fig THE OMAHA DAILY ,H33Ei HUiNDAY, !N OVEMltEK 17, lOOt. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvertUrmenta for theae onlumna rill be taUrii tintll 12 m. for the WTenlna; edition nnd until H HO p, m. for morn Inn nd Sunday edition. Diilei, 1 l-2o n rrorit flrM luaertlnn, lo n Trord thereafter. N'nthlnar taken for leaa tnnn 2Br for the first Inaer tlon. Thfit adverlliemenU mini fee ran rnnufcndvflr. Adrertlaera, by reqiieadnir a num bered check, ran hare nnntcru ad treaaed In a numbered letter In care t The Bee. Anairera an nddreaaed will he delivered on preaentatlon of tha heck only. SITUATIONS WANTED. LADY cashier, bookkeeper, stenographer and general assistant. Eight years' expo rlcnco In physician's omco. Good refer ences. 260S ricrco st. A-930 17 WANTED, position as shipping clerk by young man with experience, or. similar work. Address I. II. it., Avery, Nob. A 807 1 WANTED MALE HELP. TEADY WORK, prolltablo work, for neat, energetic bustlers. C. F. Adums Co., 1619 Howard. B-808 WANTED, a good man In every county to Uko subscriptions for The Twentloth Century Farmer. Our agents mako good wages everywhere. Ilefcrenccs required. Address Twontloth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B-U GOOD messengers wantd. A. D. T. Co., 212 So. 13th. Increased pay. D-M664 15 FOR A HALF-DAY'B WORK. If you Ilvo In tho country or In a small town and havo u Rood acquaintance among tho farmers and stock raisers In tho neighborhood, you enn mako flvo dol lars easily by four or flvo hours work. Wrlto us und we will send yon our propo sition. Thu Ueo Publishing Co., Solicitors' Pcp't.. Omaha, Neb. D-M213 WANTED Ambitious young men to thoroughly learn tho barbor trade from conscientious up-to-dato experts In the Bhortest possible time, for tho leoat amount of money, at tho old st, best equipped and only reliable bar bers' Instlttito In tho country. Ono-thlrd of our graduates, all of whom aro prosper ously placed In good positions, aro studonts and graduates of other barber colleges, Who, realizing their Incxpcrtncss, COMB TO US FOR A FINISHING COURSE BliFORl; VENTURING OUT AS JOURNEYMEN. If wo cannot provo to nny legitimate prospective student that the Western Har pers Institute Is tho best burber college In tho country WE WILL PAY TUITION TO ANY OTHER BARBER COLLEGE YOU SELECT. Positions guaranteed and tools furnished tree to graduates. Light employment re cured to earn board If desired. Tho West ern. Burbors' Institute Is tho recognized authority and exponent of scientific and correct styles of American barberlng and a short course In Improved modern methods will mako a good country barber an expert moiropoiitun ut a smnu iimo una money cost. For terms und catalogue address WESTERN BARBERS' INSTITUTE, 14024 Dodge Street Omaha, Neb. B WANTED, reliable man In every town able to devote two bourn dally and invest 150 to start In clean, straightforward, honor able business; new. novel, prolltablo proposition; can positively make 125 every week for first year und doublo that amount thereafter; this offer mado but opco in oach locality; advertisement will not' oppcar again. Answers wanted only from bright, active, men possessing tho elements of success iijid uiixIouh for a. Sormancnt business. A. E. Crocker, 171 roadway, Now York. 11-87S 17 WANTED Men who can write bright ad vertisements can earn largo salaries; ad writing Is ii most pleasant and dlgnllled profession, too; you can learn It by our most thorough and practical Instruction as given by correspondence; the -cost Is trifling, tho bcuclltH Inestimable. Wrlto Tor particulars. Economist Training School, 78 Wulker St., New York. 13 SS 17 THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OVER BOSTON STORE, 16TH AND DOUGLAS. PREPARES Young Men And Women For Mercantile Positions, And When Prepared, the Business Men of Omaha Employ Them. What Bet ' ter Evidence Could You Have of Thorough Courses of Study, Competent Instnlctors, or First Class Facilities? Every Large' Mercantile Establish ment In Omaha Employs From One to a Dozen of Our Students, And Yet the Demand Is Unsatisfied. The Following is a Partial List of Those Who Chose to Equip Themselves at the Omaha Commercial College For Mer cantile Positions, and Who Have Accepted Those Which Have Recently Been Offered By Our Business Men. Cudahy Packing Co OttU Llberknecht Monarch Actoyleno das Co a Minnie Curry. Strand & Aldrlch, Qladdys Curry. Pacific Hotel Co D. P. David. A. C. Itaymer llnrdwaro Co O. D. Lowden. Mulen's Wholesale Houso Sarah Otis. T. M. C. A Minnie Flynn. Klrsclibaum Com. Co Daisy Rlfg. Bankers' Union Margaret Cullen. B. &. M. Freight Offlce Gorton Roth. Remington Typewriter Co Agnes Moran. Adams & Kelly Paul Ninille. Mr. Smith, Falls City, Neb Fred Sebold. ' V, 8. Supply Co Walter Erlckson. ' Swift and Company Mr. Rahmsburg. Nebraska Cycle Co Eva Fulburt. Trade Exhibit llluncho Fergenbautn. Fremont & Elkhorn Milton Mack. I Fremont & Elkhorn James Ooslln. Railroad Co F. 8. Watt. Baker Hay Co draco Walker. Western Paper Co Mabal Scott. Floyd J. Cumpbcll Com. Co Hugh Robb. ' Baum Iron Co E. V. Abbott. Bwlft nnd Company IUchter. Cudahy Packing Co A. C. Oleson. Cudahy Packing Co Mengedoht. A. Hospe i.. a. P. Olgery. Allen P. Ely & Co F. 8. Watt. District Clork, Schuyler, Neb Emily Dworak. VminsF OF STUDY HeKH''lr Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, ROHRBOUGH BROS. TbHA IWANTED, young men and women to writ fir our free booklet. "Aro Your Hands TledT" It tells how wo havo helped thou sands to support themselves while wo qualified thorn for hlgh-sularled positions tn migllieorlng or architecture. Write the international Correspondence Schools, Box 1668, Hcrunton, Pa., or coll day or venlng, Omaha, Office, 105 S. 15th Bt. B-877 17 OUNU men for Railway Mall Clerks. In-tor-HUto Corres. Inst., Cedar Rapids. la. B-MK9 DS " . When You Write to Advertisers raBtmbr It only takes an extra atroka r two of the pen to mention the fact that gtx aaw the ad lit The Bee. KLDERI.Y gentleman, good talker, to follclt buslncis; good sulary. Address L I7. Bee. H-M768 19 GENTLEMAN, speaking Uobcmlun, to ' aollclt business; good sulary. Address L,2i, Bee. B-M707 19 ' GOOD talker to take orders; good (alary to right party. Address L 2J, Bee. . B-768 19 WANTED, oxpcrlenoed men tailors for ladles' garments. Apply oltlco J. U Bran dels & Sons, Boston Hturo. B-M806 17 WANTED MEN who can trim windows and paint card signs, und do It right. BUch men can earn good salaries. We teach thesn branches thoroughly, prac tically, by correspondence or In person at our school, write for particulars. Boonomtst Training School, Ml Wulker . St., New York. JJ-KS7-1I' H00 AND expenses monthly; one good figiit work! nxclusive monouolv Just discovered. man Hi every enuiuj , irrinuiiuiii J'artlculars free. Address Fyrozono Co,, I Star building, Chlcugo. U-933 17 WANTED MALE llEI.r. WHAT CAN That's the first question that your about you. You must be able to do something, and do not expect a busy employer to teach you that something. If you would be successful in the battle of life, you must know business. It Is your fault If you are not able to hold your own or push your way upward to something better. You can karn how. We would like to help you. POSITIONS Union Fuel Company Walter Molso Bprague Rubber Company if, W. fitmernl Hon tb Omaha 8took Exchange Omaha and Texas Oil Company Twnmblv & Hon Omahn Building ft 1-onn Association. Lawyer Kerr, Council muffs , K. C. Hay Tress and Machine Co NIGHT SCHOOL The night school of this Institution Is In session Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, and offers superior advantages to those who cannot attend school In the day time to prepare themselves for self-support and honorable positions In the world of bus iness. The hours of Instruction are from 7 to 9 p. in. , BOYLES' COLLEGE Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Day and Even ing Sessions. BEE BUILDING, OMAHA. Send for advertising literature. Its free. CIVIL service government positional 9.41 appointments mado last year: probably lo.wo this year; common school education required for the examination; catalogue of Information fro, Columbian Correspond enco College, Washington, D. C. 1I-M875 IS WANTED for spring business, a good salcsmun to sell dry goods on commission to tho country trade. Bryn Muwr Mills, 1'hlladelphla, t'a, 11-873 17 WANTED, salesmen, by reliable Jobbing house, 5 traveling salesmen to placo hlgh- frado upoclalty lino with merchandise rado; high commissions and pormanont positions to good men; full time required. II. 78, 153 Fifth Ave., Chicago. B-936 17 TRUSTWOKTHY man for routo In Ne braska; 115 weekly and expenses to start; references necessary; stendy work. Ad dress Traveler's Dept., 334 Dearborn, Chi cago. 11-937 17 WHY not try sign painting? No experi ence required: no fraud; sumples. Instruc tions, etc., 10c. City Sign Co., Sprlnglleld, Ohio. B-935 17 WANTED Harness makers and collar makers; steady work and good pay for good men. Fremont aauuicry company, Fremont, Neb. V B-MS54 25 WANTED, neat young man In every town to worK at Home, w to iiz weoKiy; no canvassing. Address with stamp. Royal Mfg. Co., 10 3d st So., Minneapolis. Minn. B-972 17 WANTED. 20 tennis ono mile from Fort Crook: 13.75 per day for wheelers; $1.60 on sups, l'-, u. jacKson tiros., fort Crook, Neb. B-970 17 TRAVELER, young mivn over 22 to travel in NobrasKa; general collection worn; 118.00 woek to start and all expenses. Ad dress Road Bupt., 333 Dearborn St.. Office S02, Chicago. B-908 17 WANTED, bright boys, not under 14. Ap ply with cither parent Monday 2 to 3 p. m Her Orand hotel. B 913 17 FAITHFUL manager: old established bus! ness houso desires to nrrunge with capa ble man. good local standing, to assume chargo office this city; no soliciting, office duties., commercial line: unquestionable references given and expected; salary 1200 montu, expenses ana snaro earnings; yearly engagement; must be active man with casn. superintendent, uox mi, New Haven, Conn. B MEN to learn barber trado, only eight weeks required; wo have splendid facili ties for teaching this work; tools pre sented, wages Saturdays, positions guar anteed; havo Jujt arranged for 100 of our graduates to work in Soldiers' Homes, JS0 monthly; can earn scholarship, board, tools and transportation If desired; call or write. Moler Barber College, 1623 Farnam st. B-M84C 21 Kngusn, renmansnip, ren Art. catalog t-ree. Address WANTED Oood buainaaa man in eaoh prlnolpal city to conduct caah builneia. Guaranteed by local banka. nic raturna. Honorable and legitimate. Muat furnish good raterencaa and I COO caah. Addresa, u. iv. ti., e. u. uoi u, Cincinnati, v. 3- WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack Blgus, distribute circulars, Maniples, etc.; no cunvuasing, goou puy, nun Auverns tng Bureau, Chicago. B 928 17 EARN $25 to ISO weekly. Learn ad writ lug by mall whllo employed. Puge-Davls Co., iki Adams, unicago. ii WANTED Men who can bo depended upon to work 12 days on special assignment; tii cash paid for tho Job. If satlsfaetorv. 1900 and expenses In cash per year on permanent assignment. Our reference, any bank. Enclose references und celt addressed envelope. The National, 307 caxtou uiocK, Chicago, B- GOVERNMENT positions; thousands of appoliitmento to be made: examinations tn every state; circular 131, giving full particulars an to positions, salaries, etc, sent free. Address Nat'! Corres. Institute, Washington, D. C. II- WANTED, several cigar salesmen, experi ence unnecessary; J5 weekly. Emanuel Co,, 217 West K6th St., New York. II- AN INCOME of 115 week can bo earned In sparo tlmo or evening by any person ublo to wrlto; proof sent freo unywhere to those sending addressed envelope to Gran nan Co., Box 227, Brooklyn, New York. B-978 17 MEN to learn barber trado; oldest, largest und best college In thu west: constunt practice; expert Instructors, lectures, etc.; catalogue free. Write the American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. B 124 17 WANTED, Intelligent permanent man; office, and outside, work. A. T. Morris, I', O. gen. delivery. B-75 II WANTED MALE HUM. YOU DO? prospective employer wants to know Will you let us? FILLED Miss Ilaiel Wahl W. It. Taylor Miss Kuhl MIus Feud ..Miss Myrtle Wnlkup ...Miss ilerthn Heed ...Miss Ethel Brlggs ..Miss Eva Mehlitulst Miss Murphy Miss Ella llanck RELIABLE men to sell our lino of flna lubricating nils, greases nnd paints; salary or commission. Tho Reservo Oil Co., Cleveland, O. B-963 17 EDUCATED people who need an Income ntinross rroorreaaer, nox or.', rnunuoi phla. B JUST TO GET ACQUAINTED We will cut, trim and make any $30 SUIT OR OVERCOAT In the house from now until December IS for $25.00. INVESTIGATE THIS OFFER DRESHER, MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. FARNAM STREET. Telephone 1857. Open Evenings. NALKSMEN WANTED. Nlt.KRMRN hv Ions- established manufac turer of flavoring extracts, spice, baking powder; givo ruuy your experience; wo offer exceptional opportunity und salary. Box 617, unicago, in. jisoi ir SALESMEN to sell perfumes, toilet soaps, etc.. to dealers: J 100 monthly und ex penses: experience unnecessary. Flumer Perfumery Co., St. Louis, Mo. alt:i.nMAK want.!, to call on doctors only on behalf of the leading firm In tho bus iness, and one for central Nebraska, Es tablished trado. Position permanent. Ap plicant must Do intelligent nna inuoiuugu' ble. State experience. Address I. O, Box 858, Philadelphia. - W ANTED, salesmen. The largest nnd most up-to-date wholesale cneup joweiry ana novelty house In Chicago has several good openings on tho road; successful and ahrvtln vntmtr salesmen desiring to Im prove their condition will And a choice opportunity in oia mm inoruugiiiy cmiuu' llnhrrl tprrUnrv: corrosnondcuco coulldon' tlal. A Kunstadter, 243 to 217 Adams Bt, Chicago. o FITtST-CLASS salosmnn for exclusive sale of the A. R. wieiiH uusticss Floor urusn. Permanent, ever-Increasing trade and big money to right party. A. it. wiens & Co., 226 Cedar St., Mllwuukeo, Wis. 892-17 SALESMAN Capable of earning H.000 a year; prerer one experienceu nanaung specialties, on salary or commission; standard lino to general mercliuntu; new xceptlonal proposition; our- salesmen averao-ed six sales each last week: com mission on each Bale, 25. Box C76, Minne apolis, Minn. -wfr-n SALESMAN wanted for Nebraska balance this year und l'JO; hign grnae specialty line, well ndaptcd for nearly all classes of city and country stores; permanent position for successful mnn; none other need apply. Jess. H. Smith, 37 Congress at., v., ueirou, .miuii. ii- WANTED. bv well rated, established house, specialty salesman, to soil a strong proposition to tho retail trade ; very at tractive line, unexcelled Inducements: high-priced men Investigate. C. R. Cook, 21 w. Atwatcr St., Detroit, Mich, -906 17 WiUltm 1... monilfnflipnl, i r I uli . mnn OH traveling salesman, general mcrcaniiio traae; energy nnu lutiesmuuHiiui win niano position permanent. Joseph Brceii, 14 a. Commercial St., St. Louis, Mo. 127 17 WANTICD. six canablo salesmen for sue clalty iTho to contract tor iws. Aciurpas Quenther, box 528, Chicago, III. 10G 17 EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, one acquainted with the general mcrcnanuiso traae in tins siaio prcierreu; inusi nave flrst-class references and give bond; per manent position to tnc rigni man. au dress Box 614, Chicago. -103 17 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S76. OOOD'puylng position to an energetlo lady in cacn town; aiso may traveling io rep resent us, Thyroid-Lymph Co., 504 Bee mag. no; u two young luuy stuaenis 1 ICUI II IllMl Ul CODIUB. lli(lll.V.U. .lift UIIU uiii- ropody and Bclentitlu massage. Call or write. Room 220. Bee Bldg. C CCS WANTED, housekeeper In small family. Addresa K it, Bee. C-M145 KOI talker, aa canvasser: oood salary to rlitht lady. Address L 31, Bee. C M770 19 WANTED, experienced waist trimmers and aleove makers. Apply office J. L. Bran dols & Sons, Boston Store. C MS07 17 WANTED, an experienced cook In a family of three. 2618 Bt. Mary's ave. C M852 17 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or fuclal massage, only four weeks required; practice furnished by free clinic; Instructions given by experts; every opportunity of advancement; call or write. Moler College, 1623 Furnam st. C-M845 21 WANTED, an experienced cook In n family of tnree. 2618 Bt. Mary's ave. C-M83C 18 EDUCATED people who need an Income address Proofreader, box 519. Philadel phia. C- HOME work for families doing sewing. We furnish material, experience unneces sary. Stamped envelope for particulars. Enterprise Co., Imperial Illdg,, Chlcugo. C-ail 17' LADIE8 wanted to work on sofa pillows; materials furnished; stcudy work. guar nuteed. experience unnecessary. Send stamped envelono to Miss McGee, Needle work Drpt , Ideal Co,, Chlcugo. C 942 17 I.ADIK9. do needlework for us nt home. We furnish materluls und pay 17 to J10 per week: no canvassing, Meim slumped envelope to Standard Co,, Indiana Ave,, Chicago, 111. C-939 17 WANTED, young girl to work for board ana go to, school can -ws mm si. C-924 17 WANTED, bath attendant, 3174 N. 15th flat B. O-m WASTED-FHSIALE HELP. LADY to travel nnd colloct In Nebraska ror nittiiuracturer; sainry Ko monthly to brain. Send reference and nddresswl on velopo at once. Treasurer, "03 Star Illdg,, Chicago. C-!M0 17 WANTED, n good girl for general holise- worK. ramny or two, apply .Mrs. cowgui, .t$S Harney street, at once. 0923 17 WOMEN who can wrlght bright, convinc ing advertisements cuii earn large sal aries; no profession offers greater oppor tunities to women today: learn to do this work easily nnd ut llttlo cost! wo teach It by mall. Wrltn for particulars. Econo mist Educational Association, SO Walker Bt., New York. C-Syo-K' WANTED, threo women to sew and knot comrorters. Apply to go to wont .Monday morning ut Boston Store. 0467 17 WANTED, girl to hold copy. Address L, C-M031 18 a, hoc. WOMEN to do plain sewing. 11.60 per day; tour monins- worit guaranteed; nil woric sent prepaid; send stamped mldressod en velope for particulars. R. W. Hutton & Co., Philadelphia, Pu. C-9C5 17 YOUNO lady, compctft to operate, typo- wrurr, piciH'Kriiiiny mil necessary. Apply, stilting cxpurlunco und education, tn I. 4S, Beo office. C M120 19 LADIES, something new making sofa pil lows ut nomo; a to ju wceKiy; materials furnished; no cnnvusslng; experience tm nccessnry; steady employinent; send Htamiied nddrossod envelope. Household Mfg. Co., Erlo st Chicago. O 101 ! LADJES to do ploocwork for us nt homo: we lurnisn an materials and pay rrom ii to 112 weekly. Send stamped envclopo to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C-102 17 WANTED, girl for general housework; fooa wages. Mrs. A. II. Bennett. 2570 oppleton ave. C M108 1 HELP WAX TED, MALE and femalo help. Call Canadian Office. CHANCE to mako money, county manager vtuiui-u, iiiuii ur wuiiiuii. in cacn or any 20 counties where our factory Is not represented; work easy, not requiring whole time; big holiday trade looked fot. Address B. B. Co., m Star bldg., Chicago. -997 17 FOR IllIVr-IIOL'SES. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. D-958 TO MOVE right cot Omaha Van 8 torn go uo,, ouico louft I'urnum, or tci. ir,vj-kC3 D-9J9 HOUSES, stores. llcmls, Poxton block. D-900 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1024 Douglas. D-Wl HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwalt, Barkor Blk. D-9C3 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Breuiiuu-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th street. D-9G3 TWO modern houses, 8 rooms each, near ii'ui anu runiam sis.; now ueiug tnor oughly overhauled. Rent, 23 jier month each. OMAHA LOAN &. TRUST CO., 16th nnd uougias HIS. D laj TEN rooms, modern, except furnnco. 971 w. -t n Ave., VBi. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-M3S0 EN-ROOM strictly modern house, best location, .sin nnu jiicksoii bis., i-v. u. r. Turklngton, Gt5 Bee. D M373 CENTRAL, no equal, steam heat, nil mod ern 4-room nat, d-room nut, .-room house. Tlznrd, 224 N. 21th. D-150-N-30 "2t S. 37TH, nice C-room house, bath, gas, lurnucc, easily neuieii, airiciiy moucrn. Will Browne, Jr. D-1SS-N-30 nUUOCJ p, Davis Co., 652 Bee Bldg. D-502 FOR RENT Fine, modem, elegant rooms, stone, front, hot water heat. 415 N. 25th St. 203 Ramge Block. Clarke. D-C8I 6-ROOM house, 19 per mo. 190S 8. 10th St. D-414-D-3 Snap. Prices. Beveral houses rented ln past few days. Special Inducements for winter, regardless or price, on following list: Three li-room warm brick houses, splendid order, near S. O. car. 3031 S. istli st.. IS. Dainty 5-room cottages, West Farnam district, newly papered und painted, 311 und 315 S. 30th St., only 115. 1512 N. 19th St.. 4 rooms, city water, nicely papered, close in, 112. Two 4-room cottages, Just nut in fine re pair, closo to S. 13th car, 1520-22 Canton, only 17.50. Two nlmost new 5-room cottages near West BIdo park car, 2129-41 S. 35th nvo., nicely papered, 110 and $12. Make offer. 2210 Ohio, choico C-room cottage, ull mod ern, except furnace, 1 block to two cars. A snap at 120. 112 N. 37th st., G rooms, nicely papered, city water Inside, fenced In, lino barn, only 115. 2771 Webster, best 6-room nil modern homo ln Omaha for 122.50. This Is beauti fully papered. Any reasonable offer con sidered. 3S68 Seward, 7 rooms, nicely papered, por celain bath, largo barn, etc., 118. Only two blocks to lino stores nnd car. Wunt offer. 1208 N. 24th, 7 rooms, city water and gas, newly painted; cheap ut 117.50. 003 8. 27th. 8 rooms, strictly modern, will bo In flno shape fur choice tenant In few days, flno location, 35. 2S12 Chicago, 8 rooms, bath and gas, flno renalr. S'-'H. Bneclal Inducements. 613 N. 22d, 8 rooms, strictly modern, short walk to P. O. Any reasonable oner ac cepted. 2C07 Woolworth. 10 rooms, nil modem Biggest snap In city for 120. 621-23 8. 25th uve.. 10 rooms, strictly mod. cm, lino repair, paved street, eusy walk iirlpes rodlieed. All elegunt 12-room all modern brick, two blocKs rrom iiigu school a snap at x. Remember sacrlllces will bo made on above for winter. Don't fall to see HenryB.Payne G01-2 N. Y. Life. D-95G 17 8-ROOM modern, except furnace, 22. O. M. Nattlnger, Bee Bldg. 'Phono 4G3. D 141 SEVEN-ROOM all modern house, ln good condition, largo yard und beautiful shade trees. Will rent for 130.00 per month. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Bts. - D-23J '. HOUSES G. Q. Wallace, Brown Block. D-553 2507 S. 32D ST.. nice 7-room house, with city water, rurnuce, goou oarn, snaue trees and line lawn; a good Wiome for somo South Omaha office man; will rent for 115 per month to good tenant who will care for tho property. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., ICth und Douglas Bts. D-M501 26TH & A BTS.. South Omaha, n good six- room nouse, rresiny paperua anu puinteu; rent. 112.60. OMAHA LOAN AND TRU8T CO., 16th and Douglaa Bts. D-M506 . When You Write to Advertisers ramamber It only takea an. extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In The Bea. HOUSES. Tel, 2049. Chris Royer, 22d and Cumins. D-721-D-10 KEVEN-ROOM cottage, good repair, mod ern. 3013 Leavenworth. D-733-17 2123 LEAVENWORTH ST., 3-room Hat, city water, 110. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts, D-733 FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage, cheap. 119 S. 29th Bt. D-7S2-19 ONE new "-room modern, 110 S. 25th, near Ono tl-room, city water, 1036 S. 20th St., 114 ft. P. Hamilton, Builder, 1712 Farnam St Tel. 1179. D-M792-17 vnn m.'VT tTiui inn liest emilnneil fl. room dwelling' In Omaha; bath, elect rlo light anu not wutor system mr iiujiiiik. 2418 Hamilton's!. F. J. McArdle, room '.'4, Arlington block. D-M122 18 DESIRABLE modern house, 6 largo rooms, In good condition. si t. -"t ot. d Mioa for un.vr-iioisK. n.n..v.'r H-N'.A.t'.n 8W7 Decatur Bt, 7-r, good well, nice lucuuoii. nniy )11MV 811 Bristol si., 7-r. city water and Hnwcr. liilVcd slrenl 12.M 3027 Burt St , 0-r , i Hy water and sewer, largo yard H.W 3107 Jackson St , 7 r , In line repair and uii mi iiiuuerii iioil'e UllliK ot It for only 18.00 763 Webster St. 6-r., modern except ftimaee hero In nunllMr unniniiU'. "OIYI 1514 8. 2Mb St., ti-r., modem except fur SIilciV..,M Ul" ""'"Win I'tk district.. 2S.00 2522 Wirt St., s-r., nil modem, nice HMIIfln Itilitn 4.i..t ...., t n- r 2S02 1'rntt St.. 7-r., city water Inside, mvu II 1 11 l.'.oO 629 Seward, 7-r., city water and sewer IllsldO . 50. M 2515 N, istlt St., S-r nil modern, onlv.. 20.00 292i. Orunt St., 6-r, city water inside, 'ili- S.00 I'AYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Moor N. Y. Life. D-SGO 17 TO LET, modern 9-room house, 630 South W. FAHNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. D-91S 17 ROOM modem house to rent. 2010 I street, So. Omaha. Enquire 27CG Ohio St., Omahn. D 915 17 FOR RENT, by the Putnam Co., 515 N. Y. ii. uiug., ii goon s room nouse, .'1'32 Lake st. Will rent very chenp to good tenant on long lease. Bam, 26th street, nenr Indiana nvo. D-952 17 FOR RENT, S-room modem rottnge, 2217 Capitol nve. Inquire C. D. Trussell, euro M. E. Smith & Co. D-916 2823 HARNEY, 8 rooms. 115. 2810 N. 22d St., 8 rooms, IIS. 6l 8. 28th st.,10 rooms. 130. 261(1 St. Mnry's ave.. 10 rooms, 133.60. JUII.N K. FR1SNKER, OPP. OLD P. O. D-M990 20 C-ROOM house, city water. 1020 S. 25th st. D-M9S9 17 Key ut 1st door south. HERE'S A SNAP. 1302 N. 40th St. Bran new 8-r. strictly mod- orn, up-to-dnto dwelling, on car lino, equal to nny 110 dwelling In city; have been holding for 135; now any reasonable, offer considered. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 001-2 N. Y. LIKE, D-t'57 17 , TWO IIANSCOM PARK SNAPS. 1.13S 8. 31st St.-KIno 8-r. strictly modern SEE HENRY II. PAYNE. C01-2 N. Y. LIFE. up-to-date urlcK dwelling, ono block from park; choice ut 110. 1901 8. 29th uve., line S-r. up-to-dalo modern dwelling, largo lawn. Just opposite purk. Will put In flno repair nt 110. D-KS 17 HOUSES FOR RENT. 324 So. 29th nvc, new brick, modern, rooms, 140. 133s So. 31st street, 9 rooms, modern, very iicsiruoie, iv. 510 So. 22d St., 10 rooms, modern. 130. 2641 Dodge. 8 rooms, modem, 22, Rwil N. 24th, r. rooms, 110. 207 So. 30th, C rooms, ii. 2014 Oraut. C rooms, 18. 821 So. 21th, 3 rooms, 17. . 2421 Cuming, 3 rooms (Hut). 17. 3435 Patrick ave.. a rooms, 10. GARVIN, 1G0I Farnam St. D-9551T 2110 Emmet, 9 rooms, modern, furnnco on tlrely now. 130. 112 N. 31st uve., 8 rooms, modern, now, lino location, 155. 13i9 S. 31st, 9 rooms, modem, good furnaco, excellent locution, it bargain at 130. 2707 Farnam, 9 rooms, modern, closn In, 133. .tin cnicugo, o rooms, oatn, electric light, 39th, near Burt, new, nil modern, 8-room house, 135. C rooms, norcclnln bath. cast, hot nnd onld water, largo pantry nnd bath room, walk ing uisiunec; present tenant win movo rrom city ucc. l. Almost new nnd very desirable, 120. 1809 Plnkney, 9 rooms, funu 'e, bath, 123. 1807 Farnam, flrst iloor. 117.50; 2d lloor, 113. 262S Capitol ave.. 7 rooms, modern. 120. 533 Spejiccr, C rooms, bath, gas, city water, 10. 1911 Plnkney, 9 rooms, bath, furnace, city water, 120. 1512 Webster, store. 112. 28th and B, So. Omaha, 7 rooms, city water, R. C. FETERS & CO., 1702 Farnntn. D-954 17 A SNAP ON RENT. EIGHT-ROOM house, modern throughout, In good repntr, near High school bulidlng, on terms too low to quote. 607 N. Y. Life building. D M114 19 TEN-ROOM, modem house. No. 408 North 22d streot. Howard B. Smith, 419 N. Y. Ltfo bldg. D-S65 17 NEW 7-room modem house. Just complotud, furnace, electric light, oak finish; an ex cellent home. 2817 North 24th. Inquire 2434 Seward or 808 N. Y. Life. D-M929 19 THE SHERMAN, nn elegunt apartment of (1 rooms, steam heat. Junltor und telo phono service, only 130.00. THE NORMANDIE. mi elegnnt apartment of 7 rooms, with alii modern conveniences nnd steam heated, with Janitor and telo phono service. PAYNE- KNOX COMPANY. Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. D-803 17 FOR RENT, 6-room cottage, modem, 19. 3309 Spalding. D M992 17 FOR RENT Five-room cottage, with bath room, modem except furnaco, all on ono lloor. enslly heated; LOW rent for wlntor months; on car line. Potter, Forgan & Haskell, 420 N. Y. Life. 'Phones 470-1920. D-MS23 FOR ItU.VT-UMl'HMSUUU ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. E-969 3 ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8 Uth St. E-M971 FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, suitable for 4 students, 115 per month. 1915 Chicago. E ISO ONE furnished room, with heat, on car line. 1618 Clurk; 15 per month. E M41G FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, steam heat. 1617 Cass. E-M483 FRONT room, modern, 12 week. 1717 Web ster. Ii M545 D7 ROOMS, 1906 Capilol nve. 85C 20 LARGE modern rooms; 1610 Davenport. s 7 u it LARGE furnished front room. 417 N. 19th. E-M78S D13 LARGE south front room, with alcove; with or without hoard ; modern. 26S0 Har ney St. E M786 19 BURNISHED rooms, modern. 411 Ni 19th. E-M788 20 LARGE front room, with heat. 2213 Doug las. r MSlli 17 HOUSEKEEPING und other rooms, with heat. 1911 Dojglan. E M8l5 17 TWO furnished rooms and ono unfurnished nt 1016 uuniornia. ii MS13 17 FURNISHED rooms and board. 1922 Call fornla. E-M812 17" FRONT parlor, with board; gentlemen pre ferred. 802 N. 17th. E-M8U 17 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 618 N. 17th. EH810 17 WANTED, elderly lady roomer; good home for right party. Address L 37, Uoe. E-830 21 TWO housekeeping rooms, IS. 2623 St. E-M8H D15 Mary s, LARGE front room, modern, for one or two gentlemen, S18 S. 19th. E-.MSI2 17- FURNISHED room, ull modern, and a brick barn; closo In. 1916 Douglas. E-fcSO 17 WELL furnished room, with heat, 11.25 por week. 71S N. 17th St. E-927 IT MODERN, well heated rooms. 316 N. 15th, E-.MS63 DI NICELY furnished rooms for rent, Bultos or single. 0G Chicago St. 1-3-919 IT FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for ..,., ul,im Lull Kl,1 S 1 fit tl HI ...... " j,. J-. 'I'ltrtKK nleelv furnished rooms: modern: pnrlor floor; single or en suite: bourd If desired, 2&ik Hi. Mary s Ave, n -;w ii VERY nice room, modern, for ono or two gentlemen, lu prlvnln family, two blockn rrom ueo onice. Auurets u x, ice. IS iW 17 FOR HOT FritNI.MIKD ItUOMH. 3 LA HOE rooms, being enllro parlor floor, wen urn ten una siricuy mounn. ii'v lihone. etc. 116 S. 2,'.tli st. 157SSJ2! Ft'HNISUED rooms, suitable for light llollNfkeeplin;. 2ll Dodge St. I'. I'l MMMIICI) ROOMS AM) HOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-971 OLENCAIRN, transient 11.25 day. 10X Doug. f si. NICE homo for young men. 108 S. 25th 8t. F-973 609 S. 25TH AVE., for gentlemen. F-M974 STEAM HEATED rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th und ChtcAgo streets. F M308 N17 TIII2 Pit ATT, nlcn room with hot water heat. 212 S, 23th St. F-783 SUITE of rooms, furnace heat, for nentle men. Uil9 Jackson St. F 225 STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms, with or without board, nt the Thurston. F-M42S PLEASANT steam heated rooms with board. IKO Capitol Ave. F M739 BOARD und rooms, modem. 1717 Chicago. l -MSI I 17 ELITE PARLOUS, CIS 8716111 St., 'w I floor! F-S79 FURNISHED room suitable for two, $16: IIS for one person; few steps from car Hue. 718 S. 2Uth. F-MS61 18' THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms, good board. F MDS3 D16 FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, exceptional cheap rental; breakfast If de sired. Call 741 Mill St., Council Bluffs. E-12S 17 DESIRABLE furnished rooms, modem; gentlemen preferred. 203S Farnam. E-129 17 FURNI8HED room, steam heat, closo In; board If desired. 1 51, Bee. K 117 ! FURNISHED rooms, ulso rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat. 313 N. 16th St., flat L. EMH6 19 FURNISHED rooms, Ilrst-class board. 2581 Harney. F MHO 19 TWO neatly furnished rooms, with board. SOS 8. 20tll. F M109 19' FOR RIl.Vl' UNFURMHIIKD ROOMS. DESK room space, 5 per month, ground floor room In Tho Bee building, fnclng j'liiiutiii nircci: no exnense inr num. neat ir Junltor service. R. C. l'cters & Co., rcntul agents, Bee bulidlng. Q-118 FOUR unfurnished rooms, 20th st. boule vard, to couple without children. De tached house, lurgo yard, modern In every respect; water hented by furnace: refer enco required. Addresa L 41, Omaha Beo. G-921 17 FOR RE.VT-STORHS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, tho building formqrly occu pied by The Beo nt 910 Furnum St. It has four stories nnd u basement which was formcly used as The Beo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested upply nt once to C. C. Rose water, secretury, room 100, Bee building. 1-231 FOR RENT, offlce with vault and part flrst floor or all top lloor. 1414-1C Hnrnoy St. Midland Glass und Paint Co., 1410 Hnrnoy St. 1970 FOR RENT, storo in flrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. I 26G AtiENTS IVAM'HU, WANTEDi canvaBslng agents In every county to solicit sulisl-rlntlons ti THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER und tho NEW 'CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE HTOCK. and COMPLJSTE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octayo pages, SOO.obJect- teaching engravings und la tho only book on live stock over published udapted to the every day, practical money-saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents ln tho country with horse and buggy es pecially desired. Canvassers make euslly 160 to 1100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo building, Omaha. J-aiS AGENTS wanted for now publications; prospectus, etc., free. George Harrto & Bou, 1313 Wulnut Bt., Philadelphia. J-M2S1 Janl2 MEMORIAL llfo of McKlnley, four lan guages, COO pages, 100 half-tones, 1.60: free outllt. W. A. Illxcnbaugh & Co., 600 Waro block, Omuluu J 977 30 PEANUT vending machines, well lo cated, pay from U) to 1180 per month; agents wanted. Iowa Vending Machluo Co., Humboldt, Iu. J-.MCS4 N23 EDUCATED lady to call on school teach ers; good sulary. Address L 30, Bee. -M769 19 WANTED, the name and address of every ngent for any of the numerous lives of McKlnley not to Interfere with present work, but to provide prolltablo employ ment nftcr territory for McKlnley books has been exhausted; will glvo employment for balance of wlntor or tho coming year that will pay 1100 per month; no chargo for outllt and wo guarantee monthly profits; It will cost nothing to write us for our proposition, and to glvo us facts as to number of McKlnley books sold and plans for tho future. -Address Guarantee Pub. Co., 223 N. 2d St., St. Louis. J-M4SI 20 AGENTS wanted, best llfo of McKlnloy and Christmas dooks; 7a per cent uiscoum; outllt free; freight paid; credit given; valuablo premium; our agents got 1200 in gold for Christmas. Henry Nell, 323 Dear born Bt Chicago. III. J-M523 21 COUNTRY canvassers can mnke good money taking subscriptions to Tho Twen tieth Century Farmer as a side Hue. Ref erences required. Address Beo Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. AGENTS, for Hayes' motalllo rubber tires tor rooting cnairs; you can muKe jiuo per month. J. C. Hayes, 418 E. Locust r.t., Des Moines. la. J-M8I0 17 FREE outfit mailed at once to working agents; lowest price Christmas hooks; credit given; commission half off. Fer guson, 3883 6th, Cincinnati. J-MS29 17 1100 WEEKLY made In mall order busi ness; conauciea uy any one, uuywnero; particulars ror atump. uenirui mu upply co., Kansas uuy, mo. 683 PROFIT flrst month by ono ngent; article patented; bownru Imitations; Sep clal proposition and exclusive control to first applicant. Dry Powder Fire Appli ance, 154 East 23d st., N. Y. City. 3- W ANTED Oil agents, good, reliable, ener- r;otlo men to sell our high grauo lino or ubrlcatlng oils, greunes, roof, barn and house paints, white, load, etc., either ex clusively or as n side line, locally or traveling, on commission. Tho Industrial Oil and Hupply Co., Cleveland, Ohio, J AGENTS Attention: Four big sellers, Over 100 per cent protli, Samples free. Say- man, tit. J..OU1S, aio. j AGENTS, a grand opporlunlly to mako . money, selling our new pocket Atlas of the World; contains over 4K pages, In cluding maps of every stato In thu union and every foreign country; over 100 pages ot valuaulo descriptive matter and the new census, giving the poulatlon of every county In the United States, Send 26a for sample copy and terms to agents. Rand, McNally &. Co,, Chicago, 111. J- AGENTS wanted for a now paying busi ness; best scheme out to make money; sample, nnd full iiurtloulars sent free, Clias. Marshall, Mfr Lockporl, N. Y. J 871 li AGENTS, 11,200 yearly; metal bread boards, easily sold, exoluivo territory; 100 nor cent prolll; sample free; L. T. lorblleo Co., Cincinnati, O. J-943 17 1YAM ',U, ilKUllin hi" ,.,.-n .n t,.,uun . . I .llmnl If. Ilia rir,.,. ...u fl.i. IO 1)11 SIIII1M-U .iu.;v.i. " .," -.......-.. w... proposition affords excellent opportunity to earn a handsome salary. Write for PHrllCIKars to iiiuii iwihii niniiinnK uuunu (Wines Hill liqiiuioi m. i.wum, .in). v J-931 17 COIN money selling Ropn's Calculator; short cuts In comuiercVil arithmetic, Great tlgi't saver. Accurate. Sample, 16c, Particulars free. I'. Ropp & Sons, 214 I 'lark St., Chicago. J- 882- 17 AGENTS wanted, ladles, boys and girls; no capital required, aend 25o for sumples and propositi!)!!; VUlllHIIIIT 'l Clllllllll null Hint order; money refunded If no! Hjitlalled, bes! seller yet Hrldgeport Rcinedv Co,, Ilrl.l ..nnrl rlt!1 J 910 17 AOH.NTS WASTED. 15 PER DAY guaranteed salary, men or women, selling our waterproof shon pol ish; shines liself; no brush required, two full-clred bottles free, ono black nnd onn russet, bj' express prepaid", exclusive ter ritory. Fot particulars address tho Won der Shoo Polish Co., Dept. 19, Chlcngo, JVXj 17 ACCENTS, tho Mystic Card Shooter, now Invention; sample 10 cents, big bargain catalogue- free. M. A. Long & Co.. lw E. VnnBurcn St., Chicago. J-O0tSli WANTED, mail In every city whore nrll- nciai gns is uscii, to sen our .Miigio uas Igniters. No more mnlehes needed. Lasts forever. Magic Una Igniter Co., Indian npolls, lnd. J-917 17 PORTRAIT ngents, send nddress, wo want ... ...... .......!.. .......I.. Ill nriivi j mi n.iniii.u . v.iiiiiii imiiiiiii. something line; ulso cruyons, septus und pastels. Fidelity Portrait Co.. 805 W. Inko st., Chicago. J 109 t7 ONE agent mado !? clear last week hand ling unr iiiijnuvcti vtu-iuiiiiti iiihi; ivo mnntifucturo nil styles; exclusive, terrl tury; write for circulars. Union Gaslamp Co., 149 KlnrJe, Chicago. J-99S IT 115 DAILY made by sending tis your Mc- Kiniey dook orders tnny niituor; and get freo 13 box llncst toilet soaps und per fumery for each book ordered: also want you handle lluest lino holiday books, giv ing each purchaser frcu handsome present cqunl value; ! tier cent commission paid; credit given, freight prepaid; permanent work, for wc huvo other books satno plan; will keep on consiuntly supplied with complete lino of outllts free. Kline Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo. J-996 17 AGENTS wanted, lion weekly easily mado; hiii piiivi' tnis; iiaiucpinies, uumuers, signs, rendiiblo darkest nights; snmploa free. Right Supply Co,, Englcwood. 111. J-MP93 17 AGENTS wanted to sell now store signs. al. Schreler Placard Co., South Mil waukee, Wis. J 970 it 13 TO 110 a day easily made by men or women taking orders for our now styU metallic bread board; bonanza forugontst bettt seller out: wrlto for. special terms nnd snmple. Metnlllo Bread Board Co.. box 075, Cambridge, O. J AGENTS, something new; latest Now York nnu t;nicngo seiier; exclusive terrltoryi no fake: particulars, sample circular, etc., free. Flatinlgiin Mfg. Co., 1223 Dunning St., Chlcngo. .1967 IT GREATEST Now Novelty for holiday trad; iiuit-n ruiicr; enormous proms; WllOlcsnii) prices: snmplo free. Manufacturer, box 890, Chicago. J-M105 IT WAXTED TO REV.'. GENTLEMAN und wife want largo, well furnished room, with board; must bo Ilrst-class; private family preferred. L 42, Beo Office. K S68 IT A AN TKD, by young lady, board und room In private family; best of references. Ad dress L 40, Bee. K WANTED Large front room or room nnd alcove, also breakfast, for two btlslnoss women. Answer with terms, L 41, Bee. K M890 19 WANTED, n horso for light driving: will kivc kiioii care ior winter. i;ii nannies, 2911 1'TI ''raultlln st. K-M9S7 IT YOUNG man wants placo to work for board whllo attending school. Boyles' college. K-M96!) 18 WANTED To rent two steam or furnnce heated, furnished rooms, with or without board.- for mnn nnd wife. Address L 46, Dally Bee, with price. K-9S5 17 WANTED TO BUY. SECONDHAND books. Crane, 207 N. 16th. N-74S Dll WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture nnd stoves for St. Ljuls exposition, Tel. "71. Address J. Levine. 306 N. 16. N-M363 D3 WILL buy your Los Angeles property; send full description; must bo u bargain. 1. 7, Bee. N-M463 WANTED, good horso and buggy. Price reasonable. If convenient call Sunday, 2S01 8, 32d live. Tel. F 2601 N-918 17 SHELVING. countei-H nnd show cases slllt- uuia ror iry goods nnd gents' furnish ings. Address L 43, Bee. N 911 17 GROCERY STOCK WANTED. I havo a cush customer for u stock of groceries and llxtures; must bo a bar gain. Henry B. Payne, COl-2 N. Y. Life. N-959 17 LAND In Nebraska or adjoining state; must bo gooil Investment proposition: stnte reuBonH for believing It will Increase In value nnd glvo legal numbers and lowest price. Address L 50, Bee. N Wc huve customers, wo lire tinnhln to suit, wanting homes ut prices ranging from 11.000 up. Your Property May Be Just What They want nnd If you will list It with us wo will en deavor to make a quick sale. We Have One Customer for a $3,500 Home anu one ior a ?iu,uuo Home. SHIMER & CHASE. Fire insurance. Houses for Rent. 501 Beo Bldg. Tel. 1112. -Mill 17 FOR SAI.K-l'tlllMTUHK. FURNITURE of 9-room house. 1418 Chicago. 0-735 D10 CHICAGO Furniture Co,, 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New und secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 931 FOR SALE, nil upright folding bed, ln good condition; cowl 10; will sell cheap. Apply 1817 Jackson St. 0-M825 17 QTfWPQ At,y ,ml of n k'ovo you want O 1 s v L.O nt 50 per cent discount. Wa have a complete linn of now und second hand stoves nnd furniture. Lowest prices. Enterprise Furniture Co. Tel, 2296. 0-M789 DI3 FOR SALE, furniture In ten-room room ing house, cheap; part cash, balance to suit; close In; rent 135. Address L 34, Ben, 0-.M764 17 FOR BALE, two bascburuers, Radiant Home, Royal Argnml, almost new. 2213 Burt at. O-960 17 FOR SALE HORSES, WAtiO.VS, I1TC. SEE Harry Frost for haiid-madn vehicle. Ho does good work. 14th and Ixmven worth. P 4W GOOD BUGGY BARGAINS, l.rubber-tlrcd hack or landau. 1 rubber-tlrcd depot wagon. 1 6-pass.' Rockaway. 1 fine Kimball brougliam. 4 leather-top family carriages. 4 phaetons, 6 top und open buggies and runabouts Secondhand harness. Drummond Carriage Co., IStli & Harney St, P-528 WILL, take good driving horso to keep for the winter at 14 par mouth; best of euro and no work. L 38, Beo. P-881 17 IIOItHE, buggy und hurncss for sain cheap. Will sell separately. J, Connelly, 431S .TnckHon St. P-934 17 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. SPIiCIAL PIANO SALH. One Kimbutl Upright, walnut case, good as new, I13G. One Klmbull Rosewood Up right, In good condition, 195. Ono Chlcker Ing Squiiro, newly overhauled, nt 183. Also several other genuine bargains. Pianos tuned, polished nnd repulrert. Vlslturs In vited to Inspect our now pianos under con struction. C. SOMMKR'S IMANO FACTORY, 209 B. 14th at., Cor. Doliglus. Send for catalogue. BE, PROMPT lu calling to see ull lha slightly used planus wo mo offering tbia week on very easy terms, and you will find yourself well repaid. If you wish u pluno you can savo money now. at thU time. Whero7 Mueller Pluno & Organ Co., 1310 Farnam St. iio PHONOGRAPHS, grapliopliones arid full line of Edison records; much more satis factory than any musical Instrument, ua they ure always ready to play for you. The Wlttmann Co., 1621 Furnarn. Call nnd hear them. . M 737 LOST. LOST, silk watch fob, heavy gold Elk'a head attached. Reward. Hot urn Wnhaah ticket olllte. l.ost-800 20 PLEASE brlur Mou Hanson's check" to Li 4. Uee, Lcst-Mlt i t I