s THE CONGRESS RECONVENES .Monday, December 2nd, and Amur icit's Ltiwulvcrs Arc Awaiting With Interest PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S MESSAGE The I'lMiple, 'loo, An- llaiiretliiK tin lloi-llllll'Ol lit III- Dill! Of DlltlNlllll lnlrri'Ml fo Hit' Coiinlr)'. .Monday tomorrow --('resident. Itnnsuveli nuilu'H tilH foniml bow to tliu iieoplu who honored li 1 111 with tliu high olllcu Mu now IioMh. 1 1 1 u llrnt inrHMiiKu to Congress will Interest nol only (hu two houses of tliu A mur lt'ii li Congress and tliu American peo ple, lull tliu world nwulu lila utterances with utmost ii h in tic ti eagerness uh our own people. o.m: thimi is i:ht.i., the president will nay something worthy tliu iittunlloii of every limn mill woinnn in inerlcii. Ili Iiiih pnsltlvo iiollmiu upon nil pulillc topics mill it Ih (air to expect, him to place lilu lileiiH lieforu the tuilloii in n Btyle peculiar his own. What hu will adopt an tho ki'.v.miti: or ins vii:ss.w;i: I'linnot hu forecast. It will umloiihtuilly ha pitched on u l(ey which will ring around l lie globe ami attract comment from every nuwHpnper which ventures to discuss tliu polltlcH of the world. .Meantime and In ml anco tho llanlter.i Reserve Ufo Asaocintlon wishes, through lis win. i, kmiwn imi i :si I to annoiincu ngiilii Kb policy for tho rtitui'o. Nulirahkii pcoplu are familiar in a iiiciisuro at IciiHt with tliu groat worlt undertaken by this homo organization. They are therefore pleiiHi'd to know that 11)01 Iuih lieen the ban ner year of thu company. An itvcritgo of fliSO.OOO per month of new hiiulneHs Ih hulng put upon thu company's bookB and lapsus are merely nominal. Thu ii.mci:iin m:si:iir. i.ti i: of Omaha Iiiih entered thu Held Intending to cuiniiier all opposition and win Ub way In spite of alien competitors. Uh policies are unexcelled, its methods modern anil Its management economical. If thu pcoplu will continue their loyal support Nebraska will take n hle.li rank In thu liiHiirnncu world. They will not fail in their duty. More agents urn wanted. .Several western states will ho open in tho near future. Wrltu for territory and tonus to ii. ii. iioiiiNti. ritr.sim: vr. THE ILLUSTRATED HEE. December 1, 11)01. .SCHOOLS ami roi.i, icons. Itllalll.iuu Uli..Hll.i.ti.l ft!.. m.1 1 .. . ........in.., w..ut IWUIIU. A yi'OWIlllllB HI1II Kngllsli, Students who desire It ura as- Hinted to poaiuoni to earn board while at lundltiK. Hentl for catalogue. Ilea llulld In?, Omaha, Nab. .... YOU SEE More Style, Better Leather anil n Finer Finish In the Regent $3.50 Shoes than you do In most $5 and IS shoes on tha market. Shoes for Men Only. Our $2.60 shoe cannot be b oaten. REGENT SHOE CO., 205 South 15th St. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. Floral designs UtiutitiutH (iii short or tiers. All tho lending roses nr.tl carnations mid IIESSfc SWOBODA, FI.OHISTH, Phone 1601 1411 Knriiam St.. Oniniin. Jl&mts Tffmted "or Mr ln. JOHN A. I.OU A.YH liriuid Nrw Hook IHlRTV YF&RS IN WASH INlilurl. II rtrcali Hit Inner Ufa .n.l alt I lie Wonderful SI htt uid Hrrnr. of our National 1'iiilul-KiMutlvt, AdinlputrUr, hoclal, .n.l lfrtmmtali lncludratlie Mitaof allthtrmi I. uu.llalr wItm mil rvrry I j.ly oil lif While I lou.f from V.li)ngtoii lu ItiMwrvrlt In m.jfnlnrvnt llluttratlont. faacl-natuwlntfrt-ti, rduratlonal valur and ruptd aitlt-a. It la tha aiitK 01 otioaa. toinrn vim wouiru r onrr ui, at noma thtfiiMta. . InmiW tti. I aIU. ftrlutlvv territory aii'l An. Ivrma I rrltiltt. tial.l .ml rrt'illt Klvrn. Addma A. II, U VIITIIIM. I '). A I II., Ilttrllurd, loan. Pulpit Episodes Sam" Jones, tho rovlvallst. was once taking women to taBk for spending moro tlmu In prinking than In praying. "If thero'B n woman here," ho finally screamed, who prays moro than alio prinks, lot her tand up." Ono poor old faded specimen f femininity, In tho Borrlcst, shabbiest of lothcs, nroso. "You spend moro tlmo pray- ng than prinking?" asked the preacher, aklng her nil In. Tho poor old creature said sho did prayed all tho time, prinked ot nt nil. "You go Btralght home," ad monished Jones, "and put a llttlo tlmo on your prinking." riiu Liverpool l'ost tells a story ot a clergymnn who was recently called upon to baptize nine children. From No. 1 to b nothing went nmlss. Tho ninth, however, proved to hu a lusty boy, who soon suc ceeded In almost wriggling out ot his some what Bcnnty clothes. Thu clergyman, grnsp- ing thu Infant by tho nape ot tho neck and by such garments aa still remained no- cure, was proceeding with tho service, when thu mother, overcome with admiration for er child and scarcely realizing tho sol- utility of thu occasion, remarked In n loud volcu: "Hu's a nlco little lump, sir; Isn't ho7" A mvlviillHl niitni'il A. Wnccn has been preaching In Uoanoko, Va., nnd ndvlslng the farmers to burn their tobacco crop in oruer to avoid burning themselves In thu next world. Mntthew Scarce, n well known young farmer, emptied eight bnrns which wero llllcd with lino tobacco, piled it In one Immoiiso heap, Invited Ills nclgtinors in nnu then sot flro to tho wholo crop, It was vnlued at $8,000. Tho other farmurs, how uvcr, aro selling their tobacco, preferring that Bomeono ulau should burn it nftcr they got tho money for It. A cortnln Unitarian minister of Greater N?nw York Is determined that Ills young diiiiRhter hhall not know tho dork sldo of orthodox religion. Tho hiIsb went to the country with her mother during tno paBi summer and thoro found n playmate In tho wmtlifiil daughter of a vlllaco teacher. Ono day tho following conversation was overhonrd: "You'vo told a story," said tho village girl ncciiHlngly. "Don't you know whore folks go that tell stories?" "No." replied tho Now York mis3. 'Whoro do thoy go?" "Thoy go to hell." "Whcra's hell 7" lllnnkl You a minlstcr'l daughter and don't know whoro holl Is!" "Wull, I don't coro," answered tho nc cuscd, "I never was In n geogrnphy clnsa In my life." m i..:.. : i)...,.,.wJ MMiuilnltiit 11 mm nro asslstlm; tha stock men of southern Utnh In reducing tho herds nf wiiii luirxriit which ronni tho rniigoB. re ports thu Denver Nuws. It Is reported that tho Hons hnvo considerably tuniinisueii ww herilB by tluvnurlng tho colts. Young colts seem to hu chnlco morsels for tho wild henstB nnd it Is said that not nriv pntiH eHeniied thu Hons this sea- boii on tho Iloulder, Thousand I.nko and Fish I.ako mountnlns. Tho Hons acem io ,.r..rp ilm ml I h to lambs nnd calves and Blneo there havo been a great many coltB bom on thu ranges during tno msi iev years tho beasts of prey havo almost ceased to molest tho offspring oi sneep nnu ciuuu. An tim llmiR nro not much hunted nnd havo ready access to choice food they havo been IncronBlng In numbors rnpldly nnd threaten to becomo a grent mennco to Btock- nien. especially when tho wild horses begin to grow scarce. Down In Knno county tho horses havo about deserted tho haunts of thu lion nnd nro Increosing so fast that tho tockmen hnvo recently decided upon inoir extermination. A prominent stockmnn Just ii frimi I tin south hiivb that with this ..iiiiilnvnil Ilin ilenredntlnns of the Hons and tho starving to denth In hnrd winters tho wild horso bands or soutnern Utnh will soon becomo a thing of tho past. Whims of Spoiled Child Cleveland I'lnln Denlor: "Sit down," said tho llerco old man and tho trembling youth obeyed, "Well, what Is It?" Tho unhappy young man elenrcu ins throat, "1 havo enmo; that Is, I hnvo como," he hegnn In stammering accents, "to nek you for tho baud of your daughter ltuth." Tho old man leaned back In his chair and Intently regarded his visitor. "Does my daughter want you?" ho asked "Yes. Blr: I am suro sho does," tho youth replied with some ongcrnesfl. "Sho sent rati to you." Tho old man sighed. "Tho whlttiB of that child nro really un nccountnblo," ho muttered. "It ecems hut a day or two ngo that sho cried for a doll. Then It wns n pony. Now It Is n monkey Of courso sho'U hnvo to havo It If sho wants It. That's nil. OooJ-day." Father Had Keen There Now York Times: They roomed together at ono of tho fraternities and the room was blue bi'cnuso of Ilalfhaek. "What's tho mntter?" asked Quarter, sympathetically. Halfback Thu matter? Everything l the matter! I wruto father to send mu the money for somo textbooks mnt wouldn't It kill you? what do you suppose ho doea? Sends mo tho textbooks! lain nnd sweat rSitelttf J Oil. It re- m t the damp, f tf nble. Sllldiej Jf Ji"V-"V"' t" tin not l.realt. XV Noroujmir- Mitl (c to cliafe . N f A only kectn looking Me new, Ij ii t wears twicr as lonr by the I ute of I'.utcVa luriiets Oil. Sold everywhere in cans all tires. Made by Standard Oil Company JbuTWEIiiHS , ALL OTHERS JX rXv ;N MER.T. V TYPEWRITER. V Simplest Construction, Least Kcpairs, Best At-Qnment Finest WorM ij'joYj;r United Typewriter & Supplies Co. 1611 l:arnam St., Omaha, RED GROSS WHISKEY 4rs CO00 T QUARTS hb lor. Ezpreu oharges pronnld $3 Recommended by tha leading phyil- Uiih and used la all prominent hoa-! plUls. The Red Croaa Whiskey enjoys to day tho best of rep utations and stands abovo all In quality and purity. Reference!: PJRBT NATIONAL. DANK OP OMAHA OR ANY EXPRESS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 71 So. Ittb Street OMAHA, Bole Owaera. Orden from state west of Nebraska, will be shipped by treKU. A BUSINESS DISPUTE Is easily settled when account are properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trylnR to nave on BLANK DOOKS. We will nuke you a set ruled nnd printed to order M such a email cost that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414.416 S. 11th St., - - OMAHA, NEB. Mr. Wliialou'a MimiIIiIiik Syrup has been used for over FIFTY YRARS til MILLIONS of MOTIIKHS for their C1III. nilKN Willi. U THHTMINO. with l'KH KHfT SPCOKSS IT SOOTIIKS tho CIIII.U, SOKTKNS the OI'MS AI.I.AYS nil PAIN, CUHKS WIND roi.IC and Is the best rem edy for niAHHUOIOA Sold by druggists 111 every part nf the world Ho sure nnd ask for "Mrs, WIiihIow's Soothing Byrup" and tnko 110 other kind, Twenty-five cents a bottle. UYouWantTheBgt AskRr a CLO THING KOHN BROlS. MARLK5 CHJCAGO. If your dealer docs not handle the "GAYROCK BRAND" write us and we will furnish the name of one who docs. Write for our larce map of the United States sent free on application. Address Dept. J, THIS ELEGANT CUT GLASS DE CANTER stand In j; 12 inohos high nnd filled with FREE Hiller'si Celebrated 8-year-old Rye Whiskey mill glass ABSOLUTELY 1-UKK. Sontl us flli in to l"iy f""' tw" (-) t'ttlloiisof IIILLI-U'S pWltF ,URj KYU, nml wo will onolost' with samo tho Doeantor ntitl sltiss neatly iinokctl niul shipped In plain b3x. All Charges Prepaid. Wo iimko this II be nil olTor In onlor to introduce our colobratod IIILLHU'S VVUV. KYIi WIIISKKY, $.'5.20 pot' gallon. "Oicc tried nlwitys used. " Sontl us your onlor at onco. this odor will not last long. If goods aro not btithfuctoi'y, return at our oxponso and your tnotioy rofiindod. Reference First National Hank, Oinuha. Any Hxpross Co. HENRY HILLER, 522 North Kitli Street. OMAHA. X. H. Onlora for statos west of Nebraska must call for 5 gallons to In. elutlo otTor and to bo prepaid. Moderate Priced Nigh-Class Ladies' and Gentle men's Tailoring. Advanced Styles Clever Ideas Newest Effects J. A. Kervan Tailoring Co., 'Phone 805. 424 South 15th Street, Omaha, Neb. "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO iflBIG DOLL BED. C SLEEPING DOLL NKAHLY TWO-TllinnS OF A YARD TALL, tomfleU with Ur? illkollii. cinofj I. p Fullln( Hull llrui IkaliUi,!, IncluJloft hnJ'm lllowi, iiuUrrM, t',, ALL frtn tret r illj..lnu of O.N LY M lWt HyU iilr.rf .1 n,l Itt. liovellj arlklatno.altn.raib (Nutr-uh irtitoLt.) IhLlot.lyd"!! h-j blru turning ti.a I, Jolnt..l Iwlr, tlt.;ln2 y., lenif mrly hair (t'a'kcir tloniJ)(ftliiintttil itor' Inc. UUko.T, hAnimrl)r lrc.Hl frpm I, p to t. OrIir 114 Novtltl-! ntonc, iu II thrm to our (rl.nt!it .lo1 m th money tn,! wt wt!l fnrwr, tormir llrrni, Ih!. I sut.rul, 11 Slr.lD llcauly IMI u. KoUIok ll.il cotnpUU) for ) our trouLl.. DOLL SPECIALTY CO., NO. I MAIN ST.. OninCtWATCR, CONN Dirts. Kcmemtxr till, It HOT a ragllr jvipr Doll, LIFE IIZE DOLL EDCK'"6ab'8 clothes will rllCC now lit Dollle." Olrla Mil iri't till trf'alltlful ' IJfo hlie Doll ttUolLU'ly J'te fur illlMh- only four Urn r our (Iri'Ht Cold & llwiliu hti TnUit. tit U ivnn a Inn. Wi Me tn-dy Mill wo III K lid )'uu the taliltta liy mall poMwul i lu n aold kikI tn I l.o raom-jr (ll.KijHrid we 111 M'lul iutltl life KUi'lKill lik h la XW fot't high rtml ran wtar Iwtliy'a cluthpa. ixilllo liaa an In lIctnii'Ml.ln llnt flnlilrtl llalr. ItonT t'hotal, llrnwn Kjif. Klt Col. nrwl lUHlr, it (lolit I'lutul lunuly lln, U.il Storklntm, lilatk Rliots niul will tan, nlnna, TliU doll la an piiwt rirtliictfonof tho tint-tit hand winmi rrfiHMt ihiii. mot win n.w n a rhllit'a motnnrv entr aftor rhllil hood ilaya have itAsflrvL AiVlrttia, UTTONAL MEWCIK&i),. DOIIDipL I0J.M JtMHinA.Conji J IP YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM ! OUR ENGRAVERS Manz Engraving Co. 195.207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois., Are Justly celcbrntt-il ns tho engrav liiB catntillslimcnt which can at nil times l)o rolled upon for satisfactory results, whether tho oiiKravlng bo a flno hnlMono, wootl cut or zinc etch ing, Their facilities aro bo extensive that work which must he executed quickly for shipment to distant cities can he easily turned out. When ordering engravings from your printers ask for ilto to ns mill wti w II toll you FREE liotv in euro It. Wo Guarantee a Cure, 10 THE NUMSliN REMEDY, Chicaro, III. tManz Perfect Engraving.