12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; WEDNESDAY, yOYEiMBKK 27, 1901. MA HA GETS V. V. l)Et'1 RTonn. VU1W (irrnt llrpitrtfiietil florr on nrnnil St., N. 1., in Muulilntliin. ' 1500,000 SOI1) AT AUCTION. Tho passlns of Kduard Itldley & Sons' great houso from tho trade of New York laarks tho beginning of a coIiOSHal sau: hatuhday AT tlO.HTON STOIIK, OMAHA, I That not only creates a ureat sensation, jut seta a now record for bargain Riving, , The bent and choicest and most deslrnblo fcf tho cntlro 1500,000 STOCIC L Havo been tiought by Messrs. J. U. Ilran fcels & Hons for IS3 THAN C0C ON THE DOM.AK. i This Is a broad stntemcnt, but It Is true, &i that's what Interests you, i Tbo sale Involves every department In fioaton Store. , Messrs. Itldley & Sons was an up-to-riata fyew York department store. They carried everything, and by buying tho choicest of everything In their stock wo are able to tnako four opportunities for sensational begins practically unlimited. Itidleys employed 2,500 people, and over 'fcM dlelvory wagons, so you can ImRglno Vbat kind of a stock wo nro putting on salo. v took your newspapers over carefully Try day, read our announcements fcND WAIT FOIl SATURDAY, NOV. 30TH, .For tho grandest salo slnco tho world was Pteatod. BOSTON STOUE, OMAHA, ) 3. I Drandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Iklllng Ilogcrs, I'eet & Co. Mcn'ii Clothing. IAnnntuioetnrulM of (hp Tlipntera. This week's bill at tho Orpheum nppeals Strongly to thoo who llko comedy and Its irueeess la woll attested by tho happy ex pressions of tho big nudlonccB. Carroll Johnson, tho favorlto star of mlnstrolsy and Idol of tha matinee, girl, In dispensing fun, villi n budget of splendid new Jokes and songs. His recitation on pugilism Is a. big hit, rivaling that of "Cnsy at tho Bat," Six other nets of nlmoat uniform exoeltsnco nro on tho program. Tho reg ular midweek family matlneo will bo given today. Iteaorvod sentti nro now on salo for tha extra matlnco, (tomorrow) Thanks (living day. Trlmroso and Dockstadcr's minstrel M open nt tho Uoyd tonight for nn en gagement that Includes a special matlnoe rjhanknglvlng day and a performance Thurs 07 night. Tho show Ih wild to bo In every Vmy bettor than over before. At 11:30 the COBtomary mammoth utroefi parado will tltart and will bo seen on all tho downtown Btroeta and on nil tho principal stroota In all dlrcctiona within a two-mllp clrclo of tho huart of .tho city. Tnllyhos, automo biles, traps, Victorias and ovcry sort of Vohlclo will bo lined. Prlniroso and Dock ttafler and Jim Decker will bo prominent features. Tho nttondanco nt tho Trocadero con tinues to increase, nt every performance, tho Dainty l'aroo burlcsquers pleasing with a clever program. Tho Grahams nro mnklng a hit, singing, Ed P. Cogloy's song, "A Letter From Ohio." Mr. Cogloy Is a local song writer, who has "Won renown with several of his nnngs. Tho engagement continues tho entire Veck, with dally matinees. Thanksgiving day several surprlocs will bo added to tho regular program. Next week, tho Victoria tmrlosqucrs. CHICAGO AXD ItinTIllY f 14.7C Vln ihr Mllrrntikee ItltTT.r On December 1, 2, 3 and 4 tho Chicago, Mllwaukeo & St. Paul railway will evil round trip tickets from Omaha to Chicago for H.7fl. City Ticket Office, 1504 Karnam street. F. A. Nash, General Western Agent, Chrlstmns stock now in. Edholm, Jeweler. SS.OO for Half n nnr't "Wnrlr. If you llvo In tho country or In a small town and hava a good acquaintance among tha farmers and stockratsers In the neigh borhood, you ran make $5.00 easily by four or Ave hours' work. Write us and we' will sd you our proposition. Tho Bee Publish er company. Solicitor's Dept. Omaha, Neb. Low Ilatra tn ChlcMKo. 'Tho Chicago & Northwestern Railway .ylll on December 1, 2. 3 and 4 sell tickets fo Chicago and return nt tho low rate of I14.7G for the round trip. Call on or nddrcss Tho Northwestern City Offices," 1401-H03 Jftirnam SU, Omaha. Kprolnl HoniraceUrrV Kxcnrslnn. Tickot8 on salo December 3 and 17, at no first-class faro plus $2 tor tho round trip. For full Information write to or call Jit Rock Island City Tlckot Offlco, 1323 Far Bam street, Omaha. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In enneotlon with tho Dathory, 216-220 nee adding. Telephone 1716. Publish your legal notices In Tb Weekly Pee. Telephone 238. Tearl brooches, Edholm, Jowoler. v. I) IK I). ioBIiRBN-Nlcholan, ngc iBIiRBN Nicholas, ngod !U venrji. No- Funcrul from residence. M!h nnd I Sts., Couth Omaha, Wedncsdny, November 'J7, at 2 p. m, Intorment Kvcrgreen cemetery, ' t Elderberry Wine mado In Ohio whore the berries grow we fyave somo tluvt Ih cholco and old. There Is nothing tlnor for a TONIC wo sell In 0o ami 7Co bottles. Some Cut Prices. ti Knmtly Kyrlngo. kv ' SlOO Hcof, Iron and Wln.. tK)o BLOO Ustorlno (V)c fLOO Yalo's 1'roparaUonn (all klndB) 78c 11.00 WINK CAltDUI-wo soli Bio .Victor1" Tonlo Iotion (euros barber's ' itch) coc Wrlto for catalogun. Sherman &McGonnell Drug Co, Jrterw IjocaUon Cor. letH nnd Dodge Hts. AliTnys In the I,eml. The Union Pacific was the first line to Introduco Dining Cam, Vestlbuled Cars, Steam Heat, PlnUch Light, Uuftot Smoking and Library Cars, Tourist Cars on trans continental trains west of the Missouri River, and continues to lead. Is first In equipment; first In speed; first In Impor tant Improvements; first In stupendous en gineering enterprises; first In historic In terest; first In scenic attractions. It again leads In reducing by several hours tho time of "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" to the Pacific Coast, making tho run to Salt Lake City 11 hours, to San Francisco 15 and to Portland 15 hours quicker than any other train. Ho sure your ticket rends over thin route. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnara at. Tel. 310. Union Station. 10th nnd Marcy, Tel. 029. Clilcnao to J'lorlrtn Without Chnngr of Cnn, Slcoplng cars taking tourists through to winter resorts In tho south will leave Chi cngo union station over Pennsylvania lines week days at noon, beginning January 6, 1002. The through sorvlco will be- In con nection with the Chicago and Florida spe cial via Cincinnati, Atlanta and Macon. Pnssongors reach Jacksonville and St. Au gustine next evening without stepping from tho train. For particulars address II. R. Derlng, A. (!. P. Agt., 24S South Clark strcot, Chicago. Unique match safes. Edholm, Jeweler. Chlcniio mill Itrtnrn M.7ft. On December 1, 2, S and 4 the Illinois Central railroad will sell tickets to Chi cago nnd return at rate of 114.75, limited until December 8. For particulars cnll at city ticket office, 1402 Farnara street, or address W. H. Drill. D. P. A I. C. It. R., Omnba, Neb. I.IM:0I,N AM) HKTUnN Vln Itork Inlnnil. Tickets on sale November 28, good for return until November 20. City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam strcot. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' mcotlngs, etc., to The Dee. W will givo them propor legal Insertion, Telephone 23S. Shampooing and hatr dressing, 26c In connection with The Bathory, 216-220 Be building. Tel. 1716. I See our cut glass. Edholm, Jeweler. STACKS OF THEM Wo sold more Fountain Syringes, Water Rottles, Atomizers and nil other kinds of rubber goods during our last week's nalo than wo over did before. Wn've JtiBt got in another big shipment, and we'rn going v. i, inu imi'va wiuii o)cn ngnin mis wcoK ao, If you want rubber goods, either como In or write. 2-quurt Hot Water Dottlo 4Sp -imin f ountain syringe 4su a-qunrt Hot Wntor Hottle 3q 3- qunrt Fountain Syrlngo rci0 4- quiirt Hot Water Hottle net 4-quart Fountain Syringe g3o WU.no Whirling Snrny Wyrlnura (Maryd) i!.t0 75c Atomizer rAj $1.25 Atomizer 75c 1.25 W T. & Co. No. 30 A'asellno Atomizer 75c Tho abovn Hubbcr Qoods aro guaranteed 0110 year. Write for prices for anything in tha Rubber floods line. Cut PrU. Dru.g Btur rl. J4T. . It. Caw. lh Chlaaa floods delivered FREE to anv part of city. SOHAEFER'S BLACK'S KIDS should have on a 32.60 hat. They coudn't pay more 'cause they are all 12.60. A collar and tlo wouldn't T look bad on 'em. The $2.50 Hatter. 107 S. 10th. TRENTON COAL CLEAN, STRONG and QUICK It tins no equal In nil tho nuMlluni priced coiiIh of thin ninrkot Lump and Egg Sizes, Per Ton Nut Size, Per Ton $5.75 $5.50 C. B. HAVENS & CO. 1522 FARNAM ST. Telephones 301, 317, B25 Thanksgiving Sale Women's Stylish Outer Garments Extra Special Attractions for Wednesday's Selling. Q98 oxfords, 1925 Women's Raglans of heavy oxfords, yoke Hunk iinu uactf, nroa,u enoumor oftcot, tailor cuff alcoves, $15.00 valuo nt Women's Ulsters of fine kereey, inezcs, eic, nan ann run satin lined, storm nnd coat collars, In all colors of material at $0.08, $12.50, H.C0 nnd Women's Ulsters fiS-inch length, heavy kersey, full sntln lining with largo bea- -g ft vcr collar and revers, strapped scams, I IJUU actually $30 values, on salo nt ' " Women's Box Coats 27inch IcnRths, all styles of cloth, with beavor, innnen and nssortcd collars, full satin lining, worth up to J 17.60, for , Women's Silk Skirts all samples no iwo alike, worth up 122.50, on salo at Women's Tailor-Made Suits in nil tho now cloths, many sam- MarrQ pie blouse, oton and tight ' J 928 42-lncli Atitoniohllcs Louis IV Conts-all sa antnnlna new coats 42lncl) nnd M-lneh 12i2 lilp coats, tho highest 4 -;o class Rnrmcnts made, 1 OU worth up to J.f, go nt.. 2alncli N'.Mif SIIL- r.,fa made with new ''rench front, guar- 11m' u niviiii inline. ramllll "Inch snrlnc collar. S.M-'t nt 'Jl'liich Ctinrantccil Antra, klmn Jackuts-ln tho now stvlo overy coat guarantel, "idn vjiGClal ffj fitting effects, Bnlo prlco Women's Tailor-Made Suits the 29 nowcai meas, many samples, various ma terlals, all colors, worth up to $25.00 go at Fur Scarf Soecials. OSc for liultntlon Mink Nrarfs. ifn.KS for Ccnnlno Crliumcr 91.1)8 for Imitation Mnrlrn Senrfs. Storm Collnr. f4.t)H for Mnrtcn Cluster Scnrfs. ..lf8.f)H for Mnrtoti .Storm Coltnrn. Thanksgiving Millinery Bargains Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats at $2.40 260 prettily draped hand-made felt nnd chcnlllo turbans, HngllBh felt, nnd velvet hats, nattily trim- A f med with hnndHomo pompoms, ornaments, f J rivf brenstH, flno ribbon nlgrcttcs, etc., positive ly $5.00 values, at Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats at $3.88 At this prlco wo offer a most superb gathering of trim med hat values, moat of them being priced up to last week, J7.50. Thco goods nro of excellent tnatcrlnls nnd aro right up to tho winter smnrtness In style, sale prlco JDDAND LUIW sicWS HAYDEN WaiinacfiJau in IIia S Bargain Room 54-inch strictly nil wool black cheviots, worth .?1.25 19o. Silks and Sateens 12Ac plnln black sateen at r.o. 25c Simpson's printed snteens at 74c. Dress Goods $1.50 nice dark cloth plaids, strictly all wool, 4S and 50 Inches wide we sold them In tho high grail 6 dress goods department at $1.50 yard. What Is loft will be closed out on Wednesday nt i'Jc yard. Wo havo a fine blnck serge, 52 Inches wide, strictly all wool, regular prlco $1.00 per yard, Wednesday, 49c. Wo havo a extra heavy fine black camel hair Cheviot you can't match anywhere In Omaha for less than $1.23 yard, Wednesday at 49c. CO pieces of Scotch tweeds, 30-ln. wide, mado to sell for 75c, go at 23c. 500 dress patterns and skirt patterns brought In from tho high grado stock, worth up to $5.00 a yard all will bo closed at $1.98, $2.9S and $3.98. llomnants for school dress at 10c, 15c 19c and 25c yard. Flannelettes and Outing Flannels at 5c and 74c 16c outing flannels In nice, bright colors, at 6c. 25o flno Imitation French flannels, 20 inches wide, finest prints ever eeen, at 10c. 10c Shaker Hnnnel nt 7V4c. 16c Shaker flannel at 71&c. 15c outing flannel, light colors, at 5c. 19c outing flannel, light colors, yard wide, flno quality, nt 7Hc. $10 and $15 Dress Patterns $2.98 $ia00 skirt patterns will go at $2.98. '$10.00 dross patterns will go at $3. 9S. $15.00 dreBB patterns will go at $3.98. Linings ard-wlda waist linings, yard-wide per caunes, etc., worth up to 15c yard, all will go at be. Prints, 2hc Waistings Strictly all wool French flannels. 30 Inches wide, 60 shades, at 25c. Strlotly all wool, fine strlnod waistings. regular 75o value, will go at 39c. Ulgh-grado prunellas. In alt the evening shades, worth 76c, at 43c. No mall orders filled on silk remnants. They all sell on the day of sale. Z5c fancies at 9c. 60c nlco bright Japanese plaids at 16c. 76c fancies at 39c. 76c foulards at 35c. $1.00 satin nt 29c. $1.00 corduroys at 39c. 60,000 yards of full standnrd prints, In remnants from 2 to 10 yards, worth up to Tftc, at shc. Boys' Clothing Boys' 60c and 76c pants at 25c Boys' $2.50 reefers at 95c. Boys' $3.60 reefers at $1.60. Boys' $5.00 roofers nt $1.95. Blankets and Comforters Blankets, 49c, 75c, 98c up to $1.25. Comforters, 69c, 75c, 9Sc up to $2.50. Men's 50c Underwear at 25c In tho Bargain Iloom. 10 cases men's heavy flecco lined shirts nnd drawers In all sizes, mado to sell at 50c, on sale at 25c. MEN'S $1.00 HEAVY JERSEY OVER SHinTS AT 49C. 200 dozen mon's axtra heavy Jersey ovor shlrta In black, bluo and gray ovory shirt warranted 'perfect and full slzo, all on salo at 49o. Mon's wool fleece lined shirts nnd drawers made to sell at 75c, at 39c. Ladles' 60c nnd 73c wool nnd fleece lined vests and pants at 25c. Boys' 75c sweaters In all sizes at 3flc. .Men's $1.25 sweaters, wool, on salo nt 69o Men's gloves and mittens at 19c, 25c and 39c. 25c Stockings at 12 Ac In tho Bargain Iloom. 1 lot of ladles', men's and children's hoso, worth up to 35o, on salo at 12o. Hoys' 60c fleooed underwear at 25c. 5 cases boys' heavy flooco lined shlrtB nnd drawers, In nil sizes, worth 60c, on sale at 25c. Mon's and boys' heavy Jersoy over shirts in all sizes, at 39c. Men's COo suspendars on sale at 15c. hrs. J. Benson DRESSING SACQUES AND KIMONAS Frqtticst Dressing Sacqucs for the money ever shown in Omahn. i Handsome quality of striped or plain eiderdown Sacques price $1.00. .With satin binding on collar, frog fastenings price, $1.25. Very beautiful qualities of handsome patterns and shades price 2.25. Handsome appliqued patterns, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, and $5.00. Mew Flannel Waists Coming in . , Every Day. $4.00 PILLOW TOPS T $1.19. This lot of pillow tops representa tbo entire snmplo lino of tho greatest Japaneso Importer In tho country. These goods aro embroidered by the Jnps on tho Japaneso satin, and aro the finest pillow tops mado. Worth $4.00 at $L9S. Special salo on milling ribbons for pillows, at $15c, $19 and 23c. Owing to the limited quantity of these pillow tops wo were ablo to eocure, wo are forced to limit tho number to two to eaoh customer. Pleasing and Instructive Fine Coffee and Cereal Food Demonstration In our newly arranged nnd handsomely fitted up cracker nnd. cereal deparimont. I'ree sampW of finest coffees and cereal roods served, showing best methods of pre. paring dainty nnd wholesomo dishes. Do not fall to visit this demonstration. You will be surprised and pleased. TOBACCO llUI'ARTMKIVT. Star plug chewing tobacco 36o Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco 35o Navy plug chewing tobacco 350 nattle Axe,... 35c. Newsboy tobacco. 35o Bull Durham smoking tobacco 50c C 1 1 A ti l K II I ) K A 1 1 TM I : . T, Soda Crackers, 5c; Oyster Crackers, 6o; Milk Crackers, 6c; Farina Creckers, 6c; Ginger Snaps, 6c. Duke's Mixture 3no Meerschaum smoking tobacco 350 Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 350 Old Style smoking tobaoco 2jc Mall Pouch, per package o- Pearl Crackers, 60; HAYDEN BROS. KKJELEY 0ne at ,hP b""t ,n,lpea of the Kcelrr rnt-nt of Initl CURF ,u,, 4,,e untr Kemler Iuatltul lit Nebraska, Cures UrunkuuM, Ours Drug Uscss, Tobacco L'era. i'UU Thanksgiving Turkeys and Togs N Thanksgiving without turkey is no Thanksgiving. Turkey without dressing is no turkey. Without togs, your Thanksgiving is incomplete. We make a specialty of Thanksgiving Toggery for men and women boys and girls. Some THE, WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT OFFERS Spcchlls in Women's Rgl in You can't go wrong if .you buy a Raglan. They're t lie right thing for winter weather nnd combine comfort, style and economy. .We've quite a collection to offer you; al most three times as many as all the Rag lan stocks in town. 9.75,12.75,14.75,16.75, 18.75 Women's Automobiles Uyg For one of those favorite auto- i v mobiles, mado of Washington Mills kerspy, in black, tan, red nnd castor; beaver fur collar and reveres, heavy satin lined, ilnished with tailor 4 i ?1C stitching, handsomely tailored. . . . v Women's Box Coats Mado of excellent quality of kersey, lined with Skinner's satin, high storm collar, lapol pocket, 10 rows tailor stitching around bottom, regular $15 07 quality V. - O Women's Box Coats Made of all wool kersey, 27 inches long, with a good satin eorge, a woll made, per fect fitting garment, same stylo and qual ity would cost elsewhere A QA 8.00 ' Thanksgiving Furs TVonipn's fionuiiie near seal collar, best selected skins Women's genuine marten collarette, heavy satin lined, regular ? 18.00 value, for 3.90 9.75 Women's French marten scarf, with cluster of (5 tails 290 Women's genuine mink ter of (5 tails, a genuine beauty scarf, with clus- 3.90 Women's marten scarfs, full size, with cluster of (5 tails.... Women's genuine marten boas, with long tails, very latest Women's fur scarf, '"Isabella Fur," 02 in. long, with tails..., 4.90 9.75 9.75 Men's Thanksgiving Things Yesterday a customer said: Where do all these people come from? We've been so busy the last few days we hadn't thought of WHERE they come from. Our "lookout" is to havo them come again. We have a keen desire to servo all alike, and serve in such harmonious fashion that wo shall make you not only permanent customers, but our friends as woll. When a friend asks you where you bought your Buit, and if the suit has done you true and laudable service, it is a small thing to com mend the house that sold you the suit. We are just as anxious to secure co-operation as you can bo to bo well porved . We can not secure .such co-operation withdut making a constant effort in lines that are original with us. This originality consists in STYLE PRICE QUALIV We've everything you want in Clothing Neckwear Hats Shoes, Etc for Thanksgiving. 1 i Thanksgiving Coal lor cookliiB tho turkoy and for baking Is Fomothlne you rrtust navn In advance. If you wnnt n clean, freo ImrnlnK coal, that will glvo you Just tho kind of Am you need, place nn ordor now; for our JUP1TKII NUT COAL. It costs r.B0 a ton nnd la Just right for tho ranee. Hald & Rice, Tel. 12H8. 506 So. 10th St. CMICHEmTEPl'a rNQLIBM r.r Ulf lUHEDTEKM KHUI.INH I. ItRD "1 e.ld l.llla Mit. 1 vllkMurikboa. Taken .tk.r. Rrfuv IUaCCr HaV.tllalUn. aa tmlls Ua. Buy f 7ur Drvxim, r Mai c. la Una. Hi PartUuUn, TaaMiaoaUli M 'Relief f.r l.aj.li M r- tura kl.U. 10.OT..L1hb1.I. K.llb, pMf Ull tain. Mailxa laaara. 1'MUX. Vti IN NEVER, EQUALED. EVERYONE HE LP AT rfectBakes. Fuelj avers. LAST GUARANTEEDIoLo N G EST. madeiyCHARTER OAK STOVE RANGE CO.st.louis STERLING SILVER FOR GIFTS. Wp show tho nicest line that wo'vn ever hIioum Menl 'iTavH. lion HuKiirH nnd t'rennis, Hllver uixl ull 111 Ten Hols. Punch Howls. Vases, Hon nnd Vt-Retablo nishos, (Jrnvy Hoats, Hrend DIsIkih. Coinroris. ms. Knives, j-'orks nnd HiiomiH. I'nrvInK Huts, complete. TrtluU 9t o Indlvldunl pieces of silver Coma In nnd look. Mawhinney S Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art vni ..m ni)ur;is t. Stationers orders Blvon enroful ntlentlnn. Helen- tlon packnues sent to responslhln parties. Don't Walk Vour Legs Off Look i n R fur SITUATION A ROOM A HOUSE A SERVANT K 25c Wont Ad In The Bee will do the work, 1