THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THbttSDAV. ypVEMBEK 14, IflOl, 10 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Silli Msaajo to D s. L!UU Gecd for the Market. CORN FURNISHES STRENGTHENING FACTOR 0irn, Ktrnily llesplle Weaker Cables and Climbs Mnterlallj Wheat .til vancea an Klahtli nml Out Fivc-Kluhths. CHICAGO. Nov. 13.--A stronK cash rorn f (tuition, lemlltiK to bull activity, helpul II (trains today and Dccemher wheat closer Ho up, December rorn lMilio lilKher nnd December oats o hi-shcr. Provisions closed unchniiKed at -!41)6o lower. Corn opened steady In spite of weaker cables, lcetnlier starlltiK n shade to 'fcH Mo lilRhcr at fWWSH'in. ThZ early busi ness wh quiet. 11 till pit tradeis sold, casing jirlnes a trllle. Reports fcoon beaum to ur Tlve, however, showing a remnrkitblo cash istrongth. Hull's cro bollix made to the ,mst. west and south In addition to Rood iiiuntltlfs taken for export. Sales on track In Kansas City wero reported at from aio 10 )Ho ldher than the local December quo tation and price here naturally shot up vnrd lulls bean loadltiK up nimhi, shorts lan to cover and December ran up to a i-tronK close, l'dtimc advanced at f'OUc Hecelpts wero 57 cars. Tho wheat market was a steady, narrow affair, but relative!) strons, following corn, wlivti innneroiis rondltlonH are considered, (.'ahlos wero weaker. thotiKh only tnoiler utely. Iloth tirlmary and northwestern re eiints were heavy. The crowd showed no inclination to buy at lie early steady price, though offorlnRi were, liberal. This brought nr. easy feeling and n stream of liquida tion.. About this tlmo tho strength In cum Install to develop and wheat traders took everything offered. Prices, however, never went high, and December, which opened ui.cliaiiKed to ic lower at 7l,4Q71c. ad mi need to 7IM.72C. closing steady c higher nt TlTtc. Trade on the whole was only fairly active, tho bulk of tho business lii'lug ilono enrly. Local receipts were 57 cars, of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duliith repoi tod i'iU cars, ruakliiR a total for tho tlireo points of il'l cars. against 7tV Inst week and fH a year ago. I'rlmary re eelptn wero I.omUh-i bit.. against iBl.W) ono I'.ir aRo. .Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd flour wero equal to 7I3.W) bu. Tho sea board reported 29 loads taken for export. Oats wero moderately active and stronK, December opened i,c blither on light offer ings and Influence by an Individual cash strength and the bilge In corn showed n pcod advance. There vmt an Imptovcd commission house demand, professionals who Imvo sold tho last few da)'H wore re instating and December closed strong, 'ic up at 3!-V$c. Hecelpts wero 13il cars. Provisions wero dull over a narrow rnngo and with llttlo Importance In the trade. Shorts wero the best buycin. January pork closed unchanged m $14.05. Jnnuarv lard I'VSGc. lower at tH.uiy, and January ribs uti changed at $7.t!7V'l7.70. Kstlmiitcd rcceipta for tnpiorrow: Wheat. f cars; corn, Hr cats: oats, 170 cars; hogs, 37100 head. The leading futures rouged as follows: .Articles.! Open. Hlgll.l Low. Close.; Yes'y. Wheat Nov. Deo. May Corn Nov. Dec. May Oats Dec. May l'ork- .tan. May l.ard Dec. .Ian. May Mbs- .Inu. May 71 ! WW, I 71i lTi'ii72 75',, Mj Mi., 7t 711,' I 30 1 40Hi I 14 S7H 15 10 tn-i. 14 rj 15 10 I i;i!4 i;iuw. 40 I I 714, 71 li ll"4 :.!'.', ."'4 MS SStji-n-S r,D, 14 S7H! 14 X, I 15 0.7 I 15 15 R 47'4 S 50 55 S 55 S 65 S r,v.i T 65 7 70 ' 7 SO 7 824 S 47UI 74 S 624 7 624 S .VI R 5.'4 S B7!4 7 7ft 7 834 PS?, ton 14 35 15 In I S on S 574 S 70 7 70 7 V dry, H.5ogiS JO, No. 1 soft southern foun dry, 111. 50ft 16.W- (llasgow warrsnis closed at Ms lid and .Mlddlesboro closed at 43s 9d. POHTInY- Alive, steady; springers, 04c; turkeys, Mj&c, fowls. i. Dresjcd, llrm; springers, lujH4c, fowls, S434c, turkeys, li'ijl2r. j O.MAIIA WIHtl.UMAMJ MAIUUJTS. I ondltlo of Trnile nml lnofntlon on sinple nml I'nner Prortin-c K.OOH-Hecripts, light; freh stock, sv. IjIVK 1'OUI.ntV Hens, aMVic; young and old roo-ters, to; turkeys, iltic', ducks and ueest, ba-4c; spring chickens, per lb., ItllC. UCTTKtt- Common to fair, Kle: choice dull)', In tubs, latiiu.;; separator, 25tj2lc. I'HKHIt KIHII-Mlack bass. lSc; white bass, Iwo; bluellsb, 11c; bullheads, loo; bhlo tins, 7c; buffaloes. 7c; cattish, 12c; rod, 11c; crapplcs, lie. halibut, lie; herring, 7c! had dock, bv; pike, luc, red snapper, 10o; sal mon, lie, suuflsh, lis, trout, 3cj whltellsh, 3c; pickerel. Oc. (JVSTHHh Mediums, per can, 2.'c: Stand ards, iier can, 2io, extra selects, per can, rJc! New York counts, per can, 40c; bulk Vitundards, per gal., J1.2"al.25; bulk extra selects, jl.iyl.a. l'KSKONS Live, jcr do2., COo. VUAI-Cholce. VUHc. HAY- 1'rlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland,; No. 2 upland, JS.60: medium, JS; coarse, J7.50. Hyo straw, J6. These prices aro for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair, WHKAT-0c. COItN-Kc. UK A N-J15.60. OAT8-V)C. VKOKTAHI.ES, POTATOK8 Home grown and northern, SOfctwc; Salt Lake, 11; Colorado, 1. KllOPLANT Per doz.. 75c. I'AHHOTS Per bu., Wc. ItKKTS Per half-bit. basket, 3"c. Tl HNIP8 Per bu., 50c. Hutabagas, per 100 lbs.. 51.25. Ct'Cl'MItnilS-Hothouse, per do., J1.23. PAH8M:YPer doz., 25c. LKTTUC13 Per doz., 25c, ItADISUKS- Per doz., 25c. SWKKT POTAT'OK.s Home grown, per lb., 24c: genuine Virginia, per bbl., S3; Georgia, per bbl., J2.75. CAH1IAGK Holland seed, crated. 14c. TOMATO 128 Homo grown, per 18-lb. gas ket. 5"! H1CAN8-Wax, per 4-bu. basket, 60c; string, per 4-bu. basket, 50c. ONIONS Home grown, per lb.. 2c; Span ish, per crate, $1 i5; Michigan reds, 24c per C13L.HIIY Kalamazoo, per 'junch, 231533c; Nebraska, per bunch. 30035c; Colorado, Wii COc. NAVY 11UAN8 Per 1)11., riturrs. APPI.liS-Hen Davis, per bbl,, IJ.50; wine saps, S3.50; Jonathnu, J4.WH5.00; snows, J3.50; liellollowers, per box. S1.C0. PUAHS-Kclftrs. J2; Vlkcrs, J2.25; Law rence, 2.25. OIIAPES Concords, eastern, 20ci Mala rib, per keg, 5.50(ii0.00. CUANIIKHUIK8-Per bbl,, 17.007,00; per date, J2.75. qUlNCKS-Por box, J1.50. TllOPlCAL KIltJITS. OUANOES-Moxtcans, J3.75OI.00; Floridas, 4. LEMONS--Ka ncy. J3.75.00. iLN ANAS Per bunch, according to slzo, S2.2.W2.75. KIOS i 'nllfornln, new cartons, 70c: Im ported, per lb., 12ille. DATK8 Persian, In C)-lb. boxes, per lb 54c, Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. NL'T8-New cron walnuts. No. 1 soft- shell, per lb., 12e; hard shell, per lb., 124a; No. 2 soft-shell, lie; No. 2 bnrd-sheii. 104"! Brazils, per Hi., ISC. ulberts, per lb., 13c; nl mnnds, t-oft-shcll, lie; hard-shell. Ko. pe cans, large, per lb., 12c: small. 10c; cocoa- nuts, per ICO. Jo, chestnuts, 12c. 1 lONEY Per 24-sectloii case. I3 50W3.75. rlDEH Nchawka, per bbl., J3; New York, W.fio. IIIDEK- o. l green. 7c: No. 2 green, 6c: No, I salteri. Slfcr; No. 2 salted. TVic: No, eal calf. S to 124 lbs.. 9e; No. 2 veal calf. 'i to 15 lbs.. 7c; dry hides. Sftl3c; sheep felts. 2.VR27C: horseh c es. 11. 50512.2.). SiM'iskmwu r I'er YfW i per noi., It.7fi. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUH Easy; winter patents, J3.50ff 3.60; straights, J3.00fi3.40: clears, J2.701f3.20; spring specials, S4.ootM.iO; patents, J3.25f( 3.70: straights. J2.M:i.2. WHEAT No. 3. 70ft704c: No. 2 red, 72'45? f.1ic. OATS-No. 2. 404'i-)OTic: No. 2 white, WW 434e: No. 3 white, wdmc. KYE-No. 2. 04o. HAHIjBY Kalr to choice malting. 5Cl7lOc. SEi:D8-No. I flax. J1.47; No. 1 northwest ern, 11.4": prime timothy, J.i,P0ff6.0G; clover, contract grade, J9.15. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., U3.t0 Sr!3.90. Lntxl. per 100 lbs.. JS. 1748.50. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.801S7.3). Drv salted shouMors (boxed), !7.25ft 7.50. Short clear sides (boxed). JS.201J8.30. WIIIHICY-Hasls of high wines, J1.3I. The following nre tho receipts and ship ments for the last twenty-four hours: Articles. ittceipt.M. Shipment!. Flour, bbls... Wheat, bu..., Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Harloy, nu.... 63,000 ..304,0m) . .153100 . .202,000 . . 18,000 ..104,001) 2.( K.,000 3lo,in) Nt, l.ouls Crntn nml Provisions. ST. LOIMS. Nov. 13,-WHEAT-No. 2 red. elevator. 72'je: track. 734'ii'744c: December, Tse: .lay, ,ir.c; no. i Hard. iKifi.'C. COllN-L Rtier; No. 2 cash. 6."c; Decern ber, 60'i.c: May. 6.1'ic. UA i H I uglier; .no. 3 casn, 4ie: iracK, Kf Zc; .May. 4J',c; No. 2 white, 431ic. ltYE- Hotter at 60o. PLOI'U- Steady, red winter patents. J3.45 yV:W, extra rancy anu straignt, J3.iuy3.2.; clear. K.mK.m. COUNMKAIStendV. J3. SEED Timothy, scarce nnd strong, S5.504? C.Oi). Hit AN Strong; sacked, east track, 32W ,c. HAY Strong: timothy. prairie. JS.onui2.'). v 1 1 iriK i nieoiiy ai IKON COTTON TIES-Jl. HAO(llNO-,-.?i6Hc. HEMP TWINE 8c. PHOVISIONS-Dry salt meals (boxed) easy; extra shorts, Jl2'.a; clear ribs, clear sides. Js.50. Itacon (boxed), easy extra shorts, 13; clear ribs, 13.124: clear sides, J3.374. Pork, steady; Jobbing, J14.60, Liinl. ower ai i.w. METALS Lead, firm at 14.27",. Spelter nrm at S .12V4. Trt'leilV null- MitobAMCi r.lirt- ut.rhioa 4c; turkeys, 6c; ducks, 6'f64c; geese, 34tf 6c. ."AOOO On tho Produce exchange todav the but tor market wbh firm; creameries, lSflSSc; dairies, 14i19c. Cheese, steady. i'MHc. Eggs, firm; fresh. 22(ff23c. MSW YOIMC C.E.XEHAl, .MAItKIlT. Quotation of the liar Commodities. nn Various NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-FIOUR-necepts, 15,955 bbls.; exports, 3,925 bbls.; Irregular, southern with little change; winter patents, $3.60U3.PO; winter straights, 13.40fi3.50; Min nesota patents, $3,S0i(4.10; winter extras, S2.6Otf3.90; Minnesota' bakers, 2.9M3.25; winter low srudes. j:.50(ii2.iw. jiyn Hour, firm; fair to good, 13.oifl3.3n; choice to fancy, 13.S5!ga.&5. BUCKWHU AT Steady, 11.23 per 100 lbs, COH!'MEAl Klrm: yellow wostcrn, J1.27; city. 11.25; Hrandywine, 13.35-33.50, HRAN-I34.50ff3.).00. RYE Firm; No, 2 western, 674c, f- o. ifloat. BARLEY" Steady; malting, 574fl4c. c. I. nMu HVHEAT Receipts. 19. V bu.; exports, 18.- iiu ou. opoi. sieany; io. z reci, r. o. u. b. afloat: No. 2 red. 7U"c. elevator: No. northern. Dululh, wyic, f. o. b. afloat; No. I hard. Ditluth. 87'c. f. o. b. afloat On tlons opened steady and were sustained most of the day by a Arm corn market, ngntor noruiwestorn receipts and south west buying. Tho close was firm nt a par tlal Uc net advance; May. ROUfflSOc; closed nt fcOHo; December, 7S-l$g7v4c; closed at 7SHc. CORN Reoetpts, 9,300 bu. ? exports. 211,758 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 67tc elevntor and 68Vic f. o. b. atloat. The option market waa firm a good part of tho day on strong cash conditions In the southwoHt, a rally In cables, local covering and light offerings; closed strong at (frlo not advance; May, v7t'liuo;tu, ciupwi ui ot'.bv; uei:cnioert iUt'U He; closed at 67c. OATS Receipts. 95,100 bu,; exports, 5.161 bu. spot, nrm: iso. v, Via; no. :i, 45c: No, a white. 474il lSo; No. 3 white. 474c; track. Bilxed western, 45iM6o: track, white, IStff atr. upiinuu urmiy nein nut. quini. HAY Stoady; good to choice, 82417900. HOPS Qulot; state, comtnou to choice )l crop, 125jl54c; J930 crop, 9ic; 1S91 orop, Sljfllc: Paeltlo coast, 1301 i.rop, 120154c lMOo crop. 9014o: 1S9U orop, CQllc. HIDES-Stendy; tlnlveston, 20 to 25 lbs. )So: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 134c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 ids., ltiic. LEATHER-Steady; hemlock sole. Ilcunos Ayres. llgnt to neavyweiKlit, -&'ti-04c. WOOL Dull: domestic tlcoce, 1'5'jJ2(o Texas, 160il"c. PROVISIONS-Heer. aulet: nackct. 115.00 II15.20; faintly. Ul.0CiU12.OO; mess, 19.50; beat hams, lAi.5Ofi21.0O; extra India mess, H7.00tj iv.a. i in meais, sieauy; picKien Denies I6.75B10.50: pickled shoulders. !7.23ifi7.5 pickled hams. 19.874WO.00. Lard, dull continent. 19.05: South A mini on. ill): coin pound, S7.50CT7.75: western steamed. 18,85 Pork, steady: family, 117.0017.25; short Clear. 117.5O4U3.0O; mess, ll5.lWqlii.lK). TALLOW-Steady; city (U per pkg ), 5Hc pin; country tpKgs, ireo), ujr(j jjc. HUTTEH Hecelpts, 5,27'i pkg.. strong talry. 14f22Vic: creamery, I64ji24c; June creamery, i.'.MisiVie: tnctory, 124J(154o. CHEESE Receipts, 3.559 pkgs., quiet nnd nrm; luncy, large, nepiemnnr, y'jjfsio tnncv. large. October. 9i4f9i.c! ihocv linall. September, lOUWWio; fancy, sniail October, lOo. KQOS Receipts, 6,729 pkgs,; strong; state inn i-enusyivania, .nuiiic; western candled l4W27e: western uncandlcd, 22tr.'fie. METALS Trading In tho local market for metals was slow today. Tin was steady n tone but aulet nt S25.3n23.50, At Lon don values were 5s higher, with the close steady at U2 10a for spot nml 118 tor futures. Lead wa dull and unchanged nt home and abroad, being quoted at 14.374 nnd 11 3a M, Spelter was a llttlo easier here, with spot quoted nt H..C). nominal Loudon nrlcoa went unchanged at 16 12 fid for spot. Copper was a shade better In london, with spot quoted nt 65 17b i1 and futures at 65. Locally the market was quiet, with Lake Superior quoted at 110.85 S 17.00 nd casting and electrolytic at 116.874 i)'is.Ki- iron was featureless; pig iron warrant weak at 19.50310.50: No. 1 north em foundry. H5.OOS16.00; No. 1 southern ftuodry, Ut.OChjftS.OO; No. 2 southern (ouiv 113.00gil.59 Sternly; creamery, 191f2lc the basis of 1131 for fin- WHISKY -On Ished goods. .HV 10IIK STOCKS AM) IIO.Ms. Hem Export Mpeeiilntltm of Hold Pnls Nleel nt n Ntnndstlll. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. The slock market today, after a rather Irregular and ragged opening, started upward with some en thuslam, but the heavy bulk of the F"ld xports dashed the sn r ts of the specula tors and drove prices down. The selling was not urgent or precipitate and tlirv was a manliest growth ot dullness nt lio decline and an undertone of some llrm- ness. The market iltirlnir the latter part of the day wus feverish anil Irregular, but dipped suddenly at the last so that a num ber of Important stocks closed at the low est of the day. Thero was rather a marked ontrast in tho tone of un on I'acino ami St. Paul, the former offering reslstnnco to the decllnu nnd tho latter running off asl y to the owest of tho day. This ap parently rctlcctcd a dubious state of mind as to the exnet benefit which would accrue to St. Paul from the Northern Paclllc settlement. The stock wus a leader In the early upward movement on this morning s reports mat it wouiu no ausorueu ny tne union rncmc n an incident ol the north western railway settlement. The pendancy of this settlement nnd tho optimistic repot Is In certain quarters as to tho condition of tho Anthracite coal wero Inspiring causes of the animated advance In prices early In the day. Engagements for tomorrow's steamers at one tlmo ng gvegated S5,5JO.0uO, but n subsequent can cellation or a 1IX).CK) order lightened tho shipment and also lessened the depression In the stock market, The cause of tho cancellation was not slated, but may have to do with the customary limitation of gold siupmonis ny a single vessel, a uotiinia fenturo of tho gold movement was Its fail ure to affect tho forelcn cxclianue market. When gold Is shipped It Is customary to sell puis against me snipinents, uui mere was no sign of nny such hills In the exchange market today. This corroborates the sup position that the shipment Is made In pay ment of debts which had been Incurred by short selling of exchange bills earlier in tho season nnd which there Is not sufllclent current supply of commercial bills offering to cover. The fffect of the nold shlnments was emphasized by their leaving the exchango market still at the export level, giving ground for the apprehension that further gold will go out on Saturdny. The disposi tion to operate In stocks Increased some- wntit nner tne assembling ol the North rn Paclllc directors In the expectation that somo action mlcht be taken before tho close of tho market. Incorporation of tho Northern Securities company and tho de cision to retire the Northern Pacific pre ferred stock wero known before the c osa of tho market, but did not meet with any marked response. The effect of tho gold exports on the call money market was manifest In n largo range of quotations, t ;er cent being tho minimum for tho day. I'ho market closed generally easy and ac tive. rlio railroad bond market wns less active today n ml continued llrm. Total sales, par value. 15.325.000. 1'nlted States Ss. coution. advanced 4 per cent on the last call. The t ominercnii Advertiser s London fliinnolnl cablegram pays: Tho stock mar- Kot today was necaimed. nut cheerful, Among th factors that contributed to tho better feeling were the rumors that the German emperor was endeavoring to per suade the Roers to surrender and also tbn news that refugees were returning and the mines were reopening. There wns nlso a canard that Hotba with soo men had sur rendered. American stocks moved In nar row llmltn. The recent activity appar ently wai only professional in New York orders, The authorities expect n sag In priced because of the complete nbsencc of me iiupiic i rum tne marici. now von; bought Canadian Paclllc only. Money Is very scarce, the rate ranging from :i to I per cent. The bnnk again borrowed on con sols nnd the market borrowed l,Ooo,V) from tho bank, The rates would have been uigii savo from the lact that the con tinental malls were delayed by the storm. Oold Is 77s 104(1. Paris exchange Is. 25.13; Herlln, 20.13. The following nre the closing prices on tha New York Stock exchange: bala.Kes ll.WW,iK money. Rfl prr cent; New York excha ice. par HALTIMORE. u. 13.-Clcarlngs, 14,313,- IJOI,- .'15, balances, 6fi Sif,,' VM-tf VfltM. V... NEW YORK. No 1.1.-Clearings, 531. 2S; balances, tl3,.66. CINCINNATI, Nov. 13.-Clearings, 13.272,-."-); money. 110 per cent; New York ex change, 2i ie premium. , CHH'AOO. Nut i.t, -Clearings, 1:9,713.926; balances, 1.1.309,071. posted exchange, 11.55'd New York exchange, ofllOc premium, London Mock (Imitations. LONDON, Noi 13, t p. m. Closing; 9lt. Norfolk (c W .... RS'4 92 I do Ufd., 93 "4 No. Paclllc pfd..,1054 7.1 Conso's, money do account ... Anaconda Atchlfon do pfd Haltltnore O. Canadian Pne.. dies. & Ohio.. Chicago O. W. (.. M. A- St. P. Denver & R. O. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central. L. iv N M.. K. Ai T do pfd N. Y. Central . 3-16 Pennsylvania 1014 Heading ll4 I17 TS's 176 47-S 974 43 74 59 t 2 554 ll do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd... So, Railway . do pfd . So. Paclllc , . . Pnlon Pacific do pfd t 8. Steel ... do pfd Wnbash do pfd.. I014 Spanish 4s Rand Mines DcBeers .... 4'J ... 284 ... 3IH ... 93 ... 634 ...1094 ... 96 ... 44 ... 9)S ... 214 ... sy ... 634 ...104 .... ;w4 OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARKET Okoico Beef lttn Study, bat Cow EtifF Wii a Littlt 81iw nd Wok. HOGS OPEN LOWER, BUT CLOSE STRONG Very Pew Fnt Sheep and Lambs ON fered, Which Mold Freely at Steadr Prlees. Fei-rter, However. Wrra Dnll and llarel) Memly. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 13. Receipts were: Cnttle. I logs. Sheep. Ex-dlvldenil. HAR SILVER-Dull nt I6 5-16d per ounce. MONEY 31134 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open pptrket for short hills Is S'ifjj.m per cent, for three months' bids, b per cent. Huston Mock flnotntlons. ROSTON. cent; tlmo closing: Nov. 13,-Call loans. 34t?l per loaiH. 45H4 per cent, Official 4s... Atchison Ons 1 Mex. Central 4s Atchison do pfd Ronton .t Alb'y Hoslon & Me.. Ronton Elevated 165 N Y. N II At II 2124 i.nion raciuc .. iuili Mex. Central .. 2141 102 78 . :,o Rl l'Ha 2oi 1324 American Sugar. 1204jQulncy Amalgamated Hlnghnm Cal. Ac Hecla. Copper Range ... Dominion Coal... Kranklln Isle Roynle Mohawk Old Dominion ... Osceola Parrot Amer. T. & T. Oen. Electric .. Mass, Electric do pfd United Emit .. U. S. Steel .... do pfd Adventure .... Allouez ..157 Santa F Copper, ramnracK 364ITrlmountalu . 94 'Trinity ynijd'iilted States l,14 Utnh 9.1 Victoria .24'Wlnonn 441 Wolverine .... . RA4 .6iii) 604 464 164 . 22', . 41 H 244 3S4 . 36 .155 4i; .273 . 43 . 464 164 58 . O. Atchison . do pfd... Baltimore do pM Canadian Pac. Canada So Ches, & Ohio.. Chicago & A.... do pfd Chi., Ind, & L.. do ptd Rl'TTHR dairy. I420c Klitf.s -steady at 20c. nECEIPTS- l'lour. 7.0ftn bbls : wheat. 49. 0W) bu.: corn. 2S.0CO bu.; nits. 30.0W1 bu. SHIPS I UN H ! lour.'i bbls.; wheat 5l.'") bu.; corn, i.l.ncni bu.; oats, 28) bu. Lb rriiiml (irnlu Unrltfl, LIVERPOOL. Nov 13 -WHEAT-Spot steadv: No I red wcsiern. winter. n No. 1 nortneni spring, i'S ;in; no. 1 i nuror nia. 5-1 104d, futures, steady; December, 5s 9.1; March. 5s 10sd. ' ' OliN Spot, llrm; American mixed new. ps 441! : future", steady: December, 5s 34c; .innuary. as -o: .iiarcu. n;o. FLOrll 01 liouis laney winter, steady, 7s 6.1 HOPS At iiOiidon, raciuc coasi. steady, 3f3 15s. PHO inniNri- ncei, sieany; extra inoia mess. 73s Hit. I'org. nrm; prime mess west- cm. 72s. l.arii. steany; American rennen, in palls. 44s ud; prime western, in tierces, 4Hs. 11 11 ins. snori cut, 11 10 iu ius., quiet, 4,s. Unmii. Cumber nnd cut. 26 to 30 bs,. quiet. 4s 6d: short rllu. 16 to 24 lbs,, 48s; long clear 49s; short ribs, la to 21 ins.. 4s; Jong clear middles, light. 2S lo 34 lbs . dull. 47s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 Ihs., dull, 47s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 43s 6d; clear nellies, n to in ins., quiet, os. nuoui ders. square, 11 to 14 lbs,, quiet, 36s 6d. HUTTUli-steady; iinest united states, s. good United States, 70s, rtiKESE Quiet. American finest white. 43s 6d; Amertcan finest colored, 46s d, PEAS Canadian, nrm, fis ia. TM T I CW Htinitv nrltnn ,llv 9S Australian In Lomion, 29s 3d, Kansas City (rnln anil rrnTlslons. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 13,-WHEAT-De- cember, 67i674c: May, 72'ff724c; cash, No. No. 3. 701i71c. COHN ueccmuer. Miktiwic .May. 6tic: cash. No. 2 mixed, 614c; No, 2 white, 6?c; No. 3, 6651 6Hc. OATS No. 2 white, 43c, RYE-No, 2. tBV.c. HAY-Cholce timothy, I12.50ffl3.00; choice prairie, 113.00. Jill 1 t rill t-reamrry, imcjic; uairy. lancy. 16f. EOO8-Strictly rresn still scarce, nut llrm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, quoted on 'change at 20o doz.,' loss off, coses returned. RECEIPTS-Wbent. 28,800 nu,; corn, 15,300 bu.. oats. 14,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. &2.SW mi.: corn. SO. 200 bu,; oats, 7.W bu. MtnneupotlK Crnln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 13. WHEAT Cash, ilc; December. 634o; May, 72uc, On track: No, 1 hard. 734c; No, 1 north ern. 71c: Nn, 2 northern. 6845163c. I' LOUR Lower: tlrst patents. f3.75ffJ.RS: second patents. S3.60fr3.70; first olears, 12.&) lU.'jo; second clears, iJHAN in ntllK, H.IO'IHO..O r'ldi-nen E. 111.137',4 Chicago O. W.... 254 do 1st pfd 3 J do 2d pfd 19 Chicago o N. W.21I C. H. I. A: 1 n"4 Chi. Ter. . Tr.. do pfd C. C. C. St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.. Del. L. At W.... Denver R. d. do pfd Erie do in pfd do 2d pfd Cit. Nor. pfd I lock. VnUoy.... do nfd Illinois Central.. .11 lnwn (.'entrnl .. do pfd Lake Erie & W do pfd L. & N Miinhattnn L. . . Mel. St. Ry Mex. Central .. Mex. Nntltmal.. Minn. A- St. I... Mo. Pacific .... M.. K. e. T do prd N. .1. Central .. N. V. Contra . Norfolk W... do nfd No. Pacific Pfd Ontario . . . enusylvanla .. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St L. At S. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd .... St. L. Southw.. do pfd 8L Paul 17 . SI St. Paul pfd .lUittHo. I'acillc .1084 So. Railway .... . 9 I do pfd .lll-SiTex. . Pacific. . Rl Tol..,St. L. & W . 47'4 do pfd . :t!4 Union Pacific , 78 , do fifd . 16 iWnbash MHi do ptil Wheel, (c L. E do 2d pfd Wis. Central ., do pfd , Adams Ex , American Ex.. VJ'.VV. S. Ex I el is-1' nrgo Milwaukee Cntln Market. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 13. WHEAT - Steidy: No. 1 northern. 72c; No. 2 north ern. 7W4C. uecemner, illkc. HYE ! inner, unchanged. 11ARLEY Steady; No, 2, 584c; sample, 46'awC. CORN December. 59?ic. Dalulh Crnln Market, DULUTH. Minn., Nov. 13.-WHEVT- Cash: No. 1 hard. Tr.'tci No. 2 northern 6S4c; No, 1 northern, 704c; December, (ra'i.o: May. 73 OATS-334U394C. CORN-534C Plilludelpliln Produce Market, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 13.-RUTTKR l'Trtn, fancy western. 244c; fancy nearby prints, w. EOOS Firm: neirby, 2: southern. 25c CHEESE-l'Irm; New York full creams small, ioc; Peoria Market. PEORIA. Nov. 13.-CORN-HlBhr; No. 3, 614c OATS-Klrm; No. I hUo, UVc, track. 934 Ama!. Copper II Atuer. Car A V. 5o 1 do pfd 254 Amer. Lin. Oil.. 1714 'I" Pfd 235 Amer. S. & H... 46 ' do ptd 9l?i Anac. Mln. Co.. 424 Hrooklyn It. 'I'.. 72'1 Colorado '. & I 59 .Con. i.las Hit Con. Tob. pfd... 62 I leu. Electric ... 794 i!l u cose Sugar . nocKing I 'on I .. . -iim.v inter. p,i per .... . 774 do pfd . 71 Inter. Power ... .13n l.iu.'lede (ins .... .1064 Nil. Hlscult .1284 National Lend .. .p,6 Naltoniil Salt ... . 22 do pfd . 1:1 I No. American . . .pi74 Pacific Coast ... .1021, Paclllc Mull .... . 26- 1 People's (inn . . . . fil'4 Pressed 8. car.. .173 )o pfd .1624 Pullman p. nr. . 574 Republic Steel . . ?1 do pfd .pit Sugar . 3Ji Tenn. Coal & l., .14i, I nlon Hag ft P. . do pfd 84 r. h. Leather ., no pin f. S. Rubber ... do pfd I. S. Steel I" pfd ..130 .. fil'4 .. 9i) 41 20 .. 3.1 ..1074 .. 9.14 .. Jl'i .. :w .. 13?; 1 . . til .... 214 .... 42J4 131 139 90 I'orelftn financial. LONDON. Nov. 13.-Money was In In creiuied demnud today In connection with tho settlement. The short supply hard ened discounts, The bank apparently was borrowing. Operators on the Stock ex change were .occupied with the conclusion of tho settlement. Huslness was generally dull nml attenuated, Gilt-edged securltl?s advanced. Homo rails were generally lower, Americans, reacted to below parity and showed llttlo Improvement afterward. They closed steady. Pennsylvania, ex-dividend, and Orand Trunks were weak. Ca nadian PnclticK wero supported, partly owing to the talk of the road having se cured a contract to carry the Australian malls. Knftlrs wero In better demand, with Dcllecrs as the feature. Rio tlntos wero easier. PARIS, Nov. 13. On the bourse tooay business opened dull, but rallied nnd Kaffirs In particular, which were very llrm on fresh peace rumors. Internationals wero quiet. Rentes were wenk, owing to the npprehenslons of a general strike of miners. Rio tlntos opened heavy, but finished strong on Loudon advices. The private rate of discount Is unchanged nt 215-16 per cent. HERL1N, Nov. 13. Internationals wtro wen supported on the iiourte today. Ca nndlan P.iclllcs were In active demand. Americans were dull Locnls fluctuated somewhat at first, but finished firm on pence rumors from London. Coffee .Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-COrrEH-Spot Rio, easy; No. 7 invoice. 7c. Mild, steady; Cordova, 74fille. Futures had another Ir regular movement today. The market opened Irregular at nn advance of 1Wi2i) points on covering and speculative buylnc, prompted by a better European market ruling than lookejl for. and by reports ihnt the crop damage was Irreparable. Small primary receipts lutoiisliled the enrly bul lish feeling locally. In the afternoon sell .ing on the reactionary theory nnd profits developed on ,11 heavy scale, prices rapidly worked downward, llnal prices being un changed to K points net lower, with the undertone stejdy. Total sales amounted to 112.250 bags. Including: December. 6.76'W6.90; .Innuary. 6.R.Vff7c; March, 6.95fl7.20c; May. 7.151j7.35c; Ju1y. 7.3iyii7.50c: August. 7.35c; September, 7.4jjf7.iV)c; October, 7.65'87.70. 59 4M 80 70i; 29 60 . 86-; . 27'. . M4 . 16 . 15 . 41 . 964 . ;:i4 . u 9.14 .2184 .110 .2nl4 . in-4 114 . 764 Slj . 914 . 42'3 . 19 32 . Ill . 91 . 61 . 174 .nu-, . 4.1-14 . 85-jj .2IM, . I.1.4 . 69 ..1204 .. u'iU . 14 . 71 .. 12 . 81 4 . 154 . .V) .. 134 9.1 Olllclal Monday 9.617 6.oI7 Official Tuesday 4,661 8.950 unicmi Wednesday &,7J.i 8,twS Three days this weck.20.ol6 Same days last week 13,888 same ween, tietore ir,2,i. Samo three weeks ago. . .19.n.l Same four weeks ago.... 21.6,11 Samn days last year, 14,440 Average prices paid for bous at Omaha tho past several days, with parlsons: 21,131 I...107 1J.M0 U.IM 19,310 22.86J 1.I.2J4 I.9.U 43,OoO 39,131 44,197 31,417 31.6i 13,773 SoJth com- Date, 11901. 19O0.ll8y9.189.4.lR97 .1SJ6. 1595. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Nov, Nov. 2. Nov. S. Nov. 4. Nov. 5. Nov. 6. Nov. 7. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 264 3V 21 23... I 5 9941 a Vit 2S... 27... 28... 29... I 3).,. 31.. R... 9... 10., 11. 12. 13. CO UP 5 734; 0 li 1 6 S2K 5 7141 6 7P 5 C.8'4 6 6741 5 74!, 5 T2T4I 6 63 1 5 TO ! 4 62 4 61 4 51 4 IS 4 58 4 54 I 4 521 4 501 4 47 4 51 1 co: 4 56 4 16 4 14 4 13 4 b 4 10 4 09 4 03 4 131 3 6J 3 521 3 ?3I 3 SI 3 23 3 t 3 26 3 49 S 251 63 3 M 3 26 3 43 3 17 3 13 3 44 3 381 3 151 3 3 31 3 17 3 3 3 19' 3 41) 3 4J 3 It 4 (Hi 3 531 3 23 4 04 4 Ol 4 02 3 55 3 561 3 58 3 54 3 47 3 52 3 t4 3 561 3 53 t ii O 40j 3 41, S 38 3 42 4 C6l 4 641 4 01 A t!-t A A'l 1 Ml I 1 V. 4 691 4 (6 4 69) 4 (6 4 74 4 03 I 4 02 4 R4 4 741 3 94 3 451 3 41 1 3 27 3 451 3 431 3 20. 3 51) 3 431 3 31 3 521 3 44! 3 211 3 46 3 17 3 65 3 23! 4covs.. .. V2 2 75 7 cows. RR' Cows. ...1116 3 35 9 COs 920 4 COWS, . . . 1665 3 35 Chsr.e Hoyt Neb. R cows 9i 2 SO 30 feeders. . 926 3 feeders.. Pin 3 25 9 feeders.. 1000 Hrlstol Rros.- Neb. 43 feeders . W5 3 65 6 feeders.. 938 34 feeders,. loio 3(0 II cows. .. .1015 Ell Swallow-S. D. 1 steer f' 3 50 2 cows 1255 3stcers... S40 3 fO 2rons 1415 1 steer 1120 I 50 6 rows 926 31 cows i'39 2 95 cows 942 2 COWS 895 2 i O. P. Hcnnett-S. D. 22 feeders.. 976 3 15 23 cows 933 11 COWS.. . . 990 2 80 Mlllbrook L. A S. Co. Wyo. 10 steers... .1120 4 10 2 steers. ,..1105 107 steers.. 970 4 05 4 cows,. 4 cows.. 9 cows. . 1 cow.. . 1 cow... 15 cows.. J. r. Snow Wvo. ...1025 2 75 3 feeders. MMt Ounton Mont. ...1072 3 Hi I cows ... 901 3 20 J. J. Relsdl-Wyo. ...1170 3 50 lcow 1150 3 M 1 cow. 1113 1142 2 75 3 3J 3 7S 3 60 1 "3 3 SO 2 95 2 15 2 9i 2 95 1 90 3 50 5 n 3 (5 .1210 .1160 1170 4 n 4 00 4 (0 S25 3 30 3 50 2 95 3 33 3 To 3 26 3 43 3 .9 3 451 3 41' 3 2S' 3 li 3 471 3 31 a 2. 3 43 3 32 3 17 3 f9 3 41 3 38 1 3 22 3 45 2 31, 3 23, U 41 .rl , it 1 fiO( .Ift! 4 ( lcow C. .Miilloy Neb. 4S steers. ...1114 3 90 O. 1. Cook-Neb. 6 feeders.. 712 2 65 46 feeders. 11. c. Merrimnn Net). IS calves... ISO 3 50 17 calves... 113 R McClenaban -Neb, U cows PMO 2 60 17 cows 100S WYOMING. 61 steers.... 93 (00 HOOS There were about as many hogs on sale today as arrived yesterday, and as there wns n liberal run nt other points prices took another drop. Chicago was quoted fully 5 cents lower with tho bulk selling from 15.45 to 15.65, At this point tho market opened Just about 5 cents lower than yesterday'a elofce. The tlrst salrs were mostly at 15.55, It soon became evident, however, that packeni were anxious for supplies, and as a result the market took on more life and gained In strength. After the tlrst round tho popular prlre was 15.574. and toward the clone n good many hogs sold nt IS., to 15.65. The los of the morn ing then wns fully regained, the market cloilng nbodt steady with yesterday. The market ruled active from start to finish. and everything was disposed of In good season, tho Inst hogs selling as fast as they were unloaded. The fact that packers here tile paying Chicago prices Is good evi dence that they are anxious for supplies. iteprcrciitntlve sales: Indicates Sunday. Tho otTielHl number of crs of stock brought In today by each road wns: Cattle. Hogs. sno C, M. & St. P. Ry O. St St. L. Ry Missouri Pacific Ry.. Union Pacific system. C. & N. W. Ry !'., E. & M. V. R. R.. S. C, P, Ry R. & M. R. R, R C, H. & Q. Ry K. C. fc St. J. Ry C, R. I. A P., east.... C. n, I. & P.. west... Illinois Central Ry.... 12 4 1 21 8 31 11 15 10 14 1 121 P.H'i's. 3 6 1 '4 's 2 3 2 18 Tntnl recelnta '231 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchaslpg the numbr- of head Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. log. : 1,185 147 1,762 3.011 2,338 15 201 '492 Western Union... 92 w York Jlini'f Mnrket. NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-MONBY-On call. firm nt 4y5 per cent; last loan, 5 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE -Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills nt $t.S7'0 4.874 for demand and at'5;-i.8.i tor sixty days; posted rates, ll.Slhtj'1.85 nnd 11.88: commercial bills, $4,854. HlIiVlSH liar, biw, .Mexican aouars, In- Import anil Exports. WASHINGTON. Nov. 13.-The monthly statement of the Imports and exports of tho United States for the month of October, 1311. shown the following: Merchandise, Imports. 151.411,857. of which 525,022.320 wns free of duty: Increase, ns compared with October. 1900, $10,780,(11). Merchandise, exports, $115,0"O,458; decrease, $17,600,000. For tho ten months ended with October the increase In the Imports of merchandise over the corresponding period In 1900 wan $32,788,891. and during the same period there was a decrease in the exports of $3,393,596. Gold imports. $5.i93.R6l; decrease. $5,25O.OO0. Gold exports, 13.R0S.H3; Increase. 13.36O.0iio. Sliver Imports, $3,070,516; Increase, $(l,ivm. Oil nml Itoslii. NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-01L--Cottonseed, dull; yellow. 314c. Petroleum, dull; refined. New York. J7.i; Philadelphia and Rnlll- inoie, li.t-i: Plill'iaeiphla and Haltlmore, In bulk. $5. Rc.itn. llrm; strained, common to good. $1.50. Turpentine, dull, 384c ' ill. KIIU. Nov. 1I.-U I.. Nor III I-ma. Me.! South Lima and Indiana, R9c. LI VI'iRPOt )I. NOV. 13.-OIT Cottonseed. quiet. 23s nil. .UN DUN. NOV. 13.-U1 ua cuttn. i n. seed, snot, 57s 3d. Unseed, 33s fid. Turpen tine splrltn. 2bs fiijd. SAVANNAH. Nov, I3.-OIL Spirits tur pentine, firm. 504c. Rosin, firm. Nuicnr anil Mnlassa. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. lS.-SUOAR- Quiet, open kettle, 3e; open kettle, cen trifugal, 3i'i3'34c: centrifugal, granulated, 4..'qvl;c; whites. 3?4fl4e: yellows, SgSc; seconds. 24ff34o Molasses, quiet;, rtpen kettle. 24fl30c; centr fugnl. 12323c. Svrun. steady. 2CW31p. Nrilv VUHK. NOV. 13. SUGAR Ratr. quiet; fair refining, 34c; centrifugal, 96 test. ;i?4o: moiaeses sugar, sc. Refined, easy; standard A. 4"0c: confectioners' A. 0e; mould A. B.25c: cut loaf. 5.40e: crushed. 5.40c; powdered, 5o; granulated, 4.90c; cubes, 0.16c. 434c- 1OND8 Governments, firmer; state, active; railroad, lower. The closing quoiniions on nonas are toilows: ..10S4 t. ft N. unl. 4s... 1024 . ,1U8 '.Mex. central 4s, 83 do Is Ino 304 M. & St. L. 4s... 103i,i M., K. T. 4s.. 120 do 2s 103 N. Y. Central ls,1or4 00 gen, 3Hs 109?4 N. J. C. gen. 6s.. 131 No. Pacific 4s 105 UO uB U. 8. r. 2s, rcg no coupon.... do 3s. rcg WS do coupon 108V do new 4s, reg,.133 do counon ....189 do old 4s, reg...H2V do coupon 112-k do 6s, reg 107 do coupon 107 Atrhlsnn een. Is.l03i do adl. 4s iiVi N. &. . c. 4s.,..irj't Dal. A: uiuo 'iH...iut itenuing gen, 4S. 119 dO 3VjS Sltll 1. it I At C. OS.U7 do conv. 4s 10SU St. L. & S. V. 4s. 95 , lirJI' at CI W l Uaiinua no. m, w. n. . 1.1... :i .4 rent, of On. 6s..l06Sk do 2s w) .10 In Inc 73 8 A & A P 4s.... 884 rhes. & O. AVc.-107 So, Pacific 4s n Chi. it Alton 34s. 854 So. Railway 5s.. .1204 H. at U. n. 4s, ys'i rex. iv. rue. is...i20ig C. M . o I g. m.lllt. 1, m i -v is... K C. At N. W. c. 7h, 1:184, Union Pacllic 4s. .Km C. R. I. & P. 4s.. loo3, do conv. 4n 1084 CCC & S L g. 48.IUH4 ni)asu is US Ch cngo Ter. 48 . - m ss lit Colorado So. 4s..." deb. jj Den. H H. , 4S.PW 'est nnore 4s...ll2T Krle prior 1. 4s... vavs 92. do uenerul 4s... h0 Is. Central Is.. 88 F. W. & D. C. 1s.l074 Con. Tob. 4s 644 Hock, vni. 4',4s.ud?4i Bld. v York Mlnlnc Storks, NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-Tho following nre the closing prices on mining mocks; Adnms Con 1J Alice 43 Hreece ltrunnwlck Con,., 10 Coinstock Tunnel u Con. Cal. & Vu,.155 Deadwood Terra, 50 Horn Silver 130 Iron Silver ol Leailvllle Con.... 5 Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'lioeuix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Sma 1 Hopes . 12 .950 . 75 ,. 7 . 5 . I 7 40 Standard 375 nnnk rirarlnus. OMAHA. Nov. 13. Rank clearings today. $l,164,(.JS.w: corrcsponning any last year, $1,022,911.39: Increase. $131,636.81. ROSTON. Nov. 13.-Clearlng, $24,373,608 ha lances. S2.ai3.453. ' PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13,-Clearings $21,037,336; balances, j.'.iumji. ST, LOUia, Nov, 13.-Cltarlng3, $$,207,105 Omaha Packing Co 231 G. II. Hammond Co 1,131 Swift and Company 511 Cudaby Packing Co 1,389 Armour & Co 321 Cudahy. Kansas City Hammond, from country. 1L R. Rcckrr & Degan 172 Van sn nt & Co U1 J. L. Carey 18 Lobman & Co 2') W. I. Stephen 131 Hill & llunuslnser.... II Heuton & l.'nderwood I08 Livingston" A Schallcr... b Dennis & Co 3"i 11. V. Hobblck 10 Hamilton & R 231 L. F. Ilusz volf & M JS ..... Other buyers 480 ".'Q' Totnls T4li 5,653 9.655 CATTLE There was another generous supply of cattle here today, making the re ceipts for the three days this week con siderably In exces.t of the same days or last week and also of the corresponding days of last year, as the table of receipts above will show. Good stuff of nil kinds wns In active demand today at steady prices, but the commoner grades moved slowly nnd the tendency of prices wns downward. . , , There were several bunches of corn-fed steers on sale and pnekers bought them up freely at steady prices where th quality was satisfactory. The short-fed S'.dff, how ever, and tho commoner grades were neg lected nnd It was a difficult matter to get steady prices for them. Some sales wero made that looked a little lower. . The cow market was not particularly ac tive todav. There were n good many on sale nnd "the quality was nothing extra. The choicer bunches sold in about yester day's notches, but the market on the ren eral run of the offerings was weak and In a good many Instances could bo quoted BW 10o lower than yesterday. There was no Important change notice able In tho prices paid for bulls, calves and stacs whore the quality was at all rood, Common stuff was slow and weak. There was an active demand this morning for desirable grades of both stockers and feeders nnd as there were only a few In the yards answering to that description fully Meady. prices were paid. The common kinds, though, were neglected and sellers frequently had to shade prices a llttlo In order to dispose of them. Western rnngo beef steers were scarce this morning nnd the demand being liberal good prices were paid, Range cows could be quoted all the way from steady to a dime lower than yesterday. Stockers and feeders sola reaony nt sicnu.v ptnes iio nnnlllv wns good, but were slow and weak where the quality was common. Rep resentative sales- REEF STEKns, Nleers Top tbn Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 13. fn tha sale of flftsen Shorthorn steers at the stock yards today the highest price of the year was reallted. ino saie was maun nt 7.iu a 100. the aver- sgo weight being 1,672 lbs. Two cars of cattle wero also sold during the dav at 16.80, both sales being made on their merits, The cattle were shipped by George O. Mowry or Geneseo, 111., and are said to have been bnueht for exhibition at fh TMttsburg fat stork show. Evaporated Apples anil Drier! Frntts, NEW YORK. Nov. 13. EVAPORATED APPLES The market for ovnpornted ap- ules was very oulet todav. tiut held steady as to tono In the absence of sellers. Stnte common to good, fiftSc; prime, S40; choice, 9c: fancy. 9U(n9i.4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Worn tiuil and uuciinnged. I'runes, awre. Apri cots, Royal. R4W13c; Moor Park. Sfn2c. peuches, peeled, llf?18c; impeded, 6fi84e. w York Dry GomU Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 13.-DRY GOODS- Exnort buying has again been tho chief feature in brown cotton', fair orders being put through for Chins. Homo demand ccntlimes quiet for brown, bleached nnd coarse colored cottons. Print cloths con. tlnun inactive. Prints In moderate demand Ginghams quiet but firm: more doing In men s wear. cash, Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. Nov. 13. -WHEAT-Dllll; ;ic.: December. 76?e; May. 78T4, CORN December. iV-Ho; May, C34o. OATS December. 404o; May, 414c. RYE 58c: No. 3. 55c. SEED-Clovcr. December, 15.624; March, $.),i2i4; 111 1. oil Alslke, i. Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Today's state men! nf tho trensnrv balances In the cen eral fund, exclusive" of the 1150,(W.(Wi cold ric.ria iii tiin it virion of rertemntlnn. .... ... i-tiie cash balance, U7l.915.23S: gold. 1110,591,005, Mmar Trnt lln to Cut. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. -The American Knciir Hellnlnir company has reduced the price of soft grades of rtlped sugar 10 potpts to meet the cut made by tne inde pendent renners yrsir iu Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 13. WOOL Strong nnd active: medium -trades. 1241.17c; light Are, 12rM44c; heavy fine, 10114c; tub washed. No. M... 1 . . , 5... 8?... 34... 31... 24... 1 1 23 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 2 . . . . s!!.... 7...... 6 4 1 25 11 10 It 9.. 7.. 4 2 2 26 49 3 29 1 L... 1.... 3.... 1.... Av. 8l 1012 1084 1093 1050 1225 1090 1100 970 Pr. 3 40 3 10 4 (0 4 40 4 M 4 80 4 RO 5 00 fi 00 No. 13... 20... 2... 9... 21... 22... 66. . 37... 31. A v. -.1120 ...1143 ...1267 ...1240 ,...1178 ,...1033 ,...1255 ,...1208 ...1568 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ...1136 5 35 15 1101 COWfl. Fr. 0 10 5 25 5 40 6 50 5 65 5 RO 6 90 6 33 6 35 6 90 ..lOfln .. 680 .. 712 .. 930 .. 860 ..1210 .. 910 .. W .. 490 .. 907 .. 885 .. 963 ..1230 .. 748 .. 907 .. 621 .. 919 1 00 1 (0 1 2S 1 60 1 50 1 73 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 20 2 25 2 40 2 45 2 45 2 60 2 65 7 1025 2 00 1., 21 3 , 6 , 3 , 2 13 16 1, 980 . m . 930 . 728 .1116 .1010 .1043 . 963 ...1170 2 1060 1 1010 9, 1024 1 1390 1 1210 11 840 14 950 STOCK CALVES. 276 3 00 2 420 2 13 2 75 2 75 2 R0 2 83 2 90 2 95 3 00 3 00 3 23 3 25 3 35 3 60 3 75 3 75 4 10 3 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 837 2 60 9 612 3 20 . 660 2 75 25 650 3 25 . 795 3 00 2 620 8 25 .1220 3 10 8 605 3 40 . 682 3 15 6 1065 3 60 .722 3 20 16 850 4 60 HEIFERS. . 465 2 25 18 616 3 60 ,. 719 2 25 HULLS. 1150 2 25 1 1010 3 50 100 2 35 1 1380 4 03 1220 2 60 CALVES. , 146 6 00 1 150 5 50 , 160 5 25 STOCK C0V3 AND HEIFERB. 860 1 75 2 990 2 Oft Nr. UK An Iv A. 4 steers.. .1100 20 steers.. ..1226 8 steers, ...1350 6 steers.. ..1118 45 feeders. . 75J 51 feeders.. 700 29 feeders.. 830 19 feeders 14 cows... 3 cows... 3 cows... 4 60 4 85 4 00 4 35 3 80 3 80 3 70 3 00 1 90 .2 40 2 25 3 cows 1(00 2 readers.. 776 85 feeders. ,1160 12 steers... .1000 4 feeders. . 3 feeders.. 1 feeder... 19 feeders.. 21 feeders.. 8 cows, .... 3 cows. 53 TOO 830 !I0 900 720 670 2 50 2 90 3 80 4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 60 3 00 1 !) 2 00 3 M R39 930 763 610 C. 8. Lockwood Neb, 81 feeders.. 840 3 10 Robert Qusenberry Nb. 43 fee ders.. 1066 3 65 5 feeders. .1010 J. Schumocker Neb, 21 feeders.. 1077 3 Victoria L. & B. Co. Colo. 65 cows 962 3 40 13 cows 974 2 70 W. II. Rothell-Neb, 41 feeders.. 882 3 40 Scows 1070 2 !W N. L. Renter Neb. 7 cows. ...970 2 00 ?) feeders.. 961 3 4) .lames Faroll Neb. 10 feeders. 1045 3 60 0 feeders. . 966 2 90 5 feeders.. 1052 3 80 E. A. Andrews-Colo. 20 cows 983 3 l Oeoige W. Wlse-Wyo. 19 feeders.. 9tt 4 26 20 bulls 1481 2 45 64 cows.... 1104 3 25 31 cows . . . .10.0 3 10 11 cows.... 1007 2 80 C F, Mlddercoff-Colo. K cows 998 2 75 SOUTH DAKOTA. ... 13 steeri..,.13lO 6 25 II steers... 1141 4 10 O. H. Newell-Wyo, lcow 980 3 15 2 feeders.. 9io 3.5 2 feeders.. 910 3 75 1 steer .900 3 25 4 steers.. .. 124.) 4 40 1 steer 1120 4 40 1 itetr 1130 4 40 1 bull lt 2 15 No. 32.... 26.... 71.... 15.... 21.... 87.... 13.... 67.... 33.... !)... . 45.... 103... 76.... 76.... 31 ... . 53.... AV, . 93 . 92 . W .123 .117 .138 .2W .160 .10) .198 .218 .191 2J0 .3110 .2i! .291 100 153 65 224 61 322 61 38. 67. 73. 61. 56. 110... 83.... 68.... 66.... 124... 81.. 101. 55. . 64.. 69.. 62.. 78.. 48.. 68.. 112. 72.. 48.. 65.. 65.. 90.. R0.. 52.. 61.. 63.. 52.. 66.. 66.. 41.. 71.. 62.. R7.. 86.. 51.. S3. . 67.. 68.. 342 . .252 . .258 ..157 ..259 ....315 .150 .243 .231 .249 .145 ...140 ...17S ...232 ...233 ...195 ...261 ...189 . . .288 . . .224 ...293 ...24S . . .323 . . .327 ...243 . . .226 ...225 ...318 . . ,2I ...248 ...278 . . .342 ...321 ...257 ...181 ...301 ...181 ...281 Sh. Ml 80 2141 200 '40 '80 10 80 120 .240 .133 .243 .231 120 40 120 40 40 80 'ro RO 40 40 46 200 120 200 80 200 2(0 SO 220 220 80 R0 200 40 40 200 40 SO 80 120 Pr. 5 10 5 10 5 10 5 30 5 30 5 35 5 10 6 45 5 50 6 60 5 S':'' 5 55 5 5"i 5 55 h 55 6 65 5 35 5 55 5 55 6 65 5 65 5 65 5 65 5 55 5 55 5 55 5 65 5 5i 6 65 6 55 5 55 5 55 6 574 6 574 5 674 5 674 5 574 6 67 4 5 674 6 574 6 574 6 574 6 574 5 574 5 674 r. 574 6 674 5 574 6 574 5 574 6 574 5 674 5 574 5 574 5 574 5 574 6 674 5 574 5 574 5 574 5 674 n 574 5 574 No. 66,. 70.. 68.. 41.. 61.. (in. . r,i.. 62.. (M. . 65.. 66.. 42. 73 AV. Sh. .251 120 . . 2iii . .327 . .'.135 . .250 ..278 .,302 ..287 . .290 ..266 . .216 ..371 . . . .243 62 259 tit 253 81 253 61. 91. 63.. 75. . 6i. 66. . 63.. 17.. 67.. 65.. 77.. 63.. 67.. 64.. 92.. 48.. 79.. 60.. 35.. 65.. 67.. 85... :3... 67... 70... 88.., 83... 70... 65.., 66.., 66.., 78.. 67.. 40.. 73.. 90.. 10.. 88.. 60.. 63.. 5 ...215 . . .329 . . .237 . . .237 . . .268 . . .299 . . .268 ...295 ...249 ...243 ...241 ...261 ...283 ...204 ...279 ...205 ...260 . . .302 . . .255 . . .217 226 ...203 . . .231 ...290 ...121 ...20S ...260 2.82 !.!245 ...273 ...228 ,...287 ,...282 ,...206 ,...179 ,...186 . . . .233 ,...341 ....276 ....231 ....286 ....265 .mO.1 .214 .231 .213 UD 20) 2ii ll.l 40 SO 40 180 2U0 10) so 160 2 10 200 SO 80 80 120 2S0 120 J20 120 10 40 120 240 280 160 'so 160 220 '46 240 40 160 SO SO 240 160 200 40 120 120 40 RO W 160 40 40 Pr. 6 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 5 61) 5 01 5 60 5 60 6 60 5 61 n 60 5 M 6 60 5 60 5 60 5 60 r. 60 B 60 5 6.) 5 60 6 m 6 61) fi 60 5 60 5 60 B 60 B 60 B 60 B ft) 5 60 S 60 5 60 5 60 B 60 B 60 B 60 B 6) B 624 5C24 B 624 6 62 4 5 624 6 624 5 624 6 624 6 624 6 62 4 B 624 6 624 B 624 f. 624 B 624 B 624 6 65 6 65 6 65 B 65 B 65 B 65 B 70 6 75 ners, II oOflS.iS; bulls. $2 25ff-l.0o; Texas nnd Indlrtii steers, $.UDt4.2u, cows ami helfern $2 1611.1.10. HOGS Receipts, 9.9.K head! market ec lower; pfgs and lights. $S.S05.40i packers, $5.35fl. In: butchers, $.i.40tifl.75. . SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, l.JOO head; market IWISc lower; native muttons, $J.i3.35, Intllbs, ll.Ciyi.50; culls nnd hUCks, $3.U04j3.40; stockers, $1 n0f?2.00. St. Joseph Live Mock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. IS. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.31W head, steady, native, $3.u)0 6.6n: cows and heifers, $1.2o'd5.10; veals, 13.W SjiS-io; stockers mid feeders, $1 50fi.25. HOGH-RecelpW. .'.fVO head, light nmi light mixed, $5.;-V,5.724: medium nml heavy, $5.60f6.SS; pigs, $J.9i5n"i.iD; bulk, $3.5'tf5.75. SHEEP AND LAM ItS- Receipts, uwliea.l; sleadyj Mexican yearlings, $4.0o. St in-it In'M. The following table shows the receipts ot cnttle, hogs nml sheep nt the ilvo 1 rinclpal stock markets for November is: Cattle. Hog'. South Omaha Chicago Kiinsna City St. Louis .... St. Joseph ... Total 5.735 ..17.875 . . 10.500 .. 4,21") .. 1,300 8,658 47.WI 22.500 9.9i) 7.600 Hheop. 4.961 1S.IVJ 4,0IK l.'.8 ..39.610 93,568 29.161 66... 62... 68... 80 5 674 C3. ffl B.i74 44... 200 5 574 69... SHEEP There was a marked falling off in tlio receipts of sheeD nnd lambs today as compared with the two preceding days 01 mo wceK. Not only that, nut nearly verytning that did arrive today was recd- ern. I hero was one bunch of cornfed sheep and yearlings, however, that sold to n local packer lor $3,724. which was con sidered a good sternly price. It was the genernl opinion that anything nt nil de slrable In tho way of killers would have sold rcnrill) today at fully yesterdays prices. l ie teener market was nv no means active. Thero were only a few buyers In sight, and as a result common stuff In particular was hard to move. Some of the noieosi nuncneH sold at rigni cime to steady prlcei. ouotat ons: Choice ven runes. x3.4nw3.fB fair to good yearlings, $3.2OR3.40; choice wethers. $3..TOW3.&o: fair to good wethers. uvw3.3o; cnoice ewes, i'.:iis(3.2b: fair to eoori ewes. 12.60H2.90: choice mirlnc lambs. $4.SOfj4.60: fair to good spring lambs, $l.l0y 4,;;o; teeaer wetners, js.oo'n.f.tpo; feeder lambs, 3.6Ofl4.O0. Representative sales: Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. closed quiet; middling uplands, 7 6-16o; mid dling gulf, 8 3-16c: sales, 1,039 bales. Future! closed steady! November, 7.42c: December, 1. 47c; January, 7.16c; February, 7.43c; March, 7.41c; April, 7.41c; May, 7.40c; June. 7.41c; July. 7.11c: August, 7.3oc. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 13.-COTTON-Bteadyi sales, 4,3iD bales; ordinary. 613-16.'! good ordinary, 6 5.16c! low middling, 6TiC! middling, 74c: good middling, 714c: mid dling fair, 7 15-160; receipts, 19,537 bales! stock, 232.659 bales. Futures, steadv: No vember, 7,2.)f7.'.'7c: December, 7.2sii'7.29r; January, 7.22li7.23c; February. 7.19i"f7.21c; March. 7.19.(7.200. April, 7 l$S7.19c; May, 7.18U7.19CJ June, 7.175,7.18c. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 13.-COTTON-Qulet! sales, H) bales: middling, 7c: receipts, 10, 455 bales; shipments, 9,350 bales; slock, 40, 233 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov l3.-COTTONRpot. quiet; prices steady. American middling, I4d. The sales of the day wero 7,lD bales, of which 600 wero for speculation and ex port and Included 6,W0 bales American. Re ceipts, 31,000 bales, Including 21,600 Amer ican. Futures opened nnd closed quiet. American middling g. n. c. : November, 4 6-6ld, sellers: November nnd December, 4 4-G-ld. buyers; December and January, January and February, Vebruary ami "March, 4 16-04d, sellers; March and April, 4 1-Old, sellers; April nnd May. 4 t-64d, sell ers; Muy and June. 1 1-ftld, buyers: Juno and July. 4 l-6ld, buyers; July and August, 4 l64d, buyers. Deficit In Missionary Fund. PlTTSnURG. Nov. 13,Tho nnnunl meet ing of the general missionary committee of the Metiuinist rjpiscopni cnurcn opened at Christ church, this city, today with eight een bishops nnd forly-threo out of fifty delegates present. Rlshop C. C. McCnbe presided, It wns decided that all mission aries present bo allowed to sit on tho com mittee without tho power of a vote. The treasurer's report showed a total of $1,233. 186.60. with a total expenditure of $1,273. 930.60. With tho deficiency from last year the total dellclency now amounts to $163,- m to. Willi regard to tho state or the twen tieth century fund It wan announced that the Income, had been $14,560.53 and the dis bursements $6,896. Ilrnken I.ltnb Sstm .ero. VIRGINIA. Nov.. Nov. 13. Word has lust reached hero of an outbreak of mob lolence which almost resulted in the death of Henry Ellis, a negro, residing at Fay, a mining camp In Lincoln county. A gnnsr of men went to the cnhln occupied by Ellis, attacked him, dragged him out nnd held a mock trial on a ennrgo ot stealing $3.w from a boarding house nt Fay. At the conclusion of tho trial they senrehed his pockets and took nil the money he had, after which they placed a rope around his neck nnd drew lilm up three times. The limb to which the ropo wan fastened broke ana tno mon decided not 10 hang tne man, wno was mnrcnen out or town hihi then reloascd. He succeeded In renchlng tha town of Uvada In safety. British awlndllngr to Cease. LONDON. Nov. 13 The British nublln has been bo ruthlessly swindled of recent veani bv fraudulent commission romnsnv nromntlons that the issue of an official In timation that legislation has stopped flnnn- Ciai misconduct lias uoen rcceiveq wnn much satisfaction In commercial circles. Tho Board of Trade report nn tho worklne of tho companies' winding up act says thai act is operating sjccessruny in tno direc tion of checking Irregularities and securing righteous nruou. THH nEAl.TY MARKET. No. '00 feeder ewes 10 native lambs 913 feeder lambs 284 cornfed sheep and yearlings. 131 cull ewes 251 cull ewec 9 lambs and bucks 400 Wyoming feed?r wethers,... 'M feeder wetners 91 feeder wethers 95S feeder lambs Av 92 96 52 S3 SO 85 H 77 72 ft) 62 Pr. $2 10 4 40 3 61 3 724 1 01 2 0) 3 00 3 30 3 35 3 SS 3 85 CHICAGO MVn HTOCK MAItKI! 1', Cattle Hla-her Hogs Steady " IiOTrer Sheep Steady. 17,000 head: 275 Texans, 600 westerns! good to choice. 10al5c metier: others active and steady; good to prime, $.25j77.25: poor to medium. 14.ovgti.2n; stociters and teeders, $2.004.30. cows, $1.251.60; heifers, $2.50'tf 6.25: Texas fed ateors, $3.30If3.80; western steers. J3.6535.H0. HOOH Hecelpts today. 47,ono nend; to' morrow. SS.ono. estimated: lert over. 3.500 active and steady to 6c lower: closed steady; mixed nnd butchers. $5.45ig.774; Rood to choice steady. 15,50i5.S24: rough heavy, $3.30-36.60; light. $5.25fj5.65; bulk ot ales. l."i.4530.65. SHEEP AND LAMT1S Receipts, 18,000 head: sheep ana lambs, steady; good to choice wethers. $3,4OQ4.10; fair to choice mixed. $3.7ow3.40: westerns. $3.0003.40: na tivo inmns. vi.vym.w. westrrn lamns. h.w i34.2!i. VMIlumi jcoicinaj , ftvLciuio Tallin, hogs, 25,654; sheep, 30,641. shipments Cattle. 1,821! hogs, 2,480; sneep, r.,333. Kama City Live, Stock Market KANSAS CITY. Nov. 13.-CATTLE-Re relnt.v 10.000 natives. 500 Texans. 1.050 calves marget strong to sieany; cnoice export am dressed beef steers, $5.65frti.20; fair to good $4.70ii5.50: stockers and feedern. $2.654.26 western fed steers, $4.00rff,M); western rnngo stoers. $3,251)4.50; Texas nnd Iudlnn steors, $2.40fi4.GO: Texns cows, ll.6OfJ3.00, nntlvn cows. 12.504i-l.'25: helfors. $2,701(6.00 ennners. $1,6012.40; lulls, $3.25fM.0O; calves, 12.75(6.50. IIOGS-Rccelpts, 22.500 head; pigs, 5c lower; others closed 60 higher; top, $j,Sii4 ImlW of sales. 15.351i5.S0: heavy. 15.S0W).874 mixed packers. $5.:ifC.824; Unlit, $3.W05.70! nlDS. li.Mnfi.Ol). SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, tionri' mnrltet 10c lower: native lambs, 14 Kti f.r,' w.'Htrn l.nnbs. 13.25fi4.60: nn tl v wethers, $3,25iy3.R5; western wethers, W.Wil 3,45; yearlings. 13.253.75; ewes, $2.Wl;J 10 stockers and feeders, 11.505i3.2j. Xe.v York I, be Stock Market -i.t' -vr-iorr K'rti- II IirciSVFfl He iwin. -.,. ....... --- relpts, 3,333 head; generally steady; thin bulls eHsy; thin cows a trifle, firmer; leers. 14 .OOfiS. 40; stockers. $2.BOf3 25: bulls, $2.2Mf !V.1. i w,? is molnlv ft .6.1. cnbles MiTnied live! cnttle firm Bt 124fJ134 dressed weight: refrigerator beef, 9Tn04r; ship ments. 21 cnttle, 14S sheep and i,S50 quar lers ui uuvi. ... .... 1.1.-11 nnainiu 0 oir. Iipi.rl. veald ue.iu to 25c lower; grassers steady: veals, 14.004f 8.25; grassers, $3.i9u w. yeornngs. .,t'r(( t. ,Auln,n ,flll'.,a on R.'ile SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipt b, 13.170 bend; sheep, 16c lower; lambs, slow and 15f(25c lower Ibnn Monday; sheep, U.rnif 3 60; export .ilieop, $3.76; cuiis, ii,w; lamnn, lt.00ifil.93; choice western and Canada ivL tt Viuifii v. tniiis. HOGS Receipts, 7,"26 heail, evtra stale hogs, $5.06; mixed western, h.m.Ki. St, l.nnla Live Stock .Market, ST LOUIS, Nov. 13. CATTLE Receipts . -nn Vion.i. Inrtudln tr 2.600 head Texans mnrkt steady to strong: native shipping .) nvr.nrt steers. $5.(i(I-i7B: dressed beef iitul butcher steers, 14.cvtfS.10; steers under l.Wm lbs., W.IAKUi.i. stocKots una letotii, I2.I534W; caws ana ncnors, h.wuo.vj, can INSTRUMENTS filed for record Wednes- day, November 13, 1901: Warranty Deeds. Julia Cnllely and husband to Clinton Orciitt. mid 1-6 of ne 15-15-11 $ Margaret Powers nt nl to Clinton Or- niitt. so iii-m-ii Patrick Carlln nnd wlfo to Kntn Olad Hlnne Int 4. block t. Lake's add Charlea and William Lauer to Eliza beth Kiihlmnn. lot 4,-Hiirknrs sup.. William and Fred I.nucr to Elizabeth Kiiiiitnnn, 101 i, oiock i; 101 i, oiock ( IknbotiifL nark Atlantic Rcnlty association to R. J. Scimiiell. Int 1. block 3. Rends park.. Omaha Really company to Wlllluin lleniienhnrer, lot li. piock l, ssey moiir'H mid C F. Fobs and wife to It. It. Stouffer. s 21 feet of w 90 feet lot 11, block 87, South Omaha Jennlo Robb nnd husband to C. T. Cowan, lot 1, block ;t, Cleveland Placo Unit Claim Deeds. Jcsoph Rarker et nl to Patrick Car lln. lot 4. block 4. Lake's add L. R. Seymour to William llennen- hofer, lot 17, bioci: i, ncymours ano l.IfO 7.200 2,500 l 1 5(0 150 4,200 1,310 1 Total amount of transfers ... $17.23 4Sm POPULAR EXCIRSI0NS' TO CALIFORNIA and OREGON VIA THE UNION Sro? PACIFIC Iav Omaha every Wednesday tnd Frl- day at 4:26 p. m. In Pullman Ordinary (Tourist) Bleeping Car. Tha cars ar lighted with the famous Plntseh Light, ara well rentllated, have separate lavatorla for ladles and gsntleman and all can ara carpeted nnd upholstered. The conductors are all men of experi ence In excursion travel and fee thst tha comfort of all patrons Is carefully at tended to. For full Information call at City Ticks! Offlco, 1324 Farnom St.; telephone 316. very Woman is InlcrciUU sni iliould knorr about ttiaifniuKi fill MaRVfL Whirling Spiay tiiKDiw ..iiiiiB;na(, Inj't linn nnn .urrinn. lirtl -rAJ. rit moi ronTMilmt.'. j.k 4i.i r it rft X'. It hrrifnol riMilj lha'vil olhrr, but mnil timiiii for II. liutrttM lTf full Dtrtlrnlnrianrt illiefCr.ri In. Tfilmhlo o ladtt. .M It Vl'.l. CO. Konm "i Ami The Whirling Spray Syringe For Sala Rjr Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, 1 tit U nml Iliidui', Dllllllui, el. NEW GRAND DISCOVERY And INVENTION I w hfe .nl,,. utrlmiT f,Gntrol. Sfnl joij n TrUlanit Assraral rmyonifir piravn. ..ii-inn im,. , lm donl. with rdr.l I'll L.lrri INV'ITII.ATKI Write foreor nw tKoV. flnf It (llartraien, ff. nlalnln ll S.'VT fM t.V. unilr . in ip i.i n inrini r EHIE MEDIO AL CO., BUFFALO, M. Y. OUR FOR NEW. MEN ROOK i ONLY.1 k-i!ttwn man. Boyd Commiisiou Co Successors to jstnts E. Boyd Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION oitAin, pnovmos and stock. Boa i 4 of Tratl BalltHns. Dlrsct wires to Chicago and Naw Terk, Conj-cnilB:, John A. Wairsn 4 Co. i i V4