Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1901, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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Colored Dress
for Walking Skirts
On renter coiihUm irrnt, linr
gsiiiiH nl
$1.25, $1.75 and $2.00 m
Double fiicefrolf cIhIIih. Knjr
Hull worsteds. Yorkshire lienv.v
rope worsteds.
Kxtm special lines on center
75c, 5c and $1.00
.Melton yarn, dyed prunella,
homespuns. diagonals and
White and cream worsted?,
(for waists), cheviot, broadcloth.
Inre welt cords, mohair and
Koleil, at 7oe. !?. ?l.r0 and
Colored Waistings 50c and 65c
Stripes, batistes, albatross,
plain and fancy (Miallie.
Black Dress Goods
Satin Venetian and Cassock
A bright and silky cloth for
" Special value in cheviots--85c,
$1.00, $1.35 and $1.50
Clean and bright worsted,
perfectly woven, equaling the)
nigncsi cosi.
Oanite rope worsteds and j
tweetls, j
80C, $1.00, $1.35 and $1.50
till wide goods ideal skirt, and
tailoring cloths.
For Waists
Batiste, mohair, ."Or. Toe ami j
C J ,(J0. '
Hinh Art nress Goods :
"'3 "
In dress patterns elegant
broche velvet novelty, souffle
stripes, ernmino silk, melange,
Nebraska fcepablicm Prpar tt Extwd
Thtir Victar.M.
AVI Hi IVmiMitent lleniliinrlrr
Actl,c CnnumlKiiliiK ( Vnriy
l,rnilrn llnp.- In Omen I
Their linlii.
(From a Staff Correspondent i
LINCOLN, Nov. . (Special.) If procnt
llaus aro carried Irto effect an they
do'iltUrs wll'l be, th-1 headquarter of the
riipubllcan state central committee will hi
maintained permanently at the Llndell ho
tel and no'v.ithslHtuPng the faot that the
republicans are ngaln In the majority tho
campaign work will be continued with
vigor nnd without cessation. Chairman H.
('. Lindsay Is now enjoying a brio rest
at his homo In Pawnee Cltv, but will re
turn to Lincoln Monday to rutumc his du
tleh with tho committee and as prliuo
ecrotary to the govcruor.
In tho latter part of nest week Mr. Llnd-
tav will leave for a hunting expedition In
w'strrn Nebraska, to be gone probably one
week. After his return be will begin the
foundation for next year's campaign. The
pell Us- vlll bo brought up lo date, the
orgnnlrnlloii will ho stiongthcned In place
where It is no' weak and particular at
1 teuton will be paid to the organliatlor.
of Hit- various congrctiloual districts, It
Is confidently tulleved thst with this year's
galpa as a beginning the party can carry
.at lesst three ail probably all of the four
fusion congressional districts 'at the next
rltctlon. Iho rim and Second districts
are tho only ones represented by republican
congrenmen, but tho prediction is made
by the leaders here that after net year
the number will be Increased to five and It
U thought that there Is good, chance of
making the state's delegation In congress
unxnlmous so far as party politics Is con
cerned. iKarly next week Mr. Lindsay will ad
dress a letter of congratulntlnu to 'each
Gurad Piles,
Saved From Knifo.
Mrs. Aarrn Medron of Savannah. CJa .
Tiles: Kver since the birth of my flrM
rhlld, sl years ago. I have suffered
greatly from pllrs t could not bring my.
self to bear the thoughts of a (iirgieal
npiraMon Cyrvmld Pile Cure entirely
cured me." Por sale by all druggists,
'Tiles, rauses and Cure" mailed free,
rjramll Drug Co., Marshall, Mich.
White Waist Silks
Corded. hemstitched and
tucked effects, white, untearable
and washable waist silk.
New white silks for tucked
waists. $1.00.
New fancy waist silks. 7.V.
91.00 and ;17.
"Only the Best Gloves"
"Trofousso." "I'erriu." "Dent."
".Monarch." are synonymous of
Golf Gloves Are Here
In splendid assortment, correct
A Mocha glove at 91.00. in all
new tints.
A silk lined Mocha glove. $1.
for boys and girls.
The most correct street glove
- the Chatham. 9I.0O.
The Best the Market
Affords at the Lowest
Possible Prices
Silks Black and Colored
Dress Goods
Black fancy Waist Silks 75c
Corded, hemstitched and
tucked effects.
black Crepe de Chine
A bright and silky iM-inch
, ..vrentiniml value
gj peau rje Sole $1.00
a Pri, lustrous silk, heavy
'-and tirm. (warranted to wear).
Peau de Luxe $1.25
24-inch a splendid dress
I silk beyond anything 'in value
i previously offered.
Black Taffeta Silk
S5c a Swiss taffeta, (thoroughly reliable)
SSc Untcarnble, pure dye drew llk. dress taffeta mirror.
$1.25 36-Inch dress taffeta.
Velvets" for Waists and Jackets
The rich Paon velvet In exquisite colors,
Ht $1.75.
Dlack silk: velvet, special for Jackets,
county chairman In Nebraska. The gains
w-cro general throughout the state and be
wishes tho local managers to know that
their efforts lu getting out the vote nre
l'nstor I'rrpnrc for IliitllU'nttiiu.
The republlcaus of Custer county and
nearby territory aro planning to hold n
monster ratification meeting at Sargent
next Tuesday evening. Governor Savage
will tn In attendance nnd will probably de
liver an address. The party workers In
that section of the state are feeling espe
cially Jubilant and they Intend to roakn
tho affair fittingly memorable of the vlo
tory on election day. In Custer county the
republicans ramie a better showing than
ever beforo In Its history anil gains were
almost as large In tho surrounding coun
ties, Articles of Incorporation of the tuition
Engine company of Omaha wero 'recorded
In the secretary of state's office today. The
company Is capitalized for ?JO,000 nnd tho
Incorporators are: Thomas O, Brltton, Ar
thur J. Coolcy and George It, Palmer.
Carl J. Ernst, successful candidate for
member of the Hoard of llegents, has filed
a statement with the secretary of state
certifying to the expenditure of 557.37 Inci
dent to his campaign. The major portion
of this was ii contribution to the campaign
fund nnd the balance was for stationery
oud Incidental expenses.
TrneliPrx Iti-nillnu Circle.
Superintendent Fowler 13 sending circu
lars to school people detailing the work
and object of the Nebraska Teachers'
Heading circle. In It he reviews the
vnrlous books adopted and submits a list
of questions for the monlh' reading.
"Within the past year the Teachers'
Reading Circle 'of Nrbiajka has grown
In membership In a large majority of the
counties," says Mr. Fowler. "While the
membership Is voluntary, It should Includo
all the public school teachers of the state,
of whatever age or experience and of
whatever grade of and personal
culture. Desultory reading cannot take
the place of systemntlc work, nor can
local clubs answer the purpose of n state
organization. The more exacting demands
upon the teachers of the present day re.
qulro united professional work along the
whole line. The Heading Circle board
makes Its appeal to the county and city
superintendents and to the tsachers gen
erally, to unite In promoting the circle's
Interests, to the end that tfc: enrollment
In earh county shall constitute at least a
ery large proportion of ihe teacher
nctunlly engaged ln the work of the public
"Tho books adopted for 1S01 and 1902
are Hinsdale's "Art of Study" and flalley's
"Principles of Agriculture." noth have in
view the legal requirements of teachers
and no teacher In Nebraska can afford
to miss the benefits of either rf them."
t'lnlmo Clvr Tlinimnnil llnmiir,
tjiura 11. Prlndle thinks that William 1).
Fitzgerald, president of th Fitzgerald
Hry floods company, should pay her
as damages for an alleged slander, and the
admissibility of the case lu the district
court was argued before Judge Frost to
day. Mrs, Prlndle avera that Mr. Fitzgerald
virtually accused her of stealing money
from the niall order department. A novel
plea was entered by tho defendant, whole
attorneys declared that a buslnrr msn
had a perfect right to talk such affairs
over with his employes and It was perfectly
rroper for him to question clerks or ai
slstants concerning mooted points.
Allettr Inhiitnnn Trrnlmrm,
Augusta I'rnhs ran sue her guardian,
Margaret Classen, for Jo,w for allrz-d
cruel treatment without putting up a
bond for Ihe costs. Judge Frost d'rlded
this afternoon. The girl alleges Inhuman
treatment and Is without sufficient means
to fttrniih a bond.
Suits $35
We have many Intermediate and higher
priced suits,
special ron Monday -unusually
splendid opportunities.
ISS.Ofl blouse Corded Cheviot Suit (illk
drop skirt, panne elvet vest, ery un
common and elegant Myle.
Walking Skirts
A 15.00 bargain medium gray worsted,
flounced skirl, seven sores very desirable
flare. The stitching Is very carefully done.
Our display 1 Walking Sklrts-Separat
fklrti of all kinds aro In splendid variety
at popular prices.
Silk Skirts
At $13.00, 1.00. $20 00, J25.00. 130.00 to
Taffeta silk of the best-modeling of the
most correct order
Velvet sklrts-Now In the prevalllnc fash.
Ion, In excellent value Ht 110.00, J20.00,
J27.00 and 133.00.
Paletots and Autos
J14.00, $17.50, J27.00 and J33.00 Oxford,
black and castor kersey and cheviot
aeml-loose and fitted backs,
Daluty tints of mode and castor, finest
variety of korey cloth.
Oxford melton, with superposed capes
an elegant garment.
And at $37. on and Jin.nn some very sit
perlor coats of the most attractive order.
Children's Coats
We have many especially uncommon
atyles In three-quarter coats at popular
prices, ages I to IS years $6.50 to $22.60.
Correctly made and ready to wear.
We make a leader of a $15.00 Tailor Suit.
Rlack cheviot, peau de sole faced, satin
lined jacket, the most approved style of
TAILORED SUIT, $20.00, A cheviot suit
of excellent model. Neat Jacket, double
breasted, highest grade cloth and style
llur rrituilnrnt VUltnr tn AnnUI In
Formal OprnliiK ' Their
.mv Church.
OltD. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special.) The ne
Unitarian church building here was dedi
cated Thursday night. Tin handsome little
structure is Just comploted and has a seat
ing capacity ot about ISO people. It Is
built of chipped brick, the upper part, or
auditorium, being octagon In shape. The
basement, which, however, Is only three
feet In the ground, Is divided Into library,
reading room, kitchen, furnace room and
cloakroom, Tho building Is forty feot
square and cost about $L',500, without fur
niture, Uev. Southworth of Chicago, sec
retary of iho Western Unitarian associa
tion, was present and preached tho dedica
tion sermon. V' Mary I). Davis of New
York, secretary of tho National alliance
of the Unitarian church, was present,
as were alio Rev. and Mrs. Marsh of the
Unitarian church at Lincoln, uno cnurcn
wns beautifully decorated and was crowded
to Its fullest capacity. Music was ren
dered by tho choir, under the leadership
of Prof. Ocorge Bret, who also played
violin solos. Rev. Knoch T'owell, the pas
tor, was master of ccreminle.
I In Ai-rltr 'I'oiiIkIiI In llcmatii I Mill
Mnmlnr III" Wnj- In Wnah
IiirIoii. HASTINGS. Neb.. Nov. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Dietrich wiU depart to
morrow morning for Wnshlnglon, but will
stop tn Lincoln until tomorrow evening,
when he will go to Omaha and remain thore
until Monday night and then conjlnue his
Journey eastward. He has engaged rooms
in the Sherman flats at Washington, where
he will reside while in that city.
Mr. Dietrich has not as yet selected his
private secretary, but he Is considering
favorably Adams McMullcn, whoso hijme
is ut Wytnore. Neb., but who has been In
Washington during the last year. Mr.
McMullcn l s graduate of the Nebraska
university and is also a graduate from an
eastern law school.
I'hni-Rcil lilt Cnlllc Mrnllim.
11ASSKTT. Neb.. Nov. t. (Special Tele
gram.) Chris Pope and George Wicgrafe,
two old residents of this county, wero
bound over to tho district court here today
by the county Judge on woparate charge.)
of cattle stealing. The property alleged
to hno been stolen belongs to Johnston
brothers, who live seventeen miles south
west of Ilatsett. Pope Is said to have prac
tically admitted hln guilt nnd testified
ngalnst Wlegrnfe. who, he claims, was his
Jury riniln llinilhurj (iulllj.
, CLAY CF.NTHR. Kan.. Noi. 9.- (Special
I Telrgrain.) Tho cane of Ihe State against
ex-Representative William S. tlradhur),
( chatged with assault nnd battery on S. P.
llurnctt, hHS been on trial for tho last
three days and tho Jury brought In a ver
dict this evening finding Ilradbury guilty,
lie Is yet to be tried for assaulting Bur.
nett at the same place.
There are two damage suits pending be
foro the court, the outcome of the assault.
Georg A. Pnln's. Upper Sandusky, O.,
wflles: "I have been using Foley's Hen"'
and Tar for hoarseness nnd find It th bet
remedy I ever tried. It stopper) the oeugb
Imroedlitely and tellrved all soreness,"
Take none but Foley's.
Dargalns of everV detrrlptlon on the want
ad psge.
IIIrIi tirade, Correct Fashion, Pop
ular Price In
Jackets, Suits and
Skirt Department
A leader- jacket .r..0U.
Mountain cheviot, oxford
gray, stylish cut. splendid stitch
ing, gauntlet cuffs never lie
fore equaled, at .".00.
Another leader-jacket ?7.00.
Irish kersey cloth, black,
brown, castor and red. easily
worth 10.00 -the very best
tailoring and style.
A Stylish Yoke Coat $10
A snug oxford cheviot, in
medium shade, skinner satin
lined, velvet collar a perfectly
modeled coat, and a veritable
Raglans! Raglans!
We have a splendid line of
these stvlish coats with two
specials for Monday ?12.r0
and ?17.00.
The best kind of melton and
beaver cloth, oxford gray,
proper cut and model and high
estN grade tailoring.
fine Furs, Popular Prices
Isabella fox scarf, $10.00.
$15.00 and $10.00. perfectly
matched with large, full tails.
Sable oppossum, ?o a large
muff, really elegant style.
Scarf to match, at $5.00.
Our stock contains the best
the market affords in stylish
Fur. Capes
Near seal, astrakhan, woo!
seal, Siberian squirrel lined.
'. broadcloth.
These are the fashionnble
lllO-inch capes, correctly cut ami
matched. $25.00. $27.00. $:I0.00.
j$12.00 and $55.00.
Etirti ia Rtar af laloa and ComiHti
Maay loaiitii Homts.
lleforr Kktlimtilnheil cvcrnl of the
Tim n' Moat Ktcnll c lOatnhllxh
inrntu Are In Ilulns "cnrcli
for MrmiKt-rs.
HUTTE. Neb.. Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Apparently with incendiary Intent
undetected persons started a fire in tho
tear of Anton Schelnost's saloon at 2
o'clock this morning and as a result many of
Rutte's business establishments are In
: ashes and the proprietors heavy losers on
their stocks. There Is not a hotel or res
taurant left In the town.
The ten buildings destroyed wero all In
tho business section, and being of wood,
burned so fiercely that the rest of the
town was saved only by the hardest work.
New nnd better buildings aro promised for
the old sites nt once.
The evidence of Incendiarism was so
strong that search Is being made for a
stranger who Is reported to have made
threats of "getting even" with the town
lest night because of some alleged financial
Starting with the saloon, which was
valued at $3,500, and on which there was
$1,000 Insurance, the flames destroyed the
Hotel Royd, Will M. Carter, proprietor,
value $2,000, Insuranco $700; G. S. Wright's
restaurant, value $900, Insurance $500; John
Story's hardware store, value $2,000 and 'In
surance $900; Mrs. John Story's grocery,
valuo $1,750 and Insurance $750; Warner &
( Maxam s drug store, value $0,000 and
I Mason's drug store, value $0,000 and
insuranco $1,7C0; Mrs. John Adklns'
, restaurant, value $1,900 and Insurance $700;
the stock and hulldlng of William Manthy.
tailor, value $100, with no Insurance; Kd
Johnson's saloon building, value $1,500, and
Insurance $400, and D. W. Forbes' building,
used as a pool room, valuo $900, with no
Among the minor losers were A. Maslndn.
whose drug stock and building wero dam
aged to the extent of $150; J. S, McMillan,
$50; Kd Lusk. $2.1. 8. McOnwan, $50; Geonro
Whitman. $50. C W Ulagg, $150, C. W.
Weedman, $1,"0, and Ren Stockwell, $50.
linden iirci n nl I'ullcrlnn,
I FULLKUTON. Neb Nov. 9. (Special ) -
Neeiis no gnniidimnit of blunter
blarney or Mutant braggadocio,
The priced below apply especially for
MONDAY, Nov H perhaps longer
........ -.,ri r , tn -
i.iuj.T IM'lll.'J 1 Ut.'. .Mil ll'lil.V IT
$l.0n lig Cabin Siirsininrillii Mondny . . Hlc,
:5rl'oke'H Dandruff Cure. Monday .. . .He
fine Pozzonl'i. Fac Powder. Monday.. 'S.
23o Lyon's Tooth Powder. Momlny. . . . IV
!" iiHcknge lllrrt Seed. Monday 'i
$l.'i Wine l "Hrdill. Monday Sir
$I.M Temptation Tnnlc Monday ").
2Sc Shlloh's Consumption euro, Mfn.
day ilc
2.V-Howell's Anti-Kawf. .Monday lr
Soo bottl imported Hay Hum. Mon
day , . . ,V
5V li Jeiinc French Powder. Mon
day . .. . r Jlc
quart bottle Port or iaret, 'Momlny ... y
Jhji Itoo Soap, Monda . . '
Sherman 86 McConnell Drug Go.
Cor. I Mil and Dodge. .Onmlm.
At this season of the year flannel stocks
are depleted, jet notwithstanding
the volume of business done by us In this
line, our stock still presents the latest nov
elties. Solid colors 50c yard figured "5e
and hoc yard.
Flannelettes We belleie our showing In
thin line to bo the best In Omaha price
10c, 12',Sc and 15c yard.
Scotch Flannels These are half wool and
will not fade or shrink, esperlnlly adapted
for roen'e. shirts, pajamas, ladles' and chil
dren's night gowns, etc., 2Sc yard.
All wool white flannels at 25c, 30c, SSc,
10c, 15c. 50c and 55c yard.
All wool embroidered skirting flannels at
75c, 85c, ?0c, $1.00, $1.15 and $1.25 yard.
You are never compelled to buy at the
first place you look Suppose jou compare
our qualities and these prices
Cotton Tleeco niankcts 15c, 4!c, 75c, S3e,
1'Oc, $1.00. $1.25, $1.30, $1.50 and $1.75 pair.
All Wool Illankels $3.50, $1.00. $1,60,
$r..00, $5.60, $6.00, $8.50, $10.00 und up to
$16.00 pair.
Filled with good white batting, covered
with sllkollne and hand knotted at it
31.60, $1.76, $2.25 and $2.60 each,
Linen Dept Specials
Now Is your time to anticipate your
wants for Thanksgiving. Amongst our spe
cial offerings Is a line of hand embroidered
linens Just received from Uelfast, Ireland.
They consist of scalloped doylies, center
pieces, tray cloths, lunch cloths and bureau
6?c Bleached Irleh Table Linen at 50c
$1.00 Bleached Irish Table Linen at 75c
$1.23 nicachcd Irish Table Linen at S7Jc
$2.00 nieached Irish Table Linen, heaviest
mako Imported, at $1.13 yard.
$3.00 and $3.50 Napkins In odd half dozen
lots, at 9Sc per half dozen.
The ninth annual convention of the Fifth
district of the Christian Endeavor union is
In session at tho First Presbyterian church
in this city. Last night the meeting opened
with the president. Miss Resslc Sheldon
of Columbus, presiding. A song servlco
was followed by an address of welcome by
Rev. Ray of the Presbyterian church of
Fullerton and response by Miss Minnie
Ilecker of Columbus, after which Rev. Kd
ward Hart Jonka of Omahn gave his lecture,
"A Great Day Dream and What Came of
It." Tho convention will continue until
'I'rrn Vcnm In Prison.
nEATRICK, Neb., Nov. 9. (Special Tel
egram.) Robert Hook, convicted of stealing-n
team of horses from a farmer near
Rarncston, In this county, about the mld
dlo of October and who wbb caught by
Sheriff Waddlngton In Kansas, was today
sentenced to two years In tho penitentiary
by Judge Lctton. Tho prisoner will he
taken to Lincoln Monday by Sheriff Wad
dlngton. IiimiUh Much Like .IidIkp Smith.
YANKTON. S. D., Nov. 9. (Special Telu
gram.) Nearly complete returns from tho
First Judicial district Indicate that Judge
K. G. Smith, rep., tins a majority consider
ably in excess of 2,000. Chaiies-MIx county
gives 240 majority; Douglas, 50; Turner.
5lA Yankton, 4fiS; Clay, 179, Hon Homme,
250 and Gregory 99. Hutchinson county
returns so far secured Indicate over 600.
Adolph niuner. Grand Mound, la writes.
"I have used Foley's Honey nnd Tar In my
family and think It Is the best cough cure
on the market. I would not bi without It
In my home, as there is nothing so good for
coughs and colds,"
Perfect Went her Imprint for c
liriisliH, rrllh Slormn tn Wrtl
and Xnrth.
Sunday and Monrinv!
9 Forecast for
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair, warmer,
Sunday; Monday fair; southerly winds.
For Iowa Fair Sunday; warmer in north
ern and western portion; Monday fair;
warmer In eastern portion, fresh south
erly winds.
For Missouri-Fair Sunday. Monday fair
with warmer in eastern portlou, cast to
south winds.
For South Dakota Fair Sunday, warmer
In eastern portion. Monday cloudy; proh
ably rain or snow and colder; southerly
winds, shifting to westerly. '
For Colorado-Fair Sunday. Monday,
cold and with fair In eastern, probably
showers In western portion; northerly
winds, becoming variable.
For Wyoming Partly cloudy. Sunday and
Monday; probably rain or snow and colder
Monday In western portion; variable
I.ucnl llrrnnl,
OMAHA. Nov. 9 Olllclal record "f
pernturo nnd prcdpltutlon compared with
un. frwo. iw. w
2 70 8S
'-i no in fi
,1n s. r;
12 .(' ,fi -p
Maximum teinpeiature. . .
.Minimum temperature. . .
Mean temperature
ii'ti.jiu ... iviii 'vi u i ill u .a ii I irccipjiailOI
at Oiiialm lor tlila day and slnco Muriii 1
and precipitation
Normal temp'Talurc 12
DelUicncy .for tlm day i'xcckh hliiro March 1 si,"
Normal precipitation O-l Inch
Deficiency for the iluy 01 Inrh
Total rulufall since March 1 H.K Inches
Deficiency Hlnec Mnnii 1 5. IK inches
HxcesH for cor. pt-rlod V I.ofi incliCh
Dellclcncy for cor. period IS99. .. 5.25 Inch's
T Indicates tince of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official,
Large Shipment of Fine Embroid
ered and Lace Bordered
just received.
Select your handkerchiefs for
the holidays now before the as
sortnient is broken.
Fine French and Swiss hand
embroidered ami hand hem
stitched sheer linen handker
chiefs at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50..
$:t.00. $!.50 up to $0.50 each.
Fine Irish point lru'c handker
chiefs at $1.75. $2.00. $2.50,
$;i.00, $1.00 up to $10.00 each.
fienl Duchess lnce border
handkerchiefs, at $2.00. $2.50.
$.-.00, $1.00. $5.00 up to $12.50
Fine Irish hand embroidered
sheer linen handkerchiefs, at
25c. 50c. 70c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25.
$1.50 to $.",.00 each.
II. S. and embroidered hand
kerchief centers. (, 7, S, 0 and 1 1
inches square, at 15c, 20c, 25c,
!5c and 50c each.
IT. S. sheer linen hnndkereiefs,
warranted every thread linen.
special 10c each, worth 15c.
Semi-laundered fine embroi
dered sheer linen handkerchief
special, J5c each, worth 25c.
New Automobile
Silk Ties
all colors, special, 50c each.
Fine Suede Leather
IrVriCt RrlflC
If MO I 1101)3
in black, taus and grays, special
$1.50 each.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Co.
1115 and 1117
Thorc Is lots of patlHfnctlon lu buying Ktinilttiro wlion you KNOW
it In ALL mtniT-not only the MAKK AND FINISH, but tho uric
iiImi. Tlmt Ih tho knil of Furniture iv sell nuiinmtcoil not only by the
milker, but by mm -to give satlofnctory lvonr, ami It (loos not cost more
tlmn common oven Iosh If bought from up.
serpentine front, 21x30,
French plate mirror,
SOLID OAK UOCKUn, reeded arms,
led arms,
ends, .10
cobler sent sold
inually at M this
Inches wli
i inches h
y round ends, 3C
OAK noCKUIt. cobler scat, .high arms, very comfortable
less than half prlco
Laraest line of Metal Beih in the oity
ami the price is RIGHT.
Dewey St Stone Furniture Co.,
1115 and 1117 Fartiatti Street.
Dnnri' C'hnnibrr of Ciininicrcp Sri-U-'I'rolccllnii
I" Iniliixtry I'lillirreil
In th- !,
DKN Kit. Nov. 9. Tho Denver Chamber
of Commorco and Board of Trade today
mailed to President. Roosevelt a Niter con
cerning the dependence of tho beet sugar
Industry upon tho Dlnglny tariff. The pe
titioner represent that at least ten years
aro needed to put tho beet sugar Industry
upon a basis which will be strong enough
to enable It to conipeto with Ihe cwnn
sugar product raised by cheap labor and
that Iho beet sugar industry Is Ihe first
and .only Industry In tho west in which tlm
farmers and produeors are directly Inter
ested whlrh hss received the benefit of tho
American policy of protecting Infant Indus-
Special Attraction in
to Christmas
Miss P, M, Goldsmith will be
pleased to give Instructions In em
broidery, battenburg and point lace.
Miss Goldsmith In thoroughly com
petent to teach In all branches of
art and fancy needlo work, and he
will give Instructions on Wednesdays
and Saturdays THF-K OF COST In the
art department on second floor.
This department is replete
with all the requisites for em
broidery and lace work.
Columbia Floss"
We have a full line of thin
famous yarn cream, white,
black, pink, sky, violet, purple,
maize, cardinal, rising sun, etc.
Flannelette, pretty stripes
land faucv effects. SI .50 and
$2.00, in large assortment.
Percale Wrappers, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00, is large
I variety.
flannel Waists $5
We have just atlded some very
attractive styles at $5.00.
Special value, tlannel waists,
$1.25 and $:'.,25.
Farwam Street.
OAK SIDBHOARD. 111x30. pattern
Plate mirror, swell
lop and drawers,
VKLOUn COUCH, full slr., tofted.
solid oak
.E, top 43
Inches square, polished,
extends fi feet,
I tries, and which policy should, therefor"
bo continued until lis benefits havo beni
I enjoyed by tho west equally with tho can .
I .Inlllilril'M Kr Dues Hip Work.
I PIBRIIE, S. D.. Nov. n.-fSWtal Ti..
gram.) Palsy Hlgglns, who was bolng held
hero on charge of burglary, made hlso3cp
from Jail lost night. I in opened Ih"
Inner door of tho cr hy a kny. which ho
had manufactured, and when Ihe outer
door was unlocked noshed It onen mirt mail,.
ja rush for lllmrty III chs would hmn
come on for hearing next, week.
Tmo Children lluiiicil In llcnlli.
iinik'rn' tn It T" i. - ,.
i itn 1 1 in., .-.uv. i no irtiiniiouf 01
ID. H, Miller, twelve miles norlll of Qulltc ,
, l.,,HnA.l I,.... I.... ..I..I.. .....I
"nn iii'i in,.- mn. IIIKUI HIIU l.VII rill1
Idren. Pearl ami DeWUt Miller, riged S ami
11'.' yeais, were burned to death HeVrn
'other ineinbeiB of ihe family had nurrow