23 for s-Ai,t;-ni:.vi, kstath. rou sale-real nsT.vru. rOR SAT.K-11EAL F.STATH. Pl'.ltSOAI., for At,i:-.Mi.st'i:i,i,AM'.m m. l'on fiAi.v: MisriiijLAsr.ot'fi. THE OMAUA DAILY 1JEE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1901. ft. i THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. 1301 DOUGLAS STREET, UPSTAIRS. OUR NOVUMBHKSALbS PROMISE TO liXCUBD TUB OCTOBER SALES OF 30,000 WORTH OF THE OMAHA SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. THE LIST BELOW IS A SAMPLE OF THE BARGAINS OUR CATALOGUE CON TAINS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A 1 HE PROPERTY DESCRIBED OR CALL PRICES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES, Utff) 8-room modern house on l"th street, near Corby, with Rood ham. We have Juki obtained title, to thin property and have repaired It thoroughly and paint ed and pattered It throughout. $1,500-7-room two-story house, east front, . on 22d, near Seward. $1,100 5-room cotlag.i with lot 0)xl2T4, nortli front, on 1'arker, nenr Kith. The Iiouio will be newly pulnted und papered for the purchaser. Go) Snmll house, wwrt front, on ISth street, near Ohio, with lot iJ'AxlGO. I, iOO Two-story seven-room house, mod em, south front, on liamlltoti, near :3th, with lot Ooxlffi. $1,0 Five-room cottage, west front, on North 1Mb street, near Grace, with small house In rear of lot. This house lias been thoroughly repaired and newly painted. It is onu or tho best bargains we have. $8,500 Four il-room cottages, two facing cast on 17th street and two facing west on 18th street, all In Rood con dition und renting for $75 per month, This Is one of tho best propertied wo huvo for Investment and this Is the (lrst tlmo wo have offered it for sale. K.COO-a-room modern house, facing south, on Francis street, near 31th. $2,200 7-room house, modern, on 3ilh, near Francis street. 11,4005-room brick cottage, on Hurt street, at tho corner of aid, on a lot with 105 feet frontage on :;id street. This is the best opportunity for an Investment that we know of, for there is room BUILDING 3,wo--a reet4 north front, on Farnam street, by 187 feot deep. This Is tin Ideal placo for un upartment houso and Is the cheapest property on Far nam street. $1, 200-50 feet, west front, on Sherman ave nue, south or Burdctlc, handsonio shado treri;, Thero Is no better bar Rnln on Sherman avenue. $3,000- Corner lot, handsome shado trees, 79x82, on southwest comer or 25th nnd Davenport. li,W0G2 feet, east rront, on 25th street, within luo reet or Farnam. $ SOo Each Two lots facing nortli on Call- fornla, nenr 30th. Each 50x130. I 900-Corncr lot, 61x111, facing south on (.ass und corner or Lowe avenue. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE PKUVtiU rKUPbKI Y AND FINE RESIDENCE LOTS. CALL AND GET ONE Ui- UUK CATALOGUES. ' DOUGLAS COUNTY FARMS. 80 ncres Improved, rill under cultivation, mllcH from Elk City, $l.fKJO.0iJ. 133 acres 3 miles from Elk Co., $10 per aero. .nmi LOUP COUNTY RANCH. 40,000 acres enclosed in fenco and crosa fenced Into four iiasturus; 2,560 acres line BC'hool land; 2.CC0 acres deeded tlno liay land along Callmus rlvnr, with good house, corrals, etc. Owner bus uvcniRcd $1,510.00 per year for past threo years from rent of pasture. In addition to pasturing his own lanre herd. Also Rood will In largo ImsUiphi with western Iowa and eastern No braska stockmen. Price for all, J17.Wio.oo. 1,320-ACRE CUSTER COUNTY RANCH. 600 acres under cultivation, balance grnss land, hquse, bail), corrals, w.liulmllls, scales, coruerlbs and other Improve ments, cost $3,000.00 within three years. Price, $ll.oic).oo. J40-ACRE GREELEY COUNTY RANCH, 150 ucres under cultivation, balance good grass land, house, barn, corncrlbs, well, windmill, scales and other Im provements cost $1,300.0), threit miles northeast of Spauldlng; price, $9,0"0.00. FARM FOR SALE. 43 acres Improved, all under cultivation except SO acres, two miles from Elk Cltv and 2.i miles northwest of Omuhu, $15 per acre. Call on or nddress.. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1G01 Farnam St., Omaha. RE-S59 17 D. V. SHOLES CO. 310 N. Y. L. Bldg. Telephone 829 Residence Bargains VA 8. 31st Ave., 10-room modern, hot water neat, oaK linisn, absolutely tlie best llrst class rusldeueo In tho West Fiirrium dls trlet for tho price of anything offered. m N. 39th St., one-hulf block south of Cuming St., 8-room modern, oak finish, a aeciucu narRain. I'nce, h,iw. iiotiso can not bu duplicated for this nrlco. 1117 S. 33d. llunscom Place, S-room modern, iuihu iui, wiiu uuni, cueup ui ),dw. VACANT Dodge nnd 34th St., 67x136 feet, choice cor ner. $2,500. 15th, between Dodge and Purnuni Sts., cast rrout. w reot, ji,&w. 60x140 feet, 21st und Leavenworth St., snap, ACRES Hmnlin irlil.,o O 1 .1 ..1 ,. tt.r.n blocks from Central Park school, snap at iw tier ucre. 8.41 acres, with house and burn. 21th St two blocks north of cur barn, ut a grunt Dig suup. TRADES 160 a ores. Washington county, all undor cultivation, worth $6,tno cash. Tuke purt nrsi-uiass oniuiia renting property. FARMS CO aeres. Morrlek eountv. four miles from Clarke, very choice. (Inc. level lund; 260 acres cultivated. 160 acres la rve and fall whcaLr Goes in at $2S.60 per uerc. Fuir Improvements. A decided bargain. U0 aurcs in Waynu county, lowu, Al im proved stock farm, lino Improvements, vnrv nlioim ut D.ir acre. too acres In Harlan county, llnely im nrnveil. lino buildings. $20 net' acre. Sell or trade clear, pay cash dlfi'etence for good farm near Omaha. RE- SO. CORN, winter wheat, timothy-clover farm. Writo owner. Airreii cnnstiun, York, Nob. Kl'J-S4-lj HOUSES FOR SALE. 1,150-Five-room hoilfce. 3S20 N. 22d St t.tiOO-Flve-ruom house, 3301 S. 21th St. I2.24i0-Hlx.room house. 3303 S. 21th St. $3.600 Eight-room modern house, 3014 Cass ut. 11,000-Foiir-room houso, 314 N. 25th St. 12,000 Small house, line lot, S. W, corner 25th und Chicago Sts. 3,000-UiJMlness property renting $37 per month, at h:ei south luth st. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Farnam St III'. iWO 11 Irrigated and Alfalfa Lands IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA. No. 1400 acres six miles from Rood town nil under good Irrigation ditch and level. 60-aere water right, nil will crow alfalfa: well linoroved. Ilea church and school, 10 acres of alfalfa 150 acres full grain, looking flue, goes with land at $.5.00 per acre; $5,000 cash iso. . iw acres unimproved, tinner irrigii' ttou ditch, some of this under cultlva tlon: $20.00 tier acre; one-half cash, balance terms to stilt mirchuser. Va. 3210 ucres llvo miles from good' town undur a Rood Irrigation ditch, well lm. proved; 15 acres ultalfu, 60 ncres fall grain: $25.00 per acre: $4,000,00 cash, naiance to suit purciiaser. No. 5 160 acres two miles from town, under a good irrigation ditch, Improved, small houso and barn, a bargain ut $3,0U0; one-half cukh, balance 5 yours time at 6 per cent, Theso ure burguliiu. 1 huvo others. This land Is sure to double In value. Will pay R, R. fare it you make a purchase, E. B. DUNHAM. Tel. H42. 601 Bee Building, RE-P50 17 KBOOM house, with full lot, bam, city water, 1: miles from 1. O., newly painted, 2&5: owner must sell, Byron R. Huet lags, 212 S. 14th St. RE M 112 BEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2, N. Y. Life, RE-123 JF YOU want one of tho nicest 8-room homes In llunscom Place, I will give you a bar(.ul'i. Owner left city. Must sell. J. 11. Sherwood, 937 N. Y, Lifo bldg. RE-M153 lIOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro insurance. Bemls, Paxcon Block. RE-120 i OWNER : i farm; in V LOTS,2St OWNER old, mint sell mortgaged ork farm; no trade nox iotk, jsuu. nr. . LOTS, 2Sth and 29th Fairmont Place, on lavorame terms. ;ui,sj. r. n. ivuppen, Ul West Wutor it., Mlhvuuke. Wis. HOME OR AN INVESTMEN EXAMINE ON US FOR OUR ENTIRE LIST. THE for thrco more houses facing west on 23, whero thero will bo u cur lino in tho spring. 12.5f)n .Wrv nffrnnllen flie-rnnm rottace. on South 10th. near Center, with brick storo in tho front or lot renting for 11 ner tnnntll. $2,090-Good live-room cottage next to tho above will) lot wxii". $2,W-C-room cottage . with Rood barn aim North 21th street, near Elkhorn track. 'I'liU In nil tililttol Inln IlilH und WOUld make a good home und investment nt tlin nnnwi tlrnp. $6,000 Two-story modem house facing south on Cass, near 22d: lot 31X132. I.TfX) 2-storv 10-room bouse with barn ond lot 00x128, on Hamilton und 25th, next to new Baptist church. $ &0i-Threo houses and two lots on comer of Xth and Dnrnttir. 12.C00TWO 1-room cottuges, newly painted aim repaireu, on uutli lutu sirec near Center. l,i-i-room Ut-story cottage, cast front, on 22d, near Qraec. M,3i l-room cottage, east front, on 22d i street, near Grace. This houro wilt bo newlv Tin lntfil and roruurod throughout and city water put in for xne purcnascr, l.vt 7-room cottuge. east front, ot 22d ar Grace. Th s house will bo luted and repaired througli- street, ne newly pa! out and c Ity water put in tor mo pur- chaser. LOTS. WO Each Thre well -.haded lots, on grado, near Vinton, on Bancroft nnd 16th. J700 East front lot, 60x150. on 27th ptreet, lust nnrlli of Pntmleton. . 1oO Finely shaded lot, 60x156. facing west on 31th street, near Davenport. $300 5outli front lot, on comer of 3Cth and cuss, 50x128. $700 67 feet, cast front, on SCth strnot, botween l.eavenwortn nnu JucKson. H'iV-Kor lot, 42xlOS, on 25th, oetween .Maplo and Hlnney. J20O Kach Four lots, facing south on cans, near KM, lot 32X112. $50022 feet, south front, on Cuming sireci, near .vui, paving an pain ror. WE HAVE A LONG LIST OP IM- RE GARVIN BROS. Commercial National Dank Building. CHEAP COTTAGES Five rooms, hall, pantry, 3 closets, cemented cellar, city water and sink, hi excellent repair. A special bargain, $1,200. 2312 Nortli 27th strcut. NEW MODERN HOUSE Six rooms, front hull, pantry. 3 closets. CO' monteu cellar, porcelain bath, nickeled 112 feet. If you want good vuluo for $"2,750 oxanuno tins property. 3715 Leavenworth street, j-.asy terms. EASY PAYMENTS, $650 Seven rooms and largo lot at 3133 Patrick ivve. a uarguin price, $600. KOUNTZE PLACE LOT Vacant lot on Blnuoy street near 19th St.. paving taxes, an paiu. Bncciai uargain price, yw. '-if FARMS AND ACRES TWO ACRES, north' o. Fort Omnhn. Price, 350.ACRES, Douglas county, V,i miles from iiKnorn. per' acre, v bargain.- LARGE LIST of lands in Nebraska nnd south Dakota., call or writo lor par ticuiars. GARVIN BROS., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-907 17 RANCHES FOR SALE. have about 2,000 acres of land situated on both sides of the Bello Fourcho rivet'. seven miles below thu town of Bello Fourcho. Tho river runs through the land lor about llvo miles, with timber on each sldo: three good dams to hold tho water; also- one windmill nnd swveral springs ii.n. wt,n nil ...... . ,ir. .. nn nifni... I under the big ditch, yfordlng.threo to four crops thp season, all under water, nnd Dlcnty wntor 'to Irrliiatu dav and nlirht: best of shelter for stock outside or under the sheds; a good dwelling house, one. barn 167x30, one shed 112x20 feet, one 100x65. lame Ice house, meat house, eran ary, lime and stouo cellar cemented, and other buildings too numerous to mention. The ranch Is well fenced all around, four wires outside und cross fences where needed. will sell tho bunch of ranches, thirteen in number, with ull improvements, for $i6.ooo:' The place .has not been pastured this sum mer anu, tnoro is vm miles or rreo range OiitHlde: will sell with the place 600 tons ot niraira nay, ir desired, at $4 a ton. AVUl give purehuser easy terms. .WILLIAM. H. M'M ASTER, RE-M916 lJ R. C. PETERS & CO., BEE BUILDING. DWELLING HOUSES. Special Bargain. Two houses in good repair, good location, barn, snado trees, wniiting distance, pay ing right now 6 per cent pu $3.0uO. Owner tells us to belt this property for $1,600. .uui am. .-iJinj .I ,, iiuimt-s, nn iui.it., which owner win soii jitu snap or iruue lor land in Eastern Nebraska. On lllst St., Just nortli of park. 9 rooms, nil modern, in lino repair, paved street, -"only (1.UM. VACANT PROPEItTY. Near Lowe avenue and Webster stroet, nice ouiiauig ioih ior eacn. 26th and. Elm St good lots for $300. 40 acres, Well Improved, lots of fruit, near center street, rouu. rrice, j,wv. R. C. PETERS & CO. Tel. S9S 1702 Farnam. RE-953 17 FOR SALE, a nlro blocks from High tirlce. $l.u50. sa,.-;, 6-room school, house three east front; A good 4-room houso on Cass St., halt lot, very close in; $1,000.00. 4 acres 2 blocks south of the club grounds, Is high and sightly; $0O.(io. Also 2 acres with a good house, barn, granary, lots of fruit trees; this In close to street car: $l,2w.00. Lot and two houses between 25th and 26th, on Iters mi., rents is.i" per inontn, Jl.ow. J, A. l.UVUlUS.N. 421 1'axton uiock. RE-913 17 GARVINBROS. INVESTMENT BANKERS Commercial Nat Bank Building. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT i All.nla with pnntl looklne fot bargains In Improved city and farm real estate. ,w WYMAN, SHRIVER CO., Now York Life Bide. $1,000 will buy n 6-room house, full lot, ehudo trees, etc., 34th. near Davenport st,; easy terms. $1,200 far 7-room house and burn, full lot on Decutor near 33d st. $3,600 takes a two-story nnd basement double dwelling, modern, 33d near Dnven port st. $3,300 will buy u two-story and brick base ment double house, modem, 10 rooms each, room on lot for two more houses, 27th st. $10.lt will buy 1.2)-acro ranch In Northern Nebraska, well Improved, alfalfa, fruit, timber and running water year round, SO-acru fiirm In Southorn Missouri, will oxchaiiKo for Omaha property, 20 acres under cultivation, 60 acres Umber, 1 miles from town of 0.000 inhabitants; imsh price, $)00. KE-996 17 CITY'S GROWTH MEANS HIGHER VALUES If you read the newspapers you know all about the big extensions to the South Oma- lie Packing plants; you know that the Union Pacific Is to spend millions, Millions, MILLIONS In Omaha the next two or three years, new shops, new headquarters building, etc. You know that this means more money, more people employed, more demand for houses, higher values and. prob ably higher rents. If you do not buy now vou will make a mistake. We told vou .,., . ,fnpij . . . . vnn upj,.V(, - uu "CIICVC US. Gill Buy a 5-room cottage for $950; close to Kottntzo park and a Rood car: houso nearly new, good lot, shado trees; terma rcnsonnhlp. 3M-Or a 10-room house for $2,500, on South .utn, aspnait street, double lot, room ior anoiner uousc or two. 6H Or, if yo:i have higher alms, buy an 8 room modern hntiep. 1iint north of Hlull school, iavcd street, for $1,000. Owner will iaKo vueant lot as purt payment. REMEMBER BEM1S PARK. Beautiful Bemls Park. There Is still a good choice of lots, one at 5450, and from that up to $1,500. If you arc too busy to build, buy a 6 to 8 room New Cottage; we have sev eral of them In the park, ready to move Into . , ' , 'n ,, . at from $2,400 to f 3,000. A Cho ce and cheap. WE SELL.PARMS WE SELL RANCHES Remember that we have a staff of sales men whose business it is to find the prop erty you want at a price that Is within yourreach. Tell them your troubles. Tey'll treat you right. Read our other ads today, all of them. See us tomorrow. PAYNK-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Hide. HE btf 17 HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. RANCHES. Do vou want to buv. or do vou want to sen; ir so, can upon, writo or teiepnone UEU. 1'. HUJliH EaTATlli UU. Telephone 685. Paxton Block. HOUSES AND LOTS. 7-room house, city water, remodeled and in excellent condition, on route ot now car line, must increase in vaiue; oniy I!i50.00. -room house, laundry, bath, gas, city water, furnace, storm doors and windows, screens, shado trees, shrubbery, paved street; a uno nomc. w.iiw.w. LOTS. Beautiful residence lots. $75.00 to $300.00. convenient to car line; only $&.(." down ana io.uj ner moutn. Other choice residence, business nnd track- ago ioih in tne ucst location in inc city. Seo us before buying. FARMS. 160 acres, Douglas county, within 10 miles or umana postniucc, good House, nam ior u neau came, norse uarn. granary. corncrlb: nil under cultivation except 30 acres in pasture; an Kinds ot irun, run ning water, .only $70.00 per acre. RANCHES. 1,100 acres, 320 acres meadow, balance good grazing land, stock corrals, stables, blacksmith shop, machine houso: 6-room living house, .artesian well, ditches, nil tinder 3 and 4-wlre. fence. $12.50 ner acre. 4H PER. CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY AISO W1UT1S FIRIJ INSURANCE. Geo. P. liemls Real Estnto Co.. Tel. 6S5. (Established In 1S6S.) Paxton Block. 11 10 5S2 li FOR SALE. SOO acres C miles from dennt. alt under renco and an valley land: run ning water, most costly improvements, largo iramo nouse, uarns, granaries, o:c. buildings watered .by Hydraulic ram. Price, $9,000, on easy terms. Inquire of li. is. Urega, Callaway, Neb. RE-MSil 19 CHANCE TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Down-town residence lot-large enough for 7 houses-at less than $20 A FRONT FOOT. Tliic nrlrp fnr Mnndnv Nnvpmlwr 18 ' n,f, Pr,lc5 Ior onaa NOVemDer 10 lo ioi now iiuin is a iiiuc-rooin, uiu- fashioned Iioubc, which rents to flrst-cla-s tonants, and produces n net Incomo large nnoiiirh to nav irood Interest. Owner, non-resident, refused $1,600 three Ve" u(r! will discount this now by iFJ J VI Vtillli PAYNE-KNOX CO., Sole Agents Mam Floor New York uro uidg. RE-96 17 FINE SMALL FRUIT FARM-Flfteen acres adjoining Blair, Neb., 6-room house, barn, storaire house, elder mill lilant. 73 cherry, 250 plum, ,600 npplo trees, 4 acres grapes, all bearing. L. W. Woodmansee, Webster Ht, depot, umana. iilj RARE CHANCE FOR LOVELY HOME. BEMIS Park, corner lot, large shade trees, nanasome six-room couugc, juhi iiniBueu, city water, porcelain bath, cemented laundry and cellar; on ensy monthly pay ments, out i. i. .l,iio ouuuing. RE-M115 19 80 ACRES near Irvlnston t 4.500 160 acres near Bennington 10,000 160 acres on paved street 12,800 203 acres near Papllllou 15,160 360 acres near i;iKnorn I2,uf0 UAKUAl.NH. 75 feet cast fnont on North Boulevard, nlro west iront on 24th St., 330 feet deep. u lAf. ll.UUU. 60x107 feet near 25th nnd Clilcaco. $1,250. WVl-nnin f.o m a flat Vitlltrilnt- nnrlh i.firt nt city, rental tM yearly, rrice, jo.room flat building south part of town, rental $720 yearly. Prlco. $4,500. N, w, corner mm ami uenter. 6-room house, lot 76x140. SNAP. $3,500. 3 brick stores, flats above, within ten blocks of P. O.. rentul $1.1)6 yearly, trice, sit. 000. Building cannot bo duplicated at this nrice. 3-story brick building within ono block of i; u., rental i.wju yearly, i'nce, jiu.uoo. JOHN N. FRENJ5ER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE-M991 17 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the union I'aciuo itatiroau company, u. a. McAUaster, land commissioner. Union Pa- cine lieadauurters. Omaha. Neb. RE-US i HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also ucre property anu tarm lanus. uno u. a; uavu co., itoom rc2, uce uuiiding. -HE-11 IS0.00 FARM FOR $40.00. 320, acres. Lancaster county, excellent Im provements, one mllo from .Raymond, 1.1 norm at iincoin. Rich black loam, no weods, fenced, young Hearing orcnani, mco grove, spienoia Water system, level roads In every dlreo tion. Rood r.e mnoors. Adjoining farms sell for $50; no better. Owner needs money. Price, $40 per acre. we nave otner uargains. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Omaha, Neb. RE S95 17 SEVERAL good farms for sale in a good farming country, f onunner particulars write or call on II. L. Ludlum, Plalnvlew, ixeo. im When You Write to Advertisers renumber or two of Mr it only take an extra stroke of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tlie ad in tne ute. TEL TnRBE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON, IlE-171 JanS- CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St, lit, i.. FOR SALE A bargain near' Brownell Hall; new, modern, 7-room house; latest open nickel Dlumblne: uorcelaln bath tub: full 60-tt. lot; owner has Just been transferred to anotner city una wisnes ic, sen at once. J. II. Sherwood, 937 .N. V. Lire uidg. RE-6S DOUGLAS CO FARM CHEAP 160 ncres near Elk City at $22 an acre. II GATES. N. Y. LIFE. RE W3 IS SEVEN new modern houses. 3 choleo vacant lots on 31th, near Farnam st., or will build to suit you and sell on easy payments, it. r. liamuton, ouiiuer, 1713. Farnam st. Tel. U79. jui-itivi st rou sai.k-iu:ai estate. SIX BARGAINS ON 19TH ST. near Uavcnworlh, C-r. cot tage, water, gus. sewer, paving an p.tm, very cozv home. $I..Wi owner mut raise some money. MAKE AN OFFER. HANDSOME R-r. cottage, water, pas. sower, lot 40x132, convenient to school nnd 2 car lines, line neighborhood. THIS IS A SNAP AT $1,250. ON PARKER, west of 21th. 5-room cottago, ioi paving nnu nricK siuewuiK all paid. Taken under mortRaRO fore closure; $1,150 will buy it this week. CHOICE VACANT LOTS. 100x150, east frontage on Park Ave., near i'onpieton. for $4.boo. build A AND MA1CI3 SOME MONEY. 43x12?, Just west of Park Ave.: executor THIS IS A suy let it go for IW). UAllUAIN A SPECULATION 1(5x130, nice location, nortli part of city, near school and two cor lines, sewer und sidewalk paid; J250 win uuy mis, )iw casu. Tel. 1472. SWEET & HEADLF.r. 613 N. Y. I Bldr. IlE-073 17 A. V. TITKEY & SON Have, purchased I'M acres west of Ilnnseom para, soutn or center hi., u,uu win bud divide same Into ucro lots. This Is a very rich soil nnd tho llncst kind of garden land. Acre lots will be sold for about H of the former price of 60-foot lots In tho same locality. Purtles wanting a homo where they can rulso chickens and fruit, or parties wanting a few acres for an in vestment, would bo well suited with this property. An acru will have 132 feet east front on 46th St. running back SOO feet, making a largo tract of land. Thero axo only 1, of these lots und parties desiring same should sec us at onco about them. Convenient ulso to Ho.it h Oinuha. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TItADE. 11E-S31 17 7 ROOMS ONLY $750.00. Lot 60x127, Vi block south Ames Ave., on 31st Ave. W. II. GATES, N. Y. LIFE. RE-532 17 BARGAINS. Boycr, 22d & Cuming. Tel. RE-722 D10 2049. C I. A U t V O YAX 'VS. Scientific Palmist MME. GYLMER OMAHA'S FAVORITE For a scientific life readlnc consult Mme. Gylmcr. Sho has practiced palmistry In umana and vicinity ior tne past 13 years, and thero is not one Instanco where she has failed to give entire satisfaction. Sho Is highly reputable, attractive and pus sesses a pleasing disposition, Her read ings are Instructive. Her advice is in valuable. Parlors of Palmistry, 313 So. 15th St... In Granite Block, 2d Hoar. Take elevutor. M MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, S13 N. 16th. S-990 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, .115 S. S-1'91 utn. MME. PALMER OCCULT SCIENTIST and LIFE READER. Reviews your live as though it were a printed code Her predictions ure always absolutely accurate. PAST. PRESENT AND FUTURE Positively revealed. If vou are In trouble of any nature call on tins giiieu woman, ner auvico win uo you good. I'ermaneniiy located at iuiu uaveuport. S KLECTHO TREATMENT. BEATRICE HARLOW. Elegant vnpor and tub bums; electricity given, 32i North 15th, llat A. T M7.5 10' MISS MACK, massage; attendant. 1103 Webster. T M776 D12 MME. AMES, S17'.S N. 15th, Hat E, baths, T-370 D2 MME SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor, R 2, T-M517 1)7 rmisoNA.,. DR. ROY", chiropodist; corns and superflu- ous nuir removeu uy electricity, it. 12, l'ror.zer oiock. u va RUPTURE CURED without tho knife. Em plre Rupture cure, vss i. x. Lire Bldg. U-993 VIAVA, woman'H way to health; rational, Wlioiesomo numo iruauiiciii, 013 uco mug, U Kill OMAHA Accordion Pits. Co., 1521 Douglas U Wj ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest, airs. j, u, -uarit, litn and Far nam. U VJIi WE RENT machines for 75c per week. We sell needles and aiiacnments tor and re, i.nli. iti'iipv miikn of snwliii? mnclilnii NEBRASltA CYCLE CO., Comer 15th unJ Harney. 'Phono iwsj. u 676 D9 ADV. oalcudars. Burkley Ptg. Co. U-M597 Janl JUST think of It! Good cabinet photos only wo doii. at Tlie u. a. uancry, o-ii a, ltstli U S31 RUPTURE permanently cured n 30 to 60 auys; sena ior circular, u. . ivnou, m, V., 621 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Nob, 1 T 'M PRIVATE hosnttal. before and durlnz con nnement uauies auopteu. sjw uraut at, Mrs. Gardcls. Tel. F 1152. U-99S HHAMPOOINO and hair dressing. 23c. In connection with The Bathery, 21ti--o nee building. Tel. I7iu. uwi CHIROPODY' a specialty. In connection with Tho Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg, rei. ifiu. u ois TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES. A number of vountr ladles wanted ltnmedl ateiy to tako a course ot training, f or particulars address Fremont Hospital, Fremont. Neb.' U-M&90 Nl "YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY." That Is, you'll have to get a swift move on vourseir to .ind a better clear tnan tne For 6c. Union mnde. Quality the best, Wholesales at $37 per 1,000. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. 'J-M670 16 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. u i" IIAinnrtHSRINn. mnnleurlnir and chlro pouy, ror ladies oniy, in connection wun 'me uatliery, xie-i'.o ueo uiog. u m PRIVATE homo for ladles before and dur lug confinement; babies adopted, xv.'o Burdet'.e St.' Mrs. Burget, U-fllS D9 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pep to mention the fact that you saw the aa la ine mi. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R: U Ull" GET- the little photos for 15c per doz. a The U. S. Gallery, 626 south 16th. U-S35 AN honest woman would like charitable ns slstance: would also taKe in wasning a reasonable rates. 2029 N. Stth st. U-M843 17 LIEIIEN, theatrical, mosciuorade costumer, 1U18 Farnam. u -hs.w Mnni'lllNE. opium, laudanum, cocaln hablti mvself cured, will Inform you ot Harmless, permanent numo cure .hi Baldwin. Box 1?12, Chicago. U ATTRACTIVE, amiable lady, worth $t0,ono. desires husband tor nusiness aavifer anu companion; seeks early marriage. "lone ly," room D, 404 Vine st Cincinnati. O. M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west, man orders solicited. Suite 2W, Douglas block. MAHHV lovely women nnd honorable men: many ricn. semi i-c ior uig ucstripino list. Mutual Exchange, Denver, Colo. Dt YOU know jour future? If not, nl- dress liney i, .iion, at. -iuiiony im; Station, St. Paul, Minn.; senu loe nnu birth date; with quick reply lie will glvo you this information in a wonderful life, reading. L SSt 1.' THE PRINCE OF OMAHA in the best cigar over saw. Smoko olio and you'll see. Flavor unexcelled, union made. Bought for $37 per 1.0ii) und sold at 5c straight. W. F. STOECKER ClOAllCO OENTIiHMEN. do you wuit. several lady correspondents for pleasure or wiiu iuu rlago In view? If so send 10c in stamps. Box 908 Des Mollies, Iu, U-904 li MA11UIAG12 paper, exclusive, 2 pages, IPC. sealed, established 15: Rives nan anu commercial reference: many worth JHO, 000. H. U Love, Denver, Colo. VM li 'OUR Jolly young ladles desire tho ac quaintances of four jolly young men. wo nro strangers In the city. Misses Kitty t'umbrldge, Edna Hastings. Lilly Rivers, Daisy Brook, general delivery, Omaha, Neb. U-961 17 FOIt SALE, lot 25lli nnd J sts.. South Omahu; mako an offer, owner, iiw jouen. AGNES V. SWETLAND. M. D.. special treatment or women s discuses ana reu practice. N. E. Cor. 16th and Howard, U-9S1 17 north llcr Grand, ENTjARGE YOUR BUSTS. LAPIESl 1 to 10 niches at homo, with Dr. couway s Bust Tabloids, at trilling cost; $1,000 for a coso we cannot; thoso developed In past 12 years prove 'tis permanent. Sealed facts, 4o stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 13 Temple Place, Boston, Muss. U-977 17 MANUFACTURE your flavoring cMracts; vanilla, lemon, orange, strawuerry, pine applo und ten others guaranteed olllclnl: also tho best liquid laundry blue; sntd SI to National Flavoring Co., 310 Karbach block. U-MU9 17 HANDSOME American lady, Independently rich, wants good Honest nusuand. Ad dress Erie. 193 Washington st. Chicago, 111. U-im 17 MOXUY TO LOA.N'-RIJAIj USTATI1. LOANS on eastern Nebraska und western Iowa farms ut 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or uny multiple; uny Interest date; no delay. Brctinan-I.ove Co., 303 South 13th St., Omuhu, Neb. W 1000 AND 5Ja per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bunk building. Tel. 1618. W-999 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warruiits. ueoigo & company, iwi Furnum btrect. R1VATE money. F. D. Weud. 1524 Douglas. W-101 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-103 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam sniitu & co,, m.v f arnam street. w-ioa WANTED, city und farm loans; also bonds und warrants, it. c. Peters &, Co., 1.02 Furnam St., Bee Bldg. W-104 4 TO 5 1'. C. money. Bemls, Puxton Blk. W-105 $50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up; lowest .,u f it hiiIh 1).-... 1 i-AI ..... ... " tUlVPi UU4 lll U1U3.I J.W1 X'Ultiaili, W-100 SEE 11LNRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Life. W-10S MONEY to loan on' Improved Omaha real estate, lirciinun-i.ovo uo., im boutn i3in. W-lt'J MORTGAGE C. G. Wallace, Brown Block. W-551 i PER CENT on business property. 0 per cent on rcsidencu property. iiuiuus iu pay wnoio or pari uny time. W. B. MEI1CLE, 401 S. 15th St. W- Mfc.ti $2,000.01) private money to loan on first Enquire 2705 Ohio St. W-0H 17 class security. MOXUY TO CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON Furnituro and Pianos. Horses, Carriages and Wagons. Also on SALARIES. You get tho money on short notice. You receive tho full amount in cash. You may keep It ono month or more. You pay only for tho time you keep it. You pay us nothing for making papers. Our rates us low as tho lowest. Our business is confidential. Our motto Is. "Try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO,, 110 Board ot Trado Iildir.. Tel. 220.-,. (Established 1S32.) " 300 S. lGth St. LARGEST BUSINESS IN I.OANS TO SALARIED peuple, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without ie curlty; euslest terms; 10 olllces in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 410 Board of Trade Bldg. X-114 DON'T RUN, CUT HURRY! Our rates ure lowest on SALARY 1.0ANS OR FURNITURE LOANS. Time right and fulr, buuaj-e dealing bv a responsible company. Reliable Credit Co . room 303 third lloor, Paxton block. X-M203 MONEY loaned on pluln nolo to salaried people; ousiness eouuucuiiai; lowest rates, til Paxton block. Tho J. A. Iltitton Co. X-U3 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. live stock, etc. Quick service und lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOR, C33 (ton floor) Paxton block, northeast corner loth und Farnam; entrance on ltith stroet. X-115 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew- ciij , nnu . Buiawuu iiuuiiie witiioui secur ity; cheap rates; easy payments; business confidential. Foley Loan Co., nuccessors to Duff Green, R. 8, Barker Blk. Est. 1SS3. X-118 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniiurc, Jew- ciry, norses, cows, etc. v. Reed, 319 s. 23. X-117 HARDMAN piano exchange horse and buggy, typewriter, diamond: cash tlmo if you ucsire. augm i, uco uiug. Q-M113 17 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading sDeclallst In diseases of women In Omaha. would call tho attention of suffering ladles to ills unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. l'rleti, Arlington block, 1513 Dodge, Omaha. -121 LADIES, $500 reward falling to rellove case of abnormal suppression, nny cause; price $2; fully guaranteed. Dr. Mead Remedy co., li guiiicy si., viucago, in. -M537 DS ladies! Chichester's Encllsh Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, reliable. Tak no other. Send 4o stamns for nartlculara. "Relief fot Ladles," In letter by return mill. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Fa. CANCER cured at homo by Internal treat ment ,no knife, plaster or pain. Hook and testimonials mailed freo. Cancer In stltute, 121 W. 42d St., New York, LADIES, I will send you freo my receipt ror simple, saro, guaranteed mommy reg ulator on receipt of stump! don't worry but. send for reclne at ont o, lellof In 2 hours: It never falls. Mrs, DcGrau, 530 4th St., Dps Moines, la. n iv HTlTPHIsnW sneclallst of women and .children; to years' practlco. Otllce, 2213 Cuming. Res. tel., j-3i'ji omce, jwmi.. 870 LADIES, our harmless monthly remedy cannot fall. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. 010 Juny 5 iii.ACKsMrriu.vc ami iioitsnsiiiuMi CHARLES A. HOFMANN, rear of 811 N, ltstn- " NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. BALL BEARING D 9 This Is tho Twentieth Century Sewing machine. Faster atul easier running, than others. If you want a cheap machine, no dlfterenco what tnako or price machine. you want, we can save you money. OUR FREE SEWING SCHOOL ; open every Thursday and Saturday, all day and evening. No dlffcrcneo'whfre you Vought your machine nor how long Jou have used It, you aro welcome to conn and tako advantage of this school nnd no oxpenso. During this week we will sell secondhand machines cheaper than ever. GOOD MACHINES FROM $1 to $12. Modern drop head machines pliphtly used, nt onc-linlf rcfiutnr nrlccs. WE RENT MACHINES AT 75C PER WEEK, OR S2.00 PER MONTH Thcso nro modern, up-to-dato machines, with complete attachments. We sell needles and parts for and repair every sewing machlno manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Cor. 15th and Harney. 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. FIR timbers for houscmovcrs, etc., 40 to 71 ft.; cribbing and hog fence, vol Doug las. Q 100 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght. 111D Farnnm. SAFES, standard mnkes, sold.rcntcd. 1KB 13 Q-asl PATENT medicines at cut prices, Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., cor. 16th and Dodge. y ail,2 Gas Fixtures, Lamps, Etc. Incandescent gaslights, glassware, man tles. The best gasoline lamps. Wholesale and reUJI. II. FRANZEN. 1101 N. ISth, Omuhu. Neb. Q liAROEST slock of latest combination graphophoncs, records and supplies. Come nnd seo them. Fredcrlckson. 15th anil Dodge Sts. Q-022 N21 FOR SALE, ladles' Rambler wheel for $10, to save winter's storage. Cull 1050 Geor gia Ave. 0 CIS WANT A PIANO? BARGAINS IN NBW AND USKD PIANOS THIS Wlir-K Good snuaro pianos, various makes Hnrdman, Chlckcring, Hnllett Bradbury, Kniibe, Hale and prices to sell quick $12, $18, $27, & Davis. others at $35 to $IS- eaay paymeni. UPRIGHT PIANOS Kimball, ebontzed Kimball, walnut, llko new Sample, Chicago make, mahogany Sample, Now York make, walnut. Hurrlnuton. almost new .$ 95.00 , 135.00 . ICG.OO . 108.00 . aa.00 Story & Clark, walnut 240.00 A complete stock of beautiful now 1902 styles of tho famous Hardmau pUnos, tho only piano that Improves with use, on ex hibition ond for sale only by Mueller Piano & Organ Company North Side of Street. 131G Farnam St. Look for "Hardmau" sign. Q Al HORSE and phaeton, cheap. Inqulro 131S Furnam or uouge. w aww When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention tho fact that you saw tho ad in The Bee. CADET coat, good as new; will lit boy 13 or 14 years old. .Address ii w, iec. Q M5S3 EDISON and Columbia talking machines und records, omaiia uicycio uo., Jtun and Chicago. Q-9s5 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, 418 Q 9S3 N. 16th. WELSHANS MANTEL & TILE CO. Q-M429 D4 Tel. lCSa. 300 S. litll. FOR SALE, good-sized packages of news paper cxulianges. ; cents una up. Appiy at Bee Olllce, Circulation Window. Q GS3 imu sale, second-hand woodworking mn chlncry, snaiiing, puiicys, uciuhk, viikiiiu. y, shafting, pulleys, ueiiiug, engine, 'or particulars apply to W, P. Mont y, Nebraska City, Neb. Q-M850 17 etc. Ft gomery FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to nny other musical instruments; J m. i uc Wlttinanii Co., 1021 Furnam. Q MS38 TWO l.elfers for sale. Mcnchnm, 47th and Q-923 17 Harney. A REGINA music box, with nlckol-ln-tlie- slot uttuchtneiit, cneap tor easn. jjij Farnam St. - Tclcphmio 1C25. lj-920J BRICIC, from $1 to $1 per load Johnston Jiricic laru, .jiii uuu niufr m, Q-SG5 17 A SNAP, wagon coal box for $12. f.13 S. Q-903 17 14th. TCI. 1301. FOR SALE cheap; good linrd coal humor. ...... ui.rt.. ,. v ii'.ih r irifi' in l , 1,J. P lull, fcV. ... ....... w " FOR SALE, Rotort Oak base burner, near ly new; hard or soft coal. 2ill0 Harney st. Q 120 17 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th nnu i.aao di. "iv WM. EVER1TT. Special rates to real es tnto men; weatner sinim pui un. .sio lA'avenworth. M7C3 R. P, HAMILTON, DUlLilJISll storm win dows, doors, purciii'M, l eyauiiiK, kihi iiviiiu.-, plastering, painting and mason work. 1712 Furnam. Tel. 1179. -M793 17 HUO ' FACTORY, OMAHA RUG FACTORY. 1521 Leavenworth St. RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPET Ingrain, Brussels, Moquettes, Wiltons and new clippings. Work guaranteed first class. J AS. Tl-NICK, Prop. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry ; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c, Tel, 647. A. v ., .... -143 ROM, Ell MAKERS. OMAIIA Boiler Works, steam hollers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Sts. ELECTRIC IIEI.TS. ELECTRIC Belts und what they will do. Address P. O. Box 4S8, Omahu, Neb. 157 FOUND. FOUND, near Y. M C. A. entrance, pair of spectacles; owner call at Beo Olllce for same, yound M627 FRATERNAL ORDERS, THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as lire, unarier memuers rrew, I'urucii lars from Frank Rosewatcr, supremo manager, 222 Uco Bldg, 72 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. IWvi. Alice jolinson, u. u., ladies' dept.: DR. A. T. HUNT. 512 McCaguo bldg. T1. 2352. -127 DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 21. SHORTHAND AMI TYPEWRITING. GRt:GG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug 130 A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. I.lfo. 131 BOYI.ES' College. Uco Bldg. court reporter principal. -132 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 133 SlOHAtiK. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Ct.. 912 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -two OM. Van Stor. Co., 15111$ Furu. Tcls. 1539.86.1. -978 STORAGE, nam St. low rates. Derlght, 1119 Far--979 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired, Om Trunk Factory, 1209 Furnam, -144 PAWNIIHOKEIIS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conlldentlal. 1301 Douglas. 13 1 PHYSICIANS. Dr. Gertrude Cuscaden, 1607 Doug. Phone 494) 6I7-N22 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. Mil Cuming BU ' -la4 , BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS in bookkeeping, etc.. day or even ing. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. O. R. Rathbun. HAVK AND IKON WOIIKS. t MANUFACTURERS of flro escapes, etc. Moved to 10th and Dodgo Sts. 'Phone 587. 777-D12 MUSICAL. MUSICAL PROF. WRIGHT, L. I.. C. M.. studio at 301 McCaguo Bldg. Voice, piano, organ; spe cial advutitago to scholars or pipe, organ; students trained as organist and choir directors. Organ recitals n specialty. STATUARY. STATUARY manufacturing. 317. 8. 10th St. Great bargain removal sale. -723 D10 PATll.NTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address, Lock Box 709, Des Moines, la, 135 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., replatlng. Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. IIATTUHS. Omaha OLD hats made new. 207 N. 17th St. M7C5 CERTIFIED MILK. 1000 BABIES Wanted to drink our certllled milk. Fresh sanitary milk contains life-giving quali ties not to bo ioumi iu any prepared nuny food, IOCUST LANE FARM, Omaha olllce, 2014 Farnain. Tel. 4t. DRESSMAKING. MRS. FOSTER, 113S N. 18th. dressmaking, tailoring. 763 IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 012 Farnam. -123 Dl TAILORING. LADIES' Jackets made, remodeled, altered, cleaned and repaired. Joo Yousen, 1504 Farnam. 801 , TROUSERS T0 OUD,3R- letu. M823 D14 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldf. -129 PHOTOGRAPHY. CHRISTMAS offer, opal worth $3.00 free with each dozen photos. Miner, leading photographer. 01S N. 21th. 750 WANTED TO BORROW. $150 ON GOOD chattel security, sixty days. Address L M, Bee. 827 17 BUSINESS CHANCES, TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCugue butldlnB. Y-MJW 20 INTERESTED in goats? Learn nil about them us money makers. Read Amerlcuii Goat Breeder, published monthly; 20 cents a cony. Addrubu Room G, 117 5th uve,, Chicago. Y-M503 DI IIOTEL FOR SALE. All furniture and fixtures, Including lease, contained In Belle Fnureliu Hold building, Il'lln Fourche, South Dakota. For fiilunforma ttnu mldresH D. J. Arnold, Box 34. Delia Fourcho, So, Dak, Y-MltttHS J