Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1901, PART I, Page 2, Image 2

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V siy with pcTfc-ft ri'iinkncHS Mint we do nut believe Mint
any person will ever n:nin see Cheney Hros' high grade Foulard
Silliw. Mint linve never sold for less Minn Sue mid 1.00 ' .vnrd. ever
pel I ngiiin nt this price. In rending this "nd" .von must remem
ber lljis is no job lot. mill ends or seconds, which lire usually sold
it less 1 1 in it regular prices and still show a profit. Hut quite the
font vary, they are the very cream of Cheney Hros' high grade
Konlard Silks, taken from our regular silk stock, every yard per
foot. The world of well-dressed women does well to pause foi
earnest, consideration.
Cheney Bros' 85c and $1 Foulard Silks at 37ic yd
In all the beautiful shaded of old pink, old rose, helio,
mode, gray, navy, garnet, reseda, cardinal, brown, mignon.
black and white, fawn, laurel, marine, etc. There will be a
fine selection for those who come early, but these Avill melt
away with great suddenness, once the ladies of Omnhu get an eye
on the rare color combinations and note the values. IJeady
M.' inlay morning at S o'clock.
Thompson, Beldeh 2, Co.
Mlnnt every one of those fifty-one points 1
like the Tiger whose names tliry bf ar.
In only ono department of the name was
Missouri anywhere near thn standard set
by the. Nobraskans ond that wan In kick
In. News of the high-grndc work of Kirk,
the little quarterback, In thin lino bnrl
preceded the team to Omaha and It was i
all true. Boldly exchanging kicks with ,
the mighty Plllsbury, Kirk outpunted the,
giant fullback by a few yards every llmo.
Missouri l.nar. Kirk.
Two facts conspired to erase this slight
difference. First, the Nebraskans always i
returned kicks much better than MIsourl'c
man, so on the whole tho Tigers did not
gain on the exrhunge of kicks. Again, In
tho second half Kirk watt Injured and put
out of tho game aud Wrney, who was sub
stituted, was not so strong with his boot.
Flllsbury outklckcd the new man easily.
Most games of so onc-slded a score would
have been uninteresting, but what saved
yesterday's contest from tilts feature was
the finished product of font ball exhibited
by the Nebraskans, It was a pleasure
merely to watch them play, the rapid forma
tions, quick delivery and perfect Inter
ference being wondorful to behold.
Every man on the Nebraska team played
a, star game, but thcro were different
players who excelled In different portions
of the pity. First of all, too much credit
cannot be given those seven men who com
posed the Nebraska forwards. Thoy rando
the line Impregnable and to them Is due the
fact that Missouri could never make the
necessary distance on downs.
Then Kingsbury nnd HUsbury rank
highest as plungers. Those two made most
of the distance through the line and the
space thus covered was about evenly di
vided between them. Plllsbury, from his
place of vantage back of the line, was ablo
to get tho full power of his whirlwind
Ktralghtaway start's behind his every rush
iand the manner. In which he plunged'
through At every 'attempt was marvelous.
Kingsbury, as a linesman, could not get
this fierce start, as ho was compelled to
circle around, but on the whole his work
wus Just as effective nnd terrific.
Nome Individual Work.
Cortolyou of Omnha played tho star end
of tho day. IIo easily upheld his reputa
tion gained at Minneapolis and Milwaukee
of being tho best all around end Nebraska
has pver had. Nothing could pass him
yesterday and desplto the fact that he was
111 when he vwcnt In he lasted tho entire
game out. In running tho ball he made
several grand runs for great distances on
tho criss-cross, an old trick unearthed.
Stringer, at tho other cud, was superb
while he lasted, but was Injured, ob usual,
and C. Shedd replaced him. Nebraska's
trio of backs, Plllsbury, Cuff nnd Crandall,
the last an Ornaba boy, were Invincible.
"There's Stubby" was tho cry that went
up from around tho field os Crandall ap
peared and tbo little man's remarkable!
work was met with wlldost cheering each
time. Cuff Is an absolutely green man aud
showed up wonderfully well, Ho Is a fresh
man and never saw a foot ball uuttl this
year, having been a rowpunchcr In Arizona
until be came to the university last fait.
He Is strong nnd fierce as. n plunger and
Salt Rheum
It may become chronic.
It may cover tho boily with
large, inflamed, burning, itching,
scaling patches and causo intense
suffering. It 1ms been known to
do' so.
Do not-dolny trentmcnt.
Thoroughly cleanse the system
of tho humors on which this
nilmcnt depends and prevent their
The medicine taken by Mrs. Ida E. Ward.
Cove Point. Md wss Hood's Sarssparllla.
She writer; " I hud a dUagree able Itching on
my arms which I concluded was salt rheum,
I begau taking Hood's Sarsaparilla 4ml In
two days felt hotter. It was not long before
I was cured and I have never had any skin
disease since."
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Promises to euro and keeps the
promise. It is positively uno.
qualcd for all cutaneous eruptions,
Take it.
to Tin:
TWO Dally trains
fram Omaha
Ticket Offices
S. E. Cor. Hth and Douglas Sts.
Omaha, Neb.
AT 0 P. M.
Bee, Nov. 10, 1S01.
Special Sale of Cheney Bros'
Foulard Silks
will undoubtedly bo one of Nebraska's star
backs next year, Plllsbury was tho great
est power of any of the backs. f
For Missouri Just two men were notice
able. They wore Captain Washer, who
fought like a Mend All the time, and Quar
terback Kirk, who kicked and defended
beautifully. No good plays outside of
Kirk's punting can he mentioned, for uone
were made. Missouri never advanced the
ball any appreciable distance.
Worked Old Trick.
An Interesting feature wna the ease with
which Nebraska Rained on trick plays.
The delayed pass and quarterback run was
always good for distance, generally much
of It. The old criss-cross was worked time
and again and on only onu trick were the
Uornhuskcrs caught up. That was a triple
pass, on which tho Tigers caught tho man
with the ball away behind the llni. The
8trlngcr-9hcdd .1
n. k
...1. Anderson
Washer (eatO
Kingsbury I.. T.ln. T...
Moloney L. O.K. O...
Koehlcr C. C
Brew n. oJl.. ...
Westover (cnp.l.K. T. L T...
Cortelyou It. I3.L. K...
. Kills-Cordon
Drain Q. HQ. H.
curt !. h. a, it. if. n.
Crandall It. If. H. L. II. H
.. Forrester
I-. M. Anderson
I'lllsbury F. U. F. P. N. Hall
umpire: Hremncr of Den Moines. Hef-
erco: rixiey or umnlin. Timekeeper nnd
HneHmnn: Cornell of Lincoln. Touch
downs: Kingsuurv ci). Drain (Z). pi s
bury, Crandall, Westover, Shedd. Goals
from touchdowns: Drain, 6. Goals from
Held: Drain. Time: iU-mlnute halves.
The Deo prints more paid want ads. than
any paper In Omaha. Why? Itcsults count.
Klrr 'rhrrntena for n Time o Wipe
Oat Village . of Klkhorn,
Andnbon Connlr.
AUDUBON, la., Nov. 9. (Special Tele
gram.) A destructive Are occurred at Klk
horn, a village of 200 Inhabitants located
about sixteen miles southwest of this city,
stiff wind wob blowing, which handi
capped tho work of tho fire department.
The fire company of this city was tele
phoned for and responded In time to pre
vont tho flames from spreading to all parts
of the village. Following arc the losers
In the fire: James Peterson, billiard hall
nnd barber shop, loss -1500; Poter Miller,
photograph gallery, loss $350; Nils Larsen,
meat market, estimated loss $200.
Nnd lc Clnltln'x '(torment In Snlil tn lie
Promise thflt Her llunlinnil
Will Die.
FORT DODGE, la.. Nov. 9. (Special
Telegram.) It developed here today that
the cause, of the sudden and violent In
sanity of Sadie Claflln, soubrette of "The
Village Parson" company, was a state
ment made to her by a clairvoyant some
days ago that her husband, from whom she
Is separated, Is to die on January 8. This
preyed on her mind and finally unsettled It.
Mrs. Claffln Is now at Kltnc sanitarium In
tblfi city. She is resting quietly.
I'lirri! Hundred of Chlvftcco Great
Wclf rn'fi Employes llesump After
Three Week Ont.
DUBUQUE, Ia Nov. fl, The Chtcago
C.reat Western strike at. Oelwcln was set
tled by the mpn returning to work this
morning, though the objectionable toroman
was not removed. Three hundred strikers
were out for Ihreo weeks. The decision to
return to work was reached at a meeting
held lnfct nlgbt.
Kali to Itranh Cash Rome
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Nov. 9. Burglara
made an attempt last night to rob the State
Dank of Coggon, twenty-five miles from this
city. The outer vault was blown, but the
men evidently were frightened away before
the Inner vault was forced. No clue.
SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 0. The bank at
Turin, Ia thirty miles douth, was raided
last night. The robbers failed to reach tho
cash chest and secured only $50. The bank
Ijulldlng was wrecked.
I.rmam Cltlaena Go to Law.
I.EMAHS, Iat, Nov. 9, (Special.) A
Thomas Is suing Martin Schoefer for $5,000
damages sustained, It Is alleged, In an as
sault made by Schoefer during a heated
controversy several weeks ago. Tho casii
attracts considerable attention, as Thomnj
was formerly postmaster aud Schoefer Is
prominent in business affairs here.
ft. I.nul Foreman of Distribution Ai'
rested, Chnrael rrltli Theft
if Many Letters.
ST. I.OUIS, Nov. 9. Samuel Sellg, fore
man of the distributing department of the
St. Louis postofflce, was arrested early to
day, charged with stealing letters. Fifty
letters, some containing money orders, were
found on his person.
Postofflce Inspector Dice says the theft
of letters has been known for one year,
During that period, Mr. Dice says, St
Louis merchants have lost approximately
The bed bargains In tbo paper are on
tho want ad. page. Don't rain tbtru.
Omihi Get a Obaict t Root at a Itftt
Gnmt igaii.
Vnrlt (in mi Mnile (lie (H-i-nslnii f
n CI on oral Turnout I he Cou
ple Who 1,1k v In Do
The great, enthusiastic crowd which
greeted the Nebraska and Missouri tennis
recalled the good old days when tho big
western tour used to play some of Its best
games in Omaha. Hundreds oi snouting
collegians wcro reinforced by Omaha so
ciety people, who hae not hod an oppor
tunity for several years to lest their foot
ball voices, In support of tho Coruhuskcrs.
Scarlet and cream, the colors of Ne
braska's university, dotted the great am
phitheater and brightened the hundreds of
struggling rooters who crowded about the
fence which separated them from the bat-
tllnK elevens. Tho Cornhuskcrs' colon
were floated from roaches and carriages
which hugged the sidelines.
It was easy to Imagine that the Chicago
horse show had been transferred to Omahn.
A half dozen coaches bristled with horns
and megophones. And 100 traps and drags
wero bright with handsomo women nnd
gay-colored chrysanthemums. The bril
liant colors which fluttered every time Ne
braska scored agntnst the Mlssourlans
were made even hrlghter by tho perfect
afternoon. Youth nnd old, ago joined In
the cheering. Prominent x'.su and women
of all ages shared the enthusiasm of the
Nebraska rooters and Joined with the col
legians In tho familiar
r-mh-rn h
In the Coai'hf.
One of the gayest coaching parties at the
game was made up of tho younger society
people of tho city under tho chnperonnge
of Mrs. Henry T. Clarke, Jr. The party had
n great yellow and red tallyho, which was
draped with tho scarlet cream of the uni
versity. Those In tho party were: Misses
Cotton, Allen, Young, Tukcy, Towlc,
Crounse, Mario Crounse, Spurgeon, Clarke,
Peck and Cady; Messrs. H. T. Clarke, Jr. ;
Powell, Baum, Young, Mclntlre, Towle and
The Nebraska chapter of the Phi Delta
Thetsi fraternity bad a tallyho, draped with
the university colors nnd the blue and
whlto of the fraternity. This party was
a "stag" affair and contributed much to
the amusement of tho crowd In the way of
songs nnd yells. Tho men In the party
were: V. McShane, 1'. Neelcy, A. John
ston, D. Thomas, A. I-iti, D., E. A.
McCreory. E. Farnsworth, E. Scacrest, T.
Roddy, D. McCutcheon, W. Sleln, U,
Oalns. W. Raymond, H. W. Sherman, C.
Fifteen members of tho Chi Rho Sigma
fraternity made up another tallyho party,
which entortalned the crowd with some un
usual yells. Tho following persons wore
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, N. II. Patrick
In their conch: Mrs. Comegys. Miss Foster,
Miss Nicholson of Lincoln, Robert Patrick,
Dr. LeRoy Crummer and It. S. nerlln.
Among tbo persons occupying carriages
wero tho following: John C. Cowln, Allen
Smith, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Lyman, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Urasted. Mr. and Mrs. H.
H. Haldrlge, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson H. Lowe,
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Lewis Miss Florence
Lewis. Mr. J. E. Buckingham, Mr. W. Far-
nam Smith. Miss Emily Wakeley, Miss Hcr
bcrtn Jaynes, Dr. 0. R. Kellcy, T)r. A. W.
Rtlcy, Miss Lois llurrls of Lincoln, Miss
Nella Cochran of Lincoln, Miss Margaret
Rogers of Pittsburg, Mr. Earl Unnnett,
Miss DalBy Doane, Dr. B. B. Davit, Miss
Douglas, Mr. Alfred II. Millard. Miss Het-
tendahl. Mr, Weir Coffraan, MIsr Edith
Smith, Miss McDowell, Mr. Henry !). Neely.
Where thr (iunrds Shone.
The Omahn Guards Improvised a coach,
which proved one of the features of the
game. They draped an enormous furniture
van with university colors and drove It
Into the grounds at breakneck speed, the
top of the van being stacked high with
young soldiers, who wore generously pro
vided with horns and megaphones. From
their station, high above all the other rigs,
tho members of the military company
cheered tho Nebraskans on to victory.
Among the crowd In the amphitheater
were many well kuown people, Tho boxes
at the front of the stand were occupied by
special parties and n generous sprinkling
of university people imparted enthusiasm
to the more sedate spectators who sat in
the boxes rather than follow the sidelines.
Wlnilup at tho Thrater.
A packed orchestra floor, balcony and gal-
lory at tho Crelghton-Orpbeum last night
gazed down upon tho heroes of the foot
ball game of the afternoon. Victors and
vanquished were there In a body and tho
scratched, scarred, bruised and battered
gridiron athletes wero the center of as
much interest as tho stage itself.
Missouri nnd Nebraska university yells
resounded through the theater, nnd dlf
ferrnt stunts Into which tho actors had
rloverly Incorporated foot ball and student
gags, were wildly applauded. Somo facetious
Nebraskans over In one corner of the
houBe created a considerable stir with a
new yell, which they repented In a drowsy
l'oor old Missouri I
No corn,
No. wheat.
No foot ball team!
A special over the Rock Island road tar
rled the Nebraska team back to Lincoln
early this morning, and the men all begin
tomorrow to train for the Kansas game,
In which they expect to roll up a big
The Fond of Harvard llraln Workers
nnd AthlPtrs.
Memorial hall at Harvard, where some
twelve hundred of the men rat. Is partlcu
larly Interesting. The dining room Is an
enormous gothlc hall, finished In old English
oak, with wide, stained glass windows on
the BldeM. The walls are hung with por
traits of Illustrious graduates and bene
factors of past generations.
The students have gcod food to eat nnd
plenty of It. The hall is run on a co
operative plan, so that It costs something
less than fouiv dollars a week for board
To this place three times a day come men
whose lives for the time neing are given to
sorlous intellectual work and to accom
pllsh this they are keen enough to rcallzo
that proper food Is absolutely necessary
Ono Is particularly struck by the yellow
packages of Grape-Nuts standing on nearly
every table, which the men purchaie at
grocery stores and bring In for their per
sonal use. They quickly find out by prac
tlcal demonstration that brain work ex
hauiits the phosphates and that nature tie
mands that this loss be made up, and
made up from food.
Grapo-Nuts Is ready to be used without
.cooking; It Ib a scientific foci which nour
Isbfs and builds up the brain and Is par
tlcularly suited to the needs of students
Tho 'varsity athletes also eat It to keep
their digestive organs In perfect working
order, so that they can stand the great
strain of both lody and head work when
Important contests shall come.
score as they did against tho Tigers,
go out today.
I'roMrnt Fill, t'oMotllrm mi lliil of
.Mrrll Itiithrr Than nf Pnr
tlsnnshtii, WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. The presldeu.
has nppoluted the 'following postmasters
Alabama Decatur, Floy Hinds, Union
Springs, Henry Harris.
Colorado Central City, James A. Gil
more. Indiana Crawfordsvllle, Marshall M. Nye,
Ivnnsas Onacr Pit v. II. A. Hnaennulat.
Missouri Pleasant Hill, George C
Mississippi Clarksdale, Anna Durham.
Texas Fort Worth, George W, Bur
roughs; Stephenvllle, William II, Chris
tian. Ulah-Mercur. It. W. Watt.
The president disregarded the recommen
dations of the republican organization In
three stntcs In four of these cases, vies
Fort Worth, Tex.; Clarksdale, Miss,, and
Decatur and Union Springs, Ala. In these
cases the organization candidates were
found not to meet all the requirements.
There was a greater number of papers In
tho Fort Worth appointment than In any
any other postofflce case on record, The
aggregate weight of tho documents filed
was twonty-elRht pounds nnd ono of the
candidates wrote fifty letters In bis own
behalf. There were twenty-three candi
dates for the office.
The appointee nt Fort Worth was strongly
supported by Fort Worth business men and
by Texas friends of the president, among
whom wero soldiers of the Spanish-American
war He Is a veteran of the civil
war. Ex-Reprcscntntlve Hawley, national
committeeman for Texas, urged John L.
Ward. Other cnndldutes were: Mrs. Tur
ner, the outgoing postmnstcr, whose ap
pointment under the Cleveland administra
tion expired four years ago; Mrs. Uurcbcll,
postmaster under tho Garfield nnd Harrison
administrations, who wan endorsed by Sen
ator Allison of Iowa and others, and C.
W. Connery, endorsed locally nnd by J
F. Chancy of Boston, Mass,, a prominent
stockholder In the Santa Fe railroad.
At Union Springs the contest has waged
warmly nnd neither republican faction won,
the assistant postmaster being promoted
solely on his record.
Tho appointee, at Decatur, Ala., Is the
daughter of tho retiring postmaster and
was endorsed by business men of Decatur.
The state republican committee had an
other candldnlr.
Tho Clarksdale (Miss.) appointee was
postmaster during the Harrison adminis
tration. W. G. Cole was nppolnted post
roaster there about a month ago on the
recommendation of National Committeeman
Turlcy. Protests wore telegraphed subse
quently that the appointment was of a
carpetbag nature and Colo has resided at
Clarksdale less than the prescribed six
months for citizenship. An Investigation
corroborated this charge and the chnngo
therefore whs made.
ltrform llciinhllrniis In ivrntncKy
Kliwilly MnUr It Too Warm
lor Drlioc's Friend.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 0.--C. K. Sapp, In
ternal revenue collector for the district
of Kentucky, has resigned. His resigna
tion has been accepted by the president.
The chlof deputy has been appointed tem
porarily to fill the vacancy.
The announcojient of the tender and nc
ceptancv of Mr.'Sapp's resignation followed
visit to Senator Deboc. wha liandcd the
resignation to the president. Mr. Sapp'x
resignation ends a long contest which has
been waged against him by the reform elo
ment In tho republican part In Kentucky.
Mr. Sapp has been charged repeatedly with
flagrant violations of the civil service law
and has been under Investigation. Senator
Deboe has been his friend, but tho pressure
became so strong that Mr. Sapp Anally
concluded to resign. No one has been se
lected to fill Mr. Sapp's place and until
the appointment Is made the deputy nt
Louisville will bo acting collector.
CnninilKlnn linn .nt ( p In 'I'll I m TIiiip
Indlciilnl Milled Itoiitr
I. Fmorfd,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 0. The Isthmian
Cnnnl comrulslon will moot noxt Tuesday
to add the finishing touches to Its report.
It can be Mated by authority that tho com
mission has not reported, up to this time,
favor of either thn Nlcnragunn or tho
Panama project. Consequently the ques
tion hAs not figured before the cabinet and
tho administration has not. expressed a
preferenco for either route.
It Is not expected the commission will
undertake cither to accept or to reject the
proposition of President Hutln, looking to
the requisition by this government of the
Panama Canal company's concession. How
ever, It will lay the proposition before tho
president nnd congress. It can be stated
also, by authority, that In view of the fnvor
with whlrh congress boretoforo has re
gard the Nlcnraguau routo thn decision of
the executive departments will be In favor
of that project.
Wnr Oennrtnteiit In Informed of Tnlnl
Trrnilnntlnii r lllnm of rnln
nrl Clinrlm It. I'nul.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 0. Tho War rte
partment has been Informed of the death
of Colonel Charles n. Paul, Thirtieth In
fantry, which occurred at Philadelphia.
Colonel Paul had been 111 for sorno time
His death promotes Lloutenant Colonol
Jessee M. Leo to be colonel of tho Thirtieth
regiment. Colonel Lee recently was or
dered for duty with the commanding gen
cral na Inspector of rifle practice. His new
regiment Is now In tho Philippines. Colonel
Leo was In command of a portion of tho
Ninth regiment at tho severe battle of Tien
Tain last year ond has recolved high com
mendatlon In the official reports for hln
soldierly conduct on that occasion. Colonel
Paul was a veteran of tho civil war and
appointed to tho army from New Jersey.
Wnr Surtliom Hcnieinlircil li- llir
nr nil (iuvrrniiicnl.
WASHINGTON. Nov. . (Special.) The
following pensions have boon granted to
western veterans.
Issue of October 22:
Nebraska: nrlulmil. War with Simln
John O. I-nnH. ilnstliiKS. SIT. Increase
Itentorat Ion. jtelmiu, KU Timothy N
Terry, Meadow drove, W, Wllllnm Mnpel
weeping water, no.
lnwo: OriiHmil Hudson C. Sw ck. Wat
kins. IS; Alphonso Howe, Anthnn. JC; John
1'hlllln.H. an ,MrH' Home. Murbh.'illtown. !G
Increase, Restoration, lteliaue, Ktc, Oorso
nnougraiie, ralo, lis. J win nicpni
Irwin, ii. nwir?. W. Weeks. Harlan. H
Michael Casey. Knoxvlllo. Milton C,
Norton (special October "O, Bhell Hock. $17,
uriginal WldnwK lite, .uce u. r.iy, usage,
S; Harriet O. Cook (t-peclal accrued Oc
tober 21), Oakland, ii; Thankful A. Sudlow
Onkliiml' Ik
South D,ikota Original Widows. Kit
Lydla A. Orcenleaf ispeciai accrued Or
toner si), Iroquois, u.
Hargaln of every detcrlptlon on tbo want
ad, page,
by Railroad Company
who offer exorbitant rent for
location. Will sacrifice
my entire slock of Wat dies.
broil ii k all t lie latest niul ni
Nothing Reserved
THREE SALES DAILY .10:30 A. M., 2:30 AND 7:30 P. il
Chairs Provided for the Ladies
rnrcliaso your Christ inns presents now yon can et tlieni at your own price do
not miss this opportunity.
X. P.. Extra help onj-aned. that yon can seleel any article yon may want, which
will be placed on sale at once.
A. Mandelberg, Leading Jeweler.
Ytnig Woman of Nebraska ' Vanitj Wia at
Basket fall.
thirty-one to four the showing
iMlltirn nt Lincoln Ale Clenrly Onl.
rlnHsuil Nohrnnkre fM-iMinil Tliru
J (-ll In n .Mlxril lllllf
Hnr.cit. (I'roni a Stalt Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 'J. (Special Telegram.)
In the Initial game of tho season the
girls' basket bull team of the Unlvertity
of Nebraska tonight defeated tho girid'
team of the University of Missouri, .11 to 4.
Tho visitors woro clearly outclassed, tho
Nebraskans having tho advantage of longer
prnctlcu and the support of a largo crowd
of spectators. A match between a mixed
team nnd the Nebraska second team re
sulted In fnvor of tho latter, 12 to ."!. Iloth
were ployed In the University armory. Mue-
I I I'M l.llllll.
Forwards Nebraska, Minnie .Inn.'.i and
'l..nntini. Miller: Mlnnourl. .Muiiu .Mont
gomery unit Caroline Stoncr.
( enters onraHKii, minium i luauiuj
cantalni nnd Oertrudo Mncomber; Mlu-
cuiirl. Hlaui'lu! Kugarl and Logan ior-
veil. .
(Iunrds NeuiiiHKn. I'.iva oiy ami wira
Shield; Missouri, Labo llrewer and Anna
Newell. . ,
MM'llllll 1.III1II-.
l.v.....-...-.luV,l,rnitMl l-Mltll IIICclllS (oKp-
inlnl mid No It cliey; Mixed, l'eun
Archibald and Kdim King. , . 1
(VntprH XebrilHKi . .Mice iuwii -i n .
Muru'aret Honneywcll; Mixed. Mlnnlo l.utle
(cnntaln) and Amy Conger,
OunrilB-M'iiniHKa. laroiiuc v- .."
. I.,.. .i'..,in. ..11,1 iTinrn
Thn natronesses were: Mrs. IS. n. An-
drows, .Mrs. C. K. llessey, .Mrs. v .
iirvm, Mrs .1. II. Ilorton. .Mrs. i.
Weeks, Mrs. J. T. Lees, Mrs. H. li. round,
Mrs. C. It. Richards, Mrs. A. S. Tlbbclts,
Mrs. H. 11. Wilson.
CicSliile llcalu Meliopnllii.
..,.ti- v,mi o Thn foot ball tenm
of" Syracuse iu.yerslty nlayed plemlld
Sown St" the1 Polo grounds : .Ids af ten.oon
ami won a bard ami clean-f ought batt,0 ,y
lighter tenm. Tho Columbia men. Hushed
with their recent nut-censes, were tho vie-
Duffv's Pure Malt Whiskey Is Used Exclusively by
Almost every rrommem nuspiim m uw
United States on Account of Its Ab-
solute Purity and Excellence.
THH WOULD a bi"'"
. . ..... m Ml IPIMIIVI,'
Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey curc con
sumption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis,
catarrh aud all diseases of tho throat nnd
lunts. It also cures nervousness mm iniu
utinn It ulves power to tho brain,
strength and elasticity to the muscles, and
richness to thu li.ood, u is n proinoier oi
good health and longevity, makes thn old
young, keeps tbo young strong.
It will cure almost any cae oi consump
tion If taken In llmo
HAimisnriKi hospital.
HarrlsburK. I- Oct. so, 1,
Wi- havo been Uhlng Daily's Puro Malt
Whiskey In our Institution for some time
and llnd It agrees better than other brands
111 the convalescence of disease and In
emergency work. 15, O. PKAHHO.V. M. D ,
Hesldent Physician; II. L. KAU'CHHIt, M
D.. VUlllnir Surgeon.
If vou are sick and run do-.Mi. write our
nothing to leurn how to regain h.eallh,
CAl!TION!-Our patrons nre cautioned against so-called DCFFY'fl MALT WHIS
KKY offered for sal In bulk, and In other limn our patent bottle, with our name
blown In same. DCFFVS PFIll-5 MALT WH1HKKV Is sold In senb-d bottles only.
Offered In any other form It Is not' the uonulue.
Tu any rcodir of this paper who will wrlle us we will send fieo two of
prpp our pau-ni game couuiers (or
www .n mver onMiiiirf-
It Is the only whiskey rucoguleil by the
giiHranire All druggists and grocer or
WHI8KKV CO., Itochcstcr, N. V.
Out of Business)
Diiinionils. Silv orwiiri'. Cut J
- lo - lnte umhI received for the
N. E. Cor. 16th and Farnam
thus of overcnuflilrnce. As tin- result
MluiiVH, Columbia xluiulil have put fnrwatil
ItH Htrniigent loam, and the alisenc" ol
Smith and Kllidgi-u wa In no smnll way
rcsponHlblo for thn lugloilous defeat In
the llrxt half the up-Htatr men held tho
local players twice for dowiiH and In the
cecond half held them onco. while Colum
bia only held tho Syracuse klekem once for
downs during the game. Lineup:
I.. K. 11. :.. .Van lloeeven-
...,L. CJ.
....It. (1.
....It. T.
....It. 15.
....O. II.
It. T.Angell-Wliltwell
It. CI
Henderson ..
I, , a....
i t
I I. 15....
Q. !!....
It. 11. n.
L. 1 1. II.
..A. lloywou
Due l
I.. II. 11.
It. H. II.
. . . . I'. II.
K. II....
'I'mirliilnvviiH! rtiowne. 2: Weeks. 1.
kicked: llolaud. Time: Twenty-llve-mlnule
ll I '
Honor mill .fvnnlii Went
I'hln WreU'A (ion Timr
nn in ni I.
NKLSON. Neb., Nov. a.-ISpeolal.l-Om
clnl aiiniiuiu'enient of tho awards r
Thursday's shoot has been mndo iih lol
l'lrsl event, tell taruuis: Tlrst. Minor
Ony (10); second. Prlttn, ItugRlcH and llcrr
(!i; third, HolicrlH.
.Second event, fifteen targetH: Klrst, llerr
Oil); second, Minor Ony. Haggle and Itob-
ertt (11); mini. .Minor iihi inn.
Third event, ten tagets: Klrst, I leer !');
second, .Minor Hal and liuggies to; mini,
KobertFi (li).
Fourth event, ten targets: First. I leer
(lti); FPcoml, Minor Hal (M; thlut, Itoh
ertH aud Ayres (7).
Fifth event, llfteon live b nls: First,
Minor Hal anil Ituggles (111; pecoml. Minor
!uy. J leer and Ay res (10); third, llrlttn
(!): fourth. Dudley (M.
Hlxlli event, ten t.iraets: First. I leer !
pecond. Ituggles (8); third, Itobcrts and
Avi-en 1 71.
1 Seventh event, Ilfleen targets: First.
'Minor Hal 02); second. Ayiea nnd Ond
;, ,,.,, , mi-unta- irin.1 Pi-lti
...m.i... ' .-.. ' .. ...o- - ..... . ......
I Flghth event. tPii targets: l'irsi. rrltts
OOt: second, Hoberts and Minor Hal S;
' third. Tate, Dudley, llcer and HugglCH (7).
! Ninth event. llftcen tnrcels:
'Minor Hal and Heer il3): second. Tate ami
Minor Uuy ill); third, iiuggies ami j-ritta
Tenth event, ten targets: First, Minor
Hal tfn; second. PrlttH. Dudley and C
Tate (7); third, lleer and 1-'. Tale (til.
Klevenih event, ten live birds;
Minor Ony and Huberts (D); second, Hot
teniieiii mid Pritts '(Si: third. Dudley (7).
Twelfth event, ten live blids; First
Hoberts (7); second, llottf ullcld, Ayres nnd
Minor nuy (C); mini, i-ntts tii).
Thlrleenlh event. Ilvo llvo birds: Firs
Minor (5uy and Hoberts (1). Hoberts won
out on tdiootoffj
Don't mlsB reading the want nd. page.
. r w "V a ir. W rl A W n
ll,...,llnir I'n.. Oct. 11
Wo have used Duffy's Pure Malt Wills
i i.... I,, 'Ci-i.IiiiM mid other exhaustlllK dl.
eases and huvo found It eiuhienllv s.Ult
' factorv. Dll. JOSICPII (M.OTHIKlt, Ueis-
ldent Physician. , , , ,
Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whiskey has stood so
i vero tests for nearly U) years, mid Ins
always been found absolutely pure and to
'contain great medicinal uropern..
midli-al department It will cost
strength and vitality,
.Mcuicai iiuukicih
wiiisi, eiiiinie, eie. noun i ceuis in stumps
uulipie and useful.
ko eminent hs h medicine This Is
bottle DL'FFV MALT
lass. Openi
(Jlasses, I'm-
Holidays must
Drugs on Credit
W. J. Slinnlor. Hie ilrn trirl I will cli n nn
credit If you haven't the cash ami
orugs, .snow me that you are right and
you ran buy drucs for cash or on credit,
on Twenty-fourth and Seward.
Dr. Hill's Special Cough Cure 2."o
Dr. Hill's Cold Capsule?, guaranteed to
cure or money refunded ,c
Shrnder's Fig Powder, a laxative that
will cure appendicitis 2is
fihrader's n-Mlnute Headache Powders
are not like nthets that contain mor
phine and opium and turn your Hps
blue, cold niul clammy; Shrnder's
dilutes and stimulates the heart.
slops headncho In 10 minutes 10e .:.
We want you to know that we give ill
per cent discount on proscriptions for cash
or credit. We know poor people must hao
credit. Wc will irlve vnu a chance If on
are honest. Don't forget tho name
W. J. Shrader,
21 tli and Seward Sts.
How Fortunes
Are Made
It would be Impossible for a man work
ing by tho day or engaged in nu ordinary
occupation which produced only a mod era tn
Income to become n millionaire. Ono
working nl $l.r0 per day for 1,900 yeuri
would earn less than a million dollars. A
man earning f.'l per day, working fifty
years, (Sundays e.xclndcd), would earn
less than JSO.OOO.
All fortunes nre nuidn by Investments of
somo kind, either In real estate, stocks or
bonds, manufacturing nr mereulitiln enter
prlfes, Industrial enterprWcs. etc. etc.
Muny of these sources nf fortunes am
overcrowded or. not available for small in
vestments. The business which has made (lie limit,
rich men hi this country Is t lie oil Indus
try. Thousands have made comfortnbln
fortunes In this business, which has pro
duced hundreds of millionaire.
" Here are the nnmes of f.omn of the men
Mi'o have made their millions nut of thn
oil business, also their intimated wealth:
John I). Ilockcfcller. worlh $fi00,000,00f)
William Itnckefoller. worlh 100,000,000
Frank Rockefeller, worth 100,000,000
Henry M. Flagler, worth 40,000,000
Henry II. Payne, worth IIO.QOO.OOO
This In certainly n remarkiiblo showing
for one Hue of business.
The average man Is as capable of atnHM
Ing a fortune as theso men.
The secret of their suri-oss was Invej
mctits In the nil business of Pcnnts-lvinU
In Its Infancy.
The profits in Hie nil bui-lncss are so
vast that a small Investment inn.y oftn
pay enormous returns. It must have ben
so In Hie rase of these men.
Had anyone prophesied In i.s.Mi thai fWs
men would aman a fortune of $770,000,000
from the oil business he would have been
laughed nt.
The oil fields of Peiin.iylvnnln, Ohio, In
diana and elsewhere In tho (lulled Slates
pale Into Insignificance In comparison with
the recent discoveries at Beaumont. Tux,
Think of wells gushing 60.000 to 100.000
barrels of oil In twenty-four hour.
In Ohio leasrs on oil lands are worlh.
from $700 lo 11,000 for every barrel of oil
produced dally, according to tho nge of the
well. Ai Hint rote n new 100,000-bnrrel
well at llcnumont would be worth $100,.
Such comparisons with other oil fields
simply stagger the -most experienced nil
iren, while thn general public are totnlly
unable to grasp the significance of tho pro
duetlon nf the I leu Urn ont oil wells
It Is doubtful If land producing thes
great gushing oil wells can now be bought
or nriiulred at anything hut fabulous
Those rarly In Iho field, and among them
wbb the Omaha-Texas Oil Co.. who had
the good fortune to securo such Inndi,
have the prospect of Immense fortunes be
fore them.
The Omaha-Texas Oil Co. need money to
fully develop their oil land holdings and
offer a limited amount, of their ' treasury
stock at 25 cents for Jl shures. Th
j present stockholders of the Omaha-Texss
Oil Co. are not men of unlimited inoitnn
snd htneo must Interest other capital to
properly and promptly develop their oil
lauds and rnako possible the very largo
i profits in sight, Subscriptions will be re
j telvrd ut their offices In Hupp Illock, Coun
, til Illulf, In , or by Willis Todd, llscal
igent, fili New York Life llulldlng,
Omatia, Neb,
i The officers of ibis company are homo
ni"ii of the highest liiulnca standing ami
j the affairs of tho company will bu looked
; after with the same care and rnusrtcii-
tlousncM as has boen their Individual af
, fair. ,