THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, NOA'EMBEK 10. inoi. SWOBE'S COMMISSION SIGNED Frtntdint Appoint Him Oat of Tutj Two Applicinti. CAPTAIN MERCER TIRES OF THE INDIANS YanUInn ncney Mn.v He - It 1 1 tt ! Alti'Rrllicr Sfiintur llnrtnn I 0111 inent on .Nclirnml.n Hrinli llenns' lrlurj. METROPOLITAN CLUB WENS Winter ."ensnn I'linnoH- I'nmmenerd vtllh tlir nntinl llntit'lne I'ii n I liin, (From s Staff rorrcspnndont.) WASHINGTON, Nov. . (Special Tele-graroO--Thomas Swobc of Omaha was com missioned as captain and quartcrinastei In the regular army today, liin commission a llgned liy President Itoosevelt late this afternoon anil Ihr captain at once ruinllfle I and left for his home this evening. There were twenty-two applicant for l he posi tion to which Cnptiilg .Swobu ha been ap pointed. These applications wore backed by prominent senators and representatives. Captain Svnbe was sclocttd becnufe of his general efficiency and his rcord In Cuba and the Philippines A premature an nouncement was mailc yesterday thnt he j had been appointed, hut the president aid not append his signature to the commission until late today. Captain f'.obe has three wars tc his credit, lie enlisted ns corporal of th.i Twelfth Michigan volunteers during the civil war and after ftc years' service was mustered out as first lieutenant. Ilurlng the Spanish-American war he was mide captain and quartermaster and organized n trtlllcry train at Tampa for service III the Antilles. Utcr he went to Iho Phil ippines was on the Muff of (leneral Kobhc. at Zamhnsnga, where he won men tion In general orders. Captnln tfwohe Is ordered to report for duty In New York November IS and will take the transport Crook through the Sue canal, salllnK December I. Tires r liiillmi Srrs Iff. Adlcrn are received nt Ihe War depart ment to the effect that Captain Mercer, actinic agent al I.eech Lake, who held ft similar position at the Omaha and Winne bago agency n few years ago, Is tired Of the Indian ticrvlec and drslrca to return to his regiment. Captain Mercer was transferred from the Omaha to the Minne sota agency under the belief that h would be able to adjust the dlfflcultlcH which hud Krown out of the disposal of Indlnn timber at I.eech Lake. Captain Mercer Is under stood to be disgusted with his assignment and will soon ask foi active duty In the army, lie. will probably be relieved of hl present duties about January 1. .Sln- Aliullwli Auencj. It Is stated nt the Interior department that Secretary Hitchcock has decided to placo the affairs of the Yankton (8. I).) agency In the hands of School Superintend ent llotz. Agent Harding of this agency wai dismissed some weeks ago as a result of complaints mnde against him. Since then the agency has been In chargo of Spe cial Agent McNIchols. While It Is Btated nt the department that the action of the secretary In placing the agency arfalra under the control of the school superin tendent Is merely done lo relievo the spe cial agent. It Is believed hero that It Is the intention to abolish the agency and that the secretary's determination to do so will soon be announced. If this nctlon Is taken It Is along the lines suggested by the enin mltteo of Indian affairs In the last Indian appropriation hill. .Vettmakn llrinlilliuts' Vlcttirj. I "The republican victory In Nebraska Is naturally the result of fusion, after tho people have had time to find that fusion Is more corrupting than outright purchase of tes." said United Slates Senator llurton of Kansas toduy. "Ilryan's fusion methods In Nebraska nic far more corrupting than Croker's methods In New York. Crokcr's mothods .ire avowedly crlmlnnl and do not attempt to deceive anbody. Ilryan's orb fuslon-r-olltlral corruption clothed In tho garb of virtue. The people luio come to rcallrc that and hence the emphatic con demnation of Ilryan In his own state." Dr-pnrtmriit ule The gross receipts of tho postofftce at Omaha for the month of October wore ?."!. 638, against 3'.i,341 for the name period last year, or an Increase of ?29r. The receipts nt Des Moines were $30,2-10 and J27.716. respectively, an Increase of tt.lSIM. W. II, Illchmond was today appointed postmaster at Swnn, Holt comity, Neb., vice U. Richmond, resigned. Tne Farmers' National bank of Ham burg, la., and the Charlton National bank of Charlton, la. have been authorized to begin buslnffn with a capital of $SO,000 each. Charles H. Cox. K. Morton Hodstron and T. Holdrege of Omaha and W. J. Kink of Wolsey, S. D were today appolritcd rail way mall clerks. The postotTtces at Hrldgewater. Kimball and Clear Lake. S. 0., will become presi dential offices January 1. The Metropolitan club gave Its annual opening bull at Metropolitan hall last night, between ITS and 100 members belns present. The ballroom, banquet room, pal lors and reception room were beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants. The grand march moved at 10.43. led by A. Mandelberg, president of the club The dancing continued until midnight, when an eight-course supper va served. The ta bles were set with cut glass and were dec orated with smilax. cut flowers and aspara gus foliage. Nearly two hours wore re quired to terve the supper, as considera ble time was devoted to toasts. A. Man-' delberg acted as toastmaster. The following out-of-town guests were present Miss Edith ilene. New York. Miss Mly Hellman and mother. Cincinnati. Mra. Adolph Meyer, Miss Matle tluxbaum. Mils Klhrl and Miss Ilnttle Stern. Chi cago; Miss Hertha Sellgsobn. Lincoln: Miss Illanche Khrmnn, St. Joseph; Kugene Levi, Nebraska City: Morris Kllen, Keokuk. Ma.s Meyer, llalilmore. ami Oscar Ilene, Des Moines. The fallowing members of the club served ns an entertainment cnmmltteei Harry L. Colin, chairman: fieorgf Sellg sohn, Henry lllller. Meyer Klein nnd Ju lius ..Meyer. Mntlc whs furnished by Ihe Kaufman orchestra of ten pieces. The debutantes of the evening were Misses Ella Ilosenfleld of Council llluffs and May Moths -hllil nnd Ilnttle Itchfeld of Omaha. HOUSEWARMING OF FIREMEN Info Itoom Happily Opened with fpppi'lira nml IJIMs lij llnjor nml Oilier. The firemen of No. 3 tinglue company and No. 1 Truck company, stationed at headquarters. Klghteenth and Harney streets, were hosts at a housewarmlng last night, which prmcd to be otic of tho finest social cvfiHH ever given In tho flro de partment. The boys wcte quite ns adept at entertaining as they are nt fighting fire and fortunately the festivities wero not marred by n single tap of the big gong. The. occasion was tho opening of the cafe room which has Just been furnished In neat style. American lings decorated the walls und the long table, with covers laid for sixty, was decked with n profusion of roses nnd lighted by n number of can delabra. An elegant lunch wns served, fol lowed by coffee and cigars. Mayor Moores, an Invited guest, rcprc renting the Klre and Poller board, spoke In n characteristic vein nnd wait greeted by round after round of applause. He also mado the presentation speech In tendering n suitably-Inscribed gold mednl. with tho compliments of tho firemen, to Captain A. I,. Koote, whom all the headquarters tiro- men look upon as a sort of patron saint. umer speeencs, atory telling and conven tion contributed much toward tho pleasure o.' tho ovcnlnt,'. Among tho gin-sin present. In addition lo Chief Salter, Assistant Chiefs Wlndhelm nnd Dlneen. Mnyor Mooies nnd Captain Koote, were: Wllllnm Hoyne of tho Council niurfe flro department. Krcd Shaw nnd Krank Gardner. WORSE THAN INDIA FAMINE Lndi Dniij Ntwi Eiriewi Coiilticn in tie Gotoitrttiea C&rapt. DEATH RATE AMONG BOERS APPALLING I nles Clin Hue Is Mnde "It Menn Hi Irrmlnnllon anil nn Ktrrnnl Stnln iin Ilie nmr of KnRlnnil." Deehires I'nper. LONDON, Nov. 9 The Dally News to day exhaustively surveys the concentration camps In South Africa with the following conclusion: "The truth U that the death rate In the camps Is Incomparably worse than any thing Africa or Asia can show. There Is nothing to match It In mortality figures of the Indian famine, where cholera and other epidemics have to be contended with." Statistics are produced In proof of this assertion. The government's Advertisement for teachers for the ramp children, setting forth that "the term of employment will be one year certain. " Is prominently dis played as evidence that the authorities have no Intention of "ndlng the wholesale destruction of human life." The Dally New urges all humane meu r.ot to wait for official reports, but to Insls on "the camps being broken up nnd th people distributed among their friends or removed to the districts where a fresh at tempt can be made, under competent or ganlratlon and with some regard to th preservation of llfe -lhnt or extermination nnd an cternnl stain on the runic of Eng land." miss stoneIn'good health Consul IllrUliisiiu Cnntplnln nt Inlrr fcrrnrr In Kffurla lo Sconre ller llrlrnse. COUNTRY MINISTER IN JAIL Itev .1. A. Cilmtili-ton of llnlllc ( reek l.iiel. eil I p nn n Merlons Crlml nnl Clinrce. Itcv. J. A. Kdmonston of Hattle Creek, Neb., was nrrrstrd yeterday afternoon by Detectives Donohuc. Dunn and Snvngc, and Inckrd in tho city Jail, on a charge of crlmMial assault preferred hy his 12-yenr-old stepdnugliter. Mr. Kdmonston Is nbout 30 ear of ago and has a wife and one child besides his stepdaughter, who reside with him nt Ilnttle Creek. He said: "There Is nothing In the charge. The child was induced to make the charge by enemies I have In Battle Creek. I adopted her when she was fi years old nt the death of her parents. I am pastor of a church at Flatllo Creek nnd my salary Is $400 per year. Several times my enemies have circu ited stories that I was not properly caring fcr the child. In the matter of clothlnur her, etc. I have done the best I could. I regret the charge more on account of the church than on my own account I am In nocent nnd can establish the fact. Ttu- htory thnt the charge had been made be came public Wednesday nnd 'acting on the advice of friends I came to Omaha to re main until the feeling had Kiibsldfd." Mr. Kdmonstoiv camo to Hattle Creek from Klncman, Kan. CONVICTED OF GIRL'S MURDER .In inc Crnlitree la Senlnireil In Ten Veiir' IniprlanmiiPiit for Ahcl IIiik In llnlf-Nlsler's llrntli. I'umninslers Appointed. WASHINGTON. Nov. 0. - Tho president rtHS appi.urij win ivuuni" I'linuunniri n, i Colorado uemrai uuy, .mrnca a, unmoie. Kansas Osngn City, H, A. nosenqulst. Missouri Pleasant Hill, George C. Greenup. Texas Kort Worth, Oeorgo W. Burroughs, Btepbenvllle. William II. Christian. Utah Mercur. II. W. Watt. WASHINGTON. Nov. !. Consul General Dickinson, from Sofia, teporls to the State department hy rnblo the receipt by him of nnother letter from Miss Stone, ns already noted In the press dispatches of last night. He quotes Miss Stone lis saying: "Wo aro still well, In spite of all our hardships." There are other matters trcntcd In Ibn letter which It Is not deemed wise to pub lish. Mr. Dickinson complains constantly of attempts to Interfere with the line of com munication he Is seeking to establish with the brigands. Ab no explanation Is offered hy him as to tho reasons for this Interfer ence, It Is believed here that tho Bulgarian authorities are seeking to pave the wny for n denlnl of responsibility for an Indemnity by exhibiting unusual nctlvKy In the pur suit of any persons who might bo supposed to be nhle to Inform them of the wherea bouts of Mies Stone. Notwithstanding the difficulties whlcli are dolly encountered by the State depart ment In Us efforts to reach Miss Stone, the belief Is strong among the officials that In the near future they will succeed In secur ing her release. If It Is true, as reported from Constantinople, that tho principal Is sue Is cne of the amount, of rnnsom to be paid, nnd this delays the negotiations, the brigands, fully aware of the. exact amount of money at the disposal of the United States agents In Turkey, nrc holding back, evidently In the hope of having that amount increased by further subscriptions. MORGAN MAY0WN STAR LINE London .Imiriinl Aaaerla (hnt Sltrnni alilp Conipniij- la I'nder Control of Amerlrnn I'lnnneler. LONDON. Nov. 9. The Sunday Special, on the authority of Its New York correspondt ent, will announce tnn-orrow- that J. Pler pont Morgan has acquired the White Star Line nnd that he has secured a contract to purchase ihe Dominion line. BOSTON, Nov. O.C P. Jameson, general manager of the Dominion line, stated to night that ho had uo official, knowledge that J. Plcrpont Morgan has received a contract to purchase the Dominion line. He added that he had In nn way heard of the matter, except through the newspapers. HONORED BY MUNICH ACADEMY Snriirnt nml Abbey Are Limnlninnaly Klecleil In Grrmnn Mcin-lirrahlp. (Copyright. 1911, by I'ress Publishing Co.) MUNICH, Bavaria, Nov. 9. (New York World Cablegram Special' Telegram.) John Singer Sargent and Kdwln A. Abbey have breu unanimously elected honorary members of the Munich Academy of Klne Arts, the moat eclectic art circle In German:' (Vnmnrll llrnelies lieimn, WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. The Navy de partment has been Informed of the arrival of Rear Admiral Cromwell, commanding the European station, nt Genoa todny nboard his flagship Chicago. Glnstcoss Kipofilllon (ine. GLASGOW, Nov. 9.- The Glasgow exhi bition came lo a close tonight. Tim total atendance wns 11.190,622 and the net profit t SO,000. TEN STEEL PLANTS TO UNITE Concern Tilth Cnpltnllrntlon nf Plfly Million nollnrs Will lie l.nunolieil In I'eniiM) Ivnnln, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 9. The North American will say tomorrow, a new jo,. OOO.OeO steel corporation ts being fornud for the purpoic of contolM.itlng In one pow erful comblno tho try, Ten or more sylvanla companies that are now doing a large huslnsi., arc to b" absorbed by Cie new concern, Kour of tho properties nts east of the Alleghenles These are the Lukens Iron works of C-atissvllle. Pa., the Tldrwat,cr Steel company. Chatter; the Chi lrl Steel company, Hnrrirbiirg, and the Worh nrns." mills, Thtss four renrs-scnt in active estimated capitalization c( absut GALKNA, Mo., Nov. 9. James Crabtree, charged with complicity in the murder last Juno of Alien Stnlllons, a young gltl, was todny found guilty and his sentence fixed ten yenrs In the penitentiary. Mrs, Thomas Crabtree, the prisoner's step mother; Thomaa Crabtree and his son, Wil liam, are still to be tried for complicity In tho crime. .Mice Stnlllons, the- victim, was the 1-yeai-old ttepdav.ghtcr nf Thomas Crabtree, She had trouble with her parents because alie permitted the attentions of a neigh boring farmer whom they disliked. Later the body of tho girl was found floating In the James river, with its neck broken and bearing other marks of III usage. The girl wns beautiful and it was charged that her half brothers had ravished and then helped lo mutdcr her. The affair caused great ex citement and there was talk of lynching the qunrtet, ' Tho trial of James Cr.xbtree attracted pso pie from miles around Galena and the court room being Inadequate to accommodate th crowd the case was tried in a grove. TURKEY YIELDS TO FRANCE Ottoman Umpire la Sinlrl lo Have Con re (I i-il t liis t Clnlnia nf llrlpnase Aip .Inst. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 10.-11:30 a. m. Tonglth M. Bapst, counsellor of tho embassy, received a satisfactory communi cation from tho Porte regarding the re mainder of the Krench demands, The strained relatlonjhlp between France and Turkoy may thus be regarded as ended. Digests whsat you Eat Dyspepsia Cub4 The National Disease. If thsrcisany disease entitled to such a distinction It is ceitainly dysptpsl;i. It Is safe to say that not one person in ten enjoys the blessings of perfect digestion, atraiiKC thniiRh It may 6eein Why Is ihis? Digestion Is a slow proceis by which nature transforms tho food Into a Mute suitable for nourishment for the body. The time required varies from one to six Ikhim or more, according to tho food. In the hurry, worry and hustle, tliestrivinp forthe almighty dollar, the 20th century American falls to plvc proper heed to nature's de mands upon his time. He gels up In the morning, bolts his breakfast without half chewing It, washes It down with hot codec or other liquid and rushesorT to his business At noon. It's rush home or to the lunch counter, eat his lunch hastily while fatigued nnd out of breath, then rush back to busi ness. One of the greatest essentials to pro per digestion Is the mastication or chewing of food, to thoroughly mix it with sallra. If this Is not done, the food passes into the stomach In a condition which does not per mit of Its being acted upon by the gastric )uic.cs there, even tliough tneretio sufficient nf these Juices. With tho body fatigued and continually In action, the blocd Isdrawn away from the digestive organs: hence the digestive fluids cannot be supplied, isamr ally this leaves a lot of undigested food In the stomach that is not only t'selcss but harmlul. Now what Is to be done? It must be digested- A little stimulant might help it temporarily, but that makes the next meal still mnro difficult to digest, as It draws on tho digestive Juices unnatur ally and soon exhausts t Item. The only cor i oct. common scne a of treating these cases Is to furnish a substitute, which must, in irder to be e'.Tcetual, contain exactly the s:ime elements In exactly the same propoi tlo.isas the natural digestive llulds, The one preparation which can be abso lutely proven to meet these requirements is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, ll is not an experi ment at your espouse but the result of ex periments at our expense. It. Is not a mere stimulant to aid digestion, but Is ltelf a combination of tho (llgest.mts and actu ally dlgcsjs the fond by lis own Individual powers'of action without any aid whatever from the digestive organs. It will tllgc-t foot! even in a bottle under proper condi tions, temperature, etc, so it certainlv can't help having the same action in the stomach By digesting tho food without sld and preparing It perfectly for nature's uses in nourishing the bodv. it rrives the digestive organs a rest. Hy relieving them of all work, nature has an opportunity to rcstoro them to healthy condition. Furthermore, you should eat all the cood food your appetite calls for while taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, because your body must have nourishment and in no wav can it cet It except through the food. While the army of people is large who suf fer continually from dyspepsia, there is a still greater army of those who are troubled only occasionally caused by overeating, eat ing when fatigued, eating when too warm or cold, drinking ice water, especially Just be fore, with, or Just after a meal, or eating some article of food thai does not agrej with them. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure not only Instantly relieves all distress of the stomach, that feeling of fullness, llatulence, iwlnd on tho stom.ich) belching, ilsiug of a sour, watery liquid In the mouth nnd all other results o'f a disordered stomach hut It is an absolute, positive and permanent cure for all frinnf Indigestion, dyspepsia and stomach ttonhlet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a remedy of un usual merit and will bear out oveiy claim made for it. Eat all the good food you want, Gentlemen: I have been troubled for eevetal years with dyspepsia and Indigestion. I have often sat down to eat and had toglve It up afterdating two bites, I used two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and am all right to-day. and 1 eat everything and don't top for anything. I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to all my friends as the best medicine for dyspepsia and stomach trouble. Wlshlnir you success, I am, Respectfully yours, W. L. Easton. Audubon, low. Cai New Eat Aiilllif. Dear Sirs:- For a good while I was In fee ble health, could uot eat anything but a email quantity of soup. I tried several doctors and mineral waters. Ts'othlngseem ed to do any good until 1 was induced to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which cured me and I can now cat- anything I want and can certain lyglvcyotirpreparatloncredltforlt. 1 write this that some sufferers who are suffering as 1 was may bo led to try hodol Dybpepsia Cure for I think thev will be restored to health if they will. Very respectfully, W. II. McCrary, nenno, Laurens Co., S C. I, W. K. ricll. a Notary Public of S. C. do certify that the above. Is the testimony as given by McCrary. W. E. Hell. N. P. of is. C. Sick Headache. Gentlemen: My wife was troubled for years with dyspepsin. Her symptoms were sick headache and vomiting every other day. and she could scarcely eat any tiling. I bought Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and she com menced taking It ami has none of tho above symptoms, and eats everything without caution, but continues the uso of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure at intervals. W. II. Caulklns, So. Edmcston, N. V. Dear Sirs: 1 used to sufTer from Indiges tion so that even eating a soda cracker or drinking a glnss of water would cause agony. I commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia euro and it, soon cured me. H. L. Wharton, New Hcrne, N. C. SMIercd w Years Gentlemen:! wlh to Inform the public that I have been a constant sulferer from tho pangs of dyspepsia and Indigestion fnr forty years during which time 1 have given almost every medicine a trial In different forms, such as the dyspepsia tablets especi ally but nothing has done mc the good that Kodol Dyspep-ia Cure has. I have used only two bottles as yet and feel sure the tliltd bottle will cure mo of tho disease I have sulTcred from fur forU' years --Alexander Kerr, Rice Landing, Greene Co '. Penn. Prepared by C.C. DoWllt A Co., Chtcifjo. The $1. 00 bott le contain! 21 times as much (by act us I measurtmenO s tb trial size which oells (or 30 cents. Cures all stomacli iroii I K3 CHEMISTS DIFFER IN ASSAY One i:pcrt liialstn thnt lioiPrnnirnl' MrlUr l Valueless, .notlier llrlnit More Uitlmlatli'. llhJI.RNA. Mont,, Nov. 9. Two assayers made their roturns today on the ore found ves'erdav hlle exeavatlne for the federal plate inllU of tin coun- j building In this city. Assayrr Hmmrt rt. planii. Inc'u llng I'tnn- , Kink's return showed theie ns no gold In the rock lie the rock Is not liiitm. hut crystallized lime, stained with lion. The rock he atsayed was taken from the ground two dsys ago. Assayer V, O. Drown makes n different return. Ills as a) was from rock taken out Iste yester da While he will not give out the fig ures tonight he says the anay shows val ues something Irsi than J'.O nnd he says It It. at good a prospect as bas been uncovered In (his vicinity in a long time. Aasayer I'llk says there might he value In the rock at drpth, but he loslsta there Is none now. yt Krjtir' l.m'liirc. Mrs. V. ". Ke)or delivered lier lecture on "Tho' Abbeys and (.' of tlrem Hrltsin" before m lurse mid uppreeUtlve audlnce at the rirst Methodist eburch last eight, ft w-mh Illustrated throughout with beautiful etcreoptli-oii views showing the exteriors nnd Interiors of these lamon" siMctures. Tho music of the pipe urgnii nnd of a hidden choir lidded much to the effect The lecture was ulVen under th" nusplce of the Ladles' Aid soclaty of Hie itiurvb. Dnl.iilii l.nnd Will lie Oiiciieib, 8T. I'AI'U Nov. 0. -Mn.tor Mcl-iughlln. IndUn Inspector, has closed treaty with the Fort Tntten indlnnr of North Dnkots by which lo,n: acres of the finest ng'l minimi land In the stuto will be opened to settlement ns soon as rongreis can n't. Ho was In 81. Paul today on his way to Washington LODGE FOND OF RECIPROCITY .Mnn'liiiacl ta Menntor I rr I'ollcv Appro ril Uy .Melvlnlcj , t on. tin! I id wllli I'-ulOii. HOSTON, Mass.. Nov. 0. An exception ally large number of the Middlesex club attended the dinner of the club at Young's hotel thli afternoon. lion, Edgar It. Champlln presided nnd the gathering- In cluded many nf the Massachusetts dele gation In congress, state and national ct flcers and prominent republicans. Senator Lodge and Michael J. Murphy of Ilostcn were the only speakers, the latter diseas ing the results of the recent election. Senator Lodge's address was lliten-d to with the closest attention. In the course of his remarks bo strongly urged reciprocity w-th other countries along tlm lines mentioned In President McKlnley's Duffalo speech nnd the -upbuilding of the navy Fenator Lodge began his address with a brief alluslcn to the recent elections and then delivered an eloquent eulogy upon the late President McKlnley. FIRE RECORD. nil or l-'ront In Klnnics. PITTSnURO, Nov. 0.- A fire wh:h origi nated In tho stable of the Monongahela Illver Coal company at Six-. Mile Kerry, Just below Homestead, promises to do much damage. At midnight, the Immense trestle of the coal roropany and Its dock, covering 200 yards along the river front, are In flamcn and il be a, total loss, Before the dames can be extinguished the aggregate loss will probably reach $t00,000, OMAHA SUBURBS. Iliinilre. Mrs, Walter Stuart nnd i-nn returned to their home nt Norfolk, Neb., Inst Sunday. Ed Newberry of Chicago wns the Riicst last week of Dr. nnd Mrs. II. ('. Van Cicson Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Crawford are visit ing Mrs. Crawford's parents, .Mr. and .Mia. J. W. Mtttn. Mrs. I). L. Johnson entertained at luncheon on Krldny. in honor of Miss Bald win of Keokuk, 1h. The family of Thomas (ieddls ! fi for Wyoming last week, where Mr. Redd's Is employed by tho Union Pacific tHllroad. On Wednesday of this week the Dundco Woman's club will meet in the homo of Mrs. W. L. Selby. Mrs. LydlR T. Llghtun acting as leader for tho day. The first kenslngton of the Itound Dozen Social club wns Wednesday .it the home of Mrs. P. J. Ilnrr, a good representation of the society enjoying the well known hos pitality of their hostehs. Henry Lampe, eldest son of Itev. .1 I. Lampe, who graduated recently from Knov college, Galesburg. left lust week for Japan where he will engage In missionary work of the Presbyterian society. Thj Dundee Musical society, which meets this yenr for chorus practice, held a meet ing Krlday evening at the homo of Mrs J. W. Marshnllv A large number were pres ent. The class Is under tho leadership of Prof. Llghton. On Krlday Mrs. 1. L Johnson enter tained nt luncheon at her home. I9S0 Cali fornia street, the foPiittlng guests: Mis Baldwin of Keokuk, Mesdamcs Colfax, Mc Clure, Ilnlney, W. L. Selby, S. It. Hush and J. W. Hamilton. l-'lori-iuT. Mrs. W. R. Wall went to JohiiFon county, Neb., Wednesday to visit relntlves two weeks. Miss Bertha Kruger of Omaha was the guefd of Mrs- S. P. Wallace Saturday and Sunday. A number of the friends nf Mr. and Mil. I. S. Paul surprised them at their home Monday night. P.. J. Mnrtln, Inspector for rural delivery mall routes, Inspected tho route out of Florence Saturday. Miss Anna Dreesman nf Omaha was the guest of MUs Kmma King Saturday and Sunday, returning homo Sunday night. O. J. Hunt spent threo days of thl week at home with his family, reluming Thui day lo Bridgeport. Neb., where his busi ness Intercuts are. Clyde and Hoy . Cluck left for Fresno, Cal.. Saturday, where they will meet their father. Mrs. Cluck and the rest of tin family will go In the near future and will make their home In that country Mrs. M. J. Griffin returned home Sunday from a three weeks' visit with relatives at Wayne and Teknmah. Neb. She wbr ar Bargains of every description on the want d rse, AUDI S1ESS. STOP DANDRUFF H-YOU STOP BALD TRor .1 H Ain.McVlcker'iThfitfpt1fl(r..(hlciiTrt UlUnbia If Any onorionhti that jou i-an tftrtw Mir hie thm rail on tnt. Afi Murrh 1 IwtM nil nrr I hi top of mi hrt. nnd I vii mlt Ued to trr imir rtniHmrttpr rtrp moiitlm trtutnir nt I linir flon liuil cf i.iilr I want to O'nnk ion i- pp tbt L'ootl I ou haveilouo inv, 1 hvp more Imir now tlimi ) rcr hml.Ml I did to Apply yoiirnMiiMi-M thrf. tint ck it i jici .Milium, v i htf mrrrr, vnicao, in. ror. J. IT rsm.Clilcatro. 4 imn NOi Whon mt frr pMnfr mlrrcopip f xftnilnntlnrn hair at Ipf tt Pry Oorl Cn , Kah'im City. Mo., Ut iiliiR 1 boiiKtit a courto ol irratmtnt ftm von for my hair laf tiM'l li nnd funil It rtoM li.itulmtT la dliuippcarW and I nnt another ruurt o( trralme nt, (iKOlH.K U. W1XL.H, )tr l.t'JKf, Mont. 1rot .t . At T!v,Chlfn(ro, Dkar I'RdirtAa I am I.MTnrrrn th t?nd of,tulv forldn. 1trn1in. I carry wjili in a rlran, lira It ny i-alp ilifht nn lopot niy hfarl, rlht l'0 It I1oiiip, and of cour 1 am rite fill to I'rni l unX in tor tin run I ttli 3 ml mrcfM. ll. J(, WXl.lJi, Kerr I.odfr.iloii'r Vr.or, J Ht At'Mlv, Chicnpo, HI Itfin Nin I will fcrnrl tin nttitt- that irow mr hi Ir now On ipki agolaitMay wtea I began uilnpyoar Hair Grower 1 nn tob:l you could fro my titan: through l iv hair all over JK.NNIK McKlNU.Y.naker, Kanina TAKEfH- FROM THE MORNING COMBINGS And mail them to Prof. J. II. Austin, the celebrated scalp nnd skin specialist of years stand inR and national reputation, who will send you absolutely frco n diagnosis of your special ense after making a minute otaminntion of your hair under his specially constructed and pow erful microscope. There is no charge whatsoever, and in addition he will seud a special pre scription for your caso put in a little bov, also ABSOLUTELY FURG. When uaro cured of dandruff, which is the forerunner of baldness and grow new hair. Prof. Austin asks that you tell your friends nbout it. SI:ND NO A10NI;V. if you aro already partly or totally bald write and find the cure. WRITE TO-DAY. SEND 2c FOR POSTAGE.. PROF. J. H. AUSTIN, 14 McVloktr's Theater Building, Chicago, ili. l'l'rtf. Andln nem tiratybalraf wkifa H I in r-rouO." JpJ iiMUilMMi'iMli-iaiV"! y f" im given was de9rlptlvo of the natural re sources of Cuba, also of the battleahlp Mulne and the Spanish-American war. i Mr. and Mrs. OnorRo Hawkins went to lllnlr last Saturday lo visit friends Mrs. Hawkins will go from there to Iowa, where she will visit relatives, Mrs, David McDIll. who has been visitliiK Eoinctimo In Uouson, nt the home of Mr. and Mre. .1. A. Morpnn, left for Mncoln I-'rlday, whern sho will mnke her homo. The women of the Methodist church served lunch election day nt tho drug store from which nearly $12 was realized ubnvo expenses, The proceeds will be iii-fd for church expeuscs. LOCAL BREVITIES. PROPER PRESENTS FOR CHRISTMAS. Genuine Barrios Diamonds iTni-Jo-iniirk Art- eiiual to n-nl (lltiniymls ns to IouIcm nud wear, will rut cliiifi' and Btand all the tests of old mine, fjeius. i-'or a fuw duys vn tilTr r niHKiilllccnt rlliKK, ytuds, pinH, cn rluss. etc. nt the inarvotously low price of OMS Dill, I, I. A It I'.Al.'ll. ('i'IiIIi'Iiiiwi'n llcm.i l-'lnl llclclii'i- lllnu , i! 1 I We ate the llrst to In ro duce ii rtoUI-lllled Hit Hoi--her KIiik; lierctufoni they liav Iii-oii nuiili' only in nilld gold. Thin rlliK. snt wltli u Ix'iiutlful lirll.liiut Itarrlos lilaiiiuml. will li l any address In Dip world upon receipt nf nilce-Jl.fO. Tills itliK Iiuh l.iidli't.' i'liiKter It I nil Tim most fnshionnbV rliiK for ladles nt the pre-i-put t!in. Is the Cluuler. We luiv noli tlieso rlriKs lieie tofoiv In ro Id cold onl' ai f:i ca'iii. Kor tho Unit time In our lilstory wr ore ii alilcil to furnish lliesj rliitH with limerald, Itutiv, npnl or TiiriUoie cenn-rH nt l HACII. Othem nsk $ mil G for Hienc ilnBB tjrdet- at once, ri.xids warriiiileii. companlcd by Mrs. Walter Weber, who will ; .lurliiK'the absence of the funilly. raesacked snend a couple of weekj vMtlng relatlics tlie iiuiihh and stole nml w ortn or nut . coins. Mrs. l-'oster returned home about nerr. I ,i. nVlnek nml fitlltiil tile IfcrhlR Inrneil on - and henrd the Voices of two or more pen- tho nniioarnuic of one cohiuis i.-.o."" ! ol'll ai'AANTKK-l!KM'INH MAIlIt IDS DIAMONDS me K.inranteed to re nt Welsie hospital 320K Sherman I their billllancy foicvcr. The mouutliiKS are heavy rolled plate and are made of n, n avenue, will be open for the Inspection of I eontlitumiN ptecn, The pla... h thlc. shel' cd-Kold. and will hint leu years Th the iiuhllc on November IT from '.' to 0 linRM mo Wiirranled not to tarnish tho Mil kci and are sjrrntly puperlnr to any n'tnllir p. in. I Roods ever placed on the tunrkct .S'ii'.h and lins, tl.'l etich. ICnrilima. scr'W" or ttnchelorl!' SniVid'Veitenhtv' o"i'ilnB and ''MIOHDI-lllK-' In oideiliiK Rive f ill directions and Ktati' whether nmnli, m-dhlm I ml Lhc hi iii ov -i,n i I ?.-v" i i ,r larR- stone Is ilralicd. lineer iiieaKiite meni of rlnKH may i,p rUph by u-Ini: a r d,, if woiirinu iimiirul. I o vi h ar- ' t'lern of utrliif. Order at once nnd avoid the Cliilstmas rush. If Roods are net lasted and locked up I last nlfilit icpreseuted money will be refunded. Address all orders plainly to the James i.uniRin' w..k arrested nu , dsht i BARRIOS DIAMOND CO., 1139 Broadway, cw York Detectives Drummy and Mitchell for meal- ' J ' ..."..-.,, . t fr..n t, , lilt,, nit- 1,1 .' -" , m .. illh t innim ....,.,. ....... ii . front of the otore of Sam C. Adler. 1121 Kar-1 nam Htrcel. I.anlglu had the ocat when ar- ' rested. JIar.v Dnrrls attempted In settle an old ' srudRp imalnst Mrs. Sarah Kaunilcr yes tirday evpnliiR by thrnuinc brickbats, tlimuKh several nf the windows of her. residence. 12.1 North Thirteenth street. Mury was arrested and locked on. Ilurclars entered thn residence of J. II. IIIRIIl WEAK, WASTING, STRICTURED MEN Cured While You Sleep, IN 15 DAYS! Ilennnll, Mrs. Kd E. Hcffman. who has tpent the last two weeks vIsltlnK friends nnd rela tives In Kearney and Lincoln, returned home last Saturday. A moving picture and lecture entertain ment with music was gnen at the Hcnson town hall last Friday evening The lcctU 'e ule In one of the rooms. She unlllled the i n lice, but before their arrival the burglars escaped through the back door, inking the key with HiPiii. Miitrance wan made 1 breaking open a rear window. Miss Clara Met 'loud who fell from a street car at Twenty-fourth and draco iy-v I Instantly ReiieTed and the Objtruc- lion Dissolved Like Snow Reneath Ihe Sun, IN FIFTEEN DAYS I loiMrnrala'1 CURED, and Weak Men Arc Restored " ai ivutwiwb, fcv the Mitne St. lamest Ttalmf?nt. An plied Locally and Uireclfy to the Affected Ports 19,346 CURES LAST YEARff Write Today. Do Not Delay. Anv inirrerpr frntn KTIUCTI flR nr,, Hi streets .Friday evening and was thought to I offspring VnrlroeHi-. Prostatitis and 8cm be fatally Injured, rallied jeslerday even- uial Weakness, Is Invited to cut out the nig a ui is now uiongiu in no oiii or iiang -r. ,nupon Herewith wrlln his name and ad .ilic Is at (iarkMin hospital ENJOY YOURSELF Feci good towards .ill of the world. This is easily said, hut how can you do if when your body is sick! If you want a good feeling towards everybody you have to feci well yourself. Good health is the basis of all enjoyncnl. Pile up money, obtain a reputation ao a lawyer or doctor or an expert in any line ana Ihen wind up with poor health, what have you got t uowei trouble, constipation, causes Iress plainly, mall It to the Ht Jaturs Medical Assn. 62 Ht James Hide Cincin nati. O.. and they will send their llliw. rated Treutlse, f-hnwlng tlin ports nf tho male seMiai sys tern Involved in urethral ailments. srcurl.v se a 1 e d prepaid CR AN -SOLVENT Oiolver. -Strlc-turo Liko Snow Jictieath tho Sun, Re duces Enl arged Prostate, ritronKthoiilii',' thn Seminal iluuts and wiim win parts or the FREE FREE TREATISE COUPON ST JAMES MEDICAL ASSOCio 12 M, ,lnmci llllu.,( Ini-liinoll. O. I'lrAse send me a enpv of otir ll'ii trated Weill: onon ih Mule s. , r,ni,-ni s.-rureiy roaieii I VUKV. of nil IIAHCIKfi Nil in e I u H Addrrrin IMIKI'MD 1 HOME TREATMENT more trouble than all other diseases together. It is indeed the root of all physical ailments, and you win never feci well ana enioy me as long as you suncr wim constipation. It does not make any difference what your disease ii, if you want to help In its cure, start out from the very foundation of all good health and set your bowels right. No matter what you have tried or how bad you are, start using CASCARETS to-day. Get a 10c box and try them. Then get a SOc box, a whole montn a treatment, ana see now wen you sre at inc cru or mc nine yuu nave iacn them. If you are not entirely satisfied, retfn the box and eet your money back. A OT lAMCC MEfllPAl ;-4mDle and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicar,0 o.- New York. O I , JillIluO lllLUIUHL flOOH. f'orovni Stopplrcr Drains and Emissions. No Drugs to Ruin tho I'atun'othi- i-.titin. r'-ottn-a Stcmach, nn a Direct anil I'obltivo Local Applli i rno , it v mam, in; i si:n Ii) I he PI TIK.N'I' AS s I I -;ssi'l 1,1,1 i II V (II ItM'.M KS. Mr hnve tired Mpi, In I'.vrrj (ll.v In tlir I. S. nml tlmnM l",irr- r'ounirj- nn rnrlh. 62 ST. JAMES BU!LDLC.. C 1 f ! G ! N N A T 1 . 0.