THE OMAHA DAIXV B.EE: SUNDAY, OV-EMUfcTH 10, I sum. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Jt I. MM! MH.Vl'lltti. P.v Is ells drugs. 'IS eti' t sells carpet" nnd runs. Mm beet Mt Neumayer's hotel. Welsbaih Burners. Hlxby ft Son. Woihnan. sulutitlnc optician. 400 Broadway. D- Stephenson. in binds, lilcvtitor. Th Knights nnd t-mllcu of Security will niicl Tuesday nllllit. ri I'irry pictures ror sale. C. K. Alexander i to., n Hroadwuy. Good p-miv for sal" cheap or trade, can nt uiicp. iJ"J Damon street. Missouri ouk body wood, J5..V) cord. vm. Welch, 23 N. MiiIm st. Tel. KS. Fa it powdns and toilet article, bout ninth IJ.-I1 H. Morgan, druggist Attend Hi'- Woodman dance nt "-,; ..ill VVpiIiii KlllV t'VOllltlg. November I- Fot ItiMit .Modern 7-rooin residence, i Ligbth Htrcot. corner Sixth tivcnuo. Wilbur. Inrniil of Mr. and -Mrs. II. V. K lift' if Falrmotitil avenue, In seriously III. 'Hi- l.iuh .Mui'inbeos will meet Tuediiy n u moon ' In lb- hull In tho Merrlum I 01 K , , l!,.( Home Kiove, guaranteed not to r ni k Sold by Petersen & Schocnlng, Mer il mi block. The t'omnicreltil Nallonnl bank will open In Hi now bulldlim. & Broadway, tomor row moruln:. A t Van Horn, motor conductor, was culled in L"oti, la. .vosttitlay by the seri ous Illness uf hi" futher. l'eltisou v .Scho.'iiliig.Mcrrtam block. )u f I ln most complete lino of Hot Blast pious In tho city and nt prices-that will HTpl ISC .V Oil. Chamber-' dancing nendemy. Itoyal Ar iMiium hull Tuesdays and Friday, adults, :lw p. ii,.; children, 4 p. in. Assemblies for iidults Fridays. S:3'J p. in, Tilt police were notllled eMerda that n in, mill Hlot marhlno hud been stolon Honi In front of Hill Foster Nlchuls of lkii on North .Main street Itcv Harvey Hosteller and State Smi-: Hlnr A S. Ilar.olttm will address the labor l.ig men of Council lllulfs thin iifteruoon at :i In Labor Temple. 101 South Main tttnet. John acd Henry (Jiiade. youths charged with iHH.tultlng C. 1'. Nelson, weie found KiilllS before Justice llryaiit yesterday. Sentence nf deferred for one week, t'be parties live In C'ul-Off. The Sisters of Mercy In thuige or St. Tloriiiird's hospital have bought tho George Wheeler proiiri at SS5 llarinony street, where thev will establish a home for yomiK women. They expect to open the homo Janitor;' 1. John Lc'ge of lingers. Neb., has been taken to the Woman h Christian Associa tion hospital for treatment. During July and August Mr. l-emse had nil attack of ttphnld fever and is miff oritur trom the nfler effeets. ! ckmIi will buy a ticket good for twelve les'ons or twelve iissoinbllov nt Murund's lancing school. I'rclghlon hall, Oinahu. J.eHsons. adults Tuesiiays and Fridays, a p. ni.; children Saturday !! p. m, Thirty tight pupils Jolurd from this city Inst month, Why not you'.' At the Dobiiny tomorrow night the two iniucapal comedians of "Dangers of Furls," the new melodrama, are one of Its strong features. They are dlieet contrasts, ono be ing exceedingly lull and thill nud the othet ehort and stout. They nre rivals for the baud of the same girl mid their mimic en counters are the source of much hilarity In the audience. The SprhiKlleld (III.) State UeKlsler. In f pou Id I of "A Modern Wondnian.'' that will be at the Dohanv opera house Fllday, November in. says: "Tho house was packed to Its titnicKit capacity with an appreciative audience nud the play was a decided suc cess. Charles Kills, the author of tlu play, as Ned llurke. Lieutenant Walter M. Kills us John Mi'Farlaud made a lilt. Llttlo Kay Kills played Hie child part well and Jils liiKlim specialties were loudly ap plauded," "The Villa ro Parson" will be at the Do huny tonlKln, The piece Is not only a well told story, wherein human emotions and sympathies mc strongly portrayed, but iUf play, It Is said, has a high moral tone. Tho iiiouutliiK Is new and beautiful and Is u picturesque production away from the couventlnnal and thoroughly refreshliiK 1 1 1 io lis li on t . The company will bo found a most if.pablo one In every respect, each member being especially selected for his or her iart. The hlKBCst bnrRiitus in stoves to bo found In tho lly are at Hie Iowa Furniture mid Carpet company's store, Mr, Ilrondway. There are a law variety of stoves, amoiiK them beliu; the famous Acorn Oak; also Hot tllasts and tine ratiKes. l'rlres cannot lm equaled. They uro nlso 'selling curpcts, window shades, oilcloths, linoleum, rugs, etc., at 'very low prices, A huw lino ot double and single couches have Just ar rived, which will so cheap. Anything you want In the house furnishing line can bo found at Hits store. N. Y. rluinblng C,,. telop&oao 230. Davis sells paint. (.'iiiiiicII lllnfTn Churi'lir. Sunday school at f :4.1 and morning servln nt 11 l tho schedule at Oraco Kplscopal church. Rev. W. l. Cole of Moherly, Mo., will con duct services today and next Sunday In the First Raptlst church, In the Latter Hay Saints' church, morn ing service will bo at lOtfO; sermon by Elder F. M. Cooper at 7:30 p, m.; Sunday Hrhool at noon. i Preaching services In Mt. 'Ion Baptist! church will be at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; , ,n ,h( dlstrlct ctmrl yCSt0niay In tho mat KiimlAv Rchnnl will bo nt n n. in. Thn nas . ... .. .. . . Sunday school will be nt 3 p. m. Thn pas. tor, Rev. K. H, Wilson, will preach. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, vill have services at 10:li thl3 morning In tho Sapp building. The subject will bo "Mortals and Immortals." Sunday school will meet nt close of service. The first of a series of revival meetings will bo held this evening In thn Oermnn Kvnngdlrnl church, Pleroo street and (Men Hveniie, conducted by the pastor. Rev. H. Snsaman. Services will bo held every evening of this week. In the P.f'oadway Methodist church tonight thn sermon will bo omitted and a sacred concert given Instead, Tho choir of twenty eight voices under tho direction of Ned Mitchell will be asslstrd by Mrs. A. A. Covalt, MIis May Tulleys nnd tho Misses Cornrlln and Clraro Stevenson, "A Christian Nation" will be tho topic of Rev. Harvey Hosteller this morning at 10:30 in the Scrond Presbyterian church. His theme at 7:30 will bo "Tho Heavenly Vision," Sundny school will meet at noon; Junior Kndoavnr eoclcty at 3 p. m., nnd Young People's meeting nt 7 p. m. In St. Paul's Kplsropnl church, Rev, Ooorgo Kdward Walk, rector, communion will ho administered at S a. m. Morning prayer and sermon will bo at 10:30; Sunday school at noon; evening prayer nnd ser mon at 7:30. Sunday school nt All Saints' mission, Klghtccnth street and Third ave nue, will meet nt 3 p. m.. lion I Kktnlr i'rnnnfrrs, Thnso transfers were filed yesterday In the abstract, title, nnd loan ohlcc of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street r Krnest K. Hart nnd wife to Kllen W. Crowe, lot i!, Pay's subdlv,, w. d..$ 61$ iioksih. I. rauersnu in r. j. iinuer buck. lots t and P. block 7. Street's add., w. d 70a Jerusha lv, Lnvo to Lizzie (I, bchry ver. lot -t. block I?. Mynster's add.. w. d 1,M John Spearman and wife to Apdrew Auiriistus Olson, lot 9, blnck 1, Tcr willlger's ndd.. w. il 150 John C. MoBlnness nnd wife to Court ( nnd France Oruhl, no'i . nw' fo, hwU. set. 17 and ten acres In nwU 177-4.1. w d 3.21C A. K. Patrick and wife to Charles T. . Ilnnlpy, lot 13. block 0. Oakland, w, d.; l,noo fix transfers totu.1. .J7.1SI MitriiiiKi' l.lceiiRpn, Licenses to wed were '.wued yesterday to the follow lug- Name nnd Resident p. Arc, P, Hiinsen Omaha Sfi nolllo Miller, Omaha 27 Chm loti A Smith. Lliit'uln. Neb 211 Nelllo L,. Alorrlascy, Uuculii, Neb 21 BLUFFS. MEANS MUCH TO FARMERS Mandimui En it Agtiut Milwankt In t1t5 Frio ofOuii. M'CAULL COMPANY INVOKES STATE AID I'IkIiI" Ibe Knstrrn It nllronds' Kfforl 'to Mini (Mil t'xe of (itilf I'urts r Klrvnltir Also nt .siiikc The iiin.idainus suit of the McCaiill-Web ster Ornlp company of Minneapolis against the Chicago. Mllwsukre & St. Paul Itall road coinpnnj. to he heard before Judge (Ireen In district court Monday, means much to thu farmers of northwestern Iowa. On the determination of this action will depend whether the farmers can get - cents more a bushel for their corn they can by shipping It to Chicago. The suit is to compel tho Milwaukee rail road to switch cars In which grain has been shipped over Its lino for transfer to the Union elevator In this city. The Mc-Caull-Wchster Oraln company alleges that tho railroad company refuses to allow the rant In which grain has been shipped to be removed from Its tracks and that In order to transfer the grain to the elevator WHgons and teams have to he employed. This, It Is chimed, Is such an expensive manner of transferring the grain that It practically puts an embargo on the ship ment of grain to Council Muffs. I'ntll within tho List few months most of the grain bought by dealers In north western Iowa and Dakota was shipped lo Chicago and from there to the Atlantic coast. The Clilcago-Xew York trunk lines Increased their rates on grain 2 cents per hundredweight. This caused the shippers to seek another route for their grain, (ulf I'oils (iel lliiliici. The raads running south began to hid for the btislncbs and the shippers. found that by sending their groin to CouncJJ Bluffs and then rcshlpplng to Knnpas City, whence It was taken to the gulf ports for shipment to4Kurope, they could make better rates than by shipping to the Atlantic ports. This enabled them to pay a higher price for the grain In Iowa and the farmers havq been In consequence receiving 2 cents a bushel more than heretofore. Tho Milwaukee, while accoptlng ship incuts to Council muffs, refused to switch or mnke transfer of any of Its cars here to the Union elevator, holding out "for the long haul to Chicago and thence to New York. Several cars loaded with grain which the McCaull-Wcbster company wants switched to the Union Pacific for delivery to tho elevator nre standing on the tracks of the Milwaukee, awaiting tho result of the suit. The same company recently had ft similar suit against the Chicago & Northwestern road, but tho latter backed down from Its position and the matter was settled out of rourt by tho Northwestern agreeing to transfer cars wherever desired by the grain compnny. If the railroad company wins In this suit Monday It will practically put an embargo on the shipment of grain to Council IlluftH, as the shippers cannot 'afford to transfer tho grain from the Milwaukee's tracks to the elevator by wagon. .pir KltMiMor nl Sink. The McCaull-Wcbster company has for somo time contemplated building a large elevator In this city, but It this suit la decided against It It will. It Is said, nbandon tho project. This would prove an Immenso loos not only to Council Hluffs, but tho farmers of that section of Iowa from which tho company buys a large part of Its grain. The McCaull-WebBter company has filed a complaint against the Milwaukee road with tho state railroad commission and this body Is expected to hear the ense In this city soon. Davis telle k1h Gravel roofing. A. 11. Read, 541 Broadway. TO REMOVE ADMINISTRATOR Application to lit- Filed ARnlnil Cluirlcs (lltlror hy OIiJpHIdb Creditor. nrn ,hl l.onrlnir Wnro .Tn.lirn nr,m tcr of the application of Charles Officer, administrator of tho Thomas Officer estate, for an order as to the course to be pursued by him In regard the 'mining property of tho estate, attorneys for creditors of tho Officer & Pusey bank, who aro also credi tors of tho Officer estate, Informed tho court that a petition would be filed, asking for thn removal of Charles Officer, ns ad ministrator. The grounds on which this application would be based wpro not stated In open court, but from tho attornos It was learned that ono of the grounds will ho the lack of confldenco lu tho present ad ministrator, owing to his connection with tho defunct bank. It will nlso bo contended that It will bo In the Interests of economy to have an administrator other than n mem ber of tho family. Further the allegation will bp set up that the Officer estate Is Insolvent. The petition will be filed Mon ti a Objections (o tho court making an order In regard to tho mining properly wcro filed by h number of creditors, who opposed any extension being made at this time of thn lenses. The objecting creditors nlso criticised thn nctlon of the administrator In paying tho legal firm of Patterson & Parsons of Denver $3,200 for fees In con nection with the lengthy lltlgntlon over tho mining nropprty. It wbb shown, however, that tho rontrnct with Patterson & Parsons had been mado before tho appointment of the administrator and that Thomas Officer 'was personally responsible for the pay ment of the services of this firm, Tho pay ment of the $3,200, It developed, had been authorized by Judge Thornell of the dis trict rourt. Judge Orcen took the applica tion under advisement. Stvltchmiiii I.oncm Foot. Alva V. Dennis, a switchman In the om ploy of the Rock Island road, -had a foot crushod early yesterday morning In the local yards whllo coupling cars. Ho was removed to St. Bernard's hospital, whoro It was found necessary to amputate the leg between the ankle and knee. Dennis Is a married man, living nt 1012 Seventh ave nue. Tho best bargains In the paper are oa the wnnt nd. page. Don't miss them. Iln Mot lirr-lii-l.nvr'a Complaint. Samuel Q. French, n well-to-do young farmer of Boomer township, was arrested ycMerday on a complaint filed before Jus. Ilco Forrler by his mnlher-ln-law, Mrs Alice Wright. Mrs. Wright complained that -French had threatened to shoot his wife and had even cone so fur as to draw n revolver on her. She aald she v.u afraid that unless lu was' placed under bonds to preserve the peace he would carry his threat Into execution. French denied draw ing a. revolver on h's wife or threatening to shoot her. He admitted that he had had a ipiarrcl with her, hut said all of his fam ily troubles arose from too much mother in-law. tic gave ball for his appearance Thursday. COUNCIL BLUFFS SOCIETY Cnril I'nrllrs. ('lull .Mretlnu., 'Wfil ilh'iKi nml I.iiiii'Iiooiix Mnke I'll a Husy Week, Mrs. C. R. Tylor cntertalii.-d Informally at whist Tuesday afternoon. Miss Hardin, principal of the llloomer school. Is visiting In Oretna, Neb. Mrs. (Jcorgc W. Strong has gone to New York to Join her husband for the winter. Mrs, Robert of South Ninth sheet has as her guest Mrs. .1. II. Price of Slnnberry. Mo. Thomas Hon man will leave today for Carhondalc, III., to remain during the win ter. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Clattcrhuck left yes terday for Randolph, Neb., to make It their home. Miss Anna Rnas entertained at whist Wednesday night. Refreshments wcru served, Frank Wlthrntf- of Avenue II entertained at his home Wednesday night with cards and music. Mra. J. I,. Stewart of Fourth street will entertain a musical In her home tomorrow afternoon. Miss Nolllo Ronham of Rochester, Mian., is vlsltlnj; her cousin, I. C. Ilonham, North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Leffert of First avenue entertained at dinner Friday night. Covers wcro laid for ten. The Atlas club was entertained Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. N. Clifford on Fifth avenue. Mrs. M. F. Rohrer of Vine street will en tertain the Oakland Avenue Card club at her home Friday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. II. Lougee entertained Informally Thursday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Shepard. The Tuesday Euchro club was entertained Wednohday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. A. McKcssou of (Irant street, Mrs, C. F. P. Froom gave a course lunch eon Wednesday for Mrs. W. P. Durkec nnd Mr. Ooorgo II. Lavldge of Omaha. Miss Llllle Savage, daughter of Governor I. Savncrn of Nebraska, xvnn pnpt Inat nn.t of Mrs. J. R. McCluro of Stutsman street. The Council Bluffs Woman's club Is ar ranging a lecturo course, under tho direc tion of, the Slayton lyceum bureau of New York. Mrs. E. C. Shepard and Mrs. Nelllo Jon ney entertained the Euchre cluh Tuesday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Jcnney on Bluff street. Shaduklam temple. Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan, will give Its third annual social and ball Thanksgiving evo in Hughes' hall. Tho New Century cluh met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, C. McCune of Seventh street. Tho program In mediaeval history was given. Mrs, A. R. Brlnsraald of Third avenue. assisted uy .Mrs. w. W. Sherman, enter tained the Ladles' Musical club at her home Monday afternoon. The Woman's club met Wednesday after noon with Mrs, Charles Officer of Seventh struct. Those taking part wore Mrs. Hark- ness, Mrs. Dalley and Mrs. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ronham of North Sec ond strept gave a chafing dish supper last night for Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Head, Ros- coe Head and Mrs, Watts of Jefferson, la. Ernest Klrklnnd and Miss Anna Andor- son were married Wednesday sight at the home of the bride's parents. Spilth Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Klrkland will Ilvo In Omaha. Mrs. Delia Wagner Thomas of Omaha, who has just returned from Europe, where she has been studying mustc for two years, Is guest of Mrs. James McClure of Stuts man street. The literature department of the Council Bluffs Woman's cluh met in the club room Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. J. K. Cooper as chairman, "Tho Literature of India" was discussed, Mr. and Mrs. .1, N, Casady of Oakland av enue entertained thirty members of the Oakland Avenue Card club nt their homo Frldny evening. PrlzeB nt cards were won by Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Qulnn. Tho department of curront topics of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet in tho club room Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. R. Woodford bb chairman. Tho subjoct Is "Russia at the Present Time." The Council Bluffs Woman's club gave a reception Friday nftornoon at the home of Mrs. R. II, Bloomer, Eighth street. Thu members of tho Art department were host rssos. A musical program was followed by refreshments. The household economics department of tho Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet Thursday afternoon In the cluh room with Mrs. Oeorge Carson as chairman. TIip sub ject Is "Shall Our High School Student Adopt a Uniform." Mrs. K. H. Lougeo and Mrs. Street en tertained thirty guests nt a handsomely ar ranged card party at the home of Mrs. iougeo on Oakland avenue Wednesday aft ernoon. The rooms wero decorated with I .a Franco roses and ferns. The Oakland Avonuo Reading club met Friday afternoon with Mrs. C. M. Hatio of , Oakland nvonuc. Those taking part were Mrs. Towsloe, Mrs. J. II. Arthur, Mrs, Blanchord nnd Mrs. Victoria Street. The club will meet thjs week with Mrs. Flnley Burko of Oakland avenue. Tho Art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club met In the club rooms Mon day evening, with Mrs. John P. Davis as chairman. Rubens was discussed. Thc taking part were Mrs. C. A. Wiley, Mrs. F. A. Blxby, Mrs. V. E. Labbe, Miss Mulhol land, Miss Alexander nnd Miss Jensen. A. E. Strayer and Miss Lulu Alexander, both of Council Bluffs, wero mnrrled Wednesday night nt tho homo of tho bride's parents, by Rev. W. II. Cable of Trinity Methodist church. They will mako this city their home. Among thn fcuests from out of town were Mrs. Anderson of Sidney, la and Mrs, R. Smith of Avoc. Tho want ud. page Is the poor man'a mar ket place. Small price and big profits, l.tnv Price fur Print Cloth. FALL RIVKR. Mass., Nov. O.-M. C. D. Borden, through his representatives, is clTmlng to soil Roods to any one who will bily them nt 2 15-10 cents a yard. All tho brokers In this city hnvo been given n chance to and It Is understood that tho samo opportunity has been ghen 10 printers in New York nnd Philadelphia Tho goods which nre being plnecd upon the market ill reduced prices are the con tracts tho American Printing company has mado for several weeks ami as mnny of them are made nt 3 to ,H cents It Is con sidered an attempt lo bear the inaikei The Bee prints more paid want ads than any paper lu Omalu. Why? Rc-ulu (.ount. HOMER HOLLAND KILLED low. CtUegs Athlete (.Lot Dud Ik Etrut Dnel. BANK ROBBERIES GROW MORE NUMEROUS Ccnli'iil l.oi'ntloii Itreiiiiiinrnilp.l Itf .Nnllonnl (itniril Cnmp (iriiiiinl .."Voted Itiir't'iuiiii llrnd. (From n Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. . (Special.) Homer Ilolluntl, for a number of years a resident of Des Moines nud well known In college athletic circles In Iowa, was Instantly I killed In n street duel In Mount Ayr at noon today. Holland got into a quarrel with a gambler named Hunter nnd was killed. Holland had been keeping bail company ot late nnd wns n wild and reckless fellow. Two years ngo he wns In Drake university, kept there largely because of the fact that he was then the best nll-nround nthlcte In Iowa. Ilo wns entered with the Drake uni versity athletic team lu the intercollegiate, contests nnd won a majority ot the points for Drako In a notable contest. Orlnnell protested him for professionalism nnd It was shown ho hud played base hall with a number of clubs In southern Iowa. By throwing out his winnings Grlnnell gained lh victory. lie held the collegiate record for Iowa for the hop-sklp-and-Jump, his distance being forty-eight feet six nnd a hslf Inches. Ills father was formerly sheriff ot Ringgold county and wns em ployed In the state house a few years ago, living here at the time. Young Holland when ho was In Drako uulverslty was a better athlete In many respects than any person who ever contested In Iowa games, but after he wns declared a professional ho left tho college and has not returned, WrlthiK History ot lonn. Ex-Leutenant Governor B. F. One, who has been engaged In writing a complete history ot Iowa for tho past fifteen years, announces that the final copy for the first volume Is now bolnn revised for tho printer and that tho preparation of tho second vol ume Is practically done. Governor Guo has devoted his time for many years to literary work, contributing historical ir.r.'ter to magazines and periodicals and has lived quietly hero while engaged !n his his torical research, lie wiu llo.ttnant gov ernor of Iowa many years ngo and much of the matter he Is preparing Is from an Intlmntn personnl knowledge ot the lead ing events In Iowa history. Urn Hi of Voted llorsenmn. Information has been received here of tho death at Galcsburg, III., of C. W. Wil liams, formerly and for many years ot Iowa and owner ot tho famous horses, Ax tell and Allerton. Williams had n uniqtio and eccentric career. He was the builder of the trotting horse Interest In Iowa, Ho laid out the track at Independence, where Axtell innde a world's record ot 2:03?i. Axtcll was sold for $105,000 and Allerton, from the same stock, mado records below tho 2:03 mark. Williams built a fine hotel In Independence, but afterward sold out his Iowa Interests nnd went to Galcsburg. Ho remained there a short time and re moved to Kentucky, where he commenced breeding trotters. He returned to Galcs burg only last year. At the time ot his death he possessed only a remnant of the large fortune ho had when he located lu Independence and started tho race-horso boom. In "tii tlniik lloliberles, , Tho recent series of bank robberies In Iowa has thoroughly alarmed tho bankers nf tho state and steps are being taken to guard the smaller banks of tho state and nlso to secure speclnl detectives to work on tho case. The robbers hnve left a num ber of clues and good descriptions ot men supposed to bo tho robbers havo been fur nished those In authority. Thero were eight small banks broken Into on tho pres ent raid, hut It now nppenrs that tho samo gang Is over In South Dakota doing bust, ness. The recent robberies In Iowa, with the amounts secured, nre ns follows: Hnnk nf Hlnton $l, Matlock bank I'.tnii) Hank of Snlix. no loss Farmers' bank, Slipllsburg l.fioo Private bank at Ailspe 4i Hardy bank l,i( Hank nf Rutld l.iino Bank of Huxley 750 It Is bclloved the robberies have all been by one gang, which Is the first time any organized gang has operated In the statu for nevpral years. Previous losnps by banks In the last six years were as fol lows: Hank of Klkport ; sO tsnvings DaiiK 111 Hiioinnni 979 Farmers ami .Mcrcnanis- nnnu, iinn- lnutown 1,823 Commercial bank. Rlppey Htnto bank, F.llswortli Htntn Savings bank, Oalt Bank of I.orlmor Furmcrs' bank, Inwootl K. Hourqiilm & Co., New Hartford, llotna Vnlley State bank, Hastings. Badger Savings bank Thor Savings bank Stnte bank, Bluirshurg Bradley's bank. Kldnu Hardy bank HSMl First National bank. Orlswold Milton Bros.. Harlvlllo Ailol Stale hnnk. unknown 1.767 .t.fcOi) 1,015 ID) l.KIS 150 2.135 BIO 2.7.T2 6.0t) TO) K0 60 Lehigh Valley bank, unknown I'or Mute Cnmp (Jronncl. Adjutant General Byers, in his annual -eport soon to be filed, will recommend that, the state nf Iowa purchase ground for a permanent camp of tho Iowa National Guard; that a central location be secured so that the cnmp can nccommodate all four of the Iowa regiments of the National C11 a id. It Is not expected that all four ot tho regiments would ramp on tho ground every year, but on somu occaslonn they would all go Into camp together. The ad jutant general will also recommend that tho etato appropriate $75,000 for the build ing of a state arsenal on ground already owned by tho state for that purpose. I.nnlslntiii Hiiollnn Commissioner, The governor today appointed Thomas Stivers of Rnrllnglnn an additional mem ber of tho Iowa commlsilnn to mako pre liminary arrangements for the exhibit nt the Ixmislana Purchase exposition ot St. Louis, A committee of the commission will go to St. Ix)iils on Monday next to take an option on ground for an Iowa building on the assumption that tho com ing legislature will authorize, nn expendi ture for such a building and an Jnwa ex hibit, Tho rommlndonera selected arn pledged to work for a larne appropriation for tho exhibit. Fortune A mill Velrrnn. MARSHALLTOWN. Nov. 3. Com mandant Horton of the Soldiers' home has received a letter from Frederick Roshrough, Ocsnbureck. Prussia, inquiring for Detrlck M. Miller, former member 01 tho home, who Ii the only direct heir to -5,n00 left by his brother, recently deceased. Miller left thn home In 1SHS nnd his present whereabouts are unknown. Bargains of eery dt rlption on the want aJ, page. BLUFFS BEATS SIOUX CITY Murium nnd While i'rltniiiliitiit (Mer ( linn i) It nml llltir lij M'uro uf Ten (o Zero, The maroon nnd white nf Sioux City High school wont ilnwn lu defeat cstcrt!n after noon before the crimson nnd blue of Coun cil Bluffs High school, the cor being lo to 0 In favor of tho Hluffs boys Tho two touchdowns which brought victory for the local team wore Ruined In tho tlrst hiilf. both being to the credit of ijluirtcrbnck nirmaii. ... . . Captain Avlesworth of Council Bluffs won the toss n'lnl choso the south goal for twentv-tlve minute hnlvos. Hough for the visitors kicked off. Dlngniau getting the ,.-, .Inn.iin.1 ... 11... !!- .,r.l llllll, V.IIIUII n nr ,,,, j,-,,,,,,. line. After several line idiingt's by Ayb' worth, vhloh always gained u few yards, Troynor punted ami (Irnston tackled nml downed the ball. Sioux Clt then sent Wnkelleld through the end for a small gulii nnd lost tho bnll by n fumble on the sec ond down. Scott cnnturliiK It. After send ing Trcynor through end for n good gain, Council Hluffs tried Its nuurturbnek trick und nitismiin mudo the first touchdown In seven nnd one-half minutes' of piny. Avlesworth missed kicking goal. Hough for Slonx City kicked oft, but as the pigskin went nut of bounds had to repent. Dlugnian caught the ball und made a splendid run, cnrrylng It to the center of the field. After Council Hluffs hail sent A vlpsu-nrili Ihrniich the lino sevoriil limes nnd Byron tliroilli tackle (hey again tiled tho quarterback trlcl. Willi erteci, scouring the second touchdown ti I t-i- thir teen minutes' of piny. Council muffs again ml: scd kicking u'nl. Troynor then caught tho ball from Sioux City's kick-off und mado n 25-ynril run. After several olid runs by Scott und Troy nor the Inttvr punted to Slou City a 2.'i vnrtl line. Sioux (itv then made some gains nnd Council Hluffs for olT-sldo pla Ing wns penalized live yards. Fink at tempted to punt, but wns successfully blocked by the Hluffs boys, nml Hyron foil on tho leathern sphere. Treynor then punted lo Sioux City's IM-ynnl line and the visitors were ntlvnncltiK the ball to wards their opponents' territory when lime wns called. On the kick-off lu the rctmil half by Council Illuffs. Hough of Slouv city taught tho ball nnd ntlvunccd it to tno iiu-yani, 11110. At this point of tho game Fink iiiihIo the only tllstunce run of tho tiny for Sioux City. Fuller of Iho home team wns In jured, ningmmi was plnecd nt loft bnlf. Wnrner toolc Dlugmnn s ulnco at qnartiir back. Hero Council Hluffs had 11 sptpmnd opportunity to show its defensive play, but nllowcd Sioux City to push hnck until the ball wns dangerously close to Its lino, when the boys milled nml held Sioux City for downs. Council Hluffs then ndvnncod by lino plunges of tho backs. Trcynor punted nnd Sioux City got thu ball, but Council Illuffs hehl for downs. Warner gullied ton ynrtls off Council Bluffs by tho quarterback trick nnd Scott mailt' n good gnln around light und. Sioux City got thn ball on a fumble and advanced tho ball to the 2.1 yard line, when Quarterback Jnudt nt leniptetl a plnco kick for goal, but failed. Time was called befoio the ball reached the i;round. Lineup: COI'NCIL BLUFFS 10. 0-SIOl'X CITV, Scott .L. ICR. K. .(illicit Byron Bnll ,...L. MVR. T. ....L. (1. It, a. C.'.C Smith Hoimh ... Meeting ,.C. Wilson ..F. Wilson . .. Hiiluchv Smith Fllcklnger R. (5. Ft. T. II. K. ,Q. H. . L. II. II, ..It. II. 1!. L. O.. Kottring .. Orn-son L. T.. L. !:.. Q. H.. Dlngmnn . Ful er (Millions It, II. B Funk (( Tn-ynor L. II. B WukWlold F. II Cox Aylesworth (C)..F. Ft, PICK JEFFRIES FOR WINNER Itillilln NImmvIiik Improved Co r 111 nml .Mny Olvc (iiiiniploii 11 Ntirprlnr. HAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9.-Interest lu the .leffrles-Ruhlln tight for tho world's championship Increases ns tho time for tho contest approaches. Hotting has not been heavy as yet and nil tho money placed has been nt odds on Jeffries. Many pugilistic experts, however, doclure that In his ad mittedly Improved form Rulilln will prove 11 dangerous antagonist anil that it will not be an easy task for tho champion to main tain his title. Jeffries, who Jins been training at Har bin Springs, came down to OiiKtainl last night nnd will do tho remainder ot his pre liminary work In tho rooms of the Reliance club mid In tho suburbs of the city across tho bay, Flo has reduced his weight con siderably and apponrs to bo In line condi tion. Gus Rtihllu Is trnlnlng nt a wayside house near this city. He takes dally spins along the country roads on the bay shoru nml exercises in an Improvised gymnnslum. It Is nssertetl Hint tho ulowuess of his heart nctlon tho normal beating of his pulse be ing only forty-three to the minute Is ot grent advantage to him lu tho ring. That of Jeffries Is about llfty-two to the minute. Rublln Is In good form und confident of success. MAKE READY FOR BIG MILL ,lr(Trle 'I'nkes I, lull! Indoor WinU nml II 11 till 11 Kzert'lse! HrlnUly In nil Oulfltiiii' .1 il ii 11 1 . SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 9.-Bnth Jeff ties on Rublln took It easy today. .letTileH put lu tho morning nt tho Reliance gvmnn slum with light work. He mtys ho docs not propose to take tho slightest chnu.-e or Injuring himself. Rublln took rough road work to keep his legs and wind at the proper notch nud bad 11 short brush with the gloves lu the nftcrnonn. Jeffries hns received 11 let tor from his father. Rev. James Jeffries, the evnngellst, who Is nt present In Lon don. In It Mr Jeffries writes that ho had rend nbout bis son's match with Rublln nnd Hint, nlthough he could not sanction such work, he wished him success. Jeffries says he hopes) Fltzslmmons In tends to fight. Ilo said: -i am In condi tion now nnd. realizing thnt tho gamo mny bo stopped hero nt nlmost nny time, 1 want to meet him soon. I won't bo put lulled either until I've settled old scores with Sharkey." I0WANS SHOOT FOR HOT BIRDS Nome Cold ItoltlrH Mny Also Clidire ns Ciiiiipiiny II .Men Arc In llnni 11 el. I'KRRY. In.. Nov. ?.-fSpcclal.)-The shooting contest between the two sections of Company H of the Fifty-second, led by Lieutenants Phillips and Donahue, iv sultotl lu 11 victory for the former. Tho score stood 1,1172 to 1,216. Tho highest In dividual scores were: Sergeant Wlilto, lt2; Lieutenant T'hllllps. IfiS; Lieutenant Donahue. ISO; CnptHln MoKoam, IIS. Tho losers will banquet tho winners next week. Sllfl (Join Hie lli-i-lnion. CHICAGO, Nov. 0. -Hilly Stlft of Chicago wits h warded a decision on polntH over Oeorge Byern of Boston tonight nt the Chlengo Athletic nssoclmlon. Stiffs mar gin wns not apparent to a mnjoilty of the club members, who thought tho colored boxer from tho enst wns entitled to a draw. Ames College llmlly llcnlcn, MADISON'. Wis.. Nov. !). The I'ni,..,.- slty of Wisconsin defeated tho Iowa Ag ricultural college of Amos, In.. Ibis iifter uoon, 43 to 0, Tho gamo was too one sided to furnish a line 011 the Mlnnrsotn iniuuniii i-uilii'Pl iu in: ll!ll-tl neto next Himirduy. Ilnhii Provide for Future, CINCINNATI, Nov. O.-Pltchrr Frnnk Hnhn. who played with the ("Imiuuntt Nn tlonnl b'liguo team last hoiimiii, tonight slgiiPd a contract to play with the same club next season nt a salary of l,2im. Hies of Font Hull Injur;, KIRIC3VII,LK. Mo., Nov. .-.Inhnnln Klrckner. colored, aged 19 years, died here today us n result of Injuries he received during it foot ball game lust Monday. ftcncvn Tun Fust for Sutton, I'tKNHVA. Neb., Nov. 0 -(Special Tele groin.) Heiievn's High school eleven tin font eil Sutton's students, 21 to 0, hero today. Him Siiten front (iiirliiK, ST. JOSKPII. Mo Nov. O.-John Davis, a noted breeder of line tattle, wan gored so badly by a Jersey bull at his itnuk fnrm nenr this city today that he will die, Mr. Davis recently purchased the animal' lu Chicago, paying a fnnoy prli' for It But for n dog, which enme to Mr. Davis' ni-slstnnce. he would hae boon gored to death at once. McKliilcy o( Dcnter Inlniril. DKNVHR. Nov, ti h, jicKlniev, former e,i t-onator ami a well k-iown democridli politician nud one of the most prominent lawyers of this iitv nun run over liv a Mrct this nfi. ri.oou md ret e veil Ini'rlfs which will piobuiviy cauan hit Uvotlu BLACKS MAT LOSE BALLOTS' Propond Constitution fr Albru. Will Jjitinfunchiii Ntgriis. i FULL POWER IS GIVN TO REGISTRARS ' IRct'lliiii linii'loU Will Itnte 1'i.tter 11 Accept or llcjci'l Crctlciillnlx of tiler r. i'bc I'ccl lllpiieil, 1 MUNTdO.MKRY. Ala. Not. !i.-The citi zens of Alabama will Note on Monday fer ine adoption or rejection of (he constitu tion formulated by the recent convention. For several weeks a warm rnmpnlgn has been waging and the people hnve been fully Informed ns to the pro visions of the proposed Instrument. The calling of the const Itutlonal'lonvcn Hon wns n measure of tho democratic ,...,.,. ... . .... ., .,. ,,,,,,,,-auuii,,,,,, w, r(,mn)nn,l0(, Major tleneral mnny pro nlncni 1 irpiihllcnn. faor 1 he n-lop. Whrn011 ,, , ,,, ,,.,, nf (Inn of the new ninallle law ululi. iivmv 1 . .... .... tlnn of tho new organic law. while many tnllurutlal democrats nre opposing it. The proposed constitutional convention l.ns for Its main purpose tho dlscnfrnnchlno- uicnt nf the negro, nud at tho same time to leave tho ballot In the hands of eer whllo man In the stale. The advocates of the now Instrument s.iy that this will b brought about by the adoption of the pro Iioied constitution. It provides for u lieu tenant governor. Increases the terms ot stnte olllcors to four yenrs, lowers the limit of taxation and makes many other changes (mm the fundamental law under which tho stnte Is now being governed. The general sentiment leotus to bo that the cuiiKuiuuoii win ue aiiopieu uy 11 majority I'Acce.miK jj.uuu. Tho mnln tight has been on the regtra- Hon system and on the suffrage clause. It Is claimed by the opposition to the new Instrument that many white men will hon,. diseufrnucnlHcd. as the registrars have too much power and can register or reject voters nt their will. I uilertt 0111I Ik Con Illicit I. Congressman O. W. Underwood, chair man of the democratic campaign commute; nnd tho democratic whip of the house of representatives, made tho following state ment tonight: "Thero are forty-two coun ties In Alnbama that I am absolutely sure of carrying for tho ratification of tho new constitution. In tho list nre Included all of tho larger counties ot tho stale. "Thero nro eighteen counties In which the result Is very doubtful and In any of which I do not bcllevo tho majority will bo more than 100 either wny. There nro six counties In tho stnte that we hnve no expcctntlons of cnrrylng nnd In two or three the democratic party has been given no representation at the polls and wo are unable to predict what tho result wil be In these polls. But conceding Ihcm td the opposition to tho full extent of their vot ing population, according to the icusus they cannot come anywhere near affecting the largo majorities wo will have from the other counties In the stnte, .VcBrocN In AVIiltc Counties. "Thero are a large, number nf negro voters In what are known ns tho white counties In north Alabama. Tho Informn- Hon that I have received from all parts In- dlcntes that tho opposition to the ratlllca-I Hon of tho new constitution Is endeavoring 1 to vote Monday. I do not think the negroes I ihemselves nre disposed to toko lively in- 1 terest, hut If tho opposition succeeds In, otlng them It will reduce our majority, j but even with this vote solidly ogatnst us 1 I cannot conceive of anything to happen to j reduco our majority to less than 25,000." I WAYS TO HANDLE WAYWARD I Mipcrts in Criminology .Meet In Ills, cits, Ictliotls 111 Ctiinlili'l nf Holism nf lies! I'll 1 11 1, KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Nov. '.). The nn t111.1l congress of the Nntlonal Prison asso ciation opened In this city tonight. Wil liam Wallace, chairman of the local com mittee, called the congress to order nnd Robert L. Yenger of this city presided. Joseph F. Scott, president of tho associa tion and superintendent of the State Re formatory of Massachusetts, delivered tho president's annual address. Samuel J. Bar rows of Massachusetts for the visiting del egates made a response to words of wel come. Tho sessions of the congress will last flvo days and will Include the annual r.ieet ng of the Wnrdens' association next Mon day. Thero nro 200 delegates attending the congrcsB. Among them ire many noted wardens of prisons and men who have at tained world-wide prominence by their work in the cause of prison reforms. War den Mead of Auburn prison, New York; S. A. Hawk, warden of the tcdcral prison at Atlanta, Ga.; N. F. Boucher, warden nf the penltentlnry nt Fargo, N. D.j Warden Moore of Trenton penitentiary, N. J.; I). W. Bis singer, warden of tho Kastcrn penitentiary of Pennsylvania, nt Philadelphia; Albert' Ganln, warden of the penitentiary at Weathersflcld, Conn.; William M. Johnson, warden of tho Western penitentiary of Pennsylvania, at Allegheny; C. C. Mc Laughey, warden of tho penitentiary at Waupnn, Mich.; K. J. Murphy, warden of the penitentiary at Joliel, III.; Prof. Charles R. Henderson, pro fessor of sociology at the University of Chicago, nnd many other equally as prom inent nro here. Ohio Is represented by a largo delegation. It is headed by General Roollff Brinkerhnff of Mansfield, who is prominent In prison reform work and Is thalrman of the Stato Board of Charities of 'Ohio. There nro severnl women ddegatps In nttPiidanoc. Probably tho most noted Is Klizabeth L. Tuttlo, probation officer of Bos ton, Tho annual sermon before tho congress will bo delivered by Rnv. S. M. Ned of this city In the Central Presbyterian church tomorrow morning Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach Paste and die out of the houif. One Ineredient dries up their (bodies, leaving no odor. It is a safe and sure exterminator also of Mice, Water Burs, Croton Bugs, Cockroaches and all other vermin. It has been in general use in houses, stores, hotels, factories, offices, public buildings, etc., for twenty-five years. Absolutely guaranteed. r A I ITIOM Substitutes sua Imitation are worthies.. UAU I IVJIN. ,t oa STEAEISS' ELECTBICi UU sMkiof tit. 15 cents a box at DnimlJts and Grows or int direct by Kxprrn prepaid. STEARNS ELECTRIC PASTE CO,, Chicago, Ills. NEW disposition of troops IHllnti of l'lillliilnr Mill lie Cttti- I'l'lt t I'Mtril llli let nf litiili I II U Hut i WASHINGTON, Nov n On the reeom- niondntlnn of Ctoncrnl CluifTep, totunuindlne the Division ot the Philippines, thp sccre- Inry ot wnr hns lsuet! an order fur fho rcurg.inl-ntinn of that dlUMon. I'p to this (line tho division has compiipd four mil- , llnry departments as follow DcpHitmrnt of Northern Luzon, commanded by Mnjot i (iPiieral Lloyd Wheaton: Department ol : Southern Luzon, commanded In BrlKadlet General J. S. Wade; Department uf thf 1 Vlsnyna. commanded by Htlguilicr 1 R. P. Hughes. Department of Miml.innii 1 and Jolo, commanded by Btigndler General J. W. Davis. In accordance with the nctlon of the War department today the division will be divided Into only two military depart 11 cuts, to Include v.ithin their limits thr entire Philippine nrchlprlngo. They wilt ho known as the Department of North nn 1 South Philippines. The northern depart Luzon. Mlmlorn nnd Mnsbntc. nnd nil Hi" Intervening territory. The southern department, which will bo (ommandod by llrigdlor (Jrnrrnl Wilde, will embrace the iPm.ilndor of the rchlel ago nnd Include the largo Islands of Sinur, 1'nnny. Mindanao, the Vlsajns nml Jolo. It Ir understood thnt latgo bnillo ot troops nre In bo concentrated In the dln trlcts where outbreaks have occurred, 11.. tier tho command of officers of high ran!-, with tho full purpose of promptly stamp Ing out th" spirit of Insurrection. It r said, furilieimore. that the fedurtloti la j ,,10 ,,,,. , lc .lepariinenis. In nddi j Hon to limiting the mllihiry forces more .compact nnd olnelen will result in n e- I.luitlon of cxi.ensos j DCPnonq (jnWPRM RnflFUFI T ! "COUnUI UUVCr nUUDtV LL I Ileclnrc Hint I'rnmiit lim lli lltiiillcf lienetntlilis Will He Mnile tin Merit Alone. In WASHINGTON. Nov. fi. Tho president today declared to Senntor Cullom of llllnol that lu making (he promotions to the brig adier generalship soon to become vacant In would be governed entirely by tho icrord. that It was his intention to promote thnt whose records showed them to bo de serving of promotion, nnd that neither per sonal t ouhlderntlnns rpir Inlluenco wouh count. Senator Cullom had called on bo half of Major Ballnnce. who went Into Hit army from Pcprln. and Major McClernand n son of General McClernand. The lattet wns General Shatter's adjutant dining the SHtitlngn cnmpalgn. Senator Burrows of Michigan talked wi'li the president todny nbout legisla tion Senntor Burrows Is a member of tlv finance committee of tho senate nnd Is strongly opposed at this lime to nny further tt'iltictlon of the government's Income. "I don't believe." Fald he, "that It would b( wise to tinker with the revenues until t know exartly what money will ho needed If we aro to build the Nicaragua ranal nno provide liberal amounts for the Improve ment of rivers and harbors It would ho the height of folly at this time lo clash the J revenues." ''villi- In Murine ( oriis Klllctl. WASHINGTON, Nov. 0. Roar Adml.-al Rodgcrs, at Manila, today cabled the sccre- lary of tho nnvy as follows: "Privates Genrgn Lynth and K. A. Klonan killed In nctlon, Sajopkan, near Basey, Samar, on the 7th Inst." No further details of the nctlon aro given. Bargains of every description on the want WISH KING EDWARD LONG LIFE I'JiiKllslnceii In I lilted Mne nml ('nu ll lilt ( Ichrtt If Nllllll liny nf lllitlslt Miiiinri'li, NRW YORK. No. 0. To celebrate thi COth birthday nf King F.dwanl VII tho vati ous British societies of this city gn there I In banquet at Delmoulco's tonight. Before the speec hiuaktng commenced letters wore rend from Field Marshal Rati Roberts, Lord Pnuncofnto, General Wills ley nnd Governor Mllner of South Africa. General Brooke responded to the toast "General Kitchener and tho Troops In South Afrlcn und General Chaffee nnd the Troops in the Philippines." ST. JOHNS, .V. F Nov. 5. -The birth day of King Kdwnrd was celebrated with grent enthusiasm In SI. Johns today. Chief Justice Llttlo was knighted, ,111s knlqhthood Is looked on as 11 special recog nition of the loyalty of tho Catholics In New Foundland. They participated In thn loyalist demonstration In honor of tho duke. SWEDES GREETKING OSCAR Kindly Mcssiikc line" It mil elirnsln In .Stoel. bol 111 UtuiiiK Atlol IiIiiik' t'elehrnt Ion. WAIIOO, Neb., Nov. !). At tho conclu sion of tho Gustavus Adolphus celebration held hero In honor of Dr. II. K. Gesollud von Srhell, bishop of Vlsley, Swpdcn, thn following cablegram was sent lo King Os ra r : "Swedish Americans, celebrating Gus tavus Adolphus memorial, lime thankfully tecelved through Bishop von Schell your gracious message. Wo Invoke God's bless ings upon your.majcsty and our former b loved tnthorland." This Is signed by F. N. Swnnsburg. pres ident of tho Nebraska conference, and 3. M. Hill, president of Luther academy. Bishop von Schell Is making a tour of tho Swoil8h-.mcrlcan communities In Ne braska. Tho want ad. page Is tho poor man's mar ket place. Small prlco and big profits.