THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1001. IT f 00T BALL FOR NEXT SEASlhN NtbrMkfc'i Pxoipioti oa tfci Gridiron An Brifht Indeed, LOOKS LIKE A CHAMPIONSHIP ELEVEN Old Men llnck nml tlnntli i Concli, No Hint the Cnnilitinkcrn Will I.lkcly tlic Went ern lil St. Despite the popular tear to the contrary, tt In probable that tho University of Ne braska will havo a very strong foot ball team next year. The fact that Coach Booth and all tho old men save two will probably remain la basis for thin (insurance. The exclt&blcncM of undergraduate fancy and tho pessimism of graduate conservatism has already budded a hoot of obstacles In the way of keeping tho Cornhusker eleven up to lta standard of this year, but a care ful scrutiny of tho latest phases of the situation and prospects shows that theso rn almost all Imaginary. Tradition, too, militates strongly against the hope that Nebraska will keep up the paco another Reason, but It Is likely that tli 1 enemy to success will also bo over thrown when next year's candidates are rounded up for duty about the first of Sep tember. In many wcatom colleges and especially at Nabraskn, It has Invariably boon tho case In tho past that a good team for two years meant an awful season of weakness to follow. This Is n logical result, when analyzed. For Instance, when the garao begins In a school a team of eleven men Is gotten to gether. They do not shlno to nny extent tho first soason becauso of greenness and lack of expurlcuco In team play and In tho points of tho garno In general. Tho next year practically all these men nro back, and with thu samo component parts to tho machine some cxcollcnco In drill Is at tained during tho second season snd as a result tho team Is a good one. The third year the same rule holds, und tho team, ranted good coaching and training, bo comes as much of a star organization as It over could; In other words, It about reaches Its limit. Dut about the fourth year tho men begin to graduato and lenvo school and tbla U fatal to tho team's standard of work. Very few of tho old men aro loft and the new ones cannot bo rounded Into shspo to work with tho votcrans as did their former con temporaries and team mates. So It takes about that year and another for tho anuad to recover from tho Infusion of new and green blood, and- to get together onco nioro s an experienced team. Then for two years or no tho eleven Is n topnotcher again. At Nebraska this rule has held good to a remarkable degreo. Tho last few years of play Illustrate this. In 1891 tho team was only fair. In 1802 and 1893 It was good. In 1894 It was so bad that Donno coltega do foatcd It. In 1895 It was mediocre, In 1890 better. Then 18D7 and 1898 were star years and 1899 a dismal pago of defeats. That toam, however, had on It moat of tho men who aro now tho wonders of the weat In foot ball. Such men wero Drain, Ringer, Cortclyou, Koehlor, Westovor, Brow, Cran dall and Kingsbury. Tlicro aro eight of this year's Nobraska team. Nono of thorn ware great foot ball playors at that tlmo; tome wero decidedly weak. Now thoy aro the wizards who havo becomo tho respected rival of Minnesota nnd Wisconsin, and who havo In two short years brought tho Corn husker team to a placo that permits It to chadulo games with Northwestern, Wis oomln and Minnesota already for next sea on. That shows what oxpcrlenco nnd tho com munion of team play will do. In 1900 these men bettered their 1899 form so greatly that thoy defeated every opponent save Minnesota, against whom they scored moro points than did any other team during tho season. At tho first of this season tho same men were back, but for u month or so thoy wero not In the shape they bad been at tho tlmo of tho Tbunksgtvlng garao with tho Gophers the previous season. That's why the Giants defeated them by so large a ecoro on October 12. 8hortly aftor that Nebraska began to round Into condition. Kecoverlng from on unfortunato and unusually numerous series of accidents to Its in on tho team grow very MALADIES THAT WRECK MANHOOD Our Modern, Advanced Electro-Medical Meth ods Cure Where All Other Treat ments Fail. WE ADVERTISE WHAT WE DO. MASTER SPECIALIST. 8ATnt eV9ry mm afflloted with Norvo-H'jxuul Debility. Contnnlous Blond Poihou, stricture, Varicocele or Allied troubles toooruo to our of. flee, whoro wo wlllexpluin tohltn Our Electromedical Method (Electricity und Medicine cubliicd) of curing theso Disoasos. Wo invito in purtlaulur all men who Imvo boo irao dlssotlatled with treatment elsawhero. Wo will ox plain to you why you havo not boon ourod, and will doruonstnito to your entire atlsfaction why wo can euro yuu Safely, Quiakly and Permanently, Our coun sel will cost you nothing, and our ohorjftM for a'porfcot ouro will bo reasonable and not moro than you will bo willing to pay for tho boiioflts conferred. Wo will do by you as we .vould vant you to do by us If our ease wuro rovorsed. Certainty of cure is what you want. Wo cun and will alto vou, by orralsston, to numberless oases thunvo have curod "To Stuv Cured" which hud boon abandoned by fauv Hy physlclunB and so-called EXPERTS. Wo also cure to stay cured by our combined Electromedical treatment Varicocele, Stricture, Syphilitic Blood Poison, Nervo-Scxnal Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and alt associate denses and weaknesses of men. Wo charge nothing for private counsel and give to each patUnt a MltJAl, CONTHACT to hold for our promises. Is it not worth your while to Investigate a cure that lm mado life anew to multi tudes of men 7 It you rinnot call at our ofnee, write us your symptoms fully. Rrlrreuoei-Ueut tlnnk mid LrmllliK llualnean Men In this City, M- CONSULTATION FREE. Office Hours-From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. I p.m STATE - ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts Omaha. Neb. strong and has been on the uphill slant slnco that tlmo. When It met Wisconsin on November 8 it was well on tho way to Its later perfection. It would therefore seem that If this samo team could be held together ono year moro It would bo the finest eleven Nebraska has had. What has caused tho fear for the strength of next year's team Is the fact that seven of the regular men on tho eleven graduate' tho coming spring. People said they would therefore) not be In school, and this would of course havo annihilated the team, leav ing only four first team men to start tho season. Only two of theso graduates wilt stop playing foot ball. They are both four year men and have played their limit, any way. Tho other five all havo a year or so coming on the gridiron yet and wilt re turn to school to play out their full tlmo allowance. Tho two who aro to depart for good are from two positions In the team which tt chances can be easiest filled with good trained men. These players aro Quar terback Drain and Right Guard Drew, l'or Brow's pfaco thcro ore three men who played that position at different times tho last season, any ono of whom will bo sat isfactory and will train Into a good man. They nro Tobln, Voss and Moloney. It was owing to accidents to Illngcr and Brew during the year that all thrco got good oxpcrlenco on the first eleven In cbam plonHhlp games, and this makes them all tho more valuable. For quarterback, again, McDonald of this year's second cloven will undoubtedly bo used. He has played this Important placo on the second team all year and has shown up wonderfully well. Though It will undoubtedly bo somo tlmo beforo bo ac quires tho wonderful foot ball scuso and intuition and capacity tor team manage ment which Drain has shown this last fall, he will bo nevertheless a very happy solu tion for a puzzling question. Of the other men doubt exists only In tho cobo of Captain Westovor. Ho hns only played thrco years and is almost, certain to return, especially If tho team promises to bo u championship one. Thon Cortclyou and Crandall, Omaha men, both graduate, but will tako post work and play another season, their amateur limit not having ex pired yet. Center Koehler Bays ho wants to play another year, eo will tako post graduato work also, and Fullback Pills bury, though ho will rccelvo bis diploma next Juno, will contlnuo on at school In tho new department of mining engineering Just begun. For tho rest of tho line, Sbedd at end, Illngcr at guard and Stringer at tacklo aro all yet undergraduates and will be In tho gamo again. Then Bender and Kingsbury as backs complete the quota of old men. This fills all tho places, and In addition to that there aro several moro valuablo men, some old, somo now, who are all good enough for tho first team. Tho halfback, Cuff, who mado such a good showing In the Missouri game, will push some of tho older players hard for a permanent berth in that position, and thcro nro two star players coming from tho Lincoln High school. Ono In Benedict, brother to him of placo kick ing famo on tho '99 team. This young Benedict Is nlso a great kicker and Is n. back of great speed. He has been staying out of school ono year In order that he might tako on n llttlo wolght beforo play ing 'varsity foot ball. Ho was captain of tho Lincoln High school team in '00. Tho othor la Hubbard, a guard, and this makes another man for tho heavy lino positions. A moro desirable outlay for tho com mencement of a now season could not bo asked. Weakened probably In but ono place, and that at quarter, tho team will present an imposing front of veterans, with a very tow new ones mlxod In. It Is moro or less truo, however, that the welding together of .his team as outlined above dopends upon tho retention of Coach Booth or the secilr Iuk of as Kood a man. If neither can bo dono somo of tbeso graduates will not care to contlnuo In tho gamo. Tho fact Is that tho chief Influence in bringing them all back anyway Is school spirit and an Intense deslro to havo a No braska team next year that will defeat everything It meets. With tho aggregation named on deck, this would very probably bb posslblo should Booth stay, for none of the other mlddlo west schools will keep so many of their old men. Minnesota goea all to pieces, whtlo Wisconsin loses at least four. Of tho others Nebraska stands in no fear. N But thero Is llttlo need for worry that It will not all come true. Coach Booth WE DO WHAT WE $ ADVERTISE. at present does not Intend to desert Ne braska, even for Wisconsin. Tho reason Is this. Ho has Just ono season more In which .to coach, after which he will begin tho practice of law In tho cast. His ono wish Is to pilot a championship team for that one last season, and he will go to nny school where tho chances aro best for such an eleven. Wisconsin does not soem to offer this opportunity. Booth is half inclined to be Uevo that Nebraska will bo better than any of them next year, so he will probably stay with tho Cornhuskers. If all these old men will certainly return ho Is sure to do so. Othcrwlso he will doubtless move. Booth has been offered a berth at Wisconsin, but the placo does not suit him at all. Ho wishes to coach Just during tho season and then break away from tho gamo for good tho Drat of December. Tho po sition at Madison Is one tor all tho year 'round. I'hll King gets J3.500 a year for coaching foot ball and taking general charge of all athletics through tho year. Booth docs not want that. King himself Is an attorney, and has Just broken tho thrco- ycar contract ho had with Wisconsin at that price. This agreement was mado after ho had been there ono year. He has now lasted out two of tho threo years and will leave. Every Influence Is being brought to bear on Booth to Induce him t6 stay, and that la ono reason why so many graduates aro promising to return nnd stay In school dur ing tho foot ball season, at least. They feel that with Booth they can have a west beater of an eleven. Booth feels tho same way. People considering tho following probable lineup for a starter next year will got tho samo hunch: Cortolyou, right end; Westovor, right tacklo; Tobln, right guard; Koehler, center; Illngcr, loft guard; Stringer, left tacklo; Shcdd, left end; Mo Donald, quarterback; Crandall, right half back; Kingsbury, left halfback; I'lllsbury, fullback. And In addition to that thcro are Cuff and Bender for additional first-team backs and Moloney and Voss for first eleven lines men. That makes llftecn men who Imvo all played on tho first team this year. Be sides thoso tho school Is Buro of two now ones nt least who will be right up to tho standard. They nro Benedict and Hubbard, tt looks as though Booth could not leavo such chances. Wisconsin university would now soom to have demonstrated with considerable clear ncsa that It Is tho real champion of mlddlo west foot ball this season. Of course this opinion is based Bolely upon comparative stores, un unsafe method always, but It Is tho only ono available in tho caso nt hand Just now, and It tho two teams do not play a post-Reason gamo against each other most foot ball critics will accept this ver dict. Tho result of tho Chicago games with Michigan nnd Wisconsin wero a groat sur prise. Theao contests wero lookod forward to by tho rivals for tho championship as of supremo Importunco in determining tholr rclattvo status, and everything favored ac cepting tho two game's ns a measure. They were but twelve days apart, so no difference In tho training or condition or form of tho Maroons could bo reasonably pleaded by olthor Wisconsin or Michigan it discomfited as an oxcuso for Its failure. It was merely a question of which team could mako thu blggost scoro against Chi cago, tho heavy Wolverines, with their mass plays, or tho lighter Badgers, with their peculiar mlxturo of open work and close formations. Michigan knew this when tho Chicago team camo to Ann Arbor on Novcmbor 16, and bent ovcry energy to tho work. But 22 to 0 wao all tho Wolverines could do. That n.ado It look as though Michigan was not very strong, as Chicago was thought to bo weak, and Wisconsin hopes rose They felt again on Novcmbor 23, however, when Michigan defeated Belolt by 89 to 0, moro than twlco tho score Wlscon sin had made against tho school early In tho soacon on October 12. So tho Badgors saw plainly that Michigan was then bettor than they thomsolvca had been six weeks beforo, and It was a question whether or not tho superiority had continued along with tho ncaeon. So It meant n good deal to both rivals when tho Badgers faced Chicago Thursday and defeated tho Maroons by 35 to 0. Tho Chicago lineup wan practically tho samo and tho Maroons wero If anything better than thoy had been twelve days previous. This comparison completely overshadows that of tho Belolt game, for thoso were bo far apart as to tlmo as to be valueless In Binh a Hcnsn. It is Just posslbllo that this superiority in Wisconsin's showing ngalnst tho Maroons may result In that event which Is longed for by every enthusiast In tho west, a post season gamo botwoon tho two. In this Michigan is tho party that refuses to play. When Wisconsin stepped In and took the Chicago Thanksgiving garao in Chicago two years ago aftor tho Wolverines had held It for years back tho Ann Arbor poo plo said that thoy would nover play tho Badgoro ngaln. And thoy haven't. That resolvo makes It certain that had Michigan's Chicago scoro been superior tho Wolverines would havo gone calmly on In high disdain and contentedly claimed the championship. But now tho 'Badgers will hurl every taunt nnd posslblo form of de rision at tho vaunted Michigan players, and tt is possible that the sting will bo too groat to bear. It Michigan still thinks Its team superior the gamo will occur, for In that cubo the Wolverines will tako Joy In going out to show the Badgers things. So evnry ono Is hoping that Michigan pride Is hurt and Michigan confidence still supremo. In tho east Cornell has finished a most successful season by defeating tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania, 21 to 6, In thus conquering n member of the Big Four Cor nell has placed a mark high on the grid- Iron scroll of honor, and the good showing made against Princeton on Novomber 2 Is assuranco that tho "I yoll" peoplo do- servo real credit for It all. Another such season will see Cornell pushing Pennsyl vania entirely out of pluco In foot ball cir cles. Tho Big Four must of necessity ha composed of tho best teams, or It cannot bo a big aggregation In any sense. Penn sylvania has been falling woefully below Its standard of recent years and tf Cornell or any other school annihilates the Quakers a few seasons It will push them to the back seat nnd tako rauk with Princeton, Har vard and Yale. Tho' overwhelming drubbing Michigan gavo Iowa nt Chicago Thursday morning effectu ally shelved the championship hopes of tho Hawliejcs. It ulsn seems to point to a conclusion that Michigan would beat Min nesota hands down by u largo score. Iowa held tho Gophers without a score till toward tho end of tho last half and the lowaus were plainly outclassed Thursday, Missouri's victory over Kansas was con siderable of a surprise, as comparative scores all through tho season had Indicated that tho Tigers were much the wcakor of tho two. However, It Is Just another Indi cation of tho unreliability of such com parisons that the team which Nebraska dofeuted ni to 0 In Omaha on November 9 should defeat the team which Nebraska beat only 29 to G on November 10 nt Lin coln, and that by a scoro of IS to 12. Ne braskaus are glnd Missouri won, for u nicer set of clean, gentlemanly foot ball players never visited this state. Nebraska's own victory over tho Haskell Indians was un examplo of tho suprrbest nerve nnd spirit every seen on tho grid iron. Of all the scores of college games played north of Mason and Dixon's Hue this season It furnishes only the third exception to the rule that the first scoro wins tho game. Illinois recovered and de feated Northwestern after tho purplo was well to tho good, a simitar occurrence featured an eastern contest early In tho season, and now Nebraska, with tho scoro 10 to 0 against It, has piled up the neces sary winning points In tho last ten minutes of flay, when even the stanchest sup porter had lost hope. Not onco In Ave years will any big foot bnll team bo seen overcoming such odds at such a stage In the game, when the teams aro so evenly matched that tho under dogs have struggled sixty minutes of the allotted seventy In a vain attempt to mako a score. It was a grand rally and by far the prettiest thing Nebraska has done this year. It took ten minutes of whirlwind, ten minutes of Drain, ten minutes of Bender, ten minutes of a line that held like a rock and charged like a warhorso, ten minutes of a spirit that rose higher and mora determinedly nt ench successive rebuff, to mako thoso eighteen points that won when defeat seemed certain. PUGILISTS AND WRESTLERS Omnlia I,tkel- to Sec .Home Good limits nnrliiir tho Winter. Boxing and wrestling affairs show early signs of tho usual winters accentuation Already minor matches in both classes are being arranged about Omaha, and somo lnrgor ones of perhaps national Importance are promised for this city later In the sea son. News which Is probably received with the most enthusiasm by lovers of tho fistic sport In this city Is that Oscar Gardner, tho "Orcnha Kid," for years a prime favorlto tho country over, had really Rtralghtcned up at last and Is actually training conscientiously. It Is admitted by every ono that Oardncr was once a torror In his clnss and that ho could still bo well up In tho bunch If ho would work for a fight. But that is one thing that Oscar has for months past refused to do. Tlmo and ngnln ho has entered tho ring, and against good men, too, with absolutely no prepara tion In cither training or discipline. Gard ner Is really training now and ho promises to get In shape onco for tho first tlmo In years, by tho way and that ho will keep In that shape all during tho winter llatlc season. Tho resolvo has nlrcady mado chango In tho "Kid's" appearance He Is getting firm and bard nnd his ukln Is show ing up whtto again. Omnhans expect the "Kid" to do them honor again In the ring, Two fights aro already arranged for tho near future. II. Smith nnd J. Whlttaker, the two colored lightweights who have al ready mot In this city onco, will light twenty rounds In Hast Omaha within three weeks. Theso men aro both colored and weigh about 123 pounds In fighting trim. Smith won tho last fight, which was In last September. It took seventeen rounds, how over, ior him to do his man nway. That would Indicate a good contest the noxt time. Next will como a light between Whlttaker and Gardner. This will occur In South Omaha and Gardner should bo tho winner. In wrestling matters Potcr Loch Is com lng Into early prominence. Ho now has a match for $500 a sldo in view. Frank Greenman, a well known local athlotc, Is tho man who wishes to test Peter's mettle, and tho. contest will occur somo tlmo be foro January 30. Greenman wishes It put off for sixty days yet, as ho says ho cannot got In condition beforo that time, but Loch Is In fairly good shape now nnd will urgo tho early consummation of tho matter Tho men weigh about tho same "63 pounds, and will wrestlo catch-aa-catcu-ran, pin fall only. Loch should win an form and experience. Another promised wrestling match has been arranged with Policeman Taylor and O. Jones as principals. Theso aro both very largo mon, weighing up beyond 170, Taylor Is tho largor and hopes to win. Ho Is undor chargo of Peter Ioch, who Is in structing tho giant In tho various holds and trick falls. But still later coracn a real contest cf giants. Willy Hnley, weighing 210 pounds, nnd Mlko Crowe, only twenty pounds lighter, say thoy will wrestle for n good purse and sldo bet In a catch-as-catch-can struggle. Arrangements aro being mado for tho match to como off In January. This will be a tcrrlllc struggle. SHOOTING RUHS OUT EARLY () in n ha lltiutci-N Kind finiun Very Source nutl llaril lo UrJ At. The season of slim shooting has come early for Omaha huntsmen this year. Neither In land nor water fowl was tho sup ply of remorkablo extent, anyway, oven .it the break of tho law's tlmo limit, and for weeks past It has been rather slim pickings, both beforo nnd after you get them. Dcsplto this fact tho local trigger artists are still enthusiastically pursuing tho elu sive winged creatures. In September and October they got somo good chicken hunt ing by going away out northwest to tho reg ulation stamping grounds for it, and this only increased their ardor for tho water fowl, which thoy are pursuing now to the exclusion of all clso. Somo llttlo success has been met with In this quest, though nono of tho flights have beon heavy, either In ducks or goese. By going out in tho sandhills the best water fowl shooting has been found, but many hunters contont themselves with a shorter cry and range up and down tho Missouri river or the Platte, Including the numerous ponds that follow the courses of both bodies In their territory. On one of theso shorter trips three Omaha huntsmen had fair success last weok. Thoy were Fred Goodrich, G. W. Clovuland and W. O. Lowe, and they spent a full week in the vicinity of Do Soto. They showed a substantial bag on their return and tho supposition Is that thoy shot tho birds. No special variety of cither ducks or geese predominates this year. Though flights aro of no largo proportions, they seem to Include tho usual share of each kind of bird. Thanksgiving day was a gala tlmo for Omaha shots of all kinds. For tho riflemen thero were numerous turkey shoots In progress round about tho country and tho shotgun advocates could cither attend the Omaha Gun club shoot or roam tho wldo fields at will. All these diversions proved popular. Tho most largely attonded turkey shoot near Omaha was held at tho white lead works, and many a bird died tho death which awaits tho palm of such contests. At most of tho shoots the old hcad-through-a-bole-ln-the-box method was employed. At others hast ily Improvised by shotgun cracks tho luck system was In favor. Each man In turn shot at hlH llttlo squaro plcco of papor on thu side of a barn, A cross marked the centor of each paper. Tho man Inndlng the shot nearest tho center of tho crossing lines took the bird. So tho Idea was to keep the pcllots from scattering Just hs much as pos sible and thus get moro chances for the raonoy. To this end many n sly sport was seen expectorating voluminously down his shotgun barrel, nnd from one gun thus doc tored tho shot camo nil together In one glob like a hugo rlllo ball, taking out tho entlro center of his paper. He took the turkoy. Tho shoot of the gun club was a success In every particular Many high scores were made, and only the wind prevented more. CATARRH MB ASTHMA Ox jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjlMMi-MFS. w usea internally ami atso lnnaieci, imis Riving a tnorougn svstenne treat- jlPHMr ment, which effectually kills the disease germs nml removes from the flEjfjf system nil of the poisonous matter which tends to continue nnd aggravates Ufw these ailments. The use of douches, sprays, balms and ointments alone kLLLH accomplish but little rrood. and can never effect a cure when tho whole catarrh nnd must say that It is tho only medicine I havo ever tried that has dono me any good." CHRISTIAN PLONTS, Dcbby, W. Vn., writes: "I have hnd a bad caso of asthma, and took your '5-DROPS' for that trouble. It has dono mo moro good than any other remedy I havo ever used." "5-DROPS" CURES RHEUMATISM, LA GRIPPE, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Asthma, Catarrh, Liver and Kidney Troubles, Nervous ness, Backache, Dyspepsia, Gout, Indigestion, Croup, Nervous and Neuralgic Headache, Heart Weakness, Paralysis, Creeping Numbness, Sleeplessness and Blood Diseases. A Sure Cure for Coughs, Colds -and Bronchial Troubles. Swanson's "5-DROPS" not only effects a quick, permanent, positive cure 0f all the above named diseases, but, by cleansing the system of all impurities, prevents tho dreaded after effects, which aro frequently as disastrous as the disease itself. No remedy ever produced will cure rheumutlsm as safely nnd surely ns Swanson's "5-DROPS." It makes ho difference whether you arc suffering from Infammatory, Nervous, Muscular or Articular Rheumatism; whether your whole system is full of uric acid; whether every part of your body is aching and every joint is out of shape; "5-DROPS," if used as directed in the necessary quantity, gives instant relief and effects u permanent cure. It cures La Grippe by destroying at once the germs which cause the disease. No other remedy acts so effectively or gives such instant relief to the sufferer. If "5-DROPS" is used disease cannot long exist. It builds up the system, fortifying it against the after consequences of this terrible malady. TEST "5-DROPS" FREE; A TRIAL BOTTLE Will be mailed free of charge to every reader of this paper who la a sufferer from any of the above named diseases. All that wo ask in return is that you take it as directed and you will find it all that we claim. It costs you nothing and you need feel under no obligations whatever in securing the trial treatment which wo offer. Write (or a trial bottlo ol this wonderful remedy. Large Size Bottle (300 doses), $1.00. At Your Druggists. It it i3 not obtainable in your locality order direct from us and we will send it prepaid SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO., 160 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO Competition In each ot tho events was nu merous and hot, ami tho numhor of Uo scores shows how closn results were. GATE CITYS AFTER 0MAHAS r.cnlcrlili In (ho nowllnir Lmsne 1 In Srrluun I)Iniu(p ut hunt. t After seven weeks of practically undis puted supremacy at tho head ot tho Omaha Bowling league, tho namcsako team, tho Omahas, Is Anally being pushed for the placo by tho swift rolling men ut tho Gate City aggregation. At the first ot tho season tho Omahas Jumped into tho lead, nnd thoro they have remained, leading their nearest rivals by from ZOO to 400 points In percentage ex copt for the ono tlmo at tho end of tho third week when tho Ulurksons tied them for tho nonce. That, however, was nt that early stago In tho season's play when so few games had occurred that ono night's bad rolling wad sufficient to land a team several places below Its former Btandlng, And so tt proved with tho Clnrksons. After that moment of prosperity, tho team lost all throo of Its games tho next week, and has never gono so high since. Dut now, with twenty-four games nlready gone, tt takes a persistent streak of high grade work or of the opposlto kind to put a team up or down, and this makes tho slow crawling raco between tho Omahas and Onto Cltys still more Interesting. Tho two aro now but two games apart, and should each team repeat Its performances of tho last week twlco moro thoy would bo a lint tie. Just now these two teams aro In a posi tion to daily along and fight It out for tho top placo as they will. They are both considerably iu advance ot tho nearest rivals, the St. Charles and Clarkson teams, which are a tie for third place. Last week, however, tho (Jato City men did tho moro credltubln work. In defeating tho Germans they bad a harder task than did tho Omahas with tho West erns, yet tho latter won but two of the threo games, while tho Gate City men took tho trio by handy scores. That goose-egs proved tho Waterloo of this Germans by Just ono position In percentage Thl3 team Is now shoved down to sixth place, while tho Krug Park team has risen above It, reversing tho positions of last weflk. Thero nre no furthor changes. Clarkson and St. Charles men titlll tlo for third, each having won two nut of threo games last week. Tho Nationals, however, braced up and won a gamo against tho St. Charles team, and another such Bpurt will take that cipher off tho front end of their percentage figures. Nono of tho tennis throw any particularly high totals, nnd play was very oven between thorn all, Thero Is not a dlfforonco of 200 pins between tho totals on threo games ot any two of them. Tho Gate City, Omaha and St. Charles men, howovor, throw good substantial scores all through their con tests, and thero was a marked Increase In the steadiness of play. dull btlllllllllKi. W. Omaha 19 Onto Clty.,,17 St. Charles.H Clarkson ..It Krug l'ark.ll German ...10 Western ... 9 National ... 2 u B 7 10 10 13 14 15 r.C. High. Total. Av. .787 974 !J0,&ta 870 9-24 .703 !1S ai,'JS2 845 2-'-'4 .683 818 19,881 828 9-24 ,m m 19,819 824 23-24 .4f-S 921 19,223 800 23-21 .416 901 20,007 833 15-21 .375 910 19.490 812 8-24 .OS3 17,9)1 747 13--1 Scores of 2u0 and I-.iter on the tlato City alleys this week: A. h Bwanson, 215, 201; Wood Hartley, 211. 207; Hughes, 211; 11. Wayward, 216. 205; H. D. Ileed, 213, 211, 210; Tom Hoynotils, 205, 212; Jenkins of lloono, lu 201, 217; F. II. Illake. 200; H. Mnhuffuy of De Moliii'H. 212. 230. 217; J. H. Ulbacin of Ues Moines, 231.. 207, 202; Ted Neule. 210; K. Stunetkur. 22). 235; O. II. Ilrldcnbecker, 222, 223, 233; W. H, Slevors, 200, 20fl; U, F. Miller, 204, 210; U. Ilosenherg, 202; Hon ltoth. 201, 211: Hill Ilowmnn, 223; Hon Hull, 201, 213; Charles .Seaman, 205, 217. 200 ; 0. K, 1'lanagan, 201; C. It. Orchard, 200; II. Frltschor, 211; H. Lehman. 2U3; Kd Lawlcr, 224; Cap. Aycr, 207, 215; U. K. Selleck, 2:. 217. Tenpln scores of 2v und bettor for tha weok nt Clark's ulleyn: J, II. Hodges, 201, 235; M. It. Huntington, 21), 213, 208; Charles fceumnn, t; Juck Wnlch, 212; Houthy. 219, 210; W. II. Kmery. 2i, 201, 2t, 222, 23S, 209, 207, 222; I-". J, llengcle. 213, 221; .1 J. Davy, 201; U. J O'llrlen, 200, 222. 23H, 232, II. Heselln, 201; W. J. Clarksoii, 206. '.UJ. 2W; George Luvldge, 233; "1'lumber'1 Reed, 219, CURED BY SWANSON'S "5-DROPS" 1 SCIENTIFIC SYSTEM OF TREATMENT THAT NEVER FAILS If vou aro suffering from Catarrh or Asthma, secures a bottle of '5-DR0PS" at once. It will afford quick relief and effect n permanent 1 cure of these distressing diseases. Unlike almost any other remedy it is system is involved as is the case with chronic catarrh. The nose is usually the first to feel the attack of catarrh, and the discharge, unless promptly attended to, becomes thick, tenacious, foul smelling and of n yellowish color. This gets into he throat and causes mi offensive breath, and n continual desire to hawk nnd spit, causing various forms of stomach troubles and resulting in the blood becoming filled with the poisonous matter. "5-DROPS" work3 in an effective manner, by at once giving relief to tho sufferer by inhalation and taken internally reaches every part of tho system, and cleanses the blood of all its impurities. It strengthens and builds up one's whole system, effectually driving out the poisons and restoring the affected parts to a perfect healthy condition. It quickly stops the unhealthy and offensive discharge from the nose, clears the head, and breathing immediately becomes easy and natural. READ THESE CETTERS FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN CURED BY "5-DROPS" HATTIE SMITH, Wausau, Wis., writes: "I suffered with catarrh for tho last five years. No doctorscould help me. Sometimes I was unable to hold up my hand, nnd wan deaf for fivo years. After taklug threo bottles of your '5-DROPS' I feel better than I ever havo before, nnd am able to work nil day. I can truthfully say that '5-DR(JI?S' is tho best mcdicino for catarrh, and uo household should be without it." S. L. WHITMAN. Qucchcc, Vt writes: "I am now usiuit your '5-DROPS for WEAK, wasting; STRJCTURED MEM A. 2 y-r-4- Write Today. Do Not Delay. Any sufferer from STKICTUI111 and Its DtTsprlng Vnrlcocelp, Prostatitis und Sem inal Weakncvs, Is Invited to cut out tho coupon herewith, write his namo and ad dress plainly, mntl It to tho St. James Medical As an, 62 St. Jamas Did p., Clucln- . r n..l . 1 .m .. . , ii,.... uuUi v. , uuu uirj win nuiiu iiit.ii illus trated Treatise, showing the parts of the -viiiK me pans or tne FREE male sexual sys tem Involved In urethral ailments. securely so a 1 e d , prepaid. GRAN-SOLVENT Dissolves Stric ture Lilco Snow llcneath tho Bun, Rc duces Enlarged Prostate, Bti-engtuening tho Seminal Duota and Forevor stopping Drains and Emissions. No Drugs to Ruin tho 8tomach, but a Direct und Posltlvo Locul Application to thu Kntlro Urethral Traot, unMP TPPATMPMT "v MA11' CA' 1,13 l'KI3n b' the VA' OUIISISI.VKS. We hum Cnrcd Men In Uvery Country tin Ilnrth. ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSN. Clark'sBowling Alleys j 1313-15 Harney St. Biggest-Brightesl-Best 213, 244, 231, 211. 242. 213, -214; Stockton iiein, i'44; i is. L,ucas. 233; H. Weaver, 202; (1. Gilchrist. 212. 210: H. L. Fowler, 224: W. W. Inehes. Ml. 201. 222. !2.t: WML Hum Weber. 202; J. CavumiUBh, 201; II. v Ichmnnn, 200; C. J. Francisco, 2fl2, 210? Turn Itoynoldu, 211; Mrs. Herman Ucsollii, 200; Miss Loulso Boorno. 201. Tenpln scores of 200 und butter nt Lentz & Williams' alleys: W. T. Weber. 221. 218, 202; L. WVymuller, 222; M. .. Fornoutt. 22G, 200. 230, 202. 233, 200, 202; C. J. Frun clsco, 212; T. W. Schneider, 210; 1. A, KIrknatrlck. 00. 205: T. If. Knillh. "nr.! "R. J. Gaston. 208; Fred Krup, 232; W. It. mum, .m, .u; w. ii. jiununginii, -j.', in.'; Will ZlUmnn. 201. 253: 216: W. H. Hholdnn. 216; F. J. Conrny, 215, 201; II. HeHUlln. 200; jiaruuy, zua; r. ii. ui:iue, s;s; j'. ji, Hamblet. 221; Hert Iteevos, 203; W. II. Stapenhorst, 201, 217; Al KrtlB, 204. Striken nml ,Hiui-rii. Miss Loulso Ooernu haH mado tho re markablo woman's scoro of 201 nt the Oato City alleys. Thlo brlugn hor ii handsome prlzo. K. C. Brumcr rolled 0 points at seven down at thu Oato City alleys. M, It, Huntington took the niouthly ten pln prlzo at Clark's with 277. At tho Gate City alloys 264 pins by Wood Hartley took tho monthly prlzo at tcnplni. "Plumber" Read spread himself at Clark's last Thursday. Ho rolled 1,070 points in flvo bucccsbIvo games of tonplns. That makes an averago of 214 for tho lot. F. F. Drexel takes a rubberneck prlzo at Clark's with 129. C. Conrad Is high for tho Oato City alley flvo back prize, having mado 221 points In thrco successive games, Charles French rolled 24 points In three successive gumes of ninepins at Clark's, getting a trophy for the feat. W. T. Heft took tho monthly tenpln prize At Lentz & Williams' alloys with a scoro of 255. Whlxt CI nl SiMirm. The following U the Omaha Whist club rcoro at its regular Wednesday night meot lng: North und South Ali'o und lnirrcll 102 i Calm und Itoss 1:12 i ('rummer and Brown l!)l 0 Thoinus und Buchanan 101 0 East und West Dreyfus and Llttlefleld 232 7 COUPON , No. 219. Cut tllliolll nmlMiullt with jour naniu nml AMrosn In tjwan.on UtwumRtlcOiro Co.,CblfAK'.ftUd run will lia flit a bottln ot Mmors'' free, ;otru. TIlADCAIAIlM Cured While You Sleep, IN 15 DAYS! o"fc 's Instnitlf ReJlered and the Ohstruo tion Dusolrcd Like Snow Beneath the Sun, m FIFTEEN DAYS I I r fn at CLls CURED, and Weak Men Are Restored T al ILULCICby the Magic St. James Treatment, Ap plied Locally andDlrectly to the Affected Parts. 19,846 CURES LAST YEAR! FREE TREATISE COUPON ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCIA'N (lit St. Jump IIIUu,,(;,iiu:liinntl, U. Plcaso neml me u copy of your Illus trated Work upon thu Main Sexual System, securely scaled, I'ltUI'AlD. FHEI3 of ull CHANGES. Mnmu Addri'Hn Uvrrj- City In the V. H. nml Almost 62 ST. JAMES BUILDING, CINCINNATI, 0, The Fast Trains nro vln THE UNION PACIFIC What is tho use ot wasting your tlmo enrouto and your money on extra meals when It COSTS NO MOItH to travel in tho finest trains on tho best bal lasted road In tho west, the Grrat Trans-Continental Line, "The Overland ltouto?" The Popular Personally Coiuluctcil .Excursions am via this lino. Lcavo Omaha ovcry Wednesday and Friday at 4.25 p. m, can Join excursion at any point enroute. I'ullmun Ordlnnry Cars leavo Omaha nt 11:20 i. in. every Tuesday for I.cs Angeles. Pullman Ordinary (Tourist) Cars leavo Omaha DAILY nt 4:23 p. m, for San Francisco and Portland. For full Information address, City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam. Tolophono 316. Martin and Hweot ltogers and UurnesM Boucher and Bartlott 227 2 2 23 -a 217 -8 Hnw Scur Ilrntli. "It often mado my heart ucho," writes L. C. Overstrcot of Klgln, Tcnn., "to hear my wlfo cough until It seemed her weak and soro lungs would colupbo, (lood doctors said she wns ho far gono with consumption thut no medicine or earthly help could savu her, but a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery und persistent uso of thl.i excellent medicine Baved hor life," It's ah soluuly guaranteed for Coughs, Cold, Bron chitis, Asthma and nil Throat and Lung diseases. COc and U at Kuhn & Co, 'a. Trial bottles free. N V'J