Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1901, PART III, Page 22, Image 30

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Advertisements for Hi no column
Will hti taken until 12 m. for (he
venln-r edition and until 8i.10 p. n.
tor morning and Sunday edition..
Rates, 1 1-36 a irortl flmt Insertion,
to a word thereafter. Nothing; taken
for lesa than SSo for the flmt Inser
Ilon. These advertisements must be
van consecutively.
Advertisers, by requesting- nnm
fcared check, cnn have nnitrers nd
ressed to a numbered letter In care
f The Dee. Answers so addressed will
lie delivered oa presentation of tba
fceok only.
tAP,Y stenographer with five yearn' ex- ...I U km linn T'AClf W f DFs
tea. Addrafl, M 16. Ilee. A-Hl-D!
feuBEKt3ErEriLady of oxperlcnco and
riflnemont would Hko position as house
aCQI'Or III wiujiwli muiuji tint nvuu
feamstrcssj can give best city references.
Address M 24, Beo. A MB10 I
TTiVrmn nharin and fruit tree
irlrrrmcr wlshea work, lock Box 185,
Bonaon, nod. a o -
JHiAIN sewing donoj muslin underwear and
Infanta' wardroboa a specialty. 205 B. 25m
Ave, A-002 1
rpUNO tnan wants n placo to work for
fcoard whllo nttcndlng school. Boyles
College, Bee bids. Tel. 1931. A-M769
jiVAVJI YUI41. piVIUUUlO 4VUIK, lur I1C444,
nerget c hustlers, u. f. Adams to., wis
Jioward. B-SOJ
if ANTED, a'good man In every county to
fjiko Bubscr.jtlons for The Twentieth
Century Farmer. Our agents malto good
Vugou everywhere. Reforoncos required.
Address TwentieUi Century Farmor,
OrnUha, Neb. B-613
fOOOD messengers wanted. Increased nay.
A. d. t. Co., zis so. win.
Wanted men to learn the
barber trade.
Do not sell your labor for unskilled
wages but learn a trade.
No mcchanlo cums moro money under
toleasantcr conditions than tho barber, und
In no trado la employment so continuous or
easy to get. Tho Western Harbor Institute
Is tho oldest, us It is tho ubleat, best
Quipped uml only reliable burlier college
In tho country.
If we cannot prove this to be true
we will pay tuition to any other col
lego you select and payyour railway
fare to and from your home.
positions guaranteed and tools furnished
free to graduates. Light employment sc
oured to earn board if desired. Do not bo
Imposed upon. Tho cheapest Is seldom tho
pest and u chenp workman is u poor stick.
Wo usk you to Investigate tho Western
Barbers' Institute, Odd Fellows' building,
ittC-lWl Dodgo street, Omaha.
If you live In thu country or in a small
town and have u good acquaintance
among tho farmers and stock raisers In
tho neighborhood, you can maku five dol
lars easily by four or live hours' work.
Wrlto us and we will send you our propo
sition. Tho Bee Publishing Co., Solicitor.'
Dep't., Omaha, Neb. B-M213
YOUNG men for Railway Mall Clerks. Inter-State
Carres. Inst., Cedar Rapids. Ia.
B-M529 D8
When You Write
to Advertisers
wmainb It only takes an extra itrek
i two or me pen to mention the fact thu
U th ad In The e.
hoQlto reliable; cash salary. Triumph Co.,
)nme, Tex. u aitst b
PANTED, Immediately. 10 first-class car-
psntSrs; wages 40 cents per hour; work
all winter. Thoa. II. U .Nell, contractor,
yof t MacKcnzio. Wyo. B-aim 3
ftfANt'ED, grocery clerk, experienced,
bright, honest: state age, natlona' ty and
alary expected: wagon route; references.
Address M 3, Bee Omcc. B 171 Dl
wanted to sclU direct from
Mctoix a tndst compjeto Una of table
ftlaajfrlirc, bar glusswure, tumblers ; ws
want, tug right men for resident agents
In large city und traveling men for inter
jhedlftto bolnts In every stato; liberal
qOnfmlsslon will bo paid; address reply,
fivlug full particulars, past experience
(nil tertltdry required; nil correspondence
wi)l bo treated as strictly confidential.
Manager Nelson Chcsmau & Co., 1304
yrlc bldg., Pittsburg, I'n. B MB01 2
RUXCK monay for men with smnll capital;
n esperionco required; worth $6,000 year
ly; particulars free: unswer quick. Fyro
Bone Co., 33 Star bldg., Chicago.
B-M50G I
JfrANTED, n young mun to take cure o(
horse and cow and deliver goods. Apply
1313 Furnain
li iUOJD I
IVIt service government positions: 9.SS0
tpolntmentu made last year; probably
000 this year: only common school edu
tlon required for examination; cuta
iue of Information free. Columbian
Correspondence College, Washlngton.D.C.
In the house goes for
$$.00 Less than actual Value
Until Dec. 15th.
Come In And Look.
Telephone 1857. Open Evenings.
J, good business man in each pnn-
deal cTTV to conduct cash business: cuur-
auxteed by local banks; big returns; honor-
aPie uu icguiiniiic; muai luriunn gooa
Hterences and 10CO cash. Address L. R. H.,
jlr. u. dox in, umunnuii, u. 11
IVANTUn. traveling salesman to the
wholesale and retull trado only; salary
11,200 and oxpenses. The National, 317
.'&xion oiag., iuicugo, n
H3TJCATED people who need an Income
aaflress vrooireauer, dox biv, I'minaai
hla. 11-
ITflFUIi manager; old established iiusl
de roan, food local standing, to assume
MLVrlv 4ni
Vitb 1U00 cush. Buperlntcndent, box Wl
. Ittw Maven, wonn. H
fANTED. a young man with exuerlcnee
mretall dry goods and silks, for rosponsl.
tie position with ono of tho bent stores
Ut ciiy. Aaaresa ju w, aieo ouioe.
B-7S3 1
WANTED, experienced bookkeeper and
eflloo man. ono with newspaper export
nee preferred: state ago, salary wanted,
vac. auuioh ai u. uca omcc.
B-M777 I
tt to learn barber trado; oldest, largest
d test college In tho west: constant
Braouoe; expori instructors, louiures, etc.;
oatllojfli freo, Wrlto the American
BarDer college, utnauu, hop, iinay
IPA-NTJ3D. a. rustling mlddlo-aged man for
typewriter salesman, by loading standard
oempany, expeneuco unneuesBury, m i,
Kee. li-m 2
annnintmentH to ha made: flxumlnntlnim
Keen tn every statu; circular 151, ulvtug
KUIl particulars, sent rree; wrue ipr u
TOdavllo National Correspondence InstU
Ute. Wafihington, D. o. 11-
TED. a good solicitor in every town
Nebraska sell tens, coffees und
king powder: good money In this for
live, jtcuvo man. APiuy o me union
nuo liiUD'i piotw ivn iv, urn una.
Ji lew !
L 1
utlef. commercial llnei unquestionable
efettrttej given und exneotcd: salsrv I2M
mth, eSiientfea and share earnings:
raccmoiit! must lio nrtlvn mnn
What can you do?
If thrown on your own resources today, would yoar education
have a cash value?
Are you a good penman?
Are you quick and accurate at figures? 1
Are you a good speller?
Can you write a correct business letter?
Do you understand the science of accounts?
Are you a skillful and rapid stenographer and typewriter? ,
These are questions which every young person should
carefully consider.
i 9PS T?-r,.,lJt months, or threo months from now you may bo offered a most do
flrable situation. Maybo you will hnvo other opportunlUes. Mnybe not, Maybe
they will not bo as good as tho ono you lost. Why let golden opportunities slip
through your lingers? Why lose tlmo7 Why not begin at onco to fit yourself for
.3 more calls for stenographers and bookkeepers than it is ablo to fill.
tr you wisn to enter an institution whero you will bo enabled to advance steadily
and systematically through the various stages of work nnd where tho superior cx
collpnco of instruction will onnblo you to brine out your highest possibilities In the
various studies you pursue, you will bo thoroughly pleased with this college. If you
wish to mnke yourself thoroughly competent, wo will assist In qualifying you to
do business ns it is done In tho business world-giving you a business or steno
graphic training embracing tho most modern and progressive business methods em-
tllnvnl 11 V tlm lunillriif flptna nn
""rf 4 iuuiiig lit til .a ivutlj
Ther are vaJunhln to von. Tn mnnv nn noa
inilliro In 11 TO. Will VOU wnntn thrni nr will
and pleaauro? It remains with you to chooso. You wouUl bo surnrlncd to eo
wnui you can accompnun in a row months
Tho evening sessions of UOYLKS COI,EOH havo helped hundreds of young peo
ple to so use i their "fragments of time" that they nro now adding to tho comfort,
wealth und happiness of tho world.
ftn .TnnMnru 1 1M1 41.1a ...III - . u. . . ....
BOlLhS COLLEGU hna always been a very superior placo for the accommodation
pf Its patrons and Its new quarters will be tho very ucme of physical comfort. These
liandsomo quarters alono entitle tho school to the careful consIderaUon of ull otu-dents.
Begin Right and
Tomorrow. Mondnv. D
number havo already made their arrangements. Will you Join them?
Let us send you some of our advertising literature. It is free.
Business, Shorthand Typewriting, English
Bhave or haircut at the Moler Barber Col
lege, iu.'d Farnam Bt., 3d lloor; room for
6Xi men dally; como and bring your
friends; hours, 0 to t. B M6116
WANTED, men to lca,rn tho barber trade.
oniy cigni weeKs requireu Dy our moinoa
pf freo customers, expert Instructions,
lectures, etc.; two years' apprenticeship
saved. Last season wo place OS gradu
ates In hospitals us ward buroers, 23 on
palace trains, 188 In country and city
shops and have just arranged to place
many more In soldiers' homes at splendid
wages. In order to get students enough
to nil tho demand wo allow them to earn
scholarship, board, tools and transporta
tion U desired; best opportunity ever of
fered. Apply ut onco by mall, Moler Bar
ber College, 1623 Farnam St. B MC10
SOMETHING for nothing; send no
money: colorgraphs: your portrait,
natural colors, nearly life size, handsome
gold frames, free for every five Introduc
tions; also ladies' and gents' gold watches,
shoes, toilet soaps, perfumery, etc. Send
35 names and addresses of acquaintances
toduy and earn these free gifts. Wash
burne & Co., 1285 Broadway, New York.
B-J62 1
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, aisirioute circulars, snmpies, etc.;
no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B612 1
AGENTS wanted ovcrywhoro to sell stook
in ursi-cinss onio on company owning 76
wells, now paying dividends of 2 per cent
a month from guaranteed sale of output
to Standard All Co. Absolute proof of
production and sale furnished. Write at
once for particulars. James S. Garvin.
83 Liberty st., New York. B-600 !
SAMPLE distributors; So.00 per 1,000: ladles
or gentlemen; enclose seir-aaaressea,
stamped envelope and reference. Spe
clflo Drug Co., IS Court at, Brooklyn.
N. Y. B-659 !
WANTED, two traveling men for Nebraska
to unveruso anu muKo collections; io
weekly to start and necessary traveling
expenses; references requireu. Address,
Secretary, 302 Caxton Bldg., Chicago, III.
n-lti l
AN INCOME of $15 week can be earned In
oparo time or evening by any person able
to write; proof sent free anywhere to
those sending nddresscd onvelopo to Gran
nan Co., Box 227, Brooklyn, New York.
B-077 I
MECHANICS qualified for advancement
our rreo Dooiuet, "Are Your Iinnds
Tied?" tells how thousands have doubled
or lorgely Increased their earning ca
pacity through our cpnro time Instruc
tion by mall. Wrlto to the International
Correspondence Schools, box lt'.S. Rrrnn.
ton, P;, or call day or evening. Omaha
omce, iiu o. inin si. u 651 l
YESTErtDAY a man enmo from Mon-
moutn, III., nnu registered ns n student
of Macnolln Osteonathv. This rhnnl has
studonts from eight states and tho Kliaras
innrmarv is treating patients from four
teen states. It's because you might not
Know iiicho tilings unit we ten you, we
can use n nood man oocaslnnally. All
graduates employed by the IChnratv Com
pany. Catalogue free, 1C17 Chicago st.,
Omnha. B 508 1
SALESMEN can tnako big Income; 15 years
in Ronnectinu witn any oiner ine wiinnut
risk or cash Investment. Hull. 154 E. 23d
St., ow i urn v,uy, li
flALESMEN. to Bell goods by samnle to
wjioiessie ana retail trauo; wo urn me
largest manufacturers In our lino; liberal
salary or commission. v.un-uex xvirg. lo.
Buffalo, N. Y. 173 8
ACTIVE snlesmnn. sell clears, cltv und
country iruue; tin weeKiy salary ana com
mtxulnii: elegant uldo line, nulck aellars.
references; enclose slump. Holland Cigar
10., xiouauu jiuuuing, m. iouis, mo.
-589 I
EXPIOIHENCED traveling salesman, one
acquainted with tho general merchandise
trado In this state preferred; must have
tlrst-class references and give bond; par
munent position to tho right mun. Ad-
uress uox in, tjnicago, toe l
SALESMEN wanted, nutomatto copying
uook, new, necuea ny every uusinesu man;
bonanza for ngents, Pershing Mfg. Co.,
noutn oena, iiiu, b.M 1
WANTED, two specialty salesmen for 1902;
good line, good pay and pormanent. Ad-
areH, uuim-imy, iiux tw, vjnicugo,
-633 !
WANTED, by responsible llrm, competent
und' enperlenced traveling salesman; con
tract for the remainder of this year and
1902; entlro time and bond required. Ad
dress Box tt Bt Leuls, um, -Ul 1..
lltnv mnnn tn vm aIM iMABn n.
vmi nun thnm (n vmit. iirAlnMr ..n
by employing your evenings In nturiy.
Begin Right Away"
LAIIGB manufacturer Introducing now
brand of KOOds to retail trniln wnnta inn
active salesmen In each 'state capable of
earning S25 per week and, expenses;, side
line men earn 120 per week; no hard
drinkers or men who gamble need apply.
Distributing Manager, 31, 182 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. C32 1'
WANTED, salesman to locate at Omaha
y .no uusi iiuuu in cny mm nenroy ter
ritory for the largest high grado coffee
rpastlng house In New York City. Only
those who can glvo bond for stock en
trusted In their control, and unquestioned
references ns to ability: with such refer
ences, need npply. Address The Johnson
Coffee Co., Branch, Kansas City, Mo.
-10 1
WANTED, traveling salesmen to open now
vtiiiivry west ui .tusaissippi nna SOUtll or
Ohio rivers for well established concern.
Only hustling salesmen of ability furnish
ing references need apply. Box 414. Do
trolt, Mich, 679 i
TWO vacancies for high-class traveling
" ...w... .v,aiw.u ...iv full, uuuorj, nilllU
nvorago sales, present salary nnd refor-
uuin-i-uuiiueiieo conuucniiai. uox
414, Detroit, Mich. 580 !
WANTED, several clgnr salesmen: oxporl-
uiiuo uiinuecBBiiry; i.j weeKiy. umanuei
Co., 217 W. 125th. New York.
WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 870.
WANTED, two young lady students to
leurn nturaressing, manicuring and chi
ropody nnd scientific massage. Cull or
writs, iioura ia, uee uiag. C !CS
WANTED, girl for housework. Call 2539
ViUiiiuriiiUi di. C 475 Dl
WANTED, girl for general housework.
vvig 4.4 xmo usa ueiure iaunuay.
WANTED, saleswoman for crockery do.
c-sir, i
GOOD girl for general housework; 3 In
4,411111?, ,41 dU. U 021 GT
v'ANTED-qirl for general housowork in
iS,1.V:o' BOOa wages. Mrs. o. M
Blbbel, 3567 Howard St. C-520-D-2
EDUCATED people who need an Income
4uui tna riuuiiruucr, uox oiy, Jt'Ullauel
phla. c
WANTED, 1.000 bright women for nursing;
salary $1,000 a year; equip you ut homo In
8 months. Wrlto for particulars. Ameri
can ixurses- Ass n., 167 Dearborn St., Chi
cago. C 628 !
STEADY homo work for 1
vanning, no deposit required, no worthless
outiu to du.v. nenci .siampeu envelope to
ijienoy .uik, .u., uicKey iiidg., uniengo,
.... V 03( i-
LADIES to do btndlnir 'at home: 11 wpk!
BtfilLdv wnrk? nil mntnrfnl 'baii! fp n...
Viald. Send stamped addre?scdonvetone
ior luirtiuuiars. universal uoi, uept. li ,
tvuinui nt., 4'iiiiiiuuipiiiu, ia. w bou
WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring and facial massage; u quick
unu uioraugii nciiuunng uy practical worK
and export Instructions; splendid demand
for frraduates: busy senson nnuv inln nt
onco. Call or wrlto, Moler College, 1623
v urn am hi. u M609 6
GIRL for general housework; no washing,
ia.t ivewcy uve. i; i
WANTED, experienced girl for second
worK in smau ramuy. uougo st.
C MC00 3
GOOD reliable nurse girl with references.
MrB. ueo. ij. voss, ;7 unicago.
C-M699 2
IiADY to travel and collect In Neb., for
manuracturer; salary, w mnntuiy to no
tn. Send reference and nddresscd en.
velope at onco. Troasurer, 702 Star bldg,,
unicago, w ooi i-
FREE, 15 rug for 6 minutes work; ladles
only; no soliciting. I.oeb, Block & Co.,
1'lKe Diag., Cincinnati. c-wi i-
LADIES, something new, making sofa nil
lnws at home: S7 to 112 weekly: materials
fiimlriiAii! nn eunvasslnir: exncrlencu un
necessary; steady employment; send
Stamped uuarvsseu envelope, iiaunriiuin
Sllg. V.O., JriO Dl., VlltL'tlliU, W UiU 4"
r.AniKR wanted to work on Bofa nlllows
materials! furnished; steady work guar
anteed, experience nnnenrsHnry. nfiiu
stampea enveiupe to jviin .mcuuu, 4-4U4-iiia
work Dept. Ideal Co.. Chicago.
O 4t 1
w.t nt e ori:.M a 1. 1: 1 1 u li
O M -A H 'A
New Classes Tomorrow
In Oregg Shorthand, Touch Typewriting, Bookkeeping nnd Telegraph. Good lime to
Day and Evening Sessions
A largo number of new students entered lust week. Many now ones tomorrow
In both day nnd evening clnsscs. Several more positions lilted last week. Have three
positions not yot lllled. All are Invited to attend our literary society which meets nt
the college every Saturday night. A new tenolier will b added to our Business De
partment and n class organized In parliamentary law. A coursu of lectures on com
mercial law will also bo given by n loiillng attorney of the Omnha bar. Our Hoard of
Trado Increases In number and the cxclta ment grows stronger.
Catalogue Free, address
16th and Douglas
LADIES do needlework for us at home:
we furnish materials nnd pay J7 to 10
per week; no canvassing; send stamped
envelope to Stnndurd Co., Indiana Ave.,
Chicago. 111. C !50 1
MALE and female help. Call Canadian
Olllce. -403
AN energetic representative wanted In
overy county, man or woman; good
wages. .Address llooin 302, Sapp block,
Council Bluffs. 300 Dl
DEWEY European nntel. 13th and Farnam.
FOB RENT 2 ifurnlshed rooms, suitable
for 4 students, $13 per month. 1915 Chicago.
ONE furnished room, with hcut, on car
line. 1W! uiiirK; jo per montli. t M140
FRONT room, modern, $2 week. 1717 Web
ster. . Li aiMo JJi
LAIIGE modern rooms; 1G10 Davenport.
li 7t D 11
LAIIGE furnished front room. 417 N. 19th.
E M78S D13
TWO housekeeping rooms, 3. 2C23 St.
iuary s. u aim jjis
MODERN, well heutcd rooms. 316 N. 10th.
E M131 D17
LARGE heated front room, modern, tele-
pnonu, etc., iurnisuca to suit, lie . itn
st. E-M410
ROOMS, 190C Capitol avo.
E-MI61 !
FURNISHED rooms, modern, 1915 Webster.
A NICELY furnished front room, flrsjtaflqor,.
wun uoaru next uoor. iJiii4;i;
PLEASANT southwest room,, .well -lighted
and lurnisneu; close in; y pctr-inonin.
S. 20th St, cEr-544 1
FURNISHED room, steam heat. 709 B. ,27th
street. vjHitn a
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished
urst uoor, rroni rooms, an moucrn, steam
heat. 09 S. 19th. E 568 1
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing, 7U4 a. inn st. iziibi i
TWO fine largo rooms nnd sulto of house
keeping rooms, iiiu uougo, is-tws l
HOUSEKEEPING, beautifully furnished
rooms, cnsuile, urst uoor, tri.w. zkh
Burt. E M658 2
LARGE south front room, with, alcove, and
atner rooms, moacrn. zovi uarney hi.
E-M7S0 15
NICELY furnished rooms, Including dining
loom and kltcneu; an conveniences; steam
heat. 213 8. 24th St. E-770 !
FOR RENT, 4 furnished rooms for house
keeping, mouern, on soutn umana car
lino. 1657 N. 17th St. E-781 !
FURNISHED room or rooms, with or
without board; Housekeeping ir desired ;
main floor; one in family, 2217 California
Bt. E M791 !
NICELY furnished back parlor and one
front room, mouern, ateum ueui. ibh
Cass. E-790 !
TWO well furnished rooms, all modern,
Close in. jo-i vttBBi 4. ioj 4-
FRONT parlor and other well furnished
rooms, moaern; rates reiusunuuie. .ua
Douglas. ,E M778 3
FURNISHED room, gentleman, modem.
. . ....... neina a, fnrva hva
XVULCIUJICUO. fcWO 434, 44U. 4.
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport Bt.
QLENCAinN, transient $1.25 day. 1009 Doug.
NICE homo for young men. 108 S. 25th St.
f SI
609 S. 25TH AVE., for gentlemen. F M974
SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for gentle
men. 1619 Jackson Bt. F 228
STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms,
Willi or wimuui uuuiu, 4 4iia iiiiii.iuu.
F M42tl
THE ROSE. 2020 Harney; rooms. Koi
board. F M9S3 D16
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takes an extra stroke
or two of the pen to mention the fact that
yeu tfcw the ad In The Bee.
STEAM-HEATED rooms, with or without
board, aiiuisuu noici, jviii unu uiluhu
ite, F-M213 1)21
ELEGANT steam heated front rooms, with
board. 1709 Capitol ave. M465
ELEGANT Bteam heated front room, with
board. ,1909 Capitol Ave. F MI65
TWO nicely furnlshod rooms, with board,
at 808 8. 20th st. F-M509 2
FRONT partlor, small front room, board,
telonhone. 1720 Dodge. F-23 1
ONE furnished front room, modern: suita
ble for lady or gentleman. 201 Bo. 25th
Ave. 1' -
DESK room space, $5 per month, ground
floor room In The Bee building, facing
Farnam street; no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service It. U. Peter &' Co.,
rental ngents, Beo building. O U
, i
SUITE of rooms, modern. 616 geo'VS.Y,9,
THUKK iinfunilshoU roomH, parlor floor;
iuunutiuiii'i vt j 4V- ,
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has
four stories nnd a basement which was
formely usod as The Bee press room.
This will bo rontod very reasonably. If
Interested apply nt once to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building,
FOR RENT, ofllce with vault and part
. . ' . . .1 .... Ua.n.u
ItrSt IIOUI Hi H IUJ HVUII 1.4.-4W 4.M..1V
Ht. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1U0
. . r. . T 07.1
uarney oi. .
FOR RENT, store In first-class looatton:
rent reasonable. Apply. R. C. Peters &
Co., greuad liter, Bm luds. H4
DESIRABLE storeroom, 1433 South 16th
St., ncur William. Sin.
1-M402 Dl
THE 6-story nnd basement brick building,
llltf Howard st., formerly occupied by
W. L. Mny Sl Co., Is now ready for oc
cupancy; office" compartment nnd ele
vator; see us for terms.
It. C. PETERS & CO., 102 Fnrnnm St.
I-M77!) 7
WANTED, capnblo general agents who
have had experience In Belling subscrip
tion booka, to travel, cmpioy and train
canvassing agonts; write, stating age, ex
tent of experience, number und name of
books sold, etc. N. D. Thompson Pub
lishing Co., St. Louis, Mo. J-.M415 D2
MEMORIAL llfo of McKlnley, four lan
guages, 650 pages, 100 half-tones, 11.00: free
outllt. W. A. ilixenbaugh & Co., 500 waro
block, Omaha. J 977
PROKlTABiE work offered ngents in evory
town to secure subscriptions to the
Ladles' Homo Journal and tho Saturday
Evening Post. Wo want agents who will
work thoroughly and with business sys-
tern to cover each section with our Illus
trated little booklets and other advertis
ing matter, and to look sharply after re
newals from old subscribers. The pay Is
first rato, and at tho end of the season
$20,000 will bo given the best workers as
extra prizes tor good work. How well
somo of our agents havo succeeded Is
told In a little booklet we would like to
send you portraits of somo of our best
agents, with the story of how they mude
It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co., Phil
adelphia, Pa. J-M2O0 Feb7
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
TOR. This splendid book contains '1.400
Imperial octavo pages,, SW object- toaclilng
nrravlnc and Is the onlv book on .live
' Stock ever published adapted to the every--
Cay, practical money-saving use oi every
farmer and stock owner. Btoady employ
ment with assured good Income. Agents
In the country with horse and. buggy es
pecially desired. Canvassers make easily
160 to $100 nor month. Address Century
Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building,
Omaha. J 13
AGENTS wanted for new publications;
Srospectus. etc., free. George Barrie &
on, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
J-M281 Janll
$100 WEEKLY made In mall order busi
ness: conaucica Dy any ono, anywnere;
particulars for stamp. Central Supply
Co., Kansas City, Mo. J
$688 PROFIT first month by one agent
article paienieu, do ware imitations; spe
cial proposition and exclusive control to
first applicant. Dry Powder Fire Appli
ance, 154 East 23d st., N. Y. City. J
$3 TO $10 a day easily mado by men or
women taking orders for our new stylo
metallic bread board; bonanza for agents;
best seller out: write for special terms
and sample. Metallic Bread Board Co.,
box 67C, Cambridge, O. J
WANTED, live salesman In every county;
state experience and salary expected.
Robinson Co., Toledo, O. J
AGENXS Attentibn: Four ltg sellers. Ovor
100 per cent profit. Samples free. Bay
man, St. Louis, Mo. J
A HUSTLING representative wanted In
each city; something now; 60 per cent to
160 per cent profit; experience unnecessary;
sells on sight; duplicate orders will keep
you busy. If you want a good thing send
at once for particulars, free. Saunders &
Co., 213 Jenifer Bldg., Washington, D. C.
J-642 !
AGENTS with supply of Hayes, metallic
rubber tires for rocking chairs can make
$100 per month profit. J. C. Hayes. 418 B".
Locust SL, Des MolneB, la. J MC41 2
WANTBO, agents for the now departure
motor, 2-H. P. gasoline or gas. New De
parture Motor Co., Fort Wayne, lnd.
J-639 !
AGENTS everywhere for our Improved
gasoline lamps; all styles; represent man
ufacturer; exclusive territory. Union Gas
Lamp Co., 149 Klnzle St., Chicago.
J-629 !
HUSTLERS wanted to push our goods;
home work or canvassing; send stamp for
particulars. Western Supply Co., Lock
Box 108, Coffeyvllle, Kan, J 627 !
AGENTS, something new; latest New York
and imicago Boner; exclusive territory;
no fake. Particulars, sample, circular,
etc., free. Flannlgan Mfg. Co., 1227 Dun
ning St., Chicago. J-558 1
$3 TO $10 a day easily mado by men or
women taking orders for our new style
metallic bread board; bonanza for ngents;
best seller out: write for special terms
and sample. Metallic Bread Board Co,,
box 676, Cambridge, O. J 557 I
WANTED, ngents for the wonderful
pueumaiio cnurn, Dan-nearing, patented,
makes butter In one minute; $250 per
month guaranteed. Wrlto quick. Baxter
Churn Co., Greenfield, O. J 569 !
THY 60o box Midgets, for holidays; big
riront; or mump ior wnoiesaie list. Aug.,
39 Van Buren, Chicago. J 567 !
AGENT8, either salary or commission; ab
eolutely the greatest agent seller ever pro
duced: everv writer nosltlvelv n. nro,
spectlvo purchaser; 5ro per cent profit
easily earned: address quick. Monroe
Au g. uo,, a. iu, ia uroase, wis.
J M583 2
AGENTS wanted: Orders can lie tnkm ill
rcct from our illustrated catalogue for
photo buttons, medallions and Jewelry;
catalogue free; samples at cost; 75 per
cent jiroiii. m. kuuib uuiion uo,, HI,
Louis, Mo, J-675 !
AGENTS, start mall order business nt
1. I sin
iiuijic, win juui uwii iiiwilfjunil tJIU IiUBO
ratntQcuo; samnle for 20c pontage; clron
Inra fr. Ilnnfil Mfir fn r)nr ki nut.
;;rt"n ' 01 M;ipwA""
J-555 I
AGENTS want list. Try 50c box Midgets
for holidays; big profits, or stamp for
wholesalo list. Manufacturer, D 139, Van
jiuren. vjnicago, in. j 3 1-
afT.T (lirAAfllnrr riAArltAa jr.. n..nt. -I rw.
thread springs Into eye; packet mnllml l6
cents, 4 ior m cents; ngents catalogue
rree. unns. Aiarsnau, mrgr., J.ocicport,
N. Y. J-563 !
iflll tfm 1 1, la KTomo nl,iliu
s?w jiww mini tminq Iii4i
born, PtfffiH. readable dnrkeBt nlKhtH.
Sample free. Right Supply Co., KnKle
TVUUIIt ill. JXt J
ENTS, we pay $20 weekly utralfiht sal.
ary and expenses to men with rlpH to
a A mt Ida nnrl I n f 11 ra Tri it t if f r r
nti .avj aiu ihvi u i - j 4 i 1 t j v i n-
pound: send stamp. Royal Co-oprrativo
AGENTS, big money selling latest nrtlclo
out, wonderful double-faced mirror with
transparent picture revealed held to
light- good side line; sample mirror
(pocket slzei, JOc, catalogue tree. Trans
parent Mirror Co., SI Fifth nvc, Chicago.
AGENTS, comic verso buttons, nil varie
ties, big money; samples, 10 cents. Cen
tury Novelty Co.i 13s Wnrrcn St., New
ark' N. J. J CIS !
REl't'TAHLE attorney can obtnln olllco
en suite In Ueo building. Address M 4o,
Ueo offlce. J-MS01
EXCELLENT side lino for traveling men
with established route; ilcni:ind already
created; no samples to carry. K. V. M.
Co., 61 Franklin st., Chicago.. J-tw" 1
w"ANTEI) byt-Mitlonmn, two unfurnished
rooms In good locality; references. Ad
dress M 31, Iter. K-BS
CIVIL engineer moving to Omnha desires to
share oltlce with nrchltect or other pro
fessional mnn. Address M 25, Boo.
K-607 1
YOL'NO cdunlo. ono child, desire reason
able, hen toil, modern apartments or Hut,
three or four rooms, walking distance.
Address M 20, Bee. K-COS 1
WANTED to rent, furnished hotel. 20 to 30
rooms, country or city. Address M,
Lock Box 3S, Oberlln, Kim. K-OIj 1
DR. nOY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu
ous' hair removed by electricity. R. 12,
Frer.zor hlock, U-992
RUPTURE CURED without tho knife. Em
pire Rupturo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Bldg.
VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational,
wholesome homo treatment. 318 Beo Bldg.
FAT Como over to Kirk's bath parlors.
107 South 14th street. Am repairing and
recuperating. Como" over and get a rub.
Kid Cummlngs. U-535 1
WE RENT machines for 75c per week. We
Hcu neeuies hiiu uiiiiuiiiui'iuo iui iiuu ic-
pair every make of sewing machlno.
NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner 15th und
Harney. 'Phono 1663. U-670 D9
ADV. calendars. Burklcy Ptg. Co.
M697 Jnr.l
PRIVATE homo for Indies beforo and dur
ing conllncment; uiiuies uuopicii. "wj
Burdetto St. Mrs. Burgot. U-618 D9
JUST think of Itl Good cabinet photos only
Via uoz. ui ilia u. b. uuuery, ut a. itiin.
TERUY Sorry you lot Thanksgiving
llglll. wnen you como to tjiniiiui stop 111
Kirk's bath imrlors, 107 So. ltth street.
Best In city Oscar. U 536 1
RUPTURE permahently cured in 30 to 60
uays; senu tur uiiuuiui. j. a. ttuuti, .,4.
D.. 621 Now York Llfo Bldg., omuhu. Nob.
SHAMPOOING nnd hulr dressing, 25c. In
connection mm 'ino uaincry, siu-2;u ueo
building. Tel. 1716. U-nOl
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15. 2d floor, R2.
U JJ11"
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
witn Tie uumery, rooms iiu-zsu ueo uiag.
Tel. 1716. U-549
HAinDRESSlNG, manicuring nnd chiro
pody, ror ladies oniy, in connection wiui
The Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U-2S5
LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade eostumor.
101B Farnam. u aiwi
BUCK I found $30 last wcok. Been taking
Turkisn Dams every my since ai ivir s
bath parlors, 107 BoutlS-Mth strOet. . Best
regards-MIzr.burlan.i. s .1 U 537 3
PRIVATE hospital, before .and during con
finement: babies adopted.' 23C6 Grant Bt
Mrs. Qnrdqls.4.ToUj;4182. ,. U-J98 v
GRAMOPHONES, and .supplies, wholesplo
nnd retail: Collins Pfnnp, CO,1 ipouji',
GET the little photos for1 15o' por'doz. ,ot
Tho U. S. Gallery C20 South 16th.
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
quickest. Airs. a. u. Mam, u tic uoukuu,
WANTED, 10,000 black crows, must be as
black as Crow Stove Polish. Address
Crow Stovo Polish Co., Milwaukee. Wis.
U .M503 D29
CURED FOR $tf.00
Until' Feb. 1st, 1902.
No knife, no pain, no detention from
business .
What doea tma orrer.moan;
1. That we furnish the celebrntod "EM
riBE" truss to hold your runture with
comfort and case for $16, nnd trent you
until PERMANENTLY CURED, absolutely
FREE until February 1st.
2. Thitt you will receive our latest nnd
best treatment for rupture and bo under
tho constant care of our skilled specialists
until CURED, without extra charge.
8. That we wnnt 600 new enses to CURE
and add to our large list of references dur
ing tno next tnree monms.
Wn refer to 300 CURED natlcnts In
Omaha, and 6,000 outside. Call or send for
932-933 N. v. li lo, mag., umaun, neo.
YOU can sleep and eat and drink and
enjoy tho delights nnd comforts of tho
Turkish bath at Kirk's bath parlors. 107
Bo. 14th streot. U-638 1
MARRY or correspond for amusements
send stnmp for scaled particulars. Box
D 268, Council Bluffs, la. U
FOR SALE, lot 25th and I Bts., South
Omaha; make an offer. Owner, 1406 Jones.
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordion pleating plant In tho west: mall
orders solicited. Suite 200, Douglas block.
W1DOW In Mlchlgnn, has largo farm and
general store, wants home-loving hus
band; no trlflers. Union, 63 Dearborn St.,
Chicago. U-630 !
handsome 166-pago free catalogue.
U 545
NELLIE Don't think I have forgotten, you.
You will be morn than pleuscd when I
call Sunday evening. I am nt- Kirk's
bath parlors, 107 So. 14th street Jack.
U-639 1
That's what thoy all say.
Everybody highly recommends tho
No better cigar on the market. Union
made. 6o straight. $37 per 1,000.
U-763 6
60 NEW pianos for rent, $4 and $5 per
., . K bt.vi1!i... . Mltnllnr 1 'in 17..
I1IUI144I ....llllt v.. tw . - ..... ,u.u i.
nam st. Telephone 1625. U M785 1
AGNES V. 8WBTLAND, M. D special
treatment womon's diseases, gen, prao
tlce. N. E. Cor. 10th and Howard,
U-771 1
ARE YOU anxious about tho future love,
marriage, money, business, etc? 10 cents,
dato of birth, sex and stamp for pros
pects of tho coming year. Prof. J, Alison,
Box O., BprlngileAdi O. U-5S2 !
THE lady who examined a marten col-'
lUrOttU, 44I1VUI UOCH Jllllt! ..I.W, 444 JlUyUCJI H
Monday afternoon, Nov. 2o, will learn
something of IntTost and confer a favor
by conferring with ma. J. W. Ellor, Room
80. Barker Block. Telephone 1653
U-695 !
HANDSOME American lady, Independently
rich, wants good. honnHt husband. Ad
dress Erie, 153 Washington St., Chicago,
111. U-25 v
MARRIAGE paper, largest published, 10c,
senled; established 196; 2,0V) members,
worth $100 to $100,000; bnnk reference. R,
U Love, Denver, Colo. U-617 !
LADIES, a duchoss lace handkerchief,
rollar, cuff, tie end and butterlly cam
brio patterns for 16 cents. Mrs, C. C.
Htono, Llvlngstono, Mont, U 616 1
MARRY or corrpespond for amusement;
send stamp for sealed particulars. Box
D 261, Council Bluffs, la, U-794 1
Is tho niimo of tin organization or club
of people locnted In nil parts of tho Lulled
States. . .... . .
Tho object of the members of this club
Is mnrtlngo or correspondence. Our plan of
conducting tho business Is clear cut-no
chanco for nilHuudcrstnndlng wo dcnl hon
orably nnd fairly und uso tho utmost
privacy. , , .
Our business Is built upon n basis of
honesty nnd plain dealing. No well mean
ing person need fear to become n member,
as many happy marriages nro inndo
through this clinnucl.
With thp onward march of civilization wo
leavo tho old beaten tracks and venturo In
new channels to Unci a life partner.
Life is before you
Is n happy mnrrlngo worth an effort on
your part? If you havo lost faith In your
self nnd others, wo cannot help you If you
hnve confidence In yourself nnd us we cnn
aid you by becoming n member of our
club. The fee Is ns small ns Is possible to
mnke It nnd do Justice trt our patrons. We
glvo tho best scrvlco nnd attention, which
Is necessary to produce tho desired rosulls
while you are walling for tho right ono
to cross your pathway.
Thousands nre seeking, llromlcr Melds aro
open through tho Omaha Matrimonial Club,
The membership fee
for ladles for one year, $1. For gentlemen
$2, which entitles you to all the rights and
nrlvlleues of the club Inolustva of names
audAiddress on our prlvuto list. Should you
wish to become n member, send full name
nnd address, written on one side of paper,
with fee, nnd wc win semi you uy return
mill rnrtlllrntn nf tilrnilnrnhltl In tilaln
envelope. No letters answered without
stnmp ior rcniy. auuress nn loners to
P. O. Box 663, Omnha, Nob.
ATTRACTIVE Indy, good character and
disposition, Independently wealthy, de
sires husband for business adviser and
companion. Patience, Room D. 401 Vina
St., Cincinnati, Ohio. U 611 !
Box Couch
Telephone 2529.
1519 Leavenworth St., Omnha, Neb
MIDDLE-AGED widower, tnll, good-looking,
kind, sympathetic, nice homo sadly
In need of woman's cure; hnvo $30,000;
would marry soon. Address Mr. Hilton,
box 675, Chlcngo, HI. U-S10 1
ATTRACTIVE young lady, nged 19. worth
$18,000, desires correspondence with re
llnod gentleman; object mutrlmony. Box
253S, Toronto, Canada. U-807 !
NEW KHARAS branch nftlces hnvo ro
cently boon established by Prof, Khnrns
nt Silver Creek, Osceola, Shelby und
Rising City. A Khiirus graduate, working
under nnnunl contract, on monthly salnry,
has chnrgo of each of these others.
U-40D 1
SUPERFLUOUS hnlr, warts nnd moles
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation freo nnd conlldcitfal; nil work
guaranteed. Miss Allcndcr, 1613 Doujtlas.
At half cost, one-third cost to what tt
costs you, nro no lower than our factory
"Klmbnll," upright $95.00
Hnllnt ft Davis, squuro .$22.00
Chlclterlntr. sriunrn 12.i.G0
Other bargains easy payments. Sue our
display ad on pugu 13.
Mueller Piano
and Organ Company.
1S16 Farnam, North Side St.
Look for Hnrdman pianos.
PIANO Ht half tho orlgluul cost, factory
guarantco . dated Sept. SO: husluosa
reverses. Address M 4t5, Bee. U MS03 7
MRS, FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th.
MME. OYLMER, out of city.
VIENNA fortuno toller. 1615 Davenport.
S-M4G4 D26
MADAM LE GRAY, clairvoyant nnd palm
ist, at 1619 Dodge. Beo ad on page 67
8-593 !
MME. OYLMER has cone east for a visit
and will remain for several weeks. Watch
tho papers for her return. Duo notice
will be given. S 761 1
MME. PALMER cnn bo consulted dally on
nil affairs of Ilfp. Persons who havo had
her rend for them express the utmost
astonishment nt her rcmarknblo ability.
Bho has a wonderful gift nnd her power
Is Blmply mnrvolous. Past, Present and
Futuro positively told. Parlors 1610 Dav
enport st S 762 1
MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1401
WobBter. T-M776 D12
MME. AMES, 317H N. 15th, flat E, baths.
T 370 D2
MME. SMITH, baths, U8 N. 16, 2d floor. R 2.
T M617 D7
ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th St.. 2d floor.
T-M188 D20
BEATRICE HARLOW Elegant vapor and
tub baths; olcctrlclty given: Egyptian
treatment. 321 North 15th, flat A.
T-M467 3
MASSAGE and bath. 1516 Davenport.
T M463 DS6
STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far
nam St -7I
OM. Van Stor. Co., 16UH Farn. Tels. 1569-831.
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 9U
914 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
SECONDHAND books. Crane, .107 N. 16th,
N-718 DU
WANTED. 10 carloads of furniture ana
stoves for. St. LjuIb exposition. Tel. 77L
Address J. Levlne, 306 N. 16. N-M362 D2
INSURANCE policies purennsed In old Una
companies; send description; will make
offer. The Putnam Co., 604-5 N. Y. Life
bldg. N-M203 D4
600 EMPTY barrols. Nob. Plumbing Hup
Ply Co. N-4537'f
WANTED, 4 or 5 4-rnom houses for cash;
must bo cheap, M 33, Bee. N 555 !
WANTED, base burner stove In good con
dition; price reasonable. Address M 27,
Bee. N-6JJ j.
SECOND-HAND books bought for spot
man 144 ...iiitjiiuiiiiii, Jul? v uriiain st,
FURNITURE of 9-room house. 1418 Chlcngo.
0-7S3 DW
CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold,
exchaiigoJ. .O 981
--VTOVP Any kind of a stove you want
o i j v L.O at to per cent discount. Wa
havo a complete line of now nnd second
hand stoves and furnlturo, Lowest prices.
Enterprise Furnlturo Co., 102-4 8. 14th st.
Tel. 2296. 0-M7W DI3
for lens than one-half their value. Prices
from $3 to $15: actually worth double this
amount. Don't fall to investigate this
offer. Also complete line of furniture ut
lowest prices.
1400-8-10-12 DODGE STREET. y
FOR SAL)'!, furniture for two seven-room
Hats; full of roomers; str&m heat. Ad
dress M 36, Beo, O-0)l 1
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans
cesspools and vaults, removing garbage
arid dead animals nt reduced prices, fill
N. 16th st. Tel. 1779. M-446 DZS