Novi-inlior 17, 1!I)1. T!!K ILLUSTRATED It EE. DONT BE THE FOOT-BALL OF FORTUNE, she is a fickle jade. 1 "Strongest in the World." Protection thai Protects. sk for IIUMtru lion ,-!' poll, mi. ed In our in - il ! II. D.Neely, .Managi r for N lr isk.i .Mer li.iotH Nat Hank 111.Il- olicy in A OLKANKIt OK THK SWITCH YAUDS - 1'hnto by a Staff Artist Scandal in Society Chicago Hecord-IIerald: "Oond Kniclous," said Mrs. Knllli "you're surely not k Iiik to Invito tliat Mrs. Colbrnlth to ymir reception, are joii? You can't nlfonl to iccokiiI.o her In tliat way. Of course, If you had a firmer position In society your self If you boloiiKod to ono of tlio old families hero and were rich enough to feel secure you m i: it lie illv nut tier In the st of vour friends, lint you're rniuiinrn- tlvely a newcomer, you're Just kcUIiik a foothold, and It would be extremely foolish for you to do anything now that would weaken your mMtlon. You mustn't think of having her here." "Mercy sukes! What has she done? I supposed she was a perfect lady. She seems so nice, and 1 believe she graduated at the head of her class at Wellcsley, ton. She always appeared to me to be so refined. 1 never dreamed there could be anything wrong about, her. What Is It? Kor pity's Bake, don't keep me In suspense." "Why, don't you know" She nurses her own baby!" Miss Kva (llenn Leslie a former pupil of Alfred Ayrcs of N'ew York, has derided to make her home in Omaha II' r ability as an elocutionist has been demount rated, nnd her (uallllrntlons as n tcailnr were tested She is making her home at K07 North Twenty-fifth street, where she will bo glad to receive pupils or persons deslilng readings. They Cordially Agreed Cluveland Plain Dealer: "Yes, air, tho newspapers of this country by their ox tended publication of sensational crimes nnd incidents are doing an Incalculable) amount of Injury." ' "That's right. The people shouldn't be permitted to read surh details. Tho-less they know about crime and criminals tho better." "I entirely agree with ou. Mny I ask 'ho nnture of your business?" "I am a green goods mnn." "And I am a dealer In gold bricks. Shake." Fixing the Responsibility Sotuervllle .liinrnal: C'ustoniur There Is something wrong nliout this suit you sold mn tho othei day. My wife says It doesn't fit. What Is tho matter with It? Salesman Nothing at nil, my dear sir. If there is any trouble It Is that you don't lit tho BUlt" Ex pe nsi ve A pa rt me n ts (Continued from Sixth Page.) air and convenience for the sake of having a large reception rcom. Tills aparlmen Is always a feature of a Pails Hal. And this Is very characteristic of Kreneh life, (iuests are entertained in this room nnd It In hero that the Frenchman, so to speak, puts his best foot forward. The dining room is very small. In Paris the dinner party so familiar to the Anglo-Saxon is practically unknown. The bed rooms also sulfer and are made dark and small in or der to give every possible ndvantnge of light and space to the lereptlon om. The kitchens mo often nothing moro t hart closets and badly lighted and ventilated nt that. Then, even In the best apart ments, bath rooms are unknown. If one wants to bathe he must send out nud hire a bathtub and have It carried lu for the purpose. The elevators are not common ns yet In Paris, even In the best apartments, and there Is no heat ami oft n very poor means of Illumination. 'Then consider that the front door is nlwnys watched, usually by an old woman, who lives In a little room at the entrance, ami spies upon everyone who gees out or In. Another curious feature of apartment house life In Paris Is the contrast between tile tenants upon the arious llnorw. A prluco may live on the Hist Hour and n peddler on the top, hut both will use the same staircase. When they chance to meet tho poor man without hesitation doffs his hat ami stands respectfully to one side while the great man passes. In brief, every feature of the French apartment In dicates the lack of home life In Paris, while In America every detail of the apartment Is outlived with this Idea In view." Pleasantry in Passing Philadelphia Press: "Well, I declare," remarked the thin man, who was being tin comfortably crowded by a very stout per son, "tho trolley company ought to charge passengers by weight." "Think so?" retorted tho stout pcrBon "At that rate It wouldn't be worth their while to take you on at all." Soporific Effect Yonkers Statesman- The Minister Do you ever try counting to put you to sleep9 Tim Deacon Oh, yes; this way firstly Hornndly, thirdly, and so on. '"HIM! with stale ckrs, glue ami i air r limits are tit tU lllllik. LionCoffee irt j'Uiv, uii it I'd t tiffi-c frch, strong, utll flavored. HiHM'Ult"! liIirKtltM II .....r.V... ....r.lllv AM OMAHA. NKIl, Typewriters ! New Century, New De us moro, New Yost. We sell, reat, exchange, rrpalr typa wrltera. Kverythln considered peed, grade of work, cobi of keeping In repair, durlabllllty, etc.-ours are by all oddi the cheapest typewriters on the mar ket For Information regarding ty9 wrltara, addraaa or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., MM Farnim St nana. .... YOU SEE More Style, Better Leather IIIUl il Finer Finish in the Regent $3.50 Shoes than you do In most J.r and M shoes on the market Shoes for Men Only. Our J2.r,0 shoe cannot be beaten. REGENT SHOE CO 205 South 15th St. Send for llustriited Catalogue. Moderate Priced High-Class I adies' nud (ientle. men's l.iiloriiijr. Advanced St)lcs Cleu'r Ideas Newest l:f feels J. A. Kervan Tailoring; Co., Phone 805. 424 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. Wo have a line line of Chrysanthemums In liil unit blossom HUSTON KlIltNS A srr.t i a i rv Mall orders promptly tilled. HESS fr SWOHOOA, I'l.OUIS'l'S I'luilio I Ml I 1 1 1 1 Faruain M tinialia lli'M. VIiinIim'm Nootlilnu S rni bus been nseil for over l''ll'"l'V VKAItK b MILLIONS of MOTIIKItM for their CIIIL I HI UN UIIILH TKKTIllNli, with PICK KKCT KCCCKSS IT KOOTIIKS tile CHILI), Soh'TKNS the (il'.MH. ALLAVH nil I'AIN, -'lti:S WIND COLIC anil Is the best rem edy for 1 )l A It Itl IOKA Sold by iIiiikkM lu every part or the world. H'e sure and ask for "Mrs WIiihIow'h Hootbliu; Hyrup" uuil take no other kind Twenty-live cents a bottlu. Famous Pictures The llee has secured a series of beautiful reprodin lions of famuli pullitlUKS nud buiullfiil pictures in eolors Tin hi pictures aie all Hiiluible tor framliiK ami will look linnilm me In anj home jj 'r m Anrttm. Mmkm Bettm. TDe My htenatimul Dentifrice. I 1 1 aiaat Afll 1 1 n LIFE UZE DOLL CDCL'"Babj's clothes will rifCC now lit Dollie." nirU pan irrt tlilil In HUtlful IJfi) hli Hull l))luli ly l-'ri n for Milium only four Ihiii-m i,( out (In hi Cold A In at'ti'nliiii lux. Silio tiMtnjr Hint we UI i-i tut Jim till) Ifll'l Im I,) lllllil KJKl4lUI - lll llfolilH in) iik tlio luxury ill n hrul vtf will ninlJiiiltlii IJtehli liollwlilch li fwt lilwh mi'l iiii wear Imlixf ..IIiii In. Ilii Iiiim mi In ill Inii lil.l, llitul (mlili'M Hair. lliwv 'Ik-i k, Iirnin Kv Kid "! Olid llmly, it ll, ,11 I'latiil Hi mil J I'll). Itiil Hix-Llnm, M'uk HI, i-i is Hint III Klnml nlnne. Tliln floll I. mi cxart rrlirniliirl Ion nf tin llni'Kt liltTut iwlnliil I'ri nrli Imll, ami lll llvn In M imi niory innKarti rclillil' IioimI ilnv. hiivu tinwit. AitilnM, NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., Doll Dipt. 1D2L lrW KlVn(Cono j PHARAOH'S HORSES. I This Is a copy of tlie pi ii'ihi: of Mn 1'i.i.h ii mi t Jnlin I'li'derli li lleiiliiK. and 'Is probably tho most famniis pbiun- of iih Kind Tin- heads of these imble animiils are executed with remarkable iKur and the In liourapbb- copy Is nine! sal Isfactory. How to Get Them. These pictures are ilx2.r Inches and hav e mver been fold nt the art stores for lens I ban lino dollar Ily seeurlnK nn linmense nuautlty of them we are able to offer them With a Coupon for 15 Cents. ! When ordering .tnte the name of (he subjeit nnd If they are to be mailed enclose six cents additional for poHiane and pnekliiK CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at lice Office or mall this coupon with Ific nnd kpI your elioleo of Pho tographic Art Studies When orderlnu by mall add Cc for postal A HI' IHCI'Alt IMC.1', IIIIC. 11 III.ISIIINri CO., IIMIIIA, THK HEE PUBUSHING COMPANY Art Dcpartmctit, Oinnlia, Neb. These pictures are framed and on exhibition at HOSIVH AltT STOUIC. Wo have provided n Inrne number of frames for The lien pictures ami nre nfferlm: them at a special price. Cull and sen them HOSK'H AltT BTOIlli IR2I I)oih street. Omaha, Nell