Si0 THJBJ OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUN DAT, DBOBMBEB T, 5901. BARNABY RELEASED ON BONDS .Vice Prmlilcnt of United Mine Work era .ecsanr- Security lor Ilia Appenrnnce. MADISONVILLH, K., Not. 30. Christo pher C. Uarnaby, vlco president of tho Twenty-third district United Mine Workers ef America, was arrested here today on a warrant charging him with confederating nd banding together with others for the unlawful Intimidation of non-union miners. His bond was fixed at $500, which ho gave. Wood and other union olllclals nro expected this afternoon and officers will wait on tho man with the warrants for their ar rest. There nre no now developments about the union camp at Nortonvlltc. Chlcnun to Sw Cnatlc, Without CliniiKliiK Cora. Drawing room sleeping car now runs through from Chicago via Alllunce and Youngstown to Now Castlo, Pa., over Penn sylvania Lines. Leaves Chicago Union Sta tion 7 p. m. dally, arrives Youngstown 6:35 a. m., Now Castlo 7:3G a. ra. Itcturnlns, leaves Now Castlo 7 p. m., Youngstown Ti40 p. m., arrives Chicago 8 a. m. Furthor Information upon application to II. It. Uer lng, A. 0. l Agt., 218 South Clark street, Chlcaio, through whom epaco may bo re served. For policies that are Might drafts at ma turity apply to II. D. Npely. nianoucr Equltablo IJfo. Mcrclianta' Nat. Ilank bids Nichols & nroadfleld, printers, 313 North Fifteenth street. 'Phone 1942. Correct quality of goow, lowest prices uarantted. Hubermann, Jeweler, 13 & Doug. Mairiiurtle Club linnet. Arrangements aro now completed for tho opening dnnco of tho Marquetto club, to bo given Thursday evening, December 12, In Chambers' academy, Seventeenth and Doug las streets. Tho best muslo has been so cured. Itefreshmcnts will bo served In tho course of tho evening. Cord of TluwiUa. Wo desire to thank our many friends ana neighbors who aided us at tho sickness and death of our beloved husband nnd fathor. Also for the beautiful floral offerings again wo thank you. MRS. JOHN P. nYJinSON. MItS. GEOROE IIYEHSON. MIIS. LOTTIE WKTCHEH. MR. AND MRS. JAMES EMERICK. MR. AND MRS. D, V. II011BICK. I.oir Itatca to Chicago. Ths Chicago & Northweslorh Railway Will on Decembor 1, 2, 3 and 4 sell tickets t Chicago and return at tho low rats of fU.75 tor tho round trip.' Call on or address Tbo Northwosfern City Offices," 1401-1403 Farnam St., Omaha. Just recelvcl a full lino of boys wagons, amo boards and a full lino of holiday roods. Sclimelzcr Sportlnr Goods company, 1621 Farnam street. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25s, In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bit tulldlng. Tel. 1716. Bhjunpoolng and hair dressing, 25o. In connection with tho Bathery. 216-220 Bee building. Telephone 1716. . Publish your legal notices In Tna Wsskly Vee. Telephone 238. ftouglss Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. (44. There's only one Stonecyphor. He prints. The "best" laundry, the Model. Tel. 528. Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1051. Llndquest, tailor maved to 1410 Farnam. PALACINE OIL, high grade safoty light. Have Boot print it. DIED. HTJTESON Mrs. Margaret P., November ou, agoa w. Funeral from tho family residence, 1311 South Twenty-ninth street, Sunday at 3 p. m. hrienua inviteu. interment at wenirai City. Neb. 8ELLNEU Mrs. Catherine, wlfo of J. J. Helln6r. at her homo. 1708 Clark stroot. Funeral Hcrvlcos Monday at 2 !. m. from Germnn Presbyterian church, eighteenth and uutninir street. jlfBMjaBSSSSSSSMSSst1 BfBSBBBBwIbihBSBBW BBVBatnBBa. tlomeaeekars' Kaaaralaa, On Tuesdays, November 10, December 3 and 17, the Mlciourl Pacific will sell tickets to certain points In the south, outhcast and southwest at rule of one fare for round trip, plus $2. Final return limit twenty-one days from dato of solo. For further Information or land pamphlets call on or address company's oftlces, south- cast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. THOMAS F, GODFREY, P. fc T. .A. ini'rlcn'a Orrnt Double Trnck Secnlo lllfth irnj'. The Lehigh Valloy Railroad. Luxurious trains running on limited time. Routo of the Black Diamond Express. Stop-over allowed at Niagara Falls on nil through tickets to New York and Philadel phia. Special ItoiiicaeijUem' Hsonralon, Tickets on sale December 3 and 17, at one first-class fare plus J2 for the round trip. For full Information write to or call t Rock Island City Ticket Office, 1323 Far am strqot, Omaha. CIiIcrko nnd Iteturn 91-1.75. On Decombcr 1, 2, I and 4 tho Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to Chi cago and return at rato of 114.75, limited ntlt December 8. For particulars call at city ticket ofllce, 1402 Farnam street, or addreis W. II. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. It. R., Omaha, Neb. Hamilton Warren, M. D eclectic and magnetic physician, ofOco at Victoria hotol, 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can bo found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of tockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee. Wo will give them proper legal insertion. Telephone 238. FIRE! FIRE! Removal on Account of Fire. H. Hey Rag and Metal Go. (Incorporated.) Scrap Iron, Metals Dept.; Eighth nnd Hopkins Sts. Wnstc Paper Dept., 233 and 1235 W. 3rd St. KANSAS CITT, MO. We Are Paying for Stock Delivered Kansas City. Claan rubber boots and shoes ,7o lb, Arctics Colb. Copper Wlro 13c and 14o Light copper 12a lb. Tobacco tinfoil 20o lb. Brans 10a and 12o lb. Rags i 60c 100 lbs. Lead 8Uo lb. Zlno ,. ;...,vlo lb. Mixed Iron (free of stovo plato..45o!00 lbs. Wrought Iron .....47tto 100 lbs. Heavy cast .- 45o 100 lbs. Bones t. $9.00 and $12.00 ton Stove plats...... ,m. -....-.; $6.50 ton Acorn Base Burners 1 tho highest grade hard coal stoves la. Thav do not flranrnrlc. thn beautiful Ivor finish nirltnl ilnsa not tnrnlih and re have sold mnnv nf them, that have BOW been In use from fifteen to eighteen years and aro still dolilg good work. What snova can e(uai this record? Tho acorn fystem of ventilation ami hot nlr circula tion usod In thesn stovca Ik the heat known gnd. does not detract from the radiating owr of the stovo. Prices, $20.00 to J50.W. jJoiiti Hussie Hardware Co., 2407-2409 Cuming St. "If you buy It of ltusste. it's right." TO RAILROAD MEN. 'Atjtho Ounranteo Belling out sale, 1616-13 Caplfol avenue, you flud a full lino of ISIiendrath's gloves, gauntlets, lined and Vnllned, brakemcn's gloves, uulluod mitt tnd all other kinds that Klsemlrnth makes The Ouaranteo's price Is 75c a pair fo your pick; the regular price risowliere Is 11.00. Tho Guarantee Clothing Co. Is tho jtOcal agency for the Carhartt overalls prices, 70c, 75c and 87c. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. If In need of anything In tho clothing line, by giving us a look before buying 'you are euro to savo money, The only question Is, have wo goods to suit you (On prices no one hereabout can touch us Cotton flannel gloves, Cc; men's everyday pants, 4Sc; rubber boots, $1.79; blanket lined .duck conts, COc; men's full suite, a low as $2.50; splendid winter caps, 2Cc this Is a big saving; ovorcoats, $2.35, $3.75 CSiOO, $6.75, $7.60, $S.60 nnd $10.00, every one 'way under value; ear muffs, . 6c heavy men's underwear, 25o a, garment a large lot of dress shirts to closo, 25a ach; extra strong leather mittens, lined, I60; wool sooks, 10c'; fur overcoats, very cheap; umbrellas, 25c for a fair-sized one Stetson hats, $2.76; linen collars, 7 He, et Plenty of everything on hand to supply all that call In a reasonable tltna after It I advertised at the Guarantee selling out sals, 1(14-11 Capitol avenue, near Ben CHICAGO AMI ItHTimn f 14.TJI. Tin the Mlltrnakre Hallway. On December 1, 2, 3 and 4 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will sell round trip tickets from Omaha to Chicago for $14.73. City Ticket OfTlce. 1504 Farnam street. K. A. Nnsh, Oeneral Western Agent. B.OO lor Hall a Day's tVorht. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stockralsers In the neigh borhood, you can make $5.00 easily by four or Ave hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. Tho Bee Publish ing company. Solicitor's Dept. Omaha, Neb. "The Kilties," Coliseum. December 10. Tickets Douglas Printing Co., 1608 Howard. We Have Authority We have the western agency for a hair tonic ami dandruff euro which Is not mado simply of bay rum and a little perfume, but which la an article we have authority from tho maker to guarantee to remove dandruff and prevent lmlr from falling out. To any one who- gives It a trial nnd It falls to do this, WE will give hack tho money without an order from the maker. This remedy Is Parisian Hair Tonic nnd Dandruff Cure. Mall and express ordars tilled for any thing In tho drug Hue. inscriptions tilled at money-saving jirlces. 11.00 Temptntlon Tonic 36a $1.00 Perunu 62a $1 Parisian Hair Tonic (guaranteed).... 75o 11.00 Iler's Malt Why 75a $1.00 Wine of Cardul Mo $1.00 Butters' Kcmalo ltegulator, (guaranteed) 75c 60c Cramer's Kidney Ctirn 40c 2Go Laxative liromo Qutnlno 12o ioo Qulnaccntol. best for colds 20o $2.00 Cramer's Tansy and Cotton Root and Pennyroyal Pills .., $1,00 Get our prices on rubber goods-all kinds. Th8 funeral service of the tuts John A. llorbach will take place at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, at the residence, 2124 Davenport street? Interment private. Prospect Hill. SOHAEFER'S CutPrUa Drug Store Tal. 74T. a. W. Cor. lth ana China Goods delivered FIIEE to anv part of city. Semi- Anthracite Coal.... Will do tho work of hard coal and costs $2.60 lees per ton. Hard Goal $10.00 Per Ton Semi-Anthracite $7.50 Per Ton It lasts longer, has less ash, la .smokolcss and without soot. Hard coal year by year in creases In price. Is It a A BBBBsrf Diamond W Pendants WL $12 to $350 M C. B. Havens & Co. 1522 farnam St. Tels. 301817825. If YOU Have Not Tried It Iet us lntroduco to you a, beer that Is not excelled In the coun try by any other mode, In flavor, purity or high grade excellence. It la tho Metz, which Is brewed from tho best malt and hops and la both strength ening tonic and whole some. Those who Ilka beer as a boverago or as a stimulant will find pleasuro In drink ing tho Mctz beor. Metz Bros. Brewing Go. Tel 119; Omaha. Or Jacob Keumayer, Agent, care Neu- rnayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Cheeso Scoops, Sleds. itazors, joui cicala, BclBBorH. Sf.011.1. l?aws- 11UC81 uflsorimoni 01 i-oiiroi iviuvas and Table cutlery m mo city. JAS. MORTON & SON CO. lnll Dodge St. Christmas Novelties IN CARD CASES PORTFOLIOS DESK SETS -INKSTANDS-CALENDARS NEW DESIGNS AM) BPFKCTS. The Moyir Stationery Go., 320.232 So. ietu jatrc-t. ecesslty? Our Boml-Anthraclts ti a coming coal. Try it and you will like It. RIGHT SMART SHOES For Men and Women Smart, stylish, high-grade Shoes ar tho kind wo deal In. New and fashlonablo styles com ing In all tho time. Handsome, dainty Shoes and Slip pers for dress, and tho up-to-date, mannish styles for woman's stroet wear. New and snappy styles In mea's Dress Shoos, and the lateBt shapos In tho etrong, stylish and comfortable Street Shoes. Our Shoes aro stylish, up-to-dato and hlgh-grado, but our prices are right and satisfactory. Como and In spect our goods and learn our prices and we think you'll want to buy our goods. FRY SHOE CO rORMBRLT eariwTiflbt N. E. Cr. Ifth nd Douf lis 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10 10c 10c 10C Trlal 8,18 Shrader'a Fig Potr- Qq jn. der at all drug stores or sent f- j J:C by mall, only 10 cents. Bhra- ' j! 00 der Fig Powder, ft lasatlv 10C that works, while you slop, 106 10c on tho stomach and bowel I ; 104 IQq- aids digestion, pravenU till, IQo p. fevers, appeadloltll, eoflltlki- ftA tion. gall stbOM Ikln dli- JQl 100 eases, pimple, 16. Ad- '00 IOC dress 106 lOo ... . BL... ..,., lOfr 10q j. onraoor miDicmi ud. -joc 10c New Yor' Room 10 N- so inw 1n. E. 14th St., or 1002 N. 24th St., lUtl Omaha, Nel). IW 10c 10c 10 c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10 HAYDEHs Gfeal clDak SalB Our cloak buyer has just returned fronr New York, after tbe most successful trip that he ever made. Successful for you as well as for us, for the reason that the time has arrived when a saving to you of 50 per cent is possible. The advance guard of these tremendous bargains has arrived; particularly the entire stock of the well known retail house of GOODMAN & STRAUSS, 5th ave., New York City. This firm was known as the most up-to-date on the avenue. The death of Mr. Goodman compelled the dissolution of the firm and the sale of the stock. Hayden Bros, were the lucky purchasers. We have divided this tremendous stock of raglans, automobiles and box jackets into three lots: LcV'I-Conslsts of all wool raglans, automobiles and jackets, made for New Tork City trade and aro the very newest that can be had; they will more than surprise youi they are worth $15.00; Hayden Bros, price 17.60. 'Lot 2 Raglans, automobiles and Jackets, flno kerseys, lined throughout with the famous Skinner's satin, beautifully trimmed; O. & S price $20; Hayden Bros, price only 110.00. Lot 325 roglonB made of American Woolen Mills' kersey with velvet collars, Skinner's satin lined throughout; Goodman & Strauss price, $25; Hayden Bros., price, A Suits from thi Goodman fc Strauss Stock 76 eulta worth $15.00, at $1.98. 50 suits from O. & S., made from very best Venetians, serges and broadcloths, Jackets taffota lined throughout; all the newest styles, blouse, tlght-nttlngs, etons, Norfolks; Goodman & Strauss prices $26.00 Hayden Bros, prloe only $10.60. 60 flno sult3 from O & 8., worth up to $46.00, for 25.00. SKIRTS from Goodman & Strauss; over two thousand of them, In cverjr styls Imaginable. , Rainy day skirls with deop flounce, 16 rows of cording, worth $0.00, for $3.9$. 160 Bilk skirts, worth up to $12.00, for $0.98. Women's dress skirts in all wool cheviots and serges; an irameuaa collection, worth up to $12.00, fcr $5.98. OTHER. BARGAINS will be announcod from day to day as they come In and the Omaha pooplo can prcparo themsolvcs fortho next three weeks for the greatest bargain-giving eales ever known In this or any other city. Not only from the Good man & Strauss stock, but also from several other big spot cash purchases picked up by our buyer on his trip that will make the high-priced concerns of Omaha tremble to their very centers. Great Sale in Drug Department $-qt. Combination Fountain Syringe at 2-qt. Combination Fountain Syringe at 3-qt. Fountain Syringe 2-qt. Fountain Syringe Smith's Iron Bitters Celery Klla Nervine Com Mentha! Cough drops, 3 boxes for .... 85c 75o 6bo 40c COc 69c 10c Bottle Beef, Wine and Iron Com. Syrup Hyponhospbltes 1-qt. Old Cabinet Whiskey, for medi cal u.e Malvlna Cream Bromo Quinine quinine Hair Tonlo Shandon Bells Soap, per box Fins Art Soap (Armour's) Talcum Powder, per box Petromllk Soap, 2 boxes for ,.. lo C5o 75o 36c 12c 20c 19C 21c Cc 15o Read Great Sales on Page 11. HAYDEN BROS This great holiday store is ready com plcte in every detail. We ore prepared a never before to serve you kryour entire satisfaction. Christinas means more diligence in purchase, more care in selecting, more economy in individual expenditures. You want to make your Christmas allowance go as far as possible and get the best to be had for the money spent. You get the best from our lne ami enjoy the giving because the recipient ujoys the receiving. Come while assortments are complete. Purchases may be made now and laid aside until wanted. RUGS, DOLLS, GAMES, NOVELTIES Trumpets 5c to $1.98 Stoves Cc to $4.95 Coaches, go carts 10c to $9.85 nattlc 6c to 49o Ten Pins 10c to 93c Horso Reins iOc to 98o Whips 6c to 49a Paints i 5c to 98o Oun 6c to $1.98 Rocking Hortes 76c to $9.83 Swinging Horse $1.98 to $9.8j Trucks 26c to $4.95 Milk Wagons 49c to $1.93 Horses and Cnrts 25c to $1.93 Fire EnglncB 26c to $1.93 Hook and Ladders 25c to $1.98 Hose Carts 25c to $1.93 Patrol Wagons 98c to $1.98 Magnotlc Toys 10c to 9Sc Mechanical Toys 10c to $2.95 Automatic Toys 25c to 98c Magic Lanterns 25c-to $4.95 Steam Knglncs....; 25c to $3.95 Doll Houses 25c to $4.95 Stables 25c to $1.98 Pianos 25c to $4.95 Tool Chests 26c to $0.93 Printing Presses 98c to $6.95 Drums 10c to $3.95 Horns 6c to 98o Games 6c to $1.93 Blocks 5a to $2.95 Tops 5c to 49o Banka 5c to 98c Painting Sets 10c to 93a Tricycle $3.48 to $8.95 Vcloclp6dcs $1.48 to $3.93 Bureaus v10o to $3.95 Bedstcnda 10c to $3.93 Chairs 10c to $2.93 Bofns 98c to $1.93 Desks 98c to $1.95 Noah's Ark 10c to $1.93 Animals In boxes 10c to 98o Trains 10c to $2.95 Hxpress Wagons 75c to $1.95 Wheelbarrows 10c to 9So Swords 10c to 98a Lead Soldiers 10c to $1.93 Trunks 25c to $3.95 Dolls, Trousseaus 49c to $3.95 Shooting Galleries 9Sc to $1.93 1519 21 Douglas HARDY 5l9-2IDouglas Do You Smoko? Wt sell the Henry George, Island of Cabs, O. D. K., Supreme J natter, t. Jamea, liltilt) Tom, Uttle Nations, Booster, 6c Each Robert Boras, r El Telearrato, Anna Held, Tom Moors, .Captain Maurryfct, IVanona, La fllncertdoi, El Principe DeQalSS, Chancellor) IOc Each. Telephone 349. " FULLER 3: 1 tth aad Oeavlaa its. l" Tho Rational Cento r for Ovorcoats. HAYDEN s GO, Don't Mak Up your List for Christmas till you dot Our Catalogue Wo have Just received a large shipment of high grade Cameras, suitable for Christmas gifts. Wo carry all tbe best makes, Including Promos Pocos.i Century, Koronas, etc. A beautiful folding Camera, with bulb release, for $5.00. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 karnnm Street. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Photo Material. Money Savers tl.00 Cramer's Xldnay Cure fi.00 Wine Cardul il.00 Kirk's Hair Tonic , fl.00 Lambert's Llsterlne il.00 Peruna 13.76 Hosp. MaJtea MllK Il.oo Malted MllK Wo Malted Milk !0o Pear's Unscontod Hoop 25o Pear's Scented Soap 25c Packer's Tar Soap 25c Bromo Qulnlno 25c Mermen's Talcum I'owder !iia Colgate's Violet Talcum Powder.. tSa Schreffelln's Violet Talcum Powder too syrup of fibh ........av,:.'"a'.;" V.-D11U DOIUO puro uuiuu uiivt? uii.. (For Tublo Use. I.ntnt lint tin miro Ollvo Oil J. quart bottla pure Ollvo Oil U-gallon bottlo pure Ollvo Oil ... l.gallon bottlo puro Ollvo Oil 49o 660 43a 62o 62o $3.70 76o tto 120 15a lto 150 lflo 19o 0o JOo GOo $1.00 1.715 3.25 MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. 16TH AND FARNAM STS. Temptation Tonic $1.00 st.s. thrss for U.OO xweive ior .... Special prlco to Jobbers nnd druggists. !1.0O Cramer'a Kidney Cure 47c 1.00 Coke's Dandruff Curo Oa 1.00 Wlno Cardul 690 11.75 8. B. 8 J5o Plso's Cure a tSo Howell's Antl-Kuwf 15o 1 ounce ADBoneni uihuh w 4 ounces Absorbent Cotton Jjo 5 ounces Absorbent Cotton o 16 ounces Absorbent cotton w $1.00 Nowbro's Herplcldo... JJo, J-ounco bottle Witch Hazel ISo 13,76 JlOniCKB ."Willi 11.00 Horllok's Malted Milk Co C6c Horllck's Malted Milk 34a 2-graln Quinine Capsules, dosen Jo 4-graln Qulnlno Cupsules, dozen iQ 6-graJn Quinine Capsules, doten 10o BOSTON STORE jji , RUQ V IPT. , '.si'1" 5"f' WE KNEW that our increasing dub. inesB demanded a Ilea vier stock thiB year. WE KNEW that tbe long full over. coat was to be the all popular style. 8o we ignored the ordinary lengths to some extent and l bought heavily of the lengthy styles Unlike all other Btorus which now find themselveB swamped with obso lete fashions. THESE precautions enable us to say to you that we have THE ONLY VARIETY OF L0NQ OVERCOATS IN THE CITY. and that you may lniut as you pleaso the city over, but you will invariably come back here. We are too large, too dignified, and too progressive 'to' even think of forcing upon you some , thing your fancy does not favor. LONG OVERCOATS with or without yokes, all the now fancy Scotch cheviots, pure all wool and plain gray eft'ecis, sale priqe $1.0.00. LONG OVERCOATS swell Scotch plaids and vicunas, Wm. Skinner's best silk sleeve lining and double warped serge lining for body, sale price, 12.50 and ?15.00. FINER QUALITIES' OF OVERCOATS The new London style, black and white, finest imported vicunas, in all lengths and patterns, thousands of them Wm. Skinner's best silk lin ing for sleeves and body, made to retail for $27.f0 to 45, sale price, 18, 20 and 22.50. HAYDEN BROS. SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING JN OMAHA. Ill the Hocking Valley Mine tha rarv best WALNUT BLOCK COAL In Iowa has been found. Uxporlenco has firoved Its cualltv beyond dispute. Wo landle this coal, Knowing and recognizing Its superior vaiuu, it ih quicit anu not nnn froe from Impurities. Plnro your ordors with u a nnd net tho best, It costs vou ihi moro than an Inferior grado $1.75 delivered. Hald St Rice, Tel. 12118. 500 So. Kith St. Dental Work as dono by us will last many years, as uono but tho bfdt worltmon aro employed, and uso only beat ma terials. , For Ilft Sot of Teoth $3.00 Gold Crowns (22 k.).... 5.00 Vitalized Air for palnlrsa extracting; always frosh and leaves no after effects. Oold Killings, up Silver rilllnga, up 7 to T A fj PHILADELPHIA I ll I ODENTAL R00MS 1M7 IJOl'OLAS STUICKT. ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigar. Msuta.Ur4 by V. Ik Blc Ifrtrcinlllt Qlft'th,, it. SouUt Vtxlqtx ALh4v.