POPULISTS TWIT DEMOCRATS Vrtj Orfti Matti Fatbla Attampt to Ex plain Haptblioan TrinapL SUPERINTENDENT FOWLER ISSUES LETTER Aitrlere Cnnnljr Kdnrnlom on Ynrlnn latter of Public ImpoHnnrr Genrrnl of Sr. - lirnakn. fFrnm a Staff Coriespondrnt.) IjINCOLN, .Nov. S.-(5pf elal.)--Thr pop ulim party orttan, the Nebraaka Indepenn nt, makes a feeble attempt In It Isbuh today to explain why there were Bitch larae republican cnlna In nil section of thn tato. It acciiffs the democrats of brlnu rciponslble for nitmh of the slump In tho luxlon voto and a a further reason It Is tald that the republicans polled a larger percentage of their vote than did the op posing pari. Th story In brief, ns fol lows; So little attention vt pnld to the elec tion that even, at this writing, Thumday morning, only estimates of the vote van be given In this mate. It is. however, con ceded that the tepubiicaus have carried the slate, electing . member of the su preme court and the two regents. It ap pear that tho republicans polled a much largT per cent of their vote than In fusion forces did. a thing .that Is very easily accounted for. 'In Ohio the republicans carried the tnte by itn Immense majority, the largest except In two Instances ,thnt the party ever bad. It Is to be hoped now that McLean and hln crowd of gold bugs will be satisfied and retire from polities. In Cleve land, Mark Manna's city, however, thorn a, a great ratling oil In the republican vote, live (iicstlons being brought to the front by Tom Johnson. "lowd, of course, went republic in . no body seems to have put up any opposition, filnce the pnpttlUt party has been destroyed over there by division and the middle-of-the-road business there seems to be no one with any fight left In them." I.tiin-nstrr CiiiimIj Olltrlul CiiitsnaN. The ortlctnl canvass of votes In Lancaster .county shos that 7.. 9. Hranson, repub lican candidate for sheriff, distanced all hlt fellow nominees. Mr. Hranson tecolved a majority nf nnd Frank It. Water.-, candidate, for county Judge, came next. ltn n majority of 2,131. The ofllclal figures give Judge Sedgwick a majority of 2.104 lu this county. The total vote was about 6,001) less than last year. Hlils for Norfolk- llnxpltnl. The State noard of Public Lands and nulldlngs has extended for an Indefinite, p-rlod the time allowed eon'tractors to sub mit l)lds for rebuilding the hospital for in fane at Norfolk, The board met thU after noon to open the proposals, bur as none' had been presented an adjournment was taken. Several contractors have the mat ter tinder consideration and will present their estimates within tho next few davt,. The hoard will Insist on the citizens or Norfolk advancing euniclent money to pay for oil labor employed In the rebuilding. Mulr. or CIciM-rttra In Minor. State Superintendent Fowler has Issued a circular to the school ofheers of the stale calling their attention to the sections of the etaltiten which prohibit the sale of cig arettes or tobacco to minors. Under the provisions of the law It Is a misdemeanor for a peison 19 sell, give 4"a- r furnish any cigarettes or cigarette, papers In any forni'whateverJcT jiorioh ;under the ikV or 1, Tha sate of tobacco In any form to pern sorn under the age of 15 Is punishable by h tine of $15, To elliml nirrllilriiitriil State Superintendent Fowler has ad dressed a communication to the county su perintendents of thr stnte, in which ho says: 'Termlt me to congratulate us all upon the fact that tho county elections are again In the past nnd that we may turn our at tention anew to our lesitlmate work, our fn-es to the schnola anil our baiks to poll His and the campaign. Among you all there arc thrco classes: First, those who were not renominated and who havH known for weeks or months that tbey would re linquish the supervision of the county srhools In January; they have been free from the turmoils of the county campaign, Pcond. those who were renominated, but defratcd In 'the , election, they have 11 shorter period In which to set their houses In order and to alter nnd arrange Ihelr own plans for the future, but they should leave their schools In us good condition as the llrst elate; and, third, the re-elect, those who will continue ttr -orts for the Improvement of their schools through out another term', much more will be ex pected of .them than of (he new incum hJbls In ofilic. I hope that nil superin tendents will feel free to call upon this department for any nBnlstanco In Its power nnd that our relations may be mutually plas.nt and profitable, to the schools of our beloved state. ' "Permit me to suggest that all superin tendents look over their summer and fall correspondence with this department. In cluding all circular letters received from this office, Many superintendents will And Won't You Write a Postal To Get Well? Fnd me no money, but simply write me a pnual If you are not well. Pay when you Kt 7ll. I VIII send you bcok that tells how a HfetVfie of study hns enabled me to treit:then the Inside nerves. Those are the Wes that operate the stomach, kid nnytuienrt, womanly organism, etc. Weak ness f these ergsns means weakness of those ervcs, Nervo strength alone makct any orm d Us dutv, I wllVsnmi you, too. an order on your nearest lrugglst for six bottles of Dr. Bhoop's testnrattve. Tse It for a month and If A suroeedit pay him 15. ,'.0 for it If not, I pay him myself. - No uvsler how ilinVuli your case, no roattfr vvkt y0ii Jiavo tried. If my book nhowa youth it your trouble is nervo weak netf -nnd lost rlekness is 1 will warrant my neatoralvo to cure you. I fall soletinios, hut not often. My records ho that 3? out of 40 who get those six h-rtlej pay, nnd pay gladly. I have lenrnedh.t most people aro honest with a physl n who cures them, That is nil I ask If (ail I don't expect a penny from jou, Mine Is thebnly wry to restore vital litrvo power, nher treatments bring but netting rfultt best. If you want to be well let mo Vnd you an order for the medicine If ItVures piy JS.50, I leave the decision to y Pimply stetv. which book yon want and nd riress Pr.Shnop, Jiox Ml. Ita- Ito No, 1 on Dyspepsia 111 No, 2 on the Henri Bnk No. 3 on tbe Kidneys, Bel 'o. I for Womnn. Ook No. fop men e nleril. cine, Wis iRo No, fi onniieumittlHm. Mllti cases, tint ck-onlc. tire often curetl by one or two )ottk All urugilsta. there are verl requests tint have not been complied with May we not expect to hr from you during the current month'' "Peveral superintendents, have failed to make any returns whatever of the vote last June In their respe6tlve counties on the formation of the adjunct district. "Five or six each of the annual rerorts and the Institute reports have not yet been rerelvcd and the semi-annual apportion ment Is not far off. nemlliiK Circle Work. "Copies of the Nebraska Teachers' Read ing Circle circulars may be procured at this office In any quantity not exceeding the number of teachers In your countv. I hope the reading circle work In your county is growing and Is now on a basis of profit and Instruction to the schools and their teachers. "Tbe Nebraska Kducatlonal Directory for the current year will follow this In a few dsrs, ' "Superintendent J. I), French of Hasting! Is sending out programs for tho N. S. T. A , which meets January 1, 2 and .1. I hope jour county will he largely represented, Ask your tearhera and district boards to close their schools that week. This will necessitate two weeks' vacation at that tlmo unless they choose to have school December 23 and 24, or December 23, 2 1, 26 and 2T. "If you have not alreadv done so. send ' to the Nebraska Teacher. Lincoln, tbe names and poatofflces addresses of your county representatives to the spelling match. "A business meeting of the county super intendents and county superintendents elect will be held In the senate chamber In this (capltol) building Monday evening nud Tuesday forenoon and afternoon, December 30 and 31, for the dlscujslon of matter relative to the office and duties of county superintendents, the county Institute and rural schools," (Irnprnl stnlr mt. The Lancaster county ficntleman's Road ster club gave the last racing matinee of the season at tho fair grounds vesterdav 1 afternoon. The proceeds from the sale of j tickets, amounting to over $100. were do nated to the McKlnley Memorial chime fund. The Academy of Music building at the southwest corner of eleventh and O streets was sold at administrator's sale this after noon for a prl-c approximating $60,000. It was bid In by J. K. Honeywell, acting for Mis i Florence Putnam, for 112,000 above Incumbrances, which Include a mortgage for $45,000 and some taxes. The properly was owned by the H. J. Walsh etate, The Commercial club of this city has recommended C. H. nudge for appointment as member of the St. Louis Kxposltlon commission, which the governor proposes to appoint, Samuel L. Russell, once a well-to-do grain buyer In this city, his hem adjudged Insane by the Insanity commission of this county. Heavy losses through bucket shop deals caused him to lose his reason. Mrs. Mary L. White. 193S R street, has Instituted proceedings against the L. W. Pomerane company to recover $3,000 for Injuries alleged to have been caused in her home by a plumber In the employ of the defendant company. "liprrmr t'onrt ProvredliiRn. Proceeding In the supreme court Novem ber 7- Stevens against flrown, appeal from Lan caster, dismissed; Haverly ngalnst State ex rel Rosewater, error from Doug las, dismissed; Mngruder against Klttlo, appeal from Dodge, demurrer overruled by order of revivor. Providence Washington Insurance company against Weston, ad vanced; Welsh agnlnEt Tlppery, appeal from Rurt, motion to advance denied; State ngalnst Standard Oil company, order allow ing fees of referee and stenographer, State ex rel Plattsmouth Telephone Company against Maker, mandnniu argued and sub mitted; Wllbcr against Wyatt, error from Douglas, argued and submitted. A J. Weaver of Falls City was appointed on bar commission to succeed Kd Faloon, resigned. MUST EXPLAIN THEIR ABSENCE Klve Cltlrcns WUn Fulled tn .IikIuh nml t'lork Ktectlons ( nllcil to (irnml Islnnri. If RAND ISLAND, Neb., Nor. S. "(Spe clal.)As a result of the operation of the new election laws five prominent citizens of nearly as many country precincts are summoned to appear before County Judga MulUn to show cause. If any there be. why they should not be tlned for failing to ap pear at thn polling places to lt ns Judges and clerks respectively of the election. They had heen duly notified at their ap pointment by the sheriff, as also required under the law. As It Is Ihe first case of the kind, thi outcome and the causes which will he offered, will be watched with In terest. SECOND DOSE KILLS VANH0LM trnnilnirB Shnmnljrr Flnnlly ! rreils In Itetnlnlnc I'ntann I. one F.nntifth In tlratilfo. PTROMSIIURC, Ntb.. Nov. S. (Special.) A. F. Vanholm committed suicide today at S o'clock by taking poison at his horn In this city. The doctors reached his aide Just In time to see him breathe his last nnd nothing could be done. He Is, tald to have been drinking bard for several days and hs.d attempted taking his life nnoa bfore thl week, but the doctors succeeded In bringing him nut again. Ho was about 60 years old nnd had lived here fifteen years, He was a shoemaker by trade. SUES NEBRASKA CITY GROOM Miss Mnflldn Mnehnnsoninn Wnnts lln mater for Aliened llrrnrli of Prninle of SnrrlnR. NKHRASKA CITY. Neb., Nov. . -(Special Telegram.) Miss Matilda Maehauseman commenced suit In the district court today against Dr. K. M. Whlttrn.fnr $10,000 dam ages for alleged breach of promise of mar riage. The defendant Is a practicing phy sician and has resided her? many years. ne was married tasi wcck to a prominent young society woman of Ibis city. It la believed that tho suit will be contested, llninlin I'lrm Help Vntnn Church Yl.'TAN. Neb., Nov 8, (Speclnl,) Tha Omaha Elevator company, through J. D. Philips, Its agent at Yutan, haa subscribed $S0 toward the building of a new German Lutheran church In Yutan. The farmers ntnr here are mcstly Hermans who In May of tho present year organlied Into the St. John's German Lutheran church, with Rev. Dr. O, A, Neeff as their pastor. Formerly these people worshiped with the English members of Zlon church, but now they have grown so strong that they wish to havn a church for themselves, numbering about, 100 members, Wjiimre l.lhrnrj' Reopens. WYMORE. Neb., Nov. $. (Special. I The J month ago, on account of lick of funds, Is to be reopened by the P. B. O. society nnd Fortnightly club of Wymore. A library hoard was organized last night and the following officers elected: Mrs. H. J. Wet. more, president; Mrs. Robert Fenton. vice president; Mrs. J, A. Renting, secretary, Mrs. S. E. Yo-ler, treasurer. THE (TM-AHA DA TLT BT.Ti PATUKfiAT, y tft- lAlways the Best I The illustrated Bee I i It Has No Rival J -l OMPKTITORS l.OMi AOO Qt IT f T Irving to even eq la' The lllus- T tniterl Ree. but their defection has I not lessened the effort to make each J number of this excellent publication ? better than the one preceding. In Its 7 own self It has the keenest of competl- t T lion. That It lias been able to keep t 7 thr n!u.n -M.l, tn. ! ff rlynls in tlir. rent- A arltntttesl by nil t who tire familiar with it In Its next J number It will present some benutlful 7 lui'f-tone pictures made from photo- 7 graphs of subject of general Interest. I ns well ns the usual nunitirr of e.- 7 peclally prepared articles, the features nre! Some of r r i An Iowa Beauty l-or the frontispiece l n repro d i'tlon from n photograph nt Mis Frances West, one of the handsomest nmong the host of fair llnwkeye.s. .She has been chosen to splash n bottle of wine on the cruiser Dob Moines when the launch occurs nt Qulncy, Mass.. sonic time this winter. A special article accompanied the picture. j Leader Among Women Carrie Lane Chapman-Catt Is ono of the foremost figures in the wor'd of women today. Her re cent work In the west bus at tracted much attention. The Il lustrated flee linn an excellent picture, made from n photograph taken at the t'nlon "tntlon te.t rnrty by n staff nrtlst. Two Swell Weddings- Ono In Mnnlla and one In Wash ington, nre Illustrated with hand some pictures of the bride and groom nnd the bridal party One of theyi! events Is conceded to be the most brilliant nffalr seen nt Washington In years. The other Is referred to In Mnnlln na n iiecittetiiy interesting society oc 1 currence. I Bustling City of Java Frank O Carpenter describes what lie calls the "New York of .Invn," te'lliiR of Itn traffic, both local and general, lie goes more than ever Into detnll lu the mat ter of Javanese commerce and In an Interesting way points nut the opportunities American trades men mo overlooking lu the Islands of the Far Knst As usual this letur Is fully Illustrated. t Inspection of Meat Many people know In a neb.tlous , sort of way tbnl there l.s an In- i spectinn of meat at the packing 4 iHiuac, iii an interesting inter- i view Dr. Don (', Ayer. who Is in chnrge of the Bureau of Animal t Industry nt Omaha, te'ls bow the j Inspectors watch the nnlmnls t from the time they reach the stork yards until the meat Is 4 finally cold under tbe envernment I real. A group of pictures made 7 from photographs taken especially ? for The Illustrated Ree shows some features of the work. I Shower of Shooting Stars Next week the astronomers e- peel to welcome the Leonids, the wnnderlng asteroids, which visit I the earth about thrlco In a cen- tury. Tho article tells what these wanderers are supposed to lie and how the astronomers have pre pared to obsnrvo thn rllnlit In illUHtrntlon shows the Inrtrumenis t to be used in observing and pho- 7 tographlng the aliower. 7 Viaducts and Commerce J One of thu features of modern commerce Is the complexltv of methods of transportation ' and the opposition of the several f forms. An Interesting article tells t bow the difficulty nrlslng from the existence of this opposition ha t been, obviated The viaduct Is t i the key to the situation. Alnni? with this article . i lent Illustrations. : Other features Complete I X In addition tn the fentipeH t enumerateil tho other depart- 7 meiits of The lllustiateil ltv have been looked after with much care and are complete In every respect. Nothing has been slighted and nothing overlook-d. so that the ne.vt number will ertalnly be as good If not bet ter than any of its predecessors. I Order It Today Out on Sunday TRAINMAN SHOT IN STOMACH llfviilvrr Is I'ruhnlily DIschnrKcil, Inflicting Kn tnl Injuries I'pnn lis ( Inner. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Nov. x. -(Spe. clal.) Jiach Tlchenor, a baggageman of the St. Joseph & C!rand Island road, who has run Into this city fnr the last twenty years, was accidentally shot In the stomach yes terday near Wat'hena, Kan. He was alone In his car and was presumably loading his revolver, or rler.nlng it. when it wna dis charged, the ball entering the stomach. He whs removed to his home nt St. Joseph and placed In the hnspltsl. It Is not expected that he can recover. He was the proprietor cf n grocery store at St. Joseph. Mrs. Krimir nt Mnto nrninl. PERI'. Neb., Nov. R. (Special.) Dr. Ar nold Tompkins delivered th second lecture in the Stnte Normal'n course, his subject belnc, "Ltternlure." The next number In the eoursii avIH he the Hahn-Parke quin tette. Mrs Judge Keysor nf Omaha re cently entertained the women nf the State Normal and faculty with a sterenptlcon ler turo on "The Mural Paintings of the Fins ton Public Library." Much Urn" nnd money nre being spent for the Improvement of the athletic field on the Normnl grouting. When completed It will be one nf the best fields In tho west liThe Illustrated See Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Theagony you suffer after eating, tuat feeling of fullness, flatulence, (wind on tlio Gtoniach) and belchlnu is caused by decay of undigested rood which forms a gas that distends the wall? of tho stomach and ex erts a pressure apalnst all tho internal organs. The eatinp of more food forces out part of this gas and causos holchinc. Just take a little Kodol Dyspepma Curb. It will relieve vou at once. It nover falls to permanently cure the worst cases of indigestion and dyspepsia. "I suffered untold pains from IndlRcstion which were always worse af ter eating. Two bottles of Kodol Dvspr.rsi a Curk made me a well man nd life nowBcems worth living. reterSherman.No. Stratford, N. II." It can't help but do you good Prepared by K. O. DeWItt A: Co,. Chicago. The II. hottl. enntnlnsau times the 50c. Mie. The favorite household remedv forcouchs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe DAROTAN RILLS HIS ENEMY WillUa Waltir Shoot Joe Middtuworth at OeitKTUIi, ESCAPES, BUT LATER GIVES HIMSELF UP Is nlil tn Hnrr I berlsliril fit FerlliiK AKiilust HI Victim .Some Time I.ntlcr l,pnve a Family. YANKTON. P. n.. Nov. e -(Special Tele gram.) Joe Mlddlcsworth was shot and killed In Frank Allen's saloon last night at Centervllle by William Walter. There had been bad feeling between the two men. Yesterday nfternoon nbout 5 o'clock Walter bought a revolver and a shcrt time afterward Is said to have re marked to a friend that If Mlddleswortu got In his way he would shoot. During the evening both men wero In the saloon drink ing, but tho bartender says he does not believe they spoke to each other. About 10-15 Walter drew his weapon and began shooting. The first shot struck the Moor and glanced through the window. The sec ond struck Mlddlesworth In the back and passed through his heart, coming out through the right side of the breast. Mld dlesworth staggered about twenty-five feet out of the door and dropped dead. He Waves a wife and three children. Holding the crowd at bny, Walter ran out of the door and Into another saloon with his revolver still In his hand. He ran out of the rear door of this saloon and ercaped In tho darkness, but about noon tcday returned nnd gave himself up. ROBBERS SPURN FREE SILVER I'nLr (Inly the More Vnlunli'r Deposit of linn llnninir HnnU citliind, s, D, nt YANKTON. S. D Nov. S -(Special Tele gram.) The Hon Homme County bank of Scotland was broken Into Inst night, the enfe blown open anil nearly $6,000 stolen. The robbers made good their escape. The building was entered through thn back door and the doors of the vault nnd steel money chest blown open with dyna mite. F. O. Halt, cashier, say's there was between JS.S00 nnd $6,000 In gold coin and i specie In the money chest. This was all ! taken except a $100 bill, which was found on the floor torn Into pieces The silver coin In the safe was scattered all over the floor, the burglars evidently not caring to burden themselves with It. The bank car ried some burglar Insurance, but not enough to cover the loss. It will, however, be In no way embarrar-sed. For some days two suspicious strangers have been seen about town; tbey are missing this morning and It Is believed that they wero connected with the Job. There Is no other clue. STARTS ELECTRIC LINE RUMOR nli- of llnrrlson Telephone strut Over Hlncl. Hills MiiukcsI Oilier Project. DKADWOOD. S. D. Nov. S (Special.) -The Harrison Telephone company hns no'd i all of Its franchises, etc.. tn n company backed by H. D. Maize of Chicago, posses sion to he taken at once. This Harrison company was orgnnled by local people nbout five years ago and It has a svstem I covering thn Hlack Hills and extending ns , fnr west as Sundance, Wyo. The new own t ers Intend to Invest $.10,000 In the Improvu , ment of tho line. It Is assel-'eil that one , of tho possibilities of the deal will bn an electric line from the belt towns to Spear j fish and possibly farther west. The figures given out some time ago, when other par wer' "KOr'ng on an electl ties were figuring on an electric road from Dcadwood-Lead to Spearllsh. wero about $140.0()i). The company that has purchased the Harrison line Is able financially to build an electric line. WOMEN'S T0NGUEST0 BLAME Mm, .1, II, llnrtiiiiin nf Vli'illclnc IIimv Kills Herself llccnnsr of Their Vttncks. CHEYKNNH. Wyo., Nov. 8. (Special Tel egram.) Rrnuse women talked about her. Mrs. J. H. Hartman of Medicine Row tool; her life this afternoon by shooting hnrself with a rifle. The woman had broodeil over i an attack on her reputation until It was ! believed she lost her reason. Mr. Hart man was asleep In tho house, but did not hear the shot flred Copper Klnu Is II lull Cnrd. TIE RIDING. Wyo Nov. 8. (Special.) -The Copper King mine near this place seems one of Ihe richest copper properties ever discovered. Specimens of copper ore taken from tho mine n few days ago run as high as 90 per cent copper ami largo quantities of ore run 70 and 75 per cent. Some chunks of SO per cent copper weighed from 100 to 200 pounds. The mine Is owned by a Massachusetts and Connecticut syndicate and W. C. Lynde of this place Is the man ager. It was discovered several years ago when two men drove over tho hills and picked up pieces of float that ran from 60 to V0 per cent copper. l-ny lllnrklrir to hrnkn STUROIS. S. D.. Nov. 8. (Special.) -Blackleg nmong cattle has appeared In a number of places on the Hlack Hills ranges and n number of deaths hnve orcurred It Is supposed that the disease came from Nebraska somn place. Thn disease has been here before and It has been found that vaccination stnmps It out. In Nebraska the animal Is vaccinated nt the root of the tall, while In the Hills the virus Is Injected Into ono of the shoulders. Wonted I I I'rcncber. SIOCX FALLS. S. D . Nov. R.-iSpcrHI i -Rev. Dr J. E. Herman of Mllford. N. H.. to whom local Congregationalism hnd extended a call to act as pastor of tho church here to fill the varancy caused by tho resignation of Dr. D R. Scott, has de elded not to accept the call, and the church Is again without n pastor. Digests what you Eat OT.KMHET7 9, 1001. A SENSATIONAL RECOVERY. fftawiB w f rail j A Venerable NVis;onsln L.tdy Rc stored to Health by Pcrtnm After Tweuty.f Ive Years' Stif fcrCiit". (Special news from Kvnnsvllle. Wis.) KVANSVILLK. Wis., Nov. 11. A woman cured of catarrh of twenty-five years' standing was the occasion of IVruna bolnc Introduced to the Inhabltnnts of Kvansvllle. Wis, From that time to this there has been a great demand for Pcruna In this vicinity nnd hundreds of cases have been cured. It Is In this manner that Pcruna spreads from town to town and from state to state. No sort of advertising could have given Peruna the reputation It has. The secret of its success Is that it makes cures. It cures old cases of catarrh where other remedies have failed. This ought to make any remedy popular. Mr. C. R Harden, of Kvnnsvllle, Wis., writes the following letter- Denr Doctor Hnrlnian -"1 wish to write to certify what Perunn has done for me. I rend of Peruna In the papers, of what It would do for rntnrrh. and sent for n bottle. This was the llrst bottle of Pcruna that ever came to Kvansvllle. from my using It Startling, Statements From Jtentucky, Mampshire of Other Remarkable WILLARD Ky. The news of the recovery of Mrs. Elizabeth Trater Is a very striking Instance of tho wonderful curative powers of Poruna. This estimable lady had been an Invalid from cntarrh of the stomach nnd bowels for twenty years. No wonder her many friends are enthusiastic over her re- covery. She writes It Is through the .....I.. r....l llll'l Ull'n ui null nnd your mcdl- cine that I nm permitted t o write you this letter. I havo heen a constant sufferer from bowel nnd stomach trouble for, nbout S.' years and could never find re lief until I be- 1 gnn the use of, Perunn. "I began the use of your medicine the first day of last September and hnve taken nine holtles of Perunn. and can say that I believe I am cured nf my troubles and I think I nm enjoying lis good henlth aa ,iny old lady of my ago rould expect. I nm soventy-one years old. I recommend Pe runn to suftercrH wherever I may meet them nnd others of my friends are being benefited by It. I think It is a (Jodsend to poor, suffering humanity. i "I will nlwnys be thankful tn you for your medicine and kind advice nnd trust that mnny others will take your remedy nnd he ns greatly benefited ns I have been." Nervo-Vital Ailments ' My KleetrieHl Appliances nre tho n-ie remedy f'r Falling or Iist Power .W'li cure itrlcoeele nnd nil enknefscs Hi either sc Rheumatism In any form, Kid ney, Livrr and Hlndilor Troubles. Stomach Dleorders, Constipation, nil Female t'om plnlnts etc Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Must not bo confused with the many so enlled electilc bells now being offered tbe public Mine bus soft, silken, chnmnls covered sponge electrodes, which do nut burn nnd blister ns do the bare met.'ii electrodes used on nil pi her mnkes of bells My Holt can be renewed when burned nut for onlj 73c; when others bum out they nre worthlcsH. Do not drug yourself to death In n futile attempt to relieve these ailments of u nervous charm-tor. IV" trlelty Is Nut tire's ltemcd. 'a or write today nnd secure my free hook on 'Nervo Vltnl Ailments nnd Their Cure bv Elect rlclij ' Concu tn Hon. advise nnd d nuuosls without i ojt. My uppllnnces wold onlj lu DR. BENNETT Electric BeitCo. ROOMf! 3'Mj and 3Ia DoiieI.is Hlock, Cor ner Kith nnd Doiur stree's Opposltt liuydeiitf Omaha, Neb, Always open DISEASESo? MEN ONLY. I.ohh of I'ovTer, HirRiinic Men I.. iicss.nricoccie, f IMhciisc of I tin I Iirohtntc (clniKl, 1 1 il n i .v n ii l Illntldor Troll- i lilck, fttipdiri', Ntriwtiirti anil rnfilneHH for .TlnrriiiKe. Rstabllahed liW, Chartered bv tho State. Call or stata cue by mall, for r'KEi: HOMK TltKATMK.M'. Addrcsa, Dr. La CROIX, MH Iron lllocb, .Ttll.M AIIUI'.i:, WIS CURL YOURSELF Ill( fr iiunututil dlr)mr ,1 n 0 tn in ul .n, IrritstluDi or nlccratlonj nf m up. nil i mniliranes I lr.. CAnL.ru. ' l1inl... and nut AltrlA 1th Eva:,8 ChcU'ilCo. K'ulor rnU.moui. .Kiia ny nra(U or nt In plain vTVtVi tl.0o, or 3 tJottlti, jaH Qlrealer ttat ea reaiM ) warn RESULTS TELL 4 (3 THE BKE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. Kll.nbeth Prnicr aJ I 1 emci'iclsKni,o.laMa1 l MRU if." all three of the druggists now keep It. "It cured my wife of catarrh with which she had been troubled for more tlirm twenty.five years, and' . , ",' i I had been troubled with It for f i f- teen years. VVe are now both all rlBht. ' I "My youngest son had la grippe four I years ago. nnd r.s he had eupposed had ot well, or so far recovered that he went to work. He took a relapse nnd the pneu i nionln set In. Ho had hemorrhages, nnd though we tried everything wo could think of It was to no purpose until we gave him ! Peruna. The hemorrhages stopped, nnd he ; soon got up and is well and hard nt work. We think there Is nothing like Perunn." In a recent letter Mr. Harden writes "Wo keep Perunn nlwnys In tho house, j ELGIN. III. In a very recent cotnmunl- 1 cation from this place comes tho news that Mr. Arthur Krnest Kldd, n well known 1 architect of that city, has made complete I recovery from cntnrrh of the head, from I which he had suffered for nearly n cpiartcr i , of a century According to Mr. Kldd's own caso Peruna hns statement of his ! scored another victory over a case of chronic catarrh of long standing. He wrltrs tho fol lowing from 18 Hamilton Ave.: "I am i: yenrs of age and have had cntarrh of the head for over half my life, ns a remit of scarlet fever, I got so bad 1 Mr A K. Kldd followed by typhoid fever. j was almost conntnntly coughing nnd clearing j my throat. Tho cntnrrh greatly Impaired j my eyesight and the hearing In ono car nnd reduced my weight to 110 pounds. "I tried nearly every cntnrrh remedy nd- vertlsed, besides a great many different physicians' treatments, all of which failed, nnd thn phyalcnns would finally tell me that I could not be cured In this climate; that I ought to go to a dry climate, etc. "1 hnd heard and rend of Perunn nnd finally decided to try It two months ago., I have now taken seven bottles and weigh 172 pounds. Never felt happier or merrier. Feel tip-top " ' DR. McCREW (Age 52) iiffcl ALIST Disease aud Uiaorder uC Ma O11I7. Sill rear'1 experience, lu jrcara la ( Omaha. WAUIPnPEI C cured In less than 10 day. VAnluUULLL willioui cutltlig , VVUUII IV and all Ulood Diseases cured OlrnlLIO tor life. All breaking out and ! kigns ut tno disease disappear at once. flUCD in inn cuscu vurea ui nervous UVCll ZUUUU debility, loss of vitality uu uli uuudiuriil weukiitiise of mem (stricture, Ultt, Kldner ana Bladder Dis eases. H)Uroctde cured pctmauently. Cure niiHranteed. Ciineal tntlon free, CHARGES LOW Treatment ny mall. P. O. Ilox 7L Office ever '.'U South 14th street, between Karnam and Douslaa at., OMAHA. NEB. NO CURE. NO PAY MEN RtftptaWlnjjrmfdlcln. K yon or weakening drain, our Vm-uum Oran PeTeloper fll Ttori jnn, No rtrurf, Strict ui and Varlcocfl pi nmmnt1j ctirM In i to 4 wefkt, 7i,fl00 In u, nt on fallnr. nnt ' on rMnrnM, effect Imn.wllfttfr, no r, o, p, frnudi wrltt for fr" purtlcu' "" naaveBf 11 r, 11 1, rrej i-ij n i et 111 rm r (I'P"- 10CAL APPUJNCE CO, ISO Thorn Bli tndirctll. Intl. Typewriters ! New Century, New Dens more, New Yost. We sell, rent, exchange, repair type writer!, Everythlnn considered speed, gride of work, cost of keeping In repair, durlabllllty, etc oura are by all odds tbe cheapest typewriter! on tha mar ket. For Information regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 114 Farnitn St., Omaha, s It cured us both of catarrh of lon standing Wo have callers every little, while to Iniiutre as to what reruns ha done for us I s.ty 'Ixiok at us. That Is proof enough " "I send jou a picture of my residence.. I helped build a house In Iowa City on the first of laM June, and worked eighty-two days enly lnlng one -nunrtcr of a day dur ing the whole time How Is that for an old man T7 years old' I came homo In September and have built another hou out In the country this fall and am well nnd hearty today 1111 mi pj -41 IS. " A I i hope to live twenty years yet, and If Peruna helps me In the future ns It has In the past, t don't know why I can't. Tlnv d.B,!,,t" "a; ' f r",,R '8 "f th,"..bl selling medicines they have in stock." c, u, hakhbs druggists say Peruna Is one of the best Peruna can be relied upon In cure slight colds nnd coughs and other catarrhal ail ments with n promptness thnt Is uncqualed by nny other remedy. If a cold has settled In any pottlon nt thn body and produced cntnrrh, It Is generally thought by people that they must suffer on year after year without nny hope of, cure. This Is not true, however, lVrun.v cures such cases. Thousands of testimonials that can never bo ur.cd attest this fact. Any one w lulling free lltcrntnre on this subject should address Dr. Hartman, Col umbus, Ohio. Tllinois and ATov Recoveries. MANCHESTER. N. H. According to 1st advlcos. Miss Ulnnche L. Rundlett has mad a complete recovery from catarrh of th head, which hail caused n chronic running from the ears. In medlc.il circles this euro hns created n decided sensation Her bwn statement of tho case Is ns fellows- "I have suffered for several yc.trs -sl'li catarrh cf tho head. It finally reached my ene and caused a running f. r. Having r?ad nf Dr. Hjftt.tin'n remedies, 1 Im mediately wrote nnd ho advised me. To dnv I am 'n better hilih tht.n I ha- been for 'nm-v time, I will nlanche L. Ruudlett I gladly recommend Perunn for all catarrh tl diseases." Thero Is only ono syjtematlc catatih remedy that Is suto to clennsu thn v.hnl i Bystem of cntnrrh. Thnt remedy Is Pe runn. TuIh Is a remedy that needs no euloglr.lng In nddltlnn to what thn peopbi say of It. Everywhere tho people nr praising Peruna as n remedy for nil forms of catarrhal difficulties. Address Tho Perunn Medlclnn in., Col umbus. Ohio, for n fren copy of Dr. Hurt -mnn's latest bonk on cntarrh. This book treats of the different phasea and stages of cntarrh and should be In tho hands of every cntnrrh sufferer. "Health and tle-uiy" sent free to wt.mcn. Best Anthracite Hard Goal $1.50 Per Ton Thnt Is whnt iintlinielto rnnl Is worth ns coinpnrtMl wit li Hnninioiit till nt "." routs por Imrrcl. lti'iiniited losis f-lmw thnt six Itnrvpln (if lti'iitiintiiit oil clvt tin- hii ni" nninuiit of hfiit ns one ton of the bos! nutliriH'itft coul. T. It. Hoover, one of llio vvrnllli.v oil men of IViins.vlvnnlu. kii.vs: "hi ten, nml )orlinis live, ycni's coal will no (Ifivuii out of tlit' mnrlict lu it Id;: portion of tlm IikIiimi'IiiI world lv tin now I'liel. Oil will lie used Instem! of wood or conl lu every cooklm: nnd ItontliiK fctovn ol the coiinti-y." The Now York Mull nnd rc.proR snys: "If tln prcnt Aincilcnn pnlille could IV,r one inoinent realize one-linniliedtli part of vvlntt Is poliii: on nt Hi'iuimoiu, Ttif., and what these developtnents witl mean to the entire world as a full lacior thorn would lie tin; must HtupendotiH Mima'cdo of Invcsloi'M, from Hie mini wllh one tlolliir to Hie mnn with mlllloin-, that the world lias ever wittienxed. Thn Beaumont production of oil nt present equals K",0iK),O0(i toim of coal, lii-lna KIUHT I'HIl CUNT MOHI-; than lint entire hltuniluoiis product of the Kteat ooalproducliiK Ntate of Ponnsylviinla. Hundreds of tliounandR of luirrelH of Heatimont oil are IicIiir hltlppcd to Ens land and a regular monthly utenmslilp Hervice Iiun been eftitbllslifd e.xcltiHlvely for this trade." hook ImekvMird to the year 18.V,, when oil was htrttek lu I'eiiiiMylvnnln. Lees than KHMlOO barrels were produced tliat jear. lu 1H0U Ihe production of the United .States was ii:i,:;i!'',7oi imrrelt". The Stniidarii OH company crew with this IncieitM' lu oil itrodueilon from u private llrtn with $.r.()(Mi on pi tnl to n corporation which paid .I7,(iou,(mk) dlvi demls lu one year. The Omaha Texas Oil company holds t-oine of ihe most , valualile lamlH on Splndlo Top llelghls and elcNOwhoro In Texas, (''onceive what the growth of this company mav ho. Its llrst well, now down about feet, Is expected b.v ox pert h to be the Imprest producer on Spindle Top Height and may yield over Umj.ikki barrels dnlly. Hollar shares now, dtiiim,' tho Infancy of the Omnlia-Texas Oil company, can be boiiKht for U.'i cents. Y?ni will prob ably never iiKain have such nn oppor tunity to make nn Investment which may yield even more than dollars for pennies In the near future. Subscriptions received at oillces lu Sapp block, Council Minns, or by Wlllln Todd, lineal iiKcut, (IL'I Nmv York Litis liulldliib'i Oumliit, NcU i "i