8 TIIE OMAHA DAILY WEE: FIUT)AT, yOYEMIlER 8, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Mirioti kirtna on PUsltudi of Bnj ing Ord ru CORN CROP FAILURE IS HAVING EFFECT Receipts nf thr- l)nr Arf Only flt I'Hc I'nra mill WrilnrsditJ ' thorts Murrj l Cot or. CHICAOO. Nov. T A strong mull s!tua Hon In nil Krnlns and light offerings to supply the ibmund sent ptlees upward to day In mi active murKot. December wheat closing " advanced, December corn 'ill tic higher anil December onls I He up, Pro visions nosed unchanged to l"c higher. Lower cables had an eariy ilcprtsslng ln lluenii- on wheat, but thin win soon nvr come when It wan found that hardly any offerings were coining out and those only from a few shorts. December openid u shade lower to a shade higher at 71Jc to (2c. but stralghtwuy felt the elTcctM of buy ing orde.ru wllb tbo commission houses and the Ktrong tone In the corn pit and begun Hh upward .tourney. All during the session trade was nervous and active und on n broader scale than that of either yestcrdiy or the day belore, Npwk favored buyer with the exception of the early rabies. The Hch,hIiiii lly wan reported In Kansas, and bulutli stocks showed an Incnuso. of only 2d0,f'i bu till week, compared with 870.CD tut. week heroic Ulllalde markets also were stttug. In most riiHeM higher for De i ember than here, Exports were fair and soma busl ness wiiH reported done with Mexico. (.' fl i prices wete HtrntiK and Do cember Hold up to 72?lc, closing strong, only a shade under the top ptlco and Tic lllghrr than ycHttrduy. locil receipts were 111 earn, nine of contract grade. MlntieapulM a ml Duliitb leportcd 531 curs, makltu n total for the thrcu points of U rnrs, ngaliiMt G23 last week anil iVi7 a year ago, Primary receipts wern iiirumo bu., compared with MC,U) IuhI year. Scaboatd clearances were IM.iKtfi bu. The Hcnbnard leporteil thirty two load iakeu for export. lnHt hciimiu'k corn crop failure Ih begin ning to show strongly on the corn marae!. Acllvltv In Ihln pit today centered around the ieant receipts only sixty-five earn. Traders who Hold slmrt yesterday hurried to cover today. In spite of weak rubles, which brought opening prices for December Wf'i'' lower to 'ifr'ic higher. The market ruled somewhat Irregular, but strung on the whole. At HmcH there was considerable icallzlng, but everything offered seemed to be wanted and win readily absorbed with Hteudy advances. The cash nltuatlon was xtlll nl long ami wiih the. princlpul factor In tho rise. December Mild Up to BDVd ft. but caned off on prollt-taktug and closed llrm, ,1tlc over ycBterd.y at 59"ic On tit wern htrong and higher. Trade whm larger than yesterday, a large ituantlty being Hold to tho southwent. SunnllcH catnn principally from tho.so who were willing to lake iirotltn and though there was con Hldurnble liipildatlou, no attempt wiih made to Mop tho advnnce. Tho canh situation wiih particularly Htrong, 21 ic under May being bid for Hpot In Now York. December, which opened unchanged, roHn steadily and cloned Htrong at Its top price, Hie higher, ut WiC IteePhitH wero 131 earn. Iiwer prlcea for hog and changing of November for .May delivery. Indicating a. weak canh Hltuatlnn, kept prices Hteady In provlHloiiH, In Hiilte of fairly good trading. January pork ciohcii ioc up at Jit :2', .num. ary lard unchanged ut .52 and January rlbH Slue? up nt J7.70. KHtlmated rocelptH for tomorrow! Whent, 110 earn; corn, ho earn; oatn, HO cars; hogs, neiin. The lending futures rnnged ns follows 01oso.Yej'y7 72U 7llj 72ifllii 71T072 761 d 75 F,9 62',i rWu- r.si .174 I04 39v'4'i 14 0214 14 825 15 07'i 15 (0 8 45 8 E2!4 8 4715 8 B2U, Is bij 8 b, 7 70 7 6715 7 8215 7 fO Articles. Open. IIIr)i. Low. Wheat Nov. Dec. May Corn Nov. Dec. May Oatn Dec. May Pork- .1 nil. May I.ard- Nov. Dec. .Ian. May HlbH- Jau. May 72T4 761s'U M 71 5i t,:vaL 50'tMon filli 37 V? 14 K 14 M II 95 14 !)7'(A i 4H 471S 8 47(i 8 47i HI S 65, 7 65 7 80 7 6215 7 76 No. 7. , Cash quotations wero as follows: KLOUR Firm; winter1 patents, t1.40g 3.50: strnlghts. t2.0O.1..1O; clears, 12.60113 10s, spring npeciain, h.ohh.iu; patents, Jj.i'iu a. mi: HtraigniB. Yi.iwu.w. WIIH AT No. 3. CalidrTIc: No. 2 red, 73!i8 (4iie. OATS-No. 2. 40W40Uc; No. 2 white, 42Ufi tsc: no. .i wnne, awniic. 11AHLE3Y Fair to choice malting. 541? r!e. HIiKD Prlmo timothy. J5.70. PitOVISlONS-MeHS pork, per bbl., tU.OO Ci 14.10. Lnrd, per 100 IIih., JS.4715W8.&0. Short rllis sliteH (loose). tr.MnfT.tu. Dry salted sbouldern (boxed). $7.2ny7.50. Short clear sides (boxed). t8.10(U8.2O. WHISICY-niisIs of high wines. $1.30. Tho following nre tho receipts and ship rnentH for tho last twenty-four hours: Articles. Ittcelnts. Shipments, Flour. bblH sy.Wrt IS.OOO Wheat, bu 271,000 lS'J.nuO Corn, tin r,ii,wi HS.noo Oats, bu 207.000 11S,I) jtye. bu is.ixx) i.ooo Barley, bu 100,000 M.iKiO On the Produce exchange today tho but tor market was steudy; crcnmerles. 11 2115c; dairies, 13i19c. Ohcene. steady, Dli'tfi iu;c. r.ggs, ii nil ; iron, .in.i;it;. Qiiotut lona if (he Day Comniodltlca. on Various NEW YOIIK. Nov. 7.-KLOUIl-RecelDts 7.S.M bbls.; exports, 1,411 hbls.; market strong a old held at full prices. Homewhat to tho detriment of business; winter patents, $3.(V)(a3.iO; wlntor stralshts I.1.r.tifn.45: M nnenota. uatents. t3.75'nt.tO whiter extras t2.tiO(!2.90; Minnesota bakers t2.fl0ii3.2R: winter low unities. 12.40ii2.5O. llvo Hour, firm: fair to good, t3.O0W3.l5; choleo to rancy. .i.;,trai.i.u). COHNMKAI, Firm; yellow western tl.25. city, tl.24; llruiulywlne. $3.S5(ii3.D0. HY10 Firm. No. 2 Western. 62'ac. f. o. b nlloat; stutc, 67if58c, c. I. f., Now York car lots. HAHI.in'-Steudy; seeding. E052c. e. I, lluffalo; malting, bTSitilc. c. I, f IlnfTalti. WIIBAT- Hecelpts, 133.250 bu.: exportP, 41.71,1 tin. npot lirm No. s red. M ic r. c alloat and SOUu elovntor: No. 1 northom Duluth, 8laio f. o. b. nlloat; No. 1 bard Du nth. 87'ic f. o. 1. ut oat. Ont Inns de veloped further strength today on light orrerings, a scare among ueceinuer snorts recovery la l.ngllHh cables, liroader specu latlvo trnde and small northwest receipts closed Htrong at IailJc net advance: May MUWir. closetl at 8Hc; Dccemberi 7? n-lfrf7!lTit closed nt 737ic. COHN -Hecelpts, S,000 bu.; exports. 0,9;3 bu.: snot firm : No. 2. fitillo elevator and 6615c f. o, b, alloat. . Option market showed it strong undertone itday, advancing on n rnuy in late canieH, renewed nuying uy Uio western null crown, Chicago receipt cash situation, cloning llrm and Ijc net higher; May closed at 6J?,c; December, ti'i"i'iiii4c. cioseu nt iitc. OATS Hecelpts, lS:Uuo hit,; spot, strong No. Z 15c; No. 3. tic; No. 3 white. 4fo; No 2 white. 4K1.-itH7o; track, mixed western. 45V5e; track, white, 45fj50e options strong and higher west with other murkots. HAY -Steady; shipping, OOJiiioe; good to choice, SSt'J5c. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. 1901 crop'. l21(l515o; 1900 crop, 91Hc; 1S9'J crop, Ml He. Paclllc coast, 1901 croii, 12'it lb',5c; 'M crop, I'ync: Itsrj crop. Cli'llo. HIDF.S Firm: OnlveHton. so to :5 lbs, 2le; Calitornla. 20 to 21 lbs,. 2lif25e. LKATI1KH Steady; hemlock solo, lluenos Ayrcs. light to heuvywelglits. S5'o26!5c. WOOL-QUtct; domcBtlc llevce, 2jflWo; Texas, 1rtjil7c. PHOVISIONS-Heef. steady; packet, tl0.ro tfll.OO; family. tH.OOTo 12.00; mess, lu.So; beef hams,. tA).001i2l,0(j; city extra India mers. tl7.oiVifl9.00. Cut meats, barely steady; plrklod bellleH. tW.Mvjj8.75; pickled shoulders, t".W(5i7,7r; pickled hams, tl0.23. Lard, steaily; western steamed, tS.S3; November closed nt $9, nominal; rellned, steady: con. tluent. 9; Kouth America, 110; compound, ti.ti2ls1l7.75. Pork, steudy; family, $l7.iK.'if 17 25; short cleat, 119; mess. tlMoii 16.00, TALLOW-Stcady; city t$2 r package), r.ii.o bid. country (packages free), 5V51i5e, IHJTT K It Heceljitn, B.hifi pkgs.: tlrm; sln dairy. HfiSle; creamery. ISi"i22'4c: .Itiliii creamery, Iil5y2l'5c; factory. 12!i? 13o ClllUJSK-HecclpIs, 1,355 likgs,; quiet; fnnes, large. September, U'i'K'.i'tc, fancy, large. October, 01ti'Jc; fancy, small. Hepleiniier, V'ViQiiu'tt'i ruucy, small, twto ber. n4il0c. HOOS- Hrcelpts. 8.321 pkgs.: llrm: stall nml PeniiHylvanla, 23Vj1i25o: western can died. l'ii;Uc. wecturn linen lulled. 19il.T.c. POl'LTHY- Alive. steady; springers, 914c! lurkeys. 71il0e! fowls, sl-c; dressed. tlrm; sprluiers, 9c; fowls, M5c; turkeys, loaillo.- MIVFALS Tin In Londnn advanced 111 without stimulating much demand and finally closed iult but linn nt 114 17s i for spot n ml JUu7 to for future l.omtly tin wiih without (limine ntxl dull at $2 151 2 15. Copper remains tpiM nl home ami iibniHil, cloMlnx at JI.i"'rtl7(0 for Lake Su perior nnd Jju-i Ijs for epot and JCH 17s wl for futures nt London. Lend was dull hero at ) I.37V4. but Is 3d lower at London nt 11 6s 3d. Spelter win lower and tin dimmed at London mid quoted nt 1:10 12s 0d. Homesltc trim mnrkets were dull; No. 1 northern, tlCnnMHW. southern foundry. Jll.'o'uln.i.i; No. 1 foundry, southern, III. no frtlu.iio; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, $11.50 (iilfi.W. OIiiskow warrants closed ut 5js und Mlddlcsbnrough closed nt lis. OMAHA V IIO lT:.SAI.irl A It K l-5'l'f. Conditio of Trade nod ((uotntlonN on Mnile noil I'nne) rrodiiee. KOfiS Herclpts. fair; Ions off, 17e. LIVH I'OCLTHV llen.. hWnW. voilliC' nnd old rooslern. 4e: turkevn. 'title: ducks and gecHe, OfiU'.ie; Hprlng rhlckenx, per lb., in ( lll'TTKIt Comtnoti to fair. 13c: choice dairy, In tubn, liable; Hcpnralor, 'SViltW. PKKHIt KISIl-lllnck has, lie; white bimi, 10c; bluellHh, lie; bullheadH, loci blue linn. ,c; hurruloex, 7c; rattloh. 12c; cod, He; ranplefi, 10c; halibut, lie: herring. 7c: had dock, too; pike, lnc; red nnapper, 10c; Hill- miin. He; HiinllHh, 6c; trout, iw. whltetlh, 10e OYSTKltd MimIIiiiiih. ner can. 22i! Stand. nnK tier con, 23c, extra nelectH, per can, oi... v...i. ....... ...... ,v , .i,-t i.ii it ruuiliri iri uitii, in , i,iiii ntiiudardH, tier gal., tl.Soifl.SS; bulk .extra deetH, tl.'cdl.tiV IMOKONS-Llve, per doz 60c. VKAI-Cholcc. lillSc. HAY 1'rlcoH (moled hv Omnha Wbolenaln Hay DenlcrH' aH3orlatlon: Choice upland. VAC"; No. 2 upland, t.s.6o; medium, f; coarne. .vk itye Htraw. !6. Thewi nrlccn are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair, HecclptH, 20 earn. VMHAT-ot'. OKN-SSo. HltAN-tl."..C0. t)ATS-.V,c. VHOHTAni.KS, 1'OTATOKH Homo crown and northern. fMi!)c; Salt Lake, tl: Colorado, Jl. KIIUI'I.A.NT- 1'er IIOZ., 7oC. CAHHOT.S-I'er bu.. Me. IlUHTH-I'iT half-bu. banket. SOc. TI'IINIPS-Pcr bu., rJc. Htltabagas, per 100 IbH.. tl.3S. ci'CCMIlKltS-lIothouse, per dor., $1.23. PA HSLIiY Per doz.. 2.",c. SWIOKT POTATOKS Homo crown, rier lb,, S'ic genulno Virginia, per bbl., W; ieorgla, per lihl., f2.7n. CAHIIAOK-llolland Heed, crated. Hc. TOMATOKS Home crown, tier lS-lh. ba-. kel, o0e. UKANS-Wnx. per H-bu. banket. 60c: Htrlug. per 14-bu, banket, JOc. ONIONS Home crown, ner lb.. Sc.: Knim. IhIi, per crate, tl.fio; Michigan redn, 2'ic per IO. CKLKItY Kalamazoo, ner bunch. SSUSSe! Nebranku, per bunch, 30(Jj3.f)C; Colorado, lixft 60o. NAVY HEANS Per bu.. J2.15. KHUITS. APPLES Ben Dnvls, per bbl $3.M; wine- Hapn, t.1.60; Junuthnn, tt.w'rtS.OO; nnown, 3.0; tie lenowern. ner uox. Sl.idi. ellowers. ner box. 11.60. PKAUS-Kclfcrs. t2; Vlkers. t2.25: Law- renco. t2.2.). QIIAPUS Concords, enstern, Z2c; Main- fS,(", "-l 1.''. CHAN 11 Kit It I nS Per Dhl.. t7.00!f7.&0 per crate, ?s.7f. QUINCES Per box, tl.W. tuopicaL FHL'ITS OHANGES-Mexlcons. tl.004.60: Florlclnn. tl. LEMONS-Fnncy. t3.75ft' .00. HANANAS Per hunch, nccordlne to size. .'..'( I.'. 10. ik;h California, new cartons. 70c: im ported, per lb.. 12Jtllc. DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, per lb.. irtc; tiairs, lie. IlbUl'.ll.ANlt.UUH. Nl'TS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft- shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., 12'4c; No. . soft-shell, lie: No. 2 hard-shell. lOltc: jirazus, per in.. i;io: nioerts. per in., lac; in monus, sott-sneii, lie; luiru-siieii. idc; pc cans, large, per lb., 12c: small, 10c; cocoa- nuts, per 100. $a; chestnuts, 12c. HONEY Per 2 -sect on case. 13.50173.75. CIDEH Nehawka. per bbl.. $3: New York. SATTEKK ItAUT Per Ublll., t3. HIDES No. 1 nreen. 7c: No. 2 creen. 6c: No. 1 salted. 815c; No. 2 salted, 71ic; No. 1 veal calf. S (o 121 lbs.. 9c: No. venl calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, SW13c; sheep pelts, 2&(ii27c; norseiutics, ti.wus.s.,. St. liOiila Grnln nntl Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7.-WIIEAT Higher No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 72c: track, 7314 r.i'.iXt.r.. 11i.i,nmli,ir TWIin ATn 7(ITi. Vn 1(1,(41 .vt-vmui.i .,.j, iubw, .w, - hard. 7li55t iSc. V Vl.nH(l(KIICI , A", II. U174, LiilVl 62ii63o: December. tic: Slav. 62Tic. OATS HlKher: No. 2. cash. 40c: track. 4014 Sri0ic; May, 42c; No. 2 white, 4l?iSJI3c, niij rum tL uou. FLOUH Firm: red winter patents. I3.4MI 3.50; extra fnncy nnd straight, t3.oog3.15; clenr. J2.7u?i'.'.w. seeds Timotny. scarce, nrm. jj.4usio.bj i inx, no mnrKoi. t ORNJ Ah-Steady, l3.onffi3.ss. 1IHAN Scarce, strong: sacked lots, east iracK. yuwsc. hay Firm: t motny. tis.wiin.bo: prairie. senrro and not quoted. WHISKY Hteady. ji.jo. I HON COTTON TlES-tl ltAOC,INa-r)5l6Sc. HEMP TWINE-'Je. PROVISIONS-Dry snlt moats (boxed) steady; extra Hhort, JS.1S14; clear ribs, js.25 clear sides. 18.50. Uncoil (boxed), easy extra shorts, 9; clear ribs, $9.1214; clear sides, t9.3714. Pork, lower; Jobbing, tll.uO. Lard, lower, METALS Lead, steady nt 4.2lj. spoi tr. firmer at Il.10ff4.1211.. POULTHY Steady; ctilrkcns. 6c: springs, Re turkeys, 7!4Q8o: ducks, byh'Ao: geeso, B?: , till l ri'iii Hicuuy; creamery, ivumc dairy, 141) 17c. KiiUH iiignnr ni -vc. HECEIPTS-Flour. 7.000 bbls.; wheat, 28 nOO bu.: corn. 20.000 bu.: oats. 21.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, t,i"J ouis.; wheat 28,000 bu.; corn, 42.000 bu.; oats, 26.000 bu. Liverpool Urnln and Provision. LIVERPOOU Nov. 7.-WIIKAT-Spot No. 2 red western, winter, as tuu: no. . northern, spring, 5s 10!41: No. 1 California Ds lOd ; futures, urm; December, is March, 5s lid. COHN Spot, firm; American mixed, new, 5u w.d: December. 5s 2ld: March. 6s lJtd. PHOVISIONS lleef. llrm; extrr. India meHs. 71s. Pork, llrm: prime mess, west m t::r Kd. i.nni. vinerican reiinco. in nans 44s Sd: prime western, in tierces, uuu ut iiu. llnms. short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., qnlot 47s. Hacon. iiulet; Cumberland cut, 26 to .mi lha.. 49s 6d: short r Iw. 16 to 21 lbs.. 48s long clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs., quiet at ISs 0d- long clear middles, heavy. 85 to 40 lbs., dull, 41s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 llm.. 4ls: c ear be es. nulet. II to 16 lbs 56h 6(1. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., quiet u t 36s tu. HUTTEH-Steady; finest United States tinnd United States. 73s. CIIEi:SE Qulot: Amerlcnn finest white, ir.Kt American, tincst colored. 45s 6d. TALLOW Prlmo city, steady nt 2Ss 9d Ansirnllaii. In London, till ut nt 29s 6d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady, 7s 6d. PEAS Canadian, steady. 6s 21'd HOPS At London, Puclllo coast, steady 3 MrS 15s Knuan City Urnln snil Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 7.-WIIEAT-De rember. 67if877ic; May, 7Hii?71Tc; cash No. 2 bard. 6S!5i6?c: No. 3, 67i'8t!5o; No. i-Hil. TOiv No. 3. iWii69c. COHN December. 62T4fi63c: May. 62io cash, No, 2 mixed. 6lHQ6lHc; No. 2 white, 6!'5ff03Hc; No. 3, IliHc OATS No. 2 white, lllic II YE No. 2. 67ff3!iC. HAY Choleo timothy, $12,501(13.00; choice prairie. $13.ooCi 13.50. lll'TTEH Creamery, 20c; dairy, fancy ICe. EGOS scarco and urm; tresn Missouri nnd Kunsaj'. stock quoted on change, ISo ner doz.. loss off. cases returned. ui.wr.u i i lieu i, uu,; cum, .jo,iiri bu.: oats, ii,ti on. shipments wnent. au,4oo nu.; corn, js, 600 nu.; oats, la.voo nu, Toledo Cruln nnil Sped. TOLEDO. O.. No. 7.-WHEAT-Dull tlrm: cosh, 76e; December, 7674c; May, 79'ic, COHN Dull: December, tile; Slay, 63-ic OA'is oectimuer, tec; .May, 4io ItYE-5614e. SEEDS Clover, Dtetmber, $5.e2!i: March $5.b;;4; no. ., j. R'. iimoiny, ..cu. ,MllvinUee (irnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 7.- -WHEAT-Mar-71c: No. 2 north 72078c. 5Wi;69e; wimple, ket higher: No. 1 northern. em. 70'-ni'4o; December, HYE Firm: No. 1. B6te. HAHI.EY-Stcady; No. 2, 45fl59c. COHN December, 59Hc. I'eorla Market. PEOHIA, Nov. 7,-CORN-Flrm; No. 3, 61c. OATS-lnactlvo; No. 2 white, ll',o truck. WlllSKY-On the basis of tl.30 for tin lulled goods, , iminth lirnln Markrl. Dl'LI.'TH. Nov 7 -WHEAT-Cnsh, No. 1 hard. 7414e; No. 2 northern, C9(c: No. I northern, 7Ufce; December, 7u'c; May, 7l'c. OATS-39i,4it0c CORN '.9HC Philadelphia Produce PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7 Mnrkrt. I3UTTER Knlr demand, Mrni fancy western crenm- rry, 23 fam.v uiarby prlntn, 25 i Ktlll.S- l''lrm. good demand, mnh neatby anu wentern. sre, malt noutuweiiiern, s , frenh southern, 22c l'l KH ; Qu et. New York ful creamn. fancy smull. loJie. New York full ereatn. fair to choice, trglOUc MltinrniioIlK Whent. Clour Hint llrnn. MfNNKAPOLlP. Nov. 7.-WHKAT- Canh, 7.1c; December, 711ie; May, 73lw73'ic on iracK; no. l hard. Toe; No. l northern, No. 2 northern. TOMrflUr. KLOUIt Flrnt patents, .'!.WIil.t1; second nntentn. 13.7S-fi:iA.i: tlrm eleur'n. J2.J.Vd3.03: tecond clears, $2.3.'i. intAN in bulk, tll.Wftll.&O. SKW YOltK VrttCKS AMI IIOMM. Wall Street Aet on .Supposition Hint .Northern Par I lie Drill Is I'lxctl. NEW YOUIC. N.iv 7. Todav's i.tock mar ket was much broader and more dlvernltled than that nt vestenlav and the nirgrciutlu ileallngH rose well above yesterday to near 1,25o,ij share.i. There was enormous rea I. Ing In tho stocks which led the advance yesterday, especially In I tiion Purine und SI. Paul, which ruled below yesterday s closing level practically alt day, falling at one ume "m lor si. ruui uuu ! tor i iiion I'lu-llic. I he heav ness of Northern Paell c nre- ferred. which fell 1". on comuuratlvelv light transactions, taken In conmctlon with the reaction In the two stocks previously named, It would he supposed, might Indi cate doubt as to thn Northern Paclllc st- tlement, tho more so as no autliorlzed statement of the terms of settlement or even of Its actual eonsiunmatlon, can bo had from any nourec. The conviction, how ever, remains strong in speculative circles Unit the agreement Is In fact perfected. although on the rublect but ncuulest out smiles or vague intimations can be h km from Insiders. The corroboration filtered by tho tape Is considered conclusive nnd also tnai rnion Paclllc and rlt. Paul are to heuctlt substantially by the agreement, lust how In the case of the latter stock Is not even Intimated. The selllni: of tho-; stocks, therefore, was accepted ns ilttu to mere rni r. ni! of niecu atlve nrol ts wh Uu the market continued to advance with v gor at other points. The forcing to cover of this bear Interest In some of tho specialties recently under pressure wiih an nuiur ti tit Influence In the advance, conspicuously so in .maigamaieii t opper, sugar anu ron Ple's Cias. Amomr the transcontinental stocks only the AtchlnoiiH continued ihe ndvance with any great show of energy. Ihe common loso at one time l'1. and Southern Parllle got l'J over yesterday. but lost It all on the reaction. A gain of .114 In New York Central was n feature of the market and lifted along a number of the Junior Vantlerbllts. lonely current rumors of a pending concentration of the system nnd Increased distribution ut prollts woru revived In connection with the movement. The statement of October earnings for Now York Central showing an Increase of 17 per cent over thosu of last October wns nlso nn Inlluence. A number of statements of gross earnings for the fourth week In October emphasized tho Impression caused by yesterday's stnte- mentH. The coal carrying roads, both In hard and soft coal territory, were In not able demand and showed gains of 1 to 2 points.. Tho United States Stee stocks developed strength nt gulns of a point lor tno common and l.v lor uio preferred on glowing accounts of tho activity In the trade. The payments of the sub-treasury In redemption of bonds and for tho deposit of Australian and Klondike L'old at Paclllc coast points arc so far offsetting the drain on other accounts taut tno money question Is kept In ubeyunce. Tho substuntlul re cuperation lor the week disclosed by tho Hank of France also served to relievo ap prehension over money affairs, as Paris has been inn real center oi uiiractinn, working toward depletion of gold supplies at oilier points. The small Increase of tho bank's gold supply for tho week has been sup plemented uy a decrenso of over $19,01,000 n bills discounted and it contraction of nearly $36,000,000 In its outstanding circula tion. The market closed easy under the Inlluence of realizing. lhu railroad bond market was active, but tho reaction In Union Paclllc convcrtlb.o bonds iimilo an otherwise strong market. Sales of bonds, par value, $C,810,oij0. Untied States bonds were ull unchanged on thu last call. The followinc nro the closlnir nrlccs on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison Kist. Paul pfd.... 99 So. Paclllo .191 do Old . 61 . 90-S. . I0'4 . S0h Itnltlmnro & O lOSHSo. Rnltwuy .... t o pfd ai 4 tin pfd. Canatilau Pac. ...112 Canada So KOi dies. & Ohio 4hV Chicago & A 361s Tex. ti. Pncllle.. Tol., St. L. ti W do nfd .. 0.1 ..107 .. !) .. so'i Union Pacific do pfd ("'.a tlo pfd Wahah tlo pfd Clll.. Hid. & L... -I2W do 1)1(1 '-ii Clll. Ai E. HI 131 Chicago G. W.... 23 Wheel, ti li tlo 2d pfd. E.. IS tlo 1st pid ns do "(1 nfd 4S Wis. Central . tlo pfd , Adams Ex...., American Ex. .. sin .. H'4 ..1.V) ..190 Chicago & N. w.211 C. H. I. & P ? Chi. Tor. & Tr... so-), r. s. Ex i du nfd 7 Wells-Fargo Ex.175 C. C. C. & St Colorado So.. h. 99T4'Amal. Copper.. 86! ... Hit Amur. Car t F. ... dI1 do pfd ... S5U Amcr. Lin. OIL, S6i4 tlo 1st ptti.... do 2d pftl . 1?4 . 15 . 45 43i . 97U . 3114 . 6,114 . 9.1 210-S, AU .S5S14 . 40 U Ills . mis . 751s . kS',4 . 921s . 42 1914 . 32 . 6S . 94 . 61 . 46i Del. & Hudson .1721, do pfd .236 lAmer. S. & R.., . 4514 do pfd . 9.l Anac. Mln. Co., . 41T Hrooklyn R. T., . 7012 Colo. Fuel & 1. . 561. Con. Gas .196',4 Con. Tob, pfd.. . 5SU Gen. Electric .. . 77V Glucose Sugar . .1401.1 Hocking Coal .. . 41 .Inter. Paper ... . 771j' tlo pfd . 71 llnter. Power .. .131 ILnclede Gas ... .10511 Na. Hlscuit .... .1244 National Lead .1554 National Salt .. . 2 Hi do pfd Del. L. & W Denver tfc H, G. do urn Erlo tlo 1st pro tlo 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd.... Hock, valley.., tlo pfd Illinois Centrul. Iowa Centrul .. tin nftl Luke Erlo & W tlo pfd L. & N Manhattan L.., Met. St. uy.... Mex. Centrul ., Mex. National 13,4 no. American Minn. &. St. 1 Pacltlu Coast Mo. Puc lie 102 Paclllc Moll M.. K. & T 27 Peopln'H Gas .... IDlTs 424 M?4 21S 15 t HS'i 61i Ti at 15'.i 4714 42?i 92 - 91? do pfd 531i 'Pressed S. Car. N. .1. Central... N. Central.. Norfolk & W... 175 do pfd. I6H3 Pullman I'. Car. 56-J4 Republic: Steel . 90 tlo pfd 103 Sugar 34T Tenn. Coal & I.. do pfd No. Paclllu pfd. Ontario a w. Pennsylvania ...145;,, Union Hag & P. ... I313 tlo pfd ... 7714 l-T- 8. Leather .. ... 54:) do pfd ... 47J? U. S. Rubber ... ... 79W tlo Pfd Heading do 1st pitl.... do 2d pfd St. L. & S. t. tlo 1st pfd.... tin 2d nfd . 70 U. S, Steel . Sf?il tlo pfd . K4 Western Union.. ,172-4 St. L. Southw. do pfd St.-Paul Ex-dlvldcnd. Thu Commercial Advertiser's Ixindon financial cablegram Hays: The stock mar ket today wus merely steady, save tho American department, which was strongly bulled by Insiders, though tho public was still apathetic. Yesterttay's Interest In Union Paclllo spread throughout the list today, tho favorites being Atchison, Chesa peake a Ohio, Ontario Ac Western, United States Steel nnd Southern Railway, There wero heavy operations In tho last named stock, which finished at 35. or less than a point, under the best price of the year. Southern Patltlc anfl Erlo hung flro till New York purchnses In the afternoon caused a Htrong general close after some prollt-taking, Hlo tlntos arc talked llfty. owing to tho continued American purchases und a big bear account in Paris, The con sol call of nominally 9,ifl0,0ix) hus hern reduced to 3,500,unO as the rest has already been paid under protest. Paris cheque is 25.11 nnd Herlln 20.411. Gold to the amount of 113,001) has gone out to South America. The. Hoard of Trade returns for October show a big decline In Imports. Haw cotton Is waiting the crop news und American shipments of corn declined In fnvor of Argentine. Iloston Stock (liiolulloim, HOSTON. Nov. 7. Cull loans, 31sii)l per cent: time loans, u(ijai4 per cent, umcini closliiL" Atchison Gas Is ........... Mox. Central 4s N. E. G. & C... Atchison do pfd. ...... . Iloston & Alb y Huston A.- Mo,,, . 9.1 . "! . M . 52 . s2-i; Mlouez 414, .MuaiKiiinaieu ... ni llalllo 41 lllngham 29 Cut. ti Mea'.n 600 1. enieniuai jirt .2.11 1 tipper tuiiiKi'. . ., j;ir(j 19: nonunion 1.0111... -tun Iloston Elevuted.l6u N Y. N 11 & 11.. .212 l.'itrhlinrir nfd. ...143 I'TIIUKIIU lh Isle Royalo s:n. Mohawk I1 Union Parllle ....1o7?4 Old Dominion ... 2.314 Osceola !)S'A Mox. Central I Amer. Sugar .... Amor, T. & T..., Hum. Iron & 8,. Gen. Electrlo ... Mass. Electric, . N. E. G. As C... United Fruit ... U. S. Steel do pfd..... Westlngh. Com. Adventure US 157 2 Parrot ;ii;u Wiuney 1S7 santa I'O v opper, 4l3 25S4 iiimuraca Trinity sit 361i' lli'l'nlttd StateH ... 151. M i iuii , S'fi. 42i Victoria j 9.' (Winona s 70141 Wolverine 57 22 H Hank CtenrliiH". Now 7. Hank clearings today, corresponding day last year. OMAHA. $1.t421..17i 156.670.14: increase. $14S.151.23. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7.-C leatlngs, $7,362.13$; balunecH, $962,110; money, t)u per cent; New York exchange, 45e discount. NEW YORK. Nov 7. -Clearlpgs. $217.. KM.761. balances, $111,501,719. CHICAGO. Nov. 7,-ClearlnBs, $23,519,313; balance. $2.6Sl,oi2 posted exchange $l.8l'4 KlsT's. New York exih.inge, 15c discount HOmi'ON. Nov 7-titarlngs. 2S,5, i.:79, balances, t2,6;7,.oj. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 7. -Clearings, tU.7o7.74n, balances. $3,752,670; money, 4'5'ia per cent. HALTIMOIIE. Nov. 7 -Clcnrlngs, $3,611,. 096, balances, $159.7.17, money, I4J5 per cent, CINCINNATI. Nov. 7.-Cieartngs, $3.236.. 15o; monry, lf6 per cent; New York ex change, 201125c premium. .New Vorlt Money MnrUrt. NEW YORK, Nov. 7. MONEY On call, nominal at 4 per cent; prime mercnntllo pnper. 4V15 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Sternly, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.MVtf 4.N7 lor demand and at $4.S3(i4.M for sixty days; nostril rntes, tl.M'4 nnd tlUfJI.K)! commercial lillK., $4.s.tiil.Ml5. .rilLVER-Hnr, t7140; Mexican dollars, 45' c. GOVERNMENT HONDS-Sleady; refund Ing 2.. reg. and coupon, 109; 3s, reg. nnd coupon. Km; new Is, reg. nnd coupon, 139: old Is. reg. and coupon, 11214; (6s, reg. nnd coupon, Iu7, The closing quotations on bonds aro as lolluws: U. 8. r. 2s, reg... 109 ,l. & N. linl. 4s,..101i do coupon 109 Mex. Central Is.. 2U do 3s, reg liri j do I- lnc VMM do coupon 101 M. & St. L. 4s,... 103 do new 4s, reg.. IX) ,M., K. & T. 4s...l001i do coupon ....139 I do 2h.... (,i do oltl 4s. reg..U2ti'N. Y. Central ls.103 do coupon ....112'4 do gen. 314s lnsis do ts. reg 107 N. J. C gen. 5h,.130'ii do coupon 107 No. Paclllc 4s 10i8 Atchison, g. 4s.... KM tlo 3s 72'4 tlo adj. 4S ;3!i N. r W. con. 4s. 103 Hal. .v Ohio 4s.. .103 Reading gen, Is. PVi tlo 3!4s WHt L ti 1 M c. 5s. 117 tlo conv. 4s liinln St. L. & 8. F, Is. 93 Canada So, 2s. ...m St. L. 8. W. Is... 97 Cent, of On. fis...W54 tlo 2s 79- 110 is 1110 liu n , (v A 1' 4s s, Ches & O. 414s.. 107 So. Pu.cH C Is !. Clll. & A. .114H S3 So. Railway 6s...l2()5 C, H, .t Q. n. 4s. swiTcx. Paclllc ls.120 C, M S P K. Is. 1 mil T, St I. K- W. 4s.. h2 C. & N W. c. 7s.l3llil'nlon Pac. 4s,...105i C. R I & P 4s....lii6V conv. Is. 10.I CCC & S L g. 4s.lU3',Wnbash Is... Chicago Ter. Is... 9li4 do Ss Colorado So. ts,. xsl. do deb. H,. .lis .11014 . IV) .11.1 Dell. R. G. Is. lrtl West Shore 4s. Erie prior I. Ii... :r.i . u. r.. -ts . vi'm Wis. Central 4s. . bSU 91V ii'i Ken. is ivval I'. W. & D. C. ls.iot; 41 Hock. Vol. 4!4s..l06k' uon. lou, 4s op; London Stock 4)uolntlon. LONDON. Nov. 7.r-4 p. m.-Closltig: Cons., money 91 9-16 Norfolk & W. ... 6SW ... 9lij . ..lOsVj ,.. 3S4 ,.. 76',i ,.. 22i ,.. 3914 ... 274 ... K3! ... HSU ... 621, ...111 ... 9115 ... 44I4 ... 931, ... 21 ... 3.S14 ... aj ... 69 ... 3S tlo account ... Anaconda Atchison do pfd Haltlmoro & O. Canadian Pac dies, .t Ohio... Chicago G. W.. C. M. ti St. P. :u?4 .. 7 .. M ..1i)14 ..1111, ..USt .. a .. 2.1 . -17V .. 47 .. 95 .. 4u .. 7S'S do nfd. No. Pac. pfd,. Ontario & W. Pennsylvania Heading tlo 1st pfd... do 2d pfd.... ,0. Railway .. do pfd o. Pacific ... nlon Pac... do pfd C. S. Steel ... do pfd Wabash tlo pfd Hand Mines . Denver .fc R. (1. do pfd Erie tlo 1st pfd do 2d nfd . 59 .115 Illinois Central. L. & N. ....107T. M.. K. & T.. tlo nftl K214 ..163 Spanish 4s N. Y. Central. Dcuccrs I1AR SILVER Steady at 26d per ounco. MONEY-2mi2l; per cent. The rate of discount In tho open market for short bills Is HU'iiy1. ner cent: for three months bills. 3?ifi3'4 per cent. .rrv York MlnliiK Qnotatlona. NEW YORK. Nov. 7.-The followlnir aro tho closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Con IS Llttlo Chief .. ... 12 ...9.W ... 73 ... 7 ... 6 ... 5 ... 10 .. 40 ... Alice 40 Hreece luo Brunswick Con.. 7 Comstock Tun... 6 Con. Cat. .fc V11..IOU Deadwood Torru. 50 Horn Silver 19') Iron Sliver 00 Lcadvillo Con.... 5 Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savago Sierra Nevada .Miiall Hopcn .. Utandard l'orelun l-'liinnclnl. I'ARIS, Nov. 7. The weekly statement of the Hank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation decreased 129,700,orK)f. treasury account current de creased 41.175,ooof, gold In hand Increased 4,47j,OOOf. bills discounted decrensed 215,150, OuOf. sliver In hand Increased l,&75,O00f, LONDON, Nov. 7. The weekly statement of the Hunk of EiiKland shows the follow ing changes; Total reserve decreased 7M,(iO. circulation increased .C312.O00. bul lion decreased j:479,$73, other securities de creased 1,315,000, other deposits Increased je.lS'j.OuO, public deposits decreased 2,1000(10, notes reserve decreased 855,000, govern ment securities decreased 191.000. The proportion of the Hank of England's reserve to liability Is 46.41 per cent, hh compared with 45.63 pel cent last week. Hato of discount unchanged at 4 per cent. LONDON. Nov. 7. Money was in strong demand today. Tho uncertainty ns to tho future made discounts tinner. Huslness on tho Stock exchange Improved. Tliero was little feature, npart from the rise In Americans, the approach of the settlement and the Saturday closing, checking Inclina tion for fresh engagements. Consols and homo mill were llrm. Americans, opened llrm ut about purity. Influenced by the re ported Northern Pacific settlement and tho result of tho New York election. Tho transactions were chiefly professional. There was no nppnrcnt public buying. After fluctuating prices closed at about tho best of the day. Grand Trunks advanced in sympathy. PA his. Nov. 7. iiusiness on me bourse today was Irregular nnd prices had a ten dency to bo weak. Rumors regarding the general strike cnused a rise. Transactions wero not numerous. Tho closing was cnlm. internationals wero undecided. Hlo tlntos wero heavy, owing to amalgamated shares not beltur sunnortcd. Knrnrs and Delleers opened heavy, but Improved nt tho close. Tho private rato of discount Is un changed at 2 15-16 per cent. HEHLIN. Nov. 7. misincss on me oourso today was extremely quiet and prices wero Irreirnlar. Mines were In better demand during tho early part of the day, but closed easier. Navigation snares reacted ramer sharply on liquidations. Americans were dull. Canadian Pacifies advanced. Condition of Ihe Treasury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 7. Today's state ment of the trensurv balances In the iren- erul fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reservo in tne division or redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $175,020,097; gold, $110,457,169. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 713-ICc; middling gulf. K lM6c: sales. 103 bales, Fu tures cioseu stenuy: Novemner, 7.4So: Do- comber. 7.17c; January, 7.43c; February, 7.41c: March, 7..IS0: April. 7.37c; May. 7.33c: June. 7..12c; July. 7.31c; August, 7.20e. ;EW ORLEANS. Nov. 1. COTTON Firm: sales. 6.050 bales: ordinary. 513-16(3: good ordinary, 6 5-16c; low middling, 6 7-16c; middling, 7lej good middling. 714c; mid dling fair, Ac: receipts, ls.wii pales; stock. 210.369 bales. Futures, steady; November, 7. 24 7.26c; December, 7.27i7.2Sc; January. 7.19Ji7.SOc: February. 7.17i7.19c; Mnrch. 7.17 4i7.Ue: April. 7.16tI7.1Sc; Muy, 7.16fi7.17c; June, 7.157.17c. ST. LOl IS, Nov. 7.-COTTON UUiet; sales, 435 bales; middling. io: receipts, 6R9 bales; shipments, 6.363 bales; stock, ij.495 bales. GALVESTON, Nov. 7. CO T 1 ON yuiet, 7-lOe. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 7.-COTTON-Spot. fulr demand; prices unchanged to l-32d lower; American middling fair, 4 17-32d; good middling. I 11 -"2d: Amerlcun middling, 4iid: low middling, 4 5l2d, goon ordinary, 4 1-32d; ordlnnry, ,125..12d. The sales of tho dav were 9.000 bales, of which Wet were for Speculation nnd export and Included 8,000 American, iieccipts, s.i'w nnies, iiiciiininR 1,WW American. Futures opened quiet nnd Closed steudy. American middling g, o, e. : November. I 5-6KH 6-6ld, buyerH; November and December, 1 2-6ld, buyers: December und January, 4 16-Olij 1 17-i'dd, sellers; Jan uary and February, 4 1-6U1, sellers; Feb ruary and Mnrch,, 4 1.6ld, sellers; March nnd April. 4 l-6ld, sellers; April and May, 4 l-64d, sellers; May und June. 4 l-6ld. buy ers; June and July. 4 l-64d, buyers; July and August, 4 l-64d, buyers. Uvnporntril Apple ami Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Trading was moderately uctlve today. Out of town orders chiefly wns for choice and fancy grades ut full prices, while the other grades held steady on local Inquiry. State, common to good. 6fjio; prime, Stir: choice. 9e: fannv. 9,45l9'5c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Market continues Inactive. Prunes, ,Wri7o, Apr), rots. Royul, Sli.fi 13c. Moor Park. ft12c. IVuches, peeled, llftlSc; impeded, 6fn'.4c, Suunr nnd MolHes. NEW ORLEANS, Nov 7 SUGAR-Qulet; open Kettle, ;ie; open kettle, ceiiirnuni, 3'.W3l5c; centrifugal grnnubittvl, 3 13.16c; white, 4c; yellow, 8'4fJ! 13-I6e; seconds, 2Uy HHe. Molasses, steady, open kettle, 27 5f 35c; eentrlfui:a'. 161(24e. NEW YORK. Nov. 7-.SUOAR-Raw, market quiet, fair refining, Sije; centrifu gal, f; test. 3c; molasses sugar, 3c; re lined, quiet. Wool Mnrwt. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7 -WOOI-Qulet ; me dluni grades. 12U4)i7e; light flne. 12ifHac; heavy tine, lOatllic; tub washed. 12a2lc. OMAHA LIVE STOCtt MARKET i" All DMirabU Oratei of Klllin and Fitieri Said af tatroaf Prictt. HOGS EASED FF A TRIFLE TODAY Most Sheep anil Lamb on 9nlc Were Feeders nnd Market Was Slum- anil Wfslt, Klllera, Tnouwb, Were Mrong and Active. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 7. Receipts were; Cattle. Hogs, sheen. Official Monday u,.Ul 2,j.t lo,ln9 uiilciat luesiiay i,ns Olllciai Wt'dlienuay. o.ult ii,til Uincul Thursday... ami ,,Mi t,l1U b.mi Four days this week. 16,129 19,433 Same nays last week....:v,-iw l.u,iu oauie rrK iieiorn.. i),lj- S.Dl.t oiitne tniee weeKS ago..ui,iJ lr,i.yi ctiine tour WeeKn ano.,.,li,si 24,116 butuis nays List year i,j6 li.wo 3,3u 41.. 1yj ty.soi 31.1. M 3i,i!o lo,V(26 uiiiuim iiiu past nukeiut days, wan COIII' iiribous: Date. 1901. lW).lK)9.lK"8.ilb97.l5.lS?i. Oct ou. 16. 11, IS u I 6 22 1 4 721 4 201 13 59 , 3 201 3 70 I b iviii 4 bl, 4 lb, 3 7i 1 i M J 70 UCt. UUI, oct. oct. Oct. oct. Oct. Oct. uct. Oct. Oct. Oct oct. , 6 2hl 4 621 4 101 i 67 3 S4 3 t,i it al 4 U 4 (Jl A "l 3 2b J ji I I 4 6M 4 5J 3 71 3 641 S 27l SO... 21... 6 214 I 4 13 3 ttyi A ui i .3 3 52 22... 6 UI-,1 4 2 I 3 bot 3 bii i 2b: 3 bt 2J,., u 994 4 bll 4 161 I 3 oJl 6 'Mi 3 1 S4...6 01 14 61, 4 1413 66, 8 2j 3 53 So... 6 Uo-1 4 4S 4 13 3 t)8 3 46, 3 44 ib...l t UU 4 b 4 1 S Oil S 41 i M. J IS 2...I I 4 b4i 4 1UI 3 471 A 3l 3 111 SB... 5 M):i I 4 lOi 3 0.' 3 42 3 13 3 41 29... I 0 si 14 52 I 3 541 3 SSI 3 151 3 39 1,1 I e -.111 . I.. 1 J ii, I ! Nil 1 1?1 :l (tl U l-JTl 1 OV1 4 VJl , w v.l ,, Oct. 31 6 67 4 47 4 UJl 3 661 13 19, A 4D 3 42 Nov. 1., Nov. 2.., NOV 3.. NOV. 4.. Nov. 5... 5 a 7314 4 51 4 01 3 53 3 29; I 72 I I 00, 4 0I 3 45 A 41 3 27 3 II 6 2V 4 02 3 61. A Ui 3 3l 3 33 I 6 71141 66( 13 b2l 3 4I 3 21 3 ?3 NOV. 6.... Nov. 7.... 6 71',, 4 5 W4 4 4 Oil 13 49 O ll 3 :6 3 4j 1 02 3 60 I I 3 23 Indleutev ftnndav. The otilclai number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was; Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. C, M. & St. P 0 O. A; St. L 3 1 Missouri Paclllc 6 2 I nlon Paclllc System 17 14 C. & N. W 6 F E. ti M. V 32 22 C, St. P., M. ti. 0 6 9 H. At M .12 IS C 1). A! Q 16 11 C, R. I. A: P., east 7 10 C, H. 1. At P., west 2 5 Illinois Central.... 1 Total receipts 126 107 2H The disposition of the day's receipts was ns follows, each Diner purchasing thu number of heao Indicated: Cattle. Hots. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 26-S G. 11. Ilamm inil Co b59 Swift and Company SA Cudahy Packing Co 6.'5 Armour ti Co 3J6 Om, Pkg Co., from K. C. 103 Swift, from country R. Uccker & Degan 9 Vansant & Co 61 Ixibman Ac Co 2 16 W. 1. Stephen Ut Livingstone & Schaller.. 67 Dennis & Co 1 H. F. Hobblck 3S A. S. Muwhlnney S Hamilton .fc R 131 Other buyers 2.'5 io 41 6(0 1.5o6 2.ol2 2.113 1 3 297 J. '.'5. 3,: 3,313 Totals 3,239 7,140 5.55S CATTLE Receipts of cattle today wore fairly liberal, but tho market ruled strong nnd acllvn on all desirable, track's. A Uo- tlcenble feature of tho receipts tor this week has been the Increase In the number of corn-teds nnd the consequent decrease in the proportion of western rangers. There were nbont thlrtv-tlve curs of corn- fed steeru on sale this morning and the quality as a wnolo was very good, i-ackers all Had liberal orders and uh n result thu bet irr ernilPH sold about as fast as thev wero unloaded. Tho market could safely he quoted steady to strong and active. The common kinds sold without much trouhlo ut 1nst nbont vesterdav r prices. Tho cow market was also actlvo today nnd prices were fully as good as yester day. Tho better grades In some cases sold as much as loo higher than yesterday, as the demund.was very uctlve tor that class of stock. Tho medium kinds and canners sold In lust about yesterday s notches, Hulls, veal calves and stags all changed hands freely at good steudy prices, Tho sunnlv of feeders was not large this morning and as tho demand was talrly lib eral the market took on considerable life and stronger prices were paid for the moro uesirnDie nuuenes. uveryimng in tno way of good heavy feeders or of choice year lings was disposed of at an early hour. Tho commoner kinds moved without much trouble at steady prices. There wero very fow western steers In the yards this morning good enough for killers. Good llrm prices were paid for such ns did nrrlve, ns packers all seemed anxious for good grass cattle. Range cows wero also ready sellers at strong uric0'". The choicer bunches could be quoted strong to a dime higher and the commoner grades steudy. Good feeders wero nlso stronger und others steady. KCDrcscntative sales; 13EEF STEERS. No. 1... 1... 8... 11... 20... AV. S90 B20 9S7 1110 1041 924 109S 900 930 .760 1060 1003 Pr. 2 60 2 60 3 50 3 65 3 85 4 2.5 4 S5 4 40 4 60 4 60 6 65 No. Av. Pr. 5 73 5 85 6 85 6 93 6 00 6 00 6 05 6 15 6 25 6 30 6 30 6 35 1 1130 14 1162 6S 115S 38 1312 18 1157 11... 9... 14... 3... 1... 63... 20. .1127 :42. 40.. I... 1.. 64.. 31.. 1353 1261) 1650 1420 1369 1454 4 80 5 60 30... .1117 STEERS AND HEIFERS, ... 795 6 45 19 1065 ...10QO 6 (SO SO H39 ...1095 5 0) 63 1160 6 60 6 65 6 90 2 70 2 70 2 75 2 80 2 85 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 15 3 S3 3 23 3 50 3 60 3 65 3 65 .1 70 3 75 4 00 4 60 3 00 3 00 3 35 3 65 2 60 21. COWB. . 930 . 797 . 980 . 830 . 647 . 850 . 979 . 725 . 710 . 910 . 640 . 9t0 . 700 .1042 . 840 . 810 .1100 1 00 16 871 H 822 1 1030 1 1020 7... 1... l5!.. 1... 12... 11... 1 60 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 ( 2 10 2 10 2 25 2 25 S 23 2 So 2 25 2 40 2 60 2 60 2 oil S 50 2 60 S 60 2 60 2 60 5 1000 21. 965 25 10 1 19 10 1 10 1 3 1 3 ... 844 ...1179 ...1000 ... 939 ... 950 ... 960 ... 9S2 ...1360 ... 933 ...1220 ...1165 ...1063 ...1284 ... 914 ...1560 ...1300 1... 1 1 5 1 4 1 6 1 1 840 1 1160 5. .1... 900 12 1 1 5 4 4 1 35""!.'! 3 , 1 , 1 1 6 1 6 ... 810 ... 997 HEIFERS. ... 730 ... 750 ... 720 ... 617 ...14.16 ... 900 ...1260 2 40 6 2 60 6 2 75 3 2 75 3 HULLS. 2 15 1 2 65 1 436 436 986 800 1320 690 1680 1620 3 00 3 73 3 75 3 15 6 00 5 00 2 60 1 2 60 1 ...1360 COWS AND HEIFERS. 975 3 15 10 843 CALVES. 2O0 3 60 2 183 148 4 25 1 210 1... 130 5 00 IS 186 5 CO STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1... 1... Mi) a :o 1 bou 380 2 60 14 617 STOCK CALVES. 420 2 60 2 363 325 .1 00 1 300 260 3 00 60 90 3 60 3 50 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 520 6S0 670 821 657 620 650 610 600 , 618 6.10 1 60 1. 910 3 10 2 50 2 50 2 75 2 75 2 75 3 00 3 0 .1 UO 3 00 12 86.1 696 910 540 630 .'! SO .1 25 3 25 .1 25 3 25 3 25 3 50 3 50 3 50 4 00 3 3 1 1 3 6 3 1 .. 720 .. 710 .. 690 .. 810 ..1031 3 00 9. NEBRASKA. N'o. Av. Pr. No. S feedcirs,. 876 t2 76 1 strer... 1 bull 1170 2 (0 1 steer... i bull 1270 2 15 2 steers.. Av. Pr. . 650 $2 25 . 960 4 INI .1140 4 63 I11 rows 936 80 fen ers,, wo 3 25 1 60 3 25 3 55 1 75 4 .VI .1 S3 3 00 1 75 2 85 3 35 3 61 1 steer,, 1 bull... 1 bull... 1 bull... ...1000 ...120ft ... 730 2 75 2 30 2 cows.. .1060 .1095 46 cows.. 16 cows . 3 cows. . 1 steer.. 1 row .. 2 cows. . 15 cows. . 9 rows, . 4 rows,. 20 cows.. .1 no 3 75 4 60 3 45 . 973 .. SOU ..1300 ..1410 ..1160 .. 853 .. IsVi ..1092 ..1139 ..1170 ,1 steers,...!!) 21 feeders.. 697 S feeders.. ,W 16 feeders.. 96 2 heifers... 793 3 75 .1 80 .1 35 2 75 2 95 2.1 cows. . 22 cows, . 866 981 COLORADO, 2 terrs....U0O 5 steers. .. 848 11 steers.. ..1083 6 steers. ...1063 2 steers.. , &no 20 cows 11.19 .1 60 3 no 72 feeders.. 703 3 So 4 10 I 10 n i 17 rows..., b feeders. 931 826 3 00 3 05 3 So 6 cows 1139 3 90 j. i;niers -b. u. 11 cowe 1061 3 10 21 iteeri.,..HSl 3 90 ..IMS 3 25 ,.11-M 1 50 10 steer. ..HV9 3 10 bull,,. D. tllbson -S. D. ..lira 3 35 6 cows. ll steers. .106. ' .1029 a no J'. A. Rarber-Wyo. .. 911 2 73 S cows..., IS cows... Charles Ham S. D. to cows 1010 3 16 .Icows.... 910 75 9 cows 101s 3 t D. . Lemon Wvo. 11 cows 93 .1 25 2 eons.... 9S3 : 50 . ?ro .1 to . 270 4 DO E. H Mason Neb, 9v) .1 60 29 steers.. IM Ross Neb. :N4 2 65 1 calf ... Hull Bros.-Ncb. 595 2 25 19 c.s... 62 feeders.. 2S cow's.... 2 heifers.., .10!; . 913 .1 .10 2 45 I cow... 1 cow... .1070 3 3D 3 rows... . 740 2 13 H. Cllnc-Neb. 13 feeders ,. 919 3 SO . 1235 2 ift ,.HM I .15 .. 705 2 in LhikI and 1 feeder. . 750 .1120 3 SO 1 35 2 So bulls.,. 1 strer... 6 cows... 1 steer,.. 2 cows,.. Valley Live Stock Co.-Nrb. 32 feeders.. 797 3 t feeders.. 2o 2 u .. Gnoduln Neh 2J feeders.. 1017 3 60 2 steers. ...1170 W. A. l'Torev Neb. 1 cow 1160 2 50 J cows 1070 2 50 2 00 2 50 2 '0 2 60 3 33 2 00 2 () 3 35 3 cows lfn, 50 15 cows 912 1 COW 1190 .1 35 4 rows 1032 2 cows,.... ftfo ("I 1 cow 90 cows 1072 3 35 1 cow S7l) 3 COWS .VS1 50 6 cows 913 1 cow 7V) 2 00 1 cow 950 1 COW... . 860 1 cow 1070 00 1 cow 9 Ml Scows 1O50 60 3 COWS 1120 Mll'dale Cattle Co. Neb. ... 995 3 05 2 bulls 1315 Sam Moses Neb. 19 cows. 10 3.1 feeders,. S62 3 75 5 steers.. ..1106 4 '.5 3 50 7 COWS 917 3 ful 4 steers... .10 2 3 cows Ml 2 Ni HOGS Owing to unfavorab p reports from other points tho hoc market here opened rather slow and 2V(f3c lower. The llrst hoes sold mostly at t5.b!. and an sell. rs were generally asking more money the market was uuu. rac iters ituaiiy rn.sed their bids and thP bulk of nil tho sales went nt $3.67H nnd $5,70. Tho close of the market wns goid nnd strong, tho most of the late sales being nt t5.70. In suite of the slow opening everything was disposed of In good season. The choicer bunches sold Inrgely from $5.721i to $5.5. Hepresenta- tlvo sales; No. Av. ... 91 . .. SS ...133 ...178 ...133 ,.4l ...172 ...159 . . .208 ...158 ...321 ...244 ...197 . ..1S6 ...207 ...212 . . .256 . . .295 ...192 ...249 ...218 ...311 ...2S6 ...340 Kt'l !!!S74 ...271 ...239 ...260 .. 276 ...260 ...XS ...245 ...217 ...296 ...299 Sh. Pr. .. 5 ! cows. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 65 286 101 6 6714 3' 201 40 6 70 69 211 ... 5 70 51 290 ... 5 70 61 278 ... 5 70 61) 241 40 6 70 72 202 ISO 6 70 83 207 SO 5 7ll r.t 260 120 6 70 S 2s7 80 6 70 54 .115 10 fi 70 55 212 ... 6 70 53 257 ISO 5 70 69 260 40 6 70 65 264 ... 6 70 7S 275 360 5 70 27 323 ... 5 70 23 312 ... 5 70 61 ISO 40 5 70 62 2S4 160 5 70 f'9 209 SO 6 70 68 296 160 6 70 62 261 S0 5 70 79 212 ISO 5 70 61 270 80 6 70 61 1S6 40 5 70 54 S92 320 5 70 61 297 80 6 70 67 291 ... 5 70 87 227 200 5 70 65 263 ... 6 70 61 235 6 70 72 217 80 6 70 SO 209 80 f. 70 48 284 120 6 70 65 269 ... 5 70 bl 285 ... 5 70 03 224 120 6 70 62.. i... 274 1 20 6 70 74 272 210 5 70 66 246 ... 5 70 51 302 80 6 70 36 S97 ... 6 72'4 68 268 80 5 724 61 277 1 60 5 72', I 30 5 35 6 43 r. ho 70. 30 40 5 6214 5 6 r. 65 5 63 5 63 5 63 6 I.) 6 tU o 63 5 63 5 65 5 67'4 6 6714 5 6714 6 6714 0 671, 5 67N 5 6714 6 6714 5 674 6 6714 5 6714 5 6714 5 674 6 671 6 6714 1 SI 5 674 5 67(4 6 67(3 6 6714 6 6714 5 67'i, 5 6714 6 67V4 5 67', 6 6714 6 6714 6 671, 5 67U S 67(2 5 671s 6 6714 5 671j 5 67(4 6 6714 5 7, 21 . 90 S3. 40 80 200 120 SO 210 80 120 160 240 200 40 160 2N0 40 40 'so 120 120 SO 120 120 80 160 160 280 'so I. 1. 41. 46. 92. . 76.. 64. 59 16. 56. 69. 1. 79. 61 38. 63 73.. 69. 61 66 63 60. 112 69 6ft X2.. 60, 60 260 63 213 SS 185 11 . . . ..221 . .222 ..308 ..231 ..203 .,250 . .220 ..214 ..291 ..259 ..213 . .293 ..251 . .2,11 120 80 80 160 120 160 ISO 120 200 240 120 SO. . . 69... 71... 60... 68... 104.. 70... ...256 ...235 ...3.19 . . .359 ...282 ...211 ...242 ...258 200 6 72U Six) 6 7214 ... 5 7214 ... 5 7212 ... 5 10 ... 5 75 3.1. . . 72.., 43.. 4S.. 23.. 73.. 61.. 36... 66... SI... 7.1, . . 30... 66... 40 6 SO 5 85 il... SO 5 6714 tllll-.l-.l' Hl'PCllllK 1 of sheep wero tulr y liberal today lor this time of the week, but 1 no nig ouiK 01 wnai tin arrive wns feed ers. There were hurtlly enouch of the minion cranes 10 nmkrt n tent nf tim mii-, Ket. ihe ftw hunches that puckers did buy brought good strong prices, ns Is shown by the fact that 11 Hiring nf .. sold nt $3.25, which were far from being choice. Other bunches of fat sheen nnd minus soio proportionately iiign. The feeder market. 1111 tin, nilu.r lin,,,i waH slow and week, tho same as It hns been lor me msi several days, very few buyers Mum uu nu uiiLiKt:i, ru inai sellers ex perienced considerable difficulty in tllspos lug of what they had. wuoinuons; unoice yenrimgs, $3.403.6o: fair to good yearlings, $3.21)03.40; choice wemcrs. u.soim.ou: la r to cood wethers. j.urfla.iw; cnoico ewes, J2.90M3.25; fair to goou owes, 2.wjM2.9i; cnoico spring lambs. $4. 3044.60; fnlr to good spring Inmbs, m.Vtff 4..io; iceuer wemcrs, 53.ew3.wj; feeder lambs, tJ.iVKiH.io. Representative salej. No. Av. 113 SI 68 60 130 70 103 9.1 92 91 102 62 70 69 61 Pr. 2 73 a 60 4 S3 I 25 1 50 1 50 3 00 3 25 a 25 3 60 5 5) 3 90 4 25 4 25 4 23 S native ewes : native wethers 12 native la. nlis.- 97 native lambs 3 Wyoming bucks.... 4 Wyomlnr bucks 109 ewes nnd wethers... 53 western ewes 31.1 western ewes 145 western wethers 6SS western wethers CoO feeder lambs 16 western lambs So western lnmbs 140 Wyoming lnmbs CHICAGO 1,1 VK STOCK MARKET. Cattle Firm to SlniT HtiR I.owcr Mil 1" Slirrp Strndy. CHICAGO. Nov. 7. CATTLE-Rerelnt 9,000 head. Including 436 head Texans. 1,000 ncad westerns; good, llrm; others very slow;- good to prime, t6.tmif6.85; poor to medium, $3.76ifu.90: stockers nnd feeders, $2.00ffM.25: cows, $l.25fr4.50: heifers. ' I2.25ti) 5.00;. canners, $1,25192.25; bulls, $2.0OW.50; culves, $3.00410.25: Texns steers, $3.00i4.00; western steers, $.1.65(55.45. HOGS-Recelpts. 29.000 head: estimated tomorrow. 24.0UO heud: left over. 4.500 bend; about 5c lower: mixed and butchers, $5.601 6.05; good to choice heavy, $5.6.Hi6.uO; rough heavy, .-jmiw; ugnt, $5.35j.63; hulk of sales. $5.60ii6.85. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts, 18.000 head: sheep, steady at late declines; lambs, steady at lain declines; good to choice wetners. tair to cho cn mixed. $2.9WM0; western sheep, $3.00fl3.00: native lambs. $2.50JH.0; western Inmbs, $3.0Oy.1.00, RECEIPTS Oinclai: Cattle. 22.513 -liead! hogs, 35.780 head; sheep, 21,818 head. SHIPMENTS Cattle, 4,139 head: hoes. 4,617 head; sheep, 826 head. KaiiRB City .Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITY. Nov. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 heud natives, 1,000 head Texans. 400 head calves; good cattle steady to shade lower: common came, lower: tnoicc oxpori and dressed beef steers. t5.fi04Z6.50: fair to good, $4.756.85; stockers and feeders, $2.55fi) 4.S5: western fed steers. tS.OO'UO.SO: western range steers, $2.8084,63; Texas and Indian steers, $2.75?f4.50: Trxns cows, $1,761(3.20. na tive cows, js.wiH.4i); lienors. 3.ixii.j.;m, bulls, $2.50ft3.S0: calves, $3.25fi5.10. HOGS Receipts, 13.000 head: market strnnir to 5c hlulier: ton. $6.03: bulk nf sales. $5.55W5.95; heavy. $5.9Jft6.n5: mixed packers, Ks.?0',i.ft5: IlKht. 15.35575.80: nles. $l.6Mi5.35. Hlll'.f.r ANl lAAUia- iieceipis, ,i,oj head) market Htrong; native lambs, $l.v B.(M! western Inmhs. U.WiU.wii native wothers. $3.2M(3.85; western wetners, j.i.ium 3.60; ewes, $2.75j3.4o; culls, ji.&orra.sj. St. I.oul Live .Stock Mnrkel. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4,100 hend, Including 2,200 head Texans; market Hteady for nntlveH; .Texas steers, in,, I'lrhc- niiilen shinning and export steers. t5.005I6.S5: dressed beef grades. t3.60 U16.SO, steers under lmo Ibi... $2,40fil,85j Blockers and teeners. i.iu'n ". '"" heifers. $2.00474.90; bulls, $2.2(3.50; Texa.i and Indian steers, $:i.o0fr4.2.5; cows and heifers. $2.20f3.23, , r HOGS Recolpts. 6,800 head; market 5c lower; pigs and lights, $5.50iiS.65! packers, : r.ivCTt At. h.itfiArH. t5.75i 6.05. SH EEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1,900 head; market steady: native muttons. $3.W $2,0043.60; stockers, $l,i5Q2.00. Nw York Monry Markrl. viru- YORK. Nov. 7 MONEY On call, steady. 3!4il per cent; last loai . .114 per cent; prlm mercantile paper. i'u per HT E Kb I N 1 J ri A 1 1 A N 1 1 r. r -1 1 111, - 1 1 - tun! business In bankers' nitis at ji.swrt 1 c- .lamnnrl mill at ll.M'. ior sixty ;iL- nn.i.Vt rule. Il.m and $I.S7!Ml4.8S: ,..J( , . , tilt. commercial ouis, t.",-i,i.'-"v?- SILVER Hr. Mo; Airxit-nn uuii.uo, noNDS-Oovcrnincnt, steudy. state, Inac tive; railroad, Irregular . Vork Mvi- Mork Mmiirt. NEW YORK. Nov. 7.-HEH VES-Re eelnts. 426 hsad. hII consigned direct; no sales reported. Cables quote American Hit.rrn ut witMc dressed uelclit. nnd re fr lira rat n I- hf-rf at !.5lWf Exports. 8 beOVeH, CALVES Receipts, 2S head; a few veals sold nt .owis.7b. . . , . . SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 3,165 J better Wound -h trn bunch nt $3 5! laml , $1 ttof.MS; cull?, $1. noils -Here tit : 0Jx head, nrmer. a bunch of state boas soul at Ml. IU: westerui. $3.'.tfi6.lV. St. Joseph 1,1 r rlneU Mm-Urt. ST. JOSEPH. No. 7 CATTLE Hi- ceiits, -.'.too head, stetdy to HV lower; na tives. $.1.0lKfi6.76. rows 11 1 , 1 lu.lfrra. l S.vt'e j. 15; Vfnls. XWfO. '.'.I. bulls nnd Minis. J'-MXMf J.U0; I lookers nnd feeders. $150ill.2.s 1 iyof- itrceipis, s.tnj neau , steady to 10 lower: Pics. Sot' lower, llclit nml IlL-lit mixed, $.r.iV.j5.S7'4, mcdltim and heavv. $j,70 l3.97j. Pigs. $l.2.ij ..'; bulk. $5.70yS.S714. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Receipts. 7Whcad: sternly; lambs, $1,73. Mock In Mlitht, The followlnir tnhlr shows' the recelnts of cnttle, hogs and sheep at the live principal 1. ...... 1 .... vn..AH.i... -. cit'vn inn 1 nijin 1111 ,t, 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 Cattle. Hogs. i',.;wi I9,il 1.1. S,oo Sheep. 6911 IS 0 V ,1 5 ) I "0) -to South Omnlia 2.511 Chicago 9.im Kansas city.. wi St. trills 4,10) St. Joseph 2,!i0 Total. :i,iii 63.I3.1 ai.c.u Coltce Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 7.-COFFEE Spot Hlo. strong; No. 7 Invoice. 7c. Mild. tlrm; Cordova. "Mi lie. Futures had a record- breaking day of It. both as regards to business transactions nnd fluctuations In value. The oiieiilnir was steads in tone. with prices I01M5 points higher, the mlvanco being duo to coveting by 1 lightened shor'H on rumors of continued drouth In tho Santos district and on bullish Europiuit market advices. Speculative demand lrotn the room contingent und outside Investment developed on a heavy scale following tho cull nnd prices udviinced a further 'flirt points bv mldduv. with offetlnKs scnice. At noon n private eah.o from Hnixll mado lis appearance, estimating the next It o crop at 2,5iio,0i bags und thn Santos crop at i,iim,ui nags, a total ot t,(si,i. nags, whcrciis from itt.onu.oao to ll.nno.ono bags had been generally expected. This enblo In spired the wildest covering by shorts nnd neavy nuying ior an nccoiints, prices nit vanclng rapidly until a net rise of 60)ii Points lind been reached. Koremtt houses started the buying In the morning and wero lurgc purchasers ull day, while lnveUunt support for outside account was also very heavy. A slight tenetloii on prollt-taking occurred near the close, hut tlnal prlC' s were 5jIiw'c higher, with the tone- steads-. Sales reached the enormous total of 15H.ni) bngs nnd Included Deceniber at 6.30i(6.37c; March. 6,tiVf7.15c; April. 6.95Gf7 Sue: May. 6.75ff7.63c; June, 6.S53t7,23c; July. K.ICff; 50c: August, 7.10c, September, 7.15'jf 7.63o; Oc- If.'.., t, IVb, w York Dry Good Mnrkrt. TVEW YORK. Nov. 7. DRY GOODS Tho market today was quiet. In some lines of brown sheetings and drillings prices wero weak, but lending- makes were steady. Hleached cottons nnd coarse colored goods also steady, Prints In quieter request. Print cloths dull nnd unchanged. Hosiery nnd underwear In light demand ut previous prices. Cotton Seed OH Dividend. NEW YORK. Nov. 7. The directors of tho American Cottonseed OH company have declared the usual semi-annual dividend of 3 per cent on Its preferred und n dividend of 2 per cent for the year on Its common stock. Three and n hnlf per cent was paid nn the common stock last year. FOOD MAKERS IN AN EMBRACE Srvrntren of Them Form Conililnnt Ion to HrKiiln.tr Priors and Sale Territory. PITTSDURO, Nov. 7. Seventeen large preserve manufacturers of the country nt a meeting In this city formed a combination to bo known as tho American Association ot Manufacturers and. Distributers nf Food Products. Tho object of the organlratlon Is to regulate prices and sales territory und to secure n moro Just Interpretation of thn puro food laws. Tho companies represented at tho meeting havo a combined capital of $3,500,000 and control about three-fourths of the total production of the country. A central office will he established In cither Pittsburg or Chicago. Trxnn OH .Venn. From Hcaumont Dally, Oct. .28, 1901. "Tho Apex Oil Co.'s well was brought In today In gocd shape. Its net Ion at II rat was spasmodic, but soon got down to business and tho How wns n 6-Inch steady stream." "Spindle Top No. 2 wus brought in Satur day morning with a fine 6-lncli How. Satur day was a record breaker on Spindle Top. The day wound up with four guahurs." 'Fifty-one cars oil sold hero on track to- day. A very good day." 'Over Four Hundred shiploads Hcaumont oil now on Uio briny deep enrouto to Europo to bo UBed In tho vast furnaces ot the fac tories in tho old world." "Tho Omaha Texas Oil Co.'s well on tho Urico tract Is being pushed on rapidly as possible. This is tho only 12 14-Inch casing In the district nt present." Tho good pcoplo of tho United States out side of Texas cannot renllzo what great fortunes aro canned up in our nil fields In nnd around Hcaumont and Splndlo Top Heights. Each gusher pours out on an average of 65,000 barrels per day nnd thern aro about Bcventy-flvo gushers. Total, 4,- 875,000 barrela per day, and sells readily for 30 tents per barrel, which brings In an un- purallolcd Income dally of $1,462,600. It seems nlmost Incredible, yet It Is nil true. Tho Omaha Tcxns Oil Co. is selling a lim ited number of shares of stock on their holdings nt tho extremely 'low price of 23 'cents per sharo of one dollar par value. No personal llablfity. Ever) shareholder participates In the same Immenso proll:s. Write tho Omaha Texas Oil Co., Council Hliiffs, Iorfa, for full particulars. Got their prospectus nnd read II carefully. S5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE .Dd HYDROCELE cured Method new, wltiioul cutting. k x Ion of tlms Mf w.m mcnradforllfaandtnepouion OT rnil.lStborouhl7 cleanaed from the system. Soon every ilan and symptom tllsapnearw completely at'd foreTer. ijo "HUr.AKINO OUT" ot ibe (Urease on the skin Dr face Treatment conral.. no danfaroui Sruraorlnjurlons tnedlcluw. WC1K MENf'0'" Excesses or Victim tO TfllVVOUl 1 "T)KIIILITY or EXHiDSTIorf. WiHTINd WAKWEf(H With KAIILV DtCAY lit Youno and MiDm.it Aoai). lack of rlin, lr; and strength, witn organs unpaped and V STRICTURE cuvd W.h a new nolo Trealineut, No P'-u, no detection frow bute nf . Kidney nnd llladnu'1 TroablM. CtustlUtTofl I rte. Trratnitst by Wall. Call on on or addrets 1 10 So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha Jeb. Deputy Btt VetertnarUn. Food Irupcotor. H. L. RIMiGCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Offlo na Infirmary. 21th and Mfaoo 8U. Telephone 529. RIY C. MERRILL ft CO., Grain, Stocks and Provisions Room 4 N. Y. Life. Telephone 691. ofimaiiv i nun. Boyd Commission Co Bueceieora to jamai B. Ileyd 4 Co., OMAHA, NEB. COMMISSION ..HAIN PHllVlfclONS AND NTOCICS. Hum d at 'I'rnde llulldlos. Direct wires to CUIrajo and New Tors. Cormnd.ao. John A. Wi.r.n te Y 4