Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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S i
Specials in Shoes Saturday
Mcn'n vlci kid lace shoes worth J.1 at..l.OG
Men's wax calf lace shoes, worth (3.... 1.05
Men's boarded calf lacp shoes, worth $1. 195
Men's Rex ralf Inco ithops, worth 1.90
Women's fine vlrl kid lace shoes, worth
'l."o and $3, at 1 S9
Women's cadet kid lace shoes, worth
.75 and $3. at 1 S9
Women's rainproof kid lace shoes,
worth fJ.i'O and $2.73, at 1.S3
Womrn's samples (tan only) lace shoes
worth and $.".00, at 1.3)
MImcs flno vlci kid extension sole.
worth $2 and J2.25, at 1.50
Child's shoes of same, 8 to 11,
worth U", at 1.25
Child's shoes of same, sires 1 to S,
worth 11.35 and 1.50, at 1 00
These, shoe nre made by II W Merrlntn
Co. and every pair WARHANTHD to give
Solo agents In Omaha for the Stetson and
Trossctt shoes for men and the Brooks
tiros, and Ultra shoes for women. The.
reskes are known from Maine to California
and arc recognized ns Mnndard wherever
told. Kvcry pair guaranteed to give the very
best wear.
A full line of "Clrover" shoes carried In
stock and at lower prices than the same
make Is sold for elsewhere.
Shoes nt bargain prices In the Bargain
Iloom for Saturday.
Men's satin calf bab. worth 1."." at..?110
Tloys' satin calf bals, worth ?l.r.0. at PS
Youths' satin calf bals, worth $1.25. nt. 75
Misses' dongnla shoes, worth $1.25, at 79
Misses dongoln shoes, worth $1,at.... 79
Overshoes, arctics and lcgglns at bargain
prices and wo carry all the, best makes that
nre made.
Special Glove Sale
Ladles' and children's mittens at 10c, 15c
and 25c.
Indies' nnd children's kid mittens at 50c.
7Sc nnd $1.
Ladles' nnd children's golf gloves. In nil
colors, nt 2fic. 39c nnd 50c. The best $1 kid
gloves, mado In all colors, every pair war
ranted. Men's kid gloves nt 75c, $1 ami $1.50.
Men's kid mittens nt 75c, $1 nnd $1.50.
Wo have the largest assortment of gloves
In Onviha. Everything from the cheapest r
thn best. All kinds of fur gloves nnd buck
gloves or mittens, lined with fur.
Special bargains In ladles', men's an'.
children's hosiery, wool or fleece lined, nt
lOe. 12c, lOo and 25c.
Men's 15c collars nt 5c. Kvcry collar
warranted perfect. AJI new styles. Special
price, 5c.
$5.00 A MONTR
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha.
Method new, without
cattlue. js4c jX lot.
of tlrafl.
niBUll iMcurcdforllfaanatbepoIson
9T ri I Ul 53 thoroughly cl earned from
disappear! completely and fprerer. No
"imV: AKINO OUT" ot the disease on the skli
or face. Treatment contains no dangerous
drura or Injurious aaeaiclnf.
WEAK MEN from Kxceises or Victims
Yoowo anrt middle Aozn. lack of rlra. vigor
and strength, with organs Impaired and weak,
STftlCTURE cured with a. new tlome
Treatment. No pain, ro detention from busl
mia. Kidney and HlaCIrt- Troubles.
Caasaltatlan fr.f. Tratml by Mall.
Call on on or address 1 1 0 So. 14th St.
Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha. Neb.
For years this remedy ha. been the
standard nerve restorative. Thousand,
of happy men owe their newly found
strength to lU use.
Rexine Pill, replace weakness and
exhaustion with strength nnd vigor;
the brain becomes clear; the nerves
.teady nnd calm; gloomy forebodlug
ate hnnhhed and perfect vitality 1. ful
ly re.tored.
If you nre suffering ns above, try a
box;you'U be encouraged by Its effect
to take the full course of six: boxes
then If you nre not entirely cured, we
will refund your money. This snt!.
factory offer is one of the factors of
our Miccef .
Sl.00 per box ; fl boxei (with guaran
tee to cure or money tuck), So 00, mailed
In plain packages. Book free
Tor sale by Kubn & Co.. Fuller Paint
Drui! Co.. Omuliii; Dillon's Uruir atore,
fcouth Omaha, and Davln Drug Co., Council
ECHir.Hsa-rcrva enough
PUNRAFM. I..dtskri
ri i:nil.MTKll'S KNdl.ISlI
Ilk tlstrlttKii, Tali. tktr. Rtf
nttltiatlai mi Imlla.
tl. Bu7 f josr tlltgitit, r mb1 4r. U
up. h. I'artUnlsn, TMllaMUal.
cl Rrllr rr " in llfr. kj r:
IliPB Mall. I O.OOO S1A
imu an mass i i:
I ' k. I . L- . - . ... , . -
W hte lolf, cxnlutiTt Control.
Sent you oh 1 rUlMid ppril
l'Ajr only If clfawrt. Mnoteni
h alen with mrdlral IrlrLttrr
I lTMVITl.i ATF! Writ 1 0t OUf
I now hook, finely llliutrfctfd, fx.
nt.lntiw all f AT F'KHF. Utldr
1 dray. Streaked or nleaehinl, it ran be
re.tored in any beautiful color by
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
the acknowledged 8TAM1AHI) HA I P.
I.OI.OIU.NO forflrayor lllearlied Hair.
Color, are durable leatllrappllisl, Its u.
cannot lie detected, Hampleor hair colored
free, (.'orTe.vmiilenre ronfldenll.l,
Man wit u vi
Xniptrlul liicmlcal vo., IX V :3d St., .N. Y,
Greater Millinery Values
One of the most Interesting features (f
this sale Is the splendid values In high
gtndc millinery A most varied assortment
of grand creations bound to please, con
taining hats that are becoming to all.
Women's trimmed hats, hundred of them,
all different, In new. neat and very stylish
turbans, with elegant grebe breast, black
silk velvet and elegant silk ribbons; roll
brim turbans; sailor hat effects, rxcclent
quality of felt and silk, velvet trimmed In
nil the latest erfects, worth $7.50; go on
sale on Saturday at $1.08
Iteady-to-Wear Hats- More bargains for
you Saturday. This lot contains hats Trorth
up to $2.75, oil sale Saturday at 18c, OSc,
and $1.19.
Grand Ribbon Sale Saturday
Saturday wo place on sale the finest lot
of ribbons ever offered at special Halo
prices In Omaha.
HONS, 21c,
Thcso goods are perfect In quality and
colorings, Just the thing for pillow rib
bons. 5"c I'ANCY SILK ItlllDONS, 15c.
These nre the latest silk novelties and
make grand neck ribbons.
25c FANCY AND I'LAIN IlIlinONS, 10c.
This lot have never hueti equaled for
style and quality for less than '.'5c to 35c;
nil go Saturday nt 10c yard.
Special sale on beaded bags Saturday.
50c satin told bolts. 25c.
$2.00 McKlnley books, only OSc.
$1.00 copyright books, only 39c.
Seton-Thompson's "Lives of the Hunted,"
Men's Underwear and
Men's 60c neckwear on sale nt 10c.
500 doz. men's silk neckwear. In blacK
and all colors, in nil styles, mado to tell
at 50c. This will bo one of the larges
I neckwear sales ever held In Omaha. Kvcry
ric in tms lot win go on snie ai inc.
Tigeri from Hiiiami Have Good Intentions,
bnt May Not Realise.
lltultllMtlllllllim .VlKPIHT llf IMl'I'lll
(iiiuil l-i. iivlim lii I ii I iir .1, lin
.i'liniiknns An1 I'iiii
llilcul. Kvcry airaiiKcmcnt Is completed for the
great foot ball contest at Young Men's
Christian Association park this afternoon
between the Nebraska Cornhuskcrs and the
Missouri TIrois. Tho latter men have been
In Omaha ever since Friday morning nnd
tho Nebraskniis will arrive today, belnn
quartered at the Millard, together with
their rivals.
Of n Rtiirtllui; nature is tho latest In
formation from Lincoln, concerning tho de
fenders of the scarlet and cream. It Is
that the Cornhuskcrs will so Into the gumo
with two nnd probably three regular first
team plnym-a out of It, their placed being
filled by aubatltutes.
This will have a considerable Influence
upon tl'o effectiveness of tho team, ns It
will not only weaken the personnel at the
boglnnlng. but will also deprive the sub
stitute list of Just ho much reservo power
both In numbers nnd In tho class of play
ors which will compose It.
Despite, this fact, however, the Ne-
brnskans arc confident of winning, and It
Is probable the preponderance of old and
tried muterlnl remaining In the tenm will
bo nniplc to stiffen up the greener and les.i
experienced men.
The cause of nil the alterations Is one
that has been nulot thua far. It Is that
tho Wisconsin gnmo Just about laid out
the whole Nebraskn tpom. Only threo of
the men who played In thai fierce contest
aro feeling fit todny. Of Ihe rest souio are
clear out of It, others able to play, but
not In prime shape.
Tailiin tit!- Ilnrilix) III),
Tobln, the big sophomore who took Dean
dinger's place at left guard when that for
wnrd was ordered to slop for the season
after tiie Minnesota game, Is the hardest
hit. He got Into a scrimmage In practice
nt Lincoln early this week, when he was
still too fagged to stand thn atraln. and
n bunch of torn ligaments In his kicking
leg Is the result, lie cannot play ngaln
thU year, and not only his work In the
line, but his puntlug, so effective at Mil
waukee, will be greatly missed. Muloncy,
a good man, will play the posit Ion.
O. Shcdil and llender, halfbacks, have
dropped out elnce tho crucial contest with
the Iladgers. They were a strong pair, and
will be needed yet this seasou. Shcdd
played with the heavy set of bucks and
llender with tho light ones. Cuff, the new
man, Is snld to bo a power, though green.
It now seems that new men will bo on
both ends. Cortelyou of Omaha may not
he nble to piny his place on the right, and
If so Halfback Eager will take tho position.
O. Shcdd will not piny nt left end, but
Stringer, tho best end Nebraska ever had,
will be nn Improvement there. However,
he will come nut of left tackle to play thn
position, and thut will necessitate tho
bringing of Kingsbury up from halfback
Into tackle. Kingsbury Is n power In the
line, but his plunging and cild runs as a
back will be missed,
Po the entire Nebraska team will be
greatly changed for the guroe. and It will
not be known till the men line up whether
or not any alterations In addition to those
1 nrrl-(. Iilo Timlin, U T-Se. Ille Miilim. .('.
Mill lin a sulr In In rememberi'it. Ho not mis
den' nil rtli Jon nlmi.x art It. N n peddler,
mill In tlili room.
Yard wide muslin, worth C'4c.
Yard wide bleached, worth fic. 24c.
3Sc bleached damask, fine patterns, 19c.
35c turkey red damask, 19c.
10c towels, 5c.
15c towels, 7c.
Special sale on all kinds of wide sheet
ings. rmTs sn rKiiCAi.Ks.
Full standard 50,000 yards remnants, dark
and light colors, the T'4c grade, 24c.
31-lneh wide percales, dark nnd light
colors, remnants and full piece?, regular
19c and 25c grade, at 5c. plamvuls im,a.xki,.
10c Shaker flannel, 2"fcc.
15c Shaker flannels. Sc.
12V4c cotton flannels, 5c.
15c flannelettes. 5c.
19c Imitation French flannels, 5c.
25c Imitation French flannels, all the fine
shades. w!h and without side bands, 10c.
500 yards of Simpson's black sateen, In
long remnants, nt 5c.
5,00.1 yards Simpson's black and white and
fancy sateens, worth 19c, at 7'4c.
10,000 yards of skirtings, worth 5c yard,
at 24c
5,000 yards of double fold waist linings,
worth 15c yard, at 5c. j
500 yards of mercerised skirt linings,
worth 19c, at oc.
25c draperies, fine colors, at 124c
124c draperies, nt 74c.
Star plug chewing tobacco
Horeshoo plug chewing tobacco
Nerve plug chewing tobneco....
Tlattle Axe
Nowsboy tobacco
Special Prices for Saturday
Leather and gilt opera glasses, line
lenses, usual price $3.50. at $1.19.
Cold filled frames, guaranteed 10 years,
spectacles or cyc-glsscs, $::.00 value, ut
Complete iilumlnold spectacles or eye
glasses, highly polished lenses, $3.00 values,
ut $1.19.
suggested will he necessary However
both tho men on the team and the sup
porters arc confident uf victory
rinr Dii.i l ell mm lllu ( roiiil.
The fine weather makes the prospects of
a big crowd from Lincoln better than ever.
Tho Hock Island and Hurllngton roads,
which havo In effect n rate of $1 for tho
roilnd trip, will run many trains up today.
The first on tho Hurllngton leaves Lincoln
nt .1:20 and arrives here, shortly before
7 o'clock. Tho ncM leaves at 7:4.1 anil ar
rives at 9:17. Next Is a special, leaving
nt 0:30 and reaching Omaha nt 11:10. Tho
last train U a regular at 10:20. getting In
hero at 11 :11.
Tho railroads evidently untlclpato a large
business, nnd It Is certain that nurllugton
nnd I'nlon depots will bo ono continual
scene of fluttering scarlet and cream rib
bons and young faces all this morning.
.'rom Omaha Itself It Is expected that
housands of people will attend. The un
usually iMic.ip rnlo of goneral admission,
.10 cents, will draw them from all sides.
There Is ampin acconunodntlon at tho
grounds. A great number of carriages and
tallyhos will be out. Tho game will bo
cnllcd nt a o'clock.
At nlsht Omaha will bo turned over lo
the collegians. Few of thn Nebraska root
ers from Lincoln will go back before Sun
day or Monday, and the rendezvous for the
evening will bo Ihe Crelghlon-Orpheuni.
There tho Nchraska team will have the
lower boxes to the right of the stage nnd
opposite will be tho Tigers. Students will
Jam the body of tho house, and college yells
nnd flying colors will lndlcatn the nature
ot tho affair.
1. 1 n r UP.
The lineup for the game
Stringer 1-- 1- K. !'
Kingsbury J- T. H. T..
Muloney L. IJ. Ii..
u-rt..hlpi-. I . ('
will be as fol-
or I. Anderson
i:h1h or (iorilmi
Ilrrw Ft. (i.lL. O,
Westovcr ....
Corte'you or
(randall . ...
,...U. T.
,..-.R. K.
...Q. 11.
I.. II. H.
It. II. H.
L T.,
L. H
Q. H.
It. II.
H Forester
I. . M. Anderson
Nick Hall
ICager-l'uft .
Plllsbury ....
K. H.T. H.
Pciniv Umiln Will Meet Itnriiiril ullli
Munll lliii'. Vet lli'iil I'll In
II i' ml it (iiinil Ai'i'iiiint.
I'lllI.ADICI.I'HIA. Nn S.-Tlie fllfct of
the annual games among tho 'big lour
foot ball cleveiiK will be ilaed tomorrow,
when the I'nlvrrslty of I'cimxylviinln and
Harvard teams will meet on Franklin Held.
Tho Cambridge players arrived here today
nnd their couc.hen iinnoiince them to be In
almost perfect physical condition The
Quaker men nre also reported to be in Huo
Harvard will go Into the game secretly
eonlldent of victory, while on the nihir
band, I'ennsvlviinla expects to be defeated
Tho homo players, however, hopo to keep
down the Harvard score nnd Home of tho
more etitliusiiiHtli' Pennsylvania followers
hope that Hi" crimson player will to
fought to a HtundHlll.
I'oach fleorge Woodruff bus announce 1
that the Hod and Hliic will ime n new ty!o
of piny In the iittiick thai vlll revnlutlnulzq
foot ball and cause n great furor In the
foot ball world. In thk announcement tbo
I'eliliHylvanlaiiH lav their hone arid It re
maliiH to I"' seen wliolhf-r ll will lis us
effective as Woodruff's celebrated "guard'
Tlui Harvard contingent Is not salna
much tonight In regnril tn the promised
new play, bemiu-c they claim to have no
deflnltn knowledge its to wiiHl ll Hut
they exprcFS Hie greatest conlldeuce us to
the ultimate outcome of the game
Mm hi li ii ru' ' n slnglr liniil,
STItOMSIlflKl. Neb.. Nov. .(Hperlnl
Telegram. i--Uaid City and Stronburg
pli.icd foot ball here today and Slromsliurg
win victorious by u icoro of j to o Tli"
features of the game were Hlromsburs's
tackling and Mose O'Hanlon a aluy-yerd
'. Union". '-' l-'Jo. I ll
I III Mile, for "In-ti 1 1 ii j -dealer
ni' iiiniiufiii'tiirei'
I nitr.v- coons.
I 20,000 yards of dress goods, plaids, stripes,
! henrlettas, serges and other weaves, worth
up to 75c yard, at 10c.
25.000 yards of 50-Inch all wool suitings.
, 50-Inch silk and wool plaids. 50-Inch serges
40-Inch nil wool henrlettas, $1 fancies, an
ell will go at less than one-third of orlgl-
, nal cost, at 25c to 39c a ynrd.
64-Inch strictly all wool black cheviot,
j 49c a. yard.
60-Inch strictly all wool storm sergn. 49e
42-Inch nil wool granite. 50-Inch all wool
' homespun, 50-lneh nil wool ladles' cloth,
' nil worth up to $1 yard, nt 49c.
$10,00 dress patterns nt $3.9S.
$12.00 skirt patterns at $2.9S.
4-yards of $1.9? mohair ercpon, I2.PR.
6 yards of extra heavy rainy-day skirting
In gray, oxford, black, navy, worth 75o
yard, for entire pattern. $1.25.
25c fancy silks, 10c.
50c fancy sllkf, 19c.
75c Homan stripes, 3Je.
$1.60 silk flannels for waists, 39c.
60c velvets, all colors. 19c.
$1.00 corduroys, 39c.
srtiriAi, o m.AMcr.Ts ami cmi-
$1.00 blankets at fOc.
$1 25 blankets at 73c.
Blankets from 59c up to $4.25, worth up
to $7.50 each.
$1.00 comforts nt 59c.
$1.25 comforts at 75c.
$2.60 comforts nt $1.50.
Hull Durham smoking tobacco 50c
"5c Duko's Mixture 35c
35e , Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c
3.'cjl)ficlo Tom smoking tobacco 35c
35c Old Sljle smoking tobacco. .' 25c
Special Shirt Sale.
300 doz. men'a nnd boys Hun colored
laundered shirts, -n nil ihe new stvlcs:
wonh up in $2 On sale nt 19c. 75c and 9Sc.
Men's Underwear Specials
Men's Swiss Dundee underwear at 75.'
nnd $1 n garmini We arc showing 25 dif
ferent styles in nil wool nnd slllt flccro
lined, and guarantee to save you 25 to Mc
on eviry garment
One lot of men's flti" son, flccix lined
shirts and draweri' in plain and fane
colors vmh up io $1 On sale at Ifc
Men.' nil woo sweaters n 95c. $1 25 nnd
run for u tine inlnwi The game a In
teresting hroughi) ii anil in Hie ue.-unil
In the loi ut kun t Serb
l.ini'iilii 111 (ii'i'ti In tihI lluil Mnn
lo Hie 1 ;n me In Oiiinlin
LINCOLN, Nov. S.- (Special Telegiani.l
The 1'nhersity of Nebraska foot ball team,
accompanied I.y the univeislty band and
u corps of ruotri's, will leave for Omaha
tomorrow aboard a special Rock Island
train. Allot her special train will be run
over the Ilurllugtou railroad, leaving here
at '.ii.lo a. in., for the accommodation of
pcrfons who wish lo attend the Nebraskn-
Missouri game In Omaha. A rate of $1 !
for the round trip has been offered by all!
tho roads Indications pol'-t to an at
tendance of al least 1 .iioo from this city.
In the llrst half l he Nebraska team will
line up ns follows. Coiielyou or Kager.
right end: Westovcr, captain, right luekle;
Drew, right guard; Koeh.i r. enter; Ma
loncy, left guard; Kingsbury, left tncklo;
Stringer, left end, Drain, quarter: Kager
or Cuff, right half; Crandall, left half;
l'illsbui'. fullback.
Tomorrow afternoon tho Lincoln and lied i
Oak (la.) High school foot ball teams will
contest in this cliy. In iho evening there
will be n game between the girls' basket
ball teams of the Nebraska and Mlsjourl
Thliij -I'll e In NiiIIiIiik l Hie Seui'i
Itiilleil I i mi Hie Wni-il
OltlNNUI.L. In. N" -iSpcetal Te'e
griim.l Hi'fo-e u large irowil at W'iril
ijelil this iiflernoou Urliinell added mho
more sculp to thr long Htrlng nt lis belt
liv defentlng the Simpson toot hull team,
3.1 to o. In ibc llr.t half Uiinnell hoourcil
two lyiHiiilown.s and one goal from Held.
The Inillanola tenm wiih unable to niiike
uny consistent gains mill was forced to
tmnt whcni'vcr it Kpciireil Hie ball. Tho
Ciritiliell backs plajeil u Mpectacular game
nnd time after time oli'ctrlllo'l Hie erowil
by their long tuns. The gientest surprlie
was In the wu the light Iowa college
team lure up the Hue of the bulky fillip
Hons. Oirlnni'l! put up a remarkab'e le.
fenslve gum.' anil Hie 111 lull - vu (in I i-il trm
ilein which galiieil co iniich ground for tho
.MetlioillHt school In tue game witn uriiKe
university proved mi iiitnr failure ugniust
(Irlnnell. Time niter lime the Klmpsin
eleven was thrown back fur loss and only
once dbl the teiitn get within Uiinnell h
twonty-tlw-yurtl line
111 the seeond half ilrlnueH'H supnlor
condition hcgnti to tell mid without miy
dltllculty the bos curried the ball ucrfsf.
the HIinpHon goal line three time!. The
effect of the gmiie Is put n Kerlous check
to Slnipmn's iiiiihltlon lo luviik Into the
"Dig Four' UiIh year and to iiilvmice nrbi
nell one hlep nearff the coveted state
championship, i.'uach Knlpe uf town, who
saw the game, said: "llrlniiell plays swirt,
ftirloiiM ball. H lias one of tile best teims
I have seen this season." Lineup:
OltlNNKLl. !)5. u SIMPSON,
Monro L. F. II K Smith
liord 1.. i'. It T Ki'iinedy
Uuiin L. O. It. O . A. Itogers
I'nL'ltH C. C Plcken
I Snillh-llanilol ..It. ( L. Urought
t'olllns H. 1'. L. T.K. H. Hogers (C)
! Miirsh-llciiHoii ..It. i;. L. H King
. Flake Ci g. ll. g II Uciin
! U. F.viins-
liuise L. II. Ii. II. II- Jllililleton
K. , HvauH. .n. i II. L. II H. .. Morrison
Clark . . F. II- F. H Maun
ltcfiiree: . Lane lies Moines. I'm
pile: W. A. Urobilin. Cidur Falls. Timer.
It. M. lliilnes. (irlnnell. Lluesnien . Chun,
ullig. Hmllli, IirMkc Time: Thlrtv-rtvc-nihuile
halvsH Tniicliiliiwus: drliinell 5
dual from field: Fl-kc
lli'iilrlee rriixl" I'nliiiiii'j .
IllJATItll'li, Nfh. Nov S.-(Speilal Tile
gram. 1 Tiie fool ball game todn between
the High school tennis of Falrbury end
IlcairUe wa won by Hcatrlee. Store, lo
lo 11
I'mit Hall llenll.
At Splingfleld. u WIMcnberg. 31; Mi
anil. 0
At Sioux cit t-eitli fakoin uniertty
11, Huena Vista i '11'Kc. Storm Iikc, la , 0.
Great sale on Ladies'
Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests and pants,
fleece lined, at 25c.
Ladles' Jersey ribbed iluwnback under
wear, vests nnd panls. al 15c.
Ladles' tine ribbed Harvard mills vest
and pants nt 50c.
Ladles' all wool fine camel hair vest and
panth, In small sizes, at 60c.
1. mlics' all wool fine Jersey ribbed tests
and pants nt $1 oo.
Ladles' grny and white combination sulfa,
In Jersey ribbed wool, at $1.BP.
Ladles' Vega silk vests, In all colors,
nt $1.00.
The Sterling silk combination suits, in
black, blue and flesh colors, at $3.93
Children's cotton union suits, fleece lined.
at 50c.
Children's all wool Harvard mills com
bination suits, In all sizes, at $1.50 hiuI
$1.75 each.
Children's black lights. In all sizes, at
Ladles' heavy outing flannel gouns at 75c.
' Ladles' extra heavy outing flannel gowns.
fancy trimmed at $1 00.
Ladles' short outing flannel skirls, at
CRKOLK ni-ILLS, 19c,
Letting Down the Prices on
Sheet Music
Tomorrow we m 111 place on sale 500 copies
of 'Cicolc Hells" rng time march This Is
without a doubt the biggest hit of the sea
son, nt only Hie per copy; regulnr price
50c. We will also Include tho following
at the same price: "Vesper Hells Were
Ringing." "My Hosary." by Lust; "March
Manawn." by Ualbov. a cliarmlni? f ivrt.Mt Pit
j "Colonial GuHnls," two-step; ' Salute to
i HmnhB " nin.nt, .11 .. i .... .. . . ...
v ",1. .in t,i i ii p nijuvc, icguiar
25c ami 50c sheet music, tomorrow, only
19c. Have ou had a catalogue of our
cholrc (.heel music at only 10c per ropy?
If not, call or send for one. nfclch arc
ritKK. When In need of Hnyllilng In th
way of sheet music or books give us n
call. We can mve you money on every
thing in this line. We carry all of the
vrcy latest music to be bad. Everything
In stock, from nil tho late operas, such as
"Florodora." "Foxy Qulller." "King I'odo,"
"Hurgomaslcr." "Explorers," etc.. nnd sell
it lo you nt greatly reduced prlres.
Triatram's Rider U Tiirawn with Fribably
Fatal Resultt.
1 11 J 11 roil Itlili-i In i'nken (0 lliii-illiil
tU lull l.ltlle llnpr nf llei'iner.i
t'miirllo .liirilim Wins
In n Oiilliip.
LOliSVlLLK. Ky., Nov. S. -Today" a
spurt at Douglas park was marred by an
accident in the fourth race. The Held had
not straightened nut before Tristram, with
Jockey nddle Turner up, was badly Jostlsd
and was seen to plunge forward, throwing
her rider Into the moving Held. Turner
was picked up and was at once seen lo
hnve sustained a broken back nnd Injuries
which may prnvo fatal. He was galloping.
All hut one favorite won. Hlondle (!ra
son upset tho talent In the llrst race, when
tho Hums stable representative won from
a large Held with something to spnre.
Weather clear, track fast. Results:
First race, selling, live ftirlonga nnd u
half: Hlondle Clr'iyaon won, Prima 11 sec
ond, Hunting third. Time: HOS't.
Second race, five furlongs: Charlie
Thompson won, Irresistible seeoud, Finnic
S third. Time. 1:ir.'.
Third nice, one mile nnd a sixteenth:
laid v of the West won, Kloven Hells sec
ond. Hose Hlld third. Time: lMD'j.
Fourth race, il furlongs; .Ionian won,
Chanterelle seeond, lluttle U.ivls third.
Time: 1:154.
Fifth race, selling, six furlongs: Pharoah
won, Nettle Itegcnt second, J. J. T. third,
'lime: 1:1a.
O'Ciiiiimr lllili'H lin ii'lini'U.
SAN FIIANCISCO, Nov. S.-T'here were 11
couplo of upsets nt Oakland tnda.. Chi
rendo and ( diisin Carrie won nt long odds
In the dosing event the middle fell off
Ooldoiio at the live-furlong pole nnd O'Con
nor rode him bareback, being beaten only
ft head by Sir I lampion after im exciting
finish lilbriiltnr was an even tuoie y
Viivorlte for the foutth nice but Cousin
Hay's Hair 'Health
To prove h.t this great Hlr leautlfler
int tried it and I. troubled with dandruff or
mtmv him hv mall a .amnte bottle ABSOLUTKI.V VtiflE. (See free bottle offer.)
II. II. It. Iu been i Memos lo llioui
md who hit become riy or tuld.
Hay's U a healthful lair
lood, mtorlnc youthful color anJ
beauty to eray andUdedliair. Kcmove
and prevents din Jruff and stop, falling
and breallnc of the halt It I. not a
dy e, and positively w dl notdiscolor the
jcalp, lund or clothlns, and It. uje
cannot be detected uy your besl friend.
Preients hair falline after if a bath
Ins or much renr'raiion
One Bottlo Does it,
Free Soap
Cut nut and ilrn Ihl ounon In n dat, tV
large bolile ot Hay'. Ilolr. Health and a 13c.
alp, CompInn, Haiti and leilei, both for lilty
i fflil. everywhere at their thon.on y.rrbv the
Kt.i. every where at tneir .nop.oniy.rr oy me i'i
either uith or without cn. by eprei. nrepaid. in ni
H mi,1ip u lh nr w.i.l.Aii. ... v iir.. r,rP,M ...
i Name
tienctaeit. may
7tr. Co,,ii
Pollowlne DruEcl5t lupply Hy' Halr.Mealth and Martina Soap In their .hop onlyi
OMAIIA-silKIIM W ,t le( OVNKhl.. Illlh mill llodue, SCHArKR S DKL'O STORr.'.
Cniril. ni.t PfSI-MOHOAN'. HI nrnadwv. DslIAVlIN, 232 Conlral nfadway,
Croat Sale of Mill Ends of Double-fold
Sheeting and Pillowcasing
S.000 short lcngHi ranging fiom 14
yards to rt .vnrds In length. In S-4. 9-1 and
10-1 sheeting, bleached nnd unbleached, all
will go a' this I'lenrlng sale of ends at 9p
and tic per yard.
3,(00 ends of hle.nhcd pillowcasing,
widths 12. 15 and 50 inches, (o close flicni
quickly price 7c per yard
10,000 yard double L unblcailied inusllii.
.'10 Inches wide, a good, heavy iiniflln. 10
)nrds flyc.
2.000 ends bleached muslin; many of them
are Fruit of the Loom. Hill and Lonsdale;
you knuw the value of these goods; our
price. 10 ards for 19c.
300 pieces Turkey red damask, warranted
fast colors, mil width and good, heavy
weight, worth 25c per yanl. 134c.
Snow-white bleached damask beautiful
line of patterns would be cheap at luc per
yard, our price 194c.
fie plcce. slhci- blench! all linen dam
ask, a good finality. 23c.
Half-blcachcd damask, 72 inches wide,
worth 0e pir yard; 30 piece? will bo sold
at 33c fier ynrd.
1,000 yards lowidlng. blenched and un
bleached. 5 yards for He.
75 dozen towels In buck, uiommlc and
terry, good site. 3 for 10c
2 000 ilozen fi-S napkins l'n
3,000 dozen extra heavy and extra large
napkins, worth $1 00 pel dozen sale price.
M.n's Hat Sale
I'p'lo-date sfjles In stiff and sofi luts
for men and boys. Extraordinary prepara
tions have been made for UiIk sale and to
morrow's vnlucs have never been ciiualcd
Men's Fedoras, In black, brown and all
tho Infest shades, at 75c.
Other grades nt $1.0(1, $1.26, $1.50 and
I $2.00.
Railroad and I'asha aliadcs, In blnck.
brown nnd pearl, at 75c.
Oilier grades nt $1.0n, $1.25. $!.,Vj and
Fine stiff hnls, In black, brown and otter,
at $1.00. $1.25, $1.50. $1.76, $2,00 and $3.00.
Special values In boys' hats at 35c, 10c,
50c, 76c and $1.00.
A full lino of boys' nnd men's caps at
25r, 35c, 50c, and 75c, In all colors.
Sugar Sale
The irust is broken. Sugar going lower ev
ery diy. Saturday at
llaydcn's-20 lbs granulated sugar $1.00
Cracker Department.
Soda Crackers .".
Oysirr crackers 5c
Milk crackers
Tcati crackers 5c
Farina crackers 6c
("finger snaps 5c
Fresh oysters, per iuart 35c
pates, per pound 5o
Cnrtie, IS to 1. gut .lie best of 11 bad start
mid bent him 11 length. .Starter llnltmnii
suspended Jockeys J. Medio nnd 11. Stuart
lor one week for misbehavior tit the post
In Ihe first race. Weather line. Results:
First race, six furlongs, selling: Cla
lendo won, Ti.iuia second, Nllgnr third.
Time: 1:13.
Second race. Futuilty course, senilis
Itoyally won, Si. Sevi r .ciond, lniioei iiii.i
third. Time: p.ilVi.
'I bird nice, one mile, selling: nulniithiis
won. Tony Lopping second, limne Warden
third. Time: 1:13.
Fourth race, six furlongs: Cousin Conic
won. (llbraltur second. Ileliiii do Culm thlnl.
Time: 1:H'.
Fifth race, seven tin lungs: Oi-cnr Tolle
wen, Sen l.lon second, Uceoy third. Time:
SlNth race, one mile and IOi yards: Sir
llamtitoii won, (ioldone second, Pat Mor
ilssey third. Timej l:pj.
Ilrnnii's 1'iT.i'i rrniiee Hen n riled.
'IIICAOO. Nov. Autumn Loaves', cr
oud choice In the third race at Lakeside
today, cntdly beat Miracle II. the ndds-mi
favorite, who had to be satlsfleil with third
money. Ilrngg flnrillj won a race today,
after nearly fifty effort since hint Mnv.
He was held eciiinl choice with DaiideU.
at 'J to I. The latter finished fourth, owing
largely to poor Judgment of the Jockey.
Weather cool, track fasl. Results:
I Firm nice, one mile: Itrugg won. Frank
1 ,M second, Auliininlon third. Time: 1:12 2-5.
Seiond nice, live and 11 half f.irlnn:
I' Hummel won, Little Jack Horner second.
Oleknin third. Time: l.(S.
Third race, live and a half fuiliings: An
tuniii leaves won. (.'eildcu Glltlrr second,
Miracle II third. Time; 1:03.5.
. Fourth race, one inlle nnd twenty yards:
! Hencknrt won, Res edit second. ICla Ric
third. Time. 1:123-;.
I Fifth race, seven furlongs: l.uclen Ap
' pleby won, John A. Clarke second, Prunlii
third. Time: l:2f:J-3.
1 Sixth race, one mile and n iiuarler: Ad
; nietus won, HiiiiIhIi Hecoiul, Fanner Hen
nett third. Time: 2:c:i 2-5.
I I'miirlles i'nl. e Ihe Miine.
! CINCINNATI. Nov. S.-I'p lo the Mat
I race at I.atonla today, It. looked as tlinuvli
1 (he favorlleH and second choices would
1 .. ,1... v.... ... C I, ... ir. .r. I
rwC)i 1111; uiiillim, mil .iiiftr otmit, 11 1 1.1 i ..
rniiin nlnng and took the eloMnc event
after n hard finish with Nina H L. IM
(iartland II was ptiinged 011 lor .1 good
thing In the third race, hut llnlshcd next
lo Inst. Weather cool and clear; trad;
fast. Results:
First race, six furlongs srlllpu. Mister
Phliilzy won, St. Illuff seennd. An line third
Time: IMf.'i,
Secondi race, one inl'i Si Hera won
Doctor Hart second. Allnbiut third Tim
'Child nice, one mile celling lialkei '1
will do for you, every rrsilcr ol this p.per hi ho.
llh the appearance ol gray or faded hair or bald .pot.
to reilore tray, white or faded hair to
jouthful color and life. It acta on the
ronu. rli Ire ll.em the rffiulred nour
lihment arl poitively produces lux-
uriant thick hair on bald head..
,1, ,,iv 0Vhunded. u"n .1
toilet, and unlike other preparation,,
ncrU a healthful action on the root, nf
the hair, famine Ihe hair to regain lit
nricin.1 color, whether black brown
ot rolrlfn
At Leading Druggists.
Good for 25o Oako
80c. nOTTl.CS
il loanv of the fm.owmc druasiil and lliey ul sle von a
cake of HaHina Medicated oap, iti' hex .nap lor llair
tenlt irgular pr
ji Keoeemea d icaaini aruc-
Ph lo llav Speclaltle. Co.,jo I alavetn -i , wrk, -. i
n.l rSkPLlff... ol
in ialed pactajc, on receipt of rVi cent, and thn ouion
Anv rern purcnainir a nome ni uy uir
Hta'lh aniMhere III die li.". whnhai not been
have hi. men.y bactr bt wriune ihe Patio Hav reiMl-
IafTctlevl , Nen.rk N J
tuttlilunt mil ,n hntixf f,iVi iir.,itlti.
Saturday's Special Grocery
3 pound i nil? table srup Pc
Sauer kraut of
Cake sweet chocolate 34'
Sardines In oil 34r
Comment, per sn k l.V
Evaporated ptachc 9c
Ruby prunes 34
3-pound can pumpkin tonlyi 4c
3-pound inn grated pineapple . ... 124f
Navy beans prr pound 34'
Large cans blood red salmon 124'
Sugar corn, 3 cans for Hr
Spring Chickens Cheaper
Than Steak.
Fresh dieted -pting chickens . '
No. 1 Ciillfoinia hams at 74c
New bologna sausages a .v
3-pnund paiN puic leaf lard 30(
Cheese and Fish
Iowa .ream brick . hcef at 1,".
Hand hcei1c. each 141
Llnili'rger nudlii bread '. llf
Herring, per pound 74'
Fumy mire codfish per pound 124f
Hmoknl while list) per pound 124c
Fruits and Nuts
Fancy orniigrn per dozen ... . 25c
California llgs. pei pound . .......... .64
Arabian dales 5e
Itegulai' i n- packages tlg, only 10c
Candy Dapartntant.
Stick- Double ictlued, per lb
Stick lloai hound, per lb z
Stick- Fancy twist per lb 7?ic
Mixed Cholci. ,'i4' . fanr ,.. c
Mixed -Hroken. "-lie; French 13c
Mixed Kindergarten 7o
Cnramels 64c
Lemon drops S'ic
Chocolnle drops, lie: fancy 13c
Jiilj Hcnns S4o
Conversation llenrls SVjc
Cinnamon imperial f,e
Lozenges, mint 4c-
Wlntcrgreen S4"5
Peanut Square '. "lie
Rock Candy, all string '. 9c
Rock Candy, part string 84e
Ecllpso Mixed Candy S4c
Crown Mixed 7'io
doonllght Kisses 1S4J
llobsim Klrscs 15c
Swedish Kisses 124e
Sunbeam Kisses 124'
Trilby Kisses UV
Ton Hons ; 4c
Vanilla Creams 25c
Roto Creams .... 22c
Hint Opera Cieams 24
Hiitter ('renins 2J4e
Opera Wafers 25c
Maplo Wafers 25"
Fine hand-made Chocolates 20c
Fine Mnr.ihmallow Chocolnles 25o
Crcnm Almonds 25c
won, Palehwork second. Nels Morris thltd
Hine: :2.
Fourth we. "even furlongs. sePlnc.
Oalietla will., Mcggs seennd, Olca IhUd.
Time: l;2:i'j.
Fifth race, five (iirloug: The Rnfn
won, Lady Hrockway ni'ond. Throftli
third. Time: l:''2i. ,
Sixth race, seven furlongs: Miss So.ik
won. Nina II L second, Hthel IJavis third.
Time: 1.2SI-.
II 11 ni 1. 11 11 1 11 Win Knliiftl (Mil.
NHW YORK. N'ov. . -Two favorites, both
at odds-mi, won nt Aiueduet toda. m
gcthcr witli one second iholce and thriM
nutslders. The day began with 11 11 upset.
Morokanla. at .'1ft to I, winning In .1 drive
from Shorehum and Maiden. A tew profl cd
by his victory, ns lie was played In places
al la to 1. Criterion, ot li to 1. won ihe
fourth, pulled up to n walk. Howen the
faioiite. was cut down In this race on the
first turn mid the stewards held Crr.iwr.
mi Hiindleappf r. responsible and dls
iiuallllcil tils mount from third place Re.
suits: ,
First race, six furlongs. selllnK: Movo
k.intn won, Shorchnm second, Maiden third
Time: 1:11 1-1.
Second nice, one mile nnd seventy vnrds.
'clllug: Miirothen won. Alard second, ft.
David third. Time: 1:17
Third race, five nnd a luilf furlong.; F.arly
Hie won. fiav Olti second. Wild Hess third
Time: 1
Fourth race, one mile mid seventy .ard,
selling: Criterion won, Lucky Star second
Unwell third. Time: 1:(6 1-.1
Fifth race, five and a half furlong, sell
lug: Honolulu won. Cnrrlnglon second
Mlslcndcr third. Time: I ftfi.
Sixth nice, six furlongs, selling: Alpaca
won. Tour seennd, Touralnn third. Time.
IMS 2-5.
O'llrleii Mm.i '"lilfl lllnme.
LK.MNHTON. Ky.. Nov. v The commit -lee
appointed by the Thoroughbred llrfed
erf' association to further Investigate th
turf scandal hi this elly held a crct
.... 1 ... ..l... 'r..l..n Hjn
SIOI1 III iever.ll 1111111.- mini. 1 mm. i
lu'Hiien, wiio shonldcred the blame for hi
lllg tiioviu UK! iiiree-eiKimia imiic hi i"3
Kentucky association race course, so tint
the colt might be sold to Clarence Mackiy
on false lime, was before the conimllle
most or the time Hal P. Ileadley. Or.
It. M. IJryim and R. D. Wilson were cIit
witnesses. ... ,
All uf the member committed tlicmf'I s
to secrecy as to the testimony reeelxfd o
day. One witness admitted It was n
satlnnnl lhercb slrengtheulng " 'fi'!"''
tliat. tired of benniig all Hie limine O I'i c ;
would Implicate .ithcn The nmmlltor w 1
meet ugalii Wi iliiesda It will also uli
mlt the ii"' 10 Hie grand Jurs wh n i'
flflV a 11(111 " 1110 1 III
the creat hair stimulant. i so 'eniak'
ably satisfactory that an arrangrmtnt
has been made by which all reader of
this paper who have not already tried
it may have
A Bottle FREE
-'V mail ; also a book that tells (Ow to
bcnuiiftil hair and .omrioD,
1 '' ronuit.i te.ti.noniaU of rny ol
, the thousand, who have 1
beautv and voilthflll . ani,arP,r1.1ry
using Hll) ' Hnlr-llcnltll ,tnd"artlnn
Soap, t'llt out this spc iat flcr and
enclose it with vour
and Address
lo Phllo I lay, 3.M t.afjy.te Street,
Newark, N.J., with fhe rots (stamps
or cash) to pay postage, din e will
end vou, nrenaiil, a free .rnple bottle
of liny' Hnlr-llcnlth. IMtTSlst can.
not supply llulr-llcalth fee.
If you are natisliril tin Unlr-Hcnlth
Is what you need for ydr hair, buy a
regular w cent bottle ndeaditiK driiR-
stores, and get as cent cage of
"37 Harllnn Sonp PRfias per offer,
lllh and Chlcgr
nitOWN, MfT Mnln, SfBIaRi", 416 Rref