Astronomers Watch for the Wandering Asteroids II, L the great Leonid swnrin, ox pected Inst year and the year be fore, come this yoar7 Por two yenrs past nil devotees of astron omy, professional nnd amateur. hnvo lind tlielr hopes followed by disap pointment, ns they watched during the nights of No ember 13, II nnd 15 for the coming of the most famous shower of shooting tars known to seletiee. Will this year witness another and a final disap pointment? Certain astronomers believe not; they think that the Leonids will ap pear this month In all their ordinal splen dor. All observing people have seen shooting stars, hut not till within u few deeades was It known that every shooting star fol lowed the laws Hint govern all heavenly bodies, pursuing each Its appointed path, co that, If we had n complete knowledge of them, the Hash of each one, or lit least of every considerable group of them, might be as certainly predicted as the appearance of the planets. Of all tho shooting stars, the Leonids, as the November swarm Is called, are by all odds the most striking to the eye, the most numerous, have II lied the largest placo In history, and, It Is believed, offer the as tronomer the most fruitful Held for re search. A few of the swarm were seen on November II, 1SKS, nnd a few days before and after, and at that time about SOO wen noted. November II, 1S!9, tho astrono titers again awaited their coming, nrmed with the latest photographic weapons vt our photographic age. From ono hun dreil to two hundred wero recorded Last year again, though with dimin ished hope, the watchers of tho sky made, ready, but again there were no substantial results. Something over a hundred wero noted altogether in northern latitudes, principally at Yale and Harvard Prof. W. II. Pickering of the Harvard ob servatory, favored with a clear sky nt tb station which ho was then maintaining at Jamaica, West Indies, saw over a hundred cm each of the two nights on which bo ob served them. Hut this was nothing to the glorious records of tho swnrm In tho past. In the ninth century tho Arabs recorded Its appearance In their annals as a "rain of stars." Tho Chinese have It In their a tronomlcal records as early as 013 and again In 1002, tho last time by "thou sands," with two of the meteors as large as a "quart measure." Prom that tlmo to this they have been noted with fair regu- Ity every thirty-three years or bo though with gaps hero and there and nl ways In terms that bespoke a sight of splendor ntul sublimity. The Inst llrst-elass 3howcr In this coun try was on November II, 1S33, though on November 13, 1S32, then; was a considerable display in Kuropo. On November II, 1SCC, they appeared again, tho largest display coming In November, 1SC7, however, when tho astronomers and newspapers of tho tlmo write of them as a wonderful nnd glorious phenomenon. Hut the year for their recurrence has been variously Hxed by astronomers, depending on the year as signed ns the Inst of a small group of years. Referring to the last appearance. lSfifi has been chosen by somo ns u starting point, and n period of thirty-three years between tho swarms would bring them back In 1S99. Tho year ISi'.T appears, how ever, from contemporary accounts, to have c.i:oit(n: it MoviMt. poilmkuly op IlltlDAL PAKTY ATTKNDANTS CA.MIIHAS AT IIAKVAKl) I'M VHHSITY i:xpi:cti:d this wi:i:k produced the best display. A thirty-three-year period would therefore bring them back in HiOO. Hut. on the other hnnd, It has been shown that the period of tho swarm has been lengthening and must now be close to thirty-four years a calcula tion which would assign the present month as the proper time of their reappearance. Prof. W. II. Pickering of the Harvard ob servatory claims that the estimate of thirty four years, reckoning from 1SG7, Is sus tained by the best datn. Ills present state ment Is as follows: "Computing from '.'02, the llrst certain date, ami omitting, for convenience, all nild-century nppoaranrcs. (hey had a period of thirty-three nnd one-fourth years, ap pearing in 1002. 1101. 1202, 1302, 1102, 1M)2 and lfi02. A change seems to hnvo conic In the orbit nt Hint Juncture und Instead of 100 years later, they appeared, not every thirty-three years, but every thirty-four years. "Ileglnnlng from 1S33." Prof Pickering continues, "the last year of an unquestioned maximum, we get 1SC7 as the next appear and) In considerable numbers, and tho ac counts of the last nppenrance of the swarm assign ISO" as the last year, though 1S0I1 had a considerable dlsplny. Cont'niiing tho computation, then 1001 would be the end of the next thirty four-yenr prlod "A hope of seeing the whnwer, supposing the perturbation Is ns outlined above, lies In tho probable shape of tho swarm. Tho meteors lire strewn along tho orbit for wyomino, his nniDK, sbnoiuta Photograph taken In Manila MARIA lti:DY POK TUB LEONID SHOWHItS millions of miles, long enough at least so that tho earth may mako two or three revolutions around Its own orbit before get ting clear of the swarm. It is not supposed that tho meteors, which are small, dark bodies, aro distributed In space In u cylinder-shaped figure, but more like n strap, and this strap Is wavy or -zigzag In outline, each wave being the record of a perturba tion duo to tho passing of one or nioro of tho planets near the swarm. The some what remoto chance of the earth Intercept ing a crest of ono of these waves Is to bo regarded as one of the hopes of tho as tronomer. "Tho Leonid swnnn Is, nevertheless, well worth watching for, even If not ns numer ous ns on Its former appearances. For one thing, they are among the brightest of me teors nod offer the best probable chnnco of securing u spectrum, lending to a knowl edge of their constitution. They aro mov ing In a contrary direction to tho motion of tho earth in Its orbit, and, when Inter cepted by our ntmosphere, their velocity Is the sum of their own and tho earth's. They aro thus readily ldentllled, being quick, bright Hashes across the sky, usually with a bluish light, but sometimes yellow. This brightness of tho light Is what tho spec troscoplst would desire In his researches though It Is obtained nt the expense of the length of exposure " Tho great eclipse of the Leonid orbit has a long diameter some 1,800,000,000 miles- CONCUPCION KSCOLAIl, AND THUIH and the swarm has completed this enor mous circuit llfly-two times, next month. If it occurs, being Its lift) -third appear ance. The bent considered theory of the iippeatunces of the Leonids us shooting stars in our atinosphert) sup poses that the orbit of the earth crosses the orbit of the meteors and that once In thlrty-thlee or thirty-four ears the earth ruiiH into the swaim that Is, Into the place of tlielr greatest frequency- taking three or four dajs to irons It. The point on the earth's atmosphere where the Is In tercepted is In line wllli a point In Hie con stellation UmiiiIs (or the Lion), whence the name of Leonids. The determination of this initial point Is an Important const, lern Hon with uslioiioitieiK. The paths made by the shooting stars, though appearing io be wry much at random, will, If cnrcfullv placed on a chart of the sky, be found 1 1 meet ul a eeitaln point the so tailed laillatil." This has a moemelit of its own the measurement of which Is an in ti testing subject of research. The paths of the shooting stars a 'meteor." as has been said, beluga daik body In span', that Is, a "shooting star" only when It collides with the earth's atmosphere and hci-onios luminous will ulso be found to grow shorter ns one approaches the radiant, due to Hie efleet of perspective. A lallroad track, for example, will appear shorter or longer. In Itself, as one looks nt It In per sped he or from one side. The paths of the meteors nre parallel, and as we look at them those near tho radiant will be 'head-on," und however long In reality will appear as points only to tis. We see the paths more and more sideways moving nwuy fiom the rndlutit nut! meteors very much to trie side of our uxls of vision will sweep through great aics of the shy The constellation Lentils rises -.linrtly lie fore midnight on Nowwuhcr II, Inn is nut well ill view (111 1 n. in. It eini lie f.uill.l leatllly by using Hie "poliileis" m the Dipper In u reverse dlreclloti fiom Hie us t iiniary use u llmlliig Hie North Star Leonis will be Ideiitltled about ns far off as the North Star Is the other was and as a very good outline of a sickle, with the blight star, Itegiilus, at the unlet end of the handle. A belter way Is to use the two sluts forming Hie side of (lie Dipper nearest tho handle for pointers. These point, again in the direction opposite to Hie Nor'li Star, directly at the Sickle. The rail am of the Leonids Is within the curve of Hie blade of the Sickle, near tho center The whole of the constellation, however, docs not come into good view till about 2 a m A NEW ART SERIES The llee has secured a series of beautiful reproductions of famous paintings und beautiful pictures In colors, These pictures nie all suitable for framing and will look liiiiulsomo lu any home. Tho II till of the series will bo yZwi mm French This beautiful picture Is lu colors, giving the natiirnl lints to tho fruits lepresented 'and Is an excellent subject for tho dining room, How to I These pictures nre 10x21 Inches nnd have novor been sold nt the art Btores for less thnn ono dollnr. Ily securing nn Immense quantity of thorn wo aro able to offer I them I With a Co u noii for 15 Cents. When ordering stntn the namo of tho subject nnd If they nre to be mnlled enclose six cents additional for postage and packing CUT OUT THIS COUPON Present at Dec Ofiicc or mall this coupon with 15c nnd get your eholco of Pho tographic Art Studies When ordering by mnll ndd Bo for postage, aiit ii:i'ah r.xii:T, m;n i i i , t s 1 1 1 . r. co omaiia. THE NEE PUBLISHING COMPANY Art Department, Oiimlia, Neb. These pictures are framed nnd on exhibition at HOSK'S AIIT STOHH. Wo hv provided n Inrgo number of frames for The Heo pictures and are offering thmn nt a special price. Call nnd seo them. ItOSH'S AIIT 8TOIU5, 1G21 Dodgo street. Omaha, Neb. lu observing meteors the Important thing, looked for b astronomers are the number and brightness Color, length of path and ether things are useful, but with Hie mini In r and brightness something of Importune i, in be dene. and. what Is of more general interest one need not be u aitrnnoiner to do one's pail III that some thing In a circular Issued by the Harvard oh servatory and designed to secure world-wide co-operation lu the woik of observing (he expected Leonids, It has been recommended that the observer note how long II took for ten shooting stats to appear. On the record made should appear the place of obserui Hi n. Hie observer's pololllce address, the aslrotiomli'iil date, which Is obtained by us lug the date of the previous evening for the morning observations alio, since the uslroti oiuleal day begins nt iio.ui. the time used whether (itccnwlch. st-iiidaul or local, tie beginning and ending of observations, whic'i were to be made usually with Intervals of rest between, when olber special observa lions might be made; and finally any Inter millions by clouds or fiom other causes If the shooting stars have long paths or maiked characters a less number lhati ten might be chosen. If they are numerous, n larger number could be counted. The oh servallous need only cure, system and per severance to be of real value, so thai tie resulting leeonl can be sent to I larval d. If one chooses to accept the formal Invitation of (he observatory to do so, with the assur mice that It can (here be usefully cm related with other similar records. The estimate of magnitude should b made between the periods of counting. The counting. It Is recommemleil, should engage (Continued on Klghth Page) SMTieGwccr f'-xl who neither sands . lvyn "is siiuar uor lli4,l 1 ' "utci.s Itis milk tt wnt) iit'iievi'M in tliti host, and is tu to please lits p.iinms. That's the );iii( or who recom mends and sells lion Coffee Coffot; that it coffee iinjjlaccl iiiiatltiltcratt'd. Fruits Get Them. )