Btf TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1001. GRAND JURY VISITS JAIL Fn renin ii firntit ami Other Jnrora 1'lennril nllh Comlltlon of City l.oL'Utip. The county grand Jury, escorted hr a deputy sheriff, went through the various departments of the city Jail and pollco court ycRtcrdiiy on a tour of Inspection. Fore man John Ornnt said: "I think the police officers arc doing all that can be 'dono to keep this building In shape, and so far as tlio cells and cell room aro concerned I have no criticism to offer, hut the. Jail kitchen leaves much to ho hoped for. I think this Jury will recommend that tho council approprlato somo money toward making Improvements In tho kitchen. In tho matron's department, court room, clerk's ofllco and tho up-stalra dormitory e found everything neat and in good con dition." Juror Frank Urban said: "I never saw n Jail that was kept In better shupo than this ne. It reflects great credit upon Chief Donahue, Captains Her and Hayes and all thers In charge." (,'lurkftiiii HoHpltnl, Tho annual special appeal for the great ind good work accomplished by tho Clark son hospital will bo mado In Trinity Ca thedral on .Sunday, November 17, nt tho 11 a, m. service. Tho entlro offerings will be dovotcd to tho hospital. Tho board of managers earnestly asl; Its friends to at tend and glvo generously for this great Omaha Institution of skill mid charity. A short history of tho hospital will bo given and special music rendered by tho choir of fifty members, under tho direction of Prof. 1 llatson Wright. Solid gold and filled link buttons, sco them. John Uudd, 115 So. ICth St. Have Root pi Hit It. J. P. Cooko & Co., rubber stamps, 1112 Farnam. WIdo wedding rings, Kdholm, Jeweler. Olinerriitltiii l'urlor Cora Between Omnlia mid Sioux City Via tho Northwestern Line. In addition to the Turlor Cars nnd Observation Cafo Cars which nro run dally between Omaha, Sioux City and tho "Twin Cities" on trains leav ing Omaha at G:C5 a. m., arriving Sioux City 10:05 a. m. and leaving Sioux City T:15 p. ni., arriving at Omaha 10:23 p. in., tho Chicago & Northwestern railway has placed in servlco between Omaha and Sioux City Observation Parlor Cars, leaving Slou City 12:30 p. ni., dally, arriving at Omaha 3:50 p. m., and leaving Omaha 7:50 p. m., arriving Sioux City 11:05 p. m. This im provement in tho servlco will no doubt still further popularlzo this already favorlto lino. Dr. William T. Gcrlsch has roturncd from Bt. Louts, Mo., and Is now permanently lo cated at 403 North Fifteenth street. There's only ono Stonccyphcr. He prints. Lilndquest, tailor moved to 1410 Farnam. Cnrd of TJianUa. Wo wish to extend thanks to Tluth Ite fcekah No. 1, I. O. O. P., Washington lodgo No. 27, D. of H.. A. O. U. W.; Royal Oak lodgo No. 200, Royal Arcades; Goorge A. Cuator lodgo No. 82, W. R. C; Ivy camp No. 2, R. N. of A., and to dear friends and kind neighbors, who so kindly as sisted us during tho sickness and death of our boloved daughtor and nelce, Oma I'urgcraon. May God bless you all. MRS. THOMAS I. STRAWN. . P. JOHANNA STRAWN. " AND FAMHA". Holy l'nuilly I'arUta. A mission will open at Holy Family church next Wednesday evening at 7:30. This mission will bo conducted by tho Jesuit Fathers, under tho leadership of Rev. II. Garbland and Is exclusively for unmarried people It Is expected that tho young ladles and gentlemen will turn out In largo numbers, as It Is tho first of the kind ever given in Omaha. C. Ederer, now tho florist, 36th & Bristol. Curd or Thanka. Wo wish to thank tho members of George Crook post, G. A. It.; tho Ladles of Gar flold circle No. 11, and oilier friends for their kindness and many expressions of sympathy in our recent bereavement, tho death of husband and father, Thomas Campton. MRS. D. CAMPTON. AND FAMILY. IS-k thick wedding rings, Edholm, Jew'lr. Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1052. 7JJU YOUR TEETH are precarious. Nature demands they recelvo tho best treatment. All that skill und cxperlcnco can accomplish la at your command here. Cold Croivna, $5,00. VltnlUrd Air, (10c flllluiiM, 75u ui). TAfTS C PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS 1517 DOUGLAS STRKET. QnleLrr Tlmr Mm. llllnoln Central. Uffectlvo Sunday, Nov. 1.0. tho Illinois Central will shorten tho tlmo on their trains to Chicago and the Twin Cities. Train No. 4, which now leaves at 7:00 a. ra., will be changfd to leave at 7:10 a. m.; train No. 2, tho "Chicago and St. Paul Lim ited," which now leaves at 7:45 p. m., will be changed to leave at 7:60 p. m. Thcro wilt be no change In tho arriving time at Chicago, St. Paul or Minneapolis. Train No. 1 will leave Chicago ut 6:25 p. in., Instead of 5:45 p. m., and reach Omaha at 8:20 a. ra., Instead of 8:05 a. m. Special attention Is Invited to tho superior equipment on both our Chicago and St. Paul trains. IPiffct-llbrary cars aro run on tho night trains and parlor-buffet cars on tho daylight run. City ticket oluco Is at 1402 Farnam street. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Deo. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Telophono 238. 22-k wedding rings, Edholm, Jeweler. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Dec. Telephone) 238. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In connection with Tho Batbcry, 21G-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716. For policies that nro wight drafts nt ma turity apply to II. D. Necly, malinger Equltablo Life, Merchants' Nat. Dank bids. Nichols & llroadflcld, printers, 513 North Fifteenth street. 'Phono 1942. Mr. E. A. Donson will teach the "Dees trick Skulo" In tho parlora of tho First Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday even ing, November 26. Don't make any other engagement for this date. Admission 25c. Silver tcascts, Edholm, Joweler. A good slnglo-barrol shotgun, box of sholls and case, J6.S0; 22-callbcr rifle, shoots long or nhort, and box of cartridges for $3.90. Schmelzer S. G. Co., 1521 Farnam. Correct quality of goods, lowest prices guaranteed. Hubermann, Jeweler, 13 & Doug. "Tho Kilties," Coliseum, December 10. NOTICE. A special Invitation Is extended to peoplo that aro hard to please, to ottend tho Guarantee's Selling Out Sale. When wo say "peoplo bard to please," wo wish to add that wo can't blauio tho people at all for being hard to please tho store-keepers hero about with their ficticious Bales mako them hard to please, and being fooled dozens of times by fako advertisements thoy got in tho habit of putting every snlo dow:n aa a fraud. In our caso wo cer tainly provo an alibi every ono knows that when Bennett leavca our neighborhood that It will bo deader than n hammer, So far wo havo been unsuccessful In securing a suitable location even If we should And ono wo would want to (open up with an entlro new stock. So far tuo abovo reason wo prefer to turn tho goods Into money even at a loss to us. If you havo never been In our store wo would llko for you to call nnd look us over It Is posi tively ono of tho largest rotall stocks of Its kind in tho city. All goods aro marked In plain figures from which thero Is no deviation. Only good rellablo goods aro kept hore In stock. Salesmen havo special Instructions to bo pollto to people whether thoy buy or not. Hero aro a few of our prices: All that's loft of men's shirt waists, chotcc, 23c; men's heavy melton suits, 85.00; good um brellas, 25c; men's gray overcoats with velvet collars, 82.35; excellent heavy winter caps, 25c; strong working pants, 69c; seamless socks, Co; laundered, fancy bosom shirts, 25c; red, bluo or white hand kerchiefs, 3c; extra flno pants, 81.90; fino suits and overcoats at extraordinary low price at tho Guarantee Selling Out Sale. 1516-18 Capitol Avenue, dear Bennott's. 95.00 for Half a nay's Work. If you live In tho country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tho farmers and stockralscrs In the neigh borhood, you can make 85.00 easily by four or five hours' work. Write us and wo will send you our proposition. Tho Beo Publish ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Nob. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnetic physician, office at Victoria hotel, 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can bo found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. Shampooing anJ hair dressing, 2o. In connection with Tho Bathery, 210-220 Beo building. Tel. 1716. THE DIRECT LINE TO THE LEAD AND ZINC DISTRICT OF SOUTHWEST MISSOURI AND NORTHERN ARKANSAS. Hi 2 DAILY TRAINS FROM OMAHA City Offices. S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. Omaha, Neb. COAL.. Rock Springs I.VMP alav, per tou T.71 MIT alio, per tun ,,, 7,30 Ohio LUMP lr.r, imr Ion f7.US NUT slip, per Ion 7,00 Tho hia-litat uruilf of unit coal, CI.H.VX AS IIAIlll CO.VI,. We hiimllr ouly tliosr hltwU rat liilroUutiil In tlila mnrkvl. C. B. HAVENS & GO,, 1522 Farnam St. Telephones 301,317 and8 23, Our Scrap Book Is a sourco of great amusement. It eon tains clippings from tho Omaha dallies, drug JournntH and other publications per taining to tho drug business, which had reference to the existing drug war In our city. By reading theso publications wo can bring to mind all the different schemes nnd Jobs put up by tho local combine to crunh tho ''Originator of Cut Price" out of business. U'h a funny world, Zurllda, J1.00 Temptation Tonic 4So 50c Pozznnl Powder 2So Oa T,a Blanche Powdor 3.1a 25a I.nxntlve UromO-Qulnlne 12c zrc (juinncctal (ror corns) 200 $1.00 Peruna CRc 11.00 Warner's Safo Curo 69c $1.00 Ivnmbnrt'H I.lstcrlno DSc fifle Cramer's Kidney Curo. 40c $-'. urnnier h 'innsy, uotton-Hoot and Pennyroyal PIHh $1.00 $1.00 Hot Water Dottle r. $1.00 Kountuln Syrlnco 4Sc js.w womuinnuon wuter .uottlo and Fountain nyringo , A snlondld Atomizer via W. T. & Co.'b Vaseline Atomizer, No. 30 "5o me noove ruDuer gooas guaranteed ono year. Cut Price Drug Store Tal. 747. I. W. Cor. lh and Chloaga Goods delivered FRI513 to any part ot city. SGHAEFER'S 1902 Beautiful mid Artistic Calendars Diarys Desk Calendars Leather Portfolios Desk Sets Pocketbooks The Moyer Stationery Co., SO nnd s. loin at. Setting Glass During 'the cold snap, bas beon right in our line. Havo kept four and five men busy, and everybody satisfied. Prompt service, good work, reasonable prices, does the business. Can furnish auy size glass you may need. Give us your orders. Telephone till). FULLER DRUG AN II PAINT 14th anil Douglas Sts. GO. KEELEY "" ,ho hvtt 'llIra of Iba Kccley alew of Iti.M CURE ",,e',, ,l,e "nl "eley Jiistltiil In ebraaUa. Curat Ilrunkennesa, Cera Drug Uaern, Tobacco I'acra. TUB iiUULUY IXSTITt I U, 1U Mi4 Lenveawortb, Oauihe. Shoe Supremacy DEPENDS on qual ity of materials, smartness of style, trimness of fit, anil fineness of workmanship. Fnrpmnst excellence in these four cardinal points has given the shoes of Laird, Schober & Co. Philadelphia their world-wide reputation for superiority. Women's Mines' Childrta' Grand Prix Paris Exposition, 1900 Theso shoes aro tho standard of style, fashion and quality In women's footwear tho world over, and wo aro exclusive selling agents for Omaha. Wo aro also exclusive selling agents for THE "J. &M." SHOE FOR MEN Tho most stylish and fasblonablo lino of men's shoes made. Inspect our styles and prices. FRY SHOE CO FORMERLY CarlwriajH &o. N. E. Cor. 16th ad Douglas Englishmen Or those who hall from other "forelcrn shores," will find that our stock repre sents tho lcudlnR articles of a medicinal character from m ist parts of tho world. Wo do not attempt to enumerate hero tho different lltifs ,f juTfumo nnd toilet prepa rations, but conline ourselves to tho odd articles for which pooplu nre wont to fond direct to No'v York, thinking they cannot be obtained here, Wo obtain our goods direct from tlm Importers nnd tint can RUarnntoo I'HUail.NIiSS und UUNUINli NUSH. Hrou's Injection, JI.OO. Hully's Aromatic Vinegar. $1.00. Ueetham's Ulycerluo and Cucumber Crexm, DOe. Cando's Lalt Antephollque, Ji.CO. Chapoteaut'a Phorphoglycerato of I.lmo Capsules, 75e, and powder, J1.00. Chapoteuiit's Strontium lncato, J1.C0. Aplollno Chapoteaut, J1.0O. Auborgter's l'asto of Ixictucarlum, 50c. Aubergler's Syrup of I.netuc.irlum, J1.00. Ulair's Gout and ilhcumatlo Tills, GOc -and J1.00. IHancard's rills of lodldo of Iron, COo. Ilotot's Kail Dcntrlllce, 76e. Iloudault's l'epslno I'owder, JI.CO. IJoyer's Eau do Mellsso des Carine3, COo. Hrnvalas Wine, Jl.Ou. Colchl-sul. for Gout and Ilheumntlsm. J1.00. Dcclat'B Preparations. J1.00 per bottle. Uucro'H Allmentnry Kllxlr, Ji.CO. Kdwnrd's llarlune, J1.25. ICcckelner's Hi Uaby Sonp. I3c caho. Ksplo's Antl-Asthmatlc Cigarette. 75c Kaynrd & lllayn's Antl-Hhcumatlo Purer, roc roll. KranV;'s Grains do Sanle, Bne. Garnler-Ijimoreaux Granules Protoldld of Jlercury, 60c and Jl.oo. Ootnbault's Caustic Ualsam, J1.D0 bottlo. Grllon'B Tamur Indleit, 75c. Grlmatllt & Co.'b Ifmisnu Pnu-ilor. ll.Eft. Grlmuult ft Co'h Injection, Jl.011. Joy'H Asthma Cigarette. Kngllsh. Jt.00. 1 1 wuinine, pmin or rurruginous, nrnnil'ti Vlnli r-, nil Mnthew Cuylus' Cnpsules of Copalva, J1.00. Vri "I'su'es Eaiuai, i.w. (sautai ItlKOllot'B Mnslnr.1 Invns. ar,n hnr Simon's Cream, coc, 75c, J1.00. Tamar Indlen (hoc Grlilon). Tanret'H Pellellcrlene, J3.C0. Antl Stiff, for the muscles, 10c and 33c. Cockle's PIllH, niitl-blllous, f.0o. jju Dimuiis uoui I'llis, WC and J1.00. Kno's Krult Salt, Jl.oo. Hollowaj-s Ointment, COc. Lloyd's Kuxesls (by widow of A. S. I). wo. Morrison's PIHh, Xos, 1 or 2. Mulrcady's Ulllous and Liver Pills, TSo. POStH, C. It. Q, Pasta Slack, for bath nnd toilet uso, J1.00. Prlco'a Glycerine. 25n and GOc. Itocho's llerbal Embrocation, J1.75 a bot tle, 1 niiea. Cremo, Mc. Taylor'H Adhesive Plasters, EOc yard. Wilson's linlr Tonic, Jl.L'3. Wright's Llciuld Carbonls Detergcns, 50c. Itowland's Jlucasar OH, Jl.oo. Sherman &, McConnall Drug Go. Cor. Kith und UodRp. Oninlin. In The Royal Acorn Tho hlghcflt grade linrd coal baso burner 1 Ilin ivnrlH trtdnv I k nH.innt.i it.. ltnvnl Afnrn fin iwih ..H 1.,.., fiu lieater becomo tliat nearly all of tho liavo been denlRned after It. None, liow- heater. It gives moro heat and Is moro S.1 man any siovo yet made. Tho rich dark Acorn cnsUng nnd silver finish nickel used In Its construction makes iiimiitiLoi mum II1UI1V. l.ilCU jiwuia ijuso uurners, to JoO.00. John Hussie Hardware Co., 2407-2409 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Ilussle. It's right." The Pleasure of Anticipation la always realized when It Is Metz Beer that "meets tho thirsty Hp." It elves both pleasure and satisfaction as a thirst killer, an appetizer and a tonic. When you need bracing up nnd wish to look the filcturo of robust Health. Indulge yoursolf n tho pleasure of a bottle of Metz beer dally. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., Tel. 110. Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumayer Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 'PYK.ICHTV Can You Do It? Cau you got a better or moro oeouoml cnl nil 'round coal than out .Jupiter? It sturts readily, burns with llttlo ivubto nnd Is carefully siTeened ami (sorted. Nut, for Cooking. $5'5(. Lump, fur liuutliiK, $&.7S. Wo lualiu prompt delivery. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. 506 So. lUth St. s. Opposite Her Grand. Milton Rogers & Son Corner Fourteenth and Farnam Streets RADIANT HOME STOVES Aro absolutely without an canal. Thou- Mai sands ot them aro In uso In Omaha nnd tlclnlty. Ask thoso who aro using them and they will tell you that Hadlant Horns Stoves USK LESS COAL AND 11KAT M01U5 SPACE than any other baso burner. The 1901 design baa tho Improved circulates fluo and tho patent duplex grate. COOK STOVKS A good cook stove, smooth castings, a perfect baker, UlQ up from JpO A. KJ SHEET IHON HEATERS A air-tight wood heater, up from THE MONITOR tlicot Iron $2.95 Made of heavy cold rolled Uessomer Btcel plate, gray and malleahlo Iron castings, lined with asbestos, patent duplex grates, hot blast draft, mado with and without rescrvo wator-backs, many styles and sizes, up from A HAHD COAL HASH DUHN'ER; FULL I1ASU HEATEtt Nickel baso nnd rail, hnndsomo urn, duplex tlH C TCf shaking grate, up from.. rail uiuuo J25 Stoves and Ranges Sold on Payments Monday's Drug Prices Temptation Tonic . . 47c JI.OO Cramer's Kidney Cure 47o 11.00 Coko'a Dandruff curo &c $1.00 Wine of Cnrdul Mc Jl.H) uottlo H. h. h 11.75 Uottlo S. S. 8...., U.l la 1'lso'n Cure w 2Co llowcll'H Antl-Kawf IBe $1.00 Newbro's llcrplclde t?o Packer's Tnr Soap IRo Warner's Hafo Curo vBc s-ounco Uottlo Wltcli Hazel l.'o quart Uottlo Sherry Wlno - 50c Quart Uottlo I'ort Wine 33c 2-UUart Fountain Syringe 49c 2-qunrt Hot Wuter Hottle 4!c 13.75 Horllck's Malted Milk $2.75 $1.00 Horllck's Malted Milk do BOc Horllck's Malted Milk 3lo 2graln Qulnlno Capsules, dozen Re S-gralti cjulnlno Capsules, dozen 7c O-grain Qulnlno Capsules, dozen 10c BOSTON STORE DRUG 19 DEFT. Ice Tools Are you going In tho lco busi ness? If so, perhaps you will need some TOOLS. Remem ber wo aro excluslvo western ogonts for tho celebrated W. T. WOOD & CO.'S ICE TOOLS. Send for Illustrated cataloguo. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1011 Dodge Street. HARDWARE. $7,000 WAIST PURCHASE From the Iulorimtional Waist Company, Broadway. Now York, at less than one-third price. The story: "NEW YORK, Nov. a, 1901. Haydcn Uros.. Omaha.: Hard pressed for ready money. Accept your cash offer, ?2,600. Must bo posltlvoly net, spot cash; no discount Your resident buyer ships goods" 3oon as possible. INTERNATIONAL WAIST CO." We wore watching for Just such an opportunity tis this for tho past sixty days, to secure for Omaha people Flannel Wals ts at lees than half tho price of the ma terials. BO dozen Flannel Waists overy thread wool, trimmed with braid tho newest styles worth tl.GO salo price 75 dozen Flannel Waists mado ot excellent quality French flannel corded nnd tucked and trimmed with braid worth $2.50 for 25 dozen Waists mado of finest French flannels In all colors, rods, tans, castors and blues worth C00 to $7.00 for Ten dozen flno Imported Tattern Waists, worth $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00-for 49c 98c $2.50 $3.90 Women's Raglans ecys, satin lined throughout, worth $13.00, for $S.C0. 200 women's Automobiles made of Ameri can woolen mills kerseys, trimmed with bauds of taggoto and satin, lined with Skinner's satin; tbey are worth up to $25.00, tor $10.50. Women's Skirts Tho greatest lot of Skirts ever known In Omaha at less than tho cost of tho ma terials. Women's rainy day Skirts, with two rows of stitched satin, for only $1.98. Women's rainy day skirts In extra heavy materials in browns, blacks and grays, worth up to $6.00 for $2.98. GOO Skirts In storm serges, cheviots and broadcloths, trimmed with stitched bands of satin and taffeta, worth up to $10,00, for $1.9S. 15U Silk Skirts, nearly all samples, no two alike, at $3.90, $4.90, $5.90, $7.50 and $10.00. Women's Suits 150 women's Suits, Jackets lined with guaranteed taffeta, skirt with, the new Dounco, for $1.95. 275 Suits, elegant goods, Jackets lined with tho aivernaud taffeta, worth 'up to $18.00. Haydcn's price, $8.75. Women's Wrappers, made of extra -heavy flanneletto, worth $1.00, for C9c. Women's Wrappers mado of extra quality flannelette, two ruffles over shoulder, worth $2.00, for 98c. Women's Collarettes, worth $2.00, for 95c, Children's Fur Sets lit $1.50. Tho greatest salo over held in Omaha. READ GREAT SALES ON PACE 10. Women's Raglan's mado to sell for $15.00, Haydcn's price, $3. OS. Women's Raglans, mado of American woolen mills kersey, satin lined through out, worth $25.00, for $1G.00. Women's Automobiles mado of flno ker seys, satin lined throughout, worth $25.00, for $15.00. Women's Automobiles mado of fine ker- HAYDEN BROS. Timely Thoughts for Thanksgiving Pretty' Things of the Potter's Art can always be found here. Things that will brighten up tho dining tnblo or other places In tho hom wonder fully. They aren't always expen slve some 'aro very Inexpensive. Turkey Pla,ttors. 48o and up. Celery Trays, 25c nnd up. Done Dishes, 10e und up. Salad Dishes, 23c nnd up. Those New Carvers havo arrived. Is your old rnrvlng set n good ono? The man who carves en Thnuksglvlng day, with tho eyu,f of tho assembled company focused upon him, needs a carver with a keen edge to do It easily and gracefully. Theso am mado of tho best shear steel nnd will tnko a keen edgo that won't turn every tlmn It touches u bone. 'Jio, $1.1S, $1.W, $2.13,, $2.95. 15191521 Douglas Street WL ML THE 99 CENT lmS STORE" 1519 1521 Douglas Street I! The Bis: Store Hart Schftnr O MarV Clothei umntu I1AI UtliS Advertises Facts Anij Its Prices Command Attention The buying public has learned from cx perieuee that the 1 Store fulfills all of itH promises and no matter how low the price quoted, delivers the goods. Bucked by the iron bound guaranty, "your money, back if you want it," without argument, makes tho Big Store's methods for fair and honest trading matchless and incom parable. SPECIAL OVEIiCOAT SAT E MON DAY of the Stein-Bloch Co. ami Hart, Sohaff noi' & Alarx tailor-made garments, and again repeat our slatements (hat there is no other clothing just as good. Men's new gray vicuna o'coats, cut extra long, also in . medium lengths, made Avith or without yokes, fine assortment, overcoats that aro made to sell at 18 to ?10, On Sale Monday far $10, SES and $18. $10 men's all wool ulsters, at $ 5.7") $.7.30 men's kersey overcoats at -1.00 $ir men's line ulsters, for 7.50 Men's 2.30 tine trousers at Men's 7.30 'Paragon trousers, for .'5.50 13 men's line tweed suits, at 7.30 frer O r,Iar Our men s suits in regulars, stouts and sliniis 'JH',0r at 10, 12.30, 15 and 18, should be seen ainUc,0,h" tried on by all good dressers before purchasing elsewhere. HAYDE "selling the most clothing in omaita. LOOK! LOOK! All Wool Suits Made to Order $15.00 SAME AS YOU PAY $25.00 FOR ELSEWHERE All Wool Pants T0 CTr and $3.50 Made to Order Everything Made in Omaha up HILL PANTS CO. ...SAMPLES SENT TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS... ASK FOR A aaBBBBBaBBBBlBBBBlBbBBaaBW.17U Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars. &rauiatwM;VY,F' Woo Mo.rOjilUo'Ciir Qf. SW XrtuU, Vulvu iHaj-r 1 3 I