'I'JIJS OMAHA DAILY JIBE: SATURDAY, yOVFIBEH 0, 11101. n ( LOST, MTt HIMY9 Underwear and Hosiery While our constant aim is to attain he highest standard of excellence iu material, and linitili of our goods, .our prices are rea sonable, in fact, low from every point of view. Indies' Phyllis t'nlon Suits. imturHl wool, full regular made. $S.50 per suit. Indies' Alpha I'nlon Hulls, natural wool, hand finish, U'.fiO per suit. I .J i!i nine Merino t'nlon .Suits, nil ies, $. 75 jit illt. l-adles' Merino Swiss Itlbbcd VoSts and Drawers, In pllrik nnd blue, Jl'O pr gar- ment. ..idles'1 black (,'otlon Hone, high spliced heels and Iocs, 2.1c per pair. . Ladles' Mad; Cashmere Hose, plain wit h ribbed top or ribbed (ill over, double coles, 2fin per psir.. Ladles" black (httnn Mote, high spliced hcols and toes, double soles, 3.1e per pair, or three for Jl.OO. Ladles' black Wonted lloie. full fash loncd. double hcols and toes, 35c per pair, or three pair for $1 00. Thompson, Beldeh a, Co. T. M. C. A. nOILDINO, COH. 1ITH AND IIOCfiULI Ti. UNCLE SAM ON HIGH SEAS Anwictn Skippia jf Enjiji Nutuble Growth Durinf Ysftr KO BOAST, HOWEVER, IS SO FAR JUSTIFIED I led of Ori-im vecl In I'lii'i'luii Trade Mill Tit Mnnll ( Hi- nt -linrt'd ii llli "liimlim tif Other iitiiiu. .WASHINGTON. Nov. S.-The report of Mr. .ChinibcrlBln, the United ?tnt com missioner of nuvigntlon. says that the last fiscal year bus been the third sui:ccbslc jen'r of notable prosperity and growth In American shipping. Tho extent and na- tui'c of rttnk under way or pinjeetvd lu shipyards promise an even greater growth for tho curient 11sc.il year. American tonnage now hns attained prat- tlcally the former maximum of 1861. The tlgurqs of li'OI, cnmpaicd with lSiil. show n Increase lu coasting trade vessels from 2,701,514 tons to- 1,582,CS2 Ions (two-llilids of this Increase being on the great lakes); a decrease In foreign trade vcBscm from 2,I00,8J tons to S70.J9I tons, and a de crease In whaling and fishing vessels from 333,376 toot, to 01,0 10 tons, ' Of our total tonnage 3,623,201 tons aro wooden vcsroln and only l,!iQ1.U17 tons aro Iron or steel. In WOn Great llrltaln .uuehed 1,110,000 tons of steel osscIh. Porto ltieo appears lu the returns with . n.. ... -t .....1 II-.. twenty-five vessels of .V-'.'i ions and Ua wall with alxty-four vessels of 37.110 tons, lu' the Philippines 2.310 vessels of 102.5S1 tons (of which 110. vessels of I3.WS tons arc ttetim vessels) arc under American pro tection. Until congress bus so enacted, tho report says. Philippine vessels aro not ves sels of tho United States. Although registered American vessels In creased 62.435 tons during tho year, Amer ican vessels carried only R.2 per cent of our exports and Imports, tho smallest per centage In our history. Our fleet of ocean steamers In foreign trade, the report says, Is too' small to bo compared with that of foreign nations. The, fleets of each of the four largo Uiitlsh and Germun steamship corporation exceed the American fleet In tonnage, mileage and business, AVtirk of I,nt oiir. The tonnngo built and documented In the United States during tho last fiscal year comprise 1,560 vessels of -1S3.I60 gross tons. Tho steel vessels under construction or undsr contract during the current fiscal year will much exceed similar tonnago built In any previous year. Tho bureau Is nd'vfsed of elghty-nlno such merchants' ves sels of 355,C4 gross tons, to bo valued nt about f 3C.000.000. ' Besides theso seventy one nnvril vessels of 281,118 tons' displace ment aro building. In this work forty tour plants, ' with u cnpltal of about $08, 000,000, employing about 10,000 in on, are engaged. Tho building pf ten Transatlantic steam ers rests on anticipated legislation by eon Uofs. Six for tho Atlnntle transport Hue re building from the same plans used In building steamers In England for tho same purpose. The American cost of a steamer of tho Minnohaha type would bo Jl.846.K00, nnd tho nrltlsh cost Is $1,419,200. The American cost of tho smaller Transatlantic cargo steamers will be $725,000, for which the Drltlhh price ranges from $534,000 to 1486,000. Tho difference In vagt'B on American and foreign vesicls Is considered In detail. In Illustration tho pay roll (excluding master) ot 380 men an tho steamship St. I.ouls Is $11,300; of 427 meu on tho British Oceanic. $9,900, nd of 500 men on the German Italter Wllhelm dcr Grosse, $7,715. Old Hrcorils Arc Intact. The report contains a detailed statement of the foreign voyages of Amerlcnu vessels' last year, showing that tho American flag was seen much nftcner in tho North Atlan tic' during President Jefferson's embargo (1S0S), or during tho cruises of the Ala bama,' .than at present. Foreign shipping In our Pacific trade has doubled In throe years. Tho purchuse of the I.eyland lino Is spoken of In the report as cvldcnco that American capital Is willing to Invest In ocean steamships and tlmt thero is an ad vantage to American exporters In control of steamships under the American flag and thnt In tho coming development of our ocean transportation facilities the union of trunk lino and steamship corporations will be ti Important factor. Including the I.eylnnd purchase, American The Small of the Back That is wliero some people feel weak all tho time. They aro likely to bo despondent and it is not unusual to find them borrowing trouble us if they hadn't enough already. Tho fact is their kidneys aro Weak, either naturally or because of sickness, exposure, worry or other Influences. " I m th'aakful to say." writes .1. L. Camp bell, of Sycamore, III,, "that Hood' Sarsspa rllla has cured me. For nmnv years I was troubled with backache., .At times I wa io bad I had to be helped from the bed or chair. I am now well and stroneand free from pain." What this sreat niedielue did for him it hai done for others. Hood's Sarsaparilla Fromises to euro nnd keeps tho promise. Hegin treatiuont with Hood's today. Ilee, Nrv S, l'JOt. capital owns, fully HTO.000 tons of steamers under foreign Hugs, which In actual carry ing power oxceed all American vessels now mgagrd In foreign trade. Tin? War and Nnvy departments also owns K7.I0O gross tons of foreign-built trans ports and colliers. Uy various special nets llfty-sU forelgn-hulli vessels of 1.".2,1S? gross tons have been admitted to registry. American money of late yean has pur fhased 031.000 tons of forrlgn-bullt steel steamers, while hlnce ISM thero have boon ' built In the United Slates l.OOI.OOO tons of steel steam vessels of all kinds, i ' Thy principal foreign 'ind American ocean I innll contracts urti prln'ed nnd It Is shown that at the present prices of steamship I British ocean mnll contractu arc more ad I vnnlnReoiis for steamship lines than Amer ican contracts under the act of 18!1. LESS RIGID AT WEST POINT Seeriiir limit .Mtrr little for Ad- mltfiitiri. Ileiidriinu Tlirni nt Sii I'or in hlnlitc. WASHINGTON, Nov. S. Secretary Hoot has Issued nn order changing thn regula- Hons relative (o admissions to West Point so that the academic board may accept uin- dldates vbo are graduates of high schools or students of colleges and universities without requiring them to pass the mental examination prescribed by tho department. Tho ImpoMunt paragraphs added nrc; "Tho iicndemlc board will consider, and may nccpt. In lieu of the regular meutnl entrance examination, the. properly attested examination papers of nn appointee who Cl.elveR his appointment following a public .... competitive examination or the properly attested rcrtlflcnto of graduation from n public high school from which the courso of study covers tho range of subjects here tofore i rescribed for candidates; or n prop erly attested certificate that the candi date Is n regular student of any Incor porated college or university." LIBERALS CAPTURE TUMACOM .Make PrUuncra of Six lliiiulrril Mo. ill !! mill Take TliHr I'IkIm. Ins Pnfipllr. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The Stiite.de partment Is In receipt of n dispatch dated October 28, from the United States consul general at Panama, reporting that the lib eral forces have captured the town of Tuma com, south of Panama about 500 miles. They took fiOO soldiers prisoners and cap tured live or six cannon, many ritlcs, a quantity of ammunition and one small ship. Gaitan. ksio.n rim wiisthun vi:ti;ii.s. Wr Survivor . Hcmcmlicrcil by the Gpucrnl Government. WASHINGTON', Nov. S. (Special.) The following western 'pensions have been granted: Issue of October 21: Nebraska: Orlclunl t'vrun II !!.. I km. ney, $r.. Increase, restoration, reissue, otc. John T. Darr, Oorsey, $J; .lames W. Black, Hclvlderc. $17; George W. Orosvenur, Stark. $10: Joseph Schnltz, Drownvllle. $10. rlgliinl willows Hpoclnl nccrueil OetobT 3. Mrttlhln Vnmlerford. Omaha, $8. lown: Orlglnal-Sumuel Knaiiss. Wiish- ington, $fi; war with, Spain, Kilwanl V. (.'outer, Ues MciIiioh. $i. -Increase, restora- turn. relHHlie, otc HU M. Goodun. Council muffs, $10; Sidney O..OotT, Perry( $12; David H. Korrvy. MhrHhulltown. $12.- Original widows, etc. Special accrued October 23, Helen V. Turnure. Mason City. $12. South Dakota: lnereuso,' (ostoratlon, re issue, etc. Michael l Hast, rtomono, 8; Thomas I'lrlch. .Hot Hprlngs, $10. iroioruuo: increase, restoriulon. reissue, etc. Joseph O. McOregor, Sugar City. SS. Montana: Original Peter Conway, Butte, $10. Army Aniininn-c. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. The president today mude tho following appointments: War- Majors of Infantry Wllllnm A. Nichols, Colvllle. P. Kcirut. Nnt P. Phystcr, Alexis It, Pacton, William It. Abercrombic. Montgomery M. Mscomb, major artillery corps; Carroll v. Armstoad, captain ar tillery corps; Knrl W. Taylor, first lieuten ant artillery corps. Krank II. Titus, Mat thew I.eepere, surgeons of volunteers, rank of major; I.uko II. Peck, assistant surgeon of volunteers, rank of captain; Clifford Chldester, Auben Boyd Miller, assistant surgeons, rank of first lieutenant. Senator llniinn' First Cnll, WASHINGTON. Nov. S. Senator Hanna of Ohio today made his first visit to the White Houso slnco the death of tho late President McKlnley. Ho wns accompanied by John G. Mllburn of Buffalo, at whoso residence Mr, McKlnley died. Tho presi dent received both of ihcui cordially nnd when tho members of thu cabinet assem bled, shortly after their arrival, he took them Into tho cabinet room, whore they shook lmmls with the cabinet officers. Cnlile llrlni'f n InlniiilN. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8. General Greoly has received a cablegram from Manila an nouncing thnt the Islands of Masbate and Pnnay havo been connected by cable. It Is expected this cablo will materially assist tho army operations now In progress. GERMS WAIT FOR TRAVELERS Atliint" onielHl Cull Ili-pot Mnnnu"- in cut In AiTonnt fur lllln teHrnlcil rioor. ATLANTA, .On., Nov. 8. Tho board of control of the Union depot has been sum moned to appear In police court tomorrow to dnkwrr tho charge of maintaining a nuisance, Tho charge is preferred by the AtlHP.Ia noard of Health. It Ib charged spe cltlcnlly In tho summons that thu flooring of the ear (bed lu the Union depot Is rotten. damp, greasy and moldly, nnd is a bed of dangerous and contagious microbes and dis ease germs. Tho board of control is composed of Charles A. Wickersham, president and gen crM mnpager of thu Atlanta Sr. West Point railway, and" other southern railway of fklalo. AT tl P. M. MANKIND IN A PARLIAMENT Mtxicfti DtlegAtien Friienti FrUot f Ii terntltn.l Treatji PECUIIIARY DAMAGE IS THE ONLY ISSUE loiirt of ('lit I III n Would Kttnliltoli Whether Ai'tunl l,in llml llccii SiifTriril nt llnhil of ,n I'urrruti Stole. MEXICO GLTV, Nov. S.-The Pan-American congress nt its session this morning decided, nt Ihe tilggestlou of President flnlgosa, to adjourn for n fortnight, In or der, ns he said, to allow tho committees tlini) to consider the projects submitted to them, Senor Mntto of Chill moved thnt tho j president be uuthorlzed dining thu recess' to lefer the projects presented to the proper committees. With this amendment the motion was chitIciI. A cablegram of felicitation was ordered sent to M. Snntos-Oiimonl it ml n cablegram of thanks for good wishes sent to the Spanish Parliament. Tho project of the treaty for an Inter national court of claims was presented by tho Mexlcnu delegation. In an Introductory speech, Francisco L. Do I.a Darra, delegnta of Mexico nnd author of the project, snld that It was largely based on the Olney Pnuncefotc treaty of January 12, 18ti7, with modifications suggested by tho objections which were made to the fame treaty In the United States senate nnd which caused that body lo reject It. The proponed convention provides that the partle.1 I hereto will bind themselves to submit to nn International court nil claims proceeding from pecuniary losses ami damages occasioned to nny Btate or Its cit izens on account of acts or commissions of another state, or any of Its citizens, pro vided that such claims cannot bo arranged diplomatically. CoiiiimikK Ion of llir Cnui-I. The obligation o to submit claims com mences as soon as It It) demanded by any of the contracting governments. The court of claims will be constituted as follows; Each contending government shall appoint one arbitrator, who must be n Jurist of re pute, not a nntlvn of flic state appointing him, nnd tho two arbitrators together shall elect n third one, who will preside. If tho two arbltratois cannot agree to the ap pointment of n third thoy will ask the chief Justice oX the supreme court of any of thft American republics to designate a third arbitrator, who must not be a native of any of the states interested In the controversy. Should the states requesting the arbitra tion be more than two, each shall ap point tin arbitrator, nnd the arbitrator thus appointed will then secure the appointment of tho presiding arbitrator in tho same manner as above Indicated. Tho presiding arbitrator will havo the casting of a vott In case of a tie. Three Month tlic l.linlt. Sentence must be rendered within thrco months, counting from the dato on which tlio case Is closed. Sentence will be de cided by tho majority of votes nnd must be signed by all members of tho court, In cluding tho dissenters, who may, however, express their prlvnte views lu nn inde pendent form. t the sentence Is unanimous It will bo final, save that within two months Its re vision by the same court may bo demanded in ease its publication gives rise to doubts of various Interpretations: or In case It fnlU to decide nny of the points at Issue tho court w'.ll decldo the caso anew and definitely within one month from tho date of application for a revision. If the original scntenco was rendered by a majority of tho vot,crs only the losing party may nppenl to an International court composed of five members, of whom two will bo delected by the heads of tho con tending states, four of those thus elected appointing a fifth or proceeding us above Indicated In case of failure to comn to nn agreement ns to tho fifth. nut, if In case of n non-unanimous sen tence no appeal Is tnken within three months, tho sentence shall becomo Irre vocable, In caso nn appeal Is taken the case shall bo considered and decided Irre vocably by the court of appeals, constituted ns above, within such a period of time as it may tlx. I'lxliiK of ClinrKt'D. Iloth tho court of claims and Hie court of appeals may order tho payment of court expenses by either of tho contending par ties, otherwise tho parties must share the court pxpennes equally. Each of tho con tendini; parties shall pay its private ex penses. The high contracting parties In the treaty obligate themselves In good faith ta comply with the stipulations of tho treaty, but If nny statu falls so to comply other states may subscribe to n collective rote of censure, which shall becomo public and official provided It Is subkcrlbed to by at least three of the contracting stntoa. The treaty is to remain lu force five years, counted from tho date on which the exchango of ratifications by at least three of the stales shall take place. Any stale may withdraw from the convention one year after giving notice to that effect. The Mexican delegation at this morning s session presented a project on Interna, llonnl snnltary regulations. Tho project reviews the recent scientific discoveries and concludes with resolutions looking toward the suppression of epidemics. HYMENEAL Chilli-Tnte. DENVER. Nov. 8. (Special.) The mar riage of Miss Evelyn Marguerite Tate to H. W. Chllds was solemnized by Rev. Frost Craft nt Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, with n fow friends and relative present. After the wedding tne young couple took the train for Colorado Springs, where they expect tn remain during tho week. Later they will go south for tho winter. They expect to return next spring and make Denver their home. Tim bride Is a southern girl nnd of a dark southern type of beauty. Tho groom hns been traveling in the stute Tor a New York nrm nnd hns n-.ndo Denver his headquarters for the last two years. He is a graduate of tho Ne braska Wesleyan university and Is a former student of the luw department of the University of Nebraska. r!Kirt-Wendell. TALMAGE. Neb., Nov. 8, (Special.) Fred Eggnrt and Mrs. Herman Wendell, tho latter of Talmage, were married at tho groom's noma near Dunbar yesterday. Mr. Eggart Is a wealthy farmer, more than 60 years old. tlllB-llriMTII. EDGAR, Neb.. Nov. S. (Special.) Wlllct Ong and Miss Nettle Brown wore married by Rev. Marsh In tho presence of 100 rela tives and friends. Stan, the CouiU nnd Work Oft the Colli, Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No cure, no pay. Price S3 cents. London llu ,en l.oril .'Injur. LONDON, Nov. S. The new lord mayor, Sir Joseph Dlmsdalc, who succeeds 1'rauk Oreen, wan Installed at Guild Hall this aft crnoou wlih all the quaint formalities and ceremonies customary on the transfer of (bis oftke. TRAINMEN DO NOT OFFER AID llrolhr rlionil Unci .Vil I'erl Ho unit In Tnkr n 1 1 n ml In Mrll.c nt llln liriimle S llt'li men. OENVKIl, Nov. S. Manager Herbert of the Denver & Itlo Grande system reports that notwithstanding the strike of the switchmen the company's trains har been moving today with ry little delay. He says that 85 per cent of the places made vaeanl by the strike have already been filled. Tho strikers, on the other hand, assert that tho switching lias been done today by jardmaslers and other officials of the toad and that the service has been very seriously crippled. W. G. I.ee. vice grand master of tho Brotherhood of Trainmen, hns Issued an order to the members of the brotherhood to rnrry out the ngrecment existing be tween the organization and tho Mo Grnndo company regardless of the strike of the switchmen's union officials. This agree ment, he declnres, covers yard service. Meetings were held tonight by the Switch men's union and the brotherhood. HUMAN BONES IN A MOUND 'rnmnents nf I'lvr lluillr I'oiiiul '.vent ntlon on Site of St. I. mil IHMiltlnii, In ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. Two of the Indlnn mounds on the world's fair site in Koret park were opened today under the direc tion of Prof. I). I. llushncll, tho well known archaeologist. In one mound were found the skulls and fragments of live human be ings In a very bad state of preservation Mixed with tho bones wero pieces of pot tcry. Nothing was discovered In the other mound. Palmer 1 Howen, who has been appointed resident representative of the lxiulslana Purchase exposition In Prance, left for Paris today. Tho representative of Brazil, John K. Lewis, also left for the scene of his labors today. In-nin, An Onrrc Tin Par, Your druggist will rofund your money If PA550 OINTENT falls to cure Mngworm, Tetter, Old Ulcers nml Sores, Pimples and Blackheads on tho fnce, and all sktn dis eases; 50 cents. HARPER PUBLISHERS' FINANCE HrfiTce Cn nt I lie I'llr Itrnnrt Approv ing Aei'ounl of Morann Trust Compunj', the Itreelver. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Francis C. Cantlne, as referee, has Hied his report In the supreme court, approving tho nceounts of the Morton Trust company, receiver of Harper &. Bros., publishers. The business of the company was bought by the new firm of the same namo In September. 1900. Tho receiver collected $1,653,341. Claims wero presented by forty-seven creditors, aggregating $2,001,203, and these were al lowed. Tho now corporation held $1,090,037. Tho balance In the hands of the receiver, which is availablo for distribution, Is $9, 677. SHORTER TIMET0 DENVER lliirlliiKton Will Cut Thrrr llmir from 3ourilnlr nf It NclirUn 1 Colnrnllo i;xprc. ST. I.OUIS. Nov, S. Beginning November 21, the Burlington will shorten by three hours tho tlino of Its Nebraska-Colorado express from St. Louis, Kansas City and St. Joseph to Denver. Under the new schedule tho train will leave St. Louis dnlly at 2:1.1 p. tn., Kansns City at 9:13 p. m. nnd St. Joseph at 11:20 p. m., arriv ing In Denver at 3:15 p. m. tho next day. In stead f 6:15 p. m. It will connect with nfternoou trains for Colorado Springs and Pueblo. The eastbound schedule from Den ver will also be materially shortened. STRONG'S SLAYER ACQUITTED .In i' j Aeiiult fi in nt Criinili'.v. Who KUIfd Cnlitrailn Mllllntinlri .Vllne Owner, CBIPPLK CHEEK. Colo., Nov. S.-The Jury In the case of Grant Crumley, who was tried for killing Sam Strong, n mil lionaire mine owner here, recently, has re turned n verdict of acquittal. They were out four hours. Alleueil Stork Swliulli-r (.'nnitlif. NKW YOUK, Nov. S.-Alexander Seamun Is In prison here charged with h series of alleged swindling slock operations 'inder tlio name of M. K. Phillips. Tho police suy Seaman advertised himself ns n mem ber of the Stock exchange nnd secured n number of out-of-town accounts. No re turn was ever mude and several of the customers wrote to the detective bureau eofflplalnlng. The mnu wns enught whin ho called nt a branch postolllco for mail, ft is said that Seaman served n year In 'King's county penitentiary for nuislns worthless cheeks lu Brooklyn In lSflS. A GIIU.S TALK. With it lleniiii for .MIslemlliiR Pn t her. the "Wo have tried for a long time lo pr tiiadc papa that perhaps his diet had some thing to do with his ill feelings; he used to laugh good nnturedly and say, 'Why, girls, I've, been used to eating and drinking over bIiico I was n boy; I was trained that way: no, I fear some change has taken. place in my body and I shall never bo well again. "We oflen suggested that ho leave oft eotfeo and tobacro, but he urged thnt they did not hurt him nnd wero n comfort; sp we acquiesced until one day sister Insisted on making coffee one-half Postum Food Coffee, nnd It wns made that way for rtbout tm days, until papa seemed brighter and complained less of his head. "'That's It!' sister' exclaimed, and from that day she served Postum alon! without any coffee. "Papa never detected tho difference, for wo have learned the secret of making Pos tum to give It n prime, crisp flavor; It Is easy enoughs Just allow It to Continue boil ing fifteen minutes, counting from tho time boiling commences, not from the time It Is placed on the stove.- "Well, tho dear old soul seemed day by day tn tako on new life; he began to stay at the office later and was full of fun when he came home In the evening. "Tho proof, Is plain enough that, morn ing after morning, year In ond year nut, we havo been feeding our dear old gov ernor with coffeo that is really a strong liquid drug and it was gradually nut surely kllllnK'hlm. "When It was partially removed he got n little better and when It was entirely removed and the pure food coffee, Postum, served li'la recovery was' rapid. "We don't fool papa on many things, but wo Just had to this time, for ho was steadily and surely leaving us and we love the dear old man too much to leave anything un done that will keep him here. "It is woman's privilege, you know, to tease, cajole and bee. then 'finesse,' If the dear old hard-headed things won't listen to reason. " , CALLAHAN AGAIN ACQUITTED Jury FiitU H Net Guilty f f erjury Aftar Btiig Out Two Days. ONE MAN STANDS LONG FOR CONVICTION Preeil I'rlannrr Snj Klnht Month III lull, time I rd Hint t i nnd He Will Snt Work for Awhile. James Callahin walked out of the court house last night n tree man. After thirty-three hours of deliberation the Jury impaneled to try him on n charge of porjury brought In a verdict of not Willi!)'. The Inability of the Jury to agree after considering the case for nearly a day. and a half led Judge leysor to believe that It was In need of further Instruction;. In the hope of assisting the Jurors ho called them Into tho criminal courtroom nt 9 o'clock last night nnd naked the foreman, F. E. Gates, how the Jury stood. "Eleven to one," was the eply of th foreman. "Is the failure of the Jury (o agree due to nny misunderstanding of the instructions'" the Judge risked. Tlio foreman replied It was not. "Do you believe thnt the Jury can reach n crdlci?" Judge Keysor asked. Tho nnswer waH an' emphatic "No." GntM then remarked that the disagreement was due tntlrcly to testimony which Callahan offcro.l concerning his moustache. Aft"? consulting all the attorneys Inter ested In tho enso Judge Keysor nnnouiirod that ho would nsk ench Juror whether he believed thnt further dcllbcrntlon would make n verdict possible. CoIIimi MurtKrstft Aui-ri-nint. All of the Jurors, with the exception of Jamci Collen, said they believed tho Jury would never ngreo, Collen snld in his opin ion tlio twelve men would reach h verdict If given another opportunity Judgo Keysor finally dccldod to send tho Jury out for tho night. He Instructed tho Jurors to consider the chc until- midnight and announced that ho had secured bed, for them and would allow them to retire nt that licur. When the Jury left the room the attorneys suggested that If thu twelve men ever reached n verdict It would bo within ten minutes. Acting on this prediction Judgo Keysor remained on the bench for n few minutes nnd sent wo.nl to the Jurors that ho would wait a Httlo while to seo If they came to nny decision. The Jurors had scarcely reached their voom In the basement of the court house when the great gong Hounded nnd the an nouncement was brought to Judgo Keysor that a verdict had been reached. In a few minutes the members of the Jury filed Into tho courtroom. As soon as the roll wni railed the verdict of not guilty was pre sented to tho clerk and read. The result of tho trial was no surprise to tho few peclntors who gathered In the courtroom. It was what Callahan and his attorneys anticipated. When the Jury first began to consider the cane eight men stood for acquittal nnd four for conviction. On the next ballot the Jurors stood ten for acquittal and two for conviction. At G o'clock Friday morning another man was won over for acqulttnl. From that time on until the verdict was reached last night one man stood out against the other eleven. Callahan took his acquittal calmly. He said he had been confident ho would be freed. The charge of false Imprisonment tiled against him was withdrawn a short time ago, so ht is now free from all en tanglement In the celebrated kidnaping' case. F.lltlil Month In .lull i won't bc able to work for awhile." Callahan remarked as he wai leaving the courtroom. "Tho confinement lias beeu hard on me and I'vo been Blck nil tho last month. Eight months in Jail will use up most nny man. I couldn't have utood It much longer." While tho attorneys ami Judge wer awaiting for the Jury to finish drawing up Its verdict a llght-lialred man walked intu the courtroom and somebody stnrted the rumor that it was Pnt Crowe. After tho verdict was announced one of tho attorneys remarked: "Well, I gutss thn' fellow would be safe, even If he weic Pnt Crowe. The evidence ngulnst Pnt Crowe J Is not any better than thnt against (,aiin han and It wnsn't possible to convict Cal lahan. It would not surprise me It Pnt were to show up any day now." When Callahan left the courtnouse lie announced thnt ho would go at once to iho home of his sister. Mrs. Kelly, who stayed by him faithfully through both of his trials. WEATHER FAIR, BUT CHILLY Wind I l'.xpeeteil from North nn I i;nl, lint ,o Clouil Are llentlrd Till Wily, WASHINGTON. Nov. K, Forcvast for Saturday and Sundqy: For Nebraska Fair Saturday.; qoldcr In southeast portion: Sunday fair; north to cost winds. For Iowa Fair Saturday, colder In east ern and southern portions; Sunday fair; northerly winds, For Wyoming and Colorado Fair Satur day and Sunday; variable winds. I.oenl Iteenril, OFFICE OF THE WUATIlEUJUJItEAU, OMAHA, Nov. 8. Orlkinl record of tem pt-rature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three J'eJr'' 1901. jSOO, 1S99, 189. Maximum temperature.... f? 37 (il 5:1 Minimum temperature... . A 22 :ij Minn temperature bi 3i f.n to Preclnltatlon .00 . 00 W) nnnnni nt temneratlire and lirccliiltiitlon nt Omnhu for this ilny nnd since March 1. 1901: Normal temperature 12 Excess for the day I Totnl excess since Mureh 1 S19 Normal precipitation in men Deficiency for the day .01 Inch Totnl raiufull slneo March 1.. ....S3.3S Inches Oeflclenov since March 1 .....x... 5.12 Inches Excess for cor. period. limO....... 1. Ill Inf Iron Deficiency for cor. period, IRDfl.... 3.21 inches HrjMirt from Ntntlnna Mt 7 i, 111, STATION.". AND STATU or WKAT1IKH- OuiHliH. clear i-" Ml .i Not th Platte, partly cloudy .... 4 r,r nn Cheyenne, tienr 0 Ml M Salt Lake City, cleur ltapld City, clear .... Huron, clear Wllllston. elenr Chicago.' cloudy rit. I.ouls, clear Kt. Paul, clear ........ Davenport, clear Kansas City, cloudy Helena, clear Havre, jiarily cloudy lllsmarek, clear OalveMton, clear ...... r 00 4'- 30 Hi1 IX! r.c! SSI 4! .00 fl ,ttt .00 .00 r.4 ,00 441 .rt a1 it; m 221 3i T"l Tl 8 T Indicate tince of precipitation I,. A WI.I.SII Uovul l-'urecan Ofllclal n ? a ti H'-lt a - ! t : k 0 : " 5 : f r I; It nourishes and invigorates during convalescence. Always helps never hinders puts the whole system right. Sold by all druggists. It' is one of the perfected products of the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n St. Louis, U. S. A. Brewers or Ihe famous Budwclscr, Mlchelob, Black & Tan, Palc-Lngcr, .. Faust, Anhcuscr-Standard, Export Pale and Exquisite. BREAK IN SUGAR MARKET Latest Rtult of War on Bait 8zar In- dutry. LOCAL PRICE IS, REDUCED TO FOUR CENTS ITMi'ltorillitnt-.i I-"" I'lii-e ttt Hnnitv Apt (it MrliiH on lleninnil llrvoml tlio Ability of l,nrKel .IoIiIhtn to Sntlaf; . The following telegram has been received frnm 'WIIlett & Gray of New York, the well known atiihorlty on the American and Eu ropean RU'cnr situation: NEW YOUK, Nov. il.-(iniiiulatei'l. .Ml, sourl rlvr, 'delivery this (muitli, 4et extent purchases Inxt November, provhbnl resell retailers, Pie, These prices iir.e said to be local to the Misspurl rlvef'oply. ' Spejiklng of this cut, n man familiar with the situation fays: "The real significance of this quotation Is apparent to the general public, being rin effort to destroy" onp of our mnpt vnl.uabln Uume Industries. The result or this very low price for a Jlmltcd Unie will be that every r.eUiller en deavor top.urcJihic sugar in ndvnjicc of his regulnr requirements tn order to lay In a Stock against t)io time, when higher prices qouie. ljtjc r, tijnd likewise every fanner slid hqinqw.lf.0 nil). Ny 100 pounds, where. ,hcrt- Jofoo they. hn.ve been, buying, twruy, nnd an .unprecedented demand is. looked for. Whnt Cut Menn.- "This Ic price Is below the cost of raw, sugar laid down nt the Missouri river and raw sugar has reached the lowest price 4 ever known In the history of the world. The Missouri river sugar situation 'bas been so peculiar of Ifite that eastern-Jobbers nroi .wide nwakc to the fact that there Is n golden opportunity In r.Vip n large profit If It becomes possible for them lo buy sugar In the Missouri rher markets, which It would pay them to do at this very low price, even .tn .the extent of paying th" freight back lo eastern terminals. The wholesale prl.ee 011 sugar today Is Jc 100 miles east of Omaha. tio price In Chicago !.cng 5.01c. St. I.ouls the same, and in Den ver mv.ts;.. f "The beet sugar factories af present oc cupy the vory uniquo pnsjtlou of l;elng to some cxicm tne miner nog in ine ngni, inn Milllclently ng'gresslvc to have become 11 warning lo Its more powerful competitor. The continued growth of the beet sugar bUBlmss Is a serious menace lo the octopus, which at present seeks to ovet throw tho beet sugar development In America. The Apicrlrnu Sugar Heliiilng company, other wise known n's tho sugar trust, rocontly added tn Its cnpltnl the enormous sum nt $ir, 000,000' for! he avowed purpose of sti lling eompetlrlatl. The present tight of the trust to ninlnlalu Its supremacy Is one of so great Importance that the Jobhcrs are Constantly on the qui vlve In the anticipa tion of new developments. Under nrillnnry conditions the beet sugar factories do not operate beyond January 1, but after that 'lime,' .w'hon beet sugar competition Is re moved, thero is. a leasonable expectation thnt the Sugiy .trust, having seriously In jured Its only American liwil, will speedily restore former prlccB until another season, when their plucking operations may again reduce values." Sninllpox l-'olliMtN the lionet JOHNSTOWN. , Neb., Nov. S.--(Special.) Smallpox hns made its appearance here and the red flag Is displayed at the hotel whore the brother of the hotel keeper a Very sick man. Dr. Cameron Is on ihe lcrt tq ., doled, nny other cases, nnd will Immediately seclude them. The disease was" bail ' ht' WoVd Lake, then seized the bridge-watchman. It Is now horo and traveling- down the line. Long Pine Is already afflicted S We Just Reciived Congratu lations f rom a Cdtbraf ed Nurse. SHE KNOWS ALL ABOUT SMITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN RENOVATOR, ThiH Will, Ho of Viiluu - Women. to hick We have repelved a letter from Miss Klennlr Potter of Montreal, Canada, trained nurso graduate of tho Women's l.)l!ig-!n hospital of Unit city, congratulating us nn securing tho agency for this celebrated medicine from the east. Miss Poller Is very Vntliisl("tl'c n'l writcB us evidently with n i'iw to stimulating the sl of n medlclno. that ,6he (and wo agree with nor) t-onsldors the best remedy for sick women over dlsrove.re.i.. In endorsing Iho Heno vator Miss Potter does so with n ccitalu knowledge of the many Ills peculiar to her sex and of the wonderful power of this medlclno In rfgulntlng the Bpecial female functions nnd In giving strength to weak nerve. Miss Potter writes: "Learning you have been fortunatn enough to 3ccur the sole agency for Smith's Oreen Mountain Ilenovntnr for your section, I desire to heartily .Vongr'atulato you. I know all 'about 'th'IVniodlelno'and-lt IS 'tho best thing for viofrten'rtn Ukv market.-' Itih an' excel-' lent- nerve toiili' and 11 great 'Direngthencr for convalescent. I have frequently re ommonded It 10 women suffering from nervous depression and sleeplessness, It also purifies the blood and revives tho sys tern." OfU'O DKPT. HUSTON STOKK, Omaha, Neb,, Solo Agents. CQNCRATULATION ANHEUSER-BUSCH'S' The Malt Tonic Aids the doctor to cure you. Ms-4"M-:-:-'r':-4'4":'f r I. V Two Sides AsUe fiom the chser and comfort It Rlvts to life t Hunter Whiskey Is friendship' pledge In happy hours. It ia The Charm of Hospitality nnd the Tonic of Health. 4. t t. ol4 t .11 nrt.elA pfM init by Jpbtp-,. WM I.A.N.MUN ,v su.y llnliinorf-. Vd 1 : M'vvvv OVERWORKED MEN, DELICATE WOMEN, SICKLY CHILDREN TAKE mm WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Recommendod throughout tho world by tho Medical Pro fession, and during thirty eight years pronounced the most reliable. oiFoctive and agreeable tonic and stimulant. All Druuuirits. Refuse Substitutes. 51 YEARS 'ntheLEAD. NEVER EQUALED. Ask those who have used them. fHARTEHOAKSTOVENOEfft V SAIMTinllK wlll. t wuwiy. Deputy 8tte Veterinarian. Food Inspector. H. L RAMIGCI0TTI, D. V.S. CITT VKTEMNAniAN. Office and Infirmary. I8lh and Aon 8U, Telephone U9, .l.Ml'.Mi.MK.VI'M. , "ir-!r 4Tj I Voodsrd& nuricnt. JJJ J MJ I Minimi. Last Two Performanf s, l lllllll?. CO.HI-IDIAI. Today. 2:.T0: .. "TWO Oitl'JI.l.V Tonight, s:15. ' 'THU I'M Mil?" PltKUjS-Matlnce, 10c, Mr Jivcnlng, 10c, "0Mr.0tDl"ck Ferris will npp' In tbo lead Inn role tonight. Sunday Mntlnce iuTT lining. Nov. 10, DANljr.HS til' HIS." prtlCKH -Matinee. Me, -'! evening, 20c, DOc, 75c. HenlH now oil I Or)fMYN Telephnf ll5.il. Mats. Hun Wed,. 8a 2'1K. lives.. 8:15, mnu i.i.ams 'ai;i:vh,m;. Kellic and Hurry, .rro Bros., Nugent and Kertlg. Hoilmw.nnd Aicllo, Mads l-'ox. Mile. Udtv. T.'lllK Austins, 4 I'HICliS'"'. -r'i, HOr. MiasnrroSero1 -IIATIMII! OlMI-IOr, l!!r l.tsT itHHI'ilMA.M'H TOMliHT. New Night Jwls Burlesquers Mi mlti ' MeT, Mill 1,1 N-HO IfO i; lit HI.HMH HI! . A 'i