Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1901, Page 8, Image 34

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    Norenilior 17. Illdi.
A Successful Homo Life lusiiiaiic;
(.ompiuiy DiiIiik a I'lioiiom
until Itusiticss.
flirnltiiM Mronui-Mt l.lfi- .'iiiiiiiih
I.i-iiiIn III Ciiiiii'lllir for
'I'll l I'll r
IliiHlliiHH III every line has lircn oxccp
1 1 mtii 1 1 y gm d In Hils state fur several years.
Life lliHlll II In i' has never before Iieeli so
ii 1 1 1 1-1 1 hi demand. I'i iiplo nre seeking afe
IHVI'Hllliellt. I. If" IIIHUrillU'c! CllllipiinlCH
Htmiil the 1 1 hi of panic ami disaster better
limn iiny oilier form of savings Institutions.
Therefore life Insurance Is now sought by
men, not only for protection, but fur liivest
ineni. 1 1 Ih Hie HiifeHt form of Investment
iih time Iiiih iloiiiDiial rati l.
offers polities not only Bccurlng protection
to tlio fiimlly, but which are Mint claim In
vcstmchlH for those who are seeking Intcr-
est-beiillim MeeliritleH. A policy III till)
Hankers Reserve l.lfo Association In better
than a Kovcnuiif nl bonil, becailKo It Ih iih
Biifu anil the percentage of Increase Ih morn
than double the rate allowed on government
boinlH. Tho InvcHtmuiit In than a imi.mi
also because the betii'llclary In (iih) of thoHo
policies will lecelve I lie face of the. policy
no inatler how Nimtll may have been the
number or nmoiiiit of premlimiH paid. Tim
fill III e of l.lfo ItiNiiralice In Nebraska In un
Hlireil. Tim Hlalo laws governing the man
a;(imeiit of Nebraska eomianlcH
the assets, surplus ami reserve of NchrnHlca
companies which will Htcaillly strengthen
IIiii companies iih they grow In power anil
linpm lance. Tho llankei'H KeHcrvn Ih con
servatively uiiiungcd, IiiibciI upon well es
IiiIiIIhIiciI prlnclpli'K anil wrllcH upon thor
oughly IchIciI phiiiH policies which are un
excelleil In tho wol 111.
ii. ii., imii.siim.yi'.
Ih an old life Insurance underwriter ami
expert. Ho In building HiIh company for
all time. It h Ills life work. Hu Intends
thai It Hhall bo Ii Ih monument, Ho wantH
gOOl! llgOlllR til IIBHlst In pushing tho gOOll
work. Wrllo Mm at Mcl'nguo Htillillng,
Omaha, Neb.
sciiooi.s ami oi,i,i:;i:s.
Iliislncss, Hhnrthnnd, Typewriting
Kugllsli, Htuilents who desire It are
sisted to positions to earn board whllo at
tending, Heml for catalogue, Deo llulld-
Ing. Omaha, Nob,
4TL,s CO 00
ZZ lor gSS
Kxpron charges propnld
j32b iiccominonded oy
5tvil ihn leiulliiir iilivnl-
hIiiiih ami used In
all prominent hot
The lied Cross
Whlnkey enjoys to
day tho best of rep
utations and stands
above nil In quality
and purity.
71 So. Itth Street
Bole Owaers.
Orders from state
west of Nebraska,
will be ablpped by
From Story Tellers' Pack
(Continued from Fourth lngu )
who Ih exceedingly fond of children, hiioii
scraped up an aciiialntancn. One day little
MIhh Toledo wiih penning a letter.
"My! What spelling and what writing!"
exclaimed Mr. Major, who wiih looking over
her shoulder.
The llllle girl did not relish thin crltlclHtn.
but Mho held her peace for a little, then bIiu
Jumped down from her chair, anil, running
over to whero Mr. Major Hat reading, Hho
exclaimed: "Oh, Mr. Major, don't you
want your fortune told?"
"Well, you JilHt bet I do!" wiih tho
"All tight; I'll tell It good run! trim for
you, and It won't cost you a cent, but you
miiHt do JiiHt iih I nay," Insisted the little
girl HorloiiHly. The author consented to all
tho conilltlotiH.
"Cross your heart!" cried tho girl.
Mr. Major went through thorn' pledging
"Now stick your head down and closo
your eyeH and swing It whllo you count,"
i nine tho command.
The novelist mistimed tlio undlgnllled po
rtion ns directed and slowly his head be
gan to sway back nnd forth llki) a pendu
lum. He kept It up tilt bo had counted
100, and then, with his faco resembling a
boiled lobster, he raised It and asked If
that wasn't enough.
"No!" exclaimed tho girl. "I Imvcti't
got through with your fortuno yet."
Hut that Isn't In tho gnmo, Is It?"
meekly lniiilrcd Mr. Mnjor.
"Oh, yes It Is!" enmo tlio iiulcU reply;
'that's exercise for rubbcr-nucks."
On the trip down Hie Hudsiip Itlver rail
road, when I saw tho two girl HtudeutB
I also had n view of the spreading town of
Itaverstraw. relates Julian ltalph In the
New York Mall and Hxpross. I smiled a-'
I Haw It. There wiih once a great atrlk.'
among tho hrlckmakerH In HaverHtraw. and
I wan Hcnt to report It. The mayor of
tho town llgurid in the a flair, and him 1
found In tho barroom of Hie best hotel. lie
was toning up his nervous system with
plentiful elbow exercise at the bar, ami his
frame of mind was phlloHiiphlcal, calm and
I am a reporter of I lie Sun." said I.
Well." said he, "If you-you'r er 'porter
of Sun. then 1 kin- kin give yer er 'portnnt
piece of 'dvlco."
Hero ho turned slowly lowaid me.
steadying himself with one hand on the
bar nnd waving a high ball gracefully
through tho air, bo that Its contents worked
an arabesque pattern on tho dusty Hour,
"I kin glvo yer 'er 'portnnt piece of
"dvlce," ho repeated, "ami it Is thlsh:
Never let the pin feathers 'f yer Imagina
tion lly away with titer coat tails 'f yer
Tho longer 1 have thought of this sage
counsel the moro value I have placed upon
It. If only ho had mild It to the man In
llulglum who cabled that Leopold was com
lug' In Nov York, and who then caught
"the coat tallH of Ills Imagination." put
thorn behind him, as one should do with
ovory temptation to err, and cabled thai
Leopold nover had any notion of coming
hero, how much better It would have been
for everyone except the cable company
(ieneral MacArtburt depito his dlstlnc
t Inn and bis many hiiccohsch, modestly pre
fern to Hp -alt the praises of otheis.
To a naval olllcer whom be entertained
at Manila ftmio time ago, relates tho Sat
urday Kvenlng Tost, be told u good story
ab ut Lieutenant .1. C. C.lllniore, U. S. N .
who was captured with feven men of
Yorktown at llaler, Luzon Island, In April,
lS'.i'.l, by tho I'hlllpplOD Insurgents and held
prisoner for months In tho mountains.
One of tho prisoners, who spoke Span
lull Ituently, was commanded to translate
Into Kngllsh decoy letters nildicssod "To
Whom It May Concern." stating Hint the
hearerH were warm friends of lb Amcrl
ciiiih urn! had failed In aiding litem to es
cape only because of the vigilance of the
Insurgent guardH.
"It was tho Intention." mild (Ieneral
MacArlhur. "to have these letters used
whenever the bearers might be captured by
our forces nnd also as passports for spies
Those superintending this literary coup
had sulllelent knowledge of hngllsti to
make out the general sentiment of the
"Lieutenant Cilllmore Imitated," contin
ued the general, "that ns chief officer
among tho prisoners he be given tho privi
lege of looking over what had been writ
ten. Nodding approval over each letter
he added to each tho word 'Nit.' which the
iiisurncnta accented as nn official vlso of
the papers."
nenernl Mac Arthur showed one of these
letters. "Yon can Imagine." said he. "the
unbounded admiration It created for tin
resourcefulness of Lieutenant rilllmore"
Many ladles and gentb men who cannot
complain of itnj kind of sickness nre nb
noiuintly thin and cannot llml any medical
treatment wblih will correct this condition
Dr. Whitney M Nerve ami Ilesh llullder
Is not alone Intended for those who lire
sick, but also for those who appear well
and hearty, but cannot nciiilru sutlkient
tlesli to miuihI out the form. In dyspepsia,
Indigestion, nil stomach troubles, debility
nnd nervous diseases, no remedy Is fu
prompt ami powerful. In order to demon'
strale the wonderful met Its of Dr. Whit
uey'H Nerve and Klesli llullder. every per-
son wbo will nililresH llie l ( Jones ui .
Klnilra, N. V . will receive a trial pnekage
in plain sealw' wrapper absolutely free.
The Bottled Beer
For the Home
Is umiuestlotiably "Hllie Itllibou lleer. the
perfect brew. It Is not brewed nnu nur
rled on the market. It Is perfectly fer
mented and properly nged before leaving
tho brewery, therefore perfectly healthful,
palatable, nourishing and no bad after-ef
I'iiiil In beer Is everything, ami to get
purity mi must bave pure water, no
germs. i:ery drop of water used In
lll.t'i: Itl UltON HKKIl Ih fiiim our ill
vale Milesiaii well, hence we can guaran
tee ItllllUlN Till', I'UltKST 1 1 HHU
niaile A beer for your home ami family
Is worthy of u little consideration. ItLl'IC
III Hill IN IHOKIl will fully Hiibstautl ite nil
Hint can be said for It. Will not malic
you billons or give you a l.eailaelie
Storz Hrewinj Company
Tclepliinic I'JIiO,
A(Ji:.NTS WANTKI-Mi:X nd womkn
kvr Hit t'U'uIUIr tliyWftlM aul tn.lf riully o(ulr utw l
Hr tilts liT.V JOHN A. I.O JAN. It porti.yi the inner
life woiulrrlul artlvlttca. tntrvrt atut myth-maol the Calt
f4iiioii tntl hliihlv irivlt'HF(t woman atra thrtn. Hrautl
lull? liliMratrd thii I'latia) hy (iovrrmncnt niiivriil aiitt aid.
C liv iiitvnU mill If I l ttunuaiitt, C yA frw iiur
trlialilf arnlt wautril iHiltiiiirn anil wi'int n, txil only itiif aicrnl
In hi act- 0 JN'tiH 4( iiiir ajrt'iita an inaklnjt 1i) a imouIIi.
Q y' mi AiN'iiicf tur f t'uv Fimtit tin Onil
r.jfm t'rtnf ami uarmitii A jWmii I'm t turn, Aililrrta
A 1 l. WOK I IIINt.'ro.N A ( llurllor.l. ( uiin,
lnraal UUtdt Nam Carta lia u Kluf, CiUUru. t.
... . . .11 L u il . II i r. hllBTII llll f M i'lkt M
i:-rnlted Stales Senator Arthur I'uo
(lornian of Maryland was In the corridor of
the I'lfllt Avenue hotel after breakfast the
ntlur morning, relates the New York
Times, when a street gamin came up to
him ' and raid
"Say. blokey. change a iiiarter for me,
will von? Hem guys at de desk Is too
Blitck up to do business wid me."
The senator looked nonplussed at first.
but irave the lad the change. To a friend
standing with him he eald:
"Wlni 1 n Bboeklui: ulnce to live In New
York must be to n man of extreme
egotism "
Ih easily settled
when accounts arc properly kept. Don t
practice f.ilse economy by trying to save on
BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a set
ruled nnd printed to order at such n small
coat that yuu can buy the best.
4M-4I6 S. nth St.,
t HHl
1 i 1.41 iM X il ai cf ivj f 7iTn r i iMvi fm
Over 6 feet
long, 27
Inches wiii.
Think oi l t, you can get nn Upholsterrd Couch, 2pslr ol Lace Curtains nn(l n handsome set of Table Silverware, for Belling our
Iteinedb'H. llierels no chance or deception nboiit this ndvertlHi'iuent. We speak tho truth nnd nothing but t lie truth.
, uiir iiemcuii'H iiitueverr lioll'elioiil, 111111 every perou niiHwrruiK mm uimrimrimni, hu yiiikcii only o
boxes of our I'osltlvo Corn t'ure, it poltlve cure for corns, bunions nnd callous feet, will receive our generous offer of a hnndsoino
I'pholHtored (,ouch mid two imlrs of Nottlngliiim Lace Curtains, with a sterling silver plated beautifully engrn veil Salt nnd Topper
W.B. II IIIIJ.. .1 III. IKIIT l' P. ,t IIH' I". IVfllH III.IIIIV II Till
When sold you Mnd us the $I.JO nnd we kusrantee If vou comply with the offer wo sdnll send you with
rea loucii nmi iiuii.niNnti no
Willi II reputation tor unuur.i m,,l .......f .l.,ulliiir
3 ysrds lone "'! over a yard wide. The Sll verwart Is iruarnilteed sllver-plivted on pure metal
vn will Heml them liv mull
... c .....ill'.'"'.''.-": ."."'I
. vi'iiuisierca boucn mid 2 pi
"i' re MIIIIIIO I lor HOIIHril inn 1.
.I., ni Nntilnahsm Lace Curtains will be irlven absolutely free. e are nn old. n.linl.t,.
aim we giiarnuiee in nil ennciiy us ti, uur ucc wunains nrn
i ne wouencs nru inn Htte, over 6 feet
f'.ii'.V.l Vf,'.l,r.. ' !,de; ,Tlu'.v nrt, well stuffed, beautifully upholstered with huudsomcly colored velour, uud wlivu Bhlpped aro
tifrotu tUo factory by freight direct to ,vour mbln'-s.