Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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TnrDiig Dtwn of WUIUbi of I,w Utj
Etrt Epidimio.
Knell lleipen lei Wrnkrn the (Mhcr 1)
l llln Kirk nl Kletoiitli Hour
Iimth IVrll lf
CHKWOO, Nov ". (Special Telegram.)
The Investigation (or professionalism In
western college alhlctlca, started by Min
nesota's protest of Captain Wllllnrni, may
result In a general cleansing of athletics In
all the western hcIiooU. It Is said that n
number of the present Minnesota foot ball
team will be protested on tho grounds of
professionalism. Uoblc, Ilogers and, pofl
bly, LafanM are the ones mentioned. Should
these .Minnesota players b" protested there
U no question but that Institution will, In
turn, protest oinc of the Wisconsin team.
Captain Williams said today "If western
athletics were absolutely pursed of all taint
of professionalism wo wouldn't have any
athletics In the we"f."
Orowlne; out nf the conllitery between
tho conference, representatives of Ihcan two
Institutions It Is said the Wisconsin au
thorities Arc planning to disrupt the Min
nesota team, If possible, by protests iiKnlnst
some of their star pinker, the protests tu
be lodsrd Just before tho Wlwnln-Mlnnc-fcota
nanhtv Minnesota UI not bo Idle,
elthtr, nfid If anythltiK on'whlch to banc a
protest can ho found, Wisconsin players will
bo barred from that name as well ns the
fiophersA A fpolln of .bitterness Is belliB
enfiendered between these' to Institutions
owIuk to these chares.
IIIMrr VIII for I. inn.
IOWA f'lTV, la . Nov. 7. (Spoelal.)
Tho nc.yn of thn decision against Captain
Williams catiseh-moro wloum to come over
tho athletic eilppoilers here than does the
loss of any gamo on the schedule. Although
this Is the last year for Williams In ath
letics, his services were very much In de
mand In the- games with Illinois on Satur
day and the Michigan game on Thanksgiv
ing day. 'Williams n probably the best all-
rotmd athlete In the west. Ourlng his four
years nt the titate university he has starred
In baso ball, foot ball and basket ball, and
has enjoyed (lie captaincy of tho tenms of
each game. 1'ractlcilly without training,
he has represented Iowa In the broad Jump
and the hop-step. and-Jump tn the field
meets, having won the university "I" In all
four of -Jhc KAtnes, Williams, before he
violated rho rule that barred him from am
ateur games, Kindled the rules and decided
that his action n not contrary to tho rule.
Without WllllaitiK In tho game with Illinois
Saturday tho score l expected to bo low
and close, nevertheless, the Ilawkeyes are
.confident of lctory.
i) in nil it ,wnenr Athletic .iclitt Ion
Will lie Knonn km the Oinnlin
l'le'lii CI nli.
At. a largo nnd rtithuslasttc meeting of the
Omaha, Amateur Athletic usMocUtlnti In
Uoynl Arcanum' bull In Tho Uco building
Inst night two radical 'alterations wcre
made lit the 'club, Tho tlrsl was to clinnTO
rhciiaine. to the Omiiliu Field club, u propo
sition which .mot with ycncnil favor.
The second change was only ndopted
ufter much parllametitnry wrangling iiild
lioiiru.of, UIsr.ustIon. It was to ruin; the
ilue from HO to 3 n year Tor men and
front "13 to" 110 for bovs, The llnal voti: on
this nmendment to the liytsinn was' sl.tty
jwo iiyeH and forty-six lines, 1
Thl? added money thus weeured will rit
gregatn abot't J10,(V ami the expenses
planned for 1WW amount to jr.tX.'. that sum"
.overlnc everything In tho way of Improve
ments and running expenses ns well,
The new construction nnd other featuifs
provided for iiro; Howling alleys, Sl.Vl);
Janclng pavilion, ll.&v): locker rooms, J50O;
fence, iibout ground. $1,X); golf Instructor,
JlOo; caddln house, l.'UO.
The total expense of the club for 1901, In
eluding Its commencement nnd thn erection
of all buildings, was stated us 111.CS3 anil
there Is novy on hand n cash balance of
rill Krrslinirn Are OI,llc,l to Delve
Contest On-lnn to llmtrlrtloim
of Fiioull).
NKYV IIAVHN, Conn., Nov. 7. Tho tale
'acuity has caused a postponement of tho
Fnle-Prlncetoii foot ball gnme which was
o have, been played nt 2 p, m, tomorrow
m Valo field. Tho objection of tho faculty
on account of u rulo which prohibit'
tames being played tiefore o'clock on nnv
,1ay of tho week, oxcept Saturday, As it
would he Impossible to tlnlsh before daik
a gamo begun after I o'clock tint Vole
treshmen management hns asked tho
Prlpceton team to arrange another dalo
for tho conteM.
flubs nf VrtTli Assoelnlloil ,e.
Itepi'eseiiled nl Clnclniintl llluli
Wind I'laya n I'tirt.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 7-Thii open solf
tournament for gentlemen players, under
the nusplces of the Cincinnati liolf club,
opened, at. the Grandln Itoad links liar to
day. with 'river seventy players entered.
The liability to disease is greatly
lcfSened whea the blood is in good con
dition, and the circulation healthy and
vigorous. Por then nil refuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system ;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted'nnd the consti
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has no equal. It is the safest and best
remedy tor old people and children
because it contains no minerals, but is
made exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im
purities. At the
same time it builds
up the weak and dc
bilitated, nnd rcno
vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood and skin trouble.i.
Mr. X). E. Kelly, of Urban R, O.. writes:
"I had Ecxemtx on niy hands and (too for
Ave years. It would break out in little
whito pustules, crust would form and
drop off, leaving the ikln rod nnd inflam
ed. The dootors did mo no rood. I used
nllthe medicated soaps and cnlvea without
benefit. B. 8. 8. cured mo, nnd my akin
is as clear nnd smooth ns any one's,"
Mri. Honrr Sioefrlrd, of Cape May.'JM.
J,, aaya that twenty-one bottles of 8. H. 8.
cured her of Cancer of tho breast. Doc
tors and irtends thought her caio hope
leu. Richard T. (lartlner. Floronce, 8. C,
suffered (or years vim Roils. Two bot
tles of 8. 8. 8. put his blopd tn good con
dition and the Boils disappeared.
Send for our free book, and write
our physicians about your case.
Medical advice free.
fhn lontrstt are for the Qun I'lty .up
and the Grandln 'cup. Almost nil the . lubs
In the Western association nnd throiji0l"nf
Ohio are represented. Todny was rtevuted
entirely to in 'preliminaries. The weathT
was very unfavorable and the wind was
equal tu a handicap of six C II Kirk of
the Nashville (Jrdf tlub Arrled away 111'
honors of the day. Among the other win
ners was Robert Newhall of Iis Angeles
On Haturda there will be an open handi
cap, for which there are nltcjidy a Meat
mn entries The tinols Jn the cup ion
tests will alo lw played or. that day
Fninrlte Is t nnlilr to MinUe I'rer (com
II h Poor MnrlliiM .lnrs
NhW VOHK, Nov. 7.- Reformer, S to 5,
wan tho one favorite to win at Aiucuuc
today. The starting, as usual, marred the
sport and In four of tho six races about
naif of the horses had no chance when the
bnrrlcr was released. Imp Was beaten
again In the Oakdnle handicap t seven
lurlongs. Hho wns henvll' played at II to
. but was pinned In on tho rail all tile
way. Results;
First race. Oakdole handicap, seven fur
longs: Raul Clifford won. Hhoreham sec
ond. FnnmskeO third. Tlnietl:lT;;' ' J
Second race, one mile and.seventy yards:
Annlo Thompson won. IJIsliirbcr second,
Ht. David third. Time: 1:IM-S.
I'lilnl race, selling. tv furlong!" mid n
half. Rerorm-r won, Tho Four Hundred
second. .Mowlch third. Time.: 1 ins
Fourth nice, selling, one mile nnd a six
teenth: Sweet Tooth won, Trcbor second,
Allhe.-i thirds Time; 1:51.1-5.
I'lflh race, six furtiuigsi. ti. Whlttler
won, Andy Williams second, Long Love
Ihlrd. Time; 1.13.
Hlxth race, one mite nnd seventy jards;
Courtesy- won, Jack Mrtllnn second, War
nitited third. Time; 1:17 t-5,
Wiitlilrll llndl; Injured.
CMH'AtJO. Nov 7 A heavy Plunge In
the books on Wayward Roy li the fourth
race at Uikeslde today provrd u bad In
vestment, duo In largo.njwiM'ure to a poor
stmt. Tim Derby winder, "Robert Waddell,
Is hrlleved by many to bnvc fractured n
shoulder bl'id" In ills' bW'iikdown yealor
ilay. Owner Rrildley admitted today that
It may btiomo necessary by destroy tho
Mpular hore. Results:. '
First race, four furlongs and a half:
Purser Won, Smith's Reel second, Crescent
City third. Time 0;.V.3-5. .,
Fecund race, six furlong! and rt Waff:
Andes won, Maggie D.ivla Heoond, Henry of
Friinstaiiinr third. Time: 1:20 4-5.
Third race, six Xurtongs: I'yrrho won,
Amnio second, John A. Clnrko third. Time:
l;M 1-f..
Fourth race, one mile! Hermencla won,
Orontaa seconil, Wayward Uoy third. Time:
i : II
Fifth race, one mile and n sixteenth: l'rco
1'iiss won.. Sarllla second, I.lnden Kiln
third. Time. l;S-5. - -
Sixth raen. ono mile and a sixteenth:
Fantasy won, Donator Hcwmd, Isabey
third Time; I M i-:,.
IIIiik tins n NrlhiirU.
I.OI"ISVII,IF lv.'. Nov. 7. Another pood
crowd saw today's sport at Douglas park.
The Wade Mcl.ore stables Heorl a win In
the Urst mid second races and ns thostablo
following and Incidental support went
strongly to the black and red representa
tive th ring received h decided rcverro.
Huntress,! wus bucked down from In to
evens, Iluntressa proved to have all the
speed of her company, while Tro In his
race came away in the lost eighth, Sister
Sarah swerved badly; Hie Aw'ay lii tho
lust race won leisurely. Two favorites
nnil three second choices., well played, ma
terialized. Weather clear and track fast.
Results. ,
First race, six furlongs; Iluntressa won,
Kindred second, Sprlngwclls third. Tlmo:
Secoud race, selling, five furlongs: Trio
won. Lillian M Fccond, Sister Sarnh third.
Time: l-.rcij.
Third race, selling, seven furlongs: Cherry
Head won. Metoxeii t-ccoild, Hulot 1' third,
Tlmo: US.
Fourth race, selling", one mllei Ranuuo
it won, Rigger sccondi Omella third. Time:
Fifth nice, seven furlong,! JIlc Away
won, Hlcc second, Fills thjnl. Time: ,1:20.
rilllxhfR Are Close.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov.' 7.-Somo ot tha
events nt Oaltlund today were closely con
tested. Saul of Tarsut winning by a neck,
while Kssenci' g.'tlned a nose victory in tho
llflll race. Favorltea or well played hores
won .during the afternoon and tho public
had the best of the argument. Results:
First race, four and n half furlongs,
purse: Montoyn won, Flattered second,
The Maniac third. Time: 0:55!s.
Second race, six furlongs, relHiig: Saul
of Tarsus won, King Dellls second, Frldolln
third.. Time: 1:H2 k
Third race, four and a half furlong,
purse: Redan won. Mnlnsplua' second, 121
ChlliunhuH third. Time: 0:5li,
Fourth race, one mll and u sixteenth,
selling: Hedeck won. John McGtirk second,
Rushlields third. Time: l:47i.
Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Kssence
won, Flno Shot second, Censor third. Time:
Sixth race, one mile- 'nnd seventy yards,
selling: lionnlo Ll"sak wop. Hilly .Mooro
second, Klorlenle third. Time: IMS.
l.ntonlH 'I'mck InipiiMex,
CINCINNATI, Nov, 7. -After n week's
racing In the mud. the track nt Iviionl.i
today was mude fast by harrows being I
worKcu over nigut, anti, mere was a nig im
provement 111 the snort. The bookies hud
evidently llgurort on a. soft track, as four
of the winners were at long odds. .Ipckv
Aivin was set down ror ino meeting, tie
did some rough work. The death of tho
western crack. Doyles Common, was re
ported from Newport. Results:
First race, tlvo and a half furlong.", sell-
ink; ihmuh' wuii, inn .nusie seeonu, aim
W third. Time: 1:15. ,-c, - , u
Second ruce, II vo furlongs; ilabel "".Vlnu
won, Throstle second, Jane Oaker third.
Time: 1 :(.,
Third race, one mile, selling: Fre Ad
mission won. Winter second. Rattled third.
Time: 1:1:'.
Fourth race, handicap, six Turlougs: Anna.
Rain won. Sevoy secpnd, FunedR third.
Time: 1:11',.
Fifth race, five furlongs: Setaiikett won.
Roaster secoud, Water Udge third. Time:
l:!i J.
Sixth race, ilx furlongs, sidling; John
Orlsby won. Sad Sam second, Flcuron third.
Time: ltiji,,
Uiiinliit t'nrlluK (.'lull Order Kitru
Sets of Moor (rum
rhf J3inahu Curling .Vlubf US first
meeting of the year last night at loW
Howard street to discuss tho coming sen
son, President Georce Anderson was In
the chair. Arrangements, wero mnde to open
the season on the first appearance of Ice.
A special agreement was made by the
members or the club In regard, to tho an
nual play for the Troup Point medal. Prtsl
dent Anderson and Secretury James C,
Llndsey were appointed a committee to
select a plact for the winter's play. Hxtra
sets of curling stones wero ordered from
C.tuudu and several new names wero n com
mended for membership.
Wisconsin (iunril l Itratnroi! to Old
I'lnre- In Line Vllnnesotnns
Will ot lln Prutcsteil,
MADISON, Wis.. Nbv. 7,-rAt a meeting
of the athletic board of the fiilversltv of
Wisconsin tonight Schrclber, right guard
wan completely exonerated ot trie eharge
of professionalism. Tho bonnPnlso decided
not to protest Mueller or Dobey of the
Minnesota team, so It Is probablo that all
these men will play In the Minnesota-Wisconsin
game on November 16.
tint' Clt Defenl OiiihIims,
The ute Cltys defeated the
the Uate City bowling alleys
Score; . . '
Omuhas on
Id, Total.
H6 1l
i: i6i
I7H 473
1 192 f.S4
Huntington ..
Conrad ,
, I 5
T s
7) - 79S ;.5T,
.Id. Total.
I.ehmnu ...
Wiguiaii ..
Head . ...
Harp . . ..
Total ..
151 IV,
111 ,
If 15
S12 SSI S10 , 2.y.6
Snddut'ec Hrlnfta Top Price,'
NKW YORK, Nov, 7.A iiuKiber of race
horses In training, the properly of vnrloilH
owners, wero sold today In the paddock nt
Aqueduct. Sadduceo brought tho top prlco
of .'.. being knucked down to J. J Mc
i 'after! j-
Aioerlcnn Detents Londoner.
I.IVKRPOOL. Nov. 7.-At the Liverpool
tiymiiHstle club tonight, in n bolng .on
,,.',H.1, '."'i lrlo of jch!, Jack O llrlen of
Phi Udclphla beat Juck ticalca of. London
u the tlrst round.
Com Earl; for Ihiir Battle Agaiist thi
Vinitj Tom.
Their ( lilefs irnk Uodcstlj of ThMr
Ktiiei'tntlons AKnlnst tlir t'orii
hiiUrr, lint I'romUc to
llo '1'lielr llest.
Seventeen husky .Ml.suurtflii' arrived In
Omaha ut 1 o'clock this morning from Co
lumbia In that state. They are tho men
who will battle wltli the Nebraska gridiron
athletes tomorrow for tho foot ball su
premacy of tho western states. Tho pis
skin chasers wero accompanied by Coach
Murphy, Manager Clark V. lletherlngton
nnd Htudcnt Manager Arnold,
Tho party arrived In Council Uluffs oxer
the Wabash nt midnight nnd were carried
ncross the river In n special street enr to
the Millard hotel. They will have nil of
today and most of tomorrow to prepare for
tho big game.
In their effort to defeat the Cornhtiskers,
acknowledged to be the champions of the
states west of the Missouri river, the
Tigers will play every one of the seventeen
men whom thev have brought with tlie.n.
Ilolh Ciititaln Washer and Coach Mutphy
bavo little to say concerning the game, but
they are tint daunted In the slightest by the
excellent showing the Nebraska men mude
ngaliit the strongest two teams of the
mlddlo west
Captain Washer said: "We really have
not thought much concerning the cnnie,
but a far an wo hao given It any con
sideration we expect to bo defeated. How
ever, wo will tight to tho end, nnd the score
will represent u bitter tight."
Coach Murphy said: "There Is nothing
on which to base n comparison of the
teams, They have not met the sanio op
ponents In any Instance, save that of the
Klrksvlllo Osteopaths, nnd that was so
early In the season us to afford no Just
measure of strength. 1 have nothing to
say as regards tomorrow's game."
A feature of the game Is tho rate war
that Is now on between tho Hock lsl.ind
nnd tturllngtoii roads for tho trallle from
Lincoln. It Is estlmnted that fully 1,iX
peoplo will come up from tho capital city
to nt tend the game, provided the weather
Is favorable, nnd these two roads are In
hot competition for the business.
Hnrli railroad had n rate of Jt.ln for tho
round trip, in effect today, and now tho
Hurllngtou has offeied a II fare. It Is ex
piated the Hock Island will either meet
this or better It today, nnd tho prospects
for n hot rato war between these roads nrc
of tho best.
The MIssourlaiiM will spend most of today
resting after their long trip, nnd will not
go nut for practice till thlr afternoon, when
they will tnkn a long walk round the city,
followed by a brief lineup for signal prac
tice only on the Young Men's Christian ns
soclatlou grounds, whero the game will be
plaved. Tomorrow will bo one continual
rest till tho game.
Tho Nebraska team will arrive In Omaha
tomorrow morning and will do nothing till
tho gamo Is called, The boys are in good
condition and expect to make u clean win
ning. The nvcniRo weight of the Ml&sourlaiis I
exactly the samo ns that of Nebraska, 10
pounds, and tho seventeen who enmo to
Omaha will play and weigh as follows;
Left end. Perry, l.Vi pounds; Jeft tackle,
Anamoso, 10T; left guard. Jesse, 178; center,
Coe, 1SV, right guard. Kills, 19a. or Gordon,
1W; right tackle. Washer, captain. ITS; right
end. Hirney. 151, or Anderson. t."7: left half
back, I.. M. Anderson, 1R5: right halfback,
Koresler, 1i; fullback. Nick Hall. 1T0. Sub
stitutes: Hcnnctt nnd Ilogau, for halves,
1(53 and 154 pounds respectively; Van Tlnll,
for fullback, 170; lloff, for guard, 177.
Itiillronds Ornnt Lincoln Supporter
of 'Varsity Ten in n Itoiind-Ti'lp
I 'ore of One Hollar.
LINCOLN. Nov. 7. (Special Telegram.)
The railroads have offered a rate of Jl o
Omaha and return for. the .Nebraska-Missouri
foot ball "tfame Saturday,
Scotch Wrestler. .Mcl.eod, Is Drfenteil
After Three Culls In llnrd
Fought Content.
CI.UVISLAND. Nov. 7.-Tom Jenkins to
night won the cntch-a-catch-ciin cham
pionship of the world In Central armory
hero In the presence of S.oOO cnthuelastlc
spectators, when he defeated Dan Mcl.eod,
an opponent who gave him the severest
struggle of his wrestling career.
Jenkins weighed 1W pounds und Mcl.eod
about 170, but despite tho difference In
their weights the Scotchman gave his ad
versary such a struggle that It aroused
the onlookers to Intense enthusiasm.
Mcl.eod won the tlrst fall In nineteen
minutes with u Mialf-Nelson. This round
Woman's Work in Club
The program Is Issued this week for the
annual convention of the Nebraska Equal
Suffrage association, which Is to bo held
In Lincoln November 13 and 14. There Is
an accompanying announcement that tho
dues of each club must be paid before Us
delegates will be admitted to seats lu the
convention, It Is asked that nil dues be
paid to tho treasurer, Mrs. K. W. South
erland of Blair, by November 10 to avoid
overtaxing her at tho convention.
Tho announcement further says that the
future ot the state headquarters rests en
tirely with tho convention. If they are
to he maintained another year they must
be suuported by the organizations of the
state nnd If the clubs" desire thaUthe work
be continued next year the Executive com
mittee auks that each club shall send Its
delegates to the convention Instructed to
pledge a certain amount to tho headquarters
and If they desire the work to be doubled
their pledge must be doubled,
Tho convention Is to be held In the First
Daptlst church of Lincoln. All day on
Tuesday delegates will be received by com
mittees at the LIndell hotel and akslgned
to their places of entertainment. There
will also be meetings of tho executive com
mittee at the LIndell between 11 a. m. anil
5 o'clock on Tuesday. The convention proper
will open at 9:30 o'clock on Wednesday
morning. There will be nn uddress by the
president, Mrs. Frank 'Young of Broken
Bow, and reports of the various olQceis
and committees. At 10:30 there will be n
work conference, Mrs, Carrie Lane Chap-mnn-Catt,
president of tbo National Ameri
can' Woman's Suffrage association, to act
as chairman, The subject Is to be, "What
Methods of Work Have Proven Successful
In Increasing Membership. Stimulating Ac
tivity nnd Extending the Club Activity."
Club president or their proxies will par
ticipate. The afternoon session will open at 2
o'clock. Rev. Iurn Wilde to deliver the
Invocation. Thcro will be greetings from
Ire Lincoln Equality club by .Mri.
Maria C. Arter. tho city of Lincoln
by" Mayer Wlnnett, with a response
by Mrs. Southetiand of Ulalr. "Wom
an's Sphere," by Miss Nellie Taylor of
Merna: "Women of the Past." by Mrs. M. L
Ward of Tecumseh; "Women of the Pres
ent." by Mrs, Jennie Ross of Dakota City:
'Women of the Future," by Mrs, Getty W.
Drury of Pender, are to be the addresses of
the session. There will also bo a question
bcx conducted by Mrs. Catt, An address by
Governor Savage and n debate. "RcsolVed,
That, the Right of Citizens to Vote Should
Not Be Denied or Abridged on Accouut of
Sex," affirmative, Miss Laura A. Orcgg of
Omaha; negative, A.L, Bixby of Lincoln,
will be the feature of tho evening session.
At 9:30 on Thursday morning there will he
an executive session open only to membert
of the, convention, At 11 o'clock the annml
elect lou of officers will occur, In the
wa i dashing exhibition i wrestling aid
the men fought each other itKe tigers.
An Interval of tlfteon ml , ites elapsed be
fore the second fall, which Jenkins seemed
1'ilte easily wdth a half-Nelson. The thlul
tall, also won by Jenkins, wus n half-Nelson
and lusted for nooriv thlrt minutes,
being )lltj much a repetition f the Ills'
Charles turner 'f Cinadu ii the
ancTth lonsh.p9 7r.'rper 'vc'u othe
winner. 25 per cent to the loser
toiiUK .Monlt In tliiinliii.
Young Mowntt. reatherwelght. of Chi
cago, stopped off In Omaha last night on
his way to Chicago from San Krnnclsco. In
the latter ctiy Mowntt defeated Toby Irwin
In a tlfteen-round light. Whle Jiers Mowatt
met some Chicago sporting men who are
trying to moke a match between him nnd
Johnnie Illchlc, for whKh n Chicago club
has offered a purc.
Mm. Kroi-nerl's Allegations ,re 1 ii
supported When the Trlnl
Mrs. Hat Ah Ver Mchrctt. divorced wife of
Herman 11. Vcr Mehren, the wholesale
liquor dealer, wns discharged In Justice
Crawford's court Thursday afternoon after
a hearing on charges preferred by Mrs.
Helen Kroenert, who professed to be afraid
of her life at the hands of Mrs. Ver Mehren.
She wanted the latter plored under bonds
to keep the pacc, alleging that she (Mrs.
Ver Mehren) had threatened to kill' her.
Thtv. testimony was much the same ns Hint
adduced In the hearing nf the divorce case
In the district court. The defendant tes
tified that Mrs, Kroenert had come between
her husband and herself nnd broken up her
home, but denied that there had ever been
any threats of violence on her part. As .Mrs.
Krocnert's testimony to tho contrary was
unsupported, Mrs. Ver Mehren was dls
t'nolllclnl llrurn tJlvr tlir
cmt n Majority i(
Returns which have been received at the.
onVo of the county clerk show that Harry
Miller, the democratic candidate for county
clerk, has wlxty-onc moro otcs than
Charles Unltt, tho republican candidate.
All precincts have been heard from, but the
reports received from bIx dlttricts are not
tho clerks" reports. When the olhclal
count from thctn six precincts Is received
there may be a chango In tin, result. The
districts which have not been heard from
aro mostly In South Omaha. In compiling
the vote for county clerk the reports sub
mitted to tho republican county central
committee were used for districts In which
clerks have not submitted reports.
Step is TnUen Townril Mediation In
Illfferonrr' HolTiorn Snnlli
Amerlcnn Itrpiilillcs.
LA (iL'AYHA. Venezuela. Nov 7. Senor
Herbst, the minister of Chill at Hogota,
with the authorization of his government,
has cabled to President Castro, offering thj
good offices of Chill In order to arrange
the differences between Venezuela and
Colombia, stipulating the acceptation ot
Colombia. President Castro's reply was:
"I accept your proposition with pleasure,
on condition that Colombia gives full
powers and does not forget my answer to
tho congress at Mexico, stipulating repara
tion nnd the payment of damages for In
vasions and losses, basqs which I consider
Just and reasonable."
Cases .gnlnnt Crliulnnls .Vinr In .(nil
Ave I oilerKotnit Investl
Kiitlon. So far the grand Jury has devoted Its at
tention entirely to the Investigation of
charges made agtlnst persons who nrc now
In Jail. Many witnesses have been sum
moned nnd have testified concerning minor
criminal offences with which Inmates of
the Jail are charged.
Charles Edwards, who Is charged with
having stolen a diamond during the Orien
tal, anil Sadie Woods, a colored
woman, charged with larceny from the per
son, aro two of tho prisoners who have tes
tified before tho grand Jury.
afternoon there will be a symposium,
'How Would the Enfranchisement of Wom
an Advance the Progress of Civilization?"
1 "It Would Tend to Develop the Higher
Womanhood of Woman," Mrs, Anna A.
Wells, Schuyler. 2, "It Would Tend to Dc
velop tho Higher Manhood of Men," J. H.
Dundas of Auburn. 3. "It Would Surround
Children with Healthier Influences." Mrs.
Emma Shumann of Nebraska City. 4 "It
Would Create Happier Home " Mrs. Rosa
U, Mod lln of Beaver City. u. "It Would
Tend to Elevate the Moral Standard of So-
olety," Mrs. C. W. Damon of Omaha. 0. "It
Would Advance the Cause of Pence,
" ..."
Mary Jeffords of Broken Bow.
.nary jenoros ox nroiien uow. ,. -ji
Would Crent Hetter industrial Cnn.tltinns
for Women," Mrs. Alice Brayton of Geneva. 'ruijeo tuoir mines to accomplish ovory
S. "It Would Tend to Purify Politics." Mrs. ,hlnS- During the business session Mrs.
Belle Scars, Tekamah.
An address by Mrs. Carrle'Chapman Catt
vill be given Thursday evening,
A large attendance Is expected at the con
vention, especially as Mrs. Catt with Mrs.
Young, the state president, and MIbs Oregg,
the state organizer, will have completed a
two weeks' tour of the state, having held
conferences In twelve of the large towns.
The members of the Woman's Christian
association met on Tuesday morning to
transact the business of the Old Ladles'
Home and arrange for a Thanksgiving ben-
em to be given for it. it was decided to
give a donation party and that largo paper
sacks should be distributed among friends
of tho Institution to be filled and returned
to tho home on Wednesday, November 20,
The members of the association will hold
an Informal reception at the homo on that
day and a general Invitation has been ex
tended to nil Interested In the work.
It was also decided that the association
would bear $5 of the monthly cxpenBe of
keeping Mrs. Wilson, tho former Woman'
club mntron, at the t'nlon and Burlington
The annual meeting ot the association
will be held on Tuesday, December 10.
There was pome discussion In favor of hold
ing the business session nnd an annual
election of officers In the morning, senilis
iunch to tho women and holding an In
formal reception and program meeting n
the afternoon. Nothing definite regarding
It was decided upon, however.
Thete will bo a meeting of tho Omaha
Equality club aficr tbo conferenco on Sat
urday afternoon In the First Presbyterian
church to transact Important business. All
members are urged by the executive board
to be present.
Tho raombers of the household economics
department of the Woman's club that wero
present at Thursday mornlng'a meeting In
dulged In the discussion of a subject that
has been a question In tile minda of tho
male relatives and raanyof the women
friends of club women ever since the club
Olotti Earij aid a Yirdct iti
How Exptetifl.
Infru'l the .liiry fry I'nrcfull on
(lie I'oluts limibril In the
Complaint I'llrd bj the
Count) Attornc).
The fntc of James Callahan now rests
with the twelve, Jurors chosen to decide
whether the defendant perjured himself In
giving testimony on hlB ou beh.ilf when he
wns on trial for robbery. County Attorney
Shields nnd Callahan's nttoniMs completed
their nrgumcnts In the hard-fought trial
yesterday morning, nnd Judge Kcysor en
trusted tho caso to the Jury.
In prosecuting Callahan the county at
torney and his assistants contended that
the alleged kidnaper of IMward Cudnhy, Jr ,
testified falsely concerning seven points
which wero of gtcat Importance to the out
come of the crise. These seven pnlnta wero
carefully reviewed nnd analyzed by Judge
Kcysor In Instructions to tho Jury.
"Itciucmber that under the lawn of No
brnska the testimony of one person ennnot
prove perjury," snlil Judge Keysor "At
least two persons must give eildeneo In
tho present enso tho defendant Is charged
with having testified falsely concerning
seven counts. If the evidence shows that
he willfully gnvo false testimony concerning
nny ono of these disputed points It Is your
duty to return n verdict for tho state,"
Seven Mntemrnts ClinllenKed.
Tho seven statements of Callahan which
tho state alleges to be untruo aro ns fol
lows: That he hnd no mottstacho for two weeks
previous to tho kidnaping of Kdward
Cudaby, Jr.
That ho was In a saloon on rifty-fourth
ktrcet the morning of December 19.
That he wns nt no tlmo nenr thn
Schnelderwind cottage on Melrose hill.
That ho did not go with l'at Crowe to
purclmso a bay pony of Daniel Ilurrls.
That he has not seen l'at Ctowc since De
cember 1, 190d.
That he was not directly or Indirectly
connected with the Cudnhy kidnaping.
That he was entirely ignorant of tho
25,00 which was Inlil on the Center street
road to secure the return ot tho ntolcn boy
During the reading of tho Instructions to
the Jury Callahan seemed to be unmoved, A
slight movement of his head was noticeable
when tho Judge announced that persons
found guilty of perjury may bo Imprisoned
for a period varying from ono to fourteen
years. Callahan's sIMer, Mrs. Kelly, snt
by the defendant and showed great Interest
In the Judge's instructions.
John .tones, Miller, Itepnrts Hundred
nnd I'oitj- Ilollnrs Lost to
John Jone-, who says he Is a miller from
Grand Island, hns added his nnmo to tho list
who came to Omaha to seo tho elephant
and saw him. Jones, In company with J. T
Watch of Kansas City, started out Monday
to enjoy nfew days' vacation and see tho
sights of n metropolitan city. The first
town of Importance they struck wns Coun
cil nititfs. There they met two old ac
quaintances, H. Ixizlcr nnd Jnmes Ross, foot
racers. Yesterday afternoon Jones was
Induced to strike Lozlcr and (loss In a poker
game. At the close of the game Jones was
$300 loser.
Concluding .that they had acquired su(H
cient headway In Council Illults they enma
to Omaha late yesterday evening, After
supper, while strolling along the street near
tho Windsor hotel, they were accosted by i
colored woman who Invited them to attend
n colored dance In the neighborhood of
Capitol avenue and Tenth street. The In
vitation was accepted and a couple of hours
later Jones rushed Into the police station
ami Informed the ofllccrs that the women
had picked his pockets of $140, making. $110
for his day's sport, besides $20 which ho
claims was Bpent for liquor.
Jones gavo the police a description of th
woman and promised to prosecute vigor
ously If she were arrested.
and Charity
movement began, namely. "Is There n Time
When Housework Can Be Slighted:" The
department Is one of the largest of the
club, having a membership of sixty-two
women, and lu the estimation of tho fifty
or more members present Thursday morn
ing there Is a time and a way of slIghtlDg
tho ,n,ltinB work of keenincr t,n,,e u
a sort of expcrcnce mecllnKi tl)e womcn
telInf. th(lr f
,helr k
., ,.. , ,h ,,, ... , . V
""f.1'0,"" f..e wcck that they devote to
their club meetings or work, and It was
' suvm, i.,vi iuuiu muv mo prospect or
result of these few nrontnldv
, ..... ' ' '
stimulated them to economlzo their time or
Mary Moody Pugh was made honorary uh
slstant leader and Dr. Mlllcn elected to
succeed her In tho active duties of that
"The Supposed Speech of John Adams''
was the subject of Wcdnosday mornlng'i
lesBon of the oratory department of tho
Woman's club nnd will be continued at the
next regular meeting. On next Wednesday
morning the department will give a private
The gmnnslum commlitee of lh Ynnnp
Womeu'o Christian association will bo In
cnargo of tho at home tomorrow after
noon In tho association rooms.
The regular monthly meeting of tlio
board of directors will be held at 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Tho association has made a number ot
changes this week In Its system of serving
lunches. Tho new method, It is believed,
will greatly facilitate matters for all.
The clictlon of ofTlcers for tho Margaret
Fuller literary will occur at tho chapel
at 7:30 p. m. on Monday. All the work
of tho branch U being enthusiastically car
ried on now. Tho recent gift ot n sewing
machine has added much to the dresemnklng
classes nnd tho nrrlval thin week of the
apparatus for tho gymnnslum has added
to the membership nnd Interest" of that de
partment. Tho members of tho Needlo Work Guild
of America concluded t.'iolr two days' work
of the annual distribution oi garments with
an Informal reception Thursday afternoon
In tho parlors of the First Methodist
church, which were used as tho distributing
point. Tho collection of over l.JOO now
garments this year was tho largest that
has ever bpen mado and attested tho suc
cess of the work, Tho various charitable
organizations, among which tho garments
wero divided, havo come to recognize tbo
guild as ono of tho most valuablo co
operative charities of the clt and, pro
vidlng new garments as it does, It supplied
wants that could not be filled by any of the
other organizations,
GUARANTEED CURE for (11 bowel troubles, appendicitis, blllomnns, bad breath, bd
blood, wind on the stomach, blosted bowels, foul mouth, hrsdtcht, Indication, pimple,
ptlm after eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion and dlitinrss. When your bowels
don't move regularly you are sick. Constipation kills mere people than all ether diseas'S
together. It la a starter for the chron c allmenta and lone veara of aufterlng that come
afterwards. No matter what ails you. start takinr C ASCARKTS today, for you will never
gt well and be well all the time until you put your bowels right. Take our stlvkcr, start
with Caicarrta today under an absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. Samplo
and booklet free. Addresa Sterling Kemedy Company, Chicago cr New York. 5. 1
properties that arc strennthcninp,
digestive, restorative. Thev are
always npreeable to the health anil
act Rently on the system.
Composed of the nourishing and vitalizing qualities of
Rrapes nnd other fruits combined with nature's health
giving herbs. Harmless, yet powerful in its effects for
relieving the system of all impurities, nnd restoring health
nnd vigor. It checks the loss of vital energy, increases the
nerve force, quiets and soothes the. healed brain, nntl tones
upthesstetn into sound and vigorous action. Tho grapo
ingredient makes flesh and strength. The fruit kcepi the
system regular. The herbs purify the blood. With its use
stomach trouble, dyspepsia, sick hcad.hc, liver and kidney
complaints quickly disappear.
Ono Dose Benefits
One Bottle Convinces
W)c for n bottle as large ns you usually pay $1.00 for.
Ask your druggist or send to
Mull's Lightning Pain Killer cures all the aches nnd pains
thatfli-sh Is heir to. Hub It on or drink lt-2fc. I
Kidney disease Is the enemy we have most to fear as a result of the
feverish restlessness of our modern civilization. It Is a treacherous
enemy, working out Its deadly effect under cover of the most trifling
symptoms. The first Indication of changes in the urine, frequent head
aches, digestive troubles, should be the signal for prompt temedial
measures. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS Is a kidney remedy of great
ment. It is- soothing, healing and strengthening, quickly relieves the
aching er soreness that always appears In the advanced stage, checks the
progress cf the disease, and through its excellent cleansing and regulating
effect In the liver and bowels, It brings back the strength and ruddy
(low ot vigorous health.
Sold at Drug Stores.
1 Liij 1
We liavo a suit vacant which will just suit a
(loci or or do for a doctor and a dentist. There is a
lai'k'P waiting-room and also two Kiuall private olllces
It has the right light a north light. The rental irj
forty dollars. If you want it, come today.
llimuliis ( omit) lies to llnlil 11 .liiliilu.
Him Service ct
At a meeting of tho Douglas County De
mocracy hcbl last night fourteen new mem
bers were Initiated nnd resolutions wero
passed upon tho death of Timothy Collins,
who has ben an active member of tho club
for some time. L. J. Plattl presided at the
raectlnt; and nnnouncetl thru n ratlllcatlmi
meeting will he held the evening of Nov em-
bor 10 to relebrato the clcrllon of demo
cratH to county oflices and plnres on the'
nonrd of r.duratlon.
lla Kacho should never ce neulcteil. i
mean kidney tlisoider, whic h, if allowed to
run too lone, nny result in HrlRht's tlineH-f,
dlahcUa or oilier serioua ant often fatal
complaint Foo i, Kidney Ctto the
kiclncys well.
Price, Sl.00 Per Bottle.
R. C. PHTHRS & CO.. Ajrcnti.
A. Mayer Co.,
'Phone I7lt
Re-No-May Powder
' rallevea nnd cure all dlenrdera of tha fsa
I Aue to exceralve pemplratlon.
Price 50 Cents.
Bold t otutig st , una ytuvu d'-jiern every
whero Ken by mall for 4c additional tl
I enter luwlv