The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1U, J 871. OMAHA, MONDAY M O UN I N g , ' OVEMUEK 11, 1901-TKN PAGES. SINGJjE covy ftyb cunts. Ghiif of Eqaiimsnt Bnreau GWei BUtistfei f the Fitl Depirmtnt. AMOUNT GROWS 95,713 TON 'FM "S CExceid- by that Fijr tha Total For.' fLaitTisctl Ftr.'od. jHE IS SECRETIVE ABOUT SOME STATIONS jSaji Thtj Art Froptied for Fltcei Nt to B Mutloned Yt. ItHIIIKS WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY TOO NEW Stnfr- (lint Iteceitt l)rmont rnllon Hnve .Vit llcen ti It it to Wnrrnnt I ncle fnni' .Vlnl.lliR l.nrKr In- etiueiit nl I'rpKi'itt. W.v&IIINOTON, Nov. 10. A striking II lustration of the growth of the American navy Is iro-cnted in the single statement In the h nutial report of Hear Admiral It. II. P.radford, thief of tho equipment bu rrru of tho navy, tlin: hp spent $2,23,111 tho lust fln-al year for 324,108 tuns ot coal nt an average cost of $7.01 per ton. The report -ays that this was nearly '..,713 moru tons of coal than nan I'sed during the pre ceding fiscal year. Ten years ago the roul consumption was 7.1,000 tons per annum. Tho domestic roal costs $6.20 per ton and the foreign coal, of which there were used 1((5,0;ii tono, cost $S.:.0 per ton. Admiral tJIradforil has scattered American coal all over the world wherever suitable storngo coujd be found. He has placed 12,000 ton" at Yokohama and 6,000 tons at rtchlllquc, Mex,, ami he has vent large quantities to Cltmni and to the Philippines. He carried 0,00(1 tons by wnter from the Atlantic coast to Marc. Island, California, where It como Into competition with English Cardiff coal. They havn averaged tho same In coast, viz $!'.2S per ton, but nt present, owing to tho scarcity of American freight vessels, the best Cardiff coal Is considerably cheaper nt Mare Islam). It Is recommended that two largo steam 10.000-ton colliers be built to keep depots supplied In tlmo of pence nnd to nccompnny the fleets In tlmo of war. Where vv Mtntlnii Are. Summnrlxlng tho work accomplished at Various coaling stntlons during tho year tho report takes up Cavltc and says that the Imreau Is about to open bids for a 4D.000 ton con II UK station there. KITortB have been ininle to obtain a site for n coaling Vtntlon at Cebif, hut thus far without suc cess. Coaling stations havo been located m l'ort lsnbelln, Dtisnlln Island nnd at Pol loc, .Mindanao. A complete station has been established nt Yokohama. Japan, mid It Is now fully rtocked wlpi coal. Tho same statement Is true at Plchlllque, Mex., where through tho courtesy of the Mexican government our col and enTIfeTs'liuvo been Admitted to thn dint Ion without port duty or customs of any kind. In tho West Indies a little work hn beo.i done nt San Juan 'on the coaling scale, lint Admiral Ilradford expresses regret that llttln progress has been made for se curing other sited for coal depots In the West Indies. It Is .particularly essential that some of the deep water ports of Cuba nhould be mndo available for this purpose, its the entire waters surrounding Cuba aro most Important In a strategic sense. Es timates aio submitted for Improvement of coaling stntlons at most Atlantic ports, In cluding n modern plant at Norfolk. Some OthrrM Are .Secret. Admiral Ilradford specifically says: "As tho department Is nwnre, efforU aro being made to establish other coal depots at Im portant localities which It Is deemed un wise to discuss In a report of a public charnrtcr." Admiral Ilradford says Iltllo about his Tavorito project In a TrnnBpaclflc tele graph cable, rontcntlng himself with the Htatomcnt that the bureau Is now In pos erosion of all data required so far as sur veys are concerned to lay this cable. In tho samo connection ho renews his recom mendation for a careful examination of thn raclflo ocean west of tho Hawaiian Islands to locate dangers to navigation, lie rec ommends that additional hydrographlc of fices be opened nt Manila and nt Pensacoln, 'la. The report says that tho subject of wire less telegraphy was followed carefully dur ing the war, but it docs not appear nec-etf-ary to adopt nny particular sytom at rresent, as It Is advisable to have no moro apparatus than that necessary for Instruc tion, As most naval powers have adopted omc form of wireless telegraphy for their whips, It is believed from the reports re ceived that none is satisfactory. It was clearly shown during tho International yacht races that tho difficulties of "Inter ferrnco" could not bo overcome with the npparatus tbon used. CHARLESTON SETS A PRICE Decide the Hnte to llr Chitmed for Ae emiinintlntlnn Durlnir tht Ai- lironrliitiK reposition, ' CHAIILESTON, S. C Nov. 10. Exhib itors and concessionaries aro coming to Charleston in largo numbers and during the lust two days a hundred carload- of ex hibits havr arrived hero for the oxposltlon. Tonight S. C. Meodo, president of tho Now York stato commission, and lour other members nnd cmployia of the commission reuched Charleston and tomorrow twelve members of the advisory board and Archl-tect-ln-Chlof Gilbert will reach the city from New York. Architect Huston of thu Philadelphia building Is here to receive the building from the contractors. It la ready for the Liberty boll, which it will shelter during tho exposition. Moro than 2,000 men aro now employed tin tho exposition grounds. The housing committee, of tho woman's department has nlready secured more than 10,000 lodgings for exposition visitors In privnto families and boarding houses. The usual rato for lodgings will ho $1 a day,' and for lodging nnd breakfast $1.25. Ncnrly every house in Charleston "will be converted for the ex position period Into a house of entertain inent and the sentiment ot the community Is against every attempt to exact heavy tolls of the visitors. Tho railroads have agreed upon lower rotes -so per cent lower than the rates made for tJuffalo and the city council will pass an ordinance next Tuesday night for the protection of the roads from the scalp ers. The attendance promises to be nt least twice that which tho promoters ot the project expected and the exposition will be one of the most artistic ever held In the touth. YANKEES GET THERE FIRST Another Title of Hon They llcnl the HrltUli KiiKlnr .linker to the Cnpr. CAPETOWN, Nov. 10. Dr. J. W. Smart, commissioner of public works of Cape Col ony, In the course of a letter to the papers here dealing with the mission of the gen cral agent of the Cape government railway, "harlcs Illatterman Elliott, and his cor londence with the Ilrltlsh presf, says, Elliott has cabled that his total pur nd orders for the Cape railways pi. ,.t merlcit do not exceed 600. Or. Snia, ids: "The approximate value of the rolling stock ordered during the last two years Is i:i,0:,0,000, ot which Hrltlsh firms hvo supplied about 000,000. Ordcra for rail way stores, apart from rolling -lock, from July. 1000, to September, 1001, aggregate 005,000, of which flreat Hrltaln supplied 8W,657." In a, slntcmcnt accompanying the letter the commissioner of public works compares at length the experience of the Cape gov ernment In connection with the cent nnd tlmo of delivery In the caso of orders placed In Great llrltaln with the experi ence with orders placed In the United States. He shown that the Americans sup plied locomotives within ten months, whereas the Hrltlsh manufacturer required from twelve to eighteen In spite of tho offers of a premium for delivery In nd vance of the contract time. He also shows that the American engines were satisfac tory and tho prices far below tho Hrltlsh, An order qf rails for n light lino was placed on the continent at 4 13 shillings per ton, tho lowest Hrltlsh tender being 1 4 shillings I pence. Trucks to the value of 2,630 were obtained In Hungary at about one-half the price of the lowent Hrltlsh tender. The aaent general was authorized to give the Hrltlshers it preference of 10 per cent, but not unless they wero prepared to meet the requirements of prompt dollvcry and reasonable prices In comparison with others and to adapt themselves to the colony's needs and conditions n they wero met In the United States and on the con tinent. It Is suggested that tho superces slou of Mr. Elliott will not mean trade to thn Hrltlsh. WILL EXPEL CAPE INVADERS Kitchener unci lite Premier Ifnve . I'lit n to Tnx Them Out of the Wny. LONDON, Nov. 11, In a letter dated Oc tobor 23, tho Capetown correspondent of the Dnlly Mull says: "Lord Kitchener nnd Sir John Gordon Sprlgg, tho Cape premier, havo arranged h scheme for the expulsion of the litvnd'jrs from Cape Colony. A Joint commission of Imperial nnd colonial military chiefs has been sitting here for some days past to drnft a scheme. It Is understood thut this provides for the colony taking u lurfje share In the future campaign nnd con tributing largely toward its eoHt. Appar ently, a levy of loyalists enmnssa is the Idea Involved. LONDON. Nov. 11. Accorrtlnc to .the. Dally Nows, Major General 'Inn i vHaruIUW who sailed Saturday for South Africa Id" act an Lord Kitchener's chief of stnff; takes a plan prepared In Ldndon for n more vigorous campaign, with n view of ending tho war before tho coronation fcstlvtlea begin. "General Hamilton's appointment," nays tho Dnlly Newn, "Is part of a plan ar ranged after the king's return from the continent, about six weeks ago. Unless Lord Kitchener should decline to be com plainant, the new schemo Is likely tn de velop about tho beginning of the year." AMERICAN SCHOONER SEIZED Pir(imurnr (innhont 1'nltr It In Tow for Cnrrj ItiR- .Men Who Wouliln't Nnliller. LONDON. Nov. 10. Tho Exchange Tele- graph company has received a dispatch from Lisbon nnnnuncing that a Portuguese gun- bent has seized the American schooner Nettlo nnd Lottie nt Horta, Island Of rayal, tho Azores, for clandestinely con veying twenty-six emigrants who wero try ing to avoid military service. AGAINST MILWAUKEE'S VICE Crnande I On In the Town that Ileer .Mailr Fnninna, Led hy Min uter. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 10. An nntl-vlce crusndo Is ob In this city. A committee of threo which has beon making an Investi gation for several weeks made Its report tonight. The report brlnge out a variety of alleged disregardn fnr.tho law. It Is based on a written and somewhat extended state ment prepared by an unnamed agent who made n thorough canvass ot the city with referenco to the subject under considera tion. Tho charges are mado that the city council disregards tho law by granting saloon licenses for part of the yenr with corresponding license fee. Tho report al leges that thirty-two wide-open gambling houses nro doing business and' that there are In opcrntlon lit! snloonB that are con nected with questionable resorts. The re port exonerates tho pollco from receiving revenue from tho alleged wholesale disre gard of the law. Tho committee was nppnlntctl by the Min isterial association of Milwaukee to Inves tigate the moral condition of thn city and consisted of Ilev. It. H. Keller, Pilgrim Congregational church; Nov. E. A. Cutler, Westminster Presbyterian church, and Ilev. Henry Coleman, superintendent of tho Anti- Saloon league. The clergy of the city took up the subject today and from n dozen pul pits there was expressed hearty approval ot the movement. FIRST IN M'KINLEY'S MEMORY Minnesota Vlllnue I'nvell- Monument with Jiorthvveat'a Principal Spenkera Pnrtlelpntlna, TOWER, Minn., Nov. 10. To this village belongs tho honor of having erected tho first monument In honor of William Mc Klnloy. representatives from tho entire northwest were present today nt the un veiling. Including Governor VanSant and other men of prominence. When the mon ument was unveiled all the bands that Tower and the surrounding country could muster played the hymn "Nearer, My Ood, to Thee." The spenkers were; Governor VanSant, John Owens, Thomas McKeeon and Rev. Dr. Forbes, Movent i-n I of Orenn Vraaela, Xov 10, At Liverpool Arrived: Cnmpanln, from Now York via Qnecnstown; Cevle, from New York. At St. Johns. N. v. Arrived! Grecian, from Liverpool, for Halifax. At Quecnstown-Salled; KtrurM, jrom Liverpool, for New York. At Southampton Sailed: Koentgen Lulse, from Bremen, for New York. WARNED BY UNITED STATES Bilgaria Offioiallj Notifitd if Uiolt lam'i Attltntk DICKINSON BLUNTLY PLACES THE BLAME Persistent It n in or t h nt .Mis Stone It llrnil lltiticnrlim Continue to Knilinrtna .eotln- tlon, l' t n.i (Copyright, 1501, by Press Publishing Co SOFIA, Bulgaria. Nov. 10. (New York- World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The rumor Is persistent that Ellen M. Stone Is dead. Consul General Dickinson had an In terview tonight with the Bulgarian min ister of the Interior, M. Sarafnff, nnd no tified him officially that the United States will hold tho government of Bulgaria re sponsible If Miss Stono dies or Is killed, or Is nlready dead, as a result of thepertl. nnrlous pursuit of the brigands by Bul garian authorities, thus preventing bring ing tho negotiations for release to a con clusion. The government of Turkey Is keep ing perfectly tjulet. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Nov. 10. Information has been received here that the band of brlpand- holding captive Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, called about a fortnight no nt tho vlllngo of Smetchevo and subsequently proceeded to ths monastery of lHlo, but the movements of the troops compelled the brigands to flee toward the froullcr, where they nro now In hiding. It Is nlsn asserted that the brlgamU have recently been treating Miss Stono with more severity In order to exercise pressure nnd to compel a more ready ac ceptance of their conditions. Consul General Dickinson I Inflexible. Ho Insists that the surrender of Miss Stono must precede or be simultaneous with the payment of the ransom. His nttltudo Is Justinnblo by the known detcrmlnotlon of members of the bnnd, particularly Captain Ynnnc Sandansk), to kill Miss Stone and her companion as soon as th" ransom Is received, owing to tho fact that tho captives have now acquired Informa tion regarding the secret committees. Com petent persons, however, express the opin ion that the cupidity of the brigands will overcome their fears or rcvelntlon and nil such approve tho declaration of Mr. Dick inson, Yestcrdny Mr, Dickinson made cnergctl" representations to the Bulgnrlnn govern ment against the movement of tho Bul gnrlnn troops, reproaching the officials with the fact that, notwithstanding their solemn promises to give him all nsslstnnce In their power, their action was embarrassing thu negotiations regarding a settlement and plnclng In Jeopardy tho life of Miss Stone. He made a declaration that the Bulgarian government would bo held responsible for the death of Miss Stone nnd for all tho consequences ot her death, should It bo proved that the attitude of the Bulgarian government forced the brigands to kill their captives. PREACHES TO. PRISON MEN KfinnH ('It)' Pnntnr llellver .nnnttl Sermon to Thne Who .r Their Ilrother' Keeper. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 10. The nnnual sermon before the congress of tho National Prison association was delivered today by Rev. S. M. Noel of this city at the Contral Presbyterian church. The delegates as sembled nt the Midland hotel nnd marched to tho church In a body, nearly all of tho 200 hundred visitors attending the services. At the meeting tonight In tho Grand Avenue Methodist church, whero thu ses sions of tho congress nro being held, ad dresses were delivered by Ilev. W. A. Qunyle, pastor of tho church; General Koellff Brlnkcrhoff, chairman of the Ohio Stnto Hoard of Charities, and by several other visiting delegates. Warden U. W. McClnughry of tho federal prison nt Leav enwouth was to havo addressed the con gress tonight, but wan unnblo to. be pres ent on account oMtbo duties imposed upon him as a result of the mutiny and escape of twenty-six of his prisoners last Thurs day. Many of tho delegates visited tho Kansas state penitentiary at Lansing and the fed eral prison nt Leavenworth today. The business session of the congress will begin tomorrow morning. PAYMASTER LOSES THOUSANDS Pickpocket Itlfle Steven' Crip of l.onif (ireen Inteiiile,l for liny In II I tic. PENSACOLA. Fin., Nov. 10, Paymaster Stevons of the United Stntes nrmy arrived from Atlanta Saturday and before leaving thnt city placed In a hand satchel $200 and $4,S00 In paper money for tho nurnose of paying the several hundred artillery men at Fort Molten their salaries for the past month. When he reached the fort here ho opened his grip nnd found thnt nil tho papor money, amounting to nearly $3,000. had been nbstrncted nnd nnlv thn Sina dollars remained. The news spread, be coming known here about midnight. Tho police wero Instructed to watch out for tho treasure. Paymaster Stevens thinks some professional pickpocket followed nira and relloved him during tho trip. He cannot recall a single Incident of tho trip that would lead to any duo of tho robbery, but has concluded that the money was taken before hev left Atlanta. ATLANTA, Ga Nov. 10. The police de partment of this city has placed under ar rest J. H, Alexander, a negro In tho em ploy of the United Stntes government, charging him with having stolen $4,500 from the valise of Mnior P. C. Stevens. paymaster, last Friday evening. ROAD STILL DOING BUSINESS Denver t lllo tirnmle Seem Little Affeeteil hy S llehmen' Strike nt Present. DENVER, Nov. 10. The strike nf switchmen on the Denver & Ulo Grande, railroad is having but little eftect on the traftlc of that road, according to the state ments of the railroad officers tonight. The switch engines all over tho system were fully manned, with the exception of thos at Sallda nnd Alamoea. Tho Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen say they will stand by the decision of Vice Grand Master Uie, In which ho decred that tho agreement between his organization and tho Rio Grande was still In operation and that It covers switching. Tho switchmen em ployed on tho Colorado & Southern rail road, who, It was reported, would aid the nio Grande men In their strike, say they will continue neutral. NOT THE BODY OF RATHBUN llttlrnnee 'nmiiiii' Itrprc-r nlntl vo Interrupt ArUnnxit llttrlnl 11c cnitse of Stivnlt'loti ill Fritnil, LITTLE HOCK, Ark., Xov. 10. That the corpse sent hem from Jerfrrso'nvllle, Ind as thnt of Newell C. Itatubun ot this city, United States recruiting oltlicr here, who was reported to have died In n Jefferson vllle hotel a few days ago, Is not the body of.Knthbun was the assertion made bore today by Samuel M. Powell, state manager of the Metropolitan Life Innurnnco com pany. The body was to have been burled here this afternyon. Li his statement the Insurance oinclnl in supported hy Dr. C. Jennings, the company's examining phy sician; 11, P. Slsk, who placed one-halt of the life Insurance on Hathbun; by .Mrs. J. C. Wntklns of the Grand Centrnl hotel, with whom Knthbun boarded up to the time of his muirlnge a short time ugo, and by others'. Mr, Powell requested the undertaker to postpone ijie funeral until Monday ami to day placed Information of his alleged dis covery In possession of a detective. Mr. Powell made the following statement: "This liathhun rase Is no very tlnusunl from my first connection with it I shall be. surprised nt nothing that may develop In regard to it. In tho first place. Newell Itathbun voluntarily called nt my omco nnd asked for $2,nou ordlnniy life Insurance. This, while It homcflmcs oc curs. Is unusual, hut he struck mo as u fine risk and my questions dcolopcd that he was the United Slates Hrmy recruiting officer of this city nnd was soon to be mar ried. I had him examined by the com pany's physician, Dr. C. Jennings, nnd ho pnssed all right. "I regarded him as an excellent risk. A few days later he enlled again at my nlllcc, but 1 was absent nnd my ofllce man, B. P. Slsk, wrnto him $2,000 additional. There fore, when I rend In the press tho notice of his sudden death nt Jeffersonvllle, lnd., I was astonished. Ho was too healthy, ac cording to my mind to drop In thnt wny and I thought It might bo n ensn of sulclilu and determined to hnve nn autopty. This morn ing, In company with Dr. Jennings, I went to tho house where the remains wero .to make the request of his wife- and hnve the autopsy over before the hnur for tho fu neral." .Mr. Powell said that soeral persons who knew Hathbun well were present and when the body was exposed to view It was tho general opinion that thb body wns not that of Hathbun. JEFFERSON VI LLE, lnd., Nov. 10. Two men who registered as J. T. Teneyck of Wntcrtown. N. Y., nnd Nowcll C. Rnthbuu registered at the Fnlla City hotel hero Inst Wednesday. On Thursday the man who registered as Kathbuu wne found dead In his bed. The coroner found laudanum In hla stomach sufficient to hnvo killed two men . Deputy Coroner Coots wants to find Ten eyck. Tho mnn who registered ns Hathbun was very shabbily dressed. SUSPECT CASTRO'S BROTHER Colombian l.lhernl Think He I Plny iiiK Diinl Itole i;rll.-tlrllir Jlitle Their tin I i WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacoa, Nov. 10. Advices received here from Cnpacho Vlejo. dated November f. say that tho re port from President Castro to his brother, Celestlno Castro, at San Cristobal, to the effect that the United Slates government "Insists upon mcdintlng between Venezuela nnd Colombia" caused the greatest excite ment nmong the troops on the frontier. General Urlhe-Urlbn and General Modesto Castro Immeillntrly set out for Snn Cristo bal to obtain details. It seems thnt General Urlbo-Urlbo refused to bellevo tho report, declaring that he had no fears nn to tho fut u ro of tho liberal cause, because Pres ident Cnstro had given him a castiron plcdgo not to forsake him. "Should President Cnstro provo untrue to, tho liberal cause," exclaimed General Urlbe-Urlbe, "the result would be ruin. Tho war will enter Colombia before Christ mas." Thero Is considerable feeling ngalnst the Castro family among tho Columbian lib erals and along tho frontier In consequence of a widespread rumor tha' Celestlno Cas tro, who Is commander-in-chief nt San Cristobal, hns been privately selling cattlo tn tho enemy, tho cattlo being whisked across tho frontier by means of alleged raids of Colombian conservatives. During one of these raids a dozen soldiers wero killed on both sides. It is said that tho cattlo change hands at n prearranged price of $30 per head. Tho blood thus spilled Is charged directly to Celestlno Castro by the Indignant people of Tnchirn. From Snn Cristobal General Urlbe-Urlbe pro ceeded tn Mnracuibo. CURACAO, Nov. 10. Dr. IMuardo Blanco, Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs, has resigned his portfolio. Ho will be suc ceeded by Dr. Pnchano. Thn cause of the resignation wns ,i disagreement regarding tho Colombian question, particularly tho answer of President Castro to the Pan- American congress In tho City of Mexico, which wan scut without Dr. Hlanco'B knowledge. MORGAN SWALLOWS ANOTHER llrenker Inlnitil .Steel Plnnt lo lie I'nl the HIk t'oniorntloii ThroiiKli Mini. TROY. N. Y.. Nov. lO.-Ncgotintlons are being carried on by J. Plerpont Morgan wheroby It Is expected tbnt tho Baker Is land plant of tho Troy Steel company will soon bo nbsorbed by tho United States Steel corporation. Tho plant, which Is the largest In tho stnto, has been Idle for flvo years and Is now In tho hands of n receiver. At one time It employed over 3,000 men. During the Inst summer tho buildings and furnaces havo been repaired at a large ex penditure. It was expected thnt tho trans fer would ho iiiudo last Hiimmor, but Mr. Morgan refused to act until the steel strike was settled. He was given the option on the plant when tho United States Steel cor poration was formed. SCRANT0N BREATHES EASIER City .Much Itelleteil hy lite I'nut thnt HlK Strike Hit Ileeu A erteil. SPHANTON, Pa.. , Nov. lO.-Thr rom munlty Is greatly relieved by the notion of the Temple Iron company In reinstating tho alleged blacklisted men nnd thereby nvertlng n strike of Its 6,000 miners. What prompted tho company lo change its position cannot bo ascertained, ns none of the otllclalH will discuss tho matter. District Prcsldont Nichols of tho Mine Workers' union expressed tho opinion that tho Temple company mndo tho luniccsslon at the Instance of the other big companies, who feared tho possibility of u general strlku being precipitated. HIGH SCHOOL COURT-MARTIAL Prf. Waterhone's Plan for Dialing with Pittj ThlT. PILFERER! CAUSE MUCH ANNOYANCE Student tlndj Wilt lie Git en nil Op. portuiilt.v to Try ( 'it urn nnrl , e Ptittlaliiiieitt In Ktrnt of Cunt If (Ion. Principal Wntrrhouse of the. Omaha High school has decided to extend the "school city" plan. He propones to ndd a de partment of Justice, with Its concomitant adjuncts of secret service and .tho like. Ills tlrst step hns nlready been tnken and the experiment will be given n trial this afternoon. During a long time the pupils at the High school have suffered from tho deprc dallonK of petty thieves. Lunches have been stolen, articles of clothing hno been taken, two or three bicycles have disap peared and nlmost every known form of pilfering has been practiced, to tho great unnoynnco of pupils and Instructors nllke. This situation Is not n novelty nl all. It existed under tho administration ot Prof. Lcvlston tn an extent that brought on him the charge that ho wns lop lax in his discipline. When Prof. Lcvlston withdrew and wnn succeeded by Prof. Waterhouso the predatory raids on rln.ikroom and class room Increased rather than dlmlnlshnl. until tho situation hns finally come to be In tolerable. It In'nllcgcd that nt present conditions aro such that the boys have to carry their caps with thorn from clnsnroom to classroom, not during to deposit them In any coatroom, while such a thing ns Fdfcty for a lunch is unknown. Order it foil r t -tin rl In I. Trnf. Wntcrhousn has determined to break up this situation, if possible. He has de veloped a plnn which he believes will ac complish his nlniK nnd frco the school from the Inconvenience nnd odium of harboring a lot of thieves. Ills method takes the form of a court -martini, mado up from thn boy of the ichool, threo seniors nnd two from each of the three lower classes, to form a court nnd try the cases an pre sented to them. This plnn has been sub mitted to the endets nnd they hnve voted to adopt It. The first session of the court will bo held nt the High school building this nfternoon. At thin tlmo the names of the boys who will constltuto tho court will bo made known. It Is understood thnt Prof. Wnterhouso has made hla selections, but Is withholding the names for prudential reasons. Prior to nnnounclng his plnn to the boys, It Is snld, tho principal cnrrlcd on n llttlo Hawkshaw work, and is now prepared to make dellnlto nnd specific charges against pome suspected pupils nnd present proof In support of his nllegntlons, In enno any of tho accused Is found guilty the punish ment will bo nssessed by tho court. The Intention Is to allow tho student body to rcgulnto Its own affairs nnd punish Its own offenders ns far as possible. ' Should tho plan work well wllh the boys. It will ba cxtoiMcd" thitf rh&'glr Is "can have the samo privilege, ny this means It Is hoped to lid tho High school of tho pil ferers who now mako the possession of minor personal articles decidedly uncer tain. FATHER CROWLEY JUST INSIDE Prlt'Nt nt llreicoii In ('hnreh Axnln, lint Hit In Tnke OliNenre Nrnt. CHICAC-O. Nov. 10. Father Jeremiah J. Crowley, tho Itomnn Catholic priest of Oregon, III., whoso severe criticism of the church authorities of the nrchdloceso of Chicago wns followed by his excommunica tion and whoso prcfccnco In Holy Name cathedral was the cause of n dramatic scene there Inst Sunday, when solemn high mass wan stopped and tho lights put out. appeared at tho cathedral again today nt the hour of solemn high mass, Today Father Crowioy wns ntsmlficd, nfter some parleying nt tho door, nnd In n renr : scat ho cat through tho solemn service. ! When the tall priest from Oregon appeared nt tho central entranco to tho cathedral 1 ho found gathered thero n number of ushers, iwho quickly placed two tables I across the entrance, barring his way. When 1 r-ather Crowley demanden admittance he i was directed to n side entrance, nnd thero i ho wns admitted. When ho started up tho aisle, however, his way was blocked by another company of ushers, who de clined to permit him to proceed and he was forced to accept a pew, the fourth from tho rear. Thero he snt undisturbed through tho snme service as that which wns stopped when hti entered the church last Sundny. Tho cathedral was filled today to Its utmost capacity and It was apparent that many of the attendants expected a repeti tion of tho scenes of Inst Sundny. ONLY WHITE ENGINEERS 'JOIN Aoeliilloii of Sliitlonnr)' Opr rntorn Form nt Atlnntn it 1 1 It Color Line rirnrly Drntvn, ATLANTA, (5a., Nov. 10.--Tho United States Motlvo Power Association of Sta tionary Knglnccrs linn been formed hero. Thu association In composed nf tho inenf bers of Atlanta asfoclntlon No. 1, of tho National Association of Stationary En gineers, which withdrew from tho Natlonnl association nt the Rochester meeting In September, when negroes wero admitted to tho association. Tho now association Is the only organization of strictly white en gineers In America. Application will bo made to tho secretary of stato for a charter this week. A- Nearly as Much as Both Bee Want Ads Pay CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair, Colder Mon d;i; Tuesday Halnj Winds Shifting to Northerly. Temprrntttre nt Oinnhn Yesterdayi lour, n . m lieu. . . -10 .. It . . I '.' . . lit . . in . . .. nt . . nti Hour. lien. . fl7 . ns . nti . nn . nti lit ..... . tl n. n, it. ! n, 111 it. f.'i nti nn ns PACKING PLANT CATASTROPHE 'I'no Plninher Are 1'nlnllj- Senlririt While MnktitK Itepnlra nt Arnionrrinle, Knn. KANSAS CITY, Nov." 10,-Twn steam fitters were killed and two others seriously Injured by the blowing out of a vnlve. In tho wntcr pumping apparatus at the Schwnrzchlld Sulzberger packing plnnt In Armourdale, Kan., today. Dead: N. It. Ml'RPHY, suffocated or drowned J. II. llUSSKLL, scalded. Injured: Jumrn McMnhon, scalded. vv . h iioovcr, scanted, The accident occuned In it deep pit tn which Is located the packing plum's pack lug machinery. The apparatus Is all below the ground, where the turn wero working on repairs. .Suddenly the large T vnlve which In used to regulate the pressure mid flow wns blown out nnd the men were en veloped In a cloud of scalding wnter nml strum. Nothing could be done lo rescue the men until tho How of steam had ex hausted Itself. Murphy was dead when taken out. llusscll lived four hours. Tha Injured mcid are In n serious condition. McMalioii ha's-n slight rhnnce of recovery. OHIO SHORTAGE ESTIMATED With llnlf the Hetnrna In thr Inill entetl FhIIIiik Off I Hundred Tlionaunil. CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. lO.-Wllh almost half of the omdal returns from the eighty eight counties In Ohio received, it Is esti mated that tho total vote may be 10n,000 less than for governor two years ago, when 520,S72 votes were cast, and nlmost 250, 000 less than for president Inst year, when tho total voto of Ohio wan 1,340,121. Notwithstanding the Increase In popula tion during the Inst thirteen years, the tolnl vote will likely bo much less than for president In 1SSS, when It wnn 841,941, and probably less than has been east for gov ernor slnco that time with n slnglo ex ception. The returns show that the greatest short age was nmong the democrats outside of the cities, and It Is still variously attributed to thu silver question, prevailing pros perity, tho death of McKlnlcy, endorsement of President Hoosevelt, Oovernor Nash and Senator Koraker and other causes. LOOK TO THE NORTHWESTERN .lllliurt' People 'I'.xpect II tn Rltr he .ew Line from C'ltlrnno tn SI. I.otil. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. The ftccord-Herald tomorrow will say; A new through rail way line from Chicago to St. Louis Is be lieved by residents of Springfield and other towns In the central part of tho state to be n certainty In tho near future. The rumor thnt comes from those cities Is thnt the Chicago &. Northwestcn railway han completed a ileal by which It will absorb the Chicago, Peoria ft St. Iytiuls line, and thus gain nn entrance Into tbo desirable St. Louis territory, Kor some time the Northwestern road has been nt work building a branch road from Dfxon to Peoria, nnd thin would connect with the Chicago, Peoria & St. Ixiuls road to hinko a through line. At Springfield It wan raid Inst evening that tho Northwestern had by private pur chases secured a majority of tho stock of the small road. ROB STAGE IN DAKOTA TOWN MnnUeil Men iion't Trouble lo Leave Vnlley City tn Do the. TrleU. VALLEY CITV, N. D.. Nov. 10.-Vhlle nn omnibus wns on Its -wny to North Val ley City tonight It wns held up by masked1 men nnd ti number of tho passengra robbed of their vnlunbles, Thero wero eleven passengers nnd they lost money nnd valuables to the amount of I00. A lawyer, who whs riding with tho driver. Jumped from bin seat In the dnrknes-, ran back to tho nearest house and telephoned for tho pollcp. Hy tho tlmo the ofllcers arrived, however, the robbers had escaped with their booty. The holdup took place within the city limits nnd was a bold piece of work, BANGS AWAY AT PASSERSBY SU-Vcnr-Olil Hoy nt Devil Lnke Mi not Peranna .Inat for Knn. DKVILS LAKE, N. D., Nov. 10, The B-yeur-old son of William itarhcr, today se cured n revolver and began shooting at poisons passing his home, Miles Miller, a merchant, was made a target by tho boy, but missed. Hurt Crary, a 12-year-old boy was tho next person to pats nnd young Harber shot him through tho apex of the light lung, probably fatally wounding him. Thn Ilurbcr boy seemed to think he was having u good tlmo and did not realize the travity of his act. Thn Omaha Sunday flee yesterday pub. Ilslicd U7I Inches uf PAIII want ads, Hoth othor papers combined published 112 Inches of paid want ads. People, pay for Hee want nds. bccHUHo they aro a good business Investment. IN CONVICTS' GRASP BktritT 0ik and Dpitj f Tapika Art TkimulTM Mad Fri'titr. FT. LEAVENW8RTH REFUGEES TRAP THEM Offiotri Fellow Intt Ftrmhtin and Ar Tkir Owptwtrtd. CR0K FINALLY1 EICAPE, PROTECTED t Usi WotiUr'i Wilt for Shield aid Run th Lilt Unhirmtd, THREE IMPOVERISH A MANHATTAN FARMER Unit nntl Hon Mini enr the Town, Then r.aenpe llrnil Are lltirleil In the I'rUou Yard. TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 10. Sheriff Cooit of this county and Deputy Sheriff Williams were raptured by two escaped convicts from tho l'ort Leavenworth military prlsoa this afternoon at Pauline, five miles south of Topekn, nnd held prisoners In the farm, house of n man named Wooster for several hours. Tho convicts Dually escaped be tween a line of police sent from Topekn te reinforce the sheriff nnd are now at largo. Hoth were slightly wounded. Wonntcr wuh hndly wounded by one of the convictH when ho tried to flri- on them Mrs. Wooster nnd Sheriff Cook were held before the convicts us u shield by tho pris oners In making their escape. A posnt Is In pursuit tonight. At 2:.10 thin afternoon some farmer hoy nnr Paulino lenrncd that tho convlcti wero In thn neighborhood. Hnstlly formlni a posse armed with target rlries, pistols nnd clubs, they gsvo chase. Neither of the convicts were armed and they wero unablf to make, a stand. UHvr Sheriff Cook and Deputy Williams arrived. Coining upon the convicts, both ofllcers fired, woundlim thn men, hut not disabling them. Tho convicts then lied through n small opening In the timber nnd ran Into the house of Farmer Wooster. Sheriff Cook telephoned to Topeka for nsslstauco and then took up the chase. Thinking that tho convicts had run around the house, Cook darted through tho open door. Intending to surprise them nt thn rear donr. Hut Instead ot this thn convicts had goim Into tho hounti and tho officer almost fell Into their arms. Dinar in Iloth Ollleer. Sheriff Conk was ordered to give up his gun. which ho did. Deputy Wllllnms by this time hud reached the house and entered without knowing what, had happened Inside, and ho, tco, was mndo captlvo by the ton vlcts, v In the meantlmo Chief Stahl of Topeka, with eight ofllcers, wro on the way. Th?y arrived nt the Wooster houso nbout nn hour after the officer-, hart , been .Imprisoned.,, Chief Stnhl Immediately began negotiations with the convicts to glvo up their prison ers and to surrender themselves, but tho convicts only laughed. Farmer Wooster then mannged to get a gun nnd was nbout to make nn attack on the convicts wher. one of them Inld him low with a blow from the butt of a revolver taken from one of tho captives. The convict broke Wooster'i right hand and cut a gash In his head. One of tho convictH told Sheriff Conk that ht would be killed If he made the slightest move toward their capture. In tho mean time the pollco olllcera on thn outsldo had surrounded thn building, but were nfrnld to mako n movo for fear that Cook nnd Wllllnms would suffer. Kai'iipe I .Untie Kit)-. Mrs. Wooster had fajntcd during tho ex. cltement. Sho was finally revived and at " o'clock thn convicts plnced thn womnn and Sheriff Cook in front of them ns nhlelda and mado for the door. Then, after uxact. lng a promise from tho shorllt that he would not permit any of the oftlcoro out sldo to fire on them, they started for Hie open. As they left the houso with the frightened farmer's wife and the. submis sive sheriff beforo them the convicts passed between a cordon of police who could havn captured them easily, and started for thu railroad track. After covering a considerable dlstunco down tho track tho convicts suddenly dis appeared through a hodgo feneo, bidding tho officers n mocking farewell. One of thn police sergennts later snld he could hnvo easily touched the leading convict with hla hand ns ho passed. Tho convicts had nccurcd a good Htnrt heforo tho officers had recovered from their surprise. Then somo of tho policemen wnnted to pursue, hut Sheriff Cook would not permit it, ns ho had promised tho con victs Immunity from nrroHt. Sheriff Stahl loft some of hln men on tho scene and with the others started back to Topeka to take up the chneo later on. From Topekn a posso was started out and Chief Stnhl expressed the. opinion tonight tnat he would land thn men beforo mornlug, Tho convicts aro well armed, having tRken all the guns In tho farmhouse, Including those, of tho sheriff and his deputy. They are both while men, but their Identity wns not learned.' .Sheriff Tell the Story. KANSAS CITV, Nov. 10. A special to the Star from Topeka says; Sheriff Cook arrived from Pauline at 10 o'clock tonight, He was aomowhat disfigured and his clothes wero ragged, but he had lost none of his narvo by his uBago at tho hands of the con victs, In tolling tho story of his experi ences ho made no attempt to conceal the humorous aspect of thn affair. Sheriff. Cook said that when ho and Deputy Wlillanu reached the scene in tho nfternoon ono of tho farmer boys who had been chalng thw convicts wan popping away nt the men with a target rifle. Cook snapped his revolver flvo times, but only two cartridges ex ploded. One bullet hit a convict In tint arm, while Wllllamn shot tho other In thn leg. Then a long nhnso ensued. Cook Anally rounded up nt thn Wooster farm loiiBe, whero the big convict met him at the door and commanded him to comn In. " 'Como In here, or I'll kill you,' ho aald. "Woll," the sheriff related, "I went In. Tho woman was screaming, Wooster' wbk lying on a couch unconscious. Ills skull wns cracked and his light hatfd broken, The other convict was crouched behind a door, his gun drawn upon me. Having searched mo tho big follow asked If I was tha sheriff. 'I urn looking for tho sheriff,' he said. 'I want to kill him.' Illiln'l Hit re lie lllniarlf, "Cnder the circumstances," said Sheriff Cook, "I told him that I was only a farmer. Then ho told inn ho would takn inn along ah a shield from thn men outside, Stahl aud lilt men had arrived by that time aoU