THE ILLUSTRATED KB IS. November 17. MHM S ' tlio top to tho bottom of tho highest apart ments ninl enables tenants to nmll tbclr letter at tlio front door of their apart ments, thus savins u Journey to the slrcc' That tho apartment houses In New York aro the finest In the world Is. of course, a commonplace. To appreciate their various rellnenients they should ho compared with the best apartments In London or I'arls. The Parisian apartment houses aro tho llnest In Hie world in point of architecture and decoration, but are far behind those of New York In comfort and convenience. Those of London aro decidedly Inferior to both. Tho different modes of life In tho various cities Is besides aptly Illustrated in tho arrangement of the apartments. Mr. W. K. 1). Stokes, who Is the architect and builder as well as the owner of tho "An sonln," the largest ami most costly apart ment house In the world, has this to say of the comparative merits of American ami loreiKu apartments: "The best Parlhlun apartment houses are very beautiful to lock at, but they are far behind our best apartments In every other itiality. The London apartments aro little more than IwIkIukh and aro scarcely worth coiislderltiK. Tin1 Parisian apartments are usually built upon lots of IrrcKtllar simp?, with streets on all sides and Brent court yards In the center. The Irregular forma tion of I'arls streets, of course, kIvos a much belter opportunity for architectural display than the square lots of New York Hut the arrntiKements of the rooms In the I'arls Hat would be absolutely Impossible In America. The French sacrifice Unlit ami (Continued on Seventh Pane.) Soft Harness Vou run mnko your hrr lien in sort ns ii Klmo ini'l in tough imuIrK ly uslii,' 1;II(I:kA llnr norm Oil. Yn'i inn li imtlion Iti lire-niakult l.i-l mini in Inn us u orillnurily would. EUREKA Harness Oil mnlccBP. poTlooklne linr- T1..V4 IIL (..i. M.. .I.i pure, li.'iivy lini'llpil oil, m. IMi'hillv In u.illi. Nuui.l iliu wcutlier. PotiJ everywhere In cuna all aizvu. Mada tj STANDARD OIL CO. Gold Top 99 Till ANSONI A," A NUW YOUK APAItTM UNT IIOl'SH WIIHUH ONLY MILLION AlltKS AND JANITOHS MAY L1VK Most Expensive Apartments in the World m (CopyrlKht, 1WI, by F. A. Collins.) HK Increase In size and number of apartment hoimes In law eltlen of lato has been bcoud all prece dent. A hIiikIo apartment house, "(ho Ansiiuia," Is beliiK built In New York at a cost of J5.U0O.U0, which will contain l.SUU looms. It Is possible lo secure rooms 011 the saiuo plane, suited to every purpose of housokoepluK. from a kitchen to n ball room. Tlio various apartments aro so arraiiKcd that any number of rooms can bo thrown Into a hIiikIo sulle, tho posi tion of tho rooms IioIiik left In (ho tenant. Tim renlals for hHikI" Hals or apartmeniB in this modern habitat vary from 12,000 to $'JU,000 yearly. Now these rentals aro much higher than those of most private houses in New York. The conventional four-story brown stono flout on or near Fifth avenue, for eample, 1 outs for from $r..(Hi( to JS.OOO a year. The prefereiico for Mats or apartments, even at Increased rentals, Is due doubtless to the perfection of nrrniiKomotitH of tho suites and their Kienter convenience for purposes of housekeeping. Kvery room and hall space to bo found In (ho llnest iIwoIIIiiks Is duplicated In these apartments, with tho Important exception of tho stairs. Tho suites vary In slie from six to thirty rooms. Tho best apartments contain from two to live bath rooms, with special quarters for servants. The rooms aro heated In winter with hot air and cooled In summer with refrlKerator dratlKhts. Hot or cold or Iced water, each carefully tutored, Is supplied to every room. Hy living In an up-to-date apartment, In short, a housekeeper can save everylhlnt; but money. Not only does the economy of labor In iMiusekeepliiK attract residents, but the apartment homes, by their architectural pretension and the lavish decorations of their entrances and public halls, draw many to them. Some of the apartments aro ver itable palaces, both IiihIiIo ami out. Tim "Hatters" forms n sort of community of Interests, since nil contribute to purchase or lease luxuries, which nre shared In com mon. The architecture of these ureal bulld lut?s, their entrances and halls, are far more elaborate than any kIiikIo tenant could nfford In a house of his own. In other words, a man who pays 110.000 n year for a Hat has the satisfaction of outer Iiik a hallway as elaborate as that of many Kuropeau palaces, Several of the apart ment houses In New York, for Instance, have plate kI.ikh diorn covered Willi bronze scroll woilt valued at $5,000 a panel. Tho hallway of one apartment house contains sevoral ornale louimes costing $1,100 each. And (he liveried llunky who opens tho door Is qulto as brilliant as to livery and obso iUous as lo manner as any servant who walls upon royally. Perhaps the most Important feature of this modern form of living Is tho economy of time and patience which has been mado possible In housekeepliiK. A good one-third of the drudgery of house care Is performed by iiiai hlnery. The heat, which most house keepers must coax from reluctant II res, Is supplied from some mysterious cellar, ami can be regulated automatically to tho frac tion of a degree. The foods aro preserved in porcelain refrigerators cooled by cold brine, which can be turned on or off hy an ordinary spigot. If lee bo desired tho cold brine Is merely turned on full head for a few mt'iules and zero weather Is produced, though It be tho hottest of summer days. Mlectrlclty has entirely superseded gas for Illumination. Kach apartment has besblo a telephone of Its own niul tho hostess talks with her cook from any room or with a friend a thousand miles distant with eipial facility. To an outsider a most Interesting part of one of these mammoth apartment houses Is tho cellar It Is hero that the greater part of tho housekeeping Is performed. These cellars recenible nothing so much as tho hold of an ocean liner. They are crowded with complicated machinery, attended by a score of engineers nud elivtrlclaus It must bo remembered that the heat, light and general convenience of hundreds of living rooms Is controlled from this center And tenants who pay thouwmds a year for tholr suites are very Intolerant of any neglect. The bulkiest euulptuont of these cellars aro the complicated system of pumps and engines used for forcing the water of various temperatures lo the npartmcnts. Kvery well rogulntod apartment house Is supplied with enormous filters, which clarify all the water used throughout the building. The water Is then heated or cooled, ns the ease may be before passing to the pumps. There nre lioufo pumps for tho ordinary hot and cold water; brine pumps for the freezing apparatus and still others for the Ico water and the very hot water which heals the great buildings. The temperature of all these Bystems of piping B O T T L E I) BEER... is uppetlzlncj ntid hon I th giving. Its perfect purity, ijunutlful color n n cl spurkiing brilliancy will enclenr it to tho honrt of overy connoisseur, while its rich hop flavor i s IikIj scrlbiibly plens I ng to too pnlnt. It's the ldonl fum II y beer. Delivered In cases of quails or pints Or dec from your ill all r nr teliplKUii SOUTH OMAHA BREWING CO,, Brewers and Boltlcrs of l ine Beer. South Omaha. Neb. PI m 1 kk 1 3 must bo controlled to tho fraction of n do greo or endless Inconvenience will follow throughout tho small city of residents over head. K.ich cellar has besides two com plclo electric plants with complicated switchboards and buzzing dynamos, ono for lighting the house, tho other for animating the miles of call bell wires extending to every room In tho building. Thu cellar proper has, besides a number of brick walled rooms, ono corresponding t each, where tho tenants may store hi cycles, trunks, baby carriages and similar accumulations, Theso Individual cellars are llreproof and are lighted by electricity Still another feature of the newer apart incut houses nro tho public laundries, K.ieli tenant has a stationary tub In tho cellar with an approved rack for clothes, which aio dried by hot air blasts. Tho cellar door Is tho back door of the apartments. The servants and tradespeople first enter tho cellar and then proceed to tho apartment by special freight elevators. In Borne apartment houses tho freight elevators nre large that a londed furniture van may be hoisted to tho upper Moors Intact, thoro to be unloaded. Fireproof arrangements aro as complete as It Is possible to make them. Tho Moors and walls throughout ore built of brick and cement. The staircases and elevator shafts aro constructed entirely of metal and stone or cement. Tho floors of tho looms nro merely covered with thin layers of wood. As an additional precaution n complete set of piping to be used In ensa of tire extends to overy hallway In tho building. Should n tiro break out In nny suite it could at most do no more harm than to hum up the furniture In ono or two rooms. Tho adjoining apartments would probably not even suffer Inconven ience from tho stnoko. The day of tho bell rope and speaking tubo Is past. Tho best apartments are provided with Individual telephono sys tems connecting tho vnrlous rooms ono with another. It has been found that speak ing tubes frequently allow tho fumes of cooking to spread from tho kitchen to thu rest of the house or they enable servants to overhear conversations In adjoining rooms. Tho dining rooms nre besides pro vided with burglar and llreproof safes, built securely In the walls or Moors for storing silverware or other valuables, Still another luxury Is the mall tube, which runs from OUR liNORAVliRS JManz Engraving Co. 195-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois., Are Justly celebrated as the engrav ing establishment which can at all limes be relied upon for satisfactory results, whether the engraving be n lino half-tone, wood cut nr zinc etch ing. Their facilities are so extensive that work which must be executed quickly for shipment to distant cities can bo easily turned out. When ordering engravings from your printers ask for j Man Perfect lliyraving. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALF-TONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time in Tlie Illustrated lice On unall portrait cuts we make a unmiuil price of $1 00. On larger cuts f! ci'iitt per square Inch. They are all in llrnt-rla-.H eiiuditlnu. Our pholi giaphic department will also print uilditional copies of our oi Initial photographs at a reasi liable rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb. CLEANING DYEING REPAIRING and PRESSING of MEN'S and WOMEN'S GARMENTS. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 319 S. 15th St., Omaha. Telephone lb2l. IP YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM write to ii anil wo will loll vou lilEE bow to euro it. We Guamitee a Cure, Till: NUMSliN RliMliDV, Chicago. III. 1 i&ffl LET US 8TART YOU HW to 94 Wrrkly and K. M'ttMi-M. Ann nu.iK3i- VT IIOni'.orTltAVKI.I.HIl, Our ftji'nt. anil nnlt-!m'n ntnileover litut riMir nurrlyine Dm I'tinrmniiH ilinnoiil for our fumoin ((inker lliilli Ciililni't nml nr- il'illllIlllU HK-IIM " "IHIITIIII KtlllT. .N'i M-llt'llM- ill- full I- llli-llliliU, Will i i: imliiy for I'ropo iiiiin. nun. i:ic I'ltKt:. Win lil .'irk. '.. ii U'nrlu Diil'it, t'liirliiinitl, it. VII V reeamiiifHJ above fit m as teltatlt. Htlttot , I this I'LiiiivNr cur fiuss ir CANmK stmiltni; 1-5 ineiio-hig-h an 1 II I Unl with FREE Hiller'sj Celebrated 8-year-old Rye Whiskey nml tfluss AltSOU'l IXY FUKK IIIM.HK'S ipvl.LF ,,i;u,.: uvH, nml wo wll oiieliM with sumo the Docmitor mid uliiss neatly packed uiuUhipncd In plain box. All Charges Prepaid. Wo mnko this llticnil nlTor In iinlur t liitroiluuo in- eolobi'uted IIIIXIMt'S PIJUK KVIi WIIISKKV. $3.20 por gallon. "Oiici trial ai trays iiwif. ' Sond ih your or loi- at unco, this nll'or will not !a-,t lon. If goods aro not Mitlsmcto.-y, return at our oxponso mid your money rofuiiilod. Reference First Nn'loiml Munk, Oinulia Any Kvproi Co. HENRY HILLER, S'J'2 North Kith Street. OMAHA. X. ! -OM-i-i for states wot of N'obrusku must call for allons to in ela lo ilTor and to bo prepaid.