THE OMAHA DAILY lUvE: SlXUAY, 2s OV "EMBER moi. '.lis )-v) y? se 'mS ' is is IS IS IS DAMAGED Fifteenth and Dodge BY SMOKE JET -L JTJHj ALE AND WATER Fifteenth and Dodge The recent fire did not touch our stock. The damage is from smoke and water only, Our place of business is ruined and we will have to move. If you are looking for Bicycles, Vehicles, Wagons or Automobiles, as good as new, for half price, come now. Sundries Vehicles, Wagons, Bicycles, Automobiles, 1 ra lA' MS.d.ft tV7 l WrfJI . v Surreys I22R Troy Extension (Pj C Top Surrey tPlTrO K00 Troy Canopy Top Surrey IOvF $150 Troy Open Top Q Surrey lsJ J 150 Moon Dros. Q f Surrey $110 Moon lire. f( 8urrey JJ $110 McFurlnnd A- 6urrey JKJ Phaetons $200 Troy Phaeton 160 176 Moon Tiros. 125 IKS Enfiler 75 t0?:i 60 Automobiles $1,200 Second Hand Gaso- K l f linn Cnrrle9 OLM $775 Second Hand Steam A gf Mobile rlCvF Both In fine condition. Top Buggies $22S Troy Victoria Stanhope $160 $150 Troy fop Ruggy" f) for . i 1 ,v $1K Troy Top Ruggy fiS for 0X $1W Tlmpken Top Buggy. 110 fitted with roller bearings a $125 Light Top Ruggy fin for "X SinO Light Top Ruggy fifl for f II0A Moon Dros. Top Hiiro $76 Moon Pros. Top Ilug'gy QQ $fi5 Dnnnor fop Ruggy for '-ru tW Bnntier Top Buggy for $125 Tlmpken Hi mt. Buggy QO for 1110 Tlmpken iv, ml. Ruggy JSi for 1 Hun n lion I. JI3S Troy Basket Seat I fin Runabout iJJ 112S Troy Runabout QS for Z 12.'. Tlmpken Runabout QO for XX $12.r Tlmpken Runabout. Of) low wheel Z.1 SlOo Moon IlroH. Runabout 7- 'for i $100 Moon nroo. Rttnnbout, J5 low wheel X, Banner Runabout C for " $95 Troy Concord Runabout 7f for 'V $70 Clark Itimabout All for I1B5 Tlmpken Stanhope, lilted with roller benrlngs itj $H0 Tlmpken Stanhope 100 $100 Tlmpken Stanhope. 7f for Myr Since the fire I have received a carload of Graphophones, Records and Supplies. These are the most perfect types of Talking Machines ever shown in Omaha LARGEST CONCERT MACHINE IN THE WEST. PRICES RANGING FROM $5 TO $150.00. Free concerts all day and evening Come and hear them Wc will clean, oil and adjust your Graphophone at a spc cial price of $1.00 for the noxt 10 days. The Latest Music All "Florodora" latest sz lecttons. Selections from "The Burgomaster." Selections from "The Runaway Cirl." Selections from "The Singing Girl.'' Airs from the popular operas and the vaudeville hits. Bicycles $32 29 22 18.50 27-50 32 24 19 . 1750 ...ll50 30c 10c Reduction on tires. All sundries at reduced prices. Sscond-hand wheels 53.00 up. $50 Ork ut Bicycle for $J0 World nieyele rfor $40 World Dlrycl for $30 World Bicycle for $15 Iver Johnson nicycle for $50 Olive Cunhlon Frnme for $40 Ollvii Cushion Krame for $80 Olive Cushion K'rame for $3S Admiral for $2fi Western for f.Oc Foot l'ump for f.Oc Toe Cll). for Wagons $70 sv4 rish Hres. Wflson tr for i 5 rih nrrr. Wnson for $... "J'i Klsh Hro. Wauon for $56 55 43 S3 2ii Klsh llrof. Wason t 4 for "tI $7." .T.s Klfh riroi", Ornr, .Tx'i tires $70 .Hj l'lsh llro. Clear, 3xi tires 6r. .Hi Klsh Ilros. Ocnr. .!.x'i tires $70 Si Klsh Hro?. (!car, lx4H tires , JC) Klsh Ilros. Delivery Wnson 65 55 50 55 45 $7.. Klsh Urcs. Top Delivery CCCE Wason DO $50 Small Top Delivery Wagon from $E0 laundry Cart for 35 30 $70 Clark Sprlnp; Wnpons J? O for UU I Vehicles Stored During fe I Winter for Only $2.00 m i January 1st We Move Into the Old Bennett Building H. E. FREDRICKSON FIFTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS LOCK IS WITH DES MOINES Bafty Gifti Itwani Viotrj Ovir 0mh High Eohool. YOUNGSTERS PLAY A TIPTOP EXHIBITION 'liilnl Scor- la ! Two Clmnrr I'ohiln nml Jlnth Trnnm Como u wltli riyliiK rolom Prnffilil'n ilmv Unrt. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. !. (Special Telo Kiara.) West Dea Moines Hlfih school de.. feated the Omaha IHsh school boys In one of the hardest-fought and best all-round KameH ever played here, 2 lo 0. There was fierce tackllnB all throiiRh on both ldo and tho opposlns players literally fought tho gamo out In a most desperato way. None of tho college games have been moro Interesting or better contested. It was a short g&mo, the halves being twenty minutes each. Two of tho players were Injured. Tenfold of tho visitors was thrown and trampled upon nnd his Jaw badly Injured. Ho was placed under earn of n doctor and It Is believed bis Jaw has been, fractured. Ilalllett, for tho homo club, was also .Injured und had to retire. The only scoring was done In the last half within a mlnuta nnd n half of the opening. Dch Moines kicked off lo K.nglehardt, who made a return of eight yards from thn' goal line. On tho llrst scrlinmago Omaha lost control of tho ball aud It rolled bo hind tho Omahu goal lino, wbero Englo haidl fell upon It and It was hold ther-; by Des Moines, thus making a 'safety and coring two, There was no other chance for a score In tho game and every movement through out was well timed. Tho feature of the gamo was the hard tackling for both Hides and even leum work Tho best tackling was by Jordan, Dutler. Damon, Knglchnrdt. Kalrbrother: but the ground gainers for Omaha were Stcrrlkcr. Coryell and Stand even. Dcs Moines hail the best of It on punts all through, but niacin Utile by It. Englchardt and Shields hardly ever marto a return from the punts. There was much life nnd spirit to the came and every nolnt wns well cared for on both sides. Duller and Knglehardt. as cap- tains, managed the Held work ndinlrably and plays on both sides wero freely up plaudcd by the crowd. Tho referee was Hurt Main nnd umpire Dr. Tierce. Lineup. ago. Its defensive work wnt good nnd tho flirce line bucks of Miguel, Dnlne and Oliver wero repentedly mopped with Kcarcely n suln. The Indian Interference) wiir smashed picttllv by I. Knnsas haiven and luckles, and tho rcu men made few gains round the Kiinsnn ends. The Kan hiiiis hit tho Indian lino furiously anil gains ot from four to eight yards were P'gtihn' occurrences. l.outhmi on the timilem, llriimmage nnd Vincent on tho incUle rioss. Ducks nnd Morrlnon on the Htrnlght lino buck mnd" good gains, ami several time It, seemed as If tho red men were In the air. It was a bucking gaum; few end runs wero tried nnd those made wero not long. l.tiicu;,: DUS MOINP.ri Strouthers .... Halllet-Rulley . Damon MrCnrtney . .. McKell Wells Davis .1.. K. U. K. .1.. T. U. 'P.. .1.. O. R. IS.. ( (' .it. i'".'!.. n.. It. T. I.. T. .it. a Dutler (eap.).l,. II. it. Jordan It. II. It. Kraetsch J. H. I,ons K. II. I.. (! .. it. II. n. i.. ii. it. q n.. 0-OM.IIA Kalrbrother Mullen . . Thompson .. Robertson . .. Htnmlnven .... Slerrlker .Tenfold and Ciithers .Marsh Co rye I Shields V. It.. Knglehardt (e) BUCKS ARE BETTER BUCKERS KniifciiN 'Vnrll- llo I,omi on Tni,ll"i (hill Arc HiinUoII IiiiIIiiiih' I.iiiik Null. I.AWIIKNCK. Kan., Nov 0.-(Speclnl Tel-eci-imi.l-The Ilnskell liullaii foot li.ill team won h closely contosleil game from the I'nlvoislty of Kunsas team this aflernoon on McCook llidd. The score was IS to i. but tho game was a great deal closer than the score l mi leu tea. two or llie tiiuians toiiehdnwns were made on runs of forty 1 and llfty yards by Italne, the big Indian I tackle, and outside of theso two long gains the pnlo luces made as much ground as I thrtr fast opponents. Captain Jenklnstn I of Kansas made a great thlrty-yanl dash ' on a. Ilnely directed iiuartcrback kick by I'llder, and ll Is to this play that Kansas 1 owes Its touchdown. I Kansas showed wonderful Impiovement ( since tho game with Washburn thrso weeks MASK m.i.-is. Kcllx 1.. K. Oliver Tomahawk ....I.. T. Dubois ..: I.. O. Carl C. Archlquette Ouyon It. Halno U. T. Ited water It. O. Uent Archlfiuelte ...Q. H. Haas I.. II. II. Kallls-Ollvcr 11. II. H. Jllgue: V. U n. k. 5-KANSAS. ... Nof singer It. T Druintuage It. tS. C i.. i: Dodds . Hess I leeks I.. T.. Vlncent-llrown I.. O. tj. t. II. It. . I.. II. IJ.. . It I .malum .. .. Klder Jeukiusou MeKenna .Morrison Touchdowns: Dnlne .i). Kallls, Urummae. Goals from touchdown: Kallls ('J), Ualn '. Time: Thlrty-tlvo and twenly-elght-mlnute halves. SOUTH OMAHA DIES GAME I, ones tti the Nolillcr Alter ll Kuril Mingiclc Uy -.'I to II. coughing. Stop it at once, before it gets the start of you. Stop it with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 2k., Sic., St. J, C. AYTR CO., Lawtll, Mui. The South Omnha foot ball team was defeated by tho Tenth Infantry Saturday. J3 to fi. The South Omaha team was nmb r a treat disadvantage, being outweighed almost thirty pounds: lo tho man, but till great excess in weiguc niu not Keep ino South Omaha boys from holding the so' dtcrs time and again for downs. When ihe Torklown bovs cot the ball they made good gains through the heavy line of the soldiers. Houtn umalia scoreu me nrsi loucnuown ufter ten inliuiteH of hard play, Orch'ird making a tnirty-yani run to tne goal, .mc Donalil kicked cnnl. Tho Kort team score I ti touchdown In the llrst half lust us time was called. In tho second half- tho exces sive weight mui better condition of the Holdlcrs wore the South Omaha learn out ii ml the soldiers succeeded In scoring Hires tnuclulowiis. I'aptaiu van vieit Kicued t no nmilH. Reeves and Vun Vlelt were thn stars for the Kort team. Mueup: KOftT CnOOK-Ct li-SOl'TU OMAHA. Shaddock Rosenthal Dlake . H.'Il. K... .1,. T. .1.. It. T. It. t$. Ilaney ...C.C. Mordaunt O. L. O.. Tompktti . J. T., I'm ;.. i,, r,., Ileeves J. . Powell I., H. U. It. II. Ii. . Olehl It. 11 H. U. II. It... Vnn Vlelt.. . K. H. V. D 'rime: Twenty-minute halves. Ackermau l inpire: bcnai rer. RED OAK SARJNGS ARE BENT Mil ml I'll Well, hill Vol Well I'.noiluli .Kniiist Lincoln IIIkIi Si'IiiioI's A meii. Conrey Adams Austln- llelidersoil tlrny Ward O'llern Smlth-Orcharil MTIet .. Cowan , Martin McDnnnld Referee. QUAKERS CRUSHED TO EARTH PenmyWania Snffjis Memoabls Dofeit tt HarTard'i HtintU. WOODRUFF'S NEW TRICK PROVES FUTILE IliiiriiiicU ( nrcjlna Ihe Hull MeclH On oiinilnu 4 ci 1 ii in ii ullh 1 1 1 ltniU Seel.lnu In 'I'm lis for IMb xUIn Id I'iiI Iciikiic, THIl.ADi:i,TlIIA. Nov. 0. Harvard this afternoon, on Kranklln field, administered to the Unherilty of Pennsylvania one of the worst defeats the latter has experienced since It hns been In the front rank In the foot ball world The final score was: liar vard, 33; Pennsylvania. !. Harvard scored twenty-two points In the first nnd cloven in the second half, while Pennsylvania scored six point In the llrst half. This single touchdown was a gift of Marshall, Harvard's quarterback. Itoy nolds kicked tho ball to Harvard's twenty yard line, whero Marshall fumbled It. Mitchell gathered It In and ran about twenty yards for a touchdown. After this Pennsylvania's chances of scor Ing rould not bo considered seriously. Once they wero near enough to Harvard's goal to try a goal from plnccmcnt, but the ball wont wide. Km I In to Him oliillnnlrc. Tho new play which Coach Woodruff had evolved will not revolullonliQ foot ball, as claimed by tho Inventor. It was tried twice In tho game and failed. The piny Is for the quarterback to pass tho ball to the halfback, who, Just as ho reaches tho line, turns nnd strikes tin opposing for wards with his back. At this Juncture tho other halfback comes nlong and. taking the ball, dives Into the lino In tho same man ner. Ily the time this second halfback got Into tho line today he was pinned down beneath nbout 1,000 pounds ot brawn and muscle. Harvard did not attempt to nso any tricks today; It was jnnecessary. Only the stralKhtORt kind of foot ball was played ami tho brilliant end runs, which wero used lo such advantage by tho Harvard eloven last year at Cambridge, were not In evidence. It was a ctralght lino-bucking EHtno. In only one riepaitnicnt of the game did Pennsylvania hold Us own. This was In punting. Reynolds clearly outklckcd -Tut- nam. who was doing the kicking for liar vard I.lnct:?. HARVARD -.Tl i 0. PENXSVI.VAN'IA Campbell (c.) I,. K. R E (Snrdlner iilaguen and i Wright T..R. T Donaldson. .Mitchell, Dennett nnd .McCabe. Sargent ' Harnard Cutis :lllil Lawrence Howillteh and Durgess .Miu-shall nnd Daldwln Putnam and Mltllln D. Rlstlnc and Jones n tint yd nn Touchdowns: .Mitchell. Coals (3), Davidson, nte halves. I.. i, C. It. U. R. T. R. K. R. (3. C I.. IS. ell I-. T. Q. B. H. It, H. II. K. H. Teus MeCabe-Jordan Dennett. Mitch- and Dalnl. Plckarskt Ij. K..Metgar, Thom as and I, tides. Q. 11 Howard K. II. II.. Uille.HnonK I.. II. II Reyno ds and Townsend. K. D.. Davidson (c.i and Kellar. Gntydon (Si. Putnam (1), from touchdowns: Cutis Time: Thirty-live mln- CREIGHT0N WINS A HARD GAME Force I'nlior to n Nnffty, the Only I'll I ii In Srorcil In tin Miileli. LINCOLN. Nov. 0. (Special.) In a slow but stubbornly fought game the Lincoln High school eleicn defeated the team from Reil Oak la., 17 to 0 on tho university campus this afternoon, Tim visitors ap ncircri Ninnlt anil iinilerf Izeil. but Miclr nlav- lng surpassed anything brought to bear against the Lincoln High school this year Slowness about getting Into tho game char acterized both elevens and tho contest was somewhat disappointing from the bleacher point nl view, The features of the game ,weie two long end runs by llagey and 12. Fullmer. The lineup was as follows; LINCOLN-17. 0-RKD 0K. Mason L. H ll, 11. .. .J. Houghton Klelds L. T.-R. T Kpps Lesh . . . I- " lU. O 1'r.vor Johnson C C Sllnsnn Hall It. tl.,1.. Casey Klmmell II. T.'L. T It. Roberts It. KnTmer It. N. L. K PllUlugtou Darnlck . ...W. D.IQ. D Clark K. Kollnier (Cl.L.II.D. It. II. Dillon llawley .. R. 11 11, L. II. H. . . II. Hough ton (CJ Hagey H.F. D Koons Referee: Condrn. I'midre: Pearfon. Dargslns of every dcicrlptlon on the want I cd, rage. 1 Til D mmn body: In Health and Disease A new book containing ihe I.vest sticntinu (lis- covcrlfd and anatomical, wonders, relatlnff to mcn( anil "heir spcitnl com-, plain's NothniK obscene or objectionable, but pub-, listu for Mn Only. if,, v exnlninlne every 1 hhlng and superb')' illustrated wlth 5TkIKIN0 COI.OKU1) i-iL.iuKi:a. 'Aitii.' tha i.. irtMtmcnt at home. L i "iiim tin. vtny .--.- - - - m forall obstacles t.- marriage. Isitlvely' r ... .i. .i., , .. n-hn suffer from depleted nervo f-r o or drains on the. f system, caused dv .mr.-i"-. 'iiatjtf, worry or cvrrwoir. .-co. . m.i i. r.-i.. 1 rover for ten cents. fmnti in i'kiiii rTRii, - .hi n nir W. COURTNI Y, . S. Sc.. ! P. O. rrnr ftS. Uulfalo. S. , TADOIt. In., Nov. H.-lSpeelnD-The foot ball teams of Crelghton university -mil Tabor college lined up hcie this uftei noon In one of the fiercest battlrs over seen on a gridiron In this vicinity. Crelghton won the toss and Tnbor kicked off to Kuray, who made fifteen yards. Tho nan was auvrineed into Timor h territory. Item Tabor held Cielghton for downs, but after the Prohibitionists had Ulrd ,i few plays Crelghton regained the ball. Then, by a series of line plunges, Crelgh ton advanced the Drill to within a tew inches of the goal line. Here n dispute nrose aud Tabor was given tho ball. Crelghton's men broke through and downed the ball fully live yards behind the goal line, thus scoring two points for Crelghton. Hero Tabor kicked from the twent)-flvo-yard linn and ufter u lew minutes of play time was called with the ball In Tabor's territory. Score, 2 to 0, The ball remained In Tailor's territory nnd dangerously near tho goal the whole of the second half. This half was characterized by hard playing on both sides and ended with thn ball In Crelghton's poi.esslon on Tabors live. yard line, neither side scoring, l.lpeup: C 1 1 1: 1 C. I IT O N--2. (f TAHOIl Schopi L. ll. R. K Davis Roberts L. T. R. T Ilausi ! Loofbourrow ....L. O.iR. O Gerhmau gains hut six times and ibelr punting wai poor. Illinois got the diurgo on every play lllld showed more iIiihIi with u mntr. nn I tackle piny It went through Iowa's linn I I HI will. Staylc mid Llndgren were tui-ei (gainers. The Illinois men were In im MOinlltlon and ployed Iowa olT Its feel i from the start. Iowa's varied attacks on I the line were futile, but It sometime-! gained ground around Illinois right end. Stahl whs the star of Ihe day. Ire- inenilj making ion and lifteon- nrd plunges nnd long end runs. Jones, who played quarter Instead of Williams, plived well on defensive nnd often saved iou"h downs when he was Inst man lo the goal. The day was Ideal. Two thousand people saw the game. Lineup: ILLINOlS-27. 0-IOWA. I Cook L. H. R. K Maiesll I Dundy L. T. R. T Durrler Stahl L. O. R. O Kalrwealhei I Lowenthnl C. C DrlggH Doiid ii. i-;. i,. : .seiberi Llndren IC) II. T. L. T Coullliard Kalrweather ..It. O. L. O llolleiibeci, Mrundage L. II. Ii. it. II. ll AVattern Hutton R II. II. L. II. D Wllkhn McKlnley Q, 11. ij II lones Darker K. U. K. U Macy LINCOLN MEDICS" FAIL TO PASS lloane Propniinil Pool lltill I'iiiIiIcoin Ton All linccd fill' Their Visitor In o!ve. Cresnniio and Sllth )ilayeil for the Mediis. Lineup: DOANH-W. Tlbnll K.direi- C A. Ta lor I!. Taylor Price Patton .. Ireland llnuiilou . I orison Dowlliy .. Wcndlaml I'miilpf.. Mi.l.i ii. -a... men: llulght nnd Stewart. Perry mid Ilnnies. CRKTK. Neb.. Nov. :i.-Speeal T-le-gram. i Dnnim walked all over the L'ninn Medics hoie today before a large, cnlhui nstlc crowd. A week ugo thee le.un-i started play at Lincoln, but rain stoppc t the game In the ilrsl half, with the score ii to 0 In Doane's favor. The Medlrs aked for another game and today Domic won, til to 0. The enmo was full of tpcotnriilHr ihi nnd Dunne showed Its superloi-lly In exer. department of the game. Touchduw n. after long iniix, were made by Pi Ice. Curl son. Houston and Dnwlby, Iing runs were also made by Tlball and Kuhrer. Weinl iand kicked four goal!'. The Modr- were unable to advance the ball cxccpl f ir a few moments In the llrst half (Sllnian ... L. Ii. It H .. i .L. T. it. I . L. O R. ii. ... c c It. (3 ,. K II. T ',. T R. (i L. (!.... .. L. II. I, !t. II. II. .. .It. 11. 11 .. II. II. O. D Q. II K. D. D ii good genu o-MKDICS. ('ainel Stlth Smlih Voder Mcltendy ... Macbeth Uwlns . Cressmuu Lnltn ifi Ollhn.iii Inoper. Llnes-Tlmekccpers; I'lirfi-itM linnic in l-'rlend. KltllOND, Neb.. No. !i. --(Special Tele grain. i Tho Kulrmout High rohool font ball t(-u in forfeited a game lo the Kriopd Hlsn school learn today by quitting the Held n about the middle of the second half. Th Kulrmout team refused lo comply with .h llrst (leclhlon made by the umpire du'ln; the gmue and left thn Held. The score m this stage of the game was fi to ti In KiU lnont's favor, with Krlend In possession of the hall This decision gave the ba I lo Krlend, which was a decided advantage, n the temns were equally weak on the in tensive. ' 'Vnrll' Second llcnt iinkloii. YANKTON. S. I).. Nov. 0 iSpedn' lele gram.) The Slate university's second eleven beat Yankton High school here Mil afternoon, fi lo . Sargent of Vermil'on hud his arni broken and cne of Vankton was baillv butt In th" hack Yankton eul played Its adversaries, but Vermilion brawn carried Ihe ball slowly neriHS Ihe Held or one inurlid"Wii by line sinahe". The game wii" a (ji'dd lean one VorioolllcH I, nie nl llrlll4l Cltj, N KRRASK A CITY, Neb.. Nov. 9. -' SP" Telegram. I The foot lull game be l ween Ha State Normal ft li.jnl or Per il aud Ihe Nebraska Cllv High school i" siilled, R to o In favor of Nebraska Cltv. Roth teams did e.Ncellent work Dnn't iiilsa rcidlni; tho want ad. page "lot the GOLD OUST twins do your work I" Rooney Sullivan .....C-.C... ,R. il. L. (S Walker It T. L. T ....It. I-;.L. 1-; K. Laird . . Kaurotn .. Duuible Hill Kuray it. i-;. l. !; Callahan U. H..Q. D Askln Welch I j. II. 11 III. II. II Colby McSlmne . ..It. II. 11.11.. II. D. . lloodfellow Dutler K, D.'K. II C. LMlrd Linesmen. J. Hall for Tabor and O'Keefc I for Crelghton. Referee. Whipple I'mplre. K. Hall Timekeepers: Mulgl'cw nnd Stripe i 1 1 1 1 ( i t- iiij -ovi'-iiliniiie oiiMiTr. TREMBLE BEFORE THE GIANTS .Vnrlli llnl.oliinn lleholil I'ropml lon of t.nnlirrs nml Are l onlciil In I'lnj- .Second l',leen. MINNKAPOLIS. Nov. 9. Owln to th. dlffrrenre In weight. North Dakota d i lined to meet the .Minnesota n'Ktltil team ibis afternoon. , Dr. Wllllanis idtled ihe second team agaliut the North Dakoimii The gmue was replete with brllllmil )ilay.i nun iiiuugii iirirali'd. in in o. rtoriu iiiiKiua plajed a fast ami pretty game. The sonea- i t ton it I run of tin nay and the longest made . b. iiuy .Mliineviiiii man In a game this year, was made bv "Sit" llarrlr. iiuaiterhieli for eighty-live yaids Ward, right half i n ihe North Dakota team, broke hi Ug be low ihe knee during the second hilf of the game ILLINOIS EVENSWITH IOWA lli-liii'ii Ilic I'nmiilliiic ul of Defeiil, t'orliiR Tireiil) -f.p rn In Hit Ilnti Up) rt' t Iplier. :u CITY. la.. Nov. S. (Special Tele gram i Illinois lodav avenged th mr of it to o. made against ll Inn vesis ago In ilrfciliiL' lown 2? lo 0. Illinois puyrd low and fun nd kt' I le n 'he defensive d irlng the , uiir game. The Huwkccs made 1 c jaid ' i i . ttr '.jSiii.iftfc. Sf rd for our FREE booklet. "Coldon Rules for HouieworK. iryau ara using aomp lor your atcanlno, you will find that QQLB BUST 'srsssis miss ?nrcporLc5' nsssz& thin anythinc else. Try It once ana you wui oiwayj u n. THE N. K, FAIRDAHK COMPANY. Chiew. St liult, New York. Hetton.