Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 10, 1901, Image 18

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    A Young and Vigorous-Giant Fraternal Insurance Order
The Bankers Union
Of the World
Dlt K, l. SI'INNKV,
.Supreme 1'rcsldcnt.
Hi: lllli: tnKi h pleasutc In pre
senting l II, IH iSHIIU (if llH illllH-
tialcil ttci'ld)' pluilim (if Hie Hll
promo olllcerH ami directors of one
of ( dim Ii.i'h inoHt 1 ki 1 tii I it - 11ml pros-
IllhtlttltlollS till) HatllO'lH C11I1111 of
AIko sumo views of llH hand-
(he U'orlil
Homo ami well appiilnteil supremo nlllco In
tlin I'axlnti block, Slxleenlli ami I'arnam
Tim llen'H reporter Iiiih gulheicd enough
Indu mutton touching tlm origin ami mar
vetiniH growth of thlH giant onler In fill
pngcH of ItH paper. TI10 reporter'H Hpace,
liowover, eompelH lilm to make a iiniltniii In
parvo (much In little) record at this time
for Hut henellt of Ita many thoiiHaml renders.
The Hankers Union of the World was char
tered lo do IiiihIiichh under tho exeellunl
fiat el mil liiHiirauce Iiiwh of Nebraska, with
supremo otlleo at Omaha, In November, lS'.tS
It did not attempt to do much more than
preliminary work until May, 18M. From
that time on its rise and progress In thu
Insurance world has been one of marvel
Hh growth Ii.'ih heen phenomenal, Uh
foumler Ih Dr. II. C. Spinney, who In Its
upreiiie picHldctit. lie, needs no Introduc
tion to our render. Hlnco tie has heen lung
ml f.ivorahly known to tho puhllc as an
Imiuianco man or rocognl.ed ability lie.
wa-i for several yeais the successful mali
nger for Iowa .iml Nebraska of thu fulled
Stalin Life lusuinucc company of Now
Vuik IIIh able ami competent assistants
me composed of persons who are familiar
with all the details nf the luillvldilal po
1. it Ion held. More than lio.uuu policies have
been Issued by the Hankers Union of the
W01 Id, affording protection to moru tliau
lun.nou persons.
The plan of the Hankers Union of thu
World Is unique and liiHiires Its perpetuity
and furnishes absolutely safo protection to
Its policy holders. It does not claim to give
HoniethliiK for nothing. All savings from
Its premium rates, in excess of mortality,
disability ami expense cent. Inure to the
ndvaiitngo of Its policy holders. Every
dollar of Its surplus inadu enhances to that
extent tho value of thu policies of Its mem
hers. Its plans give guaranties to the
iiiumberH living to an old ago ami who have
been constant contributors to thu treasury
of tho order tho certain protection of their
policies, which under other conditions would
not bu so sure because of early deaths
Tho premium rates are moderate,
but HiiMlelunt, under Its admirable
plan, to meet the ever-occurring
claim of (lie order.
Iteckoiieil on the old line life In
surance basis of I per cent Interest,
tho Hankers Union of thu World
would easily show assets of more
than $ll,uuo,ooo. Tho company
operates In twenty-Hlx states. Its
careful management may bo seen
by Uh very low death rate. It has
recently been examined by tho In
surance departments of thu follow
ing st a t o s
M I c li I can.
Illinois, Iowa,
N o li r a ska.
Miss o 11 r I,
;i:ni:hi. office hankeus union of the would.
Kansas, .MIiiiichiIu
Washington, The
commlHsloner said
Hon of thu llanke
South Dakota and
Washington Insurance
after tho exaiulna
rs I'nlon under date
1 Jp-
Silpremu Corresiondeiit.
of October K 1 10 1 i:.amlnalii.ns show
that the luciease in membership Is unite
satisfactory and that thu rale per thousand
Is cipial to that reipilred by the mortality
lables of our laws. Tho Hankers
Union of the World has a progres
sive management and Is having
merited success." Thu Insurance
commissioner of Iowa says: "Tho
order is In a nourishing condition."
Tho superintendent of Insurance of
.Missouri says: "1 find that nil nd
Jtisted claims have been paid, and.
further, that all Just claims meet
p-oiupt payment. The Hankers
I'nlon lias for its uuldo lntcurltv
J ami features meriting still greater
success." Thu commissioner of In
surance o f
states: "Wo
made a care
ful examlna
tlin of all loss s paid in I'.iuj and also of
those paid in I'.'iil to April I'.u and find tie
outer pays all claims promptly wlen
During the month of September there
were organized sixty Hankers Union lodges
with over 1,'iiiu members and carrying In
surance and protection for $ l,:!Lr, 17.0. Lirge
as till amount stems it was exceedid In
October, showing that the popularity of
the HanUils t'nltn li ever en ttio Increase
The Hankers Union Is leading the way in
safe and permauilit Insurance on the fra
ternal plan ami in doing so Is accomplishing
the object that has been sought by so large
a number of fraternal orders since the llrst
fraternal t-ocloty was orgiuilzt d thirty two
years ago.
i: II I'ACKAItl),
Supreme Cashier
m 'iutti:ndi:n, uh. h. s. anomn,
Supremo Assistant Secretary Supremo Physician.
HON. J. it, KI.YNN
Supremo Director
COI.ONin. C n MIl.LKIt
Supreme Director
iH H 'Jlwo ? . ... SSm