THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, "OYEMBEH ill, mui. 10 .1 i I I: COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Eu:i All Swing n the Market tad Topples Otir. SLUMP MOST IN WHIAT, LEAST IN OATS Inclines A in on n I In tlnr-fourth ITnl In tent mill Onr-riinrlli I titiiiiillnn Houses Piny n I'nrli CHICAGO. Nov. UHfy i.o.uld.itlon In a market dcpresslnsly henvy, with loftrlsh Influences, brought a general flump In grains today. December wheat closing I1, &H4r lower. December corn P4filc down and December onl '.47Sf depressed. Pro virion closed 2'4c to Sc down. In nhetiro of mi) il finite !uppirt the trade of tho wheat pit resolved Itself Into a steadv decline. Moth Liverpool and Paris cables ncre Inner ami this started trade with h decline of '4fcV' to Vt'tc tor December at 72Vi7:V. from Argentine told nf too henvy ruins mid bn h"rt covering and h light commission house demand early tho Indications were that busltif s would have mi tipwHrd trend. Almost Immediately, however, n stream of wheat began coming out tind prices sagged rspldlj Primary receipt wero more tlmn double those of the same day a year ago. Clearances were email and Hrndstrf ts re rrted th world's lslhle Increase at ;t.''. fWi bushel. I'hlcuiiii stockn wero consid erably liun-nscd and I ho stream from the northwest niitibati'd. Then tho om mlslnii house stopil buying and turned sellers and tin- only support came from tb" pit ltef. A iiualitlty was absorbed to Flop the decline, but this camp out again later and December fold down to TISc, rinsing wmk, IMMo lower, at l4o. local receipts were M cars. 1M of contract grade. Minneapolis and Diilulh reported 1 JiV) ear, making a total for the three points of l.S. iiculnst last week anil onU f a enr ago. rrlmary lecelpts vere 1,lll.oil bushels, compared with T iT. -tQ bushels Inst )enr. Heabord clearances In wheat and Hour equaled I57.W") bushels. The seaboard reported .W loads taken for xporl. Corn was heavy, ihe Inlliirnoe of the gov ernment report on the crop condition being blam-d for mui h of the weakness. This report, which showed fi eollilltloti of IK. I b'lMil to the aere. over M.nnViW bushel, had been expected anil was no more heur lll In Itself than had been forerastrd. Tbt luniieiiee. however, with weak!' ca bles, brought a decline for December of Mi'ic at the opening. Thorn was a mod erate early support, both local and by rominlsslon houses, and prlres advanced i,r Trade was dull and on an attnnpt to unload several Ions Hues prices saKRed. Th! deellno In win at ndded another straw to wijjiken the market and December rinsed at Its bottom price, weak, lilV lower, at fiS'jI'Sc. Iteeelpts were lM cars. Oats showod ennslderable Independence of other Brains, though the heavy liquida tion hnil some Influence Trade was Rood, the rash situation was strourr and there was rorne professional buying. December opened MiNc lower on fair offerings, re ncinl slightly on detnund, but Hradunlly weaketied to nS'ie on the pressure lu the other pits. CoverltiK liroiiKhl back tlf lofs. but at the close Deeymber was ensy, 1(?f 'c lower, nt VA'ic. Kecelpts were ?.ij -a rs. I'rovlslonn were dull and ruled easier. ' There was a heavy run of hos, with lower prices, but this Influence was mod filed bv their IlKht welpht. There was a small lorn I demand, both by puckers nnd i-hnrtri. January pork closed 5c down nt Jll ;"; January lard. 2'if5c lower, nt $S.r rfisr."'.... ami January ribs, 2'40 lower, at t' 7'2t7 70. Itlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 70 ears; corn, H5 cars; oats, 133 cars; Iiokl. The Icadlnp futures ranccd as follows: Articles. Open. I High. Low. CIokl. Yca'y. 72'i 12V, 7t, 7IH' 72H 72!41i4 72'4 7I, 7I4"2Mi';3 754f76 :Va 75 75UT)U 70',,i4 RK'i C8r,l 67; n7T4 SOU C'.MiU (34,1, fi. 61 2"-, Xi SJ'.t nStj MTiSOUflti lOl-Zil'; 40 40 40',, 40, 15 0) 15 W) It 921!, 11 95 15 00 15 15 15 20 15 10 15 15 13 20 R 55 S 55 ti 521.4 55 8 55 S r.2Vi S 55 K 524 X 65 S 57'.4 K 67'.4 S 57'4 X 65 8 5714 8 fid S 70 8 7214 8 K7',4 8 70 8 75 I 7 fi7'4 7 70 , 7 KIV, 7 70 7 72V4 7 85 i 7 85 7 8214 7 85 7 S5 Wheat Nov. I )te. May 'Corn Nov. Dec. May .May I'ork .Ian. May l.ard- Nov. Dep. Jan. May ltlbs-- .lau. May No. 3. Cash quotations wero as follows: FI.OHIt-Kasy; winter patents. $.1.50f? ?.m straights. J3.0Va:i.4O; clears. $J.70iJ3.i'O: spring specials. J4.ikHH.10; patents, M.25fr .i. siraignis, r WJIHAT No. ;l, 7i72c; No. 3 red, 73'itr ' ('o'llN-No. 2 yellow. fiOHc. OATH No. 2, mmViC: No. 2 white, 42'Aft 4.1p; No. :: white. 1ifH24P. ItYK-No. 2. tc. HAItLICY I'alr to choice malting. 5Mf HI'IKDS-No. 1 flax. Jl.471.4; No. 1 north weeiern. $1.4;ii; prlmn timothy, $R.(VHt0.10; clover, contract gride, $9.25. rilOVlHIONS-Mess pork, per hbl $13.S0 i. ura. psr too ins.. 5s.f.;v4'i8.iiS. short libs sides (looso). $7.SOfl7.95. Dry snltod shoulders (boxed I. $7.25t7.50. Short clear sides (lioxedl, $.20f(8.30. WHISKY-Ilasls of high wines. $1.31. Tito followlnp arn tho rcoelptR and ship ments for tho last twenty-four hours: Articles. MicelDts. Slilnments. j lour, DDIS Il.ini AVheat, bu 278,000 Corn, bu S4, Hals, bu 378,nTrt, bit 17.0UO Unrley, bu 219.00O IS.OOil 141,000 on.oou 225.(l"0 l.ooii 22.fO0 On the Produce, exchange todav the hut- 'ter market was Ann; creameries, dairies. UQlfc. Cheese, steady, Kggs. ilrm; fresh, is23c. irrt22.e OW10'ic. NKW YOllK UK.MirtAI. slAIIKKT. Hnotnltnas of the Day on Vartons Cnmrantlltles. NKYa YOHIC. Nov. 12.-ri.orn-necelpts. 5.1,631 bbls.; exports, 11,729 bbls,; quiet and easier with wheat; winter patents. r.033.90; winter straights, $; Min nesota patents, w win. to: winter extrns $2.&'ia2.!V); Minnesota bakers, $2.003.25; winter low grades. $2.5(2.00. Itj-e Hour, steady; fair to good, $3.0cg3.S0; cholco to raney. M.331(a.w. niJCKWIIKAT -Strong, $1.23 per 100 lbs. eonNMHAIr-Stondy, yellow western $1.27: city, $1.25; llrnndywine, $3.35573.50. nnAN-$34.riOi?3.U'0. ItYK Rasy; No. 2 western, 634c, f. o. b, nfloHt. JIARLUY Dull; malting, B7!4i76lc, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHF.AT-Uecelpts, 27.850 bu,; exports 1I9.B45 hu, Mliot. weak; No. 2 red. S2ic. o. h., afloat; No. 2 red, 79'4c, elevator; No, 1 northern nulutli. so.e, f. o. b.. alloat: No. 1 hard Huhith. 87?4p. f. o. )., nfloat. Options wero generally wean nil nay, oepig op pressed by nutlve. decreased unloading asler cables, large northwest receipts and free commission house selling, Closed wuli t HrlVo net decline. .May, fco S-HHiMi-,. closed at 80l,c, December, 7Si'ii"9 15-10c, rloseu at wtc ( ORN -Hecelpts, none; exports, 91,707 bu Snot, easy. No. 2. Sfiiic. elevator, and liiit.p. f, o, b., atloiit. Options operfed firm on n brief scare of shorts, but at once sold oft ntm were weai an uny tinner liquidation, tho whent rlecllno and a better government reort than expected, Closed weak and ;V lower. .May, o4tij.a4f, cloied at wic uecemonr, unr(iic"c. cioseu at lai'ic OATS Hecelpts, 1W.700 bu.; exports, 10.710 mi. nnox. sieaoy; ,o, hk; .-so. a, up; No a wnne.iiwe; trocK wiilte, ISB4Sp; ,7so, wi i. I'ftfisnc; irm'K mixeo wesiern. 4fie Options active nnd weaker nt tho west with other markets. ItAY-Stendy; shipping, ROftiuc; good to choice. hirifSc HOPS -Quiet: state, common to choice. V.iOl crop. 12WlBlic; 1900 erop, 9yile; 1R99 crop, iM1Jp: P.iclllc coast, 19fll crop, 12Ti 1514c: 19Vi eroji. Off tie; 1899 crop, fiftllc. HlDi:s l'Mrm, tlalveston, 20 to 23 lbs., Uc; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19i,c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 bs.. mje ' JjEATIIKIt--Hti'iidy; hemlock sn!n. Heunos Ayi-e. light to heavyweights. :&2iV4c. WOOL -Dull; doinestlo fleece, 25j.Vc; Texas, WaVi'- 1MIOVISIONS- Heef. quiet; packet. $ 515.10; fninlly. $II.CMii:.0O; mess, J9.50; beef hams. $20.1014 SI. i0; extra India mess, t'.Wil 19,20. Cut meats, Hleady: idcklcd bellies, 13.7511 10.50: pickled shoulders. $7,257(7 51; rlnklcd hatn. $9.S7'.4'dlO.'ia. Lalil. steady; continent. $9.10; South America. $10, com pound, $7.W(7.7f; western Hteained, $s . Pork, steady; family, t',Wn 17.25, short clear. $l7.5"VSi 19.00; mess, $I.VMiUi.0o. Bl'TTKft -Itecelpts. H..17I pkgs.: llim; slate, dairy, H?j22c; crfiiiueiy, IMf2X4i: Jlinn creamery, J7t,')2lltc, factory, J2Vi imp. CHEKHIC Receipts. 7. pkgs., quiet; fincy, large, September, 9VnP,: fani'N. Urge, October, D4fj93it., fnucj, small, Bep- tmber, UH4'rJ Jfts,,- fane;. m!l, O'-tobcr. liiJOH -He. elpts. M.MJ pkg. , sfMiiR. "tste and I'ennsj b aula :iWT2lc. wrst'pi candled, 21 It I : western tineandled, TAI.I.OW -Stead . clt (2 per pkg. ..' . country (pkes. freei, 5i$re4o. I'OtrijTltY- Alle. dull ami weak: sprlrR ers. S'v ; turkejs. s9 . fowls. 9c. lresel. quiet, sprlticers. !",VhV. fowls. S'ljtJ'.'f . till kevs. I 111 12. Mf:TAfS Tin In lmdon was rather Ir reculHr. sot derllnlim f.s. while future- ad-vanc-;l 16s, closing mi 112 '.h for the former and jciorus for the litter, without inuili business benc done. lii'ally tin was stron and decidedly higher, rruent de mand mui a lack of sellers ciiucd Ihe rise here. fopper wu steady, but quiet at London, with spot qtiotcil at -tH'i l&s and jutui-es at list 17s t'sl. Ilete the market was dull at SI&VMHT.i" for Lake Superior .Hid Cni.37,lli.t52,i for casting and electrolytic, l.ead was Is :td lower to i.11 ;t. M at Lon don, while the local market was dull and uiKlmmeil at St.T?1!. Sielter remains un changed at home ami quiet at xl.,!'5-t..tR. lion wus dull and also unchanged. I'lg Iron warrants. M.f(io.W: No. I northern founflry. li.oi5li5.oo. No. 2 southern foun dry, Ill.Kulfi.i'; No. 1 sotithrrn rounilr). JJ4.fiMil5.riO; No. 1 southern loiuidry, soil. 1 1.Tioi Ulasgow Iron warrants eloped at .Ms lid mid MldillesborouKh closed at 43!d, representing a decided gain In values.- OMAHA WIIOI.nsAl.i; ,MAHIi IM S. Conditio of iinde mill ltioliil Ions 011 Staple noil I'nocj Produce. I'.UCtS-Kecrlpls. light; fresh stock. 2X L1VK POULTRY -Hens, .-.'s'ijGc; young and old rootters, Ic; turkeys ijjfcc; ducks and gcesf, tUSlsc, spring chickens, per lb., 73i'4c. HLTTJiR- -Coinuion to fair. 13o: choice dHliy. In tubs, l.h'uli'"': separator, 21f2lc. l'lHIHIl I'ISII Muck buss. Ike; white bas, bv, bluetlsh. lie; bullheads, lec: blue tins, 7e; luiffaliies, 7c; catfish, 12c; cod, lie; ciapples, pK'; halibut. He; herring, 7c; had dock, 10c; pike, l"r; red snapper, 10c; sal 111011, lie; siintlsh, uc, trout, luc, whlteflsh, lair. Receipts, 2 cars. OYSTRRh Mediums, per can, 22c: Hlatid ards, per, 25c; extra selects, per can, .T3c; New York counts, per can. 10c; bulk htnndards, per gal., $1.2i'&1.25; bulk extrj selects,'Tril.6). , PIOKONS -Live, per doz., t))c. VUAL-Choice. 6i8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wliolesal Hay Dealers' association: Choice llhlalld, I'.'.nn; No. 2 upland, V50; meillum, $S; course, 7.50. Rye straw. JiJ. Theso prices arn tor hay of good color and quulit). Dcmnt. d tatr. whi:at-c. CORN 55.-. 11RAN-$15.oO. OATS-35C. VICOHTAULKS. POTATOKS- Home grown and northern. Mii&yr, Salt Lake. $1; Colorado, Jl. KOli PLANT -Per doz., 75c. CARIt(JTS-Per bit., Wc. HLKTS -I'cr half-bu. basket, 30c. TDRNIPS-Pir bu., SOc. Rutabagas, per ( lbs., Jl 2.1. ( HCfMIIKRS Hothouse, per doz., $1.23. PARSLKY Per doz,, i'.c. LKTTI'CU- -Per doz., 23c. RADISIJICS -Per doz., 25o. HVVHKT POTATOi:S -Hoinn grown, per lb.. 2'4c genuine Virginia, per bbl., $3; Georgia, per bbl.. $2.75. CAHHAUP. -Holland seed, crated. UjC TOMATOUS Homo grown, per 18-lb. bas ket. 50c. m:ANS-Vax, per 14-bu. basket. 60c; string, per Is-bu. basket, 50c. ONIONS- Home grown, per lb., 2c: Span ish, per crate, $1.25; Michigan rds, 214c per lb. CULKRY Kalamazoo, per Viunch, 23g33c: Nebraska, per bunch, 3035c; Colotado, 10Jp &V. NAVY UHANS-Pcr bu., I2.1S. KRUITS. APPLKS-Hen Davis, per bbl., $3 50; wlno- saps, $3.51); Jouuthau, $U)gn.w); snows,; lieiieuowi'rs, per nox, i.mj. PMAitH i.etrers, a: viKers, -.j; i.nw relice, S2.25. ORAPLS Concords, eastern, loc; jiata- gas, per keg, $.1., CRANnrciiiiiKH-i'er diji.. Ji.cxfli.wj per cntte, $2.75. QUINCliS Per box, Jl.fin. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOUS-Moxlcans, $X7oS4.00; Florlrtas, I. L H M O N S -l'a nc V. $3.76fl 4 .00, HAN ANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.2oft2.7&. KIGS California, new cartons, 70c; 1m ported, per lb., 12fifllc DATKS Persian, In CO-lb. boxes, per lb, 614c; Hairs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Now cron walnuts. No. 1 soft sholl, per lb., 12c; hard hell. per lb., 1214c; No. 2 soft-ahell, Uc; No. 2 liard-sheii. 10V4c; IlrnzllH, per lb., 13o; filberts, per lb., 13c; 111 nionds. soft-shell. 17c: hard-shull. 15c: do cans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per It"). $5; chestnuts, 12c. lin?ih'.VPer 'l.Kprllnii ease. J3.50fZ3.75. CI DISH Nchawka, per bbl., $3; New lorK, 13.50. SAUKRKHAUT I'cr U-Ubl.. 3 per Dill.. $5ll&- . .... .. ill Diss ro. 1 green, ic io. -i green. tc No. 1 salted. 8Ue: No. 2 salted. 7'4c: NO. : vent i-nlf. 8 to 1214 His.. 9e: No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs,. 7c: dry hides. 8l3c; sneop Jielts, 25U27c; horsehldes, .braz:s. St. I.onls lirnln nnd Provisions, ST. LOUIS. Nov. 12. WHEAT IO wsr: No. 2 red rash. eleva tor. 7211c: track, TSIP i"4c; uecenioer, ii'.vi i-,'4C. ! ivu Hard. 7IUTZ72C. CORN-Lower; No. 2 cash, 61c: track, 63 ffJ"2Hn: December. E.9U.C: May. 62c OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, lie; track, 42!4TW2c; May, 4Hjc; No. 2 white, 44c. V ' -i.oiver. vj'ac. KLOtIR Firm: red winter patents. $3.4.'.'3 3.U); extra fancy and straight, $3,1013.2.1; clear. $2.75f2.SO. SIS1SD Timothy, scarce, Ilrm CORNMKAI-Steady. $3. HRAN- Scarce and strong; $5,401(5.0-1, sacked, east track. !i2i95p HAY - Timothy. strong, prairie, higher. $10.lfj 13.60. $11.00311.50 witiHK ieaay m i..ii. IRON COTTON THsS-$l. I1AOC1I NO 6'ifi 6Uc. IIKMP TW'INi: 9C. PROVISIONS- Dry salt meats (boxedV steady: xtra shorts, $S.12t; clear ribs is.-ja: clear sioes. s.wi. nacon iiioxeoi steiidy; extra shorts, $9; clear ribs, $9.12'4; clear sides. $9.3714. I'ork, quiet; Jobbing. $11.60. Uird. steady., MiSTAi i.enn: aienoy, i.tii. apciicr Vlrm. I1.12t.i. POITLTRY Dull, chlctens. 54c: springs 7c; turkeys, Cc: ducks, tVfni'.ic; geese, 3!4 frruc. IIL THSK I uglier; creamery, irrc-ic dairy. 14fll7c. isutiW Kirni, -oc. TlKClSllTS-VTour. 7.000 hbls.; wheat. 43 curt bu.: com. 13.000 bu.: oats. 31.000 im. SH PMISNTS- ! lour, sumo inns. ; wneat 37.1100 bu.; corn, 42,ooo bu.; oats, 20,(i0 bu Liverpool r.rnln Mnrkel, LIVERPOOL. Nov. 12. - WHEAT - Spot No. 2 western, winter, Ilrm nt 6s10d; No 2 northern, spring, sternly at 6H9'4d; No 1 California, firm at 5s Ud. Futures, quiet December. &1 Still: March. 5s 10id. CORN Spot, firm: American mixed, new 6s Id, Futures, quiei; neeemiier, Bs 30 January, os 24d; .Mnrcn. os d. FLOUR-St. Louis fnucy winter, steady 7s fid. 1 1 OPS At London, Pacific coast, steady i231i3 15s. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; extra India mess. 73s 1. Pont, tlnn; prime mess west orn. 72s. Lnrd, steady; American refined, In palls, -14s Oil J prime western, 111 tierces, 16s Hums, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 47s Haeon. Cumberland cut. 20 to 30 lbs., nillet 4Sh 6d: short ribs. 16 to 21 lbs.. 4Ss: long clear 19s; sliort ribs, 10 to 24 lbs.. 4Ss, long cleur middles, light, 2s to ;n ins., nun. 17s r.d: long clear middies. Heavy. a. 10 411 ins., uun, 47s Hhort clear bacKs, 16 to 20 lbs,, quiet. 43s 6d clear belllrs, II to 16 lbs., quiet. 5s, Hhoul ders. snuarc. 11 to II lbs., quiet. 2fis fic . IlL'TTER-Steady; Hurst United States, 92s. good united Stales; ids. CHEF.SE-iJulet. wmcrlcan finest white, 45s fill; American linest colored, 4s t;d. PEAS- CaHiiillan, Ilrm, 0s 40. TALLOW Steady; prime city, 2S.1 9d Australian lu Loudon, :-Jx 9d. Hecelnts nf wheat during the hist three days, 215,000 centals, Including itjl."o0 Amor lean; receipts of American corn during the last thteo days. 2,200 centals. Weather, raining. Ivniiana City tirnln 11 11 it Provisions, ICANSAS CITY. Nov. 12.-WHEAT-De. crmber, 67?4Cu07'iie; May, 7Ur: casli No. 2 hard, iSlj(ini4p; No. 3, iSWrtsrje; Xo. 2 red, i.'p; ro. .1, ant iU'.'jp. CORN -December, fiiliCTie; May. VlUff B3t.p; cash No. 2 mixed, 66Uc; No. 2 white, Im ; No. 3. 1W3C 1 1. I n Ml, 2 wiute, 12'tC RYH- No, 2, .'.9'4c. , HAY Choice timothy. l2.rlfl3.00; choice prnlrlP. J13.001il3.5a. HUTTEIJ- Creamery. 1S1(2lc; dairy, fancy, h-, EGOS--Fresh, scarce; market strong; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'ehiingo at 2"o dozen, loss off, cases re turned, RECF.IPTS Wheat, 22,400 bu,; corn, hu.; 'oats. il.'iO bu. SHIPMENTS- Wheat. 01,600 hu. ; corn, SO oco bu. , oats, 52,ii bu. I'hllndf Iphln Produce MnrUel. PIIILADKLPIIIA, Nov. 12.-HUTTER-I'lrin and good demand, fHney western creamery. 24c; fancy neat by prints, ;5r EGGS-Firm; Irosh iicnrby. 27c. frsh western. 27r; fresh soiithwpilorn, 26c; fresh southern, !5c CIIEESE-Qulft; New York full cream- New York OtllO':'' full ( hnniic In vnllnlilr Miiille NKW VOHK. Nov 12 -Special cable anil telegraphic communications to Hrndstreet s showing the f'lllowlng changes lu available supplies fiom last account. Wheat, I'lilted Slates and I'anaila, c.i-t of Itockles. In crease. 2.IM.oi) bu.; alloat and In Kuropc, llicre.ise. bu.: supplv. Increase, ;i.o4. io hit. Com. I'lilted states and Canada, east of Itockles. decrease. 2M.I''" bu. Or.ts, I'lilted Stntes and Canadu, east of Itockles, deerease, 7iV!,0oo bu Among th" more Important Increases re ported to Hrailtre't's ars thop of J.IfiV'o bushels In Manitoba, 5'.PjO bushels at northwestern Interior elevators, 1I7.!") buxliels at Newport News, 127.W bushels at Colon ii. M',i"0 bushels at Portland, Me., and M.i"") bushels at Itochester. The lead ing decreaes Include t lin of '.'!. io bushels at liepoi Harbor. 2!5.0i bushels at Chicago private chvatois. fit.ono bushels at St. Joseph and i ,'-1 hushels at Minniiipolls prlalo elcviitors. MliitieniMitls lirnln Market. .MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 12 UMIIOAT Cash, Tin; December. OVrK!"4c; .lanu.iiy, 7P4'(i72i : No. I hard. 7n,c; No. 1 northern, 75e: No 2 northern, I'.'i'.t'nKic. I'LOlTtLowcr; Hist iiatents. J').7r'ii:!.S': second patents. J.ivi'(i;l,7o; ilrst clears, VIM ft2.!i; second clears. )-'.25. 11IIAN-In bull:. ll.7T.1i IS 2ft. 'I'olcdii tiniln mill ccd. TOLI'.DO. .Vov. )2.-Wlli;AT"Dtlll; cash. lo'ic: December, iti'.c; .May, iIki CORN Dull, easier; December, O0c; May, B21.P. OATS-December. 0c; May. lie. ltVK-5si,c. SICKD-Clovcr, December. $5.ii7'3; March, Jj.75; No. 2 Alslke, $7.75. Dnlulii liriiln .MnrUel Dt'Lt'TII. UHld. 72ii Nov. 12,-WHKAT-Cssh No. No. 2 northern, ilc No. 1 northern, 704i'; December, 691,e; May. ;)'c. t lATS-sa's'iiaic. CORN-eSl-C. Peorln MnrUel. PKOUIA. III.. Nov. 12.-CORN- Klrm; No. u. hlc. OATS--Nominal; no sales quoted, WHISKY -On tho bnsls of $1.31 for fin- lhed goods. .NKW VOItlv VrilCKM AM IIOM1S 'rlres on Wnll Mreet ' Sluirp UppIIiip. 'urn to NKW YORK. Nov. 12 There was rather less buying demand and inther more Ir regularity In the stock market from the outset. The Hesitation in ine uiiviince grew and turned to sharp reactions in the late, dealings, selling to tnKo proms was Joined to extensive snort lines, pill out by the bear party on the argument that the r e u prices, nfter enduring for so great a length of time, must have made tne inarKet ravoralile to ntiacK, nut inero still wns persistent points of strength In the market, and. althnttnh the extreme advances In the strong stocks were notably curtnlled, man of them hnvn considerable net gains to show for the day. The oral Traction stocks were con spicuous exnmples. In Metropolitan tho advance reached .V at one time, nnd In Hrooklyn Transit 2t". while the not gahiH are 211 ror Metropolitan Street railway and W for Hrooklyn Transit. The an thracite it lid soft coal carriers, selling below par, nlo showed continued strength, ns did tho Iron and steel Industrials. The disposition to tnkc attractive protlts, after ine consKietanie auvanre in price which bus occurred, will bo emphasized by tho expectation Hint several millions of gold will go out tins weeit on rnursoay 10 Paris and on Saturday probably to Lou don, as tho rate of sterling exchnnge to day advanced to a point which makes gold exports to London direct profitable. The strength of sterling here was In spllo of easier money rates, both In London and In Berlin, and 11 relaxation of tho continental pressure upon IaiuiIoii gold. Tho necessity of a large movement nf gold from New York at this tlmo of tho year cnlla renewed attention to the ex tent of the American borrowings In Ku ropc, early In the year, with tun expecta tion unit, our foreign trade imiancc woiiiu continue to hold so favorable that thesn loans could bo repaid nt a profit out or tho nbundnncc of the foreign exchange bills In New York. The fact that this expectation has not been renlized and the exchange bills nro senrce, owIiik to tho railing orr in our export trnuo. arouses some natural surmise whether tho nigli prices or stocks reached earlier In Hie year did not also represent undue, ex pectations, It is to nn recollected mui the projects which stimulated our stock Inflation and even to some extent the ma nipulations of the market were furthered by the resources of these foreign borrow ings. In the present movement more than one stock has reached n reconl prlco and all stocks nre undeniably high-priced. On the other hnnd, the extraordinary rallwny earnings nnd trnde activity are natural Incentives to speculation. Today's returns of gross earnings for the flrst week In November Rhow such Increases over last year as 63 per cent for Rio Grande West ern, 22 per cent for Chlengo Great West ern, 31 per cent for Canadian Pacific. 17 per cent for Wabash, 15 per cent for Chi cago & Kastern Illinois nnd 9 per cent for St. pain, me government estimate on the corn cron, although it offered 110 very unexpected Information, renewed the de pressing Influence of the heavy shortage In the rrop and the crop carrying rail roads In the west anil the southwest were therefore most acutely affected by the profit-taking. The cut In price of sugar especially affected that stock. Tho market closed active and weak. There was nuother large day's business In Honds. nut the price movement wns Irregular. Total sales, par value. $5,290,00.1. United States bonds were all unchanged on tho Inst cnll. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London flniiuclnl cablegram says: The stock mar ot today was quiet, American shares paus ing for the consummation of the Northern 'Paclllo deal. They hung around parity and closed heavy on the dullness In New York, but finally rallied on tho curb, tho features being Krle preferred and Canadian stocks. New York bought the latter freelv on the fine trafllo returns. Paris strongly supported Rio tlnlos. but the reported sell ing by Senator Clark 011 tho rlso nnd rumors of anti-trust legislation by Presi dent Roosevelt checked Iho advance. Gold to the amount of 5o.0iKi has gone out to Denmark, 150,000 to South America and .1:20.000 to Malta. The sum of 17,000 has been engaged In Australia, The price of bars Is 77s JOiI. Money Is scarce and the bank Is reported as a borrower on consols. The following aie the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Raltlmorn it O do pfd Canadian I'as Canada So..... Ches. & Ohio.. Chicago & A.. do pfd Chi. lnd. & L. do nfd .. SI'i St. Paul pfd 190 ,.101i So. Paelflc 6K-, ..106 8o. Railway :ht .. 9514 do pfd 90i4 ..1134 Tev. a Pacific... 4H4 .. S3H T01., St. L. ft W. 20'i . . 4714 1 do pfd Illlj, .. :i7WjUnlon Pacific ....106, . . 77W' do pfd la'i .. 161, Wnbash 21 4J4 do pfd 37i Chlengo ft E. 111.156 W. I.. 12 IRI Chicago G. W.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd C. & N. W C R. I. P Chi. Ter. Tr.. do pfd C. C. C. & St. L Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd SH I do 2d pfd 3014 S94 Wis. Centrnl .... 214 50 I do pfd 4234 210 'Adams Ex 1S5 117 : American Ex 192 20 U. S, E 9.' 3714 Wclls-Fargo Ex.lSl 9'."4 Amnl. Copper S7'i 141, Amer. Car ft F. 55 1 do pfd 25WAmer. Liu. OH.. . 2S . 81 . 10 . 45 . 4.V, 971 3 . :ti . ;' . 9P, .217 .115 -5M . 40'i . in4 . 21 . 701, Del. fc Hudson 1i2Wi do pfd. Del. L. ft W 2.1'. Amer. S. ft R. . Denver ft R. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd...... Gt. Nor. fd .. I lock. Valley .. 40 I do pfd 95 Anne. Mln. Co.. W Hrooklyn P.. T. 72W Colo. Fuel ft I. 691i Con. Gas 199',4 I 'on. Tob. pfd.. 61 lien. i:!cctrle . do pin 7914 Glucose Sugar Illinois Central.. .14014 Hocking Coal Jowa cenirai do pfd Lake Erlo ft do pfd L. ft N Manhattan I. .. Met. St. Ry Mex, Central .. Mex, National . Mhlli. ft St. I... Mo. Pacific M.. K. ft. T do pfd N. .1. Contra'... N. Y. Centrnl... Norfolk ft W . do nfd Infer. Paper . 7s do pfd . 7J Iiitcr. Power .. .131 l.acledo Gas ... ,ln6T;'Na. lllsctilt .... . lis .National Lend .liirtli National Salt... . 22 ' do pfd . 131 No. American . .PM4 Paclllc Coast . . .PCI Pacific Mall .... . 27& People's Gas . . . . 5.4Pres3ed 8. Car. .173 do nfd .102', I'ullmAii p. Car . .ills Republic iill.'l . . !ov 'I" lfd 2. . I2'i . 19 II- " i;t ,. 9.1 . 61 . 17 ..lav; . 4Ii-4 . 1'4 .2IS .. 1.V1, ::' . 71, .. 12', .. SIS . ,Vl .. t.u, .. :'.!" . . 92 No. Paclllc pill... Ml bugar. Ontario ft w. Pennsylvania Reading ... do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd. . , . SI. L. ft S. F. do 1st pfd .. do 2d irfd .. St. L. KolltllW do pfd St. l'aill jt.Tpiiii. Coal ft I. llfi',,iriiloii Hag ft p 4tV 1" Pld 7s l". 8. Leather , 55. do pfd i9W'L'. M. Rubber m 111 nrd I TUW'l'.SS Steel 2!i,l do pfd hi' I Western Union 172 I erles. fail' tnall 'o-r refineries, f.iir ti choice ExMllvldcud. Hunk ( lenrlnus, OMAHA. Nov. 12 Hank clearings to. da-, $1,306,919.37; corresponding day Inst sear. $9?.RV).l7. Increase. $239.569.20 CHICAGO, Nov. 12,-ClcarlliBs, JlS.Ois.&io, balarfs 2S'i7.n, posted exchange M t' 'i "".'j. New Yoik exchange. 5c prrmlinn NKW VOItK No 12 -Clearings, Si' ' .ii.270. b,ilances fi6.l2. HOSTON. No i:. -Clearings. JS-V"')!1. balaius. J2,nxt.:i IMIILADIJLIMIIA. Nov. 12. Clearings, 20."il.W7. balaivc-. JJSiil.M't. - HALTI.MOflK No. 12-Clcarlngs, U.WX 720; balances, Ji.!sss, CINCINNATI Nov. 12.-Clearlngs. J3.272. l.'iii; money. Kqs per cent; New York ex change, 2i'c premium. ST. l.Ol'IS, Nov. i:.-Clearlngs. J9,S24.iil; linlauces, $risa72 money, R1ii per cent, New York exchange, discount. ,.evi ork .Moiiry MnrUel. NKW YOllK. Nov. rJ.-M0NKY-0n call, firm. 3MK per cent; last loan, 4' per cent; rulltiK late, I per cent; prime mercantile, paper, t'jlio per cent. STKULINO KXCIIANaii-I'lrm, with c ttiHl business In bankers' lillls at $(A7' for demand and at-$4 M'i for sixty days; posted lutes, M.M'.tiil.SJ .mil Jl.; commercial bills, t.a,i(i.S3,. HI l Hit 57c; Mexican dollars, I5'4c. HONDS-Governmcnt. steady; state, In acthe; railroiul. Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds ate ns lollowa: I. S. r. 2s, reg. 10W4 L. & N. linl. 4s.. .1023, W Mex. Central Is . 831j do coupon do 3s, rcg do coupon .... do new 4s, reg do coupon .. do old Is, reg. do coupon do. 6s, reg do coupon 1US do Is Ine : 10-4 M. St. L. Is. .10P4 139 M.. K. A- T. 4s.... IOOI4 133 do 2s 83 1I2J, N. Y. Central Is.l'fit; U2-i do gen, 3ijS....I0SJ, .. 107 .1. C g. os. ...i,toi .. 107 l.No. Pacific 4s 10i I' 10.1 ' do 3s Ui :mi,iN. & W. con. 4s..l02i4 .. I0U4 Reading gen. Is., 99'4 .. WW St L I M c fts.llfil I0V4 St. L. & S. l- Is, 95 Atchison gen, i n 111IJ. ts 11. & O. 13 do IJIfcM do conv. Is . Canada So, 2s KM. St. L. S. W. Is. . 97i; A. Cent, of 6s Wn do 2fl 73W S A A I' 4s . 1n7'4 So. Pacific 4s... .. 80'. .. M' .. 93t, ..120', ..ISUa .. s: ..105', ..10i, ..UK ..111 .. 60i ..113 do Is Inc flies. & O. (14s. Chi. A'ton ::. S.V. so. Railway r r It. & (). 11. is psijTp.x. & Pac. 1s. C, M .t S P g 4 110WT. St L & W Is. C. A; N. W. c. 7h.13TU Union Pac. 4s.. C R. I. A: P. Is 1i: do conv. Is CCC & S Lb. ts lOPi "Wabash Is Chicago Ter. Is . 91'. 'do 2s Colorado So. 4s .. Si4 do deb, Jl Den. R. (I. Is West Shore 4s.. Urlr prior 1. 4s... P9W. . L. K. 4s. 92 8W 611 do genera 4s. . 9 wis. central 4s 1 W. K- D. C. Is. 10S Coll. Tob. 4s.... Dock. Val. 4iss...l07'4 Hid. London SloeU Qnotnllons. LONDON. Nov. 12.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money .91 13-16 N. & W .91 15-16 do pfd .... 7'fc'No. Paelflc Pfd. . 63 . !2'i .100 . is; . 77'4 ! 40 . 2614 . WW . 93t4 . 63 .109'j . !'5W . 45S . 96 . 21W . 39W . M . 10 . 3SW do account. Atiaconda. Atchison .... so1, Ontario fi- w. do nfd ..101 Pennsylvania Ra'thnoio O . .1121! Reading do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd. .. Canadian Pac. .115VJ . 43'n . COS .1771, . 4.V4 . 9S'4 . 41 . 7l'i . 9t'i .115 .1C9 . 26 Chrs. Ohio.... Chicago O. V .. So. Railway . , M. St. P .. do pfd So. Pacific ... Union Pacific do pfd U. S. Steel.... do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s ... Denver & R. O.. do pfd Kile do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Illinois Control.. L. K- N M.. IC. fi V do nfd 92'- 1 111 ml Mines .. N. V. Centrnl.... ,16S'4 DeHeers HAR SILVUR-Qulet at 26,d per ounce. MONlsY I'ifiCi ner cent. Tho rnto of discount In tho open market for short bills Is 3'4Wi', per cent; for three months' bills, 3 5-16'ii3,' per cent. Huston Mliirk Unotntlons. HOSTON, Nov. 12.-Cnll loans, 3WT74 per cent: time loans, 4fjlW per cent umciai closing: Atehlon 4s Gas 1s .102 . 7S . 50 . 62 Amalgamated Baltic Hlnghnm ... K71i ... 41W ... U ...655 ... 17 ... 62 Mex. Central 4s N. H. G. C. Atcllisou do pfd Hostou fi. Alb'y Hoston fi Me... Cat. A- Hecla. Cpiltennlal ... MW ,10l .257 Copper Range Dominion Kranklln Coal... 464 192 .. IfiW .. I3W .. 42W ,.. 251, ,. 99 .. 36W ..155 .. 414 ..270 .. 44V4 .. 26t4 .. J61i .. 24 Hoston Ulevated.165 Isle Royale .. Mohawk N Y. N II & 1 1.. .212 Union Pacific. . .JOOVOId Dominion Mex. Central . Ainer. Sugar . Amer. T. & T. Dominion I. & Gen. Hlectrlp . Mass. Klectrlc do pfd N. 13. G. & C. United Krult . U. S. Steel .... do pfd , Adventure ... AlUiuez .. 21W Osceola ...120VPnrrot ...157 .Oulticy S. 27 Santa Fo Cop ...MliiTnmarack .... ... 36'4 Trlmountaln . ... 92W Trinity ... t4 Unltetl Stntes ... 59W Utah ,.i43?4lVlctorla . 911s Winona .... 23 Wolverine .... .... 44 68 rn York Mlnlnit Sloplts. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Tho following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con IS Allco 42 Hreece 100 Urunswlck Con... 10 Cnmstock Tunnel fi Con. Cal. & Vn..l55 Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 190 Iron Silver 61 Leadvllle Con.... 6 Little Chief Ontario .... .... 12 ....950 Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. 8 5 5 S Small Hopes 40 iSlandard 5S5 ForelKH I'lnnnelitl. PARIS. Nov. 12. -Prices on the bourse to day opened steady, but there were few transactions. The closo wns Arm. Argen tines wero e.Tgerly demnnded and finished with a sharp rise, Italians and Brazilians wero firm. Tramways nnd Thomnson- IIciuHlon declined, but recovered largely nt tho close. Russian industrials were irreg iilar. Rio Tlntos were firm In response to New" York. Knlllrs ml vanned on peace ru mors, but Inter became calm. Tho jirivato raio 01 discount is iiiiciihiikcu u-i. pci cent. LONDON. Nov. 12. Money was In good demand today owing to th preparations for the settlement, and ns a result Of tho treasury bills allotment, The firmness of continental exchanges weaktned discounts. Prices 011 tho Stock oxchango were Irregu lar and business was Inactive, Gllt-edgnd securities opened lower and afterward Im Ilnmn rnlli were lower. Americans opened firm, following New York, but later Irregularity developed. The feature wns the rlso In Union Pacifies. Tho ploso was Htendv. Grand Trunks were weak. Kaffirs had a hardening tendency on a rumor that iho Poors nro In favor of surrender, re- cardlesa of their leaders. There was little InereiiHn In blivlocr. HERLIN. Nov. 12. business on the bourse today was quiet and prices were Ir regular, owing to the absence of stimulus. Northern Parities were firmer on New York ndvlces, Canadian Pacifies wero dull, Argentines were substantially higher on London advices. Locals were heavy. Condition of the Trenry. WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $170,fC6,3t7; gold, ;ill.465,M3. Wool Market. HOSTON. Nov, 12.- WOOL-The demand for wool th s week was entirely satisfactory for dealers and quite a large business was done. rue errerl or ine iree nuying ine nrev oils week tended to stlfTetl prices, but no advance of anv material consequence ts noted, though dealers arc talking a Ilrmer market and say the outlook ror tho market l encouraulni:. The market for torrltorv wools Is firm and unchanged. General quo tations nre vet about tne same. I'lne ter rltorv grndes nre quoted on the scoured hasls of 15c. with line medium nt 401?43c nnd staplo lots nt 45 17c Some fnlr Hues of Australian fine wools were denned up this week at ruling prices, but this Is below cost of ronlaclug them mini abroad. Quota tions: Ohio ami Pennsylvania flrere X and X above, 23fi'.'tc; XX and XX above, 26c; delaine, 2Se; No. 1 combing, 2.Sc; ronro and braid washed. 23f(2le. .Michigan. Wis cousin. ctc.-X Michigan, 21r; No. 1 Mlchl .nn combing. 2i'u25c . No. 2 Michigan comb lug. 24!i25e: coarse and brnld washed, 231T 21c. Unwashed tnedluni-KeniucKy and in dlann '4-blood combing, 20It21c; blood "0c: Missouri 'i-blood combing. l9'r20e: V blood. HViii'K.': braid combing. UfflSc. Ter ritory, scoured bads Montana fine, 1Cfijtv Kioured. iHilCe; line medium, Wll'c scoured. 421H3c, st'iple. lOlfLc: scoured, 10 C(lsc. Utah. Wvomliig and Idaho Flue, ); ifltc; scoured. Millie; lino medium, Hffl5c scoured, loftClc; staple. 13'jfIOc; Hcoured, 4: d41'ic. Australian, scoured basis, spot prices - Coiiihlng snnerflne. d'TliSc; supernne, nsi Toe: nveniue. iJi'liiiTc. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 12 - WOOL -Strong and active; medium grades. 12'5rolic; light fine I2''ilt'!ic; heavy flue. lOfHVic; tub washed 12'u2lc. Suitor liirUel. N'EW ORLEANS. Nov. 12.-SUGAR Quiet; open kettle. 3c; open kettle, ceil trlfiiRiil 3U'u3it.o: crntrlfugnl. granulated I. 3ori4.l"c; whites, s'iW'c: yellows. 3ij'3'i'; seconds, 2ij'(3'c. iiinliiso. quiet; open kettle. 26nr?ie; centrifugal. 22:ic. Syrup, hleady, 2.Vq29c. NEW YORK. Nov 12.--SUGAR-Rjw, quiet and steady; fair refining, 3'4e; cen irlfugul, 90 tpst. 3V: molarses sugar 3c. Rellned. easy: No, 6, U'S'. No. 7. 4.20-; No S I 10e, x 9. 15-; No. 10. p; No, II. 3 95c; No, 12, '3.95c, No. 13, 3.!5c, No. 14, 4. 55c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Llbiul Rtoiipti f Ctttls TtJftj, but Gotd Stuff HU Stead;. SHARP DECLINE IN PRICE OF HOGS Another Blr Tlnn nf Sheep nnd Lambs nnil While tlpltrr C.rnde of feed ers nri Killers Held fiend) Loin moil Kind Sold l.ovtcr, SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 12. Receipts were; Official Monday Oltlclal Tuesday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 9,617 6,250 1..617 22. v. IS. 10; S.K0 Two days this week. Same days last week. Same week before ..14.J97 .. f.5l 15,33 i 7.MI 9.M0 ll.'jvj 7,39.5 10.417 S7.D 2 11.2 m 6,7i2 1 17 21 9 S II. D7 3 60 South .l2,i'S9 Same three weeks ago. .14, 110 Same rottr weeks ago. ...15.951 Same days last year 10.071 b'M western wethers .107 Average prices paid for Hog at Omaha thu past several days, with parlsons: Date. ilMl. 11900. K19.1D.1S97 'J.?. JW5. 4 131 3 65) 3 2 3 HI 3 51 4 I 3 56 3 53 3 25 3 tt 3 41 3 63 4 6 4 l: 3 631 3 26 4 61 4 HI 3 66; 25 3 Ml 3 54 3 47 3 46 3 54 3 41 $ 41' S 26 3 3S 3 171 3 42 3 13 3 52 3 44 3 541 3 3SI 3 15 3 51 " 1 J oil o 17 3 39 3 56! 3 19, 3 40 3 &3 3 29 I .1 4J 3 45 3 41i 3 27 3 44 3 45 1 U 91, " 3 43 3 SI 3 S3 3 441 3 211 3 ?5 3 461 3 17 3 TS 3 2.1! 3 45 3 41 3 2S 3 ?9 3 4h 3 2j 3 r.9 3 31 3 2-!T 3 321 3 17' .1 39 3 331 3 22 3 45 3 61 I 3 52, 4 01! 4 021 3 55 4 fl 3 45 4 061 3 45 , u .1 II 4 02 3 43 I 3 41 Indicates Sunday. The official mimher of purs of stock brought In today liy each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Sho'p.H'r's. r P. ia tt n.. t .i . v. n , 1 , i4Y.i n 16 O. & St. L. Ry 2 Mo. Par. Ry 1 1 1 IS 13 25 4 30 .3 IS Union Pacific system 31 35 c. N. W. Ry 1 V., K. A- M. V. Ry... m C St. P., M. & O.. 7 n. m. n. rtv a 20 4 C, 11. & Q. Ry IS c, it. 1. fi P., east., fi R. I. it P.. wet... 11 Total receipts ....17 12 60 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of head indicated: Cattfe. Hogs, sheep. Omaha Packing Co 335 O. H. Hammond Co.... 97S Swift nnd Company.... soj 1,02! 694 85 1.02U 169 1,615 1.61 2.760 udahv Pack nc Co.... 477 Armour ft Co 66 Hammond Co., country.. 224 1I1 Hecker ft Deiran 214 Vansant ft Co !.... 46 Lobman ft Co 327 W. I. Stephen 124 Ronton ft Underwood.... US Ivliigstone ft Scha ler... 16S Dennis ft Co 67 "H. F Hohblck 12 Hamilton & n 93 F. Husz 3 Wolf ft M 164 Fowler 735 Other buyers 1,065 10.151 Totals 6.SI0 R.91S 12.030 CATTLE Thero was nnother eenerous supply of cattle here today, tho receipts for Iho two days this week coin? con siderably ahead of the same days last wecK or or the same days or last year. There, however, did not nppear to be tiny too mnny to meet the requirement of local packers, as tho market ruled fairly active and Just about steady on all desirable grades. '1 nere were not very many beef steers on sale today, and as packers seemed to hove liberal orders tho market on nnythlng nt all good was active and about steady. The same as usual, the commoner grades did not move ns freely, but still there was no particular ennngo noticeamc in I no prices paid from those In force yesterday. There were between fifty and sixty cars of cows nnd heifers Included In tlio re ceipts this mornlnir. but the better erodes sold in Just about last weeks notches. The medium grades and canners wore not in as active nemnnd, nnd whllo lu some cases they sold steady. In other Instances sales were made that looked a little lower. There was not enough change In the prices being paid for bulls, calves and stags to be worthy of mention. mocKers ana reeaers were quite plen tiful today, but still there wore none too many of the better grndes to meet the demand. On such kinds tho market could be quoted fully steady. The common stuff of which there were a good many, wero rather difficult to movo at steady prices, as there Is not much demand fiom the coun try for the common stuff, whllo the re ceipts for the imAt two davH havii been quite liberal. There were no very marked changes 111 the prices paid, however. western beer steers were In good renuest this morning, and as tho supply was limited the market ruled strong and active on any thing at all desirable. Rango cows brought steady prices where they wero of satis factory quality and wero a little weak whej-e tho quality waa poor. Good to choice stockers and feeders were fully steady today, but others were slow sale: Repre sentative sales: BEEP STEERS. No. Av. ... 830 ... 925 ... 910 ...1143 ... 175 ...103S ... TR0 ...101S Pr. 2 90 3 75 3 75 4 35 4 45 4 35 4 60 No. 17 21 13 40 13 3 61 24 Av. ...1233 ...1206 913 ...1247 ...1267 ...1140 ,...1194 ...1022 Tr. 5 15 6 30 5 40 6 40 5 50 5 65 6 73 5 K5 6 15 12... 7... S... 15... 24... 17... 1... 15... 4 75 6 00 4... 916 27 ,1233 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 771 3 73 69 1146 ... 936 5 25 99 878 5 60 6 60 85... STEERS AND COWS. 15... .1062 6 20 COWS. 1... 1... ... 720 ... KO ... 774 ... 950 ... 915 ... 990 ... 940 ....664 ...1026 ...1160 ... 938 ...1060 ...1190 ...1520 ... 710 1 00 3... 8... 1... 4... 2... 1... 5... 1... 1... 6... 1... 1130 911 1040 795 1200 1310 1220 1170 1050 1070 1340 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 25 3 60 3 60 3 65 3 65 3 or. 3 76 4 00 1 25 2 00 2 23 i 25 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 70 2 80 2 Ml 3 00 1G... 1... 1... 1... 2... 14... 24... 2... 6... 1... 1... 1... 1... BULLS. 2 40 1 2 60 1 3 00 CALVES. ,....1490 ....1760 3 73 4 00 400 3 : STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 2. 590 1 85 1. 1000 2 60 2 60 1 65 2 75 3 On 3 25 1 8 1 1 . 920 . 737 .1100 .1010 2 00 2 10 "5 2 35 1 , 1 ....1060 ....1150 .... 642 .... 765 8. . 670 50 14.. 937 STOCK CALVES. 3.. 24.. 4.. 13.. 27.1 2 60 3 201 3 63 285 3 (l 35 308 3 S3 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 677 2 60 12 560 3 "J 850 2 75 1 1050 .1 40 830 3 00 16 1082 4 10 r.imniv. 1 bull. .., 1 heifer.. 28 cows. . . 4 cows. .. 3 tows. .. 1.1 calves. 2 calrts. 13 cows. . . 4 cows.'. . .1140 2 10 1 cow ..1060 ..1009 ..1030 ..1261 ..1040 ..1026 ..1026 .. 893 .. 622 .. 995 .. 975 2 00 4 20 4 45 4 45 3 45 3 65 3 65 3 Oi) 3 50 2 80 2 60 2 25 .1 00 2 90 3 00 2 00" 2 15 2 65 2 81 3 M 3 00 2 40 2 05 2 85 1 S3 . 760 ..1070 ..1079 ..1170 ,. 329 ,. 160 ..1040 2 10 3 20 3 20 :i 20 3 75 60 3 60 2 75 3)60 TOO 2 0O 2 55 2 0-1 16 steers. 26 steers. I steers. 1 Nteer. . 5 steers. 6 steers. 3 steers. 1067 12 steers. .. 12 cows,,.. 12 cows1. . . . 21 cows 8 calves. . 15 steers.... 875 9 heifers... ft). 23 cows 7 cows..., 20 feeders. . 89 feeders. . 891 326 900 90S 783 351 SM 82$ 23 feedprs. 85 feeders. 3 00 .1. H. ICader Nell. 20 cows. . 4 cows. . 934 2 90 2 cows 905 922 2 00 1 bull 1310 E. P Sweeney Neb. 1131 4 15 4 bulls.. .. 975 6 steers 1 steer. .1030 2 85 1 cow 900 3 50 6 cows 911 3 00 14 feeders.. 927 3 01 2 cows 1020 . Thompson Neb. 3 50 1 helfei.,., fM 2 00 10 rows loor, 2 85 3 COWS 873 I 85 19 feeders. 9' 2 feeders. . 1 feeder... 8S0 W. ( ?. steers.. . cow 5 cows... 3 row s... 1050 . 8 Jl 952 '. 858 II. C Mcrrlman Nch I calf 210 3 M 1 row J100 1 cow 1050 2 75 1 bull lion 2 75 2 10 1 S5 ,i cows S(0 1 85 25 cows .... 884 12 calves... 191 3 60 Currle Hros. Neb. 13 rows .. IOhi 3 15 llcows.. ..1015 3 15 22 cows. ... 8M I 85 COLORADO. 3 feeders.. SiO 2 75 8 feeders.. 910 1 feeder. .. 950 3 50 2 feeders. 765 18 feeders.. 916 3 50 6 fepders. .1010 C. f French--Colo. 26 steers. 1118 3 25 If rows.. .. 1050 9 cows ... 10)3 3 15 2 cows.. 1010 3 60 '.' 75 3 .7) 2 8 3 50 D. T. Cattle Co, -Colo, 43 cows. ... S43 1 75 :$cows 819 175 Oct. 21... I 6 2tHI I Oct. 22... 03 S Oct, IM...J f, 99U Oct. 24... t 01 ( wgu ... IMi 4 151 4 13 Oct. 26... n) 4 5 1 Oct. i!7... 4 54 4 10 Oct. 28... I K 4 10 Oct 29... I I 4 621 Oct. 30... $2 W 4 60 4 09 Oct. 31... R 67 4 47 4 03 Nov. 1.... 6 7314 4 61 4 01 Nov. 2.... 5 72 I CO 4 04 Nov. 3.... 4 66 4 04 Nov. 4.... 6 4 02 rjov. r.,...i o 71WI 4 66 Nov. 6....1 6 71'i 4 Rl Nov. 7.. ..1 6 6S ( 67 Nov. S.... 5 67N 4 69 Nov. 9.... 6 74' 4 bit Nov. 10..; 4 71 Nov. 11..! 5 72'ii Nov. 12. . , 5 tit 4 St J iows . 1 cow, .. 1 cow. ., 6 steers. 1 steer .. 12 cows... 2 cows. .. 52 steers.. 20 steers. IS cows 3 cows. . . 4 cows. . . 3 cows... 2 cows. . . 873 1 7 1 COW .. 730 .. 620 1 76 1 cow 1(U1 , SIO 1 75 35 calves... 210 . loos 3 10 1 steer... .1010 . 970 3 10 1 steer 10J 1 7S 1 75 3 25 3 10 3 10 n. Pauls Colo. .. 973 2 ?o 9 steers 900 3 25 ..1050 am O. H. Rush-Colorado. .,1060 4 15 E. Fletcher-Colo. .1136 t 25 Pat Sweeney Colo. , .. o6 2 so ; steers.. ..liso .. 930 n 25 6 steers,. ..IIP) W. W. Hart-Colo. ..1015 2 M 10 steers.... 976 .. 920 2 90 5 steers. ...1031 .. KM 2 W IS cows 950 4 80 4 00 4 2f 4 30 3 W WYOMING. 21 steers.... 951 3 05 16 steers.... 961 .165 Jack Davis Wyo. 1 steer.... 40 steets.. 1 cslf 1 stag.... 1 steer... I stfrr... ,13i 5 10 1 cow., ..1100 .. .850 ..I860 .. 990 ..1500 4 10 i 25 4 10 3 50 5 10 1'i.V. I On 4 ill 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 cow... 1 steer.. .1130 .1290 .1110 f. 10 10 Int.n Tntir, U'vn. 10 steers.. ..1115 I 10 J cows 99.i .1 25 4 feeders.. 997 3 60 2 cows 915 2 60 .1. At. ft (I. L. Hone Wvo. (A cows., 4 cows. 15 cows. 6 cows. ...m 3 Oil 31 feeders.. 1111 .150 ... 917 2 60 A. Falconer Wyo. ...10l 2 70 2 bulls 1.V5 3 30 .. .103il 2 35 f C. E. Partridge AVyo. ... 96s 3 25 1 bull 1370 3 35 F. A. Sear-Wio, IS cows.,. 17 stcel-s,. 15 steers.. 11 steers.. 1Ul 4 13 8 cows 991 2 90 1169 4 15 1 cow 1070 2 SO .. 979 3 55 R. Oterliout-Wyo. ..1120 4 30 26 steres....H76 4 60 E. W. Howne- Wyo. ..1175 3 25 60 steers. ...1104 4 30 II steers. . 2 steers.. J. H Curtis -wyo. 30 steers,. ..1165 4 35 HOGS- There was a good run of hogs on sale today and as all other markets were r ported considerably lower prices at this point also took a drop. The market opened 6ft7!4P lowpr and tho bulk of the first sales went at $5.65 and $5.67(4, At those prices quite a few loans changed hands, but buy ers soon lowered their bids owing to tho fart that Chicago was quoted lower, with the bulk selling from $5.60 to $5.70. After the flrst round packers only offered $5 60 for good hogs, while some of them said they would not give over $5.65. Sell ers were naturally holding for the morning lug price and as a result very Illtlc was dono for a time. The situation did not Improvo any as the morning advanced, so that It was very lato before anything like a clearance was made. The closo could bo quoted slow and !Oftl5o lower than csterday, with the bulk selling at right around i.w. iiepresenianvo saics: No. AV .. 91 ..137 ,..2H6 , . .296 Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 33. . . 8S... 66... 61... 6-31) 5 35 5 5714 6 571s, 6 00 6 00 & W 5 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 III 6 1.0 5 60 6 60 6 Co 5 W 5 fill 6 60 5 6n 5 60 6 00 5 60 6 60 6 Wl 6 Wl 5 60 6 Oil 5 60 5 fill 6 ISO 5 60 5 62U 5 621a 6 621, 6 fi2's 6 621, 6 6214 5 62V. 5 621i 60 317 57 289 5 CJIJ 6 6214 5 fi2' 6 621, 5 62'4 5 621, 5 62'4 5 621, 6 2'4 5 62', 6 iVJig 6 62j 6 6214 5 5 5 6i 5 h5 6 to n ill 6 65 5 (Vi 5 61 5 65 6 65 5 ll n fit 5 05 5 65 5 65 6 65 6 6714 o 67'a 6 67U 6 fi71- 5 671- 6 6714 n 6714 6 67 4 n 67'4 6 67' j 5 67! 3 n 70 6 70 5 70 80 80 120 40 '80 3i) 160 6" 31 1 120 .183 61. .16S ..216 ..216 ..251 . .258 ,,29S ..190 ..258 . .320 . .301 . .330 ,..182 ...183 ..211 ...277 ...US ,..240 ...257 ,.,219 . .230 ,..260 ..181 ,..145 ..210 65 3J2 Ml 261 69 296 2 2VJ 74... 80... 79... 72... UC 66. . . 66... 40... 64... 85... 92... 81... 73... 74... 88... 66... 76... 53... -1 86i!! 66... 68... 68... 61... 300 80 200 280 40 40 160 310 160 80 TOO 80 3it0 .242 69.... ..24 30 .381 .430 10 .250 SO 120 0 160 80 40 80 120 100 100 W 160 oo 120 ) 120 120 IV) 320 45 263 64 282 89 192 64 272 63. 248 2S0 242 2... 75... 68... 78... 93... 60... 78... 79... .235 .244 .218 .194 .24.1 80 160 ...224 ...273 ...283 ...281 . . .2x8 . . .280 ...317 ...236 ...260 ...267 ...297 ...290 ...288 ...230 . . .281 ...280 . . .268 61.. 61.. 66.. 66.. 67.. 66.. 73.. 60.. 67.. 63.. 61.. 73.. 76.. 65.. 64.. 69. ,..207 22 300 63. 88. 110 ....198 ....244 ....217 ....211 320 160 2n0 80 'so 120 SO 40 120 80 120 80 160 200 SO 120 240 87... 82... 61... 64... 61... 68... 61... 46... 64... ...201 ...256 . . .256 . . .2SI . . .210 ...300 .. .285 . . .386 80 5 621. 40 5 62',!. 40 5 62.. 64. 73 160 fi 6 J14 73 214 40 5 70 SHEEP Sheen reeetnls were verv tllieral again today, making the supply for the two iiujn mis weeK nir in excei.8 or tno re ceipts for any two days previous to this time In the history of the yards. Not only was tho Mtimilv evrrssive at Ibis nolnt. hu! at others aa well, and as a result the tend ency of prices was downward. There was a good demand here, however, so that tho hotter gtades of fat sheep and lumbs sold Just about steady with yesterday. The common stuff, however, was more or less neglected and In a good many Instances sold lOftlSc lower. Good to choice, feeder wethers were In nctlvo demand today and prices held fully ....,.,... . n n-r.3 tiv?ll illllt; litillicn, lIldtlKII, wero neglected and could be quoted 10M15o lower. Feeder lambs also eased off fully that much, as tho supply h-.s been very heavy for the last several days, whllo the demand has been limited. quotations: Choice yearlings. $3.4003.65; fair to good vearllncs. S3.2offa.4ii! choice wethers. $3,30ifi3.50; fair to good wethers, l3.lCVtf3.30: choice ewes. $2.90ir3.23; fair to good ewe.v $2.00if2.:i0; choice soring lambs, $4,30fi"l.60; fair to good spring Iambs, $l.10'u 4.30; feeder wethers, $3.WJj3.60; feeder lambs, $3,0044.00. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 4 cull owes ... 85 $2 2o 10 cull ewes ...100 ... 98 ...HO ...112 ...107 ...100 . .. 07 ... 87 ... 77 ... 80 ... 94 ...110 ... 62 ... S2 ... 91 ... 60 49 western ewes .. 2 S5 2 90 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 50 3 75 I 10 4 50 2 "5 3 25 3 25 3 (0 :: 10 3 60 4 25 4 00 30 western ewes.... native ewes 143 native ewes 449 nutivo wclhers 2.) cull lambs oort feeder yearlings iiO native lambs ... im native lambs ... 68 feeder ewes .... 1 native ewe U cull ewes 320 feeder wethers S48 feeder wethers !0 goats 25 native lambs 2143 feeder lambs..., 62 OHICAfiO I. IV! STOCIC MARK 11'. Cattle Steady lo Minn Hogs nn it Sheep lloth Lower. CHICAGO. Nov. 12. CATTLE-Tleceln'H. fi,60i) head natives, Ton head Toxans, sou head westerns; siow, sieany, no choice hero; good to prime. $6.25ft6.90: poor 10 medium. $3.75'ifi.00: stockers and feeders, $2.0084.25; cows, $l.oOfH.&0; heifers, $1.60(10.00: runners, $1.00412.25; hulls, $1.75i-.60: cnlves, $2.50fl 6.25: Texas steers, $3.30'a'4.00; western steers. $3.65fifi.O0. HOGS Receipts. 45.000 head: est mated In. morrow, 30,001) head: left ovor, 4,500 head: market 10Sj'15c loworj mixed and butchers, $5.45'ito.80: good to choice heavy. SS.nniu $3.8714; rough heavy. $5.3005.60; light, $5.25tf o.EK; bulk of sales, $5.45'n5.K5. WIIKKP A.-su IjAMIIH Receipts, 30,000 head; sheep SO-hMOc lower than close yester day; good to cholco wethers, $3.404.25; fair to choice mixed, $2.75'o3.40: western sheep, $3.00Jf3.80; native lambs, $2.5084.50; western lamns, iJ.iwiii.a. RECISIPTS-Ofl cia t Catt e. 20.113 heart- hogs, 38.604 head; sheep. 35,483 lirud. Hiiii'.siisJ th umciai: cuttle, 3,512 Head: nogs, 3,060 head; sheep, 2,795 head. SI. I.onls Live Ntnek Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 12. CATTLE Herein! . 6.100 head. Including 3,000 head Toxans; mar- Ket sieany; nauvo snipping and export steers, S5.oofifi.65; dressed heef and butcher steers. $3.A0ffti.2S; steors under 1.000 lbs., $2.75(g6.2i: stackers and feeders, $2.45ff3.S5: cows arid heifers, $2.004.75; canners, ii.rjQb1 2.2a; nuns. n..jsii.; lexas anil Indian steers, $3.0Ofl.2O; cowh and heifers, $2.20 8.10. nOGS-Receln s. 13.4m head: market low 14o lower; pigs nnd llghta, $5.35fi6.60; pack ers. S5.23fiu.65; butchers, SS.fiO'fl&.SO, MHKISI' AiSI.1 IjA.SI i.n KCCetplH, 3,(l head; market lOTlSr lower; natlvn muttons, J2.75'o3.40: lambs, $4.0i t.50; culls and bucks, l.biKil2.-i. evi York l.lvp Ntnek Mnrkel NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-HEEVES-Re. celpts, none, no sales reported. Cables quote American steers ISlilSlie, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 9'4if(A!4e; ex ports, 850 head beeves, 2,551 head sheep nnd o.tinO quarter of beef. CALVES Receipts, 69 head; quoted steady: few veals Sold, $5,0050.85. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Rerelpts, 2.199 head; sheep, slow hut steady; lambs, dull and lower; sheep. $2.fl0fi3.iR; lambs, $l,10fc 5.00: one deck reported. $6.12li. nOOS-Recelpts, 2,66.) head; dull, lUfrl.'c lower. t. Joseph Live Stork MnrUel, ST. JOSEPH. Nov. l?.-CATTLi:rtc relpts, 3.6'l bend; steads ; natives, ii.Wnd.'O; cows HUH ueiieis, i", veins, n.urn 6 25. HOGS - Receipts. 11.8ml bead; light and light mixed, $5.l0friu.i,i; medium and heavy iri.Oi'ifi.sf.; pigs. $l,0OH6.25; ImlK. $'..60i;5,75. SIIEl'.P AND LAMHS-Recclpls, 2,V head: lambs, top, i.w Ivniisiis I'll)' lilve Mock Mnrkel, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12. CATTLE Re eeiuts. lt.'M) natives, 5 0ori Texans, SOa calves, corn fed cattlo 10'oific lowet ; other rattle steady to lower; cholco export mid diesaed beef steers, $5 ifl'OS; fslr lo zood, U.WalM. ftockcrs and fefders. J2Wfill0; western fed alter, $I.V''a0.W, western range steers. $s.3f6n; Tpxns and tndtun Heers, $2 40171.001 Texas cows. l."4fr3.W. I''V" rows. $.i'AjH.r5, heifers. J3.M'3t.To; ; a 1 1" f r , $1.50112.10; bulls. $J.0O1fa7S; calves, $2.9060, HOGS-Receipts, 32.0oo head; nmrket lfir 15c lower; top, $5.00; bulk of sales. $ 6.80; heavy, $5.8iW5.90; mixed parkers, $5.5Vfli 5.80. light, $5.1ikHo.60. pigs, $4.65W5.I0. SHEEP AND LAMPS -Receipts, 10,'M) bead; market KV lower; native lambs. JI.25fN.75; western lambs. $4.001) l..0! hal ve. wethers. $3.60if3.0; western wethers. $3 3.65! yearlings. $:l.40-Jif;t.S7,4; ewes, $2.751i3.2; culls, 1.5(;i.W. Stnplnln Mht The following table shows the receipts of rattle, hogs nnd sheep nt the five principal siock morKci!, un cnn'ii i-. Cattle. Hogs. South Omaha 6.250 s,s:o Chicago 7.300 4S.O0O Kansa.s City 1.W .," St. Louis .KO ".to. St. Joseph 1 .8ft) Shep. 15.100 ).f"i 10.IVO .1.000 2.6- t Totnls 38.150 101.020 l.70 Cotton MnrUet. NEW YORK. Nov, 12 -COTTON-Spot closed quiet. l-16o , hlghrr; middling up lands 7 15-16c: middling Itulf. .8 3-l6c; snU. 335 bales. Cotton futures: December. ,,. 'c. January, 7 lis-; February. 1 12c; March. , 1 : April, 7.10c; May, 7.10c; June. i.l"o; Jul.. 'o'iuiNs. Nov. 13-corroN - Steady: sales. 6,300 bales: ordinary. .. l.-1i.. good ordinary. 6 5-16c; low middling. ,'; middling. 7Lr: good middling. I'ji'i nild dlllig, fnlr. 7 15-I6c. Receipts, 21.9ih bales; stock. 223.674 bales. Futures, steady; No vember. 7.331l".3."'S December, ' i.SnW i.Siei January. 7.20fi7.2lc; February. 7.Lft7.l9c; March, 7.17-ii 7.18c; April. i.Llfi.lsc; May. 7.17i7.1Sc: June, 7.1''iii.l7i ST. I.OIMS. Nov. I3.-COTTON -Quiet ai d steady; middling. 7c. Sale, 617 tin es; receipts. 8.32.8 lules, shipments, B,3"j bales; stock. 45.128 bales. GALVESTON. Nov. 12,-COTTON-Oulol, 'Y.l'VERPOOL. Nov 12. COTTON Spot, quiet; prices l-16d lower; American mid dling, fair, t 17-32d; good middling. I 11-TM: middling. (4d; low middling, 4 5-32d; good ordinary, 4 l-32d; ordinary. .1 25-32.1. Th sales of the day werp 7.000 bales, of wild ll 5.o wpro for speculation and export and Included fi.SO American, Rrielpts. filivi) bales. Inpliidlug 52.2on American. Futures opened quiet and cbfed steady; American middling good ordinary, close. November. 4 4-fi(d. sellers; November and December, 4 :i-64d, buyers; December nnd January. 4 2-64d, buyers: January und February. 4 2-6i, sellers: Fehruur.v and March. 4 3-6ld, scllcin: March and April, I 2-6ld. seller"! Anrll and Mav. I 2-6ld. sellers: May and J June. 4 2-6ld, buyers, June ami Jul. 4 3-fild, buyers; July and August, i :.iii, bio era. Coffee MnrWrl. NEW YORK. Nov. 12 COFFEE Spot Rio, weak: No. 7. Invoice. 7c; mild, mar ket easy; Cordova. 7''5J1Ip Futures iipMied steady In lone, with prices unchanged to five points advance, and ruled very Irreg ular during the. session on flurries of cm -erlng bv shorts and proflt -taking by longs, at one time being tlfteen to twenty points higher, then rapidly declining until al the close prices were net live to twenty poliva lower, with the undertone rasy. Private cables from Hrnzll reflected n mop favorable condition of the crop, with pros pects of n total movement of i.tAi.inVl hag. Cable news was n trifle belter than ex pected: primary receipts were regarded ns full. Tho days total business nniountPil to 91.000 bags. Including: November. 0 75c; December. 6.70'u6.'.iiV; . fi.70c; Feb ruary, 6.80c; March. fi.PSjl7.25e; May, 7.IF'u' 7.45c; June. 7.1'V; July, i..Mi'r) 7.63c; Septem ber, 7.50i7.MV: October, 7.55c. fill nnd HiikIii. OIL CITY. Pa.. Nov. 12,-OII-Credlt balances. $1.30; shipments. 88,(11 bbls.; runs. 45,458 bbls.: average. 71.717 bbls. SAVANNAH, fin., Not. 12 -OIL-spM a or turpentine, 3l'4o; rosliw linn and un changed. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 12.-OIU-CottoiiMnl, Hull rellned, spot, sternly at 22s 3d. TOLEDO, O.. Nov. 12.-OII--North Limn, 91c; Mouth Limn nnd Indiana, 90c, NEW YORK. Nov. 12. Ol L -Cottonseed, easy; yellow, 31'ac. Petroleum, dull; refined. New York, $7,05; Phll.iilelpliln and H.iltl more, $7.fi0; Philadelphia and Hnltlmore, hi bulk, $5. Roslu, unlet; strained, common to good, $1.15. Turpentine, dull at 'tv 3SI3C. LONDON, Nov. 12.-01 If-Llnscrd oil, 33c 3d. Xerr York Hr- linniln llnrket. NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-DRV GOODS Have cnnllnued dull In nil departments, but there has lieen 11 fair business In brown cottons for rxport, Hlrarhed rottons aro slow. Coarse colored goods are Ilrm. Mcr rlmac shirting prints. i4c. Huslness In prints quiet. Print cloths arp llfplcss lu regulars mid prices nominal. .MAMJIllSSTKH. .Nov, 12. DRV GOODS Cloths, quiet and steady; yarns, sleadj. Evnpnrntrd Apples Ami Dried FmlU, NEW YORK. Nov. 12. EVAPORATED APPLES Tho market was without Inter esting feature today; stale, common to good, finsc: prime. Mfec: choice, nc: fancy. 9'489!4e. OA Lil r Oltrs I A DllllSD FRUITS WCI dull; prunes, 3iifi7c. Aprlcols, Royal, S' 12c: Moor Park, 8fiS!e. Peaches, peeled, UOlSc; unpcelcil, Cfi91c Mllsvnukee (irnln .Mnrkel, MI LAY AUK EE. Nov. 12. -WHEAT - Txiw'er: No. 1 northern, 72'ii721sc; No. 2, 704 4j71c; December, 7l'4c. in is iower; Mi, 1. wu&y'ic. HA RLEY Dropping; No. 2. fiSlic: sani'ilo. CORN .May, 6iar. t'lillilrcn llni'ii In Home, - SPRINGFIELD. Mo Nov. 12,-Nein Marlonvllle Mrs. George Justice locked her two small p111111re.11 111 1110 nouse unci went a considerable dlstaneo for water. When fcho returned tho house was lu flumcn. The children were crcmaitu. WILL FAVOR NICARAGUA ROUTE Caiiul (Commission's Iteport lo I'tcm- Idenl Is l'ireenileil Will He .Marie Soon. WASHINOTON. Nov. 1'J. For the firs! time in several months the Isthmian Canal commission had a full meeting todny. Ad miral Walker presiding. They heard re ports .of committees and It Is espectrd that nearly all of tho week will bo consumed In a discussion of these reports, They comprise Investigation of tho follow In subjects: The Nicaragua route, the Panama route, other posslblo routes, tho Indus trial, commercial and military value of an Inter-ocuanlc canal nnd rights, prlvllegci und franchises. When this work Is concluded the com- mission will tuke up the report to the pres ident, which will embody Ihe rommlttes roports on these several subjects and the conclusions of the commission, which, be yond question, will favor the Nltarugua route. The commission Is anxious to get Its report Into the hauds of the president as soon ns pohslbln and therefore It U not unlikely that It will be ready for presenta tion early next week. SCHLEY BOAROls'SECRETIVE Snt Whisper of the Proceedings Is In lleneli I lie .Neils 1 1 11 liters. WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. -The Schley court of Inquiry held Us regular session to day. It wns stated positively after the session that not the slightest Inkling nf tho nntnro of tho cuurt's verd(cl would hi obtainable boforo It is rendered formally and that no statement wluiteier. not even regarding tho progress of the work, would bo given to-tho public. It h the purpose of tho court to hnvo Secretary Long's an nouncement nf the llndlng news In the strictest sense nf tho word. RAY C. MERRILL ft CO., Grain, Stocks 2nd Previsions Room 4 N. Y. Life Telephone 091. 'i'rtrftnB lll.SH, Boyd Commission Co 6uccenrs to J4m E. Hojrd 4 Co,, OMAHA. NER. COMMISSION iinAim. rnovimon and stocks. Board of Trad Ballala, Street vlraa to Chicago and Naw Yorfc Caittisndtno, John A. Warren k Cm. X 1 17 .3!S. iai