Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1901, Page 15, Image 23

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It lmmedlataly strengthens the sebaoaoiis elands,
nrlches and Increase the nutriment in th sealp,
which li the natural food and life of tho hair. IT
WITH NATURE, IS IT NOT! Give Danderlne
trial and If It does not prora Iti merits to 70m
ntlra latlifactlon, wa will refund the price by
turn mall. What more ean you ask! Now at all
tofsiiU In thrao sIms, 25c 50c, and SI. 00 per
iVrttle; Be lure and get the tannine, made only It
Vne Knowlton Danderina Co.. Chicago, 111.
For sale by lloatou .Store Drug; Dept.
Qnil Dsdgs Tilli Story f Haw tbi
Unioa Ftoifio Wn lailt.
Itecltra Some Incident! Shnninir on
What Slentlcr Thrend Omnlin Once
IIuiiK nnd Tell What
Tnrncd the Settle.
Indicate a morbid condition of the seba
ceous Rl&udl. SquMiIng tlictn out dues
not euro and causes largo pores that bo
como very disfiguring.
With my sclentlne homo treatments,
specially prepared for each case, I positive
ly cure all affections .0! the skin, and re
store to the complexion a healthy rtscato
glow. I rcmore every lino and furrow,
every spot and blemish from tho faco or
body, rendering Hie skin clear and smooth.
consultation in person or
by letter Is free and strictly
confidential. 80 years practi
cal experience,
163 State SI., Chicago.
Pullman Pnlaco Bleeping Cars. Through
Without Chance, livery Week
day, via
Effective Monday, January 6, JSC'S, the
"Biff Four" will opcrato through Pull
man service, Chlcngo nnd Indianap
olis to St. Autrustlnc, -without chnngo,
via Cincinnati und "Queen & Cres
cent" Southern n l'lunt System
and Florida Kant Coast. Sleeper will
run on "Ilia; Four" regular train No.
18, in connection with tlio maKiilllccnt
"Chicago und Florida Special" from
Cincinnati Tho train consists of
X.V. Chicago, dally except Sunday 1:00
X.V. Lafayette, dally except SJndny 4::a
ItV. IndlunnpollH, dally excopt Sunday. .. .6:1)0
liv. arcensburB, dally oxcept Sunday 7:30
jtr. Cincinnati, puny except Sunday 9:uc
Ar. Jacksonville, dally except Momluy...K:15
Ar. St. Augustine, dally except Monday.. 9:30
For full Information and particulars ns'to
Bchcdulcs, rates, tickets, etc., call on agents
"Ulg Four Route," or address tho TOilcr
Igncd. WAllltKN J. I.YXCUI, w. v. mzvvvs,
Gen. I'usa. & Tilt. Act. Ast. G. P. & T. A.
Where It Counts
IHUT on a K. N. & r. Suit or Over
M coat and notice the set of the
collar and shoulders, and thegrace
ful llries of the cararerit. That's
Shore tt coUhta. These potnta com
Ined with cicellence of fabric
and tailoring, are features that
place this make In a class by Itself.
Ask your dealer to illustrate
tnesc points.
Last Monday at the Omaha club General
Orcnvlllo M. Dodgo sat down to luncheon
with a party of old friends. Somo toasts
wero Indulged, mostly reminiscent In their
nature, and General Dodgo told tho follow
lng ntory of the genesis of the Union Pa-
clQo nnd Omaha:
"Whon a votco called me up on tho telo
phone and Informed mo (bat this club do
sired to glvo mo a luncheon at which I could
meet some of my old friends I was sur
prised and rather objected, but the voles
took mo back to early days, and I thought
If thoso who wore with mo then carried
their friendship to ton,; to desire to see
mo It was a great honor and satisfaction to
mo and I accepted with great pleasure,
"Naturally when I meet you hero undor
such circumstanced my mind carries mo
hack to the early '50s, when, there vas no
Omaha and no Nobraak.i. Tho first time I
crossed tho Missouri river, with a. small
engineering party, I was greeted on this
side by Indians. No whlto man lived here
and tio one In my party probably had over
seen an Indian before. My duties m chief
of the party wero to look up the country
ahead and the young boy who ran tho p.tfty
Is a citizen today of Omnhn. lie was with
mo many years, an ablj, conscientious, hard
working, faithful man, to whom I owe much,
tor ho faithfully filled all his positions, lie
Is well known In this city and I am glad
to say has been honored by It. I speak of
Mr. J. E. House.
Adventure with nn Indian.
"I rodo out to tho Klkhorn river alone,
leaving Houso to follow. On arriving at the
Klkhorn I was tired, unsaddled lo glvo my
horso a chanco to grass nnd lay down to
take a nap. I was aroused by tho neighing
of my horso and looking across tho valley
saw a l'awnoo Indian taking him us fast
as he could forco him rJong towards the
river. Naturally I was frightened and hardly
know what to do, but Instinct told me I
must have my horse, and grabbing my rifle
I Btartcd out toward tho Indian, hallowing
at tho top of my voice. Tho pony was evl
dently as frightened nt tho Indian as I
was and was stubborn in his movements
and the Indian finally dropped him and fled
across tho Elkhorn. Ten or moro years
aftorwards, when I was in command of
this department and was ordered to open
tho different mall and stato lines across
the continent, which bad been closed for
somo months by tho Indians, I raised a
battalion of Pawnees to old mo as scouts
and placed In command of them Major
North, a very valuable, offlcor and ono
whom many of you know, and they were of
great scrvlco to me. Tho, Indian who at'
tempted to steal my horso was ono of tho
battalion and stated to Major North that
I made so ' much "noise that 'I scared tho
pony arid' himself so that1 ho got" away from
me . as fast as possible and never "stopped
running1 until he reached tho "Pawnee vll
lago across the Platte.
"On my return to tho party I found' them
encamped on the emigrant road leading
from Florence to tho Elkhorn at the cross
ing of tho Dig Papjlllon. During the day
tno inaians naa nccn neiping tnemsoives
and the party was In a far from happy state
of mind In fact, tho Indians had actual
possession of tho camp, and you can see my
Introduction to Nebraska was anything but
a satisfactory one.
Genesis of Omnhn.
"Now, If I should try to portray to .you
or anyono tho experiences, tho trials and
tho sufferings of tho picket lino of settle
ment and exploration In thoso days you
would declaro it moro fiction than fact.
Early friendships inado under such circum
stances are .calculated to last, and it Is ono
of tho great gratifications of my llfo that
tho ties that bound us togother never have
been sundered. I cannot tell you anything
of Omaha today, but probably no ono has a
hotter knowledgo of tho circumstances and
facts that founded Omaha as a future great
city. It you knew them all you could aee
upon what elondcr threads at times Its ex
istence depended. Omaha, as a city, was
determined long beforo It was Bottled. It
cama from tho determination of the location
on tho Missouri river of tha survoys made
undor the direction of Henry Farnum and
William Sheffield far In advance, of any set
tlement of this territory. It fell to my lot,
under tho direction of that distinguished
engineer and more distinguished citizen.
Potor A. Dcy, to mako the Orst survey
across tho stato of Iowa and to determine
where in all probability a lino would end
upon tho Missouri rlvor In this parallel of
latitude and whore any railroad being built
west would leave this river. Nono of you
know tho tntorests Involved and' tho, matters
raised In determining that point. My ser-
lces demonstrated that the true. engineering
tl Inlercitca nt ihouM know
MARVEL Whirling Spray
;bneT,r1.. as
tie and Auoisit, litst-Haf.
; Moit ConTiilnt,
MARI UI.. ARl-lfct tut
pine r, but tend damn tcr 11.
full rrthnilrlanilrll'rrtioi,.ln.
Koom ru vt!n Hide . N V,
The Whirling Spray Syringe For Sale By
Sherman & McConnel I Drug Go,
Utu Mid Dodtfe, Ouinfaa, Nest.
and commercial lino crossing Iowa shoutd
come down tho Mosquito and end In Coun
cil muffs, and going west tho line should
cross to the platto valley and up that to
the mountains, and so on west. The finan
cial Interests In Iowa were favorable to a
lino running down tho Pigeon and crossing
to Florence; another diversion was by
Bellevue, another south of tho Platte -and
a fourth crossing at the mouth of the Doycr,
and all these lines I examined.
12nd of Florence.
"Dcfore my survey had been finally de
termined tho parties Interested had planted
their stakes at Florence and announced
that oa the crossing place of tho Missouri
river. sMy reports were sustained by Mr.
Der and finally tho decision made was re
versed 'nnd tho crossing was determined to
be opposite this place, This being determ
ined, I was authorized to cornmenco work
at Council Illuffs, provided I could obtain
local aid, and Pottawattamie county gave
mo 1300,000 In bonds and Mr, Farnum fur
nished tho funds for doing tho grading and
what Work was dono up to tho time that all
work In tho. state was stopped on account
of the panic. Thero Is no doubt that the
final determination of what Is now known
as tho Hock Island railway crossing tho
Missouri river, waB what first drow tho at
tcntlon of people to Omaha and that brought
to the Muds every railroad survey at that
tlmo being mado across tho stato and I
think thero are ,men at this table who will
say to you that that was the real Drat be
ginning of Omaha.
Conversation Tfltli Lincoln.
"In 1868, if I recollect rightly, on ray war
from reconnolssances west with my narty.
wnlch had been out tho entlm summer. I
camped my party In Council Illuffs nnd went
to tho Pacific house. At that tlm'o.Abrnbarn
Lincoln was vlaltlng the Illuffs. He heard
of my return from my surveys and sought
rao out at tho Pacific house and on tho
porch of that hotel ho eat with mo for two
hours or moro and drow out of rao all tho
facts I hd obtained In my survey and
naturally my opinion as to the route foe a
railroad west and as to the feasibility of
billldlng It. I thought bo moro of this at
the. tlmo than that po3slbly I bad been glv
lng away seereU that belonged to my cm
ployers In this work. In 1862. whllo In com
mand of the district of Corinth. Miss.. I re
celved a dispatch from General Grant to
proceed to Washington nnd report to tho
president. No explanation coming of tho
dispatch, I was a little alarmed, for thero
had como to mo at Corinth a great many
negroes and I had placed them In what was
known as contraband camp nnd had placed
over them' certain soldiers as guards. Thta
caused me a good deal of annoyance nnd
trouble. Tho whlto soldiers did not likn
the duty and took ovcry opportunity to
annoy tho negroj, even In some cases going
so rar as to shoot them. Tho suporln
tendent of tho camp was Chaplain Alex
andcr of an Ohio regiment, a verv abln and
excellent "man, and ho suggested ono day
to mo mat no bolleved that negroes would
bo better to guard tho contraband camp
tban white soldiers. I authorized him to
raise ono, or two comnanlcs nnd I arm,i
them, solely for tho purpose of guarding
these negroes. I had no authority to do
this and I did not at tho tlmo appreciate
mo importance that was to bo given to It
Reqd The. Bee
Is often onlr a svmpton of
In dyspepsia there is a-lo of nu
which is felt by brain as well ai body;
the tniad grows morbid as the body
loses vigor.
Doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures
dyspepsia and oth
er diseases of the
stomach and associated-
organs of di
gestion and nutri
tion, it en Dies
the proper nutri
tion of, the body
and restores men
tal cheerfulness as
well as physical
Tor about two years
I ausTtred from very
katlnatt .case of dr
ecpala, write ft.
Btcord, Haq., or 13
Intern Ave., Toronto.
Ontario. I tried a
great Bumeer of reme
dies without success.
. 1 Snattv lut faith la
tfaem all. I was so fat
gone that I could not
mu .All, r.ini mm
r SBBBBB SBBBBBJ my stomaca nr a ion
TalaB sbbbbW time; Jm mtlanchc
mM Sf-BBBBBS .... .-d am con
it ha In my 'case se.
rnmnltah,! m Mrmn.nt cure. 1 can coasdett'
tlaualy recommend it to the thousands of dya-
pcaiica inrouf no loe jana."
Accent no substitute for "Golden Med
leal Discovery." There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
blood, and lungs.
Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellets stimulate
my atomach tor a long
lime j jwn miancnvir
tmd ditnsili. Could
not aleen nor folloa
my occupation. Soma
four months ago a
friend recommended
your 'Golden Medical
Discovery.? After a
week'a treatment X
had darived So much
benefit that I contln.
aed the medicine. I
hTe taken three dot.
Thero ,wero many protests, sent In agal
this, and. Ilthought that my call to Wm
IngtonVwae -possibly to be called to acomnt
ror mis, act.
Ilacoln -Determined the Matter,
".Whon'I'feached' Washington and renorted
A - At -
w mo preeiaent I soon ascertained that I
was dent there for a consultation with him
Ho had remembered his conversation with
mo on tho Pacific houso porch, and under
tne law it had been mado his duty to deter
mlno tho eastern terminus of the Union
racino roaa ana .those of you who rcrncm
ber that tlmo know what prcssuro wo3
brought to bear on the president to namo
different pointy far north and far south of
this. After, a long conversation with mo
obtaining my views fully and tho reasons
for them, the president finally determlnad
to. maito it, as you all know, on tho west
ern boarder of Iowa, opposite this city
Tbat, In my opinion, was tho settled de
clslon that rendered beyond .all Question tha
future of your city and your Btate,
"I wish .to.say. here that while my surveys
and my conclusions may have bacn ot great
benefit to-you, still they wero mado because
thero wasino .question, from an engineering
point of view, where tho lino crossing Iowa
and, going west from this river should cross
tho 'Missouri river, and It was also my con
elusion that It was tho commercial line.
Tho Lord had so constructed tho country
that any engineer who failed to tako advan
tago of tho great open road from hero west
to Salt Lake iCIty would not have been fit to
belong to the profession; 600 miles of It up
a slnglo valley without a grado to exceed
flfWcn feet; tho natural pasu over tho
Hocky mountains, tho lowest in all tho
range, and tho dlvldo ot the continent, In
stead of being a mountain summit, has a
basin BOO. feet below tho general level. It
was a gratification to me at tho tlmo to
have the support ot all tho people In tho
vicinity 'of this' country In my views. Thero
l34no telllng how much Influenco It had and
welitht it carried, and without belnir in.
yldlous or.partlal I really think that Omaha
arid Nebraska today owe more to my old
friend and always faithful comrado anA up
porter, Dr. Goorgo L.. Miller, for tho sue
cess ot these-efforts, than any other man
cbjutd show you many ot tho bcneflU he
nrougnt to you, even more man ne Knows
himself, and he was tho most unselfish and
determined continuous lighter for his city
and stato that I ever knew, and I taka
plonsure here In his owu homo In paying my
tribute to him.
1 ' ' llovr he Country Grew.
"Now, gentlemen, this city and stato for
their great prosperity after tho tact are
mostly Indebted to the Union Pacific rail
way. It blazed the way across the con
tlnent. They took all tho chances and
solved the problem ot the building ot a
railroad to" the Pacific, not only from an
engineering point of vlow, but also tiom a
commercial one, and It wns therefore easy
after that, for all roads to follow. It was
at that tlmo a very 'jrcat problem If a
road built could ever earn Its interest.
After Its completion the board of directors
of tho company requested me to make an
estimate of the gross earnlngB per mile
for tho next ten years. They desired
an estimate from which they could prove
to the poople that it would be ablo to pay
the Interest upon the raortgago bonds
and after calling to my aid alt the people
who had knowledge of the capabilities ot
tho country west ot tho Missouri rlvor, as
well as these of China aud Japan, and In
fact of all Asia, the best I could do was
to report to them gross earnings within
ten years of 85,000 per rallo and If I re
member rightly In less than five years
the road earned $10,000 per mllo. So you
see bow Uttlo those who had the best knowl
edge ot this country appreciated what Its
developments would bring about. The earn
ings of the Union Paclfk made It sate tor
any other road to onter the territory and
to the Ames, the Dillons, Goulds, Scott,
Huntington .and Stamford In an early day
ana to refKins, .Miner, uamo, Hewitt, Mil
lard and many others of a latter day this
country should give groat honor und no
abuse. It has been the fashion In our day
to hold up to the coming generation the
names of Astor, Vandcrbilt and tho noted
Knickerbockers as the great men commer
cially for them to follow. These men In
vested, their money In the east, where It
was sat e and sure of dividends, but tho men
who developed the country and broucht In
Utile milltoM without one cent la return
they are tho ones you and all others are
Indebted to for their foresight, their risk
ing everything and finally building up a
great empire west of the lakes.
Most of those ot tho earlier day
have passed away and this coun
try Is now awakening to the credit due
them, which I hopo wilt somo time bo paid
them. When you como down to the present
time I admit tbat I am not up to tho times.
Some Newer Dcvclnpmcnt.
"I never dreamed that the Union Paclfla
rallrond would control the Southern Pacific.
My fear was always that tha ownership
would bo In tho Southern Pacific. You must
not elt stilt and pass by what thoro Is for
yeu here In this great control. Your busi
ness men must get near to the throne and
uso your energies like Miller and Saunders
and Millard and many others did In an
earlier day to tako tho benefits of what thU
was for. Nor need you bo afraid ot the
great combinations Just completed In tho
northwest. It will not raise rates ot freight
ono mill nor ot passengers one cent. The
men at tho head of that gigantic enterprise
are broad-minded. They havo thought and
built well and they will bring stability, de
velopment and great wealth that cannot
but bo of great benefit to you, You must
not forget ono of tho great advantages of
such combinations to a new country. Thoy
havo behind them such an Immense capital
that when you go to them with nny projoct
that has merit in It for tho development ot
your country they are able to adopt It nnd
carry It out, whilst In, an earlier day pro
jects wero ofton presented to those who
controlled tho Internal Improvements of
this country which they saw tho merits of
nnd wero anxious to tako hold ot, but It
was 4mposstbi'o for them to obtain the capi
tal at thoso times to do It. Nor must you
forget what this combination means. The
country west of hero has hardly been
scratched and with the tralDB of the country
pushing forward Its development with steam
and electricity and air, what one hero can
prophesy what fifty years will develop be
tween hero and tho Pacific ocean,
"I know there Is somo nervousness among
peoplo about thoso great combinations, but
thoso that oro not upon n solid basis will
topplo over from their over weight and the
others wilt contlnuo nnd grow and bring
stability to all kinds of business. Tho com
mercial man wants to know that he can
safely lay down planu for six months or a
year and under such direction ho can safely
do It and it Is a mistake to attack them
beforo you aro hurt. You will find greater
benefits coming to your country by support
lng and aiding them, rather than by abuse
and opposition.
"New blood must tako tho placo of old and
I bid you Godspeed In your efforts. Aud
now, my friends, In our old ago tho great
satisfaction to nil of you and to mo Is to
know that our early efforts aro both recog
nized nnd appreciated, that too old friend
ships ncqulred In trials and tribulations
aro still fresh and true and to my old friends
and nil of you I wish I know how to' express
to you what Is In my heart, but I cannot. I
can only say, I thank you with alt my
ritATTi.i: of this youngstriis.
Momma Never put off until tomorrow
what you can 'do today.
Johnnlo-Well, thon, I'll cat tho rest of
iheplo BOW
Vrj " ... c '
.A. 5-ycar-old Brooklyn girl expressed stir
prlso (biV"nor father should recelvo a bill
pintail, "vv,hy,,, said she, "It Is printed
on a. fence up'the'strcet, 'Post no bills."
The Teachers' Federation Bulletin, pub
lished in Chicago to expose tax dodgers and
clovato teachers, was Issued last' week.
.Miss Goggln and Miss Haley, who won a
notablo victory over tax dodgors In the
courts recently, aro tho editors. and have
started off wlth'3,500 subscribers. There
Is as tax department by Mies Haley and a
"Solemn Thought" department, of which
Miss Goggln is editor. Included In tho
"Solemn Thought" Is a story from her
school room about "Johnny," who was tak
ing a lesson In 'geology.
"A stratum," explained tho teacher, "Is
a layer of anything. Can somo one give
me an cxamplo?"
"I konw," answered Johnny; "It's a non."
A little 3-ycar-otd of Newton, Mass., has
frequently astonished his parents by rathor
witty remarks. Ono day recently his mother
was busy preparing to go away and Wllllo
came Into tho houso and mado a great deal
ot nolso running about with his heavy
shoos. Ills mother told him she was so
tired that sho would llko to havo him go
upstairs and tako his shoes oft and put his
slippers on. Willie obeyed, and, returning
to tho room whero his mother was, talked
incessantly. Several times sho had to stop
in tho midst of her work to answer his
questions. Finally her patlenco becamo ex
hausted, and she said: "Wllllo, will you
stop talking? You havo mo crazy," Ho
stopped a minute, then replied: "Well, you
mado mo tako my shoes off, but y'ou can't
mako me tako my tonguo out, anyway."
A tiny Baltimore girl of 7 gavo a dinner
party the other day, for which twelve cov
ers were laid, and that number of small
maidens sat down to dine. It was a real
Uttlo girls' dinner, and tho Uttlo hostoss
herself presided, sitting at the head ot the
table. She had been very anxious, in look
ing forward to It, to do everything as It
should bo done.
"Mamma," sho asked, "shall - we say
grace 7"
"No," said mamma; "It will be a very
Informal dinner, and I think you need not
do that."
That meant ono ceremony less to be
gono through and was a relief. But the
Uttlo lady was anxious to havo all her
guests understand It. -So, ns they gathered
about the tablo, she exclalmod; '
"Mamma says that' this, Is such an Infer
nal dinner that we need not have grace
today 1"
Holiday sale
oriental rugs
We cordially invite you to our annual sale of
Oriental Rugs which we commence Monday
morning. This season wc have surpassed all
former efforts in securing a collection of Oriental
Rugs that will be admired particularly by con
noisseurs. This is not a lot' of rugs brought here
on consignment, but were selected and bought di
rect by us, therefore we can offer to the lovers of
Oriental Rugs values and gems that are out of
the ordinary and not to be classed with auction
house goods or those shown at temporary sales.
See the beautiful silk warp Senncs, the soft
colorings of the silk Ghordeys, Screbends, Ispah
ens, Irans, Bokharas, Shiraz, Hcrez, Ghenges,
Kirmanshirs, Kazacks and many other districts of
the Orient represented.
We can say that here you can find an assort
ment of rare, choice rugs with soft, silky weaves m
Widl wrieiitai rug wvtia iau i.iuai "Hr""-
ciate. We have rugs in all sizes and give
the carpet size rug particular attention. To
give you an idea of some of the values, wc
offer 285 rugs, divided into 6 lots, as
0 Hamailcns, very choice,
VKKsL M at,....lav
Lot NO 4 ,)'c'0UCM's'nn!'' "onie rare values J20
1 nt Mft 5 " Oheuges. you will nppreelato (COS
L,ut nu. o nl0 value when you see the rugs,
Lot No. 6 K $25
Lot No. I-
Lot No. 2- eL?.?.?::..0?.''?1"0:. 14.25
I ni IMn 1 8 Ghenges, worth considerably Q Cf
L.VI HU. J moro than our price, each lO.OU
Toys, Toys, Toys.
Tomorrow (Monday) wo open our toy department. Wo wolcome you, ono and ull. Bring tho children. The Utile
ones will enjoy seeing the many things Santa Claus has prepared for thorn.
Special efforts have been mado this year to eclipse nny former showing of toys. Havo wo succeeded? You can
answed this question when you sen tho wonderful toyland. larger show room, grcator variety ot toys. Our
wholo basement given over to tho Toy Department, properly ventilated and plenty of llRht. Toys of ovcry descrip
tion, largo now lot ot mechanical toys, hobby horses, dolls, iron toys, drums, etc., etc., In fact everything In toys
you can think of and somo you would never think of, Thcrcforo como and sco tho now toys, bring the Uttlo folks.
It will do them good. ,
Furniture Upholstering
Again wc call your attention to tho fact that wo havo opened up furniture upholstcrlug shops In our ovtn build
ing and aro'now In position to tako care of any upholstering or repair work entrusted to us. Heretofore wo wore
obliged to put tho raoRt of this work out on account of not having facilities of our own tu handlo'lt. Now wo havo
light, large roomy chops ot our own with compotcnt workmen and solicit upholstering nnd finishing work. Satis
faction guaranteed, estimates furnished. ,
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Qo
1414'I4I6'1418 Douglas Street.
Are located in the small of the back and may appear on one or
both sides. These are dangerous symptoms because they indicate
the early appearance of Bright's Disease.
Prickly Ash Bitte
Is an effective kidney medicine. It conveys a healing and strength
ening influence to the suffering kidneys, stops the wasting of tho
kidney tissue, stimulates digestion, cleanses the liver and bowels
and puts the entire system in order.
told at Drug Stores.
Price, $1.00 Per Bottle.
Good Old Grandma's Advice
The children are sick send for grandma! Who Is there like her"(of
wisdom nnd gentleness, nnd sympathy, since the first baby came? What
would we have done without her?
" are splandld, my oM ronlh.r
praltei then rery lilchly. nd .ar th. would
mr b without th.m. Honanl w. Wall
man, lKTramont Street, r'alrmotint, Ohio.
't itiBV rl eTcn yearn with tare-worm but
didn't know I ht one. Two month, aen I wn
taken with Inflamatlon ot the uowelt. sour
lomaeli. alck heariachn. I tried Oatc.ret. nd
nait not taken them a week before 1 wi relleTeit
nt a tap.. worm IB (ect Ions. 1 am Terr much
Airs. John Htone, rat-ln-Bar Island, Ohio.
"After taVln Oaarts for'a'faiTnlsMj'
X t In ,fii ,"a" naT. our praj
" ".iiinaii lurniBn leiumonia!
ujuu. nuv ueiirc. 11.
Mrs. Harrr Wood. K.nnetn.'InS..
"I y troubled for a lone lima with ltvar
romplalnt and wai In
nfi to (Its up work. 1 took but i doiaa
VM,c,lrt odtoi I wii abla to co to wit
-Mri.Joi. Kraillnf, 1131 Contren 81.-, St. Louis.
Tho wisdom of years of experience with her own health, arj'd
grandpa's and tho children's, and children's children has taught
grandma what Is good for her and the several generations of family
fihe has looked after. Grandmu of today knows and advises that
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic arc the only perfect family medicine for
all bowel troubles, children's diseases, diseases of the stomach and
liver, sick headaches, biliousness and bad blood.
Best for thn Itnuf.l.. All -f-- ... ...
Never sold In bulk. The .enulne fAlet ii.mV;3 c
w J.n Ved ,0 f e or yur- foney back. Sample and
Bterllng Remedy Company, Clilcajo or Hew York. us
Woman's Debt to Cardvi
XThsrton, Texas, January 3f, 90l,y
Before I begin taking Wine of CtrrJui and Thedford's Black-Draught I had almost glyea
n the Idea of trying to get relief from my trouble. My menses did not last more than two days
and I had cramps in the lower part of my stomach snd my limbs ached. My eyes and nos
trils became sort. But now since taking Wine of Cardul and Thedford's Black-Draught I pasud
this month without a pain and ran the whole time. I feel like a new woman. I advise all
suffering women to take Wine of CarduL I owe my health to your wonderful "Woman's Relief",
Mrs. A. D. PAIGE.
Why will any woman hoitate to take Wine of Cardul with Mn. Paige's plain, honwt itory before her?
regulate the menses perfectly and cures all the distressing ills that are caused by the irregular (I.W.
There Is no excuse for any reader of this paper submitting to days of suffering every month. Do
you think Mrs. Paige would let her trouble run another day again, now that she knows what it is to
be well and strong ? You will be like another woman in a short time if you secure a bottle of Wine
of Cardul from your druggist today and take H according to directions. Mrs. Paige is only one
among thousands of women who have secured relief from Wine of CarduL It cures ItucorrhflJU
falling of the womb, and every kind of "female trouble." Try it!
For adrlc. and literature, addrcaa, fl'lna- ajmptomn, "Tha I.adlaa' Adrlaory
Department," Tea Oaaltanooga ueaiouta vompaay, unaiwaooga. irna.