Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1901, PART III, Page 20, Image 28

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Coquettish MornliiK Holier, Diii-Iiik
Culor Schemes, nlnl (Ithcr Features.
NEW YORK, Nov. 29. Color, color every
where, that Is tho big feature In fashion
thli season, end happily tho American
woman belongs to tho typo Hint looks Its
best In rainbow and stained glats effects.
Bo few black gowns arc In actlvo ure, either
for strcot or house, that tha occupant of a
simple, serviceable, sablo frock, Is set dovn
as a hopeless old maid, or tho victim of a
lato unhappy bereavement. This docs not
mean, however, that black Is not still utilized
s a background for bold color combinations.
What makes tho skin shlno whitest and tin
flguro soem Its slightest but black broad
cloth, Corduroy, crcpo do chine, erepo do
HIne, drop de Vonlco or French felt? Hut
It you hold dear your carefully acquired
reputation as a woman of tasto don't let
your black frock or hat bo worn without
lavish and judicious support of color. Crown
your dusky trlcorno or plateau hat with n
dashing bow of bluo or white, slash up the
front of your wrist to show a vest stiff
with bright embroidery, utilize) plenty of
tho best Imitation of old laco tlmt you can
find In tho undorsleovra at your waist, and
braid or stlch your skirt as fancifully and
contrastingly as tho present law of tho
jnodo allows.
Correct Color KRccts.
It anybody wishes to havo tho lesson and
logic of this Iccturo fuly illustrated let
them glanco over tho charming accompany
ing sketches. Tho thrco cloth gowns arc of
cloth and absolutely apropos of tho argu
ment of tho oponlng paragraph. Ono of
theso is a houso dross of kangaroo brown
morning cloth, raado with a doublo skirt
and a bolero waist. The edges of tho skirt
aro garnished with bands of plorced em
broidery, dono In cut blue silk and through
tho incrstlccs of tho embroidery glints tho
cheerful applo green of tho Bklrt's linings.
Tho frr.nt of tho waist is of brown straw
pleated Bilk muslin drawn over applo green
ellk, and garnished with llttlo overlapping
straps of bluo panno and a bolt of this last
mentioned goods and color.
' Thoro is much moro sweetness nnd light,
not to mention bccomlngncss, In this dress
than If It wcro worked out In dull, faded,
wintry tones. Tho samo cheerful vlow can
bo taken of tho two calling suits that nfo
grouped togothor. Tho flguro to tho left
shows a warm Uurgundy, red Scotch home
spun, which will wear llko a Brussels car
pet, keyed up with elaborate strappings of
black satin, stitched sillily in silks of flvo
bold colors. Tho companion gown Is a win
ter veiling of grey camel's hair dropped
over a bluo foundation, bordered with black
Minnesota fox nt tho edgo of tho skirt.
Daring, but porfectly legitimate, is tho
waist model with Its yoko and sloevo caps of
horizontally tucked blue satin, and tho ad
ditional decoration dono In varying lengths
of black satin ribbon finished with pear
shaped drops of grcy'and bluo chenille.
Tito niniiNC Skirt.
Whoever Is desirous of having tho proper
costumo for tho theater need only turn to
tho group of threo hatlcss tnuldcns sketched
from llfo and a proscenium box. This trio
Illustrate tho gaiety and fanclfulness of
tbo odd blouse ns it is and they also mako
clear tho all-Important point that a fancy
blouso can bo worn only with a corduroy
er light transparent wool skirt.
If you go into a smart shop to buy a
fanoy waist the astuto saleswoman saddens
your economical soul by trying to sell you
what she culls a blouso skirt. It is a skirt
of sovere simplicity, becauso tho glories
of tho blouso must have tho proper toll
nd background nud bluck or white or the
palest groys aro tho neutral light nnd shado
preferred. Every blouso glories in lace and
some of thorn In laco that grandmamma or
treat-great auntie woro. All of theso In
valuablo llttlo garments show elaborately
designed sleeves nnd It is Just a tiny bit
smarter to wear them flat In tho neck, pro
vided yours and Annie Laurlo's fair throats
ure similar.
811k I'eMlconts Are Triumphant.
Tho silk petticoat has had a bitter rival
to enduro In tho whlto cotton skirt, but
tho laurols of superiority rest ut tho mo
ment with beautiful creations of silk. The
xnoat assertive colors in the loudest con
trasts aro not too exaggerated, for the
best afternoon and evening underskirts und
tho Marqulso modo of combined skirt and
corset covers has been brought out In or
dor to meet tho domand for an ologont and
useful llttlo undergarment to wear with
tho bedroom wrapper or tho easy, frilly
coffco jackot. A Marqulsa Is Includod this
autumn in every bride's trousseau and some
of them excel all previous silk petticoat
Mother's Friend, by(its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and, all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the system for the
ordeal that she passes through
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testihed and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
records in extravagant ornamentation.
Ono of theso pretty things figured con
spicuously In tbo outfit mado for gallant
General Corbln's bride. Hers was striped
blue and white silk, criss-crossed with
entro deux of real black Chantllly laco, and
the flounco had garlands of lace roses,
framing Insets of darker bluo silk. A
sharp-eyed, quick-witted girl, whoso al
lowance for winter clothes wouldn't keep
Mrs. Astor properly supplied with hair
pins, saw this dream of a petticoat, and,
taking careful noto of all its, details, sht
went homo and copied it to tho queen's
taste. She picked up a remnant of taffeta
at a bargain, Investigated the lace counter
until sho secured Just tho bits of pretty
Imitation cream-colored kind sho wanted,
and, when hor Marqulso was finished, It
could not havo been distinguished, In point
of rich effect, from tho costly garment made
for Mrs. Corbln.
.Tho body of a Marqulso should fit tho
figure rather snugly and bo reinforced
with a few whalebones, for when this com
bination is put on no stays need bo worn.
Tho body hooks up behind and tho shoulder
Btraps nro usually raado of black or dark
colored velvet ribbon, in order to set off
the whiteness of the wearer's delicate skin.
With a Marqulso anything In the form of
n negligee, from the most gorgeous tea
gown to tho simplest llttlo kimono, la worn.
The Breakfnat flelahn.
Every year tho kimono Improves In use
fulness and beauty, and this winter ador
able llttlo breakfast Geishas of printed vel
veteen havo captivated the hearts of
women. What a breakfast Geisha should
look llko is displayed In tho sketch, that
shows a charming pattern of this Improved
robo, as perfected for llttlo women as well
as their mammas. Printed velveteen Is In
expensive and It is also artistically lovely.
In this Instance the soft material 1b soft
tapestry bluo stamped with big loose, pink
roses; the stole-shaped fronts are of imita
tion Irish laco laid over tho blue reverse
sldo of tho velveteen, and tho edges are
bound with rose-colored wash ribbon, a
little Inner vest of rose china silk, finished
with lace completes a graceful front, and
laco and ribbon adorn the full sleovcs.
In passing, It Is perhaps as well to warn
any woman hesitating in her choice or a
docoratlve lace that Irish point Is tho first
In tho field this winter. It Is tho laco for
hats, for coat collars, for flat applications
on cloth gowns, and for tho most extrava
gant evening dresses. Irish hand-made
laco Is wonderfully beautiful and Justly
costly, but the work of the patient, clever
fingers Is exquisitely Imitated by tho swift
machines, and, though It often requires the
eyes of a laco expert to distinguish be
tween tho real and tho 'imitation product,
their prices are as far apart as tho most
enthusiastic economist could desire.
Skillful anil Itauld as Her More
Favored Aasnclntea.
Miss Abbio Downing of Metcalfo, Edgar
county, ill., Is tho only known blind tele-
phono operator In tho country. Sho Is a
prodigy. Not only can sho attend to tho
multifarious duties of tho telcphouo ex
chango with a skill and rapidity rarely
equaled by an operator blessed with sight,
but is singularly versatllo In accomplish
ments. Although blind slnco an lufant of
2 years, she docs all tho things that a
bright girl with two good cyca can do, and
can do them well. All thoso little house
hold duties that seemingly require sight
above all other sensos hor deft hands can
She has done tho household cooking in her
parents' homo for years. With unerring
Instinct sho outers any apartment In her
home, dusts and cleans It with precision
equaled by few. Her housekeeping capa
bilities hnvo long been tho admiration of
housewives for miles around, These, how
ever, are but tbo commoner of her wonder
ful abilities, as sho sews by hand nnd on a
machine Miss Downing docs fancy work
that presents the smoothness and beauty of
design so painstakingly sought for in vain
by more fortunate women.
Anothor remarkable trait Is her penchant
for music. Not only has she appeared In
public and won encomiums as a musician,
but has taught her skill to others.
Her work as a telephone operator is tho
most wonderful accomplishment. Through
Is to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
the persuasion of George W. Fair, who Is
Interested in a number of Edgar county ox
changes, Miss Downing was given a posi
tion in tho Mctcalfo central offloc. It was
n doubtful experiment and many of the
other stockholders were dubious whether
sho could perform tho complex duties of tho
position, however gifted sho was in other
pursuits. Four weeks ago Miss Downing
began learning tho switchboard. Her suc
cess was almost Instantaneous. At tho end
of tho first day sho was ablo to opcrato tho
exchango without the aid of her friend and
instructor, Mrs. A. H. Wetz. At tho end of
tho third day her success was so pronounced
that she was placed on duty permanently
and assigned to tho day shift. Officials of
the company say they never had a better
operator nnd patrons In other cities, who
havo occasion t use tho Mctcalfo toll lines,
declaro that n operator along the wholo
system makes connections moro promptly
or pleasantly than tbo "blind girl at Mot
calfc." Tho Mctcalfo exchango operates over sixty
tolophoncs besides tho work at tho toll
board. Two operators handlo tho work,
Miss Downing being wholly In chargo cer
tain hours. She locates a call Instantly by
tho sound of tho "drop," or, If busy and she
falls to bear tho warning click, by hastily
passing her nlmblo, scnsltivo tipped fingers
over the board. The plug for connection
sho thrusts Into tho proper aporturo with
Instantaneous precision. No matter how
speedily tho calls follow each other, she
never becomes discomposed, and her mellow
voice pleases tho ear of tho patrons Invok
ing her services.
Her chlrography Is as beautiful as that of
a teacher In penmanship. Sho keeps a rec
ord of tbo toll chnrgen and her method is
Blmplo and accurate. Tbo telephone offi
cials exhibit her neatly kept books with
prldo to every visitor.
riCTUIIESIlUU himdksmaids.
Novel Costume Prescribed for Ttaoae
Who Aaalst at Weddings.
Tho bridesmaids at fashlonablo weddings
during tho present season will bo objects
of more than ordinary Interest becnuso of
the elaborato costumes thoy nro oxpecto'd
to wcur. An unusual noto of vlolot was fai-'
troduced at two of tho recent weddings at
Now York. At the first tho maids, gowned
In Ivory mull with renaissance appllquo,
woro largo picture hats of violet molro
velvet shado with ostrich plumes. They
carried bouquets of raauvo astors and
orchids. At tho second bridal tho maids
woro in whlto china silk with laco inser
tions made ovor mauvo satin, a satin girdle
and fichu of laco and mauvo satin finished
tho bodice. With these fetching gowns
wero worn large black picture hats.
Tho bouquets wcro of Parma violets. An
other set of bridesmaids looked llko huge
popples In 'broad plcturo hats of red beaver
decorated with velvet and popples. The
flowers carried wero red dablles nnd the
frocks wero of whlto oriental satin with
sleeves, chemisettes and sashes of tucked
point d'csprlt and lace. The nutumn Bcason
was marked by one protty group of maids
who carried large bunches of autumn
foliage. Tbftr hats of palo blue beaver
woro adornod with tho samo follago min
gled with black roses. Tucked pale bluo
6atln formed tho gowns, with which were
worn boleros of bluo chiffon.
Four dainty maids in .attendanco at an
other wedding were robed in whlto silk
.draped with long fichus of white moussollne
do sole, turquols blue empire sashes and
white accordion plaited inullo bats with
blue ribbons completed the costumo. Like
old Reynolds 'or Gainsborough canvases
come to llfo were the bridesmaids who
followed a fair bride whoso nuptials oc
curred early lust month. Largo plcturo
hats loaded with plumes, shower bouquets
of pink rosos and gowns of white satin
made a charming enscmblo. The gowns
were enriched with fichus, sleeves and
yokes of ecru laco and girdles pf gold.
You ii or Woman Wliu Serves ns
Dcntul Assistant.
Dontlstry lb ono of the professions which
has for years been a Held of success for
women. But it has remained for o New
York dentist to discover a department of
dentistry for which women alono aro avail
able. This Ingenious practltlonor Is of the
class which creates dental cavities, as dis
tinct from tho class which fills them. In
othor words his specialty Is extracting
teeth, and he Is considered to be at the top
of his particular line. Like all tooth
pullers he has an assistant to glvo tho gas
to the patient, until recently his assist
ants have all been men. Invariably they
havo had trouble with timid Bnfferers,
whoso fear of gas has olther made them
violent 'or necessitated violent measures to
control them. Ono of them was discharged
for pouring gas Into a patient who nearly
choked to death boforo be could explain
that he didn't want to take the anaesthetic;
another resigned after un athletic victim
had thrown him through a convenient win
dow, and a third removed the gas tube
prematurely, whereupon the subject arose
in a fit of gas-intoxication and wrecked the
office, the assistant and the dentist before
they got him under eontrol.
Then the dentist hired a young woman.
Sho was a distinct addition to his office,
ornamentally considered. Also, sho was
a proficient admlnlatrant of nitrous oxide.
But her chief value was purely psychologi
cal. Tbo stormiest patients, men who had
left a record of cyclonic terror and deatruo-
tlon behind them, came, saw, gasped, sub
mitted, and woro deprived of tholr molars
, without tha slightest trouble. They did not
oven oeem to bo terrified, or, if they wore,
she took pains to conceal their qualms.
In tho three months since tho dentist ao
quired tho services of the young woman
ho hasn't had ono rcolly troublesomo case.
To a fellow member of his profession who
expressed surprise that hu should have a
woman assistant to administer gas, tt
originator of the schenio explained it as fol
lows: "Nluo out of ten men aro deadly afraid of
taking gas. They aro still moro afraid to
havo tho tooth pulled without It. Between
tho two fears and the pain of tho tooth
they como hero in n condition of temper
which an unfed tiger would blush to own.
They would mako excuses nnd they would
invent objection and they would try to tear
loose and escape. It got on my nerves till
I was ready to go out of the business, Thon
I had my brilliant notion. I got a girl, a
good-looking girl with pluck, who had
studied dentistry. Sho wasn't easy to find,
but I got her. That ended tho trouble.
Don't sco why, eh? You don't know much
about mankind. There's one thing that no
man will do who's got nny grip of himself
at all, and that's to show himself a coward
beforo a woman. This Is particularly truo
If she's young nnd good-looking. It was
pitiful to see 'em, though, when they came
In and saw what thoy woro up against.
Somo of 'om wero for trying tho window, If
I hadn't headed them off. Once sho got hold
of them, though, they wcro llko lambs.
Sho's worth thousands of dollars a year to
me, but I don't tell her so."
"But how about jour woman patients?"
asked tho other dontlst. "They aren't
afraid to show their feelings beforo an
other woman, I suppose."
"Pshaw," said tho first. "Don't yon know
that women never mako any fuss, anyway?"
Weddlnir Presents of Antique llntch
Pieces of Jewelry.
The Jewelry stores aro showing many nov
elties tn the way of wedding gifts, and by
far tho most fashionable nro thoso of silver.
Tho'most unique ure of antique silver with a
partly gilt finish In old Dutch designs. A
very beautiful service was among the gifts
at a recent fashionable wedding at Philadel
phia. Tho extreme oddness in shapo of the
sugar bowl with this aervlco was much com
uiontcd on. It was a perfect reproduction
of tho pineapple.
As it is In vogue to uso odd pieces In sil
ver as well as In china on tho tea table, It
will bo propor to comblno the antique and
tho Dutch silver. This enamoled glassware
Is shown in olive and bonbon dishes, A
particularly effective olive dish has a design
In strawberries In wreath form with a nar
row Rllt border on cither side.
Perhaps the most accoptablo of gifts nro
tho beautiful pieces of brlc-n-brac In royal
Vienna ware, and tho shops nro showing an
unlimited variety.
Those effectlvo bronze electroliers aro also
thcro to tempt ono, and with their flowerlike
globes In orchids, lilies and roses they cer
tainly make n pardonablo extravagance.
Theso electroliers aro far moro dainty in
design and coloring than the majority of
lamps, of which tho bride of old was always
generously supplied with.
I will not close without telling you of an
other gifts Just ordered for a bride of the
near future. It Is a fruit compote in Dutch
silver, supported by threo small cuptds.
For ami About Women.
Miss Daisy Miller, whoso father, C. O.
Miller, Is ono of the wealthiest men of
Stamford, Conn., Is going out to Corca ns
a missionary.
Mrs. Theo Huggles Kltson of Boston has
about completed tlio heroic flguro of a
soldier for a statuo to bo erected In Now
buryport In honor of tho volunteers of 61.
Miss Errma Whltmore, station agent ut
Wantaugh, L. I., has been a railroader for
twenty-llvo years, Sho not only sells
tlckots, but takes care of tho freight and
Mrs. John Jacob Astor wore lately at a
ball a crown which was an exact reproduc
tion of the ono worn by Queen Victoria on
hor Jubilee day and Mrs. Clarence Mackay
has ono closely resembling It.
Mrs. 1 It. Martin of Nownrk, N. J., has
probably, tho most unique collection, of
pitchers in tho world, numbering l.POO. Thoy
are on display nt tho building of tho Now
Jersey Historical society.
Mrs. Jack Gardiner, whoso palace, now
being built In Boston, has created consld
orablo comment, spends an nverago of
eight hours a day with lier workmen watch
ing carefully every detail of tho work.
Anna Parker Cox, daughter of Qunnnnh
Parker, tho noted Comuucho Indian
statesman, who Is married to u whlto man,
has donned hor blanket nnd taken up wild
reservation llfo again. She Is a graduate
of tho Carllslo Indlnn school.
Miss Kutherlno Hughes of Ottawa, Can
ada, Is tho lender of a movement for pro--vldlng
employment for Indian children
when they lenvo th schools. She is called
Kuterl Kaldncrenstra by her Indlnn
proteges, which means "sho makes things
go plcasnntly."
, Mrs. Charles F. Sprague, a member of
tho famous Weld family And wifo of tho
Massachusetts ox-congressman, has pur
chased one of tho handsomest of tho old
tlmo Venetian palaces and will havo It
transplanted to Brookllnc. thereby to sur
pass tho exploit of Mrs. Jnck Gardiner.
The queen of Portugal Is tho most athletic
woman ruler, tho queen of Italy awns a
handkerchief which Is 300 years old, the
queen of Hollnnd is a total abstainer, tho
queen of Iloumanlahas Just built a high
class theater on her castlo grounds for tho
benefit of tho nconlo of tho Pelcsch district.
Miss Emma Howker of tho Salvation Army
sang "Nearer, My uou. to rneo so swan,
at a McKlnley memorial service that Mrs.
Russell Snge, Mrs. Jnmes H. Keono, Miss
Helen Oould and others havo Interested
thomselves In her and have sent her abroad
for a European musical education. wAmnii nt Atnprlnun birth will bo
Invited to attend tho coronation of King
Edward next summer. They aro the dow
ager duchess of Manchester, the. present
duchess of Manchester, tho duchess of
Marlborough, tho countess of Lssex, tho
countess of Craven, Lady Curzon and Lady
If heredity is worth anything Queen Alex
andra muy well hope for long life. Her
mother lived to be 81, while her father,
King Christian IX, Is now well on In his
&Uh year. His majesty has two younger
brothers, who nro aged 77 and , respec
tively, while on November 9 he sent pres
ents nnd congrutulntlons to his older sister,
the dowager duchess of Anhalt, who en
tered on her fllst year on that day.
Frills of Fashion.
A fashionable combination is mink fur
and velvet of tho same shade.
Tho newest veils aro of moussellne do
solo, hemstitched, with largo dots In white.
A Handsome clasp for a fur or other va
riety of mantle Is of pink enamel, orna
mented with tt spreud eagle In gold.
For young girls, a collar of moonstones
is tho latest fancy. The stones must bo
matched and arranged In a silver setting.
In tho new fabrics for evening, wcur a
white satin of soft luster, brocaded with
violets In natural shades, Is especially
For house wear, suedo boots have taken
Srecedenco of patent leather this season,
atln shoes and slippers ure worn for even
ing and match tho gown.
Tho prettiest floral patterns In the new
table linens are tho Scotch thistle, llluc nnd
tho orchid, arnssus and ferns have also
been worked into orrcctivo uesigns ior
A loving cup thnt may also uo useu as a
bon-bon dish is one of tho novelties or ine
season. Tho lieigm is less in jirujiurwuii m
tho breadth tnnn mo usuui cuy. uou i"i
that renson Is better nduptcd for tnulo use.
In tho silver novelties for tauie usp arti
cles of antique silver, with a iiurtly gtlt
ltnlsh. aro especially notiecauie. unique
designs ure on vlow, an examplo being- a
sugar bowl In tho shape of a pineapple.
Thero uro Indications that Dig sleeves are
coming in ngaln. Not alone coats( nut
many blouses ana mnor-maae guwiisriiiuw
sleeves run ironi me iuji ui mu una iu mc
Blue leather in a soft, rich tint is a fash
ionable covering for dining room chairs In
Belgian, Austrian or weathered ouk, ana
comnincs exceueiiuy wim mu ucci uiumi
A cover which possesses tho merit or
being washnblo is made of sheer wlilto
linen embroidered In white, with clover
leaves and bow knots. Slipped on over a
custuon or puiK or iignt uiue uiu uica in
particularly good.
Admirably suited to a slender flguro Is
tho new blouse Jacket closed in doublo
brensted stylo or worn open and mado
with a standing or turndown Napoleon
collur. A poplum finish Is a stylish featuro
of this Jacket, but Its use Is wholly n
matter of taste. Velvet und cloth nro the
most appropriate materials for fashioning
this stylo of Jacket. (
Now that tho hair Is dressed low again,
It is waved and sometimes parted slightly
on the left side of tho hcud, or else drawn
evenly and loosely from the face Into a
coll that may be worn an low ns desired.
With evening bodices, tho coll with ultrn
fashlonablo women Is extremely low, like
the Langtry colfturo of other days. The
shell combs that havo been worn are van
ishing, und even for full dress wear ai
grettes and bows aro seen less than half
wreaths of flowers or u single, delicate or
richly glowing rose.
Adolph Bluner, Grand Mound, la., writes:
"I have UBed Foley's Honey and Tar In my
family and think It Is the best cough cure
on tho market. I would not bo without it
In my homo, as there la nothing so good for
coughs and colds."
lly MA It HAH
(ALL HiailTS
My licnrt goes out to tho woman who, Impressed with tlio necessity for
looking well tiftcr Lor health, becomes tlio victim of her own nuxlcty nnd
of tho medical theories advanced by hor physicians.
Tlio woman I mean Is always solng lo tho, doctor nnd Is never well. Sho
liiiK n now trouble every day and her family and friends think her diseases aro
Imaginary. Now she has a pnln In her chest, which sho Is suro Is pleurisy;'
again sho will hnvo it backache that can bo traced to nothing but kidney
trouble. Auothur day her legs will acho and swell, nnd so on. Thero never
Ih a dny that shu hasn't some complaint' and usually It Is different ftv t
anything she over had beforo. After n llttlo no ono sympathizes with her.
They make light of her complaints nnd tho poor wouuui, who is really suffer
ing nud Ut, leads n llfo of hopelessness nud misery. Sho gets uo help
from her doctor because the actuul troubles tho womnn has nro tho kind thnt
doctors never euro, Vet sho Is forced to go to tho doctor coustnntly for tlio
aid sho never gets. Tho doctors' bills aro heavy, tho husband doesn't bo
Hcvo In her slckuess nnd after n whllo complains ut tho heavy expense.
How dreary Indeed Is llfo to this poor womnul
Of course the new troubles that como to hor every dny aro really mani
festations of the samo old trouble. They nro merely symptoms. She lias
falling of tho womb, nnd all her nervousness, her headaches, her bearlug
down sensations and her endless pain aro caused by this ono thing. Sho
has n sensitive organism, which rellccts through tlio nerves tho womb de
rangement. This makes It seem as though sho had so many different diseases.
In the beginning tho medlcluu that would havo saved her all tho mlsory
Is Lydla 10. I'lnkham's Vegetable Compound. It Is tho ono medicine now that
will help her. As soon as the strengthening luflueucu of this famous woman's
remedy Is felt thu nervous teuslotr will relax and tho distressing sensation
will disappear.
It will take longer to euro this woman than If sho hadn't gouo so many
years without tho right treatment, but sho can be cured by the samu medi
cine that has helped so many thousnuds of women. Whoever knows such
it poor, misunderstood suffered will do her a good turn by cnlllug her atten
tion to Mrs. Ulnkhiiui's medicine.
With all Its ningnlllceuf record In tho euro of tliesc troubles, nud the
widespread knowledge of Its eillcloucy, It Is slugular that any woman will
permit herself to disregard It and waste her llfo In this way. Perhaps tho
greatest cruelty of all Is for tho lmmedlato family to say sho Is not sick, I
know a caso of this kind nnd It Is pitiful to seo how tho mother Is misun
derstood by her children und her husband. No doubt a good many things
that appear real to hor aro Imaginary; tho doctor tells Ui. fnuilly that It Is
nervousness and Imagination, and so they, without nny Intention of being
unkind, ignore tho complaints of suffering, thinking In this way she will
get over her troubles. It Is hard, too, for tho family; they are willing to do
what they cun, but they think her mind unbalanced on this subject. In
tlmo definite disease declares Itself and probably by this tlmo such head
way has been niudo that a hospital operation seems the only resource.
Some way must be found to mako these conscientious women who
wnnt to be well, and aro taking so much trouble to bo well, see that they
need Lydla K. IMnkham's Vegetable Compound. I will venture to say that
every women who Is being treated today for a great variety of troubles,
will Und them all disappear if sho will get Mrs. IMnkham's advice and
follow It. The declaration of health Is unmistakable; Imagining all kinds
of diseases Is a nervous state produced In woman Invariably by female
complaints. Doctors do not expect women to be well and their treatment
encourages tho belief In woman's heritage of pnln. This Is absolute error
und utterly contrary to nature's plan. Xo woman knows this so thoroughly
us .Mrs. I'lnkluini and no advice Is so kindly aud convincing us hers.
Let tho woman who has the complicated troubles and tho woman who
Is earnestly seeking for health get Mrs. Plnkham's freo advice by writing
to her at Lynn, Mass. It is tho perfectly safe way to know tho truth aud
tho easiest way to secure right treatment. '
Genuine Barrios Dimonsls
Are equal to real diamonds as to looks and wear, will cut glass and stand all th
tests of old mlno gems. For a few days we offer marnineent rings, studs, pins, ear
rings, etc., at the marvelously low price of OJiE COLL LA II EACH.
Gentleuteu'a Ucnvy Flat llelcner Itlua;
Wc aro the first to Intro
duce a gold-filled flat Bel
cher Itlng; heretofore they
havo been made only in
solid gold. This ring, set
with a beautiful brilliant
Barrios Diamond, will be
mailed to any address In
the world upon receipt of
nririt tl.oo. This ring has
tho nnDearance of one costing 1200.00.
OUH GUARANTEE uiiiNuiNiii uahu iub uiAfliuu.i are guaranteed to retain
their brilliancy forever. The mountings are heavy rolled plate and are made of one
continuous piece. The plate is thick shelled-gold, and will last 100 years. Thes
rinss are warranted not to tarnish the fin gcr and are areatly superior to any similar,
goods ever placed (on tho market. Studs and Pins, 11.00 each. Earrings, screws or
SfAUr'DlfRS In ordering give full directions and state whether small, medium,
or largo stone Is desired. Finger meaBurernenr. of rlns muy be given by using a
piece of string. Order at once and avoid the Christmas rush. If goods are not
represented money will be refunded. Address all orders plainly to tho
BARRIOS DIAMOND CO., 1139 Broadway, New York;
Itemovtt Tan, 1'lmplM
Frtokltf. Uoth Patchc.
nan aim sum au
rjuii(, and avr
M' tltralih on beauty,
v . -. . .
Hon. It has atooj
the toat ot 63
yaars, and Is M
harmlM w tail
It to b aura '
la proptrly mad.
Aoeept no oounttr-
ten or aimuai
name. Dr. b. A.
Sayra aald to a la
dy of tha haut-toa
(a Datlant) l
"As you ladlos will use them, I recom
mend 'GOURAUD'S CREAM' as the least
harmful of all the Skin preparations.' For
Ealo by all Druggists and Fancy Ooods
lealers in the U. S. and Europe.
7 Great Jones BU N. T.
Worn Out?
World Famous Mariani
A Restorer of the
Vital Forces
Vin Mariani is a perfectly
safe and reliable diffusible tonic
and stimulant; it gives strength
and vigor to body, brain and
All Druggist. Rof us Substitute.
Dr. Burkhc7rsWondei1ul Otter
iTsu Days' Ireatmcnt
A positive cure Is afforded the sick in
Dr. Uurkhart's Vegetablo Compound, the
greatest remedy of tho age. Cures Kidney,
Liver and Stomach Diseases, Hheumatlnm,
Catarrh. Malurla, l'alpltatlon of the Heart,
Headache, I'aJn In the Side, Back, Under
Shoulder liladn und LaUrlppo. 10 days'
trial freo. All druggists.
Dlt. W. (J. UUIIKUAIIT, Cluoiuaatl, O,
El1 t UIU 0(1 9.
Lsiulea' Olnater nlar.
The most fashionable 1
ring for ladles at the prss
ent time is the Cluster. W
have sold these rings here
tofore In solid cold only at
S3 each. For the first tlmo
in our history we are en
abled to furnish these ring
with Emerald, Ruby, Opal
or Turquoise centers at U
EACH. Others ask 14 anil
6 for theso rings. Order at ones. Oooda
Kitcfien utensils
Trade Mark
Is wed la tkotumel
Goes right to th
bottom of a cough
and by removing
tho cause stops tho cough and cures tha
cold. Twenty-five cents a bottle at tha
drug store.
Every Reader
of The Bee certainly has
something he wants to
'T'he way to get rich is to sell
anything you havo and cannot
use, and buy what you need, at
tha best piico possible,
'Tho wuy to accomplish both la to
make your wants known
through our cheap "classlilcd"
ads. Thoy go directly to 30,
000 families, and for a few cents
you got Into communication with
tho man you want nnd who wants
"These columns are here for the
convenience of subscribers; try
them and sen what a great con
venience thoy are.
T ook about you and note some of
the things you aro anxious to
dlsposo of; somo one wants them;
turn them into caBh.
Wrltn out a brief ad. and mall or
bring It. to Tho Uoo advertis
ing department.
pates, l'4o a word first Insertion,
lo a word thereafter. Nothing
taken for less than 2io for tho
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ments must be run consecutively,
TVoday Is the best time to attond
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