E4 THE OMAHA DA1JL.Y BEE; SC2TDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1901. MEDICAL. HOLD ALL YE THAT SUFFER WITH RHEUMA TISM OR LUMBAGO, TAKE HOPE For ths remedy Is at hand that will drlvo quickly. . , ' No more Interference with your work. No morn ronnnemont nt your home or your bed. No more rncklng pains to suffer; no tn oro big doctors fees or medicine bills TO worry you; those are nil rendered unnece aury by tho advent of this simple but won derful euro of those drondful aliments. Bran now remedy Just being introduce d, will surprlso you with Its results. EVERY DOSE COUNTS Merriam's Gem Cure for Inflammatory Rheu matism and Lumbago Is a wond mderful and rapid nuccoss. DKIlcult cases yield to It In from one ttlo gonertUly sumclng for recovery. Old and chronic cases nro entirely con In n we s time T ere has never been anything Iko It Introduced before to Ono bottlo niinr.! In l frm Mm Inimnti svstem. Purely vegetable uml mnde from common poisonous Ingredients. No harm enn result rrom tuning any quumny. Sold by all enterprising druggists, Price, $1.00 Per Bottle, Or direct from manufacturers by mall or otherwise on receipt of price. H. Merriam & Co., 36 South 20th Street, Omaha, Neb. If confined to the house, In Omaha. Council Bluffs or South Omaha, mail us a postal card and wo will promptly call upon you und attend to your case. DR. l'KIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women In Omnhn. would call tho attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodation beforo nnd during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no milter what cause. Call or address, with Htamp, Dr. Tries, Arlington block, 1113 Dodge, Omaha. -" LADIES, $500 reward falling to relievo caso of abnormM suppression, any cause; prlco 2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy Co., 17 Qulncy St., Chicago, U',, uj. LADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot fnll. Trial free. ParlB Chemloal Co., Mllwnukoe. Wis. H3 Jany f DR. W. HUTCHINSON, upcclallst of womon nnd children; 2') years' practice, Olllco 2213 Cuming. Res. tel. F-27W, olllco U-2Mti. DRINK HABIT CURED Absolutely In 21 hours No injections No poison No bad effect from treatment Curo guaranteed. Omaha refersnccs on application. Wo control Nebruska and Iowa for this raluablo remedy. Wanted Soma ono to represent us In each county; a physician preferred. One-Day Liquor Cure Co., 1512 Davenport Bt., Omaha, LAPIESI Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills aro tho best. Safe, reliable. Tuko no other. Send 4u stumps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. CANCER cured at homo by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain; book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer lnstttuto, 121 W. 42d Bt., New York. Omaha Sanitarium complote lnstltuto for treatment of chronic diseases, as consumption, rheu matism, nervous diseases, etc.; complete bathing appliances for administration of all kinds of baths; complete electric ma chinery; a regular treatmont. 95S North 27th avo., ono block north of Cuming. Phone liS7. -3S 1 BUSINESS GIIA.NCF.S. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 110,000 Select stock, good Nobrasku toxvn, good business, ono-thlrd cash, two-thirds good Improved land. GROCERIES. 15,000 Clean, staple stock, line location, un usual business. J36.0O0. If you Imvo good improved farm not over i5 miles from Omaha and want a golden opportunity, might deal. Bend full particulars. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE. M,000-Clean up-to-dato stock, doing nice business. Reasonable discount for quick cash sale. Good Nebrasku town. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. t2,600 Stock and hearse, located in good eastern Nebrnska town, A good pleco of land might suit. Tell me what you havo, DRUGS. 1,000 to 13,000 Clean stocks. In Iowa and Nebrnska towns, good trndo. Maybe can use some good laud, JEWELRY. 1350 to 1600 stocks In country towns. Bar gains. DAIRY BUSINESS. $2,00040 coVK, producing SO gallons milk dally, horses, wagons and other para phernalia; cash, 4 easy terms. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY. , 1600 to 11,600 Good Ilvo towns, doing good business, xou can nmito gnou uoui. CONFECTIONARY. H,200 Tho finest proposition of tho kind In town of Its size In Nebraska; llvo place of 7,000. Manufactures und controls both wholcsalo and retail trade; easy terms, It's your opportunity. ClOARS. Wholesale rotito, lino trade, money maker. Also small cigar und news stund business, well located, living rooms In rear, low rent. Must sell quick. A bargain. FRUIT STAND. CIGARS AND CONFEC TIONERIES. Splendid location, clean stock, good trade. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Beat locution, best business In city, In vestigate. HOTELS IN AND OUT OF CITY. Capacity 2ft tn 60 rooms. Ask about them. ROOMING HOUSES. Ono 14 rooms, well equipped, full roomers only, best location, paying proposition. Ono 11 rooms, elegant furniture, lino loca tion, full roomers and boarders; can bo had right. Ono 11 rooms, modurn huusu, roomers nnd boarders; paying enterprlso; almost your own price. See mo about It. RESTAURANTS. One of tho llnest In city. J25.000 annual bublnes3; gulden opportunity, Othors of smaller capacity In und out of city. Ono special burgHlu In South Omul) a. Tell mo what you Imvo to eoll, Tell mo what yon want to buy; If I don't llnd you a deal, You may say 1 never try. J. H. JOHNSON, M3 N. Y. LIFE. Y-Mfi 1 DON'T RUN. BUT HURRY! Our rates arc loweHt on SALARY LOANS OR FURNITURE LOANS. Time right and fair, squaro dealing by a responsible company. Rollnble Credit Co., room 303 third floor, Puxton block. X-MIC3 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, live utock, etc. Quick bcrvlcu und lowust rates guaranteed. .1. W. TAYLOE. 633 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th street. X-U5 PRIVATE party, employed during day. will make loans on plain notes to salaried people holding positions with responsible concerns at his resilience near litli and Chicago sts. at a rule which will satUfy anyone requiring a Kan; Intorvluw grant ed only after 7:30 each evening; w.lte for appointment, M IS, Uco olllce. X M4M INTERESTED In goats? Lcum all about them ns money makers. Read American Goat Breeder, published monthly; 20 cents a cnuy. Address Room U, 147 6lh ave Chicago. Y-M50aDJ' COAL and feed business for sale. Well equipped and prosperous. Monroe & Co., Sli N; 10th. Y-857 When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra Mrolto or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tho ad In The Bee. AUCTIONEER Len W. Newell, expert auctioneer In all lines of merclnndlso; can get more for goodB thun any man on eartli: tno oniy way to cir.ni up yi viurv out stock. Address icn w. .sowon, juwb Y-M501 0 MEDICAL. It from your system, thoroughly and food products. Contain; Contains absolutely no lll'yiNESS CHANCEH. BALOON for rale. Address James Slobodny, St. Paul, Neb. Y-M210 31' FOR BALE, millinery store doing good business; also good hotel for salo (or lease to rlgnt party), uom goon mtauuiia ., N. E. Nebrnska, Cull or wrlto 621 IN. . Liro uunaing, umana. NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO. 4TII FLOOR N. Y. L. 1JLDQ., OMAHA. Aniinr.lato banks and attorneys everywhere. LARGEST LAW AND COLLECTION Afinmv IN THE WORLD. DAMAGE. SUITS. BANKRUPTCY, DI VORC'E und everivform of LITIGATION given attention bv sawyers muKing a spe cialty In their purtlculnr brunch. Submit your claims In person or by mall. FOR SALE, a llrst'claas drug stock in cnn,i inuti nr i.iuo nonuiauon; kuuu iu- catlon, good trade, nice room; only drug stock tn town; 4 physicians; reasons for Helling, must change climate. Address Box 114, Stromsburg. Neb. Y 638 1 FOR SALE, in Omaha, and country towns, hotels, restaurants, cigar stores, bakeries, ,.nfwli,irv rrnprrle?!. lutlndrv. fcU- iimni mllllMprv. rnnl and feed business. olllco business, furniture business, barber shops, general merchandise stores, bowl ing alley, pool room, drug storos, manu facturing business, news E-tore, luunurj, livery business, photograph gallery, mu- chlno shop, Iron works, blacksmith shops Hour mill, express business, employment office, meut markets, Job printing olllce. Koou nowsnnper. rooming nouses', uiiu uu kinds of business places. Call on me. Williams, Room 411, McCague Building. Y 510 ! IDLE MONEY PROFITABLY EMPLOYED By our Satisfactory Byatcm of Spsoulatlon. I'arucuinrs upon request uic HENRY FLINT & CO., 82 Broadway, New York. Y 691 l ARE YOU Interested in having a llttla money, from $20 upward, cum for you a permanent, coan income, uiggur uvt-iy week than n whole year's legal lnterost upon tho samo amount? If so. send us your namo and address. No speculation nr L-amliHnir scheme, but legltlmato busi ness. First-class references in any part of tho United States. E. J. ARNOLD & CO.. Ninth and Pino streets, St. Louis, Mo. Y 690 1 ifioO.no or less will muko you Independent. Handlo your own money at homo. Wo tell you how. Address F. ICrlebel. presi dent, 017 Hurtrora mag., jsew lorit. Y-664 ! FOR SALE, nice clean stock of drugs and sundries. Invoice stock nnd tlxturcs about t3,C0u; located In one of the best county seat towns in rcnrasKa; rasu sates, m per day; rent, $15 per mouth; reason for nelling, wish to go lino oinor onsincss. Aiiuress at k, uee. i-om i INVESTORS' savings can earn a minimum of 12 per cent por annum, payable quar terly; guaranteed from loss; particulars on application. Address Investment De partment, 60 Broadway, New York. Y-501 1 HONEST speculation, make your money eurn u Bteady income; :o upwaras in vested with us will earn 39 to 40 per cent monthly, payaoio ovory is days. Send for our now book. "Successful Sys tematic Speculation, " mailed froe. Tolls bow to onerato on tho grain mar- kot without loss. Highest commercial, financial and successful customer refer ences. Frederick E. Parker, Brokor, 155 La Salle st., Chicago, in, v S74 i 11 PER CENT weekly profits paid on each $100 Invested on our safety plan of specu lation sluco Anrll 1: legitimate speculative proposition; references; send postal for circular. urawiora k uo i-rtk now, Now Yoric 1071 i $100 EARNS $30 MONTHLY. Rend for narticulars showing how to mako your $100 earn $30 monthly In our tested ana proven meiuou oi successiui speculative investment. Raymond &. Co., V3 Nassau St., New lorn. x ow i- WANTED, dontal location In Nebraska. Address SOI N. 21st, South Omaha. Y-6C6 ! POMPOnTAnijE Income nssurcd from In vestment ?HH); wo acept $10 Just for trial. ProlllH nutd weekly by monoy order. Ilivhebt commercial references nnd (by permission only from rustonurn; booklet free. w. w. u tiara, union itusi uing., Cincinnati, unio. x cu i WANTED, saloon location. Address M II, jice. x atoa FOR RENT, a cholco location for factory liuinuug: vacant in nays, inn nitnam C0 D04-5 N. Y. 1. Bltlg. Y-611 1 $0,500 CLEAN Block of dry goods and no tions for salo nt 30 cent on the dollar. Look this up. N. J. Welles, 700 Sykcs Rloclt, Mlnneupoiis. Y 678 l' """"micrnss IN SPECULATION." I.arco tirollts can now bo mudo In stocks nnd grain on small Investments by our Haro Bysicm. enti ror our dook, Moaern Methods for Safe Investment," ami our nneelnl letters of advice free. M. II, Flower A Co., Bnnkors nnd Brokers, Chi. stock Exchange mug., unicago. Y-570 1 A SNAP Rlacksmlth shop nnd all tools; building 21x33; lot 25x50; six-room new hoiii'f! one ncro of land! did i'i.Tim blisl- nesH lust veurt no trade, must have cash. Will sell at a barcaln If sold at once. Owner slek. Address McDonald & Co., Meadow Grove, Neu. y ws i AN EXPERIENCED business man. owning list containing over l;OX names non-rtsl-dent real estate owners, would llkn as partner In real estate and rental bnstneen energetic mnn, possessing elements of Huccers. Address uox iu, umana. BUY corn and wheat, they are cheap; ieiHi nrner now, write ror nonit. "ue- ppRufnl nneeumtlnn." freo. J. - K. Corn- stock & Co., Traders' Building, Chicago. n 1" PARTNER WANTED, In n first-class Kprond.band business. In n thrlvlntr Ne braska town; no better paying huslnos . anvwhero If you have u few hundred dollars cash to hnndle It (no Jew need reply). Roiinnia men win nave- tno cun and nro reudy for business. Addrosx, nt once. Jt i, nee. v .msh j- PATENT right salesmen wanted; I own patent No. WO.S57, Issued August 20, 1900, and want a few good men to sell state r chts. Tins in tno nest Helling tlovlcn have evor seen. A good sulesman cm make $t,00 por month for Iho next six monins. wnir, stating territory you with to work In, or call on J, E. Hndley, m. ii., i eaar niuue, xseo. mi t' START mall order business at homo: 100 tier cent sure prollts. Write for particu lars, n uommrrco uiug., v-nieago. Y-6J1 ! Ilt'SIMKSf" CIIAMT.S. IF YOU HAVliSSOOto $1,000 to invest see us this week. We have three splendid propositions to offer you. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY Investment Bankers. Main floor New York Life Building. Y-532-1 FOR SALE, one-hnlf Interest In a new up- to-date Hour mill, running overy nay: best location In state; plenty good, hard spring wheat at mill door; nearest mill 6 nines; win guarantee zo por cent on ina InvcMment; It will pay any ono to In vestigate; do not wrlto unless you mean business. M 47, Bee. Y-413 1 MEAT market for salo; will sell tools and uuuuing. or sen too 13 unci rem ouuuing; good trade, il.&X) In 15 months. Sickness cause of selling. Address M 39, Bee. Y-MEL2 3 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE, furniture of 14-room modern uricK ii.il, conipietoiy equipped, iinoo nrsi class roomers, best locution, paying prop osltlon: owner going away; If you want a profitable bUBlnees Investigate till.'. .1. II. Johnson, M3 N. Y. Life. Y WO 1 FOU EXCHANGE, brick block In Lincoln, 60xi:, ft "stories: win mite gooa rancn property or good farming land; give nc curate description of what you havo tlrst letter; will pay cash difference If any or tako mortgage back. T. M. Cllne, 123S O, Lincoln, Nob. -.M8is i run i:xciiA.fii:. TO EXCHANGE: Choice Chicago Business Property P rice $80,000. Rent $ 1 1 ,000 a year. Want J30.000 to ftO.000 In clear farm lands or good city property, balance long tlmo nt o por cent, i nin is u uig opportunity. HOWARD & CO., Reaper 111k., Chicago. FOR SALE, or exchange, 94-acro Improved rarm, uaies county, .Missouri, unu tj-ncro Improved form, Harrison county, Iowa. II, Uettesworth, Cedur Rapids, In. FOR SALE or trade: A non-resident, own ing a large business block of l'v feet iroiu.'igu in eastern Kansas town, prciers to trnde for good farm. Property rented. Will bear Investigation. What havo you7 Address, P. O. Box 421, Empurla. Kan. i 091 1- TO TRADE, city property for farm or acres near umana. uno nouse renting ono house SIS. ono hounu J12. one- house 513. Good property nnd can offer good trade. Address M 40, Bee. K-613 ! SEVEN-ROOM house nnd lots for river bottom lands. Address 2, ss, lien oiucc. I4USICAL I .Siilt .M 1 2 TS. BE PROMPT In cnlllng to seo nil tho Mllgntiy used pianos wo nro offering tins week oil very easy terms, and you will find yourself well repaid. If you wish n piano you can savo money now, at this time. Whore? Mueller Piano & Organ Co., 131ti Farnam St. -120 PIANO SALE If you nro Interested In the best see our handmade pianos complete and under con struction; aiso a variety ot mcuiuin grnuo nnd second-hand pianos In stock. C. SOMMEK'S PIANO FACTORY, 209 S. 14th St.. Cor. Douglas. Send for cutulogue. PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent Address, i.ocK uox iW, uoi Aioines, la. 133 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention. Auuress i'. u. box to, umana, rsou. is l J 23' FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired, urn. TrunK Fuctory,i.u t urnam. 141 Damaged looking glasses rcsllvcred. 70S N 18. 2M I10W1.I.VO ALLEY. FOR BALE Two alleys und equipments and cigar case, an in gooa condi tion; located in western part of state; bargain for a man with small capital; can be moved if wunt to chaugo location. Address L 59. Uec. Ml'C D3 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work und repairing promptly attended to. j. t. ucniurce, 2utn und Lake St. 370 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es- tatu men; weather strips put on. 2SC5 Leavenworth. M763 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 1S9 ULACKSMITIIING AM) IIORSESIIOINO, CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 811 N, 751- 16th. KUHMTUIlIi REPAIRING. TEL. 1231. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -131 SAFE AND IRON WORKS. G. ANDREEN Prop. Omaha Safe & Iron Works removed to iuz bo. tutn Bt. 777-12 CERTIFIED MILK. 10000 BABIES Wanted, to drink our cortllled milk, Fresh sanitary mint contains iiic-giving ihuui tlts not to bo found In any prepared oa by food. LOCUST LANE FARM. Omaha oltlce, 2014 Farnam! Tel. 411, TYPEWRITERS. UNDERWOOD typewriter, visible writing inacliine, typewriter supplies; an mattes ot macnines tor rent a. ii, worKinan &. Co., 1017 Furnam St. 'Phono 2t33. 015 D31 HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered, $1 per month: good shelter and feed. u. u. i Hopper. WuU'"- loo. Neb, aui mi' FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as lite. t.-iurier incmners rreo, rurticu lars from Frank Rosewuter, supreme manager, ... neo mag. (-1 DRUSSMAICI.Xi. MRS. FOSTER, dressmaking, tailoring. 1133 N. 18th. 763 IN FAMiLIES, Miss Sturdy, 2012 Farnam. SEAMSTRESS wants to tako chnrgo of linen ciosei, uoici or tainuy. Atiare.is .n 37, Jleo UlllCC. 040 ! TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered cleaned aim repaired, joo xouseii, injn i-arnu.ii ui TROUSERS TO 0RDBIt' Jli.'uc,,1h I.OS'l. LOST, fraternity pin set with nearls. name on uuck. I'noeue a. itonerisan. t'lnaer addrcsE At si, uee, ana receive reward. Lost 524 LOST, pair glnsscs botweon Hnrnoy nnd liitli una uiu una L.eavcnworin. ucwara for return to ueei olllco. Lost 797 1 ELECTRIC HHI.TS. ELECTRIC Belts and what they will do, Address i'. u. uox is, umana, r-ieii. -157 FOR SALE GROCERIES. EOPLE DIFFER Vnf ntlft In ahIhUh Ii In ttnnllVi Otmt vnj id rfllitVllt AUfc III IIVIIIMI, ftjuiuv aro strong and healthy with n great deal of vitality, while others aro- weak und sickly. So It Is WITH MEATS some nro good, some aro poor. our order with us and you will know that our meat Is good. P. B. MURRAY CHOICE MEATS. R UTTER, EGGS, POULTRY. GAME nnd LAKE liiMtnv visit. ark Ave. and Leavenworth St Tel. C23. 596-1 TELEPHONE 1530. YOUR HEALTH Your health iiroatlv dmends upon what you oat. What you eat depends upon your grocer. At our store wo keep only tho best groceries und tho prlco Is alp-ays reason- ii i e. Hetnz's tirrnervK. fi-lh. crocks, hermatl- cally sealed, $1.10. i Deuuvo mat I nm tho only grocer in tho cltv that rim ulvn vnn Mnrrpll' mnc- cnronl. It Is mndo from n specially grown wheat which gives It that rich, yellow coior, wnicn is uuo BOieiy to tno nature oi the wheat, nnd tint from I'olnrlmr matter which Is to be found In other nutccaronl. We mako n specialty of serving our customers with lino country butter. Wo gei some or inn oilier mnu. oi course, uui wo turn that over for tho other fellow. I. G. HUGHES GROCER. 23(i8-10 Cuming St., Telephone 1530. f.97-1 MUSICAL GLEE. CLUB for ladles' voices. Prof. Vt right. L. L. C M., Is desirous of form ing a society as tho nbovo for the prac tice of glees, part-songs, etc., for ladles' voices. Pructlces will bo held either In tho morning, afternoon or evening, an tho majority of tho members elect. Ladles wishing to Join or requiring further In formation should apply at studio, Sol Mc Caguo Bldg. S0.1 1 PILLOWS. OMAHA Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. Tel. 2107. M7S7 HATTERS. OLD hats made now. 0)7 N. 17th St. M765 iiai.i; TIES. OMAHA Hay Balo-Tlo Co., Ell N. 16th. -172 st.vti;arv. STATUARY manufacturing. 317 8. 10th hi, uruut uurguin removal sale. 723 D10 BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, it. ij, oin. .--.at. liaiiK. u. u. itatnnun -128 PIIOTOGIIAPHY. CHRISTMAS offer, opal pictures worth f3 iren wiiu ea;n uozeu pnotos. .Miner, leau Ing photographer, 918 N. 24th. 750 PAWNHROKEHs. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all ouslness confidential, uvi uougius. -137 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, tc roplatlng. Omaha -138 Plating uo., ueo uidg. Tel. 2ojj. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c,' collars, 2c; currs, lc. 17M Lcavcnwortn. toi, mi. -143 MA Ml HE It A HE COSTUMES. NEW gents' and ladlcB costumes for rent. S. Sack, 3318 uoutn wtn street. 436-D-21 DANCING. IJEW classes now formtng for beglnner3 at Morauti s, 15tn und Hartley. Aatiits, Tties, und Frl., S p. in.; children. Sat. after noons; select assemblies, Wed.. 8:30 p, tn.; 50c private, lessons, waltz and two-step, $3. DOS Dec23 Bona By Studying The condition and temnorument ot the patient, as well us tho condition of tho teeth, wo nro able to executo dltllcult dental work with tho slightest Incon venience, Use Dr. Bailey's Tooth Powder. All druggists. Bailey the Dentist Sill! Piixtmi lllook. ICth and Farnam Sts. Lady attendant. Phone 1C85. m m m SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT New Service to Mediterranean The new rbrantla twin- screw stenmor "Common wealth, "13,. noil totiH. 0011 fret lone, from llosto i to Gibraltar. Naples, Oonuii arid Alox undrln, fccypt, J.ui, 4 and Feb. I'.', 10U2. S. S. "Cambroinan" from Bos ton to Gibraltar, (ieno.i and Nuplus, Jan.lBiindl'ub. 1P02. For further Information uddresa com pany's olllce, 03 Dearborn St,, Chicago, HI. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE TO PRINTERS. Sealed nronosals will bo received at the chuncollor's olllce, the University of Ne bruska, Lincoln, until 12 m. on Saturday. uecemner 7, ror rirrnisning nil stocit una far nrlntlnir. binding und delivering univer sity caXnlogtio bulletins. The stogk Is to bo cmu. , c b, t;. hook. Tno style or type and size of. tiauu are to be tho sumo us cutalogue for 1031; samples on application. Workmanship must bo tlrst-class. Bidders will stato prlco per pugo, Including tltlo pago for cover, and no allowance for print ing will bo mndo except for printed puges and fractions thereof. Duplicate galley and pago proof must be furnished, Whero cuts are used tno university win rurnisn nnd own them. All matter Ib to bo stereo typed and matrixes are to be the property of tho tinlveisity. Tho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids In wholo or In part, Tho cntulnguo bulletins us follows: No. 1, j.wu ructuty nnu general information, pages; No. 2, 500 gradtinto school, 60 pages: No, 3, 3,000 college of literature, science nnu tho arts and the Industrial college, 90 pages; No. 4 . 3,000 college of law, 20 pages; No, 6, 2,000 tho schools, 40 pages, No. C, 3,500 sum mer session, 8 pngesi No. 7, 1,500 completo reprints, a collation of matter from stereo tvned nlates of above bulletins. 300 puces. Tho number of puces In ench enso Is ap proximate. E. BENJAMIN ANDREWS, Chnncellor. -Dldlt R AH.WAY T 1.1 111 CAft i. UNION STATION-IOTII AND MA HOY, Illlnolx Central, Leave, Arrive. Chicago Express a 7:10 um a 6:10 pm Chlcaco, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:20 am Mlnnoupolls & St. Paul Express b 7:10 um b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from Council Bluffb a 5:00 am W libit nil. St. Louts ."Cannon Ball" Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs itlOiOO um alO:SO pm RAILWAY TI.MB CARI-Coiitlntieil. CIiIcukii A Nortlni rtern. "Tho Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:20 am nllilO pm Chicago Passenger n 4:15 pm n 8:00 am Eastern Express ; nlO:5G am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special a 4:55 ptn t 4:05 pm Fast Mall a 8:00 pm u 2:45 pm Omahn-Chlcngo 1t'd ,,n 7:45 pm a, 8:10 am Fast Mall , a 8:30 am Cedar Rapldr Puss a 6:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:10 am ,tl0:26 pm Twin City Limited...... a 7:55 pm a 8:16 am Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm a Dally. Chicago, Rock Islnnd & Pnoinc. EAST. Des Moines and Dav enport Local... a 7:35 am a 9:33 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am n 4:55 pm Dcs Moines locul a 4:20 pm bll:50 Hill Chicago Fast Express. .a 0:00 pm a 1:23 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:25 am WE8T. Lincoln, Colo, Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am Luton I'nollli'. Ovorland Limited a 8:50 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a 9:00 am a 3:25 pm Pacific Express all: 20 pm a 4:25 pm Colorado Special ill:2o pm u :05 am Llncoln-Stromsbtirg Ex.b 4:3, pm bl2:30 pm California Atlantic Ex. a 4:35 pm a TM am Grand Island Local u 6:30 pm b 9:36 am ClilcuK", MIHvuuUoc A St. Paul. Chlcugo Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:05 am Chicago Sc Omaha Ex.. b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Mlatiurl I'liclilc, St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 0:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express. al0:50 pm a 6:15 am HURL1NGTON STATION 10TII Jt MASON RurllnRton it Missouri River. Leave Arrive. Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm Wymore, Beatrice und Lincoln a 8:40 am bii:55 am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black HUH and Pugct 1 Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3 00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth ............... ..b 3:20 pm blUOJnm Bellevuo & Paclllo Jet, .a 7:40 pm n 8:20 am Belluvuo & Puclllc Jet.. a 3:10 am lvmiMiH Lity, St. '.Iiiepli ,t Council Bluff. Kansas City Day Es...n 9:20 am a 6 Kansas City Night Ex..nl0;.T0 pm a 0 St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all CIiIciikii, IlurlliiKtnn ,t lnlnoy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am alO Chlcugo Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7 Chicago Local a 9:30 urn a 4 :03 pm :15 um :15 um :20 pm :46 am :05 ptn (jnicago i.imiteu u 7:50 pm n Fust Mnll a u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. :i. um :I5 pm WEBSTER DEPOT lfSTH ,fc WERSTEn Fremont, Elklmru A Missouri Vnlley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper nnd :oo pm :00 pm Fromout b 7:30 am b 10:25 am Fromont Local o 7:30 am Chicago, SI. Paul, Mlnnrnnnlla A Oiuutin. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:4s pm all:l0 am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am Mlnaonrl Pnoinc, Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am a Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dully except Monday. Ante Room Echoes Thoro nro lively tlmeB In prospect dur ing the next two weeks In Masonic circles. Tho activity will begin Monday evening, when tho Scottish Rlto bodies will meet to confer degrees upon a largo class. At this mooting Claud L. Talbott of South Omaha will preside, assisted by Rufus E. Parker and M. F. Funkbouser. Friday evening will bo turned over to tbo knights Templars. Tho Red Cross de gree will bo conferred upon a class ot twelve by Mount Calvary coraniandcry. After tho work there will bo a banquet, at which speeches will bo mado by several oratorical members of tho ordor. This meeting promises to be tho most attractlvo of tho meetings of the commuudcry this ( winter and guests will bo present from all over tho state. Tho grand council and the grand chapter will meat In Omaha December 11. At this session tho degroo of high priest will be conferred upon all presiding officers of chapters who have not previously rccolvcd It. December 13 will be held the ceremonial seislon of tho Nobles of tho Mystic Shrlno ol Tangier templo. Nobles from all parts of the west will attend this meeting, nt which a caravan will bo led across tho desert sand. Oraalia Council Royal and Select Masters hold a meeting last weok, at which time the order of Cryptic Masonry was couferrod upon a class of seven. Following tho work a banquet was Berred, at which addresses were made by Hon. Gcargo W. Llnlnger, Charles K. Coutant, John J. Mercor, B. F. Thomas and A. Hugh Hippie. Judge Andor son presided as toast master. On Tuesday, November 13, Canton Ezra Millard No. 7 entertained Major General M. A. Raney, department commander of Iowa, and chavallers of Canton Pottawat tamle No, 6 of Council Bluffs, who acted ns an escort to tho general, Ho was ro colved by Colonel John W. Nichols, depart ment commander of Nebrnska, Lieutenant Colonel Louis Hclmrod. adjutant general, nnd Captain T. J. Evans, commissary gen cral. Cantons Ezra MUlnrd No, 1 nnd Oustavus Adolphus No. 9, under command of Cuptaln J, Mnrks, assisted In tbo recop tlon. General Raney mado some very In- I foresting remarks relative to tho cantons Ho extended a cordial Invitation to tho cantons ot Nebraska to participate tn the grand canton encampment to bo held dur ing the next session of tho Boverolgn grand lodgo at Des Moines, In., In September, 1902. Tho meeting was by far tho most In teresting and Instructive one held by Can ton No. 1 for tome time, Refreshments wore served, after which tho genoral was escorted back to his car by tho chevaliers. On Snturday ovonlng, November 23, tho following oillcers wero elected for the ensu ing term by Ruth lodgo No, 1, Independent Order of Odd Follows: Noble grand, Miss Mlnnln Helmrod; vlco grand, Miss Bertha Moyern; seerotnry, Mrs. Carrlo Hamlin; treasuror, Mrs. Mary Stuht. Colonel Louis Helmrod was re-elected captain of tho de gree team. At the same session a commltteo was ap pointed to make arrangements for a social nt Odd Follows' hall, Tho commltteo so lected Snturdny, Doceraber 14, ns tho date of tho social. A good musical and literary program has been provided, The remain ing hours ot the ovonlng will bo dovoted to dancing. Thn annual election of officers for Ne braska lodgo No. 1, Knights of Pythias, occurred lust Monday night, when the fol lowing officers wero elected for tho ensuing term: Chancellor commander, Edward Walsh tro-elected); vice chancellor, R, P. Holfert; prelate, Arthur A. Heath (re elected); master of tho work, J. W. Mnlono; kocper of records and seal, John W. Tyfo (re-elected); master of flnanco, Will C. Mnthowti (re-eloctod); mnator of exchequer, J, A. Dalzcll; master at arms, A. S. Kelley; Inner 'guard, A. V. Dresher; outer guard, W. R. I'ullen; trustee, to bctvo for three uougiaa u j:w pm o 5: Hustings. York, David Cltv Sunerior. Geneva. Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6; years, C. W. Joy. Great Interest was taken In the election and a largo number of the members wcro present. Tho expressed In tention was to Rid the ofllccrs-clect In every way possible and to work heartily and earnestly with them In placing Ne braska lodgo No. 1 In tho vanguard of Pythlautsm In the grand domain of Ne brnska. Tho yenr Just drawing to a closo has been a most happy and prosperous ono for tho lodgo and tho chancellor com mander takes this occasion to thank the members who aided so generously In mak ing It such. It Is hoped that tho clubroom will take doQnlto shapo nnd n plan evolved by which it can be mado n success. It Is the desire to havo all of tho Pythlnn lodges In this city Join In this movement, and If thoy do It wilt be an accomplished fact. On Inst Monday night Nebraska lodgo No, 1 conferred the rank of page on Mr. Hoeslng of South Omaha. On December 16 Ne-braska lodgo No. 1 wilt give Its last public entertainment for tho year 1901. An excellent program Is being prepared, which will bo announced In these columns at a later date. On noxt Mouduy night tho Dramatic Or der Knights of Khorassan wltl havo n meeting In Myrtle hull, nt which the an nual election of oillcers will tnko placo and preparations for a grand ceremonial and banquet mado. Every member who would direct tho footsoro nnd weary pil grims to tho cooling and refreshing wells of Zomzem are urgently requested to bo present. Tho proposed pllgrlmago will bo an arduous and ttrcsomo ono nnd every mcmbor of tho Dramatic Order Knights nt Khorassan must bo present to ntstst In the election ot officers If thoy would mako It a success. Thursday evening Triangle lodge, Knights of PythlBA, olectcd tho following officers for tho ensuing yenr; Chancoltor commander, I C. Hlne; vlco commander, Henry Huffman; prelato, John J. Blake; mnnter of tho work. Henry Itothholz; keeper of records and seal, J. R. Stlno; master ot finance, Norman Hothholz; master ef exchequer, Charlos Schnaubcr; master at arms, H. II. Williams; Insldo guard, J. II. Heath; outside guard, H. Frcldtnan; trusteo, J. P. Boyson; J. R. Stlne. deputy grand chancoltor. After tho oloctlon n banquet was served. Trluno lodge, Knights of Pythias, elected tho following oillcers Tuesday: Chancellor commander, Hugo Molchlor; vlco com- mnndar, W. E. Lees; prelate, L. A. Bor shclm; mnster of work, J. E. Crnno; keeper of records nnd seal, J. C. Brcwlngton; master of finance, E. E. Hanson; master of the exchequer, J. II. Bexton; mastcr-at-arms, I). H. Parsons; Inner guard, W. D. Eck: outer guard, L. A. Mcrrlam; trustees, E. E. Hanson, L. A. Mcrrlam and W. E. Lees. Tuesday evening Union Pacific council No. 1069, Royal Arcanum, will hold Its first party ot the season at Metropolitan hall. Dancing will begin at 8:30 o'clock. Custer poft, Grand Army of tho Republic, nnd tho Woman's Relief corps gave a campflro at their hall, Fifteenth and Doug las streets, Tuesday night In honor ot Abo Lincoln post 'and tho Woman's Relief corps of Council Bluffs. Thero wcro nearly 600, perspns present, of which 115 wero from Council Bluffs. Post Commander J. B. Drlesbach and Mrs. E. L. Sayne, president ot the Relief corps, had chargo of the pro gram. Too' campflro opened with a song, "America," followed by prayer by Dt A. C. Hirst. Hon. Jules Lumbard snng "Tho Battlo Cry of Freedom." Thero was In strumental music by Mrs. Hungate and Miss Trenbcrth, a yocnl solo by Miss Dolllo Henderson, recitations by Mrs. William Corbett nnd Mnjor John B. Furny. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Brown sang a duet and a patriotic duet wbb sung by Comrades John son, ono of Abo Lincoln and the other of Custer post. Royal League council No. C5 held a rous ing stag pnrty Wednesday evening, packing tho club rooms In the Continental block. Tho members and guests wore favored with songs by Messrs. Will McCune nnd Paul Borceford, nccompanled by Prof. Oscar Gar relson. Mr. SIgmund Landsbcrg played a beautiful piano number of his own compo sition. Jules Lumbard convulsed tho as sembly with somo of his witty stories and Etlllcd them with song. Cards, cigars and refreshments flllcd In nn cnjoyablo ovculng. Tho speakers were: Dr. A. C. Hirst, Major R. S. Wilcox and Mrs. E. L. Sayne, president of tho Relief corps of Omaha, nnd Colonel John Lint, E, J. Abbott, Dr. Crnlg, E. R. Fondoe and Mrs. Abbott, pres ident of tho Relief corps of Council Bluffs. Refreshments followed tho program. Thero will be no meeting during tho com ing week of either Omaha lodgo No. 1 or Royal Oak lodgo No. 200, Royal Achates, ns theso lodges give a progressive high flvo party nnd danco In Woodmen of tho World hall on Wednesday night for tho benefit ot tho Christmas treo which thoy will hold on Chrlstmns night. The ordor now hai over 700 mombora In Omaha and South Omaha. During tho yenr 1901 there has been Instituted tn Nebraska forty lodges, with ncnrly 2,000 members. Banner lodgo No. 1, Fratornal Union of America, gavo a very attractlvo Thnnks glving entertainment Thuraday evening, Miss Kathleeno Balrd was chairman of the entertainment committee. Light re freshments wcro served and a pleasant tlmo was spent by all thoso who wero present Mondamln lodge No. Ill will glvo a grand ball at Its hall In Patter son block next week. Omaha lodgn No. 311 is arranging for an entertainment and th.o commlttco In charge Ifl going to pre pare a surprise for thoso who may bo pres ent on that occuslon. Magic City, Vcrnost and Las lea Mlru ludges- of South Omaha gave entertainments last Saturday even ing. Enterprise lodge No, 512 of South Omaha will hold Its rogular meeting next Friday evening. Fraternal lodge, Bankers Union, gavo a musicals Monday evening, at which eovonty-flve porsc-ns were present. Tho lodgo Intends to glvo ono of these enter tainments each month. RELIGIOUS. Bug3 nro said to be destroying a church nt Mlddlctown, O., and they are not "big bugs" cither. Rt. Rev. Thomns J. Conway, D. D., rector of tho Catholic I'nlverslty of America, was consecrated titular bishop of Snlmos In tho historic Cathedral of Baltimore by his emi nence Cardinal Gibbons tho other day. Rev. Dr Joseph Dombrowskl Is the rector of tho only Polish theological bernlnury In Amerlcn, located at Detroit. Ho wns born In Warsaw, studied ut tho university of thnt city and took part In tho revolution ot 1SG2. Euclid Avenue Baptist church, Brooklyn, has Just chosen for Its pastor Rev. Charles A. Schlcgel, 23 years old and totally blind, Mr. SchlegDl him overy (luullllcntlon for his work except his sight und Is a Hue mu sician. Rev. Charles T. Wright, who Is In churgo of the Episcopal church work among tho Indians nt Iech lake. Is a full-blooded In dian, I lu Is thn eldest son of the famous Indian chief, Whlto Cloud and ns such Is the direct head 'of tho OJIbway tribe, Rov. Father WIcczorek, priest at St. Hed wic's Polish Catholic church In Toledo, O., who died recently, bequeathed to the parish 1:13 entire fortune, amounting to nearly $100,000. It was composed lurgely of Toledo real estate. Father Wleczorek enme from u nobln family In Poland. No English clergyman. It Is said, has at tacked tho policy of tho British government In South Africa more trenchantly und un compronlUlngly thnn Dr. Cluir es Gore, canon of Westmlnstor, But In splto of this Loid Sullsbury has appointed him bishop of Worcester, PERSONAL MAGNETISM How Prominent Men Develop This Power and Use It to Influence Others Wo men, Too, Adepts in This Mys terious Art. A Reporter Makes Astounding Discoveries Secret Methods Which Charm and Fasci nate the Human Mind. High Priests of the Occult Re veal Jeaious.y Guardid Se crets of Years Two Won derful Niw Books by Prominent New York Men. Two wonderful new books, entitled "Sue coss and How to Win It," nnd "Th Secret or Power ' havo Just been Issued ut an expensu of over $6,euo by ono ot tho loauing colleges of tho city or New York. Tlieao books aro from tho pens of tho alblest specialists of modern times. Ths author guva away tho copyright on condi tions that lo.ow copies should be distributed to tho public treo of churgo. Tho Columbia Scioullitc academy Is now complying with this contruct, and until tho edition of H. OM copies lu cxhutisted you can gut copies absolutely tree. Both books are protusely Illustrated with tho most expensive hulr lono engravings. Thoy nro lull of wonder ful secrets unu riturtllng surprises and they thoroughly explain tho real sourco of tho power of personal influence. Thoy fully nnd completely ruvoal tho fundamental principles of success and Influence In ovory walk of llfo. Tho hidden mysteries of per sonal magnetism, will power and sclentltla charucter reading aro explained In an In tensely Interestlg munniu-r. Two secret methods of persouul lntlueiico ure descrtued which positively onablo any Intelligent per son to exerclsu a murvclous Influence unci control over uny ono whom hu mny wish. Ihesc methods nro entirely now und huvo never beforo been iniidn iinhlli. A m. poiter linn tried them personally mid can vofich for their wondertul power. lhu books ulso descrlbo absolutely cer tain methods by which you can reud tho churncter, secrets und lives of ovcryono you meot. None can deceive you. Yon can toll what vocutlon la best tor you to follow. You can know tho secret power by which minds of human helngB aro charmed und fusclnatcd. Tbo newest, lat est and best system of physical and men tul culture and magnetic healing Is Hilly explulned nnd Illustrated by beautiful half-tono engravings. No such books havo over beforu been published. No such won derful Information has ever beforo been placed lu the bunds of the public. On ac count of tho mighty powur and Inlltionco placed in one's hands by theso books tho legislature of the state of Now York do natod whether or not tho stato ought to permit their promiscuous circulation; but it was finally decided tho good they would nCCOIUUllsh WOllld cruiltlv llVI.Pf.nmn thn 111 and their distribution was not Interfered Willi, Not lone aro .Tnlin I") tnplrrrnlti.f richest man In Amerlcn, said, in talking tu a ounnay scnooi Class, mat ho rcgardod his success in llfo largely to his nblllty to lnflUenCO Others. Lincoln. T.nn Mnnnlnnn and Aloxandor the Great nil won fume and renown oy ineir wonaerrtil power of per sonal Influence. Jay Gould piled up mil lions by tho samo power. J. P. Morguu organized the billion-dollar steel trust and enriched himself by millions simply by his marvelous ability to Influence others. Thero nro todny thousands of men with twieo tho brains and education of Mr. Mor gan who nre practically paupers. They havo tho ability to organize a trust, but they havo not sufficient power of personal influence. Personal Influonce, will power, stamina call it what you will has from tho creation of mnn been the subtle forco that has brought wealth, fame nnd re nown to those who wero tortunute enough to possess It. This strange, mysterious lu..ucuco Is In herent In every human bolng. By the luto mothoda explained by tho New York spe cialists lu human ntilturo any Intelligent pordon can develop n wonderfully mag netic personality and learn how to read the chur.tcter, secrets and lives of others In a few days' study nt his own home, ou can use this marvelous power without the knowledge of your most, lntlmnto friends and associates. You can use It to obtutn lucrative employment, to secure an udvnnco In snlary. to win the friendship und Influence of othors, to obtain u greater nlmro of happiness from llfo, You cun bo respected, honored and become a leaner lu your community. If you are not fully satisfied with your preaont condition and circumstances; If you long for greater success or more money; If you aro not able to Influence othors to the extent you desire, tho re porter would ndvlso you to wrlto nt onco for freo copies of tho great works now being given away by tho Columbia Scien tific academy. Mrs. R. C. Young of 312 Indiana street. Lawrence, Kan., recently sent for copies of the books. After carefully examining them and testing the methods of personal In fluence on her friends and associates, alio makes tho following statement In a letter to a friend: "Tho Instructions given by the Columbia Scientific academy havo been worth to mo .noro than all tho previous reading of my life. I wish every woman in this country could read their grand books." Fred Perkins of South Haven, Mich., says: "1 have been In great demnnd sine I read tho words of tho Co'.unibla Sclentlllo Academy. Pcoplo are amazed and mysti fied at tho things I do. I bollovo I could muko $25 por duy midlng character alono If I were to charge for my services. If any one would havo told I would recelvo so mtioh wonderful Information I would hav thought htm crazy." Mrs. M. Elllo Watson of Martinsville. Indiana, says: "Could I have hnd nccsn to such Information In past years I could have avoided many misfortunes, Tho works of thu Columbia. Scientific Academy shall bo my guiding star the remaining days ot my life." If you will send your namo and address to the Columbia Scientific Academy, Do partment 431 P., 1331 Broadway, Now York City, both of tho abovo books will bo sent to you absolutely free, postage prepaid. On account of tho great expense involved In preparing these books, tho Columbia Scientific Academy requests that only people who nro especially Interested wrlto for freo copies only thoso who deslro to achlovo groutor success nnd better their condition In llfo. T5700TlONTR SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10yearslnOraha VARICOCCLE ana HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without cdttlug. )fJ. ,r loss of time. Cl DUI I 113 cnredforllfsanatnepoisnn O T rrllLIO thoroughly cleansed from the system. Soon eTery sign and symptom tllimpnears completely and forever. Ho "BIIKAICINO OUT" ol b dlsesno on tbo skin tr fare, 'treatment contains no dangerous Orugs or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN. 'ron' Excrsses or VlcilMH ro Niciivous RgniMTY or rumetuin, WASTINl) WIAKNKSS With K.AIU.Y DCOAT in Yni'wri and MinnLR Aosn, lok of rim, vigor and fitrenk'tb, with nrgsns lmpalrnd and wmli, STRICTURE cured with a new Rome Treatment. No pain, no detention from bust litis. Kidney nnd Bladder Troubles. Coiritltitlon free. Treitmtrit by Mall. Call ou on or address 1 10 So, 1 4th St, JrJearlos & Searles. Omaha, M, Deputy Stato Veterinarian. Food Inspootor. H. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. 3. CITY VETERINARIAN. Ofllco and Infirmary, 28th and Mason BUI Telethon Hi, - W&Of ' AM1 City, I-