THE OMAITA DAILY BEE. SUNDAY, yOVEMDER 17, 1001. 26 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Mtrt lujera ArrWid a thi Looal Utrkit Lut Walk Tkua In Stmt Tim Pst DEMAND FOR SUGAR MORE THAN SUPPLY Not Many Changes In (Itiiitntloim Took Place I.iist Wreli nml Market May lie Snld to lie In n Good, Healthy Conilltlun. Wholesale dealers In practically all lines report Immediate business on the Increase, l'ho first or Inst week verv few buyers ar rived on the market, but toward the clofo tncy camo in more rreciy man in several weeks past. It Is thought that this shows clearly that the cooler weather has stimu lated buying In the country to a marked de gree ami mat retailers stocks are going i pieces at u rapid rate. Mall orders havo also Increased both In size and number the last few days and traveling men are meet ing with better success In picking up orders. It may then bo said that the gen eral business situation In Omaha and sur rounding territory Is In better condition than It was a week ago, Roth Jobbers and rotallcrs are naturally In better spirits and aro moro conlldcnt thnn uver that with anvthlmr like seasonable weather tliov will sell more goods this year than they havo In any previous year. As an Indication of the general pros cerlty Jobbers aro tiolntlni: to the wav In which merchants havo been meeting their bins in spite or the ract that the mild weather has seriously curtailed the retail trade. It Is said that collections are now In better Bhupe than they were a year ago at this time. One Jobber In particular said that he had riffered his etlstritimrH n Mtnnll discount on bills paid from November i to jsovemDcr vt anu max no was greatly sur prised at the number of merchants who look advantage of the ofTer. The discount was so small that ho did not think many dealers would pay any attention to It and the tact that they did must show that they have plenty of ready cash. There wcru no very sensational changes In market quotations last week, most of inn iiuciuaiions neing or minor importance. 1'rlccN op the whole arc good and linn, with not mucu prospect nt mere neing any ran leal changes In the near future. SiiKitr Steady nt the Decline, Slnco tho sensational drop In the price of augar mentioned a week ago there has been no change In tho situation. Local jobbers are swamped with orders, as they cannot uegiu io get cnougn siock to supply mo demand. Jtetallcrs uro all anxious to stock ut for future reoulrements nt the nreacnt low prices, but they have to content them selves with only a small fraction of their orders Wholesalers aro doing their host to supply tho wnnts of their customers, but tho demnnd Is so grent that It Is estimated that thero are imlllled orders In tho hands of Omaha Jobbers amounting to 2,600,000 pounus or sugar. it may saroiy oo n u hat thero has been moro sugar sold In tho ast ten uays man ever ueroro in me nis lorv of Omaha as a lobblnir center. There has been no quotubto change In the coffee market slnco Inst report, but advices continue to come In from Santos stating that tho damage done to tho crop by dry weather Is fully as great as previously es timated. As a result the market Is good and nrni, as wen as active. Dried fruits are also unchanged In nrlco but tho demand Is Improving, probably owing to tho cooler weather. It Is thought that with the ndvent of severe winter weather tho demand will Incrcnso rapidly and that prices will linn up n trifle. Tho canned goods market Is very Ilrm on nil lines. Stocks In packers' hands ore being rapidly cleaned up and It Is claimed that Indications for a continued ctrong market aro very favorable. The only chango of lmportanco In far! naceous goods Is a slight advance on oat meal. This has been brought about by the rileh rtrleo of nnts. The demand for cheoso has been Increasing of Into nnd as the supply or uctoDer-mnrro atopic In rather Ucht nrlccs are ndvanclnir. ITancy Wisconsin goods aro quoted Uif'a cent higher than they wcro a week ngo. So far as other staplo lines aro concerned litTo is not much to bo said, aa prices aro In practically tho name position they wero a week ugo. Tho demand continues active nnd Jobbers report their sales as being considerably ancau or last year. Hardware About Steady. Hardware Jobbers aro feeling the effects ot tho colder weather by tho Increased demand for nil seasonable lines. Accord ing to reports received from tho country retailers aro now doing a rushing business In nil cold weather goods and as their ntockB aro not abnormally large they aro Bending In quite liberal orders. Tho market has been rnthcr featureless, as all lines aro Just about stendy for tho week. There has been no change In wiro and nails since the drop mentioned a week ago. Steel goods are also steady at tho decline previously mentioned. Thoro Is, of course, somo uncertainty about steel gools owing to tho talk about tho competition which tho stool trust Is to have, but still local Jobbers aro not ut nil worried over tho situation and predict that tho market will remain In 11 good, healthy condition throughout tho coming season. Tho demand for window glass Is very brisk and Jobbers report tho sales tar ihcad of all previous records. Thero has been no chango In prices of late, but now that tho factories are onco moro at work thoso who aro In u position to know say they would not bo surprised If a slight drop should tako place beforo tho first of tho year. No 0110 Is exactly making that prediction, but still thev admit that such n thing Is possible. Plate class Is uu changed and present Indications aro that thero will bo no chango ror somo tlmo to come. Tho supply of linseed oil In this market Is now about equal to tho demand, and as shipments are coming In quite freely It Is thought thero will bo no trouble from this time on to meet all requirements, Tho rui ng prices aro 53 cents for raw and CO cents or boiled. Whlto lead and paint nre steady. Dry Co oils More Active. Mora drv iroods buyers wero on the mnr ket last week than for soma tlma past. Thnv all reported bilslnesa picking UP wonderfully In tho country slnco tho cooler weather, and ns a result thoy uro coming tmcu ror moro stock, tno great majority of tho buyers, nlaccd nulto liberal orders. Tho Improvement In trado In a wholesalo way was not limited to house trade, as mall orders Increased and traveling men also met with bettor success thuu they, havo In the past few weeks. Tho general Impres sion Is that from this tlmo on thero will be a good, nctlvo market. Advunce luminous is also In very satis factory condition, and travollng men are breaking their last year's records by good ufo margins. Tho market was luther monotonous Inst weak, as there were very few chnnges In tho prices quoted. It may bo said that all atuplo lines of cotton goods aro stendy nnd that merchants are buying spring goods freely for January shipment. It Is notice able thut the domund for wool nnd wash foods Is larger thnn In a good mnny yeurs ami tnui ouiy tno Donor gruaes ot print foods aro selling for spring, Manufac urers anticipated Unit condition and as 11 result uro In position to meet tho demand without unsettling tne markot. I.vuther Good Firm, The demand for leather goods Is also increasing, us trado In tho country has Im proved considerably during tho lust week or ten days. Orders aro now coming In from every direction, bo that Jobbers aro no longer couipiuiiiiug auoui tno light lc arder business. Thero has boon no particular change In tho' market situation since lust report, but till manufacturers are holding their lines at very Ilrm prices. They uro now either uaklnir moro money for tho anmn i?oorl or elBo chnrglug tho somo price and putting in cneupcr imiieruii. 1110 uuvauce sinco October 1 amounts 10 a strong 10 per cent As the demand Is heavy all over tho conn. try. Jobbers aro Of the opinion that the market will vcinuln ilrm und nctlvo for some lime 10 come, Rubber goods aro ulso moving out moro freely than they wero a week ugo. Travel. lug salesmen (or local houses havo started on tho roud onco more In the hope that tho colder weuther will Improve thi de mand. The men who hnvo been heard from so far aro mooting with good succeed iml nil that Is needed now Is a snow storm. which would muko arctics, felt nnd rubber Doots sell at a rupiu ruto, Fruits and Produce. There were very few chunces of Interest last week in tho prices quoted on fruits nd vegetuhles. Apples uro now by far the niost popular kind of fruit In splto of tho high prices ruling. Good eating apples ro worth from $3.50 to $5 nor burrol. Orunges uro also in fair demand at $3.75 to $1 per box. In vegetables thera has beon practically, no chungo of Importance' during the last week. Eggs huva udvunced sharply, fresh stock fiow being worth 20c, The receipts havo Veen light for somo tlma past, which to Ionia extent at least explains tho high prices. The moro Immediate euueo of the Idvance, however, Is the report from Chi cago to tho effect that thero Is un uttempt tcing unuto to earner tho market. IaicuI ealers aro rather Inclined to credit the report, as they say It would not be a very dllllcuit matter to get control of tho etor ago eggs There aro not as many In cold storage this yesr ns usual, so that In case a, nt.nm... tm 'i 1 1 . It. n I 1 1 i t tl.n Itlftrbjll nil Ulivuil'k IP llluiD v millvi .in- .. ....fc tho . hnnees ror success aro good, wnicn means that ckes will bo high poultry wojj goon ana nrm until tno latter part of the week, when the reelpts In creased to such an extent that the market eased off about c on hens and lc on spring chickens. Kutter remains firm, with the demand and supply Just about even. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Conditio! at Trade nnd Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts, light; fresh stock. 20c. LIVE POUlrilY-Hons. Mituc: young ana o a roosters, tc: turkeys. I'a&a: trucks ana geese, eycci spring chickens, per lb,, ilUTTER Common to fair. 13e! choice dairy, In tubs, lo'ilcc! separator, 23324c. FRESH FISH Illack bass. lie: white bass, loci bluellsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c: blua fltiB, Tc; buffaloes, To; cattish, 12c; cod, 11c; crapples, lie; halibut. He: herring. 7c: hid- uock, lot; pike, luc; red anapiior, 10c; sal- mnn. 14e! Mllnttuh. fLn trnllt. tin ! whlfuflMli. luir. ueceipis, 3 cuts. OYSTERS Mediums, nor ran. 22e! Stand. ards. lier can. 25c: extra selects, ner run. 33c; New York counts, per can, 4oc; bulk Standards, per gal., $1.2vyi.25i bulk extra selects, ti.MKUi.(M. l'luisuNH Live, per doz., coc. VEAL Choice. C'oSc. HAY Prices uuoted by Omaha Wholesale Ilnv Dealers' Hmnrlnllun: Choice unland. $9.60; No, 2 upland, $3.60: medium, $8; conrao, li.oo. itye Btraw, $5.50. Thcso prices are ror hay of good color uud quality. Demand luir. ueceipis, i cars. WHEAT-w,c. COItN-New, 48c; old, 60c. IIRAN-$17. OATS lie VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home crown and northern. &V4J9UC; Salt Lake, $l; Colorado, $1. t-UUl'LANT I'er doz., sc. CARRUTS-Per bu., 50c. UEETS-Pcr halr-bu. basket, 80c. TURNIPS Per bu.. Eoc. Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., 1.2.j. uucu.MUElts Hotnouee, per uoz., PARSLEY Per doz., 2.".c. LETTUCE Per doz., 23c. IIADISIIES-Pcr doz., 25c. SWEET PO'l ATI KS Homo grown, per lb.. 2Wc: cenulno Virginia, per bbl., JO; Georgia, per bbl., J2.75. CAIJUAUE-Ilolland seed, crated, 1V4C. TOMATOES Homo grown, per is-id. Das kot, 60C. I1EANS Wax. per 4-bu. basltot, 60c; string, per H-bu. basket. 60c. ONIONS Homo grown, por iu 2c: Span ish, per crate, il.'iB; Michigan reds, 216c per lb. CELERY Kalamazoo, per 'junch. 23t?3jc! Nebraska, jcr bunch, 30&35c; Colorado, Wii COc. NAVY UEANS Per bu.. 2.1. KllulTS. APl'LES-Ilen Davis, per bbl., S3.D0; wine aps, 13. W; Jonathan, 4.uiQj.Ci0; snows, I3.W; llellcllowcrs. per box, 1.0u. I'EARS-Kelfcrs. J2; Vlkers, J2.25; Law rente, i.a. OHAPES concords, castorn, zoo; Mala gas, per keg, &.wuti.w. t ! R A Nil Hit 1 1 1 EH Per bbl.. 17.0OTi7.GO: uer irate. J2.70. C quinces per box, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexicans, J3.7504.OO; Florldas, 4. LEMONS Fancy, $3,750-1.00. HANANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, $2.20112.75. FIGS California, now cartons, 70c; im ported, per lb., 12Q14c. DATES Persian, In CO-ID. boxes, per lb., Hie; Salrs, 6c. MISCDtiLANEOVS. NUTS New crop walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., l2Hc; No. 2 soft-shell, 11c; No. 2 hard-shcii, lOVic; Brazils, per lb., 13c; lllbcrts, per lb 12c; al monds, soft-shell, 17c; hard-shell. 15c; pe cans, (urge, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per 100. $5; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 21-sectlon case. $3.50(83.75. CIDER Nchawka, per bbl., $3; Now York, $3.W. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 3 grcon. 6c; No. 1 suited, 8Hc; No. 2 salted, 7Ho; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V5 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 13 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, R12c; sheep pelts. 25027c; horsehldcs, $1.5032.25., SAUERKRAUT Per H-bbl., $3; per bbl., $5.76. St. Louis Grain nnd J'rovtalona. Dm T nina it.Tin.n, y I No. 2 red cauh. olovator. 73c) track. 74H Arl.. n i mn I mr I ' . -. , -- I No. 2 hard. 7272V4c. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 63Uc: track. C4o; December, 61&61ic; May. KtHCTUc. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 42ilc: track. 44c; December, 41c; May, 42c; No. 2 wnuo. wwta'.ic. RYE-Steady. COc. FLOUR Quiet, firm; red winter patents. $3.45S3.C0; extra fancy and straight, $3.10 3.25: clear. ,$2.75ff2.90. BKEU-Timothy, nominally nrm, $5.ooi&; COHNMEAL Steady, $3. I1RAN Scarce, higher: sacked. cat track. 95c. hay Scarce, nrm. higher; timothy, $13.00 15.00; prairie. $11.00fll2.CO. wiuBK v Mtcauy, i..u. IRON COTTON TIES-SI. nAGGINO-5!?Cc. HEMP TWINE 9C. PROVISIONS-Dry salt meats (boxed). steady; extra shorts, $8.12; clear ribs, $8.25: clear sides, $8.50. Bacon (boxed), steady; oxtra shorts, $9; clear ribs. $9.12; clear sides, $9.37. Pork, lower; Jobbing, $l4.fio. Lnru: Lower, w.37. metals Lead uu ot. M.27K.. Sneltor: Firm. $4.12. POULTRY Slow: chickens, 5c; springs, t!c; turkeys, 6c; ducks, C'B'6c; geese, 3 lilac. liUTTEll steady; creamery. 19a21e: dairy, 14Jf20c. kuun Hteauy. sue. RECEIPTS Flour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 46.- 000 bu.; corn, 24.000 bu.; oats. 23,000 bu. huu'.mkn is fiour, y,wu bbis.: wheat, 2,ouo du.; corn, 42,000 bu.; oats, 29,000 bu. Liverpool flrulu Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 16.-WHEAT-Snot. firm; No. 2 red, western, winter, 5s 10d: xta 1 ...... uHt. r ,. n.i'.i. xn . iiUi iiu.iiiuiii. niniiib. i'74u. .tu, i California, 5s lid; futures, steady; Decern- cbltN SDOt. ilrm: American mixed, new. Es 4d: futures, quiet; December, Cs 3d; jtinc, ds. PEAS Canadian, firm, 6s Dd. FLOUR St. Louis, fancy winter, steady, S 6d. HOPS At London. Paclllc coast, steady. 3. PROVISIONS-llecf. steady; extra India moss, 733 bd. Pork, steady; prime mess, western, 72s, Lard, American refined, In palls, steady, 44s 6d: prime westorn, in tierces, dull, 45s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 47s 6d. Uacon, Cumberland cut, 2il to 30 lbs., quiet, 4Ss; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbB., steady, 48s; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs,, dull. 4is; short clear uncus, ib to i-u ids., quiot, 4;is 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 55s; shoulders, 11 to 13 lbs,, steady, 37s 6d. UIITTER-Stcadv: lino t'nltcd Slntna 92s; good United States. 70s. CHEKHE ijuict; united states, colored, 28s 9d; Australian, In London, steady, SOs. Katiaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY". Nov. 16.-WITRAT May, 67c; December, 72c; cash No. 2 hard, 68q69c; No. 3, 6Sf;iB8c; No. 2 red, 71fl72c, nominal. CORN May, wiliwrnc: December, 64o; cash No. 2 mixed and white, 6CG66c: No. 3 white. 65J630. OATS no. z wniie, nc. ItY'E No. 2 nominal, 6I186I74C. HAY Choice timothy and prairie. $13.00ifJ 13.011. BUTTER-Creamcry, 15S21c; dairy, fancy, ir.n. EUUB-iTcsn, in goou (icmauii, nrm: Btorage, weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'change at 20c doz., loss orr, cases roiurnea. receiptb wncnt, o.'.nw du,; corn, 3S.4C0 bu.: oats, 13,000 bu. HIIIPMENT8 Wheat. 8.SO1) bu.: com 21,000 bu.; outs, 8,000 bu. Minneapolis When!, Floor nnd Dran, MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 16. WHEAT UR-Flrst pa s, $3.60(3.70't clears, $2.2o. pntents, Hecoud first clears, $2.S9Q2.90; BRAN In bUIK. $15.0 lii.W, Slllrrankee Grain Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 16. AV 1 1 EAT Mar kot weaker; No. I northern, 72j73c; No, 3 northern. 7t1T7l-?ic: May, 76cv. RYE-Iiwer; No. 1. 69n00c. BARLEY Firm; No. 2, 6Sft53c; sample, 4555')ie. CORN May, 62c. Peoria Mnrket. PEORIA, Nov, a rzir. 16.-CORN-Hlghor; No. UA'ia iiigner; no. j wnuc, 43c; dihoq through. WlU3KY-On finished goods. the basis of $1.31 for Dnluth Grain Market. DULUTH, Nov. 16,-WHEAT-rash. No. 1 hard. 74o: No. 2 northern. CSc; No 1 northern, 71o: December, 70io; May, '74o. OATS-40ft390. CORN 56c, uasil, ll'.c; xcu-ciiiufi . iv?iu; iiliiy. .7kL, I Clear, II.WJlw.Wi llicoa, .w.wiuio.w, on track, No 1 hard, 730! No. 1 northern. POULTRY Alive, weak; springers, 8o; "mo; No. 2 northorn. CSJ69c. turkeys, Sj8c. Dressed, stcu4y; spr'ng- l.Mim First patents. $3.751i3.S5: Hocnnd nr. mlle! fowls. 9e: turkeys, llfff 12o. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL , , , . w vi. , AlUCipitlOB ! ljirrer HtCJiptl ltd. n fit ALL THE MARKETS SHARE IN DOWNFALL WheMt Starts In to llrne It Througli, but In I'lnnlly l'orecd Diimii Corn (Ihei Vp Early. CHICAGO, Kov. 16. Weakness In corn as a result ot a slumping cash market and expected larger receipts next week brought lower prices In all grains and December wheat closed io lower, December corn 14 5Ic lower ana December oats Ho down. Provisions closed 2c to 10c lower. Wheat at tho outspt held firm and trad ers expected a strong market, resulting rrom higner cables and the continuation or tho bullish activity In tho last week. De cember opened a shade to '.kff-ic higher at 72'ifi72ic. Northwestern and nrlmary re ceipts, however, wcro bearish, and tho cus tomary Saturday liquidation started u de cline. There was some recovery on buying and higher Antwerp cables, but shortly afterward occurred the break In corn and prices sagged again. December closs'l weak -He, down at 72Uii2c. Local re ceipts wero ifl cars, 20 ot contract grade, Mlntieabolls anil Djluth reported F27 cars making a total for the thren nolnts of 913 cars, against 1)62 last week and C91 a year ago. Trlmary receipts wero 1,021,000 bu., against 710.000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equalled 610,000 bu. The seaboard reDorted 38 loads taken for exnort. Aus tralian shipments for tho week were 160,000 uu., as ugainst 47C,0OO bu. last week. Corn broke early, started by disappoint ing cables, and Influenced further by liberal liquidations. December started a shade higher to a shado lower and quickly lost He. Covering at tho low price and some commission house buying brought Decem ber back to Its opening prlco again, but soon there begun to arrive discouraging news of tho cash situation ut Kansas City. The spot article was still selling ut a pre mium over futures, but expectations of a freer movement of tho new crop next week, together with a general decline In tho out side markets, brought a heavy renewal of profit-taking and December sagged to O'J'ic, closing weak Wiiic lower at 00c. Itecelpts were 103 cars. Trado In oats was heavy all morning, though with an easier tendencv. Decem ber started '.lli'.lc lower and was Influenced by tho corn slump nnd a corresponding de cllno In tho snmplo market. Cash oats wero still 2ft2Wc over May. Prices fluc tuated ran Id lv but narrowly. December sell tng between 40ic and 3;iH'J30?ic and closed ratner weak ac lower ui mo latter ugurc. Ki-oeluts were 21S cars. Provisions wcro dull and easier. Tho cash demand was on v moderato and specula tlon was small. Larger receipts expected Mnni nv also nail a nearisn iniiuencc. Jan uary pork closed 10c lower nt $11.90, Jan uary lard 2Ho down at J8.60 and January ribs 2Ho lower at ... Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat $0 cars; corn, 120 cars; oats, 185 cars; hogs 43.WX) neaii. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs.l Open. High.) Low. Closo. Y'es'y. Wheat Nov. Dec. May Corn 71i . 12m 72Tj 72i 72U- 7 76ii'0 76 75? 70 59 f.9H B9V4 C9W Con's! H 69Ti CO 5 63V 03 C2sG- G2T4 40i.iQV 40?i 39 29fl44 I llsfa 41 40T4j 40 4 15 00 15 00 II 90 14 90 15 25 15 23 13 12V4 15 15 8 55 R 53 8 47'4 8 47H 8 65 8 55 8 50 8 50 8 70 S 70 8 Co S 65 7 63 7 63 7 03 7 03 7 82H 7S2H 7 77 7 80 76 59 ;w C3V? Nov. Dec. May Oats Dec. May Pork Jan. May Lard Dec. Jan. May Rlbs Jun. aiay 13 00 15 23 S 50 8 52W S 6-($ 7 mi. 7 82'b No. 2. Cash quotations woro as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3.50 1 (VI. ,... IcTi a S'l (YMTr!l. 1(1! nlnilTM. S!!.7nrfl'JK 1! spring siieclals. $4.qo(T?4.10; patents, $3.33 "I . l.ta r VIVft 'I 'H 1 WHEAT No. 3, C871c; No. 2 red, 73K '4OATS-No. 3 white, 43Q4lc; No. 3 white, 4344c. RYE No. 2. 60c. I3ARLEY Fair to choice malting, 57(i?6nc. SEEDS-No. 1 llax. $1.47: No. 1 north western, $1.48; primo timotny, $6,0040.19; clover, contract grade, $8.90. PROVISIONS Mess pork, por bbl., H3.75 Laru. per iuu ju.. M.iiwiis.av. anuri ribs sides (loose), S7.S0M7.93. Dry salted Hhonlders (boxed). $7.25&7.50. Short clear sides (uoxcci;, 3.ijo..o. WHISKY' Basis of high wines, $1.31. Tho following aro the receipts and ship ments ror tno lasi iweniy-tour nours; Articles. Receipts. Shipment". Flour, bbls 36,000 33,000 Wheat, bu 114,000 303,000 Corn. bu". 104.000 181,000 Oats, bu 308.001) 273,000 Rye. bu 12.000 Barley, bu 79,000 22,000 On tho Produce exchange todav tho but ter markot was Ilrm; creameries, 15iJ21c; dairies, HO20c. Cheese, steady, 9'ffl0c. Eggs, Ilrm; fresh, 23c. NEW YOHIC GENKHAL MAHICKT, Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. XNJ'iW XUillVi I1UV. 1U. . . . . . . , It I r.l ....In ni, n, I....1 l,6Ul UUIB. ; CXyUlia, ...1W uuin., quick ui.v. steady; winter patents, $3.60fi3.90; winter straights, $3,4033.50; Minnesota patents, $3.S0iH.10; winter oxtras, -.wu.w; niiiiuo sota bakers, $2.90a3.25; winter low grades, $2.50ff2.60. Ryo llour, steady; fair to good, i IlTTfMv WM ISA 1 MIC nrHv in Now York BUCKWHEAT Steady; $1.23 por cw cwt. to CORNMEAL-Steudy: yellow western, $1.30: city, $1.28; Brandywlno, $3.403.50. RYE-Steady; No. 2 westorn, 67o f. o. b. nttnnt. BARLEY" Steady; malting, 57064c c I. t Unffnlo. ...... , . n, n...lMl. 21 JAA V. i , avnAfta 49,979 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 83o f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red, S07ic elevator; No. 1 nortnern, uuiutn. BI740 r. o. . auoai; nu, 1 hurrl. Duluth. 89o f. o. b. nlloat. Options opened ilrm on cables and covering, only to easo ore laior iiiruufiu wuuoiaiu ouun hpIIIiil- nn adlustment of long accounts and less jBCtlvo outsiuo suppun; uiunvu wcun. o not decline; way. si i-iimoiuc; cioaeu nt RlUn! nerember. SOtfiSOHa: closed at 80c. CORN Receipts, ii.uuu uu.; exports, ai, 423 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2. CSc elevator and 7nUn t. o. b. afloat. Tho ontlon market nnonnil un firm and hlahor on firmness abroad, DUt later in mo sesaiou ieu on under realizing anu 1110 uroo in wucui, Closed weak at Ho net lower; May. 67 6So: closed at 67o; December, 67Q6Sc; closed at 67c. OATS Receipts. 93.700 bu.: exnortH. 3.150 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. 46c: No. 3, 45c; No. wesioru, o;roui najv, wauc, -vvju-. i". HAY" Quiet; shipping. 603Sc; good to choice. 62O90c. . . ... HOPS bteaay; state, common 10 cuoice, 1901 crop. 12ffl5o; 1900 crop. 0019c; 1899 crop, 6thlc; Paclllc coast, 1901 crop, 12 15c: 19u0 crop. 9Q9CJ 1899 crop. 6811c. mut.o Dieauy i uunrcnuii, iu iua.t cj 8lt'fnl1,D'9iiSl14t1gc;5 lbs- 19lS: Tcxaa LEATHER Steady : hemlock solo. Bue nos Avres. light to heavyweights, 25fI26c, WOOL Dull; domestlo fleece, 2o(h2tk; PROVISIONS-Bcef, dull; fumlly. $U.007?i 12.00; mess, $9,oo; beer nams, w.&oiniu.oo; city. India mess, $17.00fllS.O0. Cut meats, dull; pickled ueiues, Jilckled shoulders. $7: pickled hams, $9.7oi?10.00. JVUICB, .a.iwumtw, ifivniuu Lard, steady; western steamed, $S.S5; re- nncu. vj: contineni, compounii, si.auw 7.75. Pork, quiet; family. $17.005tl7.25; short BUTTER Firm; creamery, 17(U25e: fac- tory, 12Q'15c: Juno crcumery, 12j3'13c; mine nuirv. livriijc. CHEESE Quiet ; fancy, large, September, B9c: October. 99c; fancy, small, September, 1041l07c; rancy, small, Octo ber. 91u(ffl0c. EGOS Firm; stuto and Pennsylvania, 20 627c: westorn, imcandled, 22J!26c; western, cn11dlf.1l. 2427e. TALLOW-FIrm; city t$J por pltg.), 511-16 8fc: country (pkgs. free), 6fl6c. METALS Tho usual Saturday dullness prevailed In the local metal market. Tin was tlrm ut $26.25fi27.25. Copper, quiet; Lake Sunerlor. $16 7. tfi 17.C0; casting and elec trolytic, hwiWi.k iron was nun; pig iron. warranis,ja.inuiu.ou; cso. i nortnern dry. $14. 01 15. 00; No. I southern foundry, $14,50Jil5.50; No. 1 soft southern foundry, til rUMim IVI Weekly llnnk IStutr iiient, NEW YORK. Nov. 16. Tho statement of tho associated banks for the week endlne today shows: Loans, $82,6C7,400; decrease, $4,427,600. Depoelta, $910,048,300; decrease, $4. Iral.Sno. Circulation, $3l,W2.W; Increase, JI61.2U. Legal tenders. $7UV,.40ii; Increase. $1,079,900. Specie, 117ti.5..r.on. decrease. $719. 71". Reserves, $2IO.fi2l.9'. liUTrne. $330.2, Rfsrrve required, $230,521 "75, dm-ase, $1, (M,70o. surplus $10,103,535, Increase, $1,- U3,l)0. NEW OHlv STOCKS AM) HOMI9. Wall Street Views ot the Northern 1'aclllo Settlement. NEW YOfllv. Nov. Ifl Them wa con tinued speculation for tho rise today, fol lowing yesterday's recovery from Thurs day's realizing movement, but the advanre was interrupted oy realizing again ncro and thero and the buying was congested In u few stocks. There was large and con centrated buying of the Readings, accom panied by rumors that tho company 's soon to benefit by an Increased dividend on Its holdings of New Jersey Central stock. There was some strength In the other coalers, Including some of the soft coal carriers, American locomotive stocks wero in notable demand on reports of largo orders from all parts of tho country. Tho transcontinental railroad stocks moved Ir regularly under realizing from tlmo to tlma and there was a sharp setback for tho local tractions, augar, Amalgamated copper anu People's Gas. which unsettled the luto dealings and made the closing trrcgulur. uuen stress was laid oy uuillsn traders on persistent rumors that an offer of a largo block of government bonds la pend ing. It was also rumored that tho secre tary or the treasury was to raise tho bid prlco for government bonds. No substan tial basis could be discovered for cither rumor. The gam In cash reserves by tho banks, In splto of the largu gold exports, was n moro matcrlul ground for contldcncc over tho money outlook. The unnotince- meiu jusi ocioro mo cioso ot an engage ment of $500,000 for export next Tuesday by u Boston banking huuso upset a hope that the gold export movement might be checked, owing to the easier tone of money and the rlso In sterling exchango at con tinental nolnts. Tho following uro tho closing prices on tho iscw xorii stock exennnge: Atchison Sl'i do pfd 183 do nfd 101 i So. Pacllli; CI Baltlmoro & O...107So. Railway 33 do Pfd 9IJ4 do pfd 90h canaaian rai' rex. & raciuc... 41 Canada So M ,ToI., St. L, & W Plies. & Ohio 47 do Pfd Chicago & A 33 Union Pacific ....106H do pfd 7&H do pfd 92U Chi., Ind. & 1 ...... 4iW,Wnbash 20i do pfd 73's' do pfd 37i Chi. & E. Ill 137J; Wheel. &. L. E... 194 Chicago u. w.... o?4 o ii pru.... do 1st pfd bOU Wis. Central . do 2d Pfd 49 i do Pfd 3Hi 21H Chicago & N. W.20S Adams Ex 190 C R. I. & P lis American Ex 205 Chi. Tor. & Tr... 20 lT. S. Ex. 93 do nfd 37V4 Wolls-Fargo Ex. 182 C. C. C. & St. L. 9(4 Amul. Copper R7tf UOlorauo ho ii vxmer, uir i S3'- do 1st pfd 55 do 2d pfd 26 do nfd 83 Amor. Lln. do nfd... Oil. 19 47 47 93 S5 Del. & Hudson.. .172 Del. L. & W 239 Amer. S. & R Denver & R. Q... 45'4 u" I'm. ........ 94 Anne. Mln. Co.. do pfd. do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do 2d ptd Gt. Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley. do pfd Illinois Central. k iirookiyn it. t.. 73 Colo. Fuel & I. CO Con. Gas :o" 19a Con. Tob. pfd. ...117 , 62 Gen. Electric 258 nuft uiucoso nugur 139Vi Hocking Coal , 40 Inter. Paper . i 77 do pfd , 70 Inter. Power 41 14 76 Iowa Central .. do nfd Lake Erie & W do nfd 130 Lucledo Gns . 94 L. & N Manhattan L... Met. St. Ry Mox. Centrul .., Mox. National , ..1UCM Ntt. BIbcuR 42 ..129 National Lead ..16i National Salt. .. 22 do pfd .. 13 No. American ..109 Pncltlc Coast ..102 1'uclllc Mall .. 19',, Si 62 91 6S Minn. & St. L.. Mo. Puclllc 4SV M., K. A: T l'copie s uas 103 uo pru N. J. Central .. N. Y. Central .. . 534 Pressed S. Car. 44', .171 .162' 11U (lift ft, Pullman P. Car. .218 no pri... 8; Norfolk & W... 17j 90l Republic Steel ... 15&, do pfd uo pru us No. Pacific pfd..,100U sugar not Pennsylvania ....140 Reading 4S Tenn. coal .t I... 62 union uag & p., u do 1st pru 7LVi do 2d nfd 58 uo pru U. S. Leather ,. do pfd St. L. & S. F 62 do 1st pfd... do 2d Pfd... SI U. S. Rubbebr u7 .. 15 . 70' do pfd . 2S U. S. Steel . CO do pfd .170 Western Union .. 50 St. L. Southw 43j do Pfd .-92Ti St. Paul .. 90 New York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. I6.-MONEY-O11 call. easy at 3! ner cent: lust loan nt 4 ner cent; prime mercantile puper, 4j5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. with nctual business In bankers' bills at ll.S"?; (CH.tss ror demand, and at i.siw4.si4 ror sixty days; posted rates, $I.S5S'I.SS; com mercial bills. $l.S3?i4.84. stuviiji jjur, 6uic; .Mexican uouars, 4oc. BONDS-Stato bonds, steady: railroad bonds, stendy; government bonds, strong; U. S. ref. 2s reg. and coupon. 109; 3s rcg., 108: coupon. 108 Vi: now 4s reg. und coupon. 139; old 4s reg. nnd coupon, 112; 4s, 109; coupon, 107. mho closing quotations on doiius aro as follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg. 109 L. & N. unl. 4s... 102 Mex, Central 4s.. 82 do Is luc 30 Minn. & St. L. 43.103 M K. & T. 4s... 100 do 2b 82 N. Y. Central ls.105 do gen. 3s....l0S ?C. .1. IV irtn r.a 1111. do coupon 1VJ do Ss. rcg 103 do coupon 108 no now 4s, reg.. 133 do coupon ....133 do old 4s. rcg... 112 do coupon 112 11. JVS....luli! gen. 5s.. 131 :ltlc 4S....105V5 7242 do 5s, rcg 1U7 do coupon 107 No. Pacltl Atchison gen. 4s. 103 do 3s do adj. 48 93S. 5i V. COP. 4S..10M1 Bal. & Ohio 4s... 103 Reading gen. 4s.. 93 UO OtJS DU;4 SI li 1 A l 0. 118.111 do conv. 4s 108 S. I & S. F. 4s. 95 Can. So. 2s 108 St. L. S. W. Is... 97 C. of Ga. 5s 106 do 2s R0 do la Inc 73 S. A. & A. P. 4s.. S8K. Chea. & O. 4s.,.107 So. Paclllc 4s Si Chi. & Alton 3s. SO So. Rullwny 5s..,120k C. B. & Q. n. 43.. 98 Texas & P. IS....I20U . t. 1. II. ts.. 074 lUXIlt) OC 1. 1S....1JU C. M & S P g. 4s.lll T. St L & W 4s... S3 c. & N W c. 7a. 13S Union PnclIIu 4s. .106 C, R. I. & P. 4s,. 106 do conv. 4s. .108 CCC & S L g. 4s,101,Wnbiish Is... Chicago Ter. 4s.. 91 do 2s Colo. So. 4s SS'.il do deb U.... ,118 . 60 ,112 Den. & R. G. 4s. .102 West Shoro 4h.. Erlo prior 1. 4s... 99 W. & L. E. 4s.. 92 do gen. 4s S9 Wis. Central 4s.. ss p w & D C ls....l07?;,Cou. Tob. 4s cii? iIock. Vnl. 4s..l07 1 Bid. noston Stock Quotatlnna. BOSTON. Nov. 10. Call loans. imiiM nor cent; tlmo loans, 4QI per cent. Olilclal closing: Atchison 4s 102 , 80 , E0 Amalgamated ... 87 Is UtllklU Bingham 29 Cal. & Ilecla CCO Mex. tjentrni i N. E. G. & C w Atlilmi oi Centennial 1714 An nfd 101 coppor Range ... 00 Vtr.nti AHl'V.. 21tB uiiiiiuuil i;oai... 471 Boston & Mo. ....192 I'ranltlln ib Isle Rovalo ! I notn v.lnvnted.163 n Y. N II U...-W4 Mohawk . in Fltchburg Pfd.. 113 Old Dominion ... ,: Union Fiicmc . Mox. Central . Amer. Sugar .. . rr u. n. ..106 Osceola gaii .llfllQulncy ,.155 .157',il8anta Fo Cop,... 4 ;i,2;a,n"irac'1... 2so Dom."l. & S... 1 ""uuuiuiu 42 v, i.; u. v . "(ju, X Steel 43 Utah ...T. 23?? do pfd 92 V ctorla oK Adventure v inonii Allouez Wolvorlno 65 UJ . London Stock Quotations, LONDON, Nov. 16. 2 p. m. Closing: Consols, money.. 91'Norfolk & W 58 do account ...91 15-10 do nfd 9.1 Anaconda 7 No. Paclllc pfd.. .103 AtrlilHOll i-uiii!yivuniu Reading 74 do pfd 103$ I T),.ltli.i(ir,i & O...110 no ist prd,., do 2d nfd... 40 I UllPUUiail I'ilU. Canudlan Pao....H8 ntiP8. &. Ohio. on" 30 So. Railway . do pfd...... 80. Paclllc .. Chicago U. W. .. 92 Denver & R. O 47 97 do pro Union Paclilu U. S. Stoel .. do pfd Wubash do pfd Spanish 4s. ,, ..109V Erlo 43' 74 60 .. si'; do 1st prd.... do 2d Pfd .. 941 .. 21 Illinois Central. ..147 .. 3S M.. K. T S7i do prd M'.li nana amies .. 10 N. Y. Central 167 UoBeers .. 3S!i I1A11 SILVER Quint ut 20d tier nz. MONEY 2i3 tier cent. The rate of rils. count In tho nncu market for short bills is per cent; ior uireo moiuiis' mils i j-itua-)a per cent. tin nk Cleiirliiua. 1 1 ... r vH 1 nl.A.l,,n c f.-. ml balances, $9S3,922; money, 5Q6 per cent; New lorn exenunge, sen premium. BALTIMORE. Nov. 16. Clearlntrs. 11.211.. 57S; balances, $562,407: money, I'.j'SS per lj":;'V rv,u 1,1 balances. 13.446.S36, BOSTON. Nov. 16,-Clearlngs, $28,339,382 balances. $2.556.64.1. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1.-Clearlngs $20,227,658; balances. $2,611,511; money. 4il per cent. L'leiirings ior ino week, $111,319 ')'Y,l buluiioeu. 115.2t8.6;j3. CHICAGO, Nov. 16,-ClearlngK. $28.(.42S balances, $2,73i,412; posted exchange. $4.85 New York exchange, 15o premium, CINCINNATI, Nov. 16,-CIuarltiBf, $-',9i,- cent premium; money, IHfl5 per cent. , NEW YORK. Nov. 16. -Clearings. $320,- ryG,N3; balunccs, $12,757,55S. New York MIiiIiik Stocks. jt.-ur vrmrr. Nov. is The following are tho closing prices on mining stocks. Adams Con Alloc .1 Little Chief . . Ontnrlo Ophlr Phoenix Potosl , Savage Sierra Nevada Smntl Hopes . Standard .. 12 ,...950 Brceco i Hritnswlck Con... 10 . 7 . 4 . 4 . n . to .370 Com. Tunnel ..... 6 Con. Cal. & Va..lo5 Deadwood Terra, w Horn Silver ......19 Iron silver v Lcadvlllc Con.... 6 Oil nnd nosln. ntt. niTV ns OIL Credit bal ances. $1.30; certmcates, no bid; shipments, 113,101 bbls.; nverage. 100.77. bbls.; runs, 81, C69 bbls.; averuse. 76,531 bbls. LIVERPOOL, JSOV. 10. Jr ."""""i dull: rcllned, spot, quiet, at 20s 9d. r nNMinv. Nov. lfi.- OlL-Ltnseed, 33s a . Turpentine spirits, 20s 6d. Rosin, Ameri can, sirniuea, is isu. . , NEW YORK. ISOV. 10. UlLr COIIOI Sll-ti, dull; vellow. S4V. Petroleum, dun; rc llned, New York, $5.65! P1U m.leipnia aim Baltimore, $7.WJ J'liiiaiieipiiia aim iu -more, in bulk. $5. Rusln. steady; strained. common to good, $1.50. Turpentine, dull and ens ". 3.4MAio. .. .. . ., tirn. J iu,t. Cottonseed. Hull rc llned', spot; quiet," 21s. Turpentine spirits, quiet, 27s. Petroleum, refined, ilrm, i'id. Linseeu, nrm, ts aa. ...... ,, LONDON.. Nov. 16.-OIL Calcutta lln- seTnKRnh. 'SNeiv. 16. OIL North Lima, Ola: South Lima nnd Indiana. S9c. SAVANNAH, un., inov. i.-unj-DjiiiLii! turpentine, llim, 33c. Rosin, Ilrm. Cotton Market. NEW Y'ORK, Nov. 16.-COTTON- Spot mnrlrala nnlltll Up TP holding firm. With lie mand from exporters unchecked. Tho mar- ket for futures closed quiet nnd steady, with prices 1 point higher to 1 point net 1, !...! ST. LOUIS, NOV. 10. OUl MUN nieuii) , middling, 7c; sales. 400 bnlcs: receipts. 7.300 bales: shipments, 6,2dfl bales; stock, 436 bales. . NEW ORl.IiANH. rov. 10. iw Eosy: sales, 4,Pt bales; ordinary, 5c; good oroinary, o-u, iow imu'"'h, "m'S ir" ' , dling, TB-lGo: good, middling. 7 9-16o; mid- dilng fair. Sc; receipts, 15,!iUO bales; stock, o-fl l.lod .... ti .ill.... c ir..iRn, mii. 01 ?M l.nlntf 1lVEKrUUb, NOV. 16.-l.Ul lUi-n '"i. quiet; prices easier; American middling, 4Ti-16d; sales of tho day wero 5,000 bales, of wlilcli auu were ior specumnuu uuu oiiwn and included 4,400 American: receipts. o.WJ bales, Including 500 American. Futurc.i opened quiet nnd closed quiet, but steady. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 16.-COFFl?E-Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, C'ic. Mild. niiinc fnr.lovn. 7U(fTlle. Futures opened steady In. tone, with prices unchanged to 5 points higher und foliowcu a compara tively narrow course for tho rest of tho session, with business light. Tho rest of tho loss was duo to realizing nnd Gorman selling, prompted by a dlsnppolntlng Ger man cable. Later the market advanced 5 in unititu on miot liousa buying nnd cover ing and ruled stendy at that basis, closing at u nei navanco 01 o iiuuua. ouitn amounted to 38,500 bags, Including: De cember. 0.55iiI0.60c; Jnnuary, 6.70c: March, 6.80c; May, 6.937c: June, 7.10c; July, 7.15c; September, 7.30 7.35c; October, 7.10c. Suicnr und Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 16.-SUUAK Quiet: open Kettle, su-nawn opon nemo rentrirnirni. swuSUc: centrifugal, granu iirnu lated. 4'45jC1-16c: white. 3Q3c: yellow, 3fr3ic; seconds, 203c. Molasses, steady; open kettle, 2II?3lc; centrifugal, 12'if Sir. Hvrno. nulet. 2Wr30c. NEW YORK Nov. 16. SUGAR Raw, quiet: fnlr rcllnlng, 3 3-16c; centrifugal, 9t test, 3 11-luc: moiasses sugar, . io-hw. hl lined, dull; No. 0, 4.30c; No. 7. 4.20c I No. 8. 4.10c: No. 9, 4.0oc; No. io. tc; no. n, a.yc; No. 12. 3.93c; No. 13. 3.S5c; No. II, 3 8c; standard A. 4.70c; confectioners' A. 4.70c; mould A, 6.25c; cut loaf, 5.40o; crushed, 5.40c; powdered, 5c; granulated, 4.90c; cubes, 6.10c. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16. WOOL Firm nnd a shade bettor: medium grades, 13&17c; light fine, 12iH&c; ncavy line, ivuuc; tuo washed. 14250. LONDON, Nov. 16. WOOL Business In Business In let, pending , amounting wool during tho Week was quiet the onenlnir of tho sixth scries. 11 to 249.123 bules, including 04,000 forwarded direct. Tno imports uuring 111a weett wero; Now South wales. z,uj-' oaics; viueensinnn, South Australia. 741: West Australia. 88; Now Zealand, 144; Victoria. 4,991; Capo of Good Hope and Natal, 4,593; elsewhere, 399. ew York Dry Goods Murket. MEW VfmK-. Nor. 16. DRY GOODS Tho markot ruled dull again today In nil titnnin nnpM nt cotton soniis. wunouL nuot- ablo chance In prices. Buying for export continued weak, purcliuses on uiiiua ac count estimated at ruiiy w.wu uaies, cmeuy HhnetlngH. prim ciotns inuctive ni un cliniu' orleex. 1'rlnts nnd iilnuhams nulet. but Ilrm. American cotton yarns somcwht New York exchange, per steadier in coarse counts, no change In line. they wer,,a weck ngo and bulls and stags T",,es,1. yeH,nKSnm.i,irin,..tV: 1)1, "ro a trlllo easier Hi sympathy with tho do demand; woolon yarns quiet, but Bteudy. cj(no on cow stuff. ICvnpornted Apples anil Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Nov. 16. E VAPORAT ED ! Tho market continues Ilrm as rtone nt fully sustained prices. nd fancy grades continue scarco. immon to good. CnSHc; prime. 8 APPLES- to underton Cholco nnd fancy grades continue scarco State, common to goou, ti'asvic; prime, 9c: choice, 95,i9c. fjiey ca get. Good heavyweight feeders CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market ro selling aa high ns $4.25 and cholco year dull and unchanged, Prunes, 3(fic. Aprl- inKa ),avo Hold ns lilgli as $4.10. Medium to cots, Royal, 8ffl3c: Moor Park, S&ic, l'caches, pecieu, niui'c; unpeeieu, muno, Toledo Grain nnd Meed. TOLEDO. O., Nov. 16. WHEAT Dull, weak; cash, Ttiiic; ucccmoer, uc; mi bc . corn December, tfivsc; aiay, oivjc. OATS December. 40Aic: Mnv. 42c. Murch, $; Aisike, $&.ca; ricj aisikc, $7.30. Kansns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 16. CATTLE Ro- rw! . r. ,1 . mnplr.l nnmtiornil nr I f 1. UC11JIO, fcW 41U..U, ,,u.(.u., uu....u.uu rrt... week ago, beef Bteers und common feeders ItiUsC lower, puns iiiiu uuuicu lecuuis strong; today's quotations nominal; choice export and urcsscci neer steers, w.umo.i.-i; fnlr to irood. JI.75W5.50: stockers and feed ers, $2.50(!;4.23; western fed stoers, Jl.&tff 5.10: western range steers, i.2mj4.41; Texas nnd Indian steers. $2.75Jf4.10: Texas cows. $1.!MMJ3.00; native cows, $2.50ff4.25: heifers, AAXr nr. .. t civno in. i... it,. i rjr.. w.wbo., uui ui in, .i.uv; ...m. . uuiiB. fcwu 3.76: calves, $3.00i(5.25. Receipts for week, lli'tiu, liini wwv io,vw uu.i.1, HOOS Recaipts, 7,ooo nead: steady to 50 Llahnp, Inn 1ft. Initio nf Ktilnn t&$n4.Kr.n heavy,' $5.90516.00; mixed packers, $5!oO5.90; for week. 91,000 head; last week, 68,000 head, SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 1.030 head; market, compared with week ngo, 15a'25c lower: natlvo lumbs, $4.25f(4.C0; west orn lambs, $3,765 1.50; natlvo wethers, $3.?6 f(3.o; western weiners. .w'aa.w; yearlings, $3.40533.60; ewes, $2.50513.25. Receipts for week, -J.bif) ueao; lasi weea, ..-.ijw nead. St. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 16.-CATTLE-ltccolnts. 1,000 head; market steady; native shipping nml exnort steers. $4.505il.75: dressed beet and butcher steers, $3,505(6.15; steers undor 1.000 lbs., $3.wat.4"; siocKera nno reedcra, $2.W(illi.ou; cows uuu iiuiicib, i-.wuu.w, can- nnrH. ii.uKar..Du: nuns. 4i.o'ii,i. 10: icxaH 1111.1 InHInn Htecrs. $2.00274.15. With somo Nnlllmr up to $4.63; cows and bolters, $1.605j2.40. . . . . f. .......... ., .Art t . .... .1 . 11UUCI Jiei'miJin, o,iuu iitiiu; IUUIKOC steady; pigs und light, $5.40tf6.50; puckers, $5.605T6.lV); butchers, $5.6056.77. flllKEP AND LAMBS Receints. 700 head; market Hicauy; nuiivu niuiiuns, tt.wni.w lambs, $3.75514.75; culls and bucks, $1.7553.2i; Blockers, i.kuu..w. New York Live Stock Market, NEW YORK, NOV...10.-BEEVES-RO- celpts, 301 head: very 111110 nuuines steady. Exports today, 1,872 beo' .... . .1 16 171 n,i,,rleni f .nn Plli1' nnu lu,.,. ,ut . u. iiivii CALVES-Rccelpts, 37 heud; no sales re- norlnd. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, M3 head; sheep steady, lambs dull and weak: fairly good sheep sold at $3: lambs at $1. 635l. S5. HOGS Itecelpts, 213 head; nonu offorod on sale; nominally naroiy steauy. St. Joseph Live Stuck Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 1 6. CATT L E Ra celpts, 136 head; steady: natives, $3.0i)i96.75; cows and heifers, $1,25515.10: veals, $3.O05iC.5O; stockers and feeders, Sl.505j4.25. HOGS-Recclpts. 7.000 head; stendy to strong; light ana ngiit mixed, $5.35W5.&0j medium ana neavv, o.iuxio.'jo pigs, $3.i S.OO: bulk. $5 605iu.S6. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 110 head; marKQi sicuuy, Sioux City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Tn.. Nov 16.-(Srcclal Tele- gram.)-CATTLB-Roeelpts, 40); murkot steady; beeves, $3,605(6 (V); cows and bullB mixed. Jl.50.fi3. 75: stockers and feedert. $2.50511.00: yearlings nnd calves. $2.605M.OO. HOGS--Recelpts. 3,600; market stoady, selling 40.101iD.v1; uuia.'uo.tu'.g. SIIKEP-Itecclpts, 400; market Hteady, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Qotd Gftttlt of All Kindt Sttkdj for Iftik bit Otheia lomiwbit Lonr. HOGS TOOK ANOTHER DROP TODAY Fnt Sheep nnd Lambs Are Steiidy with Last Week nnd So Also Are Cholco Feeders Common Stuff Is Slow and Considerably Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. IS. Receipts wrre! Cuttle. Hois. Shuep. Olilclal Monday Oltlulal Tuesday OIHclal Wednesday Olilclnl Thursday .. Olilclal Friday ..... orticial Saturday ,. ... V.047 6,al7 22.JD2 n,i:i 4,'.'C5 10,3'vS 1,375 201 S.653 8.69 11,906 10,642 Total this week 25,312 5J.62S Week ending Nov. P...,2',3V0 35,270 Week ending Nov. 2....23.W8 as.M'l Week ending Oct. 26. ...25,037, 3J.6S6 Week ending Oct. 19....26,t,90 21,257 Sumo week last year.... 20,161 3s,495 55,001 89,4.0 50,127 51,307 3o,6.3 2x1,035 Average prices paid for hogs ut South Omaha tho "just several days, with com parisons: Date. I 1901. 119O0.lS99.1893.lS97.ls9.l8J3 Oct. 21... Oct. 22... 6 26 4 13 3 C5 3 52 3 23 3 15 3 53 3 2j 4 16 3 53 3 .6 4 14 3 60 3 21 4 18 3 68 3 46 4 18 3 64 3 41 3 26 4 10 3 4i 3 3ft 3 li 4 10 3 62 3 42 3 13, 8 64 3 38 3 13 4 09 3 31 3 17 4 03 3 56 S 19 4 Oi 3 6,1 3 29 4 04 3 16 3 4. 3 27 4 Ol 3 45 3 43 3 30 4 02 3 61 3 43 3 31 3 D. 3 41 3 21 4 01 3 46 3 17 4 02 3 65 3 2J 4 06 3 45) 3 41 3 23 4 0i 3 45) 3 41 3 28 4 03 3 li 3 31 3 .7 4 l)i 3 43 3 62 3 17 3 44, 3 3s 3 22 3 94 3 31 3 23 3 9. 3 41 3 25 3 90 3 05 3 27 3 SI 3 35) 3 31, 3 Is 4 62 Oct. 23... 0 ril 6 01 6 0u 4 61! 4 61 4 4b 4 6 4 64 OCt. 24.. Oot. 25.. Oct. 20.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 29.. C 6 !1 6 72 5 67 4 C: 3 .,9 1 3 36 3 4) 3 .2 3 44 Oct. JO... Oct. 31... No. 1.... t". J.... 4 50 4 47 4 51 4 60 5 73 Nov. 3.. 4 56 4 66 4 64 Nov. 4... Nov. 5,., 3 E3 3 35 6 nt; 6 71 5 Ot 5 61' 5 71 Nov. 6... 3 31 3 45 Nov. 7... 4 6 Nov. 8... 4 69 3 ?9 Nov. n. 4 19 Mnv. ift 0 nov. 11... ilOV. I-.., w . 4 74 4 84 6 72 3 33 3 46 3 44 3 43 3 16 3 45 Nov. 13. Nov. II. 6 69 4 74 4 t7 4 82 4 90, 5 68 Nov. 15. Nov. 16. 6 6V Indicates Sunday. Tho olilclal number of cars of, stock brought In today by uch road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r c, ai. & st. i'. ity.. . Wabash Ry Missouri Paclllc Ry.. Union Paclllc system . C. & N. W. Ry F., E. Sc M. V. Ry... . C. St. P., M. & O. Ry . 7 3 1 1 24 2.8 7 2 15 18 1 1 u. & M. li. li. a C 11. & q. Ry C, R. I. & P., east.. . C. R. I. & P., west.. . Illinois Central Total receipts 161 Thn of tlin day's receipts WB3 as follows, ouch buyer purchasing thti numbf of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1,859 Omaha Packing Co.. G. H. Hammond Co.. Swift and Company. 2,523 3,025 3,293 cudnhy Packing Co. 19 Armour as uo R. Becker & Degan 1 Llvlngstonn & Schaller.. 12 Other buyers 19 573 Total 78 10.702 693 riA'PTI.T.- TI.. unr,.,. n. I. vnllprill'V tho ease mi Saturday, thero were not taough cattio ncre to nunto u tcsi oi me murnei. Tho supply for tho week, however, hns been or very liberal proportions, thoro being a good Increase over tho past several weeks and also over tno corresponding week of last year. Tho demand, though was In good shape for all tho potior grades, so that prices havo held up In good shape. Tho supply of cornfed steers has. been moro liberal than of late, and good to cholco kinds havo nlso been In good sup ply. Anything selling from $6.(w up may be quoted stronger for tho woek, $6.40 being tno rugn price, ino grades, nowver, mut aro selling from $5.75 to $5.90 are barely steady, whtlo those selling below $5.75 may bo quoted 10R15e lower. Packors did not seem to do at an anxious ior tno mcniuni to fnlr cattlo, as they come In competition with tho westerns. The proportion of cow stuff this week has been very large, but tho market on tho colter grades is just aDout stcuay tor tho week. Good to choice natives uro sell ing from $3.25 to $3.65, while cornfeds havo sold as high n $4.10. A choice bunch of cornred neirers wouiu aouuiiess sen con siderably higher than that. Tho bulk of the rmtlvn caws, however, are selling from $2,75 to $3.25 and aro about 10l6c lower tnan tney wero a ween ngo. uunners navo been coming in very ireeiy anu ure quoieu from S1.50 to $2.65. Tho supply has been so great that packers succeeded In brcnklng the markot a good 26c during tho week. 1, t ...... 1, 1 1 , , 1 afpnnnn. . I, . , . I There has boon a good demand for htock ers nnd foedorH of good to choice quality and prices are quoted steady for tho week. Aside from tho best kinds, however, tho market is lower and particularly Is that lruo 0f tho common light stuff. Thero Is umost no demand at all for that class of ,.nttlo nnd Hellers havo to tako whatever common stuff la selling all tho way from S3.G5 down. Thero wcro very row western range stoers on tho markot last week good enough for packers. Tuo. demand nas been nctlve and as u result the market has advanced 104fl6c. The best grimes navo soiu largoiy from $4.90 to $5.25, with Individual sales go ing as high us $5.50. Ruugo cowb aro steady whero tno quauiy is saiisiaciory, nut aro all tho way fromb lOo to 25o lowor whero tho quality Is common. Good stockera and feeders uro quoted steady, with tho com mon kinds very slow und considerably lower. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. . S90 No. Av. Pr. 3 G5 COWS. 1 1 . 890 1 DO .1190 S 50 ..1150 3 00 BULLS. 2 50 4 1 740 C93 2 55 , im c no I 1.......... VM O UU CALVES. nTnnir rnws iNn iiKnrrns 930 2 00 1026 2 60 675 2 50 3 1013 3 60 HOGS Thore was another liberal nupply of hogs today, making tho rccelptH for the markets wero quoted lower and aH a result tiuCKcra Kiurieu uui nuio uuu hiiukiil liio icavler gradea Just about a nickel lower than yesterday. Thoy sold mostly at $5.62 und 15.66. with a few ubOVO thoso figures. Thn Hunt hoes, howover. nackerH did not seem to want and would not give over $5.60 for tho best or tnom, wnuo anytning com monlsli they bid way lower on. The light hruH uh a result wero left mostly until tho last, so that the market closed with trado very slow nnd weak. Today s accune makes tno niarkoi cioso lft12U,o lower than tho close of last week. but still tho murkot Is higher than It was on Wednesday of this week, when tho average cost was aown to Jtcpresen tative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 18 116 ... 4 40 C2 241 40 6 63 12 CO ... 4 85 61 272 40 5 C5 61 114 ... 5 05 70 269 120 6 63 SC 161 40 6 30 62 261 SO 5 05 IS 132 ... 6 85 87 228 160 B 65 81 167 ... ( 50 62 295 160 6 C3 63 167 ... 5 55 70 285 M 5 65 20 213 ... 6 65 C3 316 SO 5 63 116 153 ... 5 57 49 286 210 5 63 92 174 160 6 57 72 231 ... 6 05 72 239 120 5 60 66 300 40 6 63 62 191 120 5 00 25 30) ... 6 C3 91 183 SO 5 CO 36 292 ... DCS 92 184 80 5 60 64 268 ... 5 65 85 218 160 5 60 68 258 200 6 65 77 211 SO 6 60 ILS 269 ... 6 63 63 222 120 6 60 61 244 ... 5 63 38 212 ... 6 60 4 321 16) 6 63 C7 176 SO 6 60 68 319 120 5 63 69 236 40 6 60 69 241 40 6 65 67 255 240 5 CO 50 321 160 5 65 74 23S 40 6 60 60 283 40 C 65 88 204 40 6 60 68 232 120 6 63 36 382 SO ft 00 75 2u7 ... 5 63 C3 231 ... C 60 62 237 120 5 6 61 288 SO 5 62 69 295 120 5 63 63 201 120 6 62 C3 251 SO 6 05 68 20S ... 5 C- 65 291 160 6 03 W 231 ... 5 62 C3 295 .., 6 65 DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. 63 548 $0 C 62 1 254 , 120 5 65 r8 :s3 loo 6 ra 74 243 80 6 65 67 ... ?3J 120 5 63 57 93 200 5 65 64. .....253 SO 6 65 63 301 SO 6 63 71 276 220 f. 63 42 3J1 SW 6 63 70 . . . .278 210 5 6ft 60 313 SO S 65 53...,. 330 80 5 63 73 221 120 D l!". CS 263 120 C 65 69 226 120 5 63 t. 221 200 6 63 271 ... 6 0S P7 335 120 6 65 69 288 40 6 67 P6 203 4 0 6 67 M 2 SO G 67 69 .265 SO 6 67 M 276 SO 5 67 ; MJ 40 B67(i W 268 ... 6 67 66 261 160 6 67 57 333 160 6 70 IV 38 ... 570 63 353 40 6 75 08 233 S20 0 6 62 5 62 5 62 6 62 5 C2 73.. .. 19? 160 72. ...2.W 2J0 70 241 s0 6'.' 265 . 209 120 49. CO.. 49 . 38.. OS. . 155. 66.. 77.. 42.. ,.1S6 2i 5 Gi W .1"! II l) ..194 40 5 62 6 tU'i 5 62 6 62 6 63 6 62 5 64 6 C2 6 62 ft AllZ ..237 ..232 ..210 . .253 ..224 ...W ..260 240 320 40 SO f.0 80 40 63. 74 218 10 259 177 113 81 223 21 303 40 5 62 160 6 05 40 5 63 03 286 120 6 63 55 263 220 6 63 67 246 SO 6 63 70 233 ... 6 63 70 241 160 5 63 88 221 SO B 63 71. .....247 160 6 63 SHEEP Thero wcro not enough sheet hero today to mnko 11 market, but for tht week the supply has been very liberal, bli gains having been inndo both over the lust several weeks and also over tho corre sponding week of lust year, as the table, of receipts above will show. Not only that, but this has been one of tho big weeks of tho year. It was very noticeable thai In splto of tho heavy run thero wero com paratively few sheep nnd lambs good enough for killers, tho bulk bring feeders. Good to choice fut fchecn and lambs aro quoted steady for tho week. Common stuff though Is a llttlo slow nnd weak. Choice, feeder wethers havo iilso held Just about nte'itlv fur fh. 1.....1,. i..... 3 63 cvor uro lfc823c lower than they were a s M week ago except In case of somothlmi 3 Jj extra choice. Common feeder wethers nrn 3 w also that much lower. Tho greatest do 3 , cllno though has been on the old owes. 3 which havo been coming In very freely and havo declined sofMOe slnco last week. 3 44 Tlinv urn iilnuiut itnufiiuliln .it 11, .innlt,,.. Quotations: Choice yearlings, $3.40'iT3.t fair to good yearlings, $3.20ifJ.40: enolcs. wethers, $3.SOf(3.6o; fair lo good wethers, $3.10iJ3.30; chol-o ewes. $2.90H3.23; fnlr td good ewes. J2.60jf2.90; cholco spring lambs, $1. 3004.6(1; fair to good spring lambs, fcl.TAffl! 4.23; feeder wethers, $3.u3.50; feeder lambs, $3.6W4.W. Rcprcsuntutivo sales: No Av. IT. . SO $1 S3 .1,10 ;i 75 79 1 75 19 mixed sheep .. mi ellllH CHICAGO LIVE STOCK .MARKUP, Cut tie Stendy Unit" Strong; Micej Dull ninl Loner. CHICAGO. Nov. 16.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 300 heud; no Texnns nor westerns: market steady; good to prime steels, $6.25jr7.23: poor to medium, $1.00510.25; Mockers and feeders, $2.O0U"4,4O; cows. Sl.25Q4.CO; heifers, $1.5Ofl5.00; dinners. $1.2f,f2.30; bulls, $2.00'i 4.76; calves, S2.MatJ.23: Texas steers. $1.80M 4.00, nominal; western steers, $3.60115 40. HOGS-Reeolpts. 20,000 head; estimated Monday, 3,0"0; left over, 5,000; mnrket strong, heavyweight Ilrm. lightweight weak; mixed uud butchers. $ri.50y5.S2; good to choice heavy, $5,0Okt5.i7; rough heavy, SS.SS'nS.OO; tight, $3.25'u5.53; bulk of sales, S5.60i06.7R. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recolpts, 1,60) head; murkot dull und lower; good to cholco wethers. SX.Wit 1.00; fnlr to cholco mixed, $2.S0f3.40: western sheep, $3.00i(3.75; native lambs, $2.50Hjl.OO; western lumbs, feeders, $1.30. Olilclal receipts yesterday: Cattle, 3.381 head; hogs, S6.7SS heud: sheep, C.1SI honil. ShlpmeutH; Cattle, 2,207 heud; hogs, 2,i:o head; sheep, 3,695 head. .Stock lit MkIiL Tho following table shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs und t-heep at tho llvo principal markets for November 16: wniu. Shcop. 2)1 1,500 1,000 7C0 110 T517 South Omaha.. ClllCMKO Kansas City. St. I-ouls St. Joseph... I Totals.... ..1,763 53,942 W. Farnam Smith & Go. 8TOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. T. 1064. Directions for focdlng with best results furnished on application. '1 er puane lOitlt. Boyd Commission Co ' Buccesiors to James E. Boyd te Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION OrlAIN, IMIOV1NIOMS AND STOCKS. Board of Trade Uulldlnir. Direct wires to Chicago nd New York, orttfndenca John A. Wan en J Co. B. L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 FARNAM STflEnT. Iiiinii Itlxtiinei; Tr lepliituu 271. MONEY " MADE by conducting your operations on mod ern business principles. Wo will mall you on request our hook, Just pub lished, which will glvo you new nnd modern Idonn of trndlng In Grain nnd Stocks for safe nnd reasonable protlts. OCR .SPECIAL LETTERS will bo malted to you free If you wish to Itest thu valuo of the Information thoy contain una juugn ror yoursoir if it can Uo turned Into profit. On Oct. 12th wo sont out over 2,000 letters advising tho purchuso of St. Paul and Union Pacific slocks and Iheso securities have slnco advanced from $8 to $12 per share. If you aro not making money wo can help you, Private wlrrn to all exchanges, Iargo or small orders exe cuted fur cash or on small margin. Iutorest allowed on deposit. Highest banking and tlmtnclul references. 31. II. KI.OWER fc CO,, Bankers und Rrokcrs, Chicago Stock Exchange Hldg., Chicago, OU SMELTERMINES. Dlvldmnd. Paying Mining, Oil mnd nl?,i?1 'ca, Llmtmtl mnd Unl luted, our Spaolally. DOUGLAS, LACEY&CO., Hauliers A- llroki-ro, 1'lnrul Agents, .Member! Jf. Y. Comolldatcd fitotk Kicliumte, CB BROADWAY A. 17 NEW ST., NEW YORK. Ilookirtt mini! our tiirrtMtul plan for retilUInc I lie larae Intrrrat mnrf omnia nf Uvftl,nu(.. ..,T Inr.piUiiiluiirllrriiiu-tinenti.niiti. l.l.nU. (uu paiticu.att, IU'., Mnt frto on unpllriittoii. Iloforo lluyliiK' Oil or Mliilnu HloekM Send for free copy Atnorlcan Mining News, containing "All tho Nuwh from All Iho Cnnips." AMERICAN MINING NEWS, 11 Uroadway, Now York, TEXAS OIL NEWS. Giving Interesting facts regarding tho fa mous oil lleldu and what money making op portunities they offer large nml small In vestors, Sent frto on application. Keep posted. Write today. A, R. SALE & CO,, 25 Hrond St., New York. Bend your order In at once. $100 Invested now In grain or provisions will moro thsn doublo Itself by Jan. 1st. Conditions war runt higher prices and they are bound to come, Wrlto for our book, "Sucfess'ul Speculation." Bent freo. Our customers have mado money on our ndvlco the pait year. All profits puyublo on demand. J. K. C0MST0CK & CO., 83 Traders' Bide, Chicago, III. Hogs. . 127 10.812 . 3(K) 211.0X) . 200 7,00) .1,000 II.H'I) . 136 7.C00 -wrTaw'itKft' ol.'