THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, DEUE31IIJ5K 1, 1001. 25 1 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Vtlimi of Xniiaiit Osntlatei Iitj in Spitt tf UnteuinafcU Tfntier. SUGAR WAR COMES TO AN END TlianloKlvInc Trade In Produce Dis trict Sulllclent to Tnk What Was Offered nt (loot! Steady I'rloos, A holiday always diminishes the total Volume or business transacted during the week by Jobber, as It tonds to keep buy trs at homo, Last week was no exception j mo general rule, aitnougn wholesalers crootically all Unci report trade as being ny up 10 uieir expectations, yuw a a. law puyers arrived on tho tnurket th first three days of the week and placed liberal orders. It Is very noticeable now that tho tatavler buyers are beginning to come back, which shows that stocks In the country are ftolns; to pieces In spite of the fact that there has been very little cold weather to orlnr heavyweight goods Into active de BMUid. Nearly all of tho retailers who are coming to the city say that while their vualneas hus not been particularly active, nevertheless thoy have had a very fair trado and In fact have sold a great deal Rtore of their stock than they could rea sonably expect to under existing condi tions. They are preparing for an enormous tmand as soon as tho first wave uf winter weather sets In, which accounts for the liberal ordors that are being placed. Tak ing everything Into consideration both re tailors and wholesalers feel Unit they havo Uttle or nothing to complain of. That Is Cartlculnrly truo of the wholesalers, who ay that so far this fall they havo sold fully 8m much stock and In a number of eases a great deal more thun they did last year. Collections also contlnuo In good nape, which shows that either retailers have an abundanco of capital or else they are selling more stock thun thoy are will uu to admit. . Thero has been no change In tho situa tion so far ns advanco orders for Bprlng re concerned. Traveling mun aro still breaking their records of last year and it la very evident that boforo tho first of tho year local Jobbers will have by far the Best lino of udvunco orders that they havo ver taken. The markets were rather uneventful last week as a whole, though there wero a row ehangti of uomo Importance. As a general thing, however, prices aro In just about the umo notches thoy wore a weak ngo. Tho most Important chango of tho week la tho tarp advance In sugar. Sugar I'rlaee Itestored. Present Indications aro that the sugar Tar is at an ena, at least for tno lmme Jate present. On Wednesday of last week jie price of cane sugar was advanced to per iw pounds, so that both cane and beet sugars aro now selling on a parity, Iho lama as thev were before the rato war Was Instituted. It will be remembered that t ono time the American Hugar ltcflnlng company was selling sugar In this territory As low as $1.23. The prlco was then ad vanced to H.B, then to JI.81 and now It Is J5. For the last few days the raw market Das beenery strong and thoso who aro In a position to know say that they would not be surprised to seo prices go still higher In the near futuro. Tho market on rctlnod ugar is now governed by the raw markot, the lamo as It always Is under normul con ditions. The coffee market Is also in a good, Strong position, but thero has been no Quotable chango during tho week. In dried fruits thero la nothing new to re port, as th6 demand continues very Hght owing to tho mild weather. Jobbers, how ever, aro very certain that higher prices will rulo when tho tempcraturo takes a most Important feature of the canned goods markot Is the continued strength of tomatoes. The supply Is getting well oleanod up In first hands and thero Is no doubt but what local Jobbers will havo to ask higher price at no very dtatant date. Early In tho season thoy wero very heavy Capers, as they anticipated an advance. Thus far they havo glvon their customers 'the boneflt of tho advance .and aro now Mlllnf their goods at u lower figure than fhey can replace thorn. Tno situation in corn Is about the aamo as tn tomatoes. The cheeso markot continues very strong Wing to an aotlve demand and to tho fact 9 At October stock In llrst hands Is well etnedup. , ... In farlnsclous goods oatmeal may be guoted a trifle higher, whllo rlco and beans ivo eased off a trlflo. Regarding tho condition of trado local Jabbers Buy that the domand during the last rHonth has beon surprisingly largo and sauoh better than thoy expected. Itetallcrs have been very heavy buyers nil tho fall and as tholr purchases contlnuo larger than usual It Ih good evidence that the goods bought earlier In tho season havo gono Into consumption. When wholesalers ootnparo tho trado they havo been having ,thlfl fall with that of a few years ago they find a good example of tho way people can oonomlzo oven In groceries when It Is necessary. It Is ovldcnt from the lines that re tn domand and tho amount that Is Roing Into consumption that people out trough Nebraska and surrounding states havo plenty of monoy with which to sup ply their wants and that they are not afraid to upend It. Steel Goods a Iilttle loner. Tho moat Important chungo In the hard ware market was tha docllno In steel Roods, ranging from 15 to 20 per cent. Some nes declined even mora than that, whllo others did not go down quite as much, but the average la ootween 15 and 20 per cont. The chango takes effect at once, but, of course, It doeB not affect Immediate busi ness to any extent, as there Is not much of that class of goods going out at the pres ent tlmo. Local Jobbers nro of the opinion that the prices now In force will hold good luring the coming season. In other lines the market Is practically the samo ns It was a week ago and the general market may be said to be In a good, healthy con dition. Thi o demand for strictly cold weather koods continues rnther light, but to offset that thero Is an unusually heavy demand for such lines us burbwlro and builders' material. Tho mild weather makes H pos. stole to carry on all kinds of out-of-door work, so that Jobbers aro doing a good business, even though scasonublo Unci are a little negioctcd. Qlass Is steady at tho docllno mentioned a week ago and trado Is heavier than antici pated. Linseed oil, however, eased off about I cents, which places quotations nt 51 cents for raw and E6 cents for boiled. White load, mixed points and turpentine are nu changed. Dry Goads Market Mora Aotlve. Mors dry goods buyers arrived In this (aarkstlast week than for some llttlo time Hit The clearing sales which were ad vertised apparently attracted considerable attention and brought In a good many of toe heaviest patrons of this market. They placsd quite liberal orders and had a good 'Word to say regarding the condition of trade In tho country. While they have not woken many records this fall In tho amount of winter lines thoy havo sold, still they have enjoyed a good steady trade and look for a big run to follow' tno first wave of mytre weather. Traveling men for local houses ire meet tog with good success and are taking n. Treat many advance orders for January Shipment. These orders cover practically .the entire line of spring goods. Borne lines of wash goods and particularly ginghams and woven wash fabrics aro reported ns being well sold up, In view of tho excep tionally large advance sales. There havo been very few murket changes during tho week. The advance, however, predicted a week ago In American prints created a big domand and (ncul houses re- Sort heavy sales. Jobbers are still pre toting an advanco, as practically tho en tire lino Is about tic under the market. Other lines of cotton goods nro nrm, but no chango has taken pluco dur ing tho week and no Important fluctuations are predicted. Fair Deiunud for Lcnther tlnoils. There has been very llttlo change In th leather goods sttuatlun Hlnce last report. Immediate business continues fully as heavy as could reasonably bo expected, though colder weather Is needed to make trade brisk, Advanco orders are eonrni In very freely and Jobbers aro greatly pleased with tint success tholr traveling men havo been having. If spring bus'ne-s continues as good as tho advance orders have bten, local houses will far exceed all previous records. Wholeralcrs of rubber goods nre, con siderably Interested In the reports that havo been sent out to the effect that tho fiscal year will begin January 1. I-ast year It was February 1 and the year before May 1 and previous to that tlmo It was April 1, Jobbers nre by no means pleased Ti'Ith tho prospect of sturtlng out after no t all's bustnos In January, as It simply means that their trove tug men will lnvo to make two or three trips to accomplish tho same results that thev could In one trip If they did not start until April or May i. inert is oi course pome uount re garding prices after January 1. but the general Impression la that there will be no changes of Importance. Fruits mul Produce, It has been a long time since the Thanks living trade moved along as smoothly In m sroduo district as It did this year. There was not a particularly heavy de mand, but at tho same time It was largo enough to take what was offered without any material change In prices. A number of fancy lines were offered Hnd they also sold at very satisfactory prices. As com pared with a week ago, thero havo been very fow fluctuations that nro worthy of mention. As predicted, the poultry market held steady up to Thanksgiving and the aupply was so well cleaned up that there was no break the last of the week. Com mission men look for n good steady mar ket for another week at least, unless re ceipts should bo much heavier than they anticipate, nutter and eggs aro also steady with tho quotations of n week ago. Hie only change In fruits is an advanco In apples amounting to about 60c per barrel. Tho demand Is heavy ail over tho country and present Indication point to high prices ruling throughout the season on unythlpy at all desirable. OMAHA WHOLESALE 3IAIUCCT. Condition of Trade nnd Quotations on Staple nnd Kiuiey Produce. EGOS Receipts, light! fresh stock, 21c. LIVE POULTnY-Hens, 6c; old roosters, c; turkeys, 708c; ducks and geese, So; spring chickens, per lb.. 6e. DItESSED POULTIIV-Turkeys, SfllOcj ducks and geese. 7JJSci spring chickens, 6M87o: hens, 6HtfCc. BUTTEIl-Common to fair, 13c; chc dairy. In tubs, 15916c; separator, affile. rUKBII PlSU-IIIack bass, 18c; wl cnoice hits bass, 10o: bluonsh, 12cj bullheads, 10c! blue fins, 7c buffaloes, 7ci catfish, 12c; cod, Ho; cruppics, iic: nannut, lie; ncrring, 7c; pad dock, 10c; pike, 10c: red snapper, lOc; sal mon, 14c; sunflsh, Cc; trout, 8c; whtteflsh, a; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 201? Sic. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 22c; Stand ards, per ran. 25c; extra selects, per can. lie; New York counts, per can, 4oc; bulk Standards, per gal., i i vau. ivw, uiurv 1.2S! bulk extra selects, ll.C0gi.65. riufcu.NS Live, ner doz., 60c. VEAL Choice, CtfSc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, IS.CO; No. 2 upland, JS.50; medium. JS; coarse, K.50. Ryo straw. 15. Theso nrlccs aro for hay of good color nnd quality. Demand fair. CORN-Now, C3c; old, C3c. I1RAN-118. OAT3-48C VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown. $1: northern,; Salt Lake, 11.10; Colorado, 11.10. CARHOTH-Per bu.. 60c. IiEETB-Per H-bu. basket. 30c. TIJHNIPS-Per bu., Wc; Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., 11.25. CUCUMHERS-Hothousc. per do.. J1.25. LETTUCE Head, per bbl., 10 50; hothouao lettuce, per doz., 25a PARSLEY Per doz.. 25c. RADISHES Per dor.. 2Jc. SWEET POTATOES-Homo grown, por lb., 2Hc; genuine Virginia, per bbl., 13. M. CAllUAaE Holland seed, crated, lHc. ONIONS Homo grown, por lb., 2giic; Spanish, per crate, 12; Michigan reds, 2'4c per lb. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25S33oj Nebraska, per bunch, SOflCoc; Colorado, 40 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.16. FRUITS. APPLES-Bcn Davis, per bbl.. JI.00-34.50; wlnesaps, 16; Jonathan, 15.60; Belieflowers, per box, 11.25. PEARS Vlkers, $2.25; Lawrence, 12.25 2.60. OnAPES-Malagas. per keg,.$C.50g?.00. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., 17.6088.W; ox tfa fancy, 18.60; per crate, $2,75. QUINCES-Pcr box, 11.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Florldas, $3.253.60; California navels, 13.603.75; budded, 13. LEMONS Fancy, I3.75if4.00. BANANAS Per bunch, according1 to size, $2.25a2.75. FIOS California, new cartons, 70c; im ported, per lb., HQllc. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, por lb., 6H0; Bairn, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 124c; No. i soft sboll, 11c; No. 2 hard shell, 10Hc; Brazils, per lb., 14c; lllberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, por lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, par cwt., $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY-I'er 24-sectlon case. $3.503.75. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3; Now York, $3.60. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 2 green. 6c; No. 1 salted. 8Hc; No, 1 salted, 7Hc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4-lbH., Oc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, S&l3c; sheep pelts, :6'(:7o; horso hides, $l.D0-.'.25. SAUERKRAUT Per H-bbl., $3; per bbl., $6.75. St. I,oa Is" Grain nnd Provisions. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 30. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 .rod cash, olevator, 77V4c: track. 80c; December, 77Hc; May, 79c; No. 3 hard, 73Vi76Vic. CORN Lowor; No. 2 cash, C4ic, now; track, 6lC65c: December, C4ic: May, 6GUc OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 45c; trade, 6ft46ttc: December, 44?;c; May, HSUQ-lSVic; No. 2 white, WtC RYE Steady, 65c. FLOUR Stronger; red winter patents, 13.COaJ.75; extra fancy and straight, $3.15Q) 3.30: cleur. $2.Wif3.00. HEED Timothy, dull, nominal, $o.60Q6.00. CORNMEAL Steady, $3.10. BRAN Scarco and nominally higher; sacitea, eusi irucu, ti.uomi.uu. HAY Timothy, dull, eusy, $10.60H,60; prairie, scarce and firm, not quoted. wiuon.1 iiiBiier, IRON COTTON TIES-$L BAGOING 6fi5ic. HEMP TWlrtE-6c. PROVISIONS Dry salt meats (boxedv steady; extra shorts, $8.50; cleur ribs, $8.56; clear sides, $3.76. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $9.37W: clear ribs, 19.37H; clear sides, sv.&ift- I'orK, nigner; joDoing, Jlti.w. Lard, firm, $9.42H. METALS Lend : Steady at $4.254M.27W. Spelter: Higher nt $4.15. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 6c; springs, Co; turkeys, 6ic; ducks. CffCHo; gceso, llUTTER-Steady: creamery. 20G25Wo: dairy. 1520c. liUUB aieaay ai ma. RECEIPTS Flour. 6.000 bbls.: wheat. 26.- 000 bu.: corn. 83.0CO bu.; onts. 49,000 bu. SHlPftiiiNTa nour. jz.wu urns.: wheat, 44.0W bu.; corn, 92,(W) bu.; oats, 39,000 bu. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 30.-WHEAT-Spot, firm; No. 2 red western, winter, 6s HHd; No. 1 northern, Btirlng, 6sl0d; No. 1 Cali fornia. 6s llid. Futures, llrm; December, 5s 10'id: March, 6s UTid. CORN Spot, llrm; American mixed, old, 5s5Hd. Futures, quiet: December, 6s4Hd; January, 6s3Vid; March, 5s 24d. PEAS Canadtun, strong, 6s Ud. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter strulchts. 6s 9d. hops At London (Paciilo coast), llrm, 3 laC 6s. H UTTER Stead v: finest United (vs; good United States, 70s, CHEEBE-juiet; American finest white and colored, 4Ssi TALIOW Prime city. llrm. 29s 3d: Aus. traltan-London. firm, 39s Dd, puoviBiONS Heer, nrm, unchanged. Pork, steady; prime mess, 67s. Lard, strong; American refined, In palls, 49s 9d; prime western, In tierces, 48s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., strong. 61s 6d, Bacon, strong;- Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 60s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., 60sCd; long clear middles. Iirht. 28 to 34 lbs.. 49a 6d: lrmu ... t 1 m 1 1 v. , ik n ,a n. .. . 1.. . -. 1 ; Ulcat iuiuuii .w iub.) tea. DIIUTV 'clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 47s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., b)sn. btiouiuers, aquure, 11 to 13 lbs., strong, 44s. Knnsna City Grnlu nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 30. WHEAT De cember, 69HH69Hc; May. 73c bid: cash. No. nara. uc sa. a. eimwiuc; ISO. 2 red, 73Vitf 74Wc: No. 8. 7m072Mc uuiirs uiscomoer, hwhc; Jiay, mtt 66ic: cash, No. 3 mixed, 67!c; No. 3 white, C6Ct!Wc. OATS-No. 2 white, 47.;17c. RYE No. 2, C3Wc. nominal. HAY-Cholcr timothy, $13.60014.00; choice pralrlu. $13.0i.v,rlS.60. BUTTER-Creamery, lSQ22c; dairy, fancy, 17c EGGS-Strlctly fresh slightly moro plenti ful; market steady; fresh M'ssourl nnd KunsaH Btock quoted on 'change at 21c doz , loss off, cases returned; country held stovk, 16c. RECEIPTS Wheat, 36,000 bu.; corn, 46.W0 bu.; oats. 10,0u0 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 31,300 bu.; corn, 34,400 bu.; outs, 3,000 bu. Sllnnrnpulls Ornln Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 30. WHEAT c-asn. iio; ueccmuer, 70ic; May, 73o On track: No. 1 hard. 714o: No. 1 north' em, 71Hc: No, 2 northern. H9Hc. second patents, $3.Kjj3.65; nrst clears, 12.80 (U.w, Eeconu clears, i...a. BRAN In bulk, llS.tOtflS.50. Mllwnukcr (Jen In Mnrlint, MILWAUKEE, Nov. 30. WHEAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern. 73if731c; No, 2 northern, 71j71Uc; May. 72c. RYE-fiteady; No. 1. 45c. BARLEY Easier; No. 2, 62c; sample, C 61ic. CORN May, 62c. Peoria Slnrkct. PEORIA, Nov. 30.-CORN-Hlgher; No. 3, wC. OATS-Flrmj No. 2 white, 45A billed inrougn. WHISICY-On the basis of $1.33 for fin tshed goods. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opm Mcderatelj ActlTt, bat Fails to Keep the Face. WEATHER IS PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE Priint-Tnklnir Alt Around Ilrlnwn vllnrs In All Pits on the ChlcnRo llonrd of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 30.-Proat-taklng all i 1 . ,l0Ua' December wheal closing i K eur.nal 7?Ho ! Ti ' cable iru-'M18 '? vlow ot Uecemuer dollv be8ftu nt once- '1'be selling mmmT.lli' ,0"."' Part Ot lOCttlS. WhllS conimlSBlon houseo took up all that was 2. n. . arl'l D.ry . wcatner Influenced Bttody prices In the faco ot heavy receipts rcmtHL 10 ,m,irkel "lipped off until Dc fS .,0n.S.0la dow". 10 7zi3c. Shorts nt i!i.?ht',.?urft covred hJ . Prices reacted sllght.y. December closed easy, 4U'c rrJ1 -ttLi3V4c'. Local receipts were i7 dtB. seventeen of contrnct grude; Mlnne- RSJf't an,an,U,ulul,.VrcP9rtcJ cars mak ing a total for tho three points of 1,105 cars, against 037 last week nnd 021 a year ngo. Primary receipts wero 1.017.W0 bush els, compared with su.000 bushels last year. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 318,000 bushels. Trade In the corn pit was slack, with a somewhat general disposition to take profits. In general, tho pit ruled heavy. Lower cables started December Ho, HtfHo u0'.1 at. 62!c 10 6iK " llb("-al llquhia I ?no PJC!CCB aKd and December touched eijic. Thero wus a slight rnlly towurd tho end pn some, support by several profes sionals, but December closed weuk, -Htlko lower at C2c, Receipts wero 139 cars? Speculative trudo In oats was of small J.'Si".!"0,' which, with tho easiness In corn, overbalanced the bullish factor of largo shipments. Opening prices wero slightly und December sagged to a weak close. io 1 A iiiiio ouibiuq interest down at 420. Receipts wero heavy at 3.3 Provisions were fair y active nnd easier. There was constderublo early strength on tho light run of hogs ot the yards, but u good deul of country selling and prollt taklng, especially ln pork, caused a loss of all the advance. January pork, which opened 124c up, closed 6c down ut $16,224; January lard, unchanged nt 19.65, and Jun uary ribs unchanged at $3.37H. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, ?J ZW' C0Jn 75 cur"i 0at8 cars; hogs, 45,ono head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Closc. Yes'y. Wheat Nov. pec. May Corn- No v. Dec. May July 64TS Olti C4 644 65 42W 42H 42 42H 43i 43H 43 43U 43 39 29 3S 3S-4 29 16 40 16 40 1 6 15 16 224 16 27W 16 72 16 774 16 45 16 CO 16 024 9 63 9 674 9 65 9 674 9 CO 9 574 9 674 9 60 9 65 9 65 9 65 9 70 9 60 9 624 9 624 8 45 8 45 8 324 S 374 8 37H 8 674 8 524 8 50 8 624 8 65 Oats Nov. May July Pork- Jun. Mnv Lard- Doc. Jan. May Rlbs- Jnn. May No. 2. Cash quotations wero as follows: FLOUR Firm: winter patents, 13.6033.60; straights, , $3.00-1(3.40; clears. $2.703.20; spring specials, uifi.ll; patents, $3.353.70; tramnts. K.jwrs.w. WHEAT No. 3. 694fl11c: No. 2 red. 76ti 77ic i CORN-No. 2 yellow, C44c OATS-No. 2, 454c; No. white. 45t.(f?,lfip- No. 3 white, 45iM5c. RYE No. Z. 60atW4C. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, B9flC3c SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.40: No. 1 northwest ern, $1.40; prima timothy, $6.25; clover, con tract grade. 19. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15.15 15.25. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.569.C0. Short ribs Bides (loose), $8.25718.45. Dry suited shoulders (boxed). $7.25K7.CO. Short clear sides (boxed), $S.704J8.S0. whisky nasis or nign wines, 11.30. Tho following aro the rccelnts and shin. ments of gruln yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 28,000 31,000 Wheat, bu 1S2.000 379,000 Corn, bu 112.000 210.000 Oats, bu 266,000 617,000 flye, bu 18.000 uarley, uu 13,000 On tho Produce cxchanKe today the but. ter market was firm; creameries. H&24.4c: dairies, 130200. Cheese, steady, DUftlO&c Eggs, llrm; fresh, 24c. NEW YOHIC GENERAL MARKET, (.notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-FLOUR-RecelDt. 84,710 bbls.; exports. 19,973 bbls.; very steady out less active; winter patents, 3.6uh.-j.w; winter straigut, jj.iubj.w; .Minnesota pat ents. J3.76iM.10: winter extras. 12.6OQ2.90: Minnesota bakers, $2.933.25; winter low grades. $2.6032.60. Ryo hour, llrm; fair to good, 13. 1603. 40; choice to fancy, $3.433.60. track New York. CORNMEAL Steady : yellow western. $1.33: city, $1.31; Brandywlne, $3.403.60. liYis steaay; ino. 2 western, tavic r, o. o. afloat: state rye. 63364a c. 1. f. New York carlots. BARLEY Firm: feeding. 69S61o c. 1. f. Buffalo; malting, C3Q8a c. 1. f. Buffalo. wheat Receipts, tB.tsso du. apot, quiot; SIVio olevator: No. 1 northern, Duluth, S2o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, 884c f. o. b. afloat. Options opened llrm on a scaro of local shorta and better cables, With the weakness in outside markets, however, un loading began promptly and prices eased off: March. S34SS3 3-16c: closed at 834c; May, 82 6-l&fiSo; closed nt 82?ic; Decem ber. S04Q80Hc: closed at 80Hc CORN Receipts, 61,000 bu.; exports, 60,316 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2, 68Hc elevator and 704c f. o. b. afloat. The option market opened nrm wun wneat, out es-entuuliy gave way under selling for long account and easier cables: closed easy nt H34o net toss; may, wainc: cioseu ai w?c. OATS Receipts, 103,600 bu.; exports, 7,612 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 48o; No. 3, 474c; No, 2 white, 62c; No. 3 white, 614c; track, mixed western, 4Sm84c: track, white, 43Z0 64c. Options quiet and barely steady. HAY Steady; shipping, C0?f5c; good to choice, 824090c. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1901 crop, l&E164c: 1900 crop, 9014c: 1E99 crop, frOllo; Paclflo const, 1901 crop, 1215Hc; 1900 crop, 6314o: 1899 crop. 6Qllc. HIDES Steady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. 18a; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 19c. LEATHER Quiet: hemlock sole, Buenos Ayres, light to heavyweights, 25r64o. WOOL Quiet; domestic fleece, 25S26o; Texas, 16Q17c. COAly Oulet. PROVISlONS-Beef, steady; family, $11.00 CT12.50; mess, $9.50310.00; boef hams, $12.50 12.75; packed, $10.6ul2.00; city, extra India mess, $17.0OQ'19.0O. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 1S.76Q10.60: pickled shoul ders, 17: pickled hams, 19.75itl0.25. Lard, easy: western steamed, 19.W4; refined, steady; continent, 110; South America. $10.50; compound, $10,60110.75. Pork, firm; family, $14.0017.00; short clear, $17.6019.Wj mess, $l.00a 17.00. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 16&254c; fac tory, 124fll5c; Juno creamery, lSifiJo; Imi tation creamery, 140184c; stuto dairy, 15 CHEESE-Steady; fancy, large, Septem ber, loo: fancy, small, Sciitember, 10c; late mado, best, large, 9ic; small, lOaiOVic. Eaas Quiet; state and Pennsylvania, 28 jJjJOc: western,, at murk, 21G2Sc; southern, "TALLOV Firm: city ($2 per pkg.), 6US' be; country (pkgs, tree), CijCc. SEW YORK STOCKS A.M IIO.NDS Amalirnmnted Copper Further Dis tinguishes Itself at Tumbling. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-Amn!gamated Copper shares saw further vicissitudes to- uuy mm niaiuiuineu meir inuuence on irv KUneral imirlfctH. Thn row rnnnni nfirUn.. abroad were reported quieter today after uDiciuuy enoriuous liquidation and Amalgamated started upward here, reach ing a point abovo last night. This had a reviving effect on the lone list and unwuni movunent began here and there. These were among tho coalers, hard and soft, l.oi iHvllle and Manhattan L. Sugar was uiuinuuuu over n point, men Amaiga mated Copper resumed Its recent occuoa tlon of making new low records and touched 724c In tho course of the morning, Very circumstantial assertions wern made that large sales of copper hart been con tracted for on behalf of the company at prices materially below tho list price. No Oinclal admission of thn onsnrtinnii rnnM h secured. Hears covered In the stock at a decline and It closed ut 744c, a net decline of 1 point. Brookjyn Transit was another point of acuta weakness, with a loss of nearly 4 points on account of the decrease In October net earnings caused by the In crease In operating expenses. The whole inurnei gave wny, ie uy meso two siocks, w-hen the bank statement appeared. 'Tho Increase In loans und tho consequent In crease In derjoslts resulted ln redmlnir the surplus over a million dollars by reason of ine expuuuea inurgin oi requirement, i no llrmness of foreign exchange makes further exports of gold next weok Increas ingly problematical The llnal covering by room shorts made closing prices materially better and tho market closed nitlvo und llrm. There has been a pood demand for bonds and a rather Irregular prlco movement. In United States bonds the new 4s advanced 4 per cent ln the last call. , Tlie following are the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison 7JH St. Toul pfd 190 do prd 1004 So. Pacific 67ft Baltlmoro & O...103 So. Railway 314 do pfd 93?i do nfd 93U Canadian Pnc....ll3li Tex. & Pacific... 40 So 63'JTOl.i at. l. ot w, 19 ChM. & Ohio 48. do Pfd. . 324 .103 . 90 . 21H . 404 . Is . 304 . 21 k . 42. .190 .203 Chicago & A 38 Union Paclllo... do pfd 773 do pfd , Chi., ind. & L... 47H Wabash , do pfd 74U do pfd Chlcugo & E. 111.1374 Wheel. & L. E. Chicago a. W... 2H do 2d pfd do l3t pfd 81 .Wis. Central.... do 2d pfd 46 do pfd , Chicago & N. W.2U Adams Ex , C R. 1. & P 147 American Ex... 90 do pfd Sdk.Wclls-Furgo Ex.lSO C. O. C. & St. L. 93 Amal. Copper 74 Colorado So 14?i Amer. Car & F.. 29 do 1st pfd 6S4 Pfl t5 du 2d pfd ZJ'i Amer. i.iu. oil... 17 Del. ft Hudson. ..1734 Del.. L. & W 212 Denver & R. a... 45 do pfd 46 Amer. S. & It.... 414 do pfd 96 do pfd 91 vt inii.v. ...ill. .u... 424iBrooklyn R, T... 61 72 Colo. Fuel & I... 924 Erie uo ist pin....... u do 2d pfd 684 Ot. Nor. nfd 19i Hocking Valley.. 634 do pfd n IllltinU rVtifrrit .H.H1 con. una 1194 den. Electric ...,276k muruwe ougar Hocking ot'ul, Intor. Paper ., do pfd Inter. Power IV 21 77 Iowa Central .... 384 uo pro 73 Lake Erlo & W.. 71 904 934 iacieon uas do pfd 130 Na. lllscult 43 L. A N lasvNat onal Lend .. 1SH M'nnhnttairiV.V.'.'.13)llNiitlonul Salt 30 Met. St. Rv ...ltV)t ... 24Vi do nfd.. Mex. Centrul Mex. National No. Americnn. Puclllo Coust . t'3 .. 10 ..107 mini. , 01. ij...iu( iiutiiiu .iniii ii,. Mo. Pacini' 101'i People's Clan .... KM. M.. K. A T 2Ci Pressed S. Car... 424 Minn. A, St. I rncinc .M1111 do nfd 62 do nfd sr. N. J. Central 180 N. Y. Central. ...170 N. A W CO Pullman P. Car.. 210 Republic. Steel... 10 lo Pfd C9t; Sugar 1231 Tcnn. Coal A I.. 6(J Union Hag A p.. 15 J do pfd nil V. 8. Leather..:: 122 do pfd V. S. Rubber 13 do pfd 91U No, Paclllo pfd.. IOO4 Ontario A W 3.14 Pennsylvania ....149 Heading f.04 do 1st pfd dO-H do 2d pfd C0H at. u. i M. Id' Dl't uo pill Gl uo pm 61 do 1st pfd MU.U. S. Steel 43 do 2d pfd 71'j' uo pfd (Wl St. L. Southw.... 2741Western Vnlon... 914 do pfd 69 Amer. Locomo... 31 St. Paul 16SU' do pfd 8S4 Last salo. Ketr Yorlc Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-MONEY-On call, nominal; prlmo mcrcuntllo paper, 4435 per coat. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with actual business ln bankers' bills nt $t.87W 4.K84 for demand and $4.8iufi4.84; for sixty days; posted rates, $1.85 and $1.SS4; commercial bills, Jl.saft 1.64V4. SILVER-llur, 65c; Mexican dollars. 43ic BONDS Government bonds, steady; state kn.l. 1 1, ,1 , I , in t-,.ll.-...,.1 l,n,a amuIh. n undlng 2s reg. und coupon, 10S', 3s reg., 10SJ.1 ; coupon, Iosh." new 4s reg. und coupon, iiKiy; oiu 4S reg. anu coupon, iuft; es reg. and counon. lwK. Tho closing quotations on bonds aro as follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg. do coupon , do 3s, rog do coupon , do now 4s, reg., do coupon do old 4s, reg.., do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon Atchison gen. 4s, do adj. 48 Bal. A Ohio 4s... do 84s ,., do conv. 4s , Can. So. 2s C. of G. 6h , do Is Inc dies. A O. 4Hs. Chi. A A. 34s..., C. B A Q n. 4s... C MAS P g 4s. C A N W c. 7s, C. R. I. A P. 4s, CCC A 8 L g. 4s Chlcngo Tor. 4s. Colorado So. 4s., L. A N. u. 4s... Mex. Central 4s. do Is Inc M. A St. L. 4s... 51.. K. A T. 4fl.. do 2s 102i 83i 1034 1004 , 814 N. Y. Central Is .1054 do Ken. 3M8 109i N. J. C. gon. Cs, .131 isp. raciuo 4s... do 3s N. A W. c. 4s... Heading gen. 4s. St L A I M c. 6s. , 721 102 . 99(5 .116k . ml . 97 . 79T4 ' 95 .1204 .120 . 834 .119 .111 . 62 .112V . 01'J . 8H St L. A S. F. 4s St. L. H. W. Is 107 I do 2s u. 77 '8. A. A A. P. 4s 107U Ho. Pnolllc 4s. 864 So. Railway 6s.., 9S ,T. A P. is , 112 IT St L A XV 4s. 1424 Union Paclllo 4s 1061S lo conv. 4s.... 104Vi Wabash Is , 91411 do 2s , W do deb. B 10.1 'West Shorn 4s. D. A It. a. 4S.. Eric nrlor 1. 4s... 100HW. A L. E. 4s.. . Out. Wis. Central 4s. do general 4s... F w A u c is. Hock. Val. 44 Wb-,i von. xouueco 4S 108 Bid. Offorod. Iloston Stock (.notations. BOSTON, Nov. 30.-Cnll lonns, 34fftH per cent; tlmo loans, 4406 pur cont. Otnolal closing: Atchison 4s ,102 (Allouez . 84 lAmalgumuted . . 814 Bultlo , 61 iBIngham , 79 Cal. A Hccla... ,1004 Centennial . .. ,259 Copper Range . ,1884 Dominion Conl ,165 Isle Royalo .... ,213U01d Dominion . 102-t Osceola , 234 Parrot 7$ 44 21 633 16 65 47 214 25 8F1 150 Gas Is Mex. Central 4S. N. E. G. & C.... Atchison do ptd Boston A A Boston A Me... Boston Elev..... N Y. N H A 11. TT,ilnn Pwrllle... Mex. Central ... Amer. augar ... Amer. T. A T... Dora. Iron A S.. Oen. Electric ... Mass. Electric. ,vu. wuincy ,101 iSanta Fa Copper. , SiUiTomnrack 3U 275 11 iiuiuuiuaai .... . 31 Trlnltv 41 25 15 "fa 63 do pfd N. E. G. A C... United Fruit .... 91 United States ... XJtah Victoria Winona Wolverlno 88 43 934 204 U. B. Steel do ptd Adventure Ex-dlvidend. London Stock (luntntlons. LONDON. Nov. 20. 2 p. m. Closing: Cons., money 91 13-16 .92 3-16 ... 64 ... 82 Norfolk A W... uo account Anaconda ... uo pro No. Pacific nfd. Atchison Ontario A W... do ufd 102U rennsyivania .. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd So. Railway ... do pfd Union Pacific .. do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash ........ do pfd Spanish 4s Rand Mines ... DeBeera Baltimore A O...1084 .. 23 .. 914 .. 31 .. 33H .. 96 . .1064 .. 03 :: i$ .. 72J4 .. 10! .. 10H Canadian rnc....U7 Chicago O. W.... 264' Denver A It do nfd G.. 46 964 43V Erlo do 1st prd. do 2d pfd.. .... 74 61 Illinois Central.. .143' L. A N Ill M.. K. A T 26' do pfd 66' N. Y. Central. ...171 SILVER Bar, flat. 20Kd per or. MONEY 3Q34 per cent. The rate of discount In tho open market for short bills Is 3034 per cent; for throe months' bills, 3J5?34 per cent. Kerr York Mining Stoaka. NEW YORK, Nov. 30.-The following ore the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con .... Alice Breeco Brunswick Con. .Little Chief 12 (Ontario SM lOnhlr 70 iPhocnlx 7 Comstock Tun.... l'otosl Con. Cal. A Va.,160 Savago 3 Deadwood Terra. 60 .Slorni Nevada ... 8 Horn Sliver 190 Small Hopes .... 40 Iron Silver CO .Standard 575 Leadvllle Con ... 6 Ilnnk Clearings, OMAHA, Nov. 30. Bank clearings today, $1,215,285.11; corresponding day last year, $1,190,215.03: Increase, $25,070.08. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 30.-Clearlngs, $7,427,400; balances, $1,127,197; New York exchange, 35o premium. BOSTON. Nov. 30.-ClearIngs, $25,104,930; bulanccs. $2,883,522. NEW YORK. Nov. 30,-Clearlngs, $261,817. 918; balances, $10,114,607. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 30.-Clearlngs, $19,495,851; balances, $2,463,079. For the week: Clearings, $93,124,585; balances. $11,811,780. For the month; Clearings, $465,611,829; bal ances, $13,330,692. Money. C per cent. bulancea, $1,713,U9: posted exchanRe, U.&'fi M'eekly Ilnnk Statement. NEW YORK. Nov. 30 Th of the asroclatcd banks for the week ending todav shows: Loans 1576 1S9.20O. Iniri. $7,106,200; deposits $940,668,600. Increase $7,- iii.imi; circulation wi.550,wo, increase j:; legal tenders $72,395,200, increase $1,S44,IOO; epeclo $176,186,601), decrease $959,000; reeervo quired $235,167,125, Increase $1,927,750; sur plus $13,414,575, decrease 11,072,350. Toledo Grain Market. TOLEDO. O.. Nov. 30.-WHEAT-8trong; cash. 79c; December, 79c; May, 814c, CORN December, K3c; May, 65ilc. OATS-Deccmber, 43o; May, 444c. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Gd Ef Oattli Fully Study for tht Wok, 0thn Slow and Weak. ANOTHER SHARP ADVANCE IN HOGS Fnt Sheep nnd Lntiibs Mny He limited Fully Sternly for tin Week, but Feeders Arc MIimt und LiMver All Around. SOUTH OMAHA, liov, 30. Receipts were! Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. umciai Monday 4,205 9,112 Oluclal luesuuy 6,o.'5 12,17 Ottlcial Wednesday 3,ls3 I6.I0I Uihcial Thursday Olllcial Frlduy 3.45S 14,135 Ottlcial Saturday 297 13,221 4.99 3,231 2,34a . ... . l,2tt 67S 12,129 40,li6 65,Ml 39.42J trJ.Ul 16,633 105,614 9i,M6 74.440 7o,871 63.2J5 32, .93 14,104 South com- . Total this week 16,66$ 65,476 Week ending Nov. 23.. ..1,511 73,3 Woek ending Nov. 16....2.,312 6a,t2J Week ending Nov. 9 a),SW 35,270 Woek ending Nov. 2 23.WJ S5,s02 Same week last year.. ..10,153 61.29J Total this month Si.W 242,3)7 Totul November, 19J0....6J.6I1 171,930 Total November, 1899. . . .9J.6s6 20S.29I Totul November, l&yS....72,OJa 19.r,U53 Total November, li97....7j,352 121,466 'lotul November. 186.... 52,462 i6,tW Totul November, 1895....5I.30 13I.W1 'Indicates holiday. Average prices paid for hogs at Omaha tho past several days, with p orisons: Doto. I 1901. ll900.ilS99.aS9S. 1897.1S9J.1896. No". 1.... Not. 2.... Nov. 3,... Nov. 4..., Nov. 6,... Nov. 6.... Nov. 7.... Nov. 8.... Nov. 9..., Nov. 10... Nov. 11... Nov. 12... Nov. 13... Nov. 14... Nov. 15... Nov. 16... Nov 17... Nov. 18... Nov. 19... Nov. 20... Nov. 21... Nov. 22... Nov. 23... Nov. 21... Nov. 25... Nov. 2U... 5 734! 6 72 r, K3U 6 n! ' 6 714 6 724 6 63 6 69 r. kS7i 6 nS' 6 63;, 6 UJ',t tl U 6 81 5 76ti b C6 6 76U Nov. 27... Nov. 23.. Nov. 29.. Nov. SO.. C 854, 0 w Indicates Sunday. Holiday. Tho olllcial number of cars of stock brought In toduy by each road was: Cattle. Hokh. Sheep. lIVs. u., .m. a at, i' 1 Wabash I 61 4 Ci 3 S3 3 291 3 42 I 00 4 04 I -.6 3 4l 3 27 3 4 4 66 4 04 3 45 3 13 3 80 4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 JJ 4 66 3 52 3 44 3 21 3 35 4 64 4 01 3 46 3 17 3 3i 4 67 4 01 3 65 3 23 8 43 4 71 4 03 3 62 3 51 3 45 4 CV 4 0, 1 45 3 41 3 28 3 1!$ 4 74 4 03 I 41 3 31 3 27 4 02 3 43 3 ji 3 17 3 SI 4 84 3 44 3 3S 3 22 3 48 4 74 3 94 3 31 3 23 3 44 4 67 3 0. 3 41 3 25 3 4 4 82 3 90 3 95, 3 27 3 40 4 "Wi 8 81 S 851 3 31 3 IS 3 45 4 62 3 S7 3 36 3 32 3 11 3 3 35l 3 3.' 3 14 3 41 4 75 3 29 3 34 3 16 3 89 4 75 3 88 3 31 3 13 3 U A 78 3 89 3 31 3 15 3 43 1 76 3 86 3 37 3 39 3 38 4 78 3 85 3 44 3 27 3 21 3 41 6 86 3 82 3 4 6 3 27 3 21 3 77 3 28 .1 30 S 16 3 46 1 87 3 23 3 24 3 24 3 60 4 76 3 76 3 28 3 85 3 43 4 71 3 73 3 20 3 32 3 31 4 74 3 68 3 19 3 30 ' 4 69, 4 71 3 21 3 27 3 3 ? 3 40 13 .1 .. .. 4 23 3 23 .. .. 37 11 25 .. 7 1.1 19 4 ., D 179 3 7 Missouri Pacific Union Pacific System i u. & im. w F., E. A M. V C, St. P., M. A O B. A M 7 C, B. A Q 1 C, R. I. A P., cast.. .. C R. I. A I., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Total receipts 11 Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho num ber or ncau inuicutcu Buyers. Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Fowler Other buyers Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. 61 3 3.602 4,179 3,974 626 27 100 Total.. 13,337 115 CATTLE Thero wero only o fow cattlo today and not enough to mako a test of tho market. For the woek thero was a good supply considering thut Thursday was a holiday, and a good liberal gain Is noted over the corresponding week of last year ln SDlta of tho fact that Thanksclvlnc was not u holiday last year. As compared with last week, however, thero Is a slight falling off In tho receipts, ns the tablo nbovo will show. Tho HUDulv for tho month of No venibcr has been very liberal, nnd In fct Ih tho heaviest In a period of years with tho exception 01 ltw, when over w.wo neau ar rived. Tho demand for U10 better grades ot cat tlo has been In good shape all the week at this uolnt. nnd oartlculurlv for (rood to choice corufed steers. As was notod a week airo. tho ramrc uf nrlcos Is constantly urow ing wider, as chulco cattlo aro advancing whllo common and half fat cuttlo are going down und aro very slow saui. xno top prlco of the season bo far Is $7.26, so that roou 10 ciuico cumo may uo quoiea irom 6.00 to 17.25. Tho situation for tho week can, perhaps, best bo described by calling uio oeucr graucs sionuy u ouunt; unu actlvo, and undeslrablo grades slow and unevenly lower. Good to cholco cowu and heifers aro 10 16o higher than thoy woro a week ago and In good demnnd. Cornfed stock Is now beginning to urrlvn and a good bunch of long-fod cows would probably sell us high as $4.60. while chulco heltora can be quoted up to $5.00. wheru they aro fat und of good ouullty. It takes a cholco bunch of cowu that havo not baen fed to sell up to $3.76. Tho canner market hus also plckod up a llttlo this: week, ns offerings havo not boen as liberal, whllo the demand continues actlvo. Medium cows, however, have been ruthor neglected and ore no more tnau steady for tho week. Canners ure selling from $1.75 to $2.25, and medium grudes from $2.26 to $3.v0. Bulls, calves and stngH are Just about steady for tho week, no particular change naving laKen piace. The better crradea of stockers and feeders have been in good demund all the week ut Just about steady prices. A cholco bunch of heavyweight fecdora will bilng right uround $4.00 und prima yeurungH sen in about the same notches. Tho less desir able grudes sell from $3.75 down. ine oetier gruues 01 wcsicrn rungn ueci steers nio ubout steady for the week, but still puckers aro not as anxious for that class of cattle as they wero a short time ago, uh they do not kill out as well. Tho common kinds aro slow sale and weak. Range cows of good quality aro strong to 10c or 16o higher, and tho best grades sell around $3.75. Good to choice stockers and feeders ure about steudy for tho week, and may be quoted from $3.75 to $4.00. Repre sentative sales: HERF STEERS. No. 1 1 1 27 Av. IT. No. Av. . 700 4 00 11 1057 COWS. . 790 2 70 1 1360 .1090 3 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. . 882 3 15 10 891 BULLS. Pr. 6 60 3 10 3 iO 2 75 1 1420 S 40 1 1600 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1 440 2 25 HOGS There was a good run of hogs here today, making the supply for the week of fairly liberal proportions, though not as large as for last week. Thero Is, however, a gain over tho corresponding weok of last year. Tho supply for the month of November bijows an enormous 111 rpHHA nvnr thn Rama month of last year. In spite of the liberal receipts tho market opened this morning lOtfflSo higher on the heavier weights and ubout a dime higher on tno llgnt nogs. THO uuik oi ine neavy loads sold at $6.02 and $6.0C, with an oc- rr.Hlnnnl lnad abovo those flcurcs. The me dium weights sold mostly from$5.95 to $6.00 ana mo nxniweiKnia irom uuwn. i tlm market was fulrlv active and the bulk was disposed of In good sea son. The last end of tho murket, however, was a llttlo slow and weak, particularly on the light hogs, which sellers had some dif ficulty ln disposing of. Tho tendency has been upward this week and at the close the average prlco Is ut the highest point reached In a good many weeks, No, Av. Sh. Pr. 4 25 4 40 4 75 4 75 6 00 6 25 6 40 6 60 6 50 6 CO 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 80 6 SO 6 SO 5 SO 6 86 6 85 6 90 6 90 6 W 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 9-3 6 90 5 94 6 9p 6 924 5 92U 5 9$ 6 95 No. Av. Sh. Pr. 66 263 SO 6 00 61 242 120 6 00 73 244 80 6 00 79 209 120 00 62 278 160 6 00 74 263 100 6 00 73 226 120 6 00 14 277 ... 6 00 88 225 SO 6 00 S3 224 SO 6 00 00 223 40 6 00 62 233 40 6 00 S6 212 120 6 00 64 225 80 6 00 65 254 120 6 0) 69 270 ... 6 00 12 297 120 6 00 (W 264 40 6 00 71 215 40 6 00 59 278 SO 6 CO 86 244 40 6 00 80. . . . 230 120 6 00 71 230 120 6 00 66 370 SO 6 024 C 252 40 6 024 02 230 60 6 0.J4 C5 250 . . 0 024 67 247 .,. 6 024 62 201 ... 0 02U 67 237 ... 6 024 60 232 ... 6 02 4 63 239 160 6 024 77 223 120 6 024 75 238 40 A 034 62 217 80 02i 1L 67 16. 78 81... 112.. 18.., 16... 107., 75... 97!.. 99... 96.., 93... 106., 106,, 88... 66... 85... 91.., 74.., S3.. 79,., 86.. 76.., 86,. 82... 68... 90... 82... ...116 ...115 ...122 ...113 ...153 ...131 ...164 ...143 ...164 ...165 ...161 ...174 ...163 ...195 ...167 ...170 ...190 ...178 ...214 ...204 ...211 ...201 ...204 ...187 . . .188 ...216 40 160 40 80 'so 40 160 320 280 80 200 120 40 240 160 80 7, ...179 85 219 83 215 80 199 85 178 62 210 9 210 0 102 ....179 76 ... 233 68 ....211 85 160 160 SO IW 100 2W $0 240 120 4) 160 40 W 120 120 40 320 120 120 120 iib 200 120 320 40 200 2(0 80 60 120 210 40 160 'so 6 95 6 93 6 M 6 93 6 95 6 93 6 93 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 974 6 974 5 9?U 6 97 5 974 5 97U 6 9lU 6 974 6 9?C 6 97U 6 9?4 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 W 6 00 6 00 600 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 O) 91 211 83 184 f.1 190 48 2S.1 78 197 62 I'll 86 :vj 5 211 ....... 206 0 243 76 2! 81 2113 83 1V3 J? 211 81 219 63 25-J 67 231 87 176 li 214 244 J3 216 67 230 67 261 61.., .238 .232 .245 .250 .253 .243 .240 .3S7 67. 61.. 70.. 66.. 74.. 60.. 14. 61. .275 62 201 M 21S 71 220 S3 25.1 40 22S 6 00 6 00 SHEEP Thero were a few bunches of sheep on solo today, but no iinrtlculnr Iv "fo? I,7,,,', "l"" "as noted. Tho MP" PU for the week has been very lluht. both KnC2mpare1 wl,I,.lnst eek And also " y2 sa,ne of last year. The receipts for month however, have been Verv 'lbdorft'BJ 1 t'oct nro the heaviest ontll ?ImJS, lh0 ,n;onlt f November, ns the The bulk of tho fnt stuff now comlnir to market s corn-fed. very tew westerns bo "f ,F91 enough tor killers. Tho demand snape an tno week nnd prices mnv ! WX&tW'&ay or thoPwcck on'both 1 no iceaor thev had. 1 mi,V "1' ?.' ' tlllllPIlirV In ( unni, .... ...1. jn ,d?f. b5' 3-60' fnlr -t0 500'1 wethers. K9'a5; choice owes, J2.r.3(3.25; fair to f m niJSff 1 srn:. common owes si.cntf Tnm'i,.11? -i1"; -Wtf-1.75: fair to gon.l lambs, $1 feeder wothcrs. $2.Xt3.i5: Jalw- ' 3-J5fl3'75- "oprcscmatlvo CHICAGO 1,1 VU STOCK MARKET Cnttli. Strndy nnd Flrm-IIoKs Higher Sheep Steady. sm111,?0, '"V- 30.-CATTLE-necelpts, ji n-"- ,mnrk.Pt "P'"iy: Rood to prime 1I.40M,.2j: poor to medium, $3.50ii6.00; slock' f.rl'1 ?siors.'Aw-oo-KlJ e"w. $i-:5Tf 1.75; 'on?7i V-,.,,C01,f'60i $1,2516.30; bulls ifL',,V.!,rC"lvc9' -60ilO.(w; Toxus fed HOGS-Rccclpts, 25.000 head; estimated sales, $5,7016.00. SHEEP AND IAMBS-Recelpts, 2.P00 head; market steady; good to choiro weth ers, $3.6pf(1.25; fair to eholco mixed, $2 7'.f $35W io' " ,2-ww,-w: western Iambi, Olllcial yesterday: Ilccolpts-Cuttlo, 6.019 head; hogs. 41,000 head; sheep, 12,162 head. Shipments-Cattle. 2,081 head; hogs, 4.358 head; sheep, 2,127 head. Kansns Clt- Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 30. CATTLE Re celpts, 600 natives. (M Texuns nnd 60 calves; market, compared with a week ago, Is 15 2o higher; today's prices nominal; choice oxport nnd dressed beef steers. $5.S."fj0.45; fair to good. $1.. 51(5.25; stockers nnd feed ers, $3.00ft4.50: western fed steers, 51.750 6.00; western rango steors, $.1.604.75: Texas and Ttullan Btcers, $3.0O&l.60; Texus cows, W'iS3l-19 nntlvo cows, $2.2504.25: heifers, $3.005.00; cnnncrH, $1.60ff2.4O; hulls, $2.wra lBLcXw? $3-55.75. Receipts for wei, 29,500 head; last week, S0.0OO liead. HOGS Receipts. 7,000 head: murket V,a 25o hlghur; top. $6.30; bulk of salos. $3.75"ffl 6.25; heavy, $6.Mfi6.CO; mixed packers, $6.005b 6.26; light. $3.60i6.10: pigs, J4.COTj5.40. Re ceipts for week, 86,000 head; last week, 92,600 head. , SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rcoelpls. 4,000 head;' market, compared with a week uco. Is 1015c lower; natlvo lambs, 5 1.25 1.60; westorn lumbs, $3,7514.33; natlvo wethers, $3.253.60; western wothcrs. $3,0013.35: ewes. $2.76ifj3.25: culls nnd feeders, $l.60if3.25. Re ceipts for week, 15,000 head; last weok, 20,000 head. St. Louis Live Stock Murket. ST. LOUIS Nov. 30.-CATTLE-Recclpts, 250 hoad; market steady, with ilnest grades scarco nnd not filiated; natlvo shipping and export Bteers, $I.C5U6.15; dressed beef und butcher steers, $3,6015.50; steers undor 1,000 lbs., $2.75iijC.00; stockers nnd feeders, $2.25fi 3.00: cows und heifers. $2.ooy-l.25; ennnnrs, $1.56f2.75; culls. $2.25(14.00: Texas nnd Indian steers, grass. $2.0OT'l.25; fed, tt.OOQ 1.7D; cows and heifers, $2,0003.75. HOGS Receipts, ,1.200 head: murket lOo higher; pics and llghta. $5.755.95; packers. J5.95flrt.05; bluchers. $.106.30. au&iui- i.ujo iwucuipis, kw neau; market quiet; native muttons, $3.25f3.75; lambs. $1.0004.75: culls und bucks. i'lMUt 2.60; stockers, $1.6002.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. BT. JOSEPH. Nov. 30 OATTnTCrj,.. celpts, 250 head; steady: natives, $3.2307.00; cows and heifers, $1.3505.30; veals, $2.60 6.25: bulls and stags. J2.25frS.00: Htnr.kf.ra and feoders. $1.7304.30. HOGS RecclDtH. 11.000 head: NVfMRn higher; light and light mixed, $5.7006 05; medium una neavy, n urs. J3.7f, 0.00. BHKKP AND UAJ HH Recolnts. 160 hnnrl! market strong; top lambs, $4,70; top wethers, $3.75. Slnux City I.tvo Stock Market. SIOUX GITY. Nov. 30. (Snprinl TpIb. gTam.)-CATT.LE-Rocclpts. 300; markot steady; beeves. $3.6006.25; cows, bulls nnd mixed, $1.60fj3.75; stockers and feeders, $2.50 iiuus- iiuceipiH, o.wu; mnrKoi wsn&o higher, selling, $5.8006.00; bilk. $5.8505.90. Biittwi' iteceipts, zw; steady. Xev York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Nov. m.bpirvrsh. celpts, none, and no sales reportod; ex ports, bin Dcevcs and 6.721 quarters of beef. CALVES-Rocelpts, 13 head; 10S on sale: nulet, but steady; a few veals Fold nt $1.50 (Q7.60 and a few grangers ut $2.76. , SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rccelpts, 2.617 head; fulr domand; shoop 25o higher, lambs Price Advances Hi Per Cent Dec. 4th. The Greatest tN THE HISTORY OF IS OFFERED IN 69 210 160 02U 64... . 266 100 6 024 61 .... 211 160 6 024 66 261 40 6 OtU 74 .... 224 SO 6 024 65 252 20 0 024 C6 261 100 6 05 66 2C1 40 6 05 61 VSl 160 6 05 64... r03 120 6 05 69..,.. .25 2S0 6 05 C3 274 310 6 03 63.. ...230 80 6 05 59 296 120 6 0S 61 303 80 6 OT, C7 265 120 0 05 63 271 120 CfVi 71 243 200 6 M 60 276 120 6 05 64 26.1 40 6 CT, 96 26.1 80 f. 05 117 35.1 60 6 05 61 2S1 ... 6 00 61 212 SO 6 05 63 208 ... 6 01 73 2.10 40 6 05 57 282 80 6 OS 67 271 SO 6 05 68 2S.1 120 6 05 60 H5 SO 6 05 P0 191 10) 0 05 24 9 40 6 07H 61 23S ... C 074 fil 313 SO 6 07tJ 65... ...297 ... 0 074 62 29i) ... fil,-i 61 277 SO 6 074 5 301 120 6 074 M 247 40 6 10 K 830 ... 6 10 68 202 ... CIS nZrM Lyelk a,ul VftlUM n, eonslderably tiVn.t,eV fere nt tho close of Inst w.?r?.vt l!m. sellers havo found con- j , u.'yui ii'il over. 4.ioii: ninrui.f lfv. 15c higher, mixed nnd butchers, $5.7M0.20; good to choice heavy, $5,761(6.30; rough heavy. Jo.6012fi.7S; Ik-lit tsw.nh?!.'!,, ii.T! -r n 4jwii UUIIV Mi Mt. Shasta Gold Mines Corporation Of Shasta County, Cal., tho Greatest Gold and Copper Camp In tho World. Dill I V Mil I In this district Is considered tho most won- hikal nililui dertul discovery In this or uny other age. . .. - .. . ... . A l'Mon smelter now operated by a com pany owing one-half of Bully Hill Is paying Jl.'.W.Oi.O yoarly net nbovo ex penses. With their l.OOO.ton mill will pny 3 2,000,000 NET YEARLY. THE SIT. SHASTA fiOl.l) MI.M'.S COIll' Oil ATIO.V. Own the other half of Bully Hill and aro Installing a plant which will mako an rriual showing. Tho only way to got Into Bully Hill's big mine Is through buy Ing Mt. Shasta Gold Mines Corporation stock, Wo aro soiling only a ilmlto'd number of shares (of a par value of $1.00 each) at 6 CENTS PER SHARE. STOOIC ADVANCES .'lit l-.'l I'Ell CENT Dl'.CEMIIEIl 4. Bend subscriptions and address for attractive prospectus, giving full description In details of this wonderful property. NANFOim, TUt'iil P. S. BEAR IN MIND veiopment nro tho peoplo who muko tro- mendous prollts. WUN9ICIC, fil l N V. I,lf Illtltr., Ilniiiliii, Nr,1, W. A. Is iniUinrUetl Id fiirnUh iriiniitH!tiiM-t niitl udKltiiiiil liifiirniiitlmi Hnd iicitept niilisorlptliins In DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTONITY. $2 7r..1M; culls. $31 nous-Rc. . ipt, l.jTfi h.Md, market llrm. Stork In Muht. Tho following tnbo shows tho receipts or cattlp, hogs and sheep at tho flvo principal markets for No ember SO: Cuttle. South Omnhii 207 Chlcugo ..6.019 Kansas City 1.100 St. Louis 2Tp0 St. Joseph 310 Hogs. 13.n1 4I.C.X) 7.000 3.2W 11,000 Totals 7,916 7S.421 17,9!W Dry (tnoiln Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 30.-DRY GOODS Thcro was little movement In tho dry goods market today. The demand was light from tho home trado In nearly all departments and exporters were not buying. Prices of brown nnd bleached rottnns nro steady, Dclilms nro decidedly scarco und llrm, ami other coarse colored cottons nre steady. Prints aro In fair demand nnd unehntiged, Print clothf Inni'tlvc. Cnttnti yards quiet and Irregular. Worsted yarns nto llrm and woolen yarns quiet, but steudy. SiiKiir Mark.'!. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 30.-SUOAR-Mr-ket llrm; open kettle. 2o; open kettle, cen trlfiiRol, 313-10f; grunt la ted, 4t064c; white, 3';iHc; yellows. 3'(i?3-V; seconds, 24QB4o. MOLASSES Quiet; open kettle. 2S03J; centrifugal, JTMiW1. NEW YORK. Nov. M.-MOLASSES-Now Orleans, good to choice, 34044c Tcxus Oil Apits. Tho Investment Now, Nov. I5t The world's biggest refinery. About to b completed nt Orange, Tox., twenty miles from Beaumont, Tex. Capacity, 25,000,000 barrels. Tho largrot oil refining and reduction works In tho world will tic built in tliH towu (Orange, Tox.) by tho big syndicates operating lu tho lleauulotit oil fields. Tha project Is n most stupendous one, includ ing plans for tankago aud accommodating. 25,000,000 barrels of oil. This cotnpauy will occupy 2,000 acres ol ground tor tho purpose ot building tank age nnd tho refinery. The total capliall ration ot this refinery will exceed $2,000,- 000 ami tho dally capacity will bo 2,600 barrels of refined oil to start with and tha capacity v.111 ho Increased us rapidly as necessary to keep poco with the great de velopment cf thoso oil Ileitis. Tho Omaha Texas Oil company is inter ested ln this project, ln Hint 11 will give us a ready market for crude oil for rofln Ing purposes. This means additional profits for holders In Oninha Texas Oil company stock, as cvcrylhlug that Is good for tho Omaha Texas Oil company Is good for Its shareholders and means prollts ac cordingly. A fow moro shares can be had nt 25 centl on tho dollar. Get in quick, before It la too late. Add roes tho Omaha Texas Oil company, Couuctr Bluffs, la., or call, ut their olTlcv, room 406 Sapp block, and learn full par ticulars, Tho following Is a telegram just ro eelved: BEAUMONT. Tox., Nov. 30. Omnhn Texas Oil Company: Omaha Texas down GSO fcot. W. E. BKICE, Gcucrul Manager. W. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. T. 1064. "MODERN METHODS" I'lllt SAVi IXVESTMHXTS. Send for this book. Just published, of new Ideas for trading In stocks and grain on business principles for safo und conscrvatlvo prollts. Also our special letter of ndvlco. Highest banking itnd llnuticlul tofcrences. m. ii. i'i,ovi:it ,t co., Bankers nnd Brokers, Chicago Stock Exchuugo BIdg., Chlcugo. 'ltjpnone 1U3IT. Boyd Com mission Co Successors to James E. Boyd Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN. PnoVISIO.NS AND STOCKS. Hoard of Trade Ualldln. Direct wires to Chicago and New York, Conesfmdenca, John A. H'uiicn & Co. B. L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 FARNAM STREET. I, one IMntiiiu'c Trli'iilioiiu '. 171. OilSmelter mines. Dividend. Pmylna Mining, Oil mnd omoiior oroosrs, i-imtma mna Unlluted, our Spoolmlty. DOUGLAS. LACEY&CO., Bunkers & Broker, 1'lirnl Agents, I Members K. V. Contolldatrd Block I'.xrliange. 66 BROADWAY & 17 NEW ST., NEW YORK. IlooUcU sirlnu onr (uceeufnl plnn f cr renliilrn i tho InrffA Intrrrtt nnd nritlll nf lFtfUtliuitA niln. Inc.niiitwttmeUtrliivfntments, nub. hlmiKii, fall I'ai iiiumi i-ii., irni irrr un Hp)iirnilon Before IluyliiK Oil or Mlnlnir Htnaks Bond for free copy American Mining News, containing "All tho News from All the Camps." AMERICAN MININO NEWS, Broudwuy, Now York. Money-Maker MIN NO INVESTMENTS TUP STOCK OP TUG Price Advances m Per Cent Dec. 4th, AKfiit, H 1 Admits Hi., ChlriiKn. 12'4c' Mro'terr. sheep. Sheep. 67J 12.(63 4,W SOU 150 Thoso who havo tho courago to buy mining stock whllo the property Is In a stago of do- Oiiiiiliu mill Hiirrmiiiitluir territory. Rend youn order In at once, J1C0 Invested now In craln or provisions will moro thun double ltLelf by Jan, 1st. Conditions war rant higher prices and they are bound to come. Write for our book, "Hucressful Speculation." Kent free, Our customers have made money on our ndvlco thn past year. All prollts payable on demand, J. K. COMSTOCK & CO., SO Trudcrs' Dldif., Chicago, IU,