Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1901, Page 9, Image 10

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    THE OMAHA D'AtLV TTIl'nT) A Y. SOVEMBEK 11, 1901.
Hinry Erti U Oharjed with Sindaj Might'
Maliiioui Died.
Keltctilinr AtlcKe Mr nlir rhnu.
Who I HU Mtrr-ii-LTT. Ktnlilt
terrtl Mini l.j- rtejertlna III
Offer of Marriage.
CARROLL. Ia.. Nov. 13. (Special Tele
grim.) Henry Ert has been arrested on
the choree of uttemptlnc to poUon Joe Na
berhaiiB and wife at Breda last Sunday.
Erts and Nabcrhau are brothers-in-law.
having married slater. Interesting devel
opments are expected In connection with
certain letters which passed between the
parties. A bearing will be had before Jus
tice Lynch at Carroll tomorrow morning.
Varloua motives are ascribed for the detd,
jmlouiy being the one most current Ou
the recent death of his -wife, Mn. Naber
hiut" slater. Hrta la said to hatc proposed
marriage to the present Mrs. Naborhatia
nd Ma rejected. Hoth men arc prominent
In the community In which they live and
great excitement prevails there.
Deputies Close i n Ihc 't'rnll of Tnn
"Wore of Ihe lCcnicil
(.'nm let.
KANSAS C1TV. Nov. 13. Two-thlrd of
the convicts who escaped from the Kort
Leavenworth penitentiary last Wednesday
had been captured up to last night. Now
only nine are at liberty and the chances
are strong that two at least of theae Mil
have bn rounded up before the day
closes. Warden McClaughr). at the pnl
tentlary thla morning, received a menage
from his dcputlca near Cottonwood Kalle,
where three men were cnpttired late yes
terday, saying that they were closo on the
heels of two others. One of these la be
lieved to be Arthur Hewitt, aged S3,
unite prisoner, who was serving five years
for larceny and who la the latt of the
leaders of the outbreak, The leaders were
Thompson. Mulllns, Southcrland and Hew
itt. Warden McClaughry yesterday offered
ac Increased reward for Soiithorland and
Hewitt. Southcrland, who was wounded
twice before he surrendered. Is the sixth
convict to b. shot.
Prom stories that have leaked out from
the captured convicts It was evidently part
of the plan of the dash for liberty lust
Wednesday to kill both Deputy Warden
letnou and Captain Trelford, the offlcera
In Immediate charge at the time. Trelford
waa forced to flee with the convicts nnd
when they had gotten a sufficient dlatance
from the penftentlary he was threatened
with death. He took desperate chances and
succeeded In escaping.
Aurora Company nt .Inplln linn the
Earth Hottom Mlp from
I nili-r It.
JOrLlN. Mo., Nov. 13. In a caveln at
Orooogo, near hero today, the entire plant
of the Aurora Mining company, one of the
greatest producers In the district, was awal
lowed up. No live were lost. The plant
comprised a 100-ton mill, office building
and engine house, all of which were en
gulfed, together with six gravel cars and
an Immense tailing pile. On entering the
ground a short time befor the caveln oc
curred, workmen heard the timbers crack
iDg and signaled to bo drawn up. The last
man reached the surface only a few min
utes before the timbers collapsed, tha
earth yielded and with a crash the whole
plant sank Into the abyss. Further caving
Is feared and work In that vicinity has
been suspended. H Is Impossible to esti
mate, tbe damage.
Handlta Supposed to He I'iicKIacs
from Kanaa llatr Pltchnl
Itattlc with Mirrlffs.
OUTHRIE, Okl., Nov. 13. A pitched bat
tle waa fought yetterday afternoon be
tween deputy sherlflB and citizens on one
tide and a band of outlaws on the other
near Plokee, a village of Kay county.
The officers believe the outlaws to
be some of lbn escaped prisoners from
Leavenworth. The battle waa the result of
an attempt made by the outlaws, who were
masked, to ateal several horses In that
neighborhood. Several of tho combatants
are reported wounded. Officers In all sec
tion of Oklahoma have been notified and
the escape of tho gang accma Impossible.
Correspondent' I'nthrr, Prosperous
(lid l,i)rr of 3lanflrlil,
Die at III llmno.
MANSriELD. O., Nov 13, C.eorge F. Car
penter, a wealthy attorney, aged Rl, vice
president of the Citizens' National bank and
father of Frank O, Carpenter of Washing
ton, the well known author and newspaper
correspondent, died here last night. He
was a great friend of the late Senator John
Sherman and lived on the grounds adjoin
Ing those of Senator Sherman,
Little Liver Pills.
Must r Signature
tm Pa Sisal St Wrapper Bilaw.
tf aataB mm aa aaaa
to JM as wtgm.
raaa nuaimuiiuM.1.
People of forij- Celebrate the fomlotf
of l'lrt Train In Trne
Western Style
CODY. Wyo.. Nov 13. (Special.) Cody.
the baby town In Buffalo Rill s bailiwick, in
me neart or me nig Horn basin, has made
Its d'but. It was brought out yesterday
by the mot unique party ever sen In th
state, eh en in its honor by Its sod-father.
Colonel William K. Cody, aislsted by a
score of notable person.
The first train to connect the new city of
the tasln with the outside world arrived
nt 10 o'clock In the trorninz. It made
me run over inc 150 miles of the Burllns-
" ircrK. irom Tonics, .Mont., m
7. . lDe r,rurs,on Prl
voionri William I. foiy, Jiaiol .M. Iiuseeil I,
oi DOaw-ooa. senator I). C Clark r.r
VJyomlnc. Major Paul McCormlck. Colon!
T. J. Orarr of Oklahoma City. Joseph
lann., hsn,. of Indianapolis: Colonel Mckle
of the Wyoming Slate Land hoard; Rev. C,
Coutant, librarian of Wyomlns; T T.
vl-.Z ,"L I', J . . ' . J V,.... "
Wyomlnp, Klrst Reniment band, Bllllnics,
and a half hundred repreaetathes of th
Sioux tribe of Indians, under Chief Iron
Tall and Chief RucklnR Horse
nnnnns llonnt. Hands lllarr,
A srand procession was formed on 'he
arrival cf the first train. Amid the
boomlns of cannon and the blar of th
first brass band ever heard In the Rig Horn
basin. Judge L. F. Houx. first mayor of
Cody, welcomed the founder of the town
and his friends. Fifty buildings, mostly of
, ,.,. ,k ,ut ViM,4n in hunt,
Inc." and the real of local color was eup- This expression of opinion was noi pleas
Plied by the Indians. As the procession Ing to a number of tbe delegates and seyeia
nf lnrtlnn. t hronrhn huster. notable
lsltors, fair daughters of the Big Horn
mountains, measured Its length for more
than a mile through the town, every human
and mechanical noise producer bcarae
busy and Buffalo Hill knew that he was at
hom. He remarked to Colonel Nlckle nf
the State Land board
"I've led a few
processions In my life
but never one of
which I was ao proud a this.-
Feasting rnd toasting the health of the
ii,iv fnH m. nnr.n.
hearty welcome and plenty of alt that
rh-rr- nrr -,tilnr for all. There, was
the greatest wild game barbecue ever
spread In this part of the west. Klk, white
and I'lacktall deer, cub bear, antelope, and
abundant trimmings, were served.
In the evening the debutante-town was
conventionally presented to the uoconvn'
tlonal assemblage by a grand ball, Tbe
Inaugural march wa led by Colonel Cody.
Major McCnrmlck. assisted by Chief Iron
Tall and Chief Bucking Horse,
filial lllvposlllon of Wjmulntt I IrliU
Depends on Whnt tlr rlopmrnt
Thrj- I'rnseente,
CHEYENNE. Wyo., Nov. 13. (Special )
W. A. Rlrharda. assistant commissioner of
the rpneral land office, who has been mak-
Ing a personal Investigation of the Natrona
and Johnson county oil segregation matter.
left for Washington last nlaht. In an In-
ten-lew with your correspondent Commls-
sloner Richards said the lands lu queatlon
will remain segregated until such time as
the oil companies or those Interested In
tho development of the lands for the oil
contained therein, fall to do their psrt. In
other wordh. If the oil Interests fall to
make the showings that hav been prom'
Ised and fall to develop tbe lands, the en
tire tract will be returned to Its original
state and opened to agricultural entry.
rnstmaatrr Had Itrmovrd Ha Content
llrfnrr Mnrandcr Arrived with
Ills Rxplnslre.
RAPID CITY. S. D Nov. 13. (Special.)
An attempt waa made Monday night to rob
the postoOlce at Buffalo Gap. Entrance was
gained with a key at the fiint door and the
t,afe wai blown open. The postmaster had
taken everything away the thief got nottv
leg. It la known almost certainly who the
person was.
i mi III UaUotn Incorporation.
rtrnnr. s n. s'nv. ij(?np.ii i
These articles of Incorporation have been
Flrst State bank of Athlon, with a cap-
lint nf 110.000. Incornnrslnrs W. S. nil.
llnghurst, T. P. Blaln and Alberta Blaln.
LcGrande Gold Mining company, at
Pierre, with a canital of 12.000.000: lncor-
poratore. C. B. Bobbins. Isaiah Hagenbund
and Oscar Nelson.
Waahlta Mlnln comnanv. at Huron, with
a capital of ) 1,000.000: Incorporators. J. T.
Haw-ley, A. McVey and Philip Lawrence.
Chostolysol Chemical company, at Plerr,
with a capital of J150.000: incorporators,
Lawrtnce Peterson, Robert McCart. W. H.
Choppen, W. F. Blakeny, I. R. Estes and
T. P. Estes.
Sunlal Mining and Milling company, at
Pierre, with a capital of $1,000,000; Incorp
orators, H. H. Mclntlre, M. E. Leathe and
George W. Sanders.
Knlcal Creamery company, at Pierre,
with a capital of 55,000; Incorporators, An
thony P. Morris. Hiram G. Tarr and
George W. Sanders.
Only Pickled Tie la Rr I'srd.
EDGEMONT. S. D.. Nov. 13. iSpeclal.).
The report circulated a month ago that the
Burlington company Intended to move lis
tie plant to Sheridan, Wyo., proves tru.
It will be enlaraed so that It can handle
.u- ....a w.. ,kn
..i.i tv. '.'-.. v....
been found to Increase the life of tbe pine
ties more than one-naif and hereafter only
"pickled" ties will be used. It la reported
will be removed from Newcastle to thla
place, Most of the tlf that will go to the
tie plant will hereafter come from the for-
cts ot Oregon and Washington
Cnaper tJrt Telephone Service.
CASPER, Wyo.. Nov. IS. (Special,) The,
city of Casper has reconsidered Its action
with reference to granting a franchise to
the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com
pany, which wafc recently refused permis
sion to erect poles and run wires here, and
the application hHs been granted. Thla
will cause a change to be made In the plans
of the telephone company and Instead of
running the Lander-1 hermopolla wire
northwest from Douglas, tbe line will pc.w-
paaa through Caaper This will place the
wool metropolis In connection with th
wool-growing sections.
Trro Itpt'onintendrd for Pardon.
PIERRE. S, D Nov. 13. (Speelal Tele
gram.) The Board of Pardons today recom
mended for pardon Duncan B. Hansell,
sentenced from Minnehaha county on a
charge of robbery, and Charles G, Deutsch
sentenced from Lawrence county on a
charje of burglary,
llnh to Nrn MI field.
KEMMERER, Wyo.. No. 13 4 Special.)
Hundreds of claims are being located In the
nw oil fields near Opal, on the Oregon
S!ort Lire rsltrojd. Those who are work-
.i t.i .v... .v. ...ji.i
,os ,r u ...r ,.u,c lDuulltvH.
cisi u ia me j-oih aciua,
Calanel Brcciiridp Oanti Uirnr at
Stat Ftderatitn.
DrlcKfitrs Short neh Intent Oppnl.
Hon that l.ctlnstnn t nlon IVItli
itrnrr nnd Delegate Are
Hidden Allien.
t.KXINGTON, Ky , Nov. 13.-There li
mucn excitement among the delegates to
the convention of tbe State Federation of
.,, ,.. i ...l ,,, Ver fhe ad.
.. ,. ,- n..i.i.i... .i.ui
lhal np verf(1 , combnalon of labor an!
,,0 x rombmailon of capital, but that he
AIJ . v,.., ...... ..i.i t.j.rstinn nf
,abor , ouM p0M,be b,utf of lh( com-
pllratlng Interests of various sections.
r. 1 I d.a.i,upM.. ..1.4 V. .. u a the
friend of labor organizations, that he heart
lly favored the organisation of labor, but
that he thought Its battles should be lougnt
with reason and not with force, that the
day of strikes waa over, cltln? and criti
cising the big steel strike.
H said further that he did not believe It
conducive to the bett Interests of labor,
but unjust and an abrogation of persqnal
"wriy tor unions to say in .ne ).
"You must employ only whom y chooie
nd pay them what we demand and say
to the worklngmen, "Lnless you Join our
unlnn you cannot work.
""J " mane speeenr ..r..
Rrreklnrldre had concluded, hut to avoid a
acne the chairman declared the meeting
Jipeccli t'anses Commotion.
Whn the convention reconvened the it
nation was so strained that several dele
gates attempted to expel the members of
the arrangements committee vno uuta
Breckinridge, Tney would not rroccca wua
business, a motion to proceed dpidr
dow n. 39 to 7. iMft were raouunr iu
Journ to Covington or Louisville and then
a. committee of five was appointed to report
whether the convention ahould leave Lex
ington. At th session this afternoon tne com
mittee reported In favor of adjourning to
nnother city, but a motion to that effect
wns defeated. A turbulent session 101-
lowed, during which the federation adopted
resolutions denouncing Colonel HrecKin-
ridge for his expressed sentiments and ex
pelling from the federation and convention
F. C. Learning, vice president of the federa
tion, and president of the local Typo
graphical union, who arranged tbe pro
gram and presided at the opening session.
t.rilnixlnii nrlrjtatr WnlU Out.
J. J. 0"Brlen, the Lexington delegate.
then walked out of the convention, and a
meeting of the Blue Grass Typographical
union, the entertaining organization, was
callod for tonight. At the meeting of tho
union resolutions were
adopted withdrawing from the Kentucky
Federation of Labor and the action ot ueie
cate O'Brien In leaving the convention
was endorsed. The printers (n the resolu
Hons adopted formally declare "that the
brand 01 unionism exhibited by the redera
Hon of Labor In Its action today is no
that to which Lexington unions are accus-
tomed nor the kind they attempt to propa
gate, and. finally. slnc the federation hai
seen fit to criticise the entertainment and
welcome accorded, the delegates arc bidden
a courteous farewell."
Tbe resolutions also state that while
the sentiments of Colonel Breckinridge ar9
not endorsed by the Typographical union,
he was at least entitled to respictful hear
ing and to the privilege of free speech.
Schooner tncliorcd In Range of m
(in ii Make It ceary to
Tnatponr Trlnl.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13. A test of a new-
gun which is Intended to discharge high
explosive was to have taken place at tho
proving ground of the army at Sandy Hook
today. Every preparation had been com
pleted for the test and a dtatlnguished com
pa'ny of officers and prominent civilians was
t Proving ground for the purpose of
I witnessing tnc eneci ox me snoui on ini-
Gt specially built for tnc purpose, mil an
were OlsappOintea wnen uie Baoouuvriucui
"lade ,hst ,he tc!!t woulrt nav' t, be
postponed owing to tne tact inai a inrg
fleet of becalmed scnooners was ancnorej
close by shore and In range of the gun,
The, postponement win oe oni mi
abort time.
Among those present were Lieutenant
General Miles, Major General Brook, com
manding the Department of the East. Brig
adier General Gillespie, chief of engineers;
Colonel John I. Rodgers, Admiral Barker.
U. S. N., and Senator Mark Hanna.
fonr Thonaand Acre Chosen In Col
orado Suited lo Cnlturr of Sugar
Itrel and Cantalonpe.
PENDLETON. Iud.. Nor. 13. The na
tional committee of Friends, headed by
John L. Thomas of this city, who went to
Colorado recently to select land for a na
tional Friends' colony, have returned. They
purchaaed 1.000 acrea In Powers county.
Colorado, on the Santa Fc railroad, near
Holly. They believe It Is well suited to
I sugar
beet or cantaloupe culture. The
colony will be organlxed as rapidly as pos-
chosen: Edward Cole. Illinois, president.
Morris Wilson, Illinois, secretary; John
L. Thomas. Pendleton. Ind.. treasurer:
'Daniel Brlce. Kansas, general manager.
l.lsUo-Kant iir.
OSCEOLA. Neb., Nov. 13. tSpecial.l
Cards are out for the wedding of Jacob
Llsko to Miss Katy Kantur. lo be at the
Polish Catholic church on Wednesday, No
vember 10. It will probably be one of the
biggest weddings ever held In the county.
im:niios fon wksthhn vf.tkha.
War SnrvMora Ilemenilirred lis- the
(irnrral (ioi rrntnriil,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. (Spe: Ul.)
following weatern pensions have
Isue of October 25:
Nebraska: Original William P. Drake
Friend. l: Franklin Landers. Lincoln. SS.
increase lestoratlon. reissue, etc. Thomas
L. McNeill. West Lincoln, !'. Wllber Gan-
noi-. Elm CreeK, .
Iowa; Increase, resloratlon. rclesue. te
-Thomas J. Ilopkln. Muscatine, J: David
N. Yanieji tueatii, i larion, i:; nenry w
Owen Mount Vernon. . Origins! widows
etc Special accrueo uctoner si, uitva wu
llamsou. Amlsh. Jf.
Wyoming: Increase, restoration, reUi ie,
etc -Thoiras Salmon. Cody. Ill
South Dakota: Original-Hugh Maltn.
Hot Springs.
Colorado: Increase, rertoratlnn reissue,
etc -William A Sheppsrd. Uotchkis, M2.
Original widows, etc. Special accrued Of.
tuber Martha P.. Plerson. Lamar. TS;
Esther H. Lyfan. i.ongmont. J: Ellen 51.
I Town e l.s,
Monunfc, Original-John Moffltt. HeUna.
OuUlilr InlrrrMs to llnte a rlon
ltli tlir Miirllliig Trust
NEW YORK. Nov. 11- ccotdlnt to tb
Herald great interest Is .entered In the
conference between 'be 1-a.d producers of
Colorado. Idaho and Utah and the officials
of the American Smelting & Refining com
pany, to take place In this . Ity In the week
of November iO. as the p'oblem of cutting
prices or limiting the ovput will bo d
elded. It has been Mated that there Is nu
overproduction of lead, and as a result
big surplus Is being carried by the smelting
On this subject Dan.el Ouggrnhelm
chairman of the directors of the American
Smelting & Refining comrany. said- "As
to whether there Is or no- at this time an
overproduction of lead lr -hla country It Is
difficult to say. No facts touching on this
matter can be arrived at definitely until the
end of the year, as U w;ll be possible to
secure much better data a to stocks in
the hands of producers and consumers when
the sales of the year ate all In. It Is
possible that there may at the present tlm
be an overproduction In this commodity. bu
In any event it cannot be wry large, either
lb tonnage or value."
Kentucky llrreilrrs ot ntlnil Ihnt
Trainer O'llrlen l lonr i on
ccrneil In Mmlut Pole.
LEXINGTON. Kv., Nov. 13. The Breed
ers' association Investigating committee
was In session all afternoon, examining
witnesses regarding the scandal concern
ing the removing of the distance pole at
the track here. The examination was di
rected toward tho complicity or Innocence
of others than Trainer Han O'Brien, who
had said to the commlttfc that he alone
was responsible, his object being to sell a
colt to Clarence Mackay of New York on
false time.
Messrs. Jack and Pbll Chlnn. who recom
mended the colt to Mackay. ard who, with
Mackay's agent, saw the colt work the
short tbrec-elghths of a mile. In supposed
phenomenal time, were among the wit
nesses heard today. Messrs. Engman and
Wllkerson. owners of the colt and who gave
O'Brien an option ot J2.500 or JS.oOO less
than O'Brien priced the colt to Mackay.
also were examined. Other 'uuicsses were
Charles Dldson. Si Hughes and L. D.
The committee concluded its work and
Issued a call for a meeting nf the breed
ers and trainers Saturday noon. All mem
bers are pledged to secrecy regarding tho
nature of the testimony. thlr conclusions
and what action they will icfommend to
tho breeders. Saturday's meeting will bt
rrrsldrut Johnson ntlclpntr o Hlf
llcullj lu .vpcnrlitK Cnpllnl to
float HnliTprlse.
CHICAGO. Nov. 13 President Ban John
son went to St IxiuIk tonight to complete
the arrangements for the placing of the
nw American Iagu ctub ii that city
President .lolinsoti was emphatic In deny
ing recent reports to the "tTctc that the
American league had bem forced to give
UP the proposed Invnslort of St. Louis be
cause of a failure to Intcrett local capital
He aiiid:
"It Is thoroughly settled that nc will
rntor St. Iul We nine not wan'el
local hanking for the tlmpl'' reason that we
arc following tb plan used In Phlladc'
phla and Boston lat i-eason. The Ameri
can league liHh never ilspe.ij.ded upon out
sldrt capital in Its expansion move. nnd
will not do so this yrar
" have our players already recurea
and while the ground queatlon Is not en
tirely settled. It is a comparative small
matter In St Lottls. with the team secured.
We hHe sevrr.-il locations In sight xml
will be well represented In St Lou's be
fore the next season starts."
Roth a a Bincr and a Pnncher He
nenintiatrntr III Snperlorltj
in t. .lor.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. IS. -iSpeciat Te.
egram.) Clarence Forbes of Chicago cla''y
demonstrated Ills superiority as a noxer
and a puncher in nis ngnt nerc tonignt
with Hilly Flnuciin of Chicago. lie 'It-
eralb tabbed Finucan In the face and w'n I
until ne was put nown n me seven-n
round, nnd when h wns unable to rise, hN
seconds gave up th fight Finucan was
game to the core, but mlsed raanv op
portunities to counter when Forbes landed
leavilv on tlic face and Jaw.
tool: the count tr-lce In the ixth runid.
Neither man was bad marked. They
fought at lis puundR with both men a
few ounces overweight The contest waa
given by the Eagles and was tcheduled for
twenty rounds.
XrliraaUan nnd lovrnns Chop I p (lie
1. 1st of Honor Ilnllicr
Promiscuous! j .
fil.EXJVOOD. Ia.. Nov 13. (Special Tele
gram.) The Olenwood Gun club's second
day's scores: First rownsenu. 15; under,
man and A. Edward. It. Third A. Ed
ward and Hall. 15; Townsrnd, H. Fourth
Hall. 15; Townsend. 15: Warren. 14. Fifth,
live biros unacrman, wnrren nna i icsie,
10; Cook. ?; Kstes, 6 Seven live birds
I ownsend. 7: warren ana nan. i. isevenin,
iiv hlrds. mlfca and out Tt. S rhenev. A
Edwards and AVnrren divide Eighth, fifteen
targets warren, ik. AierniT. r:. Nint'i.
fifteen targets Hall. 15. A. Edwards and
"Fickle. U. The dn was an Ideal one for
shooting. .Mtcnuanre smaii
American Jackry win Tno llcrltlr
mill earl tlnr.llnlf of III
Other liners.
NEW YORK. Nov 13.-A Party of Amer
ican jockeys who have been riding In Russia
and Germanj returned home today on
Kaiser Wllhelm Der Gross. In the party
r-tre cash Sloan. Kaaie nosse. ,ioe .mucii
ell and Nat Hall. Fred Fo'ter. the trainer.
a'so returned. Sloan won uie Warsaw ann
w nun
Derbies and 104 race out of 23S
C'larkaon Drfcat ntlnnnl.
In a leacur came on Clark's allev Ul
night the Clarksons took three straight
rrom tne .-sauonui. ncnic
1st. 2d 3d Total
Brunke !
.Molvneaux Ui
Ijincaster 1;;
Clarkson .
2 l6 '
lit 2d.
20.1 1B2
1 151
l!i 122
157 133
1(5 1J5
3d To'ai
Jackson ...
Totals .
C.4 ,
; 313
719 ;u
CliBllene Confront Vnniloir.
NKW YORK. NO"-, tj. G. H Rolandow .
through his manager. M II Bird of this i
rltv, todHj Issued n challenge to Sandor .
who claim th- world's championship in
neet him In a .ontesi In ten feat of ,
ktrcnglh. cacti man to name live, 'he matrh
to be rimdcil ai ai time and plM"e New I
Tork liti preferred, which Sanriow nia )
sugge-t. Rolandow lias riepriltrt ti.ltx with
rj.eorge Consldlne to bind the match.
Miouliler HIloenteil li Wrrllliiu. I
John Smith of Stou Fa'ls a id Pi
Atkins lid a wretlin.- match at t ot
ter's saloon Eleventh and Hodge -ir et
Ust night. In which Smith reel rt m .tt
located shoulder The In.ure1 ram w. a .
attended by Police Surgon Horglum. J
Hies Attindtits at Oakland Track
Ham with Empty focktts.
fifteen In One hol I nines In first,
nlth Position at One Hundred to
line In Third Place Olila Win
Taufornn Handicap,
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov 13. Every favor- i
lie weut down to defeat at Oakland today
and the bookmakers were In clover. The
track was still heavy and form players
were kept guessing. Tbe surprise of the
afternoon was the victory of Ixne Star lu
the dosing event. Ho was at 15 to 1 for a :
time and beat Castake In a drive Position. 1
a 100 to 1 shot, waa third. Obia took tbe (
Tanforan handicap from Articulate and
BruUl. Ransch and Blrkenruth each rode 1
two winners. Sixteen books cut in today.
Results. j
Hret race. Fuwirli course. St. Sever
won. Duckej second. Searchlight third.
itiu- l .is.
Second race, seven-eighths of a mile.
Meehanus won, Impromptu second. Uoldone
tnlro. Time. l:a.
Third race. Futurit coarse. King i')elll
won. Saul of Tarsus second,
third. Time l.l'JV
Fourth race, thr-c-quartcrs of a mile. .-ycar-olas,
handicap: K-dn: wuti. ltoaK
second. Maggl third. Tltn; 1:1.'
Fltth mce. one mile and an eighth: Ohm ,
won. Articulate second. Brutal third Tim -.
Sixth rac. one mll, selling, I .one Star (
won. tastakf -jeeona, Position thltd. Tlmo, i
.lockrjs lu h I n II B If. !
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13 -A brlgh- nin
shiny day brought out a large crowd nt I
tttnnlngs today Three favorlfs. t'ouMn
Jess, Koyal Stirling and Satire, won. In
tn rutii rnce Knignt ot iuncte. will)
Burns up. wae a otrongly play-d tavorl"
u'h'n the Mart waa maue WondTlv who
was on Carnuncle. Hnrt Hums were bovh
caught bj the barrier The were lish-l
together and raced In thla manner ror .
ome distance. Wonderly managed to cx- I
trlcnte himself Hiid rapldl overhauled ihfc '
leadera Hiid won handily. Results;
First race, silling. .:-.vear-oids and i p
ward, one mile and three-quarters, oer '
seven hurdles, purse Cousin Jesswo'V '
.Mister Stoffel second, Tankard third. Time:
J :23. t
Second race, maiden J-year-olUs. five fi-r-longs.
purse 3t': (.'heat "Hm won. Colonel ,
Bill second. Somersault third. Time: ,
1 :! 3-5.
Third rare. 3-year-otds and unnard
: 1 i'J) I
furlongs, purse, J1i): Roal Sterling
ueotn aecona. rnssiagc tnirct. Time
i-ourin tuce, .yrar-oids and upwind.
seven furlongs. puri.e Jtw: Satire woi,,
Federalist second, Snark third. Time: :
,:?'?,; !
mlto and sixty' yards, pursf IW): Chi
buncle won. Handcuff second. KulglH of
unocif s intra, nine: iM9z-o.
Sixth luce. 3-scar-olds and onward. on
mile and a slxtcenthi purs J'A': Potrnte
won, Alfred Vargrnve second. Ohnct third.
Time: liM,
ItnllliiK Dorr Win fn.llj.
CHICAGO. Nov. 13 -I.akeslde clod the I
local racing season today. The feature um I
centered In the fifth rnce at n mile and an
ellfllth. til which thtf U'crn tll-o Hturter .
I Searcher nnd Hollluc Uoer. Horn "the lllld-
I reth stable; Denmnn Thompson. Urontat-
und Odncr. The Hlldretli entry waa mode i
an odds-on favorite and Rolling Boer won J
easll. Favorites took the first four rac.M.
The track was heavy. Results:
Mrst rue?, six furlongs: .Maggie l'in!
won. P. (!. Fox second. Sam Lar.iru third.
Time: 1:16 2-5.
Second iace4 five furlongs: lnrfi-:or
Shea won. Raging second. Hoodwink third.
Time: 1:03-5.
Third rice, five furlongs and n half, vtil
caln won. Burnle Bunton xecond. Little
Jack .Morrison third. Time: l:CS'.'-5
Fourth race, five furlongs and a half:
Federal won. Pjrrho second. Mala:- third.
h n .
Time: 1.30.
Fifth race, one mile nnd an eighth: Roll
ing Uoer won. Odno- second. Drnman
Thompson third. Time: 1:57 3-5.
Sixth race, one mile and a nuattt-r:
Charley Moore won. Ben Chance second,
Admetus third. Tlm: 2:13 4-5.
Seventh race, one mile: Bilrd won.
Evelyn Bird second, Stick third. Time:
1 :45 2-5.
Opera f5lrl Prore fleet.
I.OCI8VILLE. Nov 13.-Brla.hl. warm
weather brought out a large attendance to
day at iJoiglas Park. Three favorites, a
econd cholc and a ;0 to 1 hot wero II rat
past the Judges. Opera f?irl. with 20 to 1
laid against her, was easily the best In the
tlrst race. Truck slow. Results:
First race, six furlongs: Opera Girl won.
Ellis second. Ben Boy third Time: l:lf.i.
Second race, the furlong: Buecteuth
won, Carat second. Lillian M third. Time:
Third race, six furlongs: Jim Gore won.
Pauline J second. Incandescent third.
Time: 1:15'4.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Kindred
won. Huntressa second. Guide Rock third
Time: 1:2m.
Fifth race, mile and one-eighth: Prima i
won. Bannno second, lloneywood third I
Time: 1:IG.
I'hr favorite Kealen,
CINCINNATI. Nov. 13. Long shotf came
near making a clean sweep of the boards
today at l.atonln. Five favorites were,
beaten and the bookies had little to piiv
out on the winners, wcatner tine ami iracK
fast: Results; , ,
First race, one mile: Hand D won. Phos
phorus second. Syncopated Sandy third.
Time: 1:27J
t-- .u n,., fitrlnnrH noil n Mntl:
Curcus won. Burnett Wallace second. Lljrltt i
Hunt third, rime: , .
Third race, one mile and a quarter. Lord
Farandaln won, Governor noyd second.
Vtobert Morrison third. Time: S:.
Fourth race, one mile and a alxtcentu:
Woodtrlce won. Eleanor Holmes ccond,
Zarel third. Time: 2:06.
Fifth race, six furlongs, t-elllng: Polly
Blxby won, Laureatea second. Idea Pen
jaiice third. Time: 1:16.
Sixth race. Ms furlongs- Lauretta Burn
won. Goody Goody cond. Owletta th rd.
Time. 1:04?4
Horse Sale at Dfiter PurU.
CHICAGO. Nov. 13.-The highest price for
uottlng horses at Dxter Pari: today wns
oald for Harvest Prince, a bay colt, record
'2P-, by Hlghwood. The amount paid wns
tiooft and the purchaser was Oscar Ames,
of Wheaton. 111. Other f.a lea were: h
cilia Crook, oh. f . hv Bud Crook, to C. J.
Hamlin, Buffalo. 1750: Al Hammond, br. c .
o n e. Llggltt. Wyoming. 111 . 1535: Alfred
t'over. hv Aiirea 10 n uikicj. .huh
tltfdlo. III.. KS0; Leeianner. n r.
Heart, to S. R. Holt, hterllng. Ill
Varsity Kleven nrnl Imllnu.
MITCHELL S D.. Nov V. -(Special Tfl-ecram.t-The
university eleven hadly de
feated the Flandreau Indian team here this
afternoon, the score resulting fit to 0.
Johnson of Mitchell made the longest rin
for n touchdown ever accomplished on the
lu me ground-, the distance being elghly-
t - ,
'I'lKer Will ol Visit l un.l.
BERKV:LEV Cal No 13 -At a meeting
o' the executive committee of the asso
ciated students of the I'nlversli. of fall
fornla todav the offer of the Princeton
unlveislty foot ball eleven n, rilay games
on thl, coast on Christmas and New Year
was rejected
Dyspepsia Cure
There is one cerUln way of curlni; "digestion and Btomaoh troubles,
thaMs: give your stomach a rest hut still cat plenty of coorl food to
keep up tho nourishment for ynur lody. You can do this hv using
Kodoi. Dysm-RiA Ccrr Itecauso It is the one preparation f hlch digests
what you eat without aid from tho stomach. Vaturo will ihu repair
vour worn out digestive, orcans and restore them to healthy condition,
it relieves that feeling of fullne?s, IxMching and distress after eating.
"I stifTered vrfthdrspepsla a great many yoar. 1 tried many remedies
without relief untlfl ued Konoi. DvsrKi'su Pi nr.. My health has
improved and 1 now fecllikea new man. S.J. Flemmlng, Murray, cb.
It can't help but do you good
"Prepared by E. C TeWlU& Co., Chicago. Tbe ll.hottie cootain2 , time., the SX tle.
Vhen you nee'd a soothine anTl healing application for pUei and skin dis
eases, use Da WITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits.
Vil1: .8k"":i.F,J15 f"Cr.rr,n.Ac
Ull writer.
- -.viunuij, Arthm.
"On, .ni r.. . r
" reuei of
4gcfthe dMle
Baltimor,., Md
ri by ail DruJ1s.
Fai'-finvle of genuine package
Jtffriei and RuhMa An in TcrftC. leadi-
rust fon tt FraT,
llrfcrrr Promise Hint There W III Itr
No Wnltlnu (niu- in Srena l'i-lila
Mi; tit ( hninrinn I'nlnroil
lit llrltliiK.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov 13 While mter
tst grows In the tight, the odds are still
lu to I. and there Is not even the color
of Ruhlln mone to be seen. The cham
pion and the Akron giant cat on thrones
today at their respective qimrUrs, the
cynosure of admiring throngs. At Ruhlln'
training place It was all Ruhlln, and at
jclfrles' It wbb all for the l)s Angeles boi.
i . . .. .. . . .. .
Both men have practically ended tbelr
preparation for the contest. A slight
touch here and there wa all that they gave
themielvcs today In. the way of finishing
off their work.
Tomorrow morning a short ramble will
bo the last they will take and Friday will
se them In the hands of their trainers and
rubbers, keying up the tension on every
muscle of their big bodie.
Harry Corbett, who will act as referee,
snld tonight ihat the public could be as
sured of one thing, so far a he was con
cerned, and that was that the men would
fight from the time they went Into the ring i
until one or th other It declared victor
"There is to be no hugging in clinches."
was the way he expressed himself "The
people who patronlre boxing have grown
tired of these disgusting exhibitions ot
hanging on and I think It i about time an
end was pin lo It Of tourse. a refcrre
tau't prevem tbe fighter' from lomlng to
gether in a clinch, but I want It under- I
stood from the beginning that when I give j
tho word I want Jeftrlcs and Ruhlln to i
break. The man who hangs on after that j
will be watched and If he Hies to save hl
strjngth in this manner with a full undei
itandttig of the warning he receive blore
the gong sounds, let him and his backer j
abide by the decision." 1
Jeffries was ankcd todan for au estimate
of the lengh of "th- fight. 1
"Well." he said. "I know this much, that j
Ruhlln has not been funding still i.lnra
1 met blm last He ha Improved very
much and 1 have an idea that he will bor ;
in from Ihc Jump. Maybe I'll Mop lilm
In the first round, maybe the second, bui '
really I don't think It will last louger than
The same quenion was put to Ruhlin
"I feel stiong," he answered, "as well
as I ever did In my life. I feel as though
I can fight and fight hard, but It's the besi
man that wins and how can one tell now
but what Jeff Is the beat. Of inurse 1 don't
think so. but I would not want to say that
the fight would go five rounds or ten round
or that 1 could polish him off In one, though
I may prove my ability to do ao."
Two San Francisco physicians examined ,
Jeffries thla afternoon Just as he finished '
his road work and thoy pronounced him to ;
be In superb condition. Ilia heart action '
was strong and regular, whirh. tBkcn with '
the health of hla other orgam. indicated ;
to their minds the possession of an ability
to go to the limit of human enduranc.
Another phyalclan said the same thing ,
nbout Ruhlln. Ho found his pulse to be '
forty-six which the medaal reap declared '
to be a marvel The tharoplon's pulse Is
egular at fifty.
Billy Delano acting for Jeffries has ;
made arrangements with the San Framlscn i
Athletic dub to bring about a meeting be.
iwcen Jeffries and Sharkoy In this city In
the event of the champion beating Ruhlln
Sharkey u expected here Friday morning.
what you
In a Night
I)r' Cough S rn p the formu' f
wht h was discovered b Or John V'.
the worlds most ted throat splal'
over i'i ears ago, has stood ike ics
against all other preparations and is tola
the onlv absolutely sure and safe cure f
cojgb i old. whooping consh. croup, bron
chit s or any throat affection
It cures consumption. '
Dear Sirs--We have used Hit. BULLS
coiGII SYRVP for a number of " sn-i
fouod It very beneficial. W'e find It ihe beM
remedv for throat troubloa which ortclna'
from colds and onlv use a couple of -bottle
to relieve and cure. It Is excellcn
for cough which It tiirr In a short Htn
We keen H in the hcuse all the time an 1
when my brothers have at ime come
homr af'er being out in the cold and damp
with a sore throat, a couple of doses a
night and In the morning hae cured then,
S' Mam St Patcrson. N J
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
The Old Relinblc
Couh Cure
There is none Mist as goo. I I'r B ill s
Cough Syrup The dealer who say o ts
thinking cf his profit .nl- Hon t let a
daltr influence you into buins om cbea,
silbstltutr when our heaps or the hca.'b
of some tnemb of your famll) I? at MiK
Ask for "fir Bull s-- and see that ou re'
it The accomp. nyttig Illustration r a fa
simile of the genuine paikage Sold at a'!
druggists large bottles, Hk B sure tha
'he hcttle jou btn hn on It the trade maik
A B'lP s Hcffl ' lr Bull's Cough Swui
will spedi'v , nrr end lesvp the tbrM
in a liealitn uotmal '-otiditlfi I' c.-'tnint
no harmful drugs
FRFF. A hesur ft. I I'slcndar and Medsa'
Booklet to anyoiv who ui v rite
Meyer Co Balttmoic Md . und mentp '
this paper
lo not trciit nil Hrnc,
lint imi re nil i e trnit. to
the Irentnieiil mill cure or
fllene ot men, ne linte
devoteil I lie lirol j,-nr ol
on- life, nod lo Mile, pnr
lleiiltir field nil our effort
lire dlri-ctril. oil our
eiien-l" lient. n one
in nu Is uri'iil I'lioujcli lo
innttcr the entire fit-Ill of
medicine unit ureter t
Imee so mil nt fiil'c-ntl"
peenlll linte met l-illli
result ti-iinll-i di-ippolii.
tim lo tlieinteli i- unit of.
ten Ifinstrnu lo iln-tr
1-iTlnliili i( eui-r I
'ot on twin I hIiim e
t e. Hi Iiiji else. Wei-tnot
eei limn ulllleteil to lo.
ielnote our peelii
Kleetro - licit I cn I Trenl
nient. We lilt I c- t tt pnr-lleulni-
nil , 1I1( ,.
trcnteil etKeei here, ou u
lie left In n niiiki- eomll.
tlou Hi u n llic.t tti rc. ,.
illl epliiu in j nu ,T,j
lill linte fnlleil to olitiilii
a eui-e. mill ulll ilemou.
trnle to .tunc en 1 1 re ii.
lafnetloo Hint Mr mil enre
sou n felt, ii It-1. 1 inni
pcrmnnciitl) .
A mini to the iiltr I uf
flelent. nu enn i ccotcr
-our iiiiiiiliuoil nnii m,
forili u lih Hi,. ,.f.
fldeiiee nnd i-elluiiee tlint
ouic from I nlritae ,,t
perreet inciitnl unil
en I iioneiN Will you lie
lull of .imp, Il.iI' iii;i
ltnilt.f Will .ion lie In
oinlll Ion ulirii ou eun
meet ,10111- ti'letiilx hiii!
look t li e in kiiim'el,i In (n
eef We enn ln It t)1.
i OU. 1 1 no n III.
I eull nl our littler or n
i!et.erlitlon of iiiur cn.e
li) mull. Tli n I U nil ivi
nl,. Our otllee nre open
I ruin s n. m. to p, in.
li eel. iImih, unit fro in 1(1 to
It! . inidii.v. rousiillnltoo
I nlikolutel,! free, iiml
ei it) tlilna rlell.i eonft
ilctidiil, V cure I uur.
nut ceil lu eifr eiiae ne
tepled, li li I, til; VI, (OS-
i n r r.
Medical Institute
1308 larnam St. Omaha, Seh.
Want to Sell
, 4-
Your BKy J
or Piano? t
- . . i
Put in a "want nd"
in Tho Ho and you
will iind ;i purchaser.
Don't i'orget it- do it
Deputy 3tate Veterinarian.
Food Inspector
Onto uid Infirmary :sn. and Mason Stfi
TUesbona !J.
jmfm a'lK'U &1aV
. Jam. ' V , SSfSSf tSSfi
ywv r A-.'JJZ-'A
fa 7'frijiH