should take Warner's Safe Cure at
once. You will llud full directions with
eiich bottle. Warncr'M Hafe Cur" Is gu:ir to cure any form of kidney trouble
Brtght's disease, dlalx-los, uric acid poImiii,
InnainiiiMtlon of the bladder, rheumatic
gout, liver complaint, (femnle weakness and
Irrcgulnr period arc caused by kidney ills.
piip neglected), a loo oftrn desire to uri
nate, gravel .-"tones lu the bladder, blood
disease, indigestion and hradaclieM, All
these dlseancH originate In the kidney,
If the kidney are heallhy and strong, so' they can porrorm their work properly,
there would be none of these complaint.
Judge T A.. McMahon of T.IS Farragllt
nvenue. Chicago. 111., says that for ten
years he bud kidney anil liver trouble,
which seriously Interfered at times with
his olllrlal duties, and he miffcred so from
pain that he walked with great dltllculty.
After all otlur remedies failed he tried
Warner'a Hafe Cure and nays eight bottles
denned him from bend to fool and have
permanently cured lilm. This Is n sample
of the thousands of unsolicited letters re
ceived from prominent people who have
been cured by Warner's Safe Cure.
"For soine time I was so slcl; flt my
stomach that I y;ould not eat nor CujUl I
sleen. I caught a heavy cold and It set
tled" In my kidneys and stomach,' utul. In
fact, through my entire system; 1 had
palnx In my hack and beitd and could get
no relief until I took' W arner's Halo Cure,
It has absolutely cured me. It Is n won
derful medicine; It cured me .after other
medicines failed." YtilrVs 'truly. Nellie
Jonesr President .Mcmpbli Friday Club, is;
VAnce Rtr?et, .Memphis, Teun., November
Hth. 1P01. 4 '
All testimonials received unsolicited.
Are located in the small of the back and may appear on one or
both sides. These are dangerous symptoms because they indicate
the early appearance of Bright's Disease.
Prickly Ash Bitters
Is an effective kidney medicine. It conveys a healing and strength
ening influence to the suffering kidneys, stops the wasting of the
kidney tissue, stimulates digestion, cleanses the liver and bowels
and puts the entire system in order.
Sold at Drug Stores.
All through trninK equipped with reclining chair ears, seats free), d rawing room wleep
ers ami buffet library smoking earn.
Will Tell
Past Generations
TmiS Mr.rn cork rearing nMVV: plvi
I laWlll ' r
Tmale com PLAINTS. CHANGE of
Keep in a cool place & corked Shake bottle well before using.
DOSR: for ADULTS. One tablespoon fid, SI or I'.Ulit times a day. taken
clear or In an cniiM amount of water, or n warm or cold mint, liefore or
after meals, lo suit Hme or tmtc. If H imusi'n'o rt U n. n Id etremo, reduce the doeor bent It modcr. id. n:vl c'ler mtali In warm
or cold milk, until the tone of the MnnmcU li Improved.
Port ClUI.nitUN under 2 years, One tempoonriil under 10, 1 wo teapoon?
ful warmril nnd taken In tiitl:. Keen Hie lionets open, ot liabe ny In
jections, of Children and Adults bv Warner s S.'.P' Pills only, llhcard
all Drucs nnd oilier nicillrlnc.i di:lng trcattifitt. ttcer flannel or warm
iimiprrioimng. avoui no cspn--ur
blng once a
, taking care not to
Diet Pi very Do not use frea or sal. cai or pork; spirits,
brer. wine. Ice wntrr. tea. coitcc; tobac o. hot lire-id, 1 ,c .. ,Hcs. pastry,
or nny rich griasy snUslancrs. rat apar.nli . trcsli I sli. soft baKed
potatoes. Mrt balled e-tgs. boiled onions; r.'. o; tcr.s. raw rnldiare (bolli
with but little vinegar), milk. If err able. Mmplr lirol'iMteorn and gmham
bread, tomatoes. aMiararus. crlcr , frul s. moderately. In sea.Min. 11
craved. Hot water, with .simple fruit Uavorlns. .should be drunk ex
clusively. FOHUIADCTia.u'ie".SAri:t)IAll!riTOCLIUrouly.
anu diaiiutm uii.i.
Price 50c and
Constipated Old Age
isn't it too bad tlitit so innny pco))lu, when they Ketold, net cranky and
rickety and mean, and don't feel right toward themselves or anybody eke;
yet it need not be so.
"CaifurfUmnVnmiffel ol!Elit-h-Artft1 and
lively that ihoiirh I have iwn tlurr souro
and three, a fiw ninr .enrrs I yet niny .e "
-JamptS Millar Villa Park Oal.
"Knr niny yrnrn I have ken troubleil with
rnnittpatlon, I n.fil nnSe ami twuWIc buirs
of I'atcarris ami Ihy have ITertrl per
manent rure Since uiy illtcharge from tlie
army In 1WJ. 1 liac never liefnm found a
attlns remeiiv ' - II .1. .Mi-ilwern OCJ I'liuti-
llne Street, Wheeling W V
"I was troubled with nmethlns that linflteil
the U1I nr phyilclan. for S$ )eat. I med
buxes of t'aicareta and iu In better heultli
than ever before "
-O C. Uedlck CbaaeClty. Va,
All old people's muscles ct weak- and flabby, nnd it's the same with tlio
muscular walls of their intestines as with the muscles of their onus. When
the bowels grow weak, the old folks net. constipated, bilious, sick, help
less, lrrjmnie, aim mars iiiu
should take Cascarets Candy
lively, their bowels regular and
Dec. 1, 2, 3 an
A 'rial bottle of Warners Safe cure the onU kidite cure exer d'
covered that Is guaranteed n cure all cases of kidnev, bladder sd
blood disease will be sent absolutely free to any one who will rl'i
tor n nnd mention ihls paper.
Healthy Kidneys
Are Vital
New York's most successful Specialist In Women'
J -.ri9 La y
vuf V... 'KuW
ufc. beneficial in gestation.
nun ywv inc iwuj u .nuiuut,u uu-
ril eum.
SI. CO a bottle
PW month acn I tnnlc Crrt for eon
stlpatlon enetrarieil rlnrlne the War if lh
tXiilllon. 'The remit l nnmlerftil nnd I 4.
le nil ild aililra to trr them,"
-lA I'litman. laioCain Krd 111 . Ilaney Win.
I was feeling bad losing fteali, had dull
headache rnld feet find couldn't aleeivwell.
I took Caacnreti. ami tn fourneelca ealned It
tioundi. Am feell'ic line now," A. li. Ktorj.
veteran Meilonn unci t'hll Wr Kpwurth, Is.
'I lisvo lieen mine (TAscarett for aome tlms
for fnimtlpation, nnd their srraleal benefit
liuf been to cure me of thma. I nm In my
with jefirnnd had been autterlnit w Ith thinA
for ear, '
-T. II. White. Hob, Oeortl.
cnici can so ot tneir death. 1)1(1 Inlks
Cathartic bowel tonic, keep their liver
htrong, and live to be n hundred.
Beit for the Dowels. All druggitts. toe, 2jc. 30c. Never
sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guar
anteed to cure or your money back. Simple and bcoVlet
free. Addre Sterling Remedy Co.. ChlcAri er N " ii
SI. OO Per Bottle.
d 4
Diseases bays: "Nearly bvcry Case of So-called
Female Weakness and Painful Periods Is Due to
.Kidney or Bladder Disease of Some Form.
Miss 1. Milan ltsmsev. President of the
Denver qulnev Club ot Penver. felo
"I wns nil run down, hnd no appetite, was
iroubled with indigestion, pnln In m.v back
and "Uttered untold tnlsm during my
monthly period" until I used Warner s
Safe fun-. Thsnks to it I nin now s
strong nnd healthy n nn woinnn oouM
be. My mother suffered for over two
yeirs with wluit our doctor cnlled 'weak
ne peculiar to women,' She had severe
pains lu her hack nnd her bend ached nl
most constantly j lu fuel sho was an In
valid, The doclor prescribed Warner's
Safe Cure, Three bottles made a perma
nent cure. Phe has no morn of her old
troubles and enjoys perfect health. All
her rompllestlons were caused by dlsrae
of the kidneys. Had my mother taken
Wnrner's Safe Cure In the first place. In
tend of a lot of so- ailed cures for f
msle weakness, she would have saved a
great deal of suffering.
'If every poor, suffering woman knew
th merits of Warner's Safe cure she
tnmht be restored to perfect health
Miss Hnmsey's expeilenee Is similar to
thai of thousands of women who hae
been cured by Warners Safe Cure when
all other remedies failed.
)r t' V V Hircbmore n prominent
ph)slclnn of S7S lluullugtou nentie. Ho
ion, Muss. sas. 'I always prescribe
Warner's Safe l u'rr for nil forms of kidney
mid bladder disease nnd female veakne
and I have yet to see a pallent dtsatlsfleit
with the result, where dieaes of the kid
neys. bladder or genlto'iirtnary organs ex
Isted. fount on me every time as n Mtong
advocate of Wnrner's Snfc t'ure." m
lo onvincc ever) sufferer from dlse.i"es
of the kidney, liver, bladder und blood that
Wnrner's S'ife Cure will cure them, a sain
pe bottle will be sent absoutely free to any
one who will write Warners Safe One Co.
Ilochester. N. Y.. and mention having seen
this liberal offer lu this p.ipcr. The genu
ineness of this offer Is fully guaranteeo- by
the publisher Our doctor will send medi
cal booklet. Kiiitnlnlng symptoms and
treatment of each disease and mnny con
vincing icatlmonlals free to any one who
will write The accompanying lllustiiitlon
Is 11 fnc-slmlle of the $1.(0 bottle, full size
The M-cent size Is nearly one-half us largf"
a tho $1.1X1 bottle. ltefuse subtltules
There Is none "Just is good as" Warners
Safe Cure it. has cured all form of kid
ney disease during the last thirty yenrs,
It Is prescribed bv 'ill doctors and used In
all the leading hospitals as the only abso
lute, cure fur all funns of kidney disease
Viarner's Safe Cure Is now put up III iwo
regulnr sites nnd sold by all druggists,
50c and $I.OO A BOTTE
WAItNKU'S SAI'M: CI'ltK was llreo ere.d
rr thirty years ago by a prominent
specialist on diseases of the kidneys and
has ilired hundieds of tboustinds, II Is
purely veceluble anil contains no harmful
drugs; It Is .1 most valuable and effective
tonic: It stimulates ingestion and wakens
the torpid liver, putting the patient Into
the very berl receptive state for the work
of the icstorer of the Kinney. It does
Its work with absolute method, prepares
the (Issues, soothes where soothing l
needed, Ftlm.'.il itcti the etifebled organs and
hrulr nt the .mme lime.
White Ribbon Remedy
Chii lie t..Lii III !! of Mnicr, Ten
or foffre Without Pislcnt'
, KnoiTlrUtt
White Ribhoti r.emedy will cure nr le
Mroy the illmirrd Ar-pelltr for alcoholic
rtlniulnn tc. vliethor the patient In a con
firmed Infbrliitr, "X tlpplar." soclnl drinker
or dm tiltn rt1. Impoia'nle for anyone to
have nn appetite for ulcoholli; liquors after
iiflnt' Whlta Itlbbon Itemtdy.
r.llltorni'il hy Meinh.-rH 01 W. C. '1'. I..
Mrs. Moore, 9uperln,tendent of the
Woman's ChrlttlHti Temperance Union,
nrltes: "I hi-ve tested nite Hlbbon Hem
tily on very obsliiinte drunkards, nnd trie
vtires li.ivr neen ninny. In many caet the
Remedy was nivrii secretly. I "Userrully
recommend and endorse While Ribbon
Remedy. Members of our Union ate He
lighted tn nml a practical anc. economical
treatment tn aid us Ip our temperunca
Mr. WjM. president of the Woman'
f'hrlstlan- Temperance Union. stat: "I
know of an many people reoeemoC frdm th.
uurse of drink by the ue of White Ribbon
Remedy that 1 earnestly request you to el
It a trial." For frnle by driiKglsta every
where, or n.dll, SI Trial packtga free
by wrltlnif or rallliiK on MIIB. A. M
TOWN8KNI) '(for years Secretary of the
Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 21H
Omnha by
Phone 717, S. . Cor. 1th anil Chlcaso.
Goods delivered FREE to any part of cliy
tltflvc flours, e
Siimliiss. from N 1
DR. McGREW(Ags53)
IHM'ii.k mill Itlmirilvr iif 3li'ii duly.
'.Ill ler' lUperlrniT. It, tears in
UADIPnnCI E cured In less than 1U day.
fAnlUUULLC without cutting.
QVDUII IC "i"1 IIIoo'I UlHeases cured
OlrnlLIO lor life. All breaking out and
signs of thu disease disappear at once.
fitCD Ofi finn tnses fined of nervous
UVCn ZUUUU debility, ou of vitality
and nil unnatural weaknesses1 of men,
titrk'ture, (licet, Kidney and Bladder Dis
eases, Hydrocele, cured permanently.
i.urc (.iiNi-nitterd, ('uiinuIIhHou I'rcr,
Treatment by mall. r, O, Box 7W.
Offlco over 211 8. nth street, between Far
nam and Dourlau 91b.. OMAHA. NKn.
MKN Stop UilBf iad1etB.
If 1 on bT sain, sreftk nrgsae,
lout power nr stesisnlog drslm
our Y
cunm Ortin Dereloper will
ri.itir. von. fin Amm. fitrletlire
tad Tsrteoeels ptmtnsDtlr cared
In 1 to 4 weeks, ls.ono in h; net
nna fAllnre! not oni rttnrsea.
street 1mms4lsti no O. O. D. trend. Writ tor (TM
rtlcalsrs, MM issled la pUla eoTSlop.
10CAL AmiANCC CO. 1 3 9 Ttierp Ilk. Iitltnll.
n. in. In t) . ni
a. ui, 10 " t. 111
(sssHrC 2)